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Detailed Personality Report

Candidate Name: Date:

priya 1 22-Aug-2016

Introduc on

This report is based on the responses of the candidate on W P I -Pro (Workplace Personality I nventory for Professionals). I t aims to give a feedback to the test administrator
on the personality characteris cs of the test taker. The report is presented in 2 sec ons:

1. Summary Profile table:

This sec on provides an overall view of candidate`s personality by plo ng the scores in a table with short descriptors for low and high scores. I t enables the report viewer
to have an overall view of the test-taker ’s personality and facilitates easy iden fica on of pa erns (Note: pa ern interpreta on is an advance level subject in profile
interpreta on and only trained professionals are able to grasp it). For the basic users, this table provides a quick overview of candidate`s personality with few descrip ve

2. Detailed Profile with Graph

This sec on presents the candidate’s score in graphical form and then provides detailed narra ve descrip ons about each factor as assessed by the W P I -Pro and the
interpreta on of score obtained by the candidate on that factor. This is recommended for test administrators who have no formal training on this tool.

A note for the test administrator:

I t is worth no ng here that psychological assessments are always approxima ons, and not precise indicators. Because of this, you should use your own judgement as you
review the results in this report. This report should give you some useful pointers about candidate`s personality, but the results must be viewed in the context of other
informa on available about the candidate.
The contents of this report are likely to be a reasonable descrip on of candidate`s behaviour and personality for about 18 to 24 months, depending upon the role and personal

We strongly recommend the W P I -Pro is again administered in 18 months to have the updated personality profile of the candidate.

Profile Table
This table provides an ‘overall view’ of the candidate`s personality on the 20 factors measured by the W P I . I n the table given below any 'scores' of 4, 5, 6 or 7 are essen ally
close to or on the average. The closer you get to preference scores 1, 2, 3 or 8, 9, 10, the closer your behaviour will match with the descrip ons labelled "Lower Scores" or
"Higher Scores" in the table.

Descriptor for low score 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Descriptor for high score

Dominant, forceful,
I mpar al, neutral, indifferent 8
authorita ve

Kind hearted, affec onate,

Solitary, detached, formal 6

Restrained, humourless, no- Enthusias c, energe c,

nonsense happy-go-lucky

Candid, tactless,
8 Polished, tac ul, private
unthough ul

I nsistent, dogma c,
Compliant, passive, docile 7

Alert, inves ga ve,

O pen, accep ng, unaware 8
inquisi ve

Spontaneous, impetuous, Me culous, organized,

impromptu thorough

Forbearing, pa ent, Anxious, impa ent,

permissive reac onary

Conceptual, theore cal,

Concrete, logical, realis c 7
idealis c

Ambi ous, driven,

Contended, relaxed, placid 3
compe ve

Apprehensive, insecure,
8 Resilient, confident, fearless

I nformal, disregarding, Du ful, principled,

unscrupulous conforming

Emo ve, perturbed, Mature, imperturbable,

changeable unruffled

Joiner, group-reliant, I ndependent, resourceful,

follower self reliant

Bleak, downhearted, nega ve 8 Hopeful, expectant, posi ve

Callous, ra onal, tough Tender minded, sen mental,

minded aesthe c

Factual, retrospec ve, I ntui ve, forethough ul,

instant visionary

Tradi onal, rou ne-bound, Adventurous, explora ve,

prescrip ve crea ve

I nflexible, rigid, consistent 8 Flexible, responsive, open

Specula ve, planner,

5 I ndustrious, ac ve, dynamic

Detailed Profile with Graph

This sec on provides an assessment of the candidate`s personality on 20 factors assessed by the W P I . I t is highly recommended for test users with no or very li le formal
training on W P I to go through this sec on a en vely before trying to arrive at a conclusion about the candidate`s personality. For each factor, its name and candidate`s
score on it are presented in the tle area which is followed by a descrip on area where the intended meaning of the factor is presented along with the personalized comments
about the candidate`s behavior on the basis of the core on that factor. I t is very important to understand fully the meaning of all the factors as intended in W P I rather than
going by the generic meaning of those terms.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Controlling 8

Affilia ve 6

Lively 5

Diploma c 8

Asser ve 7

Vigilant 8
Conscien ous 5

Anxious 6

I magina ve 7

Achievement O riented 3

Self-Confident 8

Rule conscious 5

Emo onally Stable 6

I ndividualis c 6

O p mis c 8

Sensi ve 5

Foresighted 6

Experimen ng 9

Adap ve 8

Decisive 5

Controlling Candidate’s ra ng is : 8 out of 10.

