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Build (Build) readme.

The file describes updates/changes to the J2EE Build for each version.
** Build -- Version 3.6.1 -- 11/14/2007
Changes that could break older versions:
* Please read about PVCS changes in 'Upgrading from Build & Deploy Framework
v3.6 to v3.6.1' section of the J2EE Build Guide
Build Templates - New Functionality:
* build.cmd; build.xml; app.xml -
eTracker 5677564
- Added support for PVCS
Build Guide - Changes:
* eTracker 5214871 - Corrected JRE version requirements (JRE 1.5+)
Build GUI - Changes:
* eTracker 4766595 - Added additional message to tag as warning.
** Build -- Version 3.6 -- 03/07/2007
Changes that could break older versions:
* Please read about security changes in 'Upgrading from Build & Deploy Framework
v3.5.1 to v3.6' section of the J2EE Build Guide
Build Templates - New Functionality:
* build.cmd; build.xml; app.xml -
eTracker 4384489
- Added support for RAD 7.0/WAS 6.1
- Added source code directory flexibility
Build Templates - Clean up/Changes:
* build.cmd -
eTracker 4384489
- Added logic to set WAS version based on IDE version (can be overridden
Build GUI - Changes:
* eTracker 4389384 - Added additional messages not to tag as warnings/errors.
* eTracker 2776863 - Added Build GUI source code jar to distribution package.
** Build -- Version 3.5.1 -- 05/09/2006
Changes that could break older versions:
* Please read about security changes in 'Upgrading from Build & Deploy Framework
v3.4 to v3.5.1' section of the J2EE Build Guide
Build Templates - Bug Fix:
* eTracker 3229230 - Fixed potential file copying bug where some property files
did not override files in the common directory appropriately.
Build Templates - Clean up/Changes:
* build.cmd -
eTracker 3271936
- Removed interative flag and pauses (Teams should now use Build GUI)
* build.xml -
eTracker 3229230
- Broke out single <copy> statement to individual <copy> statements to
correct unwanted behavior
eTracker 3271936
- Added label to package on check in
* app.xml -
eTracker 3271936
- Cleaned up comments
Build GUI - Changes:
* eTracker 3344629 - Added ability to dynamically change input before it is
sent to the executable (build.cmd).
* eTracker 3344611 - Added ability to hide fields on the Build GUI while
still passing them to the executable (build.cmd).
** Build -- Version 3.5 -- 03/10/2006
Changes that could break older versions:
* Please read about security changes in 'Upgrading from Build & Deploy Framework
v3.4 to v3.5' section of the J2EE Build Guide
* eTracker 2909468 - Removed support for WAS 4.0, WSAD 5.0. If these versions
are still required, stay with your current working version and merge in
needed changes. WAS 5.0 and WSAD 5.1.1/5.1.2 are still supported.
Build GUI - Changes:
* eTracker 2031196 - Corrected J2EE Build GUI tool's handling of white space in
the Build Command File field.
* eTracker 2909742 - The J2EE Build GUI tool can now be configured to accept a
varying number of input parameters. See J2EE Build Guide for details.
* eTracker 2702519 - The J2EE Build GUI tool now displays a summary
error/warning report at the end of every build to assist in catching
potential build issues.
Build Templates - Bug Fixes:
* eTracker 2909513 - Fixed potential file copying bug where some property files
did not override files in the common directory appropriately.
* eTracker 2909561 - The fjfconfDEV*.jar file was being incorrectly included in
the build package from the Desktop directory.
* eTracker 2909605 - Some testing-related directories were not being excluded as
intended by using the 'exclude_test_directories' in app.xml.
The example exclusion was updated as well.
* eTracker 2867025 - Documentation updates to "J2EE Build Guide".
= Removed reference to the "Ford Web Tuneup" site.
= Updated related instructions regarding the J2EE Build GUI tool.
Build Templates - New Functionality:
* eTracker 1992907 - secure.jacl and secured property files can now optionally
be pulled from EAR project for DEV builds only with a new setting
in app.xml (UseSecuredResourcesInDev.flag).
