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This game is  and thus cannot be reproduced and sold by others for money except by Jacob R. Watts Keuter.

Permission to play this game must be under authority of JRWK as

the game is under alpha test. This game is changing thus any version prior is still , any version rewritten is still , as it's base was from this manual. Thank you for
not reproducing. Signed; Jacob R. Watts Keuter. Email me at for any issue with title of Dnet.

Table of Contents
Chapter 1 LEVELING................................................................................................................................................................................. 1
Chapter 2 RACES........................................................................................................................................................................................1
Chapter 3 TEMPLATES.............................................................................................................................................................................. 2
Chapter 4 CLASSES....................................................................................................................................................................................2
Chapter 5 CASTS........................................................................................................................................................................................ 6
Chapter 6 EQUIPMENT..............................................................................................................................................................................6
MATERIALS FOR CRAFTING.............................................................................................................................................................6
CRAFT MATERIALS AND PROCESS.................................................................................................................................................6
GEAR ARTICLES.................................................................................................................................................................................. 6
GEAR KITS............................................................................................................................................................................................7
GOVERMENT DOCUMENTATIONS & LAW SERVICES.................................................................................................................7
PETS AND ANIMALS...........................................................................................................................................................................7
HOUSING AND RENTING...................................................................................................................................................................7
ACCESSORIES...................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
ARMOR SLOTING................................................................................................................................................................................7
MELEE WEAPONRY............................................................................................................................................................................ 7
RANGED WEAPONRY........................................................................................................................................................................ 7
AMMUNITION AND SPECIAL WEAPONRY.................................................................................................................................... 8
SIEGE WEAPONS ................................................................................................................................................................................8
Chapter 7 ADD-ONs...................................................................................................................................................................................8
Chapter 8 RULES........................................................................................................................................................................................ 9
-GENERAL RULES............................................................................................................................................................................... 9
--ALIGNMENTS OF CHARACTERS..............................................................................................................................................9
--CLASSIFICATIONS OF CHARACTERS......................................................................................................................................9
--BODY TYPE RULES......................................................................................................................................................................9
--AGE/TIME RULES & WISDOM POINT/EDUCATION.............................................................................................................. 9
--SENSORY & SIGHT & ALERTNESS RULES..............................................................................................................................9
--SKILL CHECK RULES..................................................................................................................................................................9
--HARDNESS & ITEM BREAK RULES......................................................................................................................................... 9
--SIZE & WEIGHT SCORE & LIFT SCORE RULES..................................................................................................................... 9
--STATUS EFFECTS......................................................................................................................................................................... 9
-ACTION & STAMINA RULES............................................................................................................................................................9
-COMBAT RULES................................................................................................................................................................................. 9
--DAMAGE TYPE RULES............................................................................................................................................................... 9
--AREA OF ATTACK RULES...........................................................................................................................................................9
--TOUGHNESS SCORE RULES...................................................................................................................................................... 9
--BODY SLOTS.................................................................................................................................................................................9
--WEAPONS RANGE RULES..........................................................................................................................................................9
--ITEM CREATION RULES............................................................................................................................................................. 9
Chapter 9 REGIONAL & ENVIROMENT.................................................................................................................................................9
Chapter 10 VEHICLES, MECHAS & ROBOTICS....................................................................................................................................9
Chapter 11 NPCS & MONSTERS.............................................................................................................................................................10
Chapter 1 LEVELING
Chapter 2 RACES
Chapter 4 CLASSES
Chapter 5 Casts
[craft material and process]
[gear articles]
[gear kits]
[pets and animals]
[housing and renting]
[Melee weaponry]
--Improvising weapons
[ranged weaponry]
--Modern Firearms
--Other Modern Firearms
--Laser Firearms
--Rail Tech Firearms
--High Tech Magna Weapons (HTMW)
--Early Firearms
--Projectile Launchers
[ammunition and special weaponry]
--Ammunition for Weapons
--Rocket/Missiles Ammo
--Sprayer Cartridges
[siege weapons]
Chapter 7 ADD-ONs
Chapter 8 RULES
Chapter 11 NPCS & MONSTERS

Chapter 1 LEVELING
Full formula for HP is listed

BHP = CON/SPRT score + (CON & SPRT MOD x level) + (2d20+10 per level) = result (Min 10 HP per level) x Size Multiplier for HP

Max HP is multiplied by size from Base HP

Micro time 1 of base
Tiny time 1 of base
Small time 1 of base
Medium time 1.5 of base
Large time 2 of base
Huge time 2.5 of base
Titan time 3 of base
Grand time 3.5 of base
Gigantic time 4 of base
Immense time 4.5 of base
Colossus time 5 of base
Supreme time 5.5 of base
Monumental time 6 of base
Immeasurable time 6.5 of base

Favor Points
The primary advantage of FP is that it cannot be stolen, while credits can. Credit into FP at the rate of 2000 credits to 1 FP. You can convert FP to credits at a rate of
1000 credits per FP. At each level you gain 10 FP for free. FP may be spent on ADDONs; this requires Basic Infusion Stones if you do it yourself without crafting. ADD-ONs
being bought with FP will round down to the nearest 1000 credits when transferring to a Basic Infusion Stone and the extra half FP instead becomes 500 credits.

Training Points
TP are acquired at a rate of one per three levels. After the 30th level, you instead gain one TP per level. Spending TP takes 3 days. TP can be spent on the following op-
tions: improve your HP rolls, improve your stats, reassign stat choices, catch up with the other party member’s EXP, or improve your knowledge.
-You may spend TP in order to re-roll and maximize your HP dice rolls; upon doing so, you maximize 5 HP dice per TP spent, and re-roll the rest of your non-maximized dice.
Make sure to record how many dice you have maximized, in case you spend TP at a later time.
-You may spend TP in order to re-roll and maximize your beginning stat dice rolls; upon doing so, you maximize the 2d10 for a stat per TP spent, and then re-roll the rest of
your non-maximized dice.
-You may alter any stat choices you have made with your character; this includes re-assigning your beginning stat choices, re-assigning any stat choices made from stat
points gained when you level and re-assigning any stat choices made when acquiring a template. In addition, you may re-assign any skill choices.
-You may expend TP to gain 1 knowledge to your study check within 3 days as long as you have the same study materials to equal the new knowledge degree.
-You may retrain a class for 1 TP to another class this will take 1 week instead of 3 days. When retraining you cannot retrain a class that needs a minimal of another class.
1 TP can retrain up to 2 levels of classes at once. You must make a Study check to retrain the class with a TS equal to 10x your level. This TS can be reduced by the level
of the class trainer equal to their class you are trying to train in x25. When retraining the teacher can only teach you up to a level they are within that class thus a lev-
el 4 Knight cannot retrain you to level 5. Every time you fail the Study check it will add 3 more days into the 1 week you are spending. Each time you fail the TS reduces by
Class limitation
Upon reaching level 30 a character stops gaining classes and cannot choose to gain anymore classes during this time instead of gaining a new class a character that levels up
may perform a retraining a character receives 1 training point for each level past 30 they may spend 1 point per week along with finding a suitable character of at least 1
class grade higher than the class you want to increase (only 1 at a time) and choose which class to replace you cannot reduce classes that are already requirements for a
prestige class till you remove the class itself that needs the requirements like 1 level archer 1 level knight and you have 1 level dragoon you can remove 1 level of either
the knight or the archer but not both as 1 is needed for dragoon minimal

Legacy Class Leveling

Upon your 30th class level a character can receive a special training points instead can be expend on this up to 2 for 1 more class level on top of your 30 main, this level
is just like any other class level but breaks the normal limits this limit breaking is referred to as legacy classes max amount of legacy class levels you can take is 15,
upon obtaining your 15th level of a class you can then obtain Greater legacy class levels which instead of 2 training points is 3 for another max of 15 class levels

Ultimate Classes
The ultimate classes require a cost of certain amount of TP and FP build into them.

TP to FP
You may transfer 20 FP for 1 TP or 20,000 credits.

Character Stats
Roll 2d10 for every stat then array them into your stats for example I rolled 12, 20, 20, 14, 7, 12, 15, 10 so I add each into the stats in any order I want or a player can
roll 16d10 and split the result into the 8 stats max points you can allocate is 20 in a stat

You gain 15 stat points every level you need not spend these right away but once spent cannot be removed

Stats are your characters main definers of their builds, stats each have a special area they provide within and boost, there is 4 primary stats that every 5 points equals a
modifier bonus and a benefit bonus there is 2 sub stats that every 10 equal a modifier and a benefit bonus and 2 heavy stats that every 15 provides a modifier and benefit
bonuses. If you exchange a stat for another stat you are only exchanging the modifier bonus nothing not any benefits unless noted, while if even a small bit of the modifier
is used from a cross of stats all the full benefits activate. A skill check perform already lists what modifiers it by a +1 (skill checks are not listed unless it's a
Benefit effect which cannot be taken from modifier switches)

Modifiers: Physical Force Damage (damage that is brute muscle force) and Forceful Aimed Strike Check (When applicable)
Benefits: Lift score and Hardness equivalent to strikes
Modifiers: HP
Benefits: Body Hardness & Endure Checks and Stamina Points
Modifiers: Precision Damage (Damage from abilities) Precision Aimed Strike Check (When applicable)
Benefits: none
Modifiers: Special Damage (things that mention PSY MOD) and Tactical Aimed Strike Check (from abilities)
Benefits: boosts Casts amounts
Modifiers: Guard Checks
Benefits: Armor Move Penalty Reduction, Lift score, Endure Checks, Mitigation, Body Hardness and Stamina Points
Modifiers: Ignore 1 point of MOD Max
Benefits: Special Damage (things that mention PSY MOD) that also ignores MOD Max, Mind Checks, HP and boosts Cast amounts
Modifiers: Add to all d20 Rolls except HP dice rolls
Benefits: Alter Percentages of the game
Modifiers: Charge attack bonuses increase for Damage and Aimed Strike Check
Benefits: Land and Swim and Flight Movement & Teleport increased

Listed below is the exact numeric they generate per their modifiers

STR (Strength)
Every 5 in this grants a +1 Bonus, +1 Melee attack hardness, and per 2 STR mod grants +1 lift score

CON (Constitution)
Every 5 in this grants a +1 Bonus and a +1 to your body hardness and +1 stamina point per 10 MOD

DEX (Dexterity)
Every 5 in this Grants a +1 Bonus

PSY (Psyche)
Every 5 in this Grants a +1 Bonus

DUR (Durability)
Every 10 in this Grants a +1 Bonus to Guard Checks, Body Hardness, Endure Checks, Stamina Point, -1 Mitigation to all damage sources, and +2 lift score. And -1DSU to
negative to your Armor Reduction of movement. (If this mitigation is in negatives it instead removes mitigation but does not add extra damage if negative mitigation)

SPRT (Spirit)
Every 10 grants a +1 bonus

LUK (Luck)
Every 15 in this Grants a +1 Bonus that applies to all d20 rolls involving skills and adds a +0.5% or –0.5% on percentile rolls or general percentage that it is allowed to
apply whichever is in your favor. A percent cannot go above 100% or below -100% of effectiveness though any percent that would add above 100% or below still count for
calculations. Always round percentages down.
SPD (Speed)
Every 15 is a +1 bonus to charge attacks Aimed Strike Check and Damage Melee & Acrobatics Checks when jumping and moving in a charge this grants a +1DSU movement to base
land and swim and flight which base is 6DSU (minimal 1DSU if reduced below 1DSU which takes 5 ½ Acts to move the next 1DSU square over). Also any teleport abilities gains a
bonus 1DSU per +5 of this MOD and any negative in SPD MOD will not effect teleport distance. If this stat goes negative you suffer a -1 to Acrobatics Checks per -30 Score.
Upon -90 Score Charge Attacks take an ACT instead of a ½ ACT. Upon -150 Score You instead take full damage if you cannot leave the effecting square if it states half damage.
Upon -210 Score You cannot use Flight or Swim movement in Acrobatics Check. Upon -270 Score you cannot perform Acrobatics Checks.

A Dimension Square Unit aka DSU is a measurement of 1.5 meters to around 5ft. If you move diagonally it counts as 2 meters or 5.5ft (This means every 2nd square moved
diagonally counts as 2 square movements) (This is not always to the most exact but most squares measured on a field should be estimated around this distance)

A character may also spend stat points instead into special areas called Bonus Racial they are listed below all bonus racial stack multiple times and are “racial” abilities
to your character if it provided a choice of different forms you can take different choices that don’t stack but instead count as a different version like “Damage Resistance
Unholy” and “Damage Resistance Holy” both stack up on their listed Damage type but not upon each other some of these can be consider magical or tech racial in explanation
why it exists on a character that seems odd to have it

When using one stat MOD as another stat MOD from special abilities you may not apply additional mod gained from other stats adding into that stat. For example if you gain
SPRT + STR as STR MOD then get to apply STR as DEX, your SPRT does not add in when calculating the STR MOD to apply to your DEX mod.

Bonus Racials
1-point Bonus Racial
-Speedy Flier: Gain 1DSU to flight (does not allow flight)
-Flying Acrobatic: Gain +2 to checks to stabilize flight if falling or in rough conditions per stack
-Speedy Swimmer: Gain +1DSU swim
-Excelling Swimmer: Gain a +2 bonus to checks from water hazards per stack
-Heft Lift: Gain +1 bonus to lift score
-Bonus Language: You can learn any language (all components) permit able by your character treated them at Master's degree in the language (restrictions might apply)
-Minor Regeneration: regenerate 1 point of health every round this cannot put your body parts back on that are rendered off
-Melee Boost: Melee Training Type Effect (MTE): Gain +1d4 of Bonus Size Damage (You can only stack once per every level divisible by 5)
-Assassination Boost: Assassination Type Effect (ATE): Gain +1d4 to an Assassination Bonus Damage (You can only stack once per every level divisible by 5)
-Resistant (insert): Resistance +2 from status effect (choice)
-Damage Resistant (insert): Gain Damage Mitigation by –10 of the chosen Damage type (choice)
-Fast Recovery: Regenerate 10% HP per stack per 8 hours rest unless you haven’t eaten/drank (non resting body types cannot benefit)
-Cast Knowledge: Gain a bonus to TS of +1 for Casts. (You can only take this every odd level)
-Solid Knowledge: Gain a bonus to TS of character +1 (not Casts) (You can only take this every odd level)
-Casters Spirits: Gain +5 Cast Charge Pool (You can only take this every level divisible by 3 past the first)
-Cast Buster: Casts gain a +1 to their MOD Max (You can only take this every odd level)
-Skill Training (insert): The chosen skill gains a +2 to the skill. (You can only take 5 per level per different skill)
-Perceived Perceptions: Action Skill Boost (ASB) are a type of skill that takes a ACT to use to provide a bonus. You may only have up to 3 ASB on 1 character. During the
activation you gain the bonus but after use of 3 skill checks the bonus will deactivate. The ASB effect will only remain active for 2 rounds after activation. If any bonus
from another ASB only the highest bonus applies. +1 to Sight, Listen, Scent.
-Adamant Will: Action Skill Boost (ASB) are a type of skill that takes a ACT to use to provide a bonus. You may only have up to 3 ASB on 1 character. During the activation
you gain the bonus but after use of 3 skill checks the bonus will deactivate. The ASB effect will only remain active for 2 rounds after activation. If any bonus from another
ASB only the highest bonus applies. +1 to Mind, Intimidate, Study.
Resilient Body: Action Skill Boost (ASB) are a type of skill that takes a ACT to use to provide a bonus. You may only have up to 3 ASB on 1 character. During the activation
you gain the bonus but after use of 3 skill checks the bonus will deactivate. The ASB effect will only remain active for 2 rounds after activation. If any bonus from another
ASB only the highest bonus applies. +1 to Muscle, Climb, Endure.
Nimble Body: Action Skill Boost (ASB) are a type of skill that takes a ACT to use to provide a bonus. You may only have up to 3 ASB on 1 character. During the activation you
gain the bonus but after use of 3 skill checks the bonus will deactivate. The ASB effect will only remain active for 2 rounds after activation. If any bonus from another ASB
only the highest bonus applies. +1 to Slight, Acrobatic, Stealth.
Brilliant Thinker: Action Skill Boost (ASB) are a type of skill that takes a ACT to use to provide a bonus. You may only have up to 3 ASB on 1 character. During the
activation you gain the bonus but after use of 3 skill checks the bonus will deactivate. The ASB effect will only remain active for 2 rounds after activation. If any bonus
from another ASB only the highest bonus applies. +1 to Study, Mind, Build.
Extreme Instinct: Action Skill Boost (ASB) are a type of skill that takes a ACT to use to provide a bonus. You may only have up to 3 ASB on 1 character. During the
activation you gain the bonus but after use of 3 skill checks the bonus will deactivate. The ASB effect will only remain active for 2 rounds after activation. If any bonus
from another ASB only the highest bonus applies. +1 to Pilot, Jump, Acrobatics.
Ace Instinct: Action Skill Boost (ASB) are a type of skill that takes a ACT to use to provide a bonus. You may only have up to 3 ASB on 1 character. During the activation
you gain the bonus but after use of 3 skill checks the bonus will deactivate. The ASB effect will only remain active for 2 rounds after activation. If any bonus from another
ASB only the highest bonus applies. +1 to Pilot, Build, Slight.
Strong Body: Action Skill Boost (ASB) are a type of skill that takes a ACT to use to provide a bonus. You may only have up to 3 ASB on 1 character. During the activation you
gain the bonus but after use of 3 skill checks the bonus will deactivate. The ASB effect will only remain active for 2 rounds after activation. If any bonus from another ASB
only the highest bonus applies. +1 to Grapple, Muscle, Scent.
Stalwart Body: Action Skill Boost (ASB) are a type of skill that takes a ACT to use to provide a bonus. You may only have up to 3 ASB on 1 character. During the activation
you gain the bonus but after use of 3 skill checks the bonus will deactivate. The ASB effect will only remain active for 2 rounds after activation. If any bonus from another
ASB only the highest bonus applies. +1 to Endure, Guard, Jump.
-Dangerous Force: When you CRIT even if it does not hit you apply a bonus +3 Aimed Strike Check on your next one attack.
-Weak Point Hunter: When you perform a called shot negates -3 of the Aimed Strike Check penalty
-Weak Point Targeting: When you perform a called shot gain a bonus 5% to the success chance (Can only stack again once per level divisible by 3 after the first one is
-Weak Point Maim: When you perform a pin point shot deal +5 more Vitality Damage (Can only stack again once per level divisible by 3 after the first one is taken.)
-Weak Point Cripple: When you perform a pin point shot and hit the body part you cause a instant effect. This effect only stacks for rounds when taken. Head: The being has
it's Aimed Strike Check, Listen, Sight reduced by -5 for 1 round, Legs: The being has it's move speed reduced by 1DSU and loses -5 to Evasion and Jump when on the ground for
1 round, Arms: The being has it's Aimed Strike Check, Muscle, Slight decreased by -5 for 1 round with that limb, Tail: The being will lose Aimed Strike Check, Muscle, Slight
by -5 with the tail for 1 round. Wings: The being has it's flight speed reduced down by 1DSU and a -5 on Acrobatics Check in flight and Slight checks to maintain flight if
falling. Torso: The being will take +1 extra Vitality damage per “Weak Point” named Racial Bonus Ability (this does not stack each time taken). Negatives do not stack if
it's from the same body part hit again only reset the rounds it's active. (Can only stack again once per odd level)
-Caster Weakness Hunter (insert): Reduce casters TS scores by -1 per stack if they use the inserted cast type from any of their abilities when used against you. When you use
a cast against those targets decreases their TS scores by -2 per stack for 1 round if they fail against your cast.
-Endurance Body: When performing a restful action you regain +1 stamina more than normal (Can only stack again once per odd level) If you regain up to +1 stamina per stack
past your cap you remove your Fatigue and Exhausted Status effect stacks (Exhausted first then Fatigue) (Any that could not be removed normally cannot be removed by this
-Healing Boon: When healing a target gain +1% (LUK cannot apply) to their Heal limit from body type. (Can only stack again once per even level after the first one is taken.)

5-point Bonus Racial

-Speedy Rusher: Gain +1DSU to land speed
-Strong Heft Lift: For each 3 stacks of Heft Lift gain +1 extra Lift Score bonus per stack of this (Can only stack again once per level divisible by 3 after the first one is
-Dasher Movement: As a Full Round ACT you may multiply your movement by x2 and for each stack +1 extra multiplier (Though you may use lesser multipliers at choice). For each
multiplier used past x2 uses up 1 stamina point. (You may only take once every 3 levels past the first)
-Missing Part Unhindered (insert): choose a body part if it is damaged to the point of being “disabled” it is not disable if it is to the point of being “render” it is
instead disabled if at which point the next step it will be “render” but you can survive without it for 2d4 rounds if it’s essential for you to live like a head or the heart
this can only be taken once per part
-Missing Body Part Survival: you can live without the marked body (must be an important part like head or heart this can also include other important parts made into a
monster) part but still occur the negatives if it’s missing if the noted race already can live without the part instead they can reattach it regaining 25% HP back healed
-Improved Linguistic: When you learn 1 piece of a language you may gain +1 extra piece to that language per stack. Any Decipher Study Check for a language gains a bonus of
+5 per stack. The bonus gained by this racial is doubled when the language is past Masters Degree(the double bonus effect does not stack with itself).
-Great Skill Training: For each Skilled Training (insert) It gains a bonus +1. (This can only be taken once every 3 levels past the 1st)
-Skillful Ingenuity: For each 5 in any single Action Skill Boost (ASB) it's skills they apply their bonus to gain a +3 bonus. (This can only be taken once every 2 levels
past the 1st)
-Great Skill Savant: For each Skill Training (insert) that matches a Action Skill Boost (ASB) listed skills will apply a bonus effect. For each 2 stacks of Skill Training
that matches extend the rounds the matching ASB by 1. For each 5 stacks of Skill Training that matches apply a extra +1 use before the effect is used up. For each 10 stacks
of Skill Training that matches apply a bonus to the ASB of +2. (You may only take this once every 10 level past the first)
-Cast Enhanced Buster: For every Cast Buster gain a extra +1 to it's MOD Max increase, For every Cast Knowledge gain a +1 to the TS of Casts (Can only stack again once per
level divisible by 6 after the first one is taken.)
-Bane Attacker (insert): Choose 1 classification you gain a bonus +4 Aimed Strike Check and +3 Damage against that classification
-Regeneration: regenerate 5 point of health and 1 point of vitality to all body parts every round this cannot put your body parts back on that are rendered off
-Large Melee Boost: Melee Training Type Effect (MTE): Gain +2d4 of Bonus Size Damage (You can only stack once per level divisible by 15)
-Large Assassin Boost: Assassination Type Effect (ATE): Gain +2d4 to an Assassination Bonus Damage (You can only stack once per every level divisible by 15)
-Hard Striking: Melee Training Type Effect (MTE): Gain 1 dice grade larger of your current size dice and to Bonus Size Dice thus 1d10 turns to 1d12 and 1d12 turns to 2d6
(Bonus Size Dice when they reach 1d12 stop upgrading). (Can only stack again once per level divisible by 3 after the first one is taken.)
-Assassin Striking: Assassination Type Effect (ATE): Gain 1 dice grade larger of your current Assassination Type Effect bonus dice from Assassin Boost & Large Assassin Boost
type abilities, thus 1d4 turns to 1d6 then turns to 1d8 etc. (Bonus Assassination Dice when they reach 1d12 stop upgrading). (Can only stack again once per level divisible
by 3 after the first one is taken.)
-Martial Artist: Melee gains +6 Damage (Can only stack every odd level)
-Distance Critical: Ranged gains +6 Damage (Can only stack every odd level)
-Melee Mastery: Gain a bonus +3 Aimed Strike Check with Melee attacks (Can only stack every odd level)
-Ranged Mastery: Gain a bonus +3 Aimed Strike Check with Ranged attacks (Can only stack every odd level)
-Advanced Weak Point Hunter: Gain a +25 Vitality Damage to called shots (Can only stack every odd level)
-Advanced Point Targeting: When you perform a called shot gain a bonus 10% to the success chance (Can only stack again once per level divisible by 6 after the first one is
-Weak Point Breaker: When you perform a pin point shot and hit the body part you cause a instant effect. This effect only stacks for rounds when taken. Head: The being has
it's Aimed Strike Check, Listen, Sight reduced by -10 for 1 round, Legs: The being has it's move speed reduced by 1DSU and loses -10 to Evasion and Jump when on the ground
for 1 round, Arms: The being has it's Aimed Strike Check, Muscle, Slight decreased by -10 for 1 round with that limb, Tail: The being will lose Aimed Strike Check, Muscle,
Slight by -10 with the tail for 1 round. Wings: The being has it's flight speed reduced down by 1DSU and a -10 on Acrobatics Check in flight and Slight checks to maintain
flight if falling. Torso: The being will take +2 extra Vitality damage per “Weak Point” named Racial Bonus Ability (this does not stack each time taken). Negatives do not
stack if it's from the same body part hit again only reset the rounds it's active. (Can only stack again once per odd level)
-Deadly Determination: When you CRIT the multiplier increases by +1 (Can only stack again once per level divisible by 5 after the first one is taken.)
-Death Seeking: When you CRIT you hold a CRITAL DELAY ability charge that increases 1 roll CRIT range by +1. If you activate this effect and it does not CRIT the charge is
not lost. This effect will not activate on top of it's own CRITS caused by it's charge effect (Can only stack again once per level divisible by 5 after the first one is
-Great Stamina: Gain +1 stamina per 3 levels. (Can only take once every 5 levels past the first)
-Quick Regaining: You regain your stamina back when fully rested and eaten. You regain +1 stamina per 30mins per stack but only when you have fully rested and eaten.
-Healing Efficiency: You gain +5% (LUK cannot apply) to your Heal limit from body type when receiving heals. (Can only stack again once per level divisible by 5 after the
first one is taken.)

Here’s the leveling beyond level 1 and the EXP & Start Credit chart:

Levels Title EXP needed per Level Starting Credits (on char creation
0-0 Peasant 1000 (This EXP goes to 0 when 1,000 credits (This is overridden by
hitting level 1) level 1 instead)
1 to 5 Starter 1000 per [5,000 till level 6] x10,000 per level (50k level 5)
6 to 10 Intermediate 1500 per [12,500 till level 11] X11,000 per level (105k level 10)
11 to 15 Experienced 2000 per [22,500 till level 16] x12,000 per level (165k level 15)
16 to 20 Expert 2500 per [35,000 till level 21] x13,000 per level (230k level 20)
21 to 25 Elite 3000 per [50,000 till level 26] x14,000 per level (300k level 25)
26 to 30 Master 3500 per [67,500 till level 31] X15,000 per level (375k level 30)
31 to 35 Superior 4000 per [87,500 till level 36] X16,000 per level (455k level 35)
36 to 40 Grand 4500 per [110,000 till level 41] X17,000 per level (540k level 40)
41 to 45 Epic 5000 per [135,000 till level 46] X18,000 per level (630k level 45)
46 to 50 Legend 5500 per [162,500 till level 51] X19,000 per level (725k level 50)
51 to 55 Lesser Deity 6000 per [192,500 till level 56] X20,000 per level (825k level 55)
56 to 60 Deity 6500 per [225,000 till level 61] X21,000 per level (930k level 60)

Max level any party can ever level up to is 1 time in 1 shot all excess EXP on a 1 shot exp is lost but remains half way to the 2nd level. This rule is optional but keeps the
party at a pace from over leveling too fast due to events EXP happening all at once before give out or a extremely high EXP challenge that would overshot 3+ more levels than
usual to the whole party.

Cash At Starting only applies to a new made character not per level thus starting level 5 is 25,000 free Credits at start along with the normal FP

Cash aka Credits are the money foundation of the game credits are spread out in special bills of 1c 5c 10c 20c 50c 100c 500c 1,000c 10,000c and 100,000c no other bill is
higher than 100,000c these are in a paper form (like real money) and there is no true coin value except in trades worth called traders coins which range the same way there
is also what’s called a Bank Stick which holds your money in a Bank you must stick the stick in a bank money transference machine these machines transfer your trader credit
points for real bills which then can be given to merchants as merchants cannot receive a traders points by the law this also prevents some types of theft. To insert traders
points into a bank one must go to a traders bank to insert his/her money which is the best way to protect your funds from theft but it is a good idea to carry a real set of
Cash on hand in tight situations if there is no Traders Transfer Machine operational, The Trader Transfer machines are not hack able and if one tries it fail safes out and
closes down the machine to the person for 24 hours making hacking a bank account nigh impossible also most real money is in trader points as the bills are created via a mat-
ter creation machine although the market seems to be based upon growing money sources money is controlled via the marketing expenses groups called the Traders Control to
make sure all money issues are resolved quickly thus credits never change value ever

This determines the greatness of your character and promotes greater features of combat every challenge rating met. Experience points are 1/4 of opponent’s EXP then spread
out to all combatants. A level 5 creatures has 5000 exp and if a group of 2 attacks it they gain 1250 EXP each (5000/4=2500/2=1250). There must be an actual challenge to the
attacker(s) or else the EXP gained is nothing. For instance, if an Elite fights a Starter then the elite wouldn’t get anything from it because he is 2 title levels higher
than the opponent. If there are more than 1 Starter and the Starter’s levels equaled to at least the Experienced, then normal EXP can be given. If you fight something beyond
your level of expertise and win the exp alone should be increased accordingly. For example, say a Starter level 1 lucked out in tricking an Experienced level 10 to fall in a
pit and he actually FELL in and could not ever return (was killed or did not have the capacity to escape), the EXP he would gain from the experienced level 11 (11,000 exp)
would be 2750 EXP, enough for 2 and a half levels and some. This limits down hyper level growth from the standpoint of role-playing and faulty dice rolls and keeps the game
steady and evenly paced but sometimes implementing the ECR is recommended a level 1 creature is considered to have 4000 exp but does not have a true EXP value (For 1st level
characters only and not true EXP).

Experience Control Ratio (ECR) and Story Exp

If a battle was too easy or too hard you may divide the EXP or multiply the EXP by 1-10 judgment depending on GMs decision story EXP can be rewarded at only 500 EXP incre-

If you fight a title level lower than your own you gain only ½ their exp, if you fight a title level 2 lower then you only gain 1/4th their exp, if you fight a title level 3
lower than you do not gain any exp. If you fight a title level above your own you gain 1/4th their exp (of the title level they are within at not their total exp from each
title level thus 36,000 from Starter is not divided but 45,000 from Experienced and the 25,000 from Elite would be)

When making items pre-campaign the price limit based on market value of the item is equal to level x1,000 credits worth thus a level 1 can craft up to market price of 1,000
credits while a level 5 can craft up to market price of 5,000 credits worth of an item. This is for singular items craft before a campaign this is only applied when you are
using “crafting” on the item and not anything using base market price, including upgrades, and ADD-ONs.

Chapter 2 RACES
Accuser Revenant Hunter
Alithis Tanniym
Aquatis Dragon
Aquatis Mycelium
Beastial Folk
Blade Arba
Blazerius Lupis
Bombyx Demaskiah
Bone Hystricidae
Boreal Dragonis
Capon Schlep
Chiroptera Riquee
Daimyo Dragon
Death Syndile
Dwarf Garso
Dwarf Veer
Dwarf Arkadice
Elemental Being
Elemental Chronalatrix
Elemental Mattatrix
Elemental Ouroboros
Elemental Zenith
Elf Arkadice
Elf Garso
Elf Veer
Emissary Machina
Feline Veer
Feline Zelmia
Felnar Dragon
Geno Hume
Gnome Garso
Gnome Veer
Goblin Veer
Golem Being
Harpy Mishikiah
Human Basic
Human Elorian
Human Egedorian
Human Yasitu
Insectal men
Kitsune Asteria
Kitsune Rovia
Kuwagita Ikamados
Kuwagita Indose Gene-Sectoid
Lunaris Leporidae
Mandragora Plant People
Mechani A.I.
Necro Machina
Nephalim Arkadice
Nephalim Garso
Orc Garso
Orc Zelmia
Phorusrhacide Avian
Psio Hume
Raskovnik Plant People
Reptilian Folk
Rheum Hume
Siliceous Nemerteans
Syndile Emperius
Tengu Arkadice
Tengu Veer
Troll Arkadice
Troll Jegga
Undeath Garso
Yzzigot Planteria

All races are considered to have 2 arms with working hands 2 legs 1 head 1 torso (body) unless noted or changed by a template.
If a ability has an attack you cannot combo with itself in an attack. If the attack comes from a limb it does not count as the limbs own attack.

If a race or template gives a free material or credit allotting this is only for before the campaign. The cost and materials has to be made in the difference and may also be
exceeded or replaced past the base. Thus applying a Cyborg template you may make it out of a rare material (at material multiplier cost) Or if you started as an android you
may pay for extra parts past it's starting during campaign.

Accuser Revenant Hunter

Classification Machination & Fey
+30 STR
+15 CON
Inorganic Machine/Endless
-Can change size from Medium to Small or Medium to Large as a ½ ACT
-Free 2 weapon inbuilt must be basic (and made of what you are made of) and cannot be a siege weapon (these weapons take a ½ ACT to draw out through your transformation
abilities) these weapons are based on your bodies material
-Accuser Revenant Hunters are made from Steel and Demkorori and Fey Iron (Fey Iron cannot ever be removed)
-Accuser Revenant Hunters are immune to Mystic Power Casts
-You have a special alternate form body called a transformation state. This form has it's own ADD-ONs separated from your body but may always use your inbuilt weapons from
your body state. To transform takes a Full Round ACT. This form can be any Vehicle, Mech, Siege Weapon, Weapon, Armor, Buildings, Etc. as long as you scanned it into your
database. You may only contain up to 2 forms per 3 levels. The size limit of your form is up to Huge Size or down to Small size. You may up the size one category for 10000
credits or shrink 1 size smaller for 2500 credits minimal of Micro size. The material they are made of is what your body is made of. Your forms may come with weaponry pre
installed, all weapons/armor are upgraded separately applying to their appropriate upgrade forms into the transformed states (if you upgrade 1 pistol a second pistol must be
also upgraded separately to have 2 pistols that are identical in a state). Movement speed of a Vehicle/Mech that uses ground speed is 36DSU. Flight 36DSU. Swim 36DSU.
Movement may be upgraded for 10000 credits to add 36DSU. You can drive yourself as if taking a 10 pilot check continually but may roll a pilot check to try for higher
rolling a 1-9 instead count as rolling a 10. You also cannot operate your transformation state weapons or reload them only another may use them appropriately based upon the
build. Your transformation state counts for the 1/4th reduced damage and weapons from the form automatically bypass the 1/4th reduce from vehicles/mechs. ADD-ONs in the
state limit equal to your normal body state as if you were organic body type.
-Can turn invisible and soundless for 10 rounds referenced as a technological and mystical stealth mode and enhanced by the fey iron for the silence though still counted as
technological and mystical once they attack or time runs out it turns off you cannot use it again equal to how many rounds you kept it on this power cannot be canceled from
other effects even invisibility jammer
-As an illusionist effect you can disguise yourself as a human but any violent actions turn it off
-Due to Fey Iron you gain a 3DSU movement boost
-Weakness you take x2 damage from Cold and Ion damage (if you already have it increase it by +1 instead if this weakness is lower than the largest weakness)

The ARH nicknamed and named by the Mechani whom created them are the remade model of the old Accusers whom were as named “accusers of the other races for being worthless and
such when destroyed the Mechani used the old Nexus Computer system and rewrote the code to build a new version of guardian warriors called the ARH they were given a new
choice to live entirely and become a force for the reality itself instead of enemies, they have proven to be valuable and powerful it was also learn that the accusers were
also infused with a unique metal called Fey Iron inbuilt into their bodies to make them more in tune to organics all Accusers look like a variable of a human structure
wearing armor of a unique heavy variety but look very mobile for them they are well known

Alithis Tanniym
Classification Dragon
+15 STR
+15 DEX
+15 CON
+15 DUR
+15 SPRT
+15 SPD
+15 LUK
+5 per character level to 3 chosen stats (they cannot be the same stat)
Organic Fauna/Ancient
-Draconian Form: You have a Draconian form you naturally are. It's size is equal to Huge as base with +1 size per 5 character levels. Though it has ambidextrous hands on
it's front and can walk bi pedal they primarily walk on 4 as a quadruped. All abilities listed below are part of this ability till Humanoid Form. All stat boosts of a
element choice are only active in Draconian Form. (Cannot be taken with Genetic Alteration Template or any ability linked to this one)
--If the user transforms the items they wear if they are not adjustable to their form will be damaged by 5% of it's Current HP (LUK MOD may only apply up to 0%).
--This race has a 3DSU Tail permanently
--This race has Wings permanently
--This race gains a bonus +15 damage with it's bite attack and a bonus +15 to it's grapple with it's bite attack and does not let go of the target when biting.
--This race gains a bonus +10 damage with it's claws on it's feet and hands
--This race walks on 4 legs and gains +3DSU ground movement speed when doing so
--This race gains +75 to it's Guard Checks unless it's pin point shot at a weak point (Eyes and Mouth)
--This race must select 1 Element type of either. Earth, Fire, Frost, Acidic, Water, Wind, Lightning, Holy, Unholy, or Neutral.
---Earth Element types gain +30 STR & CON & +60 DUR
----Gains Mitigation -5 per character level against all Physical damage except by Wind or Water.
----Wings cannot fly normally but gains +50 Guard to block like a shield per wing and act as a shield but overcoming the Hardness will negate the guard.
----Your body hardness is applied as Damage Absorbency.
----Gains +3DSU burrow movement with a +1DSU in rock environments applying 1/4th STR to add an extra 1DSU per movement.
----Bite gains +5 bonus damage & claws gain +10 bonus damage
----Has a breath attack that deals 5d4 + 5d4 per level + CON MOD. The TS is equal to 20 with +5 per character level evasion for half damage. The damage type is Physical
Earth or Metal in a 8DSU line. A Guard Check can be made instead but the TS is raised by +30. Ignores hardness up to your own body hardness.
----Can see in any natural darkness
----Sonar Sight up to 40DSU
---Fire Element types gain +30 STR, DEX, CON
----Gains Mitigation -5 per character level against Heat & Cold damage.
----Gains Immunity to High Temperature of TS 25 + 10 per character level and to Low Temperature of 5 + 5 per character level.
----Gains the ability to raise own temperature applying a Heat aura that deals 1d4 damage per character level out from a 3DSU of self that instead protects allies with it's
own High Temperature and Low Temperature immunity.
----Has a breath attack that deals 5d4 + 5d4 per level + CON MOD. The TS is equal to 20 with +5 per character level evasion for half damage. The damage type is Heat in a
20DSU line or a Cone that expands by 1DSU every 6DSU up to 12DSU line. The distance of the breath can be shrunk down at will.
----Produces a light at will of TS 10 +1 TS per character level around it's body that can expand out up to 1DSU per 2 character levels. The light degree can be controlled.
---Frost Element type gain +30 DEX, PSY & +60 SPRT
----Gains Mitigation -5 per character level against Cold & Ion damage.
----Gains Immunity to High Temperature of TS 5 + 5 per character level and to Low Temperature of 25 + 10 per character level.
----Gains the ability to raise own temperature applying a Cold aura that deals 1d4 damage per character level out from a 3DSU of self that instead protects allies with it's
own High Temperature and Low Temperature immunity.
----Has a breath attack that deals 5d4 + 5d4 per level + CON MOD. The TS is equal to 20 with +5 per character level evasion for half damage. The damage type is Cold in a
20DSU line or a Cone that expands by 1DSU every 5DSU up to 12DSU line. The distance of the breath can be shrunk down at will.
----Casts that target or fire in a beam or ball have a 25% chance to reflect back to the caster or a 10% chance if not reflected back to be negated.
---Acidic Element type gain +30 CON & +60 SPRT, DUR (Each listed stat also gains +5 per character level)
----Gains Mitigation -5 per character level against Acid & Water damage.
----Gains Immunity to Acid damage & Poison status effect.
----Gains the ability to produce a Acidic Poison aura that deals 10 points of Acid damage per character level from up to 5DSU away at whomever it wish to effect and if the
Acid deals damage to a being within the aura a Poison effect will occur with no resistance check and Poison level equal to your character level that effects HP. This aura
also protects allies from Acid break down effects on their equipment and reducing Poison TS by -1 per character level.
----Has a breath attack that deals 5d4 + 5d4 per level + CON MOD. The TS is equal to 20 with +5 per character level evasion for half damage. The damage type is Acid in a
20DSU line or a Cone that expands by 1DSU every 6DSU up to 12DSU line. The distance of the breath can be shrunk down at will.
----Gains +3DSU swim movement & ground movement
---Water Element type gain +30 STR, PSY & +60 SPRT
----Gains Mitigation -5 per character level against Acid & Water damage.
----Gains Immunity to High Temperature of TS 5 + 5 per character level and to Low Temperature of 5 + 10 per character level and may breath underwater along with withstand
any water effects automatically.
----Gains the ability to produce a Healing aura that heals 10 Untyped points of per character level from up to 5DSU away at whomever it wish to effect and for each round the
Heal persists it will apply 1 level of Energize status effect of either positive or negative by choice. Any ally within the aura may withstand any water effects
automatically and breath underwater.
----Has a breath attack that deals 5d4 + 5d4 per level + CON MOD. The TS is equal to 20 with +5 per character level evasion for half damage. The damage type is Physical
Water in a 30DSU line or a Cone that expands by 1DSU every 3DSU up to 9DSU line. The distance of the breath can be shrunk down at will.
----Gains +10DSU swim movement
----Can see in any natural darkness
----Can sense any water source up to 60DSU away freely
---Wind Element type gain +30 DEX, CON & +90 SPD
----Gains Mitigation -5 per character level against Wind & Ion damage.
----Gains Immunity to Low Temperature & Wind Degree of 5 + 5 per character level.
----Gains an Aura to control the wind itself around 5DSU. This can produce wind walls and gusts with a push forces equal to the Wind Degree Immunity acting as the Wind
Degree against outside forces. You may control the wind up to 2 times a round +1 extra time a round per even number character level. Also allies share your Wind Degree and
Low Temperature Immunity while within the aura while enemies within the aura are subject to Wind Degree issues equal to your Wind Degree Immunity.
----Has a breath attack that deals 5d4 + 5d4 per level + CON MOD. The TS is equal to 20 with +5 per character level evasion for half damage. The damage type is Physical Wind
in a 20DSU line or a Cone that expands by 1DSU every 3DSU up to 9DSU line. The distance of the breath can be shrunk down at will.
----Gains +10DSU flight movement
----Can see in any obscured weather environment.
---Lighting Element type gain +30 DEX, PSY & +90 SPD
----Gains Mitigation -5 per character level against Ion & Heat damage.
----Gains Immunity to High Temperature & Wind degree of 5 + 5 per character level.
----Gains an Aura to attract all Ion or Metal based attacks towards self or try to redirect them when crossing the aura as if it was a Wind Degree from up to 3DSU. Any Ion
Electric attack striking before any damage reducing effects occurs builds up as charges per 150 Ion damage. You may release these Ion Charges to deal damage that ignores
your allies around you from up to 6DSU away +1DSU per 1 Ion Charge given into the aura distance that deals damage equal to 100 Ion damage per 1 Ion Charge given into Damage.
1 Ion charge may be discharged to gain and your allies within the aura during use +5 to all stats for 2 rounds (the stat bonus stacks but not the rounds) You may only store
up to 2 Ion Charges per character level. For each existing Ion charge you produce 1 Energy for up to 1 hour.
----Has a breath attack that deals 5d4 + 5d4 per level + CON MOD. The TS is equal to 20 with +5 per character level evasion for half damage. The damage type is Ion in a
20DSU line or a Cone that expands by 1DSU every 3DSU up to 12DSU line. The distance of the breath can be shrunk down at will.
----Gains +5DSU flight movement & ground movement
----Gains Electroreception up to 60DSU
---Holy Element type gains +60 DUR, SPRT & +90 LUK
----Gains Mitigation -5 per character level against Holy, Heat & Ion damage.
----Gains Immunity to High Temperature & Low Temperature of 5 + 10 per character level.
----Gains Immunity to all Stuns
----Gains an Aura that provides the immunity to stuns in a 5DSU area and heals for 5 HP to stats per character level per round.
----Has a breath attack that deals 5d4 + 5d4 per level + CON MOD. The TS is equal to 20 with +5 per character level evasion for half damage. The damage type is Holy in a
20DSU line or a Cone that expands by 1DSU every 3DSU up to 12DSU line. The distance of the breath can be shrunk down at will.
----Gains +3DSU flight movement & ground movement
----Can see alignments freely
---Unholy Element type gains +60 SPRT & +90 SPD, LUK
----Gains Mitigation -5 per character level against Unholy, Cold & Acid damage.
----Gains Immunity to High Temperature & Low Temperature of 5 + 10 per character level.
----Gains Immunity to Poison
----Gains an Aura that provides the immunity to Poisons in a 6DSU area and heals for 5 HP to stats per character level per round.
----Has a breath attack that deals 5d4 + 5d4 per level + CON MOD. The TS is equal to 20 with +5 per character level evasion for half damage. The damage type is Unholy in a
20DSU line or a Cone that expands by 1DSU every 3DSU up to 12DSU line. The distance of the breath can be shrunk down at will.
----Gains +3DSU flight movement & ground movement
----Can see alignments freely
---Neutral Element type gains +15 STR, DEX, CON, PSY +30 DUR & SPRT +75 LUK & SPD
----Gains Mitigation -5 per character level against Mortality, Void, Gravity, Untype damage.
----Gains an aura that from up to 5DSU away as long as a foe remains within it suffers a -1 to skill checks per character level this effect may only occur once per 3 rounds.
Allies instead gain +1 to skill checks within the aura that may only occur once per 3 rounds.
----Has a breath attack that deals 5d4 + 5d4 per level + CON MOD. The TS is equal to 20 with +5 per character level evasion for half damage. The damage type is Void or
Mortality in a 20DSU line or a Cone that expands by 1DSU every 3DSU up to 12DSU line. The distance of the breath can be shrunk down at will.
----Gains +5DSU flight movement & ground movement
----Can see through all Invisibility, Illusions, Sense Life up to 12DSU & Cannot be back side attacked.
-Humanoid Form: You may alter your ability Draconian Form into a new form called Humanoid Form as a ACT. This state you may select any humanoid race of Large or Smaller to
be your form. The race must have a humanoid appearance but you do not gain any use of it's racial abilities or it's stats unless noted. Any body portion emulated does not
function full to use like horns and are too brittle to be used as a offensive and multiple arms only 1 set may be controlled. All abilities listed below are part of this
ability. (Cannot be taken with Genetic Alteration Template or any ability linked to this one)
--Select 1 race that Humanoid Form may select. This form is your favorite form and my perform any of your Elemental Choices through this form at will without transforming
back to Draconian Form. You may extend and gain a addition new favorite form every 5 character level. You cannot pick any racial that effects your stats.
--Learned traits: Select 1 favorite form. You may gain 1 of it's racial traits to the favorite form and only to that favorite form. You may gain a addition new racial trait
for the forms every 3 character levels.
--If the user transforms the items they wear if they are not adjustable to their form will be damaged by 5% of it's Current HP (LUK MOD may only apply up to 0%).

Mighty as all beings herald to the legends of lore the True Dragons reign supreme for thousands of years. Till a great devastation happen that made their species splinter
across the boundless counts of space and time. With strong sense of will and understanding they rebuilt themselves even stronger with many other races in secret. Their goals
no longer to advance themselves further but to advance other races along with them. The prime directive of the Draconian was to push evolution to new levels of power and to
increase their gene pool simultaneously. Though many in numbers they interbreed to make sure more species have a new evolution track for “watchful eye”. Long ago they
changed their own genetic make up to be able to mate with most other species. Free of mind and whim they eventually changed themselves into the current generation of
evolution the Alithis Tanniym. Though they had been working hard perfecting many races they found more of their race found other directions across the spans of space. The
Damiyo Dragons became well known to them and even for a aspect of interesting study of behavior and how even they can evolve into new lineages. Many of this race true form
look vastly like those of Dragons in myths mostly of the European type but some do appear serpentine. Even if 2 are vastly different looking they can be of the same species
type. When the Fey started to notice the dragons attempts of evolution the Nephalim Garso started to steal some of their experiments and breed new forms of superior beings.
This started to anger the Draconian due to the painful subjection and started the first war of dragon and fey. Wiping both their numbers down to low amounts. The reason
behind the Nephalim Garso's own action was due to their fear of the “Outer Beings” and wanting to make a defensive against them. Though the Draconian were aware of these
beings they felt no worry of them due to their “secret weapon” Mortal Spark.

Classification Fish
+5 STR
+10 DEX
-5 to chosen stat
+15 to chosen stat
Organic Fauna/Short
-A weapon can be made specifically for a Amphibousus called a “Amphibiousus Variant” that has +1DSU reach and is not effected by combat in liquid environments for
Amphibousus but not for any other race this costs an extra 500 credits
-Gain +25 to Listen Checks
-Gain +15 to Jump Checks
-Gain +15 to Study Checks
-When taking study knowledge you may instead of 4 max in a learning max you may learn 8 at a time and -2 weeks from each month of learning degrees.
-When any ally is effected with a Mind Effect if they fail from up to 12DSU away from you. You may intake the effect instead and if you make the resistance check against it
for yourself you cut the rounds in half instead. If you Instead are afflicted with a Mind Effect you may pass onto an ally up to 12DSU the effect which they must instead
make the resistance check.
-Gain Swimming speed of 8DSU
-This race can see in water perfectly with no negatives
-This race drowns in air environments and normally breathes underwater.
-This race must enter into water environment at least once every 24 hours, and if in a hot environment drying out must reach water within 1 hour or die from lack of water if
hit with a Heat Damage reduce it by half but increase your time without water by 30 minutes.
-You may climb on wall not ceiling surfaces even if it’s slick though you must use your arms as well to remain attached
-You may ignore slick terrains
-You can survive even in the coldest temperatures

A race of multi types of fish people similar to the Avianas in the exact background and they came from the same planet humans fused them with various fish species like
sharks clown fish so on and some other odd ball things like frogs and newts they too don’t seem to mind their new diversity as it saved their race giving them the ability to
leave the water now for awhile

Classification Machination
+10 STR
+15 CON
-5 PSY
Inorganic Machine/Endless
-Skill Enhance: Androids may enhance permanently by choice 3 skills, which gain a +1 bonus per level and +1 extra bonus every 2 levels (you cannot choose the same skill for
each choice) This bonus is doubled for STR based skills Build and Pilot skills.
-This race may choose 1 material to be made out of from up to Uncommon rarity that must be solid. This is it's outer material it uses for defensive. For each 1 Hardness the
material gives it gains +1 Guard bonus this armor is 3 millimeters thick.
-This race must choose a “Humanoid” looking race to emulate in it's body design. Once taken it gains it's Body part placement. And gains a +25 to stealth for disguise to
look like the race when fitted with the right gear and scenario.
-This race has Infrared Vision, Eletroreception Vision up to 10DSU. Unlike other visions it may freely switch between these 2 types with no action cost along with it's
normal vision.
-This race body weight score is increased by +250 unaffected by the material it has chosen.
-This race lift score is increased by +100 and hits with +2 dice grade with it's size dice.
-This race does not lose stamina when moving and suffers half the fatigue status effect penalty.
-This race is water proof but will sink in water due to their heavy internals thus they cannot swim instead treat the water as if it’s an intensive heavy Gravity and jump
checks under water are at ¼ instead of ½ calculation
-This race may start with a set of gear or weapons free of up to 2500 credits that are all built into itself. This cannot be gear kits and must be able to fit into the part
it was set set inside or fold up correctly. The stealth check to concealment of these components are increased by +20 but once revealed ruin your stealth for disguise to
look like the race.
-Stability which allows the android to use any weapon of 1 size category lager with no penalty when 2 handing the weapon also if the android uses any weapon with power kick
they can ignore its negative special effect entirely

Androids are not a normal race in the fact their creation was by humans and the other races but have successfully thrived via be magical sciences of constructs or regular
technology or a mix they have thrived and pushed on as a sentient race and can vary in makes and builds but generally always look humanoid

Classification Angel
+10 LUK
+10 PSY
+15 SPRT
-5 to chosen stat
Organic Fauna/Average
-A weapon can be made specifically for a Angelic called a “Angelic Variant” that has +1DSU reach and +5 damage for Angelic but not for any other race this costs an extra 500
-Gain Wings permanently (cannot be removed)
-Imbued Healing ADD-ON on Self permanently (does not count as an ADD-ON) Every Odd level but first level gain +1 stack of this Imbued Healing ADD-ON. Upon 6th level gain Uber
Imbued Healing ADD-ON on self permanently (does not count as an ADD-ON). Upon 8th level Gain Godly Imbued Healing on Self permanently (does not count as an ADD-ON). Does not
stack with the ADD-ON variant.
-May perform a Holy (healing) that heals 5d4+5d4 per 2 levels and gives a 2 round regeneration of half the healing done once per round. The target will not Die as long as
this regeneration lasts upon them. Upon the 10th round this effect lasts the regeneration cannot keep the target alive.
-Can see good aligned auras
-If your character falls from a Knock Out or Death instead their body will reform within 1d4 days at 10% HP or be sent to the celestial plane and return to the mortal plane
within a day
-Angelics may enhance permanently by choice 1 skills, which gain a +1 bonus per level

A race of humans that stray from the normal human race they are blessed with Holy powers that most humans see us from a deity while the truth is it’s only half true and part
comes from their own selves some humans don’t realize angels can be evil too angels look like a whitish and a bluish variety of other races but can also be black and reddish
like daemons

Classification Fish
+25 DEX
+40 PSY
-10 STR
-30 SPRT
Organic Fauna/Short
-This Race is tiny sized
-This race has a +30 to Slight Checks to escape from situations (like grapples)
-This race can see in water perfectly with no negatives
-This race can on land and in water environments breathe normally
-This race must enter into water environment at least once every 4 hours, and if in a hot environment drying out must reach water within 1 hour or die from lack of water if
hit with a Heat Damage reduce it by half but increase your time without water by 30 minutes.
-Fight perfectly in the water with no negatives
-This races swim speed is doubled
-This race never loses its DEX when grappled and 1 failed Grapple check no matter what allows it to escape and cannot be grappled by that target properly for 1d4 rounds due
to its slime
-This race can apply a poison via it’s slime with a TS equal to your own +10 but only if you are not drying out the poison strikes the opponents DEX and STR equally by half
by 2d4 for 3 rounds and each round and 2d4 stack each time they fail this slim can be rubbed on the equipment they use as a ½ ACT per equipment and lasts till you strike
with Damage or exposed to Heat
-This race has a larger than normal mouth and can bit equal to 2 sizes larger in Damage and apply to anything 1 size smaller than itself a grapple to devour the target,
which in 3 turns will die from extreme stomach acids and poisons even if they are immune to Acid
-This race has a +25 to stealth checks in watery environments
-This race has a +20 in build checks
-This race has a +20 in jump checks

This race is referenced as the Frog people and are well known to be able to apply poison effects just like the Urodela, they look just like bipedal frogs of various natures
some appear more like toads though and have claws, though this is true that they are truly a mix between a frog and toad and share both their traits their intelligence is
one of the greatest and are well known for extreme ability to invent and perceive logical matters even going as far to being some of the best users of Mystic and tech, and
initially are one of the few races that find magi science a grand endeavor for greatness, most science teams made of Anura are figured to be the “best” though most rather
not do studies for other races wanting to bend their making for wrong purposes while a few themselves can likely also enjoy the wrong doing of their makings
Classification Arthropod
+35 STR
+50 DEX
+30 CON
+20 PSY
+45 SPD
Organic Fauna/Short
-This Race is small sized
-This race gains a bonus +25 damage with it's bite attack and a bonus +25 to it's grapple with it's bite attack and does not let go of the target when biting.
-This race has a set of wings that allow flight
-This race has 4 arms
-This race may lift and grapple targets up to 5 size category higher than it's own.
-This race has a lift score x5 higher
-This race may climb up walls as if walking on ground
-This race has a tail abdomen that has a sting attack that deals +25 damage and deals a poison that causes 2+2 per 2 character level damage to STR, DEX or CON over 2 rounds
(rounds cannot stack only new round application will reset). The TS to resit is equal to your own TS +2 per character level. You may also perform a spray within 3DSU that
deals the same poison damage but at ½ the damage and also causing a blind effect (slight check to avoid) a scent block (endure). It's spray may also instead neutralize it's
own poison on a target.
-This race skin carapace also is coated in the same poison but it can neutralize as a ½ ACT turning it back on is free action.
-This race is always consider to have 1 active Psionic Focus active if none are active on a psionic class for it's abilities. Though this acts as a Psionic Focus it provides
no scaling thus anything that scales per Psionic Focus only deem it at x0 thus example +3 Aimed Strike Check per Psionic Focus will not provide it's bonus.
-This race may communicate with others of it's kind in a psionic link sense freely of up to 60DSU.

This special species of insect come from a planet of great hostility. The species learn to grow and adapt to harsh environments as a team becoming more versatile in sense
than even humans. Eventually the race itself become vastly stronger with the adaptation of psionics naturally forming into their kin and pheromone prowess. They became
strong enough to defend their queens to the point they became a near superior threat to the entirety of the other races till a peace had to be formed due to the increasing
threat of high end machines and even the human races own inventive power to equally at times rival their onslaughts through ingenuity. This race has a few set sub orders but
generally obey the “queens” which look similar but generally mate with a specific male and breed thousands of children over time. Though any female can become a queen there
is very few males of the race itself and males and females may switch their gender based upon needs. Generally there is 1 queen to 1 million of this race as queens maintain
a colony rate and natural service to make sure their race does not die out or other plausible races becoming extinct to a point they became “preserver” race. The war that
ensued was due to humans being marked as a destabilizing threat to most other races due to their demanding ways and reproductive habits.

Aquatis Dragon
Classification Dragon/Reptile
+10 STR
+15 DEX
+10 CON
+30 SPD
Organic Fauna/Timeless
-Gain +10 Endure Checks
-Gain +10 Muscle Checks
-Gain Tail 1DSU permanently prehensile
-This race can see in water perfectly with no negatives
-Has a breath blast that deals 5d4 + 5d4 per level + CON MOD TS is equal to 20+5 per character level evasion for Half Damage breath blast of either Heat, Acid, Cold, Ion of
6DSU cone once a round or a 12DSU line.
-For a ACT you can move x5 your swim speed when swimming
-Swim speed base increased to 10DSU from 6DSU
-If charging with swim you have perfect ability to turn in any direction on choice without a check
-Any movement added to land movement will add to swim movement
-This race can see in darkness up to TS 25 perfectly

Aquatis Dragon are the similar race and sub species relative of the Damiyo Dragons. They held many thousands of years of peace with their land relatives and have explored
and lived on coasts of the oceans being a strong hunter establish tribes and preservers of the natural environments. They looks fairly similar to their Damiyo Dragon kin but
have less protective capabilities exchanged for fast swimming forms. They have strong mobile webbing between their claws, and their body has special fins along the sides for
aqua dynamics very similar to that of a eel. They seem to resemble withing the water a much taller frame looking similar to sea serpents within the water.

Aquatis Mycelium
Classification Plant
-15 STR
-15 DEX
-15 CON
-20 PSY
+10 to chosen stat
+10 to chosen stat
+10 to chosen stat
+20 to chosen stat
+20 to chosen stat
Organic Flora/Timeless
-This race can on land and in water environments breathe normally
-This race must enter into water environment at least once every 4 hours, and if in a hot environment drying out must reach water within 1 hour or die from lack of water if
hit with a Heat Damage reduce it by half but increase your time without water by 30 minutes.
-Fight perfectly in the water with no negatives
-This race has a reach of 3DSU
–Is Blind (cannot see normally with eyes)
-This race can accurately tell a life forms presence from up to 60DSU
-This race does not need line of sight to cast at a target and does not suffer a miss chance from lack of sight as long as it senses it with any sensory.
-A Aquatis Mycelium can communicate with another of it's kind from up to 60DSU with pheromones.
-This race has regeneration of 15 per round once at max health it's completely immune to all status effects.
-This race when Killed by any damage except by Heat, Acid, Ion or Void has it's regeneration reactivate till it reaches full health.
-This race may glow a TS of 5 light in a 360 degree radius around themselves
-This race can launch spores of poison at will of up to 5DSU around itself (does not discriminate from allies) or launch up to 3DSU line cone in front of itself (does not
discriminate from allies) the poison level is equal to character level and can be any poison type of choice. This poison is inhaled.

The ancient aquatics mushroom people live at the deepest portions of the oceans as they rarely travel among land dwellers they trend to keep to themselves building their own
colony out of parts of themselves. They feed off plankton and other micro organisms in the air or water though they cannot handle being out of water for long periods of

Classification Arthropod
+20 STR
+20 DEX
-5 to chosen stat
-5 to chosen stat
-5 to chosen stat
Organic Fauna/Short
-This race has 6 arms with working hands
-This Race has a Tail of 1DSU permanently (cannot be removed)
-Forgo the Tail for a Large Abdomen that grants treated as 1 size larger while being grappled)
-This race has a bite with 10 Damage +5 Damage per level.
-Has a poison bite and arm claw attacks of TS of 20+5 per character level if they fail the opponent is stun for stun level 2 this effect stacks unlike other stun in round
-This race may climb up walls and ceilings normally as if he was just walking
-Life Sense up to 25DSU
-May produce a string of webbing that entraps the enemy this string may hold the character up from any weight or entangle a target with a +10 to grapple when using the
webbing also using this string can be used like a rope and stuck to any surface but is burnable instantly and disappears when burnt with nothing else happening webbing also
disappears after 2 days of existing and may be used for equipment uses or trap uses also this race is immune to other Arachnidians webbing and is un-effected by them except
for equipment uses as it is unable to stick to them due to their chemical makeup this web has a stick distance max of 10DSU per string thus can only be shoot from 10DSU from
character to a foe with a normal use of Aimed Strike Check to strike the foe

Unlike the other Arthropod races the Arachnidians are always spiders and such even if they semi appear as scorpions they still are spiders in most abilities they tend to
have horrid habits most people think they are nuts due to their habits like eating their foes but they are from a different world were eating even their own kind is survival
a rough planet so most forgive their oddities while some given up on these ways they like to be alone and hunt prey on planets for feeding their faces and making web traps
for fun they have 6 spider arms 3 on each side spider face with mandibles and all have a abdomen equal to their torso in size that squirts webbing or a small scorpion tail
that does the same this tail can move very well aiming up down and between the legs very easily counting their arms sometimes their top pair end up like scorpion pincers
with somewhat thumbs all their claws and their bite have a venom injector to help stun prey

Classification Human
+20 PSY
-5 to chosen stat
+5 to chosen stat
Organic Fauna/Average
-Mystic Damage dealt is increased by +10 this increases by +5 per level past 1st
-Mystic Damage taken is Mitigation by –25 this increase by –25 per level past 1st
-When taking study knowledge you may instead of 2 max in a learning max you may learn 3 at a time and -2 weeks from each month of learning degrees.
-When any ally is effected with a Mind Effect if they fail from up to 12DSU away from you. You may intake the effect instead and if you make the resistance check against it
for yourself you cut the rounds in half instead. If you Instead are afflicted with a Mind Effect you may pass onto an ally up to 12DSU the effect which they must instead
make the resistance check.
-TS of any Mystic Damage attack is raised by +1 per 2 levels
-Gain a sight called All Knowing Sensory this also counts as a sensory that only allows you to see, hear and smell in a 6DSU area around yourself no matter the situation
this also see's through walls and provides all vision types and senses as you please but cannot past the 6DSU (thus unaware of it) as it will be blank. You may extend the
radius of this by +6DSU per ½ ACT you spend for the round upon it.
-Skill Enhance: Arcanum may enhance permanently by choice 2 skills, which gain a +1 bonus per level

A race of human with the capability and blood of arcane they generally are born offshoots of regular humans and look no different

Classification Avian
-10 STR
-20 CON
+25 DEX
+150 SPD
Organic Fauna/Average
-Gain Wings
-Is unaffected by up to TS 15 wind and a +3 per level
-This race can automatically half fall Damage
-This race feet are prehensile
-This race has talons on its feat that have +15 Damage and +15 Grapple checks with them.
-This race has a beak that have +15 Damage and +5 Grapple checks with them.
-Gains +15 to scent checks.
-Gains a +25 to sight checks.
-Gains a +25 slight checks.
-Fly speed base is 50DSU instead.
-This race has quiet feathers thus gain a bonus +50 to stealth while flying.
-This race may perform a jump check and use it's base flight speed as part of it when reaching the peek of a jump up to 3DSU and may jump off objects even to maintain a
flight properly.

A bird species created by a type of human species for combat. Spliced from a existing race called the Ornithurae (named by the species of human) with the old bird species of
planet earth. Some look akin to Owls, Hawk, Eagles, Falcons, Sparrows, Parrots and many other bird species from feathers to beaks. Though it was long ago most claim it was a
needed change due to them starting to weaken genetically without this “mutation splicing” and gave them advantages of multiple bird species including their ability to speak
from parrots.

Classification Plant
+30 STR
-30 DEX
+30 CON
-60 SPD
+60 SPRT
Organic Flora/Eternal
-This race size is large
-This race size can be huge if you take an additional –30 SPD and –15 DEX
-This race land movement cannot drop below 3DSU
-This can perform an Acrobatics Check of 1DSU movement and ignore any effect that negates their Acrobatics Checks.
-This race has extra Guard Check bonus of +10
-Weakness of this race takes x3 times extra Damage from metal Physical type Damage (if you already have it increase it by +1 instead if this weakness is lower than the
largest weakness)
-This race in a forest has a +50 stealth check from sight if you do not move or in any environment a tree can naturally grow
-This race has a +25 on Mind checks to recall historical or religious info
-Stability which allows the Barkskin to use any weapon of 1 size category lager with no penalty when 2 handing also if the Barkskin uses any weapon with power kick they can
ignore its negative special effect entirely
-Barkskin can never forget info and is unaffected by Psionic power Casts that deal with the mind alterations but not immune to their Damage effects
-This race movement has continual movement thus cannot ever be tripped

A race referenced as tree folk at times or the Barkskin they themselves find naming themselves is almost trivial they enjoy mostly just watching other races in secret or
just enjoy watching them and giving advice when asked embodiment of natural spirit they themselves have been around existence for a long time and have known of many “gods”
“embodiments” and “avatars” all Barkskin pass on all their information to their children genetically thus they never have to really teach their children what they know thus
info through their lives is constantly remembered and passed eternally through their children
A Barkskin naturally has up to 1 child per 100 years and dies of old age at 1000 years it requires that 2 Barkskins merge together or more to integrate all their knowledge
and correct info and become fertile to make children every 100 years thus not too many exist altogether they look like giant trees with roots that can pop out of the ground
thus granting them instead of leg movements they’re similar to slithering like a slug

Beastial Folk
Classification Beast
+5 to chosen stat
+5 to chosen stat
+5 to chosen stat
+5 to chosen stat
Organic Fauna/Average
-Keen Skill: Choose 1 skill permanently from the skill list that you can spend a ½ ACT to multiply the skills roll result by 1.5 round down (this counts as a keen skill
multiplier and stacks with other keen skill multipliers by adding together (1.5 + 1.5 = 2.0 or 1.5 + 1.5 + 1.5 = 2.5 etc.) If the actions spent are past your own it will
instead eat into your next turns. (This multiplier only effects the 1d20 result) (This multiplier only effects the 1d20 result)
-Keen Skill: Choose 1 skill permanently from the skill list that you can spend a ½ ACT to multiply the skills roll result by 1.5 round down (this counts as a keen skill
multiplier and stacks with other keen skill multipliers by adding together (1.5 + 1.5 = 2.0 or 1.5 + 1.5 + 1.5 = 2.5 etc.) If the actions spent are past your own it will
instead eat into your next turns. (This multiplier only effects the 1d20 result)
-You may choose 3 skills other than the one you can keen to have a +1 bonus per level on its check
-Any natural attack from your body like punches kicks claws etc. Gain a +1 Damage bonus per level and at 1st level and every 2 levels after you ignore a –2 of the Aimed
Strike Check penalty of the combo attacks performed from natural attacks and the negatives from charge attacks
-Forgo a Keen Skill for an wings or tail 1DSU
-Forgo a Keen Skill for one skill for an extra 3DSU movement and as a ½ ACT you may imbue your next move action with x4 the normal distance this effect cannot stack but
remains active till you use it

A race of humanoid like animals that vary of mammalian type animals and aren’t that mistakable to therianthropy due to their natural conditions over diseased

Classification Machination
+15 to chosen stat
+10 to chosen stat
+5 to chosen stat
Organic Fauna/Long
-Does not Eat or Drink or Breathe (Cannot take alchemical tonics and cannot inhale toxins etc.)
-Psionics effects only last 5 rounds max
-Body made of Bio Steel
-Has Infrared Sight
-Has Sonar Sight 25DSU
-Cannot see in colors uses Infrared sight as the normal vision
-Increased Land speed by 3DSU
-Can walk up walls and ceilings even if slick
-Remembers all info of text and sound from up to a week ago
-Body consider to already be wearing armor parts gaining a +5 to all sections for a total of +30 of the body on Guard Checks and wearing armor negates this these armor parts
can be upgraded with ADD-ONs and are considered lower than all listed armor zones with no speed penalty if the body part is lost the guard bonus if it was arm or leg is half
if all the parts completely gone all the bonus thus if you take Cyborg template and remove an arm you lose +5 to the guard bonus
-Can radiate 3DSU of light TS 0-15 or turn it off

This is a unknown race they seem to be humanoid and organic all at once they were found in a secret location and started appearing after a recent war they are consider hyper
Organics and surpass even Cyborg humans they have been seen to be highly intelligent and fairly well versed in combats many presume they are the purest form of a machine
that has gain sentient life being synthetic of an organic being they are purely a race devoted to understanding and protecting it also seems they can have children like any
organic to much surprise their body is made of a unique fleshy material called BioMetal they are colored of various of many color hues and always glow with lights though
they can turn them off at whim they have no real eyes and don’t have mouths either and they do not need to eat though they do sleep they are sometimes called the penultimate
machines though they still seem to be weak poisons and such like most people they seem to talk using special vibrations units in their neck though

Blade Arba
Classification Human & Fey
+25 STR
-10 DEX
+15 CON
-15 SPRT
+20 DUR
Organic Fauna/Average
-This race natural has Fey Iron infused in their body granting it's material effects and can produces blades from their bodies made of the same material that do +2 Damage
per level, The Blades gain a +1 Bonus to Guard, Aimed Strike Check and Grapple per blade active on your body and wielded. The blades have hardness equal to body hardness.
You can produce up to 10+DUR & CON MOD of blades uses per character levels per day (negative MOD as no effect). When creating blades you may make a max of 5 blades at a time
as a ½ ACT that does not use stamina and hold 5 blade uses upon your body. To draw out a blade is a free action. You can not take the Metal Skin template. grapple of any
kind will deal damage equal to the blade count x5 upon your body to the person grappling you. These blades will only last for a maximum of 6 hours before dissipating when
released from the body.
-This races ground movement Speed can not fall below 3DSU
-When making a blade you may expend the amount from the body to increase the size of the blade created, so 2 uses would equal a small blade, 3 uses would make a basic blade,
4 for large blade (must use 2 hands) and all 5 for a grand blade (must use 2 hands). These blades do not have upgrades like their basic counterparts. (If you use Genetic
alteration to grab the blade creation you are forced to take it a second time and gain this).
-The blades can be ejected out as small melee thrown weapon from their body up to 3DSU + 1DSU per 2 levels. Scales with blades damage per level. (If you use Genetic
alteration to grab the blade shot you are forced to take it a second time and gain this).
-This race can apply Body Hardness to reduce damage.
-Weakness this race takes x2 Damage from Heat damage (if you already have it increase it by +1 instead if this weakness is lower than the largest weakness).

Blazerius Lupis
Classification Beast Fey Elemental
+100 STR
+100 CON
+25 DEX
-50 PSY
-50 SPRT
Organic Fauna/Long
-Is Immune to all Heat Damage
-Is Immune to all Cold Damage
-Has claws that deal +5 damage per character level on hands and feet
-All natural body attacks can deal 5d4 Heat damage + 1d4 per even character level
-Gain Tail 1DSU permanently (cannot be removed)
-Gains a +120 Scent Checks
-Gains a +20 on Jump Checks
-Once per round 1 ground movement action you perform is at x10 it's movement speed and gains a +25 Aimed Strike Check on charge attacks

Called the king of the beasts this race is consider the strongest beastman race other than the great Behemoths wich rival them in size to strength ratio. Called the
hellhounds or the untameable fire dogs. They are protectors of the great many realms. Viewed as unholy these beings are far from uncivilized and most are even good hearted
protectors seeking to show their worth to the world as powerful true heart warriors of justice most of the time. The race looks very similar to human with patches of thick
fur their skin is blacken like ash. Their fur varies to a browns reds and basic pitch black colors. The fur is upon their lower legs upper arms head and around their tail
and a small scruff main around their neck to just the frontal part of their lower neck males usually having larger amounts of fur zones.

Bombyx Demaskiah
Changeling Arthropod
-15 STR
+30 DEX
-10 CON
-15 PSY
+20 SPRT
+5 LUK
Organic Fauna/Short
-This race is Micro sized, they look like a tiny worm creature with one mouth that can bite, several small leg like limbs which can stick to any solid surface, they can
equip a melee weapon of their size in their mouth.
-Make a body out of living silk which they gain any benefit (100 HP + DEX regeneration)of the silk to their body, they start with 4 appendage out of silk which HP is not
based on it's hardness but your vitality. with 1DSU Reach, every 2 levels they gain +1DSU Reach on their limbs. Ever 3 Levels they gain an extra limb,each limb is consider
prehensile. Ever 5 levels up till level 15 you may treat your body size as one category larger, up till medium size for the benefits. You may combine 2 or more limbs add the
total reach together, also increasing the size of the limb by 1 size per limb you add, how ever it requires 3 limbs to operate 2 handed range weapons, if you combine
multiple limbs multiply the limb's Vitality by the number of limbs infused into it, attacking the limbs does not deal damage to your HP, however hardness applies if the
limbs are called-shot, using any silk items not apart of your body add +1 to the damage multiplier.
-Once per round during any 1/2 ACT you can shift yourself in your body, such as moving into the varies limbs your created you may only do this once a round.
-This race does not gain any extra body parts from any source, also this race can not take nor can it be under the effects of the Genetic Alteration Template.
-This race can not any speak but can telepathically speak to any creature in it's line of sight.
-This race as 25% chance of resisting mind effects.
-This race does not use SPD mod instead it's ground movement is equal to it's reach (minimal 1DSU movement, their movement can not drop below this) but if you do gain SPD
MOD it is added to DEX MOD, also this race can not do anything that involves like SPD like charging, negative SPD MOD is treated as 0 MOD
-Once per round you may escape from any grapple and you are never deny your DEX mod.
-Gain a +10 Slight to hide weapons that are 1 handed that are equal or less your body size.
-This race can draw weapons as a free action if you have a combined limb, consider the weapon hiding within the limb's wrapping, you may only have 1 weapon per combine limb,
you can only hold 1 handed items within the limb.
-This race can stick to any solid surface within it's reach with a stick substance.
-If you are reduced to 0 HP via heat damage they lose all of their silk limbs, or if a silk limb is cut off you must take a 1/2 ACT per limb to rebuild it if revived or set
to 1 HP or more.
-Race gains +15 Cold and damage absorbency per level if your inside your silk body. Gain +15 Psionic damage absorbency in all forms. Takes damage of x2 acid. If your inside
your silk body takes x2 heat damage.
-Race gains +150 build check to make anything from silk

Bone Hystricidae
Beast Arthropod
-200 STR
-150 CON
-100 DEX
+60 PSY
+250 DUR
+50 SPRT
+250 SPD
Organic Fauna/Average
-This race counts as 2 creatures, the Hystricidae and the Bone Symbiosis Shell. (But only can perform 1 violent action a turn between the 2)
-The Bone Symbiosis Shell counts as a Arthropod and has Hardness equal to the Hystricidae's DUR & CON MOD x3. This being can dislodge bone spikes at will that deal 1d4
damage per spike with max spikes made on the body equal to 200 (It takes a ½ ACT to form 50 spikes). Only 5 spikes can be thrown per hand of the Hysricidae. The Bone
Symbiosis Shell may fire up to 10 every round off it's body from pre-created spines of up to 5DSU to any 1 target (you may fire 10 per different target). (Genetic Alteration
Template cannot take this racial ability)
-The Bone Symbiosis Shell has same stats as the Hystricidae. This being always takes hits first while it's attached to the Hystricidae unless the Hystricidae is called shot
separately. and if it reaches 0 HP instead becomes KOed not killed but deals instant ½ of it's max HP to the Hystricidae and starts to regenerate 100 HP each round to the
Bone Symbiosis Shell. (Genetic Alteration Template cannot take this racial ability)
-The ADD-ONs taken on self are shared between the two beings. The Bone Symbiosis Shell can dislodge a portion of itself with it's own arms acting of up to 6DSU away from the
Hystricidae's body when the two detach from each other the Bone Symbiosis Shell always stays within 6DSU not counting the Bone Symbiosis Shell's own movement but it may move
in any direction including vertically up due to the cord support working as a muscle.. While split the Bone Symbiosis Shell Has it's own stats of +200 STR, +150 CON, -200
DEX, +0 PSY, +250 DUR, +25 SPRT, +0 SPD. The Hystricidae has -400 STR, -300 CON, +100 DEX, +60 PSY, +0 DUR, +25 SPRT, +250 SPD. Though this will unprotected the Hystricidae.
The Hystricidae must be linked to the Bone Symbiosis Shell to live as it integrated into it's skeleton system but they remain linked through a bone like cable point linked
at the creatures 1DSU tail on the Hystricidae that has a hardness of up to 500 to break. The Bone Symbiosis Shell has it's own action pool and actions not shared with the
Hystricidae.. If one being is mind controlled the other is not. (Genetic Alteration Template cannot take this racial ability)
-The Hystricidae has a Scent check of +25.
-The Bone Symbiosis Shell has a Muscle, Jump, Grapple, Aimed Strike Check of +25.
-The beings do not apply negative STR to it's melee attacks damage.

The species called the Hystricidae are born with a Bone Symbiotic being that integrates into it's skeleton. The mother's Bone Symbiotic gives the child inside it's link.
Within the child then grows at one with it's “Brother” or “Sister” (As Bone Symbiosis has no true sex). Their nature as one never has the Bone Symbiosis go against the
Hystricidae but it does have it's own indipedent thoughts generally of protecting the host as it needs it to feed and live properly while the Hystricidae needs the Bone
Symbiosis cause it itself became the bones. They look similar to that of a humanoid beast like Porcupine being as their Bone Symbiotic looks like a mesh of spines covering
them forming a chitinous layer around them shaping and melding looking similar to the fur color except the spines.

Boreal Dragonis
Classification Dragon Elemental
+5 STR
+5 CON
-10 DEX
+50 PSY
Organic Fauna/Timeless
-Gain 3 Wing sets permanently
-Gain Tail 1DSU permanently (cannot be removed)
-Is Immune to all Heat Damage
-Is Immune to all Cold Damage
-Is Immune to all Acid Damage
-Is Immune to all Ion Damage
-Does not physically age
-Can see invisible foes and can feel any presence up to 12DSU and thus ignores back side attack
-Can see all mystic sources auras
-Can survive any Cold temperature
-May walk on water and freeze liquids at will to up to 5DSU

Consider a more humanish species the Boreal Dragonis are strong bread of dragon race said to have been born of the fey realm and the masters of the nature realms high
mountains. Consider the higher end of dragon kind like Damiyo Dragon they show sheer power in the magical arts. It was thought they are the key of the cross of Fey Dragon
and humans own creation. Many look like humans and have humans faces figures minus their dragon like scale patches wings and tail their claws are small at the tip of their
human like hands and show very brilliant beautiful non aging bodies. Though these dragons are thought as purely cryo based they have master many elements and powers than
just their bodies innate power.
Classification Arthropod
+40 STR
+15 DEX
+30 DUR
+10 to chosen stat
Organic Fauna/Short
-This race has 4 arms 2 arms are Pincers
-This races Pincer arms gain a +15 on Grapples
-This races Pincers deal +15 damage +3 Damage per level.
-This race may grapple targets 1 size larger than themselves
-This races Pincers do not have to let go after doing a action in a grapple
-This race can see in water perfectly with no negatives
-This race drowns in air environments and normally breathes underwater.
-This race must enter into water environment at least once every 2 hours, and if in a hot environment drying out must reach water within 1 hour or die from lack of water if
hit with a Heat Damage reduce it by half but increase your time without water by 30 minutes.
-This race has a water pouch that it can store up to 24 hour worth of water within itself that refills when it's fully submerged and soaks it up for 5 minutes.
-This race has a hard shell granting it +15 Guard
-This race can fight perfectly in water
-If this race has been submerged in water they may spray a jet of water from their pincer that comes from their spare water pouch dealing 10d4+CON+DUR MOD damage (Water
Physical) they can do this multiple times but every time they pull from their water pouch 1 hours worth of water. If done underwater the damage changes to a (Sound Water
Physical) and does not pull from their water pouch.

The powerful race of Arthropods from the seas they appear to be semi mixed with Trilobites Lobsters and Crabs. Their race was born from a planet not well explored till they
noticed upon the surface the mountains they made are really cities comprised of their strong abilities and contained immeasurable amounts of water pools at the bottom. They
arnt always very kind and trend to be grumpy but they always get their work done. They regarded humans as engineering genius of the races and think of the other Arthropod
races a bit boring.

