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Salut macro,

voici les codes pour ouvrir un file et ecrire le resultat d'une operation
Tu trouveras 2 attach files
un est un file matlab
et l'autre est un txt
ils font la meme chose, au cas ou tu ne pourrai pas ouvrire le matlabfile, copy le contenu du file
macro.txt et colle le dans un file matlab
Execute le en appuyant sur F5
Normalement il doit te demander

  1-d'entrer le premier nombre, tu entre un nombre et tu appuis sur le    bouton entree
  2- la meme chose pour le 2nd nombre, apres avoir appuye sur entree
va dans le repertoire matlab il doit etre dans mes documents,
ouvre le fichier try01, tu verras le resultat de l'operation

Fait moi signe si PB


% This program open a file name try01 if the file does not exist it would crfeate it.
% the file will be in the matlab file ( path :my document\matlab)
% we define two variable var1 and var2 that the user should input from the matlab command line
% the summation of these variable is inputing to the variable "result"
% We write the contain of result inside the file try01

fid = fopen('try01.txt','at'); %we open the file try01 or create it if it does not exist
var1=input('Give the first number'); %ask the user to input a number
var2=input('Give the first number'); %idem

result=var1+var2; %computing the result

fprintf(fid,'the resultat is %d\n',result); %write the result into the file try01, and go to the

fclose(fid); %terminate the program by closing the file

% This program open a file name try01 if the file does not exist it would crfeate it.

% the file will be in the matlab file ( path :my document\matlab)

% we define two variable var1 and var2 that the user should input from the matlab command line

% the summation of these variable is inputing to the variable "result"

% We write the contain of result inside the file try01

fid = fopen('try01.txt','at'); %we open the file try01 or create it if it does not exist

var1=input('Give the first number'); %ask the user to input a number

var2=input('Give the first number'); %idem

result=var1+var2; %computing the result

fprintf(fid,'the resultat is %d\n',result); %write the result into the file try01, and go to the

fclose(fid); %terminate the program by closing the file

Loading Data into MATLAB for Plotting

In addition to plotting values created with its own commands, MATLAB is very useful for
plotting data from other sources, e.g., experimental measurements. Typically this data is
available as a plain text file organized into columns. MATLAB can easily handle tab or space-
delimited text, but it cannot directly import files stored in the native (binary) format of other
applications such as spreadsheets.

The simplest way to import your data into MATLAB is with the load command. Unfortunately,
the load command requires that your data file contain no text headings or column labels. To get
around this restriction you must use more advanced file I/O commands. Below I demonstrate
both approaches with examples. I've included an m-file to handle the more complex case of a file
with an arbitrary number of lines of text header, in addition to text labels for each column of
data. Though hardly a cure-all, this function is much more flexible than the load command
because it allows you to provide documentation inside your data file.
Here's an outline of this section

 The MATLAB load Command

 A simple plot of data from a file
 Plotting data from files with column headings

The MATLAB load Command

There is more than one way to read data into MATLAB from a file. The simplest, though least
flexible, procedure is to use the load command to read the entire contents of the file in a single
step. The load command requires that the data in the file be organized into a rectangular array.
No column titles are permitted. One useful form of the load command is

load name.ext

where ``name.ext'' is the name of the file containing the data. The result of this operation is that
the data in ``name.ext'' is stored in the MATLAB matrix variable called name. The ``ext'' string is
any three character extension, typically ``dat''. Any extension except ``mat'' indicates to
MATLAB that the data is stored as plain ASCII text. A ``mat'' extension is reserved for
MATLAB matrix files (see ``help load'' for more information).

Suppose you had a simple ASCII file named my_xy.dat that contained two columns of numbers.
The following MATLAB statements will load this data into the matrix ``my_xy'', and then copy
it into two vectors, x and y.

>> load my_xy.dat; % read data into the my_xy matrix

>> x = my_xy(:,1); % copy first column of my_xy into x
>> y = my_xy(:,2); % and second column into y

You don't need to copy the data into x and y, of course. Whenever the ``x'' data is needed you
could refer to it as my_xy(:,1). Copying the data into ``x'' and ``y'' makes the code easier to read,
and is more aesthetically appealing. The duplication of the data will not tax MATLAB's memory
for most modest data sets.

The load command is demonstrated in the following example.

If the data you wish to load into MATLAB has heading information, e.g., text labels for the
columns, you have the following options to deal with the heading text.
 Delete the heading information with a text editor and use the load command :-(

 Use the fgetl command to read the heading information one line at at time. You can
then parse the column labels with the strtok command. This technique requires
MATLAB version 4.2c or later.
 Use the fscanf command to read the heading information.

Of these options, using fgetl and strtok is probably the most robust and convenient. If you
read the heading text into MATLAB, i.e., if you don't use the load command, then you will have
to also read the plot data with fscanf. The example, Plotting data from files with column
headings shows how this is done.

A simple plot of data from a file

This example show you how to load a simple data set and plot it.

The PDXprecip.dat file contains two columns of numbers. The first is the number of the month,
and the second is the mean precipitation recorded at the Portland International Airport between
1961 and 1990. (For an abundance of weather data like this check out the Oregon Climate

Here are the MATLAB commands to create a symbol plot with the data from PDXprecip.dat.
These commands are also in the script file precipPlot.m for you to download.

>> load PDXprecip.dat; % read data into PDXprecip matrix

>> month = PDXprecip(:,1); % copy first column of PDXprecip into
>> precip = PDXprecip(:,2); % and second column into precip

>> plot(month,precip,'o'); % plot precip vs. month with circles

>> xlabel('month of the year'); % add axis labels and plot

>> ylabel('mean precipitation (inches)');
>> title('Mean monthly precipitation at Portland International

Although the data in the month vector is trivial, it is used here anyway for the purpose of
exposition. The preceding statments create the following plot.
Plotting data from files with column headings
If all your data is stored in files that contain no text labels, the load command is all you need. I
like labels, however, because they allow me to document and forget about the contents of a file.
To use the load for such a file I would have to delete the carefully written comments everytime I
wanted to make a plot. Then, in order to minimize my effort, I might stop adding the comments
to the data file in the first place. For us control freaks, that leads to an unacceptable increase in
entropy of the universe! The solution is to find a way to have MATLAB read and deal with the
text comments at the top of the file.