* build.cmd; build.xml -
eTracker 2909468
- Added support for RAD 6.0/WAS 5.0
- Added support for RAD 6.0/WAS 6.0
- Dropped WAS 4.0 support and related code
- Dropped WSAD 5.0 support and related code
eTracker 2909655
- Removed passing of PVCS password on the build.cmd command line
- Cleaned up code, removed deprecated code
- Remove antcall/inheritRefs statements
- Change warfile to destfile in war command (deprecated)
- Remove base PVCS setting targets and change to conditi
- Remove passing of PVCS password from build.cmd
- Remove info/verbose/echo logging commands in PVCS targ
- Add Build label to description on PVCS check-in steps
- Include client.jar in the EAR
- Change timestamp logic to no longer require javascript
- Change default='main' to default='buildAll'
eTracker 2909513
- Added overwrite="true" verbose="true" to each copy statement to ensure
expected behavior
eTracker 2909561
- Added exclusion of fjfconig*.jar files in package EAR
eTracker 2909605
- Added testing directory exclusion to WEB-INF in package WAR
eTracker 1992907
- Added UseSecuredResourcesInDev.flag logic
* app.xml -
eTracker 2909468
- Removed WAS 4.0-related properties
eTracker 2909605
- Updated testing directory exclusion example to more correct pattern
eTracker 1992907
- Added new UseSecuredResourcesInDev.flag parameter defaulted to true
** Build -- Version 3.4 -- 04/26/2005
Changes that could break older versions:
* Please read about security changes in 'Upgrading from Build & Deploy Framework
v3.3 to v3.4' section of the J2EE Build Guide
* Removed the 'deployment artifacts' from this package:
- application.jacl
- application.jacl.samples
- application.wscp
- secure.jacl.sample
- was.policy
- removed deploy instructions from J2EEBuildDeployGuide.doc and
renamed the document to J2EEBuildGuide.doc
The current deployment artifacts are now available at

Fixed bugs:
* eTracker 1532398-Fixed problem where static content in WEB-INF is incorrectly
exposed to the client.
New Functionality:
* eTracker 1748025-Added J2EE Build GUI tool in order to enhance security
* build.cmd; build.xml -
= Fixed above referenced bug.
= eTracker 1748033
- Added support for WSAD 5.1.2
= eTracker 1248767
- Auto-detection logic of WSAD version added to build.cmd.
- It is no longer required to specify WSAD version in build.cmd.
eTracker 1382921-Enhanced security by use of environment variable.
* app.xml -
eTracker 1524509
- Added example of conditionally excluding test directories based
on environment.

** Integrated Build and Deployment Version 3.3 -- 09/27/2004
Changes that could break older versions:
* New ExcludeTestDirs modification required in app.xml when using v3.3 build.xml
* Added information in 'Upgrading from Build & Deploy Framework v3.2 to v3.3'
Fixed bugs:
* eTracker 1391166-Fixed situation where multiple builds in same window
eventually fail.
* eTracker 1375089-Fixed problem where certain password characters caused
build to fail.
New Functionality:
* eTracker 1253841-Added new SecuredResources project to enhance security and
separation of duties. Added new PrepackagedApps project to enable packaging
of external EARs within deployment package.
* eTracker 1382002-Added capability to exclude unit test directories.
* eTracker 1434762-Added additional logging for debugging.
======== Build ========
- build.cmd; build.xml -
Fixed above referenced bugs.
eTracker 1344680-Static content patternsets consolidated to one location
- app.xml -
eTracker 1435111-Changed from number to name-based modifications.
Added new SecuredResourcesProject, PrepackagedAppsProject,
ExcludeTestDirs modifications.
======== Deploy ========
- secure.jacl.sample
Sample content for new secure.jacl to handle secured deployment settings.
** Integrated Build and Deployment Version 3.2 -- 06/30/2004
Changes that could break older versions:
* Older templates will not run under WSAD v5.1.1 because of directory changes
- Please see the 'Upgrading from Build & Deploy Framework v3.0 to v3.1'
section in the 'Ford J2EE Build and Deploy Guide' v1.1.
* eTracker 1175932-In build.xml, modified PVCS directory after upgrade
to PVCS v8.0
Fixed bugs:
* eTracker 1103490-Fixed situation where build would fail with obscure error
if application.jacl was not present.
New Functionality:
* eTracker 888352-WSAD 5.1.1 Support - This version of the Build and Deploy
framework has been updated to support BOTH WSAD 5.1.1 and WSAD 5.0.
======== Build ========
- build.cmd; build.xml -
Now runs under WSAD 5.1.1. Added JavaScript capability to handle new
timestamp routines.
