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Variability of Annual Precipitation and Its Relationship to the

El Niño–Southern Oscillation
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Cooperative Research Centre for Catchment Hydrology,
The University of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

School of Anthropology, Geography and Environmental Studies, Cooperative Research Centre for Catchment Hydrology,
The University of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

13 March 2001 and 6 September 2001

The importance of El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) to annual precipitation variability is assessed by
dividing stations into regions of ENSO and non-ENSO influence as defined by Ropelewski and Halpert and then
comparing these regions by Köppen climate type for significant differences in the zone average of the variability
of annual precipitation. Of the 13 Köppen climate types that had 10 or more precipitation stations in both ENSO
and non-ENSO influenced regions, 8 had significant differences in the zone average of the variability [defined
as the coefficient of variation (C y )] of annual precipitation with the variability of annual precipitation being
higher in the ENSO than the non-ENSO zone in every case. The range of increase in the C y of annual precipitation
was generally 5%–25%.
These results confirm earlier findings in relation to the variability of annual runoff and also are consistent
with earlier findings in relation to the variability of annual precipitation. However, the impact of ENSO on
variability of annual precipitation of 5%–25% reported in this note is considerably less than the 33%–50%
reported previously.

1. Introduction Nicholls recommended that the analysis be repeated us-

ing a different measure of relative variability to that of
Observed continental differences in the variability of Conrad (1941) and more stations with a longer period
annual runoff (McMahon et al. 1992) led to the inves- of record than those of Conrad (1941).
tigation of potential continental differences in the var- In this note the influence of ENSO on the variability
iability of annual precipitation. When tested for, con- of annual precipitation is reassessed using a larger da-
tinental differences in the variability of annual precip- tabase, a different measure of relative variability, and a
itation were identified but were found to only partially different methodology to that of Nicholls (1988). Con-
explain the observed continental differences in the var- tinental differences in the variability of annual precip-
iability of annual runoff (Peel et al. 2001). Annual itation are also retested using the larger database.
evapotranspiration differences between evergreen and
deciduous vegetation in temperate regions were also
identified as contributing to the observed differences in 2. Data
the variability of annual runoff (Peel et al. 2001). The The spatial distribution of climatic conditions varies
expectation of larger continental differences in the var- across continents. Continental comparisons based on av-
iability of annual precipitation than those observed was erages derived from a whole continent ignore the vary-
based on the work of Nicholls (1988) who, using the ing spatial distributions of climatic conditions active in
data of Conrad (1941), found that stations influenced each continent. This problem is avoided by stratifying
by ENSO had 33%–50% higher variability of annual the data into climate types and only comparing data from
precipitation than stations not influenced by ENSO. the same climate type. Throughout this paper the Köp-
pen climate classification (Köppen 1936; Petterssen
1958) is used to stratify the data. A brief description of
Corresponding author address: Dr. Murray C. Peel, Department
of Civil and Environmental Engineering, The University of Mel- the Köppen climate zones used in this analysis is pre-
bourne, 3010 Victoria, Australia. sented in Table 1.
E-mail: Monthly precipitation and monthly mean daily tem-

q 2002 American Meteorological Society


TABLE 1. Brief description of the Köppen climate zones used in Köppen climate type is presented in Table 2. The def-
this analysis (from Petterssen 1958). inition of the continents follows that of McMahon et al.
1st letter 2d letter 3d letter Explanation (1992) except the boundary between southern Africa
A Tropical
(SAF) and northern Africa (NAF) is at the equator rather
f Rainforest than 58S latitude (see Fig. 1). The continental symbols
m Monsoon used through out this paper are defined in the caption
w Savanna to Table 2.
B Arid The mean annual precipitation for each continental
W Desert
S Steppe Köppen climate type is calculated by averaging the in-
h Hot dividual station mean annual precipitation values in that
k Cold particular climate type (Table 3). Average values for a
C Temperate Köppen climate type are only calculated for types with
s Dry summer at least 10 precipitation stations throughout this note.
w Dry winter
f Without dry season Generally the mean annual precipitation of continents
a Hot summer is similar for a given Köppen climate type indicating
b Warm summer that the Köppen classification system is successful in
c Cool summer stratifying the precipitation stations into similar climate
D Cold types. Notable exceptions being Asia (AS) (Cwb),
s, w, f Same as for C
a, b, c Same as for C northern America (NAM), (Cfb) and Europe (EUR)
d Very cold winter (ET) which all have much higher mean annual precip-
E Polar itation than other continents in the same climate type.
T Tundra Here AS (Cwb) contains 19 stations and is highly
H Polar climate due skewed by Cherrapunji (in eastern India), which has a
to high elevation
mean annual precipitation of 10 739 mm (measured over
102 yr). NAM (Cfb) stations are mostly located along
the British Columbia northwest coast in a rain belt be-
perate data were obtained from the Global Historical tween the Pacific Ocean on the west and the Rocky
Climatology Network version 2 (Vose et al. 1992; main- Mountains to the east. EUR (ET) has several stations
tained online at in Iceland that have mean annual precipitation of greater The Köppen climate clas- than 1000 mm. In these cases the higher precipitation
sification was calculated for 4314 stations that had at totals are the result of orographic influences.
least 10 complete years of precipitation and 120 months The 4314 precipitation stations, from 166 countries,
of mean temperature data recorded at the same location have a period of record that ranges from 10 to 299 yr,
(see Fig. 1). an average annual record length of 63.5 yr, and represent
The continental distribution of the 4314 stations by 274 123 yr in total.