This refers to the degree of control sought by the test taker in his day to day life. The control here means the desire to take charge of people and things. People with high
score on this factor want to be in charge and in control of things and other people. They enjoy assuming leadership posi ons, exercising control over others, direc ng the
group and making decisions for others. People with low scores on this factor are less interested in leadership roles, controlling others' behaviours and they try to "not
interfere" in what others are doing unless specifically asked for.

priya likes to be in charge, and will probably assume responsibility when things seem to be going in the wrong direc on. He is usually quite forceful, and may find it very
difficult not to interfere. O thers may see priya as a dynamic and persuasive person who loves leading and direc ng others. He is ready to exercise power but is also
mindful of being coercive.

Affilia ve Candidate’s ra ng is : 6 out of 10.

This refers to the tendency to be genuinely interested in others and connec ng to them at an emo onal level. People with high score on this factor tend to be very much
interested in understanding others and connec ng with them at a deep emo onal level. They find it very sa sfying to help others and be useful to people. Low scorers on this
factor tend to be aloof and formal in their approach towards others. They avoid having deep emo onal bonding with others and limit the sharing of emo onal world to only

priya is generally cool and distant, but is able to behave in a caring and suppor ve manner when required. His behaviour can vary from uncompromising to generous
depending on the situa on he’s in and the people he is with. priya is a en ve to others and has a friendly manner, but his judgements and decisions are based on
ra onality. He is precise and objec ve in his social interac ons.
Lively Candidate’s ra ng is : 5 out of 10.

Liveliness is the tendency to be full of energy and act in an animated and cheerful manner. People with high score on this factor are ac ve, energe c, spontaneous,
expressive and some mes impulsive. They need li le s mulus to be ac ve. They like par es and are very much ‘visible’ in all social gatherings. People with low score on
this factor maintain a formal and serious a tude in their social interac on. They focus on being serious, restrained, prudent and reflec ve most of the me. They aim to
conduct themselves in a manner which is no-nonsense.

priya is as energe c and full of enthusiasm as most people. He is able to examine what he is going to say and express himself in a calm, balanced manner. He likes to
express his views freely, but at the same me he pays proper a en on to the situa on. priya behaves in a happy-go-lucky manner, but takes important ma ers seriously.

Diploma c Candidate’s ra ng is : 8 out of 10.

This refers to the degree of diplomacy or Machiavellianism prac sed by the test taker in normal daily life. People with high score on this factor take great care of not
disclosing important informa on and find a way to go around the ques ons. They are also very good at crea ng and maintaining a network of people who can be useful to
them in future. People with low score on this factor behave in forthright and artless way. They are like open book and it is very difficult for them to keep the secrets. They are
outspoken and genuine in their approach.

priya is likely to be a good observer and is quite at ease in dealing with different kinds of people. He is socially smart and maintains a socially acceptable and desirable
image. His prime objec ve in social interac ons is to be poli cally correct. priya is likely to keep his secrets to himself and he may not be self-revealing to most people.
People interac ng with him may get a feeling of superficiality in rela onships as he is not very open to sharing his thoughts and feelings.

Asser ve Candidate’s ra ng is : 7 out of 10.

This refers to the degree of control the test taker accepts on himself from the outside world. People with high score on this factor are very asser ve and always ready to stand
up for themselves. They do not allow others to take charge of their life or make decisions for them. They are very much clear and par cular about their rights as well as the
rights of others and respect the freedom of speech and act as per their will. People with low score on this factor have a strong tendency to avoid conflict and put other`s
interest over their own. They o en submit themselves to the commands of significant others in their life and get sa sfac on from being useful for others.

priya has a high level of asser veness. He is frank, expressive and confident about expressing his opinions and defending his rights. He resists external pressure and holds
firmly to his opinions. He has no problem refusing unwarranted requests or unsolicited offers, although some mes doing this is an unpleasant experience for him. He is
ready, most of the me, to go ahead with his chosen path even if the majority is not with him.

