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Nerve regenration and repair: A review

Goran Lundborg

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Acta Orthop. Scand. 58, 145169,1987

Nerve regeneration and repair

A review
Goran Lundborg

Division of Hand Surgery,

University of Lund Depart-
ment of Orthopedics,
S-22185 Lund, Sweden

Biological Basis Nerve Regeneration

The neuron Regulation of axonal growth and orientation
Axonal transport The regeneration chamber
Neuronotrophic and neurite-promoting Factors influencing axonal growth
The nerve trunk Clinical Aspects
Vascularization Timing
Suture techniques
Pathophysiology of Nerve Injury Epineurial vs. perineurial suture techniques
Stages of nerve injury Nerve grafting
Proximal nerve segment Identification of sensory and motor fascicles
Sprouting Sensory reeducation
The growth cone
Distal nerve segment Concluding Remarks

The Problem

Injuries to peripheral nerves still represent one amputation of the original axon. This cellular
of the most challenging surgical problems. Sev- repair contrasts brightly to the intense prolife-
erance of major nerve trunks in the upper ex- ration of fibroblasts and endothelial cells at the
tremity causes total or subtotal loss of sensory site of injury, as well as Schwann cells in the
and/or motor function of the hand. These le- distal segment.
sions are associated with considerable disabil- The results of peripheral nerve repair have
ity: a hand without sensibility is a hand with- today reached a plateau where functional re-
out function. Our possibilities to treat these covery is still unsatisfactory, but where the
conditions are limited. In spite of microsurgical surgical techniques cannot be further refined.
techniques, we still lack methods to restore all Misdirection of regenerating axons at the site
qualities of sensibility in the hand of an adult of injury is still a major problem. Therefore, in-
after complete severance of a peripheral nerve. creasing interest is being focused on the role of
The healing of an injured nerve represents a microenvironmental factors for regulation of
unique biological problem. Nerve cells do not axonal growth and direction. In this review
multiply after injury - instead each severed current neurobiological concepts are discussed
neuron extends new peripheral processes to re- and related to methods for treatment of pe-
store its original axoplasmic volume, lost with ripheral nerve injury.
146 G. Lundborg

Figure 1. Schematic representation of motor and sensory corn-

ponents of a peripheral nerve. Each axon is an outgrowth from
a cell body situated in the spinal cord (motor neuron) or in the
dorsal root ganglion (sensory neuron).

Biological basis transport have been defined (Lubinska 1964,

Droz 1975,Black & Lasek 1980, 1982,Graf-
The neuron
stein & Forman 1980, Brady & Lasek 1982,
Each axon is an extension from a nerve cell McLean et al. 1983):Slow transport (1-6 mm/
(Figure l), situated in the anterior horn of the day),whichinvolves subunit proteins of the cyto-
spinal cord (motor neurons) or in dorsal root skeletal 'elements of the axon, such as micro-
ganglia (sensory neurons). The relations in size tubules, neurofilaments, and microfilaments;
between an axon and its corresponding cell and secondly rapid transport (about 400 mm/
body is remarkable - axons may extend over day), in which mainly plasma membrane con-
distances that correspond to many thousands stituents are conducted: viz.,glycoproteins, li-
times the diameter of the cell body. Because pids, and transmitter storage vesicles.
the metabolic activities of the nerve cell are There is also a constant retrograde transport
situated in the cell body, the peripheral axonal of materials from axonal terminals towards the
parts are dependant on the continuity and in- cell body (Lubinska 1964, Bisby 1976, 1980,
tegrity of the central parts: severance of an 1982, Bisby & Bulger 1977, Forman et al.
axon causes degeneration of its distal parts. 1977a,b,Hammond & Smith 1977,Kristens-
son & Olsson 1977,Dahlin et al. 1986).Retro-
grade transport involves recycled neurotrans-
Axonal transport
mitter vesicles, but may also include various
The neuron has a unique system for intracel- extracellular materials taken up by nerve ter-
lular transport, making possible an adequate minals or by the cut end of a transected axon.
supply of necessary materials to the terminal
axonal parts. By axonal transport a wide vari-
ety of materials, synthesized in the cell body, Neuronotrophic and neurite-promoting
move along the axon at different rates. T w o factors
main components of such anterograde axonal It is believed that cell bodies of neurons are de-
Nerve regeneration and repair 147

Figure 2. Effect of Nerve Growth

Factor (NGF) on embryonic sen-
sory neurons. Dissociated 8day
chick embryonic neurons were
cultured in Eagle's Basal medium
and fetal calf serum without NGF
(A) or in the presence of NGF (6).
In this system, NGF supports neu-
ronal survivial and stimulates ax-
onal outgrowth.

pendant on a constant supply of neurono- sensory cells, but also promotes elongation of
trophic factors (NTF), which are synthesized their neurites (Figure 2). Also in vivo, NGF is
by target organs of the neuron and/or by their required for early development of sympathetic
corresponding Schwann cells. NTF are trans- and dorsal root sensory neurons. By supple-
mitted by retrograde axonal transport along menting NGF levels in neonatal animals, a
the axon and used by the nerve cell body to considerable increase in sympathetic ganglion
sustain vital processes (Prestige 1970, Land- volume and neurite growth can be induced,
messer & Pilar 1978, Varon & Adler 1980, whereas immunosympathectomy by direct
1981, Cowan 1983, Varon et al. 1984). NTF antibody administration to pregnant animals
are directed toward the regulation of the ana- results in destruction of dorsal root ganglion
bolic machinery of the neuron, whereas a spec- cells and sympathetic cells (Levi-Montalcini
ifying influence on, for instance, neurite out- 1966, 1983, Kessler & Black 1980, Johnson
growth and elongation may be also based on 1983).
several factors in the local microenvironment Other neuronotrophic factors have been
of growing axons Neurite promoting factors demonstrated in, for instance, conditioned me-
(NPF) occurring in the interstitium or bound dia, i.e., media collected after exposure to cell
to surfaces of cells or other structures in the cultures. Of special interest is the demonstra-
microenvironment are important in this con- tion that conditioned media from Schwann cell
text. cultures contain NTF for ciliary, dorsal root
The best known NTF is Nerve Growth Fac- and sympathetic ganglionic neurons (Varon et
tor (NGF), described by Levi-Montalcini & al. 1981), an observation indicating a possible
Hamburger (1951, 1953) and Levi-Montalcini role of Schwann cells as a source of NTF also
(1966, 19831, which has been reported to en- in vivo.
hance the outgrowth of neurites selectively
from neurons of sympathetic and embryonic
sensory (dorsal root ganglion) cells. NGF, being The nerve trunk
a protein displaying numerous analogies with Nerve fibers are collected in fascicles, embed-
insulin (Frazier et al. 1972, Varon & Adler ded in loose connective tissue - the epineurium
19811, has acquired an outstanding place in (Figure 3). The epineurium serves as a pro-
modern neurobiology as a model for neurono- tective layer for the fascicles during the move-
trophic factors. In in vitro systems, NGF pro- ments of the extremity and protects the fas-
motes survival of sympathetic and embryonic cicles from external trauma. The relative
148 G.Lundborg