FIG. 1. Spatial and continental distribution of 4314 precipitation stations used in this analysis.

TABLE 2. Number of annual precipitation gauging stations in each Köppen climate type and continent. Continents are defined in McMahon
et al. (1992): AS 5 Asia, AUS 5 Australia, EUR 5 Europe, NAF 5 northern Africa, NAM 5 northern America, SAF 5 southern Africa,
SAM 5 southern America, and SP 5 South Pacific.


Af 25 1 — 2 6 3 8 21 66
Am 18 3 — 9 6 3 7 2 48
Aw 69 16 — 51 30 28 18 4 216
BWh 34 36 — 63 19 2 9 — 163
BWk 65 3 — 1 14 5 12 — 100
BSh 25 55 4 37 30 9 11 1 172
BSk 98 46 14 2 182 9 13 — 364
Csa 75 26 67 11 24 6 — — 209
Csb 29 35 12 1 74 2 4 — 157
Cwa 77 2 — 1 1 6 7 — 94
Cwb 19 — — 1 — 10 1 — 31
Cwc — — — — — — 1 — 1
Cfa 155 97 31 — 331 3 46 1 664
Cfb 11 96 104 — 34 5 10 10 270
Cfc — 1 2 — 1 — 1 — 5
Dsa 15 — — — 4 — — — 19
Dsb 33 — — — 41 — — — 74
Dsc 6 — 1 — 21 — — — 28
Dwa 96 — — — 1 — — — 97
Dwb 51 — — — 1 — — — 52
Dwc 51 — — — 2 — — — 53
Dfa 24 — 21 — 279 — — — 324
Dfb 49 — 159 — 572 — — — 780
Dfc 53 — 38 — 150 — — — 241
Dfd 7 — — — — — — — 7
ET 13 — 10 — 42 — 2 1 68
ETH 7 — 4 — — — — — 11
Total 1105 417 467 179 1865 91 150 40 4314

3. Variability of annual precipitation and ENSO lated by averaging the individual station C y values in
that particular type.
In order to investigate the role of ENSO on the var- Differences in the zone average of annual precipita-
iability of annual precipitation the precipitation database tion C y between ENSO and non-ENSO zones for a given
was stratified into zones of ENSO and non-ENSO in- Köppen climate type were tested using the t or Mann–
fluence (Fig. 2) by visual inspection of maps published Whitney tests, depending on whether the data were nor-
by Ropelewski and Halpert (1986, 1987). These maps mally distributed. Normality was tested using the sam-
were used for defining ENSO/non-ENSO regions to en-
ple skewness (D’Agostino et al. 1990). The t test was
able comparison with the work of Nicholls (1988). The
used when both sets of annual precipitation C y data were
zones of ENSO influence used are those displayed in
normally distributed while the Mann–Whitney test was
Fig. 21 of Ropelewski and Halpert (1987). Like Nicholls
(1988), stations in the immediate ENSO area that were used when either set of data were not normally distrib-
not part of a defined Ropelewski and Halpert ENSO uted. The form of the t test was determined according
zone due to insufficient data were included as ENSO to whether the variances in annual precipitation C y data
influenced in this analysis. These stations are located in differed between the ENSO and non-ENSO zones using
Peru, Chile (above lat 408S) and the central Pacific Is- the variance ratio (F) test (Barber 1988). The Mann–
lands. Whitney test assumes that the two populations being
Conrad (1941) and Nicholls (1988) calculated relative tested have the same distribution shape, which was as-
variability as the mean of the absolute deviations from sessed by comparing sample estimates of skewness and
the long-term mean expressed as a percentage of the kurtosis for each application of the test. Generally the
long-term mean. In this paper we use the coefficient of shapes of the sample distributions were different, so the
variation (C y ) defined as the standard deviation divided following significance levels should be treated with cau-
by the mean. Nicholls and Wong (1990) also used C y tion.
in their analysis of the relative variability of annual The distribution of ENSO and non-ENSO influenced
precipitation. precipitation stations by Köppen climate type is pre-
The C y of annual precipitation was calculated for each sented in Table 4. The number of stations in each type
of the 4314 stations. Next the average C y for each Köp- and the zone average of annual precipitation C y for each
pen climate type, irrespective of continent, was calcu- ENSO/non-ENSO zone are also presented in Table 4.

