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Policy Analysis

May 9, 2018 | Number 842

Is Public Schooling a Public Good?

An Analysis of Schooling Externalities
By Corey A. DeAngelis


s public schooling a public good, a merit good, externalities are about equal, the empirical evidence
or a demerit good? Public schooling fails both leads me to estimate that public schooling in the
conditions specified in the standard economic United States has a net negative externality of at least
definition of a public good. In order to place $1.3 trillion—over the lifetime of the current cohort of
public schooling into one of the remaining children in government schools—relative to publicly
two categories, I first assess all of the theoretical funded universal school vouchers. I conclude with three
positive and negative externalities resulting from public policy recommendations: (1) the U.S. government should
schooling as opposed to publicly financed universal not operate schools at the local, state, or federal level
school vouchers. Then, in an original contribution to on the basis of schooling’s being a public good; (2) U.S.
the literature, I quantify the magnitude and sign of citizens should not fund government schooling indirect-
the net externality of government schooling in the ly through the tax system on the basis of schooling being
United States using the preponderance of the most a merit good; and (3) the United States should instead
rigorous scientific evidence. fund education directly—rather than schooling—through
While the counts of theoretical positive and negative a universal Education Savings Account (ESA) program.

Corey A. DeAngelis is an education policy analyst at the Cato Institute’s Center for Educational Freedom.

INTRODUCTION United States—traditional public schooling—
Schooling and rather than some ideal policy that could hypo-
education are “No schooling was allowed to interfere with thetically increase education for all children.
my education.”
not one and

—Grant Allen, Rosalba: The Story of
the same. Her Development, p. 101 SCHOOLING AS A PUBLIC GOOD
The economic argument for government
Horace Mann, often called the father of using coercion to fund—and even operate—a
American public schooling, and others argued specific good or service is strongest for a good
that government-run common schools were or service deemed to be a “public good.” The
necessary to bring together children from di- formal definition of a public good is attributed
verse backgrounds and to inculcate a uniform to Nobel laureate economist Paul Samuelson.
set of American values that would contribute In a classic 1954 article he explained that such
to a stable and cohesive democratic society.1 a good satisfies two necessary conditions: (1) it
In common schools, children from all back- is nonexcludable, and (2) it is nonrivalrous in
grounds could learn how to interact with one consumption.9
another and become proper citizens.2 Mann The nonexcludability provision means that
traveled to Prussia to examine its system of the producer cannot prevent nonpayers from
common schools in 1843.3 He helped pass using the good without bearing costs that ex-
the first modern compulsory schooling at- ceed the benefit of payment. This provision
tendance law in the United States in his home is important because nonexcludability leads
state of Massachusetts in 1852.4 Within seven to a potential free-rider problem: individual
decades, every state had followed suit; Missis- consumers can enjoy the benefits of a product
sippi was the last state to pass a compulsory without directly paying for it. Consequently,
schooling attendance law in 1918.5 the market may underprovide the good in
Taxpayer-funded and government-run question, or even fail to provide it at all. A
schools exist in all 50 states. This likely is feasible policy solution is to provide and
attributable to many people with good inten- produce the good publicly. In other words, the
tions, like Mann, thinking that common schools free-rider problem could be eliminated if all
could improve society overall.6 In general, members of society were forced to pay for the
a better-educated populace should result in service indirectly through taxes.
positive social effects, all else being equal. The nonrivalry provision simply means that
However, there are opportunity costs to one individual’s consumption of the good does
maximizing education. For example, someone not diminish the abilities of others to consume
who pursues 10 college degrees may achieve a it. A radio station can be thought of as a true
well-rounded and advanced education with- public good. Because it would be extremely dif-
out contributing much to other individuals in ficult to prevent anyone with a radio from lis-
society.7 And, of course, schooling and edu- tening, the good is considered nonexcludable.
cation are not one and the same. The formal And because one person’s consumption of the
definition of “education” is “the act or process service does not affect whether the rest of soci-
of imparting or acquiring general knowledge, ety can listen, the radio is considered nonrival-
developing the powers of reasoning and rous. One policy implication could be to have
judgment, and generally of preparing oneself taxes fund local radio stations. However, the
or others intellectually for mature life.”8 Since market avoids the potential free-rider problem
schooling is but one channel available for an with radio stations by using advertisements as a
individual to acquire an education, it is im- funding source.
portant for the current study to examine the If schooling were indeed a public good,
externalities of the actual policy in place in the there would perhaps be a stronger economic