Vigilant Candidate’s ra ng is : 8 out of 10.

This refers to the degree of trust exhibited by the test taker in others. People with high score on this factor have low trust in others ability and a high doubt on others`
inten ons. They are alert, suspicious and vary of others as they have the inner feeling that people will go wrong as soon as they get a chance to do so. High scorers are
cri cal about each and everything presented to them and do not believe on the 'face value'. People with low scores on this factor tend to be trus ng and negligent towards
others. They believe on what people say without doing any verifica on. O n account of their high level of trust in others, they can be easily be fooled by cunning people.

priya has a high level of vigilance. This means that he tends to ques on the mo ves behind what others say and do. He is likely to be distrus ul and is always scep cal
about what others are up to. He is highly unlikely to be swayed by glib talk. priya is a good observer and cannot be fooled easily or be taken advantage of. But this tendency
may lead him to be overly distrus ul or cri cal of others.

Conscien ous Candidate’s ra ng is : 5 out of 10.

This refers to the degree of detail-consciousness exercised while planning or execu ng a task. People with high scores are governed by the sense of self-discipline. They
pay high a en on to details and want everything to be perfect. They feel the compulsive need to check for every minute detail and feel very much concerned with the way
something is being presented by them. People with low scores focus on broader picture and most mes overlook the minor details. They are expedient in nature and feel a
compulsive need to jump on the next project as soon as possible.

priya is no more or no less conscien ous than the next person. He plans ahead to a reasonable degree, and is able to keep a balance between personal and organiza onal
goals. He is quite self-disciplined in that he follows socially approved paths, but will not do so at the cost of hampering his goals. W hile priya feels comfortable in an
organized se ng, disorganiza on, clu er and even uncertainty won’t disturb him unduly.

Anxious Candidate’s ra ng is : 6 out of 10.

This refers to the level of tension and anxiety experienced by the test taker in daily normal situa ons. People with high scores on this factor tend to be tensed too easily
and react quickly to provoca ons. They always feel a sense of urgency and it is very difficult for them to sit back and relax. They display bodily symptoms of high anxiety
like swea ng, speaking fast, being restless etc. more o en than others. People with low score on this factor tend to be at ease and relaxed. They need big s mula ons to be
ac ve and anxious. They behave in a calm and relaxed manner even if everybody around them is agitated.

priya has average level of tolerance to ambiguity, to uncertainty and to stress. At mes he adopts a relaxed style while at some other mes he is quite alert and responsive.
He, by and large, takes an easy going approach to people and events.

Imagina ve Candidate’s ra ng is : 7 out of 10.

This refers to the thinking style of the test taker. Score on this factor indicate the degree of preference for abstract thinking. People with high scores on this factor are
imagina ve and idea oriented, they enjoy playing with abstract concepts in their mind more than doing something with physical objects. I deas come to them quite
naturally. People with low scores on this factor have a strong tendency to things in linear fashion and in concrete terms. They are more interested into manipula on of
physical objects than playing with ideas

priya is imagina ve. He prefers to explore possibili es than to limit himself to current reali es, and may adopt an unconven onal a tude towards people, processes and
systems. I n all his ac vi es, priya is likely to assume a long-term perspec ve. He may be more mo vated by the possibili es of a given situa on than by the exis ng state
of affairs.

Achievement Oriented Candidate’s ra ng is : 3 out of 10.

This refers to the level of ambi on and aiming high tendency in the test taker. People with high scores on this factor set a higher target for themselves and for others. They feel
empty as soon as the target is achieved and feel a strong need to set another high target or some mes, revise the target in the middle. They are vigorous, always busy and enjoy
being busy all the me. People with low scores on this factor are easy going and relaxed. They are primarily driven by the need for comfort. They do not like to stretch
themselves unless there is a high need for that. They set the targets which are pre y achievable for them.

priya is conserva ve in se ng goals and going for big achievements. He tends to focus more on the present and demonstrates more concern about following standards
diligently than about se ng new ones. priya enjoys achieving the required results for all the tasks he is assigned, and he is aware of inefficiencies and may express
frustra on at delays. He enjoys working on new but unambiguous projects where support is assured and readily available; but rarely comes forward to set high standards.

Self-Confident Candidate’s ra ng is : 8 out of 10.