Figure 3. Microanatomy of a pe-

I Fredrik 86
ripheral nerve.

amounts of epineurium vary between nerves form the supporting walls of so-called endoneu-
and levels of the extremity; around joints it is rial tubes (Sunderland 1978).
often more abundant than elsewhere. In the Nerve fibers are usually defined as axons,
epineurium, fibroblasts, macrophages, and which are surrounded by a chain of Schwann
mast cells are present in a pattern suggesting cells arranged end to end. Nerve fibers can be
no difference from loose connective tissue (Low myelinated or nonmyelinated. In the myelin-
1976). ated fiber, one axon is associated with only one
Superficially, the epineurial connective tis- Schwann cell at any level, whereas one
sue is condensed into a sheath, whereas deeper Schwann cell of nonmyelinated fibers contains
layers of the epineurium separate the fascicles a large number of axons.
and keep them loosely together. The fascicles
are surrounded by a mechanically strong mul-
tilamellar sheath - the perineurium (Key & Vascularization
Retzius 1876).The perineurium has a role as a Conduction, as well as axonal transport, is de-
mechanical protection to external trauma, and pendent on a local energy supply provided by
also acts as a diffusion barrier, helping to pre- an intraneural vascular system. The periph-
serve a specialized intrafascicular microenvi- eral nerve trunks are well vascularized com-
ronment (Martin 1964, Olsson & Kristensson prising separate, however, extensively ana-
1971, 1973). The perineurium consists of a stomosing microvascular systems in the epi-
number of lamellae comprising flattened cells, neurism, perineurium, and endoneurium
the number of lamellae varying with the diam- (Blunt 1957,Edshage 1964,Smith 1966,Lund-
eter of the fascicles. borg & Brhnemark 1968, Lundborg 1975,
Intrafascicularly, the fibers are embedded in 1979,Bell & Weddell 1984a,b).
an endoneurium, a loose collagenous matrix Large, longitudinal vessels in the epineu-
presenting large extracellular spaces. The en- rium send frequent anastomoses to a vascular
doneurium has a special relationship to the plexus between the lamellae of the perineural
nerve fibers since endoneural collagen fibrils sheath. Deep epineural vascular branches sup-
are closely packed around each nerve fiber to ply bundles of fascicles in a segmental way
Nerve regeneration and repair 149

Figure 4. Microangiogram. ilius-

trating the intrinsic vasculari-
zation of a human median nerve
from the carpal tunnel region. Ar-
rows indicate the outline of one
fascicle. Reproduced with per-
mission from Lundborg 1979. J.
Hand Surg. 4, 34-41.

Figure 5. Fluorescence micro-

graph, illustrating the distribution
of intravenously infused Evan's
blue-albumin (EBA) in rabbit tibia1
nerve. EBA has been circulating
for 30 min. (A) Control specimen.
Red-fluorescence EBA is confin-
ed to the lumen of endoneural
capillaries. The outline of one fas-
cicle is indicated by arrows. Nerve
fibers exhibit a green autofluores-
cence. (B) Endoneural edema fol-
lowing a crush lesion.
150 G.Lundborg

Table 1. Classification of nerve ifljuries

Seddon Sunder- Functional Anatomic/ Prognosis/

land type disorder Pathophysiologic Recovery

Neurapraxia 1 Local conduction block. Local myelin damage with Reversible within weeks or
preserved axonal continuity. months.
No degeneration.
Axonotmesis 2 Loss of conduction at injury Axonal degeneration, Axonal regeneration will occur
level and within distal nerve endoneural tubes preserved. without misdirection. Correct
segment. end organs will be reinnervated.
3 Axonal degeneration, loss of Endoneural pathways deranged.
endoneural tube continuity. Axonal misdirection will occur.
Perineurium intact. lntraneural scar may be formed.
Poor prognosis.
4 Axonal degeneration, Total disorganization of ail
endoneural tubes and guiding elements of the nerve
perineurium deranged. trunk. Poor prognosis.
Epineurlum intact.
Neurotrnesis 5 Rupture or transection of Surgical repair required.
entire nerve trunk.

(Figure 4). The perineural vascular plexus in- “foot goes to sleep” after crossing one leg over
timately anastomoses with an endoneurial mi- the other. A more long-standing local conduc-
crovascular system comprising mainly longi- tion block, not immediately reversible, can be
tudinally oriented capillaries (Figure 5). The induced by pressure of higher magnitude or
well-developed longitudinal collaterals of the stretching. Based upon experience from the
“intrinsic” microvascular system of peripheral Second World War (Seddon 1943,19721, such a
nerves permit a great deal of mobilization be- local conduction block, reversible within weeks
fore the capillary nutritive intrafascicular or months, was called neurapraria (nonaction).
blood flow is disturbed (Lundborg 1970,1975). The term refers to a local conduction block
The endothelium of endoneurial capillaries with preserved continuity of axons and pre-
constitutes a barrier against certain sub- served excitability of nerve structures, as well
stances circulating in the blood, including mac- as muscle tissues distal t o the lesion (Table 1).
romolecules (Figure 5). The “blood-nerve bar- A classic neurapractic lesion is Saturday
rier” corresponds functionally and structurally night palsy,n.e., paralysis of the extensor mus-
to the “blood-brain barrier” of the central nerv- cles of the wrist and fingers due t o compress-
ous system. ion of the radial nerve where it passes in the
groove around the humerus of the upper arm.
Another example is tourniquet palsy, some-
Pathophysiology of nerve injury times seen after inflation of tourniquets
around the upper arm to too high pressure
Stages of nerve injury (Bruner 1951, 1970, Moldaver 1954, Wheeler
Trauma to a nerve trunk may be followed by & Lipscomb 1964, Hamilton & Sokoll 1967,
various degrees of functional loss depending on Prevoznik 1970, Flatt 1972, Calderwood & Di-
the pathoanatomic basis of the lesion. Slight lo- cke 1972, Fry 1972, Middleton & Varian 1974,
cal compression, causing obliteration of intran- Rudge 1974, Bolton & MacFarlane 1978, Sau-
eural microvessels, may induce a rapidly rever- nders et al. 1979, Rorabeck & Kennedy 1980,
sible local metabolic conduction block because Lundborg & Rydevik 1982, Ah0 et d. 1983,
of local anoxia. The situation corresponds to Muirhead & Newman 1986). These lesions are
loss of nerve function following cuff inilation due to local myelin damage induced by me-
around the upper arm to suprasystolic press- chanical pressure from the cuff (Denny-Brown
ure (Lewis et al. 1931, Gilliatt 1980) or when a & Brenner 1944, Fowler 1972, Ochoa et al.
Nerve regeneration and repair 151