argument for government funding and opera- produce a number of automobiles that is higher
tion of schools. However, schooling easily fails than the socially optimal level, where total social Schools will
both parts of the economic definition. If one costs exceed total social benefits. As Arthur never suffer
student occupies a seat in a classroom, another Pigou pointed out, one way to internalize the
child is prevented from sitting in the same seat. negative externality of pollution is to reduce
from a true
In addition, if students are added to a given consumption of automobiles toward the social- free-rider
classroom, the teacher is less able to tailor the ly optimal level by taxing each unit of produc- problem
tion—what is now called a Pigouvian tax.14
educational approach to each child, which
could reduce the average amount of personal- In the case of education, the externality
ized education received by each student. Be- is expected to be positive, which would make they are not
cause of this, schooling fails the nonrivalrous education a merit good. If I purchase an true public

part of the definition. Second and perhaps most education through a school or otherwise, I goods.
important, because it is not difficult to exclude benefit from the transaction because I will be
a person from a school—or any other type of able to command a higher salary in the future,
institution with walls—schooling fails the non- and I will feel good about being an educated
excludability condition. If someone does not citizen. The education provider benefits from
pay me to educate the student, I can simply the transaction financially. And the rest of
deny the student services. Fortunately, schools society is better off because of the benefits I
will never suffer from a true free-rider problem provide to society as a result of my education,
because they are not true public goods. That is but for which I don’t earn a market income. For
precisely why private schools and tutoring ser- instance, the educational blogs, lectures, and
vices operate effectively today without govern- journal articles I post for free on the internet help
ment operating or funding them. society (I hope). Also, as an educated citizen, I
am less likely to break the law and more likely
to cast an informed vote on Election Day.15
SCHOOLING AS A MERIT GOOD According to economists, leaving education to
When people, including prominent purely private transactions would result in edu-
education scholars, say that schooling is a cation falling below the socially optimal level.16
public good, I believe they mean that schooling A feasible policy solution to move education
is “good for the public.”10 Or, as an economist levels up is a negative Pigouvian tax, also
would say, schooling is a “merit good” because known as a Pigouvian subsidy. As Nobel laure-
it has net positive externalities.11 An economic ate economist Milton Friedman concluded,
externality occurs whenever a voluntary government may have a role in funding
transaction between two parties affects an schooling because of the theoretical positive
involuntary third party in a positive or negative externalities—or “neighborhood effects”—of
way. The original argument regarding economic education in general.17
externalities has to do with pollution—a While education itself seems to have net
negative externality.12 When I buy a car from positive externalities, the case is less clear for
a factory, the car manufacturer benefits from the system of traditional public schooling we
the transaction because it gets my money, have in the United States today. After all, if the
and I benefit from the transaction because I traditional public schooling system is reducing
get a car. Because the transaction is voluntary overall levels of education, or producing educa-
(and not coerced), it would only occur if both tion very inefficiently, it would be considered
parties perceived that expected benefits would a demerit good—a good that has net negative
exceed expected costs.13 However, the rest of externalities. In this analysis, I examine all the
society could be involuntarily harmed by the theoretical externalities around the traditional
transaction because they must breathe air that public schooling system in the United States
is less clean. Consequently, the market may today.