The following example presents a MATLAB function that can read columns of data from a file
when the file has an arbitrary length text header and text headings for each columns.

The data in the file PDXtemperature.dat is reproduced below

Monthly averaged temperature (1961-1990) Portland International

Source: Dr. George Taylor,
Oregon Climate Service,

Temperatures are in degrees Farenheit

Month High Low Average

1 45.36 33.84 39.6
2 50.87 35.98 43.43
3 56.05 38.55 47.3
4 60.49 41.36 50.92
5 67.17 46.92 57.05
6 73.82 52.8 63.31
7 79.72 56.43 68.07
8 80.14 56.79 68.47
9 74.54 51.83 63.18
10 64.08 44.95 54.52
11 52.66 39.54 46.1
12 45.59 34.75 40.17

The file has a five line header (including blank lines) and each column of numbers has a text
label. To use this data with the load command you would have to delete the text labels and save
the file. A better solution is to have MATLAB read the file without destroying the labels. Better
yet, we should be able to tell MATLAB to read and use the column headings when it creates the
plot legend.

There is no built-in MATLAB command to read this data, so we have to write an m-file to do the
job. One solution is the file readColData.m. The full text of that function won't be reproduced
here. You can click on the link to examine the code and save it on your computer if you like.

Here is the prologue to readColData.m

function [labels,x,y] = readColData(fname,ncols,nhead,nlrows)

% readColData reads data from a file containing data in columns
% that have text titles, and possibly other header text
% Synopsis:
% [labels,x,y] = readColData(fname)
% [labels,x,y] = readColData(fname,ncols)
% [labels,x,y] = readColData(fname,ncols,nhead)
% [labels,x,y] = readColData(fname,ncols,nhead,nlrows)
% Input:
% fname = name of the file containing the data (required)
% ncols = number of columns in the data file. Default = 2. A
% of ncols is required only if nlrows is also specified.
% nhead = number of lines of header information at the very top
% the file. Header text is read and discarded. Default
= 0.
% A value of nhead is required only if nlrows is also
% nlrows = number of rows of labels. Default = 1
% Output:
% labels = matrix of labels. Each row of lables is a different
% label from the columns of data. The number of
% in the labels matrix equals the length of the longest
% column heading in the data file. More than one row
% labels is allowed. In this case the second row of
% headings begins in row ncol+1 of labels. The third
% column headings begins in row 2*ncol+1 of labels,
% NOTE: Individual column headings must not contain blanks
% x = column vector of x values
% y = matrix of y values. y has length(x) rows and ncols columns

The first line of the file is the function definition. Following that are several lines of comment
statements that form a prologue to the function. Because the first line after the function definition
has a non-blank comment statement, typing ``help readColData'' at the MATLAB prompt will
cause MATLAB to print the prologue in the command window. This is how the on-line help to
all MATLAB functions is provided.

The prologue is organized into four sections. First is a brief statement of what the function does.
Next is a synopsis of the ways in which the function can be called. Following that the input and
output parameters are described.

Here are the MATLAB commands that use readColData.m to plot the data in
PDXtemperature.dat. The commands are also in the script file multicolPlot.m

>> % read labels and x-y data

>> [labels,month,t] = readColData('PDXtemperature.dat',4,5);

>> plot(month,t(:,1),'ro',month,t(:,2),'c+',month,t(:,3),'g-');

>> xlabel(labels(1,:)); % add axis labels and

plot title
>> ylabel('temperature (degrees F)');
>> title('Monthly average temperature for Portland International

>> % add a plot legend using labels read from the file
>> legend(labels(2,:),labels(3,:),labels(4,:));

These statments create the following plot.

Lecture 6: Manipulating Text

By the end of the session you should:

       be able to write simple functions and programs that manipulate text files and tables of strings.

       be
able to re-use a number of simple programming templates for some common programming


1.      Writing to a text file

To save the results of some computation to a file in text format reqires the following steps:
a.         Open a new file, or overwrite an old file, keeping a ‘handle’ for the file.

b.        Print the values of expressions to the file, using the file handle

c.         Close the file, using the file handle

The file handle is a just a variable which identifies the open file in your program.  This allows you to have
any number of files open at any one time.

% open file
fid = fopen('myfile.txt','wt');     % 'wt' means "write text"
if (fid < 0)
    error('could not open file "myfile.txt"');
% write some stuff to file
for i=1:100
    fprintf(fid,'Number = %3d Square = %6d\n',i,i*i);
% close the file

2.      Reading from a text file

To read some results from a text file is straightforward if you just want to load the whole file into
memory.  This requires the following steps:

a.         Open an existing file, keeping a ‘handle’ for the file.

b.        Read expressions from the file into a single array, using the file handle

c.         Close the file, using the file handle

The fscanf() function is the inverse of fprintf().  However it returns the values it reads as values in a
matrix.  You can control the 'shape' of  the output matrix with a third argument.

