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Assalamualaikum Wr.


The honorable ones all of the juries, and all of the participants that I loved.

Before I begin to give a speech, I would like to invite you all to thank Allah SWT, Who has given us Mercy
and Blessing, so we can meet together in this blessing place. And also let’s deliver sholawat and salam
to our prophet Muhammad SAW, Who has brought us from the darkness to the brightness, so we are
always in the right path.

Ladies and gentlemen

It will be a great honor for me, to stand right here in front of you all to give a speech about teenagers
under the title "Teenagers are the Leaders for the Future"

Teenagers are part of the bouquet of a society, but their role is more important than others. They are
integral and essential part of a society and a society is incomplete without young blood. Therefore it is
said: “Today’s youths are the force, hope and leaders of tomorrow”, because they are the future of
society, country and community.

Ladies and gentlemen

As teenagers, we often are not taken seriously by authority. We are held hostage by the assumption we
are troublemakers and can do no good. That is quite a stereotype because teenagers are the next
generation. They will be controlling and running the world someday. It might not be in the exact mindset
they have right now, but the ideas are all coming from an identical area and viewpoint.

We are experiencing things in our world right now and the exposure to the media and large political
leaps where we live are important for us to be aware of, especially for our future. The groundwork for
our future is right now.

Ladies and gentlemen

Teenagers have an important role in society. What we do, what we accomplish, what we are exposed to
has every effect on, not only our personal future, but the future of society as a whole. Every generation
grows up in a completely distinct world. Depending on when you grew up, there are varied aspects of
life that could have had an influence on the development of your future society. It is important to learn
from the past and to live with a hope for a better future, a future that is appropriate for our future

The future generation has a duty to be honest, genuine, of good values and to work day and night for
the betterment of the society and the country. As a teenager we have a duty to use our skills, strength,
creativity and imaginations to serve the country and the nation in the best possible manner. We can
make the difference, because we are the backbone of a nation and can build a bright future for society
based on values and courageous behavior.

Ladies and gentlemen

We, as a teenagers, also should focus on our studies, because education is the best tool to success and
for the future of our country. We should devote sufficient time to our studies. Physical education and
sport is also important, and we should play regularly, as health is also important for the progress. If we,
as youths, will be healthy, we can do more work for the country.

The time is precious and its wastage is a great loss for the future. Therefore, teenagers must do
everything to use their precious time wisely. Often we see some teenagers wasting their time
unnecessarily; they go out for long time unnecessarily, this is not good because every moment of their
lives is important. Therefore, I can say that today’s youth are the only hope of tomorrow, and have a
duty to understand their importance and work according to the need of the time.

Our parents play a large role in how we see society because they raise us and bring us up to believe
certain ways, and when we become teenagers, we begin to think about the world and our role in it.
Teens have the right mindset and are excited and motivated for the future of society.

Ladies and gentlemen

I believe that the life and success of nations and their bright future lies in the hands of the youth
generation of today. And if teenagers of today have strong values, the best education, good health, right
priorities and full sincerity, then we can say that the future is bright. And if, unfortunately, today’s
youths have not prepare themselves enough, then we cannot say that the future will be brighter than
today. Because, strong building always has a strong foundation.

As teenagers, we need to have faith and power within ourselves. We need to have initiative. We are in
charge of the future generations. If we don’t make a change ourselves, how will improvements in
society occur?

I think, fhat’s all my speech, may what I have delivered be useful in our life. If you found many
mistakes in my speech please forgive me.

The last I say,

Wassalamu'alaikum wr.wb.

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