In addition, I make the first attempt to cal- the association between school type and math
If families culate the net externality of traditional public test scores after controlling for some observ-
were not schools relative to a realistic counterfactual: a able characteristics such as race and gender.19
private school of choice that could accept the
forced to public school’s per pupil funding amount as full Educated Populace
allocate payment for tuition and fees. Of course, the Society benefits from a better-educated
100 percent comparisons made here are not between tradi- populace because individuals are more likely
of their tional public schools and no schooling at all. If to interact with people who could teach them
families were not forced to allocate 100 percent something new. In addition, better-educated
publicly raised of their publicly raised educational resources to citizens may produce high-quality goods and
educational their assigned public schools, they could take services that benefit the rest of society. For
resources to those same funds to schools of their choosing. example, when a hard-working individual
The three externalities that I examine are (1) an completes medical school, he or she benefits
their assigned educated populace, (2) taxpayer costs, and (3) the rest of society by providing valuable ser-
public social cohesion. vices. The relevant positive externality can be
schools, they thought of as the extent to which productive
could take abilities are increased by the policy alterna-
EXISTING LITERATURE tive (i.e., private school choice vs. residentially
those funds The most rigorous and relevant litera- assigned public schooling).
to schools ture that we have comparing traditional A meta-analytic and systematic review of 19
of their public schools to private alternatives are experimental voucher studies around the world

analyses of private school choice programs. finds that, on average, private schools increase
choosing. The best-known type of private school choice math scores by 15 percent of a standard deviation
program, championed by Milton Friedman, and reading scores by 27 percent of a standard
uses vouchers that allow families to take their deviation.20 Out of the 17 voucher experiments
publicly raised education funds to the school in the United States, 11 find statistically signifi-
of their choice.18 When parental demand for cant positive test-score effects for some or all
educational vouchers exceeds the supply of students, four find no statistically significant
voucher funding, random lotteries are typical- effects, while two find negative effects.21 The
ly used to determine which families are able to meta-analysis from 16 of the U.S. experimental
exercise private school choice. The lottery set- studies finds that, on average, private schooling
ting allows social scientists to experimentally does not have a statistically significant effect on
evaluate the effects of access to private school reading scores, but it increases math scores by
choice programs—and the effects of private around 7 percent of a standard deviation.22
schooling in general—on students. Since ran- The scientific evidence on longer-term edu-
dom chance determines who gets access to the cational outcomes such as high school gradua-
program, the only difference between treat- tion rates is less abundant. Foreman’s summary
ment and control groups is that one group of three rigorous studies linking private school
received access to a private school choice choice programs to high school graduation
program. Because several experimental evalu- finds positive effects.23 The only U.S. experi-
ations exist on the effects of private school ment on the subject finds that attending a
choice programs on student achievement, I private school through the D.C. Opportunity
exclude less rigorous studies that are not able Scholarship Program increased the likelihood
to establish causal relationships from this re- of high school graduation by 21 percentage
view. For example, the empirical methodolo- points.24 The one quasi-experimental study
gies used in the 2013 book by Lubienski and on the subject finds that attending a private
Lubienski did not allow the authors to make school using the Milwaukee Parental Choice
causal claims because they simply examined Program increases the likelihood of high

school graduation by 3 percentage points.25 society. An improved education could strength-
The final study included in the review finds en the character skills necessary to follow the The average
that Milwaukee private schools graduate law and tolerate the views of others. Further- voucher-
voucher students at a rate 12 percentage more, an educational setting can improve social
points higher than Milwaukee public schools; cohesion through increasing racial diversity and
however, this study is merely observational.26 integration. If someone is less likely to break the amount
law because of character education, that person is around
Taxpayer Costs will be less likely to steal from others in soci-
59 percent of
In theory, all taxed funds are a negative ex- ety, and if someone is more tolerant of others,
ternality if taxed individuals do not consent that person will be more likely to interact with the per pupil
to the transaction. If citizens refuse to pay society peacefully. Finally, if children grow up funding in
taxes, they must gain citizenship elsewhere around diverse populations of students, they traditional
or go to jail, both of which come with extraor- may be more likely to get along with people