1972, Rudge et al. 1974). Neurapraxia corre-

sponds to a Qpe I lesion according to another Sprouting
classification introduced by Sunderland (1951, Within the first days or weeks after transec-
1978) and based on the pathoanatomy of the tion of the nerve trunk, axons in the proximal
various tissue components of the nerve trunk stump produce a large number of collateral
(Table 1). and terminal sprouts that advance distally. A t
A severe compression or stretching lesion an early stage, regenerating units - represent-
may result in loss of axonal continuity a t the ing clusters of a large number of nonmyelin-
level of the lesion, however, still with intact en- ated sprouts, originating from the same parent
doneurial tubes. This lesion is called aronotme- axon - are characteristic features in the regen-
sis (Seddon 1943,1972) or a Sunderland Type erating nerve. In time, the average number of
I1 lesion. In these cases the axons degenerate, axonal sprouts continuously decreases. The
but the prognosis is good because of the pre- temporal reduction in the number of sprouts
served endoneurial tubes: axonal regeneration occurs when some of them ("pioneer fibers")
is required, but there is no axonal misdirection make peripheral connections and then mature
a t the level of injury. at the expense of disappearing sprouts, which
Neurotmesis (cutting) includes lost contin- had not established peripheral contact (Sand-
uity also of some or all the remaining elements ers et al. 1946).Obviously, there is competition
of the nerve trunk including endoneurial for targets, reflecting a need for trophic sub-
tubes, perineurium, and epineurium. Usually stances supplied by the end organs.
neurotmesis represents a complete severance
of the nerve trunk, but a nerve in continuity -
damaged and disorganized by scar tissue - The growth cone
may also make spontaneous regeneration pos- A t the distal-most part of each sprout, there is
sible. Sunderland names these lesions Q p e s -
a growth cone a swelling from which several
111, IV, and V corresponding to involvement of microspikes or filopodia arise. These filopodias
the endoneurium, perineurium, and epineu- palpate and explore the environment display-
rium, respectively. ing constant movements. Considerable
amounts of actin have been demonstrated in
the filopodia, indicating an important role for
Proximal nerve segment their mobility (Yamada et al. 1971, Wolosewick
Following a nerve lesion the corresponding & Porter 1976, Pleasure 1980). In vitro the fd-
nerve cell bodies undergo characteristic struc- opodias may extend and retract in a matter of
tural and functional changes (Lieberman 1971, minutes. Growth cones prefer substrates with
Grafstein 1975, Grafstein & McQuarrie 1978). a certain adhesiveness (Letourneau & Wessels
There is an increase in cell-body volume, dis- 1974, Letourneau 1975,19791, and it is known
placement of the nucleus to the periphery, and from in vitro studies that the physical and
changes in structure of the cytoplasm (chro- chemical properties of the substrate is essen-
matolysis). The reaction reflects metabolic tial for the advancement of the growth cones.
preparation for replacement of the lost axo- In addition, contact guidance may be provided
plasmic volume (amputated distal axonal seg- by surfaces of cells or axons, polarized struc-
ment), expressed as a concentration of RNA- tures like stress in a fibrin clot, and even irreg-
containing material in the segment leading to ularities and scratches in a culture dish (Weiss
increased protein synthesis (Brattghrd et al. 1941, 1945).
1957). The cell-body reaction may vary with
proximity of the lesion, proximal lesions some-
times leading to death of the cell-body. The in- Distal nerve segment
tracellular changes peak in the second and Following transection of a nerve trunk, the dis-
third week after injury (Ducker et al. 1969, tal axon segments undergo Wallerian degener-
Kreuzberg 1981). ation. There is disintegration of the axoplasmic
cytoskeleton as a result of proteolytic break-
152 G. Lundborg

down Hasler (1979). This process is calcium- 1976, Danielsen et al. 1986). Axonal growth in
dependant, because neurofilament disruption man is nonlinear, with a gradually decreased
is mediated by a calcium-activated enzyme in regeneration rate in distal parts. The average
the axoplasm (Schlaepfer & Hasler 1979). The outgrowth rate has been estimated to be at
myelin is phagocytized by Schwann cells and most 1-2 mm per day (Seddon 1972, Buchthal
macrophages. Physical changes are, to a great & Kuhl 1979).
extent, completed within the first few weeks,
but one to several months may be required for
disposal of all myelin debris. Nerve regeneration
Loss of axonal continuity is followed by an
intense proliferation of Schwann cells in the Mechanisms regulating axonal growth and
distal axonal segment, with the cells lining up orientation
in columns (band of Bungner). Using autora- Earlier, it was believed that regenerating
diographic techniques, it has been shown that nerve fibers tend to grow towards certain tar-
the highest values of Schwann cell multiplica- gets rather than at random (Forssman 1898,
tion is reached 3 days after axonal severance Ramon y Cajal 1928). The term ”chemotaxis”
and then continues with decreasing frequency (neurotropism) was introduced, implying a
for about 2 weeks after injury (Bradley & As- preferential growth of axons towards a distant
bury 1970, Aguayo et al. 1976, Aguayo & Bray source of chemical emanation: it was found
1980). There is also a progressive increase in that axons growing out from cat peroneal
the collagen content of the distal segment re- nerve found their way to distal nerve seg-
sulting in reduction in size of the endoneurial ments or grafts, even if these segments were
tubes. The largest endoneurial tubes may be dislocated and at some distance from the prox-
reduced to 10-20 per cent of their original di- imal part. However, Weiss (1941) felt that this
ameters during the first 3 months after dener- phenomenon was an expression of randomized
vation (Sunderland & Bradley 1959, Sunder- axonal growth, where some axons strike the
land 1978). peripheral nerve stump by accident, whereas
Sprouts will grow from the proximal nerve others grow in wrong directions and disappear.
stump across the zone of injury towards the Weiss observed that in a medium lacking ori-
distal segment. This is a critical moment in the entation of the stroma nerve processes follow
regenerative process to a great extent deter- random courses, whereas oriented interphases
mining success or failure. Some sprouts may could offer “contact guidance.” For instance,
grow into the connective tissue in the nerve when nerve fibers regenerated into a blood
trunk or extraneurally forming neuromas. plasma clot under some tension, the fibers fol-
Other sprouts may approach a Schwann cell lowed the stretch lines, hereby presenting po-
column, and may hereby be guided to the pe- larized and directed growth. Weiss studied the
riphery. Because an excess number of sprouts growth of axons from a severed sciatic nerve of
are invading the distal Schwann cell columns, rat introduced into the main stem of a Y-
the total number of axons in the distal segment shaped chamber system (transplanted aorta
may initially considerably exceed the number bifurcation from a donor rat). When a piece of
of axons in the proximal stump. However, with nerve or tendon was introduced into the distal
time the number of axons decreases as sprouts, outlets, no preferential growth was observed
not making periphery connections disappear. towards the nerve segment when compared
Misdirection of sprouts at the level of injury is with the tendon.
a major problem, the final result depending on With development of new techniques and re-
the extent of linking up with original tubes. fined methods for assessment of axonal
Animal experiments have shown that the growth, opinions have, however, changed. Ob-
rate of growth in the distal segments is 2-3.5 servations from both in vitro and in vivo ex-
mm per day after transection (neurotmesis) periments indicate that chemotaxis or “neuro-
and 3 . 0 4 5 mm per day after crush (axonot- tropism” may be an important mechanism reg-
mesis) (Gutmann et al. 1942, Black & Lasek ulating growth of regenerating axons under
Nerve regeneration and repair 153

