Sie sind auf Seite 1von 21


Metals, I. Alloys of Scandium, Titanium, and Vanadium," First R o w Transition Metal Diborides by a N e w Calorimetric
Physica Status Solidi, B, 101,294-319 (1980). (Thermo; Theory) Method," J. Chem. Thermodyn., to be published (1986).
*81Spe: K.E. Spear, J.H. Blanks, and M.S. Wang, '~hermo- (Thermo; Experimental)
dynamic Modeling of the V-B System," J. Less Common Met.
82,237-243 (1981). (Equi Diagram, Thermo; Theory; #) *Indicateskeyreference.
85Top: L. Toper and O.J. Kleppa, "Enthalpies of Formation of #Indicatespresenceof a phasediagram.

V-B evaluation contributed by K.E. Spear and P.K. IMao, Materials Research Laboratory, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802,
and J.F. Smith, Ames Laboratory-USDOE, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Iowa State University,Ames, IA 50011. Thermodynamic
calculationswere made using the computer programs generously made availableby H.L. Lukas of the Max-Planck Institutefor Metals Research, Stuttgart,
Federal Republic of Germany. The work of K.E. Spear and P.K. Liao was supported by the National Bureau of Standards through the Metallurgy Division,
while J.F. Smith was supported by the United States Department of Energy. Literaturesearched through 1984. ProfessorSpear is the A S M / N B S Category
Editor for binary boron alloys,and Professor Smith is the A S M / N B S Category Editor for binary vanadium alloys.

The Au-Cu (Gold-Copper) System

196.9665 63.546

By H. Okamoto
D.J. Chakrabartl
Alcoa Laboratories
D.E. Laughlin and T.B. Masselski
Carnegie Mellon University

Flg. 1 Assessed Au-Cu Phase Diagram

Weight Percent Copper
1o 20 ao 40 5o eo 7o so 9010o
1100 ......... i ......... , . . . . . . . .1 i . . . . i -,-I ...... i ..... I,. . / I . . . I ( I, ,I.,1~
.... ' ......... ' ......... ' . . . . . . ' ....... lOe,4~

900- 44


...+ eoo-

~ 5oo-
E.~ 400 - A ~ : A + u C AuC~sIl
u I I


-..- AusCu 1,

0 . . . . . . . . . i . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . i . . . . . . . . . i . . . . . . . . . i . . . . . . . . . i . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . . i . . . . . . . . i . . . . . . . . .

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Au A t o m i c P e r c e n t Copper Cu

H. Okamoto, D.J. Chakrabarti,D.E. Laughlin,and T.B. Massalski, 1987.

454 Bulletin of Alloy Phase Diagrams Vol. 8 No. 5 1987


The Au-Cu system is one of the earliestsystems for which ~ are accepted in Fig. I. The assessed liquidus
several order-disorder type transformations were estab- boundaries differ littlefrom the early work of [00Rob].
lished. As a result, a very large volume of work exists on The decrease in the melting temperature of Cu with addi-
the ordered A u C u and AuCu~ phases. M u c h of the theory tions of A u (up to 3.3 at.%) determined by ~1897Heyl is
and understanding of the order-disorder phenomena has also consistent with the presently accepted liquidus,The
grown out of extensive studies on these phases. Recent liquidus boundary in [Hansen] was based on [34Broi] and
years have seen a surge of publications on this system, as [35Bro] (Table 2), whose m i n i m u m liquidus temperature
newer features have been discovered. However, only lim- is about 20 ~ lower than the presently assessed value.
ited phase diagram details have been generated during L o w liquidus temperatures were also reported by
the past two decades. In this evaluation, only those refer- [07Kurl] and [64Zai] (Table 2 and Fig. 2). The liquidus
ences that are pertinent to specific information for con- and solidus temperatures reported by [34Brol] in the com-
struction of the phase diagram and the related structural position ranges near the pure elements were higher than
and thermodynamic data are cited. the presently assessed temperatures. As can be seen from
Fig. 2, however, the trend proposed by [34Brol] is not sup-
The s t r u c t u r a l details of the phases included in the
ported by other investigators,particularly[62Ben], whose
assessed Au-Cu phase diagram (Fig. 1) are summarized in
Table 1. Details of the liquidus and solidus, Au3Cu, AuCu, experimental work appears to be the most reliable.
and AuCus regions are shown in Fig. 2 through 5, respec- The liquidus in Fig. i can also be derived from the present
tively. thermodynamic assessment, which is consistent with the
reported thermodynamic quantities.The solidus tempera-
tures of [62Ben] are lower than the calculated values
Equilibrium Diagram ( m a x i m u m difference -10 ~ in the composition range
-80 to 90 at.% Cu, where the actual thermodynamic prop-
Llquldus and solidus boundaries established by [62Ben] erties m a y be slightlydifferentfrom the model properties
(Table 2), who used cooling and heating curves (-2 to 3 (see "Thermodynamics").

Table 1 Au-Cu Crystal Structure Data

Composition, Pearson Space Strukturbericht
Phase at.% Cu symbol group designation Prototype
(Au,Cu)......................... 0 to I00 cF4 Fm3m A1 Cu
Au3Cu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I0 to 38.5 cP4 Pm3m Llz AuCus
AuCu([) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 to 57 tP4 P4/mmm Llo AuCu
AuCu(II) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38.5 to 63 0/40 Imma ... AuCu(II)
AuCus(I)........................ 67 to 81 cP4 Pm3m LI2 AuCus
AuCu3(II).......................66 to ? tP28 P4mm ... CusPd

Fig. 2 Detail of Au-Cu Liquidus and Solidus with Experimental Data

Weight Percent Copper
0 10 2O 30 40 50 80 70 80 ~ I00
I t O 0 . ~




E 9so-
/ 0

+ 00Rob
O07Earl (lJqutdua)
] a 07Karl (solidus)
900- "" 0 9 J A34Jh'o! (llquJdu|)
I9 ~4~I (=olid,,w)
JO~n (Itq~l,l,4u=)
[9 ~ (=oU4u.)
(Au,Cu) [•

850 -b-'-r
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 '70 80 90 100
Au Atomic Percent Copper Cu

H. Okamoto, D.J. Chakrabarti, D.E. Laughlin,and T.B. Massalski, 1987.

Bulletin of Alloy Phase Diagrams Vol. 8 No. 5 1987 455


Table 2 Au-Cu Liquidus and Solidus Tempera- values by different investigators (Table 3), presumably
tures because of the difficulty in attaining a full equilibrium
state at low transformation temperatures (<240 ~ Most
Composition, Llquidus, Solidus,
Reference aL% Cu ~C ~ of the presently assessed phase boundaries are based on
the isothermal change in the electrical resistivity mea-
[00Rob]. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 1063 ... sured by [55Rhi], [59Hir], and [59Kor]. Other portions of
14.00 979 ... Fig. 3 are only tentative. The Cu concentration at the Au-
22.20 951 ...
25.55 946 ... rich limit of the ordered Au3Cu phase decreases as the
29.68 926 ... temperature is lowered. However, the observed trend is
40.51 905 ... controversial. An X-ray diffraction study of a 22 at.% Cu
43.81 907 ... alloy, heat treated at 160 ~ showed no indication of an
52.46 916 ... ordered AuzCu phase [57Bat]. On the other hand, electron
61.30 928 ... diffraction patterns obtained by [59Oku] and [64Tot] indi-
65.42 941 ... cated the existence of this phase in an alloy containing 9
74.16 957 ... at.% Cu. Thermal arrest temperatures on heating at a
74.28 963 ... rather high rate (8 ~ measured by [71Lut] are not
82.12 994 ...
89.04 1022 ... likely to correspond to an equilibrium state, but the occur-
96.13 1059 ... rence of a reaction involving the Au3Cu phase is indicated
100 1083 ... at lower Cu concentration than expected from [57Bat].
[07Kurl] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 1063 From the trend of the [(Au) + Au3Cu]/Au3Cu phase
5 1034 1011 boundary and the (Au) + AuCu -* Au3Cu reaction at
15 978 949 - 2 4 0 ~ the Cu-rich limit of the ordered AuzCu phase is
25 934 916 about 38.5 at.% Cu, in agreement with the value reported
34.07 890 887 by [64Tot], rather than 35 at.% Cu reported earlier by
40.50 884 883 [31Gru], [32Leb], and [55Rhi]. Neither electrical resistiv-
43.66 886 884
57.06 900 894 ity [36Joh] nor the superlattice line intensity attain a
75 942 920 maximum at 25 at.% Cu. Thus, the AuzCu phase is not
87.45 1018 980 symmetrical near the stoichiometric composition.
95 1056 1030 [72Gra] (some data also in [71Gra]), based on electron
100 1084 ...
[34Brol] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 1063 microscopic evidence, proposed that the Au3Cu phase con-
5 1051 10 0 sists of two regions: one with the AuCu3-type structure at
10 1028 1000 high temperatures and a high Au concentration range and
20 973 950 the other with a one-dimensional antiphase structure at
30 933 914 low temperatures and a high Cu concentration range,
40 897 893 divided by a - 2 0 ~ two-phase field at 25 at.% Cu. This
43.5 889 feature is not included in Fig. 1 (see "Crystal Structures
50 895 890 and Lattice Parameters").
60 918 900
70 954 929 AuCu. The occurrence of compound-like phases at the
80 998 976
90 1049 1031 AuCu and AuCu3 stoichiometric compositions was first
95 1073 1055 observed by [15Kur], who employed thermal analysis,
100 1083 hardness, and X-ray measurements. [23Bail], [23Bai2],
[62Ben]. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.0 983 970 and [23Bai3] associated the occurrence of atomic ordering
25.7 939 927 with these compounds on the basis of observed X-ray dif-
40.5 912 910 fraction lines, in agreement with similar conclusions
43.7 910 910 obtained by [25Joh] and [27Joh]. [36Joh] discovered an
46.7 911 910 additional order-order transformation in AuCu at higher
50.8 914 911 temperatures, in which an orthorhombic AuCu(II) phase
65.1 940 931
75.6 970 957 forms from the tetragonal AuCu(I) phase. Prior to this,
83.8 998 979 AuCu(I) was thought to transform directly to the disor-
90.8 1030 1007 dered fcc phase (AuCu(D)) at higher temperatures.
94.5 1052 1032 Both the AuCu(II) ~=~ AuCu(I) (order-order) and the
97.4 1068 1053
99.1 1079 1071 AuCu(II) ~ AuCu(D) (order-disorder) transformations
have been studied extensively by various methods, such as
thermal analysis [38Hul, 39Hul, 41Kal, 47Sid, 50Nys,
The existence of a continuous solid solution phase below 51Hir2, 54Ogal, 54Rob, 54Hol], electrical resistivity
the solidus was proposed by many early investigators from [28Bor, 31Gru, 31Hau, 31Kur, 32Leb, 33Kur, 39Wil,
various measured physical properties [1860Mat, 01Mae, 47Sid, 50Hir, 50Nys, 55Rhi, 62Anq], X-ray [41Kal, 47Bui,
06Kur, 07Kurl, 07Kur2, 10Rud, 17Bor, 19Sed, 19Tam, 53New, 54Newl, 54Rob, 57Pia], dilatometry [31Gru,
22Kit, 2 3 B a i l , 24Sed, 25Joh, 25Lan, 27Joh, 28Ark, 31Kur, 33Kur, 50Hir], electromotive force (emf) [39Wei,
28Leb, 28Smi, 28Veg, 31Gru, 31Hau, 31Kur, 32Kur, 54Ori], calorimetry [50Bor, 50Hir, 50Nys, 51Hirl, 57Ray,
32Leb, 34Bro2, 35Leb] (see also [Haneen]). 58Ori2, 68Mar, 70Mar, 76Mar], thermoelectric power
(TEP) [60Blu, 73Bar], differential thermal analysis (DTA)
AusCu. The experimental phase boundary data related to [ 7 1 L u t , 78Tis], e l e c t r o n d i f f r a c t i o n a n d e l e c t r o n
the ordered Au3Cu phase have been reported as various microscopy [54Ogal, 62Sat] (see "Crystal Structures and