Updated Ant version from 1.4.1 to 1.5.3
Updated Ejbdeploy version from 5.0.1 to 5.1.1
Updated Xerces version from 4.0.7 to 4.0.13
eTracker 874672-Build can now be set up to run independently by passing
in all needed parameters.
eTracker 984021-Long filenames are now handled.
eTracker 888358/eTracker 855202/eTracker 857124-Added additional file
types to be included in packages.
- app.xml -
Updated the sample defaults. No changes required for current
app.xml files.
======== Deploy ========
- application.jacl.samples
New sample content to be used for WAS 5 deployments.
** Integrated Build and Deployment Version 3.0 -- 12/23/2003
Changes that could break older versions:
* N/A
Fixed bugs:
* WAS 4 Deploy Template (application.wscp)
- Due to performance tuning of automated deployments, it was determined that
the variable APP_NAME must once again be required. This variable was
removed in version 1.3 below.
New Functionality:
* WAS 5 Support - This version of the Build and Deploy framework has been
updated to support BOTH WAS 4 and WAS 5.
======== Build ========
- app.xml; build.xml; build.cmd -
Restructured for a more logical flow. Additional variables
added to support flexibility for both WAS 4 and WAS 5 differences
along with WSAD 4 and WSAD 5 differences.
======== Deploy ========
- application.jacl; application.jacl.samples
New template file and sample content to be used for WAS 5 deployments.
application.jacl replaces appplication.wscp file that is used for WAS 4.
======== Java 2 Security =======
- was.policy
With WAS 5, Java2 Security will be enforced. It is necessary for an
application to include a was.policy file with their application.
This is a template was.policy for applications to reference.

** Integrated Build and Deployment Version 2.0 -- 9/02/2003
Changes that could break older versions:
* Deploy Template
- No changes made. This is just an official FJF Build Package
* Build Template
- Complete rewrite not compatible with previous versions.
- Based on WSAD 5.0 for Websphere 4.x Applications
Fixed bugs:
* Deploy Template
- No changes made. This is just an official FJF Build Package
* Build Template
- NA since it was a complete rewrite.
New Functionality:
* Deploy Template
- No changes made. This is just an official FJF Build Package
* Build Template
- build.xml:
Complete overhaul of the template based on experience gained since last
version. Please read J2EE User Guide for detailed information.
Based on WSAD 5.0 for Websphere 4.x Applications
New file added to hold applicatoin specific information
** Deployment Version 1.3 -- 6/12/2003
Changes that could break older versions:
* This version of the scripts are NOT backward compatible with previous
versions. The new main format must be used with common.wscp 1.3.
Fixed bugs:
* None
New Functionality:
- JMS Support:
* Two new files were added to the deployment framework:
1. JMSAdmin -- This is a shell script that runs the MQSeries JMS support
program that installs the necessary objects in the Websphere JNDI
directory to support the connections to MQ Series Queues.
2. JMSAdmin.config -- This is the configuration file need to run the
JMSAdmin script.
- Enable/Disable Tracing:
* Tracing can be enabled by running the enableTrace procedure. The trace
output is defaulted to the in-memory ring buffer. The initial ring buffer
size is set to 50,000 lines. The trace string specificiation is defaulted
to *=all=enabled, which is trace all. This value can be overridden,
see comments of procedure in common.wscp for details.
* Trace can be disabled by running the disableTrace procedure.
This procedure stops the tracing and dumps the in-memory ring buffer to
the file: /tmp/$SERVER.trace.log. The log filename can be overidden,
see comments of procedure in common.wscp for details.
- Consistent Logging Messages:
* The createAll and removeAll procedures are now wrapped in error catch
blocks so all errors are captured and a consistent failure/success error
is displayed.
- Automatic determination of Application Name:
* In previous versions of the scripts, application teams specified the
APP_NAME variable which only got used on the remove of the application.
If the APP_NAME variable did not match the display-name in their
application configure, the removeAll procedure would fail even though it
installed fine. To resolve this name mismatch, when removing an
application, the removeApp procedure will lookup the application name
based on the EAR_NAME variable. Now if the application installs
correctly, it should un-install also.
- Re-factoring of common variable and procedures:
* After reviewing how the wscp scripts have been used over the past year,
it has been determined that the support necessary of main.wscp can be
greatly reduced by assuming the following will be true:
By assuming all these are equal, the following variables can now become
a standard template and put in common.wscp instead of specific to each
* The procedures createAll & removeAll have also been moved to common.wscp.