dinarily high transaction costs. Nonetheless, from different backgrounds as adults.
this analysis takes a conservative approach As shown in a review of 11 experimental schools.
by comparing the taxpayer costs associated and quasi-experimental studies, DeAngelis
with traditional public schools to the policy- finds that private school choice programs in
relevant counterfactual: the taxpayer costs in- the United States increase these types of civic
curred from a private school choice program. outcomes.31 None of the studies reviewed find
We can examine the taxpayer effects of negative effects. The only study linking private
private school choice programs by looking at school choice to adult criminal behavior finds
how current school choice laws affect statewide that the Milwaukee Parental Choice Program
educational funding formulas. As shown in leads to a 7 percentage point reduction in felo-
Forster’s review of the evidence, 25 out of 28 nies and a 6 to 9 percentage point reduction in
studies find that private school choice programs misdemeanors for male students.32
save taxpayer money, while 3 studies find no DeAngelis also finds that effects of private
statistically significant fiscal effects.27 Spalding school choice are null to positive for toler-
finds that 10 voucher programs in the United ance of others, positive on charitable giving,
States generated a cumulative savings of at least positive on volunteering, and null to positive
$1.7 billion between 1990 and 2011.28 Since the on political participation.33 Wolf ’s review
2016 Forster review, all other fiscal impact of 21 quantitative studies similarly finds that
studies of private school choice programs that I private school choice increases civic outcomes
know of have found taxpayer savings.29 overall.34 Forster’s review of the empirical
This savings happens for two main reasons: evidence also finds that private school choice
(1) school voucher laws usually mandate that in the United States has null to positive ef-
the voucher amount must be a fraction of the fects on civic values and practices.35 Nine out
total per pupil expenditure in traditional pub- of the 10 quantitative studies linking private
lic schools; and (2) private school tuition fees school choice to racial integration find statis-
are often below the state-mandated maximum tically significant positive effects, while one
voucher funding amount. study finds no effects.36 Notably, Egalite, Mills,
As shown by EdChoice, the average state- and Wolf find that, by using the Louisiana
funding amount allocated toward voucher Scholarship Program, 82 percent of student
students is around 59 percent of the per pupil transfers increased racial integration for their
funding in traditional public schools.30 former public schools and 45 percent of student
transfers improved racial integration in their
Social Cohesion new private school.37
A given educational setting can result in pos- According to the existing evidence, gov-
itive externalities if it results in a more cohesive ernment schooling appears to have negative

effects on society through a less-educated pop- Educated Populace

ulace, higher taxpayer burden, less tolerance, For the societal effects of government
more crime, and racial segregation. A vote schooling’s ability to educate the populace, I
count of the evidence can be found in Table 1 examine two outcomes: test scores and high
below: school graduation. Overall, Shakeel, Anderson,

Table 1
Government-schooling externalities and their signs

Externality Sign
Educated populace (math scores–overall) Null
Educated populace (reading scores–overall) Null

Educated populace (math scores–4th year) Negative

Educated populace (reading scores–4th year) Negative

Educated populace (graduation rates) Negative

Taxpayer costs Negative

Social cohesion (crime) Negative

Social cohesion (tolerance) Negative

Social cohesion (political participation) Negative

Social cohesion (racial integration) Negative

Source: Author analysis.
Note: “Null” indicates that the preponderance of the evidence suggests that government schools do not have statistically dif-
ferent effects on society than private schools of choice. “Negative” indicates that the preponderance of the scientific evidence
suggests that government schools produce socially less-desirable outcomes than do private schools of choice.

DATA AND ANALYSIS and Wolf find that private school choice pro-
Using data from the Digest of Educational grams increase reading scores by 4 percent of
Statistics, I can quantify public schooling exter- a standard deviation and math scores by 7 per-
nalities associated with a less-educated popu- cent of a standard deviation.39 Consequently,
lace, a larger taxpayer burden, and less social I estimate one model based on reading scores
cohesion relative to publicly financed universal and the other based on math scores. However,
school vouchers. Specifically, the data allow me the effect on reading scores is not statistically
to quantify the externalities associated with significant, so the externality associated with
changes in test scores, high school graduation an educated populace is zero in the first model.
rates, taxpayer funding, and criminal activity. For math scores, I follow previous research
Some 50.477 million children are expected linking standardized effect sizes with esti-
to be enrolled in public elementary and sec- mates found by Eric Hanushek.40 Hanushek
ondary schools in the United States in the estimates that a one-standard-deviation in-
2017–2018 school year.38 This population is crease in student cognitive ability leads to a
relevant for my calculation of nationwide ex- 13 percent increase in lifetime earnings. Ad-
ternalities of public schooling. ditionally, only 70 percent of learning gains