456 Bulletin of Alloy Phase Diagrams Vol. 8 No. 5 1987


Table 3 Au~Cu Phase Boundary Data

Composition, Temperature, *C l
Reference at.% Cu IAu)/[(Au) + AusCu] [(Au) + Au3Cul/AusCu Experimental method
[31Gru] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.04 200 160 Resistivity
17.25 206 170
19.86 218 182
22.82 226 204
24.77 230 210
25.84 233 215
27.30 237 223
28.93 240 226
30.89 250 230
33.81 254 232
34.84 255 240
[32Leb] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 222 200 Resistivity
3O 249 218
35 258 240
36 278 259
[55Rhi] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 231 -+ 2 212 +- 2 Resistivity
34 240 +- 2 227 -+ 2
[57Bat] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 <160 X-ray
25 199 -+ 3
28 209 - 2
30 221 -+ 2
32 231 +- 3
[59Hir] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24.94 200 -+ 5 Resistivity,X-ray
[59Kor] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 200 -+ 3 Resistivity
[59Wri] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25.6 190 Resistivity,
lattice parameter
[71Lut] ....................... 8.5 148 Thermal heating, 8 ~
13.3 163
18.7 190
21.5 195
25 207
[80Koz] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27.5 208 +- 3 X-ray

Fig. 3 Detail of the (Au, Cu)/Au3Cu Phase Boundaries with Experimental Data
Weight Percent Copper
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
300 . t . . . .. . . . . I . " L .. . . . . . .I " ' I i . . [. . . . . . . i .I . . . ., ., . [ i . . . . . . .~ i . . . . .[ . . . .

0 31Gru
A 32Leb
9 55Rhi /
O 5?Bat (Au,Cu) ~ ."
+ 59Kor,SgHtr
250 ~ o
9 71Lut O 0 O O ~
E.) x BOXo=
o 0 9

cO 200"

E AusCu
o~ ps
[-. jJ
s sp o jj
s. ~Ir o js J I~
jJ aJ
tso-" jj SJ

tO0 . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . ,

10 15 20 25 30 35 40

Atomic Percent Copper

H. Okamoto, D.J. Chakrabarti, D.E. Laughlin, and T.B. Massalski, 1987.

Bulletin of Alloy Phase Diagrams Vol. 8 No. 5 1987 457


Fig. 4 Detail of the (Au, Cu)/AuCu(ll) Phase Boundaries with Experimental Data
Weight Percent Copper
15 20 25 30 35
450 . . . . . . . . . i - - - i . . . . . .J. . . . . . . i . i. . . . .... i . . . . j .. . . i . . . . J -.

4~, 9
0 5 4 0 H o o 0

400- ----
, =,~i
- - {YtPla


300- , ~9 6 \
/ / ,A 9


(~" 250- / /
E g."
[-.- 9 9


100 . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . .

30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65
Atomic Percent Copper

H. Okamoto, D.J.Clmkrabarti,D.E. Laughlin,and T.B. Massalski, 1987.

Lattice Parameters" for full reference), and Hall effect Table 4 Au-Cu Order-Disorder and Order-Order
[46Sid]. Transformation Data
Some of the results on the transformation temperature are (Au, Cu) ~ AuCu(II) AuCu(II) ~=~AuCu(I)
presented in Table 4. Detailed phase boundary determina- Temperature, "C Reference Temperature, ~ Reference
tions, including the indications of congruent transforma- 411 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [73Bar, 77Mar] 388 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [77Mar]
tions at AuCus and A u C u compositions, were made by 412 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [71Lut] 380 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [73Ton]
[31Hau] and [31Gru] using the resistivity method. They 408 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [62Anq] 385 . . . . . . . . . . . . .~... [73Gol]
also correctly indicated the existence of two-phase fields 410 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [55Rhi] 387 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [73Bar]
between the ordered and disordered phases. A n additional 408 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [36Joh, 50Bor] 389 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [71Lut]
phase, Au2Cu3, proposed by [31Hau] does not occur, as the 370.8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . [15Kur] 364 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [62Anq]
work of [31Gru] and subsequent studies confirmed. A 410 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [Hansen] 380 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [50Nys]
third low-temperature phase with an extended phase field
that included the stoichiometry Au3Cu was reported to
form p e r i t e c t o i d a l l y by [31Gru]. [53New], [53Rhi], which [55Rhi] did not present any data. The AuCu(D)
[54Newl], and [55Rhi], using electrical resistivity mea- AuCu(II) transformation temperature is accepted as 410
surements supported by X-ray studies, defined precise -+ 2 ~ based on [50Bor], [55Rhi], [57Pia], [62Anq],
boundaries for the different phase fields and confirmed the [71Lut], [73Bar], [77Mar], and [Hansen]. The AuCu(II) ~:~
congruent formation of AuCu and AuCu3 and the peritec- AuCu(I) temperature is accepted as 385 - 2 ~ based on
toidal formation of Au3Cu. They also confirmed that all of [73Bar] and [73Gol] (see also Table 4). Some conflicting
the order-disorder transformations in this system are of observations by [36Joh] and [39Hul], which indicated the
the classical Gibbsian type, with definite two-phase fields, occurrence of the AuCu(II) phase in the AuCu(I) phase
contrary to some conflicting reports in the earlier litera- fields at lower temperatures, possibly were related to the
ture. The galvanic cell studies by [54Ori] showed definite difficulty in attaining equilibrium at these temperatures.
enthalpy changes associated with the transformations The existence of a two-phase field between AuCu3 and
AuCu(I) z~ AuCu(II) and AuCu(II) r AuCu(D), thus con- AuCu(I), from 34 to 37 at.% Au, and the associated eutec-
firming these to be first-order transformations. [54Ori] toid decomposition of the fcc solid solution was proposed
also presented detailed boundaries for the two-phase fields by [31Gru]. [55Rhi] confirmed the eutectoid transforma-
near the AuCu composition. [57Pia] and [59Pial] reported tion of (Cu, Au) and precisely determined the eutectoid
a detailed and precise phase diagram between 40 and 60 point to lie at 36 at.% Au and at 284 ~ The accepted
at.% Au by the X-ray method. The results of [55Rhi], phase diagram in this region is based on [31Gru] and
[54Ori], and [57Pia] are shown in Fig. 4 for comparison. [55Rhi], as shown in Fig. 4.
The assessed d i a g r a m is p r i m a r i l y based on [55Rhi],
[57Pia], and [59Pial] for the high-temperature boundaries AuCu3.The accepted AuCu3(I) phase boundaries are based
and on [57Pia] for the AuCu(II) z~ AuCu(I) boundaries, for primarily on the electricalresistivityand X-ray studies by

458 Bulletin of Alloy Phase Diagrams Vol. 8 No. 5 1987


Fig. 5 Detail of the (Au, Cu)/AuCu3 Phase Boundaries with Experimental Data
Weight Percent Copper
35 40 45 50 55 60
420 J i I i I l

3604001 ~ (Au,Cu)

or'9 360

~ 346]

260 l

260 . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . . . . . . . f .....
60 65 70 75 80 85
Atomic Percent Copper

H. Okamoto, D.J. Chakrabarti, D.E. Laughlin, and T.B. Massalski, 1987.

Table 5 AuCu~ Order-Disorder Transformation Different parts of the AuCu3 phase boundaries, including
Data the congruent point, were studied by various methods,
such as thermal analysis [15Kur, 34Brol, 35Bro], electri-
, (Au, Cu) ~' A u C u s 1 cal resistivity [28Bor, 31Gru, 31Hau, 31Kur, 32Kur,
Temperature, ~C Reference
32Leb, 33Kur, 36Sykl, 39Tak, 39Wil, 47Sid, 50Hir,
386.9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [79Che] 53Rhi, 55Rhi], X-ray [25Joh, 27Joh, 44Wil, 47Owe,
394 -+ 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [76Barl] 51Kea, 54Jau, 62Yak], DTA [78Tis], TEP [50Sat, 64Air],
389 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [75Mor] emf [39Wei, 54Ori], dilatometry [31Gru, 31Kur, 32Kur,
392 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [71Pre] 33Kur, 41Nix, 50Hir], calorimetry [36Syk2, 50Hir,
390 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [55Rhi, 65Her] 65Her], modulus of elasticity [40Kos, 40Siel, 40Sie2,
394 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [41Nix, 540ri]
394 _+3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [51Kea] 49Ben, 53Lor], Hall effect [41Kom, 47Sid, 62Elk, 62Nei],
385 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [49Ben] and electron diffraction and electron microscopy [51Rae,
393 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [31Haul 62Yam, 63Mar, 70Bea]. The observation of a supposed
390 (a). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [28Bor] two-phase region at the congruent point of AuCu3 from
382 (b). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [28Bor] X-ray determinations by [68Gan] is not correct, because it
388 _+3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [Hansen] violates the Gibbs phase rule.
(a) Heating. (b) Cooling.
As predicted theoretically by [76Coo], the occurrence of
incoherent, coherent, and spinodal ordering regions in the
[55Rhi] (see Fig. 1 and 5). The analysis of the X-ray data phase diagram were subsequently drawn by [77Che] and
of [54Jau] by [54New2] near the AuCus composition con- [79Che], based on X-ray diffuse scattering and inelastic
firmed that a two-phase field occurs not only on the Auo neutron scattering. The coherent phase boundary w a s
rich side of this composition, but also on the Cu-rich side, shown to be 3 to 13 ~ below To, the incoherent phase
contrary to the interpretations of [54Jau]. The AuCu3(I) boundary, and the continuous ordering temperature was
phase is stable over wide composition limits on both sides found at 358.2 ~ Theoretical calculation of the o r d e r e d
of the stoichiometric point. It forms from the disordered phase boundaries was reported by [86Kik].
phase by a congruent transformation at the stoichiometric
composition and at Au-rich limits by a eutectoid transfor- AuCu3(II). Much experimental work exists in which the
mation. The congruent and eutectoid temperatures at 390 occurrence of the long-period superlattice (LPS) structure
and 284 ~ respectively, and the eutectoid composition at is reported. Appearances of splitting of superstructure
36 at.% Au are accepted from [55Rhi] as being the most reflections during early stages of ordering in A u C u 3 alloys
precise. The congruent temperature at 390 ~ has also were observed in both X-ray [52Rae] and electron diffrac-
been reported by [64Air] and [65Her]. Some of the tion patterns [61Yam, 71Sak]. In addition, side bands or
reported congruent temperature values are presented in satellites around fundamental reflections w e r e a l s o
Table 5. observed [48Gui, 52Rae, [72Mat]. High-resolution lattice