A = fscanf(fid,"%g %g %g\n",[3,inf])       % A has 3 rows and 1 col per line

disp(A(1,1))          % display first value on first line
disp(A(1,2))          % display first value on second line
disp(A(2,1))          % display second value on first line

Thus to read back the data we saved above:

% open file
fid = fopen('myfile.txt','rt');     % 'rt' means "read text"
if (fid < 0)
    error('could not open file "myfile.txt"');
% read from file into table with 2 rows and 1 column per line
tab = fscanf(fid,'Number = %d Square = %d\n',[2,inf]);
% close the file
rtab = tab';          % convert to 2 columns and 1 row per line

Reading a table of strings is more complex, since the strings have to be the same length.  We can use the
fgetl() function to get a line of text as characters, but we'll first need to find out the length of the longest
string, then ensure all strings are the same length.  Here is a complete function for loading a text file as a
table of fixed-length strings:

function tab=readtextfile(filename)
% Read a text file into a matrix with one row per input line
% and with a fixed number of columns, set by the longest line.
% Each string is padded with NUL (ASCII 0) characters
% open the file for reading
ip = fopen(filename,'rt');          % 'rt' means read text
if (ip < 0)
    error('could not open file');   % just abort if error
% find length of longest line
max=0;                              % record length of longest string
cnt=0;                              % record number of strings
s = fgetl(ip);                      % get a line
while (ischar(s))                   % while not end of file
   cnt = cnt+1;
   if (length(s) > max)           % keep record of longest
        max = length(s);
    s = fgetl(ip);                  % get next line
% rewind the file to the beginning
% create an empty matrix of appropriate size
tab=char(zeros(cnt,max));           % fill with ASCII zeros
% load the strings for real
s = fgetl(ip);
while (ischar(s))
   cnt = cnt+1;
   tab(cnt,1:length(s)) = s;      % slot into table
    s = fgetl(ip);
% close the file and return

Here is an example of its use:

% write some variable length strings to a file
op = fopen('weekdays.txt','wt');
% read it into memory
tab = readtextfile('weekdays.txt');
% display it

3.      Randomising and sorting a list

Assuming we have a table of values, how can we randomise the order of the entries?  A good way of
achieving this is analogous to shuffling a pack of cards.  We pick two positions in the pack, then swap
over the cards at those two positions.  We then just repeat this process enough times that each card is
likely to be swapped at least once.

function rtab=randomise(tab)
% randomise the order of the rows in tab.
% columns are unaffected
[nrows,ncols]=size(tab);            % get size of input matrix
cnt = 10*nrows;                     % enough times
while (cnt > 0)
    pos1 = 1+fix(nrows*rand);       % get first random row
    pos2 = 1+fix(nrows*rand);       % get second random row
    tmp = tab(pos1,:);              % save first row
    tab(pos1,:) = tab(pos2,:);      % swap second into first
    tab(pos2,:) = tmp;              % move first into second
rtab=tab;                           % return randomised table

Sorting a list is easy if you just want some standard alphabetic ordering.  But what if you want to choose
some arbitrary ordering function?  For example, how could you sort strings when case was not
important?  Here we use the ability of MATLAB to evaluate a function by name (feval()) so that we can
provide the name of a function for doing the comparisons the way we want.  This function should take
two rows and return –1 if the first row sorts earlier than the second, 1 if the second row sorts earlier
than the first and 0 if there is no preference.  Here is a case-independent comparison function:

function flag=comparenocase(str1,str2)
% compares two strings without regard to case
% returns –1, 0, 1 if str1 is less than, equal, greater than str2.
for i=1:min(len1,len2)
    c1 = str1(i);
    c2 = str2(i);
    if (('a' <= c1)&(c1 <= 'z'))
        c1 = char(abs(c1)-32);            % convert lower case to upper
    if (('a' <= c2)&(c2 <= 'z'))
        c2 = char(abs(c2)-32);            % convert lower case to upper
    if (c1 < c2)
        flag = -1;                        % str1 sorts earlier
    elseif (c2 < c1)
        flag = 1;                         % str2 sorts earlier
% strings match up to length of shorter, so
if (len1 < len2)
    flag = -1;                             % str1 sorts earlier
elseif (len2 < len1)
    flag = 1;                              % str2 sorts earlier
    flag = 0;                              % no preference

Here is a sort function that might be used with this comparison function.

function stab=functionsortrows(tab,funcname)
% sorts the rows of the input table using the supplied
% function name to provide an ordering on pairs of rows
for i=2:nrows                              % sort each row into place
    j = i;
    tmp = tab(j,:);                        % save row
    % compare this row with higher rows to see where it goes
    while ((j > 1)&(feval(funcname,tmp,tab(j-1,:))<0))
        tab(j,:) = tab(j-1,:);            % shift higher rows down
        j = j - 1;
    tab(j,:) = tmp;                        % put in ordered place
stab = tab;                                % return sorted table

4.      Searching a list

How might we search a list of items for an item matching a specific value?  If the list is unordered, all we
can do is run down the list testing each entry in turn.  This function finds the index of a row in a table
that contains (anywhere) the characters in the supplied match string:

function idx=findstring(tab,str)
% find the row index containing a matching string
% returns 0 if the string is not found
for idx=1:nrows
    matches = findstr(tab(idx,:),str);
    if (length(matches)>0)

However, the process can be much faster if the listed is sorted and we are searching for an exact match
only.  A so-called binary search is the fastest possible way of finding an item in a sorted list:

function idx=binarysearch(tab,val)
% returns the row index of val in sorted table tab
% returns 0 if val is not found
while (lo <= hi)
    idx = fix(lo+hi)/2;
    if (val < tab(idx,:))
        hi = idx - 1;
    elseif (val > tab(idx,:))
        lo = idx + 1;

5. Cell Arrays

Many operations with text and tables of strings are made simpler in MATLAB through the use of "cell
arrays".  These are a generalisation of MATLAB matrices such that cells can contain any type of object. 
This allows MATLAB to manipulate tables of variable length strings.  We will not be going into cell arrays
in this course.


MATLAB Online Manual: Using MATLAB: Index of Examples


For these exercises, use the editor window to enter your code, and save your answers to files under
your account on the central server. When you save the files, give them the file extension of ".m".  Run
your programs from the command window. You may want to start by implementing the readtextfile()
function from this handout.