are retained from year to year.41 By multiply- and welfare costs.45 Combining findings from
ing those two estimates together, I can find Cowen (et al.) and Levin, I find that government Over the
the learning gains relative to the average U.S. schooling results in about 1,514,310 fewer high course
worker.42 I use Bureau of Labor Statistics data school graduates (50.477 million U.S. students
to find average earnings for U.S. employees multiplied by a 3 percentage point reduction in
of a k-12
($49,630) and assume that current students likelihood of graduation). This reduction leads education,
will work between the ages of 25 and 70, or 46 to negative social effects of around $419.464 sending
years.43 When I calculate the net present value billion (1,514,310 fewer graduates multiplied by
children to
of lifetime earnings, I assume a 1 percent year- $277,000 in social costs each).46
ly growth in average salaries and a 3 percent public schools
annual discount rate. Based on these assump- Taxpayer Costs has cost
tions, the net present value of lifetime earn- There are two ways to calculate the effects taxpayers
ings for the average U.S. worker coming from on taxpayers of government schooling relative
the public school system is $1,234,957. Using to private schools of choice. First, I use data
Hanushek’s estimates, the average lifetime from EdChoice showing that the average state- $3.5 trillion
earnings for U.S. students with access to funding amount allocated to voucher students more than it
13 years of private school choice is $1,341,225. is around 59 percent of the per pupil funding
would have
Thus, the reduction in lifetime earnings in traditional public schools.47 According to
for each student experiencing 13 years the National Center for Education Statistics cost to allow
of government schooling is $106,268 for 2013–2014, public education spending was them to
($1,341,225 – $1,234,957). Multiplying this result around $625.016 billion in 2014 dollars. That is attend private
by the number of students in government equivalent to around $656.019 billion in 2017
schools of

schools reveals an overall negative effect dollars. Multiplying this amount by the 59 per-
on lifetime earnings of $5.364 trillion cent found by EdChoice suggests that these choice.
($106,268 × 50.477 million). Of course, one students would cost $387.051 billion to edu-
can argue that the lower amount of earnings cate, or around $268.968 billion less than in
is accrued to the individual rather than the public schools. In other words, over the course
rest of society. However, the decrease in earn- of 13 years of k-12 schooling, the 50.477 million
ings reflects a $5.364 trillion (in 2017 dollars) children in U.S. public schools would cost tax-
reduction in production within society overall. payers an additional $3.497 trillion.
Since the lower level of production results Second, I could compare the average tuition
from a less-educated populace and harms and fees charged in all private schools to the av-
the rest of society as a whole, it is a negative erage per pupil expenditure in all public schools.
externality of government schooling. According to the Digest of Education Statistics
Alternatively, I can calculate this particular Table 205.50, average private school tuition
externality through the effects of private school was around $10,740 per student in 2011–2012,
choice programs on graduation rates. While or around $11,633 in 2017 dollars. According to
the experimental study in Washington, D.C., the Digest of Education Statistics Table 236.60, av-
finds that private schooling increases the like- erage public school per pupil expenditure was
lihood of graduation by 21 percentage points, $11,991 in 2011–2012, or around $12,988 in 2017
I use the much less substantial 3 percentage dollars. In other words, it costs around $1,355
point increase in graduation rates found in the more ($12,988 – $11,633) to educate a child in a
Milwaukee voucher analysis in order to provide government school each year, on average. Over
a conservative estimate.44 I also use evidence 13 years, this costs society an additional $17,615
from Levin, finding that each high school grad- per child. This costs taxpayers an additional
uate produces around $277,000 (in 2017 dol- $889.152 billion for 50.477 million children.
lars) in social benefits derived from additional This estimate is only about one-fourth the size
tax revenues and reductions in health, crime, of the taxpayer cost estimate in the previous