Capon Schlep
Classification Devil & Angel
+10 to chosen stat
+10 to chosen stat
+10 to chosen stat
+10 to chosen stat
-15 to chosen stat
-15 to chosen stat
-15 to chosen stat
-15 to chosen stat
Organic Fauna Eternal/Endless
-This race flies & levitates 5DSU and can never fall out of the sky from being hit or tripped down prone due to not having any legs but itself does not have a land movement
speed. This race also does not tire from any form of movement.
-When taking study knowledge you may instead of 2 max in a learning max you may learn 3 at a time and -2 weeks from each month of learning degrees.
-When any ally is effected with a Mind Effect if they fail from up to 12DSU away from you. You may intake the effect instead and if you make the resistance check against it
for yourself you cut the rounds in half instead. If you Instead are afflicted with a Mind Effect you may pass onto an ally up to 12DSU the effect which they must instead
make the resistance check.
-This race has a natural dimensional pocket entrance within it's hands that can suck in objects with a Weight Score in kg equal to their positive stats mods x5 but they
cannot be anything that is secured down like a building. The articles it holds can be ejected out safely in front of the Capon Schlep as long as it can fit in the area it's
being ejected out into as a ½ ACT.
-This race if it dies it will come back within 1d4 days manifested in the Ethereal realm which within 1d4 hours it will return to the realm of the gates where it will be
sent back to its proper destination the pace for the living (good or neutral) souls or vile soul (those that are fully evil or have done nothing but bad action)
-This race can disguise itself as any humanoid race without their racial benefits
-This race may shift their body into any race without any of their racial benefits and any clothing they want using their special mist to emulate extra limbs and odd looks
though any extra limbs have no true use due to be made of the mist itself but shifts fast enough to make the perceptive illusion appear to work properly.
-This race can see alignments.
-You may grant 1 wish to a character. But this wish must be worded carefully or else the most negative effect may happen though this is still dependent upon the Capon
Schlep's own personal feeling of the wish and may even refuse to grant the wish. You may only grant 1 wish per person and only once. A wish cannot grant more wishes nor give
any sort of power that is beyond the Capon Schlep own power and level. (Gms discretion)

The Capon Schlep are a strange race that is barely even a race. After a long while any soul can become one assimilating a existence of a strange being with no legs but
instead a cloud like mist that curtains the air around where they hover. This cloud like mist can take many shapes and colors even some make it look like they have legs but
are not even a space any being can hit them from though is can change colors based on either wanting to show moods, mixing with environments, and acting like odd semi
clothing based on it's viscosity of the fog like mist spreading across their body. Their upper half looks very reminiscent of humanoids body of any coloration mixtures.
Their faces usually have a somewhat shape shift quality but is figured to be honestly blank with only a set of eyes that somewhat glow. This race are known to be the Bird
Hounds and are a created species to serve originally only recalling parts of their old lives of who they once where but too different to be who they where in the past. This
race is commonly also called Genies, Devils and Angels based on their mists “illusion” ability to hide and pretend to be other beings. It is said that this race servitude
eventually will decide their next form of metamorphism into either a GinRaiFei, Devilius or a Seraphium over a long period of time.

Classification Fish
+20 STR
+20 DEX
+20 PSY
Organic Fauna/Average
-This race drowns in air environments and normally breathes underwater.
-This race must enter into water environment at least once every 12 hours, and if in a hot environment drying out must reach water within 1 hour or die from lack of water if
hit with a Heat Damage reduce it by half but increase your time without water by 30 minutes.
-Fight perfectly in the water with no negatives
-This race can see in water perfectly with no negatives
-When taking study knowledge you may instead of 2 max in a learning max you may learn 3 at a time and -2 weeks from each month of learning degrees.
-When any ally is effected with a Mind Effect if they fail from up to 12DSU away from you. You may intake the effect instead and if you make the resistance check against it
for yourself you cut the rounds in half instead. If you Instead are afflicted with a Mind Effect you may pass onto an ally up to 12DSU the effect which they must instead
make the resistance check.
-This race has two arms with each 2 claws with no thumbs this sets these arms reach are 3DSU extra added on to normal size reach
-This race has 8 legs are prehensile these legs are 1DSU extra added on to normal size reach
-This race can swim based 8DSU swim base and only on land 3DSU base once per 3 rounds while swimming double the movement speed
-This race gains a bonus +5 on grapple checks made with each limb added in
-This race does not have to let go after attacking in a grapple
-This race can fit into any space 3 sizes smaller than themselves

The race from the deep, they seem to be like squids and octopuses or cuddle fish. All of them are renown for their intelligence not much is known about them but they love to
experiment with reaction of others

Classification Reptile
+15 CON
+15 DEX
+15 SPD
Organic Fauna/Average
-Prehensile Tongue 3DSU reach (cannot be removed)
-This race is small sized
-This race has a tail 1DSU (Cannot be removed)
-This race has all round sight and cannot be flanked
-This race can blend into its environment giving it a +25 stealth check based against sight checks
-This race has a 3DSU reach with its tongue and can grab objects like a hand to pull them closer up to one size smaller than the character
-This race can climb up walls that are not slick but cannot climb ceilings

Looking like Humanoid Chameleons this race has met well with the others as one of the great infiltrators of the age they have a well fond love of human’s innovations and
inventions finding them very intelligent, most Chama as they are known as by most other races are fairly okay with other races when they aren’t being destructive to their
home worlds they claimed though they most have a disdain for the “government” that the other races preside over and preference the old system of how things worked before the

Chiroptera Riqee
Classification Beast
+25 PSY
+15 SPRT
-10 STR
Organic Fauna/Average
-Permanently gain wings
-While in flight a Chiroptera Riqee cannot use their hands due to the wings also being their arms
-Your feet are prehensile
-You cannot be deafened
-Gain +2 Scent, Listen, and Sight per level
-Once per round as a free action you may emit a high frequency screech that deals 5d4 + 5d4 per level + CON MOD wind damage to all enemies within 30 feet

The bat people from Felnar, they live within deep cave systems but generally eat fruits and nuts among the planet. They live in a world with the Felnar Dragons whom they
consider their allies for generations hunting together from day and night meeting mostly for trade. The Riquee have been staying out of most wars though some have traveled
outside their hostile planet to visit other places for the experience and thrill. They mostly look akin to bats heavily except their upright bent over stance showing that
they have bipedal legs with prehensile feet similar to that of a monkey as their faces look akin closer to a foxes head with robust huge ears with soft tufts of fur around
their neck chest and a bit around their ears.

Classification Machination
+15 all stats
Inorganic Machine/Endless
-This Race can have up to 2 heads by choice once chosen you have to pay 5000 credits for an extra head slot
-This Race can have up to 4 arms by choice once chosen you have to pay 10,000 credits for an arm slot
-Pick a kind of Legs to have, Bipedal(2 legs) 6DSU land speed and Jump skill +10; Quadruped(4 legs) 8DSU land speed; Spider legs(6+ leg), Can climb up walls, and ceilings
and hang; Fishtail, 12DSU swim, but 1DSU land speed; Snake body, grants slither movement, cant be tripped, 8DSU swim, 6DSU land speed. it costs 10,000 Credits to swap to a
new kind of legs
-This Race can choose 1 free material and 1 free additive up to uncommon rarity it’s made out of for its entire body at start and for replacement must pay the corresponding
price for each body part as normal
-This race can easily switch it’s body parts with another Cyberoid interchanging them as long as you have enough slots upon making thus if you have 1 head at make and they
offer you a new head you can only input 1 head on the body not both
-This Race gains a bonus 5 FP to spend on itself each even level it gains. This FP cannot be spent with normal FP though it can be saved for next level
-Cyberiod consider their body as weapon and armor for effects but each part is separate from arms legs head and body (Head, Body, Right Arm, Left Arm, Right Leg, Left Leg
each separately)
-This Race never suffers negatives when piloting anything

Unlike most other machines the Cyberoid are not an initial sentient race but instead created race over time by the galactic standards some built for wars some built for
minor tasks this is the race most players would end up building when making a sentry guard when crafting. The Cyberoid as they are refer sometimes are given sentience and
attain enlightenment as many other machine races proclaim Cyberoids awaken are considered to be the start of the last galactic government eras end with the Accusers whom
prosecuted organics as unworthy and unjust in the end most Cyberoids are freelance as much as any other race
Classification Devil
+10 LUK
+10 PSY
+15 SPD
-5 to chosen stat
Organic Fauna/Long
-A weapon can be made specifically for a Daemonic called a “Daemon Variant” that has +1DSU reach and +5 damage for Daemonic but not for any other race this costs an extra
500 credits
-Gain Add on Wing permanently (cannot be removed)
-Forgo Wings for Tail 1DSU permanently (cannot be removed)
-Gain your hardness as mitigation against Heat or Cold based damage
-You may survive in any temperature level
-Gain regeneration of 5 per round + CON, SPRT & DUR MOD. MOD MAX 15 per level. This form of regeneration may count as healing instead for 2 rounds for a ½ ACT that effects
your allies in a 3DSU radius around yourself. If you are to die from damage instead your regeneration will remain active at x100 it's normal amount (this does not remove
your KO status even if you live). This effect may only trigger up to 1 time a day.
-You can see auras of evil
-If your character falls from a Knock Out or Death instead their body will reform within 1d4 days at 10% HP or be sent to the Infernal planar and return to the mortal plane
within a day
-Daemonics may enhance permanently by choice 1 skills, which gain a +1 bonus per level

A race of humans that stray from the normal human race they are cursed with Unholy powers unlike angels, most humans believe daemonic to be evil but not all are this way
just as not all angels are good demonic look and variety of most of the other races with some reddish to blacking colors some can still be whitish and bluish like angels

Daimyo Dragon
Classification Dragon
+10 STR
+10 CON
-10 DEX
+10 PSY
Organic Fauna/Timeless
-A weapon can be made specifically for a Daimyo Dragon called a “Daimyo Variant” that has +5 damage and +2 damage multiplier for Damiyo Dragon but not for any other race
this costs an extra 500 credits
-Gain Muscle Checks +10
-Gain Jump Checks +10
-Gain Grapple Checks +15
-Gain Tail 1DSU permanently prehensile (cannot be remove)
-Gain Temporary Damage Absorbency 100 and +100 per level plus +25 extra per DUR MOD that resets each round
-This races body has hardness bonus +15
-You may apply your hardness to negate damage if the hardness is over the striking force.

A race of dragon born tough on their home world well known for various colors they seem to look more like a giant cobra headed snake people with legs it’s learn that this is
a race of dragons with a Hefty shield like skull unlike the cobras frills this is not retractable due to it being part of their skull structure it’s said their own scales
and bones are as hard as adamantine and this has proven true

Death Syndile
Classification Undeath & Fey
+10 STR
+10 DEX
+15 PSY
+30 SPRT
-15 LUK
Organic Fauna Undead/Ancient
-Gain Immunity to Unholy and Holy Damage
-Heals from both Unholy and Holy healing
-Can transform itself into a Elf, Human, Dwarf, Shadow or Orc at will like a disguise upon doing a violent action the disguise fails out
-Gain a touch empowerment to yourself or an object that deals 1d4 per level Unholy damage or Unholy healing (you must choose prior to the action) that has a TS equal to your
mind check score without a 1d20 roll if they pass the TS which is a Endure Check they take half the damage it could potential perform. Upon level dividable by 4 it gains 1
extra dice grade (1d4 to 1d6 to 1d8 etc. of size dice pattern). You may use this power only once every round per 3 levels in combat.
-Can see in all levels of darkness
-Life Sense up to 100DSU

The beings of the great black called the first black Mystic users they themselves are from the deep negative realms of the shadow the realm opposite of the realm of life it
mirrors our world but instead of light dominances areas it is shadow where the sun rises and light where it does not and is the birth places of the “anti-life” also called
black energy or Unholy energy, though called Unholy it is not from the distinction that in itself it is just negative energy just as the realm of life in itself resembles
closer to our world but with brighter lights a unique set of individuals moved to this opposing realm of our own to learn about it upon their arrival they met the Death
Syndile the beings hidden within the black and where turned into the first “Shadows” whom did serve them but filled their world more of “vibrancy” filling a void they
thought needed to exist, though strange the Syndile are not evil but more curious of how the realms work they themselves not commonly found within the mortal realms do come
out just like the fey of the Fey and natural realms appear from it was further learn Syndile are one version of fey and many other fey existences are found and were exiled
along with humans but remained fey somehow, they resemble humans but instead of a Physical body they are made of what appears to be cloth and nothing but cloth their body
itself is black shadow and appear to be nothing more than robed up figures upon further looking they do happen to have a full Physical form made of black energy forming a
semi Physical being similar to a human at will causing confusion of why the faceless beings resembling humans are so similar it is further detailed by them that they too
where once like humans and probably offshoot into a new form of fey while humanity lost their fey linage
Classification Devil
+15 to all stats
Organic Fauna Ethereal/Eternal
-This race gains +3 to 4 different stats per level. (Genetic Alteration Template cannot take)
-This race is Titan size
-This race has 2 Large wings with are prehensile with claw like hands with a +3DSU reach. They grant per wing +60 Guard Check. They grant a flight speed of 25DSU.
-This race a 3DSU prehensile tail with a claw like hand.
-This race claws on all it's hands and hand like appendages that deal +3 damage per character level of heat or acid damage.
-This race may throw up to 1 projectile from it's primary hands per character level that deals 6 damage per character level of Heat or Acid damage. These projectiles can be
thrown up to 5DSU per character level. These projectiles gain +5 Aimed Strike Check every character level. Upon striking they explode in a 1DSU radius.
-This race can produce a inferno blaze around itself of up to 6DSU that deals 12 damage per character level of Heat damage and 12 damage per character level of Acid damage.
While active this damage only hits targets you establish.
-This race produces a fear aura the make all entities it wishes to be effected within a 40DSU radius fear level equal to character level x2. If the beings are 40DSU away or
out of sight of the 20DSU the fear level is reduces to x1 per character level. If the beings are up to 80DSU instead the fear level is reduced to per character level divided
by 2 round down. This effect occurs every round. If they cannot see the Devliius the fear effect is divided by 2. Once a being passes against the fear aura it cannot apply
again for 3 rounds if the Devilius is in sight or at all if not in sight.
-This race may take any Heat damage or Acid damage produced in combat into a physical chain like weapon that deal 1d4 damage or +1DSU per 20 Heat damage for a Fire Heat
damage version or 20 Acid damage for a Acidic Acid damage version. They may contain up to 100 damage of both sources. They may make up to 2 chains per 3 character levels
that last for 1 hour. These chains have a grapple check of +25 when used and continually deal their damage at your will. These chains are linked to your hands but do not
hinder it's use as if they are not physical till you wish them to be. You may strike even Ethereal miss chance ignoring it. If a target dies with the chains locking them
down their soul is turn into a crystal and is owned by you.
-When this race dies it instead reforms in the demon realm
-This race is always consider to have 1 active Psionic Focus active if none are active on a psionic class for it's abilities. Though this acts as a Psionic Focus it provides
no scaling thus anything that scales per Psionic Focus only deem it at x0 thus example +3 Aimed Strike Check per Psionic Focus will not provide it's bonus.
-This race is Immune to Heat & Acid damage
-This race may disguise itself as another race hiding as a ACT it's physical abilities and turning them off and while in the form may produce a child with said race but is
stuck in that form till child birth. It's size matches that of the race it's mimicking if it has wings, tail are fully function. If it has a set locked vision type you gain
that vision type in that form.

Long ago the Devilius the original True Demons misunderstood of their real intentions are viewed as the greatest evil in most races religious sight. Though in truth they are
looked upon as evil only a set faction of them really are evil. They wish to preserve the balance and order of beings representing the power of judgments they were judged by
a faction of Seraphium as their enemies and collided into a war that was sparked by the darker faction called the Rapture. Their appearance is of the tremendous almost
dragon like instead of humanoid like. Their true bodies are durable and tough and grow only more powerful with age. They though generally are seen as brutes are very wise
and knew about the True God war and wanted to originally end the war with the Seraphium and Nephalim stating the real danger was honestly a True God gone mad and they needed
to work together to revolt against the final enemy the “Annul” and their plan of birthing and using the dream realm to create the Nightmare Spawn into a physical entities.
But among all the fighting it did not end well for the Nightmare Spawn did become a true threat and nearly destroyed the Fey Realm and nearly corrupting the nature realm.
The Nephalim banishing many races off to planets in the mortal realm. The Devilius started to assit many races into the forth coming new war preparing them for the new
onslaught and thus the one race they didn't expect to land a hand was the True Dragons to make sure that the many other races will be guided by the light even the rogue
Seraphium started to work with them from their leader Lucifer and a peace keeper of justice Alexander they now seek the many races that will now fight within the 2nd Ragnarok

Classification Dragon
+15 STR
+10 CON
+5 DEX
+5 PSY
Organic Fauna/Long
-Gain Wing permanently
-Gain Tail 1DSU permanently
-Has a breath blast that deals 5d4 + 5d4 per level + CON MOD TS is equal to 20+5 per character level evasion for Half Damage breath blast of either Heat, Acid, Cold, Ion of
6DSU cone once a round or a 12DSU line.
-Gains a +15 Scent Check
-Gains a +15 Guard Check
-Gain -15 Damage from Heat, Acid, Cold, Ion Damage types
-Can see invisibility and can feel any presence up to 12DSU and thus ignores back side attack
-Regains 1 stamina every round

A race of strong willed humanoid dragons they live breathe and fight with honor though they can’t breathe a breath like usual dragons they have proven to be a powerful bread
through the same traits nearly that humans show and push on with their civilizations and understandings

Classification Fey
+15 STR
+25 CON
+20 DUR
Organic Fauna/Average
-A weapon can be made specifically for a Dwarf named race called a “Dwarf Variant” that has +5 damage per size category of the foe starting from medium for a Dwarf but not
for any other race this costs an extra 500 credits
-Gain Base HP equal to 5 per level
-Stability which allows the dwarf to use any weapon of 1 size category larger with no penalty when 2 handing also if the dwarf uses any weapon with power kick they can
ignore its negative special effect entirely
-Gains a +20 Building Check Bonus to any Stone Work and Metal Work Items
-Gains a +10 on Muscle Checks
-Gains a +10 on Endure Checks
-May see in any level of darkness
-Can smell hazard gases automatically within 25DSU
-Gains bonus +15 to lift score
-Gains +1 stamina per level

A race of humans that developed a bit more stout and harrier sometimes refers to as snow people they are well known to live in caves and such and became master smiths
dwarves look about 1DSU shorter to 1DSU shorter than a normal human and have several times more hair females also have hair and grow beards a bit more prominent than even
normal male humans unlike regular humans these humans are more akin to their fey lineage

Dwarf Garso
Classification Fey, Elemental
+25 STR
+25 CON
+40 DUR
-150 LUK
Organic Fauna/Long
-A weapon can be made specifically for a Dwarf named race called a “Dwarf Variant” that has +5 damage per size category of the foe starting from medium for a Dwarf but not
for any other race this costs an extra 500 credits
-Stability which allows the dwarf to use any weapon of 1 size category larger with no penalty when 2 handing also if the dwarf uses any weapon with power kick they can
ignore its negative special effect entirely
-May see in any level of darkness
-Turns to stone as a Full Round ACT granting a +50 Stealth to disguise as a statue of any shape of up to your size if remaining still also may meld into the stone wall if
they place their backs up against it looking like a surface of the wall itself. To transform back is a ½ ACT
-This race gains +3 to Scent per level
-This race may smell minerals and use scent check to identify them instead of a Mind Check
-This race gains -5 Mitigation to Heat that also ignores 25 TS Hot Environment per character level.
-This race when they are in a area of effect instead take ½ damage.
-This race gains +2 Aimed Strike Check and Grapple per level.
-This race gains +10 Guard per level.
-This race gains +1 to all skill checks per level.

The black dwarfs that live in the deep dark caverns far in the darkest and hottest regions of the underworld these dwarves have a fiery temperament and equally resilient
tolerance to the other races. The works they love to make most of are from the sheer molten metals within magma itself making amazing stone weapons alone from their ability
to smell minerals and differences of them. During the great war they begin the action to craft the greatest war weapons in the place called the great forge.

Dwarf Veer
Classification Fey, Elemental
+30 STR
+200 CON
+40 PSY
-150 DUR
-50 LUK
Organic Fauna/Long
-A weapon can be made specifically for a Dwarf named race called a “Dwarf Variant” that has +5 damage per size category of the foe starting from medium for a Dwarf but not
for any other race this costs an extra 500 credits
-Stability which allows the dwarf to use any weapon of 1 size category larger with no penalty when 2 handing also if the dwarf uses any weapon with power kick they can
ignore its negative special effect entirely
-This race is Immune to cold damage and unaffected by cold environments
-This race may breathe ice in a 6DSU cone equal to 5d4+CON of cold damage that automatically freezes all liquids even magma and lava no matter the temperature. You may
exclude allies from this damage and instead grant them 2 rounds of Cold and Heat Mitigation equal to the damage it would have done.
-This race can see through any environmental effect in the air
-This race regains +1 stamina every round
-This race gains +1 stamina every level
-This race may create ice around themselves into armor or a weapon that deals +3 damage and +5 guard per character level of cold type damage as a ½ ACT. This ice cannot melt
with heat while equipped to yourself but cannot exist without being on yourself. You may also instead over layer this ice on yourself to protect your gear and articles as it
acts as a 1DSU thick layer it's HP is consider your own Base HP to overcome and protects from hot environment level.
-This race can grow up to 3 sizes larger as a ½ ACT or shrink down as the same action.

The arboreal dwarfs of the great mountain tops also known as Ice giants at times or the bitter bite dwarfs that watch from the great mountains up high guarding the ancient
secrets that lie within the coldest of tundras. The Dwarf Veer are the ancient guard to many artifacts and articles being that it's thought they live near forever in many
eyes. They have fought in many great wars and been a great assets during the elemental wars.

Dwarf Arkadice
Classification Fey, Elemental
+50 STR
-100 CON
+50 DEX
+50 PSY
+150 SPRT
-50 DUR
-150 LUK
-150 SPD
Organic Fauna/Long
-A weapon can be made specifically for a Dwarf named race called a “Dwarf Variant” that has +5 damage per size category of the foe starting from medium for a Dwarf but not
for any other race this costs an extra 500 credits
-Gain Base HP equal to 50 per level
-Stability which allows the dwarf to use any weapon of 1 size category larger with no penalty when 2 handing also if the dwarf uses any weapon with power kick they can
ignore its negative special effect entirely
-This race has regeneration of 100 + your SPRT MOD, This regeneration is also shut down for 4 rounds when hit with Void or Ion damage.
-This race can breathe in any liquid without issue
-This race is immune to Acid damage
-This race can see up to 100DSU clearly and see through weather effects and water with this sight.
-This race gains a +2 to it's Study per level
-Skill Enhance: This race may choose 3 skills other than Study that gain +4 per level.
-This race cannot move in a evasion and must remain in spot but treats a NAT1 evasion as just as if they rolled a 2 instead.
-This race reduces poison effect level by -5
-This race may teleport in water up to 10DSU as it's movement action but it cannot swim in water but remain in place where it teleported to in the water but may walk where
it elevated itself in the water.
-This race does not take negatives in liquids and moves within them as if it's just air.
-This race movement penalty only ever reduces it 3DSU at minimal.
-Weakness Void Damage and Mortality Damage deals x3 Damage (if you already have it increase it by +1 instead if this weakness is lower than the largest weakness)

The sea dwarfs consider the strangest species of dwarfs their powers confusing to all that are within their realm they have been guarding the great undersea for as long as
most remember even handling the deepest of the ocean's pressures. They are the ones that usually craft the undersea sea forts and castles. Usually assigned in building
special aquatic vessels that can even go into space eventually. They have recently been hiding since the elemental wars working on new projects in their “Alantean” homes.

Classification Fey Plant
+25 CON
+100 PSY
+25 SPRT
-45 DUR
Organic Flora Fauna/Ancient
-This race is always female and never physically ages.
-This race can change to look like a single human form exactly similar to it's true form.
-Casts performed by this race heals itself by 50 per Cast level expended
-This race gains 1 vine of 1DSU length for every +1 MOD in PSY, CON, SPRT.
-This races vines/roots may fuse together to form structures and forms. A single 1DSU vine can only handle micro sized items and for every extra 1 vines/roots in a 1DSU
reach can handle a size above micro. (example to form a 1DSU reach vine that can handle medium size articles takes 15 vines) These vines/roots are consider part of the Dryad
but when they are destroyed do not harm her thus use her Base Hp for their own HP and use her lift score.
-Vines may extend from any spot from the dryad or the ground around her if it is capable of handling plant life in up to 5DSU from herself. Flora Enhancement Template
vines/roots will count as Dryad vine/roots and the Dyrad vine/roots gain the templates benefits of it's regeneration effect but do not count as part of her unlike the Dryad
-Is Immune to all Acid Damage
-Gain -15 Damage from Heat, Cold, Ion Damage types every even level
-Can see invisible foes and can feel any presence up to 12DSU and thus ignores back side attack

Beautiful entities of the nature realm and keepers of the powers held within the realm working closely with the Blazeris Lupis, Boreal Dragonis and the Harpy Mishikah. This
race holds respect over nature over all and seeks to make sure that emotion and love itself blossom like spring itself. It is thought that spring itself is their doing
releasing their might and power over it and blessing living planets with brilliant amounts of life. Unlike other fey they reside within the nature realm more actively than
the Fey realm itself. This race looks mostly like a human but with various plant like appearing of their hair with unusual colors of greens and browns and their skin tone
varying off to greens browns yellows and silvery tones on a rare occasion though they can appear like a human at will.

Elemental Being
Classification Elemental
+10 to all stats
Organic Ethereal/Endless
-This racial cannot be given to any other race and belongs to all elemental archetypes listed below. Elemental entities have x2 the listed healing and regeneration from
their source and treat their regeneration from their ability as healing. Upon reaching 0 HP or below they can still revive from said healing as if they are revived but can
only have this occur after 1 week. Upon death they may also return to the elemental realm they correspond to and their x2 bonus instead increases from x2 to x10 within their
elemental realm.
-You gain immunity and weaknesses to one of the various listed elemental properties and powers depending on the selection
--Gain the ability to regenerate your body from Rock materials gaining 50 HP per 1kg of Rock absorbed into yourself small ammunition made of Rock only regain you 10 HP when
they strike you any metal object striking you still deals their damage though
--You may intake a single Rock and intake it's properties into yourself till you absorb a new Rock
--Capable to glide into regular un-worked stone or dirt like swimming through water
--Body gains Damage reduction equal to bodies hardness
--Gain +15 stealth in rocky environments
--Can move and carry up to 30kg weight score of rock or dirt without effecting lift score
--May be able to throw Rock (same type you absorbed) or even dirt up to 12DSU that deals Earth Damage of 10d4+5 damage per even level from your body the weight score amount
is equal to your level x5 in kg (this does not effect the damage) the materials produced are still raw though
--May create in a 3DSU section rough terrain that deals Earth Damage 5d4+1 per level damage if targets move through it but only on stone and crystal surface enriched
--Weakness Cold Damage and Wind Damage deals x3 Damage (if you already have it increase it by +1 instead if this weakness is lower than the largest weakness)
--Heals from Heat Damage but only ½ of the damage heals back
--Withstands any high temperature
--Cannot be disintegrated
--May see in Infrared Sight
--Your body can produce TS 15 of light 3DSU around yourself
--Your body may start to deal Heat Damage of 10d4+5 points of damage per even level in a 3DSU radius centered around you this also makes the light effect and turns the Heat
in a 6DSU radius up by 15 TS
--You may also ignite things on fire that you can catch fire to up to 5DSU
--Water causes 1d4 Damage (this still will multiply from weakness) per 1 litre of water (this counts as a weakness effect)
--Weakness Cold Damage and Water Damage deals x3 damage (if you already have it increase it by +1 instead if this weakness is lower than the largest weakness)
--Water heals this race by contact of 1 litre for 5 HP
--Immune to Acid Damage
--Can walk on liquids
--Add +6DSU to swimming movement
--Your body may start to deal Water Damage of 10d4+5 points of damage per even level in a 3DSU radius centered around you this also sprays off 25 litres of water in the area
per turn it's active
--You may turn into a puddle of water at will all powers and abilities cancel out in this form except your constant water damage you may move yourself but cannot climb up
objects you are limited by the rules of water till you reform takes a ½ ACT to reform yourself
--Move perfectly in any liquid environment and fight perfectly as well
--can purify liquids or make liquid toxic with Acid which can also add to self upon even in your puddle form and any water you produce and that deals 5d12 Acid Damage as
long as they are touching the toxic liquid the acid will disperse after 3 rounds from the water if no reactivated
--Weakness Ion Damage and Cold Damage deals x3 Damage (if you already have it increase it by +1 instead if this weakness is lower than the largest weakness)
--Heals from Cold Damage but only ½ of the damage heals back
--Can glide through ice as if it was water
--Can survive any Cold temperature
--May walk on water and freeze liquids at will to up to 5DSU
--Can shoot a chilling blast in a 6DSU line that deals Cold Damage of 5d4+5d4 per even level Damage
--Your body produces a constant cold effect at your will which deals 5d4 Cold Damage to anything touch in your squares minus anything you don't want effected
--Can tone down the Heat in an area by -15 TS in a 6DSU area around self
--Can produce a mist effect during the Heat tone down that adds a 25% miss for Ranged attacks
--Weakness Heat Damage and Ion Damage deals x3 Damage (if you already have it increase it by +1 instead if this weakness is lower than the largest weakness)
--Gain the ability to regenerate your body from metal gaining 50 HP per 1kg of metal absorbed into yourself small ammunition made of metal only regain you 10 HP when they
strike you any metal object striking you still deals their damage by 1/4th
--You may intake a single metal (not anything organic/rock) and intake it's properties into yourself till you absorb a new metal mixture. This does not apply to your metal
skin or metal bone ability as this is not part of your body thus it's properties will consist first before your own body nor any effects. Your own body weight is not
multiplied but add the chosen metals weight score in kg equal to per each body part if the metal exhausts itself in an effect it shall disappear off this ability.
--You may create a weapon or weapons at will from your body made of your absorbed metal mixture removing it's effects out of you into the weapon, this weapon is a basic
weapon but counts as part of yourself and has all your self ADD-ONs it will re assimilate back into you after 2 rounds and takes a ½ ACT to form a new weapon set (max size
is equal to your own size wield limit(not enhanced wield limit)
--Body gains damage reduction equal to bodies hardness
--Gains +10 to build checks dealing with metallic materials
--Weakness Heat Damage and Acid Damage deals x3 Damage (if you already have it increase it by +1 instead if this weakness is lower than the largest weakness)
--Has a 25 HP per turn regeneration while in vapor form this healing is instead 50 per turn
--Unaffected by any wind effects
--Can purify the air around themselves up to 3DSU
--Produces breathable air around 3DSU of themselves after purification
--Ranged attacks with projectiles have to beat a wind degree around your body equal to your TS + 5 per level. This wind degree is constant incurring the penalty of Aimed
Strike Check as a normal wind degree.
--Cannot be deafen
--Can see in any effect of the air like mist sandstorms etc.
--Can emit high frequency sound blasts that deal Wind Damage of 5d4+5d4 per even level Damage to all that can hear in a 8DSU cone or a 5DSU Radius around self
--Can turn into a vapor form for 2 rounds must wait 2 rounds after reforming to perform again
--Can shoot a wind blast that deals 5d4 Damage and pushes smaller opponents or objects away by 1DSU
--Weakness Heat Damage and Metal Damage deals x3 Damage (if you already have it increase it by +1 instead if this weakness is lower than the largest weakness)
--Heals from Ion Damage but only ½ of the damage heals back
--Can turn yourself into an electrical current form for 3 rounds as a Full Round ACT. While in this form you may move through objects that are conductible at 1000x your
normal movement speed, and you are considered physically intangible during which you take 1/10th your HP every round you initiate your intangible state during which your
regeneration will remain off. If you cannot exit a object setting to a safe space you automatically go back to current form for a Full Round ACTs and travel again. You may
jump between conductible objects up to 3DSU away. While in this form you deal Ion damage equal to character level x20 to anything that you touch. You cannot perform any
attack or a charge attack while in this form. (If this source is taken more than once from a template the damage from the level multiplied is increased by +1 per character
level damage before multiplying with the x20 to the per level damage. The distance jump itself is also effected by taking multiple times)
--You may fire a bolt of lighting 6DSU from yourself that chains to every metal object within 6DSU of itself dealing Ion Damage (always Electric property) 5d4+5d4 per even
level Ion Damage within 3DSU of the bolts prime target targets of the Machine Body type take x3 extra Damage from this attack. Acrobatics Check for half damage and TS
increases by +5 per metallic object upon their person.
--Sense Eletroreception in a 25DSU radius
--Weakness Cold Damage and Heat Damage deal x3 Damage (if you already have it increase it by +1 instead if this weakness is lower than the largest weakness)
--Heals from Unholy Damage but only ½ of the damage heals back
--You can see perfectly in the darkest areas
--You may in a 20DSU area turn down the light level by -1 per level for 2 rounds as a ACT
--May teleport through shadows to reach other parts with shadows up to 50DSU once per turn of only dark areas of TS 5 or higher
--You may fire a blast of Unholy damage that deals 5d4+5d4 per even level damage the struck area has the Darkness grade increased by +5 TS
--You may remain in a shadow of TS 10 or higher. You are Immune to Physical Damage & Gravity Damage in this form.
--Weakness Holy Damage and Mystic Damage deals x3 Damage (if you already have it increase it by +1 instead if this weakness is lower than the largest weakness)
--Heals from Holy Damage but only ½ of the damage heals back
--You can see perfectly in the brightest light
--You may in a 20DSU area turn up the light level by +1 per level for 2 rounds as a ACT
--You may suddenly gain once per turn a 20DSU bonus movement speed but only in areas of light TS of 5 or higher this extra movement cannot be used in a charge attack and it
must be used up before you can activate a charge attack also you automatically pass through a foes square and they cannot damage you in this form with Physical based damage
--You may fire a blast of Holy damage that deals 5d4+5d4 per even level damage the struck area has the Light grade increased by +5 TS
--May turn invisible but only in lighten areas though of TS 10 or higher
--Weakness Unholy Damage and Gravity Damage deals x3 Damage (if you already have it increase it by +1 instead if this weakness is lower than the largest weakness)

The elementals are a race of spiritual beings formed of elemental power they produce various powers of their elemental link they seem similar to Liquidian that they have no
features to them but can look like the other races too but without notable features to them except their obvious elemental looking traits they tend to be vary loners at
times but they do have societies with various of their kin or other races they seem to get along with Androids the best due to the fact humans seem to have created them long
ago too

Elemental Chronalatrix
Classification Elemental
+10 all stats
Inorganic Ethereal Eternal/Endless
-Gain +2 Initiative per level
-You are immune to effects that stop time
-You are immune to being flanked
-Once per combat you may cancel out any time stop ability as a free action. You may use this an additional time per combat every 3 levels
-Once per day you may spend 15% Max HP to undo all effects of the last round on yourself. This ability automatically triggers when you reach 0 HP without consuming HP. You
may use this an additional time per day every 5 levels.
-Weakness take 2x damage from Wind and Acid damage (if you already have it increase it by +1 instead if this weakness is lower than the largest weakness)

Elemental of time, not much known most seem to be in a strange crystalline humanoid shape glittering in shades of gray with no really visible eyes upon their wedge like
head. It's assumed they are similar to the Elemental Zenith.

Elemental Mattatrix
Classification Elemental
+10 all stats
Inorganic Ethereal/Endless
-As a 1/2 ACT you can tell the material composition of any object
-As a 1/2 ACT you can undo any effects of unbreakable, undesintigratable, or undestroyable on an object for 1 round
-Damage multipliers taken from physical damage sources reduced by 1. This is increased by 1 every 4 levels
-Once per round you may deal 5d4 + CON MOD Void damage to any physical object on touch
-Weakness take 2x damage from Gravity and Cold damage (if you already have it increase it by +1 instead if this weakness is lower than the largest weakness)

Elemental of Matter, not much known most seem to be in a strange crystalline and metallic humanoid shape glittering in shades of dark greens, blues, reds, yellows,oranges
and many other colors in chromatic and metallic shimmers with no really visible eyes upon their wedge like head. It's assumed they are similar to the Elemental Zenith.

Elemental Ouroboros
Classification Elemental
+10 all stats
Inorganic Ethereal Eternal/Endless
-Your body produces 1 + 1 per level Zilo energy per round.
-You gain +5 to all stats for every round spent in combat. This resets at the end of combat and you suffer -5 to all stats per round that combat lasted for 1 hour.
-You may expend 20% Max HP to double your combat stat increase for 2 rounds. This resets the effect back to 0 after.
-Regenerate HP equal to STR + CON + DUR + SPRT MOD per round
-Weakness take 3x damage from Void, Mortality and Psionic damage (if you already have it increase it by +1 instead if this weakness is lower than the largest weakness)

Elemental of Energies, not much known most seem to be in a strange crystalline and metallic humanoid shape glittering in shades of white, black and even violet colorations
with no really visible eyes upon their wedge like head. It's assumed they are similar to the Elemental Zenith.

Elemental Zenith
Classification Elemental
+10 all stats
Inorganic Ethereal/Endless
-Immune to the 2 listed damages sources of your choice. You may switch any of these immunity once per round. Heat, Cold, Acid, Ion, Metal, Earth, Water, Wind, Gravity,
Mystic, Void & Mortality simultaneously, Unholy, Holy, Psionic damage the selections are portrayed in your physical form and upon being struck show their signs of
-Weakness when switching between damage immunity you must pick 3 different damage types that deal x3 damage against (if you already have it increase it by +1 instead if this
weakness is lower than the largest weakness) these selections are portrayed in your physical form and upon being struck show their signs of effectiveness.
-Immune to Mind Effects.
-Damage types from your x3 damage taken chosen are boosted by +1 multiplier the damage when attacking with them.
-Damage types from your immunity picks lose -2 to their multiplier.
-May disguise itself as any being of it's size or smaller till you perform violent action.
-In Ethereal form you are invisible to most (not as invisibility) but every hour you remain manifested and physical you gain 30 mins of time which allows you to either turn
off ethereal or show yourself to others, if you drain a power source you also gain 10 mins more time per 1 power you drain (Battery power or Zilo charges)
-Gain Wings, Water Walk, Air Walk & Gravity Walk as abilities
-Has all sight types up to 25DSU for 1 round per ACT spent
-Is immune to all forms of radiation
-Cannot take Zilo Mutation Template
-Can control any effect variable that Zilo cause reversing their effects or by absorbing their effects negating their existence of effect.

For as long as life existed certain elemental entities of a fusion of many energies the Zenith are elemental born of ZILO itself and intermix the ability to shift their
elemental powers. Their bodies are mostly crystalline in appearance and show the shards of their power they emit. Consider to be a god like entity to many races of faith
these rare beings have greater more powerful cousins of god like entity status. Though appearing more commonly Zenith are still part of the civilizations usually hiding as
other elemental races not letting other races usually know of their existence among them.

Classification Fey
+15 DEX
+10 PSY
+20 LUK
-5 STR
-5 CON
Organic Fauna/Average
-A weapon can be made specifically for a Elf called a “Elf Variant” that has +10 Aimed Strike Check per size category of the foe starting from medium for a Elf but not for
any other race this costs an extra 500 credits
-Gains a +20 Building Check Bonus to any Wooden Work and Organic Work Items
-Gains a +10 on Listen Checks
-Every turn regains 1 stamina point
-Has Bright Sight
-May reveal invisible things including ethereal in a 3DSU radius around yourself as a ½ ACT this effect lasts for 2 rounds.
-Cannot go deaf
-Nimble evasion which permits the Elf to perform if they take half Damage from any effect they instead take no Damage

Humans have evolved into many odd variety one is the ones that evolved in the wood lands called elves much more nimble and cunning they have also perfected wood work and
natural animal make items to survive elves look like humans except they are skinnier and have pointy ears they like dwarves are also still close to the fey lineage

Elf Arkadice
Classification Fey
+25 STR
-15 CON
+25 DEX
+15 PSY
+10 DUR
+30 SPD
Organic Fauna/Average
-A weapon can be made specifically for a Elf called a “Elf Variant” that has +10 Aimed Strike Check per size category of the foe starting from medium for a Elf but not for
any other race this costs an extra 500 credits
-This race is small sized
-This race may go invisible (mystic) at will but once it attacks it cannot go invisible from this ability for 2 rounds.
-This race takes ½ as much damage from all casts except psionic power casts.
-This race gains +1 Aimed Strike Check and +1 Damage per 1DSU it has in it's movement that it's currently using. If this race is incapable of moving at the current time or
flanked it cannot use this bonus.
-This race gains +2 Aimed Strike Check and +1 Damage per DUR MOD it has.
-This race when moving ignores rough terrain

A type of elf with very a odd physical difference of being smaller body type but same proportionally to their taller kin. They trend to be confused with Gnomes at times
though they are defiantly a different race all together. Though not much different they seem to be faster and much better at traveling than their other elves. They have a
very pale skin which then ranges to even white blue skin hue.

Elf Garso
Classification Fey
+10 STR
+10 CON
+25 DEX
+25 PSY
Organic Fauna/Long
-A weapon can be made specifically for a Elf called a “Elf Variant” that has +10 Aimed Strike Check per size category of the foe starting from medium for a Elf but not for
any other race this costs an extra 500 credits
-May reveal invisible things including ethereal in a 3DSU radius around yourself as a ½ ACT this effect lasts for 2 rounds.
-Can see in any darkness
-Gains a +20 to listen checks and whispers sound like normal conversations
-This race movement speed is increased by +1DSU per level
-This race reduces poison effects levels by -10.
-This race is always consider to have 1 active Psionic Focus active if none are active on a psionic class for it's abilities. Though this acts as a Psionic Focus it provides
no scaling thus anything that scales per Psionic Focus only deem it at x0 thus example +3 Aimed Strike Check per Psionic Focus will not provide it's bonus.
-Nimble evasion which permits the Elf to perform if they take half Damage from any effect they instead take no Damage

The dark skin elves of the underworld their skin colors range of a blueish hue to a pure black hue their eyes range of a glow of red to blue glow. The Elf Garso became very
territory against dwarven orc and human races their hostility almost bewilderingly fierce against any of the mentioned. Some over time became separatist of their kind
joining the ranks of the many other races as individuals instead of trapped in traditions teaching many of their forms of magic and technology.

Elf Veer
Classification Fey
+15 DEX
+40 PSY
-100 DUR
+20 LUK
Organic Fauna/Ancient
-A weapon can be made specifically for a Elf called a “Elf Variant” that has +10 Aimed Strike Check per size category of the foe starting from medium for a Elf but not for
any other race this costs an extra 500 credits
-This race can see invisibility, and through any illusion of TS 15 per character level.
-Skill Enhance: This race has +2 to 6 chosen skills per level
-This race can speak and understand all animals at will (This does not allow them to stop the animal from it's basic behavior)
-This race may sense weather conditions from up to 1 kilometer away but requires to focus upon this ability for 1 min
-This race has regeneration of 5 HP per round.
-This race gains a +15 to diplomacy and bluff to those that find you attractive
-This race gains 2 languages pieces (Bachelors Degree) when learning languages

The elf race known as the high elves their very human like appearance and beautiful bodies make many beings almost drool to be with one. Though consider very fragile and
meek at times this race is untrue to the claims and is quite determined and understanding though they have a very high and mighty behavior at times. Very understanding of
nature itself it's though the first druids came from their kind.

Classification Undeath
+25 to chosen stat
+25 to chosen stat
+25 to chosen stat
-35 to chosen stat
Inorganic Ethereal/Ancient
-You gain 1 manifest energy per day
-Ethereal powers are turned on at a ½ ACT and turn off at will which grants all attacks done to you or you perform have a 10% chance to miss and per character level an extra
1% (Unaffected by LUK) on top, Also you may phase through permitted section that you are granted access if you are denied in any way you may not phase to the section.
Ethereal strike cancels the miss chances. while in Ethereal mode you can phase through any material plane objects as long as you are “welcome” into them so if a lock door
and closed windows are placed and you do not have permission to enter you may not enter. You need 1 manifest energy to activate this ability.
-You may take up to 10 other allies into the ghost Ethereal plane applying your Ethereal mode abilities to them and all benefits but you become sleepy and must rest for 2d4
rounds when these rounds end they all return to normal
-You are healed from both Unholy and Holy energy but cannot be healed from drinking/eating but you recover all HP within 8 hours of consecutive sleep
-When you sleep you cannot be touched by any source like Organics and Undead and material plan existences only those with Ethereal as a body build type or Ethereal touching
-You may possess a Non-Ethereal body type being within Ethereal mode but not take them over unless they are sleeping and you must have permission to take over mentally with
them to use their body (their character) with any of their Physical body stats not mentally (STR DEX CON DUR SPD) or you may sleep in their body and only have to rest for 4
hours instead of 8 these 4 hours counts as a normal 8 for regaining Casts etc. Also the person you slept within also gains this benefit
-This race is immune to Cold Damage
-This race may produce a Cold touch on it's attacks equal to 5d4 per level +SPRT & CON MOD.
-When this race reaches 0 HP it does not die but become Ethereal and cannot regain Manifest points for up to 3 days and must pay 14 manifest points to restore back at 1/10th
HP but for each 14 spent you regain 1/10th HP more.
-You may look like any Organic race per ½ ACT but do not gain their racial abilities or use any extra limbs if they possess them as if they are not properly functioning.

The Race known as the heartfelt spirits they were once thought to be the expelled spirits of the Undeath and Skulleons, this turns out wrong they are born of normal ghosts
that transcend past their original existence to become a new entity reliving life differently they themselves are half alive also existing on both Ethereal and Material
Plane effected by both positive and negative energy in a fashion of regaining themselves oddly they seem to be partially Physical and have had children with normal people
also female Eliphia have had android children also turning out to be Eliphia they refer to them as “Makilioum Children” Female Eliphians produce Eliphian children while a
normal having a child of a Eliphian can either produce another Eliphia or a child of their race. Unlike genetic passing instead it passes memories forming the child's own
inherited knowledge thus most children born of a Eliphia are at times genius level intellectuals and viewed as “clones” of the parents. The children though seem to form and
exhibit new hidden traits and knowledge and even better genetic passing as such. This strange phenomena makes Eliphian women sought after highly for this trait calling them
perfected cloning machines. Male Eliphian usually are sought after for being good for keeping a heir line “pure” in royalties though this pratice of royalties taking these
races as “purity passers” is consider rude and unjust and inhumane to the Eliphia themselves. Most Eliphia look the part of a race they enjoy being but their true form is of
a high collective energy almost human in shape thus most preference human like bodies.

Emissary Machina
Classification Machination & (Choice of Either Angel, Devil, or Fey)
+10 DEX
+30 PSY
-10 CON
Inorganic Machine/Endless
-Cannot be CRIT
-This races body is made from a single choice of either Moon Silver, Dawn Gold, Dusk Crystal or Sun Bronze with their effects
-Sense Eletroreception in a 6DSU radius
-This Race Heals from choice per day Holy Healing or Unholy Healing by changing its charge of positive or negative but cannot heal from both
-This Race gains +1 to PSY based skill checks per character level
-This Race gains +1 to Build Checks per character level
-This Race gains a choice of 2 separate skills to gain +1 per character level to their checks.
-This Race gains +1 TS to Casts per 2 character levels

Considered the greatest minds of the known universal very few can rival them though it is strange that they are a fey they were created by them long ago to help in a program
called deep thinker, the only result was that the universal law is distorted, upon the discovery that they gained sentience they were released and freed, they prospered
recreating their kin this race though unlike other machines is made of not of a normal metal and seems to be made of metallic and woods specially made upon their make they
cannot be any other metal but moon silver, dawn gold, dusk crystal or sun bronze to even make an Emissary Machina soon enough the high heavens and lower bowls of the
infernal decided to make more types of them based on the original Fey construction making them have 3 different variant versions, this being the case all Emissary Machina
are somewhat Psionic not divine, Unholy, or natured based.

Classification Beast
+15 STR
+30 SPD
+10 DUR
-5 to chosen stat
Organic Fauna/Average
-Gain a extra 3DSU movement and as a ½ ACT you may imbue your next move action with x4 the normal distance this effect cannot stack but remains active till you use it
-This race gains 2x the base lift score
-Natural attacks deal +2 damage per level
-Charge attacks deal +15 damage
-This race has x2 the amount of stamina points.

This race comes from the same similar planet as the Minotaur. Though they are fairly similar both races grew from different continents though when they found each other they
instead of fighting tried to “breed” to make strange fast bulls. Though the race has odd trends and views any born of a Minotaur Equestrian mix usually turns out based upon
the parentage as a Female Minotaur produces Minotaur children with a bit speeder bodies while a Equestrian mother produces a more stout Equestrian children. This has lead
into the fact these two races are not far from relation and have been confused as they live in the same villages as nearly as 1 race. Just like the Minotaur they also have
cattle upon their planet which wholesomely still results in the same joke said “You are what you eat” unless of course you're a horse of course. Mares of this race trend to
have thinner body frames and a small horse like head while the males have a body of stout build but with a much more masculine horse head though smaller.

Classification Human , Beast & Fey
+5 STR
+10 DEX
+5 to chosen stat
+5 to chosen stat
Organic Fauna/Average
-This race has a 1DSU tail (cannot be removed)
-This race can see in the darkness up to TS 10
-This race has claws on each hand increasing its Melee Damage with them by +5
-This race has a bonus +10 on slight checks
-This race has a bonus +5 on Acrobatics Checks
-This race has a bonus +5 on jump checks
-This race has a bonus +5 on climb checks
-This race has a bonus +15 on scent checks
-This race has a +10 on build checks
-This race can transform into a tiny sized cat as a ½ ACT its equipment is not on during this form but reappears when as a ½ ACT transform back
-This race can when making Acrobatics Checks move up to 3DSU instead of 1DSU
-This race can talk with animals at will
-Gains a +15 diplomacy and bluff checks to animals
-Gain a +10 diplomacy checks to Humans of opposing sex
-This race has an attractive health power that grants the character the following abilities, does not ever gain or lose body weight and any Damage done will not leave a scar
and can be healed off this includes anything that would remove a body part can be re attached from just a heal

This race is the closest remnant of the Humans and the Feline Veers fey ancestry mixed into one, the discovery was that the Humans where the “adoption fey” long ago that
could mate with all other fey and this still holds true but when they were exiled and or cut from the fey realm into alternate worlds they still flourished, the Feline Veer
left soon after with them due to their link and when a union of two have a child a Felhuma is born unlike Half Elves or Half Dwarfs that either turn human or the other race
it makes a mix breed fey child and manifests natural powers to talk with animals and turn into a cat at whim they look more closely to humans but with cat fur amongst their
bodies and have a human face with some small feline features like whiskers, considered animal manipulators they are kind and gentle most of the time and usually consider
become translators for the natural world all children they have with a human or a Feline Veer become Felhuma themselves, Felhuma though very cattish like are highly
attractive no matter what and always are attractive and never gain weight past unhealthiness or underweight oddly and are very fertile which is explained from the fact of
either their cat nature or their fey nature of representatives of fertility in the natural fey world.

Feline Veer
Classification Beast
+10 STR
+20 DEX
-15 PSY
+10 SPRT
Organic Fauna/Average
-This race has a 1DSU tail (cannot be removed)
-This race can see in the darkness up to TS 15
-This race has claws on each hand and foot increasing its Melee Damage with them by +5
-This race has a bonus +25 on slight checks
-This race has a bonus +10 on Acrobatics Checks
-This race has a bonus +15 on jump checks
-This race has a bonus +10 on climb checks
-This race has a bonus +20 on scent checks
-This race can if prone instantly just get up from prone freely
-When this race makes an Acrobatics Check instead of moving 1DSU it can move up to 3DSU

The Feline Veer are one of the few races known to be completely loyal to the humans after they helped them in the second accuser war, they are a natural race separated from
the fey lines just like humans they deeply honor humans for their choice in seeking their own way and did so following them, many half Feline Veer and Human mix have come
about these people are known as the blessed and are a true fey and their own species referenced as the Felhuma both humans and the Feline Veer deeply inside can’t let each
other go after finding about each other as the first contact humans had leaving their worlds they met one another first and allied Feline Veer finally were the race that
introduced humans once and for all to the rest and history started to spin in a new direction much to the other races and fays fear, this race looks like a human cat mix
race and combines many aspects of cats to that of a humanoid shape though they all have a more feline face than human and have reversed joint legs.

Feline Zelmia
Classification Beast & Fey
-10 STR
+20 DEX
+10 PSY
+10 SPRT
Organic Fauna/Average
-This race has 3 1DSU tails (cannot be removed)
-This race can see in the darkness up to TS 30
-This race has claws on each hand and foot increasing its Melee Damage with them by +5
-This race has a bonus +20 on slight checks
-This race has a bonus +5 on Acrobatics Checks
-This race has a bonus +10 on jump checks
-This race has a bonus +5 on climb checks
-This race has a bonus +15 on sent checks
-This race can if prone instantly just get up from prone freely
-When this race makes an Acrobatics Check instead of moving 1DSU it can move up to 3DSU
-When you make a Cast you can move 1DSU or if it's a violent action Cast 3DSU
-When you move with evasion or from your Castings you gain a bonus +5 to evasion, jump and climb checks each time for 2 rounds max stacking 3 times

A similar race to the Feline Veer their kind remained in the Fey realm observing the Mortal Plane upon a grand attack on the Fey realm by a powerful entity many fey went to
the Nature and Mortal Realm to recoup and hide from the dark forces, nobody knows what the force was but it's power was equal to the fey races own powers.

Felnar Dragon
Classification Dragon
+15 DEX
+30 SPD
Organic Fauna/Timeless
-Gain +15 Slight Check
-Gain +20 on Jump Check
-Gain Wings permanently while in flight a Felnar Dragon cannot use his hands due to the wings also being his arms
-Gain Tail 1DSU permanently prehensile (cannot be removed)
-Has a breath blast that deals 5d4 + 5d4 per level + CON MOD TS is equal to 20+5 per character level evasion for Half Damage breath blast of either Heat, Acid, Cold, Ion of
6DSU cone once a round or a 12DSU line.
-As an ACT move x10 your fly movement speed when flying
-If charging with flight you have perfect ability to turn in any direction on choice without a check
-Any movement added to land movement will add to flight movement
-Can see in all forms of weather environments perfectly up to 12DSU
-Can sense presences up to 3DSU preventing unaware flank and backside attack

The Felnar Dragons unlike Damiyo Dragons are much more akin in body shape of a Tapejara (A ancient pterosaur species) They have very fine frills across the middle of their
head called the air sail fin, And 2 powerful arm wings. The head fin is a special crest going across to help with aerodynamic steering to help with their extreme
maneuverability in high intensity flights. References as one of the fastest species of draconian in existence their capabilities have been only nearing the rivalry of the
Harpy Mishika own air supremacy. Though from the planet Felnar they are still in relation to the other planet Egedors own Damiyo Dragons but with high relativity to giving
up most defensive revolutions for extreme flight. They live on lush jungle planet Felnar and commit to their tribal ways hunting and protecting their lands with more violent
temperament than their cousin species. They have been well known to be up there in one of the most agile species of draconian and are not a species to ever trifle with on
the battle field of air combat notably.

Classification Avian & Fey
-10 STR
+15 DEX
+15 SPD
Organic Fauna/Ancient
-Gain Wings
-Gains a +15 to sight checks
-Gains a +10 slight checks
-Is Immune to all Heat Damage
-Can breathe in magma
-Weakness takes x2 times more Damage from Cold Damage (if you already have it increase it by +1 instead if this weakness is lower than the largest weakness)
-All Heat Damage done in a Cast is increased by x1.5
-Can turn into a large sized bird as a ½ ACT with the flight speed increased by 6DSU this bird form has no arms and all equipment is gone till you revert back as a ½ ACT
-This race produces a Heat effect that deals up to 5d12 Damage on natural attacks or just touching them when it is turned on while this is on they produce a light emanation
of TS 15
-If this race dies it will turn into ash and resurrect within 1d4 days if the ashes are disturbed it resurrects into the fey or the nature realm in which case if it dies
there it dies permanently

The Phoenix men also refer to as are a unique fey themselves returning to the mortal plane though they appear fairly close to the Avianas they are a natural breed race with
peacock like feathers and a pheasants head their true form is of a Large bird of pure fire and they themselves emit fire from their own tail and wings the females are known
as Huang and the males Feng, they have exceptionally great powers for their race is the literal embodiment of resurrection though it’s learn that it’s cause they themselves
are also a form of fey they are naturally a bird and are the legendary phoenixes of legend they just take a humanoid form similar to Avianas to fit in better

Classification Reptile
+40 STR
+25 CON
-10 PSY
-10 SPRT
Organic Fauna/Average
-This race is can be Small sized and gain a +3DSU to their swim and land speed with a +5 to their grapple checks and a +10 to Stealth checks in water environments, Medium
sized and gain a +3DSU to their swim speed with a +10 to their grapple checks and a +5 to Stealth checks in water environments, Large sized and gain +15 to grapple checks.
-This race has a powerful bite attack that deals +4 damage per level
-Permanently gain a tail that deals +4 damage per level
-This race suffers no negatives for fighting in water
-Gain +3DSU swim movement speed
-Gain +3 Grapple per level and a +20 in watery environment
-This race can go without eating for 3 days before they suffer negatives

From the planet Felnar the crocodile race known for their high amounts of strength and massive temperaments with variable sizes most are well adapted to swampy to even ocean
environments with small traces of scale pigment changing to help hide themselves a bit better though this becomes less effective the bigger they are. Though it's common
place to note only males are Small or Medium while Females are either Large or Medium. Very few have broken this trend as any male that is large sized is consider a killer
bull croc and generally are just as aggressive as Large females. Their mating dynamics show that the species isn't really rough and is mostly for protecting their young and
clan brood.

Geno Hume
Classification Changeling & Human
Organic Fauna/Average
-Gain Immunity to poison
-No need to eat drink or sleep
-This Race is Immune to Illusions of TS 10 per character level
-This Race is Immune to Mystic
-This Race has a 50% chance to negate Inputs upon itself
-This Race has a 50% chance to negate Psionic Powers upon itself
-A Geno Hume can change its looks to any other humanoid like being (Humans, Orc, Elves etc.)
-A Geno Hume can as a ½ ACT change his classification from Changeling to another for 2 hours except Machination or Elemental
-A Geno Hume can change its body order and scent conferring a –50 to scent checks to smell him
-A Geno Hume can as a ½ ACT meld his entire being like a camouflage to gain a +20 to stealth while standing still and a +10 while moving this effect is consistent till focus
is loss like being attacked
-A Geno Hume can as a special action of any Physical move (Jumping Evading Defending nothing relating to PSY MOD or CON MOD (cannot apply to Build Checks) gain a +25 to the
check once done 2 times in a round they gain a –10 to such checks and each time done in that round the negative applies next turn for 2 rounds and you cannot use this
ability till the negatives are gone you can only surge out of combat 3 times with instead a +10 bonus and for every surge suffer a 5min -5 to all checks pure surge done in
the action.
-A Geno Hume can move up a wall without a check but must end it on stand able ground or fall no check needed to reach the stand able ground unless it’s not in reach distance
-This race can emulate a 2 sizes smaller or 1 size larger by advantageous choice but remains its own current size (this does not grant 1 weapon size larger or size dice
-A Geno Hume gains a +5 to all skill checks except Aimed Strike Check Grapple Guard and Evade
-A Geno Hume may understand any language as they are taught them all and learn them via skin contact with organics

The Human Race has its elites itself too and has conducted special biology experiments the Geno Humes are no longer normal Humans but are special genetic race of super
beings with greater immunity to many effects original meant to be infiltration units they have also proven to be good at other jobs like bounty hunters and specialists of
anti-anything their original bodies are a much taller variant of humans that are highly thin and look almost starved they range up to 8ft tall in stature in most cases bust
remain tilted and walk limber

Classification Elemental
+90 PSY
+120 SPRT
-125 LUK
Inorganic Ethereal/Eternal
-This race is micro sized
-This race is a stone itself for it's main body and cannot do anything in it's form.
-This race forms a humanoid body of up to Huge size (this does not effect he HP multiplier) this body is solid state of crystalline structures. While in this form the
crystal must be placed upon a body part that is visible.
-This race may form weapons equal to it's size form. The weapon has +2 damage per character level.
-This race gains +3 to all skill checks every odd level.
-This race has a hardness equal to x5 it's DUR mod.
-This race uses PSY ½ instead of STR. This replaces the stats (including for benefits) and they are unable to be selected for chosen stats nor gain effective bonus from base
additions to these stats any negative that applies to STR instead apply to PSY. (Genetic Alteration Template cannot take this ability)
-This race is always consider to have 1 active Psionic Focus active if none are active on a psionic class for it's abilities. Though this acts as a Psionic Focus it provides
no scaling thus anything that scales per Psionic Focus only deem it at x0 thus example +3 Aimed Strike Check per Psionic Focus will not provide it's bonus.
-This race gains +25 TS to Mystic Power Casts and Psionic Power Casts.

The grand masterful race of crystalline like beings their powers far exceed in their heir of time. Their powers once almost devastated the entire galactic universe till they
fought against the Nephalim to which they became subservient to. During this time frame they became the shock troops of their new masters to whom they serve loyalty till the
Nephalim's exile from the fey realm.

Classification Fey
+25 STR
+25 CON
+20 DUR
+10 SPRT
Inorganic Ethereal/Eternal
-This Race is large sized
-Gain a +25 Muscle Checks
-Gain +25 Climb Checks
-Gain Temporary Damage Absorbency 100 that refreshes every round
-This race land speed movement cannot drop below 3DSU
-This race gains hardness equal to stone/crystal
-This race gains a +20 stealth check to pretend it's a large boulder in proper situations
-This race only eats rocks and crystals
-Once per round you may form a bolder to toss at your foes from your body for each 25 HP you sacrifice the boulder gains 1d4 Damage grading upward (1d10 to 1d12 to 2d6 etc.)
the boulder size category is equal to the dice thus 1d4 = tiny 1d6 = small etc., you roll a Aimed Strike Check as you throw the rock made and apply STR MOD Damage, ignore
the boulders size category for your ability to throw it. You can throw it up to 6DSU range increment. The cap on the size grade is 64d12
-You may regain 1 HP per hardness of a material that is stone, crystal or metal in 1kg increments that you devour.

A race of sentient rock crystal beings born of zilo enrichment, this race prefers to not to really to to many other races and lives peacefully upon similar worlds the
Barkskin do, it's said that if the geomestigma know almost as much info about zilo crystals as the lead scientist researches of the galactic civilizations top head just as
general knowledge but they don't really want to share the real secret behind zilos accursed natures as it can cause magi science and mystical warfar way too strong though
this is not entirely true and most just know the subtle knowledge of it being crystallized souls thus the ability to give sentience to many things, even their own creation,
the geomestigma call this the zenith instilled life osmosis thus the term Z.I.L.O

Classification Human
+25 STR
+20 CON
+15 DEX
-10 LUK
Organic Fauna/Average
-This race has 6 arms all with working hands
-This Race gains a +5 on muscle checks
-This Race gets a +10 on climb checks
-This Race gets a +5 on any grapple attempts
-This race gains +5 to one skill on levels 1 and every 2 levels after
-This race can have up to 1 Cast per 3 hands thus 2 Casts done in one Casting action
-This race gains +1 stamina per level

A 6 armed race of human known for incredible feats with their extra limbs they come from many worlds but are recognized as a sub variant human race with deep respect and
deep culture.

Classification Angel Devil Elemental
-Every level gain +5 to 3 different stats (not sharing the previous stat choices)
-Every level lose -5 to 3 different stats (not sharing the previous stat choices)
-Every level gain +2 to 2 different stats (not sharing the previous stat choices)
Organic Ethereal/Ancient
-Regenerate 100 HP per round
-Your body may ACT as soft or hard rubber and extend out up to 5DSU reach.
-You may meld your body into any form that is equal to your size but you cannot change your color.
-You may split yourself dividing your size by half each time you do so also each split then cuts you Max HP by the portions thus if you split yourself in half each part has
½ your HP while if your splits split they have ½ of that HP. All you splits share your abilities and pool of Casts. If any get past 1mile from you they are no longer part of
your body and turn into a statue made of stone. If they get past 6DSU of you they start to degenerate and do not gain their regeneration and will turn to stone within 1
hour. returning your HP source back to you. If you split your regeneration also divides rounded down by that number of splits Min 1 per round. If a effect afflicts any of
your splits it effects all of you. Max amount of splits is 5 if you try to try to clone yourself from a class it will not activate due to you already having clones.
-If any piece of you renders 0 HP or less it still regenerates per turn when it can
-You may grant 1 wish to a character. But this wish must be worded carefully or else the most negative effect may happen though this is still dependent upon the GinRaiFei's
own personal feeling of the wish and may even refuse to grant the wish or try to shift it a tad more positive or negative based on it's opinion. You may only grant 1 wish
per person and only once per month. A wish cannot grant more wishes nor give any sort of power that is beyond the GinRaiFei's own power and level. (Gms discretion)
-You are immune to grapples and may always reverse a grapple to your benefit

A strange enigmatic race also referenced s the Genies etc. are a strange super race that exists on the out realms some are malevolent and some are generous but all of them
are very powerful. They once foresaw the mortal worlds creators themselves and were themselves created around the time before the celestial and daemons where created being
the mostly neutral line of the races and the original fey. The only being known to be equally old is the Origin Dragon himself. Their bodies and shape can meld and shape on
whim including coloration though most have a natural color and generally the race is human like in most aspects in physicality.

Classification Fey/Human
+20 CON
+15 DEX
+15 LUK
Organic Fauna/Average
-This race is small sized
-This race can see in any level of darkness
-This race can see in any level of light
-This race treats it's LUK at x2 for it's MOD but not for percent effects (Genetic Alteration Template cannot take)
-This race can talk to all animals but not of full sentient races
-This race can be wielded and be thrown as a weapon and not take damage dealing 1d4 damage + the Gnomes own STR and DUR MOD. The thrown distance of a Gnome is 5DSU. (A gnome
may apply the ADD-ON Returning & Improved Returning to Self)
-This race is immune to falling damage from up to half a kilometer
-This race takes -1 Multiplier and -50 Damage per level against environmental effects
-This race can get up from prone as a free action that is uninterruptible

Gnomes, The most oddball of fey races at times they seem to be impervious to most odd situations of falling and being used as a weapon. It was not unheard of Gnomes being
called the cannon ball folk or the flying badgers of lunacy. Though most Gnomes are generally peaceful a set are also very fond of being warriors proving among even dwarven
kind of being completely insane. The Gnomes are ingenious thinkers but in most cases their inventions seem to work on luck more so than honestly any form of logical sciences
which befuddles in the fact a human explanation and dwarven are confused at how they get things to work on a hair thin success rate. Gnomes have hairy feet, hairy backs to
their hands and have fuzzy soft beards and quite a chest of hair looking gruff down to if a male gnomes does not keep it well kept their head hair and beard hair will make
them look like a ball of just hair. The females generally do have the hair on the back of their hands and on their feet, they also sport very long hair reaching down almost
to back of their legs which they stylize quite often and have fascinations most time of stylizing hair and commonly design men and women hairs often for attractive displays
even for other races knowing each hair type with names and able to get even down to the most even meticulous level of their invented measurement of gnomish milimeter.

Gnome Garso
Classification Fey/Human/Elemental
+25 CON
+25 DUR
+100 LUK
-30 SPD
Organic Fauna/Ancient
-This race is small sized
-This race gains +5 LUK every level (Genetic Alteration Template cannot take)
-This race gains +10 DUR every level (Genetic Alteration Template cannot take)
-This race gains +5 to CON every level (Genetic Alteration Template cannot take)
-This race moves only 5DSU for all it's movement types and cannot be modified by anything
-This race cannot be knocked prone, moved from it's square, or immobilized by status effects as long as this race is on solid surface it can stand on
-This race is immune to fall damage
-This race is immune to cold environments
-This race can talk to all animals but not of full sentient races
-This race may turn itself into a stone rock form like a statue or a boulder. This grants a +100 to their stealth checks when hiding in this form.
-This race takes half as much from poison damage

The Gnome Garso are the toughest lot of gnomes to exist. They have rock hard skin most time and even their hair itself feels rough if it's not groomed though they look
similar to a normal gnome their skins are always a dirtier shade of browns and grays. The Gnome Garso are the most warrior like of gnomes being considerably suborn even
against the biggest of foes. There many tales of their bravery reaching the point of insanity and still walking out on top. They usually hang around dwarves due to similar
living spaces but they can be found anyplace. They are fairly nomadic in nature and like to travel everyplace making up to 10 home places they like hanging around. They
trend to live in small towns out of the way of travel paths due to their wants of privacy. It's not unheard of to see them in market places forming trade booths of their
“unique” findings that many of people always want due to them “knowing the way of the preservation”. It's stated that the Gnome Garso are one of the first nature keepers
keeping secret agriculture farms where they pick only what they need with minimal damages or outright helpful changes to the environments.

Gnome Veer
Classification Fey/Human
+25 CON
+25 PSY
+25 DUR
+25 SPRT
Organic Fauna/Average
-This race is small sized
-This race gains +5 to PSY every odd level (Genetic Alteration Template cannot take)
-This race gains +5 to SPRT every odd level (Genetic Alteration Template cannot take)
-This race gains +5 to CON every odd level (Genetic Alteration Template cannot take)
-This race gains +5 to DUR every level (Genetic Alteration Template cannot take)
-This race can transform into a animal of small, tiny and micro size for up to 15 minutes per character level. You may speak to the animal species you transformed into.
-This race gains +15 to build checks
-This race gains +2 to study checks per character level
-This race may spend it's casts to restore HP or a Stat as healing equal to the amount of casts used x3 as a free action

The Gnome Veer are the most powerful casters of the gnomes. They are the closest to the very essence of magical understanding and they themselves stated to have equal
learning mastery to the Damiyo Dragons archive records. Their written records are one of the largest in existence. They are very well studied and versed in many
understandings. They aligned themselves with nobody fully but want to understand human beings more. They after the long time have decided to work as a mediator of Fey
Dragons and Humans to form the triad of government of living beings. Later in time they became the Quadrant of Government (QoG) aka the COG letting the Mechanii become the
4th governing of the great expanses. Being the main representative of Fey they help also by being part of the Traders United Control aka TUC under the division of the QOG-TUC
they help define many rules and fair systems for planetary settlements and trades though they are aware of many things they are not part of the “Grand Government” or the
“Union Federation” they do keep the two sides mostly at bay from harming up civilian zones making codes of conducts of militaristic actions. They honestly hate the fact many
divisions of groups formed but understand that most had different ideals and even in grand scheme of things space is huge. Though short in stature they remain vigilant and
strong even laughing at jokes made about them saying that it's not racist if it's true and honestly not harmful. They trend to peace but in most cases they understand when
war is needed. Consider one of the wisest races ever they are fairly respected by most. They trend to not very much different from regular gnomes but do have shorter hair
that does not grow out of control their beard hair only growing up to 1 foot long and their head hair always limiting at 1 foot long though their back hand and feet hair are
also shorter too.

Classification Fey
-5 STR
+20 DEX
+10 LUK
-5 to chosen stat
Organic Fauna/Average
Starting size is small
-Goblin gains a +20 to Building checks with Alchemist Classes and anything dealing with Chemicals
-Gains a +100 to Scent Checks and can smell accurately up to 25DSU no matter the wind degree
-Gains a +25 to Listen Checks and can listen accurately up to 12DSU
-Gains a +2 to Slight Checks and every even level gains another +2
–Is Blind (cannot see normally with eyes)
-Goblins do not have a 50% miss chance for being blind if they can smell or hear their target

Unlike most races the Goblin is the truest form of the fey and the first discovered unlike the Orcs, Trolls, Dwarves, or Elves it turns out Goblins are the purest fey before
they started mixing with humans and evolving these fey are related to Orcs and somewhat to Trolls they are small and green and seem ugly cause they live underground but they
aren’t that mean though they have solid massive mouth with tiny sharp teeth they are colored in the same fashion as orcs and trolls have tiny tusks once in a while and no
fangs cause they have tiny jagged teeth like piranha they remember the days when the fey ruled before humans which too were once a fey race like them but messed with their
genetics too much

Goblin Veer
Classification Fey & Human
+20 DEX
+250 LUK
-20 to chosen stat
Organic Fauna/Average
Starting size is small
-Can smell accurately up to 8DSU no matter the wind degree
-Listen checks can listen accurately up to 5DSU
-Choose 3 skills to gain a double of LUK MOD
-Gain a +2 to Study Checks and every even level gain +2
-Once per day you may auto pass a TS equal to 5 per level. You gain an extra use per day every 3 levels.
-If this race takes Broken from Fortune the max any 1 Bonus Racial may take is up to 20 times this only applies for first level and only from the LUK Score transference.

Goblin Veer are the unusual goblin race that always do crazy things and somehow make it out in one piece, usually. Not blind like their relatives these not too far off
species can see but given up 1/3rd of their hearing and scent capabilities. Though they are consider the dare devils of the fey races not all of them are dare devils. Some
enjoy fine tea in the morning before they work on their scientific job hopefully without a explosion or a scratch.

Golem Being
Classification Machination
+20 STR
+50 CON
+20 PSY
+10 DUR
+25 SPRT
-30 LUK
-150 SPD
Inorganic Machine/Endless
-Golems can have a starting size of either Tiny, Small, Medium or Large. If you go to Huge you must pay 5,000 credits at start.
-Golems cannot go Below 6DSU Movement of any kind.
-Golem can perform an Acrobatics Check of 1DSU movement and ignore any effect that negates their Acrobatics Checks.
-Golems may choose 1 material to be made out of from up to Rare rarity that must be solid. This is it's outer material it uses for defensive. For each 1 Hardness the
material gives it gains +1 Guard bonus this armor is 3 millimeters thick.
-Golems can see in all darkness levels and bright levels
-Golems have a x10 the base lift score
-Golems know all languages by listening, reading or watching them for a minute and instantly learn it. (Treated as Associate then Bachelor then Master Degree when all are
part of the same language)
-Golems cannot have Wisdom Points
-Golems do not gain Fatigue Status effect but cannot spend stamina when reaching 0 or lower stamina points.
-Golems Never grows tired and does not need to rest for any effect nor working job.

Golems are a predated mechanical being that are created via highly magical effects these machines similar to Androids are a more magical variant generally used to be
workers. Some souls are placed in these mystic tech beings. Not much is known about them as they are uncommon to find except in rare societies.

Classification Arthropod
+200 STR
+150 CON
-50 PSY
+150 DUR
-500 SPD
Organic Fuana/Short
-This race is large sized
-This race cannot have any of it's movement speeds reduced under 5DSU
-This race has 4 arms
-This race has wings that grant a 5DSU flight speed.
-This race has x2 lift score
-This race has a Horn on it's head that deals +100 damage with a +1DSU reach and upon charge attack deals +50 more damage.
-This race when it charges cannot be interrupted or stopped
-This race has a hard carapace that grants a +100 to Guard Checks.

A super race of strong armed beetles similar to a stag beetle also called a rhino beetle. Their impressive size and strength contributes to many of the heavy lifting of the
galactic empire. The Mantiodians originally defeated this race during their war and instead of wiping them out let them leave on a treaty of equality. Due to this estranged
cooperation both races eventually worked towards a larger empire that nearly rivaled that of the government system. During this time this race and the Mantiodians ran into
the hive mind the Atocrita in which all 3 became almost in unison upon which they met into the final partner the genius Insectal Men which created the Kuwagita from each of
the 3 DNA strands to make a perfected hybrid troop race.
Classification Avian & Beast
+20 STR
-10 CON
+20 DEX
+20 DUR
-15 SPRT
Organic Fauna/Average
-Gain Wings these replace your arms
-Gain +12DSU Fly speed
-Has a powerful beak that deals +15 Damage when biting and a +5 bonus for grapple
-Gain on your hands a set of claws that deal +5 Damage when slashing with them
-Your feet are consider Prehensile
-Gain on your feet a set of talons that deal +15 Damage when slashing with them and a +20 grapple checks when used to grip items
-You may make a horrendous sound blast that deals 10d12+ 1 Damage per level (wind) that deafens a target for 1 round
-You may make a spit attack that deals Acid Damage of 5d4+1 Acid Damage per level that also ruins scent checks and makes the target smell horrible that also makes others in
a 6DSU radius around them also wrecks their scent checks harpies are immune to the Acid and the smell effect thus can spit it on themselves freely

A species of bird that are fairly disgusting, though a few have more civilized natures they secrete a disgusting Acid spit that they usually cover their body with to detour
predators from eating them usually use it on their offspring eggs, highly territorial also spreading the unique scents of their clans about. Though some have become more
civil and decline their usual ways to match to society standards though not too many these off shoots are usually calmer and easier to get along with and are disdained by
their less civil cousins this segregation has been very notable to the races and call the civil harpies the quill and the less civil Harpers.

Harpy Mishikah
Classification Avian & Fey
+25 STR
+20 DEX
+30 SPD
-10 to chosen stat
-5 to chosen stat
Organic Fauna/Long
-Permanently gain wings
-While in flight a Harpy Mishikah cannot use their hands due to the wings also being their arms
-This races legs gain a +5 per leg to grapple checks when used.
-Gain a extra 6DSU flight movement and as a ½ ACT you may imbue your next flight move action with x5 the normal distance this effect cannot stack but remains active till you
use it
-This race's lift score is considered 2 sizes larger
-This race can grapple things 1 size larger than itself
-This race gains +25 lift score
-Gain +2 Grapple per level
-Gain +2 Sight per level

Human Basic
Classification Human
+10 to chosen stat
+10 to chosen stat
+5 to chosen stat
+5 to chosen stat
Organic Fauna/Average
-Humans gain a +10 to Build Checks
-Skill Enhance: Humans may enhance permanently by choice 6 skills, which gain a +1 bonus per level and +1 extra bonus every 2 levels (you cannot choose the same skill for
each choice) This bonus is doubled for Build and Pilot skills for “Human” named races.
-Humans may forgo one of their skill enhance to instead raise TS by 1 per 2 levels you may only forgo this twice
-Humans may forgo one of their skill enhance to instead raise Damage in a weapon class group by +2 and Aimed Strike Check by +1 per odd level you may forgo up to 2 times for
2 skill groups
-Humans may forgo one of their skill enhance to instead gain one trait of any of these races Arcanum, Psio Hume, Dwarf named race, Elf named race, Orc named race, Human
Elorian and Human Egedorian you may only forgo this twice (you cannot select the skill enhance ability that is similar to this race if the race has it)

The standard race of human they exhibit no supernatural abilities but are very skillful at what they do

Human Elorian
Classification Human
+10 to chosen stat
+10 to chosen stat
+5 to chosen stat
+5 to chosen stat
Organic Fauna/Long
-This race gains a +1 to all skills every 3 levels
-This race has perfect sight up to 8DSU
-Gain a extra 3DSU movement and as a ½ ACT you may imbue your next move action with x4 the normal distance this effect cannot stack but remains active till you use it
-Keen Skill: Choose 1 skill permanently from the skill list that you can spend a ½ ACT to multiply the skills roll result by 1.5 round down (this counts as a keen skill
multiplier and stacks with other keen skill multipliers by adding together (1.5 + 1.5 = 2.0 or 1.5 + 1.5 + 1.5 = 2.5 etc.) If the actions spent are past your own it will
instead eat into your next turns. (This multiplier only effects the 1d20 result))
-Keen Skill: Choose 1 skill permanently from the skill list that you can spend a ½ ACT to multiply the skills roll result by 1.5 round down (this counts as a keen skill
multiplier and stacks with other keen skill multipliers by adding together (1.5 + 1.5 = 2.0 or 1.5 + 1.5 + 1.5 = 2.5 etc.) If the actions spent are past your own it will
instead eat into your next turns. (This multiplier only effects the 1d20 result))
-Keen Skill: Choose 1 skill permanently from the skill list that you can spend a ½ ACT to multiply the skills roll result by 1.5 round down (this counts as a keen skill
multiplier and stacks with other keen skill multipliers by adding together (1.5 + 1.5 = 2.0 or 1.5 + 1.5 + 1.5 = 2.5 etc.) If the actions spent are past your own it will
instead eat into your next turns. (This multiplier only effects the 1d20 result))

Elorians are a breed of human from a place called Eloria their own capabilities are said to be of a greater type of human much more versatile in their bodily abilites

Human Egedorian
Classification Human
+15 to chosen stat
+5 to chosen stat
+5 to chosen stat
Organic Fauna/Average
-A weapon can be made specifically for a Egedorian called a “Egedorian Variant” that has +10 Damage and Aimed Strike Check for any Human but not for any other race while for
a Human Egedorian (Genetic Alteration Template does not allow this bonus and only applies Human Bonus) this bonus is increased to +20 Aim Strike Check instead this costs an
extra 500 credits.
-Gain a +15 to building checks and Pilot Checks
-This race has Damage Absorbency 15 to all damage.
-This race has Temporary Damage Absorbency of 5 per character level to all damage.
-This race may select 1 weapon and specialize in it gaining +10 Aimed Strike Check and +5 Damage (You may only select the same weapon twice with the same effect)
-This race may select 1 weapon and specialize in it gaining +10 Aimed Strike Check and +5 Damage (You may only select the same weapon twice with the same effect)
-This race may select 1 weapon and specialize in it gaining +10 Aimed Strike Check and +5 Damage (You may only select the same weapon twice with the same effect)
-This race may select 1 weapon and specialize in it gaining +10 Aimed Strike Check and +5 Damage (You may only select the same weapon twice with the same effect)

Egedorians known for their war culture are a sub variant of humans they have been very self proclaimed as the original human kind but this is untrue as basic humans are
still in society.

Human Yasitu
Classification Elemental & Human
+10 to all stats
Organic Fauna/Long
-Skill Enhance: Humans Yasitu may enhance permanently by choice 3 skills, which gain a +1 bonus per level and +1 extra bonus every 2 levels (you cannot choose the same skill
for each choice) This bonus is doubled for Build and Pilot skills for “Human” named races.
-Gain one trait of any of these races Arcanum, Psio Hume, Dwarf named race, Elf named race, Orc named race, Human Elorian and Human Egedorian or Elemental Being.
-Gain one trait of any of these races Arcanum, Psio Hume, Dwarf named race, Elf named race, Orc named race, Human Elorian and Human Egedorian or Elemental Being.
-Gain one trait of any of these races Arcanum, Psio Hume, Dwarf named race, Elf named race, Orc named race, Human Elorian and Human Egedorian or Elemental Being.
-Gain one trait of any of these races Arcanum, Psio Hume, Dwarf named race, Elf named race, Orc named race, Human Elorian and Human Egedorian or Elemental Being.
--You may select the Keen Skill or Skill Enhance racial more than once if you take the Skill Enhance you must only select 1 skill and any Skill Enhance forgo ability will
not need to forgo a Skill Enhance. You must take a weakness of any Elemental you take but if you already have that weakness instead boost its multiplier by +1. (This is part
of listed above abilities)

Humans born of the cross breeding of feys with humans. Usually called half breeds.