certain circumstances (Charlwood et al. 1972, served by Politis et al. (1982,1985) and Seckel
Ebendal & Jacobsen 1977, Letourneau 1978, et al. (1986). These authors introduced cut per-
Lumsden & Davies 1983). A dramatic example oneal stumps in the proximal inlet of the Y-
of chemotactic response to NGF in tissue cul- chamber system and peroneal and tibial nerve
ture was presented by Gundersen & Barrett segments, respectively, in both outlets. The re-
(1979, 1980) and Gundersen (1985). In these sults indicated a preferential growth of per-
experiments, NGF was applied close to axons oneal axons to the outlet associated with distal
from embryonic sensory cells by means of a mi- stumps of peroneal rather than tibial nerves.
cropipette. The pipette was moved direction- However, with inversion of the distal stump
ally opposite the initial direction of axonal graft (so that the proximal nerve segment still
growth. The presence of NGF was found to dra- was facing an analogous native distal stump,
matically affect the axonal growth; the axons but the transverse surface of another level),the
rapidly altered their direction in response to frequency and extent of native preference was
the concentration gradient of NGF. much less pronounced in these experiments.
There are several indications that axons also
in vivo grow preferentially towards nerve tis-
sue rather than other types of tissues. Y-cham- The regeneration chamber
ber systems, made of silicon, have been used to The axonal growth in suture gap is regulated
study the growth of axons given a choice to and influenced by a pattern of local factors of
grow towards various types of distal tissues cellular and biochemical origin. Because axo-
placed in competition with each other (Politis nal misdirection at this level is a major prob-
et al. 1982, Ochii 1983, Williams et al. 1984b, lem, a special model has been designed to ad-
Lundborg et al. 1986, MacKinnon et al. 1986). dress the biological basis for axonal growth and
In these experiments, axons grew preferen- direction and to influence axonal growth by ex-
tially towards nerve tissue rather than to- ternal manipulation. In this model both ends of
wards tendon or granulation tissue. The phe- the cut nerve are enclosed to keep them apart.
nomenon was obvious even when millipore fil- By extending the microscopic space in a suture
ters were placed proximal to the distal nerve gap from microns to several millimeters, the
piece, indicating that diffusible substances spatial-temporal progress of nerve regener-
rather than outgrowth of cells formed the base ation can be studied in detail, and the effects of
for the attraction of axons. extrinsic factors introduced into the chamber
There are reasons to believe that the can be assessed.
Schwann cell proliferation in the distal seg- The original nerve regeneration chambers
ment is associated with production of some dif- for experimental purpose were created in a
fusible substances that may attract axons. It is two-stage procedure to constitute a wall made
known that proliferating Schwann cells in a of flattened autologous mesothelial-like cells
degenerating nerve segment synthesize and (Lundborg & Hansson 1979, Lundborg et al.
release an acidic 37 kDa protein, the produc- 1981). A solid silicone rod surrounded by a
tion increasing for 2 weeks after injury and metal spiral was inserted subcutanously into
thereafter slowly declining (Muller 1981, rats. After 3 weeks a flattened monolayer of
Skene & Shooter 1983, Skene 1984). Chemical cells, resembling mesothelial cells, formed a
inhibition of protein synthesis in a degener- pseudosheath around the rod. After removing
ating distal nerve segment inhibits axonal the rod a mesothelial-lined tube remained ex-
growth in rat sciatic nerve (Kanje e t al. 1986). panded owing to the spiral in the wall. Such a
Thus, the tissue specificity described above rnesothelial tube could be designed to any
seems well c o n k e d . An important question length and diameter hereby satisfying various
is whether such specificity also includes a to- experimental requirements. These experi-
pographic specificity, i.e., a preferential growth ments have inspired others to develop tubes of
of axons belonging to a certain fiber component various biological and synthetic materials,
of the nerve towards the corresponding parts such as biodegraded polyester (Seckel et al.
distally. A phenomenon of this nature was ob- 1984, da Silva 19851, collagen membranes (Co-
154 G. Lundborg

lin & Donut 19841, polyglactin (Molander et al.

1982).Silicone tubes have proved to be a useful
tool for detailed exploration of nerve regener-
ative mechanisms: tissue fluid accumulates
within these chambers around the regenerat-
ing nerve structure, making possible sampling
of factors occurring in the microenvironment of
regenerating axons (Lundborg et al. 1982a-d,
Longo et al. 1983a,b, Williams et al. 1983,
Following introduction of both stumps of a
severed sciatic nerve of rat into a mesothelial
or silicone tube, a new structure, macroscop-
ically and microscopically resembling a periph-
eral nerve trunk, is formed between both nerve
ends (Figures 6.7).The nerve fibers traversing
the space are organized into small fascicles,
each of them surrounded by a new perineu-
rium. Regeneration occurs as long as the dis-
tance between the nerve ends does not exceed
10 mm (Lundborg et al. 1982a, Danielsen et al.
1983). Regeneration does not occur if the distal
nerve stump is omitted or if skin or tendon is
introduced into the distal opening (Lundborg
et al. 1982a, c, Williams et al. 1984b). In suc- -.%a