* The NODE variable is not automatically determined and has been moved
to common.wscp
* A new file was added to hold variables specific to an host machine but
common to all application. The filename is environment.wscp and gets
sourced-in from main.wscp.
- Clear stdout/stderr log files
* By executing clearSTDOUTLog procedure, the file defined in the global
variable STDOUT will be cleared
* By executing clearSTDERRLog procedure, the file defined in the global
variable STDERR will be cleared
- Support for application to configure what version of a JDBC driver to use
at deployment time
* The createAll procedure was re-sequenced so that Data sources were
installed before the application was installed. This is required because
applications need to configure the application to use a particular
datasource. This datasource must be installed before the application
gets installed.
- common.wscp
* Added the following global variables:
* Added global procedures:
InstallSHCUtilApp, removeSHCUtilApp, updateCriticalSettings
* Added the following procedures:
createAllMain, removeAllMain, installAppResources, removeAppResources,
determineAppName, saveDrAdminPort, removeMQJMSProvider,
createMQJMSProvider, isJMSConnectionFactoryInstalled,
createJMSConnectionFactory, removeJMSConnectionFactory,
isJMSDestinationInstalled, removeJMSDestination, createJMSDestination,
generateRemoveConfig, generateDriver, createJMSAdminConfiguration,
removeJMSAdminConfiguration, clearSTDOUTLog, clearSTDERRLog,
getAdminPortFromSTDOUT, getAdminPort, enableTrace, disableTrace
- main.wscp
* Removed the following global variables:
* Added source environment.wscp.
* Wrapped on source statements in catch blocks so all errors are captured
and a consistent error is raised.
- application.wscp
* Added the following variables:
1. USE_JMS -- possibles values are "TRUE" or "FALSE".
If TRUE, include the MQSeries native libraries on the LD_LIBRARY_PATH
2. QueueDefinitions -- The variable defines the association between the
application queue name and the physical MQ Series Queue name.
This values are used by the JMSAdmin tool and the
createJMSConfigurations procedure in common.wscp. environment.wscp
* This is a new file holding host/environment specific information.
Currently this file only contain the deployment environment.
Current values could be DEV,QA,PROD
** Deployment Version 1.2 -- 5/02/2003
Changes that could break older versions:
* None
Fixed bugs:
* None
New Functionality:
- Added support for Seperate Monitor Package:
* Tracing can be enabled by running the enableTrace procedure.
The trace output is defaulted to the in-memory ring buffer.
The initial ring buffer size is set to 50,000 lines.
The trace string specificiation is defaulted to *=all=enabled,
which is trace all. This values can be overridden, see comments of
procedure in common.wscp for details.
- common.wscp
* Added procs InstallSHCUtilApp, removeSHCUtilApp, updateCriticalSettings
** Deployment Version 1.1 -- 12/03/2002
Changes that could break older versions:
* None
Fixed bugs:
* None
New Functionality:
- application.wscp
* Added VERBOSE_GC_ON flag for application tuning/troubleshooting
* Added SESSION_INVALIDATION_TIME variable for application tuning
* Added MAX_HTTP_SESSIONS variable for application tuning
* Added MAX_EJB_CACHE_SIZE variable for application tuning
* Added MAX_WEB_CONTAINER_CONNECTIONS variable for application tuning
* Added USE_EAA_SECURITY flag for deployment of EAA Security Service
* Added USE_ESPOKE flag for shared services deployment of eSpoke
* Added USE_CONFIGURATION_SERVICE flag for a future service
- main.wscp
* Added DEPLOYED_ENVIRONMENT variable for application support
* Added WHC_ASSIGNED_NAME variable for application support
- common.wscp
* Added procedure setVariablesForBackwardCompatability which allows
applications to use new common.wscp with existing main.wscp and
application.wscp templates. This procedure will display an information
message when these files are not up to the new templates.
* Added System Properties:,
DEPLOYED_ENVIRONMENT, WHC_ASSIGNED_NAME to Application Server definition
* Added entries to the ApplicationServer create command for the following
application set variables:
JVMConfig->VerboseGC, ThreadPoolConfig->Maximum Size,
set SessionManagerConfig->TuningAllowOverflow to true,
* Added procedure configureAppServices which configures the J2EE COE
supported shared service.
* Added procedures findAttributeForApplicationServer,
findAttributeForApplicationServerSearch which are used by the
configureAppServices and configureAppPropertiesDirectory procedures.
** Deployment Version 1.0
* Initial Release

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