Classification Ameboid, Reptile, Dragon
+60 STR
+60 CON
+30 DEX
+40 PSY
-20 DUR
-20 SPRT
-30 LUK
-30 SPD
Organic Fauna/Long
-This race has 3 heads and grows 1 extra head every 2 levels
-This race head much each individually be effected by a Mind Effect to apply any Mind Effects and any Mind Effects applying last -1 round for each head existing from this
races ability to grow heads. Each head has a 3DSU reach. Each head but the main head can retract a bit hiding themselves looking like a 1 headed dragon with armor plating
cover up zones.
-This race has regeneration of 200 HP per round that also regrows limbs within 4 rounds then applies regeneration to the limb. If this race has all it's heads chopped off
the regeneration will cease and auto kill.
-This race is Immune to all poison effects
-This race can make a Mind Check per head and each head
-This race considers it's heads as somatic components for casting
-This race size is Large
-This race has Damage Absorbency of 5 per level.
-This race cannot be flanked or back side attack
-This race has 1 tail and grows 1 extra tail every 4 levels each with a 5DSU reach but each tail may shrink itself to minimal of 3DSU and wrap around themselves to look like
1 tail.
-This race does not need to breathe
-This race can see in infrared and each head can contain a different sight type
-Gains the ability to camouflage themselves into their environment if they stand still granting a +30 on stealth checks

The Hydragion is one of the most adaptive races known and well known for it's regeneration abilities. They were thought to be wild beasts till closer examination showed they
have higher intelligence than most believed even showing capabilities of speaking Universal eventually. Accepted into the fold of the many races they did no revolt but
instead adapted into their surrounding. It's figured they are a Origin dragon species and do infact have the ability to mate with most known species of the universe. It's
own cells are linked to a special cell called a Hydra Cell that contains a perfect copy of it true self as each head though thinking separate is linked to a special hive
mind though does not stop it from each head have a bit of a different personality.

Insectal Men
Classification Arthropod
+20 STR
+10 CON
+10 DEX
+45 PSY
+15 SPD
Organic Fauna/Average
-Immune to Psionic Power Casts
-Gain Wings permanently (cannot be removed)
-This race has 4 arms
-Has a bite attack that deals +10 Damage +5 Extra damage per 5 levels.
-Has 2 bladed arms that may slash for +15 Damage +5 Extra damage per 5 levels.
-This race can see in infrared
-This race cannot be stunned by any means
-Gain +15 Stealth checks
-Gain +10 Muscle checks
-Gain +10 Jump Checks
-This race may communicate to any arthropod classification through a psionic communication.
-Gains the ability to camouflage themselves into their environment if they stand still granting a +30 on stealth checks

The Insectal men referring to themselves as the Hive. The species looks vary between a admixture of Prey Mantis, Ants, Trilobites and Beatles. Though all remain fairly thin
in look and all stand upright like other humanoids. this race has great rivalries with Raskovnik Plant People with the two have a mutual understanding of their need of each
others existences but enjoy a good rivalry

Classification Beast, Elemental, Fey
+20 STR
+20 CON
+20 DEX
+40 PSY
Organic Fauna/Long
-This race provides a invisible barrier to a entrance way that only you and your claimed allies may walk through freely of it's choice this amount increase by +1 for each 2
character levels these barriers last for 1 day or till dismissed. The TS to break through the entrance from either force of will or muscle (Mind or Muscle) way barrier is
equal to character level x10 (not modified by characters TS).
-This race grants a +25 Guard Bonus to allies for 3 rounds within 3DSU of itself
-This race gains +50 to Scent checks
-This race may disguise itself with an illusion as another race of equal size
-This race gains +3DSU ground movement
-This race bite attack has +15 damage & grapple with the bite
-This race has claws on it's hands and feet that deal +10 damage
-This race does not leave foot prints at will
-This race reduces scent checks against it by -50
-This race may turn into a dog form as a ½ ACT during this form it gain +1DSU of movement
-This race gains +25 Temporary Damage Absorbency against casts per character level that restores every 2 rounds

Classification Machination & Plant
+20 DEX
+15 PSY
-60 SPRT
Organic Flora/Endless
-Gain Immunity to CRITS
-Gain Immunity to poison
-No need to eat drink or sleep
-Gain Immunity to Psionic Power Casts
-Gain Immunity to Mystic Power Casts
-Gain Immunity to Input Power Casts
-Gain Immunity to Gravity Effects
-Weakness take x8 Damage (if you already have it increase it by +1 instead if this weakness is lower than the largest weakness) from Heat and Acid sources if a Cast is Heat
or Acid it deals instead x2 Damage (if you already have it increase it by +1 instead if this weakness is lower than the largest weakness) instead of immunity from it this
Damage is not multiplied by x8
-Has a size of reach 1 higher than normal for its size
-Regenerate 5 HP per round per character level this also grows back body parts

Built by a unknown force the Ivokastigma referenced as the Invoked Stigma are a strange hybrid of organic and nanotech they are in all essence a mechanical living plant of
metal, they have been shown to rival as a warrior protection race and are found remotely from sites called the fallen worlds it was found out that they are under the same
construction as Nanobearers, their roots pun not intended are directly linked to the creation of the super tech magisience invention and the core learning of the Input Casts
used by hackers themselves though they are mixed in with plants they always bear resemblance to humanoids but their bodies are made of many vines of metallic wires

Kitsune Asteria
Classification Beast, Fey & Elemental
+10 STR
+10 DEX
+10 CON
+10 PSY
+15 DUR
-10 to chosen stat
-10 to chosen stat
Organic Fauna Ethereal/Ancient
-This race is small sized
-Gain a tail at 1st level and every odd level after gains a new tail upon gaining a tail it obtains a racial power if a tail is lost a Kitsune Asteria can regain it in a week
if it’s last tail is cut it shall die if you apply the tail ADD-ON or gain a tail from another source it will not count towards it’s “initial” tails nor grant it powers
-This race with 1 tail can transform into a small-medium sized character by will in this form it takes on the form of a human also it can throw a ice bolt per tail that auto
hits that deal 5d4 Damage no MOD they deal Cold Damage if multiple ice bolts hit the same target their dice count as unified thus x2 5d4 are 10d4 for reasons of Damage
resistances and effect also you may turn this damage into Void-healing instead the action to use these effects is a ½ ACT.
-This race with 2 tails can as a Cast a charm with a sleep effect equal to character level max 20 for every level past 20 increase the TS by +1
-This race with 3 tails can turn invisible as a ½ ACT
-This race with 4 tails can produce a poison (Mind effect) effect of a range of 6DSU burst around yourself, you decide who you effect, this effect is the same as the sleep
-This race with 5 you may effect Ethereal realm as you please with no failure along with see upon the realm you are on freely and “Ethereal and Shadow Realm” associated to
-This race with 6 tails you may teleport up to 6DSU as a free action once a round
-This race with 7 tails you may turn Ethereal at will and phase through objects of the physical plane you are on.
-This race with 8 tails can teleport to the realm of nature or fey and back to the mortal plane at whim as a Full Round ACT it can bring up to 10 people with it
-This race with 9 tails enhances its 1st tail power of ice bolt Damage to 5d6 instead it’s 3rd tail power invisibility can produce 9 duplicates each within 3DSU of yourself
any action done to them make it disappear, the 2nd and 4th tail power now gains a extra +1 to the TS instead for going past level 20 of their status effects, the 6th tail
power teleport increases distance to 12DSU

The Kitsune Asteria or formally known as the ghost foxes are another sub race of Kitsune with their fey powers differing upon their tails, they have been hiding from the
dark power of the Nightmare realm that invaded the Fey realm millenniums ago, once they returned they quickly discovered their lands unharmed and well taken care of by the
Death Syndile, they decided to accept them and realized the Dark Nightmares Spawns were attacking cause of the Nephalim's own experiments, this caused a revolt against most
of the Nephalim races own vanity and chaos they strewn that lead to most of their race exiled to the Mortal realm.

Kitsune Rovia
Classification Beast & Fey
+30 DEX
+10 CON
+10 PSY
-10 to chosen stat
-10 to chosen stat
Organic Fauna/Ancient
-This race is tiny sized
-Gain a tail at 1st level and every odd level after gains a new tail upon gaining a tail it obtains a racial power if a tail is lost a Kitsune Rovia can regain it in a week
if it’s last tail is cut it shall die if you apply the tail ADD-ON or gain a tail from another source it will not count towards it’s “initial” tails nor grant it powers
-This races land based movement base is instead of 6DSU is 12DSU
-This race can disguise itself as a normal Fox as a ½ ACT it’s equipment will be off but when it returns to form as a ½ ACT it will return the fox form size is small instead
of tiny
-This race with 1 tail can transform into a small-medium sized character by will in this form it takes on the form of a human with a fox tail equal to how many tails you
have you can hide these tails but the TS is 10 for every tail you have Robes totally cover up the tails also it can throw a fire bolt per tail that auto hits that deal 5d4
Damage no MOD they deal Void damage if multiple fire bolts hit the same target their dice count as unified thus x2 5d4 are 10d4 for reasons of Damage resistances and effect
the action to use these effects is a ½ ACT.
-This race with 2 tails can as a Cast a charm to boost its diplomacy and bluff by the Cast level x2 also in human form it can take just a small-medium size form of itself
-This race with 3 tails can turn invisible as a ½ ACT
-This race with 4 tails can fly of speed of 6DSU
-This race with 5 tails can increase its 2nd tail power boost by x3 instead of x2
-This race with 6 tails gains an ability to create illusion charm on targets TS equal to your own to trick them into things these illusions can cause a flinch action if they
fail thus losing a ½ ACT this can be used to alter minds of how they see various things like yourself as a giant etc.
-This race with 7 tails gains a bonus based upon luck by +5 on all d20 rolls
-This race with 8 tails can teleport to the realm of nature or fey and back to the mortal plane at whim as a Full Round ACT it can bring up to 10 people with it
-This race with 9 tails enhances its 1st tail power of fire bolt Damage to 5d6 instead it’s 3rd tail power invisibility can produce 9 duplicates each within 3DSU of yourself
any action done to them make it disappear, the fly speed of the 4th tail is increased by 5DSU, the 6th tail power TS is boosted by +10

Known to be the most interesting of the fey the Kitsune Rovia though called the Kitsune normally are a race far and wide revered as rare though they aren’t really that rare
instead they mostly preference hiding away playing pranks they don’t have a home planet instead they live on an alternate realm of existence notably the fey and nature realm
and few make it over to our world with less than 8 tails this usually happens with an exile, an explorer, etc. which they ask a 8 tail to take them to our world with no
return till they themselves grow their 8th tail to tell their “tails” a Kitsune Rovia grows tails through hardships and experience and age, though age is pretty significant
as they grow tails most preference growing them earlier as more tails also can mean more children, it’s uncommon but the Kitsune also seem to also fall for other races
notably humans whom they known about from day 1 knowing that humans themselves used to be fey and were close they want to see the return to their “natural” forms whom they
call the lost children of Ryu Garso (Dragon Monkey of Earth) in Daimyo Dragon, it’s notable that the Daimyo Dragon and the Kitsune Rovia are great friends and enjoy each
other’s entertainment the Kitsune Rovia look like small humanoid foxes with a foxes head though some rare breed show other “canine” type looks” but all share a bushy tail
similar to a fox

Classification Changeling Fey
+15 DEX
+15 PSY
+15 CON
+50 LUK
+30 SPD
-30 STR
-30 DUR
Organic Fauna/Short
-This race size is small
-You may turn invisible but upon a violent action reveal yourself and cannot turn invisible for 1 round
-You may take the form of a Lizard like humanoid (Reptile classification added) Small child humanoid (Human classification added) a Rat humanoid (Beast classification added)
or a common place candle as a illusion disguise and must switch between each form as a ½ ACT.
-Gain +5 Build Check
-Gain a bonus x3 of LUK MOD to Build and Pilot checks
-Scent up to 5DSU accurately 100%
-This race is treated as if it's levitating over the ground when walking thus never triggering anything pressure related
-This race is always under a silence effect when it wants to be

The race called by many names the race itself usually either helpful or mischievous trend to remain to themselves shy. Their true form is of this race looks similar to a
goblin with more fur around their body. This race has not done much to change time lines but more relevantly have started to come off worried that the longer lived races
need more help than ever joining the greater whole of societies assisting with jobs. Though long ago following humans for ages they have grown interested in their “fates”
following certain family trees heavily.

Kuwagita Ikamados
Classification Arthropod
+20 STR
+10 CON
+10 PSY
Organic Fauna/Average
-Immune to Poison
-Immunity to Acid
-Immune to Psionic Power Casts
-This race has 4 arms
-This race can wield Melee weapons 1 size category larger
-This race has the ability to shoot in a line up to 6DSU long 1DSU squares or a 3DSU cone you may fire this up to as many times as you have natural hands and head (5 times
with races basic setup) the Acid deals 5d4 + 5d4 per level TS for half Damage is Endure Check of 20+5 per character level
-This race has a bite attack with it's pincers that deals +25 Damage and may spray the head Acid shot simultaneously at choice
-Gain +10 Muscle Checks
-Gain +10 Slight Checks

Unlike the Insectal Men Kuwagita are ravenous eaters are a semi beetle grasshopper mix they can’t fly they seem to be a few different species types and soon discovered one
was born hyper intelligent the Ikamados unlike the Indose are friendlier and don’t ravenous the same way they prefer to eat plant matter this seem to have scared the
Raskovnik Plant People but they learn they only like to eat a certain type of food and can go without it for several days unlike their brethren but once they see it they eat
it on sight due the fact the plant grows too fast on its home world

Kuwagita Indose Gene-Sectoid

Classification Arthropod, Undeath
+100 STR
+100 DEX
-500 PSY
+200 DUR
+100 SPD
-150 LUK
Organic Fauna/Average
-This race cannot have any of it's abilities or stats taken from Genetic Alteration Template. Nor can it have any template that alters it's body except by Mechanical means.
-Immunity to Acid
-This race has 4 arms
-This race has the ability to shoot in a line up to 6DSU long 1DSU squares or a 3DSU cone you may fire this up to as many times as you have natural hands and head (5 times
with races basic setup) the Acid deals 5d4 + 5d4 per level TS for half Damage is Endure Check of 20+5 per character level
-This race has a bite attack with it's pincers that deals +30 Damage and may spray the head Acid shot simultaneously at choice
-This race body is a husk controlled by a sentient undeath parasite while the body is still alive and maintained. Thus the body can receive Holy Healing but only as half the
amount after all tally has been calculated.
-Select 1 size category of either small, medium, large or huge.
--Small Size: Gain +6DSU movement and Sense Life up to 20DSU. -50 STR.
--Medium Size: Gain +3DSU movement. May communicate to any other Arthropod or Plant classification using it's pheromones. Reduce PSY negative from -500 to -50.
--Large Size: Gain +50 STR & CON. Acid spray increases from 5d4 to 5d6 instead.
--Huge Size: Gain +100 STR +100 DUR -100 SPD. Bite attack bonus increases by +20 and has +1DSU reach.

After the first wave of Indose were made. The planet eaters project was consider a failure. Stolen from the biological labs the Insectal Men discover the traitor actions of
one of their key experiments whom stole the “control parasite”. Over countless years a new strain of Indose became relevant thus a new combat method was invented. The Gene-
Sectoid made from a modified species that takes over the Kuwagita Indoses own neurological system. Invented by the Nephalim Arkadice to help contain the issue of the
Kuwagita Indose. The parasite itself is sentient and fully aware but are not very suitable to anything but mostly combat and defensive life. Eventually the parasite will
leave the host when it's fully exhausted but some gained enough sentient choice to work with many others like bounty hunters or even to help with heavy lifting some even try
to maintain the husk as long as plausible till they need a new body to live within and transfer to a new Kuwagita Indose it can fully take over.

Classification Human, Reptile
+45 STR
-20 CON
+45 DEX
+20 PSY
-200 DUR
+150 SPRT
+60 LUK
+300 SPD
Organic Fauna/Long
-This race has no legs and instead has a 5DSU tail and cannot be knocked prone or flanked.
-This race has a poison gland within it's mouth that has a poison status effect of your choice (cannot be a Mind Poison) It's level is equal to your level. The TS applied to
this poison from your characters own TS is also doubled. This is a touch poison not a venomous. This poison can be spat up at max 6DSU. Also the poison may be applied to a
melee weapon. To use this poison takes a ½ ACT and can only be produced once every 3 rounds.
-This race gains a bonus to grapples equal to it's SPD MOD.
-This race can fight in a share square and not take negatives
-This race can see in Infrared Sight at will
-This race gains +1 to it's Scent checks per level and may smell 100% accurately from up to 3DSU.

The ancient snake people born of the deeper regions of the worlds outlaying from society. They have remained out of most of the great wars of the millenniums. Consider very
docile to most they find humans to be very lovable company due to their ingenuity. It's figured that the Lamia also called Nagas have been a force trying to keep peace on
the outer steeps of civilizations. They have grown attached to the prospect of mankind being a race they can live beside and have successful children with containing their
random Lamia genetics becoming Lamia and no matter what a human that contains this genetic code in their heritage any children they have no matter how far down the line has
a 50% chance to be a Lamia or the corresponding human race.

Classification Arthropod, Fey
+10 STR
-50 CON
+50 DEX
+60 PSY
-40 DUR
+30 LUK
+250 SPD
Organic Fauna/Eternal
-Weakness Take x2 Damage from Cold and Heat Damage (if you already have it increase it by +1 instead if this weakness is lower than the largest weakness)
-This race is immune to psionics and mind effects. This cannot be shut down by any effect nor can be taken by Genetic Alteration Template.
-This race is always consider to have 1 active psionic focus active even if none are active on a psionic class.
-This race applies to all casts +2 TS per level
-This race reduces TS against itself by -1 per level
-This race gains +1 to it's own TS per level but not cast TS
-This race uses pheromones against organics granting a +25 diplomacy and bluff against organics
-This race Has Life sense and Sense Eletroreception of 3DSU per active psionic focus active.
-This race takes ½ as much fall damage.

The grand butterfly's of the mind and the leaders of the grand hive collective which the Insectal Men are from. It's believed these beings only showed up recently even among
the Fey races. They claim to be a elder race as one of the “Ancients” the Nephalim recognizing them as a genuine threat during the elemental war fey war and the true god
war. They display some of the most outright critical power of psionics and pheromone control. Consider almost a near god like race alone it's stated very few are really

Classification Amoeboid
-5 to all stats (Except SPD and CON)
+15 SPD
+15 CON
Organic Fauna/Average
-Gain CRIT Immunity
-Weakness Take x2 Damage from Cold and Ion Damage (if you already have it increase it by +1 instead if this weakness is lower than the largest weakness)
-Regenerate from water sources by 5 HP per round or till water is all absorbed (5 HP per litre of water)(2 HP per litre of other liquids)
-If hit with Cold Damage you cannot turn into a Ooze at will for rounds equal to Cold Damage dice amount max 5 rounds if no dice is used instead max 2 rounds
-Fight perfectly in the water with no negatives
-This race can see in water perfectly with no negatives
-This race ignores rough terrain except Ice Cold surfaces
-Can turn into a Ooze at will that can fit through any crack and space for up to 5 rounds if you would revert in a place that your body cannot fit take 2d4 Damage and remain
in a liquid form for another 5 rounds your equipment also may turn liquid if you wish and this also this also allows you to escape grapples automatically

A race of humanoid slimes they vary in colors of gray green blue black brown and so on they have no features of their face or hair or eyes but show a fair humanoid
appearance they have a unique ability to de construct themselves and their items they carry into a temporary liquid state but if they remain way too long in this form they
slowly die this only seems to happen when they are going through tight squeezes as they themselves only seem to use it to escape trouble as they are common prey from their
home planet.

Lunaris Leporidae
Classification Fey & Beast & Human
-10 STR
+20 DEX
-20 DUR
+150 SPD
Organic Fauna/Average
-Always female
-Treat Jump as a DEX skill
-Gain +15 Jump checks
-Gain +25 Listen checks
-Gain +10 Scent checks
-This race is gains +10 to diplomacy checks for anyone who finds you attractive.
-This race may without a slight check turn 180 degree around even when flanked.
-This race gains a kick that is 2 sizes larger then normal and with +15 damage.
-This race considers any jump movement base of rolling a 5 at choice.
-Weakness this race takes x2 from Wind damage (if you already have it increase it by +1 instead if this weakness is lower than the largest weakness)

Cute deadly and dangerous but very attractive these human mixed hybred with bunny body parts of ears, small claws instead of nails, small fur patches on some areas around
usually their sides and back and along the sides of their legs and they have the curvature of the human female of around 1DSU to 6ft tall. This race mostly preference the
humans for their mates. Most choose a male mate for life sticking to them lovingly though if choosing a female she will still seek a male to produce her offspring and share
with this mate. All children this race has is always a Lunaris Leporidae but inherits allot of traits from a human parent. Long ago this race during the fey wars left into
the mortal world to stay with the humans upon various planets seeing them as good mate stock. During the time the Lunaris Leporidae grew very attached and started to protect
them emotionally and integrating into their race. The love of the Lunaris Leporidae is that of emotional bond and most humans with one also match their personality though
they fall in love fast but will leave relationships if it gets dangerous for them and find a more suitable mate.

Classification Beast
+25 STR
+15 DEX
+20 CON
+30 SPD
-20 PSY
-10 LUK
Organic Fauna/Average
-Gain +4 Scent and Listen per level
-You may double your PSY MOD for Scent and Listen Checks
-Resists cold temperature by 20 TS
-Gains Claws on it's hands and feet that deal 5 Damage +3 Damage per level.
-Has a Bite attack that deals 10 Damage +4 Damage per level.
-Gains a 1DSU tail
-You can run on all 4 limbs as a ½ ACT, adding +6DSU ground movement.
-Base ground movement of this race is 10DSU instead of 6DSU

The powerful lycan race from a much more lupine evolution line instead of prime ape. The Lycanisrezaih hunted down the mightiest creatures with great ferocity. Becoming more
and more talented with their science technology they found the Egedorians causing a dispute of epic proportions as they continued to fight for years the Egedorians proved to
be almost beyond them in tech and combat prowess. The realization that the Egedorians are not the only other Human sub race they met the original humans not genetically
built for military war combat though not highly noticeable the scent was obvious to them. The basic humans invented many new tech with the Lycanisrezaih. The two eventually
made a pact to become space share company. The Lycanisrezaih find that the humans with their pet dogs and cats are interesting in how their evolution line worked. Not too
far after the two found out they can nearly cross breed themselves making the first known “Lycanrahhume” though they are nearly indistinguishable from the Lycanisrezaih (As
this race represents both) Only few exist exhibiting amazing talents and abilities. With their efforts they found the new colony of Elorian which formed the soon to be 2nd
sub species of humans the Elorians forming their ancestors as the children of Lycanrahhume.

Mandragora Plant People

Classification Plant
+5 STR
+5 DEX
+5 CON
+5 PSY
+10 DUR
+10 SPRT
+15 SPD
+15 LUK
+20 to chosen stat (Cannot be taken on the same stat as another +20 stat choice)
+20 to chosen stat (Cannot be taken on the same stat as another +20 stat choice)
+20 to chosen stat
+20 to chosen stat
Organic Flora/Ancient
-Gain Immunity to Psionic Power Casts
-Take half damage from Psionic damage after all damage calculation
-Take half damage from Mystic damage after all damage calculation
-Hive Mind with Raskovnik & Mandragora Plant People and speak up to 10DSU from each other
-Mandragora regenerate 5 HP per level every round
-Automatically succeed climb checks
-Reach 3DSU
-This race has camouflage of +50 stealth from sight to pretend to be a plant when immobile or moving through heavily dense plant zones.
-Has up to 5 spare mini limbs that may hold objects but not “true” wield them for benefit but may activate pressure pressed articles like buttons and switches. They only
have a 1DSU reach. The mini limbs may not attack.
-You can change your shape to 2 sizes smaller as a ½ ACT and a ½ ACT to change back

A race of plants known for their volatile behaviors strong and invasive like weeds they are deadly warriors and many other races have seen some potential in them as battlers
their bodies can form their weed and flower vines around in multiple shapes but the main core preference to take on humanoid appearances.
Classification Arthropod
+20 STR
+120 DEX
+30 PSY
-20 CON
-30 SPD
Organic Fauna/Short
-Gain Immunity to Psionic Power Casts
-This race has 2 sets of legs
-This race has wings that fold into a carapace granting flight
-This race has claw arms that deals +25 damage when used. These claws cannot be interrupted when they make an attack. These claws also grant a grapple bonus of +15 when
-This race has a bite attack that deals +25 damage when used. The bite attack also grants a bonus of +15 when used.
-This race has camouflage when not moving of +25. This camouflage allows it to change it's carapace color.
-This race can light itself up with a +5 TS of light in it's square.
-This race has infrared sight
-This race has 360 degree sight radius
-This race may climb up walls as if it was the ground.
-This race may communicate with it's own race with pheromones of up to 8DSU away.

This race of Mantis like beings belong to a hive like race. They disguise themselves and even form powerful color spectrum of their body with bio luminescence. This race hid
among it's planet for long time before being attacked by a powerful race. Upon the strike the Mantiodians started to strike back with their own tech inheriting it upon the
battle and leaving their planet.

Classification Beast
+60 STR
+40 CON
+40 DUR
-30 DEX
-10 SPD
Organic Fauna/Average
-This race can be either large or huge size
-Gain a trunk as an prehensile limb
-Gain tusks that deal +25 damage if you ram
-If they are at 50% full HP you may enter a rage, treat STR MOD as x1.5 higher, but lose the use of PSY skills. If at 25% HP treat STR when enraged by x2 for 1 rounds +1 per
5 CON MOD, when going out of rage you suffer -5 to STR, CON, DUR per level for the number of round you raged x 2
-Treat lift score as x2 larger then normal.
-Treat muscle checks as x2.
-If this race uses Jump check to move take a division of 6 instead of 4 for the result, also treat any climb check as divided by 2 for the result.
-Stability which allows the Mastodonrahtu to use any weapon of 1 size category larger with no penalty when 2 handing also if the Mastodonrahtu uses a weapon with power kick
they can ignore its negative special effect.

The lords of the land the Mastodonrahtu also known as the Tusksnouts. The home planet of their rule is well guarded from the terrors of the Egedorians that showed as they
fought long and hard till the 3rd year the original humans aiming to solve their war like cousins destructive tenancies came with the Lycanisrezaih forming the collation of
the 3 to fight the “Egedorian war”. It was found out the Egedorians Super weapon was a powerful insect weapon called Kuwagita Breaker Model Weapons the KBMW B.O.W. (Bio
Organic Weapons) this dispute broke into a huge interstellar war as many more races realized the threat that was being brought was a hidden 2 other races working with them
to form the dark trio of Egedorians, Nephalim Garso, and the “Silencers” of the Psionic masters. Once found out that a hidden out world race and a super powerful Ancient Fey
race became part of the war the Mastodonrahtu pledged to commit to freeing the Egedorians from their “Slave hold” believing they are honestly just weapons of war themselves
committed to this they ran into their allies the Damiyo Dragons eventually to form the “purification freedom pact” to end the war though with success nobody knows where the
“Silencers” or the Nephalim Garso involved with the Egedorians disappeared to but have figured the sinister acts will help saved many Egedorians being held though currently
at the time they called the Egedorians the Vector Hume. During the period the Name Egedorian was placed upon them as the Damiyo Dragons took place to help “heal” their
genetic splicing till the Accuser Hunters sent by the Nephalim Garso waged a war on them to gain back their Egedorians. The second war formed as the Damiyo Dragons and then
soon the new Foundation of Egedorians helped with the war effort forming the first “governmental systems” the URPO (United Races Protection Organization), Government and the
Federation the URPO governs and is also known as the “Guild” of peace between any Astrological government body as the Mastodonrahtu are the head of the guard of peace.

Mechani A.I.
Classification Machination
+15 STR
+15 CON
+15 PSY
+30 DUR
-60 SPRT
Inorganic Machine/Endless
-Mechani consider their body as weapon and armor for effects but each part is separate from arms legs head and body (Head, Body, Right Arm, Left Arm, Right Leg, Left Leg
each separately)
-This race body is made of Steel and Demkorori
-Mechani are an A.I. and can take over a new Mechani body applying its racial stats while if it moves to different machines (computers) it will also apply it’s stats but can
only take over for 1d8 rounds then must move back to a Mechani body it can reach any Machine (computer) up to 1 kilometer as long as it knows about its location if it does
not have a body to return to that it can locate it will instead remain dormant till a new Mechani body arrives within a 40DSU distance that it can jump to if a body of a
Mechani dies it itself is not dead unless it’s A.I. is deleted
-Gain +15 to build checks involving machines and to mind checks to break into them in any fashion while infusing into a machine (computer)
-May walk on all four limbs for a 5DSU extra movement
-Stability which allows the mechani to use any weapon of 1 size category lager with no penalty when 2 handing also if the mechani uses a weapon with power kick they can
ignore its negative special effect entirely
-Immune to falling Damage

The Mechani are a A.I. race that take up special bodies created by them they are a pure technological race that itself has gotten along with the Androids they see them as
equals but the Mechani have a power called Machine enhancing permitting them to crack codes themselves within the computers this grants them to attain they also work well
with the Nanobearers another machine race created long ago in ancient times their head is mostly a long straight forward arcing like the spine of a human but far more
flexible roughly 1DSU long with a single eye in the center mass called the uniscanner their sight is that of a humans their arms are a very long and also similar built like
a humans spine but again even more flexible and longer their hand though similar to a humans appears more elongated and clawed the claws are extendable pieces to add for
more versatility of reach their legs also perform in a similar function as their arms giving them a strange thin outlook of a humanoid beast their main body though seems
quite bulky though similar to that of a horses body they appear to be able to either go on all four or walk on two legs with ease.

Classification Beast
+30 STR
+15 CON
Organic Fauna/Average
-Gain a +20 Damage bonus to Head Butt attacks due to horns
–This race is large sized
-Treat the size lift score of this race x2 than normal
-Minotaurs can perform a Trample attack in a charge if they are 1 size larger than their foe and gain x2 movement speed this has no negatives. A trampled target is pushed to
the left or right behind you after being hit. If successfully hit this also applies the +20 Damage from the Head Butt attack even if using hoofs instead a Minotaur can keep
moving even if he hits till he reaches his movement max or tries to strike a foe 1 size larger
-Stability which allows the Minotaur to use any weapon of 1 size category lager with no penalty when 2 handing also if the Minotaur uses a weapon with power kick they can
ignore its negative special effect entirely

From a planet where they also herd and care for cattle they also eat cattle and use them for their food sources making a fun joke for other races you are what you eat the
Minotaurians find this also fun being a Bull with a man shaped body their legs are reversed joint bipedal and have hoofs while they have amazingly big horns on their head
sometimes mixed up for Beastial whom are mostly all bipedal non reversed joint legged they are much larger and much more wise at times even if they have brute strength as
their main attribute.

Classification Elemental, Changeling
+5 to one stat x30
Organic Ethereal/Endless
-This races abilities cannot be taken by Genetic Alteration Template
-This race gains +10 to 5 skills including Aimed Strike Check & Grapple but only up to +20 in one skill at once.
-This race gains +5 to 5 skills including Aimed Strike Check & Grapple but none may make the same choice. These skills are treated +1 character level higher.
-This race Heals from both Holy and Unholy but only half as much. Body type limit does not apply or exist for this race. Void type Healing instead damages this race.
-This race has Sense Life up to 100DSU
-This race can see see exact values of a life forms HP in percent and if they heal from either Holy or Unholy type healing.
-This race treats it's Wisdom Points per week at x2
-This race may touch a subject and apply either a Unholy or Holy Healing of 1d12. The roll result then multiplied based on character level x10. This effect may only apply
once per 5 rounds. This healing bypasses body type healing limits.
-This race if it damages with it's touch Healing inherits the damage done as Untyped Healing to itself or another within 6DSU that ignores body type healing limits.
-This race can mimic the looks of any Orc, Dwarf, Gnome, Elf or Human looking race.
-This race is immune to any time effect and may instantly cancel any time base ability applied to it's actions or against it personally at will.

A unknown race of beings seemingly cover in bandages and glowing energies. Boundless of power and existences they watch the many times fold and overlap ever present and
aware of the mortality of beings and the continual cycle. The MorsVita are not part of any known races but are when joining forces consider scary even and alien to most.
Even the elemental garner some respect for them. They are a strange race that are called the elemental of life and death. It's notable that some are called “reapers” and
some are called Valkyries. Unknown to most these races are working hand in hand with preserving forces and some with the “Outer Beings”

Classification Changeling
+10 to chosen stat
+10 to chosen stat
Organic Fauna Eternal/Endless
-You may disguise yourself as any of the other race types as long as you touch the race that you wish to copy as long as it’s organic race and acquire a genetic template of
equal size to yourself or one size larger or smaller this power lasts for up to 6 hours you also gain their abilities it has based on its race (and their choices of that
-Automatically understands the languages of the touched subject but does not retain them when morphing back
--None of this races abilities can be take with Genetic Alteration Template

The humans never understood this races origin till one day they found out changelings are a race of DNA copiers that evolved to adapt to their environment it also turned out
they can have children with any race as well but the child always ends up a Morphic.

Classification Machination & Amoeboid
+15 CON
+15 DEX
+15 PSY
+30 SPD
-60 SPRT
Inorganic Machine/Endless
-Cannot be CRIT
-Can turn into an Ooze at will that can fit through any crack and space for up to 5 rounds if you would revert in a place that your body cannot fit take 1d4 Damage and
remain in a liquid form for another 5 rounds your equipment also may turn liquid if you wish and this also avoids rough terrain this also allows you to escape grapples
-Regain 5d4 HP per ½ ACT while near a metallic substance at the cost of dealing 5d4 Damage to the metallic substance
-+40 to build checks for building machines or programming
-Damage from Ion and Acid deal half as much Damage
-Weakness damage from Heat deal x4 as much Damage (if you already have it increase it by +1 instead if this weakness is lower than the largest weakness)
-You may cover yourself on a character to enhance theirs stats equal to your racial starting stats x2 like a power suit but at the cost you cannot use your powers or
abilities but the repair ability and instead of them taking Damage you take the Damage only one Nanobearer can take a host at a time and only up to one size larger than
-Immune to falling Damage

A special race of Nanites that help maintain the mechanical races societies unlike the other machines they are of a special variety a bunch of nanites are controlled by a
single A.I. along with the nanites is a special Ooze Gel substance called Emersion Feruion which is to help the Nanites move easier the Nanites themselves use it as a
function to form a working body much like to a humans or the Mechani’s look but with less of the functionality of them due to the Oozes behavior they have the ability to
repair anything as long as they are touching it and have resources to fix it with or make do with what they can some being have mistaken the races strange colorations of the
Emersion Feruion which is a just a dyed up product of a gel for them being organic creatures when they are not this Gel also is very flammable luckily the Nanites produce
lots of it to maintain their body

Necro Machina
Classification Machination and Undeath
+15 STR
+15 CON
+15 DEX
+15 PSY
+15 SPRT
Inorganic Machine Undead/Endless
-Cannot be called shot attack and is just a normal attack
-This race is immune to being CRIT
-Sense Eletroreception 25DSU radius
–Is Blind (cannot see normally with eyes) If it gains a sight sensory it can see then.
-This race does not need line of sight to cast at a target and does not suffer a miss chance from lack of sight as long as it senses it with Sense Eletroreception.
-Necro Machina cannot heal over time and cannot be healed by Void-magical sources like from alchemist potions but heal from both Unholy and Holy Healing
-Able to repair HP just by absorbing junk metal etc. and loose machinery healing 25 x level per 1kg.
-Attacks with sunder quality have a 1d4 chance to stun.
-Has a reach of 3DSU when using it's loose cables.
-This race is immune to being rusted and it's gear are protected from rust by 75%
-Upon touch contact with any Metal it has a 25% chance to cause rust to the item making it lose -10 Damage and guard every time it causes rust upon 5 rusted touch the item

Unlike most Machines the Necro Machina are born from negative energy and form from random articles of machinery usually spirits and energy assimilate into them making them
sentient of their own kind of forming functional societies of them from junk planets etc. where abandon machinery lays with this energy they for some reason though appeared
rusty are immune to rust and just a side effect of the energy itself upon the metals Necro Machina look like strange junk piles formed into humanoid shapes sometimes
resembling a rusty version of Android

Nephalim Arkadice
Classification Fey, Elemental & Amoeboid
+5 to chosen stat
+5 to chosen stat
+5 to chosen stat
+5 to chosen stat
Organic Fauna Eternal/Endless
-May disguise as a human
-Can see perfectly up to 12DSU no matter the condition
-Immune to Heat and Cold Damage but take Weakness Gravity, Holy, Unholy and Void damage type deal x3 (if you already have it increase it by +1 instead if this weakness is
lower than the largest weakness) as much Damage also Acid and Ion Damage deal half as much Damage
-Immune to Psionic Power Casts
-A Nephalim Arkadice can enhance any weapon they wield to deal 2d4+2d4 every even level of 1 Damage type choice of either Acid, Ion, Heat, Cold Damage this ability takes a ½
ACT to switch Damage affinity and the effect lasts for 2 rounds
-A Nephalim Arkadice can enhance any armor piece of armor to protect from 1 of the Damage types of choice from Acid, Ion, Heat or Cold damages for a ½ ACT this mitigations
the Damage of these sources for 4 rounds by -300 from the sources and deals 150 of the Damage type to anything striking the armor
-When hit by a Damage type of either Acid, Ion, Heat or Cold Damage you can freely activate either of your enhance abilities of that Damage type
-As a Full Round ACT a Nephalim Arkadice can turn into a living elemental being increasing it's size by 1-3 categories by will all their Enhance abilities effect your own
body with all 4 Damage types all your equipment disappears and you gain a reach of 5DSU and my fit through any crack and spacing freely and reform on the other side
instantly along with a land and swim base movement increase of +10DSU with the ability to walk on liquids and constrict while grappling along with swallow whole effect when
it devours a target. this ability lasts for 1 round per 3 levels min 1 round along with Immunity to all the mentioned damage types.
-This race has 12 Energy Wings +2 wings per 3 levels. These cannot grasp or grant flight. Each may impart the chosen element from the weapon enhance to attack with with a
3DSU reach with a bonus +5 Damage per odd level along with the enhance damage. Each wing deals it's damage in touch damage. Each limb may only attack once per 3 rounds.
-You may forgo an Energy Wing's attack for the next 3 rounds to allow it to grant a flight speed and increase your swim and flight speeds by 1DSU per wing. For each 4 pairs
of Energy Wings you gain a 1DSU teleport or may enhance teleport movement by 1DSU.
-This race is always consider to have 1 active Psionic Focus active if none are active on a psionic class for it's abilities. Though this acts as a Psionic Focus it provides
no scaling thus anything that scales per Psionic Focus only deem it at x0 thus example +3 Aimed Strike Check per Psionic Focus will not provide it's bonus.

Nephalim Arkadice a powerful fey race that is part of the fey governing and one of the sub races of Nephalim, this race long ago helped exile the Nephalim races that harmed
the fey realm and remained in their seat of power they have fought long and hard against the many evils and stayed behind during the Nightmare Spawn attack upon the fey
realm some turning the Nightmare Spawn into a new breed of fey, their fight lasted a very long time but upon the end the Kitsune Asteria came back to see if their homeland
was free upon their shock the well maintained land was even stronger as the realm was healing faster than expected from the efforts of a new conjoining realms called the
ethereal and shadow realm conjoined formed of Death Syndile hard work to even out the fey realms imbalances which was discovered to have been separated from these realms due
to a higher force then even them. Some are worried this higher force might be a True God gone maverick.

Nephalim Garso
Classification Elemental & Fey
+5 to chosen stat
+5 to chosen stat
+5 to chosen stat
+5 to chosen stat
Organic Fauna Eternal/Endless
-Can see perfectly in all darkness
-May disguise as a human
-Can see perfectly in all light brightness
-Immune to Acid and Ion Damage but take Weakness Metal, Gravity, Psionic and Void damage type deal x3 (if you already have it increase it by +1 instead if this weakness is
lower than the largest weakness) as much Damage and Heat and Cold Damage deal half as much Damage
-Immune to Divinity Casts
-A Nephalim Garso can enhance any weapon they wield to deal 2d4+2d4 every even level of 1 Damage type choice of either Acid, Ion, Heat, Cold Damage this ability takes a ½
ACT to switch Damage affinity and the effect lasts for 2 rounds
-A Nephalim Garso can enhance any armor piece of armor to protect from 1 of the Damage types of choice from Acid, Ion, Heat or Cold damages for a ½ ACT this mitigations the
Damage of these sources for 4 rounds by -300 from the sources and deals 150 of the Damage type to anything striking the armor
-When hit by a Damage type of either Acid, Ion, Heat or Cold Damage you can freely activate either of your enhance abilities of that Damage type
-As a Full Round ACT a Nephalim Garso can turn into a living elemental being all their Enhance abilities effect your own body with all 4 Damage types all your equipment
disappears and you gain a reach of 3DSU and may walk on air as if it's ground with 10DSU movement boost this ability lasts for 1 round per 3 levels min 1 round along with
Immunity to all the mentioned damage types.
-This race has 6 Wing mini limbs made of special energies and particles they may obtain +2 per 3 levels. These wings act as mini limbs that may hold objects but not “true”
wield them for benefit but may activate pressure pressed articles like buttons and switches. They only have a 3DSU reach. The wing mini limbs may not attack. Each wing mini
limb grants a +10 guard when they are not wielding anything.
-For each mini wing that is not holding something you gain an increased fight and swim speeds of 1DSU. For each 2 pairs of mini wings gain a 1DSU teleport or enhance
teleport movement by 1DSU.
-This race is always consider to have 1 active Psionic Focus active if none are active on a psionic class for it's abilities. Though this acts as a Psionic Focus it provides
no scaling thus anything that scales per Psionic Focus only deem it at x0 thus example +3 Aimed Strike Check per Psionic Focus will not provide it's bonus.

Nephalim Garso the race that used to be human and exiled, discovered to still exist powerful entities known for their mighty rage against many, very Cold natures and notably
not happy with most other fey, they created 2 races from themselves the Elemental and the Humans whom successfully also split into their own races, though some of them have
joined humanities en devours most are enemies of humans, fey, elemental etc., the ones whom aligned themselves with the humans are called the forgiven and the ones whom are
still angry and older are called the ancient ones whom designed the grand techs and weapons in the mortal realm

Classification Beast
+20 STR
+20 DEX
+10 PSY
+60 SPD
Organic Fauna/Average
-This race has a swim speed of 12DSU
-This race can use a ½ ACT to increase one of it's swim movements by x3
-This race fights perfectly in the water with no negatives
-This race gains a +25 to Listen Checks and can listen accurately up to 200DSU while under water but 1/10th this distance in air.
-This race can Sense Eletroreception up to 1 kilometer under water
-This race can see in water perfectly with no negatives
-This race can see behind itself
-This race can go without sleep with no penalty or fatigue but still does require restfulness of up to 8 hours a day to regain it's casts and stamina.
-This race can stay underwater for up to x10 their Endure Score in hours (Instead of regular calculation)

The powerful dolphin race of the Felnar oceans. Similar in to some porpoises species they inhabit dangerous water as tight community clan, though they have adapted for
underwater life they can walk upon land for survival though view neither really that advantageous depending upon what they are hunting or what could be hunting them.

Classification Fey
+30 STR
+15 CON
+20 DUR
-10 PSY
Organic Fauna/Average
-A weapon can be made specifically for a orc called a “Orc Variant” that has +10 extra damage for a orc named race but not for any other race this costs an extra 500
-A Orc that goes to 0 HP or less continues to stand for 2 rounds
-Gains a +10 on Muscle Checks
-Gains a +5 on Scent Checks
-Fighting with a Melee grants a +15 damage
-May see in any level of darkness
-A charge attack deals an extra +15 damage for melee
-Gain a extra +10 to your lift score
-Regain +1 stamina per round
-Gain +1 stamina per level

A race of human once thought to be despicable it soon is learn they are even more respectful than most thought they are humans that evolved from the underworld of the caves
even further than dwarves they trained themselves in Melee weaponry well and can see in the deepest darkness there skin is either colors of green colors of gray or colors or
their gray goes to black and on some occasion albino white or brown orcs also have tusks and fangs growing out of their mouths and may have one the other or both making them
looks very vicious and tough although some have proven to be a loving race if given respect

Orc Zelmia
Classification Fey, Beast
+40 STR
+20 CON
-30 DEX
+20 DUR
-30 PSY
Organic Fauna/Average
-A weapon can be made specifically for a orc called a “Orc Variant” that has +10 extra damage for a orc named race but not for any other race this costs an extra 500
-Gains a +25 on Muscle Checks
-Gains a +50 on Scent Checks
-Treat size 1 size larger for HP, and Grapple
-May see in any level of darkness
-Every round regain +1 stamina
-Gain a extra +20 to your lift score

The proud red orc of the great vast deserts and valleys also called the war orcs roamed the word looking for a home they call their own. Long ago their race left the dark
dwelling looking for the mother land of origins “Eden”. Upon their crusade found many hardships but instead of their underworld senses becoming duller somehow it became more
refined almost to a extreme level as they hunted the great expanses better than a human but with more understanding to the land they live upon. Soon they came to call this
their home the mother land they love.

Orc Garso
Classification Fey
+30 STR
+10 CON
-10 DEX
-10 DUR
+20 PSY
Organic Fauna/Average
-A weapon can be made specifically for a orc called a “Orc Variant” that has +10 extra damage for a orc named race but not for any other race this costs an extra 500
-A Orc Garso that goes to 0 HP or less continues to stand for 2 rounds
-Choose 4 skills and apply +2 bonus to them per level (Can be Aimed Strike Check or Grapple)
-The Chosen 4 skills of this race can take a 5 no matter the situation once per round
-May learn 2 languages pieces instead of 1 when learning languages (as Bachelor Degree)
-May see in any level of darkness
-Gain a extra +10 to your lift score
-Immune to Cold Environment TS of 30
-Regain +1 stamina per round
-Gain +1 stamina per level

The orcs in generations of the upper worlds called the Orc Garso are a barely recognizable race to their underworld cousins. This species of Orc more so master the ways of
craftsmanship instead. Their strong tusks not lost over ages as their skin instead turned to a blue and white hue. Also called the tundra orcs they live upon high mountains
and come down for trade of their amazing wears and gear.

Classification Ameboid
+15 SPD
+100 CON
Organic Fauna/Ancient
-Gain CRIT Immunity
-Weakness take x5 Damage from Cold Damage (if you already have it increase it by +1 instead if this weakness is lower than the largest weakness) and take x3 Damage from Ion
Damage (if you already have it increase it by +1 instead if this weakness is lower than the largest weakness)
-Regenerate from water sources by 10 HP per round or till water is all absorbed (5 HP per litre of water)(2 HP per litre of other liquids)
-If hit with Cold Damage you cannot turn into a Ooze at will for rounds equal to Cold Damage dice amount max 5 rounds if no dice is used instead max 2 rounds
-This race has the swallow whole effect when it devours a target.
-Fight perfectly in the water with no negatives
-This race can see in water perfectly with no negatives
-This race ignores rough terrain except Ice Cold surfaces
-You can turn into a Ooze at will that can fit through any crack and space. This does not effect your equipment
-Your body produces a constant Acid Damage effect at will that deals 5d4+1d4 per level + CON MOD
-Reach 3DSU and has up to max 1 limb per 5 CON MOD these limbs are prehensile you may combo your extra limbs for +1DSU per 2 limbs added into a singular limb for reach.
-Take the shape from as you wish this form though is not capable of being used as intended object form.

The Ozmosiah being a gentle race born of a mostly liquid planet. They joined the URO.

Phorusrhacide Avian
Classification Avian
+15 STR
-50 DEX
-25 PSY
+100 DUR
+75 SPD
Organic Fauna/Average
-This race gains double ground movement from SPD stat.
-This race has no prehensile limbs.
-This race has a beak that deals +25 damage with a bite.
-This race has talons on it's feet that deal +25 damage with a kick.
-This race has a long neck granting +1DSU reach
-This race Lift Score from DUR is increased by x10 and LS from STR increased by x3.
-This race can be ridden by a equal sized rider applying them to it's LS. This race cannot ride itself. When being ridden you count as a mount to yourself for effects and a
pilot to the rider for effects. As long as you are ridden the rider and yourself do not count as share squared for negatives
-This race when ridden provides it's SPD to the riders melee attacks when making a charge attack and counts the rider as making a charge attack.
-This race gains +25 to Jump checks and all movements are consider a Jump action at will without a skill check.
-This race treats it's charge attack bonus from SPD at x3 but charges cannot make a drift and must remain straight lined.

A dominate species of bird that when found were used as mounts. Soon though a mistake was made discovering their sentient level was high enough to even mimic speech and
learn the meanings. Bringing to the attention of most the Phorusrhacide were granted their citizen ship instead of animal status. Though not minding being ridden and most
offer themselves as taxiway services pulling heavy loads like horses. Seemingly some think these species are dirty but to the contrary they quite enjoy bathing and remain
even nice to most people that give them tips and snacks. Though they have no prehensile limbs some have found the love of robotics and enhancements to help their lack of

Classification Fish
+60 STR
+60 CON
+60 DUR
Organic Fauna/Average
-This race is can be Small sized and gain a +3DSU to their swim and land speed with a +5 to their grapple checks, Medium sized and gain a +3DSU to their swim speed with a
+10 to their grapple checks, Large sized and gain +15 to grapple checks.
-This race gains +30 to it's Guard Checks with it's armor skin also negating -2 CRIT multipliers if not called shot in a weak spot.
-This race has a bite of +3 damage per character level.
-This race has a scent check of +25
-This race can smell accurately up to 40DSU in water.
-This race drowns in air environments and normally breathes underwater.
-This race must enter into water environment at least once every 2 hours, and if in a hot environment drying out must reach water within 1 hour or die from lack of water if
hit with a Heat Damage reduce it by half but increase your time without water by 30 minutes.

The armored fish race of the deep waters of a deep ocean planet. Their species are dangerous and highly predatory no matter the size though intelligent they usually have bad
temperaments even with each other though they have proven to not really want to bother with each other but other races generally deal with them with fine lines though
exceptions of their race does exist and are calmer in attitude.

Psio Hume
Classification Human
+15 PSY
+30 SPRT
-5 STR
-5 CON
Organic Fauna/Average
-Immune to Mind Effects at level 1 TS 10 + 10 per level once per 2 rounds.
-All Mind control effects last only for 1d4 rounds instead of full duration against yourself.
-When taking study knowledge you may instead of 2 max in a learning max you may learn 3 at a time and -2 weeks from each month of learning degrees.
-When any ally is effected with a Mind Effect if they fail from up to 12DSU away from you. You may intake the effect instead and if you make the resistance check against it
for yourself you cut the rounds in half instead. If you Instead are afflicted with a Mind Effect you may pass onto an ally up to 12DSU the effect which they must instead
make the resistance check.
-Receive a Damage Mitigation from Psionic Damage of -25 + -25 per level.
-Skill Enhance: Psio Humes may enhance permanently by choice 2 skills, which gain a +1 bonus per level
-Psio Humes may blast with their mind at will once per round with Psionic Damage (mind effect) against targets in a radius of 6DSU from around you excluding allies) for 20d4
+ 20d4 per level if you drop the Damage by half you may stun the targets. The TS to resist is equal to your TS (this is a Psionic effect). If you use the Stun the Stun level
is equal to your level max stun level 20 if applied the stun effect. You may do this effect once a round. Allies in the radius gain a bonus to their Mind Checks equal to +3
per character level for one round.
-Psio Humes can perform as a ½ ACT to read somebodies mind. The TS to resist is equal to your Immunity to mind effects (this is a Psionic effect)
-Psio Humes can share their memories with a willing target not immune to Psionic mind effects if they refuse the link auto breaks.
-This race is always consider to have 1 active Psionic Focus active if none are active on a psionic class for it's abilities. Though this acts as a Psionic Focus it provides
no scaling thus anything that scales per Psionic Focus only deem it at x0 thus example +3 Aimed Strike Check per Psionic Focus will not provide it's bonus.

When the humans enhanced themselves some turned into the Psio Hume a set of humans similar to Arcanum humans but with the ability to use their mental abilities to guard
themselves from high degree Psionic strikes and mind effects in general

Classification Machination & Undeath
+25 to chosen stat
+25 to chosen stat
+25 to chosen stat
-20 to chosen stat
-20 to chosen stat
Inorganic Ethereal/Endless
-Does not Eat or Drink or Breathe (Cannot take alchemical tonics and cannot inhale toxins etc.)
-Quintessence cannot regenerate from rest and cannot be healed by Void-magical sources like from alchemist potions but heal from both Unholy and Holy Healing but cannot be
healed from drinking/eating but you recover all HP within 8 hours of consecutive sleep
-Gain Pierce-Vision Sight of up to 1DSU
-Sense Eletroreception and Life Sense in a 25DSU radius
-You gain 2 manifest energy per day
-Ethereal powers are turned on at a ½ ACT and turn off at will which grants all attacks done to you or you perform have a 10% chance per character level to miss. Also you
may phase through permitted section that you are granted access if you are denied in any way you may not phase to the section. Ethereal strike cancels the miss chances.
while in Ethereal mode you can phase through any material plane objects as long as you are “welcome” into them so if a lock door and closed windows are placed and you do not
have permission to enter you may not enter. You need 1 manifest energy to activate this ability.
-You may take up to 10 other allies into the ghost Ethereal plane applying your Ethereal mode abilities to them and all benefits but you become sleepy and must rest for 2d4
rounds when these rounds end they all return to normal
-When you sleep you cannot be touched by any source like Organics and Undead and material plan existences only those with Ethereal as a body build type or Ethereal touching
-You may possess any machine type being within Ethereal mode but not take them over unless they are sleeping and you must have permission to take over mentally with them to
use their body (their character) with any of their Physical body stats not mentally (STR DEX CON DUR SPD) if it is sentient if it is not use your own stats within this body
it can recover it’s HP by 1/4th it’s base HP each round while you possess it.
-When this race reaches 0 HP it does not die but become Ethereal and cannot regain Manifest points for up to 3 days and must pay 14 manifest points to restore back at 1/10th
HP but for each 14 spent you regain 1/10th HP more.
-Immune to Psionic Power Casts

When a machine of great power that is sentient dies sometimes their own energies and influence become so potent that they ascend into a Quintessence. These beings notably
rare usually are created in secret. Another way they form is when a super AI gains it's sentience level above peek and becomes free of it's procession units leaving it's
imprint to the energy. Generally they take the shape of vibrant energy able to touch into our world more easily. Generally they take the particles of the area around them
and form a body from these particulates influencing and effecting the physical realm with greater ease.

Raskovnik Plant People

Classification Plant
+5 DEX
+15 SPD
+10 SPRT
+25 to chosen stat
Organic Flora/Long
-Gain CRIT Immunity
-Hive Mind with Raskovnik/Mandragora Plant People and speak up to 10DSU from each other
-Gain Immunity to Psionic Power Casts
-Raskovnik regenerate 5 HP per character level every round
-You can change your shape to 2 sizes smaller as a ½ ACT and a ½ at to change back
-Gain 3DSU reach
-Has up to 10 spare mini limbs that may hold objects but not “true” wield them for benefit but may activate pressure pressed articles like buttons and switches. They only
have a 1DSU reach. The mini limbs may not attack.

A race of plants that form humanoid bodies though they are a quasi-plant species they are truly a fungi that controls various other living moving plants they have a
collective knowledge similar to the Insectal Men they rival but they mutually usually benefit one another tribes due to their mutual heritage of evolving together.

Reptilian Folk
Classification Reptile
+20 DEX
+20 CON
+45 SPD
Organic Fauna/Average
-Gain +20 Scent Checks
-Gain +10 Muscle Checks
-Gain +5 to Grapple Checks
-Poison Bite TS 19 + 2 per character level. Causes 1d4 stacking poison Damage that last for 1 round per level of the character which means if you succeed the poison the 1d4
turns to 2d4 then 3d4 etc. Every time you apply the poison it attacks by a choice of either STR CON DEX or PSY if you change the poison upon the bite it still stacks the
1d4s but it applies all the #d4s to the new applied stat thus if you did 2d4 poison to CON and switch to PSY it will do 3d4 to PSY instead not dealing Damage to CON anymore.
-This race has the swallow whole effect when it tries to devour a target. This is a unique poison status effect.
-Gain Tail 1DSU
-Gain Infrared sight cannot see in Normal sight
-Gain 5DSU swim speed
-Can hold breath x3 as long before suffering suffocation

A race of reptilian folk from the same planet as the Avianas and Amphibousus humans have genetically altered them from their original breed and they seem to hold a tiny bit
resentment for it though it did save their kinds life as their planets genetic pool was dwindling and dying if they slowly forgave the humans for their now mixed breed looks
of Komodo dragons, snakes, monitor lizards, or alligators and most other earth reptiles they seem to have developed this poison bit in all their race due to the snake mix
they received making them potently powerful as they age in time

Rheum Hume
Classification Human Fish Fey
+50 DEX
+25 PSY
+25 SPRT
Organic Fauna/Long
-Has no legs
-Gains a tail 1DSU permanently
-Has a swim speed of 20DSU
-Has a land based movement of 1DSU and cannot be modified by any effect.
-This race can breathe under water and out of water perfectly
-This race can see in water perfectly with no negatives
-This race can instantly melt any water based liquids in solid state back into their liquid state
-This race may create 3 litre of water per level once every 2 rounds. Or blast this water to deal 1d4 Water damage per litre applied in creation of the round. The litres in
the rounds do not have to be used consecuativly thus using 3 litres of water one round and then 3 litres the next will exause your litres but refresh the next round. Any
psionic focus active from a class will raise the dice grade by +1 of this ability. Aqua magus ability to create water can be added into this ability for effects of both but
use up eachothers litres.
-May turn into a water like form gaining +100 on stealth from vision from camouflage in deep water like environments than you can submerge within and melee/ranged attacks
deal ½ damage in this form. Max rounds my may remain in this form is 3 rounds +1 per 5 CON MOD and upon end of this effect you cannot reactivate it again for 10 rounds. Also
during this form your land speed is increased to 3DSU instead of 1DSU and swim speed is increased to 30DSU instead of 20DSU and Ion, Acid, Heat and Cold damage deal 80% less
-This race is always consider to have 1 active Psionic Focus active if none are active on a psionic class for it's abilities. Though this acts as a Psionic Focus it provides
no scaling thus anything that scales per Psionic Focus only deem it at x0 thus example +3 Aimed Strike Check per Psionic Focus will not provide it's bonus.

Called mermaid and mermen this race is the outstanding swimmers of the fey races and show extreme grace and prestige in the water than anyplace else. They revere humans and
show a bit of jealousy of their ability to walk on land and swim in the ocean though note that mankind still cannot breathe their waters with ease like them. It was figured
that their races spit from one another during a time though cross breeding is possible the child will either end up one or the other of the race though on rare occasion
sometimes it's said a beautiful child is born that can handle both worlds perfectly with both races strengths and powers the Pani Hume.

Classification Angel & Fey
+5 all stats
Organic Fauna/Long
-This race has 1 special body part choice of head, body, right arm, left arm, right leg, left leg depending on the chosen part they gain an ability you may choose a new part
every 2 level to become special this part is called a Holy Infusion you cannot have the body part removed or else the effect is negated and you must reattach an organic arm
again for it to return if your entire body turns into all Holy Infused you gain resistance to Heat/Cold/Ion by –20 points and you gain a pair of angelic wings with flight
-Holy Infusion Head gain Bright Sight 45' and can see Evil Alignment Auras
-Holy Infusion Body gains a Damage Mitigation to mystical attacks by –25 this increases by 25 every even level of the character
-Holy Infusion Right Arm or Left Arm the chosen arm can manifest a quasi-Physical form equal to your size this arm can reach up to 3DSU every even level you can also forgo
the arms reach to increase its size by 1 grade each 3DSU reduced this arm takes on any effect you put upon your arm you must be able to manifest the arms within your sight
as they are attached to your own arms
-Holy Infusion Right Leg or Left Leg gains a 3DSU land speed boost

This race seems perfectly human till revealed in time by growth of power their Angelic and Fey empowerment grows to such a violent level to transforming their bodies into a
strange glowing resonance of either green. Blue, purple or red along with hard scales around those glowing sections the race is known to be one of the most revered or feared
beings on the existences. This race is the male of the Seerstrixion.

Classification Devil & Fey
+5 all stats
Organic Fauna/Long
-This race has 1 special body part choice of head, body, right arm, left arm, right leg, left leg depending on the chosen part they gain an ability you may choose a new part
every 2 level to become special this part is called a Devil Infusion you cannot have the body part removed or else the effect is negated and you must reattach an organic arm
again for it to return if your entire body turns into all Devil Infused you gain resistance to Heat/Cold/Acid by –30 points
-Devil Infusion Head gain Night Sight and Infrared Sight
-Devil Infusion Body gains a Damage Mitigation to Physical attacks by –25 this increases by 25 every even level of the character
-Devil Infusion Right Arm or Left Arm the chosen arm can manifest a quasi-Physical form equal to your size this arm can reach up to 3DSU every even level you can also forgo
the arms reach to increase its size by 1 grade each 3DSU reduced this arm takes on any effect you put upon your arm you must be able to manifest the arms within your sight
as they are attached to your own arms
-Devil Infusion Right Leg or Left Leg gains a 3DSU land speed boost and you can walk on water

This race seems perfectly human till revealed in time by growth of power their Daemonic and Fey empowerment grows to such a violent level to transforming their bodies into a
strange glowing resonance of either green. Blue, purple or red along with hard scales around those glowing sections the race is known to be one of the most revered or feared
beings on the existences. This race is the female of the Seerraivou.

Classification Fish
+25 STR
-20 PSY
+25 DEX
-30 SPRT
Organic Fauna/Long
-This race when in a grapple with an Organic deals 10d6+DEX+STR MOD Damage per size category you are (this reduces to 10d4 if small 10d2 if tiny) this Damage is Physical
-This race drowns in air environments and normally breathes underwater.
-This race must enter into water environment at least once every 2 hours, and if in a hot environment drying out must reach water within 1 hour or die from lack of water if
hit with a Heat Damage reduce it by half but increase your time without water by 30 minutes.
-This races swim speed is 10DSU
-Fight perfectly in the water with no negatives
-This race can see in water perfectly with no negatives
-This race never loses its DEX when grappled and 1 failed Grapple check no matter what allows it to escape
-This race has a larger than normal mouth and can bit equal to 2 sizes larger in Damage and apply to anything 1 size smaller than itself a grapple to devour the target,
which in 3 turns will die from extreme stomach acids even if they are immune to Acid
-This race has a +25 to stealth checks in watery environments
-This race has a +10 to grapple checks and +20 more in watery environments
-This race has a +10 on Guard Checks

The Selachii are also known as shark men or jaw men, considered once vicious tribal beasts so it was realized they’re not as primitive as many thought as some have learnt to
speak common languages and helped many others out proving this they soon showed that they themselves where once experiments of similar nature of the various genetic species
in a similar fashion to many others, this info shocked many that they have evolved for billions of eons and have traveled far and wide to ocean environments commonly hiding
their presence from many races till they felt it was time to reveal themselves, this sparked a revelation of where the technology acquired came from and how history is
repeating itself again. Many races asked how they came to be all they say is one of the races amongst them is also just as old as they are and that their ancestors where
malevolent beings of war even committing to war over peace they also seem to see humans as the problematic race of this current age though most of this race are various
shark species and have many shark features combined with humanize looks seemingly many looks and forms exist but all are the same species but all have a semi shark human
head and have fins on their arms and legs and a shark tail on their connection of their spine.

Classification Angel
+15 to all stats
Organic Fauna Ethereal/Eternal
-This race gains +3 to 4 different stats per level. (Genetic Alteration Template cannot take)
-This race Has 14 prehensile wings which are made of a wisp ethereal energy and allows flight and swim movement of 25DSU. Each wing has a reach of 6DSU.
-This race when it dies in any realm but the celestial realm instead reforms within 7 days.
-This race may teleport to the celestial realm and back to the mortal realm as a Full Round ACT. You must have been to the places to teleport to them
-This race produces light TS of 30 in a 5DSU radius this light can be turned into blinding light as a ACT and stop blinding as a ½ ACT action.
-This race may heal for 5d12 per character level as a ½ ACT this healing may put limbs back on and may even resurrect the dead within 1 day time once per week per being.
-This race deal +5 damage with any melee attack or ranged attack per 3 character levels of Holy bonus damage.
-This race has Bright sight always active even when switching vision types.
-This race is always consider to have 1 active Psionic Focus active if none are active on a psionic class for it's abilities. Though this acts as a Psionic Focus it provides
no scaling thus anything that scales per Psionic Focus only deem it at x0 thus example +3 Aimed Strike Check per Psionic Focus will not provide it's bonus.
-This race is Immune to Holy and Unholy damage.
-This race may disguise itself as another race as a ACT hiding it's physical abilities and turning them off and while in the form may produce a child with said race but is
stuck in that form till child birth. It's size matches that of the race it's mimicking if it has wings, tail are fully function. If it has a set locked vision type you gain
that vision type in that form.

The race of the heavenly host, the power of angels soars with time and experience. Long ago the Seraphium played a role against the Nephalim for their horrid deeds against
other races. Though the two fought a long battle the Seraphium started to split into 3 factions each not agreeing to the others ways. The group that watched and guided over
man kind slowly guiding them, The group that sought to fight the Devilius True Demons and the group that sought to rule all other races under their rule just like the
Nephalim. Their powers far became reveared among the Ancient races as a threat equal nearing a True God level. Their appearance is of a human like being with hardly a solid
figure but it's learn their form is not 100% what is figured and they may reshape their form into any humanoid race to ease their nerves around them. Their truest face is
just made of pure light and energy. During the great war the Devilius sought to end the this war to warn of a threat called the Nightmare Spawn that threatens many many
realms if they physically form and most life will be wiped out if they continue this useless fight. Though a high number of Seraphium did not listen 1 named Lucifer agreed
to terms with another set of angels and one whom lead the angels of peaceful justice Alaxander with the Devilius leader named Cessation. Though too late the 3 races while
the fey realm was broken down and nearly lifeless the group cleared with the Death Syndile saved the realm from utter desolation into the grand nightmare. Though this
occurred many Nephalim still out there seeking to bolster the True God that caused this havoc named Grand Oracle Daedalus. Thus the continual trials to prevent the 2nd
Ragnarok event start.

Classification Undeath, Human
+10 to chosen stat
+10 to chosen stat
+10 to chosen stat
-10 to chosen stat
Organic Fauna Undead/Long
-Skill Enhance: Shadow may enhance permanently by choice 2 skills, which gain a +1 bonus per level and +1 extra bonus every 2 levels (you cannot choose the same skill for
each choice)
-You gain a +20 to stealth checks.
-Skill Enhance: Shadow may enhance permanently by choice 2 skills, which gain a +1 bonus per level
-You can see at any level of Darkness and can see Good Alignment Auras
-Around your body you passively always darken an area by -5 TS in a 3DSU radius around yourself.
-You may as a ½ ACT place an area in a shadowing shroud in a 6DSU radius around yourself this lasts for 3 rounds you may transfer this shadow shroud to a different area not
around your body as a ½ ACT if you expend a ½ ACT you can also extend the radius to 12DSU the shadow blocks out all light and is the highest level of darkness possible. When
you create more than 1 darkness zone the areas share the same reset and rounds as long as they are touching in the same radius. This effect can only maintain itself for a
max of 15mins continually upon which you cannot use this ability for 1 hour.
-If your character falls from a Knock Out or Death instead their body will reform within 1d4 days at 10% HP or be sent to the Shadow or Ethereal planar by choice and return
to the mortal plane within a day.

A unique race of beings that shape are very similar to any race but are almost like a shadow of them, they come from the great darkness realms and traverse through
mysterious places by mistake most don’t realize shadows are a semi half alive being born from multiple souls.

Siliceus Nemereans
Classification Arthropod Fish
-45 STR
+80 DEX
+25 SPRT
+30 SPD
Organic Fauna/Short
-This race has no legs
-This race has 2 tendrils that are prehensile instead of arms
–Is Blind (cannot see normally with eyes)
-This race moves via slither movement and cannot be tripped
-This race swim speed is 8DSU
-This race has a burrow speed in dirt of 6DSU
-This race has a acid spit & poison that deals 5d4+1d4 per CON & DUR MOD. The poison TS grows 1 level per character level of DEX poison.
-This race has a tongue that can reach out with a bite attack that deals the acid spits damage and the poison.
-This race has no bones and can squeeze through spaces of up to 10 centimeters minimal.
-This race can on land and in water environments breathe normally
-This race must enter into water environment at least once every 8 hours, and if in a hot environment drying out must reach water within 8 hour or die from lack of water if
hit with a Heat Damage reduce it by half but increase your time without water by 30 minutes.
-Fight perfectly in the water with no negatives
-This race can sense eletroreception up to 40DSU underwater
-This race does not need line of sight to cast at a target and does not suffer a miss chance from lack of sight as long as it senses it with any sensory.
-This race has camouflage of +15 from sight when it performs stealth checks.

The dark dwelling worm race shown no signs of being sentient till the race shown to have sub terrain cities and their on language. They mostly do not care for other races
and has no really ill will to any of them. After learning to speak with them they did show some interests in “cement” instead of their mud brick homes. After the race tested
out some technologies they started to show promise as workers in plumbing, and even electrical repairs etc. Some races refer to them as the “dirty job worms” though most are
hard to speak to they do know how to perform speech using their unique body vibration cords. Siliceus Nemereans are a long sea worm like entities with 2 long tendrils with
grasp points similar to fingers, they have color changing pigmentation that match many environment colors.

Classification Fish , Fey & Avian
+15 DEX
+10 PSY
+10 SPRT
Organic Fauna/Ancient
-All Female Race
-Fight perfectly in the water with no negatives
-Tail 1DSU also adds 3DSU swim speed replaces legs
-This race can see in water perfectly with no negatives
-Can turn into a human classification race (without the abilities and stats) becomes bi-pedal in these forms losing the tail
-May perform alluring sounds these grant you +15 to diplomacy, intimidation & bluff checks and +30 to those that find you attractive this does not work on other sirens
-May perform a sonic loud blast that deals 5d4+ 1d4 per level + PSY MOD (wind) and a TS check of the deafen status effect the status effect level equal to your level max 20
-May perform as a ½ ACT a mist effect within 25DSU centered around yourself, only other sirens can see perfectly through it all Ranged attacks suffer a 50% miss chance

From long ago many have been tricked by sirens to crash their ships into rocks, though not all sirens are jerks nor like to kill humans as they are also the source of their
own children, they were the ones whom watched humanity examining them after their exile from the fey lands, sirens guard the realm breaks where fey realm twines into the
mortal realm, some sirens have lived normal lives as humans some allured human males to reproduce and produce more sirens etc. these sirens trend to care a bit about
humanity and their cross mutation variants though the human race itself have been calling them sea hags at times, tricksters powerful water nymphs etc. all true in sense but
the hierarchy of fey presume that the sirens are just trying to make sure humans don't repeat their previous mistakes while some fey are thinking that the sirens are also
the cause of humanities exile from the fey realms.

Classification Undeath
+40 DEX
-5 to chosen stat
-5 to chosen stat
Organic Fauna Undead/Endless
-This race is immune to being CRIT
-If your character dies he can be revived within a day and come back at 10% HP except if the skull itself is destroyed
-If you lost a body part you may regain it by either reattaching it or attaching a new body part it will alter and become fitted properly to your character through odd
mystical alterations turning into a skeletal part
-Your sight is based where your skull is thus if you detach your head where it lands is your sight area though you always know where all your body parts are and have full
control over them as if they can always see where your skull resides and all objects in the way of it and pathway to it are unless your skull is put within a different
planar or sealed off from the body in a mannerism that keeps it from locating you at all
-You can control your body normally or any detached part belonging to yourself will return to the source except head via your control each part can move a space of 3DSU per
turn unless it’s the full legs and hip which move your normal land movement if any of your parts are capable of flying they use your flight speed instead except the head,
which requires aid to be move anyplace unless it too can fly in some mannerism
-You can live without a head attached to your main body
-You gain a bonus +20 Acrobatics Check to Ranged weaponry
-You may reattach all your limbs as a ½ ACT or disassemble yourself as a ½ ACT no matter how damaged they are
-You may make Acrobatics Checks against Ranged weaponry as a free normal action that also does not move you 1DSU

A race similar to Undeath but all Skeletons they are known for their constant reassembling abilities and are very hard to hit with Ranged weapons consider the toughest of
the Undead sentient they have proven their worth as soldiers in many armies but they are not invincible they are made of random bones of many beings some have even mixed and
matched arms legs and their true form of existing is their skulls which dons their glowing eyes of varying colors

Classification Changeling
+15 PSY
+15 SPRT
+15 LUK
Inorganic Ethereal/Ancient
-Gain a +20 to Mind Checks
-This race is immune to Input Casts
-This race may produce a blast of energy for 1d4 Void damage as a ½ ACT. The dice grade of this damage is increased per PSY MOD and CON MOD divided by 3 round down. If this
hits a Machine Body Type, Ethereal Body Type or a Machination Classification type enemy the dice grade divides by 2 instead of 3. You may expend 1 manifest energy to
increase the dice grade by 1 max up to 5 times.
-This race increases TS of Input Casts by 1 and +1 per even level.
-Zone Scan: You can target a specific character/item and scan it for 1d4 rounds to determine its traits like Hardness, how much HP it has so on this does not count as a
scan. If another ability named zone scan exists the rounds are cut down to 1 and may scan up to 3 objects per round.
-This race after it has fully scanned a target that has not been scanned before heals the Solutari for it's CON/PSY/SPRT Score this effect may only occur on the same target
once per 3 rounds or if it scans a unscanned before object by the Solutari itself.
-This race may mimic the looks of anybody it sees equal to it's size though does not gain the abilities of them.
-You gain 1 manifest energy per day the max manifest energy you may contain is equal to 10 per character level.
-Ethereal powers are turned on at a ½ ACT and turn off at will which grants all attacks done to you or you perform have a 10% chance per character level to miss. Also you
may phase through permitted section that you are granted access if you are denied in any way you may not phase to the section. Ethereal strike cancels the miss chances. You
need 1 manifest energy to activate this ability.

This race was manufactured by mistake after the ethereal realm had a cross over causing a new sentient race of living data they are called sentient AI ghosts and have
popularly been used as AI nowadays this race is traced down to zilo AI units and thus are called Physical holographic ghosts aka PHG but commonly want to be called as the
Solutari the living employment of ghosts in the shell

Classification Beast & Fey
+10 to all stats
Organic Fauna/Average
-Gain +5 to all STR and DEX skill checks
-As a ½ ACT gain a bonus +10 to all your stats for 2 rounds this effect stacks but not the rounds.
-Has a prehensile tail of 3DSU
-Feet are prehensile and are treatable like hands.
-Acrobatics Checks can be done with Jump checks instead and perform the jump movement.

The Songoku are a race of powerful monkeys that are born of the fey realm though not dealing much in the past future or present have helped many mortal realm beings. They
are close friends of the Kitsune races and generally are a fun going race.

Classification Angel Changeling
+25 PSY
+250 SPRT
Organic Fauna/Timeless
-This race has 2 minds which each can take a different class. But to switch between the 2 class sets it will take a Full Round ACT. Any summons and effects from the class
that have to be maintained by having the ability or Focus are instantly lost.
-When taking study knowledge you may instead of 2 max in a learning max you may learn 5 at a time.
-If the 2 minds share a class level It will gain a bonus +1 to all it's skills. (The class levels must be of the exact same class)
-Any Mind based check can be rolled twice instead of once. The second roll will suffer a -15 penalty for each extra time in a combat it is applied.
-This race when it has Psionic Focus ability may apply half the penalty instead rounded down instead of full penalty.
--None of this races abilities can be taken with Genetic Alteration Template.
-You cannot take Genetic Alteration Template with this race.

One of the most powerful races in the multiverse known for their supreme power of mental states being 2 different personas. Contained within one body this race rivaled even
the Nephalim in their mighty power. With their high mental capacity and awareness they adapted many different formats of combat and inventive ingenuity, It's figured this
race was one of the advent races that lead to the creation of humanity itself. Their bodies though encased in a strange hard skin, it will switch tone when the other mind
takes control controlling the looks of the races itself to represent their persona. Their bodies appear almost human though with a uncanny 6 eyes and no nose with long
fingers and standing at 7ft tall on average almost to the view as the “Grey” aliens to humans though not as weakly as their bodies contain very specialized adaptations for
both minds to control the single body. This race 2 mental halves are consider Siamese twinning to a adaptive quality, Down to the fact the race does not even consider gender
specific but do identify the greater terms of their bodies are a vessel to protect and to create just the same as the humans. It was concluded this race commonly studied
humans for their unique mental subset and chaotic mentality stating they are of single mind thus cannot understand perception as well as other races with a binary brain but
do come close to this state on some cases.

Classification Fish
+20 STR
+20 DEX
+30 SPD
Organic Fauna/Average
-This race can on land and in water environments breathe normally
-This race must enter into water environment at least once every 8 hours, and if in a hot environment drying out must reach water within 8 hour or die from lack of water if
hit with a Heat Damage reduce it by half but increase your time without water by 30 minutes.
-Fight perfectly in the water with no negatives
-This race has a bite of +2 damage per character level
-This race has a swim speed of 10DSU
-This race can smell accurately up to 40DSU in water.
-This race gains +15 to Scent checks per character level underwater
-This race gains +5 to Scent checks per character level out of water
-This race has a set of claws on it's fin hands and fin feet that deal +1 damage per character level.
-This race can see in water perfectly with no negatives

The Sphyraena are a unique fish race, living on both land and water they adapt special traits to strive like tribal hunting and even underwater exploration. They themselves
are fairly viscous seemingly shaped like alligator gar and barracudas though in reality they are fairly calm and just want to figure things out from the land races. When
permitted to join the galactic civilizations they helped with water maintenance and many other amazing jobs though they trend to look scary they generally don't care and
just eat fish and work like any other being in a galactic civilization.

Syndile Emperius
Classification Fey
-50 STR
-50 CON
+150 DEX
+15 PSY
+15 SPRT
-50 LUK
Organic Fauna/Eternal
-Gain Immunity to Unholy, Holy and Gravity Damage
-Gain a touch empowerment to yourself or an object that deals 1d4 per level Gravity damage that has a TS equal to your mind check score without a 1d20 roll if they pass the
TS which is a Endure Check they take half the damage it could potential perform. Upon level dividable by 4 it gains 1 extra dice grade (1d4 to 1d6 to 1d8 etc. of size dice
pattern). You may use this power only once every round per 3 levels in combat.
-Can see in all levels of darkness and light
-Life Sense up to 1 kilometer
-Does not have a Ground, Fly or Swim movements nor can they be modified. This race only moves by using teleportation and has a base of 5DSU teleport distance though it's
teleportation movement can be seen as any other normal movement and is not effected by the environment rough terrain looking like blinks as they walk swim or flying.
-This race gains a +5 movement to it's teleportation movements every even level.
-This race cannot be flanked or CRIT
-This race cannot teleport out of grapples.
-This race is immune to effects of gravity.
-Mortality property effect does not effect this race. Genetic Alteration template cannot take this effect.
-This race sees in black and white only in any of it's vision types it goes to.
-Psionic Casts done by this race have their TS raised by +10 and This race is always consider to have 1 active psionic focus active if none are active on a psionic class.
This does not provide any bonuses that scale off Psionic Focus as if still at 0 Focuses.

The original race of Syndile the “Survivors” of the great fey dragon war. Long forgotten these beings are the ruling fey of the dark zones of the fey and nature realm and
consider powerful in their own right. They find solance in their mix breed children the Death Syndile the ones born of Human and Syndile Emperius cross breeding. It's said
that this race went into hiding after fighting head on with the Nephalim toe to toe over the travisty of war creating a race called humans they sought to free from their
tyranny the Nephalim Garso and Nephalim Emperius. This race looks like a large shadow like wisp in a shape of a human without legs appearing like smoke though they can
physically touch the world like any being.

Classification Arthropod
+25 STR
+20 DEX
-15 PSY
-15 SPRT
Organic Fauna/Short
-This races size is Tiny
-This Race Jump checks are always able to triple
-This race can eat any garbage materials like cardboard
-This race can produce a sound that can deafen within a 25DSU area with Endure TS equal to your own
-If this Race performs a kick treat the size dice +3 size grades higher
-This Race can substitute any movement for a jump check
-This race does not take falling Damage from its jumps
-This race may use 1/4th round down of it's Jump modifier to add to Aimed Strike Check for it's kicks.
-This race with its kicks can reach to 3DSU
-This race never occurs negatives to those or itself when it shares a square.
-This race considers any jump movement base of rolling a 10 at choice but cannot use this for the movement substitute is used for evasion.

Known as the Hoppers this race looks similar to grass hoppers locus and crickets they are merciless
Warriors and have had a grudge with a few races though they can tolerate most they are easily angered though some are exception to this rule most presume almost anything is
food this race works in teams and swarms like crazy usually

Tengu Arkadice
Classification Avian & Elemental
-15 STR
+50 DEX
+30 SPD
Organic Fauna Ethereal/Long
-This race can learn a whole language component with 1 Wisdom Point that takes 3 days per component (This is treated as each education degree level)
-This race beak has +15 Damage with it's beak
-This race has perfect sight of 3DSU
-This race has a movement speed of 12DSU instead of 6DSU.
-This race may run up walls with it's ground movement speed.
-This race can see in all darkness and brightness.
-This race race has +150 to Listen & Sight Checks
-This race can produce a energy blast from it's hands from up to 6DSU and deal 1d4 per STR DEX & SPD MOD of untyped damage. This blast requires to roll a Aimed Strike Check
of any type.
-This race gains Keen Skill: Choose 1 skill and every level divisible by 5 from the skill list that you can spend a ½ ACT to multiply the skills roll result by 1.5 round
down (this counts as a keen skill multiplier and stacks with other keen skill multipliers by adding together (1.5 + 1.5 = 2.0 or 1.5 + 1.5 + 1.5 = 2.5 etc.) If the actions
spent are past your own it will instead eat into your next turns. (This multiplier only effects the 1d20 result))
Crow men the Raven men, powerful and bound this race of beings spit into 3 different tribe forms of powerful fey. Known to be powerful linguistics and historians the Tengu
are all neutral to most affairs of other races and the few that are involved are called Crazy Birds.