Bulletin of Alloy Phase Diagrsms Vol. 8 No. 5 1987 459


imaging by electron microscopy showed what appeared to 36Joh, 47Owe, 53New, 61Dav, 66Lul, 66Lu2, 72Ber]
be discrete ordered domains in a periodic antiphase (Fig. 6). Only the more recent results are given in Table 6
arrangement [69Poq, 75Sin, 71Sak]. for alloys quenched from 600 ~ [66Lull and from 800 ~
By analogy with the occurrence of the AuCu(II) structuze [72Ber]. The lattice parameters show no discernible de-
and based on his X-ray studies and observations by others, pendence on the homogenization temperature, at least in
[60Sco] proposed that a one-dimensional LPS structure, this temperature range. Least-squares fitting of the data
designated AuCu3(II), occurs at Au-rich off-stoichiometric in Table 6 yields:
compositions. The narrow single-phase fieldwas shown to a = 0.40784(1 - X) + 0.36149 X + 0.01198 X(1 - X) nm
lie inside the (Cu, Au) and AuCu3(I) two-phase field,and
the likely boundaries were also proposed [60Sco, 74Per]. where X is the atomic fraction of Cu in the alloys, and the
Numerous structural studies claiming the occurrence of lattice parameters of the pure elements are from [Kingl].
the LPS structure were reported by [59Pia1, 59Pia2] (X- The standard deviation in this expression is 0.00031 nm.
ray) and by [61Yak, 62Yak, 62Tot, 62Yam, 63Mar, 72Sou, The relation between the lattice parameter and the short-
73Bel, 74Goe, 75Ras] (electron diffraction). Two-phase range order parameter in the fcc phase was discussed by
fields were drawn between the disordered and AuCua [58Die]. The accuracy of the data used in the discussion
phase, whereas those between AuCu3(II) and AuCu3(I) [25Joh, 28Ark] m a y be insufficient.
were considered too narrow for resolution [62Yak].
According to [80Will, the AuCu3(II) phase does not exist. Au3Cu. The crystal structure of Au3Cu is the AuCu3-type,
The existence of a two-phase mixture of AuCu3(1) and a according to X-ray measurements by [51Hir2] and [52Hir]
disordered Au-Cu solid solution is sufficientto explain the or electron diffraction measurements by [51Oga] and
scattering phenomenon usually associated with the [52Oga]. The existence of larger unit cells was first
AuCu3(II) LPS [80Will. This is an interesting suggestion, observed by [36Joh]. Subsequently, various features were
but experimental observation of the disordered regions reported on the structure of the alloys with -25 at.% Cu:
must be presented before the LPS structure is rejected. (1) domain structures with average size of-5 n m as a con-
sequence of nucleation and growth [57Bat, 64Tot, 65Sat];
(2) a two-dimensional antiphase structure [59Hir] with
Crystal Structures and Lattice Parameters the Cu~Pd-type structure [65Wat]; (3) density modulation
The crystal structures occurring in the Au-Cu system are in each domain [59Oku]; and (4) domains of dodecahedron
structure [641wa]. [72Gra] considered that these complex-
summarized in Table 1.
ities arise from the two phases with ordinary AuCu3-type
Continuous Solid Solution, fcc Phase. The lattice and one-dimensional antiphase structures (see "Equilibri-
parameters of the continuous solid solution phase show a u m Diagram"). According to [64Tot] and [66Sat], however,
positive deviation from an assumed Vegard's law [22Kir, these LPS are nonequilibrium structures. This is sup-
25Joh, 25Lan, 28Ark, 28Smi, 28Veg, 32Leb, 34Veg, ported by the fact that the size of ordered Au3Cu domains

Fig. 6 Relationship of Lattice P a r a m e t e r s and C o m p o s i t i o n in the D i s o r d e r e d fcc P h a s e in the A u - C u

System nm
.41 i i i i i

39 - 9 22Kir
== 025Joh
9 28Ark
o 9 28Smi
.2 v 28Veg
.J + 32Leb
9 34Veg
0 36Job
X 470we
9 53New '~6,,,o
n 61Dov
o 66Lul
9 72Bet
I ] [ I I
20 40 60 80 100
~ . % Cu

H. Okamoto, D.J. Chakrabarti, D.E. Laughlin, and T.B. Massalski, 1987.

460 Bulletin of Alloy Phase Diagrams Vol. 8 No. 5 1987


Table 6 Lattice Parameter of the Disordered formed in alloys quenched from high temperatures such
Au-Cu fcc Phase as 800 ~ (excess vacancies facilitatethe ordering process)
increases w h e n annealed at 150 ~ as observed by resis-
Composition, Lattice tivity and thermoelectric power measurements [71Lee] or
Reference aL% Cu parameter, nm
electron microscopy measurements [75Bro].
[66Lul] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 0.40778
9.0 0.40469 The lattice parameter of the ordered A u 3 C u (Table 7) is
16.0 0.40205 slightly smaller than that of the disordered state at the
22.0 0.39968 same composition (Fig. 7).
29.0 0.39682
35.0 0.39431 AuCu(1). The crystal structure of AuCu(I) has the L10 pro-
40.0 0.39213
45.0 0.38981 totype structure (see Table 1) and consists of alternate
50.0 0.38740 planes of C u and A u atoms perpendicular to the c-axis of
55.0 0.38503 the original fcc lattice. The resultant structure has a
55.5 0.38337 tetragonal distortion, with the c : a ratio reported between
58.5 0.38337 0.931 to 0.938 [28Leb, 39Hul, 77Nov]. X-ray diffraction
69.5 0.38369 (XRD) studies of the structure have been reported by
64.0 0.38107 [25Joh], [27Joh], [28Gor], [28Leb], [30Deh], [30Osh],
69.0 0.37841 [31Pre], [32Deh], [36Joh], [53New], [67Bje], and [77Nov].
75.0 0.37538 The conditions for the stability of the s t r u c t u r e i n terms of
88.5 0.36950
94.0 0.36539 size ratio a n d electron concentration were analyzed by
100 0.36146
[72Ber] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 0.4078
20 0.4003 Table 7 Ordered Au3Cu Lattice Parameter Data
30 0.3965
40 0.3921 Composition, Lattice
Reference at% Cu parameter, nm Heat treatments
45 0.3898
50 0.3875 [59Hir] ...... 2 4 . 9 4 0.39810 150 ~ 4 months
60 0.3828 [59Wri] ...... 2 5 . 6 0 0.39820 165 ~ -100 days
65 0.3804 [66Lul] ...... 16 0.40205 (a) 600 ~ 2 days
75 0.3755 22 0.39965 (a) -* 200 ~ 72 days
80 0.3728 29 O.39661 --* Room temperature
85 0.3700 35 0.39404
90 0.3672 [66Lu2] . . . . . . 29 0.39642 170 ~ 45 days
95 0.3643 32 O.39525 -* 150 ~ 120 days
100 0.3615 -~ 130 ~ 15 days
[Kingl](a) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 0.40764 -* Room temperature
100 0.36149
Note: --*-ffiSlow coolto the next annealingtemperature.
(a)Compilation. (a)Mainly disorderedphase,accordingto Fig.3.

Fig. 7 Comparison of the Lattice Parameters of Ordered and Disordered Au3Cu





~. D~sordered
.396 -- 459Wri.165"C -
o 66Lu1.(a)
a 66Lu2,(b)
15 20 25 30 35
at.% Cu
(a) Slow cooled from 600 ~ (b) Slow cooled from 170 ~ Details in Table 7.
H. Okamoto, D.J. Chakrabarti, D.E. Laughlin, and T.B. Massalski, 1987.

Bulletin of Alloy Phase Diagrams Vol. 8 No. 5 1987 461


Table 8 Lattice Parameter Data of AuCu and AuCu= Ordered Phases

Composition, I Latdce parameters, nm !
Phase aL% Cu " b c Comment Reference
AuCu(I) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 0.2810 ... 0.3712 (a) [67Bje]
48 0.2808 .., 0.3688
5O 0.2845 .-- 0.3671
52 0.2795 ... 0.3673
54 0.2785 ... 0.3675
AuCu(II). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 0 . 3 9 5 6 -+ 3 0.3972 -+ 2 0.3676 -+ 2 (b) [68Oka]
AuCu3(I). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 0.37426 + 3 (c) [60Fli]
(a)Powder pattern. (b)Singlecrystal. (c)Single crystal at 25 ~C.

[78Pea]. The lattice parameter values have been accepted around fundamental reflections in X-ray were, likewise,
from [67Bje], and they compare well with other reported observed by [72Mat] on 20 and 21 at.% Au alloys. [58Oga]
results (see Table 8). and [59Oga] observed that the satellite reflections always
accompanied the LPS structure, and could not have been
entirely due to multiple reflections caused by split super-
AuCu(II). The AuCu(II) phase was discovered by [36Joh], lattice reflection, as postulated by [59Glo]. [64Fuj],
and its crystal structure was identified as orthorhombic [72Mat], and [79Iwa] also arrived at the same conclusion.
from X-ray powder diffraction studies. Electron diffraction A detailed structural study by [62Jeh], [64Jeh], and
studies on single-crystal thin films by [54Oga2] further [68Oka] based on XRD, and by [59Perl] and [59Per2]
revealed that the structure consisted of a one-dimensional using electron diffraction, led them to postulate the exis-
LPS, based on the AuCu(I) unit cell. Thus, the (002) tence of lattice modulation, in that the atoms were dis-
planes are alternately occupied by Cu or Au atoms; how- placed from lattice sites at the antiphase boundaries along
ever, halfway along the b-axis of the unit cell, the Cu the long-period direction, the period of which was com-
planes are replaced by Au planes, and vice versa. This mensurate with the out-of-step shift. Theoretical treat-
gives rise to what is known as the antiphase boundary ments of the phenomenon were attempted by [61Sat],
(APB). The spacing between the boundaries, M, which is [66Tacl], [66Tac2], and [81Kat]. The occurrence of regular
equivalent to half of the long period of the ordered struc- steps in the antiphase boundaries for alloys of 59 and 63
ture, was found to be approximately five unit cells of the at.% Au was suggested by [75Wat], based on observations
AuCu(I) structure. The accepted lattice parameter values of deviations in the splitting directions in electron diffrac-
are taken from the X R D studies on single crystals of a tion patterns of single-crystal thin films. Such steps were
50:50 alloy by [68Oka] (see Table 8). Both the lattice observed by [75Wat] in high-resolution electron
parameters and the deviation from cubic symmetry values microscopy and by [71Mih] with dark field imaging and
(b/a = 1.004, c/a = 0.929) given by these authors compare lattice imaging.
well with other works. The value of M in units ofb was 5.0
-+ 0.05, as compared to 5.1 given by [64Jeh]. According to
[58Oga], M has two values, 5 and 6. Depending on the Theoretical treatments of the LPS structure in terms of
temperature and composition, the average value of M the Brillouin zone interactions with conduction electrons
varies and can appear to be fractional, such as 5.4 due to at the Fermi surface was given by [51Sla]. [61Sat] made a
a mixture of the above two domain sizes. detailed study of the effect of different elements on this
proposed interaction. A definite relation was found to
X-ray powder diffraction studies of AuCu(II) were exist between the electron:atom ratio and the domain size.
reported by [38Hul], [39Hul], [41Kal], [57Pia], and Theories based on the minimization of energy of conduc-
[59Pia2], and single-crystal studies were reported by tion electrons by the formation of a LPS structure have
[62Jeh], and [64Jeh]. The LPS structure attracted consid- been developed by [62Sat], [66Tacl], and [66Tac2]. The
erable electron diffraction and electron microscopic stud- model of [62Sat] envisages an intimate contact of the
ies involving thin films and single crystals, and more Fermi surface of the alloy with certain Brillouin zone
details of the structure are still being revealed. [58Pas], boundaries.
[59Glo], and [58Oga] succeeded in observing the antiphase
domain boundaries by high-resolution electron
microscopy and measured distances of 2 nm. This is con- AuCu3(I). The crystal structure of the AuCu3(I) phase
sistent with the diffraction results. forms the prototype of the L12 type of ordered cubic struc-
ture, in which the comers of the unit cell are occupied by
As a consequence of the orthorhombic distortion of the lat- Au and the face centers by Cu atoms (see Table 1). Struc-
tice due to ordering, a splitting in the superlattice reflec- tural studies using X-ray and electron diffraction were
tions is expected. This was first observed by [48Gull in reported by [25Joh], [26Phr], [27Joh], [28Leb], [31Sac],
X-ray single-crystal work and by [52Rae]. In electron dif- [48Bet], [51Kea], and [60Fli]. The lattice parameters for a
fraction, characteristic cross patterns were observed at 24.09 at.% Au alloy, when corrected for AuCu3 composi-
superlattice reflection positions, resulting from the occur- tion, gave the values 0.37485 and 0.37604 nm (converted
rence of two sets of antiphase boundaries whose c-axes from kx units) for the ordered and disordered conditions,
were parallel to the beam direction, but whose b-axes respectively, according to [48Bet]. The accepted lattice
were perpendicular. "Crosses" at superlattice reflection parameter for ordered AuCu3(I) is taken from a more
positions and satellites around the normal reflections recent study by [60Fli] that compares well with other
were observed by [54Ogal] and [54Oga2]. Side bands reported results (see Table 8).