TABLE 3. Continental zone average of mean annual precipitation TABLE 4. Number (N ) and zone average of annual precipitation Cy
(mm) by Köppen climate type. (Cy ) for ENSO and non-ENSO influenced zones by Köppen climate
type. Percentage difference (% Diff ) in the zone averages of annual
Köp- precipitation Cy and whether the ENSO and non-ENSO zone averages
pen AS AUS EUR NAF NAM SAF SAM SP of annual precipitation Cy are significantly different at the 5% level
Af 2777 2492 of significance (Sig).
Am 2610 ENSO Non-ENSO
Aw 1491 1153 1255 1128 1288 1142
BWh 147 241 115 182 Köppen N Cy N Cy % Diff Sig
BWk 100 179 121
Af 56 0.19 10 0.19 2.98% No
BSh 539 478 513 510 501
Am 18 0.23 30 0.19 19.98% Yes
BSk 289 355 342 322 273
Aw 80 0.26 136 0.21 26.42% Yes
Csa 676 654 701 560 669
BWh 43 0.68 120 0.69 21.76% No
Csb 613 716 912 1080
BWk 16 0.61 84 0.41 48.56% No
Cwa 1417
BSh 91 0.37 81 0.30 22.61% Yes
Cwb 1837 921
BSk 74 0.30 290 0.28 7.41% Yes
Cfa 1537 896 899 1177 1146
Csa 14 0.25 195 0.25 3.37% No
Cfb 1352 875 865 2296 1136 1272
Csb 25 0.21 132 0.22 25.06% No
Dsa 672
Cwa 11 0.26 83 0.21 25.19% Yes
Dsb 483 593
Cwb 11 0.22 20 0.18 25.18% Yes
Dsc 394
Cfa 169 0.24 495 0.20 21.32% Yes
Dwa 831
Cfb 92 0.22 178 0.18 21.72% Yes
Dwb 558
Dwc 464
Dfa 955 456 870
Dfb 730 645 783
Dfc 520 639 653 with the ENSO influenced zone always having higher
ET 275 783 251 annual precipitation C y than the non-ENSO zone. The
significant differences range from 7% to 27% (average
The percentage difference in the zone average of annual
precipitation C y for the ENSO influenced zone relative
to the no-influence zone is also shown in Table 4. Sta-
tistically significant differences between the ENSO and The differences in variability associated with ENSO
non-ENSO zone averages of annual precipitation C y at influence of 7%–27% are lower than the range found by
the 5% level of significance are noted in Table 4. Nicholls (1988) of 33%–50%. The Köppen types where
A total of 13 Köppen climate types have 10 or more a significant influence of ENSO was not found were Af,
precipitation stations in both ENSO and non-ENSO BWh, BWk, Csa, and Csb. These zones represent areas
zones. Of these Köppen types, 8 have significant dif- of wet Tropics (Af), arid zones (BWh and BWk), and
ferences in the zone average of annual precipitation C y Mediterranean temperate zones (Csa and Csb).

FIG. 2. The 4314 precipitation stations stratified into ENSO and non-ENSO influenced zones.