Classification Fey & Avian
+40 DEX
+20 DUR
+30 PSY
+30 SPD
-20 STR
-20 CON
Organic Fauna/Average
-This race can learn a whole language component with 1 Wisdom Point that takes 3 days per component (This is treated as each education degree level)
-This race has +15 to Stealth Checks
-This race has +15 to Sleight Checks
-This race has +5 to Jump Checks
-This race beak has +10 Damage with it's beak
-This race gains +20 to Sight, Slight and Mind Checks with traps and how magic and tech traps work and to undo them
-This race may transform itself into a human

Crow men the Raven men, powerful and bound this race of beings spit into 3 different tribe forms of powerful fey. Known to be powerful linguistics and historians the Tengu
are all neutral to most affairs of other races and the few that are involved are called Crazy Birds.

Tengu Veer
Classification Fey & Avian
+20 STR
+40 DEX
+20 PSY
+30 SPD
-20 DUR
-20 CON
Organic Fauna/Long
-This race can learn a whole language component with 1 Wisdom Point that takes 3 days per component (This is treated as each education degree level)
-This race has +15 to Sleight Checks
-This race has +5 to Muscle Checks
-This race beak has +15 Damage with it's beak
-This race may see magic auras up to 3DSU away
-This race has wings on it's arms
-This race may turn into a crow with flight speed. Your equipment is hidden and unusable

Crow men the Raven men, powerful and bound this race of beings spit into 3 different tribe forms of powerful fey. Known to be powerful linguistics and historians the Tengu
are all neutral to most affairs of other races and the few that are involved are called Crazy Birds.

Classification Reptile
+30 STR
-30 DEX
+30 CON
+20 DUR
-90 SPD
Organic Fauna/Long
-This race Land speed cannot go under 3DSU
-This Races Guard Checks are doubled only size bonus and DUR bonus is doubled from this effect
-This Race can increase its Guard Check by x4 for a ½ ACT to fit its head arms and legs into its shell this only applies to bonuses not from armor.
-This race can levitate off the ground by 1DSU thus walk on water and for 1 min per level on air itself of equal elevation from the ground it walked off from
-This can perform an Acrobatics Check of 1DSU movement and ignore any effect that negates their Acrobatics Checks.
-If this race falls it instead falls at 1DSU a round with free movement like land speed and does not take falling Damage ever
-If this race wishes while in its shell it can levitate and become a weapon that if it charge attacks increase its land base speed by 12DSU (not reduced by SPD penalty) this
attack is with its shell and deals 5d12 Size Dice Damage upon hitting and applies any effects of “self” from either 1 of the arms legs or head source. If SPD MOD is negative
treat SPD MOD as 0 for the charge. This charge attack when applying Forceful Push increases the TS by +25.
-While in its shell the race can levitate and spin off the ground up to 5DSU and charge in any direction even upwards (though it instantly returns to the 5DSU or lower
elevation from the ground)

The grand tortoise race from a planet far off they too like humans are disjunctive from the fey realm but by choice, they wish to instead watch humanities efforts and maybe
even guide them in secret though not all are good most presume humans and other races can sort get along better than they do now this race is known for long lived years and
see even the Daimyo Dragons pretty short lived not quite but close

Troll Arkadice
Classification Arthropod & Ameboid
+40 STR
+500 CON
+25 PSY
-50 DEX
-150 SPRT
Organic Fauna/Average
-A weapon can be made specifically for a troll called a “Troll Variant” that has 1 size category treated larger for a troll but not for any other race this costs an extra
500 credits the trolls size treatment does not effect this weapons own size grade up.
-This race is Large sized
-This race gains regeneration equal to it's CON MOD x5. This regeneration can restore missing limbs. Heat & Cold damage shuts off this regeneration for 4 rounds.
-This race may climb up walls without making a climb check.
-This race has claws on it's hands and feet along with tusks on it's head that deal +5 extra damage per 5 levels

Classification Fey & Plant
+15 STR
+20 CON
-5 to chosen stat
-5 to chosen stat
Organic Flora/Average
-A weapon can be made specifically for a troll called a “Troll Variant” that has 1 size category treated larger for a troll but not for any other race this costs an extra
500 credits the trolls size treatment does not effect this weapons own size grade up.
-Treat this race size category as 1 size larger for melee.
-Gains a +25 to Listen Checks
-Gains a +25 to Scent Checks
-Psionic Damage deals ½ as much damage
-Psionic Mind Control lasts only for 2 rounds max
-Mortality Damage Effect only cuts regeneration in half when in effect instead of normal.
-Regeneration 15 HP + 10 HP per 2 levels per round if a limb is lost it is regained within 1 round including the head Weakness Heat Damage deals x2 Damage (if you already
have it increase it by +1 instead if this weakness is lower than the largest weakness) and stops the Rapid Healing ability for 2 rounds each time Heat Damage is taken

Unlike other races it’s learn that Trolls do not reproduce like normal mammals fact is they seem to be more like a plant as they bud from lost limb parts they seem to be
from the same place as the Orc and have very similar structure to them soon it was learn that they are in fact a sub race of Orc genetically made with the Raskovnik Plant
People that gained regeneration abilities they seem to have a problem with fire though which causes them great grief

Troll Jegga
Classification Devil & Human
+20 STR
+25 CON
+25 DUR
-15 PSY
-25 SPRT
Organic Fauna/Average
-A weapon can be made specifically for a troll called a “Troll Variant” that has 1 size category treated larger for a troll but not for any other race this costs an extra
500 credits the trolls size treatment does not effect this weapons own size grade up.
-This race is Huge sized
-Gains a +15 Muscle Checks
-Gains a +15 Climb Checks
-Gains a +15 to Listen Checks
-Gains a +15 to Scent Checks
-Mortality damage is reduced by ½ (ignoring the usual Mortality rules for damage absorbency ignorance)
-All Cast damages are reduced by half (unless it is by a physical/ranged attack effecting Cast)
-This race has claws on it's hands and feet along with tusks on it's head that deal Mortality damage when used and deal +5 extra damage per 5 levels
-Regeneration of 1% Max HP every round (This can only be effected by LUK MOD up to 5%)

The Troll Jegga is a powerful giant human race born of corruption of the a dark beings known as the Great Demons 7 which are 7 powerful beings residing in the Devils Realm,
released into the world they started gaining insight and knowledge, some saw their own freedom revitalizing and sought a more peaceful life, while others remained
destructive forming war bands attacking humans, the Nephalim Garso are mostly the cause of creating this race with the Devils to help fight against a more known force called
the Archfiends, though their idea was realized the effects it cause was not all they expected, the 7 rulers agreed that it wasn’t a failure but same time they knew that the
fight of the Devil and Angels was over. A truce was finally procured as this race was finally accepted into the galactic alliances as a mediator of the devil realms,
displease with the results the Nephalim Garso that wanted them to be destructive most left the devil realm referring the race as the Jegga within their language “the
successful failure”.

Classification Undeath
+10 to chosen stat
+10 to chosen stat
-5 to chosen stat
-5 to chosen stat
Organic Fauna Undead/Endless
-This race has Life Sense up to 25DSU
-This race has constant Life Sight this sight will always remain on during any vision type
-This race is immune to any negative effect that removes a body part
-This race can take any body part matching that is still suitable to replace any of it's body parts melding and reforming to become one with this race looking like their old
part (including any of it's own body parts that are cut off) this counts as regeneration effect
-This race gains Damage Absorbency bonus of 10 with +5 per every level past one against physical attacks
-This race when it assimilates a body part it can learn the languages and knowledge it knew within 1 week along with fragmentation of it's memories and even their name.
-This race cannot use WP to learn knowledge during a campaign
-This race if it's killed can be revived by taking it's body parts or spare parts body parts and medically stitching back together reforming at 10% HP within 2 days.
A race of undead beings that transcended into their own semi race unlike a zombie or fleshy skeletons which they can look like either they can think and comprehend and feel
they are built of random mass of bones and flesh usually and are constructed of such as like shadows they are formed from a multitude of souls forming into one body. The
undeath are viewed somewhat negatively even as grave robbers etc. but they honestly more so see the world as a new learning ground for their current form to become more
knowledgeable. Though people have noted for some reason they do not even have a smell to them they do appear pretty terrifying in appearance. It is not uncommon some get
specially grafted skin alone to fit into human societies saying they just have “scars”.

Undeath Garso
Classification Undeath
+5 to all stats
Organic Fauna Undead/Endless
-This race base movement speed is 10DSU instead of 6DSU.
-This race has constant Life Sight this sight will always remain on during any vision type
-This race has constant Ethereal Sight this sight will always remain on during any vision type
-This race has Life Sense up to 6DSU
-This race is immune to cold and heat environments
-This race has Damage Absorbency of 10 against slashing and piercing attacks with +5 per level past 1st
-This race can speak to anything that is undead body type
-This race gains a bonus +5 to any stat per level

Similar to their more fleshy variant the Undeath Garso are skeletal in nature made of many beings and lots of cloth like materials forming from a single strong soul. They
have mostly no care anymore or feeling of their old instinctive selves mostly enjoying learning and now observing beings. Though most are viewed as disturbing when their
cloth does not cover over their bone self even called out as mummies at times due to their light control of the cloths weaved through their bodies. They trend to not cause
harm and are mostly lone wolves only forming friendships with very open minded people that might accept their friends “true form”. Society sometimes invites them in due fact
they are very helpful wise and caring when they can be with few even regaining sense of emotion to care higher past learning.

Classification Fish
+15 STR
+15 DEX
+20 SPD
Organic Fauna/Short
-This race is small sized
-This race has a tail 1DSU (cannot be removed)
-This race has a +30 to Slight Checks to escape from situations (like grapples)
-This race when it loses its limb will regrow it back in 1d4 days if it’s been eating and resting correctly the only limb that will not grow back is its head
-This race can see in water perfectly with no negatives
-This race can on land and in water environments breathe normally
-This race must enter into water environment at least once every 4 hours, and if in a hot environment drying out must reach water within 1 hour or die from lack of water if
hit with a Heat Damage reduce it by half but increase your time without water by 30 minutes.
-Fight perfectly in the water with no negatives
-This races swim speed is doubled
-This race is treated 2 sizes smaller when fitting through tight spaces
-This race never loses its DEX when grappled and 1 failed Grapple check no matter what allows it to escape and cannot be grappled by that target properly for 1d4 rounds due
to its slime
-This race can apply a poison via it’s slime with a TS equal to your own +10 but only if you are not drying out the poison strikes the opponents DEX and STR equally by half
by 2d4 for 3 rounds and each round and 2d4 stack each time they fail this slim can be rubbed on the equipment they use as a ½ ACT per equipment and lasts till you strike
with Damage or exposed to Heat
-This race has a larger than normal mouth and can bit equal to 2 sizes larger in Damage and apply to anything 1 size smaller than itself a grapple to devour the target,
which in 3 turns will die from extreme stomach acids and poisons even if they are immune to Acid
-This race has a +25 to stealth checks in watery environments

The salamander race referenced as are well known for their ability to escape from situations and squeeze through small fitting areas with ease they seem like a bipedal slick
lizard of very dull colors like brown or green but initially are a type of amphibious creatures, well known to be diversely capable fighters and scouts, notably they are the
best scouts around in the water, they enjoy fun and games and their favorite food are fish that are pretty fair sized

Classification Dragon & Fey
+15 STR
+15 DEX
+25 LUK
+10 PSY
+10 DUR
Organic Fauna/Average
-Permanently gain wings
-While in flight a Wyvriuah cannot use their hands due to the wings also being their arms
-This race gains a +25 to Jump checks
-You may spit poison up to 6DSU that deals 1d4 + 1d4 per level + CON + LUK MOD acid damage to HP. You may apply this damage to a stat of your choice at 1/2 the normal
damage. Endure Check to half damage.
-Gain a powerful bite attack that deals +2 damage per level. This bite can apply your poison attack.
-Permanently gain a tail that deals +2 damage per level. You may apply your poison attack through your tail.

The Wyvren dragon people of the desert planet. They lived quiet lives till the Accuser War occurred and met the Damiyo Dragons. The race similar look to a Dragon with a
sharp poisonous stinger to their tail and hunched back shape. To initiate flight the Wyvriuah jump with massive strength as they catch the breezes and glide on the air
currents till they find their prey. At first contact the Damiyo Dragon took their assault head on tougher than they appeared the Damiyo Dragons helped call a truce to help
fight the “mechanical” menace upon their planet freeing them from their soon to be destroyed planet. Their faces appear more beak like with razor teeth that act as injectors
for their toxic bite and spit.

Yzzigot Planteria
Classification Plant & Arthropod
+30 STR
+15 DEX
+10 DUR
-10 PSY
-10 SPRT
Organic Fauna Flora/Ancient
-This race is immune to psionic power Casts
-This race has 6 legs that are prehensile but is has no arms
-This race has 6 tendrils that cannot be used for combat but are prehensile with a reach of 3DSU
-This race may walk on water at will
-This race may climb walls or ceilings at will
-This race can see in water perfectly with no negatives
-Regenerate 5 + 5 per level HP per round
-Gain +15 to Scent
-When you have a target in a grapple you may apply poison to them with rank equal to character level divided by 2(minimum 1)
-This race gains +1 to Grapples per character level.
-This race gains a powerful jaw that deals 2 + 2 damage per level and +15 to grapple checks with it also upon bite may apply it's poison ability
-May spit a gas cloud up to 6DSU line that hit in a 3DSU radius that applies it's poison effect
-This race does not have to let go when performing an action in a grapple that would normally cause you to let go except for throwing

The beings of the Yzzigot are similar to water skimming insects with long 12ft legs with small grasps like claws and a powerful cricket like head with 6ft antenna. with high
intelligence and a bond to a symbiotic plant that melds to it's limbs producing it's poisons. The Yzzigot though feeling like a full on insect are compatible with speech
with most races and shown signs of even falling in love with some races. This race unlike some bud and produce a new offspring once every 10 years leaving their eggs buds to
hatch within 5 years. Their love of others is more of a emotional bonding in romance than really over sexual wants as they love personality nearly more than most other
races. This race is one of the URPO peace talkers and enjoys human beings for their poetic natures at times along with many other races.

Templates define a characters attributes of “Genetics” “Skills” and “Bodily change” be it through many means this could happen. A campaign that runs with 0 Templates is
called a Locked Power campaign (thus a player must spend money for any of certain templates to even acquire 1) a 5 template campaign is called a Normal Power campaign this
generally makes a game harder on choices of synergies of your templates and character creation. A campaign that runs with 10 templates is called a High Power campaign thus
each combo is a bit less restrictive but noticeable trade offs occur. A campaign with 15 templates permitted is a Hyper Power campaign as most chain offs become increasingly
powerful combos with high stats. A campaign with 20+ is called a God Power campaign as most characters now have most combos too their benefits or ideals but the power level
of stats spikes along with abilities.

Templates may not stack unless they permit it so if a template has a (insert) choice the insert counts as a different template. When applying a template in a weird fashion
(genetics)(gene splicing)(magic) it costs 2,500 credits per character level to apply the template and requires a Alchemist for (Bio-Engineering) a Artificer for (Techno-
Encgineering) and both for (Bio-Techno-Engineering) if the template lists a cost for application use that cost instead. It takes 1 day per 250 credits of the template

A character that does not take templates gains a bonus to all stats by +5 per 1 slot empty and a bonus +5 racial point per template slot not taken. If all slots are empty
gain bonus +15 to all stats and +15 to racial points.

Templates marked with a ✯ is a special template,a character may only take one ✯ marked Template.

Agile Build Template

Advanced Tactician Template
A.I. Implant Template
A.I. Shackled Implant Template
A.I. Link Template
Angelic Enhanced Template
Aptness Template
Aquatic Fighter
Aquatic Adaptation
Arbiter Template
Arch Power Template ✯
Arthropodic Enhancement Template
Augmentation Enhancement Template
Avoidance Template
Bio Drive Template
Bio Drive Model 2 Template
Bio Mind Link Template
Blind Template
Broken from Fate Template
Broken from Fortune Template
Buster Striker Template
Brute Force Template
Catastrophe Template
Casters Blast Template
Casters Balance Template
Casters Counter Template
Casters Elemental Fury Template
Casters Invocation Template
Casters Power Template
Casters Will Template
Clone Split Template
Chitin Skin Template
Clever Power Template
Combat Trained Template
Corruption Spark Template
Cursed Template
Cyborg Template
Deftness Template
Demonic Enhanced Template
Destiny Defied Template
Durable Build Template
Dragon Blooded Template
Electro Magnetic Template
Elemental Empowered Template
Elemental Lord Template
Enduring Body Template
Enlarged Template
Evolution Machine Template
Fallen One Template
Fated Destiny Template
Fay's Blood Template
Finesse Template
Flora Enhancement Template
Fortunate Template
Genetic Alteration Template
God Destroyer Template
God Eater Template
Gods Grand Chosen Template ✯
God Spark Template
Golem Template
Grand Heart Template
Grand Master Caster Template
Harmonious Body Template
Holy Artifact Template
Holy Blood Template
Hunter Template
Hyper Sense Power Template
Hyper Zilo Gravity Template
Immortality Destroyer Template
Ingenuity Template
Insanity Incarnation Template
Insane Mind Template
Invigoration Template
Jolt Burst Template *
Killer Instinct Template
Knack Template
Lich Template ✯
Life Burn Template
Luminary Template
Massive Build Template
Mental Elite Template
Metal Bone Template
Metal Skin Template
Meteos Spark Template
Mortal Spark Template
Multi Arm Template
Multi Leg Template
Mystic Size Template
Nimble Template
Optic Power Template
Overloader Machine Template
Parasitic Embriotic Template
Phobic Template
Possessed Incarnation Template
Pursuant Template
Prediction Template
Psio Burst Template
Quintessence Being Template *
Raging Body Template
Reactive Mind Template
Sentinel Build Template
Sicknesses Template
Solid Form Template
Shadow Form Template
Shrunk Template
Skilled Adept Template
Skilled Expert Template
Skilled Focus Template
Skilled Idealist Template
Skilled Master Template
Skilled Repeated Template
Skilled Successor Template
Skilled Tactical Template
Spiritual Aware Template
Spiritual Empath Template
Stability Template
Stone Skin Template
Streamline Machine Template
Symbiotic Ooze Template
Tempest Caster Template
Therianthropy Template
Unfortunate Template
Unholy Artifact Template
Unholy Blood Template
Vampire Mutant
Vampire Template ✯
Warped Mind Template
Weapon Martial Artist Template
Wild Body Mutant Template
Wraith/Ghost Template ✯
Yesteen Template
Ywis Template
Zilo Enhanced Template
Zilo Mutation Template
Zombie/Skeleton Template

Agile Build Template

-10 STR
+15 DEX
-10 DUR
+15 SPD
-When using a precision Aimed Strike Check gain +2 Damage per 3 levels
-You can move extra 1DSU when making Acrobatics Checks
-You can ignore rough terrain for the first half of your move action
-You gain +5 to Acrobatics Checks
-You lose –5 to Guard Checks

Advanced Tactician Template

+5 STR
+5 DEX
+5 PSY
-10 CON
-15 DUR
-You may use Tactical Aimed Strike Check instead of Forceful Aimed Strike Check and Precision Aimed Strike Check instead
-For a ½ ACT you may use your Mind Check to scan a location of up to 12DSU but you cannot move on your next ½ ACT to see the environment and plausibly hidden zones the TS
depends on the layout in the area and for every +25 in Sight you may reduce the TS by ½ your Sight Modification. This info tells of plausible dangers advantage zones etc.
but does not detect hidden traps.

A.I. Implant Template

-Gain a special AI that works with you to live, the AI has its own opinions and personality it may want to take you over or work with you depending it is treated as a NPC.
It's Stats per level are +30 PSY each level it has. Upon every 3 levels the A.I. Grows to a new degree of intelligence and awareness developing at a much faster rate of
thought, This grants the A.I. It's own study check growths and new opinions and automatically can teach the Host and gains all the hosts functional Degree's of learning to a
study check.
-The A.I. Has a full ACT to itself but when controlling the host it uses the hosts actions. It's actions still can switch ADD-ONs etc. for the host.
-You may apply ADD-ONs to the AI (only self-type ADD-ONs) instead of yourself and it may share these with you at it's will.
-The AI sees out of your body normally and controls your body systems alerting of any issues with it and even able to assist it or even control you if it wishes.
-Your Implant can be targeted instead of you as a pin point shot. If it is hit you take damage as vitality damage to your head and are stunned for 1 round. Your AI can be
placed in any body part segment as choice.
-EMP disables your AI and you are stunned for 1 round when EMPed
-AI's may link into different computer devices and give you a +15 study to hacking attempts into computers or controls during this time their ADD-ONs cannot apply to
yourself while they are in other computers. It may also clone itself a small fragment and communicate to it's main self as a link. This link is limited active to 1100DSU of
the original A.I. Implant itself and not any other fragment.
-The A.I. Can grant the Host it's PSY score and it's Study knowledge for 10 rounds at the cost of -5 stamina to the host for every extra 10 rounds. This PSY boost is only
capable to apply to Study, Pilot and Build Checks and Mind Checks for discovering things but not for resisting effects.
-When a Status effect effects the Host's mind like an illusion etc. The A.I. Implant can make one too of it's own Mind Check to diffuse the effect after 3 rounds have past
and every 3 rounds after if still effected.
-An A.I. Template gains 1 knowledge degree to 5 Knowledge categories every odd level and reduces the time for the Host to learn these Knowledge Studies by -1 day every even
level. An A.I. Automatically starts with 10 Associate Degree knowledge.
-Zone Scan: A.I Implant and the Host can target a specific character/item and scan it for 1d4 rounds to determine its traits like Hardness, how much HP it has so on this
does not count as a scan. If another ability named zone scan exists the rounds are cut down to 1 and may scan up to 3 objects per round.
-The check to resist the A.I. Implant is a Mind check equal to it's level +1 extra Multiplier for each month it's been attached to you (Max multiplier is x8).

An AI special implant into your brain this implant costs 5,000 credits per AI level
A.I. Shackled Implant Template
-Gain a special AI that obeys your commands. It may seem to contain some personality or intelligence but does not have a self will or true opinion only understanding
“probabilities”. It's Stats per level are +30 PSY each level it has. This A.I. May start to learn new study formats from data sources and try to assist it's partner with
learning these study formats.
-You may apply ADD-ONs to the Shackled AI (only self-type ADD-ONs) instead of yourself and it may share these with you at it's will.
-Your Implant can be targeted instead of you as a pin point shot. Your AI can be placed in any body part segment as choice.
-Shackled AI's may link into different computer devices and give you a +15 study to hacking attempts into computers or controls during this time their ADD-ONs cannot apply
to yourself while they are in other computers. It may also clone itself a small fragment and communicate to it's main self as a link. This link is limited active to 1100DSU
of the original A.I. Shackled Implant itself and not any other fragment.
-Your Shackled AI can instantly learn anything within 3 hours -15 minutes per character level past first. If the time is reduced to 0 minutes instead The AI gains +2 to
study checks per character level.
-Your Shackled AI can teach you knowledge that it knows up to double the time speed for those segments of knowledge it knows but you lose 1/4th of your Wisdom Points while
this hyper learning mode is on and cannot be shut off till it finishes your study time increase. To just tell you basic info without a mind share it will just speak to you
normally when asked.
-When a Status effect effects the Host's mind like an illusion etc. The A.I. Shackled Implant can make one too of it's own Mind Check to diffuse the effect after 3 rounds
have past and every 3 rounds after if still effected.
-Zone Scan: A.I Implant and the Host can target a specific character/item and scan it for 1d4 rounds to determine its traits like Hardness, how much HP it has so on this
does not count as a scan. If another ability named zone scan exists the rounds are cut down to 1 and may scan up to 3 objects per round.
-Shuts down during an EMP effect

An AI special implant into your brain this implant costs 5,000 credits per AI Shackled level

A.I. Link Template

(Machination classification or Body type only)
-You can jump your mind to other machines (computers) it will also apply it’s stats but can only take over for 1d8 rounds then must move back to the main body it can reach
any Machine (computer) up to 1 kilometer as long as it knows about its location if it does not have a body to return to that it can locate it will instead remain dormant
till a new body can be taken over within a 40DSU distance that it can jump to if a body of the machine dies it itself is not dead unless it’s A.I. is deleted your Physical
traits of your race do not apply to the machine only mental abilities
-Gain +10 to build checks involving machines and to mind checks to break into them in any fashion while infusing into a machine (computer)
-If this template is applied to a Mechani A.I. it loses –10 to STR, DUR, SPD stats and does not have a time limit on how long it can remain in a machines body
-This makes anything applied to become able to store an AI for as long as it wants without a duration remaining
-Do not take negatives for piloting vehicles
-Shuts down during an EMP effect

This is the device put into anything able to store an AI housing upon adding the machine (computer) houses the current dominate AI to control and keeps it safe this can be
added to any machine for 100,000 credits after character creation

Angelic Enhanced Template

Classification Angel
-Every time you heal or are healed by Holy healing gain +5 to your STR & CON for 2 round the rounds do not stack but the STR & CON score up max +25 upping does and the
rounds reset this effect only works in combat.
-Every even level gain +5 to STR and PSY score
-Every odd level -5 to CON score

Aptness Template
+10 STR
+15 DEX
-15 LUK
-Any skill that becomes a negative instead goes to 0
-Gain +1 to 5 skills every odd level.
-Gain +5 to Aimed Strike Check or to Grapple (per gain of level) at 1st level and every 3 levels after.
-If you NAT 20 the bonus on High Success Bonus (HSB) goes to +25 instead of +15 and the NAT 1 High Failure Negative (HFN) negative goes to -10 instead of -25.

Aquatic Fighter Template

+5 STR
+5 DEX
+5 CON
-When fighting in liquid environment take no negatives.
-Grappling in liquid environments gains a bonus +10
-Gain +1DSU to swim movement
-You may hold your breath for x2 as long this also effects those that need to breath underwater instead.

Aquatic Adaptation Template

+10 STR
+10 DEX
-When fighting in liquid environment take no negatives.
-You drown in air environments and normally breathes underwater.
-You must enter into water environment at least once every 2 hours, and if in a hot environment drying out must reach water within 1 hour or die from lack of water if hit
with a Heat Damage reduce it by half but increase your time without water by 30 minutes. This effect only occurs on beings that do not have the same similar effect.
-Gain +3DSU to swim movement
Arbiter Template
+25 PSY
+15 SPRT
-Gain +1 to Diplomacy and Bluff Checks per level.
-Every round you do not make a diplomacy check in a social situation (listening in) you gain a +1 Diplomacy, Bluff and Intimidate (PSY only) Checks per round for their
situation only at hand this caps at +25.
-You gain a +2 to sight checks to spot odd behaviors and +3 to Mind & Study Checks to identify any of these strange behaviors causes in a social situation (Hiding weapons,
Under effects of magic or drugs etc.) per character level.
-You may make up to 3 times a day Study Check as if you had an associate degree in them once per day.

Arch Power Template ✯

(this is a special template, you can only have 1 special template on a character)
Classification gain either Angel or Devil or Elemental or Beast (based on choice) (you may take this template once for one of these choices)
+40 to 4 different chosen stats
-20 to 4 different chosen stats
-Choose either Angel Devil or Elemental this will determine your abilities
-Angel Choice listed
--Holy & Ion & Cold damage or healing you use are increased by x2
--Weakness Unholy & Gravity damage deals x2 to you (if you already have it increase it by +1 instead if this weakness is lower than the largest weakness)
--You cannot tire from long distance travel and all those around you including yourself in a 5DSU radius have 1 level of their fatigued removed if remaining near you for 1
rounds if they remain in for 2 rounds 1 level of a status effects are removed and for 3 rounds they gain a regeneration of 100 HP then the rounds to wait resets to 1 round.
--Gain 2 pairs of wings and increased flight speed of +3DSU per pair of wings you have max +12DSU extra.
--Your body takes -50 from Holy damage sources
--May teleport to the Celestial or Ethereal realm at whim as a 5 round ACT.
-Devil Choice listed
--Unholy & Gravity & Heat damage or healing you use are increased by x2
--Weakness Holy & Ion damage deals x2 to you (if you already have it increase it by +1 instead if this weakness is lower than the largest weakness)
--Every round by choice of you activating and those you want effected in a 5DSU radius every round gain +10 STR,PSY,DEX,DUR but lose -10 CON and SPRT till you shut off the
effect (The HP they are left with remains instead of going back up) NPC under this effect may make a Mind or Endure Check every 2 rounds equal to your TS to negate.
--Gain Wings and Tail of 3DSU and Prehensile with the tail and wings.
--Your body takes -50 from Unholy damage sources
--May teleport to the Infernal or Shadow realm at whim as a 5 round ACT.
-Elemental Choice listed
--Heat, Cold, Ion, Acid, Earth, Water, Wind, damage or healing you use are increased by x2
–-Weakness Holy, Unholy, Gravity, Psionic damage deals x2 to you (if you already have it increase it by +1 instead if this weakness is lower than the largest weakness)
--Your normal sight also allows you to detect heat levels (cold and hot), water (ice clouds etc.) acid, alkaline & earth (stone gems metals) variances and sense them up to
10DSU of yourself (this does not identify if it's a living source but does tell the compounds of the sources) You must spend 5mins to identify a single material source each
to find it's name or if it's unknown.
--You may teleport to any planar realm you wish as a 5 round action and take up to 3 others with you.
--You may teleport through any of the listed sources (fire, ice, water, earth, clouds) as long as the target sources are up to 3DSU apart and the teleport distance is equal
to your flight movement (flash step will boost the distance) this is a move action to perform the ability.
-Beast Choice list
--Physical & Void damage or healing you use are increased by x2
–-Weakness Metal & Psionic damage deals x2 to you (if you already have it increase it by +1 instead if this weakness is lower than the largest weakness)
--Gain one of these sub choices
---Gain wings with 20DSU flight or if you already have wings just 20DSU flight if you wish(this adds Avian classification).
---Tail of 5DSU +3DSU land speed while also unable to be tripped with Infrared Sight (this adds Reptile classification).
---Gain a +3DSU land & swim movement speed that gives all natural limbs/head/body claws/horns/spikes attacks a +20 Damage and able to smell blood up to ½ a kilometer away.
---Gain swim speed of +6DSU with not penalty for fighting in liquid environments for melee combat and able to smell blood up to 2 kilometer away in liquids (this adds Fish
--Gain scent,sight and jump checks +25
--Gain the ability to sense living Organic Fauna up to 6DSU (this does not pin point location)
--Your body takes -50 from Physical damage sources
--May teleport to the Nature realm at whim as a 5 round ACT

Arthropodic Enhancement Template

(Organic or Ethereal only)
Classification Arthropod
+10 STR
+10 DEX
+10 CON
-15 SPRT
-15 LUK
Organic Fauna added
-If your body type was Ethereal your body must now listen to the Organic Fauna type rules for eating, drinking and rest.
-You may apply your hardness to negate damage if the hardness is over the striking force.
-You may climb on walls at a 3DSU movement land speed (requires 3 natural limbs to attach)
-Mind checks to resist mind effects gain a +10
-Gain +5 Scent checks
-Gain +5 Muscle checks

Genetic modified to have Arthropod features

Augmentation Enhancement Template

Classification Machination
-Pick a body part of either Arm, Leg, Body or Head. You may select other parts if they exist on your body like a Tail. Each time taken it only applies 1 body part (Thus if
Arm is chosen it only applies to 1 arm unless it's Wings which must be in pairs of 2. A body part can only have up to 2 Augments built into it at once. Guard Check bonuses
do not apply if armor is worn over them. Every 4th stack of this template counts as a new named template Augmentation Enhancement 1, 2 ,3 etc.
---Gain +5 Lift Score, +10 to Muscle Checks & 1 size dice to punches.
---Gain +5 Slight Checks involving the hand, +5 to Build & Pilot Checks.
---Gain +5 Lift Score, +10 to Guard Checks, +5 to Muscle Checks & 1 size dice to punches.
---Gain +10 Lift Score, +5 to Muscle Checks & 1 size dice to kicks.
---Gain +5 Slight Checks involving the leg, +5 to Acrobatics Checks & +2DSU of movement if other leg shares this same augment.
---Gain +10 Lift Score, +10 to Guard Checks, +5 to Muscle Checks & 1 size dice to kicks.
---Gain +5 Lift Score, +5 to Muscle Checks & +5 Endure Checks.
---Gain +20 to Guard Checks, +5 to Acrobatics Checks.
---Gain +5 Lift Score, +25 to Endure Checks & 1 size dice to all parts.
---Gain +20 to Sight, Listen & Scent Checks.
---Gain up to 3 different vision types extra of your choice of up to 12DSU (Pierce-Vision is restricted to 1milimeter, and Perfect Sight to 2 DSU). +5 to all To Hits.
---Gain +5 to Study, Pilot, Build Checks, +20 Mind Checks, +10 to all To Hits.
---Gain +20 to Guard Checks, +10 to Acrobatics Checks.
---Gain +5 Slight Checks involving the tail, +5 to Acrobatics Checks & +1 size dice to tail whips.
---Gain a prehensile to the tail & +1 size dice to the tail whips.
---Gain +10 to Guard Checks, +10 to Acrobatics Checks in flight.
---Gain +10 Slight Checks involving the wings, +5 to Acrobatics Checks.
---Gain +2DSU of flight movement when all actions are movement.
-EMP will shut off Augmentation parts benefits.

When a person replaces their parts with mechanical parts to enhancer themselves a ritual/technological science endeavor to add this template later as the character
progresses costs 5,000 credits per level of the character trying to attain this template for one piece if its replacement is a weapon it’s price is ignored as it’s accounted
into the ritual/technological science endeavor as well

Avoidance Template
+15 DEX
+15 SPD
-20 DUR
-When you evade a blow you gain a extra +5 to Acrobatics Checks max stacking up to +15 consecutively this bonus disappears after combat.
-When you roll a NAT 20 on Acrobatics Checks you do not expend a ½ ACT.
-You may use SPD MOD + 1/2 DEX mod instead of your normal DEX MOD

Bio Drive Template

+20 to 2 different stats
+15 to chosen stat (cannot stack with +20)
-20 to chosen stat (cannot stack with -15)
-15 to chosen stat
-10 to chosen stat
-Your character gains the ability to ignore rough terrain
-Zone Scan: You can target a specific character/item and scan it for 1d4 rounds to determine its traits like Hardness, how much HP it has so on this does not count as a
scan. If another ability named zone scan exists the rounds are cut down to 1 and may scan up to 3 objects per round.
-If exposed to a EMP effect that shuts down technology the Bio Drive cannot scan or ignore rough terrain its stat boost remain normal
-Upon 50% of your HP left you may enter a overdrive state giving all your stats a +50 boost for 2d4 rounds upon end you become KOed if you activate it at 25% HP the boost is
at +100 instead if at 5% left +150 you can only activate this ability once a day
-A character with this device in them must sleep 4 hours longer and if the character does not need to eat or sleep they must rest for 4 hours to allow the chip system to
cool down

A Bio Drive is a special enhancement chip installed into a user’s core of thought (like a brain) this organizes the impulses and control much more stably granting increased
power in certain areas based on the chips performance specs to get one installed costs 5,000 credits per character level if the character was not pre made with one.

Bio Drive Model 2 Template

+10 to all stats
-You may gain +30 to 3 different stats of your choice as a ½ ACT but at the cost of -30 to 3 different stats of your choice.
-Your character gains the ability to ignore rough terrain
-Your character gains +3DSU to their movement
-Zone Scan: You can target a specific character/item and scan it for 1d4 round to determine its traits like Hardness, how much HP it has so on this does not count as a scan.
If another ability named zone scan exists the rounds are cut down to 1 and may scan up to 3 objects per round.
-If exposed to a EMP effect that shuts down technology the Bio Drive Ultimate cannot scan or ignore rough terrain its stat boost remain normal
-Upon 50% of your HP left you may enter a overdrive state giving all your stats a +50 boost for 2d4 rounds upon end you become KOed if you activate it at 25% HP the boost is
at +100 instead if at 5% left +150 you can only activate this ability once a day
-A character with this device in them must sleep 4 hours longer and if the character does not need to eat or sleep they must rest for 4 hours to allow the chip system to
cool down

A Bio Drive is a special enhancement chip installed into a user’s core of thought (like a brain) this organizes the impulses and control much more stably granting increased
power in certain areas based on the chips performance specs to get one installed costs 5,000 credits per character level if the character was not pre made with one
Bio Mind Link Template
(Machination Classification or body type cannot take this)
-You can jump your mind to machines (computers) it will also apply it’s stats but can only take over for 1d8 rounds then must move back to the main body it can reach any
Machine (computer) up to 1 kilometer as long as it knows about its location your Physical traits of your race do not apply to the machine only mental abilities
-Shuts down during an EMP effect
-Take half negatives for piloting vehicles

This unusual additive makes an organic able to mind meld into machines and can be added to anything but a machine it costs 5,000 credits per character level after character

Blind Template
(cannot take if already blind)
-All sight based abilities that involve your eyes are negated
-You are Blind
-Sonar up to 5DSU
-Scent becomes 100% accurate up to 1DSU
-You may use Sense abilities for targeting as if you had Line Of Sight.
-Any attack done with a Sense ability ignores miss chance at up to 5DSU away then is treated at 25% at 6DSU to 10DSU then 50% as normal past 10DSU.
-Gain +10 to Listen
-Gain +10 to Scent

Broken from Fate Template

(cannot take with the Fated Destiny Template)
-5 to 2 different stats of your choice
-10 LUK
-Any foe around you can only apply half their LUK MOD rounded down against you
-You may revive a being that is about to fall to death or KO within your sight once per day +1 extra time every 4 levels for 5% of your HP and set them to 1 HP instead.
-If you fall to KO or Death you may revive within 1d4-2 days once revived you suffer a -50 to all your stats for 1d4-2 more days.
-If a foe has a auto revive type effect (this means if their HP ever hits 0 and they reverse it by a form of healing etc. or if they canceled something that would have made
them 0 HP) It will not activate upon you felling them. This effect does not work against Ring of Revival type effect.

Broken from Fortune Template

(cannot take Unfortunate or Fortunate Template)
+10 to chosen stat
+10 to chosen stat
+10 to chosen stat
+10 to chosen stat
-You cannot use any luck based powers or your LUK MOD you cannot reduce or increase LUK score (this means cannot apply a chosen stat minus or plus to it but the stat still
exists just does not apply anything)(If any existing choice was within a LUK score you must remove it and reapply it once this template is taken)
-Any foe around you cannot apply their LUK MOD or powers against you
-If you have any positive score in LUK gain bonus racial points equal to ¼ of your LUK score. This only counts LUK that is natural on your character and does not include LUK
from consumables, add-ons, abilities, or other effects.

you are unaffected by any chances

Buster Striker Template

+20 STR
-10 CON
+20 DUR
-You may with your attacks commit a ½ ACT to make your Melee attacks deal x2 damage to objects and equipment for sundering
-If you attempt a Melee sunder deal 25% of the damage you dealt to the wearer of the equipment.
-You may overcome hardness damage negate effects

Brute Force Template

+15 STR
+10 DUR
-15 DEX
-10 PSY
-Forceful Aimed Strike Check gains +1 CRIT modifier per 10 levels
-Once per combat you may apply 2x STR mod as bonus melee damage. This increases by one use per combat every 5 levels
-You may use your DUR mod with STR MOD (their stats remain separated for effects to each other) for 1 round per combat +1 round per 3 levels

Catastrophe Template
Classification of either Fey or Devil
+15 STR
+15 PSY
-25 CON
-10 LUK
-Upon taking damage from any multiple hits for every extra hit keep reducing the damage by -50 thus if hit 5 times you take -100 2nd hit -150 3rd hit -200 4th hit and -250
5th hit and continues the pattern as stated also reduce multipliers by -1 per hit striking.
-Every time you take damage you may store the damage into a pool max storage equal to 150x your level. You may draw from your damage pool to activate effects. You may
enhance an attack with any amount of your pool. You may use your damage pool to increase you damage reduced from hits. You may extend your damage reduced effect by 1 extra
round per 50 points max 5 round can be stacked. Once per round you may make a Cast or attack ignore up to ½ the Guard or Acrobatics Check for 100 points. The pool may remain
after combat but the effects cannot be activated without being in combat
-Gain regeneration 10 per round +5 per 50 in your damage pool.
-When your damage pool is filled gain +20 to all your stats.
-If you would be Koed or Die you may revive back up with your HP equal to the amount of damage points stored as your Current HP your pool is then emptied to 0. If you use
this ability you cannot gain points into your pool for 3 round.

Casters Balance Template

+10 STR
+20 PSY
+10 DEX
+10 DUR
+30 SPRT
-For every “Casters” Template taken other than this one lose -5 to your Cast Charge Pool
-For every “Casters” Template taken other than this one gain +5 to either STR, DEX CON or DUR.
-If this is the only “Casters” Template taken you gain +5 to your Cast Pool Charges per level.

Casters Blast Template

-10 STR
-5 CON
+10 PSY
+5 LUK
+10 SPRT
-Increase the dice grade of Casts by 1 step higher (1d10 to 1d12 then 1d12 to 2d6 etc.)
-By expending a extra Cast of level 1-5 increase the dice grade of the current Cast done by that many times max 5 extra dice grades, you can only apply this effect once per
-You may expend a Cast to boost your Cast TS by +2 per Cast level you used for a single Cast. You can only activate this effect once per Cast action.

When you are inherit with powers to Cast greater than others at the cost of your life seemly verges death a tad for the exchange a ritual to add this template later as the
character progresses costs 5,000 credits per level of the character trying to attain this template

Casters Counter Template

-5 STR
-5 DUR
+10 PSY
+30 LUK
-When performing against a cast you may once a turn use half the amount of casts rounded down of the cast you are countering and negated it with a 50% chance of success
(This will work against Psionic Power Casts)
-If you successfully counter a cast you regain 1% of your HP as regeneration.
-For every “Casters” Template on a foe you are countering against the cast gain a +5% (Unaffected by LUK) chance to the counter chance of success

Casters Elemental Fury Template

(can be taken multiple times per Damage type taken)
Classification Elemental
-10 STR
-5 CON
+10 PSY
+5 LUK
+10 SPRT
-You increase the TS of any of the chosen Damage types Ion, Heat, Cold, Acid, Earth, Metal, Holy, Unholy by 1 and +1 per 2 levels.
-You gain a Damage Mitigation of the chosen Damage type of -25 that increase by -50 every 3 levels.
-You may boost the damage of the damage type by +3 and raise the MOD MAX by +2 per 3 levels.

You have inherited the ability to Cast your elemental powers with more effectiveness than normal a ritual to add this template later as the character progresses costs 5,000
credits per level of the character trying to attain this template

Casters Invocation Template

+5 PSY
+10 STR
+10 DUR
-15 SPRT
-You no longer can gain Casts from rest or from regenerating sources or use Cast charges
-You may expend your Casts to enhance yourself by +1 in a stat per Cast level expend (5th gives +5 4th gives +4 etc.) for 2 rounds
-You may when you hit a foe with any form of damage regain 5 casts.
-If you are hit you may regain 25 casts.
-You may give up 5% of your Max HP (LUK cannot reduce below 1%) and your regeneration effects cannot work for next round to regain 10 Casts
Casters Power Template
-10 STR
-5 CON
+10 PSY
+5 LUK
+10 SPRT
-Gain Temporary Damage absorption equal to 5 plus 1 per level that restores every round against any form of damaging Cast
-Increase your Casts TS by 1 and plus 1 per 2 levels
-When Casting you may instead if the Cast is only 1 Cast Ability not multiple Cast Abilities in a single Cast action give up Casts to either of these choices. You may
activate each of these effects separately but only once on the same singular Cast. You can only activate this ability once a turn. All Casts after this Cast are cut in ½
their round and damage/healing for the remainder of the round. You cannot activate this after you have already used a standard Cast.
--Increase duration by +1 per Cast level given up into the singular Cast (If it contains a duration).
--Grant bonus damage/healing to the Cast by a +# equal to the given up Cast x10 (level 5 gives +50 damage or healing).

Casters Will Template

+15 PSY
+15 CON
+15 DUR
-30 SPRT
-Healing Casts gain +1% (LUK cannot effect) for Healing effects to Body type healing.
-LUK grants +0.5% (LUK cannot effect) extra more per LUK MOD (This equal 1% per LUK MOD) for Healing effects to body type healing.
-Gain +1 to Cast Pool Charges per character level.
-You may expend 3 Cast Charges to increase a MOD MAX by 5 on a cast this effect may stack.
-You may attune to a another ally as a ACT for 2 rounds and pull from their Cast Pool Charges at a 2 cast charges from them for 1 to your own cast charge ratio for your

Clone Split Template

-You may split yourself up to 4 times from up to 1DSU from yourself. You and your clones have identical stats. Each split causes a -25 to all stats multiplied by the amount
of clones present (-25 for 1 clone and yourself, -50 for 2 clones present, -75 for 3 clones present, -100 for 4 clones present). Each split only contains a max of 1 ACT.
When a clones HP reaches 0 it dissipates into nothing but relays all the info back to the original self and remaining clones.
-You all share the same status effect, casting pool, and ability cool downs but share all the same buffs and equipment.

Chitin Skin Template

(organic only)
+10 STR
+5 CON
-10 PSY
-Your body gains +5 to it's hardness
-body hardness applies for damage reduction
-Gain -10 acid mitigation per level
-You gain a Acid spray attack from your hands that deals 5d4+ 1 every level Acid damage touch you may only apply the acid once every attack per hand per round. This Acid
cannot melt Inorganic materials.

Clever Power Template

+30 STR
+20 DEX
+15 CON
+15 PSY
-30 SPRT
+15 LUK
-Once per turn you may treat your LUK MOD as x2 it's modifier for skill checks
-Study Checks gain a +15 Check
-Choose 3 skills these skills suffer a -5 to their checks. The same skill cannot selected more than once.
-Choose 3 skills these skills suffer a -3 to their checks. The same skill cannot selected more than once.
-Choose 3 skills these skills suffer a -2 to their checks. The same skill cannot selected more than once.

Combat Trained Template

+10 STR
+10 DEX
+10 PSY
-Choose 1 of the 6 choices below. (Choices cannot stack) You may gain 1 additional choice every 3 levels past the first till max of 3 choices.
--Assassination Type Effects gain 1 dice grade.
--Melee Training Type Effects gain 1 dice grade.
--Casts gain +5 to TS.
--Character gains +5 to his personal TS but not cast TS.
--Ignore up to -5 of DUR MOD and -5 of SPD MOD negative.
--Healing effects used on yourself or another gain a +5% (LUK cannot apply) to your body type healing limit.
-Choose 1 of the 6 choices below. (Choices cannot stack) You gain these choices at level 2 and gain 1 additional choice every 3 levels past till max of 3 choices.
--Assassination Type Effects gain 1 dice grade.
--Size Dice increase by 1 grade.
--Casts gain +1 TS per character level.
--Character gains +1 TS per level but not cast TS.
--Ignore up to -5 DUR MOD and -5 of SPD MOD negative.
--Healing effects used on yourself or another gain a +5% (LUK cannot apply) to your body type healing limit or to their own.

Corruption Spark Template

(cannot be taken with Broken From Fortune or Broken From Fate Templates or any Template with “Spark” in it's name)
-You gain +10 in 4 different chosen stats each level these choices are locked (these stats cannot be the same)
-You lose -10 to 4 different chosen stats each level these choices are lock (these stats cannot be the same)
-You may as a Full Round ACT to transform your body in corrupted energy that gives your positive stat gains from this template grant +20 stats per level instead of +10 per
level for 6 rounds. Once the rounds end your Negative stats grant -20 stats per level instead of -10 and your stats per level gain and all stat positives gained per level
reduce to only +5 per level for 6 rounds.
-Your alignment starts to shift every month SG shifts to G to N to E to NE. You must make a TS each of these months to resist this effect equal to 20 times your level with a
check of 1d20+All your stat Mods. This will alter your personality of your character to a less moral entity form of evil and lack of care for life in of itself but only
seeking to get stronger power in the end.

Cursed Template
(cannot effect those with broken from fortune) (may be taken more than once for a different kind of curse choice)
-One of these effects always persists till the curse is removed
--When taking damage take an extra +5 per attack done to you that hits
--Uneasy pain strikes your body every so often when you perform a ½ ACT with a 25% chance to cancel that ½ ACT
--All damage taken is always lethal
--One stats skills is always losing -1 per level (cannot pick LUK)
--Per level lose -3 to your LUK score
--All damage removal sources are negated
--Damage you deal is always minimal
--When Casting you lose double the amount
--A certain environment that you walk upon stops you from being able to move
--You cannot cross certain area
--Anything you touch with your bare hands turns into a pure material component of Rare quality or lower entirely as 1 piece or up to 1DSU cube effected it remains in it's
original shape best it can any moving parts will be wrecked. You are immune to the effect. If touching a being they may resist the effect equal as Stone Turn effect at level
equal to your own level but with whatever the material is set to.
--You are Blind
--You are Mute
--You are Deaf
--You are unable to taste or smell properly
--You see ghosts all the time
--Items you own have a 50% chance of not being able to find on that turn.
--You feel tired all the time suffering a -5 to all your checks and -1DSU to movements
--People of the NPC type that become your friend and are around you for a week die from incidents. PC friends suffer small incidents that might hurt them.
--You feel ill all the time suffering a -3 to all your checks and -3DSU to movements
--You suffer horrible nightmares of your own fears and phobias.
--You must obey a certain targets commands and are only able to fully ACT upon their commanding certain free wills can be granted upon the commanders discretion. (The
commander is the target assigned by the curse user)

This template is a representation of gaining a cursed condition making you suffer the TS of a Mind to beat a curse effects is 10 per Cursed Template applied upon the target.
Once failed you are cursed. All effect from this template stack accordingly. It takes 5000 credits to procure 1 stack of the Curse Template (You may rename it to your new
found curse if you created it) this property itself is magical in nature.

Cyborg Template
(may apply more than once for each natural body part zone is replaced)(Machine Body type cannot take)
Classification Machination
+5 to STR
+5 to DEX
+5 to CON
-5 to chosen stat
-5 to chosen stat
-Pick a body part of either Arm, Leg, Body or Head. You may select other parts if they exist on your body like a Tail. These parts are removed and replaced with synthetics
and robotics that are treated as Machine Body type and a Object. If you replace your Head your internal parts will usually remain of your brain and only replaces parts like
your eyes, skull and muscles. If you replaced your Body this will leave most needed functional organs though any that can be replaced can be along with the typical skeleton
and muscles. This will replace all augmentations as a overwrite. Your Body and Head might retain their organic position but not on the outer layer of your body. The material
these parts are made of are made from a material of Uncommon or less rarity for free and provide a +1 Guard Check per 2 Hardness this armoring is up to 2 millimeters thick.
-The body part if it does not retain a organic component is immune to poison. If your body filtration system find any poisons it will grant a +25 to Endure Checks each round
to remove it from the organic portions.
-Certain parts gain a special advantage when applied or as a set (set means all this part is replaced). Arm: Gives +5 lift score and increase the dice grade by +1 for melee
punches. Leg Set: You do not suffer stamina loss for movement with your legs and increase the dice grade by +1 for melee kicks . Body: Gives +5 lift score, reduce fatigue
status effect penalty by half. Head: Gain 1 free vision type you can switch too freely without an action cost and any blinding and deafening effect lasts only for 1 round
along with a +5 Aimed Strike Check bonus in melee combat with other cyborg parts. Wing Set: Slight check to recover from falling increases by +5. Tail: Become prehensile and
increase the dice grade by +1 for tail whips.
-The body parts may start with a set of gear or weapons free of up to 1000 credits that are all built into itself. This cannot be gear kits and must be able to fit into the
part it was set set inside or fold up correctly.
-EMP will shut off cyborg parts.
-If The Golem Template and Cyborg Template exist on the same body parts the bonuses each grants stacks. And applies a +25 Guard bonus against called shots on the Cyborg
needed components along with negating EMP effects against Cyborg Parts but any anti magic zones will shut off this bonus. (This ability is a shared ability of the two
templates and does not stack it's bonuses)

When a person replaces their parts with mechanical parts to enhancer themselves a ritual/technological science endeavor to add this template later as the character
progresses costs 5,000 credits per level of the character trying to attain this template for one piece if its replacement is a weapon it’s price is ignored as it’s accounted
into the ritual/technological science endeavor as well

Deftness Template
+25 STR
+25 DEX
+15 CON
-30 SPRT
-When performing an attack action with a Melee or Ranged attack your first attack gains a +15 Aimed Strike Check
-You may perform a Acrobatics Check during the middle of a Acrobatics Check already actively going without expending a ½ Act but each time suffers a -15 penalty you repeat
this in the Acrobatics Check phase.

Demonic Enhanced
Classification Devil
-Every time you take damage or are healed by Unholy healing gain +5 to your STR & CON for 2 round the rounds do not stack but the STR & CON score max +25 upping does and the
rounds reset this effect only works in combat.
-Every even level gain +5 to STR and CON score
-Every odd level -5 to SPRT score

Destiny Defied Template

-25 to all stats
-When a foe has a higher level then yourself gain +5 to all your stats per level they are above you.
-When making a skill checks and you fail that isn't a NAT 1 reduce the TS by -25 each time you try again max up to 4 times this TS reduce resets after a success.
-When caught in radius effects reduce the damage by -15 per character level if you fail the check to resist it.
-When at 0 HP you do not fall KO or Dead but can remain up for up to 3 round but healing effects cannot work on you during these rounds and regeneration acts as normal for
it's restoring you back from a KO state.
-If in combat for each round that passes gain +2 to all your skill checks (Including Aimed Strike Check and Grapple).

Durable Build Template

+25 CON
+25 DUR
-15 SPRT
-25 SPD
-Every 3 level multiplier damage by -1 used against you
-You may make a Endure Check once a round as a ½ ACT that for 2 rounds as a special effect (you cannot make a new roll each round for this effect it just stacks the rounds
and retroactive changes to the body hardness will effect the roll) this Endure Checks result becomes added body hardness equivalent to your body by ¼ the result the amount
the damage you take that hardness can apply to then may apply DR against attacks if you cannot already apply DR against attacks. This only for Damage Reduction and cannot
add to overcome Hardness, you cannot activate a new roll ability again till the duration ends +2 rounds per 1 round this ability is activate min 3 rounds. You may extend the
duration for 1 extra round during the activation per extra ½ ACT you spend.

Dragon Blooded Template

(Organic Fauna only)
Classification Dragon
+10 STR
+20 CON
+10 PSY
-5 DEX
-10 SPRT
Organic only
-Chose a damage type of either Heat,Cold,Acid,Ion,Water. Then gain a choice of 2 of the below abilities. You may only select a damage type once per template (max 5 times
this template may be taken for all 5 damage types). Then gain basic standard of all Dragon Blooded Template.
--Gain Wings. These wings grant flight, each time taken again you can gain another pair of wings or +1DSU of flight movement.
--Gain Tail of 1DSU. If taking another tail gain another 1DSU or Prehensile (taken once) or +5 to grapple with that tail in use.
--Gain Resilient Scales. These scales grant a +1 to Guard & Body Hardness/Strike Hardness per character level (stacks on choice).
--Gain Claws. These claws have 5d4 size damage when used and may retract at will (each time taken grants it +1d4 to it's size damage) or Deal bonus damage of 10d4 on these
claws of the damage type chosen (must be of the damage types you have)
--Gain a Breath Blast. the blast deals 5d4 + 5d4 per level + CON MOD TS is equal to 20+5 per character level evasion for Half Damage breath blast of either Heat, Acid, Cold,
Ion or Water (50 litres) of 6DSU cone once a round or a 12DSU line. Must choose a damage type every time taken.
-Gain a damage absorbency against their chosen damage type of 10 + 10 per character level.
-Gain a life sense of up to 1DSU + 3DSU per 2 character levels
-Gain +1 to STR, CON, PSY per character level.
-At level 5 you may transform your body into that of a quadrupedal dragon equal to your size category doubling your damage absorbency, doubles breath blast range, +15 on
flight stability checks, +15 on tail grapples. At level 10 you may increase your size 1 size larger and every 5 more levels increase the size max by 1 more by choice. Also
every 5 levels the dragon forms STR, CON, PSY per level bonus increases by +1. You may only be in dragon form for 1min per 3 levels. It takes a Full Round ACT and only 1
time per 4 levels plus 1st level. If the user transforms the items they wear if they are not adjustable to their form will be damaged by 5% + 5 per size you grow of it's
Current HP (LUK MOD may only apply up to 0%).

You have a scaled bloodline usually dating to a draconic or close to draconic like being.

Electro Magnetic Template

Classification Elemental
-10 STR
-10 PSY
-Your Body gives off a unusual EMP effect this does not harm anything but will disable machine (computers) disabling them from working within a 6DSU radius of yourself you
can suppress this for a ½ ACT or turn it back on at will. You can expend 15% of your Max HP to double the range to 12DSU 30% for x3 and 45% for Quadruple all numbers rounded
down the effects lasts for 2 rounds you can shut this effect off at whim
-Your EMP also empowers Ethereal (body type) granting them +15 to all their stats when in radius or just you when this template suppressed.
-If you have the Wraith/Ghost Template your may manifest for x2 long as long from it's max time longer then normal when this template is suppressed.
-You are Immune to your own EMP

Some beings gain an odd power of producing high amounts of magnetic energy from their body and gain control of it or it is built into a machine for 5000 credits after
character creation

Elemental Empowered Template

(may only take twice)
Classification Elemental
-5 to 2 different stats
-Pick 2 abilities of the chosen Elemental Being (the race) these are now part of your racial abilities if you gain the same ability again it's effect will double (thus if
you gain 50 HP from 1kg of an article you gain 100 HP from 1kg of an article)(this will only multiply damages dice) If you take it any more times it instead multiplies based
on the times taken stacking.
-You automatically gain the weakness damage from the chosen Elemental Being (the race) the weakness multiplier will stack (by adding +1 to it if you already had it.

When a being has an elemental in their blood line show or is empowered with elemental traits by being by one for so long a ritual to add this template later as the character
progresses costs 5,000 credits per level of the character trying to attain this template

Elemental Lord Template

(can be taken multiple times per Damage type taken)
-Choose 1 Damage type set of either Heat/Radiation/Gravity, Cold/Water/Acid, Earth/Metal/Physical, Ion/Holy/Unholy.
–-Gain a 1.5 Damage Multiplier with the Damage types taken.
--Gain a Damage Temporary Absorbency of -5 against the Damage types taken per character level that refreshes every 2 rounds.
--You may alter any casts done to deal ½ of one of the chosen Damage types (of the total damage) or fully to that Damage type converting all damage to that type.
-For each “Elemental” named template taken gain +5 to 3 stats.

Enduring Body Template

+25 CON
+10 DUR
-10 PSY
-Once a round, may make a Endure Check to heal.(does not effect Mystic Poisons) Heals 1d4 per 5 you make in the check (24= 4d4) to Stat or HP, cannot heal more than 1% of
your Max HP with this. You may only activate this effect during battle.
-One may make a Vaccine/Antidote from your body if you beat a Poison, Virus, and Diseases. (except magical or Mystic Poisons)

Enlarged Template
(may apply more than once up to 3 times)
+5 STR
-5 DEX
-For each size category above the races natural size it will gain +15 DUR
-Gain one size larger

A larger than norm of your race

Evolution Machine Template ✯

(this is a special template, you can only have 1 special template on a character)
Classification Machination
+100 STR
+100 DEX
+100 CON
+100 PSY
-300 DUR
-300 SPRT
Body Type Machine
-You gain regeneration 50 per round Ion, Mystic and Acid damage will shut this regeneration off for 10 rounds.
-Gain +1DSU foot of movements if you have the movements.
-Gain +5 Guard per level. This guard type is of a type of your choice except Void and Mortality. It takes 3 rounds for you to switch your guard type
-When your guard type switches from this template it also gain Damage Absorbency equal to the chosen guard type of this template. This guard applies after all multipliers as
a special bonus.
-You may enter a overdrive state for 3 rounds gaining x20 your regeneration from this Template and x2 the positive stats of this template but cannot reactivate this effect
again for 3 rounds and suffer a -100 to all your stats for the duration.
-May form a melee weapon equal to the users size category at max upgrade level. This can use Artificers FP enhancement.
-Radiation effects do not work against the user of this template.
-This Template cannot be immunized against any form of EMP effect and EMP shut down all positive stat gains from this template making them 0 but not shutting off it's
abilities till the EMP passes.

This is the perfect agent of mechanical evolution using the perfected NanoMachines as it enhances the user to heighten levels. Forming around them a layer of protective
adaptive nanobots that repair the tissues and enhance every corner of the being. Any being infused with this is under the esteemed power of beyond a limit breaking past the
boundaries but at what cost. The cost of this Template to apply after level 1 is 250,000 credits.

Fallen One Template

+30 to 3 stats of your choice
-40 to 3 stats of your choice
-Whenever you get back up from a KO or Death that brought you to 0 HP or less you gain +25 to a pool called a Indomitable Power Pool, When you use this pool you can expend 5
points to raise all your stats by +5 for 2 rounds or Heal yourself by expending 1 point for 50 healing. The effective pool can only contain equal to your level x50 . You
cannot be KOed out of just your own choice as you must show resistance -Once a combat whenever you are at 0 HP or less you can activate a effect called the Unstoppable Power
to set your HP to 10. You may use this to get up from KO or Death. During this all stats and healing you expend from your Indomitable Power Pool are worth x2 their base
amount for 3 rounds. If you use your Unstoppable Power ability you gain 1 charge of Unstoppable Fatigue, Once you acquire 5 in a day you cannot use Unstoppable Power
anymore. These charges reset every day. For each Unstoppable Fatigue charge on you you gain a +10 to all your stats.

Fated Destiny Template

(cannot take with Broken from Fate Template)
-Revival effects from any ability of a race or template are unable to revive you
-Once you die your soul will go to the Ethereal Realm but not as a Ghost/Wraith which you may repossess your body within a week unless it is destroy then you may spend time
crafting a new body self within a month.
-You may once in a combat activate a boost effect that gives you +5 to 3 stats of your choice this +5 is multiplied for each time your character has been slain in combat and
made a new self or rejoined with their body.
-For each +1 in your LUK MOD you may reduce the time to rejoin or create a body by -12 hours. The minimum amount of time to revive is 3 days 12 hours for repossessing your
body or 2 weeks for recreating your body.

Fay's Blood Template

(Organic only)
Classification Fey
-10 to chosen stat
+30 LUK
-You may transfer ½ your LUK MOD to another (your LUK MOD still exists on you but applies to another) for a ½ ACT this effects only 1 person a round

When you are born with fey blood lineage

Finesse Template
+10 DEX
+45 SPD
-15 STR
-20 DUR
-Minimal for charge attacks is lessen to 3DSU instead of 4DSU and at level 5 is reduced to 2DSU instead.
-You may use SPD MOD + 1/2 STR MOD instead of your normal STR MOD.
-You may add your SPD MOD to your initiative checks if you wish.

Flora Enhancement Template

(Organic or Ethereal only)
Classification Plant
+5 STR
-15 CON
+25 SPRT
-5 LUK
Organic Flora is added to your body type
-This plant infused is a symbiosis and any inorganic taking this if they do not take care of the plant will have this template die off if neglected.
-If your body type was Ethereal your body must now listen to the Organic Flora type rules for eating, drinking and rest.
-You gain regeneration 5 HP & Stats per round
-You may extend vines/roots off your body that have a 3DSU reach. These appendages are independent of your self for ADD-ONs but count as yourself for natural and unarmed
combat use except they will take damage instead of you for touching damaging effects. Each vine/root has 15 HP per 3DSU and may fuse together to extend their reach and HP.
These vines/roots have a lift score equal to 5 per 3DSU they can extend not improved by your own lift score. Roots addition to grapple is +1 per 2 roots counting as extra
limbs. Max amount of vines/roots you may produce is equal to your level x2. If any vine/root is damage or destroyed it regrows in rounds equal to the regeneration of this
template. If you have the Dryads vines/roots these two sources count as one and the same stacking their effects together.

Flora enhancements to beings.

Fortunate Template
(cannot take Unfortunate Template)
-10 to chosen stat
-5 to chosen stat
-5 to chosen stat
+25 LUK
-You may once per day make a NAT 1 a NAT 20 instead this increases by 1 extra time a day every 5 levels
-You may once per day pass +1 extra time per day per 3 levels. pass any TS equal to your level x3 (if you wouldn't auto pass upon use the charge is still kept)
-You may once per day if you're about to die or faint from an effect you will go to 1 HP instead this increases by 1 extra time a day every 4 level.

You're very lucky in some ways

Genetic Alteration Template
(Organic Body & Ethereal only and not Undead)(this template stacks)
Organic Fauna or Flora added (replaces Ethereal)
-Pick 4 skills each must be a different choice even from stacking from other stacks of this template. Each skill suffers a -10 to it's checks this includes Aimed Strike
Check and Grapple as choices.
-Pick one of these choices
--You may pick to gain ½ a races stats into your stats must be Organic Body Type and is not Undead Body Type to be select able you also gain it's classifications and treated
as that races name for effects. (You may only take a races stats once)
--Gain 1 racial ability that you do not already have from a race of your choice that is Organic Body Type and is not Undead Body Type you also gain it's classifications and
treated as that races name for effects. If you select any Kitsune Race, Seerraivou or Seerstrixion Race, you must take this template once to gain the racial ability that
permits the tails growth/body limb empowerment then a 2nd time to select the per level powers of each of the race, if you already had the base of the tail/body limb
empowerment ability you may use that as the basis to activate the per level power of the other race without having to take the per level power up.
-If you already have past the normal pair of limbs for arms which is 2 arms you may not extend your limbs past that count that your race gives you.
-If the subject takes or imbued with a template with Undead or Ethereal body type they lose -5 to all their stat scores per time you taken this template. If the subject only
had Ethereal body type from their main race they lose that body type with no negative.
-If the subject race has a Weakness to damage they must automatically take that weakness if you take any of their abilities but you only need to apply a weakness once per 1
race taken from.
-Any weapon based genetic trait cannot stack reach.

God Destroyer Template

-10 to chosen stat
-10 to chosen stat
-10 to chosen stat
Body Type Eternal is Removed if ever existent and cannot exist on yourself.
-If you fight a being with a stat that scales per level you may cut it's stat gain by -5 per level you are within a 6DSU area around yourself.
-If you fight a target with God Spark, Meteo Spark or Corruption Spark or Zilo Enhanced You gain a bonus +25 to your stats against them.
-If you opponent contains any form of revival from 0 or less or a ignore 0 or less HP rule ability you may delay it's effect for 2 rounds as a 1/2 ACT
-Once you stop a effect listed from the previous ability you gain +5 to all your stats for 5 rounds re-stacking this effect resets the rounds.

God Eater Template

-5 to chosen stat
-5 to chosen stat
-5 to chosen stat
Body Type Eternal is Removed if ever existent and cannot exist on yourself.
-If you fight a target with God Spark, Meteo Spark or Corruption Spark or Zilo Enhanced You gain a bonus +15 to your stats against them
-Your life span is changed to only 50 years max before you die unless you assimilate more age from this template which stacks into your max age.
-Whenever you fight a being with Eternal body type and defeat it gain +50 years to your life span for every year category it matches to listed below.
-When fighting anything that has lived for 100 years gain +5 to your stats against it
-When fighting anything that has lived for 200 years gain +5 to your stats against it
-When fighting anything that has lived for 400 years gain +5 to your tats against it
-When fighting anything that has lived for 800 years gain +5 to your stats against it
-When fighting anything that has lived for 1600 years gain +5 to your stats against it
-When fighting anything that has lived for 3200 years gain +5 to your stats against it
-When fighting anything that has lived for 6400 years gain +5 to your stats against it
-When fighting anything that has lived for 12800 years gain +5 to your stats against it
-When fighting anything that has lived for 25600 years gain +5 to your stats against it
-When fighting anything that has lived for 51200 years gain +5 to your stats against it

Gods Grand Chosen Template ✯

(this is a special template, you can only have 1 special template on a character)
+50 STR
+50 PSY
+50 CON
-100 SPRT
-100 DUR
Gain Classification of either Fey, Angel, Devil or Elemental
-All Healing Casts done are increased by 0% round down
-All Damage Casts done are increased by 0% round down
-Every round you regain 1 Cast
-Every round you may instead of regain Casts regenerate 30 HP
-Every round instead of regain Casts you may increase the amount LUK MOD applies to your Healing and Damage Cast percent by x2 from this template and cost a 1/2 ACT extra
-Every round you may chose not to regain casts instead you may stack a bonus +2 to your STR SCORE. This Bonus only stacks till you start to regain casts again losing -4 STR
SCORE bonus. This Bonus only stacks max of +10 per character level.
-Your SPRT MOD to break MOD Max is doubled
-Any ability that would revive you or make your HP reach 0 or less treat as 1 cannot activate

God Spark Template

Body Type Eternal added
-You gain +4 in 2 different chosen stats each level these choices are locked (these stats cannot be the same)
-You gain a –3 in 3 different chosen stats each level these choices are locked (these stats cannot be the same)
-Upon every 5 levels gain +5 to all the chosen stats pick from this template.

Those born with potential of great strengths but usually with constant issues
Golem Template
(may apply more than once for each natural body part times)(Machine Body type cannot take)
Classification Machination
+5 to STR
+5 to CON
-5 to chosen stat
-Pick a body part of either Arm, Leg, Body or Head. You may select other parts if they exist on your body like a Tail. These parts are removed and replaced with magical
worked parts that are treated as Machine Body type and a Object. If you replace your Head your internal parts will usually remain of your brain and only replaces parts like
your eyes, skull and muscles. If you replaced your Body this will leave most needed functional organs though any that can be replaced can be along with the typical skeleton
and muscles. This will replace all augmentations as a overwrite. Your Body and Head might retain their organic position but not on the outer layer of your body. The material
these parts are made of are made from a material of Uncommon or less rarity for free and provide a +1 Guard Check per 2 Hardness this armoring is up to 2 millimeters thick.
-The body part if it does not retain a organic component is immune to poison. If your body filtration system find any poisons it will grant a +25 to Endure Checks each round
to remove it from the organic portions.
-Certain parts gain a special advantage when applied or as a set (set means all this part is replaced). Arm: Gives +5 lift score and increase the dice grade by +1 for melee
punches. Leg Set: You do not suffer stamina loss for movement with your legs and increase the dice grade by +1 for melee kicks. Body: Gives +5 lift score, reduce fatigue
status effect penalty by half. Head: Gain 1 free vision type you can switch too freely without an action cost and any blinding and deafening effect lasts only for 1 round
along with a +5 Aimed Strike Check bonus in melee combat with other cyborg parts. Wing Set: Slight check to recover from falling increases by +5. Tail: Become prehensile and
increase the dice grade by +1 for tail whips.
-The body parts may start with a set of gear or weapons free of up to 1000 credits that are all built into itself. This cannot be gear kits and must be able to fit into the
part it was set set inside or fold up correctly.
-Your body parts shows on Mystic Sight
-If The Golem Template and Cyborg Template exist on the same body parts the bonuses each grants stacks. And applies a +25 Guard bonus against called shots on the Cyborg
needed components along with negating EMP effects against Cyborg Parts but any anti magic zones will shut off this bonus. (This ability is a shared ability of the two
templates and does not stack it's bonuses)

Golems are magically created variants of tech that work differently from cyber tech. Generally Golem Tech replaces a users body parts or sometimes their whole self. It costs
5,000 credits per character level to attach a this template.

Grand Heart Template

-15 STR
+30 CON
-15 DEX
+30 SPRT
+10 DUR
-15 SPD
-Casts may apply your CON MOD instead of PSY MOD for 10% of your Current HP
-You may expend Casts to increase your Melee or Ranged damage by the Casts level x2 by expending 5% your Current HP per Cast adding to your damage

Grand Master Caster Template

-10 STR
-5 CON
+10 PSY
+5 LUK
+10 SPRT
-You may boost the level of a cast by expending extra cast pool charges extra.
-As a ½ ACT you may reduce the cost of casts by -1 per 2 Cast Pool Charges expended (you may not use Cast Charges) for 3 rounds. You may extend the amount of rounds this
effect lasts by 1 round per 5 Cast Pool Charges after applying the cost reduction to casts. You may not activate this ability again till all rounds of this effect expire.
Cast levels of the casts reduced by this effect are also reduced if you apply this effect to them.

You have inherited the ability to manifest powerful Casting abilities by inputting lots of Casts into one a ritual to add this template later as the character progresses
costs 5,000 credits per level of the character trying to attain this template

Harmonious Body Template

-10 to chosen stat
-10 to chosen stat
-5 to chosen stat
-5 to chosen stat
+15 STR
+15 DEX
+15 CON
-All natural gain a +2 Aimed Strike Check every level
-All natural attacks gain a +3 Damage every even level
-You take a –3 Aimed Strike Check every even level when using firearm-based (including rivet guns and laser guns) weapons
-When making a multi limb/weapon attack reduce the penalty by half rounded down but lose Damage equal to each attack equal to that penalty without reduction (this does not
count Multi-Attack ADD-ONs but still applies the Aimed Strike Check minus as normal) (class effects apply to reducing the Aimed Strike Check minus normally)
-When making a non-multi limb/weapon attack you can instead reduce your Aimed Strike Check by –20 and gain x2 the Damage with the attack this (If you activate a Multi-Attack
ADD-ON or class feature it inherits the –20 Aimed Strike Check and Damage bonus along with its effect)
-With a critical hit with a Natural attack gain 1 CRIT degree of +1 so x2 turns to x3
-With a critical hit with a firearm-based weapons the CRIT is reduced by –1 degree so x3 is then x2

Those that have natural abilities based around their body and are in tune with Physical arts of combat one can spend a ritual to gain inner tune of their own body for 5,000
credits per character level after character is created
Holy Artifact Template
(Only Machine Body Type or Machination classification)
Classification Angel
+5 to chosen stat
+5 to chosen stat
+5 to chosen stat
-5 to chosen stat
-5 to chosen stat
-5 to chosen stat
2/day per level heal 5d12 +1d12 more per 2 levels HP or Stat score Holy (healing) Endure Check for half

When a mechanical race device is blessed with Holy power a ritual to add this template later as the character progresses costs 5,000 credits per level of the character
trying to attain this template

Holy Blood Template

(Organic Fauna only)
Classification Angel
+5 to chosen stat
-5 to chosen stat
-Gain Wings or 1DSU movement
-You can 3/day per level heal 1d12+CON/PSY/SPRT MOD HP or Stat score Holy to a target Endure Check for half Damage (Undead)
-Your healing gains a bonus of +10 to all it's modifiers and increases all healing MOD MAX by 20

When born with angelic blood line

Hunter Template
(This template may stack per 1 classification/race/template max 5 times taken)
-5 to chosen stat
-Choose 1 classification/race/template you gain a bonus +5 +5 per level divisible by 4 damage against that classification. You must know the targets
classification/race/template. This counts as a bane effect.
-All TS against those classifications are raised by +5 +5 per character level divisible by 4. You must know the targets classification/race/template. This counts as a Bane
-You may switch it's target of classification/race/template once every day

Hyper Sense Power Template

(This template may stack)
-20 to chosen stat
-Pick a choice per stack (At level 3 the distance multiplies by x2 Then +1 multiplier additional every next 3 levels.
--Gain Life Sense up to 5DSU
--Gain Electroception Sense up to 3DSU
--Gain Water Sense up to 6DSU
--Gain Stone Sense up to 6DSU
--Gain Metal Sense up to 5DSU
--Gain Vibration Sense up to 3DSU
--Gain Temperature Sense up to 6DSU
--Gain Undeath Sense up to 5DSU
--Gain Mystic Sense up to 5DSU
--Gain Flora Sense up to 3DSU
--Gain Fauna Sense up to 3DSU
--Gain All Senses up to 1DSU (Applies to pin point of all things around yourself)
--Gain Sense to Sight Ability. You may apply any 1 sense you have to your sight as a Full Round Act for that turn seeing the Sense as a “Aura” shading.

Hyper Zilo Gravity Template

-10 to chosen stat (Except SPD)
-30 SPD
-You may create as a gravity field around yourself of up to 5DSU. The surrounding area then starts pick up objects that orbit around you (you decide the orbit directions of
each object) Only objects of up to 3 size categories smaller may orbit around you of weight equal to 5kg + 5kg per your level. The Gravity strength TS is equal to your TS +
1 per character level + SPD MOD divided by 2 (negative SPD MOD acts as if it's positive SPD MOD). Objects can be levitated towards the user and flung out of the field as if
thrown though you may only throw up to 1 object +1 per character level divisible by 3. When a foe tries to hit you with a ranged attack or melee you within your field they
suffer a Aimed Strike Check penalty equal to -1 per object crossing their melee weapons strike path reach and can if they NAT 1 in your field or you NAT 20 a guard they are
disarmed automatically (no chance for reroll) Ranged attacks that fail just add that object to your Orbiting objects and suffer a Aimed Strike Check penalty equal to the
gravity fields TS divided by 4 -2 per object within the gravitational field. Beings caught in the gravity field suffer a Aimed Strike Check negative equal to your gravity
field divided by 4. You may as a ½ ACT similar to a draw action call an single orbit to yourself or place it on a different orbit trajectory. You may control the speed of
every orbit but none are going fast enough to harm any being. You may suppress this effect as a free action, and activate it as a ½ ACT. Any non physical based attack is
immune to the gravity attack.
-You are immune to Gravitational Fields that are not natural and in 0 gravity environments may move freely.
-By sacrificing 15% of your HP, you may expand it to 8DSU., 30% for 12DSU., and 45% for 16DSU. for up to 6 rounds, when sacrificing you may only chose one of these options.
-When suppressed gain a +40 to your Lift Score.

Some beings were born on high gravity worlds, and became adapted to the gravity there rapidly via Zilo mutation. This resulted in them carrying a piece of their worlds'
gravity within them.
Immortality Destroyer Template
+15 STR
+5 PSY
-10 SPRT
-10 DUR
-5 LUK
-Once you down an target contains any form of revival from 0 or less or a ignore 0 or less HP rule ability you may delay any form of effects for up to 2 rounds.
-Once you stop a effect listed from the previous ability you gain +5 to all your stats for 5 rounds re-stacking this effect resets the rounds.
-You may when at or below 0 HP explode in a 6DSU radius, dealing damage equal to the last 2 rounds prior to being KO'd or killed to all opponents. If you have spread body
parts each body part will have their own radius and cut the damage per spread out 1DSU section they are not sharing.
-If you fell to 0 HP or less you are fully aware of the combat and may activate any ability of this template at whim.

Ingenuity Template
+25 STR
+20 DEX
+5 CON
-15 SPRT
-Claim a target as a ½ ACT to gain a +10 bonus to all skill checks including Aimed Strike Check and Grapple against that target for 3 rounds. You cannot switch targets till
the rounds to end.
-For each negative in STR CON and DUR MOD gain a bonus to PSY SCORE. This bonus maxes out at +5 per level.

Insanity Incarnation Template

-Every round in combat you gain a 25% chance to ignore all mind effects. Similar effects do not stack but roll separately.
-If a foe has a effect that makes them Immune to mind effects you may as a 1/2 ACT have a 50% to negate all mind effect immunity
-If you Cast you may as a 1/2 ACT apply a 50% chance to increase the damage by +10 multiplier if you do not make the roll instead suffer a -5 multiplier on the Cast
-If you use an attack action as a 1/2 ACT apply a 50% chance to increase the damage by +250 if you fail the roll you lose -250 damage.
-For each Negative MOD in PSY and SPRT gain +1 score to STR and DUR SCORE. This bonus maxes out at +5 per level.

Insane Mind Template

-Your mind has broken and become ill which might benefit you or hurt you. You may take up to 2 benefits but for each benefit you gain 2 disabilities. You may select the same
benefits and disabilities.
--Brilliance: You are hyper intelligent in new ways. Gain +15 to Study Checks, +15 to Mind Checks.
--Pain Broken: You are able to shut off your pain threshold. Gain +15 Endure Checks, +10 Muscle Checks. Damage you take does not ruin concentrations not do you lose actions
from effects that directly remove your action pool.
--Talented: You are granted new talent and ingenuity. Gain +5 to Study Checks, +15 to Build Checks.
--Quick Thought: You are even quicker at thinking through processes clearly. You gain +25 to Mind Checks, +15 on Listen, Sight, Scent. Treat your perception passive as it
was double it's initial amount.
--Sick Headed: You suffer from very disillusion thoughts. Every 3 hours you make a Mind Check of TS equal to your own TS. Every time you have to make the check The TS raises
by +10. Till the 8th Check which will High Failure Negative (HFN). If you rest you reset the check TS back down. When you fail you are under a illusions effect from your own
mind that cannot be negated. Making you suffer a -50 to Mind Checks and -5 to all other skill checks.
--Moral Broken: You suffer a issue within your morality. Your actions of alignment do not match properly. Thus if you are good you might twist the good intention to a more
vile solutions even if they might not make sense. You suffer a -20 to Diplomacy & Bluff checks while this is active to those that share your similar alignments.
--Habitual: You suffer a more addictive personality. You seek and must have something you are addicted to example even food, drugs, a persons presence, certain sounds etc.
If you are not inundated with these addictions you start to suffer a -25 to Mind Checks, -10 to Diplomacy & Bluff. You can try to resist the wants with a Mind Check equal to
your character TS + your character level. For each 3 hours you resist the per level TS raises by +1 till the 8th check which you will High Failure Negative (HFN) and must
seek the source at all costs suffering double the penalty till you you are sated.
--Mind Crash: You suffer mental relapses and issues of memories. Upon any stressful trigger or over a period of time forget info as a 75% chance. If you forget you forget in
a info of small, large, or imperative. Small info could be consider names, places, or how to do a minor task like washing a car correctly in steps 50% Chance. large info is
for more names of people important to you, important places, stories you once had 30% chance. Imperative info is info being fed to you of the current and the most important
info to your self like a lover, a item of grand value to you, a taste of favorite food 20% chance. You can try to recall the info again but it takes a TS of your character
x1.5 round down +15 if it's small +10 if it's large and +5 if it's imperative. (The chance of the small, large, imperative is a single check and luck may effect only 1 of
the 3 chances when making the roll or apply a 4th option of not forgetting)

Invigoration Template
-15 to chosen stat
-15 to chosen stat
-Void and Mortality damage deal ½ as much against you
-Mortality damage effect is reduced to 1/2 the amount.
-Multiplier damage is reduced by -1 every 2 levels
-Gain regeneration of 10 HP per round that can reattach body parts.
-Choose 2 stats When these stats go negative all other stats gain a bonus to their SCORE equal to their negative. This bonus maxes out at +2 per level.