1.      Write a program (ex61.m) to ask the user to input the name of a text file containing a list of WAV
format sound files.  Play these sounds out in random order.

2.      Write a program (ex62.m) to ask the user to input the name of a text file containing a list of general
knowledge TRUE/FALSE questions.  Prompt the user with each question in turn and save his/her
responses to an output file.

3.      Write a program (ex63.m) to input a word list from a file and then to spell check another text file. 
Treat as mis-spelled all words not in the word list, and report a list of all mis-spelled words, ensuring
that each mis-spelling is reported once only.

4.      (Homework) Write a program that takes the name of a text file containg a list of WAV format sound
files.  Concatenate the audio files into a single WAV file with 3 seconds of silence between them.  Be
sure to check that sampling rates are compatible.

Ex 6
% ex61.m
% ask for file containing list of sound files
lname = input('Enter sound list file name : ','s');
% read list into memory
tab = readtextfile(lname);
% randomise list
rtab = randomise(tab);
% play out the files
for i=1:nrows
[y,fs,nbits] = wavread(rtab(i,:));
wavplay(y,fs); % wavplay waits for sound to end
% unlike the SOUND function
% ex62.m
% ask for question file name
qname = input('Enter file containing questions : ','s');
% create a log file based on that name
lname = [ qname '.log' ];
% open the input file
ip = fopen(qname,'rt');
if (ip < 0)
error('could not open input file');
% open the output file
op = fopen(lname,'wt');
if (op < 0)
error('could not open output file');
% ask each question in turn
q = fgetl(ip);
while (ischar(q))
a = input('Answer T(rue) or F(alse) : ','s');
while ((a~='T')&(a~='F'))
a = input('Answer T(rue) or F(alse) : ','s');
fprintf(op,'%s\nAnswer: %s\n',q,a);
q = fgetl(ip);

% ex63.m
% get word list file
wname = input('Enter word list file name : ','s');
% load file and sort
wtab = readtextfile(wname);
swtab = sortrows(wtab);
fprintf('%d words loaded from "%s"\n',nrows,wname);
% open a temporary output file
if (op < 0)
error('could not open "temp.txt"');
% get the text file name
tname = input('Enter text file name : ','s');
if (ip < 0)
error('could not open input file');
% load the input file as a single column
% convert all characters except alphabetic letters to spaces
nonalphas= ~((('A' <= txt)&(txt <= 'Z'))|(('a' <= txt)&(txt <= 'z')));
txt(nonalphas)=' ';
% find each word in turn
while (ischar(token))
if (findstring(wtab,token)==0)
% not in word list, add to file of errors
% get next word in rest of text
% load in file of mis-spelled words
etab = readtextfile('temp.txt');
% get a list of unique rows (also sorts the list)
ewords = unique(etab,'rows');
% display mis-spelled words
fprintf('These words are mis-spelled:\n');

Example 1 — Read All Fields in Free Format File Using %

The first line of mydata.dat is

Sally Level1 12.34 45 Yes

Read the first line of the file as a free format file using the % format.

[names, types, x, y, answer] = textread('mydata.dat', ...

'%s %s %f %d %s', 1)


names =
types =
x =
y =
answer =
by Kristian Sandberg
Department of Applied Mathematics
University of Colorado

This worksheet introduces the fundamental ideas for programming in Matlab. It requires no
programming experience, but some familiarity with Matlab is recomended. All background
needed can be found on the worksheet Introduction to Matlab.

The programming structures presented below applies to Matlab. However, these structures look
very similar in other computer languages, such as C, Java, Pascal, etc., so by understanding how
loops, logical operations, etc., work in Matlab, you will be well-prepared for beginning
programming in other languages as well.

Many of the examples given may seem to be irrelevant to this course. However, by
understanding the seemingly stupid and sometimes mathematically irrelevant examples and
exercises in this worksheet, you will have all the background to write programs such as a Runge-
Kutta 4 ODE-solver.

A number of examples will be given below. They will be given as Matlab code but the output
which you will get when you run these programs will not be given. When going over this
worksheet, you are recomended to implement the examples yourself and then run them in the
Matlab command window and carefully study the outcome and compare it to the code.

How to edit and run a program in Matlab

When writing programs, you need to do this in a separate window, called the editor. On a Mac or PC you
open this document form the "File" menu by choosing either "New...M-file" (if you want to create a new
program) or "Open" (to open an old document). In the editor you can now type in your code, similarily
to how you would type using a word processor. There are menus for editing the text, just as in a word
processor. While typing your code in the editor, no commands will be performed! In order to run a
program do the following:

1. Save your code as filename.m. Important: It is important to add ".m" at the end of your
filename. Otherwise Matlab may not understand your program.
2. Go to the command window. If necessary, change directory with the cd command to the
directory contatining your file. For example, if you saved your file on the C-drive, type cd c:.

3. In order to run the program, type filename at the prompt. Important: When typing
filename in the command window in order to run a program, do not include ".m". When
pressing enter Matlab will run your program and perform all the commands given in your file.
In case your code has errors, Matlab will complain when you try to run the program in the
command window. When this happens, try to interpret the error message and make necessary
changes to you code in the editor. After you have made the changes, make sure you save your
file before trying to run the program again in the command window.

General programming advice

When programming, it is extremely important, even for the most experienced programmer, to never try
to write all the code at once. You have to program in small steps and make sure each of these small
steps work as expected before proceeding to program the next step. When writing longer code, always
use pen and paper to outline the code before you actually type it into the editor.

