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Our bodies are made up of millions of cells, grouped together to form tissues and organs such as
muscles and bones, the lungs and the liver. Genes inside each cell order it to grow, work, reproduce and
die. Normally, our cells obey these orders and we remain healthy. But sometimes the instructions get
mixed up, causing the cells to form lumps or tumors, or spread through the bloodstream and lymphatic
system to other parts of the body.

Cancer is a disease that starts in our cells. Tumors can be either benign (non-cancerous)

ormalignant (cancerous).

 Benign tumor cells stay in one place in the body and are normally not life-threatening.

 Malignant tumor cells are able to invade nearby tissues and spread to other parts of the body.

Cancer cells that spread to other parts of the body are called metastasis.

The first sign that a malignant tumor has spread (metastasized) is often a swelling of nearby lymph
nodes, but cancer can metastasize to almost any part of the body. It is important to find malignant
tumors as early as possible.

Cancers are named after the part of the body where they start. For example, cancer that starts in
the bladder but spreads to the lung is called “bladder cancer with lung metastases.” (

On the basis of current incidence, 39% of women and 44% (close to 1 in every 2) men will develop
cancer during their lifetimes, and approximately 1 out of 4 Canadians will die of cancer.  There are a
number of different types of cancer collected under this statistic:

 Lung Cancer: One in 12 men is expected to develop lung cancer during their lifetime and one in
12 will die of it.  One in 16 women is expected to develop lung cancer during their lifetime and
one in 19 is expected to die of it.

 Colon Cancer: One in 14 men is expected to develop colorectal cancer during their lifetime and
one in 28 will die of it.  One in 16 women is expected to develop colorectal cancer during their
lifetime and one in 31 will die of it.

 Breast Cancer: One in 9 women is expected to develop breast cancer during her lifetime. One in
27 will die of it.

 Prostate Cancer: One in 8 men will develop prostate cancer during his lifetime, mostly after age
60. One in 27 will die of it.

 Young Cancer: 30% of new cases of cancer and 18% deaths from it occurred in young children
and middle-aged adults in their most productive years. Cancer is getting younger.

Tradtional Treatment

Traditional methods of cancer treatment are surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation.

 Any surgery is always associated with risks. Damage to organs in the body, blood loss and
adverse reactions to medication is a primary concern of surgeons. Anesthetics, antibiotic,
intravenous fluids, part of all surgeries, intoxicate the body and destroy huge amounts of
healthy micro flora. Recovery is often a struggle in itself. However in spite of all of the
disadvantages, sometimes  the risk of not having surgery overweighs the risk of doing it,
especially in cases of fast growing and big tumors.

 Chemotherapy is a method of treating cancer by drugs that may slow or stop the cancer cells
from growing, multiplying or spreading to other parts of the body.S ince it affects the whole
body, healthy cells can also be damaged, causing side effects. Some side effects of chemo may
include: decrease in blood cell counts; hair loss and hearing loss (usually reversible); confusion;
diarrhea, nausea and vomiting that usually occurs for 24 hours or longer; fertility impairment;
lung, kidney liver or heart damage; seizures; secondary malignancies. One of the ironies of the
treatment is that chemo is carcinogenic in itself, chemically interfering with formation of cell
division, hormone formation and DNA synthesis of not only sick cells, but healthy ones as well.

 Radiation has far more long lasting effects on the body. The worst part of it is that in spite of
very short exposure to radiation, damage can start in cells much later after the treatments and
that it is often irreversible.

The biggest problem with cancer is not getting rid of a tumor, not even metastasis, but that it often
comes back. Why is that? Everything has cause and effect. We all understand this simple truth. Yet
somehow we hope it is different in case of disease.

The only way how most of us know how to deal with cancer is to cut, to burn and to poison. We forget
that cancer was not caused by absence of chemotherapy drugs, radiation or by unnecessary parts in the

 It has become a common perception that cancer is a bloody monster with huge teeth that devours
children, their parents and the whole nation. Nobody knows how to stop it, so the only choice is to cope
with it.

The truth is that cancer evolves in our own bodies. Healthy cells change into cancerous cells. They are
not foreign invaders that jump on us out of the darkness. Cancer goes through many stages before it
manifests as an early cancerous mass. Benign tumor is one stage.