Jolt Burst Template ✯

(this is a special template, you can only have 1 special template on a character)
+50 STR
+50 CON
+50 DEX
+50 PSY
+50 DUR
+50 SPRT
+50 SPD
+50 LUK
-All checks performed against you and your allies within 5DSU have their skill check result cut equal to -5 and -1 extra per level plus your LUK MOD (LUK MOD cannot give
them skill bonus if negative and instead grants +0).
-Choose 10 skills these skills are always cut in half of their result.
-You may negate the 10 skills that are cut in half but take a -10 to all skills for 1 round and cannot perform this action for 5 rounds.

Killer Instinct Template

(This template may stack per 5 choices max 3 stacks)
-10 to a chosen stat
-Choose 5 classification/race you gain a bonus +5 to Ranged and Melee Aimed Strike Check and Damage against them and to checks dealing with them. This counts as a Bane
-You may identify a classification/race of a target with a ACT
-Once per day per +1 time per level divisible by 4. Use against a chosen classification/race double your bonus of Bane effects.
-You may once per day switch 1 of your chosen classification/race target for a new one.

Knack Template
+15 STR
+25 DEX
-10 CON
+30 SPRT
+15 LUK
-When you fail a Guard Check or Acrobatics Check you gain +3 stacking per failure to a pool upon expenditure you can use all the pools remaining points in 1 Guard or
Acrobatics Check as bonus that is unaffected by multipliers or other effects. (You cannot fail the checks on your own volition)
-When you fail a check other than Guard or Evasion you gain a +1 stacking per failure to a pool upon expenditure you can use all the pools remaining points in 1 Check as
bonus that is unaffected by multipliers or other effects. (You cannot fail the checks on your own volition)
-Gain a +5 to Jump Checks
-Gain a +5 to Sight Checks
-Gain a +5 to Slight Checks

Lich Template ✯
(this is a special template, you can only have 1 special template on a character)
Classification Undeath
-100 CON
+50 PSY
+100 SPRT
Body Type added UNDEAD
-A lich when put to 0 HP instead of dying disappears within 1 day returns near his focus where his soul is held (the focus can be any sort of item when you became a lich
this is refer to as a phylactery) first phylactery is based one of your starting items. It costs 1000 per level you have credits to place a new item as a phylactery you can
have max up to 3 existing in a 1 week ritual per one. All phylactery produce a mystical aura and zilo radiation. (This does not clone the body and your old body will be
-A lich always can tell which direction their phylactery is generally located.
-A lich may teleport to their phylactery as if they destroyed their body this form does not remove their equipment but you cannot do this during combat and takes 5 mins to
activate this form of teleport.
-If anything cancels a revive like from Immortality Destroyer Template or Broken from Fate Template instead of reforming in 1 day it shall take you 1 week and all your
phylacteries will take automatic damage to 1 HP.
-If the focus is destroyed so is the Lich a lich’s phylactery item gains a bonus 200 HP any healing, status effects, revival done to the phylactery will also apply to the
lich itself upon have more than 1 you must have all phylactery destroyed to fully be destroyed though if 1 is destroyed you become stunned for 3 rounds.
-A Lich gains a +5 each level to either SPRT, PSY, LUK or STR. This set of choices may be redistributed every week.
-For every Negative MOD in STR/CON/DUR a Lich gains +1 in PSY SCORE This bonus maxes out at +5 per level.

Lichs are Rare powerful beings that transcended death and their soul imbued into an item unlike other undead created by clerics a Lich is acquired via a strong willed being
with high connection to mystical ties or has personally seek how to become a lich they pour a portion of their soul or a portion of their soul ends up in an item near them
usually one they liked a lot or just randomly this more commonly happens to beings like undead that have died and then come back again even stronger willed clinging to
existence even longer a ritual to add this template later as the character progresses costs 5,000 credits per level of the character trying to attain this template

Life Burn Template

Classification Fey
+10 All stats but LUK
-Unlike other beings you must feed upon energies of Organic beings for nourishment this effect remains even when you wouldn't “need to eat” or have a “replacement” of diet
from another template replacing all normal diet of body type and marked template.
-As a Full Round ACT during a Grapple you may Drain 15 of to chosen stat per turn while the grapple remains. For Each 15 drain they must eat something even if they don't
Have to eat (If you can't eat in any natural form instead you just need to rest) and also suffer the need to rest for an 1 hour per drain. Once they receive both they are
cured of their stat drain. (You cannot drain yourself)
-Broken From fortune Template are Immune to your life drain.
-Fortunate Template suffer losing also 1 of each of their charge abilities from their template as well.
-Unfortunate Template suffers double the negatives and effects.

Luminary Template
Classification Elemental
+10 DEX
+10 PSY
+10 SPRT
-10 STR
-10 CON
-You may as a ½ ACT dim the light level TS by 1 grade or increase it by 1 grade in a in a 10DSU radius around yourself upon use the effect lasts till dismissed and remains
in place even after you move.
-You may as a ½ ACT increase the darkness level TS by 1 grade or decrease it by 1 grade in a 10DSU radius around yourself upon use the effect lasts till dismissed and
remains in place even after you move.
-You may produce a small ball of light that is treated as sunlight that spreads in a 3DSU area of TS 10 Light. It is weightless and anybody can carry it. Only 2 can be made
at the same time.
-You may produce a small ball of darkness that spreads in a 3DSU area of TS 10 Darkness. It is weightless and anybody can carry it. Only 2 can be made at the same time.
-You gain Bright Sight up to 6DSU
-You gain Night Sight up to 6DSU

Massive Build Template

+15 STR
-10 DEX
+15 DUR
-10 SPD
-Every level dividable by 2 gain 1d4 of bonus size dice this bonus size dice is increased by Bonus Racial Hard Striking that raises it's dice grade up to max 1d12.
-Gain 1 size dice grade to melee and thrown attacks.
-You gain +5 to Guard Checks
-You lose –5 Acrobatics Checks

Mental Elite Template

+20 STR
-30 CON
+15 DEX
+20 PSY
-20 DUR
-30 SPRT
-Mind effects have a 25% chance to fail against you. Similar effects do not stack but roll separately.
-You may use ½ STR MOD and ½ DEX MOD instead of your normal DEX MOD
-For a ½ ACT you may for 1 round apply your PSY MOD as if it was bonus STR MOD
-You may use PSY MOD related skills while you are under any Rage effect.
-Poison effects last for 5 rounds longer against you
-Mystic poisons last 5 rounds shorter against you

Metal Bone Template

(must be organic fauna body type only)
+25 STR
+5 CON
+20 DUR
-10 SPRT
-60 SPD
-Choose 1 metal of Uncommon or lesser rarity you gain it's hardness and effects (you cannot additive to this metal)
-This metal repairs and regenerates constantly from your own body thus removal of the metal will be temporary if it occurs. If the metal exhausts itself gone you take 25%
damage to yourself and negates regeneration for 2 rounds.
-Add the chosen metals weight score equal to per each body party
-Hard parts like Claws, Teeth and Hairs can be also metal infuse by choice (Things made from Keratin).
-Add +15 to your lift score

This template when applied after character creation and you already have the template costs 1500 for bountiful material and 500 more per rarity up till unobtainable which
will cost 6500 for unobtainable and 493,500 for godly material. To add the template after character creation 2500 extra per level of the character.

Metal Skin Template

(organic body type only)
+15 STR
+15 CON
-10 SPRT
-60 SPD
-Choose 1 metal of Uncommon or lesser rarity you gain it's hardness and effects (you cannot additive to this metal). If the metal exhausts itself gone you take 25% damage
to yourself and negates regeneration for 2 rounds.
-Body hardness applies for damage reduction
-This skin repairs and regenerates constantly from your own body thus removal of the metal will be temporary if it occurs.
-Add the chosen metals weight score equal to per each body party
-Add +5 to your lift score

This template when applied after character creation and you already have the template costs 1500 for bountiful material and 500 more per rarity up till unobtainable which
will cost 6500 for unobtainable and 493,500 for godly material. To add the template after character creation 2500 extra per level of the character.

Meteo Spark Template

-10 to all stats
-Every level gain +5 to 4 chosen stats these chosen stats cannot all be the same)
-Every level lose -5 to 4 chosen stats these chosen stats cannot all be the same or the same as the previous ability)
-You may atomize 1kg of Zilo in your possession to gain +5 to all your stats for 2 rounds you cannot perform this effect again for 1d4+2 rounds
-You may absorb energy of any type on your possession or that you touch to gain +1 to all your stats per 1 energy for 1 round you cannot perform this effect again for 1d4+2
rounds and take negatives equal to half the energy you absorbed to your stats for the duration.

Mortal Spark Template

(cannot be taken with Broken From Fortune or Broken From Fate Templates)
-You gain +5 in 2 different chosen stats each level these choices are locked (these stats cannot be the same and cannot pick a LUK)
-LUK increased every level by +10 or you may choose to -10 every level
-One stat loses -15 Every level but LUK or SPD

Multi Arm Template

+10 STR
-5 DEX
-10 to chosen stat
-5 to chosen stat
-You gain 2 more arms on your race
-If your race has something that has effects on their arms all the arms simulate this effect (Seerstrixion Racial Arms would go to 2 arms instead of just 1 for example)

Multi Leg Template

+5 to chosen stat
-5 to chosen stat
-You gain a choice of 1 set of legs listed over your normal
--Quadruped set like say a horse or a bull which gives you a 8DSU land base movement
--Multi Leg (6 to 10 legs +2 to +6 per size category up) set that gives you the ability to climb up and hang upside-down on walls and ceilings like normally walking Land
base speed does not change
--Fish tail like appendage instead of legs that grants you a 12DSU swim speed but a 1DSU land base speed instead
--Snake body that grants you a Slither movement with no legs allowing a 8DSU swim base and 6DSU land base movement and you cannot be triped ever due to the lack of legs

Mystic Size Template

(Cannot apply with Enlarged or Shrunk Template already applied)
-10 to chosen stat
-Can grow 1 size larger as a ½ ACT
-Can grow 2 size smaller (cannot go past minimal size) as a ½ ACT
-You are treated 1 size larger for beneficial effects (except HP multiplier) while on your regular size to resist effects
-You are treated 1 size smaller for beneficial effects (except HP multiplier) while on your regular size to resist effects

Those born an abnormal effect to alter their bodies’ size

Nimble Template
+10 DEX
+15 SPD
-10 CON
-10 DUR
-When evading treat a 19 as a NAT 20 once every combat +1 extra time per 5 levels
-When doing a attack after evasion you may enact a charge attack without the movement requirement.
-When charging you do not have to expend a ½ ACT to activate evasion.

Optic Power Template

(This template may stack)
-20 to chosen stat
-Pick a choice per stack (At level 3 the distance multiplies by x2 Then +1 multiplier additional every next 3 levels. This does not apply to Zooming Sight, Illusion Break
Sight, Prediction Sight or Info Scan Sight.)
--Gain Ghost Sight up to 10DSU
--Gain Bright Sight up to 10DSU
--Gain Infrared Sight up to 10DSU
--Gain Night Sight up to 10DSU
--Gain Pierce-Vision Sight up to 1DSU
--Gain Zilo Sight up to 10DSU (you may see zilo's radiations)
--Gain Zooming Sight that can zoom up to 5 kilometers away but takes a ½ ACT to adjust per 1 kilometer all adjustments in the kilometers are free and grants +5 Aimed Strike
Check with ranged weapons if they're minimal 20DSU away.
--Gain Prediction Sight that when you focus on 1 target or area for a ½ ACT grant +50 sight checks to see what the target is doing or details in a area.
--Gain Perfect Sight up to 3DSU
--Gain Mystic Sight up to 3DSU (as the magus ability)
--Gain Electromagnetic Sight up to 3DSU
--Gain Radiation Sight up to 5DSU (Can see radiation of any form but Zilo radiation any type can be identified and seen in different colors)
--Gain Illusion Break Sight that automatically break any illusion effect from visuals and negates any negative repercussions of breaking the illusion on yourself. You may
only break illusions of TS 20 per character level.
--Gain Info Scan Sight that after 1 round tell the Species of all in the sight. If all that have remained in your sight for a round the next round lists their
Classifications. If all that have remained in your sight for 2 rounds the next round lists their Templates and Body Types. If all that have remained in your sight for 3
rounds the next round their equipment not hidden becomes known. If all have that have remained in your sight for 4 rounds the next round their hidden equipment becomes
known. If all have that have remained in your sight for 5 rounds the next round their casts pool charge and stats become known. Every round past the 6th you gain a +1 bonus
against that target capping at +25 bonus to all checks and damage that remains for 1 week.

Overloader Machine Template

(Machine Body Type only)
+10 STR
+20 DUR
-10 DEX
-30 SPD
-Your DUR MOD adds +1DSU per +5 to your ground movement and per +10 for flight and swim movement, this movement cannot be reduced by speed.
-For each 30kg you weigh gain a extra +1 to your Guard Check
-For every negative in DEX MOD gain +1 to STR and DUR SCORE. This bonus maxes out at +5 per level.

Parasitic Embriotic Template

(Organic Body Type only)
Classification Arthropod
+25 STR
+25 DEX
+25 CON
+50 DUR
+60 SPD
-A parasitic being within your body trying to take it over and warp you to it's desire of survival. It has HP equal to 250x your level. To resist it's is a TS Endure Check
of 25x your level. Each time you fail against it shall gain +5 TS against the next time it controls your actions. During a period of time it also grants new abilities to
it's host equal to 1 new ability per month of it's choice (each choice is only taken once). This being when it takes control of you is only for 2 hours before you have to
make a resistance check again to take control back. After failing for 48 hours straight it fully takes over you becoming a near duplication of your mentality but with the
urge to spread itself utterly wiping the original you out during this frame the being is it's own self and starts to develop odd behaviors akin to a Neutral Animal with
Sentience and speech understanding (Alignment shifts to Neutral as the original person was wiped and killed in a sense).
--Claws that deal +3 damage per character level to all it's arm and leg type limbs.
--Bite that deal +3 damage per character level to all it's head like limbs.
--Gain wings that grant +6DSU flight and gain +30 to slight checks to resist effects of falling from flight.
--Gain swim that grants +6DSU swim and able to breath under liquid environments.
--Gain +3DSU to ground movement and +15 to Jump & Climb checks.
--Grow 2 extra arms (capable of taken twice instead of once)
--Gain Poison on claws, bite and skin through direct touch that can turn on and off at will that have level equal to character level x10. The poison can be switched based on
the type of HP, STR, DEX, CON, PSY or SPD as a Full Round ACT.
--Grow 1 size larger at will or shrink 1 size smaller.
--Gain acid sprayers on your limbs and mouth that can spray in a 5DSU long cone or a 5DSU line. This acid deals 5d4 Acid damage per character level + CON MOD.
--Gain Infrared Sight that can switch on and off as a free action.
--Gain +50 to Scent and Sight checks
--Gain +25 to Guard Checks. And +25 to hardness to body.
--Make 2 Mind checks to resist mental effects instead of 1. But if you fail the first you count as a failure for it's TS raising to resist the Parasitic Embriotic.
--Grain a tail that is 3DSU long and gain +3 damage per character level when used in an attack.
--Your legs and tails become prehensile. (Tails only become prehensile if they are 1DSU long minimal naturally. All grapple checks also gain +2 bonus per limb used.
--Gain +10 to 2 different stats. (capable of taken unlimited times)
--Gain ability to hide your mutation traits for up to 1 hour per CON MOD. Once exhausted or dismissed you transform back showing all your Parasitic Mutations and must make a
new resist check against it. If only the Parasitic Embriotic is the only controller then no check to resist it needed.
-You may plant a Parasitic Embriotic into a Organic once per week forcing them to make the same checks you do but they must fail 2 Endure Checks for it to infect them.

Pursuant Template
+10 CON
+10 PSY
-15 LUK
-Once per day you may switch between 5 different race/template you gain a bonus +5 +5 per level divisible by 4 damage against that classification. This counts as a Bane
-Any Bane effect against the chosen race/template has the Bane effect boosted (before adding into damage or skill checks) multiplied by x2 (this stacks as a keen skill)

Phobic Template
-You choose 1 article you are fearful of (pick something relatively proper like fear of blood in general fear or others blood or fear of your own blood or fear of animals
blood etc.) (this template may stack for additional fears) (A GM may apply what action of irrationality you shall perform)
-As you experience your fear you go into minor phobic state this state makes you do Mind Checks TS equal to your own. If you fail you go into the first step of phobia
-Minor Phobia: Once you reach this state you try to no look at touch etc. what makes you afraid but maintain mental composure you take a -5 on Mind checks to resist effects
and also make a TS check as usual if you fail you go into phobia (Moderate)
-Moderate Phobia: In this state you try to run from your fear or destroy whichever becomes rational to you even if it isn't rational to others suffering a -15 to Mind checks
to resist effects and also make a TS check as usual if you fail you go into phobia (Greater)
-Greater Phobia: In this state you are stuck in a irrational state and start to not see things correctly becoming 25% unable to ACT or perform a violent action seeing things
you don't want to see suffering (Mind check of your TS to resist these) also suffering -30 to Mind checks to resist effects and also make a TS check as usual if you fail you
go into phobia (Insanity)
-Insanity Phobia: You are now insane and unable to tell anything of reality you suffer a -60 to Mind checks to resist effects. Every ½ ACT becomes a irrational ACT to resist
of either running away, violently attacking, gibberish unable to ACT, screaming loudly or a mix of all of the above of a 50% chance.

This template represents a characters fears down to a even higher format than just usual fear. To even cure a phobia one must be treated carefully or do various acts the GM
can allow example a NAT 20 success Mind Check more than once in a row for example. This template can also be assigned when a GM deems it worthy of the situation etc.
Possessed Incarnation Template
Classification Undeath (For the Spirit)
-Gain A spirit that follows you around and is attached to you, the spirit has its own opinions and personality it may want to take you over or work with you depending it is
treated as a NPC. It's Stats per level are +30 PSY each level it has. Upon every 3 levels the Spirit Grows to a new degree of intelligence and awareness developing at a much
faster rate of thought, This grants the spirit It's own study check growths and new opinions and automatically can teach the Host and gains all the hosts functional Degree's
of learning to a study check.
-The Spirit has a full ACT to itself but when controlling the Host it uses the hosts actions. It's actions still can switch ADD-ONs etc. for the host.
-The Spirit can grant the Host it's PSY score and it's Study knowledge for 10 rounds at the cost of -5 stamina to the host for every extra 10 rounds. This PSY boost is only
capable to apply to Study, Pilot and Build Checks and Mind Checks for discovering things but not for resisting effects.
-When a Status effect effects the Host's mind like an illusion etc. The spirit can make one too of it's own Mind Check to diffuse the effect after 3 rounds have past and
every 3 rounds after if still effected.
-A Spirit gains 1 knowledge degree to 3 Knowledge categories every odd level and reduces the time for the Host to learn these Knowledge Studies by -1 day every even level.
An Spirit automatically starts with 5 Associate Degree knowledge.
-The Spirit has it's own set of classes that it gains every level. It may count as a trainer for the host for those classes.
-For each class the Spirit and the host share the Host gains +5 to a chosen skill.
-The Spirit can pass 1 class ability to the Host for 1 round for -5 of the Host's stamina.
-The Spirit cannot interact with anything at all unlike other spirits and is forever bound to you till you die
-The check to resist the Spirit is a Mind check equal to it's level +1 extra Multiplier for each month it's been attached to you (Max multiplier is x8).

A spirit that possesses and is attached to you the ritual to enforce this costs 5,000 credits per Spirits own level

Prediction Template
+25 PSY
-50 DUR
-20 SPD
-You may once every 2 rounds gain a bonus to a skill by 1/10th your Mind to your skills as a bonus minimal bonus is +5 always.
-Once per round you may scan a single target to discern 1 articles damage types or guard types.
-You may gain PSY MOD to your damage of melee or ranged attacks instead of STR MOD but suffer a -5 Aimed Strike Check penalty per character level.
-Gain Prediction Sight that when you focus on 1 target or area for a ½ ACT grant +50 sight checks to see what the target is doing or
details in a area.

Psio Burst Template

-You are always consider to have 1 active Psionic Focus active if none are active on a psionic class for it's abilities. Though this acts as a Psionic Focus it provides no
scaling thus anything that scales per Psionic Focus only deem it at x0 thus example +3 Aimed Strike Check per Psionic Focus will not provide it's bonus.
-When you are not Psionic Focus you gain +15 to all stats (Racial Psionic Focus will not count)
-For every Psionic Focus active gain +2 to Resist any status effects (Racial Psionic Focus will not activate)
-For every Psionic Focus active gain +2 to a Study Check (Racial Psionic Focus will not activate)
-For every active Psionic Focus gain +15 Damage Absorbency (Racial Psionic Focus will not activate)

Quintessence Being Template ✯

(this is a special template, you can only have 1 special template on a character)
+15 STR
+15 CON
+15 DEX
+15 PSY
+15 DUR
+15 SPRT
+15 SPD
+15 LUK
-A Quintessence Being gains a +5 each level. Each +5 can apply to 1 stat each time. This set of choices may be redistributed every week.
-Gain BHP equal to Your level x10
-If you take this template all your skill checks suffer a -5
-You take extra damage equal to +25 from all attacks done against you.
-All Bane effects deal +50 extra damage to yourself when hit by them (This only applies once not per bane effect).

Raging Body Template

+25 CON
+20 DUR
-10 PSY
-10 SPRT
-You may exchange ½ your CON MOD for STR MOD
-Each time you take damage or under any negative status effect gain +5 to STR/CON/DUR/SPD for 3 rounds every time you are hit the stats stack and rounds refresh. Taking
damage from your allies or yourself does not count. The HP you gain from the stats does not count as healing or regeneration but does give you that much HP.
-You may spend a ACT to damage yourself for 1 point of damage which will count as a foe attacking yourself but only in combat.
-Any time you are healed over your HP you gain that as Temporary Damage Absorbency for 2 rounds for 10% of the healing done any extra healing over will also apply by at
1/10th the amount if you already have this effect active.
-As a ½ ACT you may initiate a reroll of any status effects applied on you again to remove it even if you couldn't normally reroll at all.

Reactive Mind
+10 PSY
+10 DEX
-Once a round you may use a PSY mod for a Acrobatics Check.
-You may perform 1 free evasion free of action cost per 2 rounds.
-If you use Tactical Aimed Strike Check gain +2 damage every 3 levels.

Sentinel Build Template

+20 CON
+30 DUR
-10 SPRT
-As a ACT you may enter a stance called Sentinel Stance. This stance disallows you from being moved from any force equal to your Muscle Check as if you NAT 20 with it's
bonus. You lose 1/4th of all of your movements when this effect is active. You must be on a solid surface for this effect to take place.
-If forced to make an Acrobatics Check during your Sentinel Stance you take -50 damage from that source
-Status Effects that effect your movement of body or sensory are negated if you do not move for that round.

Sicknesses Template
(This template may stack)
-Choose a Negative side effect
–-Pick 1 stat it gains -2 modifier per character level (except LUK)
--Your sight gets blurry granting a -10 to sight checks
--Your hearing becomes granting a-10 to listen checks
--Your taste and smell weaken granting a -10 to scent checks
--Your muscles weaken granting a -10 to muscle checks
--Your reception of feeling upon touch grants a -10 to slight checks and Acrobatics Checks
--You gain a beneficial +5 to stat of your stats and a -20 to your another stat every time you take this the +5 must always go to the same stat and the -20 must always go to
a new stat if all stats have a -20 you may pick a new stat again.
--You lose 2 years off your lifespan
--Your also weary and sickly losing a ½ ACT by a 25% chance
--Upon injury you take extra +5 Damage
--Can hardly move correctly thus any ½ ACT used to move suffer a -3DSU
--Sickness requires 2 checks to pass instead of 1 for resisting and getting better
--Sickness requires 3 checks to pass instead of 2 for resisting and getting better (requires previous mentioned ability)
--Sickness status upon failure is stuck till cured by outer source.

This template is a representation of gaining a disease condition making you ill (a computer variant virus can exist in the same function while most explanation is in
biological) the TS of a Endure or a Mind (If Mystic Poison) to beat a sickness is 10 per Sicknesses Template applied upon the target. Once failed you are sick for 1 week and
may make a new check every week to remove it's negatives. All effect from this template stack accordingly. It takes 5000 credits to procure 1 stack of the Sickness Template
(You may rename it to your new found disease if you created it) This can be made into a hybrid magical version or a technological version but costs an extra 2500 credits
upon creation increasing the TS by 5 extra as well per stacking.

Solid Form Template

+20 CON
+15 DUR
-10 SPRT
-Upon taking damage from any multiple hits for every extra hit keep reducing the damage by -25 thus if hit 5 times you take -50 2nd hit -75 3rd hit -100 4th hit and -125 5th
hit and continues the pattern as stated.
-Once every 2 turns you may count your DUR+CON Score as a reduction
-Your size lift score is raised to x2 than normal
-If you reduce damage to 0 when being hit you may gain a free counter attack against the one who dealt the damage.

Shadow Form Template

Classification Undeath
+15 STR
+15 SPRT
-5 PSY
-5 LUK
Body Type Ethereal added
-You may as a ½ ACT teleport up to 12DSU from shadows of TS 0. The teleport may increase it's distance by +1DSU per TS 5 above of shadow TS. The shadows must be at least
1DSU apart or closer to teleport through if there is no linking shadow. Shadows must be see able with your eyes to be usable with your teleport. This form of teleport is
completely silent.
-You may silence yourself and turn invisible when in a shadow of TS 0 as a ½ ACT for 3 rounds. During these rounds you may dim light levels around yourself up to 3DSU by -10
TS. You may extend this effect by 1 round for a ½ ACT and increase the shadow or decrease the light level (wichever is prevalent in the zones by 10.
-You gain a +25 to stealth checks in shadows

Born partially a shadow being meaning you are related to shadows

Shrunk Template
(may apply more than once)
-5 STR
+5 DEX
-Gain one size smaller (minimal of Micro Size)
-Gain +1 evasion bonus if you are Medium size +4 if Small and +5 if Tiny sized & +5 if Micro sized
-Cannot shrink past the smallest size

A smaller of your norm for your race

Skilled Adept Template
-Choose 1 skills permanently from the skill list to gain a +3 in that skill per level (if you take this template more than once you cannot increase off the same skill)
(cannot choose any skill that you took a minus from from the “skilled” named templates except Skilled Mastery Template)
-You take a -5 to one skill (Can be Aimed Strike Check or Grapple) (if you take this template or another “Skilled” Template more than once you cannot minus off the same

Skilled Expert Template

(May apply more than once for each different skill)
-Choose one skill (Including Aimed Strike Check, and Grapple) in which once every combat you may NAT 20.
-This NAT 20 however, does not automatically mean a success on anything. Instead its CRITS, counter attacks and other such abilities will still apply the natural 20 bonuses
but not auto hit or block
-You may NAT 20 +1 more time every 3 levels.
-Gain a +15 bonus to the skill chosen skill.
-You take a -5 to one skill (Can be Aimed Strike Check or Grapple) (if you take this template or another “Skilled” Template more than once you cannot minus off the same

Skilled Focused Template

(May apply more than once you cannot choose the same stat more than twice)
-Choose 2 stat type of STR, DEX, CON, PSY. Any skills that use that MOD type gain +5 skill check bonus (this includes Aimed Strike Check, and Grapple).
-You take a -5 to one skill (Can be Aimed Strike Check or Grapple) (if you take this template or another “Skilled” Template more than once you cannot minus off the same

Skilled Idealist Template

(May apply only 5 times)
-For each “Skilled” template taken including this one the chosen skill gains a +3 bonus (Can be Aimed Strike Check or Grapple but only applies a +2 bonus instead)
-You take a -5 to one skill (Can be Aimed Strike Check or Grapple) (this does not count towards a “Skilled” Template more than once and does not prevent it being chosen)

Skilled Mastery Template

(May apply more than once for each different skill)
-Choose 1 skill permanently from the skill list to gain a +2 in that skill per level (if you take this template the bonus cannot stack and must be selected to a new skill)
(You may select Aimed Strike Check or Grapple with this bonus)
-Choose 1 skill permanently from the skill list to gain a +2 in that skill per level (if you take this template the bonus cannot stack and must be selected to a new skill)
(You may select Aimed Strike Check or Grapple with this bonus)
-Choose 1 skill permanently from the skill list (Can be Aimed Strike Check or Grapple) to gain -1 in that skill per level (if you take this template more than once you
cannot minus off the same skill (this does not count as a normal skill minus thus will “stack” with other “skilled” template minuses)
-Choose 1 skill permanently from the skill list (Can be Aimed Strike Check or Grapple) to gain -1 in that skill per level (if you take this template more than once you
cannot minus off the same skill (this does not count as a normal skill minus thus will “stack” with other “skilled” template minuses)
-Choose 1 skill permanently from the skill list (Can be Aimed Strike Check or Grapple) to gain -1 in that skill per level (if you take this template more than once you
cannot minus off the same skill (this does not count as a normal skill minus thus will “stack” with other “skilled” template minuses)

Skilled Repeated Template

-If you fail a skill check the next time you perform that same skill check you gain a bonus +25 to that skill check if you keep failing this skill the bonus increases by a
+10 each time till success, the skill chosen when using this bonus cannot NAT 20 for High Success Bonus (HSB). (Guard/Evasion cannot be influenced by this effect)
-Once per hour you may treat your level as +1 higher for a skill roll.
-You take a -5 to one skill (Can be Aimed Strike Check or Grapple) (if you take this template or another “Skilled” Template more than once you cannot minus off the same

Skilled Successor
(May apply more than once for each different skill)
-Choose 1 skill this skill treats its 19 as a natural 20.
-This counts as a natural 20 but not a true natural 20 thus does not High Success Bonus (HSB) (unless you roll 20), instead it gives you a +3 bonus to the roll for each
number higher (thus a 15 gives +3 and a 19 and a true 20 +15).
-Every 10 levels decrease the roll number by 1 more (15-20 max).
-You take a -5 to one skill (Can be Aimed Strike Check or Grapple) (if you take this template or another “Skilled” Template more than once you cannot minus off the same

Skilled Tactical Template

(May apply more than once for each different skill)
-Keen Skill: Choose 1 skill permanently from the skill list that you can spend a ½ ACT to multiply the skills roll result by 1.5 round down (this counts as a keen skill
multiplier and stacks with other keen skill multipliers by adding together (1.5 + 1.5 = 2.0 or 1.5 + 1.5 + 1.5 = 2.5 etc.) If the actions spent are past your own it will
instead eat into your next turns. (This multiplier only effects the 1d20 result))
-You take a -5 to one skill (Can be Aimed Strike Check or Grapple) (if you take this template or another “Skilled” Template more than once you cannot minus off the same

Spiritually Aware
+10 STR
-10 DEX
-15 CON
+30 SPRT
-Gain 3DSU Life sense + 1DSU ever 2 levels
-May use ½ STR + SPRT for your normal STR MOD tally
-Once per round you may fire off a spiritual blast that deals 1d12+1d12 per level + SPRT mod up to 6DSU + 1DSU per level that deals Mystic Damage.

Spiritual Empath
+15 SPRT
+10 PSY
-10 DUR
-10 CON
-You can sense the targets current emotions
-May add SPRT for Diplomacy, Bluff or Intimidate
-Gain a +5 Bonus to Diplomacy, Bluff and Intimidate.

Stability Template
+10 STR
-20 DEX
-10 to chosen stat
-Gain +10 Muscle checks
-Stability, which allows the template character to use any weapon of 1 size category larger with no penalty but only with 2 handing.
-If the character uses any weapon that has the power kick weapon they can ignore its negative special effect entirely.
-If the character already has stability they can use a weapon 1 size category larger more while 2 handing.
-If a weapon is 2 handed and in your natural size category range you may wield it 1 handed instead with no penalties unless it has power kick.

Stone Skin Template

(Organic only)
+5 STR
+10 CON
+10 DUR
-30 SPD
-Gain +10 to body hardness
-Gain +12kg to your own bodies weight score
-Your body has Damage Absorbency 5+ 5 per level

Streamline Machine Template

(Machine Body Type only)
+10 DEX
+30 SPD
-10 STR
-10 DUR
-Gain a bonus +10DSU to all movements but for each 10kg past your body weight lose -1DSU of this bonus each 1DSU counts as a +2 bonus to your charge attack mod
-Falling damage is reduced by half and negated if a successful slight check is made
-You may expend a ½ ACT to double all your movement for the round
-For every negative in STR MOD gain +1 to DEX and CON SCORE. This bonus maxes out at +5 per level.

Symbiotic Ooze Template

(Organic only)
Classification Amoeboid
-Gain A special symbiotic entity that works with you to live it has a mind of its own mind and opinions etc. Each level you gain it also gains a level. This being when fused
to you grants it's stat bonuses divided by 3 to your normal form at it's will but not it's HP. It's own stats are each +10 per level of all stats and it's HP is 500 times
it's level. This entity stamina is shared with the host entity. This being is treated as a NPC and has it's choices based on GM discretion. Every Study Knowledge Degree the
host has the Symbiotic automatically learns and keeps forever.
-The Symbiotic has a full ACT to itself but when controlling the host it uses the hosts actions. It's actions still can switch ADD-ONs etc. for the host.
-Depending upon time or wants. The Symbiotic can intertwine itself into your mind fusing itself into you and it's reliance upon your body for you to need it. For 1 month if
it has started this process you will become weaken without it attached to you suffering a -20 to STR CON and DEX for a week. If it has bonded for 3 months this negative goes
up to -40 for 2 weeks. For 6 months -80 for 4 weeks. Finally for 1 year you now must need it to live or receive medical treatments to overcome without it and will die in 1
week suffering -100 to the negatives instead during that time.
-It can transform yourself to match another race of equal size to you and even form clothing for you at will and may change colors granting a +50 stealth with camouflage and
change how your voice sounds at will.
-This being can share it's Self ADD-ONs with the host.
-This being has stamina equal to 10+1 per level it has. It takes 3 stamina to give you 1 stamina point restored.
-It grants it's host the ability to instead of eating absorb from the environment into the users body alert them of poisons and needs and help take care of the host. This
also grants the host a regeneration and to itself when bonded a regeneration of 50 per round. Also Mortality Damage per round application is cut in half in it's rounds
rounded down but applies to both the Symbiotic and the Host. The Symbiotic HP is only if it's called shot instead of the host but if the host is called shot instead it will
take the damage and treats vitality damage as just normal damage and cannot take vitality damage. The host gains a +25 Endure Check against poisons and only needs to eat
half the required amount as the Symbiotic will ration their body intake better than the hosts own body.
-If you and the Symbiotic are fully fused and you will die without it. For each month you are bonded to the symbiotic ooze max 4 months, one stat may instead of being one
third the amount granted to the host grants one half. The Symbiotic Ooze and the host can simultaneously give up 10 stamina for 2 rounds per year they have been bonded max
10 rounds to double all stats of the symbiotic ooze itself.
-Every odd level the Symbiotic Ooze gains a new skill ability connected to it and belonging to it alone, It will pick itself upon these levels.
--Wall Climb: It may grant the ability to climb on walls and ceilings as the ground speed movement
--Sticky Shot: It may shoot itself a slender strand generated from any portion of it's self that fire up to 6DSU+3DSU per level it has and use it as a grapple check from
itself not the host. The strand can be dismissed at it's will and retracted or dislodged at it's will but will dissipate if disconnected from the Symbiotic after 1 week.
--Bio Feed Sense: It can Sense Eletroreception in a 25DSU radius
--Self Enhancing: It may gain +5 to one stat category per level (can be taken only once per stat)
--Hardening: It gains hardness equal to it's HP divided by 100. Max 10 per level it has.
--Shared Sensory: It can share with it's host it's sensors and the host's are shared with it also granting telepathy with the host it fully bonds to for a year.
--Extend Life Spans: Grants the Host a extended lifespan of +50 years per Symbiotic level and Cut their rest requirements down by -4 hours.
--Adaptive Environment: TS 30 of Cold or Hot environments do not bother the user or the Symbiotic.
--Genetic Splice: Grants the Host and itself +50 regeneration per round that can restore limbs and vitality damage, also granting the base regeneration of this template the
same benefit. The host never appears to age and Mortality damage only hurts the Host not the Symbiotic regeneration. This also increases the Hosts life span by +50 years.
(May take more than once for stacking effect of regeneration and life extension)
--Hive Mind: The host and the symbiotic ooze consider to have 1 active psionic focus active if none are active on a psionic class. Psionic Focuses no longer occur a Guard or
Evasion penalty as long as the ooze is Psionic Focused but it cannot grant the host any other activation abilities. The symbiotic ooze now may split micro pieces of itself
which transfer information to the symbiotic ooze, these small splits have a stealth check of +100 of camouflage and have a movement speed of 5DSU per round with a ½ ACT only
per round, These micro splits have up to a 1 kilometer telepathy to other splits or to the main host. You may only have up to 1 split per Symbiotic Ooze level. Each split
has 100 HP and will die within 1 week.
--Mind Shield: If the host is effected by a mind effect they are given 2 Mind checks take the highest result. The Symbiotic Ooze cannot be effected by mind effects anymore.
-The check to resist the Symbiotic is a Mind check equal to it's level +1 extra Multiplier for each month it's been attached to you (Max multiplier is x8).

A living organism like slime that makes you depend on it a ritual or endeavor to create one or finding one in any way to add this template later as the character progresses
costs 5,000 credits per level of the character trying to attain this template

Tempest Caster
-10 STR
-5 CON
+10 PSY
+5 LUK
+10 SPRT
-You may as a Cast action apply a charge effect to yourself of a level 1-5 cast. You may only hold 1 charge of this effect from this ability. When expending the charge upon
a Cast you may split clone the cast equal to the cast level that created the charge. Thus a 4th level charge used makes the cast split up to 4 times effecting up to 4
different targets or target zones based upon the cast. Your cast that splits that targets or overlaps the same entity (example area of effect radius) effects them as if it
was a singular cast thus any effects and overlapping damage will count as 1 whole damage or healing for reductions, negations, weakness, etc. Damage and Healing done by this
charge is always reduced down by 1 dice grade per split (2 split -1 dice grade, 3 split -2 dice grade etc).
-Each time a cast is performed against the same target from Tempest Caster template expenditure of it's charge. The TS against a target repeatedly hit gains +5 TS per cast
targeting past 1 cast striking against them.
-For as long as you hold the Tempest Caster charge all your TS are increased by +2 per character level Except any cast effected by the Casters Power Template.

You have inherited the ability to Cast lower version Casts even faster by using higher versions of your power a ritual to add this template later as the character progresses
costs 5,000 credits per level of the character trying to attain this template.

Therianthropy Template
(May apply more than once for each different Animal form) (Organic Fauna only) (Cannot be taken with Wild Body Mutant Template present)
Classification is treated as either Arthropod/fish/beast/reptile/dragon/avian based on the choice
+55 STR
+55 CON
+55 DEX
-25 PSY
-25 SPRT
-25 LCK
-Status adds from this template only add when in transformation of the animal form and only one form may be active
-Certain triggers like the full moon near death experience etc. always activate the transformations. Pick up to 5 triggers minimal these instantly transform you into your
form and if you trigger during transformation counts as transforming again. (These triggers must be reasonable and cannot be impossible and no trigger cannot be too similar
in activating effect)
-You take a Weakness from Gold and Silver of +5 extra damage multiplier
-During this form you still have humanoid traits like arms and legs
-You may gain body parts extra reasonable to your form of Arms, Legs, Tail.
-Choose a movement type based on your animal from the list this replaces your normal base. Slither: 6DSU land move and Swim cannot be tripped. Dashing: 8DSU land move 5DSU
swim. Steady: 5DSU land move and 5DSU swim your land move cannot drop below 5DSU. Flight: (requires wings) 5DSU land move and swim 8DSU flight. Burrow: 6DSU land move and
5DSU swim and may dig up to 1DSU deep in soft soil per move action.
-If the creature has claws/talons their damage is +1 per odd character level
-If the creature has a bite weapon (beak/strong jaw) it deals their damage at +2 per odd character level.
-If the creature has a special tail it can be either a weapon tail (deals damage as the claw/talon) or it's prehensile gains Prehensile.
-If the creature has any spike/horn parts these parts give deals their damage at +1 per odd character level
-If any body part has a strong grapple ability it gains a +5 to grapple check plus if it deals damage that damage is also a bonus to it's grapple checks divided by 2 rounded
down any part that grapples also can deal damage and not let go of the subject.
-If any body part has a poison production then the poison status effect will apply with that attack (of if touched if it's a touched based poison) and it's level is equal to
your character level divided by 2 rounded down minimum 1.
-If the creature has a special type of sensory it can choose from, Infrared Sight, Sonar or 100% accuracy of scent up to half a kilometer (wind still effects distance of
this ability).
-If the creature has a heighten sensory it may gain a +15 to either Scent, Sight, or Listen.
-If a creature has a special heighten skill it may gain a +10 to that skill other than Scent, Sight and Listen checks.
-If The creature has a specific camouflage choose it's specific environment choices various may stack upon such around being still grants a +20 stealth bonus while moving
half speed only grants a +10 stealth bonus and full speed movement gives a +5 stealth bonus this bonus is only against sight checks. Darkness TS 10 and below, Desert,
Jungle, Forest, Snow, Valley, Rocky, Murky Water, Clear Water, Ocean Water.
-If the creature has a protective casing then it gains a +10 to it's Guard Checks for those parts and a +5 extra hardness on those parts (the casing itself can be a shell,
chitinous material or bone.
-If the creature spews a substance or has a protective body response (spit, gas, electric shock) If it deals damage then it deals it's related damage type matching of +1d4
per character level, if it has a status effect it acts just like the poison production ability listed above in scaling.
-If the user may wish your size category may apply a separated template of the choice listed only to your were form of Shrunk Template x1, Enlarge Template x1, Multi Leg
-If the user transforms the items they wear if they are not adjustable to their form will be damaged by 5% of it's Current HP (LUK MOD may only apply up to 0%).
-Removing the disease can cure this template.
-You may turn into a full version of the animal you are instead of a humanoid version. During this form you cannot speak but only to the shared animal species.
-Upon transforming up to 3 times in a day make an Endure Check TS equal to yours +5 for each additional transformation upon transformation make a Mind check under the same
TS or be stuck in your hybrid animal form for up to 3 days and your PSY MOD penalty is doubled. During this state if you fail again you turn into the full animal form and
act as that animal species for 3 more days.
-You may upon a bite onto a Organic target that is alive or spreading with a substance from your body but this is your decision to give that em-zine or curse.

You were either born or contracted with a type of therianthropy granting you animal powers upon your trigger of that animal though only 1 of you animal forms can apply as
the diseases only can have 1 dominate if you have multiple your form is always a hybrid that proves you are a therianthropy infected not a Beastial a ritual to add this
template later as the character progresses costs 5,000 credits per level of the character trying to attain this template

Unfortunate Template
(cannot take Fortunate Template)
+10 to chosen stat
-30 LUK
-You produce a vexing field around yourself that reduces others around you up to 5DSU to gain negative LUK MOD equal to ½ rounded down your LUK MOD negative or plus (both
numbers work in either direction) the max negative you may apply is -5 per character level you cannot turn off this power by any means. This vexing field affects you and
ignores your ability to take no penalty from negative LUK mod unless your LUK MOD is positive.
-You do not suffer penalties for having negative LUK.

you produce a anti luck aura though most might not notice

Unholy Artifact Template

(Machine Body Type or Machination classification only)
Classification Devil
+5 to chosen stat
+5 to chosen stat
+5 to chosen stat
-5 to chosen stat
-5 to chosen stat
-5 to chosen stat
2/day per level heal 5d12 +1d12 more per 2 level HP or Stat score Unholy to a target Endure Check for half Damage (Living)

When a mechanical race device is blessed with Unholy powers a ritual to add this template later as the character progresses costs 5,000 credits per level of the character
trying to attain this template

Unholy Blood Template

(Organic Fauna only)
Classification Devil or Undead
+5 to chosen stat
-5 to chosen stat
-Gain both Wings and a Tail 1DSU If you decline gain 1DSU movement (up to 3DSU if you decline both parts)
-You gain 1 manifest energy per day
-Ethereal powers are turned on a will ACT and turn on at ½ ACT which grants all attacks done to you or you perform have a 25% chance to miss. If the miss does not confirm
another 50% chance to reduce the damage by one half. also you may phase through permitted section that you are granted access if you are denied in any particular way you may
not phase to the section. You may only keep this effect on for up to 1 round and must recharge the next round. You need 1 manifest energy to activate this ability.
-You may phase through things at will in ethereal form that is not a violent action.

When born with Daemonic blood heritage or Undeath heritage

Vampire Mutant Template

(Organic only)
+15 STR
+15 DEX
+5 PSY
+15 DUR
-Life Sense 5DSU
-See in darkness TS 20
-You may perform a free bite attack in a grapple this bite deals no Damage
-If you have a target grappled and bitten you may drain as a ½ ACT that does not release a grapple and the target is a living organic fauna target that heals from positive
energy you may drain 5% (Minimal 1%) of their health to heal 10% of your health
-If you wish you may as part of your bite grapple drain effect turn a victim into a vampire mutant for each 1% you drain out of them they take a –1 to their Endure Check
against your character level +19 if they fail they become a vampire mutant.
-You must feed from your bite attack once every week on top of your normal diet or else suffer starvation.
-You look like most ordinary examples of your race till you bare your bite attack
-If you have the Vampire Template any similar abilities are replaced and you no longer need to feed.

Vampire Template ✯
(this is a special template, you can only have 1 special template on a character)
Classification Undeath (You must be Organic or Ethereal body type but cannot start with Undead Body Type on your main race or with Zombie/Skeleton)
+30 STR
+30 DEX
+20 PSY
+50 DUR
+50 SPRT
Body Type Undead and Eternal added
-Holy healing harms instead of cures unlike other undead body type (this cannot ever be negated)
-Unholy healing harms instead of cures unlike other undead body type (this cannot ever be negated)
-CRIT multiplier reducer from Undead body type is negated
-Life Sense 10DSU
-See in all levels of darkness
-You may perform a free bite attack in a grapple this bite deals no Damage
-If you have a target grappled and bitten you may drain as a ½ ACT that does not release a grapple and the target is a living organic or a machine target that heals from
positive energy you may drain 5% (Minimal 1%) of their health to heal 10% of your health
-For every 5% (LUK cannot effect) health you gain from your drain if you are at max health you gain +10 to your STR, DEX, and SPD you also gain a +5 to PSY SPRT stats you
the max this bonus grants to stats is up to 50% HP over for the stat boosts. Also you gain Temporary Damage Absorbency of +5 max stack equals to your character level, for
all bonuses these bonuses only last for 1 day but every time you gain 10% over your Max HP it resets the time it effects.
-If you are in the sunlight directly shining upon 20% of your body you take a negative to your stats equal to –10 times your level to STR, CON, DEX, and PSY (arms are 5%
each head is 10% legs are 10% each and body is 60% tails will be 5% wings are 10% each.)
-If you are killed at 0 HP or below without your head severed off and then your body penetrated (bullet sword or any object that can penetrate your body) then you turn into
a mist that seeks the closest shelter from harm in a dark place where your body materializes and recovers 10% HP
-If you wish you may as part of your bite grapple drain effect turn a victim into a vampire for each 1% you drain out of them they take a –1 to their Endure Check against
your character level +19 if they fail they become a vampire
-The more damaged you are the older you appear
-You may not enter buildings you are not welcome into
-You may transform into any normal animal as a ½ ACT of your choosing though your equipment is not active in this form this form may grant you flight or swim speed or
slither effect of movement but you cannot access your other abilities in this form that you must activate by choice except this one. The animals size limit is up to 1 size
category larger than yourself or up to 2 sizes smaller than yourself.
-You may disguise yourself as an ordinary example of your race this effect is an illusionary effect TS equal to your level +19 to see through this guise

Vampirism is a drastic state of being half alive and half dead though it’s gaining does not mean the end it is considered a curse to most beings as you can no longer enjoy
the things you loved in your normal life while to others it could be a blessing this process also occurs when clerics decide upon it to a target from revival process

Warped Mind Template

-Effects directly targeting your mind have a 75% chance to fail. Similar effects do not stack but roll separately.
-Effects that do effect your mind last twice as long

Weapon Martial Artist Template

You may take this template as if it was a different named template up to 3 times. Weapon Martial Artist Template 1, 2 and 3.
-Choose up to 5 specific weapons. (Examples: Modern Pistol, Thrusting Dagger, Survival Knife (Improvised use only), Armor Spikes, Natural Attacks) You may select a specific
weapon twice instead of once but eats up another specific weapon slot (thus 5 turns to 3).
--You gain +5 Aimed Strike Check with these weapon uses every character level divisible by 3 and +5 Aimed Strike Check at level 1.
--You gain +5 Guard with these weapon uses every character level divisible by 3 and +5 Guard at level 1.
--You gain +2 damage with these weapon uses every character level divisible by 3 and +5 damage at level 1.
-If you are a Human Basic, Human Elorian, Shadow, Arcanum, Psio Hume, Geno Hume, Orc named, Elf named, Gnome named, or Elemental being you gain a bonus +10 Aimed Strike
Check and Damage with your specific weapons choices (Does not benefit from taking the weapon choice twice). If there is a Racial Weapon bonus and it's applied to any of your
specific weapon it they gain a +5 Aimed Strike Check, Guard & Damage bonus when in use (Does not benefit from taking the weapon choice twice).

Wild Body Mutant Template

(Organic only) (Cannot be taken with Therianthropy Template present)
Adds either, Beast, Avian, Dragon, Fish, Arthropod classification by choice
+20 STR
+15 DEX
+25 CON
+15 DUR
-30 PSY
-15 SPRT
+30 SPD
-You may turn yourself into a half creature which gains 3 of the features listed below once the choices are made you cannot change them you may regress these features as a
1/2 ACT, they must be placed on natural body parts though nothing artificial.
--Claws: all your hands and feet gain slashing capabilities which deal +1 damage per character level
--Power Jaws: all your mouths gain a powerful bite method that can deal +2 damage per character level
--Horns: you gain a powerful set of horns that deal +2 damage per character level upon your head
--Quills: you gain special hairs that are sharp, they deals physical 5d4+CON MOD damage per quill and regrow quickly you may throw randomly 2d4 off your body at a foe or at
foes from up to 3DSU in front of you or all around your body (allies are not exempt of this attack) or use them yourself and throw up 3 per hand throwing, you must make a
Aimed Strike Check with the quills this way though. (this counts as a natural body attack and Melee)
--Tail: you grow up to 3DSU tail this tail deals up to +1 damage per character level
--Fins: you gain a swim speed of 12DSU
--Gills: you can breathe under water and negate any breathing effects of air but start to drown from switching to gills without water but you may still attempt to hold your
--Breath Attack: You gain a breath attack of either Heat, Acid, Cold, Ion or Aerial Poison or Slime Poison (slime body effects for slime but only for this attacks range)
(can be Mystic Poison if permanently chosen must choose to effect 1 stat upon creation) this attack is in a 3DSU line and deals 5d4+CON+DUR MOD damage. Acrobatics Check to
avoid but if the poison hits then a Endure Check unless they NAT 1 their evasion but does not count as a CRIT.
--Poisons: Any physical bodily attacks you do or bodily section from this template you taken can have poison status effect it's level equal to your own characters level
divided by 2 (can be Mystic Poison if permanently chosen must choose to effect 1 stat upon creation) this will stack with the breath weapon poison and you then may alter
between the two poisons or empower them both to deal x1.5 the poison damage from the breath damage if both are exactly the same poison types picked.
--Scales: Your body is covered in scales protecting you from damage by -15
--Strong Legs: you gain a +15 to Jump checks and 3DSU land and swim movement and every 3 character levels you gain +1DSU land movement
--Infrared Sight: you can switch your sight to Infrared Sight as a 1/2 ACT or back as a 1/2 ACT
--Sonar Sight: you can switch your sight to Sonar Sight (you are then blind of any visions) as a 1/2 ACT or back as a 1/2 ACT
--Slime Body: your body produces a slime coating this can intake your poison effect when a foe touches it and allows you to coat things in this slim at whim, anything with
this slime on it is now slippery and hard to hold with a TS equal to your own to keep a hold of the said articles though you may grasp anything slimy with no issue, the
slime will disperse in 1d4 hours or till dried or washed off

Wraith/Ghost Template ✯
(this is a special template, you can only have 1 special template on a character)
Classification Undeath
+40 PSY
+60 SPRT
-15 LUK
Ethereal Body Type (Overrides original body types except Organic & Inorganic)
-Immunity to Poison
-Holy healing cures half as much
-Unholy healing cures half as much
-Sense Eletroreception in a 12DSU radius
-You gain a pool called a manifest energy that allows you become corporeal for it's duration the abilities below list how long you may manifest but max you can have is up to
1min per character level which uses up 1 manifest energy.
-In Ethereal form you are invisible to most (not as invisibility thus does not grant it's normal miss chance) but every hour you remain invisible and ethereal you gain 1
manifest energy which allows you to either turn off ethereal or show yourself to others, if you drain a power source you also gain 1 manifest per 5mins of draining for 1
energy you drain (Battery power or Zilo charges) or you may possess inside a living target (or a machine target) and drain 1 hour of their sleep for a extra 1 manifest
energy as well.
-Ethereal powers are turned off on a ½ ACT and turn on at will which grants all attacks done to you or you perform have a 25% chance to miss. If the miss does not confirm
another 50% chance to reduce the damage by one half of the entire damage after calculation this effect is also negated with things that have the ability to hit ethereal.
Being hit makes you lose 1 manifest energy and phasing though objects for up to 1min costs 1 manifest energy.
-You may phase through things at will in ethereal form that is not a violent action. Also you may phase through permitted section that you are granted access if you are
denied in any particular way you may not phase to the section.
-You may possess unattended objects and machines freely and consume 1 manifest energy for 1 min while possessing it and able to control it like your own body.

When one is resurrected by a cleric as a ghostly being

Yestreen Template
+20 STR
+5 DEX
+20 PSY
-5 CON
+15 SPRT
-When a Cast is incorporated into a Melee or Ranged attack the attack gains a +10 to it's Aimed Strike Check and Damage
-When performing a Cast or the Cast is a Melee or Ranged it can use PSY MOD instead of STR or DEX for Aimed Strike Check and Damage
-You may expend a level 1-5 Cast to gain a minute of Bright Sight or Night Sight that lasts for 1min per Cast level

Ywis Template
+15 CON
+15 PSY
+30 SPRT
-15 LUK
-Choose 1 alignment of either Evil Neutral or Good and gain a +15 bonus damage against any that share that alignment type chosen and -10 damage against anything not chosen.
-Choose 1 alignment of either Dishonorable or Honorable and gain a +10 damage against any that share that alignment type chosen and -5 damage against anything not chosen.
-Once per day +1 extra time per character level divisible by 3 you gain 1 Wisdom Point.

Zilo Enhanced Template

Body Type Eternal added
-10 to 4 different stats (cannot stack with the -5 to stats choices)
-5 to 4 different stats (cannot stack with the -10 to stats choices)
-You gain +10 BHP per level
-You gain +1DSU to all your movement bases every 3rd level
-You gain a +10 Temporary Damage Absorbency +10 per level that goes down per hit that refreshes every round
-You gain regeneration 5 HP +1 per level healed per ½ ACT you do not use in a round
-A Zilo Ehnahnced can as a special action of any Physical move (Jumping Evading Guard nothing relating to PSY MOD or CON MOD (cannot apply to Build Checks) gain a +10 to the
check once done 2 times in a round they gain a –5 to such checks and each time done in that round the negative applies next turn for 2 rounds and you cannot use this ability
till the negatives are gone you can only surge out of combat 3 times with instead a +10 bonus and for every surge suffer a 5min -5 to all checks per surge done in the
-When you Cast you have a 25% chance to not lose the Cast

Those enhanced by Zilo thus granting them unusual body enhancing one can spend a ritual or experiment and access to zilo to gain a zilo infusing of their own body for 5,000
credits per character level after character is created

Zilo Mutation Template

(May apply more than once for each choice)
-15 to LUK or if broken from fortune template -10 to chosen stat
-You may choose 1 of these abilities every time you take this template listed below (can stack any choice unless noted) (If this is randomized roll a 50% chance for a
positive or negative effect then roll 1d20 to determine the effect from the list)
--Rust Touch: Upon touch contact with any Metal it has a 25% chance to cause rust to the item making it lose -10 Damage and guard every time it causes rust upon 5 rusted
touch the item breaks you may turn this off at will
--Mental Strike: you may perform Tactical Aimed Strike Check switching STR or DEX for the PSY MOD instead
--Tail: You gain a Tail 1DSU long if you take again you can either add a new tail or extend a tail by 1DSU (can take more than once but only 1 extra tail per 3 levels)
--Wings: You gain Wings (can take more than once but only a extra pair of wings per 3 levels)
--X ray sight: you gain 1DSU Pierce-Vision sight (can take more than once every 3 levels)
--Infrared sight: Gain 6DSU Infrared Sight (can take more than once every 3 levels)
--Night Sight: Gain 6DSU Night Sight (can take more than once once every 3 levels)
--Bright Sight: Gain 6DSU Bright Sight (can take more than once every 3 levels)
--Sonar Sight: Gain 3DSU Sonar Sight (can take more than once every 3 levels)
--Scent Sight: Gain Scent Sight as the ADD-ON but unlimited distance
--Claws: Gain on all your natural hands Claws these claws deal +1 damage per level
--Horns: Gain a pair of horns on all yours heads these horns deal +20 Damage
--Head: Gain a extra head this head is not a new person but a new sight/survival which you can equally transfer your conscious too it gains all your sensory abilities and
allows you to make a extra sensory check per head (can take more than once)(max 4 heads)
--Extra Organs: if you are struck with vitality damage to a important organs it will take 1 extra attempt to destroy the important organ for the negative effects to take
--Prehensile: you may apply the prehensile to a body part (the torso cannot be selected)(can take more than once per natural limb existing)
--Cast Absorption: You may once per round absorb a single Cast into yourself half the damage, then apply 1/4th of the damage into one of your Casts
--Hard Body: Gain 10 Damage Absorbency
--Regeneration: Regenerate HP per round equal to CON MOD (cannot regenerate negative, HP regeneration remains at minimal +5 per round)
–-Lesser Functions: you no longer need to sleep or eat as much ½ your sleep time needed and eating weight needed
--Blast Power: you may produce (from mouth hand etc.) a blast of damage to of either upon mutation Heat, Cold, Ion, Acid, Water, Earth, Holy, Unholy, Wind. This can shoot in
one of 3 choices based on mutation choice a 8DSU cone, a 12DSU line, a radius max 8DSU distance in a 3DSU radius spread. You must choose 1 damage type, and 1 range source
upon the mutation. The damage is 5d4+5d4 per character level. The TS to evade is equal to 20 + 5 per character level.
--Sickly: Your body grows sickly and take -5 to CON Checks skills
--Weaken: Your body becomes weaker and takes -5 STR Check skills
--Numb: Your body becomes sluggish and takes -5 DEX Check skills
--Wobbly: Your body becomes less sturdy and takes -5 DUR Check skills
--Clumsy: Your body becomes less graceful and takes -5 SPD Check skills
--Mindless: Your mind becomes lesser and takes -5 PSY Check skills
--Sapped: Your energy of body becomes lesser and takes -5 SPRT Check skills
--Drained: Your energy of belief becomes lesser and takes -5 LUK Check skills
--Blind: You become blind
--Deaf: You become deaf
--Sensory Loss: You become unable to taste or smell
--Disfigure: You become ugly and disfigured for your race
--Devouring: You must eat x2 as much food
--Hibernating: You must sleep x2 as much time
--Degenerating: You lose 10 HP every 5 rounds unless you sleep which case you heal half back from any rest
--Cast Weakness: You take 1.5 damage from Casts (stacking adds a 0.5 not a 1.5)
--Soft Body: you take 10 extra damage from sources
--Uncontrolled Rust Touch: Upon touch contact with any Metal it has a 25% chance to cause rust to the item making it lose -10 Damage and guard every time it causes rust upon
5 rusted touch the item breaks you cannot turn this ability it off
--Deletion Touch: Upon touch contact with any material it has a 10% chance to cause it to disintegrate to the item making it lose -10 Damage and guard every time it causes
this effect upon 5th time the item breaks you cannot turn this ability off
--Body Shock: Melee/Ranged attacks deal 1.5 times more damage to you (stacking adds a 0.5 not a 1.5)

This template represents Zilo Mutations 5,000 credits per time it's applied, or through Zilo Radiation a TS is Endure to resist mutations and randomly apply a mutation, You
may pay for a uncontrolled Zilo Mutation for 1,000 credits and risk a negative side effect.

Zombie/Skeleton Template
(Organic only)
Classification Undeath
+5 to chosen stat
-5 to chosen stat
-5 to chosen stat
Body Type Undead added
-Cannot take if you have Vampire Template
-If Skeleton Immune to CRIT
-If Skeleton lose -25 lift score bonus
-If Skeleton movement increases by 3DSU base
-If Skeleton gains Physical Damage Absorbency from Pierce and Slash damage by 5 points per character level
-If Skeleton gains Cold Reduction of -5 per character level
-If Skeleton gains +10 to Acrobatics Checks against ranged attacks
-If Metal Skin was existing replace with Metal Bone if already present Metal Skin is lost
-If Skeleton for every negative in PSY or STR MOD gain +1 to DEX and SPRT SCORE This bonus maxes out at +10 per level.
-If Zombie gain +25 lift score bonus
-If Zombie movement decreases by –3DSU base
-If Zombie gains Physical Damage Absorbency from Impact damage by 5 points per character level
-If Zombie gain Acid Reduction of -5 per character level
-If Zombie gains -1 from multipliers per 2 levels
-If Zombie and you killed a person and touched their body and are Organic you may convert them into a Skeleton or a Zombie version of this template and if under control of a
master they will be under control of your master.
-If Zombie for every negative in PSY or DEX MOD gain +1 to STR and CON SCORE This bonus maxes out at +10 per level.
When one is afflicted with zombification or skeletalization from a cleric’s revival process

Chapter 4 CLASSES
A character every 1 level may take class (it is optional) as long as you meet the base requirements you may continue to take a class thus if you are level 3 you may take 3
level requirement classes if one wants. At level 31-60 you must spend TP to take a new class. Certain classess count as “Crafter” classes. These classes are Alchemist,
Artificer, Mechanic, Mechanicalist, Mechanical Master, Transmutation Alchemist, Master Alchemist, Inventor, Mystic Alchemist, Master Craftsman, Legacy Crafter and Ultimate

Basic Classes (Level 1 classes)

Acrobat (Basic)
Alchemist (Basic)
Artificer (Basic)
Agile Fighter (Basic)
Anti Caster (Basic)
Arcane Knight (Basic)
Archer (Basic)
Armored Specialist (Basic)
Arthropod Master (Basic)
Assassin (Basic)
Bard (Basic)
Berserker (Basic)
Big Arms Master (Basic)
Blade Master (Basic)
Blaster Shot (Basic)
Bounty Hunter (Basic)
Brawler (Basic)
Bullet Swarm (Basic)
Cleric (Basic)
Concealed Martial Artist (Basic)
Dancing Kicker (Basic)
Data Hacker (Basic)
Deceptionist (Basic)
Demolition Expert (Basic)
Detective (Basic)
Dimensional Jumper (Basic)
Druid (Basic)
Dual Duelist (Basic)
Duelist (Basic)
Elementalist (Basic)
Grappler (Basic)
Great Buster (Basic)
Gunslinger (Basic)
Hack Warrior (Basic)
Harmonics (Basic)
Havoc Charger (Basic)
Havoc Runner (Basic)
Havoc Warrior (Basic)
Healer (Basic)
Heavy Gunner (Basic)
Hunter (Basic)
Improvised Battler (Basic)
Knight (Basic)
Magus (Basic)
Mecha Jockey (Basic)
Mechanic (Basic)
Mimic Fighter (Basic)
Mimic Mage (Basic)
Monk (Basic)
Musketeer (Basic)
Mystic Rogue (Basic)
Mystic Weapon Fighter (Basic)
Ninja (Basic)
Old Style Pistolero (Basic)
Pirate (Basic)
Pistolero (Basic)
Priest (Basic)
Psionic (Basic)
Psionic Elementalist (Basic)
Psionic Fist (Basic)
Psionic Manifest (Basic)
Psionic Shot (Basic)
Psycho Fighter (Basic)
Pugilist (Basic)
Quick Dash Warrior (Basic)
Rifle Master (Basic)
Rogue (Basic)
Shield Warrior (Basic)
Slayer (Basic)
Sniper (Basic)
Spell Jammer (Basic)
Summoner (Basic)
Swashbuckler (Basic)
Swift Striker (Basic)
Totem Master (Basic)
Trainer (Basic)
Trick Gunner (Basic)
Trickster (Basic)
Undeath Master (Basic)
Weapon Juggler (Basic)
Weaponry Specialist (Basic)
Whirlwind Charger (Basic)
Vanguard (Basic)
Yuusha of Heroes (Basic)

Basic 2 Classes (Level 2 Classes)

Earth Control Master (Basic 2)
Fire Control Master (Basic 2)
Gambler (Basic 2)
Nightmare Hunter (Basic 2)
Storm Control Master (Basic 2)
Transmuter (Basic 2)
Water Control Master (Basic 2)
Zilo Controller (Basic 2)
Zilo Fist (Basic 2)
Zilo Synergist (Basic 2)

Basic 3 Classes (Level 3 Classes)

Artimancer (Basic 3)
Biotic Soldier (Basic 3)
Black Harmonious (Basic 3)
Body Weaver (Basic 3)
Cast Nullifyer (Basic 3)
Daemon Knight (Basic 3)
Death Claw Master (Basic 3)
Dream Weaver (Basic 3)
Essence Healer (Basic 3)
Fates Broken Gun (Basic 3)
Fates Broken Fighter (Basic 3)
Gun Master (Basic 3)
Interruption Synergist (Basic 3)
Master Arching Shot (Basic 3)
Mender Of Creation (Basic 3)
Momentum Synergist (Basic 3)
Reckless Fighter (Basic 3)
Self-Enhanced (Basic 3)
Technomancer (Basic 3)
Wild Fang Master (Basic 3)
Void Mage (Basic 3)
Zilo Mage (Basic 3)

Basic 5 Classes (Level 5 Classes)

Arcanist (Basic 5)
Bone Control Master (Basic 5)
Chronomancer (Basic 5)
Juggernaut (Basic 5)
Marksman (Basic 5)
Martial Artist of the Ascended (Basic 5)
Master of Arms (Basic 5)
Merchant (Basic 5)
Mutilation Master (Basic 5)
Nemesis (Basic 5)
Nightmare Warrior (Basic 5)
Plant Master (Basic 5)
Precision Shooter (Basic 5)
Prosperous Windfaller (Basic 5)
Shaman (Basic 5)
Soul Affinity (Basic 5)
Soul Locker (Basic 5)
The Pay Loader (Basic 5)
Unnatural Immorality Seeker (Basic 5)
War God Master (Basic 5)
War Hulk (Basic 5)

Basic 10 Classes (Level 10 Classes)

Bio Synthesis (Basic 10)
Blood Caster (Basic 10)
Cybernetic Warrior (Basic 10)
Fortune Master (Basic 10)
Future Predictor (Basic 10)
Future Sniper (Basic 10)
Gate Way Maker (Basic 10)
Gravity Warper (Basic 10)
Induction Fluxer (Basic 10)
Irritamancer (Basic 10)
Necromancer (Basic 10)
Puppet Master (Basic 10)
Treasure Hunter (Basic 10)
Windfall Burner (Basic 10)
Vexer (Basic 10)

Prestige Classes (Requires Mixed Classes)

Blade God (3 levels Blade Master)
Fracturing Crusher (3 levels Great Buster)
Valor Of Arms (1 level of Blade Master and Great Buster)
Havoc Archer (2 levels Archer)
Mystic Archer (3 levels Archer)
Arch-Archer (5 levels of Archer)
Grand-Archer (5 levels of Archer)
Dancing Harmony (2 levels of Bard or Harmonics)
Master Berserker (2 levels of Berserker)
Fury Caster (Requires 1 level of a Cast with Casting and 1 level of Berserker)
Raging Knight (3 levels of Berserker)
Fury Gunner (1 level of Berserker)
Master Craftsman (Mix of 3 level of either Alchemist or Artificer)
Legacy Crafter (Basic 10)
Martial Artist of the Style (2 levels of Brawler)
Oversized Brawler (5 levels of Brawler)
Vallant Knight (5 levels of Knight)
Omni Knight (2 levels of either Knight Brawler or Berserker)
Paladin (1 level of Knight and Cleric)
Anti Paladin (2 levels of Paladin)
Crusader (2 levels of Paladin 3 levels Cleric
Templar (2 levels of Paladin)
Vindicator (5 levels of Paladin)
Emissary (2 levels of Cleric)
Arch Cleric (1 level of Cleric)
Evangelist (2 levels of Priest)
Holy Arch Knight (5 levels of Cleric)
Data Hacker Infiltrator (3 levels of Data Hacker)
Nexus Hacker (5 levels of Data Hacker)
Ultimate Hacker (5 levels of Data Hacker 5 levels Data Infiltrator Hacker 5 levels Nexus Hacker)
Omega Hacker (5 levels of Data Hacker)
Hack Warper (5 levels of Data Hacker and level 15)
Hack Gunner (1 level of Trick of either Trick Gunner, Gunslinger and 1 level of Data Hacker)
Illusionist (2 levels Deceptionist or 2 levels Magus or 2 levels Data Hacker)
Mind Warping Illusionist (2 levels of Illusionist or 5 levels of Magus)
Hyper Illsionist (2 levels of Illusionist)
Crushing Grappler (2 levels Grappler)
Wrestler (1 level of Brawler and 1 level of Grappler)
Desperado (5 levels of Archer or Gunslinger)
Spirit Healer (3 levels of Healer)
Dragoon (1 level of either Knight, Archer, Berserker, Trainer or Magus)
Dark Knight (1 level of Knight)
Samurai (1 level of Knight
Crimson Crusader (3 levels of Samurai)
Ancient Samurai (2 levels of Samurai)
Knight of the Fate (3 levels of Knight or Archer)
Aqua Magus (1 level of Magus)
Blazing Magus (1 level of Magus)
Earth Magus (1 level of Magus)
Nature Bender Magus (1 level of Magus)
Sonic Magus (1 level of Magus)
Storm Magus (1 level of Magus)
Acidic Magus (1 level of Magus)
Infiltrator Magus (1 level of Magus)
Steel Magus (1 level of Magus)
Radiation Magus (1 level of Magus)
Astral Embodiment (2 level of Magus & Cleric)
Gun Magus (1 level of Magus and 1 level of either Gunslinger or Trick Gunner)
Gun Ace (1 level Gunslinger and 1 level of either Gunslinger, Trick Gunner or Psionic Shot)
Mystic Knight (2 levels of Magus)
Mystic Creationist (1 level of Magus)
Dark Magus (3 levels of “Magus” named classes)
Light Magus (3 levels of “Magus” named classes)
Destruction Magus (5 levels of either Magus, Cleric, Hacker, Psionic, Nightmare Hunter or Bard and level 10)
Warlock (level 1 of 2 of these classes as a mix of either Data Hacker, Magus, Cleric, Psionic, Nightmare Hunter or Bard)
Word Magus (15 levels of “Magus” named classes”
Mecha Pilot (2 levels of Mecha Jockey)
Mechanicalist (2 levels of Mechanic)
Mechanical Master (2 levels of Mechanicalist)
Copy Cat (1 class with the store ability)
Shadow Stalker Ninja (2 levels of Ninja)
Master Ninja (2 levels of Ninja)
Psionic Defender (5 levels of a “Psionic” named class)
Psionic Mind Warper (2 levels of a “Psionic” named class)
Psionic Sniper (2 levels of Psionic Shot and 3 levels of Sniper)
Expert Summoner (5 levels of Summoner)
Master Summoner (5 levels of Expert Summoner)
Synthesis Summoner (2 levels of Summoner)
Summoner of the Forbidden (5 levels of Summoner and level 10)
Summoner Of The Worlds (2 levels of Summoner and 2 levels of Trainer)
Psycho Gunner (1 level Trick Gunner)
Havoc Gunner (2 levels of Trick Gunner)
Zilo Soul Bond (2 levels of Zilo Synergist)
Master Alchemist (3 levels of Alchemist)
Transmutation Alchemist (1 level of Transmuter and 1 level of Alchemist)
Mystic Alchemist (5 levels of Alchemist)
Inventor (1 level of either Alchemist, Artificer or Mechanic)
Great Daemon Knight (3 level of Daemon Knight)
Nightmare Hunter Elite (5 levels of Nightmare Hunter)
Nightmare Hunter Master (2 levels of Nightmare Hunter)
Zilo Sage (5 levels of Zilo Mage)
Battle Mancer (2 levels of any class that can use a Cast)
Cast Alteration Master (Requires a class that can use Casts)
Word Binder (Requires 3 a class that can use Casts)
Elite Slayer (5 levels of Slayer)
God Slayer (5 levels of Slayer)
Infinity Ascended (Requires any mix of 5 levels of Magus, Cleric, Psionic, Data Hacker, Nightmare Hunter or Bard)
Omni Caster (Requires any mix of 5 levels of Magus, Cleric, Psionic, Data Hacker, Nightmare Hunter or Bard)
Arch Druid (3 levels of Druid)
Nature's Knight (1 level of Druid)
Killer Nemesis (2 levels of Nemesis)
Investigator (1 levels of Detective)
Sage (Requires level 5 and any class with Cast)
Master Detective (Requires 3 levels of Detective)
Master Rogue (Requires 2 levels Rogue)

Ultimate Classes (Requires FP & TP to take)

Ultimate Inventor (Ulti)

Ultimate Deletion (Ulti)
Ultimate Creation (Ulti)
Ultimate Sage (Ulti)
Ultimate Armament (Ulti)
Ultimate Guardian (Ulti)
Ultimate Artillery (Ulti)
Ultimate Necromancer (Ulti)
Ultimate Arcane (Ulti)
Ultimate Divinity (Ulti)
Ultimate Unarmed (Ulti)
Ultimate Magic Blade (Ulti)
Ultimate Force Fate (Ulti)

Level 1 Flash Step +3DSU/Wall Runner
Level 2 Parkour Runner/Move Through
Level 3 Flash Step +3DSU/Evasive Running
Level 4 Disarm/Soft Landing
Level 5 Flash Step +3DSU/Distance Runner

Flash Step +3DSU

Flash Step ability adds a movement bonus to land speed only of 3DSU. All flash steps stack together.

Wall Runner
You may run up or vertically along a wall up to 1/2 your normal move speed. At the end of your turn you must be on solid ground or fall.

Parkour Runner
Gain a +5 to Slight, Jump, Climb, and Evasion per Acrobat level when making parkour maneuvers(wall running, etc.)

Move Through
When making a natural melee attack you may as a free action move to the other side the target after the attack finishes.

Evasive Running
While making a normal movement action, you may add your SPD mod to your Acrobatics Checks.
Soft Landing
When you succeed on a slight check to reduce fall damage, you take no fall damage instead of 1/2.

When you use the Move Through ability you may make a slight check to try to disarm the target's weapon as a free action.

Distance Runner
Move actions no longer consume stamina points after the first move action.

level 1 Bio Creation V1/Chemist/Herbalist/Chemical Kit/Bio Engineering/Blue Print/Mixer
level 2 Bio Creation V2/Geology/Study Mastery V1
level 3 Bio Creation V3/Advanced Mixer/Study Mastery V2
level 4 Bio Creation V4/Mysticology/Study Mastery V3
level 5 Bio Creation V5/Master Mixer/Study Mastery V4

To successfully chemically make something you must make a build check. For every unit of 500 credits the TS of building is +1. If the build check is a NAT 20 then you will
automatically make the object but you must have all needed materials to build (this includes explosive chemicals like sulfur (gunpowder), acids, gels, oils etc) and use
Organic or Polymer materials for crafting. By proxy you may make grenades and bullets with this ability because they use a chemical feature. If you obtain Geologist ability
from this class you may make articles of metals & rock materials in similar use of Blacksmith building with Bio Creation but adds 2 extra days to the creation process that
cannot be reduced. If you obtain Mysticology you may make articles that use magic for their functionality of device over technology with Bio Creation but adds 2 extra days
to the creation process that cannot be reduced. For each 500 credits it takes 12 hours, 250 credits 6 hours, 125 credits 3 hours and anything less (1-124) 1 hours.

Chemist Kit
An Alchemist needs a set of tools that cost 2500 credits to buy starting at grade 1 granting a +5 succession bonus upon their alchemist checks. If twice as many credits are
spent per next upgrade, an alchemist may obtain a +5 succession bonus upon their Chemical & Organic Craft & Magi Craft Build check per kit grade. A chemist kit can only be
upgraded 4 times (max price of 40,000 total spent of 77,500 credits). Tools weigh 5kg weight score per upgrade and WSV of 2 per upgrade. This is an item. When you have the
ability Geologist the Weight Score of the kit drops to 2kg per upgrade. When you have the ability Mysticology it is treated as a Artificers Tool Kit as qualification for
building (only for magic not true mechanical) and has 1kg Weight Score per upgrade. A chemist kit contains 20 liters worth of containers per kit upgrade. Up to 500 credits
worth per kit upgrade of solid material preserving and carry for crafts that can be refilled back in a proper urban area easily (You may also perform the usual searches to
try and refill this kit at GM discretion). The tools include some minor safety gear for chemical work and clean up alone with heat controlling devices with pressure control
and purification & mixer work kits and measure device and very minor repair tools like hammers, screw drivers, heating torch, small stove, syringes, precision cut tools,
microscopes, crucibles. The space of set up unfolded takes up to a 1DSU square per upgrade upon a flat surface. A Chemist Kit has a limit amount of projects it can work on
before it needs to be repaired and restocked in essentials which will cost 50 credits every 10 projects.

Bio Engineering
You may produce special items made from various materials in build checks. This ability may be used in conjunction with the ability “Build” to help make Bio Machines (these
include living organisms). This ability can be used to make unusual viruses and such that could be mutagen, curing, sickening etc. The price of such unusual articles is 500
credits per TS to do what it was intended to do. This is at GM’s discretion. This also allows you to apply self ADD-ONs to any Body Infusion Stone or Basic Infusion Stone.
This also allows you to apply Templates to a organic subject that are organic based effects. For each 1000 credits it takes 1 day, 500 credits 12 hours, 250 credits 6 hours,
125 credits 3 hours and anything less (1-124 credits) 1 hour for anything that is not credit based or ADD-ONs.

Blue Prints
You may make a item called a “Blue Print” these articles are special and weight in at 250g each normally and are made of special materials etc. (generally types of paper and
instruction manuals) To construct one takes 1 hour per 10,000 credits worth of the article and 150 credits. Once created you may use a Blue Print to have others more easily
assist you in building. For each extra Blue Print used by a Alchemist or Artificer the build check is increased by a bonus +5. While a Blue Print is being used (Not per Blue
Print) decrease the time it takes to build by 1 day per person max persons on a project equal to each 12 hours it takes to build the article in a 1DSU cubed squaring and for
or each 1DSU cubed of the objects size extra persons to assist. Minimal time to build is always 5mins till. Aid another also does not suffer a penalty. If you already have
this ability gain +5 to build checks. You cannot Blue Print articles attached to a class ability.

Study Mastery V#
Per V# gain a +1 to Study Checks and for each Alchemist, Artificer, Mechanic and Mecha Jockey level boost the Study, Build and Pilot Checks by +1. You also gain for each V#
you gain 2 automatic associate degree in your Study choices or a bachelors.

You may take qualities of plants and fungi to mix (This refers to raw materials not in the kit) also when using this you may expend 500 credits to enhance the TS by +5 once
in a mixture

You may take qualities of Minerals to mix (This refers to raw materials not in the kit) also when using this you may expend 750 credits to enhance the TS by +10 once in a

You may mix the arts of Mystic in mixes (treating it as a Cast but not effected by negation or reduction of Casts only positives) (This refers to raw materials not in the
kit. You can use this when a person uses a Cast just once as the Cast leaves residue and it must be by a “magus” class or cleric). When using this you may expend 1000
credits to enhance the TS by +15 once in a mixture.