paragraph because this estimate uses the av- felons. McCollister, French, and Fang find that
erage tuition level of all private schools rather the social cost of a felony is around $23,242 in
than the tuition level of current private schools 2017 dollars.49 Thus, a 1.01 million increase in
of choice in the United States. the number of felons, produced by govern-
ment schools, leads to around a $23.474 billion
Social Cohesion increase in social costs. In order to provide
This section is limited to the effects of conservative estimates, this analysis ignores
government schooling on the future criminal the positive effects of the Milwaukee voucher
activity of students because it is infeasible to program on reducing misdemeanors.
quantify the effects of tolerance, political par-
ticipation, and racial segregation on society
overall. The only quasi-experimental study OVERALL RESULTS
linking private school choice to crime finds The most conservative estimates of the
that private schools reduce the likelihood externalities of government schooling in the
that male students will commit felonies by 4 United States can be found in Table 2, while
percentage points in Milwaukee.48 Assuming alternative estimates can be found in Table 3
these benefits only accrue to about half of below. The results in Table 2 are more conser-
the 50.477 million U.S. students (the males), vative because (1) they assume zero benefits
we should expect around 1.01 million fewer accrue from the positive effects found for

Table 2
Conservative estimates of government-schooling externalities

Externality Effect (in trillions of 2017 dollars)

Educated populace (reading scores) $0.000

Educated populace (graduation rates) –$0.419

Taxpayer costs –$0.889

Social cohesion (crime) –$0.023

Total –$1.331
Source: Author analysis.

Table 3
Alternative estimates of government-schooling externalities

Externality Effect (in trillions of 2017 dollars)

Educated populace (math scores) –$5.364

Educated populace (graduation rates) –$0.419

Taxpayer costs –3.497

Social cohesion (crime) –$0.023

Total –$9.303
Source: Author analysis.

math achievement; and (2) they assume that choice, have substantial negative effects
the per pupil funding amount would be equal on U.S. society overall associated with a The results
to the average private school tuition level less-educated populace, less social cohesion, of this study
rather than the average amount currently and increased taxpayer burdens. In 2017, the
spent on a private school of choice. As shown most conservative model finds a net negative
suggest that
in Table 2, this study reveals a net negative externality of government schooling of around publicly
externality of government schooling of at least $1.331 trillion, over 7 percent of the U.S. GDP funded
$1.331 trillion. This is a significant effect, as it recorded in 2016, while the alternative speci-
is over 7 percent of the nation’s entire gross fication finds that public schooling results in
domestic product (GDP) recorded in 2016.50 a net negative externality of about half of U.S. run schools,
Notably, this likely is a lower bound of the ac- GDP in 2016. Note that these are lifetime es- relative
tual effect, as I have no monetized values for timates of the effects of government schools to private
the social harms from less tolerance, political on 50.477 million children relative to whether
participation, and racial integration. they would have attended private schools of
schools of
Table 3 indicates a net negative externality choice for 13 years in the United States. choice, have
of around $9.303 trillion. By comparison, Since government schooling in the United sub­stantial
this would be equivalent to about half of the States results in a net negative externality rela-
U.S. GDP in 2016. However, these estimates tive to private schools of choice, we should not
should be treated with caution because they subsidize government schooling based on the effects on
combine the calculations of externalities economic argument that it is a merit good. U.S. society