Many people do biopsies and if they find out that the tumor was benign, they sigh with ease. However
they do not understand that even after they remove it, unless they remove the cause also, there are
high chances for it to come back. Cancer is not confined to tumors; it is a process that goes on in the
whole body.

Risk Factors

There are many things that can provoke cancer. Here are some cancer risk factors:

 Some experts assert that the biggest cancer-causing agent is ourselves. Research shows that the
main causes of 47% cancers are hatred and anger. Anxiety, fear, unforgiveness, social isolation
and absence of lifetime goals might all negatively influence work of our hormonal system,
digestion, immune system and finally contribute to development of cancer.

 Another major risk factor leading to cancer development is intoxication of the body by
environmental, food and drug contaminants. Chemical carcinogens are in smoke, alcohol, most
cosmetic products, detergents, food, air and water.

 Many drugs, including some antitumor drugs, tranquilizers and bacteriostats (anti-infective
drugs), and estrogenic female hormones; vaccines, amalgam (silver) fillings, radiation,
pesticides, coal tar in barbecued meat, heated oils, petroleum-based food colorings also contain

 Cancer is a nutritional deficiency and enzyme deficiency disease. Healthy nutrition is vital for
normal functioning of the body and all of its systems.

 Oxygen deficiency: Cancer thrives on carbon dioxide and cannot survive in oxygen rich

 Researchers have discovered that people with cancer and other degenerative conditions have
lack of potassium (K) in cells and too much sodium (Na), that “invades” cells and takes their
water as well. Creation of enzymes in the body requires K as a catalyst, and at the same time Na
slows or stops their production. Enzymes are important agents for digestion and every reaction
in the body, including the ability to check and control the multiplication of cancerous cells.

Cancer is 100% preventable. Avoiding environmental toxins, improving lifestyle and proper stress
management should be a priority of everyone who wants to stay cancer free.

How Can Our Programs Help?

The American Cancer Society suggested that about one-third of all cancer deaths in 2000 were nutrition
related or based in other lifestyle factors and could be prevented. All cancers related to alcohol and
cigarette smoking can be prevented also. A number of cancers related to viral infections, such as human
immune deficiency virus (HIV), human papillomavirus (HPV), hepatitis B virus (HBV), human T-cell
leukemia/Lymphoma virus-I (HTLV-I), and others could be prevented by behavior changes.

Cancer is not just preventable; it is also reversible, even though in some advanced cases the recovery
does not happen. It takes much more effort and self-denial to get well when you already have cancer.
But if you are really motivated, this is good news: there is hope. There is a cure. It lies within you. Find
out the cause and address it. Give your body all it needs for health: healthy nutrition, oxygen,
movement, pure water and peace. Get some help from people who know how to work with cancer and
get well.

 The programs we offer at Abundant Life Wellness Centre support post-cancer self-management. We
help in a number of ways:

#1 Post-Cancer Detox and Prevention

Chemotherapy drugs and drugs that were used during operation lower immune system, impair the
process of blood and hair formation, functioning of the digestive system and may seriously damage
kidneys, liver and heart. Clearing their remnants from the body system will reduce side effects and
extent of the damage to healthy cells.

Because one of the major cancer causes is cell intoxication, the detox is also a great preventative

Our centre offers a supervised, highly effective and thorough whole body detox program, including
whole digestive tract, liver, gall bladder, kidney, blood and parasite cleanse, accomplished by specially
prepared cleansing drinks. Because of a variety of well combined components and well thought through
tested system, it is one of the most intense whole body cleanses that you can find, and it is supervised.

#2 Healthy Nutrition with Emphasis on Live Food.