It costs 1 project per Mixer you make. If you sell any of these articles they have or add a base price of 10 credits. You must have access to materials to create these
articles like healing oils, explosive compounds etc. Or gather them yourself from places for 3 hours.
-You may make a healing tonic that heals 10d6+PSY MOD x2 with required resources this item takes 1 hour to make. This articles has a WSV of 1 and WS of 500g.
-You may make an explosive chemical that deals 10d6+ PSY MOD of either Heat,Cold,Acid,Ion Damage in a 1DSU radius (Acrobatics Check for half) with required resources. This
articles has a WSV of 1 and WS of 500g.
-You may make a stat raising tonic that raises a stat MOD by 5. This tonic will not stack on the same stat more than 3 times and lasts for 3 min. It takes 1 hour to make.
This articles has a WSV of 1 and WS of 500g.
-You may make a fuel source of the examples to run engines of 4 liters or 1kg solid fuel. Takes 1 hour to make. This articles has a WSV of 2 and WS of 2.
-You may make enhancements to bullets called Alchemists Shots to gain +1 damage per dice the gun rolls and grants +5 Aimed Strike Check. These bullets take 1 hours to make
for a pack of 25. Other special bullet effects cannot apply to these bullets

Advanced Mixer
It costs 2 project per Advanced Mixer you make. If you sell any of these articles they have or add a base price of 25 credits. You must have access to materials to create
these articles like healing oils, explosive compounds etc. Or gather them yourself from places for 3 hours.
-You may make a healing tonic that heals 10d8+PSY MOD x3 with required resources this item takes 1 hours to make. This articles has a WSV of 1 and WS of 500g.
-You may make an explosive chemical that deals 15d6+ PSY MOD of either Heat,Cold,Acid,Ion Damage in a 3DSU radius (Acrobatics Check for half) with required resources this
item takes 1 hour to make. This articles has a WSV of 1 and WS of 1kg.
-You may make a stat raising tonic that raises a stat MOD by 10. This tonic will not stack on the same stat more than 4 times and lasts for 4 min. This takes 1 hours to
make. (this can be reversed as stat damage). This articles has a WSV of 1 and WS of 500g.
-You may make specialized fuel sources like nuclear batteries that run engines. 1 battery Takes 1 hours to make. This articles has a WSV of 2 and WS of 1kg.
-You may make enhancements to bullets called Alchemists Shots gain +1 damage per dice the gun rolls and grants +10 Aimed Strike Check. These bullets take 1 hours to make for
a pack of 25. Other special bullet effects cannot apply to these bullets.

Master Mixer
It costs 3 project per Master Mixer you make. If you sell any of these articles they have or add a base price of 50 credits. You must have access to materials to create
these articles like healing oils, explosive compounds etc. Or gather them yourself from places for 3 hours.
-You may make a healing tonic that heals 10d10+PSY MOD x4 with required resources. This item takes 1 hours to make. This articles has a WSV of 1 and WS of 500g.
-You may make an explosive chemical that deals 20d6+PSY MOD of either Heat,Cold,Acid,Ion Damage in a 3DSU radius (Acrobatics Check for half) with required resources. This
item takes 1 hour to make. This articles has a WSV of 1 and WS of 2kg.
-You may make a stat raising tonic that raises a stat MOD by 15. This tonic will not stack on the same stat more than 3 times and lasts for 5 min. This item takes 1 hours to
make. (this can be reversed as stat damage). This articles has a WSV of 1 and WS of 500g.
-You may make extraordinary type battery units and fuels to power engines 4 liters or 1kg of this fuel is worth double it's initial use of time. Takes 1 hours to make. This
articles has a WSV of 2.
-You may make enhancements to bullets called Alchemists Shots gain +1 damage per dice the gun rolls and grants +15 Aimed Strike Check. These bullets take 6 hours to make for
a pack of 25. Other special bullet effects cannot apply to these bullets.

Bio Creation V#
You may make items from the market or ADD-ONs that are chemical based and organic up to a max of 5,000 credits per V# per day. While using this ability you must pay market
price for the item(cannot craft from craft materials) but can craft at a rate of 500 credits per 1 hour instead of 1 day. This ability requires that you be in a zone which
you have access to the materials through urban areas, trade lines etc. or the use of your Herbalist, Geologist, and Mysticology abilities. You may make a build check against
the item's crafting TS with this ability to reduce the cost of the item by 1/2. This ability cannot be used during character creation. This is a craft pool ability.

level 1 Creation V1/Item transfer ability/Artificer Tool Kit/Building/Blue Prints
level 2 Creation V2/Study Mastery V1/Artificer FP Booster
level 3 Creation V3/Study Mastery V2/Gear Tweak V1
level 4 Creation V4/Study Mastery V3/Gear Tweak V2
level 5 Creation V5/Study Mastery V4/Gear Tweak V3

Another Artificer May assist with adding their Costs and ½ their check with yours to make Weapon, Armor, ADD-ONs past both your costs this also lessens time to make divided
by each Artificer helping

To Successfully Build something you must make a build check for every unit of 500 credits the TS of building is +1 building is limited to generic equipment listed in the
manual. Non of the articles a Artificer makes is magical in nature and is all technological by default unless you have the Mysticology ability from Alchemist class which may
hybrid both. A NAT 20 automatically makes the object but you must require all needed materials to build if you already have this ability before you gain a bonus +5, For each
500 credits it takes 12 hours, 250 credits 6 hours, 125 credits 3 hours and anything less (1-124) 1 hours.

Artificer Tool Kit

An Artificer needs a set of tools that cost 2500 credits to buy starting at grade 1. If twice as many credits are spent per next upgrade, an Artificer may obtain a +5
succession bonus upon their Mechanical & Blacksmith & Magi Craft Build checks check per kit grade. A Artificer Tool Kit can only be upgraded 4 times (max price of 40,000
total spent of 77,500 credits). Tools weigh 5kg weight score per upgrade and WSV of 2 per upgrade as an item. If you have Herbalist from Alchemist class your tool kit per
upgrade Weight Score drops by 2kg per upgrade. If you have Geologist from Alchemist class your tool kit per upgrade Weight Score drops by 1kg more per upgrade. If you have
Mysticology from Alchemist class your tool kit per upgrade Weight Score drops by 1kg more and treats itself as the Alchemist class Chemist Kit. A artificer tool kit contains
5 liters worth of containers per kit upgrade. Up to 500 credits worth per kit upgrade of solid material preserving and carry for crafts that can be refilled back in a proper
urban area easily (You may also perform the usual searches to try and refill this kit at GM discretion). The tools include some minor safety gear for electrical components
and metal works and clean up alone with heat controlling devices and repairing tool like hammers, mini saws, screw drivers, welding torches, mini anvil, micro forge,
precision cut tools, microscopes, small chemicals containers, crucibles, and molds. The space of set up unfolded takes up to a 1DSU square per upgrade upon a flat surface.
A Artificer Tool Kit has a limit amount of projects it can work on before it needs to be repaired and restocked in essentials which will cost 50 credits every 10 projects.

Blue Prints
You may make a item called a “Blue Print” these articles are special and weight in at 250g each normally and are made of special materials etc. (generally types of paper and
instruction manuals) To construct one takes 1 hour per 10,000 credits worth of the article and 150 credits. Once created you may use a Blue Print to have others more easily
assist you in building. For each extra Blue Print used by a Alchemist or Artificer the build check is increased by a bonus +5. While a Blue Print is being used (Not per Blue
Print) decrease the time it takes to build by 1 day per person max persons on a project equal to each 12 hours it takes to build the article in a 1DSU cubed squaring and for
or each 1DSU cubed of the objects size extra persons to assist. Minimal time to build is always 5mins till. Aid another also does not suffer a penalty. If you already have
this ability gain +5 to build checks. You cannot Blue Print articles attached to a class ability.

Item transfer ability

You may transfer Item ADD-ONs over to other Core Infusion Stones, Equipment Infusion Stones or Accessory Infusion Stones within 1 minute if you are moving a Intelligence
Empower ADD-ON though it will take 10mins per IE level it has.

Creation V#
You may make items from the market or add-ons that aren't chemical based up to a max of 5,000 credits per V# per day. While using this ability you must pay market price for
the item(cannot craft from craft materials) but can craft at a rate of 500 credits per 1 hour instead of 1 day. This ability requires that you be in a zone which you have
access to the materials through urban areas, trade lines etc. You may make a build check against the item's crafting TS with this ability to reduce the cost of the item by
1/2. This ability cannot be used during character creation. This is a craft pool ability.

Study Mastery V#
Per V# gain a +1 to Study Checks and for each Alchemist, Artificer, Mechanic and Mecha Jockey level boost the Study, Build and Pilot Checks by +1. You also gain for each V#
you gain 2 automatic associate degree in your Study choices or a bachelors.

Gear Tweak V#
For every V# of this ability consumables instead can be zoned out of a craft pool of 500 credits per V# instead of your normal craft pool (this craft pool works identical to
the normal craft type abilities). For each +5 in either a Chemist Kit or a Artificer Tool Kit build check (whichever is higher) the pool increases by 500 more credits. Per
V# your Chemist Kit or Artificer Tool Kit can be used as a carry pack up to 5kg per +5 to their build check.

Artificer FP Booster
You gain a Bonus FP amount to spend on special abilities of classes that mention Artificer FP of +5 per “Artificer” named classes and “Alchemist” named classes

Agile Fighter
Level 1 Unarmoured/Agile Strike
Level 2 Agile Jump
Level 3 Unarmoured Master/Resistance
Level 4 Rapid Striking
Level 5 Unarmoured Superior/Resilience

As long as you do not wear armor (shields, gauntlets, leggings excluded) your DEX/SPD MOD add to your Guard Check this Guard Check is not effected by materials. This bonus
is separated from your modifiers (as it's own bonus)(if any of the listed stats are negative they do not remove from the bonus).

Agile Strike
Your melee may switch DEX MOD for the Damage MOD and any time you use a STR based damage in melee instead of STR you may apply 1/4th your DEX MOD as bonus damage.

Agile Jump
Add your SPD MOD to your jump check

Unarmored Master
As long as you do not wear armor (shields & gauntlets excluded) double your DEX/DUR/SPD MOD add to your Guard Check this Guard Check is not effected by materials. This bonus
is separated from your modifiers (as it's own bonus)(if any of the listed stats are negative they do not remove from the bonus). This effect replaces Unarmored.

As long as you do not wear armor (shields & gauntlets excluded) gain +1 per level to mind and Endure Checks for resisting effects.

Rapid Striking
When making an attack action, every melee attack after the first one gains +5 damage up to a maximum of 50. The bonus ends at the end of combat.

Unarmored Superior
As long as you do not wear armor (shields & gauntlets excluded) triple your DEX/DUR/SPD MOD add to your Guard Check this Guard Check is not effected by materials. This bonus
is separated from your modifiers (as it's own bonus)(if any of the listed stats are negative they do not remove from the bonus). This effect replaces Unarmored and Unarmored

As long as you do not wear armour (shields & gauntlets excluded) gain damage mitigation equal to your character level. When taking multiple hits, this mitigation is
increased by 1/2 your character level for every attack after the first attack.

Anti Caster
Level 1 Counter Spell
Level 2 Feedback
Level 3 Spell Purge/Consume Magic
Level 4 Summoner Bane
Level 5 Spellbreaker

Counter Spell
As a ½ ACT you may stop a cast, but must beat their cast TS with a Mind check. If this is successful the caster does not lose a cast. This is not a violent action.

When you are hit by a spell from an enemy they lose 2d8 casts and take 100 damage per cast lost. This effect applies when you successfully counter spell a cast.

Spell Purge
As a level 5 cast you may remove 1 beneficial status effect from a foe.

Consume Magic
Whenever your feedback ability removes casts from an enemy, you gain that many casts.

Summoner Bane
You deal double damage to all summons

Whenever you successfully counter spell a cast, the caster may not cast any spells of the same cast type for the remainder of the round.
Arcane Knight
Level 1 Arcane Valor/Enchant/Mystic Strength
Level 2 Arcane Knowledge
Level 3 Arcane Dampening
Level 4 Hold the Line/Amplify Magic
Level 5 Mana Bomb

Arcane Valor
Gain mitigation and guard equal to your DUR mod on top of the normal bonus.

Mystic Strength
Melee attacks may use PSY mod for Aimed Strike Check and DMG instead of STR mod.

You may expend up to 5 casts to imbue your melee weapon with an additional effect for 2 rounds. Only one enchant may be active at once. This is considered a mystic cast.

- Blasting: Adds mystic damage type to your weapon and increases the damage by an amount equal to 1/3 your character level(minimum +1) per cast level
- Crushing: Adds a pushback effect of rank equal to 4 per cast used. If the target fails they are automatically knocked prone
- Shielding: Grants guard equal to character level per cast and allows your weapon to absorb touch damage equal to 5 * character level per cast when guarding with it
- Seeking: Your weapon ignores the obscure and ethereal miss chances. When striking targets that are obscured or have ethereal powers active deal additional damage equal to
¼ of your character level per cast level.
- Reach: Adds +1DSU reach and +5 Aimed Strike Check to your weapon per cast level
- Slowing Strikes: Your melee attacks reduce the target's movement speed to 1/2 of normal for 1 round per cast level. Mind check to negate.

Arcane Knowledge
Gain a +3 mind per level to identify magical items and effects

Arcane Dampening
When taking damage you may as a free action expend up to 5 casts to mitigate the damage by an amount equal to your character level * 5 per cast.

Hold the Line

When below 1/2 health, your Arcane Valor and Arcane Dampening effects are doubled.

Amplify Magic
In a 8DSU aura around you all cast damage and healing taken is increased by 10-40%(Unaffected by LUK). This affects both allies and enemies, including yourself. This aura
can be activated or deactivated as a 1/2 act. You can set the percentage of this ability when activating this aura, but may not change it while the aura is still active.

Mana Bomb
Expend casts to deal 25 mystic damage per cast and destroy a number of casts equal to half your casts used to all targets in a 10DSU area around you. This damage ignores
damage absorption and negates revival from 0 or less or a ignore 0 or less HP rule ability for 2 rounds. You take 1/2 damage from this ability. This ability ignores effects
which cause you to not consume a cast. This is a mystic cast.

level 1 Ranged Strike Master/Arching Projectile V1
level 2 Eagle Eye Strike/Rapid Fire
level 3 Multi Fire/Arching Projectile V2
level 4 Tempest Fire/Hyper Fire
level 5 Hurricane Fire/Arching Projectile V3

Ranged Strike Master

You gain a +5 Aimed Strike Check with projectile classification ranged weapons and add your DEX MOD to Damage

Arching Projectile V#
When using a projectile classification weapon if you arch it's shot ignore -10 of it's penalty per V# when it's arced.

Eagle Eye Strike

Your range with a projectile classification weapon doubles. This effect only effects base of the weapon.

Rapid Fire
You gain an extra 2 attacks from a projectile classification weapon these attacks cannot activate multi strike but can activate singular strike effects each but the extra
attacks receive ¼ the multipliers of the first. If you use a Crossbow or Speargun you may instead increase it's damage by +10 to damage to a single target. This effect
counts as a multi attack effect itself.

Multi Fire
You may claim extra target max 2 these targets can be attacked in a single attack action as each a separate full attack but each attack suffers -10 Aimed Strike Check per
attack in each action. Rapid Fire will only activate if you do not activate multi attack effects. If you use a Crossbow or Speargun you may instead increase it's multiplier
to damage to a single target by +2 multiplier and ignore 2 multiplier reducers. This effect counts as a multi attack effect itself.

Hyper Fire
Multi Fire fires at max 4 targets not 2. If you use a Crossbow or Speargun you may instead increase it's multiplier to damage to a single target by +2 multiplier and ignore
2 multiplier reducers.

Tempest Fire
Rapid Fire may fire 4 attacks instead of 2. If you use a Crossbow or Speargun you may instead increase it's damage by +10 to damage to a single target.

Hurricane Fire
Rapid Fire may fire 6 attacks instead of 2. If you use a Crossbow or Speargun you may instead increase it's damage by +15 to damage to a single target.

Armored Specialist
level 1 Armor of Choice V1/Armor Trick V1/Prized Armor
level 2 Armor of Choice V2/Armor Trick V1/Armor Skill V1
level 3 Armor of Choice V3/Armor Upgrade V1
level 4 Armor of Choice V4/Armored Attack/Armor Skill V2
level 5 Armor of Choice V5/Armor Upgrade V2/Armor Skill V3

Armor of Choice V1-5

Choose a armor body slot type max 1 per choice the choices are Shield, Body Armor & Pauldron, Helm, Gauntlets, Bracers & Leggings. every time you gain a V# in this ability
you pick 1 of these category groups. That armor has it's speed penalty reduced by -1DSU per V# If the armor Speed penalty is reduced below 0 gain a +5 to Acrobatics Checks
per 1DSU it would further reduce of the combined total of armors with a max of +10 adding in per armor piece you are wearing (Wearing 2 pieces grants at max +10 bonus while
wearing 7 pieces of matching armor pieces would be +70) (This bonus is only for flat speed penalty of armor combined and does not include reduction from DUR MOD). Also Guard
Checks with the armor are increased by +10 per V#. Called shots against the area the armor is protecting grants you a bonus +10 untyped bonus against those called shots and
treated as 0.1DSU thicker than it truly is against penetration effects. At V5 you may choose a bonus 1 extra armor piece.

Prized Armor
You gain a free armor type item based on your first choice of Armor of Choice ability this ability only happens when taken at first level if not first level you gain 5000
credits this armor must be basic and cannot have alternate materials upon start if the armor cost is above 5000 credits then you must pay the difference if it is under 5000
credits you can assign it to more than one copy of the armor or other types if it fits in your weapon category

Armor Skill V1-3

As long as you have your Armor of Choice you gain a bump to a chosen skill with a +5 you gain a skill of choice per V# of Armor Skill so chosen skills can be
Evasion/Mind/Jump for example at V3. The Study, Build and Pilot Skill cannot be taken as choices.

Armor Trick V1-2

With your Armor of Choice pick 2 of the 4 armor tricks listed below and gain the last 2 choices when you gain V2 of this ability
-Resilient Armor: Your Armor of Choice while worn gains a bonus +15 emulated hardness against sunder effects and penetration effects.
-Armor Blockade: Your Armor of Choice effect for emulated thickness is increased by a 0.1DSU (making it 1DSU per emulated thickness)
-Deflective Armor: For every ignored Guard type you have instead of being completely ignored gain ½ of it's bonus as Void-Type against the Aimed Strike Check attack
-Armor Haste: Armor of choice of the speed penalty Mitigation is now -3DSU instead of -1DSU this does not effect the evasion bonus.

Armored Upgrade V1-2

With the Armor of Choice you can make/upgrade them at a discount of –2,500 credits at V1 then –5,000 at V2 this is applied after all costs have been added together this
cannot reduce the price down to 0 but instead ½ if it would reduce to below half or lower

Armored Attack
When attacking with any of your Armor of Choice gain a +15 to Aimed Strike Check Grapple and Damage

Arthropod Master
level 1 Speech Of The Arthropod/Chitin Armor V1
level 2 Swarm Caller/Venom Extraction V1
level 3 Chitin Armor V2
level 4 Arthropod Detection/Venom Extraction V2
level 5 Chitin Armor V3/Venom Extraction V3

Speech Of The Arthropod

You may enter a trance to talk to arthropod creatures perfectly (Spiders, Ants, Lobsters, Shrimp, Mites, Ticks, Butterflies, Scorpions, Crabs etc.) also these creatures do
not consider you a threat to them and leave you alone unless threaten or too hungry

Chitin Armor V#
You may make a special Chitin armor made from various arthropods this armor is free to make and takes 1 day per V# version you make each V# grade gives the armor a +5 to
Guard Checks this armor also does not count as if you are wearing armor for other class abilities as it is made perfectly to match up with body movement though any Heat
attack that hits the armor destroys it instantly

Swarm Caller
You may summon the environments natural arthropods for example the seas is the lobster, crabs, shrimps, etc. the desert might be spiders, scorpions, flies, etc. the forest
could be centipedes, millipedes, butterflies, mosquitoes, bees, wasps, etc. the list may vary based upon GM discretion and environments, the swarm call is of only 1 species
upon summoning you may control the swarm to a degree to do tasks they can perform like ants can gather food, interfere with a foes sight etc. the swarm size is equal to you
Arthropod Master level of 1 medium creature per level size of a swarm if larger type arthropods exist you can summon them instead like a medium sized wasp or give up 2 swarm
for a large size wasp 3 for a huge 4 for a titan 5 for a grand size though GM discretion is required any arthropods summoned are from a 1 kilometer radius

Venom Extraction V#
From local venomous arthropods like wasps, ants, centipedes and spiders you can extract their venom to add to a weapons attack or to coat your Chitin Armor with it in the
case the venom may affect either the STR the DEX or the CON stats of 3d4 Damage per V# the application takes 1 hour to apply to the source upon either a touch on the armor
or a weapon swing that touches a foe that isn’t wearing armor or deal Damage to a foe with armor on they must make a TS of 19 + your character level

Arthropod Detection
You can sense all arthropods in a 12DSU radius of yourself and what species they are
level 1 Assassins Law V1/Killing Strike V1/Poison Amplify
level 2 Assassins Law V2/Enhanced Killing Strike/Assassination
level 3 Assassins Law V3/Killing Strike V2/Poison Touch
level 4 Assassins Law V4/Stealth Killer/Greater Assassination
level 5 Assassins Law V5/Killing Strike V3/Malevolent Poison

Assassins Law V#
You gain 1 ability from the listed 5. Each Assassins Law V# gain a +10 to a single skill of your choice. You may change these choices once a week.
Killing Strike Mastery
-Killing Strike V# Becomes from a Assassination Type Effect (ATE) to a Assassination CRIT Type Effect (ACTE).
Poison Understanding
-Poison effects when are used in a Assassination Type Effect (ATE) gain a +2 TS per 25 Aimed Strike Check rolled.
Death Strikes
-Killing Strike V# Dice grade of Assassination Type Effects increase by 1 degree every time you repeat on the same target for 2 rounds. Rounds do not stack but reset every
time it's reactivated but the dice grades do stack till the duration ends.
-Assassin's Trade
Gain a +1 to 10 Skill per character level. You may Choose Aimed Strike Check and Grapple. You may Keen Skill that you can spend a ½ ACT to multiply the skills roll result by
1.5 round down (this counts as a keen skill multiplier and stacks with other keen skill multipliers by adding together (1.5 + 1.5 = 2.0 or 1.5 + 1.5 + 1.5 = 2.5 etc.) If the
actions spent are past your own it will instead eat into your next turns. (This multiplier only effects the 1d20 result) You can only perform this with a Aimed Strike Check
or Grapple with the Keen Skill and only when the foe is Unaware status.
-Assassin's Skills
Choose 5 skill permanently from the skill list that you can spend a ½ ACT to multiply the skills roll result by 1.5 round down (this counts as a keen skill multiplier and
stacks with other keen skill multipliers by adding together (1.5 + 1.5 = 2.0 or 1.5 + 1.5 + 1.5 = 2.5 etc.) If the actions spent are past your own it will instead eat into
your next turns. (This multiplier only effects the 1d20 result) Every 5 levels these Keen Skills stack again.

Killing Strike V#
Assassination Type Effect (ATE): You gain a 5d6 Mortality Damage for each Killing Strike V#

Poison Amplify
You may make poisons (of any type that are not magical) using resources that cost 25 credits per level of the poison you also may stack this poison with another separate
poison effect instead of the poison switching to the other type of poison (counting as separate TS to make) the poison used on a weapon will dissipate in a week or 10
successful strikes also any attack dealing with a high heat (Ion or heat) type damage will inert the poison. Other application may be done.

Enhanced Killing Strike

Assassination Type Effect (ATE): Your Killing Strike Damage goes from 5d6 to 5d8

Assassination Type Effect (ATE): When an attack has Assassination form of damage 1/10h of the main attacks damage will count to Assassination Type Effect damage as bonus.

Poison Touch
Any poisons you use do not have to strike with your Aimed Strike Check but instead apply upon touch also all poisons made by you gain a +1 to their TS per Assassin level.
Your body also gains +50 Endure Checks against Poison status effect and you do not have to make a save if you apply it to your natural attacks.

Stealth Killer
Assassination Type Effect (ATE): Your Killing Strikes 5d8 goes to a 5d10 and bypasses all damage absorbency and damage reduction against Mortality Damage and Mortality
Damage gains 1 extra round of it's effects.

Greater Assassination
Assassination Type Effect (ATE): Assassination ability now grants 1/5th instead of 1/10th the Assassination Type Effect damage as bonus.

Malevolent Poison
You now apply 3 different poisons to a single target and the poisons effects for the first round are doubled their damages also if they fail the TS again each time against
poisons you use they take the doubled effect again upon the re stack of the effects.

level 1 Mystical Music V1/Musical Mastery/History Lore V1
level 2 Mystical Music V2/Marching Melody/History Lore V2
level 3 Mystical Music V3/Base Bang/History Lore V3
level 4 Mystical Music V4/Percussion Persuasion/History Lore V4
level 5 Mystical Music V5/Requiem/Life Sonata/History Lore V5

Mystical Music V#
Mystical Music is simple forms of Casts of the bard like the other Caster classes but you must be making a musical tune with an instrument or your voice to perform these
Casts it uses up a Cast of the varied levels marked. Any attack Cast a Bard performs cannot be canceled by a “Hacker” named class Cast that outright negates it. This is a
sub-type of Mystic Casts. Mystical Music V1 equal to level 1, Mystical Music V2 equal to level 2 etc.

level 1
Charmer- target gains a +5 to diplomacy for 1 hour the hours and bonus stack per Cast up to 5 hours with a +50 bonus.
Anger- sway emotion of somebody against a target Mind check to negate they are unaware of this change.
Song of Understanding- You may for 1 hour understand and speak 1 language.
Song of Directions- You may for 1 hour know North, South, East, West, Longitude and Altitude and the Nearest Civilization.
Sound Burst- You may blast a spear head of sound at a foe that deals 10d6+DEX+PSY MOD MAX 50 Wind (always sonic effect) Damage with a range of 8DSU.
Electric Burst- Fire lighting spear head at a foe that deals 10d6+PSY+CON Ion Damage MOD MAX 50 (always electric effect) with a Range of 8DSU.
Record Of Fate Minor- You may touch a person then touch a book or paper as the book or paper auto start writing a story about them of 1 page per minute.
Song Of Endurance- target gains +5 stamina. this effect cannot effect a being more than once every 3 rounds even from a different caster.
level 2
Song of Lore- gains a +5 to Mind checks to remember historical things and try and recall knowledge you wouldn’t of known normally
Song of Fame- gains a +5 to Mind checks to remember peoples general history and try and recall knowledge you wouldn’t of known normally
Song of Patterns- You gain a +10 to check to disarm and deal with devices for 1 hour.
Sonic Rupture- You may blast a spear head of sound at a foe that deals 10d6+DEX+PSY Wind MOD MAX 50 (always sonic effect) Damage in a 3DSU radius with a range of 8DSU.
EMP Blast- Fire lighting spear head at a foe that deals 10d6+PSY+CON Ion Damage MOD MAX 50 (always electric effect) which will always activate the EMP effect with a Range of
Create Map- You create a magic map of fine detail that lasts for 15mins per Bard level. This map may zoom in and out from your current location from up to 100miles marking
all known civilizations and hallowed/unhallowed grounds along with land marks and dangerous zone markers.
Record Of Fate Lesser- You may touch a person then touch a book or paper as the book or paper auto start writing a story about them of 2 pages per minute.
Narrators Voice- For 1 hour you make writing material read aloud and clear of any language you understand. The voice can be of any chosen type but always pronounces very
clear and articulated of the original writers intent in most cases.

level 3
Song of Walls- You summon a Invisible wall made of a material that will last for 1 hour. Up to 5DSU thick of Wood Polymer. Up to 3DSU thick Glass, Stone, Nickle, Aluminum.
Up to 1DSU thick Steel or Iron. It can be up to 3DSU tall and up to 20DSU long. It can be shaped and melded to fit it's architect even being used as a bridge etc. It must be
created on a solid 1DSU wide anchor point and once created is immune to gravity. Though invisible it can be made to be somewhat opaque adding a small shadowy effect.
Song of Barricade- You may make a protective barrier from Casts around yourself or 1 other target. They are immune to Mind Effect lose all Psionic Focus and any Cast that
are direct or indirect cannot be done or effect them and cancel out this effect extends past them up to 3DSU. This effect last as long as you keep playing a tune to focus it
and thus you cannot do any other actions to keep this up except free actions.
Sonic Echoes- Same as Sound Burst but 2 are shot instead of 1 splitting the damage of each projectile by half of the main damage
Electric Arc- Same as Electric Burst but 2 are shot instead of 1 splitting the damage of each projectile by half of the main damage
Create Map of Soul- Take a material of a fallen foe and create a map that lasts for 1 hour per Bard level. This map traces to the most valuable things the entity consider in
priority order. In listed order of importance and upon finding it the map explains it's value that it held upon arrival. The list counts up to 5 things per cleric level of
their value while the map itself only details direction and images of how they saw and remember the pathways with details scarce but at least somewhat representation of the
area you are in.
Record Of Fate- You may touch a person then touch a book or paper as the book or paper auto start writing a story about them of 3 pages per minute.
Mail Message- You may send a note to a known target being (You must have keen info about them of name, and somewhat looks even from a picture) The message is then sent
taking 1 second per 25 kilometers to arrive to it's target. The message cannot be more than 1kg. Can be refused and blocked by the being that receives it.

level 4
Musical Weapon- you may change an instrument into a weapon (it does not change form) for 5 rounds that deals +10 size Damage and has a range increment of 6DSU and returns
instantly to your hand the weapon cannot break the hardness is equal to 45 and deals Either Mystic Damage of Ion Damage or both upon use.
Song of Peace- Same as Song of Charmer but 1 target per 3 levels.
Sonic Burst- Same as Sonic Rupture but 2 are shot instead of 1 splitting the damage of each projectile by half of the main damage
EMP Bomb- Same as EMP Blast but 2 are shot instead of 1 splitting the damage of each projectile by half of the main damage
Create Map of Artifacts- This map lists variable treasures like a beacon to jewels, minerals, treasure horde, artifacts, and similar sort based on GM discretion. This map
only lasts for 15min per cleric level. The map lists counts up to 5 areas per cleric level of highest value while the map itself details well of the vicinity you are in with
a leading directions to each valuable stock of articles.
Create Map of Locator- You may make a map of a certain target you are looking for that lasts for 5min per Bard level. This map tracks the target on real time but upon them
leaving a 1 kilometers radius it only shows a distinct pointer of where they are with longitude and altitude. Upon 10 kilometers it only just point out where they could be.
Upon 100miles the point fades dimly. Upon 1000miles the point no longer works.
Record Of Fate Epic- You may touch a person then touch a book or paper as the book or paper auto start writing a story about them of 4 pages per minute. You may cut down the
pages per minute forming a book that makes 5 pages per 1 minute instead on choice these pages will disappear if not used for writing of any form within 10 minutes.
Voice Of Wind- You may send a whispering message to a known target being (You must have keen info about them of name, and somewhat looks even from a picture) The message is
then sent taking 1 second per 25 kilometers to arrive to it's target. The message is in your own voice and can be refused and blocked by the being that receives it.

level 5
Song of the Revival- When an ally falls KO or Death you may Cast this to revive them to 1 HP and give them a healing of 50d4 + LUK MOD HP each round till they are fully
healed or are injured. They may also remain still during this time and look KO to the enemy till they are fully healed the enemy makes a Mind check equal to your TS + 20 to
see that they are recovering
Song of War- Same as Song of Anger but 1 target per 3 levels.
Ballistic Sonic Armada- All Bard Casts with Sonic, Sound, Electric, and EMP in their name instead fire of x2 their projectiles for 1 round you may stack this Cast up 2 times
for x4 the projectiles but the duration does not increase or reset. splitting the damage of each projectile by half of the main damage if it was x2 projectiles and divided
by 4 for 4 projectiles.
Create Map of All- This map acts as all previous Create Maps of the Bard class combined for all the best details and information zooming and locating but only lasts for 1min
Bard level and also double each of their effects (except duration).
Record Of Fate Legendary- You may touch a person then touch a book or paper as the book or paper auto start writing a story about them of 5 pages per minute. You may cut
down the pages per minute forming a book that makes 10 pages per 1 minute instead on choice these pages will disappear if not used for writing of any form within 10 minutes.
Voice & Call- You may send either or both a note message or whispering voice message to a known target being (You must have keen info about them of name, and somewhat looks
even from a picture) The message is then sent taking 1 second per 20 kilometers to arrive to it's target. The message is in your own voice and can be refused and blocked by
the being that receives it. The note message cannot be more than 1kg.

Musical Mastery
Study Checks made to perform music gain a bonus of +5 per Bard level.

Marching Melody
When playing a song everybody that hears it do not tire from long marches that do not drain stamina (allies only) takes a ACT to keep playing this song each round if you
play this song for 1 round increase the movement of all those that hear it by 3DSU and for every round after up to a max of 10DSU.

History Lore V#
You gain a +5 per V# to recall any history study check you perform.

Base Bang
When playing a song everybody that hears this song gain Bonus Size Damage dice equal of 1d# per character level you possess (allies only) takes a ACT to keep playing this
song each round if you play this song for 1 rounds increase Physical Damage by +5 of all those that hear it and for every round after up to a max of +25

Percussion Persuasion
When playing a song everybody that hears this song gain a calm feeling and are immune to any mental effects (allies only) takes a ACT to keep playing this song each round if
you play this song for 1 rounds increase your allies and yourself Bluff and Diplomacy skills by +1 for 1 hour when the song ends and for every round up to a max of +25 for 1
hour when the song ends
When the opponents hear this song they make a Mind save equal to your TS or fall prone for 1 round till you stop playing or they get a save each round if they make it once
they do not suffer from this effect for 1 rounds from any source this song takes a ACT to keep playing this song each round if you play this song for 2 rounds increase the
TS by +1 for this song of all those that hear it and for every round after up to a max of +10 TS to this song

Life Sonata
When your allies hear this song they make a Mind save twice instead of once to resist Mind effects takes a ACT to keep playing this song each round you may move up to you
move action while still playing if you play this song for 1 rounds you may pick any other song to add it's effect to this song for 4 rounds you may pick a 3rd song to play to
add to this song, for 8 rounds you may add the final song effect to this song, at 16 rounds you may double all the effects of each song then you must end the song at 20
rounds and take a 2 turn break before playing again.

level 1 Rage/Rage Cling
level 2 Fury/Rage Bane/Cannot Fall
level 3 Extended Rage/Raging Super Cling
level 4 Frenzy/Emotional Shield/Infuriating
level 5 Juggernaut/Maim And Pain

You spend a ½ ACT to become violent and tempered and gain a bonus Damage equal to how much Aimed Strike Check you give up to Melee attacks each strike you do max –10 Aimed
Strike Check the effect lasts for 2 rounds then you must spend another ½ ACT to activate again you cannot use any PSY MOD related skills or abilities while in this state nor
can you do called shots/pinpoint shots nor perform Casts, you can stack Rage again up to your level divided by 3 max 5 stacks can be accumulated every time you initiate a
stack though the rounds it's active also stack and upon the ending of the Rage effect you cannot activate Rage ability again for that many rounds.

Rage Cling
Upon end of rage you regain 15 x your level HP (This is not healing or regeneration)

Cannot Fall
If your HP goes to 0 Rage Cling will automatically activate upon such you also enter Rage ability automatically at full stack. After this Rage you cannot enter Rage ability
again for 3 rounds.

Along with a Rage activation the Aimed Strike Check minus also adds a plus equal to your Guard Checks and +5 temporary Damage Absorbency per “Berserker” named class level
once this Damage Absorbency is gone you take Damage normally any Damage hit through Damage absorbency that would start to hurts HP does so this refreshes every round till
your Rage is gone (this effect does not stack per Rage active)

Rage Bane
Any effect that works against a specific Classification/Body Type/Race/Template gains a bonus +10 to all it's bonuses while you are in Rage

Extended Rage
Your Rage ability gains an extended amount of round time equal to your CON MOD (the rounds from this do not stack per Rage active) (minimal rounds of rage is equal to 2 per

Raging Super Cling

Your Rage Cling ability regain also uses CON MOD before your level multiplication

Instead of your Aimed Strike Check you may give up a CON MOD the same way as you do Aimed Strike Check instead. Your movement speed while in Rage is increased by +1DSU per 5
STR MOD or +10 DUR MOD (Whichever is highest)

Emotional Shield
When not in rage mind effects have a 10% chance to not work on you and during rage this increases to 25% (similar mind blocking effects do not stack but instead roll

In Rage if you fell a foe you gain max stack of Rage duration reset. If your HP drops to ¾ your max gain a bonus +5 Aimed Strike Check and Damage. If your HP drops to ½ of
it's max gain a bonus +10 extra Aimed Strike Check and Damage. If your HP drops to ¼ of it's max gain a bonus +10 extra Aimed Strike Check and Damage. If your HP reaches 0
or lower gain extra +15 Aimed Strike Check and Damage. These effects duration last for 2 rounds and reset each others stacks.

Your Rage minus on Aimed Strike Check is reduced by half thus +20 Damage is –10 Aimed Strike Check and the Damage absorbency you gain is increased by +5 per Berserker level

Main And Pain

When you take damage you may instantly activate Rage ability as a free action even if it's not capable of activating normally also taking any damage during rage may initiate
another stack per time you take damage as a free action. You cannot activate this effect by attacking yourself or having allies attack you.

Big Arms Master

level 1 Great Wielder/Cracking Down
level 2 Monster Weapon/Monster Fist
level 3 Monster Wielder/War Machine
level 4 Titanic Weapon/Titanic Fist
level 5 Whirlwind Strike/Seismic Crack Down

Great Wielder
You may wield 2 handed weapons with 1 hand and not suffer any penalties to Aimed Strike Check or Damage. This only applies to weapons within your size category.

Cracking Down
When 2 handing a weapon you may slam it to the ground dealing a 1DSU radius area of effect. You must roll Aimed Strike Check to still deal damage to beings in the radius.

Monster Weapon
You can wield weapons 1 size category larger. This also allows you to wield a being of your size category as a Improvised weapon.

Monster Fist
Increases your melee dice size grade by 2 when attacking with unarmed melee attacks or Improvised melee attacks.

Monster Wielder
Increase your lift score by +5 per character level.

War Machine
When you successfully hit a for or with an attack you gain +5 Aimed Strike Check for 2 rounds. This effect stacks up to 5 times.

Titanic Weapon
You treat weapons 1 size category larger for their damage (Basic Blade goes to Large Basic Blade etc.). This also allows you to wield a being 1 size category higher as a
Improvised weapon.

Titanic Fist
Increases your melee dice size grade by 2 when attacking with unarmed melee attacks or Improvised melee attacks.

Whirlwind Strike
You may strike all enemies within reach for 1/2 of normal damage of the weapon. Your reach is increased by 3DSU while using this ability.

Seismic Crack Down

Cracking Down treats the damage done in the radius as +5 size category grades higher for the weapon. (Basic Blade goes to Gigantic Basic Blade etc.)

Blade Master
Level 1 Blade Slinger/Smart Cut
Level 2 Blade Splice/Precision Cut
Level 3 Cut Down/Thin Slice
Level 4 Acrobatic Blades
Level 5 Retaliation/Blade Elite

Blade Slinger
With any blade classification weapon(this does not include blades attached to a weapon such as a gun), you may draw that weapon as a free action. When drawing a blade
classification weapon if there is an adjacent foe you may get a free attack on them. You may make only 1 free attack per blade per round. If you are throwing blades with
this ability you take a -2 Aimed Strike Check, stacking for every additional throw you make.

Smart Cut
When using blade classification weapons you may use PSY for Aimed Strike Check instead of STR.

Blade Splice
When using blade classification weapons you may negate the Aimed Strike Check penalty of multi-attacks and combo attacks but suffer negative guard equal to the Aimed Strike
Check penalty you negated until your next turn.

Precision Cut
When making called shots with blade classification weapons you deal bonus damage equal to your character level.

Cut Down
With blade classification weapons when the foe successfully guards your attack you may still deal 1/3 of the normal damage.

Thin Slice
When you render a body part useless with a melee slash damage, it instead immediately goes to cut off and your next attack deals +20 damage. When you render a body part
useless with a melee pierce damage, it instead does x2 extra Vitality Damage and your next attack deals +20 damage.

Acrobatic Blades
When you evade an attack you can make a free attach on any foe that you pass through an adjacent square of. When charging you may hit every foe you pass but suffer -5 Aimed
Strike Check on the primary target for every additional foe you struck during the charge.

As an Act for the next 2 rounds you may make a free counter attack with a blade weapon whenever you are attacked. These counter attacks do not count as a violent action but
deal 1/2 normal damage. Once this effect ends, you cannot activate it again for 4 rounds.

Blade Elite
When attacking with blade classification weapons there is a 50% chance on hit that the target will bleed for an additional 25 damage(damage type is equivalent to the damage
type of the Aimed Strike Check rolled) per level every round for 3 rounds. This effect can stack up to 10 times, resetting the rounds and adding the damage for each stack.
This damage is not affected by multipliers except weakness multipliers on the target.

Blaster Shot
level 1 Shotgun Master
level 2 Launcher Master
level 3 Impact Shot
level 4 Explosive Master
level 5 Shockwave Burst

Shotgun Master
When using a shotgun type weapon or a weapon that has a spread shot like a shotgun gain a bonus Damage equal to your DEX MOD divided by 4 rounded down when the foe is at
most 8DSU. Shotgun Point Blank ability gains a extra +10% (Unaffected by LUK MOD) to it's percent damage.

Launcher Master
When using a Rocket Launcher or a Grenade Launcher you may once a round add ½ your DEX MOD as a bonus to its Aimed Strike Check for a called shot square.

Impact Shot
When using a shotgun type weapon or a weapon that has a spread shot like a shotgun in a single 3DSU reach the opponent must make a slight check against your TS. If they fail
they fall prone. Shotgun Master DEX MOD to damage is divided by 2 rounded down when the foe is at most 8DSU. Shotgun Point Blank & Point Blank ability gains a extra +5%
(Unaffected by LUK MOD) to it's percent damage. You may perform Shotgun Point Blank ability at 6DSU albeit at instead of 25% damage increase at 20% damage increase instead.

Explosive Master
Using any weapon that has an explosive like a rocket a bullet that explodes an incendiary shot and grenade/mine weaponry it’s explosive radius may be extended by 1DSU for
one explosion once per round

Shockwave Burst
Explosive Master radius is increased by another 1DSU if you wish to also apply this extra bonus 1DSU. Shotgun Master DEX MOD to damage is not divided when the foe is at most
8DSU and is divided by 4 rounded down when the foe is at most 12DSU and divided by 2 rounded down at most 10DSU. Shotgun Point Blank & Point Blank ability gains a extra +5%
(Unaffected by LUK MOD) to it's percent damage and Called Shot penalty reduced by -5 extra.

Bounty Hunter
Level 1 Bounties/The Hunt/The Target
Level 2 Non-Lethal Methods/Non-Lethal Combat
Level 3 Taking you in Alive/Taking you in Dead
Level 4 Bodyguard/Greater Non-Lethal Combat
Level 5 Disabling Shot/Tools of the Trade

Bounties Upon being hired to kill or bring in a target or finding a target on a bounty board you may vow a special bounty on them. You may have up to 3 special bounties and
once per day may undo one special bounty.

The Hunt
Gain +5 per Bounty Hunter level to diplomacy, buff, or intimidate when gathering information about one of your bounties.

The Target
Gain +3 Aimed Strike Check per Bounty Hunter level against your bounty targets.

Non-Lethal Methods
When attacking one of your bounty targets you may turn lethal damage into non-lethal. This does not apply when dealing true-lethal damage(such as running them over with a
steam roller).

Non-Lethal Combat
When doing Non-Lethal damage increase the damage by +2 bonus per character level (for any type of damage)

Taking you in Alive

When being paid for bringing in a bounty alive once per week you may gain an additional 250 credits per level of the target. Additionally, when using non lethal damage
against a bounty the damage is increased by +20.

Taking you in Dead

When dealing lethal damage against one of your bounty targets firearm and projectile classification weapons deal +1 damage per dice amount and melee weapons deal +3 damage
per +5 base bonus damage on the weapon. If a weapon falls under more than 1 category take the highest damage.

You may claim an allied target as a bodyguard bounty. While guarding them you gain the benefits of The Target against all foes who have attacked your bodyguard bounty target
within the last 2 rounds. A bodyguard bounty takes up 3 special bounty slots.

Greater Non-Lethal Combat

Non-Lethal Combat gains an extra +3 bonus per character level on top of it's original +2 bonus.

Disabling Shot
When making a called shot against a target you reduce their movement speed by 1/2 for 2 rounds. Endure Check to negate.

Tools of the Trade

You may now have up to 6 bounty targets, and once per combat you may double the effects of The Target, Taking you in Dead, or the damage bonus of Taking you in Alive.

level 1 Fighting Prowess V1/Basher/Sundering Body/Weapon Body
level 2 Fighting Prowess V2/Superior Brawler/Crusher
level 3 Fighting Prowess V3/Wrecker
level 4 Fighting Prowess V4/Expert Brawler/Destroyer
level 5 Fighting Prowess V5/Oblivion Brawl
Fighting Prowess V#
Gain a +5 Damage to unarmed and natural attacks which increases to +5 each V#

For each V# of Fighting Prowess you may gain a +1 to Acrobatics Checks

Sundering Body
Your natural attacks may perform damage to objects as long as your body strike hardness is equal or greater than the objects. Overriding sundering and striking rules of a
Non-Machine type treating them as if they are organics.

Weapon Body
You may treat your natural attacks as weaponry for qualification (blade//improvised)

Superior Brawler
You may treat your Fighting Prowess V# +1 higher (even if it surpasses the V# initially) for 2 round (rounds don't stack but reset per use) for a ACT, this effect may only
occur during combat, if this effect is activated out of combat instead gain a x2 bonus to Fighting Prowess unarmed and natural attack Damage bonus for 1 attack.

If you perform a Sunder attempt with your unarmed and natural attacks against an opponents equipment gain +5 Aimed Strike Check against those objects

For each V# of Fighting Prowess gain +5 Damage to sunder attempts with unarmed and natural attacks

Expert Brawler
Superior Brawlers can now add +1 extra V#

When you break an object with a sunder or KO or kill an opponent you gain a bonus +3DSU to all movements and a bonus ½ ACT for movement for 1 round, this effect may
continually stack in effect (except for the ½ ACT) and rounds and can only activate in combat. You may activate out of combat for 3 rounds once per day plus per V# of
Fighting Prowess.

Oblivion Brawl
Fighting Prowess also grants a bonus to Guard Checks equal to it's bonus to unarmed and natural attacks.

Bullet Swarm
level 1 Bullet Blaster
level 2 Unaimed Spread
level 3 Hyper Bullet Blaster
level 4 Extreme Unaimed Spread
level 5 Fully Unloaded

Bullet Blaster
When using Full Auto on weapons you may use 2x the ammo to gain an additional 2 dice grades of damage. This does not apply to explosive launcher weapons for the dice grade

Unaimed Spread
Gain a +10 Aimed Strike Check for using up bullets past single shot in a single attack (not through a multi attack). All special effects happen in random squares if none

Hyper Bullet Blaster

When using Bullet Blaster you may choose to consume 2x the ammo for +4 dice grades damage or 3x the ammo for +2 dice grades damage.

Extreme Unaimed Spread

Unaimed Spread gains an additional +1 Aimed Strike Check per bullet used extra in an attack.

Fully Unloaded
Use 50 bullet if your gun does not have 50 bullets it will use all the bullets within itself but the gun must have minimal of either it's max bullet count or 100 bullets if
it can go to 50 or more bullets. Once activated by only using Full Auto on weapons it will deal x15 the Damage upon use. Terrain in the targets area takes equal Damage this
effect. Other Bullet multiplied abilities even of the weapon do not apply. You cannot use this ability for 1d4+1 rounds after activation.

level 1 Divinity 1/Holy Weapon
level 2 Divinity 2/Guardian Shielding
level 3 Divinity 3/Divine Wish
level 4 Divinity 4/Guardian Shielding Blast
level 5 Divinity 5/Miracle

Holy Weapon
Add the bane property (equal to the bane ADD-ON effect Damage and Aimed Strike Check) equal to your Cleric class levels to ranged or Melee against a chosen target for a ½
ACT that’s opposing your alignments per alignment that stacks normally with other banes and the weapons main Damage is treated as Holy or Unholy instead of normal of it's
base damages neutral alignment instead deals it's bane bonus damage as ½ to any sort of alignment except neutral. This counts as a Bane effect.

Guardian Shielding
If you heal a target that is at full health 1/10th of that healing (this is not effected by the healing cap)(healing that is converting to damage from being over x2 the
targets max health is also ignored) that was over their health in healing applies a Temp Damage Absorbency that lasts for 24 hours that cannot stack or till it is removed.
The max the barrier may stack up to equal to your character level times 150. Only 1 Guardian Shield of the highest grade may be active on a target. Guardian Shields may only
be refreshed 1 time per 2 round on any 1 target.

Divine Wish
A Cleric can expend half his HP to raise a fallen ally to ½ their HP or grant PSY+SPRT+CON+DUR MOD multiplied by 100 healing to all allies except him. This effect can only
be done once per day to raise a fallen ally and only used on that ally up to 1 time per “Cleric” named class level. You may only grant the healing once every 2 turns.

Guardian Shielding Blast

You can detonate a Guardian Shielding to deal damage equal to the remaining shielding from Guardian Shield ability in a radius of 25DSU that you pick which targets though
this does not harm the environment itself. This damage is Either Holy, Unholy, Heat or Cold. You may only break 1 Guardian Shielding this way every 5 rounds.

You may once per day Revive a fallen ally to full HP or heal the group from 50% of their Max HP back. You may only revive a target that has died within the day. This Heal is
Untyped and bypasses all body type healing.

Divinity 1-5
Divinities are divine spells that rely on the characters Casts per day granted by their life style and beliefs and finding information and granting universal power of life
and death with the Knowledge that is acquired.

Divinity 1
HEALING: Cure Alpha- heal 10d6+PSY MOD (Max 20)(Holy or Unholy) Endure Check for half (Living Unholy Undead Holy) (cannot use avoidance)
HEALING: Restore Alpha- heal 1d4 stat points) (Holy or Unholy) Endure Check for half (Living Unholy Undead Holy) (cannot use avoidance)
HEALING: Vital Alpha: heal vitality 5d6+PSY+CON MOD (Max 10) (Holy or Unholy) Endure for half (Living Unholy Undead Holy) (cannot use avoidance)
UTILITY: Protection Alpha- makes a 3DSU Aura that repels opposing alignments out of the area Endure Check negates this makes it able so they do not cross that 3DSU area if
they fail. This effect lasts for 1 hour.
UTILITY: Truth Zone Alpha- all must tell the truth in the zone of 3DSU Mind Check to negate each time lying
UTILITY: Walk On Water- target may walk on water for 1 round per 2 of your character levels
UTILITY: Sleep- put one target to sleep for 1min per character level Mind Check to negate. This form of sleep is not really a “sleep” but a knock out effect. Anything that
would wake them from such like damage of any type will awaken them or a jostle to them and while asleep they instantly go prone safely as they can. Sounds cannot awaken the
target at all in this state.
UTILITY: Rest- the target ignores the penalty for lack of sleep for 1 hour this counts as sleep for 1 hour without having to sleep this may only stack up to 1 days worth of
UTILITY: Light Glow- You may make yourself glow with a TS of 5 light for 5 mins. You decide the lights colors at will.
UTILITY: Repair Alpha- repair an object back to full from up to max of 25 damage in a 1DSU zone
UTILITY: Alignment Sense- you may check the alignments of a target.
UTILITY: Death Tongue- You may speak and understand Undeath classification beings even when you do not share the languages for 1 hour per Cast max 3 hours.
UTILITY: Lock and Bind- You may make an item ACT as if it had Lock Bind ADD-ON equal to your character level divided by 5 minimal 1 you set the parameters. Upon use this
lasts for 1 hour per character level you have. You may use this to treat half your character level x50 to undo Lock Bind ADD-ONs.
UTILITY: Phobia Alpha- Add Phobic template on a target for 2 rounds Mind Check Negates 1 template and rolls 1 per Template. You choose he phobias.

Divinity 2
HEALING: Cure Beta- heal 10d8+PSY MOD (Max 30)(Holy or Unholy) Endure Check for half (Living Unholy Undead Holy) (cannot use avoidance)
HEALING: Restore Beta- heal 2d4 stat points) (Holy or Unholy) Endure Check for half (Living Unholy Undead Holy) (cannot use avoidance)
HEALING: Vital Beta: heal vitality 5d8+PSY+CON MOD (Max 10) (Holy or Unholy) Endure for half (Living Unholy Undead Holy) (cannot use avoidance)
UTILITY: Protection Beta- makes a 3DSU Zone that repels opposing alignments out of the area Endure Check negates this makes it able so they do not cross that 3DSU area if
they fail. This effect lasts for 1 hour.
UTILITY: Truth Zone Beta- all must tell the truth in the zone of 6DSU Mind Check to negate each time lying
UTILITY: Walk On Air- target may walk on air for 1 round per 2 of your character levels
UTILITY: Lesser Raise The Fallen- Raise a fallen living being into its previous life or into an undead added template of it but is at 1 HP raising machines does not permit a
template add and raising undead will revive them back as they once where without the template or remain with the template you may Cast this on the undead to reverse them
being undead unless they are unwilling TS of a Mind check equals to their level divided by 2. When Casting this you may simultaneously apply the Curse Cast from Divinity 4
if you can access it before the target is fully revived. You can only perform this Cast once per 3 rounds of any Raise The Fallen.
UTILITY: Replenish- make 1 meal to eat (only fits for 1/3rd of the needed food of the day) for a target the food is most likely the favorite desired food that they want and
grants them the nourishment they need. If the meal is not eaten within 1 hour it disappears.
UTILITY: Touch Of Knowledge- Grant knowledge of the touched item of its maker and people who have touched it names and items true use and powers TS equals to +5 per year
tracing back if you fail you are only given up to 1/10th of it's existing years. You make a Mind Check against the TS. You may repeat this process to try to find further
history but will cost twice as much casts as the previous time repeating if you access more and more years back.
UTILITY: Lantern Ball- You may make a ball float in your square or up to 5DSU away from yourself and lights up to 1DSU area only. It glows with a TS of 5 light for 5 mins.
You decide the lights colors at will. Only 1 may exist at a time.
UTILITY: Repair Beta- repair an object back to full from up to max of 50 damage in a 1DSU zone
UTILITY: Alignment Scan- you may check the alignments of 1 target per 3 levels
UTILITY: Eyes Of Ethereal- You may see Ethereal Realm for 1 hour per Cast max 24 hours.
UTILITY: Sanctuary- You may place down a wall that is invisible to the uninvited (the caster decides what is invited or not. The wall height is 1DSU per cleric level and the
width is equal to 3DSU per cleric level. The cast automatically makes a floor and ceiling blockade when a full connection between the wall is made. Nothing may pass this
barricade without a TS Mind check if sentient. The barricade has Hardness of 20 per cleric level and HP equal to it's hardness the material it's made from is metaphysical
energy. You cannot use this ability to lock entities inside but upon creation may use it to push out those (if it's safe for them to be pushed out from not being harmed by
the environment) they make the same Mind Check to resist being pushed out.
UTILITY: Phobia Beta- Add 2 Phobic template stacks on a target for 2 rounds Mind Check Negates 1 template and rolls 1 per Template. You choose he phobias.

Divinity 3
HEALING: Cure Gamma- heal 10d10+PSY MOD (Max 40)(Holy or Unholy) Endure Check for half (Living Unholy Undead Holy) (cannot use avoidance)
HEALING: Restore Gamma- heal 3d4 stat points) (Holy or Unholy) Endure Check for half (Living Unholy Undead Holy) (cannot use avoidance)
HEALING: Vital Gamma: heal vitality 5d10+PSY+CON MOD (Max 10) (Holy or Unholy) Endure for half (Living Unholy Undead Holy) (cannot use avoidance)
UTILITY: Protection Gamma- makes a 5DSU Zone that repels opposing alignments out of the area Endure Check negates this makes it able so they do not cross that 5DSU area if
they fail. This effect lasts for 1 hour.
UTILITY: Truth Zone Gamma- all must tell the truth in the zone of 8DSU Mind Check to negate each time lying
UTILITY: Walk Of Faith- 1 target per 2 levels may walk on water and air for 1 round per 2 of your character levels
UTILITY: Feast Of Many- Make a meal to eat for up to 1 target per 2 levels the meal provides enough for the day with the same effect of choice as replenish.
UTILITY: Raise The Fallen- Raise a fallen living being into its previous life or into an undead added template of it but is at 1/10th HP raising machines does not permit a
template add and raising undead will revive them back as they once where without the template or remain with the template you may Cast this on the undead to reverse them
being undead unless they are unwilling TS of a Mind check equals to their level divided by 2. When Casting this you may simultaneously apply the Curse Cast from Divinity 4
if you can access it before the target is fully revived. You can only perform this Cast once per 3 rounds of any Raise The Fallen. This effect when reviving a target will
cost double the cast charges on a target that has already died and revived from this ability. You may not resurrect a target higher than your own level.
UTILITY: Brilliant Lantern- You may make a 1 ball per 2 levels float in your square or up to 5DSU away from yourself and lights up to 1DSU area only. It glows with a TS of 5
light for 5 mins. You decide the lights colors at will. Lantern Ball will dismiss if this is cast.
UTILITY: Repair Gamma- repair an object back to full from up to max of 75 damage in a 1DSU zone
UTILITY: Alignment Force- You may scan a targets alignments. If any match your own for each that matches (does not care if strong weak or normal) Healing gains +10 to them.
If any are oppositions (Evil to Good and Dishonorable to Honorable) All other Alignments are consider opposite of Neutral and you gain a +10 to any Damage done through a
Healing effect that switch to damage for each that opposites.
UTILITY: Death's Knowledge- You may conjure up from an item or a piece of a dead being long past memories as a strange semi ghost then ask it questions it that it will
answer with 100% accuracy if your alignments are 100% match and -25% if any alignments are not shared. If any are Strong that are shared it increased by +10% if Strong not
shared -10% if Weak shared instead +5% or -5%. Neutral type never counts as a opposite type to any alignment unless your are Strong which case will suffer a -10% and Any
Weak combined with a Strong will be treated as just neutral. You may only ask up to 3 questions. Upon use you cannot summon the semi ghost again for a week.
UTILITY: Home- You may teleport yourself or another to their “Home” the place they most consider home leaving a recall to yourself via a special stone but the stone will
dissipate within 1 day.
UTILITY: Phobia Gamma- Add 3 Phobic template stacks on a target for 2 rounds Mind Check Negates 1 template and rolls 1 per Template. You choose he phobias.

Divinity 4
HEALING: Cure Delta- heal 10d12+PSY MOD (Max 50) (Holy or Unholy) Endure Check for half (Living Unholy Undead Holy) (cannot use avoidance)
HEALING: Restore Delta- heal 4d4 stat points) (Holy or Unholy) Endure Check for half (Living Unholy Undead Holy) (cannot use avoidance)
HEALING: Vital Delta: heal vitality 5d12+PSY+CON MOD (Max 10) (Holy or Unholy) Endure for half (Living Unholy Undead Holy) (cannot use avoidance)
UTILITY: Protection Delta- makes a 5DSU Zone that repels opposing alignments out of the area Endure Check negates this makes it able so they do not cross that 5DSU area if
they fail. This effect lasts for 1 hour.
UTILITY: Truth Zone Gamma- all must tell the truth in the zone of 12DSU Mind Check to negate each time lying
UTILITY: Divine Steps- target may for 1 hour per Cast walk on anything as if solid ground with perfect protection from the environments effects of their steps (this does no
grant immunity to the whole body just the feet place upon thus gravity will effect)
UTILITY: Curse- Those opposite aligned to you suffer –5 penalties for each alignment trend away from your own this –5 is shown as bad luck (broken from fortune template
negates this effect) and bad happenings made by the clerics will upon Casting be it any for that suffers this constant –5 Mind Check to negate. This may also apply the curse
template if you desire (only only 1 curse template per 5 levels may be applied at any time to a single target)
Essence Sense Aura- In an area around the Caster of 1DSU per character level all sentient beings have a glimmering aura based upon their alignment this negates their
invisibility and stealth abilities unless they are concealing their entire body like hiding behind a wall from sight
UTILITY: Superior Raise The Fallen- Raise a fallen living being into its previous life or into an undead added template of it but is at 1/4th HP raising machines does not
permit a template add and raising undead will revive them back as they once where without the template or remain with the template you may Cast this on the undead to reverse
them being undead unless they are unwilling TS of a Mind check equals to their level divided by 2. When Casting this you may simultaneously apply the Curse Cast from
Divinity 4 if you can access it before the target is fully revived. You can only perform this Cast once per 3 rounds of any Raise The Fallen. This effect when reviving a
target will cost double the cast charges on a target that has already died and revived from this ability. You may not resurrect a target higher than your own level.
UTILITY: Sun Lantern- You may make a 1 ball per 2 levels float in your square or up to 5DSU away from yourself and lights up to 3DSU area only. It glows with a TS of 5 light
for 5 mins. You decide the lights colors at will. Lantern Ball and Brilliant Lantern will dismiss if this is cast.
UTILITY: Repair Delta- repair an object back to full from up to max of 100 damage in a 1DSU zone
UTILITY: Alignment Knowledge- You may check the alignments of 1 target per 3 levels. If any match your own for each that matches (does not care if strong weak or normal)
Healing gains +10 to them. If any are oppositions (Evil to Good and Dishonorable to Honorable) All other Alignments are consider opposite of Neutral and you gain a +10 to
any Damage done through a Healing effect that switch to damage for each that opposites.
UTILITY: Greater Death's Knowledge- You may conjure up from an item or a piece of a dead being long past memories as a strange semi ghost then ask it questions it that it
will answer with 100% accuracy if your alignments are 100% match and -25% if any alignments are not shared. If any are Strong that are shared it increased by +10% if Strong
not shared -10% if Weak shared instead +5% or -5%. Neutral type never counts as a opposite type to any alignment unless your are Strong which case will suffer a -10% and Any
Weak combined with a Strong will be treated as just neutral. You may only ask up to 6 questions. Upon use you cannot summon the semi ghost again for a week.
UTILITY: Create Home- Upon Casting you create a home stone seed and upon placement of the ground you then gain a home port stone one that allows you to open a gate within
30min ritual to return to the home spot you placed last reCasting undoes your previous home stone seed.
UTILITY: Phobia Delta- Add 4 Phobic template stacks on a target for 2 rounds Mind Check Negates 1 template and rolls 1 per Template. You choose he phobias.

Divinity 5
HEALING: Cure Omega- heal 20d6+PSY MOD (Max 60)(Holy or Unholy) Endure Check for half (Living Unholy Undead Holy) (cannot use avoidance)
HEALING: Restore Omega- heal 5d4 stat points) (Holy or Unholy) Endure Check for half (Living Unholy Undead Holy) (cannot use avoidance)
HEALING: Vital Omega: heal vitality 10d6+PSY+CON MOD (Max 10) (Holy or Unholy) Endure for half (Living Unholy Undead Holy) (cannot use avoidance)
UTILITY: Protection Omega- makes a 6DSU Zone that repels opposing alignments out of the area Endure Check negates this makes it able so they do not cross that 6DSU area if
they fail. This effect lasts for 1 hour.
UTILITY: Truth Zone Omega- all must tell the truth in the zone of 15DSU Mind Check to negate each time lying
UTILITY: Hand Of Protection- target is relieved of any 1 status effects and is immune to fall damage, effects of high heat and low temperatures this effect lasts as a charge
on the target into one of the conditions is presented thus the protection effect will last for 15 minutes. Up to 5 charges can be placed on a target each for a different
status effect immunity already used charges do no count to this limit.
UTILITY: Grand Raise The Fallen- Raise a fallen living being into its previous life or into an undead added template of it but is at your PSY+SPRT+CON MOD x50 HP raising
machines does not permit a template add and raising undead will revive them back as they once where without the template or remain with the template you may Cast this on the
undead to reverse them being undead unless they are unwilling TS of a Mind check equals to their level divided by 2. When Casting this you may simultaneously apply the Curse
Cast from Divinity 4 if you can access it before the target is fully revived. You can only perform this Cast once per 3 rounds of any Raise The Fallen. This effect when
reviving a target will cost double the cast charges on a target that has already died and revived from this ability. You may not resurrect a target higher than your own
UTILITY: Time Stop Void- You may stop time for 1 hour and bring up to 1 extra target per 3 levels. During this time stop you do not gain any benefits of moving time or
buffing effects that continually stack. While you are active and are in a special space called a void zone during this time you can use your abilities and see partially into
the normal time stream to study a foe. Upon dismissal you cannot use this effect more than once a day. You cannot effect anything outside of the Time Stop Void.
UTILITY: Phobia And Philia- You may cure or curse a target with Phobia Template (counts as a magical curse) upon such application it will be permanent but you cannot apply a
Phobia Template for 1 month to the same target and Cast this also again on another target for 1 week. Upon trying to remove a Phobia Template from a target that naturally
had the template will instead alleviate them for 1 month of the fear and take up to 12 Casts (1 year) to fully cure them for good.
HEALING: Full Restoring Cure- heal 5d4 stat points heal 10d8+PSY MOD Max 80 and Raise the Fallen in a 10DSU Area (Holy or Unholy) Endure Check for half (Living Unholy Undead
Holy) (cannot use avoidance)
UTILITY: Holy Lantern- You may make a 1 ball per 2 levels float in your square or up to 8DSU away from yourself and lights up to 3DSU area only. It glows with a TS of 5
light for 5 mins. You decide the lights colors at will. You may sacrifice any balls to make a blinding flash within it's effecting area as a ½ ACT The effect Blind level is
equal to your level. Lantern Ball, Brilliant Lantern, Sun Lantern will dismiss if this is cast.
UTILITY: Repair Omega- repair an object back to full from up to max of 125 damage in a 1DSU zone
UTILITY: Alignment Zone- In a zone of 3DSU per “Cleric”, “Knight”, “Paladin”, “Priest”, “Magus” named level around yourself for 1 hour you automatically know the alignments
of entities around you. This effect will even bypass blockades of up to 3DSU thick but reduces the effect distance when trying to pierce to 1DSU per 3DSU thick obstructions
within that direction.
UTILITY: Superior Death's Knowledge- You may conjure up from an item or a piece of a dead being long past memories as a strange semi ghost then ask it questions it that it
will answer with 100% accuracy if your alignments are 100% match and -25% if any alignments are not shared. If any are Strong that are shared it increased by +10% if Strong
not shared -10% if Weak shared instead +5% or -5%. Neutral type never counts as a opposite type to any alignment unless your are Strong which case will suffer a -10% and Any
Weak combined with a Strong will be treated as just neutral. You may only ask up to 12 questions. Upon use you cannot summon the semi ghost again for a week.
UTILITY: Phobia Omega- Add 5 Phobic template stacks on a target for 2 rounds Mind Check Negates 1 template and rolls 1 per Template. You choose he phobias.

Concealed Martial Artist

level 1 Quick Draw Weapons
level 2 Improved Style Combat
level 3 Concealed Weapon Master
level 4 Quick Combat
level 5 Evasive Combat

Quick Draw Weapons

You may draw any melee weapon that is a Short Blade/Light Club/Pistol Class/Any Sawed Off Shotgun/Grenades/Any weapon that counts as 1 size category smaller (this does not
apply for firearms) for your own size as a free action up to 3 times a turn.

Improved Style Combat

Any weapon you can draw out from Quick Draw Weapons ability if it's 1 size smaller it gains a +10 Aimed Strike Check bonus. Also you may wield weapons 2 sizes less then your
own instead of 1.

Concealed Weapon Master

Any weapon you can draw out from Quick Draw Weapons ability gains a bonus +15 to stealth checks to concealment and you may quick draw +2 extra times from Quick Draw Weapons

Quick Combat
You may quickly pick up anything from the ground as a free draw action as from your Quick Draw Weapons ability quick draw limit. If you try to grapple disarm a foe of their
weapon and try to throw their weapon or take it into your own wielding out of their hand this counts as a free action equal to your Quick Draw Weapons ability quick draw

Evasive Combat
You may use your Quick Draw Weapons ability to free draw weapons to instead gain a free Acrobatics Check by expending 3 free quick draws.

Dancing Kicker
Level 1 Fast Feet/Curb Kick
level 2 High Jump Kick
level 3 Round House Kick/Whirl Wind Kick
level 4 Evasive Legs
level 5 Skull Cracker/Whirl Wind Blitz

Fast Feet
Your legs are considered as hard as Steel (+10 hardness) added to your own hardness when making kicks or kick like attacks. Gain a +1DSU movement to Jump checks distance.

Curb Kick
When you are standing and the foe is prone you may perform a free counter attack action with 1 attack with your leg once a turn to one target within reach (you may apply
Whirl Wind Kick to this ability). If it hits your foe will be knocked prone again if they are equal to your size or smaller.

High Jump Kicks

Your natural attacks may perform damage to objects as long as your body strike hardness is equal or greater than the objects with only your leg natural limbs. Overriding
sundering and striking rules of a Non-Machine type treating them as if they are organics. (this allows a 5% chance to break items when attacking them) also your Physical
damages with your kicks are raised by +5. Also any charge attack you perform with a jump gains a bonus 3DSU movement on top.

Round House Kick

A singular attack kick will will deal +2 damage multiplier. Also Fast Feet are considers as hard as Adamantine (+15 extra hardness)

Whirl Wind Kick

You may strike with your legs in a combo attack up to 2 times per leg. You may also perform a disarm Grapple as part of this combination and still deal your damage using
your Aimed Strike Check as the Grapple to disarm (This is not a normal grapple thus does not grasp the foe just tries to know off articles from the foe) This ability to
activate as a whole will cost 1 stamina per 2 kicks involved for the bonus.

Evasive Legs
You may make a free attack if you perform an evasion if evading near a foe in reach. Also combo attacks made with your legs are at instead -5 instead of -10 for only the leg

Skull Cracker
This ability raises Fast Feet hardness add to higher degree (+25 extra hardness) instead of adamantine. Your kick attacks deal +15 extra damage.

Whirl Wind Blitz

Whirl Wind Kicks now may perform up to 3 times instead of 2 times per kick.

Data Hacker
level 1 Scanner Tech/Decipher Script/Hacker Input V1
level 2 hacker Input V2
level 3 Scan Object/Hacker Input V3
level 4 Hacker Input V4
level 5 Hyper Scan/Hacker Input V5
Scanner Tech
Allows you to see HP value and levels taken of opponent and keeps the info up for you but requires a Full Round ACT to apply and may only scan 1 target. This form of
scanning can only be done at a distance of 3DSU per “Hacker” named class level if done as a target. You may convert the Scanner Tech to a Cone equal to 3DSU per “Hacker”
named class level. The cone scanner can focus on 1 target within it's cone per “Hacker” class name level +2 but instead takes double the action cost when performing in this
function (1 Full Round ACT will take 2 Full Round ACTs for example)

Decipher Script
This ability allows you to decode (enter into electronic computers) or written (in your understandable languages) scripts and patterns (programs) for every level with
“Hacker” in the name gain +2 TS of the scripts and patterns that you make and can hack into though this bonus does not reduce your time and the time is still based on your
mind roll check. You must still be able to touch into a computer or have the written work in sight to understand whats in it this is a Full Round ACT to activate. You must
be able to see the device or pick up it's location to transmit your Decipher Script ability. This ability distance is limited by 25DSU + 6DSU per different named “Hacker”
class. This form of hacking also can intercept any format of wireless signal devices.

Scan Object
Your Scanner Tech ability can now scan also all equipment on the target telling the info about their gear though this does not reveal hidden objects.

Hyper Scan
Your Scanner Tech ability can now scan all information of the target. This includes: Alignment, Race, Classifications, Templates, ADD-ONs, Equipment, Hidden Equipment
(Slight Check equal to the Hackers TS to keep it hidden), Classes, Stats, HP, Cast Pool Charges and Stamina.

Hacker Input V#
Your abilities to defy logic with data and pattern and break and enter the shortcuts of the world via computer and science via using your personal Cast abilities these
abilities are Inputs type Casts

level 1
DAMAGE: Damage Hack- 10d6+PSY (MOD Max 20) Void-Damage Mind Check to negate.
Aimed Strike Check: Succeeding strike small- 25% chance to work if does attack is an instant hit. This effect is a charge but does not stack thus only 1 “auto hit” effect
may apply from this Cast line. The user may decide when to activate this charge and is used even upon failure.
UTILITY: Data Forge- create a copy of text and picture up to 1000 pages worth
UTILITY: Paste- Copy a Data Forge to something
HEAL: Heal Hack- 10d6+PSY (MOD Max 30) Void-Healing
BARRIER: Protect Article- designate an item and treat it's hardness at x2 for 1 round per “Hacker” named class. This hardness does not apply to strike hardness only for HP
and damage reduce.
CLONE: Data Duplicate- Create a clone of yourself. 2 clones are created per Illusionist, Deceptionist and per “Hacker” named classes. These clones count as illusions and
summons. These clones can enact on their own also you may desummon 1 to teleport to it's spot. These clone can only exist up to 6DSU away from you. These clones look exactly
like yourself and if take any form of damage dissipate. These clones if they attack will dissipate and if they trial to avoid any attack will also dissipate. Only a Max of
10 Data Duplicate clones may exist. These clones have 1 move action every turn of their own of up to your radius they can explore and may enter into places that you have
visually saw.
UTILITY: Blast Data Surge- deal 10d8+PSY (MOD Max 30) Void-Damage to 1 object (or a 1DSU square of a vehicle) ignoring their hardness and vehicle/mecha damage reduce.

level 2
DAMAGE: Greater Damage hack- 10d8+PSY (MOD Max 30) Void-Damage Mind Check to negate.
Aimed Strike Check: Successive strike mediocre- only 50% chance to work if does next 1 attack is an instant hit. This effect is a charge but does not stack thus only 1 “auto
hit” effect may apply from this Cast line. The user may decide when to activate this charge and is used even upon failure.
TELEPORT: Teleportation small- teleport yourself up to 3DSU
HEAL: Greater heal hack- heals 10d8+PSY (MOD Max 40) Void-Healing
UTILITY: Open Lock- Automatically Hack up to a TS 5 + 2 per other “Hacker” named classes. This automatically happens without any time spent. This also works on non digital
locks but treated as a mystic source when doing so.
UTILITY: Data Share- Grant an ally per Data Hacker level your info from your Scan ability and all boosting abilities to it.
BARRIER: Warping Data Guard- Grant a bonus to a targets Guard Checks equal to your level x25 if it surpasses the guard of the target. If the target has a superior guard
grant from this cast it has no effect though the guard bonus applies against called shots at ½ the amount. This guard is untyped and provides protection from touch attacks
and special effects effecting the targets gear even if it's guard effect does not apply. This lasts for 2 round per “Hacker” level.
CLONE: Data Duplication NeuroComputer- Create a clone of yourself. 2 clones are created per Illusionist, Deceptionist and per “Hacker” named classes. These clones count as
illusions and summons. These clones can enact on their own also you may desummon 1 to teleport to it's spot. These clone can only exist up to 6DSU away from you. These
clones look exactly like yourself and if take any form of damage dissipate. These clones if they attack will dissipate and if they trial to avoid any attack will also
dissipate. Only a Max of 10 Data Duplication NeuroComputer clones may exist. These clones can see with any 1 of your vision types upon their creation you have and upon
dismissal grants you all they have sensed. If you already activated Data Duplicate cast you instead turn set of those clones into a NeuroComputer clone instead converted
over and cost 1 less cast pool charge when performed. These clones have 1 move action every turn of their own of up to your radius they can explore and may enter into places
that you have visually saw.
UTILITY: Splitting Data Surge- deal 10d10+PSY (MOD Max 40) Void-Damage to 1 object (or a 1DSU square of a vehicle) ignoring their hardness and vehicle/mecha damage reduce.

level 3
DAMAGE: Superior Damage hack- 10d10+PSY (MOD Max 40) Void-Damage Mind Check to negate.
Aimed Strike Check: Succeeding strike greater- only 75% chance to work if does next 1 attack is an instant hit. This effect is a charge but does not stack thus only 1 “auto
hit” effect may apply from this Cast line. The user may decide when to activate this charge and is used even upon failure.
TELEPORT: Teleportation medium - teleport yourself up to 6DSU
HEAL: Superior heal hack- heals 10d10+PSY (MOD Max 50) Void-Healing
UTILITY: Open Lock greater - Automatically Hack up to a TS 10 + 2 per other “Hacker” named classes. This automatically happens without any time spent. This also works on non
digital locks but treated as a mystic source when doing so.
BARRIER: Protection Barrier - make a barrier that lasts for 2 rounds that deflects bullets, projectiles and beams but only once every round +1 extra time per different
“Hacker” named class. The rounds cannot be reset or stacked.
CLONE: Clone - summon clones of yourself that does everything you can do. Any consumable, cast charges of any type, stamina, charge effects, and status effects both bad and
good are shared to the original including healing but not damage also any equipment damage done reflects back to the original equipment. The clones have HP equal to 1/10th
your HP and cannot be dismissed till their duration cancels out Any regeneration to the clones have are not shared to the original. You may per cast create a new clone up to
a max of 4 clones. For each clone summoned you give up 1/4th of your Max HP but if your HP would ever go to 0 or lower it leaves it at 1 HP. If a clone is destroyed or
desummoned except by duration of it going out you take 1/4th of your HP as Damage that cannot be reduced by any source. Clones cannot move past 5DSU of your original self
and if they would leave the zone they reappear back to the edge where they were when they left prone. Clones lasts for 2 rounds the clones may make separate choices from
your main choice thus choose different targets and move in different spots but universally all share the same violent action unless done against a different target. Your
clones cannot perform any summoning ability that creates a summon that is able to combat or perform actions. Clones damage is always cut by 1/10th.
UTILITY: Dismissed - cancel out an alarm system TS 30 and below
UTILITY: Crushing Data Surge- deal 10d12+PSY (MOD Max 50) Void-Damage to 2 object (or a 3DSU square of a vehicle) ignoring their hardness and vehicle/mecha damage reduce.

level 4
DAMAGE: Mega Damage hack - 10d12+PSY (MOD Max 50) Void-Damage Mind Check to negate.
Aimed Strike Check: Succeeding Super strike - 100% to work for next 1 attack to instant hit. This effect is a charge but does not stack thus only 1 “auto hit” effect may
apply from this Cast line. The user may decide when to activate this charge and is used even upon failure.
TELEPORT: Teleportation large - teleport yourself up to 8DSU
HEAL: Superior heal hack - 10d12+PSY (MOD Max 60) Void-Healing
UTILITY: Open Lock Superior - Automatically Hack up to a TS 10 + 5 per other “Hacker” named classes. This automatically happens without any time spent. This also works on
non digital locks but treated as a mystic source when doing so.
ANTI-DSUMMON: De Summon - cancel a summon with a 25% chance anything in a description with “summon” is considered a summon
PROTECTION: Cease-fire stop – The next attack strike, area of effect attacks cannot be canceled out. against the target instantly cancel out and misses. Auto hit/seeking
effects bypass this effect. You may only have a target contain 1 Cease-fire charge upon them per your “Hacker” named class. Max Cease-fire charges on a target permitted is
3. This effective charge is denied if a foe also catches you unaware, flanked. If you attack a foe with a cease fire with a singular attack instead they have to be a TS
Mind, Slight or Muscle to negate it's effect.
BARRIER: Protection barrier large - make a barrier that lasts for 2 rounds that deflects bullets, projectiles and beams but only once every round +1 extra time per different
“Hacker” named class. The rounds cannot be reset or stacked. If the barrier is struck by one of these then it will reflect the shot back at it's original shooter at equal
Aimed Strike Check.
CLONE: Clone Superior - summon clones of yourself that does everything you can do. Any consumable, cast charges of any type, stamina, charge effects, and status effects both
bad and good are shared to the original including healing but not damage also any equipment damage done reflects back to the original equipment. The clones have HP equal to
1/4th your HP and cannot be dismissed till their duration cancels out Any regeneration to the clones have are not shared to the original. You may per cast create a new clone
up to a max of 4 clones. For each clone summoned you give up 1/4th of your Max HP but if your HP would ever go to 0 or lower it leaves it at 1 HP. If a clone is destroyed or
desummoned except by duration of it going out you take 1/4th of your HP as Damage that cannot be reduced by any source. Clones cannot move past 5DSU of your original self
and if they would leave the zone they reappear back to the edge where they were when they left prone. Clones lasts for 2 rounds the clones may make separate choices from
your main choice thus choose different targets and move in different spots but universally all share the same violent action unless done against a different target. Your
clones cannot perform any summoning ability that creates a summon that is able to combat or perform actions. Clones damage is always cut by 1/10th.
UTILITY: Tearing Data Surge- deal 20d6+PSY (MOD Max 60) Void-Damage to 2 object (or a 3DSU square of a vehicle) ignoring their hardness and vehicle/mecha damage reduce.

level 5
DAMAGE: Grand Damage hack - 20d6+PSY (MOD Max 60) Void-Damage Mind Check to negate.
Aimed Strike Check: Succeed strike ultra - grant a 100% hit chance to yourself and 25% to 2 allies for 1 attack
TELEPORT: Teleportation grand - teleport ally targets up to 6DSU if you want that must be near each other within 1DSU of one another to form at least a chain and each may
select their own destination from their spot
HEAL: Grand heal hack - heals 20d6+PSY (MOD Max 70) Void-Healing
ANTI-DSUMMON: De summon grand - cancel a summon 50% chance anything in a description with “summon” is considered a summon
BARRIER: Protection Barrier Huge - make a barrier in a target zone that is 6DSU that lasts for 2 rounds that deflects bullets and beams. If the barrier is struck by one of
these then it will reflect the shot back at it's original shooter at equal Aimed Strike Check.
UTILITY: Open Lock Grand- Automatically Hack up to a TS 20 + 5 per other “Hacker” named classes. This automatically happens without any time spent. This also works on Void
digital locks but treated as a mystic source when doing so.
DAMAGE: Shower of death - deal 30d12+STR+DEX+PSY+CON+SPRT+LUK Void-Damage This damage is dealt in a 3DSU area for 2 rounds. The area extends by 3DSU extra by choice for
every “Hacker” named class. This damage does not discriminate allies or foes but you are immune to the damage. This effect rains down from a point in the sky up from at
least 40DSU. For each “Hacker” named class you have this attack can last for 2 extra rounds but you cannot cancel this effect once applied for the rounds you set. Endure
Check for half.
PROTECTION: Zero grade - gain a 25% chance to avoid attacks for 1 turn
PROTECTION: Cease-fire Ultimate – The next attack strike, area of effect attacks cannot be canceled out. against the target instantly cancel out and misses. Auto hit/seeking
effects bypass this effect. You may only have a target contain 1 Cease-fire charge upon them per your “Hacker” named class. Max Cease-fire charges on a target permitted is
3. These change all Cease-fire charges work if a foe also catches you unaware, flanked. If you attack a foe with a cease fire with a singular attack instead they have to be
a TS Mind, Slight or Muscle to negate it's effect.
CLONE: Clone Ultimate- summon clones of yourself that does everything you can do. Any consumable, cast charges of any type, stamina, charge effects, and status effects both
bad and good are shared to the original including healing but not damage also any equipment damage done reflects back to the original equipment. The clones have HP equal to
1/2th your HP and cannot be dismissed till their duration cancels out Any regeneration to the clones have are not shared to the original. You may per cast create a new clone
up to a max of 4 clones. For each clone summoned you give up 1/4th of your Max HP but if your HP would ever go to 0 or lower it leaves it at 1 HP. If a clone is destroyed or
desummoned except by duration of it going out you take 1/4th of your HP as Damage that cannot be reduced by any source. Clones cannot move past 6DSU of your original self
and if they would leave the zone they reappear back to the edge where they were when they left prone. Clones lasts for 2 rounds the clones may make separate choices from
your main choice thus choose different targets and move in different spots but universally all share the same violent action unless done against a different target. Your
clones cannot perform any summoning ability that creates a summon that is able to combat or perform actions. Clones damage is always cut by 1/10th.
UTILITY: Eradicating Data Surge- deal 20d8+PSY (MOD Max 70) Void-Damage to 3 object (or a 3DSU square of a vehicle) ignoring their hardness and vehicle/mecha damage reduce.

level 1 Master Bluff/Micro Illusions
level 2 Illusionary Double
level 3 False Attack
level 4 Illusionary Field
level 5 Illusionary Triple

Master Bluff
Gain a +10 to checks involving worded lies

Micro Illusions
You may make smaller Illusions up to around 3DSU around your body, these illusions can't be of sentient beings but inanimate objects like a swords a tree etc. you may wield
them as you please these illusions never displace when disbelieved, TS equal to your character level Mind Check to know it's an illusion.