This refers to the degree of trust and confidence in one`s own ability to deal with situa ons. People with high score on this factor tend to conduct themselves in a manner
characterised by high level of self-confidence, self-assuredness. They are sure of their choices and demonstrate a high level of belief in their abili es to deal with any kind
of situa on. People with low score on this factor display a high level of self-doubt. They are rarely sure about their choices and display lack of confidence in whatever they
do. They tend to seek approval of others in order to feel sure about themselves.

priya tends to think, feel and act in a manner that demonstrates confidence in his abili es. He is generally sure of his decisions and ac ons, and does not fear cri cism. He
is open to others’ views and sugges ons, but only in ma ers of great concern. priya ini ates ideas and carries out his plans with confidence.

Rule conscious Candidate’s ra ng is : 5 out of 10.

This refers to the tendency to follow rules and moral principles; to conduct oneself as per socially accepted and morally correct standards of behaviour. People with high
score on this factor display a high level of obedience and take a great pride in being of high moral character. They prefer to live a life of principles. People with low score
on this factor do not give much importance to rules and principles. They regard rules as a facilitator to achieve some objec ve and therefore, not having any terminal
value. They feel quite comfortable breaking the rules when rules are not in line with their personal objec ves.

By and large, priya adheres to social norms and ethical principles. But, for him, achieving his goals is always more important than how he achieves them. Mostly, he is a
task-governed person who may dismiss ethical or procedural details if they stand in his way.

Emo onally Stable Candidate’s ra ng is : 6 out of 10.

This refers to the level of emo onal maturity in the test taker. People with high level on this score behave in a way which demonstrates emo onal maturity. They tend to be
pa ent, composed and responsive to others. They regulate emo ons very easily and are able to hold on the expression of emo ons in unfavourable situa ons. People who
score low on this factor tend to be emo onally reac ve and they find it difficult to hold on to their emo onal expressions. They tend to display nega ve emo ons like anger,
fear, hatred, disgust etc. more frequently than the high scorers. I n a day, low scorers feel high and low emo onal state many more mes in comparison to high scorers.

priya is quite emo onally stable and does not allow feelings to get in the way of handling work objec vely. Though he may feel slightly uncomfortable in situa ons that are
emo onally demanding, he is generally stable and consistent in his behaviour. I n a suppor ve situa on, priya will emerge as a well-balanced person who cares for others
and is responsive to their feelings and emo ons.

Individualis c Candidate’s ra ng is : 6 out of 10.

This refers to the tendency to think, feel and act in a self reliant and individualis c manner. People who are high on this factor tend to display a high level of self reliance and
therefore appear to others as resourceful, confident and self-sufficient individuals. They value high the individual opinions and believe that a team is nothing but a collec on
of individuals. People who score high on this tend to be approval seeking and reliant on others in order to determine their self worth. They regard themselves as part of a
larger group rather than an independent individual being. They associate their iden ty with the group they are in.

priya balances a need for togetherness and approval with a need for individuality. He is likely to be comfortable working in most situa ons. However, circumstances that
demand either a high level of group dependence or of independence may not be advantageous to priya’s performance.

Op mis c Candidate’s ra ng is : 8 out of 10.

This refers to the fundamental disposi on of looking at the brighter side of events and people. People with high scores on this factor display high posi ve expecta ons in
uncertain situa ons. They tend to look for posi ve things even when everything around them is going bad. They have a high level of hope and expecta ons from future and
fundamentally believe that things are going to be be er in future. People with low scores on this factor look for the nega ve aspects first and they expect things to go worse
in uncertain situa ons. They tend to avoid any kind of risk and have a very much 'security seeking' approach in everything they do. For their lives, they remember mostly
those things which did not turn in their favour and forget those things which did.

priya tends to have posi ve expecta ons, demonstrates hope and inspires others when facing difficult situa ons. He tends to disregard small setbacks and constantly tries
to make things be er. priya believes posi ve things happen in life and failures and problems do not bother him unduly. He seizes opportuni es, likes explora on, and
discounts or dismisses risks. He is unlikely to suffer from depression.

Sensi ve Candidate’s ra ng is : 5 out of 10.