Because, as we already mentioned, cancer is a nutritional deficiency disease, healthy and balanced food
is vital for prevention, as well as for those who or currently have cancer. Even more so it is for those who
just underwent chemotherapy and radiation treatments, because toxins deplete body of vitamins,
minerals and antioxidants that like good soldiers help liver, glandular system and the rest of the body
arrest and kick out the invaders – drugs. For example, you most probably know that one of the side
effects of most drugs is osteoporosis (leaching of calcium from bones). The reason for that is that
calcium is a major buffer that neutralizes body acidity or toxicity created by drugs, as well as by
nutritionally depleted food, stress etc.
Our meals are vegan and consist mostly of elegantly prepared fresh fruits, vegetables, greens, sprouts,
seeds and nuts. Alive or fresh food has highly healing properties because of its high digestive enzyme
content. Because cancer is also an enzyme deficiency disease, this type of food should constitute a
major part of people with cancer or those who want to prevent cancer from developing or reoccurring.
Cooking at temperatures just slightly higher than body temperature leads to destruction of virtually ALL
enzymes. According to dr. Howell, about 40-60% enzymes necessary for digestion of every meal should
come from foods we eat, and the rest comes from our pancreas. Now we know that enzymes are also
produced by small intestines and in a lot of other tissues and cells. However, it is still vitally important to
get a lot of digestive enzymes with food for optimum digestion and metabolism. Consumption of raw
foods allows taking off a great load from weakened pancreas (a major organ of enzyme production), as
well as other organs, glands and tissues that produce it and letting them rest, and in the same time huge
amounts of undisturbed and undestroyed by heat vitamins and minerals in fresh foods provide great
source of materials needed for replacement of unhealthy tissues with healthy ones.

#3 Fresh squeezed vegetable juices, including wheat grass juice, which are part of the program, are
liquid foods up to 90% of which (according to Dr. Joel Robbins) are absorbed and utilized by the body.

Juices, which are not designed to be a regular food, provided that you have a perfect health and high
quality rich in nutrients food, are a great restorative tool for damaged by overeating, improper chewing,
food additives, pesticides, parasites, unhealthy bowel flora that increases after treatment with
antibiotics, and chemotherapy drugs. Wheat grass is extremely rich in chlorophyll, which is so amazing
similar in its chemical composition to our blood, that drinking it can be truly compared with a healthy
blood transfusion. Because blood formation is severely damaged by chemo, wheat grass is a life elixir for
post-cancerous clients.

#4 Daily walks (outside, when the weather permits) constitute a very important part of our program.
They not only are important for general health, but also help body oxygenate blood and tissues. Cancer
cannot survive in oxygen rich environment. Plus sunshine (and we have here lots of it), fresh air and
exercise are the greatest antidepressants known.

#5 Daily Educational Lectures and Videos are eye opening and inspiring. Because cancer is so pandemic,
we allocate a special lecture and a sharing time to talk about it. At our lectures you’ll find out:

 How cancer is related to enzyme and nutrient deficiency

 What are 6 stages preface cancer and how to identify them

 How to minimize your exposure to environmental poisoning

 Which food additives are harmful and where they are

 Which Deodorant You Can Have For Breakfast Why Horses Are Never Constipated (And how to
experience it yourself)

 How to Prevent and Reverse Cancer, killer #1 in America

 And much more.

Our lectures are in-depth, scientifically grounded, and in the same time personal and empowering. We
will not talk about boring far from real life topics.

#6 Sharing time, a lot of personal time planned every day and meditation sessions will give you
opportunity to share your progress, as well as get insights into how to deal with your emotional issues
and improve quality of your life. Virtually everybody who went through the program said: “It is much
more than just a fitness program. It is a life changing experience.”

#7 Spa therapies, such as live and dry blood analysis, colon hydrotherapy and massage (and many
more), enhancing the program are available for you at the site. 

Everything we do comes from heart. If you would like to experience a personal touch, unconditional love
and acceptance, our caring team, personal approach and small groups are here for you.

Begin your journey now, not tomorrow. Instant decision to take a path of health will change your life for
better here and now. It is still some ways to go, yet remember: you are predetermined for success when
you believed it. When you believe it, you will see it.

Caution! There is no quick fix. We do not promise that after you finish our program you’ll get free from
cancer or any other disease. So won’t any other wellness program. It took time to get where you are at;
it will take time to get well. We only help you to start the process and get all the info you need to reach
your goal. Everything depends on your motivation and action! In some cases damage to tissues and
organs might be so extensive that it is impossible (or extremely difficult) to eliminate it completely. Yet
improvements are possible in almost any case.

 It is also important to make changes gradually and work with your medical or naturopathic doctor when
you do them, especially if it is an advanced condition. Our program does not replace and does not have
purpose to undermine any medical advice.

Attention! Our program is contraindicated to people with actively growing cancers. We do thorough

prescreening before our clients come. If you have a concern, please call the program consultant at  1-

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