cessful regeneration the gap between the prox- Figure 6. The combined in vivo-in vitro system for nerve regen-
imal and distal nerve stumps is initially eration. The ends of a transected rat sciatic nerve are intro-
bridged by a cylindric fibrin matrix that is in- duced into a silicone tube (a.b); the gap (10 mm) becomes
bridged by a new nerve structure (c). The tissue fluid, accurnu-
vaded by Schwann cells, fibroblasts, and cap- lating in the chamber, is transferred to an in vitro system for
illaries (from proximal and distal nerve sensory. sympathetic, or motor neurons. The fluid contains
stumps) during the second week. The migrat- strong activity for all these types of neurons (d). (e) illustrates
a control system without addition of tissue fluid.
ing Schwann cells are followed by axons, grow-
ing from the proximal stump. Fluid, collected
in the chamber, can be sampled and trans- events Occurring in the gap between cut nerve
ferred to in vitro systems. This fluid has shown ends under ideal conditions, but, of course,
high neuronotrophic activity (Figure 2) direc- may represent the pattern of cellular and bio-
ted towards sensory neurons (maximal activity chemical events occurring in the microscopic
3 hours after transection of the nerve), as well gap between two sutured nerve ends. The fi-
as sympathetic and spinal motor cells (maxi- brin matrix originally formed, containing fibro-
mal activity 1 and 3 days, respectively, after nectin, is not sufficient for axodal elongation,
transection) (Lundborg et al. 1982, Longo et al. but is adequate for immigration of fibroblasts
1983a,b, Varon & Lundborg 1983). By employ- and Schwann cells from the proximal and dis-
ing immunofluorescence techniques, fibronec- tal segments. Presence of Schwann cells is
tin could be demonstrated in the original fibrin necessary for advancement of axons, possibly
stroma after 7 days, whereas laminin was because of production of neuronotrophic sub-
abundant after 14 days parallel to ingrowth of stances and occurrence of laminin in their ba-
the Schwann cells. Laminin is known to sal laminae. The early occurrence of neuro-
strongly promote the growth of neurites in vi- notrophic factors in the chamber showing
tro (Longo 1984). peaks of activity towards different types of
The results obtained in chamber experi- neurons after varying periods of time postoper-
ments illustrate cellular and biochemical atively indicate that a complicated pattern of
Nerve reaeneration and repair 155

ity for cerebral adaptation to a new afferent

impulse pattern presented by misdirected ax-
ons. Another factor is the generally shorter
distances axons have to grow in young individ-
uals to reinnervate target organs. In addition,
motor axons seem to regenerate at a faster
rate in young animals than in adults (Gut-
mann et al. 1942, Black & Lasek 1979), but
such differences in elongation rate were not
demonstrated in sensory axons (Gutmann
Conditioning lesions. i.e., a priming lesion 2
weeks before a testing lesion, contribute to
more rapid axonal outgrowth (McQuarrie &
Grafstein 1973, McQuarrie et al. 1977, Graf-
Figure 7. Transverse section showing the histological appear- stein & McQuarrie 1978). McQuarrie et al.
ance of the regenerating nerve structure in chamber (see Fig- (1977) demonstrated a 23 per cent increase in
ure 6). Scale bar = 10 microns. Reproduced with permission
from Lundborg 8 Hansson. J. Hand Surg. (1980) 5,3538 outgrowth of the most rapidly growing sensory
axons in the sciatic nerve of rat after a condi-
tioning lesion 2 weeks earlier. Acceleration of
chemical factors influences the regenerative axonal growth has been reported also after a n
process. The phenomenon might express an interval of only 2 days (Forman et al. 1980).
early need for stimulus of the nerve cell-body The effects of a conditioning lesion is probably
to prepare for axonal sprouting, whereas the attributable to increased protein synthesis in
later occurrence of neurite-promoting factors the cell-body, reflected by the cell reaction af-
in the stroma might help to support axonal ter injury.
growth. Various hormones also influence nerve re-
The regeneration process is, to a large ex- generation. Thriiodothyronine administration
tent, regulated and modified by the distal was reported to stimulate the protein synthesis
nerue segment. Outgrowth of Schwann cells, as in the nerve cell-body (Cook & Kiernan 1976),
well as chemotactic action of diffusible factors the rate of axonal outgrowth (Cook & Kiernan
must be considered in this context. In square- 1973), and maturation of regenerating axons
formed mesothelial chambers where the prox- (Stelmack & Kiernan 1977, Berenberg e t al.
imal and distal stumps of a severed sciatic 1977). Lthyroxinsodium (T,)treatment for 3
nerve of rat were introduced into diagonally months increases the ability of axons to pass
opposite corners, a directed axonal growth, extended gaps (Danielsen et al. 1986). Also
passing obliquely through the chamber toward adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH) has
the distal nerve segment, has been observed been reported to increase the number of regen-
(Lundborg & Hansson 1981). If the distal erating fibers after a crush lesion, although it
nerve segment is omitted, axonal growth be- has not been possible to confirm enhanced out-
comes totally disorganized and occurs only growth rate by such treatment (Biljsma et al.
over a few millimeters. 1983a,b, Verghese et al. 1982).
Pulsating electromagnetic fields (PEMF)
have been reported to stimulate nerve regener-
Factors influencing axonal growth ation in certain experimental models. Im-
It is well known that nerve repair results in su- proved nerve regeneration in limbs treated
perior function in children as compared with with PEMF to support bone healing was repor-
adults (Onne 1962, Almqvist & Eeg-Olofsson ted as a side observation by Kort & Basset
1970, Almqvist et al. 1983).Probably, this phe- (1980). Reports in the literature are, however,
nomenon is primarily based on better brain conflicting. In vitro, there is a preferential neu-
plasticity in children, including a superior abil- rite outgrowth from nerve explants towards
156 G.Lundborg