462 Bulletin of Alloy Phase Diagr~mR Vol. 8 No. 5 1987


AuCus(ll) was described as tetragonal by [62Tot] and The observations of [69Man] are consistent with the theo-
[62Yak]. The unit cell was described as made up of 18 retical treatments of [75Def] and [76Coo], who observed
AuCu3(I) unit cells, with the antiphaso domain boundary that continuous ordering is possible in samples quenched
located after 9 unit cells. [60Sco] also observed the period well below the phase boundaries for the first-ordertrans-
to consist of 18 subcells for 68.4 at.% Cu. [59Pia2], on the formations. Such ordering instability temperatures were
other hand, found an orthorhombic structure. The number determined experimentally from absolute intensitiesof X-
of subcells, as with the AuCu(II) structure, was found to ray diffuse scattering by [77Che], [79Che], and [81Che] for
vary with both composition and temperature [59Pia2, two compositions of Au-Cu. The same were calculated the-
62Tot, 62Yak]. oretically by [78Def] using the cluster variation method,
to give a locus of ordering instability temperature from
Nature of Ordering Transformation In AuCu. Ordering about 20 to 80 at.% Au.
reactions may occur either homogeneously or heteroge- The position of the instability temperature is dependent
neously. In the former, the ordering reaction proceeds on the degree of prior short-range order (SRO), quenching
more or less uniformly within a single-phase grain. In the rate, and other path-dependent parameters. Thus, it is
latter, regions of localized order coexist with regions of impossible to correlate all of the above experiments
disorder within grains of the alloy. Homogeneous reac- exactly. However, the reaction has been observed to be
tions are also called continuous. If the transformation both continuous and discontinuous, which verifies that it
occurs continuously at equilibrium, it is a higher order must be first order.
transformation. If finite undercooling is needed for the
process to occur continuously, the transformation is a
Short-Range Order (SRO). Past studies have shown that
first-order(Gibbsian) transformation. The A u C u transfor-
above the critical temperature of order-disorder (Tr the
mation is firstorder. The experimental evidence is sum-
structure is far from completely disordered and that small
marized below. regions of ordered domains persist at temperatures sub-
stantially above To. From Fourier analysis of the diffuse
Early X-ray studies by [48Bor] (below 350 ~ and by scattering intensity in AuCu3 single crystals heated to
[41Kal] suggested a uniform ordering (i.e., continuous) above To, [50Cowl] determined S R O parameters. The S R O
mode throughout the entire crystal. However, electrical parameters in different coordination spheres were found
resistivity studies by [55Kuc] on samples ordered for vary- to vary with varying A u and Cu compositions [77Karl.
ing lengths of time at 300 ~ suggested a classical nucle- Splitting of diffuse peaks at superlattice positions (in sin-
ation and growth type of transformation. The latter gle crystals of AuCus heated to above Tc) was observed in
conclusion was supported by [59Obr] from kinetic studies electron diffraction patterns [52Rae, 63Mar, 65Wat], and
of disorder to order by XRD. [69Man] studied ordering at was subsequently confirmed by X-ray studies [65Mos].
100 and 150 ~ on samples quenched from 450 ~ by the Likewise, [62Sat] observed the presence of short chains of
X-ray method and found a homogeneous ordering trend. antiphase domains with the degenerate AuCu(II)-type
Homogeneous ordering is characterized by a gradual shift structure, by high-temperature electron diffraction stud-
of the X-ray lines from disordered to the superlattice posi- ies on (evaporated) thin films of AuCu. These observations
tions. First-order (nucleation) transformations, on the suggest, as proposed by [66Cow], that in systems with the
other hand, would show a gradual build-up of intensities LPS structure the atomic correlations can extend from 2 to
of the already existing superlattice lines and waning of 3 n m in distance, and considerable degrees of order can
intensities of lines due to disordered phases, occurring exist in these regions. Thus, in disordered alloys, when
simultaneously. only S R O is present, nuclei of ordered domains are present

Fig. 8 Enthalpy of Mixing for Liquid Au-Cu as a Function of Mole Fraction of Cu

0 ..I I

-4 \
"\ ~ "\ ~, / / ,'t

.~ /U
\ ~--..~_j~ .--""l~Top ,

~, r~o~i~... ./
56 /'

/ ,/"

-12,) I
.2 .4 .6 .8

H. Okamoto, D.J. Chakrabarti, D.E. Laughlin,and T.B. Massalski, 1987.

Bulletin of Alloy Phase Diagrams Vol. 8 No. 5 1987 463


in equilibrium [66Cow, 61Dam]. Short-range order stud- suppress partial ordering in samples quenched from
ies have also been reported by [38Nix], [50Cow2], [53Sut], 600 ~ and above, due to the presence of a large amount of
[55Fed], [56Bor], [56Gib], [63Marl, [64Mos], [65Gua], quenched-in vacancies. However, indications of an
[65War], [66Tor], [76Bar1], and [76Bar2] for AuCu3 and anomaly around 600 ~ were also observed by [55Fed] in
by [54Rob] and [61Bor] for A u C u compositions. the lattice parameter and by [56Bor] in S R O studies.
[76Bar1] correlated the anomalies observed by [56Kuc]
Short-Range Order and Anomalous Behaviors In AuCu3 with changes in local atomic arrangements. According to
at High Temperatures. Anomalies in specific heat and [76Bar1], at 600 ~ the anomaly corresponds to the D022-
thermal expansion results were noted by [56Kuc] at 600 type fluctuations in S R O structure, whereas at 850 ~ it
and 850 ~ [57Hir] failed to reproduce the above anoma- is due to the development of CuPt-like ordered regions.
lies in high-temperature calorimetric studies and con- Additional physical property effects were also reported
cluded that the difference was due to the use of quenched just above Tc in high-temperature AuCu3 alloys by
samples by [56Kuc]. According to [57Hir], it is difficult to [76Bar1].

Fig. 9 AG'=/X(1 - X ) for Liquid A u - C u as a F u n c t i o n of Mole Fraction of Cu

Liquid, 11277"C

Hultgren. Binary




-30 1 I J I
.2 .4 .6 .8

H. Okamoto, D.J. Chakrabarti, D.E. Laughlin, and T.B. Massalski, 1987.

Fig. 10 AG'=/X(1 - X ) for the fcc Solid Solution as a Function of Mole Fraction of Cu

-10 I ~

_ -15


model -- 72TC 79Agr 1 2 7 7 ~

w 677 -
9 627 - 527 -
-25 I ; ] i
0 .I 2 .3 4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9

H. Okamoto, D.J. Chakrabarti, D.E. Laughlin, and T.B. Massalski, 1987.

464 Bulletin of Alloy Phase DiagrRms Vol. 8 No. 5 1987


Kinetics of ordering studies were reported by [38Jon], [70Hag], [71Ita], and [84Top] (Fig. 8). The value assessed
[55Bur], [61Dam], [62Nagl], [62Nag2], [63Dav], [71Sak], by [Hultgren, B] is nearly identical to the results of [71Ita]
and [74Mor], and of disordering by [74Mor] and [75Mor]. and [75Yaz]. [84Top] expressed their calorimetric results,
measured at 1106 ~ in the form:

Pressure AH = X(1 - X ) ( - 2 1 748 - 16 614 X + 9 541 X 2) J/mol

Very early results of [30Kaw] were roughly A H / X ( 1 - X )
The LPS structure, according to [62Sat], [66Tac1], and = 0 with approximately +-50 J/mol scatter (not shown in
[66Tac2], is associated with a particular energy band Fig. 8). The assessed Gibbs energy of mixing (AG ~x)for the
structure of conduction electrons that can be altered by liquid phase, determined at 1277 ~ by [Hultgren, B] on
pressure. The AuCu(II) ~ AuCu(I) transition temperature the basis of the data of [35Mei], [56Edw], [56Ori], [65Sch],
was found to increase with the measured pressure, up to [69Nec], and [70Hag], is about -24X(1 - X) kJ/mol
70 kbar, at the rate of 1.5 +- 0.2 ~ by [72Iwa] and (Fig. 9).
[74Iwa]. Above 50 kbar, the AuCu(II) structure disap-
peared and only the ordered s t r u c t u r e AuCu(I) was The assessed thermodynamic properties (AG ex, AH, AS'x)
present. Similarly, the structure retained following for the solid phase, determined at 527 ~ by [Hultgren, B]
annealing under pressure between 350 and 500 ~ was on the basis of the data of [32Wag], [36Syk2], [39Wei],
studied at room temperature using X-rays. [75Asa] [40Sch], [51Hal], [51Hirl], [51Hir2], [52Chi], [54Bal],
observed the transition temperature to increase with pres- [55Bali, [54Ori], [55Rub], [56Kuc], [57Hir], [57Nes],
sure at the rate of 2.0 ~ which compares well with [58Oril], [58Ori2], [60Orrl], [60Orr2], [61Dhe], [66Her],
the theoretically predicted rate of 1.95 ~ as derived and [67Her] are shown in Fig. 10 to 12, where the more
from the Clausius-Clapeyron equation [74Iwa]. Measure- recent results of [79Lan] and [82Nay] obtained from emf
ments extended to 100 kbar using electrical resistivity measurements are also included.
showed a linear relation between pressure and the transi-
tion temperature. Phenomenological discussion of the T h e r m o d y n a m i c Model. Table 9 summarizes the thermo-
effect of pressure on the relative stability of the AuCu(II) dynamic model adopted in the present assessment,
and AuCu(I) phases is given by [75Sat]. together with the earlier models of [75Bha], [76Bha],
[76Boy], [78Tar], and [79Agr]. The temperature depen-
Pressure also increases the order-disorder temperature in dence of the AH and AS ~x functions has not been consid-
AuCu3. [67Fra] reported the change at the rate of 2.1 K/ ered in the present model.
kbar between 7 and 21 kbar. Relevant electrical resistiv-
ity measurements were made at high temperatures and The entropy of mixing for the liquid phase was accepted
pressures. from the most recent work of [84Top]. The excess entropy
of mixing is assumed to be zero in the present model,
because the magnitude of the AH value (as a function of
Thermodynamics X) is about the same as that of the h G e" value at 1277 ~
assessed by [Hultgren, B]. Also, it is unlikely that the
L i q u l d u s and Solidus. The enthalpy of mixing for the liq- h G ~ function is symmetric (as suggested in [Hultgren, B])
uid phase was reported by [56Edw], [56Ori], [69Nec], if the AH function is assumed to be nonsymmetric.