In the analysis presented in Table 4 not all the data TABLE 5. Continental zone averages of annual precipitation Cy by
Köppen climate type.
have been used because of the restriction imposed of at
least 10 stations in each zone for comparisons. When Köppen AS AUS EUR NAF NAM SAF SAM SP
the precipitation stations are analyzed without stratifi- Af 0.18 0.21
cation by Köppen climate type, the globally averaged Aw 0.22 0.28 0.20 0.26 0.23 0.25
ENSO influenced stations have 27% higher annual pre- BWh 0.57 0.47 0.87 0.47
cipitation C y , than the non-ENSO influenced stations, BWk 0.41 0.36 0.71
BSh 0.33 0.38 0.29 0.33 0.34
which is statistically significant at the 5% level. This BSk 0.28 0.29 0.28 0.28 0.32
percentage difference is larger than that found for any Csa 0.23 0.22 0.26 0.27 0.31
significant difference in an individual Köppen climate Csb 0.19 0.19 0.25 0.23
type and is due to the inclusion of the cold (D) and Cwb 0.18 0.22
polar (E) climate-type stations, which have lower var- Cfa 0.19 0.28 0.21 0.20 0.23
Cfb 0.17 0.23 0.17 0.15 0.19 0.17
iability of annual precipitation and are generally not Dsb 0.21 0.24
influenced by ENSO. Dfa 0.21 0.21 0.20
The difference in the extent of the influence of ENSO Dfb 0.20 0.18 0.18
between this study and that of Nicholls (1988) is prob- Dfc 0.19 0.17 0.19
ET 0.24 0.22 0.28
ably attributable to the larger sample used here (4314
as opposed to 384 for Nicholls). The spatial distribution
of stations is also different. For example, Australian
precipitation stations were 1.3% of the number of sta- strongly influenced by ENSO (Nicholls and Wong
tions in Nicholls’s sample and are 9.7% of the total 1990); therefore, a reduction in the proportion of Aus-
stations in the present study. The temporal distribution tralian stations may have reduced the influence of ENSO
of the present data is also significantly different to the in the analysis presented here. The temporal distribution
data used by Nicholls, which consisted entirely of pre- of the present data is also significantly different to the
1930s data. ENSO activity and intensity fluctuates data used by Nicholls and Wong, which consisted en-
through time and the present dataset includes periods tirely of post-1950s data, which was a period of strong
of weak ENSO activity (roughly from 1920 to 1950; ENSO activity (Elliott and Angell 1988).
Elliott and Angell 1988).
In an extension to the work of Conrad (1941) and
4. Continental differences in the variability of
Nicholls (1988), Nicholls and Wong (1990) presented annual precipitation
results of a multivariate correlation analysis between the
variability of annual precipitation (C y ), mean annual In order to assess continental differences in the var-
precipitation, the absolute value of station latitude, the iability of annual precipitation, the annual precipitation
absolute value of the correlation between the Southern dataset was stratified by Köppen climate type and con-
Oscillation index (SOI), and annual precipitation, and tinent (not by ENSO influence). The Köppen-type av-
station elevation. Nicholls and Wong used 955 stations erages of annual precipitation C y by continent are pro-
in their analysis. A similar analysis was conducted using vided in Table 5. The sample sizes used to calculate
the 4314 precipitation stations in our dataset. The min- each Köppen-type average of annual precipitation C y
imum record length of the Nicholls and Wong data was are found in Table 2. Continental differences in the Köp-
25 yr and all the data had been collected since 1950. pen-type average of annual precipitation C y were tested
The SOI data used in the analysis here is Troup’s SOI using the t or Mann–Whitney tests, depending on wheth-
(which is regularly updated and available online at http: er the data were normally distributed as described pre-
// viously.
The global correlation between annual precipitation Continental differences in the variability of annual
C y and the absolute value of the correlation between precipitation for a given Köppen climate type were test-
annual precipitation and SOI (a measure of the impor- ed for all possible continental pairings (100 pairs in this
tance of SOI on annual precipitation) is 0.18 for Nicholls case). Significant differences at the 5% level of signif-
and Wong (1990) and 0.10 in this study (a reduction of icance were found in 58 pairs. The average of the per-
44%). The signs of the other correlations are all the centage differences in the type average of annual pre-
same and the correlation coefficients are generally sim- cipitation C y for the significant pairs is 27%, for the
ilar in both studies (not shown). nonsignificant pairs it is 8.2%. The average of the per-
The lesser influence of ENSO in our results, compared centage differences in the Köppen-type average of an-
to those of Nicholls and Wong (1990), is again attrib- nual precipitation C y for the 10 most significantly dif-
utable to the different sample used in this analysis. The ferent pairs (ranked by significance level) is 34%.
number of stations used in this paper is larger and the Type Af and Dfa are the only Köppen climate types
spatial distribution of stations is also different (Austra- where no significant continental differences at the 5%
lian precipitation stations are 31% of the total stations level of significance are found. Of the 10 most signif-
in Nicholls and Wong). Australian precipitation is icantly different pairs eight involve Australia (AUS)

