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Infancy and Toddlerhood

Physical Development
At around 7 months old, babies are able to sit unassisted. This milestone is
usually achieved between 5-9 months for most babies (Berk, 2013).
Many parents look forward to their child’s first step with great
anticipation. Toddlers typically learn to walk between the ages of 9-17
months (Berk, 2013).

Language Development
Language development begins very early. Newborns can
recognize their mother’s voice at birth and prefer complex
tones such as voices and noises (Berk, 2013).
The age that a child begins to talk varies, but most children
utter their first word sometime around their first birthday (Conti-ramsden & Durkin,
Social-Emotional Development
Careful analyses of caregiver–infant interaction reveal that by 3 months, a complex
communication system is in place in which each partner responds in an appropriate and
carefully timed fashion to the other’s cues
emotions contribute to the emergence of self-awareness. For example, the interest and
excitement that babies display when acting on novel objects help them forge a sense of
self-efficacy—confidence in their own ability to control events in their surroundings Berk,

Moral Reasoning/Self-Regulation
Crying is a normal part of infancy and increases during the early weeks, comes to a
peak at about 6 weeks, and then begins to decline (Berk, 2013).
Parents can encourage their infants to communicate in other ways besides crying by
ensuring their basic needs are met and providing the infant with close contact (Berk,
Cognitive Development
Cognitive development continues during toddlerhood. By 18 months old, children are
able to recognize and point to familiar objects in books (, n.d.). Word
comprehension grows as well.
By 15 months old, a toddler can understand 50 words (, n.d.).

Atypical Development
It can be difficult to assess what typical language development is for toddlers because it
varies greatly from child to child. However, if a child is not speaking single words by the
age of 2, it could indicate developmental issues (Conti-ramsden & Durkin, 2012).
Developmental disorders and cognitive delays influence the formation of attachment
patterns in infancy (Barnett & Butler, 1999).

Learning and Development Strategies

Many parents are concerned with how to provide a rich educational environment for
their infants and toddlers. One key way to support optimal development is to provide
early experiences in language-rich contexts that promote infants’ vocabulary and
language development, such as book reading and storytelling (Song, Tamis-LeMonda,
Yoshikawa, Kahana-Kalman & Wu, 2012).
It is recommended by the AAP to vary an infant’s head position during sleep and give
them tummy time during the day to promote healthy motor development (Miller &
Vallone, 2016).
Newborns and older infants will often cry at the sound of another baby’s crying and
researchers believe that this may be an inborn capacity to respond to the suffering of
others (Berk, 2013).
In Western countries, many parents try to encourage their babies to sleep through the
night as early as 3 to 4 months old by placing them in a crib in a separate room. This
practice is unusual in other parts of the world (Berk, 2013).

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