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Background of the Study

Cyber bullying is defined as the use of electronic communication to bully a person

or a method of bullying with the use of technology. Technology is being upgraded to a
better version every single year but how come cyber bulling hasn’t come to an end but;
instead, it continues to be worse.

In a survey conducted by in 2012, over 47% of minors

experienced bullying, by 2013, it rose up to 21% or a total of 6,363 cases. In a survey
conducted by Stairway Foundation in 2015, 80% of teenagers ages 13-16 years old have
been bullied in social media accounts. It is found that the main attacks of bullying are:
attack on reputation, attack on appearance and attack against a victim’s opinion.

Cyber bullying or bullying in general is a serious worldwide issue and that it

needs to be resolved. Cyber bullying have significantly negative outcomes for not only
the victim, but also to the bully. People who are or were bullies, are more likely to drop
out of school and at risk of experiencing depression, anxiety disorder, psychological
distress, increased risk for anti-social personality disorder (lack of empathy, lying, and
criminal behavior) and an increased risk of substance and alcohol abuse. Being a bully is
a long term damage and impacts the perpetrator’s adult life whether it may be keeping
and having problems with long term relationships, abusive towards spouse or children
and may have a hard time securing and maintaining relationships.

Victims on the other hand experience chronic depression, increased risk of

suicidal thoughts, anxiety disorder, PTSD, poor general health, difficulty in establishing
trust, friendships and relationships, and risk of substance abuse.

Grade 10 Students of Notre Dame of Greater Manila, S.Y. 2018-2019 know for a
fact that bullying in any form of method have negative outcome for the victim, the bully,
and the community around it.
B. Statement of the Problem

The main problem of this study is to know what are the emotional effects of cyber
bullying in the Grade 10 students of Notre Dame of Greater Manila. Cyber bullying is
still a big problem in our community especially in school. In fact, the rate of students
being bullied in school is getting higher and higher every year.

According to Cyber bullying statistics from the i-SAFE foundation, girls are
somewhat more likely than boys to be involved in cyber bullying. While based on the
statistics of Teen Safe, 10 % of children have attempted to take their own lives due to
bullying and 83 % of victims felt that the bullying hurt their self esteem.

This research aims to answer the following questions:

1. What are the impacts of cyber bullying in the emotional aspects of grade 10
students of Notre Dame of Greater Manila ?
2. How can the victim’s parents and help their child to cope up with cyber
3. Will cyber bullying affect the child’s behavior in school?
4. Does technology have a big impact on why students bully others?
5. What are the possible reasons of cyber bullying?
6. What can the students of Notre Dame of Greater Manila do to help stop the
ongoing cases of cyber bullying?
C. Assumptions and Hypotheses

“Cyber bullying happens for many of the same reasons as any other type of
bullying, but it may be even more appealing because it can be done anonymously” –
Anonymous (2014). It is said that there are two (2) kinds of people who are likely to
bully a person:

(i.) The socially active people; it is said that bullying results in an upgrade
of confidence, thinking that the control is on the hands of the bully.
According to, bullies have been found to have a high
self esteem and to be social climbers.
(ii.) The socially inactive people; they may bully other people as it is a
chance to fit in and to prove that they are not weak and that they are
compatible with their surroundings. Just like the socially active people,
bullying makes socially inactive people powerful.

Internet trolling is popular these days, it is a person who intentionally starts

arguments or upsets others by posting inflammatory remarks. It’s purpose is to be a
source of entertainment, to be offensive and argumentative, to get attention, gain
recognition and to anger the victim.

Though, internet trolls are focused on being a nuisance and gaining attention.
Trolls are indifferent to the harm their comments may cause. They do not care if their
comments cause people emotional distress or not. All they want is a reaction from the
community they are trolling.

Cyber bullies target individuals by posting things about a person with the goal of
shaming and intimidation (could take the form of mean-spirited messages, private
pictures or private video concerning the individual); they do not want the attention for
themselves, but negative attention to their victim.

The researchers assume that it may be synonymous to cyber bullying under

circumstances because while it both upsets, angers the victim, and the perpetrator feels
powerful, an internet troll’s motive is to gain attention from the community rather than
to gain attention from their victim.
D. Significance of the Study

The increase of cyber bullying is a frequent cause of emotional disturbance

in teenagers and adolescent. The situation becomes more complicated by the fact
that these interpersonal safety issues are actually generated by the peer group
and in contexts that are difficult to control.

The results of this study will hopefully aid the parents of the victims of
cyber bullying that can help the victims to lessen their emotional stress that they
feel on social media and in school. This research aims to raise awareness about
the psychological effects of cyber bullying to the youth.

The study in this subject and specifically in this area is still essential
because cyber bullying is still one of the main problems in today’s generation.
The primary purpose of this research is to enlighten other people on how cyber
bulling can affect the student’s emotional health. According to an article on Net
Family News, having someone, especially a peer, to understand and be there for
them seems to help cyber bullying victims more than anything. This research
aims to lessen the number of victims of cyber bullying. This goal can be achieved
through the researchers by conducting a survey on how cyber bullying affects
their emotional health.
E. Definition of Terms

 Bullying – defined as the use of superior strength and influence to

intimidate someone that is repeated over time and involves imbalance of

 Cyber bullying – defined as the use of technology or electronic

communication to cause emotional distress toward a person.

 Perpetrator – someone who commit or is responsible for something

criminal or morally wrong

 Depression - is a common and serious medical illness that negatively

affects how you feel, the way you think and how you act that causes
feelings of sadness and/or a loss of interest in activities once enjoyed.

 Anxiety disorder - refers to specific psychiatric disorders that involve

extreme fear or worry, and includes generalized anxiety disorder (GAD),
panic disorder and panic attacks, agoraphobia, social anxiety disorder,
selective mutism, separation anxiety, and specific phobias.

 PTSD – “Post-traumatic stress disorder” is a mental health condition

that's triggered by a terrifying event — either experiencing it or witnessing
it. Symptoms may include flashbacks, nightmares and severe anxiety, as
well as uncontrollable thoughts about the event.

 Self-esteem - reflects an individual's overall subjective emotional

evaluation of his or her own worth. It is the decision made by an individual
as an attitude towards the self.

 Internet troll – a person who causes a nuisance in a particular community

in the internet that wants to seek attention.
F. Significance of the Study

As we reach the age of technology, cases of cyber bullying has not yet resolved
and continues to be worse as it is a worldwide problem. The main purpose of this
research is to enlighten other people to give more attention to the youth who are
experiencing cyber bullying. This research also aims to give ways on how you can help
the adolescent deal with cyber bullying, seek help from experiencing cyber bullying and,
give knowledge to others about the effects of cyber bullying to the victim, the bully and
to the whole community.

G. Scope and Delimitation

The scope of the study involves the whole community Notre Dame of Greater
Manila. The researchers aim to define the meaning of cyber bullying as well as terms
synonymous to the topic, help the parents of the victims and bullies, describe the impact
of technology and possible reasons of bullying, and to make a change in the Notre Dame
of Greater Manila community to help stop cyber bullying.

This study limits only to the Grade 10 St. Peter Students of Notre Dame of
Greater Manila S.Y. 2018-2019.

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