having significantly higher variability than other con- 27%, while the average for the non-ENSO/non-ENSO
tinents, specifically Cfa [4 pairs, AS, EUR, southern pairs is 23%.
America (SAM), and NAM), Cfb (2 pairs, NAM and The role of ENSO is also seen in the 10 most sig-
EUR), BSh (1 pair, NAF), and Aw (1 pair, NAF). The nificantly different continental pairs, which consist of 9
remaining two pairs involve SAM having significantly where an ENSO influenced continent has significantly
higher variability than AS and NAM in the Cfa type. higher variability of annual precipitation than a non-
ENSO influenced continent. The remaining pair is be-
tween 2 ENSO influenced continents. The range of per-
centage differences between the continental zone av-
The results presented in Table 5 are similar to those erage of annual precipitation C y for the 10 most sig-
of Peel et al. (2001) in that the differences in the var- nificant pairs was 47%–14%, with an average of 34%.
iability of annual precipitation between continents for Thus an ENSO influenced continental zone is more
a given Köppen climate type are of a similar magnitude. likely than a non-ENSO influenced continental zone to
The analysis presented is an improvement over that of have significantly different (generally higher) variability
Peel et al. (2001) in two ways. of annual precipitation when compared to non-ENSO
First, the results presented in Table 5 are derived from influenced continental zones. Again ENSO is generally
a database of annual precipitation stations that is twice found to increase the variability of annual precipitation
as large as that used in Peel et al. (2001), 4314 stations on average by 25%.
as opposed to 2141. Second, in assigning stations to a
Köppen climate type, raw temperature and precipitation 5. Conclusions
data were used to calculate each station’s Köppen cli-
mate type, whereas Peel et al. (2001) assigned stations In this note the influence of ENSO on the variability
to a climate type by visual inspection of a Köppen cli- of annual precipitation was reassessed using a larger
mate type map. database, a different measure of relative variability, and
Continental differences in the Köppen-type average a different methodology to that of Nicholls (1988), and
of annual precipitation C y are observed in nearly all the observed continental differences in the variability
Köppen types used in this analysis. Of the 100 conti- of annual precipitation of Peel et al. (2001) were retested
nental pairs tested 58% had significant differences at using a larger database.
the 5% level of significance. The average percentage The importance of ENSO to the variability of annual
difference in the type average of annual precipitation precipitation was assessed by dividing stations into re-
C y for pairs where significant differences were found gions of ENSO and non-ENSO influence, defined by
was 226% higher than for pairs where significant dif- Ropelewski and Halpert (1986, 1987) and then com-
ferences were not found. paring these regions by Köppen climate type for sig-
The importance of ENSO to continental differences nificant differences in the zone average of annual pre-
in the variability of annual precipitation is demonstrated cipitation C y . Of the 13 Köppen climate types that had
by comparing the results of continental pairs that in- 10 or more precipitation stations in both ENSO and non-
cluded a continent influenced by ENSO as defined by ENSO influenced regions, 8 had significant differences
Ropelewski and Halpert (1986, 1987) to continental in mean annual precipitation C y with the annual pre-
pairs that did not contain an ENSO influenced continent. cipitation C y being higher in the ENSO than the non-
Continental Köppen types that are within regions of ENSO zone in every case. In this comparison based on
ENSO related precipitation are AUS (Aw, BWh, BSh, Köppen climate type, the range of increased annual pre-
BSk, Cfa, and Cfb), NAM (Aw and BWk), SAF (Aw cipitation C y was generally 5%–25%. This range was
and Cwb), SAM (Cfa and Cfb), and the South Pacific less than that found by Nicholls (1988).
(SP) (Af ). The continental differences in the variability of annual
Thirty-eight continental pairs contain an ENSO in- precipitation observed by Peel et al. (2001) were largely
fluenced continental zone and a non-ENSO influenced confirmed. An ENSO-influenced continent is more likely
continent (ENSO/non-ENSO), 5 continental pairs con- to have significantly different variability of annual pre-
tain 2 ENSO influenced continents (ENSO/ENSO). Of cipitation, which was generally higher than the continent
the 38 ENSO/non-ENSO pairs, 26 (68%) have signifi- to which it was compared, on average by 25%.
cant differences in the zone average of annual precip-
itation C y [of which 23 pairs (88%) have higher vari- Acknowledgments. Reviews of the manuscript by two
ability in the ENSO influenced continent]. The 5 ENSO/ anonymous reviewers improved the quality of the paper.
ENSO pairs have 3 with significant differences and the
57 non-ENSO/non-ENSO pairs have 29 (51%) with sig- REFERENCES
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