Illusionary Double
You can produce as a ½ ACT an Illusionary Duplicate of somebody like yourself. It produces false senses of sight, hearing and other senses. The TS to break the illusion is
equal to your own TS. Once broken and disbelieved others can see it but know it’s not real. You can only make one of these. The illusion cannot attack without dispersing.
The fake attack makes it disappear with nothing effecting and auto dissipates. The illusionary double cannot move away from you up to 25DSU. You are aware of what the
illusion is doing. It is incapable of grasping equipping etc. objects and any such actions dissipate the illusionary double.
False Attack
Your Illusionary Double can now perform an attack. This attack does not dissipate, instead it causes the foe to believe they are being attacked causing flinches and may also
cause them to perform Acrobatics Checks. flinches are Guard Checks to “nothing”, if they fail the TS of the illusion they think they might have been struck thus flinch
although they don’t take damage and this does not count as an attack. If they flinch and anybody performs an attack against them they do not get to roll a guard or
Acrobatics Check instead they are against you considered unaware and backside attack for anybody else till they are struck.

Illusionary Field
You may make a falsified field up to 25DSU around yourself. The illusionary field can be altered in any way you feel to all subjects within the field must make a TS equal to
your own or believe the changes unless they are super drastic then it High Failure Negative (HFN)s. In the field senses are then altered to fit the Illusionary double
actions so it may grasp objects etc. if they fail the Illusionary field they believe the Illusionary double automatically. Although it is fake, somebody can still see the
world at their own ideal by choice and return at whim. If this power already exists on your character increase the range to 245DSU.

Illusionary Triple
Instead of Illusionary double you now have Illusionary triple which instead of 1 duplicate you create 3 Illusionary doubles

Demolition Expert
level 1 Enhanced Blast V1
level 2 Chuck and Duck
level 3 Blast the Point
level 4 Enhanced Blast V2
level 5 Big Bang Theory

Enhanced Blast V#
For 30 mins of work on the “Explosive” type weapon you can enhance its “Radius” by 3DSU or increase its dice Damage by 5d12 your choice on V1 on V2 you can select the
choices again thus either going with 2 Radius extensions 2 Damage extensions or a radius and Damage extension combo choices

Chuck and Duck

You gain a +5 to guard and Acrobatics Checks during a throwing action also if an enemy throws a “explosive” at you, you may make a free action to counter throw the explosive
back and they cannot make a throwback action which in the case you gain a +5 to sleight check to perform this action to catch it for the throw back chuck and duck counts as
a throwback effect

Blast the Point

Your range increment of throwing “Explosives” increases by 5DSU and called shots made with Explosives reduces the negative down by half

Big Bang Theory

Enhanced Blast can have any of these tune ups increased by your choice either increase the 5d12 to 10d12 or the radius boost of 3DSU to 5DSU you must make a choice upon
creation and decide if you want to apply this effect during the 30 min time

level 1 Psychology Expert V1/Study Zone V1
level 2 Catch On
level 3 Subterfuge/Study Zone V2
level 4 Knowledge Incarnate
level 5 Psychology Expert V2/Study Zone V3

Psychology Expert V1-2

You are a master of mental manipulations with words. Gain +10 to Bluff/Diplomacy/Intimidate checks. You cannot use your ability to make a character commit acts beyond their
moral compass that would harm themselves physically. On V2 this bonus increases by +20

Study Zone V#
In a 3DSU area per V# your Detective abilities may be performed. When an area is remained in for up to 6 seconds you gain a +1 to all detective abilities and
Sight/Scent/Listen/Mind/Study Checks to notice anything in that area Max cap +50.

Catch On
Within the Study Zone you may study a person and recognize any habits, weak spots, and looks and most things they are doing and memorize them for as long as you want. You
may tell your allies any information giving them a +10 bonus to all checks against that foe you always have this bonus to yourself.

You may lock down your Study Zone to your spot and move about that zone without losing your Study Zone when you leave that field you lose your bonuses.

Knowledge Incarnate
You may visually draw or write text of any Study Zone that you stayed within for 5mins. Any information you learn your character can recall any of it. You may tell your
allies any information giving them a +10 bonus to all checks against any check. You always have this bonus to yourself.

Dimensional Jumper
level 1 Dimensional Jump
level 2 Extra Dimensional Access
level 3 Shortcut Dimension
level 4 Dimensional Spot Jump
level 5 Extra Dimensional Extra Access

Dimensional Jump
You may call a “dimension” and jump to it as a Full Round ACT upon jumping you can take an amount of party members equal to the Dimensional Jumper level plus yourself the
location you end up at is random you cannot select the “extra dimension”

Extra Dimensional Access

You can reach into the special pocket dimension called the Extra Dimension this allows you to store items within it you must enter this space to get the items during that
time you are going for a Full Round ACT this basically moves you out of a plane of the dimension you were in leaving an access point where you come back too upon retrieval
of the item or just trial on leavening is another Full Round ACT where you appear just when you left

Shortcut Dimension
You can spend 1d4 hours to travel anywhere in that plan using special “shortcuts” within the dimensional fabric weaves

Dimensional Spot Jump

Dimension Jump now can pinpoint any known location using this basically is an easy access shortcut but you must know the location you are pinpointing not just a picture but
must have been there and stayed there for around an hour to remember the place

Extra Dimensional Extra Access

You quicken all the actions of this class's ability from Full Round ACT to an ACT

level 1 Natural User/Natures Whisper/Beast Master
level 2 Weather Controller/Natures Bounty
level 3 King of the Jungle/Bestial Wrath
level 4 Beast King/Quick Weather Control
level 5 Lord of Nature/Bestial Fury

Natural User
If you use Organic Weaponry (Wood or Animal parts or Stone) you gain +10 extra bonus Damage (your natural attacks do not benefit)

Natures Whisper
You may talk to animals and if you touch a subject they may talk to animals for up to 15mins

Beast Master
As a ½ ACT you may become any animal equal to your size or smaller for any period of time while in this form you are still treated to have your normal Physical abilities
except body part based in which case you may based upon form gain Wings, Arms, Legs, Heads, etc. to match the animal form (must be a natural animal) your body parts may
differ but in general you gain these abilities, 4 legged or more +3DSU land movement, aquatic animals gain 10DSU swim, those that do not use legs for casual movement (snakes
and octopuses) gain a 8DSU land movement and 6DSU swim can cannot be tripped, claws, fangs, beaks, other bodily weapons gain +5 to damage of natural attacks, unique limbs
(like elephants trunk of the such nature) are prehensile, and various sight types can match to a animal, these in turn also replace your natural abilities of your race for
the time frame till you return to normal. (sentient beings like listed in the races cannot be a chosen form it must be a creature we classify as capable of being a wild
animal and not say a “human”) but your equipment you wear cannot be used

Weather Controller
You may give up Casts (not as a Cast action) for every Cast level given up you may change the weather for 1min per Cast level. The speed of the weather change will occur in
over 15mins. Based on the planets weather plausible within a 10 kilometer radius you are center upon the choices are (some choices are not plausible based upon GM discretion
of environment) Rain (raise TS by 5 per 5 Casts), Wind (raise TS by 5 per 5 Casts), Fog (raise TS by 5 per 5 Casts), Sunny (clears up weathering effects except Temp Up, Wind
or Rain), Cloudy (clears up weathering effects except Rain, Wind and Temp Down), Temp Up (Raise heat temperature by 5 TS up to max of 30 TS), Temp Down (Decrease heat
temperature by 5 TS up to max of 30 TS). Certain weather effects will alter each other like Rain + Temp Down can crease hail. GM might have to discretion the effects the
weather is causing to the whole of any actions and skills performed.

Natures Bounty
You gain regeneration of 10 to your health and 1 to your vitality every round. While resting you regain x100 the rate of regeneration from this ability and you only have to
eat half as much or rest half as much in a day upon your choice per day.

King of the jungle

Your movement through rough natural terrain is negated and you may ignore climb checks to climb up trees

Bestial Wrath
Gain +10 Damage to Natural Attacks. Gain bonus 5d4 bonus dice to Natural Attacks this dice grade increases by +1 dice grade each round you are in Beast Form during combat
but you lose -5 Damage to Natural Attacks per round during combat. This dice is not effected by size grades. This effect resets after 5mins when combat ends.

Beast King
Your Natural User ability now works on your own natural attacks and increases to +15

Quick Weather Control

Your Weather Controller ability instead of 15mins to activate a change within 5mins at the cost at double the Casts.

Lord of Nature
Your Beast Master Ability grants all animals of the same type around you up to 60DSU a +25 to their skill checks and while in Beast Master animal form your equipment remains
functional but not visible.

Bestial Fury
gain +10 Damage to Natural Attacks. If you fell a foe while in Beast Form treat Bestial Wrath as if it passed 1 extra round. You may give up 1/10th your Max HP to also treat
Bestial Wrath as if it past 1 round.
Dual Duelist
level 1 Twin Weapon V1/Massive Weapon/Double Weapon
level 2 Twin Weapon Defense V1
level 3 Twin Weapon V2/Master Massive Weapon/Master Twin Weapon
level 4 Twin Weapon Defense V2
level 5 Twin Weapon V3/Twin Weapon Defense V3

Twin Weapon V1-3

When using a Non-Bodily weapon in each hand of up to 2. If you have multiple hands this requires another 2 for the second set to gain a bonus. Gain a +10 Aimed Strike Check
V2 grants a +20 Aimed Strike Check V3 grants a +30 Aimed Strike Check

Massive Weapon
When using a weapon 2 handed it gains a bonus damage of +10 Damage and acts as a buckler for blocking and grants a +15 hardness bonus for strike hardness and blocking
hardness along with +15 damage bonus when used for sundering.

Double Weapon
When using a Non-Bodily weapon in each hand of up to 2. If you have multiple hands this requires another 2 for the second set to gain a bonus. Gain a bonus Aimed Strike
Check of +10 and acts as a buckler for each weapon for blocking. You gain a +15 to grapple checks with the weapons to disarm the foes weapons. Combo attacks with these
weapons negate -10 of the Aimed Strike Check penalty.

Twin Weapon Defense V1-3

When fighting with a Non bodily weapon in 2 hands that is wielded and the other hand is not free you gain a +10 Guard Bonus added to the weapon (guard type based upon the
types the weapon is) V2 grants a +20 Guard Bonus added to the the weapon V3 grants a +30 Guard Bonus added to the weapon.

Master Massive Weapon

When single striking with a weapon in 2 hands it gains +30 damage. The Massive Weapon ability treats the weapon from being a buckler to a Light Shield. You may use a Aimed
Strike Check at half it's bonus +25 for Guard Checks

Master Twin Weapon

When performing combo attacks with the Twin Weapon ability instead gain a +10 Aimed Strike Check and a bonus +15 damage. If the weapons are performing multi strike reduce
the negative of the multi strike by half rounded down. You may use a Aimed Strike Check as a Guard Check at half it's Aimed Strike Check bonus.

level 1 Single Handed V1/Free Hand Fighting/Grab and Block
level 2 Defensive Weapon V1
level 3 Single Handed V2/Boundless Strikes
level 4 Defensive Weapon V2
level 5 En Guard Singular

Free Hand Fighting

All abilities in this class require you to being wielding a weapon in one hand that is not a natural weapon and only 1 weapon while the other hand or hands are free.

Single Handed V1-2

You gain a +15 Aimed Strike Check V2 grants a +30 Aimed Strike Check

Grab and Block

Your free hands gains a bonus +15 to grapple checks and is treated as 2 limbs instead of 1. Your weapon is treated as a light shield for blocking.

Defensive Weapon V1-2

Gain a +15 Guard Bonus added to the weapon (guard type based upon the types the weapon is) V2 grants a +30 Guard Bonus added to the weapon

Boundless Strike
You can perform a combo attack with itself up to 1 time per 4 character minimal 1 combo attack levels but treated as a single strike when performed also taking a -25 damage
each time you combo strike with this ability (but the negatives still apply to the Aimed Strike Check).

En Guard Singular
You cannot be flanked if you are holding your weapon

Level 1 Elemental Offensive/Elemental Defensive
Level 2 Weathered
Level 3 Elemental Ascendance
Level 4 Triumvirate of Elements
Level 5 Fury of the Elements/Protection of the Elements

Elemental Offensive
You may choose between Heat/Cold/Acid/Ion/Unholy/Holy and gain a +2x damage multiplier to that damage type. You may change the damage type once per day.

Elemental Defensive
You may choose between Heat/Cold/Acid/Ion/Unholy/Holy and gain +30 mitigation per level against that damage type. You may change the damage type once per day.
You may survive in any temperature, and may breathe under water.

Elemental Ascendance
Once per day you may double the effects of Elemental Offensive and Elemental Defensive for 3 rounds.

Triumvirate of Elements
Using a damage type that you may choose in Elemental Offensive increases the damage multipliers of all of other damage types that can be chosen in Elemental Offensive by +5x
for your next attack.

Fury of the Elements

When using the damage type chosen for your Elemental Offensive, all critical multipliers are increased by +2x. This bonus is doubled while Elemental Ascendance is active.

Protection of the Elements

You are immune to critical hits from the damage type chosen for your Elemental Defensive.

level 1 Tight Hold/Great Hold
level 2 Weaponized Grapple
level 3 Pressurized Hold/Slam Down
level 4 Crushing Hold
level 5 Lock Hold/Greater Weaponized Grapple

Tight Hold
When making a grapple attempt and you perform an action that normally makes you let go of the grapple you do not let go unless you want to unless it’s a throwing action.

Great Hold
Gain +10 to Grapple checks

Weaponized Grapple
When using a weapon for grapples it counts itself as if it was 3 limbs instead of 1 limb if it was a 1 handed weapon but 6 limbs if it was a 2 handed weapon only up to 1
weapon per wielding limb gains this bonus. If you are using example 3 weapons in a single hand from some ability this bonus only applies once.

Pressurized Hold
Gain a +1 to Grapple attempts per limb part that is involved in a grapple.

Slam Down
When you make a throw attempt you may continue holding them and consider them thrown as Damage thus if you would have thrown them thus they take their weight score and your
STR MOD Damage and they are prone while you are standing they are at this time within your reach distance and still in your grapple

Crushing Hold
Gain a +1 to Grapple attempts per limb part that is involved in a grapple.

Lock Hold
When making a grapple attempt and succeed, You do not have to make a check every round to keep them held if you did not perform an action that would normally break, The
ability Tight Hold does not apply and only negates breaking the grapple through those actions but does not assist this ability and any action that normally would break still

Greater Weaponized Grapple

Weaponized Grapple ability treats it's limb counts x2 the amount instead.

Great Buster
level 1 Bust Strike/Buster Fist
level 2 Slamming Force
level 3 Brutal Guard/Forceful Strike
level 4 Phwack/Breaker Slam
level 5 Bludgeoning Master

Bust Strike
With melee Impact damage (weapons that notably are not sharp like a club or a gun butt or a mace) the items hardness is treated x2 as much while striking.

Buster Fist
Attacks with STR MOD gives a bonus damage equal to your level x2

Slamming Force
Bust Strike hardness to striking is boosted by +2 multiplier also any Damage with the weapon is increased by x3 if you only perform 1 singular attack this attack counts as
a singular attack when this ability is activated.

Brutal Guard
If you wish you could treat a Bludgeoning in your hand as a shield to block treat any Bludgeoning weapon in hand has a +10 to your guard no matter the size

Forceful Strike
Any attack made with a Bludgeoning weapon, can push a target back 1DSU +1DSU for both 4th and 5th level if you wish if you hit them, if they wish to resist, they must beat
your TS +25 (Muscle) or be instead knocked prone.
When performing a single attack action you may ignore multiplier reducers equal to your character level.

Breaker Slam
For Slamming Force you can down the multiplier by -1 and ignore all damage reduction effects except those of Mecha/Vehicles

Bludgeoning Master
If you sunder an object successfully or render a body part useless you can boost your next Slamming Force attacks multiplier to x6

level 1 Gun Ace/Focused Fire Shots V1
level 2 Sharp Shot V1/Dead Eye
level 3 Ricochet V1/Focused Fire Shots V2
level 4 Sharp Shot V2/It's High Noon
level 5 Ricochet V2/Focused Fire Shots V3

Gun Ace
Any Firearm class weapon you use gains a +5 Aimed Strike Check and Damage

Focused Fire Shots V#

Every time you fire at the same target gain a +5 Aimed Strike Check per V# with firearm class weapons This Bonus Aimed Strike Check will last till you hit a new target.

Sharp Shot V#
Any Firearm class weapon you use gains +5 Aimed Strike Check and a +1 CRIT degree V2 grants another +5 Aimed Strike Check and an +1 CRIT degree.

Dead Eye
Claim a Target and every time you do a Focus action for a ½ ACT and gain +25 Aimed Strike Check against that target along with a +5 Damage each round you remain Focused on
that target without attacking upon them. You may only deal this bonus damage and Aimed Strike Check once per round only.

It's High Noon

Dead Eye's Bonus on Aimed Strike Check grows each turn you do not attack the target you are focused upon and the damage each round growth increases to +10 instead.

Ricochet V#
Any Firearm class weapon you use can bounce off up to 2 times to hit a target V2 allows 4 all ricochet bounces must be called and strike on objects of equal or harder than
the bullet once it strikes an object that is less hardness or target object or foe it will end its course of ricochet laser weapons can only be ricochet off mirrored

Hack Warrior
Level 1 Input Attack / Firewall
Level 2 Input Shield / System Shock
Level 3 Hardened Firewall / Feedback Firewall
Level 4 ADD-ON Jammer
Level 5 Digital Shadow

Input Attack
You may cast as a free action while making an attack to increase the damage of an attack by +5 per cast expended, up to a maximum of +500 damage for an attack. This is
considered a Data Input cast.

Once per round as a free action you may take 1/2 damage from a Data Input cast made against you

Input Shield
You may make a Data Input cast to expend up to 10 casts, granting you a bonus to Gravity guard of 10 per cast that you expended. This effect lasts for 2 rounds and does not
stack with itself.

System Shock
When making an attack against a target or computer system you may apply the EMP effect from the Ion damage type effect against them and their equipment. If your attack is
already Ion damage type, the EMP chance is increased to 30%.

Hardened Firewall
Once per round after using your Firewall ability you may choose to gain another use in the same round. This ability cannot be used in the same round as Feedback Firewall.

Feedback Firewall
Once per round when you reduce damage with youre Firewall ability you may cause the caster to take 1/2 of the damage you reduced the total damage by. This damage cannot be
multiplied. This ability cannot be used in the same round as Hardened Firewall.

ADD-ON Jammer
As an Act you may cancel all ADD-ONs on an item for 1d4 rounds. Up to two items may have their ADD-ONs disabled by you at one time.

Digital Shadow
Whenever you are scanned by any scanning ability the data is blank, and you gain bonus damage against the target that scanned you equal to your charater level * 3 for your
next attack.
Level 1 Song of Inspiration
Level 2 Song of Grace/Listen Close
Level 3 Song of Might
Level 4 Song of Endurance
Level 5 Clarity

Song of Inspiration
As a 1/2 act you may start singing, granting all who can hear and understand your song a +20 to all skill checks(Aimed Strike Check and Grapple is only increased by 10). It
takes a 1/2 act every round to maintain this ability. Understanding your song is language dependent. Only one song may be active at once.

Listen Close
As an extra ½ ACT your songs only affects allies.

Song of Grace
As a 1/2 act you may start singing, giving all who can hear and understand your song one free action evasion per round and +1DSU increased evasion distance. It takes a 1/2
act every round to maintain this ability. Understanding your song is language dependent. Only one song may be active at once.

Song of Might
As a 1/2 act you may start singing, giving all who can hear and understand your song +1 crit range and multiplier. It takes a 1/2 act every round to maintain this ability.
Understanding your song is language dependent. Only one song may be active at once.

Song of Endurance
As a 1/2 act you may start singing, giving all who can hear and understand your song +1 stamina per round and healing them for 10d8 + PSY. It takes a 1/2 act every round to
maintain this ability. Understanding your song is language dependent. Only one song may be active at once.

You do not need to spend a 1/2 act to maintain your songs but must make an Endure Check of 10, increasing by 10 for every round you maintain the song. If you fail an Endure
Check you must rest for 5 minutes before being able to sing again.

Havoc Charger
level 1 Wild Striker/Side Dash
level 2 With the Wind/Double Dash
level 3 High Risk Threat/Velocity Dash
level 4 Rushing Adrenaline/Tumble Dash
level 5 Suicidal Striker/Mach Dash

Wild Striker
You may give up Aimed Strike Check equal to the level of any "Havoc" named class levels x2 you then gain Damage equal to the lost Aimed Strike Check plus the amount of
"Havoc" named classes you possess x5

Side Dash
When performing a charge you may drift up to 3DSU instead of 1DSU.

With the Wind

You may instead give up Guard roll bonus for 2 rounds for Wild Striker instead of Aimed Strike Check

Double Dash
When performing a charge attack if you hit the main target you you may perform 1 free charge attack of up to 6DSU away. You may not activate this effect with itself.

High Risk Threat

When you make a charge attack you can gain a bonus Aimed Strike Check and Evasion equal to the amount of "Havoc" class levels you possess while in the charge

Velocity Dash
Gain +1 Aimed Strike Check per 3DSU of movement in a charge attack.

Rushing Adrenaline
When making a charge attack you can trample or run through the target's square and continue the charge, but the entire move action must be in a straight line with a maximum
1DSU drift. You can only trample targets of equal or smaller size, and a trampled target is pushed to the left or right behind you after being hit. The Trample is considered
a Forceful Push.

Tumble Dash
After a charge attack you may move up to 1DSU (improved by anything that raises evasion movement) away from the struck target.

Suicidal Striker
When at 10% of your own Max HP you gain a bonus +10 Damage to all forms of attacking if you wish you could minus up to -10 Aimed Strike Check for an extra Damage bump of up
to x2 the Aimed Strike Check minus from the affect

Mach Dash
During a charge attack if you roll an Acrobatics Check you do not use up a ½ ACT to continue the charge.

Havoc Runner
Level 1 Destructive Steps/Dashing Guard/Flash Step +1DSU
Level 2 Flash Step +3DSU/Endless March
Level 3 Momentum/Full Circle Movement/Flash Step +1DSU
Level 4 Flash Step +3DSU/Pain Train
Level 5 Sprinter/Stagger Rush/Flash Step +1DSU

Destructive Steps
For each 1DSU of Flash Step you gain +2 Damage to charge attacks.

Dashing Guard
When charging you do not suffer any negatives to guard or evasion.

Flash Step +1DSU

Flash step ability adds a movement bonus to land speed only based of 1DSU, all flash steps stack together.

Flash Step +3DSU

Flash step ability adds a movement bonus to land speed only based of 3DSU, all flash steps stack together.

Endless March
When using stamina to move as a interruption action it instead will cost ½ as much Stamina rounded down.

After charging an enemy, you gain +3DSU movement for 1 round.

Full Circle Movement

When not charge attacking and you move at least 1 full circle around a foe you gain flank and backside against that foe for that round even if you normally do not gain those
benefits from positioning.

Pain Train
When charging your Aimed Strike Check and Damage is increased by +5 for every 3DSU you move max +15 Aimed Strike Check and max +10 to damage per character level.

You may use 1 stamina point to grant a bonus +3DSU to Flash Step stacking movement.

Stagger Rush
When Charge Attacking you may instead apply the charge as a forceful push at +5 TS per 3DSU you moved in the charge.

Havoc Warrior
level 1 Destruction Wave Strike
level 2 Smart Fighter/Smash Pummel
level 3 Break Attack/Fierce Force
level 4 Piston Force/Mega Force Control
level 5 Magnum Piston Force

Destruction Wave Strike

When you perform a melee attack it is enhanced with a extra radius effecting others outside of the main target and the targets own equipment. When applied the damage is
spread over a 2 DSU radius from the target and damage within the radius is cut ½ of the original damage. The radius considers the area of effect as if it's trying to strike
with the exact same melee attack. Destruction Wave radius only effects each target once per radius thus if multiple radius activate simultaneously from a singular attack
they do not stack and only apply once. This can also counts damage against any articles in the radius at will.

Smart Fighter
You may apply ½ your PSY with your STR for Aimed Strike Check counting as both Tactical Aimed Strike Check and Forceful Aimed Strike Check. You may apply ½ your PSY MOD to
your Melee damage. This will not count for any effect that triggers on use of PSY MOD for Aimed Strike Check or Damage.

Smash Pummel
When using any STR based Aimed Strike Check you may grant that attack a bonus +10 damage.

Break Attack
When using Aimed Strike Check as a Deflection or Counter Deflection Attack you do not suffer the -10 Aimed Strike Check and instead of ½ Damage you deal full damage. When
performing a improvised attack with a shield it gain +10 Extra Damage. When performing the Break Attack with a shield using Deflection or Counter Deflection Aimed Strike
Check as a improvised attack you may use ½ it's Guard Bonus +10. Two-Handed Weapons gain +10 bonus when using Deflection or Counter Deflection Attack. Two-Handed Weapons
treat ½ Their Damage Bonus as Guard and ADD-ONs for Guard will treat this as Innate Guard of the article.

Fierce Force
Gain a bonus +5 damage and strike hardness to all melee attacks.

Piston Force
Deal +1 multiplier to your Damage with your Melee attack for one Melee attack for 1% (LUK does not effect) of your Max HP. You cannot regenerate and all healing is divided
by 4 after tally result for 1 round after use.

Mega Force Control

Smash Pummel & Fierce Force gains an extra +10 damage and strike hardness to all attacks. Destruction Wave Strike can instead can be turned into a reach attack of up to 2DSU
and the struck target radius gains a +1DSU extra on the radius at will and you can designate the effected areas.

Magnum Piston Force

Deals +2 to multiplier instead of +1 for the Piston Punch.
level 1 Heal V1/Cure Supplement/Vitality Restore
level 2 Heal V2/Cure Empower
level 3 Heal V3/Cure Amplify
level 4 Heal V4/Cure Burst
level 5 Heal V5/Cure Burst Target

Heal V#
For a ½ ACT
Heals The Target for 2d4+PSY x3
V2 4d6+PSY x3
V3 6d8+PSY MOD x3
V4 8d10+PSY MOD x3
V5 10d12+PSY MOD x3

Cure Supplement
Any Healing effect that in itself has healed not damaged may have it's MOD Max raised by x2 if it has no MOD Max instead boost it's healing by +10 per Heal V#.

Vitality Restore
You may turn a Heal effect into a Vitality healing effect but the healing is cut in half.

Cure Empower
You may remove a status effect when Healing a target which will cure 1 status effect for each V# of heal.

Cure Amplify
Cure Supplement modifier is increased to x5 instead of x2 and it's no MOD Max raise from +10 to +20 for a ½ ACT.

Cure Burst
You can do as a ½ ACT add 3DSU radius to your Heal V# ability and for every extra ½ ACT spent increase it by 3DSU. You may keep activating this ability and then use up the
radius effect when you please. The distance limit is up to 100DSU radius. In this ability the healing affect does effect foes.

Cure Burst Target

Your Cure Burst ability instead allows you to choose the targets in the radius.

Heavy Gunner
Level 1 Heavy Weapon/Gun Stability
Level 2 Massive Weapon Master V1
Level 3 Ground of Copper/Gunner's Nest
Level 4 Massive Weapon Master V2
Level 5 Super Charged/Stand Your Ground

Heavy Weapon
When using weapons classified as Modern Heavy, Modern Launcher, Modern Sprayer, Rail Heavy, Rail Launcher, Plasma Heavy, Laser Heavy, or Modern Rifles using High Military
Rounds you deal an additional 10% damage to vehicles.

Gun Stability
Any gun with Power Kick will no longer apply its penalty against you, including the Power Kick Aimed Strike penalty for firing multiple shots.

Massive Weapon Master

When using weapons from the Heavy Weapon ability, they are enhanced:

- Modern Heavy, Rail Heavy, Plasma Heavy, and Laser Heavy Weapons may deal ½ damage to knock the target back by 1 DSU per 10 dice of the gun. On
V2 they also knock the target prone. TS Muscle to negate.
- Modern Launcher, Modern Sprayer, and Rail Launcher Weapons deal +1 dice grade of damage. Upon V2 they deal an additional +1 dice grade of
- Modern Rifles using High Military Rounds gain +0.5 DSU penetration distance. Upon V2 they gain an additional +0.5 DSU penetration distance.

Ground of Copper
The reload action for weapons from Massive Weapon Master is reduced:

- Full Round ACT becomes an ACT

- 1 ACT becomes 1/2 ACT
- 1/2 ACT becomes a Free Action
- All other action costs are cut in half

Gunner's Nest
When using a weapon from Heavy Weapon in combat and you do not move in a round, that weapon will deal +5 damage on all attacks stacking up to 10 times. Once you move, this
bonus is lost.

Stand Your Ground

Gunner's Nest now also grants you 15 damage mitigation against area of effect attacks per stack.

Super Charge
When using a weapon from Heavy Weapon you may add up to +5 multipliers to the damage of a shot but the weapon suffers 3%(Unaffected by LUK) of maximum health in damage per
multiplier added.
level 1 Hunter Mastery V1/Swift Runner/Marking Call Target
level 2 Survivalist V1/Hunter Mastery V2/Tracker
level 3 Survivalist V2/Hunter Mastery V3/Camouflage
level 4 Survivalist V3/Hunter Mastery V4/Tranquil Focus
level 5 Hunter Mastery V5/Narrow Dasher/Heighten Camouflage

Hunter Mastery V#
Choose 1 skill out of 5 per V# to grant special abilities listed below. Each Hunter Mastery V# gain a +10 to a single skill of your choice. You may change these choices once
a week.
-Melee Hunter
Melee attacks with Marking Call Target ability active on the foe grants +20 Bonus Melee damage against that target.
-Ranged Hunter
Melee attacks with Marking Call Target ability active on the foe grants +20 Bonus Ranged damage against that target.
-Swift Hunter
Swift Runner grants a bonus +3DSU of movement while in rough terrain but will leave traces if used. Pick either Tracker, Camouflage or Heighten Camouflage while it's active
and reduce the penalty it produces by -3DSU.
-Tracking Hunter
You may keep a Marking Call Target ability claim indefinably even out of sight which also grants Tracker ability and Camouflage ability +25 extra bonus against the target.
-Spotting Hunter
You may spot any potential environment or trap disastrous effects in an area of 8DSU and probability of chain reactions to activate them or avoid them. This will not spot
crafted traps but will grant a +25 Sight check to spot them.

Swift Runner
Ignore Rough Terrain in a natural environmental and leave no trace of your trail to be tracked by physically.

Marking Call Target

Claim a target once a turn, You may as a “Focus” action that costs a ACT gain a +20 Aimed Strike Check against that target and allies gain a +10 Aimed Strike Check against
that target as a free action when you alert them. This claimed target must remain in sight to keep the claim.

Grant a +25 to Listen and Sight checks but must move at –3DSU Movement while active. Give up a -1DSU of movement to cover up the tracks of up to 2 persons per Hunter level.
Each size category up counts as 2 persons extra starting from Large and up while For small size and smaller are free and do not take up till 4 or more are present.

Survivalist V#
You may obtain raw materials from nature to feed yourself and you may make a healing Tonic 5 times per day from this gathering the tonic heals 100+your level x100 HP or
removes 2 status effect or heals 50+your level x50 HP and removes 1 status effect. At V2 you may make up to 10 tonics per day instead. And always provides +50+your level x50
more healing. At V3 you may make up to 15 tonics per day instead. And always provides +50+your level x50 more healing. These Tonics are a free action to use on yourself or
to another or a ½ ACT for an ally to use. These items take up 1kg per 15 stacked.

Grants a +25 to stealth checks against sight but only in concealable environments (tall grass, behind building walls, trees, etc.) as long as up to 50% of yourself is
concealable but give up -3DSU to your movement while this ability is active.

Tranquil Focus
Any action that requires a “Focus” is reduced by a ½ ACT. For each “Focus” effect that was activated in that single “Focus” gain +10 Aimed Strike Check.

Heighten Camouflage
Any “Camouflage” has it's bonus doubled but give up -5DSU to your movement while this ability is active.

Narrow Dasher
Tracker and Camouflage and Heighten Camouflage have their movement penalty reduced by -1DSU. You may also attack during a movement once a turn.

Improvised Battler
level 1 Improvised Weapon V1/Improvised Shield V1/Improvised Deflection
level 2 Improvised Weapon V2/Improvised Shield V2/Improvised Disarm
level 3 Improvised Weapon V3/Improvised Shield V3/Improvised Ranged
level 4 Improvised Weapon V4/Improvised Shield V4/Improvised Break Down
level 5 Improvised Weapon V5/Improvised Shield V5/Improvised Painful Strike

Improvised Weapon V#
For each V# raise a Improvised Weapons damage by +5. An improvised weapon takes ½ as much Damage when it strikes something harder than itself opponents body is harder or
they successfully defended and their armor is harder the weapon counts as taken the Damage but at half.

Improvised Shield V#
When using Improvised shielding like chairs mugs pans you make them give you a bonus that of +5 to Guard per V#. An Improvised Shield takes ½ as much Damage when struck by
something harder than itself opponents body is harder or they successfully hit and their weapon or body is harder the shield counts as taken the Damage but at half.

Improvised Deflection
You may double your Guard Check with an Improvised Shield at the cost of the item breaking

Improvised Disarm
When a Melee attack is successfully Defended again with an Improvised Shield (without breaking it) you may attempt a grapple check this grapple check if successful will
disarm both the Improvised Shield Item and the opponents weapons that was defended against
Improvised Ranged
You may throw an Improvised Weapon up to 6DSU extra

Improvised Break Down

If the Improvised Weapon Breaks you may (If the item breaks correctly like a chair turn into chair legs) continue to use the Improvised Weapon this also applies for an
Improvised Shield till the item lacks correct length and use as a useful Improvised Weapon or Shield (Determined by the GM)

Improvised Painful Strike

When you use an Improvised Weapon you may Double its dice Damage from Improvised Battler and make the enemy do an Endure Check with TS equal to the Damage if done the item
will break but the opponent will lose a ½ ACT on its next turn for each turn till they pass the TS or you may apply that they take 5d6 points of bleeding Damage each turn
till they beat the TS on each of their turns

level 1 Honor Code/Melee Strike/Guard Stance/Honors Grace
level 2 Bound Honor
level 3 Knights Move
level 4 Knights Perfect Stance
level 5 Knights Honor

Honor Code
To Maintain any knights abilities you must obey the honor code the honor code choices you can select more than 1 the choices are if you break honor it takes 1d4 rounds to
atone for it once you select your Honor Codes the choices cannot be changed unless you spend 1 week to attain a new Honor Code set up during that time you still obey your
old code and your current new chosen codes you cannot take contradicting codes which are obvious (Mercy Code vs. Merciless) (Obey The Law vs. Chaos Ideal)

-Never Flank
You cannot take a flank bonus against a foe on your own volition (upon forfeit neither you nor your flanker gain the bonus)
-Mercy Code (Cannot be taken with Merciless Code)
You cannot kill somebody in battle on your own volition nor commit to a finishing blow unless they attempt to threaten you again
-Merciless Code(Cannot be taken with Mercy Code)
You must kill somebody that threatens your life with true action without questioning
-Obey The Law (Cannot be taken with Chaos Ideal Code)
You must Obey Every Single Law in its entirety (only you yourself though the laws must make sense not without reason)
-Chaos Ideal (Cannot be taken with Obey The Law Code)
You must consider freedom over law you hereby consider freedom over law itself (only yourself but obeying general sensible laws is fine)
You must always serve your masters words (but this does not go to the far reaches of stupid life risks)
You must guard something with your life (this does not mean for vain efforts though in most cases)

Melee Strike
Your prowess with weapons gives you a +3 Damage boost with all weaponry this bonus. This increases every 2 levels you have to a max of +150, you may split this bonus between
the gear you are using. Any boost to this ability are effected by per level. Max bonus to any 1 weapon is +50. This Damage after splitting can only apply for 2 attacks per
“Knight” “Archer” “Samurai” “Dragoon” “Paladin” “Druid” “Magus” “Cleric” “Yuusha Of Heroes” “Musketeer” or “Berserker” named class you have +1 Extra time per 2 honor codes
you have active.

Guard Stance
Your prowess with Shields and Armor gives you a +3 Guard same type as the applied Armor or Shield it's applied to against attacks. This increases every 2 levels you have to
a max of +150, you may split this bonus between the gear you are using. Any boost to this ability are effected by per level.

Honors Grace
For each Honor Code active you have gain +1 Aimed Strike Check per character level to a max of +150, you may split this bonus between the gear you are using. Any boost to
this ability are effected by per level. This Aimed Strike Check after splitting can only apply for 2 attacks per “Knight” “Archer” “Samurai” “Dragoon” “Paladin” “Druid”
“Magus” “Cleric” “Yuusha Of Heroes” “Musketeer” or “Berserker” named class you have +1 Extra time per 2 honor codes you have active.

Bound Honor
Your Honor System Grows Further and as long as you keep Honor Code you gain a +5 to all knight class abilities boosts except this one (cannot exceed max of the max of the
+150) if you disobey any of your Honor Codes you may still us your Knight abilities but lose the bonus +5.

Knights Move
If you are fighting with other classes with Knight in their name that are allies you gain +5 per ally knight except to this ability to all your Knight class abilities boosts
(except Bound Honor) (cannot exceed max of the +150) if you disobey your Honor code this effect does not apply and you do not give the bonus to other knights till atoned.
Each Knights bonus must touch up to 3DSU from one another to count for the bonus as well.

Knights Perfect Stance

Raise Melee Strike and Guard Stance and Honors Grace with +2 extra to their boosts, As a Full Round ACT and once per combat you may double these bonuses (the double bonus
may exceed max of the +150) for the entire combat (You may only do this effect once per combat).

Knights Honor
All other characters that are not “Knight” named class may grant ½ rounded down bonus from Knights Perfect Stance. As long as they remain near that Knight of up to 3DSU.
This bonus does not apply again from other knights to those characters but always take the highest plausible bonus from the choices. You may chain the highest of the
knight's bonus through the aura's touching.

level 1 Arcane Cast V1/Mystic Cast V1/Mystic Blaster
level 2 Arcane Cast V2/Mystic Cast V2/Area Alter
level 3 Arcane Cast V3/Mystic Cast V3/Mystical Scan
level 4 Arcane Cast V4/Mystic Cast V4/Mystic Blaster Elemental
level 5 Arcane Cast V5/Mystic Cast V5/Mystical Incantation

Mystic Blaster
Per “Magus” named class level you gain a seeking magic shot that deals 15 Mystic damage each shot that always hits it's target as long as you saw them in the last 1 minute,
this is a violent action once performed and all shots are done as a single action. This damage cannot be boosted or multiplied by any effects except if noted. Each 5 counts
it's damage as a singular damage when applying against damage reducing sources and for each “Magus” named class except Magus the amount to count as a singular damage
increases by another 5 this amount is tripled when applying against environment damages.

Area Alter
If you have another “Magus” named class it's abilities with “Imbued” in their names if used can be done as a free action if not used violent but you may only do this once
per turn per different named class with “Magus” in it's name or is treated as a Magus class.

Mystical Scan
You may cause all magical articles to light up visible to all if a target is invisible then it's stealth bonus is decreased to +25 and make it shimmer at a 25% miss chance
instead of it's 50%, If spotting a invisible being they cannot use their invisibility correctly till it they are out of sight from Mystical Scan, and through the lights aura
of colors gain a +10 per “Magus” named Class levels to decipher the magics use and origin. This is consider mystic sight.

Mystical Blaster Elemental

Any “Magus” named class that changes the damage type of your Mystic Casts can also apply to Mystic Blaster but only 1 damage type can exist on all your Mystical Blaster
charges at the same time.

Mystical Incantation
Your Mystic Blaster can shoot up to x2 the Shots and a extra shot per 5 HP you give up multiplied by your level, also instead of Shots these can leave time delayed bomb that
bursts upon a ACT and does not count any shot as a violent action till you detonate the shots max amount of detonation shots is 100 at once passively active and all must
explode at the same time.

Mystic Cast V1
All Casts are Mystic Power Cast type

-Mystic Blast Chain

Mystic Blast - 8DSU range 10d8 + PSY MOD (max 20) Acrobatics Check Half
Mystic Precision Blast – 10DSU range 5d8 + PSY MOD (max 20) Acrobatics Check Half though TS is lost by -15 and may called shot
Mystic Spread Blast - 16DSU range that fires a line that extends in width and height by 1DSU every 5DSU 5d4 + PSY MOD (max 20) Acrobatics Check Half
Mystic Explosion – 8DSU range 10d6 + PSY MOD (max 20) In a 3DSU Radius Acrobatics Check Half
-Mystic Push Chain
Mystic Push – Use the Forceful push ability or pick up objects of a range up to a 8DSU range this may push objects and such at 1 size larger than you Acrobatics Check to
avoid or Muscle to negate. You may keep only 1 forceful push up at once per Cast.
Mystic Push Spread - Use the Forceful push ability or pick up objects of a range up to a 5DSU range this may push objects and such at equal size to you Acrobatics Check to
avoid or Muscle to negate. You may keep only 2 forceful push up at once per Cast.
-Mystic Shield Chain
Mystic Shield – Target gets a +5 to Guard Checks for 2 round
Mystic Shield Spread – 2 different Targets get a +5 to Guard Checks for 1 round
-Mystic Target Chain
Mystic Target – Add a +2 to Aimed Strike Check against 1 target for 2 rounds (this is not a violent action)
Mystic Target Spread – Add a +1 to Aimed Strike Check against 2 different targets for 1 round (this is not a violent action)
-Mystic Camo Chain
Mystic Camo – Turn target invisible for 2 rounds if they Cast or do a violent action the miss chance becomes 25% instead of 50% (this is magical invisibility thus bright
sight cannot negate but count as an illusion)
Mystic Camo Spread – Turn 2 different targets invisible for 1 round if they Cast or do a violent action the miss chance becomes 25% instead of 50% (this is magical
invisibility thus bright sight cannot negate but count as an illusion)
Mystic Camo Bubble – 5DSU range create a 3DSU radius that turns any thing within it of your choice completely invisible for 1 round if anything Cast or do a violent action
the miss chance becomes 25% instead of 50% (this is magical invisibility thus bright sight cannot negate but count as an illusion)

Mystic Cast V2
-Mystic Blast Chain
Mystic Surge - 16DSU range 10d10 + PSY MOD (max 30) Acrobatics Check Half
Mystic Precision Surge – 20DSU range 5d10 + PSY MOD (max 30) Acrobatics Check Half though TS is lost by -15 and may called shot
Mystic Spread Surge - 25DSU range that fires a line that extends in width and height by 1DSU every 5DSU 10d4 + PSY MOD (max 20) Acrobatics Check Half
Mystic Explosion Surge - 12DSU range 10d8 + PSY MOD (max 30) In a 3DSU Radius Acrobatics Check Half
-Mystic Push Chain
Mystic Lift – Use the Forceful push ability or pick up objects of a range up to an 16DSU range this may push objects and such at 2 sizes larger than you Acrobatics Check to
avoid or Muscle to negate. You may keep only 1 forceful push up at once per Cast.
Mystic Lift Spread - Use the Forceful push ability or pick up objects of a range up to a 8DSU range this may push objects and such at 1 size larger than you Acrobatics Check
to avoid or Muscle to negate. You may keep only 3 forceful push up at once per Cast.
-Mystic Shield Chain
Mystic Armor – Target gets a +10 to Guard Checks for 3 rounds
Mystic Armor Spread – 3 different Targets get a +10 to Guard Checks for 1 round
-Mystic Target Chain
Mystic Target Greater - Add a +4 to Aimed Strike Check against 1 target for 2 rounds (this is not a violent action)
Mystic Target Greater Spread – Add a +2 to Aimed Strike Check against 3 different targets for 1 round (this is not a violent action)
-Mystic Target Chain
Mystic Merge Camo – Turn target invisible for 3 rounds if they Cast or do a violent action the miss chance becomes 25% instead of 50% (this is magical invisibility thus
bright sight cannot negate but count as an illusion)
Mystic Merge Camo Spread – Turn 3 different targets invisible for 1 round if they Cast or do a violent action the miss chance becomes 25% instead of 50% (this is magical
invisibility thus bright sight cannot negate but count as an illusion)
Mystic Merge Camo Bubble – 5DSU range create a 3DSU radius that turns any thing within it of your choice completely invisible for 2 round if anything Cast or do a violent
action the miss chance becomes 25% instead of 50% (this is magical invisibility thus bright sight cannot negate but count as an illusion)
Mystic Cast V3
-Mystic Blast Chain
Mystic Explosion - 25DSU range 10d12 + PSY MOD (max 40) Acrobatics Check Half
Mystic Precision Explosion – 30DSU range 5d12 + PSY MOD (max 40) Acrobatics Check Half though TS is lost by -15 and may called shot
Mystic Spread Explosive - 165DSU range that fires a line that extends in width and height by 1DSU every 5DSU 15d4 + PSY MOD (max 20) Acrobatics Check Half
Mystic Explosive Explosion – 16DSU range 10d10 + PSY MOD (max 40) In a 5DSU Radius Acrobatics Check Half
-Mystic Push Chain
Mystic Force Lift – Use the Forceful push ability or pick up objects of a range up to a 25DSU range this may push objects and such at 3 sizes larger than you Acrobatics
Check to avoid or Muscle to negate. You may keep only 1 forceful push up at once per Cast.
Mystic Force Lift Spread - Use the Forceful push ability or pick up objects of a range up to a 12DSU range this may push objects and such at 1 size larger than you
Acrobatics Check to avoid or Muscle to negate. You may keep only 4 forceful push up at once per Cast.
-Mystic Shield Chain
Mystic Heavy Shield – Target gets a +15 to Guard Checks for 4 rounds
Mystic Armor Spread – 4 different Targets get a +15 to Guard Checks for 2 round
-Mystic Target Chain
Mystic Target Superior - Add a +6 to Aimed Strike Check against 1 target for 2 rounds (this is not a violent action)
Mystic Target Superior Spread – Add a +3 to Aimed Strike Check against 4 different targets for 2 round (this is not a violent action)
-Mystic Camo Chain
Mystic Invisibility – Turn target invisible for 4 rounds if they Cast or do a violent action the miss chance becomes 25% instead of 50% (this is magical invisibility thus
bright sight cannot negate but count as an illusion)
Mystic Invisibility Spread – Turn 4 different targets invisible for 2 round if they Cast or do a violent action the miss chance becomes 25% instead of 50% (this is magical
invisibility thus bright sight cannot negate but count as an illusion)
Mystic Invisibility Bubble – 6DSU range create a 3DSU radius that turns any thing within it of your choice completely invisible for 3 round if anything Cast or do a violent
action the miss chance becomes 25% instead of 50% (this is magical invisibility thus bright sight cannot negate but count as an illusion)

Mystic Cast V4
-Mystic Blast Chain
Mystic Crush - 165DSU range 20d6 + PSY MOD (max 50) Acrobatics Check Half
Mystic Precision Crush – 40DSU range 10d6 + PSY MOD (max 50) Acrobatics Check Half though TS is lost by -15 and may called shot
Mystic Spread Crush - 40DSU range that fires a line that extends in width and height by 1DSU every 5DSU 20d4 + PSY MOD (max 20) Acrobatics Check Half
Mystic Explosive Crush – 20DSU range 10d12 + PSY MOD (max 50) In a 5DSU Radius Acrobatics Check Half
-Mystic Push Chain
Mystic Force Push – Use the Forceful push ability or pick up objects of a range up to a 165DSU range this may push objects and such at 4 sizes larger than you Acrobatics
Check to avoid or Muscle to negate. You may keep only 1 forceful push up at once per Cast.
Mystic Force Push Spread - Use the Forceful push ability or pick up objects of a range up to a 16DSU range this may push objects and such at 1 size larger than you
Acrobatics Check to avoid or Muscle to negate. You may keep only 5 forceful push up at once per Cast.
-Mystic Shield Chain
Mystic Heavy Armor – Target gets a +20 to Guard Checks for 5 rounds
Mystic Heavy Armor Spread – 5 different Targets get a +20 to Guard Checks for 2 round
-Mystic Target Chain
Mystic Target Ultra - Add a +8 to Aimed Strike Check against 1 target for 2 rounds (this is not a violent action)
Mystic Target Ultra Spread – Add a +4 to Aimed Strike Check against 5 different targets for 2 round (this is not a violent action)
-Mystic Camo Chain
Mystic Merge Invisibility – Turn target invisible for 5 rounds if they Cast or do a violent action the miss chance becomes 25% instead of 50% (this is magical invisibility
thus bright sight cannot negate but count as an illusion)
Mystic Merge Invisibility Spread – Turn 5 different targets invisible for 2 round if they Cast or do a violent action the miss chance becomes 25% instead of 50% (this is
magical invisibility thus bright sight cannot negate but count as an illusion)
Mystic Merge Invisibility Bubble – 6DSU range create a 3DSU radius that turns any thing within it of your choice completely invisible for 4 round if anything Cast or do a
violent action the miss chance becomes 25% instead of 50% (this is magical invisibility thus bright sight cannot negate but count as an illusion)

Mystic Cast V5
-Mystic Blast Chain
Mystic Strike Blast - 40DSU range 20d8 + PSY MOD (max 60) Acrobatics Check Half
Mystic Precision Strike Blast – 50DSU range 10d8 + PSY MOD (max 60) Acrobatics Check Half though TS is lost by -15 and may called shot
Mystic Spread Strike Blast - 245DSU range that fires a line that extends in width and height by 1DSU every 5DSU 25d4 + PSY MOD (max 20) Acrobatics Check Half
Mystic Explosive Blast – 25DSU range 20d12 + PSY MOD (max 60) In a 6DSU Radius Acrobatics Check Half
-Mystic Push Chain
Mystic Mass Force Push – Use the Forceful push ability or pick up objects of a range up to a 40DSU range this may push objects and such at 5 sizes larger than you Acrobatics
Check to avoid or Muscle to negate. You may keep only 1 forceful push up at once per Cast.
Mystic Mass Force Push Spread - Use the Forceful push ability or pick up objects of a range up to a 20DSU range this may push objects and such at 2 size larger than you
Acrobatics Check to avoid or Muscle to negate. You may keep only 6 forceful push up at once per Cast.
-Mystic Shield Chain
Mystic Mass Armor – Target gets a +25 to Guard Checks for 6 rounds
Mystic Mass Armor Spread – 6 different Targets get a +25 to Guard Checks for 3 round
-Mystic Target Chain
Mystic Target Perfected - Add a +10 to Aimed Strike Check against 1 target for 2 rounds (this is not a violent action)
Mystic Target Perfected Spread – Add a +5 to Aimed Strike Check against 6 different targets for 6 round (this is not a violent action)
-Mystic Camo Chain
Mystic Mass Invisibility – Turn target invisible for 6 rounds if they Cast or do a violent action the miss chance becomes 25% instead of 50% (this is magical invisibility
thus bright sight cannot negate but count as an illusion)
Mystic Mass Invisibility Spread – Turn 6 different targets invisible for 3 round if they Cast or do a violent action the miss chance becomes 25% instead of 50% (this is
magical invisibility thus bright sight cannot negate but count as an illusion)
Mystic Mass Invisibility Bubble – 8DSU range create a 5DSU radius that turns any thing within it of your choice completely invisible for 5 round if anything Cast or do a
violent action the miss chance becomes 25% instead of 50% (this is magical invisibility thus bright sight cannot negate but count as an illusion)

Arcane Cast V1
All casts are Mystic Power Cast casts

Illuminate - An object gains brightness TS 10 within 3DSU for up to 5 minutes

Clarity of Mind - Target gains a +5 Mind check to resist mental effects for 2 rounds
Anticipation - Target gains a +5 to Initiative checks for 5 minutes
Arcane Disguise - Make a target appear as another person for 10 minutes. Target can dismiss disguise at will, and will drop on taking a violent action.

Arcane Cast V2
Call Object - Brings an item within 8DSU to you. Cannot be used on equipment being wielded by others.
Silence - Target cannot speak for 1d4 rounds. Mind check to negate.
Arcane Distraction - Target has a 25% chance to lose any action they take for 2 rounds.
Throw Voice - Allows the caster to speak from a designated location for up to 5 minutes.

Arcane Cast V3
Flare - Target must make a slight check or be blinded for 1d4 rounds.
Explosive Barrier - Whenever the target is attacked, the attacker takes 10d8 mystic damage. This effect lasts for 2 rounds.
Solid Grip - Target gains a +10 to resisting disarming effects for 2 rounds

Arcane Cast V4
Mystic Sight - Grants the target 5DSU of perfect sight for 2 rounds.
Orb of Light - Conjure an orb that shines brightness TS 10 within 6DSU. This orb levitates at your will. You may only have one Orb of Light active at once.
Orb of Dark - Conjure an orb that darkens TS 10 within 6DSU. This orb levitates at your will. You may only have one Orb of Dark active at once.

Arcane Cast V5
Simulacrum - You may copy the next spell cast by the target and cast it yourself. Once you cast the spell once you lose the ability to cast it. Only one spell may be stored
at once.
Arcane Barrier - The next time an ally within 8DSU takes fatal damage, that attack is negated and they are immune to all damage but cannot act for 1 round. This ability can
only trigger once per day.
Arcane Trap - Place a 3DSU radius trap on the area that can only be seen with mystic sight. The next target to enter this area takes 10d8 mystic damage and has their
movement speed reduced to 1/2 of normal for 2 rounds. Evasion to negate.
Create Scroll - Upon seeing use of a consumable or using up your Simulacrum spell you may summon a scroll with the same effects of that consumable or stored spell. Scrolls
cannot be altered by caster alteration effects. You cannot summon a scroll off of seeing another scroll. Scrolls can be used by anybody, but vanish after use.

Mecha Jockey
Requires to have driven a mecha or vehicle at least once and have access to practice within similar devices

level 1 Drivable V1/Pilot Basic/Release Heat V1/Machine Care/Class Synergy

level 2 Drivable V2/Pilot Aircraft/Overdrive Throttle V1
level 3 Drivable V3/Pilot Spacecraft/Release Heat V2/Class Synergy
level 4 Drivable V4/Pilot Mecha/Overdrive Throttle V2
level 5 Drivable V5/Master Driver/Machine Pilot Mastery/Class Synergy

Drivable V#
You gain a +5 to Pilot Checks per V#

Class Synergy
You may gain a class ability from another class of level 1 and count this class as that class name till you take the class itself and permitted to reassign the class ability
to another class. Or gain +5 to a single skill check except Pilot. You can do this equal to the amount of times you gain this ability.

Release Heat V#
Upon using a Overdrive on a Radiator you may reduce the 10% damage by -1% per V#

Overdrive Throttle V#
Upon using a Overdrive on a Engine you may reduce the 10% damage by -1% per V#

Machine Care
You may treat Vehicle/Mecha STR/DEX Score Equivalent +5 higher per Mecha Jockey/Mecha Pilot/Mechanic/Artificer/Inventor level you have

Pilot Basic
You have amazing driving skills of basic ground vehicles like cars etc. this allows you to not just drive these vehicles but never take a negative with them while driving

Pilot Aircraft
You have amazing driving skills of Aircraft vehicles like airplanes etc. this allows you to not just drive these vehicles but never take a negative with them while driving

Pilot Spacecraft
You have amazing driving skills of Spacecraft vehicles like Spaceships etc. this allows you to not just drive these vehicles but never take a negative with them while
driving them.

Pilot Mecha
You have amazing driving skills of Planetary Mecha vehicles etc. this allows you to not just drive these vehicles but never take a negative with them while driving them.

Master Driver
You never suffer a negative for piloting anything.

Machine Pilot Mastery

Double the benefit of Release Heat V#, Overdrive Throttle V# and Machine Care bonus

Level 1 Mechanics Tools/Building/Blue Prints/Mechanics Creations V1
Level 2 Sabotage Equipment/Mechanics Creations V2
Level 3 I Can Fix That/Mechanics Creations V3
Level 4 Master Mechanic/Master Repair/Mechanics Creations V4
Level 5 Tempered Repairs/Mechanics Creations V5

Mechanics Tools
This tool kit costs 250 credits and for each gear kit you buy can be incorporated into this kit for half their price also granting x2 extra uses before refill. This kit WS
is equal to 5kg and WSV of 2 per kit also treating this article at +2kg for each kit placed within a Mechanics Tools. This kit speeds up all repair checks by x5 the speed.
Also the ability of Bio Creation V# & Creation V# may apply to repairs when this kit is present. Mechanics tools contains durable tools of wrenches, screwdrivers, wielding
torches, drills, saws, hammers, measurement tools. These tools are somewhat fairly larger than a artificers tool kits and chemist kit meant for much larger projects. The
Mechanics Tools take up 1DSU per 3 kit upgrade and mostly represents better tools than amount of tools.

To Successfully Build something you must make a Build check for every unit of 500 credits the TS of building is +1 building is limited to generic equipment listed in the
manual a NAT 20 automatically makes the object but you must require all needed materials to build if you already have this ability you gain a +5, For each 500 credits it
takes 12 hours, 250 credits 6 hours, 125 credits 3 hours and anything less (1-124) 1 hours.

Blue Prints
You may make a item called a “Blue Print” these articles are special and weigh in at 250g each normally and are made of special materials etc. (generally types of paper and
instruction manuals) To construct one takes 1 hour per 10,000 credits worth of the article and 150 credits. Once created you may use a Blue Print to have others more easily
assist you in building. For each extra Blue Print used by a Alchemist or Artificer the build check is increased by a bonus +5. While a Blue Print is being used (Not per Blue
Print) decrease the time it takes to build by 1 day per person max persons on a project equal to each 12 hours it takes to build the article in a 1DSU cubed squaring and for
or each 1DSU cubed of the objects size extra persons to assist. Minimal time to build is always 5mins till. Aid another also does not suffer a penalty. If you already have
this ability gain +5 to build checks. You cannot Blue Print articles attached to a class ability.

Sabotage Equipment
You may make a build check to deal 10 damage per 1 build that you roll to a machine. If you roll a 1 you deal 1/2 the damage and if you roll a 20 you deal 2x damage. Against
a character marchine you may half the damage to stun them for 1d4 rounds. Endure Check to negate the stun. This counts as a violent action against a character, but does not
benefit from damage multipliers except weaknesses on the target.

Mechanics Creations V#
You may make a set of machines as listed below each with their own upgrade pathways and uses. You may only apply a number upgrades equal to per V# of Mechanics Creations.
These devices when they have a computer component are hack able. The abilities Bio Creation and Creation ability V# apply to this ability.
-Mechanical Turret
A specialized Turret that fires at variable targets that cross it's sensor unless they have a permission device to pass that it scans for. It's base stats are Range of
10DSU. 5d4 damage. Contains up to 100 shots in it's magazine. Aimed Strike Check equal to +25 base and +5 Aimed Strike Check per level dividable by 3. It takes 2 Full Round
ACTs to set up and deploy these turrets on stable section. A turret can attack up to 2 times a round. These turrets have a controller unit that is a computer. These Turrets
have a weight of 5kg per turret. These Turrets use a special ammo of their own that costs in pack of 100 for 50 credits called Turret Round. You may also buy ammo that
raises it's damage grade by +2 but can only load 50 rounds instead of 100 called High Turret Round. You may also buy ammo that raises it's damage grade by +4 but can only
load 25 rounds instead of 100 called Heavy Turret Round. These turrets cannot intake ADD-ONs nor be made of alternate materials. These turrets have 500 HP each and Hardness
10 being made of steel. These turrets have a energy pack of 25 energy and use 1 energy per day while active. It costs 2500 credits per Turret.
--Fire Mode: 5000 credits. As it's fire action it can burst 3 rounds at once at -15 Aimed Strike Check. The damage grade is increased by +1 when it bursts.
–-Long Shot Upgrade: 10,000 credits. Increase the distance from 10DSU to 20DSU for it's fire distance.
–-Ammo Upgrade: 5,000 credits. Increase it's ammo hold amount from 100 to 300 (150 for High Turret Round and 75 for Heavy Turret Round).
–-Damage Upgrade: 5,000 credits. Increase it's damage grade from 5d4 to 5d6.
--Accuracy Upgrade: 5,000 credits. Double all the Aimed Strike Check of the Turret.
-Mechanical Drone
A mechanical drone is a special flying apparatus designed with a remote control and specialty camera and automated programs. These drones have a Lift Score of 5. These
drones can fly 5DSU per round that they may even levitate at and have 1 move action each turn. These drones can perform a pick up action for their underside and lift it to
their top side handling objects of up to 10 hands worth as a move action. These drones have a energy pack of 25 energy and use 1 energy per hour of flight. These Drones have
a weight of 5kg per drone. These drone cannot intake ADD-ONs nor be made of alternate materials. These drones have 100 HP and Hardness 10 being made of steel. It costs 2500
credits per drone
–-Upgrade Lift: 2500 credits. Drone gains +5 lift score.
--Upgrade Lift 2: 2500 credits. Drone gains +5 lift score.
--Upgrade Lift 3: 2500 credits. Drone gains +5 lift score.
--Upgrade Speed 1: 5000 credits. Drone gains 1 extra move action.
--Upgrade Speed 2: 5000 credits. Drone gains 1 extra move action.
-Mechanical Generator
A mechanical generator and power storage and creation machine. These generators are not mobile and are fairly big but work on a fuel source to charge up and run devices. A
generator produces up to 2 energy every hour while running and stores up to 25 energy in it's battery pack unit. The weight of a generator is 30kg and takes up a 1DSU
square. These generators are designed to run on a liquid fuel source that combustion and burns to keep it running. Up to 1 litre will power a Generator for up to 1 day.
These generators have 60,000 HP and hardness of 10 being made of steel. It costs 5,000 credits per generator.
–-Upgrade Battery Storage: 2500 credits. May store up to 60 energy in it's energy pack.
--Upgrade Power Charge 1: 5000 credits. May produce 1 extra energy per hour.
--Upgrade Power Charge 2: 5000 credits. May produce 1 extra energy per hour.
--Upgrade Power Charge 3: 5000 credits. May produce 1 extra energy per hour.
--Upgrade Power Charge 4: 5000 credits. May produce 1 extra energy per hour.
-Mechanical Workbot
A special robot that has precision arm tools that can even perform medical work. These bots grant a +1 to all build checks and deconstruction of articles they work on (Not
taking assisting half amount). Workbots have 1 move action every turn. Workbots use a central computer control system they cannot be more than 50DSU away from to received
orders. Workbots have a lifts score of 5 and can handle up to 4 hands worth objects. Workbots cannot perform attacks but may do any manual labor as programmed for limited by
the users own knowledge and build checks count each as 1 spare worker in a project. These workbots can move 3DSU per round tand have 1 move action each turn. These workbots
have a energy pack of 25 energy and use 1 energy per hour of activity. These Workbots have a weight of 5kg per workbot. These workbots cannot intake ADD-ONs nor be made of
alternate materials. These workbots have 100 HP and Hardness 10 being made of steel. It costs 2500 credits per workbot
–-Upgrade Lift 1: 2500 credits. Drone gains +5 lift score.
--Upgrade Lift 2: 2500 credits. Drone gains +5 lift score.
--Upgrade Speed 1: 5000 credits. Drone gains 1 extra move action.
--Upgrade Speed 2: 5000 credits. Drone gains 1 extra move action.
--Upgrade Tools: Build checks are increased to +5 instead of +1.
-Mechanical Factory
A mechanical factory is a factory that can produce any market article that has a blueprint or any of the listed above Machanics Creations. It contains a battery of 60
energy. It takes 10 energy per hour to keep the factory running. A factory takes up 10DSU long to 3DSU wide in space of a automation process for 1 handed objects while any
larger double the needed size. Factories make automatic build checks that create 1 of the articles once per 12 hours +12 hours per 1 hand size more it is in size. Factories
only make “pieces” of certain articles if they are fairly larger like a car for the line. The weight of a Factory is equal to 350kg. A Factory must be managed by a computer
and made for it's specific building while also being handled by a operator. A Factory has special modified HP of 15,000 and hardness of 10 being made of steel. It costs
100,000 credits to create a factory.
–-Increased Production 1: 10,000 credits. Reduce the time of article production by half.
--Increased Production 2: 10,000 credits. Reduce the time of article production by half.
--Increase Energy Hold 1: 5,000 credits. Battery hold increases by +60.
--Increase Energy Hold 2: 5,000 credits. Battery hold increases by +60.
--Increase Stability: 5,000 credits. The Factory no longer needs a operator and just uses a computer operations management.

I Can Fix That

If your build check is more than 2x the TS of a broken item, you may repair it for free.

Master Mechanic
Gain +3 build per character level up to a max of 60 for any mechanical structure or building projects or robotics.

Master Repair
When repairing an item, you may repair it to 1.5x its normal maximum health. This bonus health will disappear when it's exhausted from damage.

Tempered Repairs
You may spend 5 minutes to increase the hardness of an item by 5. You may do this to a single item a maximum of 3 times.

Mimic Fighter
level 1 Style Switcher V1/Ability Mimic V1/Store V1
level 2 Style Switcher V2/Ability Mimic V2/Store V2
level 3 Style Switcher V3/Ability Mimic V3/Store V3
level 4 Style Switcher V4/Ability Mimic V4/Store V4
level 5 Style Switcher V5/Ability Mimic V5/Store V5

Style Switcher V#
You may retrain any class levels you have within 3 days as if you spent TP you are treated to always have a passive TP amount equal to Style Switcher ability V#. The TP
spent of this ability within the 3 days cannot be used again for another 3 days. Also every V# provides a bonus that you may treat your class name as another classes name at
V# 1 3 and 5 for benefits. If an ability grants credits in any fashion then you do not gain the credits.

Ability Mimic V1-5

You may when you see a ability that does not involve a Cast from a class in it's use to activate you can store this ability in your Store V# the ability you learn can then
be used as if you learn that ability from the class without taking the class. Thus if you see a Magus use “Mystic Blaster” you can learn it but if you see a higher level
version “Mystical Blaster Elemental” you must have the V# equal to that class level to learn it and store it. Ultimate Classes cost double the slots of Store ability.

Store V#
You may store a ability learn from from either Mimic Fighter or Mimic Mage upon doing so that abilities level takes up the amount of slots equal to it's level worth thus a
level 3 ability takes up 3 slots. The Store V# ability cannot store a “Store V#” ability within itself.

Mimic Mage
level 1 Style Switcher V1/Cast Mime V1/Store V1
level 2 Style Switcher V2/Cast Mime V2/Store V2
level 3 Style Switcher V3/Cast Mime V3/Store V3
level 4 Style Switcher V4/Cast Mime V4/Store V4
level 5 Style Switcher V5/Cast Mime V5/Store V5

Style Switcher V#
You may retrain any class levels you have within 3 days as if you spent TP you are treated to always have a passive TP amount equal to Style Switcher ability V#. The TP
spent of this ability within the 3 days cannot be used again for another 3 days. Also every V# provides a bonus that you may treat your class name as another classes name at
V# 1 3 and 5 for benefits. If an ability grants credits in any fashion then you do not gain the credits.

Cast Mime V1-5

You may when you see a ability that uses up a Cast from a class ability you can store this ability in your Store V# the Cast ability you learn can then be used as if you
learn that ability from the class without taking the class (This includes all other sub abilities of a Cast ability). Thus if you see a Magus use “Mystic Blast” of the V1
you can learn it but if you see a higher level version you must have the V# equal to that class level to learn it and store it. Ultimate Classes cost double the slots of
Store ability.

Store V#
You may store a ability learn from from either Mimic Fighter or Mimic Mage upon doing so that abilities level takes up the amount of slots equal to it's level worth thus a
level 3 ability takes up 3 slots. The Store V# ability cannot store a “Store V#” ability within itself.

level 1 Spirit Guard/Spirit Fist
level 2 Spirit Dash
level 3 Spirit Attack Combo/Spirit Force
level 4 Zen Fist
level 5 Deadly Defensive Art/Spirit Crusher

Spirit Guard
Add your SPRT MOD to your Guard Checks x2 when unarmored

Spirit Fist
Use your PSY for Aimed Strike Check if you wish. Also you may use your SPRT & DUR MOD to melee Damage if you wish

Spirit Dash
Add 1DSU to your land speed for every +5 SPRT MOD when unarmored

Spirit Attack Combo

Negatives with extra attacks is reduced by 10 for any unarmed or natural attack

Spirit Force
When using Spirit Fist your PSY may apply to your Natural attacks instead of STR

Zen Fist
When an unarmed attack hits with anything qualifying for Spirit Attack Combo the target must make a TS equal to the amount of hits each hits is a +10 TS so 4 hits is a TS 40
which is Mind Save base if they fail they are Stunned and Considered Mindless for 1 round

Spirit Crusher
When an opponent uses a untyped guard you may ignore it all

Deadly Defensive Art

When attacking with Spirit Attack Combo the negatives goes down another 10 and any counter attack made with a NAT 20 Guard or Acrobatics Check gain a +15 Aimed Strike Check
bonus and may be unleashed as a Spirit Attack Combo of any number hits as you choose that you qualify for

level 1 Early Rifle Master
level 2 Watching your Back/Long Shot Musket
level 3 Swift Load
level 4 United We Stand/Kick Back Shot
level 5 Musket Target Shot

Early Rifle Master

A musketeer using an “early” rifle type weapon increases its Damage by +1 per Damage dice it uses

Watching your Back

When attacking with any weapon with another musketeer ally at least 5DSU away from you, you gain a +2 on Aimed Strike Check per musketeer near you in that distance against
their targets

Long Shot Musket

Increase range increment of an “early” rifle type weapon by +2.

Swift Load
The action to load an “early” firearm type weapon is a ½ ACT instead of its normal

United We Stand
If you have another musketeer that is your ally that is standing next to you, you gain a +2 to guard and Acrobatics Checks per musketeer within your reach or their own reach

Kick Back Shot

When you fire a “early” rifle type weapon the shot may knock a opponent prone. The effect gives a save of their muscle check against your TS.

Musket Target Shot

If you use the Focus ability of the Rifle type weapons you gain a +10 extra Aimed Strike Check if they are at least 10DSU away from you this action requires a ½ ACT to
initiate and all the regular requirements of focus just as most rifle class weapons list also during this time any “early” rifle type weapon range is multiplied by x3 during
that focus till you fire your shot

Mystic Rogue
level 1 Mystic Skill V1/Whimsical Talker/Slash Shift
level 2 Mystic Skill V2/Transforming Shift/Mystic Eyes Sight
level 3 Mystic Skill V3/Dare Devil Logic/Resist Temptation
level 4 Mystic Skill V4/Illogical Logic/Dynamic Avoid
level 5 Mystic Skill V5/False Truth/Swish And Stab

Mystic Skill
Choose 1 skill out of 5 per V# to grant special abilities listed below. Each Mastery Skill V# gain a +10 to a single skill of your choice. You may change these choices once
a week. All skills are minor magic effects when active.
-Fleet And Sure: You may ignore share square negatives and not apply share square negatives to your allies.
-Slice and Slam: You gain a bonus damage dice when either Flanking, Backside attack, Prone or Unaware are active on your foe to yourself. You gain 5d4 per Mystic Rogue level
and their dice grade increases by +1 per “Rogue” “Ninja” “Assassin” “Alchemist” named classes. Max of raising each 5d4 to scale to 10d12 per Mystic Rogue level.
-Sticky Walk: You may move at ½ your movement while walking along side walls without worry of falling. If walking on a ceiling you move at 1/4th your movement instead. You
must end up on a normal surface within 2 round or start to fall.
-Cat Grace Flipping: You always land on your feet and reduce fall damage by -25 per character level. You also cannot NAT 1 a Jump Check and instead treat NAT 1 negative as a
-Danger Instinct: You may within a 12DSU radius tell feel the presence of a dangerous trap or intention. In 6DSU you gain +15 to all checks to Find Traps and Dangerous
Intention entities. In 3DSU this bonus raises to +50. You gain a bonus to disarming traps of +25 to Mind Study and Slight.

Whimsical Talker
Gain +10 to Diplomacy, Bluff, Intimidate checks. This is a magical effect when active.

Slash Shift
You gain bonus +1 Damage to your melee attacks per “Rogue” and ”Magus” named class you have. This is a magical effect when active.

Transformation Shift
You may as a illusion effect look like another entity equal to your size or gain +25 to camouflage to stealth checks against sight. This is a magical effect when active.

Mystic Eye Sight

You may see magical effects for up to 2 rounds as a 50% chance to spot them unless they are hidden. This is a magical effect when active.

Dare Devil Logic

Gain +5 to DEX based skill checks. This is a magical effect when active.

Resist Temptation
Gain +25 to Endure and Mind Checks when resisting effects. This effect only activates once per round.

Illogical Logic
Gain a +5 to PSY based skill checks. This is a magical effect when active.

Dynamic Avoid
If you pass a TS of a area of effect you may rebound once per turn back to it's sender.

False Truth
If you NAT 1 you do not suffer a negative and instead gain +10 bonus to the roll. You may only activate this effect once per 3 rounds.

Swish And Stab

Slash Shift bonus damage is increased by x3 when your target is under Flank, Back Side or Unaware but only for 1 attack.

Mystic Weapon Fighter

level 1 Create Mystic Weapon And Armour/Mystic Weapon Surge
Level 2 Enhanced Weapons and Armour
Level 3 Illusory Outfit
Level 4 Mystical Combat
Level 5 Aura of Might

Create Mystic Weapon And Armor

You can summon one Armor and one Melee, Ranged Melee, Bow, or Crossbow type Weapons per Mystic Weapon Fighter level that cannot be dismissed or wielded by anybody else.
These items will last until the next day and have mystic damage and guard types. If you have Artificer class levels you can apply the Artificer FP Boost to these items but
cannot transfer the effects once applied for as long as the items exist. Weapons created with this ability have unlimited ammo based on FP, but normal reloading actions
apply. You can summon a shield instead of a weapon.

Mystic Weapon Surge

A created Mystic weapon when it hits deals +3 extra Damage per level of Mystic Weapon Fighter. Hardness of the weapon is increased by 5 per Mystic Weapon Fighter.

Enhanced Weapons and Armour

Grants FP equal to character level * 15 for ADD-ONs on effects that you can switch around each day as pleased for your created Mystic weapons & armour. These ADD-ONs are
shared among all created items from this class. Max ADD-ONs per item created is 10 and max stack of 25.

Illusory Outfit
You may make your mystic weapons and armour appear as casual, adventurer, or noble clothes as a 1/2 act. This is an illusion effect.

Mystical Combat
You may give up 1 stamina point to increase the damage of your Mystic Weapons by +15 or the guard of one of your Mystic Armours by +10 for 2 rounds. This effect does not
stack with itself on the same item.

Aura of Might
Your Mystical Combat benefits extend to all nearby allies within 3DSU, but at half of the normal bonus.

level 1 Flash Step +1DSU/Trap Maker/Keen Skill
level 2 Deadly Strike/Flash Wall Step
level 3 Flash Step +1DSU/Toxic Poisons
level 4 Avoiding The Attack
level 5 Phantom Flash Step/Death Strike

Flash Step +1DSU

Flash step ability adds a movement bonus to land speed only based of 1DSU, all flash steps stack together

Trap Maker
You may make special traps for 25 credits per TS of the traps areas “Spotting traps TS” and “Traps Avoiding/Disarming TS” these traps are designed with any intention of
example explosives etc. and costs 25 credits per 5d4 damage and 25 credits per 1DSU if it's a area of effect, or line effect area or distance each separate, or per cone
distance line effect. You may apply materials which multiply the price. You cannot apply any reconstruction devising to this article.
Keen Skill
For every “Ninja” named class level you Choose 1 skill permanently from the skill list that you can spend a ½ ACT to multiply the skills roll result by 1.5 round down (this
counts as a keen skill multiplier and stacks with other keen skill multipliers by adding together (1.5 + 1.5 = 2.0 or 1.5 + 1.5 + 1.5 = 2.5 etc.) If the actions spent are
past your own it will instead eat into your next turns. (This multiplier only effects the 1d20 result) You may select the same skill more than once to stack the keen skill
effect as normal.

Flash Wall Step

Your flash step movement can be used to run up walls but must end on a ledge you can stand on.

Deadly Strike
Assassination Type Effect (ATE): Gain a +10 Aimed Strike Check and +10 to Damage and 5d6 bonus damage and bypasses all damage absorbency and damage reduction and shuts off
these effects on the foe for 2 rounds (similar effects stack of the shut off).

Toxic Poisons
You may make poisons (of any type that are not magical) using resources that cost 25 credits per level of the poison you also may stack this poison with another separate
poison effect instead of the poison switching to the other type of poison (counting as separate TS to make) the poison used on a weapon will dissipate in a week or 10
successful strikes also any attack dealing with a high heat (Ion or heat) type damage will inert the poison. Other application may be done. Also any poisons TS is also
boosted by +1 per “Ninja” level and extended by 2 rounds per “Ninja” level.

Avoiding The Attack

Once a round you may auto Acrobatics Check success of a NAT 20 without costing a ½ ACT and does not need to move (as if rolling a NAT 20 but without the other benefits of a
NAT 20)

Phantom Flash Step

Your flash step movement effects your swim and flight

Death Strike
Assassination Type Effect (ATE): Your Deadly Strike becomes +20 Aimed Strike Check and Damage and 5d8 bonus damage.

Olden Style Pistolero

Level 1 Early Pistol Mastery/Pistol Ring
Level 2 Early Pistol Snapshot
Level 3 Empty Load Reload/Hand Cannon Shot
Level 4 Shrapnel Shot
Level 5 The Fearless Gun/Point Blank Hand Cannon

Early Pistol Mastery

Any pistol with “Early” in it's name gains a bonus +1 Damage per dice damage it deals.

Pistol Ring
You may attach “Early” type pistols upon a single item called a pistol ring of up to 5 pistols to 1 ring. This ring treats each pistol as ammo but each pistol must be
reloaded normally. Any ADD-ONs placed on this pistol ring only benefit the pistol ring not the “early” pistols attached to it. Each ring costs 500 credits to make. To switch
to a loaded pistol is a free action (this does not count as drawing it out). You cannot activate any Multi Strike or Single Strike abilities with this form of combo attack
that was attached to each of the guns. The combo attack can fire as as many pistols that are loaded upon the ring each once with instead of a normal combo negative takes a
-5 Aimed Strike Check per shot fired from a pistol ring. You cannot draw a new pistol ring if you are grappling. You may only use 1 Pistol Ring per round.

Early Pistol Snapshot

When drawing a early pistol you may fire it as a counter attack for free. You may only activate this effect equal to your Olden Style Pistolero class level per combat. Every
time you perform this form of counter attack you take a -5 to your Aimed Strike Check for the round.

Empty Load Reload

When you fire a “Early” type pistol you can reload another empty “Early” type pistol as a free action. If you perform this your next Aimed Strike Check suffers a -5 Aimed
Strike Check and continues to diminish if you continue to reload in this fashion stacking the negative till the next round. If you NAT 1 a Aimed Strike Check you cannot
perform this ability again. If you NAT 20 you can reload 2 “early” type pistols instead of 1.

Hand Cannon Shot

When you fire a “early” pistol type weapon the shot may knock a opponent prone. The effect gives a save of their muscle check against your TS.

Shrapnel Shot
If you NAT 1 with a “Early” type pistol you may throw the pistol and have it blow up at your foe damaging the pistol as normal NAT 1 misfire but up to 3DSU away. You may
also rig any “Early” firearm to explode in as a automatic NAT 1 misfire (This NAT 1 is not rerollable nor cancellation by an effect except if the user tries to fix their
weapon or notices with a sight check of a equal to your TS x2) to rig takes 1min of time.

The Fearless Gun

When wielding a single “Early” type pistol in hand you gain a bonus +25 Aimed Strike Check (at least one hand must be free at all times). When wielding a “Early” type pistol
in all hands gain a bonus +10 damage to all “Early” type pistols.

Point Blank Hand Cannon

When you fire a “early” pistol type weapon at 1DSU from your target opponent you deal 5% extra damage (this is additive to shotgun point blank damage).

level 1 Swift Buccaneer/The Captain Of The Ship
level 2 Another Man's Treasure Is Mine
level 3 Vessel Runner/Deadly Strokes
level 4 A Pirates Life Is For Me
level 5 Captain's Command/Deadliest Strokes
Swift Buccaneer
Any pistol or short to basic blade gains +2 damage and Aimed Strike Check per Pirate level. And once a turn may as a free action draw the any of the mention weapon types.
Any of the mention weapon types also gain a bonus +3 per Pirate level to slight checks to concealment of the weapons.

