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a restaurant, bank etc where you can be served without getting out of your car

Lament v

1 [intransitive and transitive] to express feelings of great sadness about something:

The nation lamented the death of its great war leader.

2 [transitive] to express annoyance or disappointment about something you think is

unsatisfactory or unfair

lament that

He lamented that people had expected too much of him too soon.

She lamented the fact that manufacturers did not produce small packs for single-
person households.

lament the lack/absence/decline etc of something

Steiner lamented the lack of public interest in the issue.

makeshift adjective

make‧shift /"meûkÐûft/

made to be used for a short time only when nothing better is available:

The refugees slept in makeshift tents at the side of the road.


a small two-wheeled vehicle with an engine [↪ motorcycle]

loom:a frame or machine on which thread is woven into cloth

Weave:weave1 /wi:v/ 1cloth etc [intransitive and transitive]TIC to make cloth, a carpet, a
basket etc by crossing threads or thin pieces under and over each other by hand or on a loom

level crossing




sanctity / [uncountable]

1 the sanctity of life/marriage etc the quality that makes life, marriage etc so important that
it must be respected and preserved:

the sanctity of the Constitution

2 formal

The holy or religious character of a person or place [↪ sacred]: an aura of sanctity

gus‧sy /"gšsi/ past tense and past participle gussied, present participle gussying, third person
singular gussies

gussy somebody/something ↔ up phrasal verb

to make someone look attractive by dressing them in their best clothes, or to make something
look attractive by decorating it:

All the girls will be gussied up for the party.

Abattoir: ‫المدبح‬

if a vehicle or machine shudders, it shakes violently:

The car shuddered briefly as its engine died.

The train shuddered to a halt.

Spoof: a funny book, play, or film that copies something serious or important and makes it
seem silly [↪ take-off]

spoof of/on

The play is a spoof on Shakespeare's tragedy 'Julius Caesar'.

the lights are on but no one’s home : stupid humorously


Someone that is irreverent, does not show respect for organizations, customs, beliefs etc that
most other people respect - often used to show approval:

His irreverent sense of humor.

She has an irreverent attitude towards marriage.


a remark that suggests something sexual or unpleasant without saying it directly, or these
remarks in general [↪ double entendre]:

His writing is full of sexual innuendoes.

a campaign based on rumour, innuendo, and gossip

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