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I (Name)_____________ candidate for _______ (United States House of

Representatives or United States Senate) representing the State of _______________
do solemnly swear that I believe in, will abide by and adhere to this solemn pledge
as set forth by the American People.

1. WHEREAS I believe that in the Constitution of the United States of America and that
the STATES granted power to and in fact created the Federal Government; that this
set the stage for this Great Nation to become the wonderful nation that it is; and that
the Constitution is a sacred document and the very basis of law for these United
States, I HEREBY PLEDGE to Read, Adhere and Abide by the Constitution of the
United States of America and all of its Amendments especially that of the Tenth
Amendment whereby the power of the federal government is limited to those powers
granted by the Framers of our Constitution.

2. WHEREAS I recognize and believe in the Separation Of Powers between the

Executive Branch, the Legislative Branch and the Judicial Branch. I HEREBY
PLEDGE that I will vote for the conformation of judges including Supreme Court
Justices who believe that their sole and solemn responsibility is the interpretation of
the laws according to our Constitution and to preserve the intent of our Founding
Fathers. Furthermore, I PLEDGE that I will vote against any and all candidates for
judge that do not believe in the Separation Of Powers and of the sanctity of our

3. WHEREAS I understand and agree with the Framers of our Constitution that the
governing body presiding over this Great Nation of ours should consist of Citizen
Representatives. I HEREBY PLEDGE that I will fight to bring about reform in the
Congress of the United States of America by pressing Congress to institute binding
Term Limits on all member of Congress. I furthermore agree that no member of The
House of Representatives shall serve more than four (4), two year terms ( 8 years
total) and that members of The Senate shall serve no more that two (2), six year terms
(12 years total) and that after serving those terms, shall forever be prohibited from
running for National office again with the exception of running for the Office of
President of the United States.

4. WHEREAS I recognize that the People have elected me to represent them and that I
am here to serve them, their interests and the interests of the United States of
America. I HEREBY PLEDGE that in all my actions as your representative, I will
always put my Country and its people before my Party and before myself. To this I
solemnly Pledge.

5. WHEREAS I recognize that Earmarks are nothing more that buying someone’s vote
with someone else’s money, and are used as a form of bribery, I HEREBY PLEDGE to
press Congress for the elimination of Earmarks. I pledge that I will not ask for, nor
vote in favor of, any Earmarks during my term in office.

6. WHEREAS I recognize that the incessant addition of unrelated bills and

appropriations is frequently used as a covert way to pass legislation that might not
otherwise pass, or a way to bribe other legislators for their support, I HEREBY
PLEDGE to fight for the reform of Congress to forbid the passage of “multiple-
purpose” bills. All bills shall be One-Issue Bills. That is, a particular bill shall contain
only that legislation that addresses that issue and that no issues or amendments

unassociated with that bill can be contained therein. Under no circumstances will I
vote for bills that have other issues or amendments attached.

7. WHEREAS I firmly believe that the American people are entitled to a transparent
government, I HEREBY PLEDGE that I will afforded them opportunity to see all bills
and other forms of legislation and that all proposed legislation will be posted on the
Internet NO LESS that 72 hours (three business days) prior to taking a vote.

8. WHEREAS one of my primary responsibilities as your representative is to read and

understand legislation that I am considering, I HEREBY PLEDGE that I will read all
legislation before casting my vote.

9. WHEREAS one of the most important aspects of our Constitution is the sovereignty
of these United States of America, I HEREBY PLEDGE to fight for the protection of the
Sovereignty of these United States and will never do anything to jeopardize or
weaken the independence of this Great Nation.

10. WHEREAS I believe that a balanced National Budget is crucial to a strong national
defense, a viable economy and the prosperity of its citizens, I HEREBY PLEDGE that I
will fight for a balanced budget except as may be necessary in times of war. I will not
vote for bills or appropriations that are detrimental to the fiscal stability of the U. S.
Dollar and of this Great Nation.

11. WHEREAS I realize the importance of the people to Freedom of Speech, the Freedom
of Religion and the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, I HEREBY PLEDGE that I will fight
for these liberties and that I will oppose any bill, legislation or regulations that
restricts or otherwise suppresses or infringes upon the Rights & Freedoms of the
individual citizen under the Constitution.

12. WHEREAS I recognize the inherent importance of a strong and secure nation, I
HEREBY PLEDGE to do all within my power to force the United States Government to
enforce all existing laws related to Immigration and to force the United States
Government to immediately secure, protect and defend the territorial borders of the
Unites States.

13. WHEREAS I recognize the illegality and dangers of allowing anyone other than
citizens of the United States of America Citizens to vote, I HEREBY PLEDGE to do all
within my power to force the United States Government to immediately cease and
forever refrain from allowing any individuals other than legal citizens of these United
States of America to vote.

14. WHEREAS I recognize that it is morally wrong for any individual to realize person
gain from their position in Public Office, I HEREBY PLEDGE that upon leaving office
that I will not use the power, stature or influence derived from my time in government
service in the Lobbying industry. I pledge that I will not become a lobbyist not be
associated in any way in the Lobbying Industry for a minimum of twelve (12) years
from the end of my last term of office.

To these above points I solemnly do swear ____________________, Date: _________

Revised 7/27/10

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