the cathode of extracellularly applied electric and length. Also, an in vivo stimulatory effect
fields (Marsh & Beems 1946, Sisken & Smith of CAMP was reported by Pichichero et al.
1975, Jaffe & Pow 1979). Pate1 & Pow (1982) (1973), expressed in rapid recovery of reflex
and Sisken & Smith (1975)observed increased function in the hind limb of rats after the scia-
survival of neurons under such conditions. Raji tic nerve had been crushed. Others have not
& Bowden (1983) reported dramatic effects of been able to demonstrate a similar effect
PEMF on axonal outgrowth following repair of (McQuarrie et al. 1977, Black & Lasek 1979).
severed peroneal nerve of rat. Orgel et al. In frogs, forskolin (an activator of adenylatcy-
(19831, studying the effects of PEMF on re- clase), used experimentally to produce an in-
paired transected peroneal nerve, could not crease in neuronal CAMP,was found to induce
verify such effects. These authors, however, a 40 per cent increase in outgrowth of sensory
found an increased number of motor neurons axons (Kilner & Carlsen 1984).
that reestablished appropriate connections to There are indications that local treatment
the periphery, i.e., improved axonal orienta- with certain hormone-related substances
tion a t the suture site under influence of the might increase the rate of axonal outgrowth.
field. The results from these two studies could IGF (somatomedin-C) has been demonstrated
not be immediately compared because the na- in large amounts in Schwann cells of injured
ture, as well as the application, of the field was nerves close to the lesion site, whereas this
different. substance occurs in normal undamaged nerves
Inhibition of local scar formation has been (Hansson et al. 1986). Preliminary data indi-
tried to improve nerve regeneration. Topical cate that local application of IGF-1, provided
application of triamcinolon-acetate has been by an osmotic pump, may increase the out-
reported to improve nerve regeneration in growth rate of the sensory axons in the sciatic
squirrels and monkeys. Graham et al. (19731, nerve of rat following crushing (Kanje et al.
and Pleasure et al. (1974) reported that treat- 1986). Among other factors reported to influ-
ment with cis-hydroxyproline resulted in an in- ence nerve regeneration positively are treat-
creased content of myelin sulfatide in regener- ment with inhibitors of proteolytic enzymes or
ating nerves of experimental animals. Penicil- calcium inactivators to minimize degeneration
lamine has not been reported to improve nerve in axon segments (Hurst et al. 1984), as well as
regeneration (Bucko et al. 1981). Nachemson the local use of irrigation fluids imitating axo-
et al. (1986) treated rats systematically with plasmic composition as much as possible (de
estrogen-progesterone, methylprednisolon-ac- Medinaceli et al. 1982, 1983a,b, de Medinaceli
etate i (Depomedrone@) or cis-hydroxiproline & Church 1984, Freed 1985).
after severing the sciatic nerve. No impro-
vement in axonal outgrowth could be found,
but the velocity of motor nerve conduction
across the suture site was increased in groups
Nerve repair - clinical aspects
treated with cis-hydroxiproline and Depome- Nerve repair regularly results in a great deal
drone@. of axonal misdirection at the suture site.
Gangliosides are normal membrane consti- Among various consequences, incorrect pe-
tuents located in the lipid layer of the plasma ripheral reinnervation leads to a new pattern
membrane. Exogenous gangliosides in vivo of sensory impulses in afferent fibers and to a
seem to promote the sprouting process, but no new cortical projection of peripheral cutaneous
effects on axonal outgrowth rate have been re- areas. The brain has to adapt to the new lan-
ported (Gorio et al. 1980, 1983, 1984, Sparrow guage spoken by the hand. Thus, although the
& Grafstein 1982). complexity of peripheral factors influencing
Cyclic AMP (CAMP) was found to have a axonal regeneration is striking, the central
stimulatory effect on neurite growth in vitro nervous component of the problem is equally
(Roisen 1972): when cultured dorsal root gang- important; sensory reeducation, implying a de-
lia from chick embryo were treated with CAMP, tailed program for cerebral adaptation to the
there was an increase in both axonal numbers new situation, represents an important com-
Nerve regeneration and repair 157

ponent of rehabilitation following peripheral

nerve injuries (Dellon 1981).
With respect to the complex biology of nerve
regeneration, the role of the surgeon is by
necessity limited (Lundborg 1984). However,
several factors could be controlled by the sur-
geon, and the primary treatment of nerve inju-
ries is often essential, determining the final
function. The management of peripheral nerve
lesions is extensively covered in several text-
books and reviews, e.g., Omer & Spinner
(1980),Green (19821,and Frykman (1981).In
the following discussion, principles for treat-
ment of nerve injuries are reviewed as they I -. u

may currently be interpreted in biological Figure 8. Principles for epineurial suture.


(0nne 1962).However, a poor result can some-

Timing times be explained on the basis of atrophied
With reference to the effects of a conditioning skin receptors in spite of good reinnervation of
lesion, there is a theoretical basis for delayed digital nerves (Carlstedt et al. 1986).
repair of acute nerve lesions. However, clinical
realities favor an immediate, primary repair of
a nerve injury. In the initial stage it is usually Suture techniques
possible to achieve an exact orientation of the Repair of nerves by placing sutures in the epi-
cut nerve ends with the aid of local landmarks, neurium represents a classical method of nerve
like epineurial vessels and a well-preserved repair (Edshage 1964, Moberg 1964, Wilgis
fascicular pattern in the transverse cut sur- 1982).The epineurial suture technique (Figure
faces of the nerve. A coaptation of the ends can 7) is relatively atraumatic, and easy to per-
be achieved without tension. At a later stage, form, but it does not ensure correct matching
the nerve segments have often retracted; scar of the fascicular internal structures of the
tissue at the stumps has to be resected; and it nerve. Edshage (1964)demonstrated that an
may not be possible to suture the nerve ends apparantly perfect epineurial suture could be
without considerable tension. In addition, the associated with considerable malalignment
distal nerve segment undergoes fibrotic alter- and displacement of fascicles. With the devel-
ations with time, and atrophy of distal targets opment of microsurgical techniques, the con-
starts at an early stage. Thus, considering the cept of fascicular repair, or more accurately
total situation, the nerve repair should be car- group fascicular repair (Figure 81,was intro-
ried out as a primary procedure. duced to achieve an optimal orientation and
This conclusion is supported also by experi- adaptation of fascicles or groups of fascicles
mental and clinical data (Grabb 1968,Grabb et (Smith 1964,Bora 1967,Hakstian 1968,1973,
al. 1970,Miiller & Grubel 1981).Denervated Grabb et al. 1970,Millesi 1973, 1981,Yama-
muscles rapidly atrophy; after 2 years muscle mot0 1974, Bora et al. 1976, Cabaud e t al.
fibers may fragment and disintegrate (Wilgis 1976, 1980, Ito et al. 1976, Orgel & Terzis
1982).A delay of 18-24 months induces irre- 1977,Tenis 1979, Ikeda 1980, Tupper 1980,
versible change in the muscle cells with little Kline et al. 1981,Kutz et al. 1981).With this
hope for recovery of motor function. It has been technique, fascicular groups are dissected un-
reported that sensory organs are more resis- der high magnification; epineurial tissue is re-
tant to denervation than muscles and that ulti- sected over a short distance; and corresponding
mate sensory recovery has little correlation fascicular structures in both nerve ends are su-
with the time between injury and nerve repair tured individually to achieve matching of cor-
158 G.Lundborg