Fig. 11 ,tH/X(1 - X) for the fcc Solid Solution as a Function of Mole FracUon of Cu
-10 ~ tQ I I I




- - - - - - 7sSoy
I ~ t
-- - ~ 79Agr

I I t\ I
-25~) I 2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9

H. Okamoto, D.J. Chakrabarti, D.E. Laughlin, and T.B. Massalski, 1987,

Bulletin of Alloy Phase Diagrams Vol. 8 No. 5 1987 465


Fig. 12 SH/XO - X ) for the fcc Solid Solution as a Function of Mole Fraction of Cu

3 , \, ! I



\ /
S 2 7 " r
l [ t
-~041 .1 2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 1

H. Okamoto, D,J. Chakrabarti, D.E. Laughlin, and T,B. Massalski, 1987,

Table 9 Au-Cu T h e r m o d y n a m i c Models

Function [75Bha] [76Boy] [79Agr] Present Model

Enthalpy and excess entropy of miTing, liquid phase

AH ...... -27230 -42568 + 46808X -15500 - 4000X - 2 1 7 4 8 - 16614X
X(1 - X ) ' "
+ 9 541X 2 {84Top]
AS" 0 - 1 3 . 2 5 3 + 32.333X 5.7 - 2.7X 0
X(1 - x ) . . . . . . . .
Enthalpy and excess entropy of mixing, solid phase
AH ........ - 2 0 290 9794 - 20 203X -11500- 17500X -11053 - 22878X
X(1 - X)
+ l S 0 0 X 2 + 7000X 3 + 8 0 0 0 X 2 + 4000X 3
AS~ 0 7.965 - 22.415X 2.1 - 1.8X - 0.3X 2 + 2.4.X3(a) 2.4 - 2.4X
X(1 - X) ........
Lattice stability p a r a m e t e r
G~ L)........ 0 0 ..o 0
G~ L) ........ 0 0 0
G~ .......-12760 + 9.551 T -12550 + 9.393 T o,, - 1 3 0 0 0 + 9.719 T
G~ . . . . . . . - 1 3 0 5 5 + 9.623 T - 1 3 0 5 5 + 9.623 T - 1 3 0 5 0 + 9.6096 T
Note: T is in K and X is atomic fraction of Cu.
(a) From table in [79Agr]. Disagrees with the plot in the original paper.

The AS e~ function for the solid phase was assumed to be reasonably well with the assessed values of [Hultgren, B]
2.4X(1 - X) 2 J/mol-K based on the assessed value of and the recent experimental A G exvalues of [79Lan], espe-
[Hultgren, B] (Fig. 12).Ifthe positive deviation at X > 0.8 cially for the composition range X < -0.6.
is considered, the calculated phase diagram tends to agree
less with the experimental data of [62Ben]. For better fit- [7ISha] expressed the assessed A H values of [Hultgren, B]
ting,the A H function must be expressed with higher order for the liquid and solid phases in terms of the subregular
terms than in the present model. The A H function for the and quasichemical models without taking into account the
solid phase in the form of X(1 - X)(a + b X + c X 2 + d X 3) phase diagram.
was derived from the modeled A G function for the liquid
phase and the assessed phase diagram. The congruent Phase Diagram C a l c u l a t i o n . The liquidus and solidus cal-
temperature was assumed to be 910 ~ but the composi- culated on the basis of the present thermodynamic model
tion (43.0 at.% Cu) was chosen in such a way that the rest are shown in Fig. 13. The calculated solidus temperatures
of the diagram can be reproduced with the best possible on the Cu-rich side are slightlyhigher ( m a x i m u m -10 ~
agreement with the data points of [62Ben]. Figures 10 and than the experimental values of [62Ben]. It is possible to
11 show that the present thermodynamic model agrees attain better fitting by introducing higher order terms in

466 Bulletin of Alloy Phase Diagrams Vol. 8 No. 5 1987


Fig. 13 Au-Cu Calculated Liquidus and Solidus Boundaries ve Experimental Data

Weight Percent Copper

o i0 2o 30 4o 50 eo 7o eo goloo
LL00 -

r toe4.e7-c
J ] ~Pr~nt model
.J I ---~SSho(Wsh.)
~:,.~, I *~.s.n (mud=,)


E 9so

900 -

(Au,Cu) I
8 5 0 1, 9
0 10 20 30 ...... ~'o ....... ~0 ....... 3'0 ....... 7'o ....... 8'o ....... ~ ....... ioo
Au Atomic Percent Copper Cu

Experimental data from [62Ben], H. Okamoto, D.J.Chakrabarti,D.E. Laughlin,and T.B. Massalski,1987.

some of the thermodynamic functions (AH) or A S ex,for the high w h e n c o m p a r e d with the p r e s e n t assessment.
liquid or solid phase. However, such effortsare unneces- [51Heu] modeled the heats of mixing for the liquid and
sary until more detailed experimental data are available. solid phases from the atomic volume standpoint. Values
In particular,the AH, and consequently the A G ~xfunction with reasonable magnitudes were obtained.
for the solidphase m a y change abruptly at about X = 0.7
(see assessed values by [Hultgren, B] in Fig. 11). The ernf Thermodynamic Data of Solid Phases. Specificheat and
measurements of [70Tro] indicated trends similar to those enthalpy of formation results for both A u C u and AuCu3
in [Hultgren, B] where AHc, is slightlypositiveat 90 to 95 phases from [50Bor], [50Nys], [51Hirl], [57Ray], [58Ori2],
at.% Cu, although the A H values of [70Tro] are less [68Marl, and [70Haw] are presented in [Hultgren, B]. A
endothermic--AH/X(1 - X) = -12.5 -+ 1 kJ/mol at X = s u m m a r y of subsequent works on the thermodynamic
0.6, according to the Gibbs-Duhem integration of the orig- properties is presented below.
inal data. The present polynomial model for the A H func-
tion cannot express satisfactorilythe abrupt change in the AusCu. The enthalpy of transformation associated with
slope of AH/X(1 - X) at X = -0.7, as indicated by [Hult- the order-disorder transition is 1782 J/reel at 299 K
glen, B] or [70Tro]. [77Den, 78Den].
Earlier Thermodynamic Calculations. A qualitative
A u C u and AuCu3. [72Nog] measured specific heats at liq-
derivation of the minimum melting point for the Au-Cu
system can be found in many standard textbooks, but uid helium temperatures and derived results for the elec-
quantitative models are few. The regular solution model tronic specific heat coefficient, 7, and Debye temperature,
for both solid and liquid phases by [75Bha] and [76Bha] 0D, for AuCu (disordered), AuCu(I), and AuCu(II) phases
shows that the roughly averaged thermodynamic values as given in Table 4. Also included are similar data for
lead to liquidus and solidus curves that are in fairly good three Cu-rich disordered alloys from [72Dell, the variation
of the Debye temperature with composition as calculated
agreement with the presently assessed phase diagram
(Fig. 13). The thermodynamic functions in Table 9 and from elasticity data by [72Dell, and data from [60Fli] for
Fig. 9 to 12 were derived from the set of coefficients for the AuCu3. Detailed tabulated specific heat results for differ-
a functions given by [76Boy] and [78Tar]. Both the ther- ent phases are presented by [76Marl. [78Tis] estimated
modynamic functions and the calculated phase boundaries enthalpy values from DTA measurements for the reac-
(Fig. 13) leave room for further improvement. tions, AuCu (disordered) --~ AuCu(II) and AuCu(H) --->
AuCu (disordered), as - 2050 and 1320, respectively.
Early attempts by [50Geg] and [54Wag] at thermody- [78Tis] reported similar data for the AuCu3 (disordered)--*
namic modeling of this system may need further refine- AuCu3 and AuCu3--* AuCu3 (disordered) reactions; results
ment if the same methods are to be used. The congruent were -2350 J/tool and 860 J/tool, respectively. [71Pre]
temperature calculated by [50Geg] is about 150 ~ too reported the enthalpy of formation for AuCu3 as 480 J/

Bulletin of Alloy Phase Diagr~m~ Vol. 8 No. 5 1987 467


mol. [72Yoo] measured heat capacities of AuCu3 in both 476-492 (1925) in German. (Equi Diagram, Crys Structure;
ordered and disordered conditions and observed t h a t Experimental)
below 130 K Cp for the ordered state was lower by up to 26Ph~ G. Phragmen, "solid Solution and Chemical Compound,"
6%, whereas above that temperature the reverse was true. Tek. Tidskr., 56, 81-85 (1926); Fysisk Tids., 24, 40-41 (1926).
Similar results were found by [71Haw] for AuCu, where (Crys Structure; Experimental)
27Joh: C.H. Johansson and J.O. Linde, "Lattice Structure and
the temperature of reversal was 100 K. Electrical Conductivity of the Mixed-Crystal System, Gold-
Copper, Palladium-Copper, and Platinum-Copper," Ann. Phys.,
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1897Hey: C.T. Heycock and F.H. Neville, "Complete Freezing- (1928) in German. (Equi Diagram, Crys Structure; Experimen-
Point Curves of Binary Alloys Containing Silver or Copper tal)
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468 Bulletin of Alloy Phase Diagrams Vol. 8 No. 5 1987


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ASM, 45, 1029-1055 (1953). (Equi Diagram; Experimental) Cu Alloys and the Question of Strain Energy in Solid Solu-
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Alloys. Short Range Order in an Alloy Containing 23 at.% Au," 57Bat: B.W. Batterman, "X-Ray Study of Order in the Alloy
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AIME, 200(5), 673-675 (1954). (Equi Diagram, Crys Strucure; Structure; Experimental; #)
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"54Oga1: S. Ogawa and D. Watanabe, "Electron Diffraction 58Oga: S. Ogawa, D. Watanabe, H. Watanabe, and T. Komada,
Study on the Ordered Alloy CuAu," J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., 9(4), "The Direct Observation of the Long Period of the Ordered
475-488 (1954). (Equi Diagram, Crys Structure; Experimental; Alloy CuAu(II) by Means of Electron Microscope," Acta Crys-
#) tallogr., 11,872-875 (1958). (Crys Structure; Experimental)
"54Oga2: S. Ogawa and D. Watanabe, "On the Structure of CuAu 58Ori1: R.A. Oriani and W.K. Murphy, "Differential Calorimeter
II Revealed by Electron Diffraction,"Acts CrystaUogr.,7,377- for Heats of Formation of Solid Alloys. Heats of Formation of
378 (1954). (Equi Diagram, Crys Structure; Experimental; #) Alloys of the Noble Metals," J. Phys. Chem., 62, 327-331
"54Ori: R.A. Oriani, '~rhermodynamics of Ordering Alloys. If. (1958). (Thermo; Experimental)
The Gold-Copper System," Acts Metall.,2(7), 608-615 (1954). 58Ori2: R.A. Oriani and W.K. Murphy, "Thermodynamics
(Equi Diagram, Thermo; Experimental) of Ordering Alloys. III. Energies of Transformation of the
~]Rob: B.W. Roberts, "X-Ray Measurement of Order in CuAu," Auv~Cu~ Phases," J. Phys. Chem. Solids, 6,277-279 (1958).
Acts Metall.,2(7), 597-603 (1954). (Equi Diagram, Crys Struc- (Equi Diagram, Thermo; Experimental)
ture; Experimental) 58Pas: D.W. Pashley and A.E.B. Presland, 'Tne Observation of
54Wag: C. Wagner, '~rhermodynamics of the Liquidus and the Anti-Phase Boundaries During the Transition from CuAuI to
Solidus of Binary Alloys," Acts MetaU., 2(3), 242-249 (1954). CuAuII," J. Inst. Met., 87, 419-428 (1958-1959). (Crys Struc-
(Thermo; Theory) ture; Experimental)
55Bal: D. Balesdent, "Determination of the Activitiesof Copper 59G1o: A.B. Gloseop and D.W. Pashley, '~rhe Direct Observation
and Gold in their Alloys,"Compt. Rend., 240,760-762 (1955) in of Anti-Phase Domain Boundaries in Ordered Cu-Au (CuAu)
French. (Thermo; Experimental) Alloy," Proc. R. Soc. A (London), 250, 132-146 (1959). (Crys
~diBur: F.P. Burns and S.L. Quimby, "Ordering Processes in Structure; Experimental)
Cu3Au," Phys. Rev., 97, 1567-1575 (1955). (Crys Structure; *59Hit:. M. Hirabayashi, "Electrical Resistivity and Superstruc-
Experimental) ture of CuAus," J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., 14,262-273 (1959). (Equi
55Fed: R. Feder and A.S. Nowick, "Anomalous Behavior of Diagram, Crys Structure; Experimental)
CuaAu Quenched from above 600 ~ Phys. Rev., 98, 1152 *59Kor. B.M. Korevaar, "The Resistivity of Ordered Au3Cu,"
(1955). (Crys Structure; Experimental) Physica, 25, 1021-1032 (1959). (Equi Diagram; Experimental)
f~Kuc: G.C. Kuczynski, R.F. Hochman, and H. Doyama, "Study 59Obr. J.L. O'Brien and G.C. Kuczynski, "X-Ray Study of the
of the Kinetics of Ordering in the Alloy AuCu," J. Appl. Phys., Kinetics of Ordering in AuCu," Acts Metall.,7,803-806 (1959).
26(7), 871-878 (1955). (Equi Diagram, Crys Structure; Exper- (Crys Structure; Experimental)
imental) 59Oga: S. Ogawa and D. Watanabe, "Anti Phase Domains in Au-
*~Rhi: F.N. Rhines, W.E. Bond, and R.A. Rummel, "Constitu- Cu-Zn Ordered Alloys Revealed by Electron Microscope," J.
tion of Ordering Alloys of the System Copper-Gold," Trans. Phys. Soc. Jpn., 14,936-941 (1959). (Crys Structure; Exper-