from two academic outcomes, test scores and According to the evidence, we should elimi- overall.
graduation rates. Nonetheless, even if the ef- nate the negative externalities of government
fect derived from changes in graduation rates is schooling by allowing families to reallocate their
excluded from this model, the overall negative educational resources to the private schools
externality is $8.884 trillion, still about half of that best serve their children. Specifically, states
the 2016 U.S. GDP. should pass legislation to enact universally
accessible Education Savings Accounts (ESAs)
to allow families to customize their children’s
CONCLUSION AND POLICY educational experiences. An ESA would allow
IMPLICATIONS society to educate children—rather than simply
Since schooling fails both the nonrivalry and school them—by allowing parents to allocate
nonexcludability conditions, there is no strong education dollars toward various educational
argument for government operation of school- services such as schooling, tutoring, online
ing on the basis of the service being a public instruction, textbooks, and even college costs.
good.51 While public schooling is certainly not In addition, a universal program may provide
a public good, it may be “good for the public” the demand necessary for market entry. Market
if it increases overall education levels without entry and competitive pressures could improve
any unintended consequences. Even Milton the diversity and quality of educational options
Friedman claims that, because schooling may be available to children while reducing average
an economic merit good, a valid argument may educational costs.
be made for government funding of schools.52 Of course, not all school choice programs
However, because public schooling may are created equal. Recent studies find that
not maximize one’s education, it may have highly regulated private school choice pro-
significant negative externalities relative grams can reduce school quality.53 In addition,
to a universal voucher program for schools regulation of private school choice programs
of choice. Indeed, the results of this study could result in more negative externalities
suggest that publicly funded government- by incentivizing existing private schools to
run schools, relative to private schools of operate like current government schools.54

In order to reduce the externalities associated with govern- and Chris Lubienski, “Whither the Common Good? A Critique
ment schooling, we should allow private schools to continue of Home Schooling,” Peabody Journal of Education 75, no. 1–2
their specialized approaches by reducing the quantity and (2000): 207–32.
intensity of regulations linked to private school choice pro-
gram funding. 11. Richard A. Musgrave, “A Multiple Theory of Budget Determi-
nation,” FranzArchiv/Public Finance Analysis (1956/1957): 333–43.

NOTES 12. R. H. Coase, “The Problem of Social Cost,” Journal of Law

1. Horace Mann, Lectures on Education (Boston: L.N Ide, 1855); and Economics 56, no. 4 (2013): 837–77; and Arthur C. Pigou, The
Benjamin Rush, “Thoughts upon the Mode of Education Prop- Economics of Welfare (London: Macmillan and Company, 1920).
er in a Republic,” in Essays on Education in the Early Republic, ed.
Frederick Rudolph (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 13. Richard A. Epstein, Free Markets under Siege: Cartels, Politics,
1965); and John Dewey, Democracy and Education (New York: Mac- and Social Welfare (Stanford, CA: Hoover Institution, 2008).
millan Company, 1916).
14. Pigou, The Economics of Welfare.
2. Mann, Lectures on Education.
15. Lance Lochner and Enrico Moretti, “The Effect of Educa-
3. Karl E. Jeismann et al., German Influences on Education in the tion on Crime: Evidence from Prison Inmates, Arrests, and Self-
United States to 1917 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, Reports,” American Economic Review 94, no. 1 (2004): 155–89; and
2006), pp. 21–41. Andre Blais et al., “Where Does Turnout Decline Come From?,”
European Journal of Political Research 43, no. 2 (2004): 221–36.
4. Forest C. Ensign, Compulsory School Attendance and Child Labor:
A Study of the Historical Development of Regulations Compelling Atten- 16. Musgrave, “A Multiple Theory of Budget Determination,” pp.
dance and Limiting the Labor of Children in a Selected Group of States 333–43.
(Iowa City, IA: Athens Press, 1921); and Michael B. Katz, The Irony
of Early School Reform: Educational Innovation in Mid-Nineteenth 17. Milton Friedman, “The Role of Government in Education,”
Century Massachusetts (New York: Teachers College Press, 1968). in Economics and the Public Interest, ed. Robert A. Solo (New
Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 1955), pp. 123–44.
5. William M. Landes and Lewis C. Solmon, “Compulsory
Schooling Legislation: An Economic Analysis of Law and Social 18. Friedman, “The Role of Government in Education,” pp. 123–
Change in the Nineteenth Century,” Journal of Economic History 44.
32, no. 1 (1972): 54–91.
19. Christopher Lubienski and Sarah Lubienski, The Public School
6. Amy Gutmann, Democratic Education (Princeton, NJ: Princeton Advantage: Why Public Schools Outperform Private Schools (Chicago:
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