Basic programming structures

To make Matlab give an output, such as return the value of a variable, you type the name of the variable
without any semi colon (;) following the variable. In many cases, there is no need to see the value of a
variable every single time Matlab uses it. If Matlab re-computes the value of a variable 1000 times, we
probably don't want to see the result every single time. To surpress the output of a value, just add a
semi colon after the variable. Then Matlab will perform the command, but will not show it on the

Let's say that we want the user to enter some value that we want the program to work with. This
can be done using the input command with the syntax


This command will print out text on the screen and then wait for the user to enter a number. The
variable will now be assigned the number that the user entered. (Using this command for reading
letters instead of numbers is slightly more complicated and will not be covered in this

Now it is time for our first example. The following program asks the user for an amount in
dollars, and returns the value of this amount in a foreign currency.

Example 1.

exchange_rate = 0.5;
amount = input('Give amount in dollars: ');
amount_in_foreign_currency = exchange_rate*amount

Always begin your code with clear! This erases all variables. If you do not do this, you can
get errors when you run your program that are very hard to discover.

Relational and logical operators

The heading may sound scary but are just fancy names for some of the fundamental operators used for
programming. Below follows a list with some useful commands.

Logical operators

Operation: Matlab command:

Logical and &

Logical or |

Negate ~

Relational operators

Operation: Matlab command:

Strictly less than <

Less than or equal to <=

Strictly greater than >

Greater than or equal to >=

Equal to ==

Not equal to ~=

It is important to know the difference between = and ==. The former, =, is used when assigning
a number to a variable, e.g., x=3;. The latter, ==, is used to check if two expressions are equal.
This is illustrated in the examples below, but first we need to know what an if-statement is.
When programming we often want the computer to check whether a statement is true or false and
perform different operations depending on the result of this test. This can be done using a so-
called if-statement. The syntax is given below.

if logical expression





Note that for each if, you need to "close" the if-statement with an end. Make sure the if:s
and end:s always match! (This is a common source for programming errors.)

The content of this paragraph may have seemed abstract but by carefully studying the following
three examples and doing Exercise 1 it will hopefully become clearer.

Example 2.

N = input('Give numerator: ');
D = input('Give denominator: ');

if D==0
'Sorry, cannot divide by zero'

ratio = N/D


In the next example, I make Matlab write something depending on which test our month
"passes". To make Matlab write text as output, use single quote ' around the text.

Example 3.

month = input('Give month number (1-12): ' );

if month==1 | month==3 | month ==5 | month==7 | month==10 |

'Your month has 31 days'

if month==2

'Your month has 28 days'


'Your month has 30 days'



In the next example I use the command rem (remainder). The syntax is


and returns the remainder after the division of the two integers x and y.

Example 4.

number = input('Give an integer: ' );
remainder2 = rem(number,2);
remainder3 = rem(number,3);

if remainder2==0 & remainder3==0

'Your number is divisible by both 2 and 3'

if remainder2==0

'Your number is divisble by 2 but not by 3'

if remainder3==0

'Your number is divisible by 3 but not by 2'


'Your number is not divisible by either 2 or 3'




Exercise 1.
Write a "currency exchange program" similar to the one in Example 1 which can handle two different
exchange rates, exchange_rate1 = 0.5 and exchange_rate2 = 0.25. Design the program to first ask for the
amount in dollars and then ask the user which rate (represented by the numbers 1 and 2 respectively)
he/she wants. Let the program return the amount in the requested foreign currency.

Repetitive operations (loops)

The power of computers is that they can do operations repeatedly. For example, an ODE-solvers
computes the value of a function several thousands of times when choosing a small time step. An
operation that is performed repeatedly is called a repetitive operation or, more common, a loop. There
are different kinds of loops but the most common one is the for-loop. The syntax for a for-loop is:

for loop variable = startvalue : endvalue



This loop will initate loop variable as start value, increment loop variable by 1 each step until
end value is reached. Below follows a few examples of how to use for-loops.

Example 5.

for i=1:20


In the following example we see a so-called nested for-loop. This is nothing else then a "loop
within a loop". Note how we must "close" each for with and end. Make sure you understand
how this example works!

Example 6.

for i=1:5
for j=1:5




In the following example, make sure you understand the function of the variable sum. This is a
common way of performing summations when programming.

Example 7.

sum = 0;
for k=0:10
sum = sum+1/gamma(k+1);


e_approximation = sum
e_exact = exp(1)

In the next example, notice how I have to "shift" the indexing of the vector. Matlab must have
non-zero, positive integers as vector- or matrix-indices! One of the most common mistakes when
programming in Matlab is that your program begins indexing at zero instead of one. Also note
how by typing a percent sign (%) before text in the code, Matlab does not interpret this text as
code. It just serves as a comment for any person using the code. Commenting your code is
essential when writing longer programs.

Example 8.


for k=0:50
x(k+1)=0.1*k; % Indices of vectors must be NON-ZERO!
sum = 0;

for m=0:10

sum = sum+(x(k+1)^m)/gamma(m+1);


e(k+1) = sum;


title('Approximation of e^x for x between 0 and 5')

Exercise 2.
Write a program that approximates PI by computing the sum

The more terms you keep in the summation, the more accurate your answer will be. (In fact, the series
converges to PI as m goes to infinity.) See how many terms you need to approximate PI with 5 decimals.
(Note: This is by no means the most efficient way to approximate PI, but the formula is quite beautiful...)

Exercise 3.
Use the sum given in Exercise 2 to approximate PI using 10, 100, 1000, 10000 and 100000 terms. For each
of these number, compute the error of the approximation. Plot the error as a function of the number of
terms used in the sum.

Networks I
Course No. 0909-201-01

Fall 1997, 2nd Quarter

Introduction to Matlab

 What is Matlab?
    Matlab (short for MATrix LABoratory) is a language for technical computing, developed by the
The Mathworks, Inc. It provides a single platform for computation, visualization, programming
and software development. All problems and solutions in Matlab are expressed in notation used
in linear algebra and essentially involve operations using matrices and vectors.
    As part of the undergraduate Electrical Engineering program, you will be using Matlab to solve
problems in

o Circuits
o Communication systems

o Digital signal processing

o Control systems

o Probability and statistics

In addition, you can use Matlab to build Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) so that you can develop
user-friendly custom software.
    The Matlab software environment has a core module (called Matlab) and associated with that
are a set of "Toolboxes" that perform specialized computations.