470 Bulletin of Alloy Phase Diagrams Vol. 8 No. 5 1987


imental) Phys. Chem. Solids, 23, 1605-1612 (1962). (Crys Structure;

59Oku: H. Okuzumi, P. Perio, and M. Tournarie, "Structure of Experimental)
Ordered Alloy of Composition Near Au3Cu,"Acta Crystallogr., 62Nei: A.R. yon Neida and R.B. Gordon, "Change in Hall Coeffi-
12, 1039-1043 (1959) in French. (Equi Diagram, Crys Struc- cient During Ordering of Cu3Au," Philos. Mag., 7, 1129-1143
ture; Experimental) (1962). (Equi Diagram; Experimental)
59Per1: P. Perio and M. Tournarie, "Diffraction of Periodic 62Sat: K. Sate, D. Watanabe, and S. Ogawa, "Electron Diffrac-
Antiphase Structure in Ordred AuCu3-TypeAlloys," Acta Crys- tion Study on CuAu at Temperatures above the Transition
tallogr., 12, 1032-1038 (1959). (Crys Structure; Experimental) Point of Order-Disorder," J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., 17(10), 1647-1651
59Per2: P. Perio and M. Tournarie, "Antiphase Structure of (1962). (Equi Diagram, Crys Structure, Pressure; Experimen-
Ordered AuCu Alloys,"Acta Crystallogr., 12, 1044-1047 (1959). tal)
(Crys Structure; Theory) 62Tot: R.S. Toth and H. Sate, "Long Period Superlattice CusAu
59Pia1: A. Pianelli and R.A. Faivre, "Diagram of Gold-Copper II," J. Appl. Phys., 33(8), 3250-3256 (1962). (Equi Diagram,
Alloys Describing the AuCu3 Composition," Compt. Rend., 248, Crys Structure; Experimental)
1661-1663 (1959). (Equi Diagram; Experimental; #) 82Yak: H.L. Yakel, "High Temperature X-Ray Diffraction Study
59Pin2: A. Pianelli, "Comparative Study of the Complex Struc- of the Order-Disorder Transition in a Cu-32.2 at.% Gold Alloy,"
tures AuCu(II) and AuCu3II of Gold-Copper Alloys," Compt. J. Appl. Phys., 33, 2439-2443 (1962). (Equi Diagram, Crys
Rend., 248, 2475-2476 (1959). (Equi Diagram, Crys Structure; Structure; Experimental)
Experimental) 62Yam: S. Yamaguchi, D. Watanabe, and S. Ogawa, "Confir-
59Wri: P. Wright and K.F. Goddard, "Lattice Parameter and mation of Existence of Cu3Au II Using Thin Films," J. Phys.
Resistivity Study of Order in the Alloy CuAu3," Acta Metall., Soc. Jpn., 17(12), 1902-1903 (1962). (Equi Diagram, Crys
7(12), 757-761 (1959). (Equi Diagram, Crys Structure; Exper- Structure; Experimental)
imental) 63Dav: R.G. Davies and N.S. Stoloff, "Order and Domain Hard-
60Blu: M.D. Blue, "Thermoelectric Effects in Copper-Gold ening in Cu3Au Type Superlattice Alloys," Acta Metall., 11,
Alloys," Phys. Rev., 117, 134-138 (1960). (Equi Diagram; 1347-1353 (1963). (Crys Structure; Experimental)
Experimental) 63Mar:. M.J. Marcinkowski and L. Zwell, '~ransmission Electron
60Fli: P.A. Flinn, G.M. McManns, and J.A. Rayne, "Elastic Con- Microscopy Study of the Off-Stoichiometric Cu~Au Superlat-
stants of Ordered and Disordered Cu3Au from 4.2 to 300 ~ tices," Acta Metall., 11,373-390 (1963). (Equi Diagram, Crys
J. Phys. Chem. Sol., 15, 189-195 (1960). (Crys Structure, Structure; Experimental)
Thermo; Experimental) 64Air: G. Airoldi, M. Asdente, and E. Rimini, "The Thermoelec-
60Orrl: R.L. Orr, "Heats of Formation of Solid Au-Cu Alloys," tric Power of the Alloy Cu3Au as a Function of Order," Philos.
Acta Metall., 8(7), 489-493 (1960). (Thermo; Experimental) Mag., 10, 43-48 (1964). (Equi Diagram; Experimental)
60Orr2: R.L. Orr, J. Luciat-Labry, and R. Hultgren, '~Energy of 64Fuj: S. Fujime, D. Watanabe, S. Ogawa, K. Ftliiwara, and S.
Order-Disorder Transformation in AuCu," Acta Metall., 8(7), Miyake, '~rhe Intensity of Satellite Reflections in Electron Dif-
431-434 (1960). (Thermo; Experimental) fraction Patterns from Evaporated Alloys with CuAuII Type
"60Sco: R.E. Scott, "New Complex Phase in the Copper-Gold Sys- Structure," J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., 19, 1881-1892 (1964). (Crys
tem," J. Appl. Phys., 31, 2112-2117 (1960). (Equi Diagram; Structure; Experimental)
Crys Structure; Experimental; #) 64Iwa: H. Iwasaki, "On the Anti-Phase Domain Structure of the
61Bor: B. Borie, '~"ne Separation of Short Range Order and Size Ordered Phase CuAus," J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., 19(9), 1572-1578
Effect Diffuse Scattering," Acta Crystallogr., 14, 472-474 (1964). (Crys Structure; Experimental)
(1961). (Crys Structure; Experimental) 64Jeh: G. Jehanno and P. Perio, "X-Ray Diffraction of Au-Cu II
61Dam: A.C. Damask, Z.A. Fuhrman, and E. Germagnolli, Single Crystals," J. Phys. (Paris), 25(11), 966-974 (1964) in
"Electrical Resistivity Changes in Annealed Cu3Au above the French. (Crys Structure; Experimental)
Critical Temperature," J. Phys. Chem. Solids, 19 (3/4), 265-280 64Mos: S.C. Moss, "X-Ray Measurement of Short-Range Order in
(1961). (Crys Structure; Experimental) Cu3Au," J. Appl. Phys., 35(12), 3547-3533 (1964). (Crys Struc-
61Day: R.G. Davies and A.J. Funes, "X-Ray Study of Order in ture; Experimental)
CuAu3 Alloys," Acta Metall., 9(10), 978-979 (1961). (Crys 64Tot: R.S. Toth and H. Sate, "Antiphase Domains in Ordered
Structure; Experimental) Au3Cu Alloys," J. Appl. Phys., 35(3), 698-703 (1964). (Equi
61Dhe: F.M. d'Heule and P. Gordon, "Energy Changes and Diagram, Crys Structure; Experimental)
Kinetics of Isothermal Ordering in Au3Cu,"Acta Metall., 9 (9), 64Zai: S.A. Zaitseva and Yu.A. Priselkov, 'Taper Pressure of
304-314 (1961). (Thermo; Experimental) Copper in a Gold-Copper Alloy," Vestn. Mosk. Univ., Ser. II,
61Sat: H. Sato and R.S. Toth, "Effect of Additional Elements on Khim., 19(6), 22-23 (1964) in Russian. (Equi Diagram; Exper-
the Period of CuAuII and the Origin of the Long Period Super- imental)
lattice," Phys. Rev., 124(6), 1833 (1961). (Crys Structure; The- 65Gua: G. Guarini and G.M. Schiavini, "Calorimetric Investiga-
ory) 61Yak: H.L. Yakel, U.S. At. Energy Comm., ORNL-3160, tion of the Cu3Au Alloy above the Critical Temperature," J.
30-31 (1961). (Equi Diagram; Experimental) Appl. Phys., 36, 1719-1720 (1965). (Crys Structure; Experimen-
61Yam: S. Yamaguchi, D. Watanabe, and S. Ogawa, "Study of tal)
Anti-Phase Domains in Cu3Au by Means of Electron Diffrac- 65Her: J. Hertz, '"v'ariation of Enthalpy of Formation of the Ste-
tion and Electron Microscopy,"J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., 17(6), 1030- ichiometric Alloy AuCu3 as a Function of Temperature,"
1041 (1961). (Equi Diagram, Crys Structure; Experimental) Compt. Rend., 261, 2098-2101 (1965) in French. (Equi Dia-
62Anq: M.C. Anquetil, "Electrical Resistivity of a CuAu Alloy," gram, Thermo; Experimental)
J. Phys. Radium, 23,986-988 (1962). (Equi Diagram; Exper- 65Mos: S.C. Moss, "Local Order in Solid Alloys--1," Local
imental) Atomic Arrangements Studied by X-Ray Diffraction, AIME
*62Ben: H.E. Bennett, '~Ehe Solidification Curves of the Gold- Metal. Soc. Conf., 1965, Gordon & Breach Science Publishers,
Copper System," J. Inst. Met., 91,158 (1962-1963). (Equi Dia- New York, 36, 95-122 (1966). (Crys Structure; Experimental)
gram, Thermo; Experimental) 65Sat: H. Sate and R.S. Toth, "Alloying Behavior and Effects in
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Phys. Chem. Solids, 23(11), 1613-1619 (1962). (Equi Diagram, Gordon & Breach, Science Publishers, New York, 29,295-419
Crys Structure; Experimental) (1966). (Crys Structure; Experimental)
62Jeh: G. Jehanno and P. Perio, "Structure of AuCu II," J. Phys. 65Sch: N.G. Schmahl and E. Minzl, "Determination of the Cop-
Radium, 23,845-860 (1962). (Crys Structure; Experimental) per Activities in Cu-Pt and Cu-Au Alloys by the Oxide Decom-
62Nagl: E. Nagy and H. Elkholy, "Ordering in Alloy Cu3Au. II," position Pressures," Z. Phys. Chem., 47(3-4), 164-182 (1965) in
J. Phys. Chem. Solids, 23, 1613-1619 (1962). (Crys Structure; German. (Thermo; Experimental)
Experimental) 65War: B.E. Warren, "X-Ray Studies of Randomness in the Cop-
62Nag2: E. Nagy and I. Nagy, "Ordering in Alloy Cu3Au. I," J. per-Gold System," Trans. AIME, 233, 1802-1810 (1965). (Crys

