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FULL SCORE [What should we call your piece guys?

For 3 percussionists, 1 large bass drum
S. Farkas, P. Duvall, J, Wayment, J. Henry
2017 CSI Percussion Ensemble
Three percussionsts perform on 1 I
large, unmuted bass drum using any
sticks (soft or hard) SING
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All half and whole notes performed as un-even rolls
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1. First play all three phrases in unison. 4. As each player reaches the end of the
canon, roll softly until all players are
2. Second, start a second time, still in unison. Each player rolling. 2 continue to roll while the third
beginning on a different phrase (1-3) and play all three again transfers the towel for mvmt. II to the
simultaneously. drum head.

3. Using an odd number between 1 and 13 to determine number of beats 5. Continue to mvmt. II to without pause.
between entrances, play in canon with each player starting at any phrase.
2 [What should we call your piece guys?]

- Drum Muted with towel in center.
- On towel, 1 idiophone per player (player's choice)

1. Begin by playing 16th notes on head in unison as a group. Fast, but controlled and comfortable.

2. Using supplied materials, construct an improvisation in the groove structure of the movement.
- 1 player begins improvising first, then 1 more joins, then all 3 improvise.
- Maximize dynamic use and range.

3. A "signal rhythm" performed by a pre-determined performer will signal the end of the movement.
- If any resonant metal instruments are being used, lift and roll in unison / crescendo to end of mvmt.

- Perform with hands
- Unmuted drum - very resonant.

1. Each player play individual attacks as they breathe out

(about 45 seconds - 1 minute)

2. Begin to play un-even rolls, crescendo/dimmuendo or increase / decrease density with breath in and out
(1 minute - 1.5 minutes)

3. Find a moment where roll peak activity comes together. Stay together as a group, long roll to end of
piece. Dimmuendo to end of piece.
(1.5 minutes - 2.5 minutes)

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