A Matlab Tutorial
    The following sections provide a brief introduction to some basic concepts for programming in
Matlab Version 5, that is installed in the laboratory. There already exist many excellent tutorials
developed by many universities for their coursework. For a partial list of Matlab tutorials out on
the web, click here.
    It is a good idea to purchase a Student Edition of Matlab from the bookstore, since you will be
using this software throughout your engineering career. It costs about $60 (need to check on the
exact price) and comes with a handy User's Guide.
    The tutorial is organized into the following sections; just follow the links. The best way to
learn Matlab is by actually doing the examples indicated.

o Getting Started
o Vectors and Matrices

o Vector and Matrix Operations

o Loops

o Plotting

o Printing

o File Input/Output

o Executable files (m-files) in Matlab

Getting Started
Note: In all of the discussion in the following sections, stuff that you type in will be written in
boldface. All Matlab output will be normal font.

Double click on the Matlab icon to start the program (duh....). A MATLAB Command Window should
pop-up with the following text:

  To get started, type one of these commands: helpwin, helpdesk, or demo.


The ">>" is a prompt, requiring you to type in commands. One of the first commands you should
type in is to find out what your working directory is. The working directory is where you will
save the results of your calculations. So, type in
>> pwd
pwd stands for "print working directory". You probably would get an output like:

ans =


Matlab always stores the result of its last calculation in a variable called ans (short for answer).
Now this indicates the working directory. You can change the working directory using the cd
(short for change directory) command. Do
>> cd C:\temp
>> pwd

ans =


Now, the results of your computations will be saved in the C:\temp directory, when you issue the
correct commands (more about that later).

Online help can be accessed for all Matlab commands by issuing the help command.
>> help <type name of command here>

To get started, you can simply type

>> help

(Back to top)

Vectors and Matrices

 Variables in Matlab are just like variables in any other programming language (C, C++ etc.); only
difference is that you do not have to define them by indicating the type etc. Also, variable names (case
sensitive) can be used to refer to a single number (a scalar), a set of numbers (a vector) or an array of
numbers (a matrix).
Vectors are nothing but matrices having a single row (a row vector), or a single column (a column
To create a row vector in Matlab, do:
>> r = [1 2 3 4]

        1     2     3     4
A column vector can be created by
>> c = [1; 2; 3; 4]

 On the other hand, you can use the ' operator (transpose)
>> c = r'


Vectors can also be created by incrementing a starting value with a constant quantity. For
>> r = [0:2:10]

     0     2     4     6     8    10

creates a row vector, with the first element = 0; each element inceremented by 2; until the final
value of 10.

You can index specific parts of a vector. For example, to get the third element in the vector r,
you can do
>> r(3)

ans =


Matrices are 2 dimensional quantities and are created similar to vectors. We can do
 >> a = [1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 9; 10 11 12]

     1     2     3

     4     5     6
     7     8     9
    10    11    12
which is a 4x3 matrix (4 rows and 3 columns). We can also use the incremenation principle to do

>> b = [0:2:10; 1:2:11]

     0     2     4     6     8    10
     1     3     5     7     9    11
which is a 2x6 matrix. Again, individual elements of the matrix, for instance the element in the
2nd row, 5th column can be accessed using the notation:
>> b(2, 5)
ans =


(Back to top)

Vector and Matrix Operations

The basic arithmetic operations +, -, *, / can be used for vectors and matrices. These would generate
corresponding output vectors or matrices. For example, to add two vectors:
>> a = [1 2 3 4];
>> b = [5 6 7 8];
>> c = a+b
        6 8 19 12

The semicolons (;) in the first two commands direct Matlab not to echo the values of the
variables a and b on to the screen immediately after you type them. Obviously, only vectors that
have the same number of elements can be added or subtracted. Similarly, two matrices with
identical number of rows and columns can be subtracted as follows:
>> a = [1:3:20; 21:3:40];
>> b = [2:3:20; 22:3:40];
>> c = a-b

    -1    -1    -1    -1    -1    -1    -1

    -1    -1    -1    -1    -1    -1    -1

Matrix multiplication using the * symbol is possible only if the number of columns in the first
matrix equals the number of rows in the second:
>> a=[1 2 3; 4 5 6]

     1     2     3

     4     5     6

>> b = a'
     1     4
     2     5
     3     6

>> c=a*b


    14    32
    32    77

However, if you want to multiply corresponding elements of two matrices, then you do an array
multiply using the .* symbol.
>> a = [1 2 3 4; 5 6 7 8]; b=[2 2 2 2; 3 3 3 3];
>> c=a .* b

     2     4     6     8

    15    18    21    24

Discussion on matrix "division" using the / symbol for matrices is postponed till later.

Solving systems of linear equations in Matlab

To solve the set of equations

a1 x + b1 y + c1 z = d1
a2 x + b2 y + c2 z = d2
a3 x + b3 y + c3 z = d3

we set this up as a matrix equation of the form

P = [a1 b1 c1; a2 b2 c2; a3 b3 c3]
U = [x; y; z]
Q = [d1; d2; d3]

The solution of this system of equations is U = P-1 Q; this is accomplished in Matlab using
>> U = inv(P)*Q

or by using the backslash \ operator

>> U = P\Q


1. Set up Mesh Current Equations in the form R I = V and solve for the mesh currents, I.
2. Set up Node Voltage Equations in the form G V = I and solve for node voltages, V.
(Back to top)

 The for loop (very similar to C expression) is a simple command for setting up a loop. Example:

>> for i = 1:10;

>> a(i) = i*i;
>> end
>> a

     1     4     9    16    25    36    49    64    81   100

All statements between the for and the end statements will be executed as per the command
specifications. Example of a for loop where the increment is not 1 would be >> for i =
1:3:20; ..... etc.
Type in
>> help for
for more details.