Bulletin of Alloy Phase Diagrams Vol. 8 No. 5 1987 471


Structure; Experimental) 70Mar: D.L. Martin and N. Waterhouse, "Specific Heat Below 3
65war: D. Watanabe, "Electron DiffractionStudy of Order in the ~ of Copper-Gold Alloys," Can. J. Phys., 48(10), 1217-1229
CuAu3 Alloys," J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., 20(12), 2170-2179 (1965). (1970). (Equi Diagram, Thermo; Experimental)
(Crys Structure; Experimental) 70Tro: J. Trondsen and P. Bolsaitis, "Activity of Copper in Solid
66Cow: J.M. Cowley, "Atomic ordering: Short-Range Order in Copper-Gold Alloys," Metall. Trans., 1, 2022-2023 (1970).
Alloys,"J. Aust. Inst. Met., 11 (4),258-263 (1966). (Crys Struc- (Thermo; Experimental)
ture; Theory) 71Gra: D. Gratias and M. Condat, "Antiphase Domains in
66Her: J. Hertz, "DissolutionCalorimetry in Tin and itsApplica- Ordered Au3Cu," Compt. Rend. C, 273(4), 336-338 (1971) in
tion to the Study of Some Order-Dieorder Transformations," French. (Equi Diagram; Experimental)
Mere. Sci. Rev. Met., 63(9),781-792 (1966) in French. (Therrno; 71Haw: D.T. Hawkins and R. Hultgren, "Effect of Ordering on
Experimental) Lattice Heat Capacities. Ordered and Disordered AuCu," J.
"66Lu1: S.S. Lu and C.K. Liang, "Existence of the CuAu3 Long- Chem. Thermodyn., 3(2), 175-186 (1971). (Thermo; Experimen-
Range Order in the Cu-Au System," K'o Hsush T'ung Pao, tal)
17(9), 395-396 (1966) in Chinese. (Crys Structure; Experimen- *71Ira: K. Itagaki and A. Yazawa, "Measurements of Heats of
tal) Mixing in Liquid Copper Binary Alloys," J. Jpn. Inst. Met.,
66Lu2: S.S. Lu and C.K. Liang, "Experimental Investigationof 35 (4), 383-389 (1971) in Japanese. (Thermo; Experimental)
the Second Order Order-Disorder Transformation," K'o Hsush 71Lee: K. Van der Lee and A. Van den Beukel, "Simultaneous
T'ung Pao, 17(11),495-496 (1966) in Chinese. (Crys Structure; Measurements of Resistivity and Thermoelectric Power During
Experimental) Ordering of Au3Cu," Scr. Metall., 5(10), 901-904 (1971). (Crys
66Sat: H. Sato and R.S. Toth, "Antiphase Domains in Ordered Structure; Experimental)
Au3Cu Alloys. If. Comments on 'Electron DiffractionStudy of 71Lul= H. Luthy, C. Isler, and P. Tissot, "DTA Study of the Order-
Order in the CuAu3 Alloys'by Watanabe and Fisher,"J. Appl. Disorder Transformation in Gold-Rich Gold-Copper Alloys,"
Phys., 37, 3367-3370 (1966). (Crys Structure; Theory) Helv. Chim. Acta, 54(7), 2194-2197 (1971) in French. (Equi
68Tacl: M. Tachiki and K. Teramoto, "Long Period Superlattice Diagram; Experimental)
in the CuAu Alloy," J. Phys. Chem. Sol., 27(2), 335-348 (1966). 71Mih: K. Mihama, "Growth and Structure of AuCu3 Particles,"
(Crys Structure, Pressure; Theory) J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., 31(6), 1677-1682 (1971). (Crys Structure;
66Tac2: M. Tachiki, "Lattice Modulations in the CuAu Alloy," Experimental)
Phys. Rev., 150(2), 440-447 (1966). (Crys Structure, Pressure; 71Pre: B. Predel and W. Schwermann, "AB3 Superlattice
Theory) Phases," Z. Metallkd., 62(7), 517-524 (1971) in German. (Equi
66Tot: L.I. Van Tome, "Electron Diffraction from Disordered Diagram, Thermo; Experimental)
Cu3Au," Phys. Status Solidi, 15, K87-K91 (1966). (Crys Struc- 71Sak: M. Sakai and D.E. Mikkola, "Growth of Antiphase
ture; Experimental) Domains in Cu3Au as Studied by Transmission Electron
67Bje: E. Bjerkelund, W.B. Pearson, K. Selte, and A. Kjekshus, Microscopy,"Metall. Trans., 2(6), 1635-1641 (1971). (Equi Dia-
"Lattice Parameters of the CuAu(I) Phase," Acta Chem. Scand., gram; Crys Structure; Experimental)
21 (10), 2900-2902 (1967). (Crys Structure; Experimental) 71Sha: R.L. Sharkey, M.J. Pool, and M. Hoch, '~Thermodynamic
67Fra: M.C. Franzbian and R.B. Gordon, '~he Order-Disorder Modeling of Binary and Ternary Metallic Solutions," Metall.
Transformation in (Cu3Au) at High Pressure," J. Appl. Phys., Trans., 2(11), 3039-3049 (1971). (Thermo; Theory)
38(1), 103-110 (1967). (Pressure; Experimental) *72Bet. M. Bergman, L. Holmlund, and N. Ingri, "Structure and
67Her: J. Hertz, Ph.D Thesis, Univ. of Nancy, Prance (1967) as Properties of Dental Casting Au Alloys. Pt. 1. Determination of
cited in [Hultgren, B]. (Thermo; Experimental) Ordered Structures in Solid Solutions of Au, Ag and Cu by
68Gan: M. Gantois, "Radiocrystallographic Study of Ordering Interpretation of Variations in the Unit Cell Length," Acta
Transformations of the Type Alpha-Disordered to Phase-l- Chem. Scand., 26(7), 2817-2831 (1972). (Crys Structure; Exper-
Ordered in Ternary Gold-Copper-Nickel Alloys and the Binary imental)
Alloy AuCu3," J. Appl. Crystallogr., 1 (5), 263-271 (1968) in 72Deh W.G. Delinger, W.R. Savage, and J.W. Sohweitzer, "Low-
French. (Equi Diagram; Experimental) Temperature Specific Heat of a-Phase Copper-Gold Alloys,"
68Mm-: D.L. Martin, "Effect of Ordering on the Specific Heat of Phys. Rev. B, 6(2), 338-341 (1972). (Thermo; Experimental)
Cu3Au below 3 ~ Can. J. Phys., 46(8), 923-927 (1968). (Equi 72Gra: D. Gratias, M. Condat, and M. Fayard, "I- and II-Type
Diagram, Thermo; Experimental) Superlattices in Gold-Rich Copper-Gold Alloys," Phys. Status
68Oka: K. Okamura, H. Iwasaki, and S. Ogawa, "Lattice Modu- Solidi (a), 14(1), 123-128 (1972). (Equi Diagram, Crys Struc-
lation in the Long Period ordered Alloys Studied by X-Ray Dif- ture; Experimental)
fraction. II. Copper Gold II," J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., 24(3), 569-579 72Iwa: H. Iwasaki, "Pressure Dependence of the Long Range
(1968). (Crys Structure; Experimental) Period of the CuAu Alloy," J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., 33(6), 1721
69Man: S.L. Mannan and V.S. Arunachalam, "Low Temperature (1972). (Pressure; Experimental)
Ordering in CuAu," Scr. MetaU., 3(8), 597-600 (1969). (Crys 72Mat: V. Matyas and L. Karmazin, "Side Bands of Fundamental
Structure; Experimental) Reflexions of Cu-20 at.% Au and Cu-21 at.% Au Alloys," J.
69Nec: A. Neckel and S. Wagner, "Mass Spectrometric Determi- Appl. Crystallogr., 5(4), 278-280 (1972). (Crys Structure;
nation of Thermodynamic Activities. I. Gold-Copper System," Experimental)
Ber. Bunsenges. Phys. Chem., 73 (2), 210-217 (1969) in German. 72Nog: S. Noguchi, K. Kondo, and U. Mizutani, "Low Tempera-
(Thermo; Experimental) ture Specific Heat of a Long-Period Super Lattice CuAu II,"
69Poq: G.E. Poquette and D.E. Mikkola, "Antiphase Domain Toyoda Kenkyu Hokoku, 25, 56-59 (1972) in Japanese.
Growth in CuaAu," Trans. AIME, 245(4), 743-751 (1969). (Equi (Thermo; Experimental)
Diagram, Crys Structure; Experimental) 72Sou: A. Soutter and J. Hertz, "Comparison of Empirical Rela-
7OBea: J. Beauvillain, A. Lasserre, and F. Reynaud, tions Relating the Antiphase Period and Electron Concentra-
"Superstructure Lines of an Ordered CuaAu Alloy Observed tion in Alloys with L10 and L 12 Monoperiodic Antiphase
with Nonparallel Illumination," Compt. Rend. B, 271 (18), 943- Structures," Compt. Rend. B, 274(12), 811-814 (1972) in
945 (1970) in French. (Equi Diagram; Experimental) French. (Crys Structure; Theory)
7OHag: J.P. Hager, S.M. Howard, and J.H. Jones, "Thermo- 72Yoo: H.I. Yoen and R. Hultgren, "Effect of Ordering on Lattice
dynamic Properties of the Copper-Tin and Copper-Gold Sys- Heat Capacities of Ordered and Disordered AuCua," J. Chem.
tems by Mass Spectrometry," Metall. Trans., 1,415-422 (1970). Thermodyn., 4(3), 375-380 (1972). (Thermo; Experimental)
(Thermo; Experimental) 73Bar: R.D. Barnard and A.J.M. Chivers, "Study of Metallurgi-
70Haw: D.T. Hawkins, '~he Effect of Ordering on Low-Tempera- cal Processes by Thermopewer Measurements. Gold-Copper
ture Heat Capacities: Ordered and Disordered Gold-Copper," Alloys CuAu and Au3Cu," Metal. Sci. J., 7, 147-152 (1973).
Diss., Univ. Calif. Berkeley, CA: Diss. Abstr. Int. B, 31 (7), (Equi Diagram; Experimental)
4099-4100 (1971). (Thermo; Experimental) 73Bel: B. Belbeoch and G. Jehanno, "X-Ray Diffraction Study of