Changes in normal nerve cell distribution re-

flected peripheral axonal misdirection after su-
ture. It was found that such inappropriate re-
innervation of a peroneal muscle by tibial mo-
tor neurons was minimized by individual
fascicular sutures.
Clinically, the indications for performing epi-
neurial sutures and fascicular sutures, respec-
tively, have been much debated. It is generally
agreed that each case should be judged individ-
ually, and that there is a place for both tech-
niques in selected situations. In general, a
clean-cut, fresh nerve injury is best treated by
a simple epineurial suture, especially at levels
Figure 9. Principles for group fascicular repair of a severed pe- where fascicles are closely packed with mini-
ripheral nerve. Groups of fascicles in both stumps are isolated
and sutured individually.
mal interfascicular epineurial tissue. However,
if the transectional area of the nerve is domi-
nated by epineurial tissue, epineurial tissue
responding nerve elements (Figure 9). The fas- should be resected and fascicular groups
cicular pattern in both nerve ends should be in- adapted by individual stitches. At proximal
spected under the microscope to enable coapta- levels of an extremity, separate fascicles con-
tion of the corresponding structures. Stitches tain a mixture of fibers belonging to several pe-
are placed in the connective tissue immedi- ripheral branches. In this situation exact coap-
ately outside the perineurial lamellae. Fascic- tation of separate fascicular groups would have
ular sutures do not resist any tension and no advantages over an epineurial suture. How-
could usually be carried out only as a primary ever, at more distal levels, branches represent-
procedure. The advantage is improved match- ing unique functions are well defined in separ-
ing of corresponding fascicular components. ate fascicles within the main trunk. In these
However, the procedure includes a consider- situations a microsurgical approach might be
able amount of surgical dissection with conse- motivated, especially regarding the median
quent potential risks in terms of microbleed- and ulnar nerves at the wrist level, where mo-
ings, edema, and scarring. tor and sensory components are separated and
well defined.
Epineurial vs. perineurial suture
techniques Nerve grafting
Attempts have been made to experimentally Experimental and clinical data indicate that
assess whether perineurial suture techniques tension at a suture line increases scar tissue
have any advantages over epineurial tech- formation and prohibits axonal regeneration
niques or vice versa. No consistant superiority (Millesi et al. 1972, 1976, Miyamuto 1981, Mi-
of one technique over the other has been found yamuto & Tsuge 1981, Millesi & Meissl 1981).
in these studies (Wise 1969, Grabb 1970, Ya- Even slight tension might considerably com-
mamoto 1974, Bora et al. 1976, Cabaud 1976, promise intraneural microcirculation (Lund-
1980, Kline et al. 1981). However, improved borg & Rydevik 1973, Lundborg 1975, Miya-
specificity of muscle reinnervation after fas- muto 1981, Miyamuto & Tsuge 1981). Accord-
cicular suture of rat sciatic nerve has been ingly, interposition of a nerve graft has been
demonstrated (Brushart et al. 1981, 1983). proposed as the method of choice when nerve
These authors analyzed the retrograde trans- suture is not possible to perform without un-
port of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) in the due tension (Millesi et al. 1972, 1976, 1980,
nerve to study the location of motor neurons of 1981, 1984). There is a great deal of disagree-
peroneal and tibial muscles in the spinal cord. ment regarding the critical length of a defect
Nerve regeneration and repair 159

priate thickness. Other suitable choices are the

lateral or medial antebrachial cutaneous
nerves (MacFarlane & Myers 1976), and in
more rare instances the superficial radial or
lateral femoral cutaneous nerves.
The use of free vascularized nerve grafts
have been suggested in selected situations
where the recipient bed is heavily scarred and
nonvascularized nerve grafts will not become
optimally vascularized. Improved regeneration
rate and axonal maturation have been repor-
ted in vascularized nerve grafts in rats as com-
pared with free nonvascularized nerve grafts
(Kushima et al. 1981). The clinical use of vas-
Figure 10. Principles for nerve grafting. Groups of fascicles in cularized nerve grafts has been discussed by,
both stumps are isolated and severed at different levels. The among others, Taylor & Ham (1976), Breiden-
gap between individual fascicular groups is bridged by a nerve
graft. bach & Tenis (19841, Bonney et al. (19841,
Rose & Kowalski (1985). Among possible ad-
vantages of vascularized nerve grafts that are
that indicates the use of a nerve graft instead used in a scarred recipient bed are the ability of
of direct suture under slight tension: at a panel these grafts to act as vascular carriers of non-
discussion involving a number of experts of the vascularized nerve grafts (Breidenbach & Ter-
field, opinions varied from 1.5 to 7 cm (Millesi zis 1984).
1977). A nerve graft serves as a useful me- Appropriate matching of corresponding fas-
chanical guideline for advancing axons, but cicles in the cut ends of a nerve is possible only
also provides an optimal microenvironment if the pattern of the fascicular groups is identi-
constituted by the columns of Schwann cells cal in the respective surfaces. With a sharp
(Bungner bands). It has been demonstrated by transection this is not a problem. However, the
isotope techniques that most transplanted intraneural fascicular topography rapidly
Schwann cells in a thin graft survive, multiply changes from one level to another along the
and form Bungner bands (Aguayo et al. 1976, course of a peripheral nerve trunk (Sunderland
1979). Initially, the graft survives by diffusion 1945,1978), and if there is a loss of nerve sub-
from surrounding tissues. Revascularization stance over some length, exact matching of
starts on the third postoperative day (Almgren corresponding fascicular groups may be diffi-
1974). Thick grafts might have difficulties in cult or impossible to perform. Sunderland
surviving during the first few days because the found the longest section of a nerve with a con-
diffusion distances are too long. stant fascicular pattern to be 50 mm, although
The technical details of nerve grafting (Fig- considerable changes in topography in some in-
ure 9) have been described in many reviews stances were found over only 0.25 mm.
(Millesi et al. 1972, 1976,1981a-c, 1984, Wilgis Sunderland's findings have been confirmed
1982). Separate fascicular groups in both nerve by others (Jabaley et al. 1980), although it ap-
stumps are dissected and isolated (Figure 10). pears that the fascicular topography in certain
The epineurium is excised and the fascicular instances is more constant than has previously
groups are cut at different levels. The tran- been realized; changes in fascicular topogra-
sectional surfaces are studied under high mag- phy might express random wandering of epi-
nification and corresponding fascicular groups neurial septa rather than true changes in posi-
in both ends are identified. Nerve grafts are in- tions of fibers. The concept that functional
terposed between corresponding groups and units of fibers remain in constant individual
secured in place by sutures or fibrin glue (Ku- sectors of the nerve over long distances has
derna 1985). The sural nerve is commonly used been confirmed in axonal transport studies.
as a graft because of its accessibility and appro- Brushart (1985) mapped the location of digital
160 G. Lundborg

