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UNLV/Department of Teaching & Learning

Elementary Lesson Plan Template

UNLV Student: Vania Pham Instructor: Mr. Jeromey Treichel

Lesson Plan Module 2, Lesson 1 Lesson Plan Topic: Unit Conversions and
Title: Problem Solving with
Metric Measurement
Date: September 20th, 2018 Estimated Time: 1 hour 15 minutes
Grade Level: 4th grade School Site: Griffith ES

1. ​State Standard(s):
● 4.MD.1:​ Know relative sizes of measurement units within one system of units including
km, m, cm; kg, g; lb, oz.; l, ml; hr, min, sec. Within a single system of measurement,
express measurements in a larger unit in terms of a smaller unit. Record measurement
equivalents in a two column table. For example: Know that 1 ft is 12 times as long as 1
in. Express the length of a 4 ft snake as 48 in. Generate a conversion table for feet and
inches listing the number pairs (1, 12), (2, 24), (3, 36),. . .

2. ​Teaching Model(s):
● Whole group instruction
● Kagan: Pairs Check
● Lemov Strategy #10: Own and Track: Have students correct or revise their own work,
fostering an environment of accountability for the correct answer.
● Lemov Strategy #43: Turn and Talk: Encourage students to better formulate their
thoughts by including short, contained pair discussions but make sure to design them for
maximum efficiency and accountability.

3. ​Objective(s):
I can statements:
● I can explain the size of different units of measurement (km,m; kg, g; lb, oz; L, mL; hrs,
min, sec).
● I can compare the different units within the same system of measurement (e.g. 1 ft = 12
in; 1 lb = 16 oz).
● I can convert larger units of measurement within the same system to smaller units and
record conversions in a 2-column table.
Teacher Objective:
● Express metric length measurements in terms of a smaller unit; model and solve addition
and subtraction word problems involving metric length.

4. ​Materials and Technology Resources

● Eureka Math Practice Book
● Whiteboards
● Dry Erase Markers
● Erasers (socks)
● Pencil
● Smartboard
● Teacher’s Edition Eureka Math book Model 2
● Class Dojo for classroom management

5. ​Instructional Procedures:
● Motivation/Engagement (10 minutes):
o TW transition S into math and start Module 2.
o Fluency Practice:
▪ TW write 100cm=___m on the board and say ​100 centimeters is the
same as how many meters?
▪ SW respond with ​1 meter​ (ideally)
▪ TW repeat the process with as many possible sequence to help enforce
fluency: ​200 cm, 300 cm, 800 cm, and 500 cm.
▪ TW then write 1m=__cm and say ​How mw many centimeters are in 1
▪ SW respond with ​100 centimeters ​(ideally)
▪ TW repeat the process with as many possible sequence to help enforce
fluency: ​2 m, 3 m, 7 m, 4 m, and 9 m.
▪ SW see the connection between switching from ​cm to m ​and then ​m to
o TW continue with fluency practice and begin add/subtract meters and centimeters.
▪ TW project a number bond with 150 cm written as the whole and 1 m as
one of the parts.) and say ​How many centimeters are in 1 meter?
▪ SW respond ​100 centimeters​ (ideally)
▪ TW tell S to use their personal white boards and to write a number bond
filling in the unknown part.
● Review with students what part of the number bond is the whole
and what is the part.
▪ SW write on their personal white boards that 150cm is their whole and 1
m (100 cm) and 50 cm is their part.

● Developmental Activities or Learning Experiences:
o Application Problem (8 minutes):
▪ TW present story problem on the Smartboard/Projector: ​Martha, George,
and Elizabeth sprint a combined distance of 10,000 meters. Martha sprints
3,206 meters. George sprints 2,094 meters. How far does Elizabeth
sprint? Solve using an algorithm or a simplifying strategy.
▪ TW draw out a tape diagram with the students whole group to determine
what the tape diagram is.
● TW ask ​What do we know from the story problem?
● SW answer:
o Combined distance of 10,000 meters is our whole.
o George sprints 2,094 meters as our part.
o Martha sprints 3,206 meters as our part.
● TW ask ​Who are we missing, what question is being asked?
● SW answer:
o How far does Elizabeth sprint, we don’t know how far she

▪ TW transition into Concept Development with the intention that students
are familiar with basic conversion that was reviewed in engagement.
o Concept Development (32 minutes):
▪ TW create anchor chart with S to show ​Metric Units of Length
▪ During creation of anchor chart, discuss with students about the length of
a centimeter, meter, and kilometer.
▪ TW show students a stapler, the height of the stand with the laptop on it
(instead of countertop), and describe the distance from school to
somewhere within 1 kilometer (school to Meadows Mall is roughly ½ mile
which is a little less than 1 kilometer but similar for example).
▪ TW give students ruler with a partner so that they can visibly use it to
measure things around them to give them visual of what a centimeter is or
what a meter is. ​Lemov Strategy #43: Turn and Talk
▪ SW return from their activity and come back ready to move forward to the
next problem of the concept development.
o Concept Development Part 2:
▪ Create table to show comparison of kilometers to meters.
▪ TW ask students what they notice is similar about the measurements.