472 Bulletin of Alloy Phase Diagrams Vol. 8 No. 5 1987


Gold-Copper Alloys with Compositions Intermediate Between Phase Diagrams. Computer Simulation for Materials Applica-
That of Gold-Copper (AuCu3) and Gold-Copper (AuCu) (Gold tions,"Nucl. Metal., 20(1), 187-194 (1976). (Thermo; Theory)
Content between 35-37 at.%),"J. Appl. CrystaUogr., 6(5), 371- 76Coo: H.E. Cook, "Continuous Transformations," Mater. Sci.
380 (1973). (Equi Diagram, Crys Structure; Experimental) Eng., 25(1-2), 127-134 (1976). (Equi Diagram; Theory)
73Goi: N.S. Golosov, L.E. Popov, and L.Ya. Pudan, '~ of 76Mar. D.L. Martin, "SpecificHeat of Copper-Gold Alloys Below
Order-Disorder Transformation in Binary System of the Cop- 30 K," Phys. Rev. B, 14(2), 369-385 (1976). (Equi Diagram,
per-Gold Type," J. Phys. Chem. Sol., 34(7), 1149-1163 (1973). Thermo; Experimental)
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73Ton: H.C. Tong and C.M. Wayman, "Order-Disorder Transfor- in 3:1 Copper-Gold Alloy," J. Phys. Chem. Solids, 38(8), 855-
mations in Cu-Au Thin Films," Acta MetaU., 21 (10),1381-1396 857 (1977). (Equi Diagram, Crys Structure; Experimental}
(1973). (Equi Diagram; Experimental) 77Den: J.L. Deneuville, D. Gratias, C. Chatillon-Colinet, and
74Goe: H. Goeminne, G. Van der Perre, T. Hens, and J. Van der J.C. Mathieu, "Measurement of Enthalpies of Formation of
Planken," Formation and Growth of Copper-Gold (Cu3AuII) in Ordered and Disordered Gold-Copper (AusCu) by Dissolution
a Deformed Matrix," Acta Metall., 22(6), 725-731 (1974).(Equi Calorimetry in Tin," Compt. Rend. C, 284(19), 771-774 (1977)
Diagram, Crys Structure; Experimental) in French. (Thermo; Experimental)
74Iwa: H. Iwasaki, H. Yoshida, and S. Ogawa, "Effectof Pressure 77Kat: A.A. Katsnel'son, P.P. Safronov, V.G. Moiseenko, and
on the Ordered Structure and Phase Transition of the Cu-Au V.M. Silonov, "Short-Range Order and Ordering Energy in
Alloy," J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., 36(4), 1037-1042 (1974). (Pressure; Gold-Copper Alloys," Fiz. Met. Metalloved., 43(1), 110-115
Experimental) (1977) in Russian; TR: Phys. Met. Metallogr., 43(1), 94-99
74Mot: D.G. Morris, F.M.C. Besag, and R.E. Smallman, (1977). (Crys Structure; Experimental)
"Ordering and Disordering in Copper-Gold (Cu3Au)," Philos. 77Mar: M.C. Marques, J.B. Sousa, M.F. Pinheiro, and M.E.
Mag., 29(1), 43-57 (1974). (Crys Structure; Experimental) Braga, "Electrical Resistivity and Phase Changes in CuAu,"
74Per: G. Van der Perre, H. Goeminne, R. Geerts, and J. Van der Scr. Metall., 11 (3),197-200 (1977). (Equi Diagram; Experimen-
Planken," Nature and Growth of the Copper-Gold (Cu3AuII) tal)
Phase. X-Ray Diffraction Investigation," Acta Metall., 22(2), 77Nov: M.I. Novgorodova, A.I. Tsepin, A.I. Gorshkov, I.M.
227-237 (1974). (Equi Diagram, Crys Structure; Experimental) Kudrevish, and L.N. Vyalsov, "New Data on the Crystal Chem-
75Asa: K. Asaumi, "Order-Disorder Transition in a Copper-Gold istryand Properties of Natural IntermetaUic Compounds of the
(CuAu) Alloy at High Pressures," Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 14 (3), Copper-Gold System," Zap. Vsc. Mineral. O-va., 106(5), 540-
336-340 (1975). (Pressure; Experimental) 552 (1977). (Crys Structure; Experimental)
75Bha: A.B. Bhatia and N.H. March, "Short-Range Order and 78Den: J.L. Deneuville, G. Gratias, C. Chatillon-Colinet, and
Phase Diagrams of Binary Alloys," Phys. Lett. A, 51 (7), 401- J.C. Mathieu, "Application of Differential Microcalorimetry to
402 (1975). (Thermo; Theory) the Direct Measurement of Two Thermal Effects. Measure-
75Bro: P.M. Bronsveld and S. Radelaar, "Domain Growth in ment of the Ordering Energy in the Compound Gold-Copper
Gold-Copper (Au3Cu)," J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., 38(5), 1336-1341 (Au3Cu)," J. Calorim. Anal. Therm. B, 9, (15), 111-121 (1978)
(1975). (Crys Structure; Experimental) in French. (Thermo; Experimental)
75Def: D. de Fontaine, "K-Space Symmetry Rules for Order-Dis- 78Def: D. deFontaine and R. Kikuchi, "Fundamental Calcula-
order Reactions," Acta Metall., 23(5), 553-571 (1975). (Crys tions of Coherent Phase Diagrams," N B S Special Publication
Structure; Theory) 496, 999-1026 (1978). (Equi Diagram, Crys Structure; Theory;
75Mor: D.G. Morris, "Disordering Study of Copper-Gold Alloys #)
with Compositions Close to 25% Gold," Phys. Status Solidi (a), 78Pea: W.B. Pearson, "Criteria for the Competing Stabilities of
32(1), 145-156 (1975). (Equi Diagram, Crys Structure; Exper- the Cesium Chloride and Gold-Copper (AuCu) Structures in
imental) Metallic Alloys," Z. Kristallogr., 148(3-4), 281-294 (1978).
75Ras: C.L. Rase and D.E. Mikkola, "Effect of Excess Au on (Crys Structure; Experimental)
Antiphase Domain Growth in Cu3Au," Metall. Trans. A, 6(12), 78Tar: S.K. Tarby, C.J. Van Tyne, and M.L. Boyle, "Computer-
2267-2271 (1975). (Equi Diagram, Crys Structure; Experimen- ized Characterization of the Au-Cu-Ni Ternary System," Appli-
tal; #) cations of Phase Diagrams in Metallurgy and Ceramics, NBS
75Sat: H. Sato, "Effect of Pressure on Ordered Structures and Special Publication, 496(2), 726-743 (1978). (Thermo; Theory)
Phase Transitions in Cu-Au Alloys: Comments," J. Phys. Soc. (Thermo; Theory)
Jpn., 38(3), 739-741 (1975). (Pressure; Experimental) 78Tis: P. Tissot and R. Dallenbach, "Study of Order-Disorder
75Sin: R. Sinclair and G. Thomas, "Antiphase Domains and Transformation of Copper-Gold Alloys by Means of Differential
Superlattice Spot Splitting in Copper-Gold (CuaAu) I,"J. Appl. Thermal Analysis," Thermochim. Acta, 25(2), 143-153 (1978).
Crystallogr., 8(2), 206-210 (1975). (Equi Diagram; Crys Struc- (Equi Diagram; Thermo; Experimental)
ture; Experimental) 79Agr: R.D. Agrawal, V.N.S. Mathur, and M.L. Kapoor,
75Wat: D. Watanabe and K. Takashima, "Periodic Antiphase "Thermodynamics of Binary Copper-Bearing Substitutional
Domain Structure in the Off-Stoichiometric Copper-Gold Solutions," Trans. Jpn. Inst. Met., 20(6), 323-328 (1979).
(CuAuII) Phase," J. Appl. Crystallogr., 8(6), 598-602 (1975). (Thermo; Theory)
(Crys Structure; Experimental) 79Che: H. Chen and J.B. Cohen, "Measurments of the Ordering
75Yaz: A. Yazawa, K. Itagaki, and T. Azakami, "Physico-Chemi- Instability in Binary Alloys," Acta Metall., 27(4), 603-611
cal Properties of Liquid Copper Binary Alloys," Trans. Jpn. (1979). (Equi Diagram, Crys Structure; Experimental)
Inst. Met., 16(9), 687-695 (1975). (Thermo; Experimental) 79Iwa: H. Iwasaki and Y. Watanabe, "Structure of Periodic
76Barl: P. Bardhan and J.B. Cohen, "A Structural Study of the Antiphase Domain Boundaries in Long-Range Ordered
Alloy Cu~Au Above its Critical Temperature," Acta Crystal- Alloys," AIP Conf. Proc., 53, (Modulated Structure-1979), 247-
logr. A, 32(4), 597-614 (1976). (Equi Diagram, Crys Structure; 249 (1979). (Crys Structure; Experimental)
Experimental) 79Lan: F. Lantelme, S. Belaidouni, and M. Chemla, "Determi-
76Bar2: G. Bartsch and M. Weight, "X-Ray Diffraction Studies of nation of Copper Activity in Gold-Copper Alloys by Measuring
Short Range Order in Copper-Gold (Cu3Au)," Z. MetaUkd., Electrochemical Potentials in Fused Medium," J. Chem. Phys.
67(6), 422-430 (1976) in German. (Crys Structure; Experimen- Phys.-Chim. Biol., 76(5), 423-427 (1979) in French. (Thermo;
tal) Experimental)
76Bha: A.B. Bhatia and N.H. March, "Phase Diagrams of 80Koz: E.V. Kozlov and S.V. Strenchenko, "Order-Disorder
Ascending and Minimum Type in Terms of Concentration Fluc- Transformation in an Alloy Close in Composition to Au3Cu,"
tuations in Binary Liquid and Solid Solutions," Phys. Chem. Izv. V.U~. Fiz., 23(3), 70-74 (1980) in Russian; TR: Soy. Phys.
Liq., 5(1), 45-60 (1976). (Thermo; Theory) J., 23 (3), 236-239 (1980). (Equi Diagram; Experimental)
76Boy: M.L. Boyle, C.J. Van Tyne, and S.K. Tarby, "Computer *80Wil: R.O. Williams, "Long-Period Superlattices in the Copper-
Analysis and Synthesis of Solution Thermodynamics and Gold System as Two-Phase Mixtures," MetaU. Trans. A, 11 (2),

Bulletin of Alloy Phase Diagrams Vol. 8 No. 5 1987 473

247-253 (1980).(Equi Diagram, Crys Structure;Experimental) *84Top: L. Topor and O.J. Kleppa, 'Tnerrnochemistry of Binary
81Che: H. Chen and J.B. Cohen, "PretransitionPhenomena in Liquid Gold Alloys," Metall. Trans. A, 15, 203-208 {1984).
First-Order Order-Disorder Transitions," Metall. Trans. A, (Therrno;Experimental)
12(4), 575-579 (1981).(Crys Structure;Experimental) 86Kik: R. Kikuchi, "Phase Diagrams and APB, IPB Calculations
81Kat: M. Kataoka and H. lwasaki, "Displacement Waves in of Cu-Ag-Au Systems," in Noble Metal Alloys, T.B. Massalski,
Long-Period Superlattice Alloys," J. Phys. F, 11 (8), 1545-1556 W.B. Pearson, L.H. Bennett, and Y.A. Chang, Ed., 63-84
(1981). (Crys Structure; Experimental) (1986).(Equi Diagram; Theory; #)
82Nay: P.K.K. Nayar, "High Temperature Thermodynamic
Properties of Solid Copper-Gold Alloys," Ann. Chim. (Paris), *Indicates key paper.
7(5), 347-356 (1982). (Thermo; Experimental) #Indicates presence of a phase diagram.

Au-Cu evaluation contributed by H. Otr=moto, A S M INTERNATIONAL, Metals Park, O H 44073; D.J. Chakrabarti, Alcoa Laboratories, Alcoa Center, PA
15069; and D E . Lau~hlln and T.B. Maualski, Department of Metallurgical Engineering and Materials Science, Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh,
PA 15213. Work was supported by the International Gold Corporation, the International Copper Research Association, Inc.,A S M INTERNATIONAL, and
the Department of Energy through the Joint Program on Criticalcompilation of Physical and Chemical Data coordinated through the Office of Standard
Reference Data, National Bureau ofStandards. Literature searched through 1985. Part of the bibliographicsearch was provided by ASM. Professor Massalski
is the A S M / N B S Data Program Editor-in-Chieffor the Binary Alloy Program and is also Co-Category Editor for the binary gold alloys with Dr. Okarnote.
Professor Laughlin is the Category Editor for binary copper alloys.

The Cr-Si (Chromium-Silicon) System

51.996 28.0855

By A.B. Gokhale and G.J. Abbaschlan

University of Florida

Equilibrium Diagram solid solution of Si in (Cr), with a m a x i m u m solubility of

approximately 9.5 at.% at the eutectic temperature of
The Cr-Si system is technologically interesting because its 1705 ~ (3) the terminal solid solution of Cr in (Si),with
intermediate phases possess useful thermoelectric proper- a m a x i m u m solid solubility of approximately 8 • 10 -8
ties.The assessed equilibrium phase diagram of the Cr-Si at.% at the eutectic temperature of 1305 ~ (4) the cubic
system is shown in Fig. 1. The following stable phases are intermediate phase Cr3Si, which melts congruently at
present in the system: (1) the liquid, I,; (2) the terminal 1770 ~ (5) the tetragonal intermediate phase CrsSis,

Fig. 1 Assessed Cr-Si Phase Diagram

Weight Percent Silicon
0 1o 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100


0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Cr Atomic Percent Silicon Si
A.B. Gokhale and G.J. Abbaschian, 1987.

474 Bulletin of Alloy Phase Diagrams Vol. 8 No. 5 1987

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