This refers to the level of sensi vity towards art, aesthe cs and feelings. People with high score on this factor generally have a high level of sensi vity towards art,
aesthe cs and feelings. They connect easily to the world of art, literature and emo onal expression rather than the world of logic, reason and arguments. They tend to base
their decisions on subjec ve sense of usefulness rather than on pure objec ve ra onale. People with low score on this factor tend to be more prac cal and worldly in their
approach. They tend to value feelings less than logic and reason. They tend to base their decisions on logical and impersonal analysis of the situa on.

priya strikes a balance between feelings and prac cality. Depending on the situa on, he may base his decisions on either logic or subjec ve factors. But neither of the two
decision-making styles is his core strength. priya’s appraisal of situa ons may not always be very realis c. He also has a tendency to procras nate if a situa on is
ambiguous or too complex.

Foresighted Candidate’s ra ng is : 6 out of 10.

This refers to the tendency to orient oneself towards future be more interested in possibili es than in reali es. People with high score on this factor display a high level of
interest in understanding and predic ng the future. For them future holds more interest than analysis the current reali es. They tend to spend a lot of me envisioning future
possibili es and derive sa sfac on from doing that. People with low scores on this factor focus themselves in the present and be more inclined to analyse the current
situa ons, they find it disinteres ng and a waste of me to think about something (future) which is not there yet. They tend to evaluate u lity of people and projects on the
basis of what they are now than what they could be in the me to come.

priya is as good as most people at adop ng a strategic perspec ve and having foresight. At mes, he prefers to hold a long-term perspec ve, while at other mes he focuses
on the current reali es of the situa on. Although he can easily switch his orienta on from futuris c to realis c and vice versa, he has not developed marked competency in
either area.

Experimen ng Candidate’s ra ng is : 9 out of 10.

This refers the degree to which a person tries to break away from the conven on and applies crea vity in daily normal life. People with high scores on this factor tend to have
a high need to break away from the conven on and do something new, try and test different approaches, and deviate from prescrip ons. They find rou nes boring and dislike
working in an environment which is very predic ve. People who score high on this factor demonstrate a high level of comfort with rou ne and predictability. They prefer to
stay in their comfort zone and have as many things as per a predefined schedule as possible. They derive sa sfac on from being able to do something exactly the way it is
supposed to be done without ge ng bored with it.

priya is very experimental and innova ve in almost everything he does. He generates new ideas, enjoys being crea ve, thinks of original solu ons, prefers variety, tries new
things, likes changes to regular rou ne, and becomes easily bored by rou ne. He is very likely to be highly crea ve and innova ve even in ordinary, mundane things. He
may find it very difficult to follow prescrip ons and is less likely to s ck with one thing, person or idea.
Adap ve Candidate’s ra ng is : 8 out of 10.

This refers to the tendency and willingness to make changes in oneself in order to meet the demands of the changing context. People who score high on this factor tend to be
more ready to change and adapt themselves in response to the change in the environment. They find it easy to change their rou ne, learn new habits and forget old habits. They
have a high need to be fit and effec ve in their environment. People with low scores on this factor find it difficult to change themselves in response to the change in their
environment. They tend to s ck to their usual way of being and doing things unless they are forced to change.

priya has the capacity to learn and unlearn. He may act as pioneer to change if his ac on orienta on is also high. He is rarely bothered by changing situa ons at work and
normally be effec ve in any kind of environment. He is welcoming to change and probably the first to adapt to new things. However, priya may some mes over adapt and
fail to assess the amount of flexibility required to deal with the situa on effec vely.

Decisive Candidate’s ra ng is : 5 out of 10.

This refers to the degree of decisiveness the test taker demonstrates in day to day situa ons. People with high scores on this factor have a high degree of unease with
uncertainty. They are very decisive and o en quick to make decisions. W hile they might be open to rethink and change their decisions later, they do not feel comfortable
with the idea of exploring things and genera ng more alterna ves before making a decision. People with low scores on this factor tend to display a high level of comfort
with uncertainty and tend to explore up to the last minute. They display high level of interest in genera ng more op ons than seizing the opportuni es.

priya is as decisive as most people. Some mes he may behave in very ac ve and enthusias c manner but at other mes he may be laid-back and prefer delibera on to
ac on. Like most people, his responses to events are normally very situa onal. At mes he prefers to think deeply over what is happening or has just happened, while at
other mes he may opt for taking ac on and making things happen rather than just planning and conceptualizing.

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