▪ SW use the table to help support the following sequence:

● TW ask ​1 km = 1,000 m. How many meters are in 2 km? 3 km?
7 km? 70 km?
● SW review table and say ​2,000 m, 3,000 m, 7,000 m, and 70,000
▪ TW then tell S to write ​2,000 m = ___ km ​on their white board and say ​If
1,000 m equals 1 km, 2,000 m equals how many kilometers?
▪ SW respond ​2 kilometers ​(ideally).
▪ TW repeat the problem with ​8,000 m, 10,000 m, and 9,000 m.
▪ As S practice, TW ask them to again, compare what they can see about
kilometers and meters.
● SW respond: A kilometer is a longer distance because we need
1,000 meters to equal 1 kilometer. 1 kilometer is 1,000 times as
much as 1 meter.
▪ TW then show S how to ​convert, or rename​ 1 km 500 m to meters. TW
say ​1 kilometer is equal to how many meters?
▪ SW look at the table and see 1 km is equal to 1,000 meters so 1,000 meters
+ 500 meters (we don’t have to do anything to the 500 meters because it
is in the unit we want) = 1,500 meters
▪ TW repeat with 5 km 30 m and anticipate possible answer of 530 m.
▪ Discuss with S that we know that 2 km is 2,000 meters and our table
shows 3 km is 3,000 meters so add those together is 5,000 meters and 30
m is already in the unit we want so we add 5,000 + 30 = 5,300 meters.
o Concept Development 3
▪ SW now attempt to add mixed units of length using any strategy that
works well with them.
▪ TW have S talk with their face/shoulder partner to discuss how they could
solve ​5 km + 2,500 m. ​Lemov Strategy #43: Turn and Talk
▪ SW hopefully discuss that they are unable to simply add them together
because they are of different units and will need to be converted. Ideally,
SW respond ​We can rename (convert) 5 km to m and then add that to
2,500 m.
▪ TW write the problem on the Smartboard and show S to rename the
problem to 5,000 m + 2,500 m = 7,500 m and then rename it again back to
kilometers. ​We know that 1,000 = 1 km and on our table, it shows that
7,000 m = 7 km so we can rename it to 7 km and what do we have left
over? 500 m so it will be renamed 7 km 500 m.
▪ TW show the strategy to solving the problem

▪ TW pose question to S and have them discuss with their partner ​When we
added meters, the answer was 7,500 m. When we added mixed units,
the answer was 7 km 500 m. Are these answers equal? Why or why
▪ SW discuss and then share with the class that it is the same answer
because ​7 km = 7,000 m and so 7,000 m + 500 m = 7,500 m.
▪ TW have students work with a partner to solve ​1 km 734 m + 4 km 396

▪ SW select the strategy above that works best for them.

o Concept Development 4:
▪ TW have students practice subtracting mixed units of length.
▪ TW display 10 km - 3 km 140 m horizontally. ​Decide if simplifying
strategy works best or the algorithm. Discuss with a partner how to
solve it.
▪ 2 minutes to solve this problem, the pair that solves is gets a grit point and
will be asked to solve it another way until the timer runs out.
▪ TW then asked the students who finish to share their strategy and
hopefully will be one of the listed below.

▪ TW discuss with class how ​problem A​ was solved by converting the

whole problem to meters then subtracting. Then how ​problem B​ was
solved by renaming 1 kilometer to 1,000 meters and then subtracting like
terms. How ​problem C ​was solved was that the km was subtracted first
then add back in the meters and break down the 7 km to 6 km 1,000 m and
then subtract 1,000 m from 140 m to get 860 meters and we still have 6
km. How problem D was solved was using a number line to show a
counting up strategy. Just like problem E, it is just represented in a
different way. Problem E counted up from 3 km 140 m to 4 km first and
then added 6 more km to get to 10 km.
▪ TW then have S talk with their partners to discuss why 6 km 860 m is
equal to 6,860 m. ​Lemov Strategy #10: Own and Track
● Closure:
o Problem Set (10 minutes):
▪ TW now release students to work on the problem set.
▪ Students are able to work individually if they feel confident enough to
move ahead or with a partner for extra assistance.
o Exit Ticket:
▪ SW finish with the exit ticket problem for 3 minutes before closing math.
▪ SW turn to the exit ticket page for lesson 1 in their practice book.
● Extension:
o Student Debrief:
▪ SW return back to their seats and discuss whole group:
● What went well with the problem set.
● How did you feel about solving the problems.
● Did you notice any patterns between Problem 1 and 2 of the
problem set?

6. ​Accommodations, Modifications and Differentiations for Diverse Learners:

● 504 student is allowed multiple bathroom breaks and during partner group, the group is
generally a group of 3 or 4 so that when the student needs to use the restroom, his partner
is not sitting around waiting and is able to participate in discussion with the other
members of the team.
● SW have opportunity to work individually and in partner work for whole group and the
problem set.
● TW adjust lesson plan to spend more time on the concept development if students have
additional questions and have students do selected problem set problems depending on

7. ​Assessment and Evaluation of Learning:

a. Formative:​ Whole group discussion, partner discourse while circulating around the
classroom. The problem set questions and exit ticket is reviewed for comprehension.
b. Summative:​ none, until mid-module exam

8. ​Homework Assignment: ​None as it follows Griffith ES homework policy. Students will be

given a homework practice that may be related to the topic as a fluency practice for the week.

9. ​Reflection:
a. Strengths:
b. Concerns:
c. Insights:

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