nerve axons within the median nerve of pri- Histochemical staining techniques have
mates from the wrist to the brachial plexus by been used by some authors to differentiate be-
studying the retrograde intraaxonal transport tween motor and sensory fibers. The occur-
of horseradish peroxidase (HRP). It was found rence of acetylcholineesterase in motor fibers
that axons could be traced over long distances can be demonstrated by such techniques (Frei-
within the same quadrant of the nerves. Shady liger et al. 1975a,b, Gruber e t al. 1976, Engel
et al. (1980) used intraneural microstimulation et al. 1979). The principle has, however, lim-
techniques combined with the localizing ability ited use because samples from the nerve ends
of the brain to identify cutaneous projections of must be removed within 22 hours after injury,
individual fascicles at various levels along the and 25-30 hours incubation is required for the
course of human peripheral nerves in the arm. staining to occur. Carbonic anhydrase activity
Most rearrangements of the spinal root fibers in sensory neurons has been used as a possible
into terminal nerve branch groupings occurred means of distinguishing them from motor ax-
proximally at plexus level, whereas minimal ons: staining of the axoplasm was reported as
additional regrouping occurred in more distal being a predominant feature in sensory fibers,
portions of the nerve trunks. Together, these whereas staining of the myelin sheath charac-
findings indicate that individual nerve fibers terized motor axons (Riley & Lang 19841, the
remain within the same sector of nerve trunks staining procedure being completed within 3-4
over long distances, and that grafting with the hours after receiving the tissue.
attempt to restore continuity between corre- The use of histochemical staining for differ-
sponding sectors at different levels therefore, is entiating motor fascicles from sensory fascicles
justified and a well-motivated procedure. might have limited value because so-called mo-
tor nerves contains a large number of afferent
fibers: the deep motor branch of the ulnar
Identification of sensory and motor nerve of monkeys contains over 60 per cent
fascicles sensory fibers from deep-tissue structures
When adaptation of fascicular groups are per- (Terzis & Dykes 1977).
formed, peroperative identification of motor
and sensory fascicles, respectively, in the prox-
imal and distal stumps of the severed nerve Sensory reeducation
would facilitate correct orientation and match- Because of axonal misdirection at the suture
ing of corresponding fascicular groups. Intra- sites, peripheral cutaneous receptor fields gen-
operative neurophysiologic stimulation and erally project into new cortical areas following
recording techniques have been used for this nerve repair. A new pattern of impulses in af-
purpose (Hakstian 1968, Vandeput et al. 1969, ferent fibers forces the brain to adapt to the
Grabb et al. 1970, Terzis & Strauss 1978, Ter- new situation if discriminative sensibility is to
zis et al. 19801, but require special expertise be restored. This is not much of a problem in
and equipment. The principle is based upon children, but in adults the difficulties are ap-
stimulation of fascicles of the distal and prox- parent, corresponding to difficulties in learning
imal nerve segments. Fascicles of the distal to speak a new language without a foreign ac-
stumps are tagged as sensory if they do not cent. Sensory reeducation - i.e., a specialized
give a motor response when stimulated. A cen- rehabilitation program with the purpose of
tral sensory response is induced on a conscious learn'ing to recognize the shape and form of
and cooperative patient when sensory fascicles items and surface structures - has proved to
are stimulated in a proximal segment, whereas considerably facilitate recovery of useful sensi-
no similar response occurs if a proximal motor bility in the hand (Dellon 1981). The docu-
fascicle is stimulated. Because nerve fibers mented effects of sensory reeducation empha-
ceased to conduct within 72 hours after injury sizes the total perspective of nerve injuries: the
(Sunderland 19791, the test cannot be per- problems involve the peripheral, as well as the
formed after this time. central nervous system.
Nerve regeneration and repair 161

Almgren, K. G. (1974)Revascularisation of free pe-

Concluding remarks ripheral nerve grafts. An experimental study in
Healing of nerve injuries is a complicated pro- the rabbit. Acta Orthop. Scand. Suppl. 154,
1 - 104.
cess, regulated and influenced by local and
Almqvist. E. & Eeg-Olofsson, 0. (1970)Sensory
general factors that are not fully known. Axo-
nerve conduction velocity and two- point discrimi-
nal misdirection at the suture site is a major nation in sutured nerves. J. Bone Joint Surg.
problem because inappropriately innervated 52-A, 790-796.
cutaneous receptor fields will project into new Almqvist, E., Smith, 0. & Fry, L. (1983)Nerve con-
cortical areas. In optimal experimental situ- duction velocity, microscopic and electron micro-
ations, axonal growth is influenced by the dis- scopy studies comparing repaired adult and baby
tal nerve segment, possibly by a combination of monkey median nerves. J . Hand Surg. 8,
cellular and chemotactic mechanisms. There is 406-410.
strong evidence that the Schwann cells of the Bell, M. A. & Weddell, A. G. M. (1984a)A morpho-
distal segment synthesize factors that stimu- metric study of intrafascicular vessels of mamma-
lian sciatic nerve. Muscle Nerve 7 , 524-534.
late axonal growth and influence axonal direc-
Bell, M.A. & Weddell, A. G. M. (1984b)A descriptive
tionality. Microsurgical techniques have con- study of the blood vessels of the sciatic nerve in the
tributed considerably to improved results in se- rat, man and other mammals. Brain 107,
lective situations; but in the overall per- 871-898.
spective, factors operating in the Berenberg, R. A,, Forman, D. S., Wood, D. K., Da
microenvironment probably play a key role for Silva, A. & Demarre, J. (1977)Recovery of pe-
the end result. Because surgical techniques ripheral nerve function after axotomy: effect of tri-
have already been optimally refined, future de- iodothyronine. Exp. Neurol. 57, 349-363.
velopment of improved methods for nerve re- Bijlsma, W. A., Jennekens, F. G. I., Schotman, P. &
pair must include a further analysis of micro- Gispen, W. H. (1983a)Stimulation by ACTH,-,o of
nerve fibre regeneration following sciatic nerve
environmental factors regulating axonal
crush. Muscle Nerve 6, 104-112.
growth and orientation. Bijlsma, W. A., Van Asselt, E., Veldman, H., Jenne-
kens, F.G.I., Schotman, P. & Gispen, W. H. (1983b)
Ultrastructural study of the effect of ACTH,_,, on
Acknowledgements nerve regeneration: outgrowing axons become
larger in number and smaller in diameter. Acta
Studies on nerve regeneration performed in the Neuropathol. Berlin 62, 24-30.
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