(Back to top)

 The plot command is used for generating 1-D (functions of one variable) plots. Do >> help plot for
complete details. Let's make a graph of y = sin(x), for x on the interval x=0, to x = 10.
>> x = [0:0.1:10]; (here .1 is the increment)
>> y = sin(x); (notice how the sin function operates on each element of the entire row vector x, to
generate a nother row vector y)
>> plot (x, y)

Surface or 2-D (functions of two variables) plots are generated using the surf command. More
on that later.

To clear a plot, type in >> clg (clear graph)

To generate another plot window, do >> figure

(Back to top)
 You can print a plot using the Print Option under the File Menu in the Figure Window. The text in the
Command Window is printed similarly.

(Back to top) 

File Input/Output
The save and load commands are used for saving data to disk or loading data from disk, respectively.
To save values in a  matrix or vector, called, for instance, y, do:
>> y = [1 2 3 4; 5 6 7 8];
>> save y.txt y -ascii
The -ascii option ensures that the data is saved in ASCII form, so that it can be read by other programs -
Word, Excel Notepad, Wordpad, etc. Examine the file y.txt using one of these programs. The file is
generated in the working directory (remember this? If not click here).

An ASCII data file dat.txt can be loaded using

>> load dat.txt

This provides a variable called dat in the Matlab workspace. All manner of vector/matrix
operations can be performed on dat, just like any other variable.

Do >> help save and >>help load for learning all the load/save options.

After you read the next section, click here for a fun Matlab project - generating music with

(Back to top)

Executable files (m-files in Matlab)

Executable files in Matlab are generated by storing a list of Matlab commands  in a file given the
extension .m
These files are called M-files. To create an M-file, use the New...M-file Option under the File Menu in the
Command Window. Type in the following commands in the M-File Editor Window:
x = [0:0.1:10];
y = cos(x);
title('A plot of Cosine(x)')

Save the file using the Save Option under the File Menu in the M-File Editor Window. Call it,
say, cosineplot.m. Now, to run this program in Matlab, move over to the Matlab Command
Window and just type in >> cosineplot

(Back to top)

Matlab Solenoid Example Program

Cut and paste this example program in to a blank m-file in Matlab, then save it on your engin
website with the name of your group and instrument (remember, Matlab allows only
alphanumeric characters and no spaces before the ".m"). Modify the program (including the
commented upper section) to fit with your hardware.

% program solenoid.m
% opens the COM1 serial port and sends a series of commands to a stepper
% motor at location S2 on a Pontech S200B controller board
% written 27 October 2005 by E. Carr Everbach
clear % clear all previous variables
ncount = 1;
ser = serial('COM1');   % establish connection between Matlab and COM1
set(ser, 'Terminator', 'CR'); % set communication string to end on ASCII 13
set(ser, 'BaudRate', 9600);
set(ser, 'StopBits', 1);    % Pontech controllers ask for these parameters
set(ser, 'DataBits', 8);
set(ser, 'Parity', 'none');
fopen(ser); % open the serial port connection
fprintf(ser,'BD0\n'); % address the controller board (assume only one of them)
fprintf('servo controller is on-line.\n');
nsolenoids = input('Enter number of solenoids to test: ');
for index = 1:nsolenoids
    fprintf(ser,'SV%d M0\n', index); % write out initialization commands
while (ncount)
    ncount = input('Enter number of in/out pulses to each solenoid (0 to
quit): ');
    for index = 1:ncount
        for yndex = 1:nsolenoids % for each solenoid
            fprintf(ser,'PS%d\n', yndex);
            fprintf(ser,'PC%d\n', yndex);
disp('End of program');

Matlab Servo Example Program

Cut and paste this example program in to a blank m-file in Matlab, then save it on your engin
website with the name of your group and instrument (remember, Matlab allows only
alphanumeric characters and no spaces before the ".m"). Modify the program (including the
commented upper section) to fit with your hardware.

% program servo.m
% opens the COM1 serial port and sends a series of commands to a servo
% motor at location S1 on a Pontech S200B controller board
% written 3 October 2005 by E. Carr Everbach
clear % clear all previous variables
ser = serial('COM1');   % establish connection between Matlab and COM1
set(ser, 'Terminator', 'CR'); % set communication string to end on ASCII 13
set(ser, 'BaudRate', 9600);
set(ser, 'StopBits', 1);    % Pontech controllers ask for these parameters
set(ser, 'DataBits', 8);
set(ser, 'Parity', 'none');
fopen(ser); % open the serial port connection
fprintf(ser,'BD0 SV1\n'); % write out initialization commands
fprintf('servo controller is on-line.\n');
fprintf('Hit space to see servo toggle through its range\n');
position = 1; % variable to hold angular position info
while (position)
    position = input('Enter integer position (1-255) or 0 to quit: ');
disp('End of program; servo off');
How to write Matlab results to a text file
This example opens 2 different files and writes different variables to each.

a = [1 2 3];
b = [4 5 6];
c = 7.94682e6;
file_1 = fopen('output1.txt','w')
file_2 = fopen('output2.txt','w')

fprintf(file_1,'Example formatted output \n\n')

fprintf(file_1,'a = [%8.6E %8.6E %8.6E] (km/s)\n',a)
fprintf(file_2,'b = [%13.6G %13.6G %13.6G] (km^3/s^2)\n\n c = %5.2f ',b,c)

o The conversion specifications are of the form %w.p

where w = minimum number of digits to be displayed

and p = precision (number of digits to right of decimal point)

f = floating point

E = exponential notation

G = automatic selection of f or E, whichever is more compact

d = integer

MATLAB Function Reference    

Write formatted data to file


 [count, errmsg] = fprintf(fid, format, A, ...)

[count, errmsg] = fprintf(fid, format, A, ...) formats the data in the real part of
matrix A (and in any additional matrix arguments) under control of the specified format string,
and writes it to the file associated with file identifier fid. fprintf returns a count of the number
of bytes written. errmsg is an optional output argument that returns an error message string if an
error occurred, or an empty string if an error did not occur.

Argument fid is an integer file identifier obtained from fopen. (It can also be 1 for standard
output (the screen) or 2 for standard error. See fopen for more information.) Omitting fid causes
output to appear on the screen.

Format String

The format argument is a string containing C language conversion specifications. A conversion

specification controls the notation, alignment, significant digits, field width, and other aspects of
output format. The format string can contain escape characters to represent nonprinting
characters such as newline characters and tabs.

Conversion specifications begin with the % character and contain these optional and required

 Flags (optional)
 Width and precision fields (optional)
 A subtype specifier (optional)
 Conversion character (required)

You specify these elements in the following order:


You can control the alignment of the output using any of these optional flags.

Character Description Example

Minus sign (-) Left-justifies the converted argument in its field %-5.2d
Plus sign (+) Always prints a sign character (+ or -) %+5.2d

Space character Inserts a space before the value % 5.2d

Zero (0) Pads with zeros rather than spaces %05.2d

Field Width and Precision Specifications

You can control the width and precision of the output by including these options in the format string.

Character Description Example

Field width A digit string specifying the minimum number of digits to be printed %6f

Precision A digit string including a period (.) specifying the number of digits to be %6.2f
printed to the right of the decimal point

Conversion Characters

Conversion characters specify the notation of the output.

Specifier Description
%c Single character
%d Decimal notation (signed)
%e Exponential notation (using a lowercase e as in 3.1415e+00)
%E Exponential notation (using an uppercase E as in 3.1415E+00)
%f Fixed-point notation
%g The more compact of %e or %f, as defined in [2]. Insignificant zeros do not print.
%G Same as %g, but using an uppercase E
%i Decimal notation (signed)
%o Octal notation (unsigned)
%s String of characters
%u Decimal notation (unsigned)
%x Hexadecimal notation (using lowercase letters a-f)
%X Hexadecimal notation (using uppercase letters A-F)

Conversion characters %o, %u, %x, and %X support subtype specifiers. See Remarks for more
Escape Characters

This table lists the escape character sequences you use to specify nonprinting characters in a format

Character Description
\b Backspace
\f Form feed
\n New line
\r Carriage return
\t Horizontal tab
\\ Backslash
\'' or '' Single quotation mark
(two single quotes)
%% Percent character


When writing text to a file on Windows, it is recommended that you open the file in write-text
mode (e.g., fopen(file_id, 'wt')). This ensures that lines in the file are terminated in such a
way as to be compatible with all applications that might use the file.

The fprintf function behaves like its ANSI C language namesake with these exceptions and

 If you use fprintf to convert a MATLAB double into an integer, and the double
contains a value that cannot be represented as an integer (for example, it contains a
fraction), MATLAB ignores the specified conversion and outputs the value in
exponential format. To successfully perform this conversion, use the fix, floor, ceil,
or round functions to change the value in the double into a value that can be represented
as an integer before passing it to sprintf.
 The following nonstandard subtype specifiers are supported for the conversion characters
%o, %u, %x, and %X.

b The underlying C data type is a double rather than an unsigned integer. For example, to
print a double-precision value in hexadecimal, use a format like '%bx'.
t The underlying C data type is a float rather than an unsigned integer.
 For example, to print a double value in hexadecimal, use the format '%bx'.

 The fprintf function is vectorized for nonscalar arguments. The function recycles the
format string through the elements of A (columnwise) until all the elements are used up. The
function then continues in a similar manner through any additional matrix arguments.

Note    fprintf displays negative zero (-0) differently on some platforms, as shown in
the following table.

Conversion Character

Platform %e or %E %f %g or %G
PC 0.000000e+000 0.000000 0
Others -0.000000e+00 -0.000000 -0


Example 1

Create a text file called exp.txt containing a short table of the exponential function. (On
Windows platforms, it is recommended that you use fopen with the mode set to 'wt' to open a
text file for writing.)

 x = 0:.1:1;
 y = [x; exp(x)];
 fid = fopen('exp.txt', 'wt');
 fprintf(fid, '%6.2f %12.8f\n', y);
 fclose(fid)

Now examine the contents of exp.txt:

 type exp.txt
 0.00 1.00000000
 0.10 1.10517092
 ...
 1.00 2.71828183

Example 2

The command
 fprintf('A unit circle has circumference %g radians.\n',2*pi)

displays a line on the screen:

 A unit circle has circumference 6.283186 radians.

Example 3

To insert a single quotation mark in a string, use two single quotation marks together. For

 fprintf(1,'It''s Friday.\n')

displays on the screen

 It's Friday.

Example 4

The commands

 B = [8.8 7.7; 8800 7700]

 fprintf(1, 'X is %6.2f meters or %8.3f mm\n', 9.9, 9900, B)

display the lines

 X is 9.90 meters or 9900.000 mm

 X is 8.80 meters or 8800.000 mm
 X is 7.70 meters or 7700.000 mm

Example 5

Explicitly convert MATLAB double-precision variables to integer values for use with an integer
conversion specifier. For instance, to convert signed 32-bit data to hexadecimal format,

 a = [6 10 14 44];
 fprintf('%9X\n', a + (a<0)*2^32)
 6
 A
 E
 2C

See Also

fclose, ferror, fopen, fread, fscanf, fseek, ftell, fwrite, disp


[1] Kernighan, B.W., and D.M. Ritchie, The C Programming Language, Second Edition,
Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1988.

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