The Captain Of The Ship

You gain a +15 to Pilot Checks to drive any Ship (Be it space, water vessel, air ship). Also you gain a +25 Slight Check to maintain any balance from standing upon uneven
and swerving surfaces. You gain a +5 to Bluff, Diplomacy and Intimidate Checks that increases to +20 When you are upon your own vehicle. You gain a +25 to Mind Checks to
navigate for directions.

Another Man's Treasure Is Mine

You gain a bonus +15 to Sight checks when searching for objects or traps within 3DSU but always takes 5mins of time while searching.

Vessel Runner
Any Ship (Be it space, water vessel, air ship as long as it holds a crew of up to 50 men) you gain a +10 to Pilot Checks for the vehicle and +15 Pilot Check bonus to all the
crew if they recognize you as their captain but must be assisting you upon the same ship and contracted under you.

Deadly Strokes
Attacks from Swift Buccaneer bypasses all damage absorbency and damage reduction and shuts off these effects on the foe for 2 rounds (similar effects stack of the shut off)

The Pirate Ruler

Swift Buccaneer increases all it's damage and Aimed Strike Check and slight bonus by x2. Vessel Runner bonus to all it's Pilot Checks increases to by x2. Another Man's
Treasure Is Mine searches for objects and traps within 5DSU instead of 3DSU when activated but always takes 10mins of time instead.

A Pirates Life Is For Me

Swift Buccaneer bonus also extends to your natural weapons and improvised weapons.

Captain's Command
When you use Deadly Strokes against a foe you also gain a +5 Diplomacy, Bluff or Intimidate to your foe depending upon the situation (Honor Duel, Lying, Scaring your foe)
every time you hit them the bonus increases by +5 till you gain a +50 Bonus.

Deadliest Strokes
Deadly Strokes ability extends to 3 rounds instead of 2. Swift Buccaneer also grants a bonus 15d4 bonus damage if the attack missed with it's Aimed Strike Check or if you
catch a opponent with a backside attack or a flank attack. This damage can apply for each instance.

level 1 Precise Shot/Pistol Whip
level 2 Side Arm
level 3 Flash Reload/Pistol Precision
level 4 Twin Pistols
level 5 Reload Like Lighting/Hidden Draw Pistol

Precise Shot
When using a single handed firearm classified as a pistol type you may apply ½ DEX MOD to its Damage

Pistol Whip
Treat your pistol type weapons as a small sized Melee weapon instead of not treated as a Melee weapon for bonus Damage when performing Melee attacks with them this does not
apply when it already has a Melee attachment

Side Arm
You may wield 2 single handed pistols type weapons and fire them with half the negative rounded down for multi weapon use also you may fire a pistol while it is not drawn
but it must be at your side of your hip any extra pistols wielded still add the normal negative thus 3 pistols 2 are at –5 while the 3rd is at -15. Only up to only 2 Pistols
may be at your hip holster for this weapon attack effect & counts as a combo attack.

Flash Reload
While you only have 1 pistol type weapon in hand you may reload it as a free action not taking up any time during an attack action once a round

Pistol Precision
When using a pistol type weapon its range is treated with a +10DSU range increment to its current range this is only in your hands. You may x2 the range increment of a
pistol class weapon when Aiming without distraction ability is on a pistol if it's not on the pistol the range only increases by +10DSU as a Aiming without distraction

Twin Pistols
The negative from using 2 single handed pistol type weapons goes down from half to no negative thus if you wield 3 pistols 2 shots have no negatives while the 3rd has –15.

Reload Like Lighting

Flash Reload now works when wielding 2 pistols

Hidden Draw Pistol

You gain +25 to stealth and slight checks to hide your pistol type weapons. You may as a slight check draw out your pistol as a free action TS is equal to 20 per pistol
having to be drawn out in the same action.

level 1 Healing Imbuement/Well Of Life
level 2 Guide the Lost/Life Shield
level 3 Blessed Healing/Guiding Fates
level 4 Remove Ailment/Life Guard
level 5 Reverse Curse/Life Link

Healing Imbuement
Any Healing source used gains a +2 bonus to the MOD (if no MOD it is just a bonus to it) per character level when you use it

Well Of Life
You may create a item for 500 credits. It has a few choice uses upon expenditure. You may have only 3 in existence. It takes 1 hour to manifest this item.
-Break the Well Of Life to instantly heal a touched target for 150 HP per character level.
-Place the Well Of Life upon the ground. Any being that touches it instantly heals for 100 HP per character level. This effect only activates upon that being once every 3
rounds. This effect lasts for 9 rounds.
-Break the Well Of Life to increase your next healing to heal for x2 the usual and apply a bonus +10% body type healing to that healing target or targets.

Guide the Lost

Your asking of external forces outside your realm that allows you to ask for sign of your next direction weak spots etc. in odd indirect ways (visions, and physical point
outs you might notice as directed by the GM) it takes an ACT to ask the forces were to go next of where you are needed (based upon their goals, more than one sign can appear
at once per force at times also determined by a GM, though you may ask a singular force instead. You may only do this Once every day per Priest, Bard, Magus, Arch Cleric,
Paladin class levels. You can only perform this ability once every 30mins if you have already used it.

Life Shield
You may as a ACT Interlink yourself to a ally you intake half their damage to yourself as that cannot be negated from any source or reduction sourcing you may if the blow
will KO or Kill them intake the full damage and severing the link between yourselves. This effect lasts for 1 hour.

Blessed Healing
When using Healing sources in any fashion double the MOD Max

Guiding Fates
You may apply a bonus +5 Aimed Strike Check per character level to a target once per turn and this bonus also applies to yourself when used. If you only apply the bonus to
yourself you gain a +5 Damage to your 1 attack or Healing per character level.

Remove Ailment
You may remove any Void mystical negative effect for a ½ ACT, this includes viruses, parasites, diseases, burns, etc. if the subject does not want it removed then it shall
not be removed

Life Guard
You may now instead intake the status effects of your ally that you link to including mind effects

Reverse Curse
You may reverse the curse and other magical effects examples are of vampirism (Turning them alive again) Therianthropy (Can be considered a curse instead of a Virus) and any
other Curses if the subject doesn’t want the Curse removed then it shall not be removed

Life Link
Your Life Guard ability now links healing effects thus if you have a status effect removed all others have the effect removed while if a linked ally has their status effect
removed it removes it off of only you. also if healing is performed upon you all others linked get ½ that healing to themselves as Void-Healing type but if an ally is healed
only get ½ the healing to yourself.

level 1 Psionic Focus/Psionic Mental Link/Psionic Focus Requirement/Psionic Power V1
level 2 Psionic Power V2
level 3 Psionic Focus/Greater Psionic Mental Link
level 4 Psionic Power V3
level 5 Psionic Focus/Superior Psionic Mental Link

Psionic Focus
As a ½ ACT you may use abilities of a class with "Psionic" in the name or items that require Psionic Focus but suffer a -30 penalty on Guard Checks and -20 on Acrobatics
Checks per active Psionic Focus. If you are stuck with any damage you risk losing your Psionic Focus stacks the TS to make is a Mind Check of 25 with a +10 per stack of
Psionic Focus extra. If you have more than 1 Psionic Focus from another class you may during the same 1/2 ACT stack them but suffer the stack of the -30 Guard Checks and -20
on Acrobatics Checks. Duration of Psionic abilities used multiplies by the number of Psionic Focus active. Damage modifier max increases by 10 for each Psionic Focus for any
Psionic damage source, and Aimed Strike Check for Psionic attacks increase by +3 for each active Psionic Focus and Raise TS of any Psionic ability by +5 per extra stack past
the first. To shut of any number of Psionic Focus costs a ½ ACT. Per stack you may perform a small mind wave blast around you that deals 25+ 5 per level Psionic damage in a
3DSU area or a 3DSU sight line. This cannot be affected by psionic focus this cannot effect anything that is without a mind.

Psionic Mental Link

(All effects listed are psionic) You may speak to others via your mind that are up to 12DSU. If you wish and the target allows or you may force it as a Mind check equal to
your TS -5 to the TS for each kilometer you are apart if you ever met them without linking. You may link up to 5 people per Psionic Focus stack that you can talk to them via
your mind or you may as a ½ ACT transfer sight image to their mind or their image to your mind but these occur once a turn and any image they see does not grant true known
location. You may only speak to them up to 10 kilometers multiplied per Psionic Focus active stack. You may focus for a Full Round ACT to extend the range by x2 and the
multiplier is multiplied per Psionic Focus active stacks. You may Cast through the link as it's range.

Psionic Focus Requirement

You must have Psionic Focus on to use any of these class abilities

Greater Psionic Mental Link

The Psionic Mental Link now allow you to extend the range as a ACT instead of a Full Round ACT.

Superior Psionic Mental Link

The Psionic Mental Link now allow you to extend the range as a ½ ACT instead of a Full Round ACT.

Psionic Power V#
This class has a set of Psionic Power which their V# represents the Cast level they use though unlike other Casts these Casts do not consider as Casts within anti Casting
zones due to their users innate ability to control with their mind not with Mystic or divinity you can only use these powers if you have a Psionic Focus on

Psionic Powers V1
Read Thought – Read the thoughts of a target, These thoughts are only outer thoughts and not deeper thoughts like secrets. Mind check to negate.
Send Thought - Send a Thought to someone (in any voice) Mind Check to dismiss
Psio Blades – Summon blade forms within your hand made of psionic energy this weapon does not suffer a Aimed Strike Check negative when thrown. This blade can be shot from
your hand up to 6DSU as if it was thrown to a target square with no negative to Aimed Strike Check. This blade deals +5 Damage + Your PSY MOD (MOD MAX 30) And for each
Psionic Focus multiply it's base damage not PSY MOD. You summon this blade into a square upon your will up to 6DSU away. All Blades can be called to your hand instantly once
per turn per blade. The Hardness of the Blade is equal to your PSY MOD multiplied per Psionic Focus you have active. Rounds each blade lasts is equal to 1 per Psionic Focus
active. This blade can be in any shape of a blade weapon. You may still apply your basic melee modifications to this weapon. This must be a blade weapon not a tool.
Psio Tools – You may make a tool like a hammer, sickle, pick axe, shovel, spade, mattock, scissors, knife, hoe, rake etc. that requires at max 2 hands to wield. These tools
if use din combat are improvised weapons. And instantly dissipate upon use as a weapon. These tools last for up to 5 rounds per Psionic Focus active.
Psionic Surge - deal 5d6 + (PSY MOD doubled) Psionic Damage (Mod Max 15) to opponent (Mind effect) Mind Check for half Damage (cannot use avoidance)
Psionic Energy Shot – Fires a Psionic Damage energy blast that deals 1d4 + PSY MOD (MOD MAX 25) per bolt it fires. Evasion for half, if all are focused on the same target
they only need to roll 1 Acrobatics Check and counts as 1 strike. This projectile distance is equal to 6DSU + 6DSU per Psionic Focus active and seeks it's target for that
distance. This fires base 5 Extra energy blast and 5 more per Psionic Focus active past the first. Modifiers only apply once per target but each bolts dice damage will

Psionic Powers V2
Locate Person - Locate a person or being up to 5 kilometers but must know them or how they look for mind registration or had read their thoughts or had received a thought
message from them
Mass Psionic Surge - deal 10d6 + (PSY MOD doubled) Psionic Damage (Mod Max 30) to opponent (Mind effect) Mind Check for half Damage (cannot use avoidance)
Hold Still - make a being stop moving except breathing which considered it fully denied DEX and only permits Guard Checks for 1 round per 5 levels Mind Check for no effect.
When reapplying this effect it does not stack but resets the rounds on the being, but the TS is reduced by -5 each time it it re-stacks back.
Greater Psio Blades – Summon blade forms within your hand made of psionic energy this weapon does not suffer a Aimed Strike Check negative when thrown. This blade can be
shot from your hand up to 6DSU as if it was thrown to a target square with no negative to Aimed Strike Check. This blade deals +10 Damage + Your PSY MOD (MOD MAX 50) And for
each Psionic Focus multiply it's base damage not PSY MOD. You summon this blade into a square upon your will up to 6DSU away. All Blades can be called to your hand instantly
once per turn per blade. The Hardness of the Blade is equal to your PSY MOD multiplied per Psionic Focus you have active. You may Give up -25 of the blades own damage to
give it 1DSU of reach per -25 given up. Rounds each blade lasts is equal to 1 per Psionic Focus active. This blade can be in any shape of a blade weapon. You may still apply
your basic melee modifications to this weapon. This must be a blade weapon not a tool.
Psionic Energy Shot – Fires a Psionic Damage energy blast that deals 1d6 + PSY MOD (MOD MAX 25) per bolt it fires. Evasion for half, if all are focused on the same target
they only need to roll 1 Acrobatics Check and counts as 1 strike. This projectile distance is equal to 6DSU + 6DSU per Psionic Focus active and seeks it's target for that
distance. This fires base 5 Extra energy blast and 5 more per Psionic Focus active past the first. Modifiers only apply once per target but each bolts dice damage will

Psionic Powers V3
Mass Hold Being - make a being stop moving, which considers it fully denied DEX and only permits Guard Checks for 1 round per 5 levels 1 being per every 4 levels max 10 Mind
Check for effect for each target
Brain Over Load - deals 20d6 + (PSY MOD doubled) (MOD MAX 120) to opponent as a mind effect Mind Check for half Damage (Cannot use avoidance)
Mass Surge Over Grant - same as Mass surge but 2 beings/ per 6 levels Mind Check for half Damage (Cannot use avoidance)
Emulate Thought Mind and Time (ETMT) - send in ones thoughts things they did or didn't do in frames of time you only have a round to re work certain thoughts (this does not
count as a round of the effect) this might change outlooks but after some time it will lose effect (1 rounds) Mind Check for no effect
Psionic Energy Shot – Fires a Psionic Damage energy blast that deals 1d8 + PSY MOD (MOD MAX 25) per bolt it fires. Evasion for half, if all are focused on the same target
they only need to roll 1 Acrobatics Check and counts as 1 strike. This projectile distance is equal to 6DSU + 6DSU per Psionic Focus active and seeks it's target for that
distance. This fires base 5 Extra energy blast and 5 more per Psionic Focus active past the first. Modifiers only apply once per target but each bolts dice damage will

Psionic Elementalist
Level 1 Psionic Focus/Psionic Focus Requirement/Telekinesis
Level 2 Pyrokinesis/Cryokinesis
Level 3 Psionic Focus/Elemental Warping
Level 4 Electrokinesis/Terrakinesis
Level 5 Psionic Focus/Mental Fortitude/Mental Aggression

Psionic Focus
As a ½ ACT you may use abilities of a class with "Psionic" in the name or items that require Psionic Focus but suffer a -30 penalty on Guard Checks and -20 on Acrobatics
Checks per active Psionic Focus. If you are stuck with any damage you risk losing your Psionic Focus stacks the TS to make is a Mind Check of 25 per stack of Psionic Focus
active. If you have more than 1 Psionic Focus from another class you may during the same 1/2 ACT stack them but suffer the stack of the -30 Guard Checks and -20 on
Acrobatics Checks (in which case the TS increases by +10 TS per stack). Duration of Psionic abilities used multiplies by the number of Psionic Focus active. Damage modifier
max increases by 10 for each Psionic Focus for any Psionic damage source, and Aimed Strike Check for Psionic attacks increase by +3 for each active Psionic Focus and Raise
TS of any Psionic ability by +5 per extra stack past the first. To shut of any number of Psionic Focus costs a ½ ACT. Per stack you may perform a small mind wave blast
around you that deals 25+ 5 per level Psionic damage in a 3DSU area or a 3DSU sight line. This cannot be affected by psionic focus this cannot effect anything that is
without a mind.

Psionic Focus Requirement

You must have Psionic Focus on to use any of these class abilities.

Gain extra psionic hands equal to your Psionic Elementalist class level + 1 per active stack of Psionic Focus and have a reach of 5DSU + 3DSU per active stack of Psionic
Focus. These hands must use PSY mod in place of STR mod.

You may expend 3 casts to imbue your next attack made with a hand from your Telekinesis ability with one of the following effects:

- Deal an additional 1d8 per character level heat damage

- Apply Burn(Heat) with an effect rank equal to character level * 2
- Deal an additional 1d6 per character level heat damage to all within 3DSU of your target
You may expend 3 casts to imbue your next attack made with a hand from your Telekinesis ability with one of the following effects:

- Deal an additional 1d8 per character level cold damage

- Cause the target to have a 25% chance to miss all attacks for the next 2 rounds. Endure Check to negate.
- Slow the target's movement speed by 1/2 for 2 rounds. Endure Check to negate

Elemental Warping
When making a psionic power cast that deals damage, you may expend an additional cast to change the damage type to either Heat, Cold, Ion, or Earth.

You may expend 3 casts to imbue your next attack made with a hand from your Telekinesis ability with one of the following effects:

- Deal an additional 1d6 per character level Ion damage. This damage will chain to another target within 3DSU to deal the same amount of damage up to 2 times.
- Apply EMP and Stun(Ion) with an effect rank equal to character level * 2
- Deal an additional 1d4 per character level Ion damage and makes your entire attack considered a touch attack unless the target is wearing non conductive clothing
or armour.

You may expend 3 casts to imbue your next attack made with a hand from your Telekinesis ability with one of the following effects:

- Deal an additional 1d8 per character level Earth damage.

- Warps the ground within 5DSU of the target to become rough terrain for 2 rounds.
- Ignores the target's hardness and reduces their lift score by 20 for 2 rounds. Endure Check to negate lift score penalty.

Mental Fortitude
Once per round when trying to resist a non-mental attack that is heat, cold, ion, or earth you may gain 1/2 your bonus to Mind against the check.

Mental Aggression
As a 1/2 act all casts from Psionic Elemental cost only 1 cast for 3 rounds, but your mind check suffers -3 per character level.

Psionic Fist
level 1 Psionic Focus/Psionic Focus Requirement/Psionic Slam
level 2 Mind Over Physics
level 3 Psionic Focus/Psionic Acrobat
level 4 Psionic Dash
level 5 Psionic Focus/Psionic Teleport Flash

Psionic Focus
As a ½ ACT you may use abilities of a class with "Psionic" in the name or items that require Psionic Focus but suffer a -30 penalty on Guard Checks and -20 on Acrobatics
Checks per active Psionic Focus. If you are stuck with any damage you risk losing your Psionic Focus stacks the TS to make is a Mind Check of 25 with a +10 per stack of
Psionic Focus extra. If you have more than 1 Psionic Focus from another class you may during the same 1/2 ACT stack them but suffer the stack of the -30 Guard Checks and -20
on Acrobatics Checks. Duration of Psionic abilities used multiplies by the number of Psionic Focus active. Damage modifier max increases by 10 for each Psionic Focus for any
Psionic damage source, and Aimed Strike Check for Psionic attacks increase by +3 for each active Psionic Focus and Raise TS of any Psionic ability by +5 per extra stack past
the first. To shut of any number of Psionic Focus costs a ½ ACT. Per stack you may perform a small mind wave blast around you that deals 25+ 5 per level Psionic damage in a
3DSU area or a 3DSU sight line. This cannot be affected by psionic focus this cannot effect anything that is without a mind.

Psionic Focus Requirement

You must have Psionic Focus on to use any of these class abilities

Psionic Slam
You can use PSY for Aimed Strike Check (Tactical Aimed Strike Check) and PSY MOD for Melee damage instead of STR MOD. This counts as a Psionic Attack and gains +3 Damage per
stack of Psionic Focus

Mind Over Physics

You can Discharge 1 or more Psionic Focus to gain one of these benefits for 1 round +6DSU movement, raise Physical attack Damage by x5 your size dice, or gain +5 to evasion
or Guard Checks for that round, you can stack the effects from each dropped Psionic Focus (does not cost a ½ ACT)

Psionic Acrobat
You can add ½ your PSY MOD rounded down to your Acrobatics Check also you may evasion once for free that does not move you from your square for the cost of 1 Psionic Focus
dropped (does not cost a ½ ACT)

Psionic Dash
Gain a 3DSU movement bonus for each Psionic Focus active

Psionic Teleport Flash

You may give up 1 Psionic Focus to teleport up to your Psionic Dash movement (does not cost a ½ to drop)

Psionic Manifest
level 1 Psionic Focus/Psionic Focus Requirement/Mind Weapon
level 2 Mind Weapon Upgrade V1
level 3 Psionic Focus/Mind Weapon Upgrade V3
level 4 Mind Weapon Upgrade V3
level 5 Psionic Focus/Mind Weapon Upgrade V4

Psionic Focus
As a ½ ACT you may use abilities of a class with "Psionic" in the name or items that require Psionic Focus but suffer a -30 penalty on Guard Checks and -20 on Acrobatics
Checks per active Psionic Focus. If you are stuck with any damage you risk losing your Psionic Focus stacks the TS to make is a Mind Check of 25 with a +10 per stack of
Psionic Focus extra. If you have more than 1 Psionic Focus from another class you may during the same 1/2 ACT stack them but suffer the stack of the -30 Guard Checks and -20
on Acrobatics Checks. Duration of Psionic abilities used multiplies by the number of Psionic Focus active. Damage modifier max increases by 10 for each Psionic Focus for any
Psionic damage source, and Aimed Strike Check for Psionic attacks increase by +3 for each active Psionic Focus and Raise TS of any Psionic ability by +5 per extra stack past
the first. To shut of any number of Psionic Focus costs a ½ ACT. Per stack you may perform a small mind wave blast around you that deals 25+ 5 per level Psionic damage in a
3DSU area or a 3DSU sight line. This cannot be affected by psionic focus this cannot effect anything that is without a mind.

Psionic Focus Requirement

You must have Psionic Focus on to use any of these class abilities

Mind Weapon
You may produce a number of weapons equal to the number of active Psionic Focus stacks you have of any type except siege weapons that deal Psionic and Physical damage. These
weapons can last outside of your grasp for up to 1 round per active Psionic Focus stack you have and any thrown weapon will instantly reform in your hand the next round.
These weapons can be upgraded or altered with the Artificer FP Booster. Weapons that use ammo have unlimited of their basic ammo they use, but still require reloading. The
hardness of the Mind Weapon is 10 multiplied by the number of active Psionic Focus stacks.

Mind Weapon Upgrade V#

Your Mind Weapon Gains 5 FP every V# to a max of 20 if Psionic Focus is active you gain a bonus +10 FP per Psionic Focus bonus by the number of active Psionic Focus you
cannot move this FP this cannot be moved out of the Mind Weapon also this FP can be treated as corresponding credits as well for upgrades of your weapons created by Mind
Weapon ability

Psionic Shot
Level 1 Psionic Focus/Psionic Focus Requirement/Telekinetic Shot
Level 2 Psionic Targeting
Level 3 Psionic Focus/Shockwave Shot/Psionic Range
Level 4 Psychokinetic Bullet
Level 5 Psionic Focus/Psychokinetic Surge

Psionic Focus
As a ½ ACT you may use abilities of a class with "Psionic" in the name or items that require Psionic Focus but suffer a -30 penalty on Guard Checks and -20 on Acrobatics
Checks per active Psionic Focus. If you are stuck with any damage you risk losing your Psionic Focus stacks the TS to make is a Mind Check of 25 with a +10 per stack of
Psionic Focus extra. If you have more than 1 Psionic Focus from another class you may during the same 1/2 ACT stack them but suffer the stack of the -30 Guard Checks and -20
on Acrobatics Checks. Duration of Psionic abilities used multiplies by the number of Psionic Focus active. Damage modifier max increases by 10 for each Psionic Focus for any
Psionic damage source, and Aimed Strike Check for Psionic attacks increase by +3 for each active Psionic Focus and Raise TS of any Psionic ability by +5 per extra stack past
the first. To shut of any number of Psionic Focus costs a ½ ACT. Per stack you may perform a small mind wave blast around you that deals 25+ 5 per level Psionic damage in a
3DSU area or a 3DSU sight line. This cannot be affected by psionic focus this cannot effect anything that is without a mind.

Psionic Focus Requirement

You must have Psionic Focus on to use any of these class abilities

Telekinetic Shot
Ranged attacks may use Psionic damage type and be considered a psionic attack at will. This increases the range of the attack by +3 DSU and damage by +3 per active Psionic

Psionic Targeting
Ranged attacks gain +3 Aimed Strike Check per active Psionic Focus. After hitting a target, all allies gain +3 Aimed Strike Check per active Psionic Focus against that
target for 1 round. This effect does not stack.

Shockwave Shot
You may fire ranged shot that deals 1/3 of normal damage but hits all targets in a 3 DSU radius around the target. Targets within the area may make guard or evasion against
your attack. If dealing Psionic or Ion damage, the EMP chance is increased to 25%.

Psionic Range
Ranged attacks except Projectile classification gain +1 range increment for every 3 active Psionic Focus(Always gain at least +1 range increment). Projectile classification
ranged attacks gain +1 DSU range per active Psionic Focus.

Psychokinetic Bullet
You may create psionic ammo for ranged weapons that is unaffected by wind and completely silent. This ammo has no materials but has 10 hardness, +1 DSU range, and +1x damage
multiplier per 2 active Psionic Focus(minimum +1x multiplier). The damage multiplier bonus may only apply once per round but may be split between multiple attacks in an
attack action. When using this ammo you must still reload the weapon as normal. This ammo dissipates if you do not have an active Psionic Focus.

Psychokinetic Surge
As an ACT you may make a single attack with Psychokinetic Bullet that deals normal damage and explodes to deal 5d8 per active Psionic Focus + PSY MOD(MOD Max 15) in a 3DSU
radius around the target. Evasion for half damage.

Psycho Fighter
level 1 Did I do that?
level 2 Whack A Mole
level 3 Accidental Barrage
level 4 Insanity My Friend
level 5 High Action Thriller

Did I do that?
If you miss your attack roll another Aimed Strike Check for a ½ ACT to see if you still hit

Whack A Mole
If your Aimed Strike Check misses a concealed Foe roll another free attack Aimed Strike Check once and if you hit deals an automatic CRIT to their head if you Roll a NAT 20
it does not count as an extra CRIT degree

Accidental Barrage
When you are near an enemy you may strike that enemy with a Aimed Strike Check and all other enemies in your reach with a Melee attack. The damage done this way is ½ you
cannot make called shots with any of these attacks the reach of the attack reach is limited by your size category reach + 1DSU. For each additional target you lose -5 Aimed
Strike Check. You roll only 1 Aimed Strike Check against all targets.

Insanity My Friend
When you are surrounded by the enemy or in a flanked status instead of the opponents gaining the status against you, you flank them

High Action Thriller

When you make a Acrobatics Check instead of moving 1DSU you can move 3DSU and if you wish make a jump check to jump over opponents while doing so or jump on them as a climb

level 1 Fist of Iron/Smashing Fist
level 2 One Two Combo
level 3 Adamantine Fist/Rushing Punches
level 4 One Two Three Combo
level 5 Crushing Fist/Blitz Punching

Fist of Iron
Your arms are considered as hard as Steel (+10 hardness) added to your own hardness when making punches or punch like attacks and also can block attacks with a +2 defensive
bonus per arm if any of your arms are holding something their bonus does not add a +2

Smashing Fist
Your natural attacks may perform damage to objects as long as your body strike hardness is equal or greater than the objects with only your arm limb type attacks. Overriding
sundering and striking rules of a Non-Machine type. (this allows a 5% chance to break items when attacking them) also your Physical damages with your fists are raised by +5.
Overriding sundering and striking rules of a Non-Machine type treating them as if they are instead organics.

One Two Combo

When making a combo attack every 2nd attack with an arm does not apply to the combo negative (thus 4 arms attacks is only -10 while 5 to 6 is -20)

Adamantine Fist
This ability raises Fist of Iron’s hardness add to adamantine (+15 extra hardness) instead of steel and raises the defensive bonus to +3 per arm

Rushing Punches
You may strike with your arm in a combo attack up to 2 times per arm. You may also perform a disarm Grapple as part of this combination and still deal your damage using your
Aimed Strike Check as the Grapple to disarm (This is not a normal grapple thus does not grasp the foe just tries to know off articles from the foe) This ability to activate
as a whole will cost 1 stamina per 2 arms involved for the bonus.

One Two Three Combo

When making a combo attack every 3nd attack with an arm does not apply to the combo negative (thus 6 arms attacks is only -10 while 7 to 8 is -20)

Crushing Fist
This ability raises Fist of Iron’s hardness add to higher degree (+25 extra hardness) instead of adamantine and raises the defensive bonus to +5 per arm

Blitz Punching
Rushing Punches now may perform up to 3 times instead of 2 times per arm.

Quick Dash Warrior

level 1 Fast Charge
level 2 Quick On Feet
level 3 Dodge and Parry
level 4 Speedy Strike
level 5 Hyper Strike

Fast Charge
If you perform a charge attack you may add your SPD MOD to your Aimed Strike Check of the attack or the Damage extra (on top of normal modification) upon doing so you cannot
apply this effect for 1d2 turns

Quick On Feet
You do not have to move a square if you perform an evasion or you may move up to one fourth rounded down nearest 1DSU your movement speed for the evasion movement thus you
do not expend a movement action but upon doing this you half your movements rounded down to nearest 1DSU till it hits 1DSU thus you cannot perform it again this reduction to
speed lasts till on the next turn.

Dodge and Parry

You may add your SPD MOD to your Evasion/Guard Check but you cannot perform this effect for 1d2 turns after

Speedy Strike
For every SPD MOD you have you can forgo any extra attack type abilities from classes or ADD-ONs to gain bonus attacks on a charge attack that many times every time you
attack 3 times over you get a –10 on the Aimed Strike Check and Damage on your charge attacks.

Hyper Strike
Speedy Strikes negative goes from –10 to –5 instead'
Rifle Master
level 1 On Sight Shot/Adjusting Rifle
level 2 Rifle Bludgeon
level 3 Reloading/On Target Rifle
level 4 Rifle Precision Mastery
level 5 Called the Shot/Advanced Adjusting Rifle

On Sight Shot
When using a firearm classified as a rifle type you may apply your DEX MOD divided by 2 to its Damage

Adjusted Rifle
When using a rifle type weapon its range is treated with a +20DSU range increment to its current range this is only in your hands. You may x2 the range increment of a rifle
class weapon when Aiming without distraction ability on rifle is activated.

Rifle Bludgeon
Treat your rifle type weapons as a large sized Melee weapon instead of a small when performing Melee attacks for the Damage bonus with them this does not apply when it
already has a Melee weapon attachment

While you only have rifle type weapon in hand you may reload it as a free action not taking up any time during an attack action once a round

On Target Rifle
Increase the Range increment of rifle type weapons by x4 so a range of 20DSU for increases to 80DSU

Rifle Precision Mastery

Rifle type weapons gain +1 Aimed Strike Check per character level.

Called the Shot

When using a rifle type weapon its range is treated with a +10DSU range increment to its current range this is only in your hands also the CRIT range of a rifle is treated
as +2 to CRIT degree. You may x2 the range increment of a rifle class weapon when Aiming without distraction ability on rifle is activated.

Advanced Adjusting Rifle

When using a rifle type weapon its range is treated with a +20DSU range increment to its current range this is only in your hands.

level 1 Mastery Skill V1/Charismatic V1/Nimble Dodger
level 2 Mastery Skill V2/Charismatic V2/Sneak
level 3 Mastery Skill V3/Charismatic V3/Double Striker
level 4 Mastery Skill V4/Charismatic V4/Surprise Attack
level 5 Mastery Skill V5/Charismatic V5/Precision Attack

Charismatic V#
When performing a Bluff or Diplomacy Check you may per V# treat a D20 higher number descending a NAT 20 (V1 19, V2 18, V3 17, V4 16 and V5 15) but also increase your lower
number ascending as NAT 1 (V1 2, V2 3, V4 4, and V5 5) you may decide the max treatment (19 is to 2, 18 is to 3 etc.) Any V# extra stacking past V# from another source
instead just adds +5 to Bluff and Diplomacy Checks.

Nimble Dodger
When avoiding a Cast instead of talking half Damage when making the save and you cannot leave it's effecting area you take no Damage

Your stealth checks may perform once a turn instead of once per ½ ACT made and gain a bonus +15 to their check.

Double Striker
Assassination CRIT Type Effect (ACTE): When you CRIT you gain a extra +15 Aimed Strike Check and +3 Damage for 2 rounds. If you CRIT again you gain instead bonus +5 Aimed
Strike Check and +1 Damage again on top of the original bonus refreshing the duration this effect lasts. The Bonus Aimed Strike Check and Damage gain from this effect max
stack up to your character level x5.

Surprise Attack
Assassination CRIT Type Effect (ACTE): An attack to unaware or flanked opponents deals a automatic CRIT.

Precision Attack
Assassination CRIT Type Effect (ACTE): If a CRIT is performed add an extra 5d6 Mortality Damage and bypasses all damage absorbency and damage reduction and shuts off these
effects on the foe for 2 rounds (similar effects stack of the shut off).

Mastery Skill V#
Choose 2 skill out of 10 per V# to grant special abilities listed below. Each Mastery Skill V# gain a +10 to a single skill of your choice. You may change these choices once
a week.
Gain a +5 Aimed Strike Check on normal (Not upon Called Shot/Pinpoint Shot) Ranged attacks and reduce penalty on Called Shots -10 Aimed Strike Check and Pinpoint Shots by -5
Aimed Strike Check.
-Agility Fighter
Your melee attacks may use DEX instead of STR for damage for weapons of your size category or smaller.
-Stealth Runner
When performing a stealth movement you may reduce the 1/10th penalty for full movement to 1/5th, The penalty at moving at ½ movement to ½ instead of 1/4th.
-Sleight of Hand
Your sleight check may be consider stealth as a free action in stealth mode. You may treat 19 as a High Success Bonus (HSB) as if it was a NAT 20 with slight checks.
-Mastery Skill
Choose 5 skills, These skills may roll twice and take the highest result unless a result is a NAT 1 which will still trigger a High Failure Negative (HFN), If a NAT 20 and a
NAT 1 confirm on the 2 rolls it considers it not a High Success Bonus (HSB) but remains as a +20 to the result. Also these skills can give up their second roll and instead
use Keen Skill: The skills from the 5 you have chosen you can spend a ½ ACT to multiply the skills roll result by 1.5 round down (this counts as a keen skill multiplier and
stacks with other keen skill multipliers by adding together (1.5 + 1.5 = 2.0 or 1.5 + 1.5 + 1.5 = 2.5 etc.) If the actions spent are past your own it will instead eat into
your next turns. (This multiplier only effects the 1d20 result)
-Acrobatic Training
You may add +1DSU to all your jump distances (Not Jump Evasion) unless you NAT 1. You may when prone instead of rolling a slight check just get back up as a free action.
When making a Acrobatics Check you gain +1DSU on evasion movement and take a mitigation of all types if you fail the check of -15 per character level.
-Pressure Strikes
Assassination Type Effect (ATE) & Assassination CRIT Type Effect (ACTE): When you CRIT on a foe or an ally has CRIT upon or the foe has NAT 1 within the turn with a Guard or
Acrobatics Check or have gone prone, Gain a Bonus Aimed Strike Check of +50 and Damage of +50 with your attacks that lasts for the round and Any Assassination Type Effect
ability that activates on a unaware or flanked foe with bonus damage has it's dice grade boosted by 2 degrees. You only apply this to the first attack within the action once
per round.
-False Action
You may perform an action against a target that is a false action this can be any sort of action. The enemy will fall for it if they fail their mind check over your slight
check if you progress this on the same target more than once each consecutive time done is a –2 penalty till a new target is chosen this type of move does not use a action
that you are falsifying and can be repeated up to 3 times in a round a 4th time will negate any new False Actions. If they believe the action they must act accordingly as if
the action was to trigger in response. This also marks the opponent Unaware against you. Also you also may add your PSY instead of STR for your damage.
-Listen Closely
You may hear sounds better than most and can hear whispers as though they are normal conversations through normal means from up to 5DSU away or Soft whispering of 3DSU away.
Also reducing the TS to all Listen checks by –25. Also sound based effects TS against you is reduced by -10. You may make also signal signs to others that have been
forewarned of your personal signals of up to 6DSU away in sight.
Quick Observation
You may perform a Mind or Study check to use items find their usage and abilities and figure out how traps and devices work along with identifying all listed things (this is
not capable of searching) and also use other non-weapon items as if they were appropriate weapons granting improvised weapon a +5 damage boost or use incorrect tools to
perform a job TS is equal to the items cost divided by 2500 for identifying To Discover Traps Workings is a TS equal to the traps cost divided by 2500 and to use weapons is
a constant ability and to use tools that are not correct for the job is equal to the necessary cost of the mimic item and minus materials used and will burn out of usage in
1d4 hours if the item is reusable and then must be repaired with more materials to fix lasting 1 hour more for each 250 cost added into it. You may scan a region with this
ability within a 6DSU radius of where you stand to discover traps etc.

Shield Warrior
level 1 Shield Weapon
level 2 Shield Deflect
level 3 Shield Crush
level 4 Shield Expert
level 5 Shield Clang

Shield Weapon
Your shield is consider a “Bludgeoning Weapon” or “Blade Weapon” based on attack use (shield slam for or shield side for blade for example) the shield is still consider
Improvised for benefits. The damage of the shield is equal to Buckler +10 damage, Light Shield +15 damage, Medium Shield +20 damage, Heavy Shield +25 damage, Advanced Shield
+30 damage. A attack with a Heavy or Advanced shield requires you to enforce 2 hands but any weapon wielded in the second hand can still be held but not attacked with.

Shield Deflect
When successfully blocking an attack with just the shield you may perform a free counter attack. This counter attack gains +50 damage and +50 Aimed Strike Check.

Shield Crush
When sundering with a shield it's hardness is treated as +10 more than normal

Shield Expert
When using a shield as a weapon you may treat its 1 handed no matter the size category of the shield as long as it fits your wield size category.

Shield Clang
You may when shield blocking an attack also attempt a free sunder against the item striking the shield

level 1 Special Enemy V1/Bane V1/Classify V1/New Target
level 2 Special Enemy V2/Bane V2/Classify V2
level 3 Special Enemy V3/Bane V3/Classify V3
level 4 Special Enemy V4/Bane V4/Classify V4
level 5 Special Enemy V5/Bane V5/Classify V5

Special Enemy V#
Choose 1 Classification per V#. Your Bane V# ability will apply to that target and also grants you a +2 bonus to Listen and Sight checks per Special Enemy ability against
the chosen classifications

Bane V#
Gain +5 against your Special Enemy choices on all Skill Checks and Damage. This is a Bane effect.

Classify V#
You may take a ½ Act to scan out a beings classifications. For every V# past V1 you may scan off more than 1 target with this ability.

New Target
You may once per day switch 1 of your Special Enemy choices the times per day you may switch increases every 5 character levels by +1 to the base.

level 1 Target Locked/Tracking Fire
level 2 Range Shot/Distance Fire
level 3 Silent Step/Wind Shot
level 4 Greater Locked Target/Vital Point Shots
level 5 Critical Shot/In The Sights

Target Locked
You may lock onto a target for a ½ ACT and gain a +10 Aimed Strike Check for Ranged attacks and gain +10DSU extra on the distance.

Tracking Fire
When you have a target locked with Target Locked ability your sight check to spot them increases by +10.

Ranged Shot
Increase range increment of any ranged attack by +5DSU.

Distance Fire
Against a target locked with Target Locked ability your range increment is increased by +5DSU for any ranged attack.

Wind Shot
Your shots ignore -5 TS of wind category. This is boosted against a target locked with Target Locked ability by -1 per character level once per round.

Silent Step
It takes a Listen Check of x2 of your stealth check to hear you but you expend a ACT instead of a ½ to move with this ability active

Greater Locked Target

Locked target bonus increases to +20 Aimed Strike Check instead of +10 Aimed Strike Check

Vital Point Shots

When making a called shot you reduce the called shot penalty by -1 per character level once per round. This bonus doubles against a target locked with Target Locked ability.

Critical Shot
With a locked target gain as a single attack for the round gain a +2 to Damage multiplier if you hit

In The Sights
When you lock onto a target with Target Locked ability it automatically counts as a “Focus” for your weapon if it has that ability. You may lock more than 1 target with
Target Locked ability but it loses a -5 Aimed Strike Check for each target max 4 for +0 Aimed Strike Check from the ability.

Spell Jammer
level 1 De Summon/Spell Jam
level 2 Denial Field/Spell Inverse
level 3 Cast Obliterate/Polarity Reverse
level 4 Superior Denial Field/Superior Cast Obliterate
level 5 Grand Denial Obliteration

De Summon
You may de summon a summon of a target TS equal to 19 + your level x2 Endure Check. A summon is anything that has been created out of nothing.

Spell Jam
You may cancel a Cast, as a free action twice per round you must roll over their TS +5 as a mind or slight check this is not a violent action.

Denial Field
As a ½ ACT to to turn on or off no Casts can be Cast in or out of the field around yourself in a 10DSU radius. They or yourself may overcome your field by rolling over your
TS (Mind check)

Spell Inverse
You may expend casts (not as a cast) to regenerate your HP or any target by the casts given up x100 for 2 rounds.

Cast Obliterate
Every round something exists in your Denial Field the field tries to remove the Cast Pool Charge and Cast Charges of 10 per round. You are immune to this effect but nothing
else is.

Polarity Reverse
When you use Spell Inverse you may instead target a foe to deal damage by the casts given up x10 for 2 rounds.

Superior Denial Field

Denial Field ability can effect what you wish for it to effect within itself.

Superior Cast Obliterate

Your Cast Obliterate ability will effect what you wish for it to effect within itself. Any casts it removes you gain half of it back to your own Cast Charge Pool.

Grand Denial Obliteration

You may extend the Denial Field by 1DSU per 10 levels or reduce it by 3DSU per 5 levels.

level 1 Summoners Familiar Stone V1/Familiar V1/Summoners Linking
level 2 Summoners Familiar Stone V1/Familiar V1/Summoners Empathy
level 3 Summoners Familiar Stone V1/Familiar V1/Summoners Ritual
level 4 Summoners Familiar Stone V1/Familiar V1/Summoners Spirit
level 5 Summoners Familiar Stone V1/Familiar V1/Summoners Greater Ritual

Summoners Familiar Stone V#

A summoner creates a special stone for 250 credits. This stone has 1 WS and 1 WSV. These stones are needed to use the ability Familiar V#. The stone is called a Familiar
Design Stone and does not automatically upgrade when gaining summoner levels and to make a new one or update one takes 1 week of time though multiples can be done at the
same time. You can only have 1 per V# actively linked to yourself nor can you use a stone that is for a higher Familiar V# than your own or higher level. It takes 1 week to
link a Familiar Design Stone to yourself. All designs of the familiar are from the Familiar V# ability. A stone must visually be out in the open to keep the summon active.

Familiar V#
You may summon a being called a Familiar. This ability cannot be used without a linked Familiar Design Stone. Familiars are a part of yourself split from your dream realm.
Their form and being are designed by the summoner but must remain in a body similar to a humanoid or a quadruped. Though looking like other beings they suffer a -100 to
Disguise to look like other races due to their inability to completely replicate their looks and behaviors. Familiars gain a classification and Body type. Body types grant
different abilities while Familiars always carry a classification connected to that body type. Familiars also gain a set of rules link to them listed below.
-Familiars do not have Stamina Points, Wisdom Points or Cast Pool Charges. Any action of using Stamina Wisdom or Cast Pool Charges instead pull from the Summoner themselves
instead as if they used the effect. If the ability uses a class level it uses the Summoners level as the class level but the familiars level for the measurement of character
level, If the effect calls for a specific class the “Summmoner” named class levels count as those class levels along with the original class level if the summoner contains
that class level instead wich ever is higher.
-Familiars never use up Stamina Points when they perform their own actions and always treated at 0 Stamina and can never go negative but cannot ever spend stamina.
-Takes a ½ ACT to summon a Familiar of up to 6DSU away from your person and may summon up to equal to your Familiar V# each V# represents a slot for a Familiar to be
summoned into with your Familiar summon action if any are filled it will instead try to refill the empty Familiar summon slots. If a Familiar is reduced to 0 HP or is de-
summoned it cannot be summoned again within it's slot for 1 minute.
-Familiars level is limited to your level divided by 1.5 minimal level 1 (They do not gain class levels).
-Familiars that gain FP from any source ability cannot have that FP split off of themselves and can only go to themselves nor can they except any FP built into them from
outside sources.
-Familiars are limited to Micro size at Familiar V1 but may grow up to Large at V5.
-Familiars gain stats from Chapter 11 NPC & Monsters. They gain in 4 General Positive Stats WIMPY and increase 4 stats WEAK for base stats. They gain 1 extra WEAK stat per
Familiar V# past V1(Making all 8 WEAK stat).
-Familiars gain HP of WIMPY.
-Familiars gain CP of WIMPY this increases by +1 Grade for CP up to max of HARD per Familiar V# past V1. CP can boost a Familiars General Stat line and HP line up to only a
max of NORMAL.
-Familiars choose 1 body type and gain natural benefit of it and set choice classifications but always contain Changeling classification.
--Organic Fauna: Fey, Dragon, Arthropod, Amoebiod, Human, Reptile, Fish, Beast, Avian.
---Gain +3DSU to quadruped movement (Beast)(Reptile), 3DSU to swim movement (Fish)(Amoebiod)(Reptile), 1DSU to bipedal movement (Human)(Fey)(Dragon), +1DSU to slither
movement which cannot be tripped (Reptile)(Amoebiod)(Dragon), +1DSU to Flight movement (Avian)(Arthropod)(Dragon)(Fey). +15 to Scent and Sight checks.
--Organic Flora: Fey, Plant
---Gain +3DSU to slither movement which cannot be tripped. +15 to Climb and Slight checks.
--Inorganic Machine: Machination
---Choose 1 metal of bountiful to common and that is their base material (cannot apply additives). Can be summoned with compartments.
--Inorganic Ethereal: Machination, Elemental, Fey, Angel, Devil, Amoeboid.
---Gain Special resistance to 3 damage types (-5 mitigation per level), 3 that are weakness (x2 damage from that source), and 1 that gains immunity from. No weakness
resistance or immunity may overlap.
---This may overlap any Organic or Ethereal.

Summoners Linking
When you summon a familiar you may move your perception to it's own as a Full Round ACT this action reduces if you get another Summoners Linking by halve (Full Round ACT
goes to an ACT etc.). Also when any class that also has Summoners Linking must have a Familiar out to use it's abilities.

Summoners Empathy
Your ability to communicate with other beings increases by +10 in Diplomacy, Bluff and Intimidate checks and understanding of another race with Mind or Study checks.

Summoner Ritual
You may fuse 2 or more Familiars together to up 1 General Stat or HP grade +1 (WIMPY to WEAK etc.) per fused Familiar and give them de-summon immunity once per round equal
to the fused amount of familiars. Fused familiars count all familiars used towards your limit of familiars that you can summon.

Summoners Spirit
You may speak with anything that is living and understand anything living for 1 hour per “Summoner” named class level as a ACT. This though does not allow you to teach
others a language and is only a effect upon yourself. The effect must be in use in hour increments and only refreshes when you have fully rested but once it reaches 24 hours
instead this effect remains on forever without a need for an ACT.

Summoners Greater Ritual

Your Summoners Ritual adds +1 extra de-summoning immunity passively to all familiars (this does not apply to them stacking into each other) also if they would be de-summoned
you may instead give up 5% of your Max HP to cancel the attempt.

level 1 Wit
level 2 Quick Wit
level 3 Witling away
level 4 Wit lash
level 5 Wits End

Any weapon you treat One Handed Melee weapons that use DEX as Aimed Strike Check over STR may apply the DEX MOD to the Damage along with strength max up to the Melee weapons
Damage bonus divided by 2 rounded down but your character suffers a negative to Guard Checks equal to the Damage bonus

Quick Wit
Any One Handed Melee weapons can be drawn freely in a movement performed by the character including evasions and anything that at least moves you 1DSU

Witling away
Using an “early” firearm you may use it as an improvised weapon with a +15 bonus Damage and any gun shot from the weapon from 3DSU away deals Damage with an extra 5d6 Damage
the weapon is treated as a One Handed weapon only if you can wield it normally

Wit lash
When applying Wit ability you may move 1DSU as a free action.

Wits End
Gain +10 to Slight and Acrobatics Checks also when you deal the final blow to an enemy for 1d4 rounds your Wit ability also applies a positive to the Acrobatics Checks equal
to the Damage bonus

Swift Striker
level 1 Turn Around
level 2 Escape Artist
level 3 Prone Fighter
level 4 Stand the Ground
level 5 Point Blow Strike

Turn Around
You do not have to make a slight check to turn around when it is not your turn and instead negate back side attacks entirely

Escape Artist
Instantly Escape any form of grapple with a ½ ACT, and do not take any negatives from grapples. Also upon escaping a grappling you may perform a counter grapple or tripping

Prone Fighter
You may stand up as a free action when prone, also you may move full speed while prone and have no negatives while prone.

Stand the Ground

You may share a square and suffer no negatives, if you are smaller than your opponent you automatically gain Flank effect when sharing their square

Point Blow Strike

You may apply ½ STR and ½ DEX MOD for Melee damage and Aimed Strike Check but the casual effects of hardness worth still apply full for STR

Totem Master
level 1 Summon Totem V1/Totem Empower V1
level 2 Summon Totem V2/Totem Controller
level 3 Summon Totem V3/Totem Empower V2
level 4 Summon Totem V4/Quick Totem
level 5 Summon Totem V5/Totem Empower V3

Summon Totem V#
You summon 1 totem as a ACT these totems can then be imbued with a power from Totem Empower ability if you please, these totems are made of the materials in the surrounding
area and upon destruction leave that area damaged upon dismissal instead they return to their natural shape before made into a totem from that material, their HP is 5x based
on the material they are made from, you may not summon a totem from a persons equipment. You may summon a totem per V# of this ability max 5 for your character. The totem
can be made from any item of any 4 materials max weight of 1-5kg, and can be a furniture, mini statue. instrument, and trinkets (things made from carving) coloration can be
applied at whim like paint. The totems are movable thus auto damaging the spot they used to be part of thus when dismissed they remain in totem shape without powers. A
single totem cannot be past small sized.

Totem Empower V#
You may empower any totems made from the Summon Totem ability the empowers are listed below, these powers result numbers are multiplied by the V# of this ability except the
radius, the auras blast out their effects per round and cannot switch till the next round. Totems auras are either visible or sensible when they emit your powers based upon
the aura of what they feel in the area thus they are not hid able till the power within them is dismissed as a totem. The totem uses your stats for it's aura effects.
-Healing Aura: This empowerment heals all friendly subjects for 10d4+CON+SPRT+DUR MOD (MOD MAX 100) in a 5DSU radius of the totem
-Energy Blast Aura: This empowerment damages all enemy subjects for 10d4+CON+SPRT+DUR MOD in a 5DSU radius of the totem the chosen energy is either Heat, Cold, Ion, Acid,
Water, Gravity or Psionic damage upon the empowerment choice and cannot be changed
-Resistance Aura: This empowerment reduces damages for all friendly subjects by -20 in a 5DSU radius of the totem the chosen energy is either Heat, Cold, Ion, Acid, Water,
Gravity or Psionic damages upon the empowerment choice and cannot be changed Empowering Aura: This empowerment raises a chosen stat by +10 in a 5DSU radius to allies upon
the empowerment you cannot make a new stat choice
-Weakening Aura: This empowerment reduces a chosen stat by -10 in a 5DSU radius to enemies upon the empowerment you cannot make a new stat choice
-Channeling Aura: By remaining in a constant concentration state for a ACT to all your allies all TS and Damage of Casts are boosted by +5 per totem in 5DSU radius.
-Mental Protection Aura: This empowerment protects allies in a 5DSU radius from any negative mental based status effect and stops any progressive changes from these effects
(PSY, SPRT and LUK are mental based consider stats). This cannot stop Psionic Power Casts effects though.
-Physical Protection Aura: This empowerment protects allies in a 5DSU radius from any negative physical based status effect and stops any progressive changes from these
effects (STR, DEX, CON, DUR and SPD are physical based consider stats)

Totem Controller
You may as a ACT make a totem start moving on it's own it has a movement of 3DSU per it's ½ ACT and has a full ACT for itself, this totem also has 30 in it's stats
multiplied by the Totem Empower V# this totem can use any of your class abilities through yourself (only 1 totem is permitted this choice per turn.

Quick Totem
You may make a totem as a ½ ACT instead of a ACT or Totem Controller as a ½ ACT instead of an ACT you must make a choice upon use per round

level 1 Trick Force V1/Hand Of Fates
level 2 Trick Force V2/Forbidden Tempo
level 3 Trick Force V3/Quirk Of Fates
level 4 Trick Force V4/Master Of The Forces
level 5 Trick Force V5/Fate Defying Ingenuity

Trick Force V#
You gain a special pool called Trick Force Charges. These charges can be restored by exchanged of 1 Cast Pool Charge for 1 Trick Force Charge or 1 Stamina for 5 Trick Force
Charges. You can only have 5 Trick Force Charges per Trickster level max. You regain 5 Trick Force Charges per hour. You may expand these Trick Force Charges for the listed
abilities that you gain per trick Force V# listed and the cost of each Trick Charge is based on the V# of the Trick Force grade. Each trick costs a ½ ACT.

Trick Force V1
-Trick Acrobatics: You gain +10 to Slight, Evasion, Climb, Jump checks for 2 rounds. Every use of this stacks the rounds not the bonuses.
-Wise Trick: You gain a bonus 1 Wisdom Point (These cannot be spent for knowledge system) these bonus points remain for 1 hour.
-Heroic Trick: You gain a bonus 5 stamina points for 1 round and reduce all stamina costs by -1. You can only use this trick once per combat.

Trick Force V2
-Master Trick: You gain a bonus to all skills by +5 for 1 hour out of combat. Once in combat the bonus dissipates.
-Nimble Trick: If you are forced in a Backside attack or Flanked, You may deny the bonus they gain. You may instantly get up from prone as a free action.
-Dirty Trick: You may gain instant Flank or Back Side of your choice even if you normally don't meet the requirement for 1 attack.

Trick Force V3
-Trick of Wills: You gain a bonus to all skills by +10 for 1 hour out of combat. Once in combat the bonus dissipates.
-Trick Surge: You may use all Trick Force V# abilities as a free action for 1 hour. If this is used up to 3 times the effect will end.
-Trick Turn: Your may gain +10ft to all movement types and consider 10ft a charge distance with up to 15ft of drift for 1 round.

Trick Force V4
-Heroic Master Trick: You gain a bonus 10 stamina points for 1 round and reduce all stamina costs by -2. You can only use this trick once per combat.
-Tempest Trick: You may activate 2 tricks in 1 action once excluding this trick. This trick costs 1 extra Trick Force Charge each time it's used in the same combat.
-Trick of The Heart: You gain a bonus to all skills by +25 during combat for 1 turn. You can only activate this once every 3 turns in combat.

Trick Force V5
-God of Tricks: You may activate 5 tricks in 1 action once excluding this trick. This trick costs 5 extra Trick Force Charge each time it's used in the same combat.
-Trick of Tricks: If any skill checks roll a NAT 1 you may treat it's negative as a bonus instead this does not negate NAT 1 failures if you do not pass the check nor
applies to Aimed Strike Checks. This effect only lasts for 2 rounds.
-Defiance Trick: You may treat any action you perform as uninterruptible and any action you perform is consider a counter action for bonuses. All damage you deal is
increased by +15.

Hand Of Fates
Gain a +2 to all skill checks per Trickster level. Aimed Strike Check and Grapple instead gain a +3 per trickster level. For each character level gain +5 BHP.

Forbidden Tempo
You must select this daily. Casts Gain a bonus +10 to their MOD max and a bonus +5 to their damage or Aimed Strike Check & Grapple Gain a bonus +10 and all damage except
casts gain a +10 damage bonus.

Quirk Of Fates
Forbidden Tempo Bonuses increase by +5. Hand Of Fates BHP per character level increases by +5.

Master Of The Forces

For each Trick Force Charge you have you gain a Bonus +1 to 3 of your Stats. You can only select these stats every week.

Fate Defying Ingenuity

For each Trick Force Charge you have spent from your max you Gain +5ft to all movement per 5 spent, Gain +2 to all skills per spent.

level 1 Summon Allied Animal V1/Animal Training V1/Animal Link
level 2 Summon Allied Animal V2/Animal Training V2/Power Of The Beast/Close Friend
level 3 Summon Allied Animal V3/Animal Training V3/Animal Whisper
level 4 Summon Allied Animal V4/Animal Training V4/Heart Of Beasts/Union Of Wild
level 5 Summon Allied Animal V5/Animal Training V5/Greater Animal Whisper

Summon Allied Animal V#

A trainers Pet is a special animal that was personally trained by you. The pet when trained to trust you and become loyal to you to it's extent then may become one of your
spirit animals bonding to you. When a Trainer Pet becomes bonded to you it then infuses into your soul and you may summon that specific pet from this ability. The pets looks
can be modified from your preference but must be to the species own natural looks. The Pet then heighten status will become sentient as high as a human and requires to still
be respected as your partner as your lives are linked now and may leave you if you do not respect them (You may also inherit ghosts of animals as your Trainer Pets). It
takes a ritual of 1 hour to infuse the animal into yourself. A Trainer can also tame as many Trainer Pets as it wants but for each Trainer Pet slot it can summon it must
have a “separate different” animal to each slot assigned. (GM and player note it's good to name each animal they own to personalize them for they are not just part of the
class but separate beings being summoned)
-It takes a ½ Act to summon a Trainers Pet.
-Only 1 of your Trainer Pets can come out the higher V# permits 1 extra per V# to be summoned out.
-A Trainer Pets can only be summoned out from up to 3DSU per Trainer level away from yourself and may not be summoned in a fashion dangerous for itself.
-All Trainer Pets are consider WEAK monster progression for their HP and Stats (They do not gain CP).
-The Trainer Pet classification fits it's species but it must not be a sentient race only a animistic species.
-During this they have their own attitude likes wants desires and whole personalities and can speak to other Trainer Pets inside yourself when not summoned or any out with
itself when summoned.
-The Trainer Pets level is equal to ½ your level rounded down (min 1).
-Your Trainer Pet cannot communicate with it's own species anymore and if it dies or KOed you take damage equal to 1/4th it's HP rounded down as it then dismisses though not
as if you personally dismissed it.
-A Trainer Pet recalls all info from you while not summoned but while summoned does not know what you know till it dismisses or is spoken to.
-Trainer can only tame certain sized animals to be their trainers pet, Size is limited of Huge or smaller at Trainer level 1 and up max 2 size categories more each Trainer
level to a max of Immeasurable. When bonded the size of an animal can be adjusted up to it's max for it's species or smallest for it's species by your whim based on your max
size limit still.
-The Trainer Pets carry their basic traits of their species based on GM for poisons, larger claws, heighten senses etc. any status effect level is based on Trainer level x4.
Any Skills Check Boosts are increased by +5 per Trainer level.
-If a Trainers Pet was just summoned after you dismiss your previous Trainer Pet(s) then the newly summoned Trainer Pets cannot perform a violent action or Charge Attack.
-All animals start with any movement of either “Slither” (8DSU cannot be tripped 8DSU Swim), “Bipedal” (6DSU movement (can get prehensile arms), “Quadruped” (12DSU
movement), “Swimming” (1DSU Land 45DSUSwim), “Flight” (Move 5DSU and Flight 6DSU) (some movements could intersect based on species)
-While out these Trainer Pets still function as the animal that they once where and still can reproduce and even feel hunger.

Animal Link
You may transfer to your Trainer Pet orders without vocal command and your Trainer Pet send info to you like a conversation without sounds (Your animals have intelligence
similar to a sentient human).

Animal Training V#
Your animal gain a special training effect passive and for each V# they may apply a extra one from the list. You cannot stack the same training.
-Rider: Any animal 1 body square larger or more than yourself) Trainer Pet Gains +1DSU base speed per character level of the trainer. Also your Trainer Pet gains a bonus +5
Aimed Strike Check on charge attacks per trainer level to the Trainer and the Trainer Pet, Trainer only gains this bonus if he is riding the animal. This Trainer Pet ignores
all stamina needs for movement. This Trainer Pet gains +100 SPD at level one then +5 SPD per character level past 1.
-Tough: Any small or larger animal) Trainer Pet Gains 500HP at level one then +50 HP per character level as Bonus HP past level 1. The Trainer Pet gains +50 Guard Check
Untyped at level one then +15 Guard Check Untyped per character level past 1. Trainer Pet gains +100 CON at level one then +5 CON per level past 1.
-Strong: Any small or larger animal) Trainer Pet Gains +5 size dice upgrade and +25 base damage with it's natural attacks at level one then +10 base damage per character
level past 1. The Trainer Pet gains +50 STR and +100 DUR at level one then +5 to STR and DUR per character level past 1.
-Agile: Any small, medium, large or huge animal) Trainer Pet Gains +25 Aimed Strike Check at level one then +10 per character level past 1. This Trainer Pet gains +100 DEX
at level one then +5 to DEX per character level past 1. You may use your DEX for damage instead of STR.
-Teamwork: Any animal size) Trainer Pet Gains +50 Aimed Strike Check at level one then +5 per character level past 1. Trainer Pet gains 1d4 bonus damage per character level
when it make a attack against a Flanked or Back Side attack enemy even if the enemy itself is not Flanked by the pets own position. This Trainer Pet gains +50 PSY and +100
SPRT at level one then +5 PSY and SPRT per character level past 1. Your Trainer Pet may use it's PSY MOD for Aimed Strike Check instead of the usual mods.
-Grapple: Any medium or larger size) Trainer Pet Gains +30 to Grapple Checks at level one then +15 per character level past 1. This Trainer pet counts itself using 1 limb as
advantageous of being treated as 2 limbs for bonus and for each size up gains a bonus of +10 to it's Grapple Checks.
-Distracting: Any Tiny or larger pet) Trainer Pet gains +30 to Acrobatics Check at level one then +15 per character level past 1 then at character level 15 and above +10
instead. A Trainer Pet produces a distraction effect and fully guards the Trainer in a 3DSU radius around itself to a poin a foe cannot target the trainer that summoned it
till it is out of the taunts radius or eliminated this effect also works for any other non Distracting pet the trainer summons as well.
-Messenger: Any animal size) Your animal gives a target you permit Animal Link ability to transfer info from the animal. This Trainer Pet gains +100 LUK at level one then +5
LUK per character level past 1.
-Spy: Any Micro, Tiny, Small, Medium sized animal) Trainer Pet gains +3DSU movement. Also +5 to it's Sight, Listen, Scent Checks and a +10 to it's Stealth and Slight Checks
per character level.
-Spotter pet: Any animal size) Trainer Pet gains the Optic Power Template without any negatives the chosen sight type is cut down by half it's bonuses rounded down. The
stacks of the template is equal to the Trainer Pet level. This pet may transfer it's vision to your own as a Full Round ACT.
-Masterful pet: Any animal size) Trainer Pet gains a +10 to all skill checks except Aimed Strike Check and Grapple. Also +5 to it's Skill Checks per character level. Also a
+5 to all Stat Points per Trainer Level.

Power Of The Beast

Your Trainer Pet gains FP special to itself upon your summoning of it. The FP is limited to Self ADD-ONs and cannot be removed as normal ADD-ONs. FP gain is equal to 20 per
Trainer Pet level. You may also instead cut a Trainers Pet FP in half to summon a extra of the same Trainer Pet. This extra pet is exactly the same as the intended other pet
with the Cut half FP. Both pets have all their bonuses from the Animal Training ability divided by 2 rounded down. (This extra pet still has to be the same exact species but
a different personal animal tamed by you to be a Trainer Pet to fill in the new extra Trainer Pet slot)

Close Friend
Your Trainer Pet can copy class abilities you have. The Trainer Pet can copy up to 1 ability equal to it's level divided by 2. Any casts it performs drains out of your cast
pool. Your Trainer Pets cannot use abilities that clone themselves, craft, create item based abilities or summon other entities or copy any ability from this class itself.
The pet that mimics the ability also mimics the class name for benefits for all it's levels.

Animal Whisper
Any animal you encounter you gain a +10 Diplomacy, Bluff or Intimidate to manipulate it's behavior towards yourself. Your Trainer Pet may communicate with it's species as if
it was a normal version of it's species but you cannot. (Though it can translate for you through your animal link)

Heart Of Beasts
Your Pet gains NORMAL monster progression for their HP and Stats.

Union Of Wild
Gain a FP pool equal to the amount of Trainer Pets Gained FP from Power Of The Beast. When Summoning a Trainer Pet you must decide to apply this ability of FP as a Union Of
Wild summon and the max amount of Spare Trainer Slots you wish to have out. Once Summoned for each empty Pet Slot their FP from Power Of The Beast can be split among the
Summoned Pets current. Pets summoned in this way unlike normal all count in for the same ½ ACT and you cannot summon any other Trainer Pets till you dismiss all Union Of
Wild Trainer Pets. (If you are level 30 with 5 pets and Union Of Wild Summon 3 Trainer Pets you can split between these 3 pets on top of their normal Power Of The Beast FP
bonus FP equal to 600 FP the 300FP from the 2 empty slot of Trainer Pets) You cannot activate Power Of The Beast split summon on a Summon produced from Union Of Wild.

Greater Animal Whisper

Animal Whisper gains x2 it's bonus and also applies to your Trainer Pets if the animal is the same species or a common relation species. Your Trainer Pet can allow you to
Animal Link to animals of it's species if it's near them and communicating to them.

Trick Gunner
level 1 Trick Shot
level 2 Low Shot
level 3 High Shot
level 4 Spin Shot
level 5 Dancing Shot

Trick Shot
During your opponents attack you may fire any firearm class weapon you are able to wield at the opponents attacks to deflect the attack like a Guard Check the Damage is the
Guard score instead of your regular Guard score but only the guns dice Damage multiplied by any damage multiplier damage bonus from material and dice grade boosts and no
other type of boosts. If you apply this ability any radius effects etc. May still Damage the foe like from a rocket launcher you may apply powers to these moves but it is
considered an counter attack action and is limited by the attack limit per round you cannot apply any Multi-Attack effects to this ability. This also damages the object with
that same damage. It's Guard type is based on the bullets damage types produced.

Low Shot
Your opponents are considered flank while you are in the first range increment of your firearm away from them

High Shot
Your shots have a increased CRIT degree by +1

Spin Shot
As a Full Round ACT you may perform a 360 degree radius of a firearm that fires bullets or shells that must roll a Aimed Strike Check against each foe in the radius and uses
up bullets equal to the opponents being shot at in radius x4 if it empties the gun it still counts then the weapon is instantly reloaded as long as the gun take s an ACT to
load if you wish you may fire more than x4 the bullets to increase the Aimed Strike Check by +2 for each extra bullet used up you cannot apply Multi-Attack effects to this

Dancing Shot
Instead of a Full Round ACT to use Spin Shot it is considered a regular attack action and you may move during the course as long as you have actions left you cannot apply
multi hit effects to this effect

Undeath Master
level 1 Death Magic V1/Death Aura Sight/Influence Of Power
level 2 Death Magic V2/Heritage Of Death/Serene Power
level 3 Death Magic V3/Recall Dead Memory/Forged Power
level 4 Death Magic V4/Death Is Life/Force of Power
level 5 Death Magic V5/Goal Of All Life Is Death/Defiance of Fate Power

Death Magic V#
This form of casting is consider both a Divinity and a Mystic Power cast.

Death Magic V1
-Servant Of Death: You may raise a being as a skeleton/zombie template up to Medium size that is loyal to you. They are implanted with none of their original memories. You
may control only up to 1 being with this cast per Undeath Master level. Any being raised this way loses -5 level minimal level they can have is 1.
-Poison Blast Alpha: You may impact a zone with a miasma magic up to 10DSU away and effecting 3DSU that deals 5d4 mortality damage that increases by 1 dice grade they remain
in the poison cloud. The cloud lasts for 2 rounds +1 round per Undeath Master level. Miasma Cloud that stack combine together for their round duration. For each 5TS of wind
the Miasma Cloud will lost -1 round.
-Dark Healing Alpha: You may heal a target on touch for Void Healing 10d6+SPRT MOD x3. The MOD MAX is 20 for beings that heal from Holy Healing and 40 for beings that heal
from Unholy Healing. The range DSU is increased by +1 per Undeath Master level.
-Mystic Blast Dark: 8DSU range 10d8 + PSY MOD (max 20) Acrobatics Check Half. The damage type is Void. This Mystic Blast ignores allies and acts as Healing for those that
Heal from Unholy Healing. The range DSU and MOD MAX is increased by +1 per Undeath Master level.

Death Magic V2
-Servant Of Death Greater: You may raise a being as a skeleton/zombie template up to Medium size that is loyal to you. They are implanted with none of their original
memories. You may control only up to 1 being with this cast per Undeath Master level. Any being raised this way loses -3 level minimal level they can have is 2.
-Poison Blast Beta: You may impact a zone with a miasma magic up to 12DSU away and effecting 4DSU that deals 5d4 mortality damage that increases by 1 dice grade they remain
in the poison cloud. The Cloud obscures and provides a 25% miss chance to anything targeting within our into cloud. The cloud lasts for 2 rounds +1 round per Undeath Master
level. Miasma Cloud that stack combine together for their round duration. For each 5TS of wind the Miasma Cloud will lost -1 round.
-Dark Healing Beta: You may heal a target on touch for Void Healing 10d8+SPRT MOD x3. The MOD MAX is 30 for beings that heal from Positive Heals and 60 for beings that heal
from Negative Heals. The range DSU is increased by +2 per Undeath Master level.
-Mystic Blast Greater: 12DSU range 10d10 + PSY MOD (max 30) Acrobatics Check Half. The damage type is Void. This Mystic Blast ignores allies and acts as Healing for those
that Heal from Negative Energy. The range DSU and MOD MAX is increased by +1 per Undeath Master level.

Death Magic V3
-Servant Of Death Energized: You may raise a being as a skeleton/zombie template up to Large size that is loyal to you. They are implanted with none of their original
memories. You may control only up to 1 being with this cast per Undeath Master level. Any being raised this way loses -5 level minimal level they can have is 1.
-Poison Blast Gamma: You may impact a zone with a miasma magic up to 14DSU away and effecting 5DSU that deals 5d4 mortality damage that increases by 1 dice grade they remain
in the poison cloud. The Cloud obscures and provides a 25% miss chance to anything targeting within our into cloud. The cloud lasts for 2 rounds +1 round per Undeath Master
level. Miasma Cloud that stack combine together for their round duration. For each 5TS of wind the Miasma Cloud will lost -1 round.
-Dark Healing Gamma: You may heal a target on touch for Void Healing 10d10+SPRT MOD x3. The MOD MAX is 40 for beings that heal from Holy Healing and 80 for beings that heal
from Unholy Healing. The range DSU is increased by +3 per Undeath Master level.
-Mystic Blast Energized: 16DSU range 10d10 + PSY MOD (max 40) Acrobatics Check Half. The damage type is Void. This Mystic Blast ignores allies and acts as Healing for those
that Heal from Unholy Healing. The range DSU and MOD MAX is increased by +1 per Undeath Master level.

Death Magic V4
-Servant Of Death Grand: You may raise a being as a skeleton/zombie template up to Large size that is loyal to you. They are implanted with none of their original memories.
You may control only up to 1 being with this cast per Undeath Master level. Any being raised this way loses -3 level minimal level they can have is 2.
-Poison Blast Delta: You may impact a zone with a miasma magic up to 16DSU away and effecting 6DSU that deals 5d4 mortality damage that increases by 1 dice grade they remain
in the poison cloud. The Cloud obscures and provides a 25% miss chance to anything targeting within our into cloud. The cloud lasts for 2 rounds +1 round per Undeath Master
level. Miasma Cloud that stack combine together for their round duration. For each 5TS of wind the Miasma Cloud will lost -1 round.
-Dark Healing Delta: You may heal a target on touch for Void Healing 10d12+SPRT MOD x3. The MOD MAX is 50 for beings that heal from Holy Healing and 100 for beings that heal
from unholy Healing. The range DSU is increased by +4 per Undeath Master level.
-Mystic Blast Ultimate: 18DSU range 10d12 + PSY MOD (max 50) Acrobatics Check Half. The damage type is Void. This Mystic Blast ignores allies and acts as Healing for those
that Heal from Unholy Healing. The range DSU and MOD MAX is increased by +1 per Undeath Master level.

Death Magic V5
-Servant Of Death Ultimate: You may raise a being as a skeleton/zombie template up to Huge size that is loyal to you. They are implanted with none of their original
memories. You may control only up to 1 being with this cast per Undeath Master level. Any being raised this way loses -5 level minimal level they can have is 5. If raised
with a level lower than 5 they gain automatic levels.
-Poison Blast Omega: You may impact a zone with a miasma magic up to 18DSU away and effecting 7DSU that deals 5d4 mortality damage that increases by 1 dice grade they remain
in the poison cloud. The Cloud obscures and provides a 25% miss chance to anything targeting within our into cloud. The cloud lasts for 2 rounds +1 round per Undeath Master
level. Miasma Cloud that stack combine together for their round duration. For each 5TS of wind the Miasma Cloud will lost -1 round.
-Dark Healing Omega: You may heal a target on touch for Void Healing 20d6+SPRT MOD x3. The MOD MAX is 60 for beings that heal from Holy Healing and 120 for beings that heal
from Unholy Healing. The range DSU is increased by +5 per Undeath Master level.
-Mystic Blast Forbidden: 20DSU range 20d6 + PSY MOD (max 60) Acrobatics Check Half. The damage type is Void. This Mystic Blast ignores allies and acts as Healing for those
that Heal from Unholy Holy. The range DSU and MOD MAX is increased by +1 per Undeath Master level.

Death Aura Sight

You may see beings that are consider Undeath, and see dead things telling each of their recent time of death and if you can use your abilities on them or not. This sight
only goes up to 12DSU and is always active. This sight when active emanates magic. The glowing auras determine the information.

Influence Of Power
You consider this class as both a Magus and a Cleric named class for effect. This class treats any named “Cleric” or “Magus” named class as Undeath Master class for effect.
You only gain up to 1 level from this effect to both “Cleric” and “Magus” named class effects.

Heritage Of Death
You may heal from Unholy and Holy Healing. You may heal those that heal from Unholy Healing (except yourself) each round by 10d4+PSY+CON+SPRT+LUK.

Serene Power
Influence Of Power class name limit increases by 1.

Recall Dead Memory

You may touch a Undead from your Servant Of Death cast chain and recall it's memories keeping it loyal to you under influence.

Forged Power
Influence Of Power class name limit increases by 1.

Death Is Life
Mystic Blast Chain from “Magus” may treat it's damage type as Void damage. This will override if it's imbued with a damage type from another effect but retains all it's
special effects.

Force Of Power
Influence Of Power class name limit increases by 1.

Goal Of All Life Is Death

This class treats “Necromancer” & “Ultimate Necromancer” class levels as “Magus” “Cleric” & “Undeath Master” name for effects. You ascend past even death gaining Eternal
Body type and start to reflect powers of both life and death. You are able to see into a realm called the Grand Line of up to 6DSU. You may tell the time limit of lives and
importance they effect to fate or if they are broken from fate itself by the auras that they glow. You may see any ethereal type realm. Invisibility effects instead suffer a
25% miss chance instead of a 50%. Ethereal type effects no longer have a miss chance percent against you.

Defiance Of Fate Power

Influence Of Power class name limit is removed.

Weapon Juggler
level 1 Switch Out/Ace Throw
level 2 Continual Thrower/Flash Step 1DSU
level 3 Moving Toss/Advanced Shifting
level 4 Dance of the Strike/Flash Step 1DSU
level 5 Skirmish Dance/Fatal Acrobatics

Switch Out
When a weapon just left your hand via a throw you can draw a new throw able weapon as a free action

Ace Throw
When you throw a weapon from only up to 1DSU away you can instead quickly regain it back as a free action. You may move 1DSU as a free action once per turn when throwing a

Flash Step 1DSU

Flash step ability adds a movement bonus to land speed only based of 1DSU, all flash steps stack together

Continual Thrower
If you are throwing weapons you do not suffer any negatives for combo attacks when throwing weapons.

Moving Thrower
You can throw weapons as you move but this is considered your attack action of the round you can throw up to as many weapons equal to your prehensile appendages you have per
1DSU square

Advancing Shift
Ace Throw ability may move 1 extra time per turn. As long as you are moving you gain a +5 to your Aimed Strike Check.

Dance of the Strike

You can alternate between up to 6 weapons per attack you perform freely as you toss them up in the air greatly but know their landing determinations also you may throw these
weapons (if they aren’t a normal throwing weapon) their thrown distance is up to 3DSU you may also make any of these attacks while you are moving but it is consider your
attack action.

Skirmish Dance
As long as you are moving you gain a +5 to your Aimed Strike Check and you cannot be tripped during your movement. As long as you have a free prehensile limb You may catch
thrown weapon at yourself and can intentionally throw them back with no react able action to it as a counter attack or wield it yourself. If it’s a grenade like weapon that
you throw back this action is not consider violent if you do so.
Fatal Acrobatics
Anything on the ground can be picked up as a free action draw. This will not activate if you just drop the weapon on the ground. Ace Throw ability may move 1 extra time per

Weaponry Specialist
level 1 Weapon of Choice V1/Weapon Trick V1/Prized Weapons
level 2 Weapon Skill V1/Upgrade V1/Weapon Trick V2
level 3 Weapon of Choice V2/Weapon Trick V3
level 4 Weapon Skill V2/Upgrade V2/Weapon Trick V4
level 5 Weapon of Choice V3/Weapon Skill V3

Weapon of Choice V1-3

You gain an expert skill with the marked weapon of choice for every V# you have a new weapon you can use with pure skill and gain a +10 Aimed Strike Check with but any other
weapon you use at the cost you have a –10 Aimed Strike Check cause of your lack of any inherit ability to use it with your newly learn abilities examples of is
Pistol/Magnum/Hand Grenade or Improvised/Body Armor/Tiny Reach Blade at V3

Prized Weapons
You gain a free weapon (offensive weaponry of any sort) based on your first choice of Weapon of Choice ability this ability only happens when taken at first level if not
first level you gain 5000 credits this weapon must be basic and cannot have alternate materials upon start if the weapon cost is above 5000 credits then you must pay the
difference if it is under 5000 credits you can assign it to more than one copy of the weapon or other types if it fits in your weapon category

Weapon Trick V1-4

As long as you have your Weapon of Choice you can pick 2 of 8 tricks every time you gain a new V# of this ability pick a new trick
-Weapon Defensive: When using your weapon of choice as a shield gain a +15 Guard bonus.
-Weapon Disarm: When somebody tries to disarm your weapon of choice or you using your weapon of choice in a disarm attempt gain a +10 to the grapple.
-Weapon Rapid: You may draw and holster your weapon of choice as a free action also if it has a reload decrease it by a ½ ACT or if it has a charge up time reduce it by -1
-Weapon Improvised: When using your weapon of choice as a improvised weapon of any sort etc. it gains a +15 Aimed Strike Check and Grapples. (this is only for improper uses
and still a Improvised weapon use)
-Weapon Style: You have a unique style to the weapon giving you flare to it's usage this gives you a +15 on Intimidate/Diplomacy/Bluff checks with the weapon of choice. Also
you gain a +10 Damage for a ½ ACT once a turn when in combat with your weapon of choice the bonus to damage stacks per use max 5 times.
-Weapon Tool: You may use your weapon as a improvised tool in situations that the GM permits and makes sense for said weapon but damages the weapon by 25 HP when done. Your
weapon also gains a +1 CRIT range if it's a ranged use weapon but +2 CRIT range and degree if melee use.
-Weapon Fixer: You may fix your weapon of choice for half the price it costs to repair it or buy upgrades for it at ½ the time it normally would take.
-Weapon Master: When using your weapon of choice it gains a +10 Aimed Strike Check and +10 Damage you may focus for a ½ ACT during combat only on the weapon and apply for
1d4+1 rounds an additional +5 Aimed Strike Check and Damage this focus effect stacks for the bonus not the rounds but can only be used once a round. Upon the last round
before the focus fades you may keep your current bonus and give up a ACT and re roll your 1d4+1 rounds restarting. The bonus also applies to any other Weapon Trick used as
well that uses a Aimed Strike Check, Grapple or Damage as a extra stack bonus per use.

Weapon Skill V1-3

As long as you have your Weapon of Choice you gain a bump to a chosen skill with a +5 you gain a skill of choice per V# of Skill of Choice so chosen skills can be
Evasion/Mind/Jump for example at V3. The Study, Build and Pilot Skill cannot be taken as choices.

Upgrade V1-2
With the Weapon of Choice you can make/upgrade them at a discount of –5000 credits at V1 then –10,000 at V2 this is applied after all costs have been added together this
cannot reduce the price down to 0 but instead ¼ if it would reduce to below one forth or lower

Whirlwind Charger
level 1 Attack On The Run
level 2 Charging Cleaver
level 3 Rapid Assault
level 4 Rough Charger
level 5 Kinetic Killer

Attack On The Run

While you move you may attack each opponent you move past once with Melee only as a bonus attack with a -10 Aimed Strike Check these bonus attacks do no count towards your
violent action but you may not charge attack to activate this ability during that movement

Charging Cleaver
You may perform a charge attack claim one being as the primary charge target any extra targets on the way you may perform a free attack on without expending a ½ ACT (only 1
Aimed Strike Check per alternate target) these foes do not get your charge Aimed Strike Check bonus against them

Rapid Assault
Upon ending your movement if you did not perform Charging Cleaver or Attack On The Run or a Charge Maneuver you gain a free attack that strikes 360 degrees around yourself
equal to your reach. You may choose which targets to attack, but must make a Aimed Strike Check against them.

Rough Charger
If, when charging, an obstacle is in your path, you may move past it without rolling if possible. You may also move through enemy or ally squares without penalty, but
enemies may attempt an interruption attack ACT, but you gain +10 to Guard and Evasion against these attacks.

Kinetic Killer
Upon a Successful charge attack on a target you boost the charge Damage by +10 and may knock them back 10DSU (not prone) if they are equal to or smaller than you as if you
performed a successful forceful push the foes also makes a Endure Check against your TS or suffers a 5d12 +STR MOD (MOD Max +25) Damage effect (Physical) this effect of the
Damage does not need to be upon the Aimed Strike Check but must at least touch them (meaning if they guard they are still to make the TS if you did not successfully hit but
evasion avoids this all together if they succeed it)
level 1 Block the Strike
level 2 Front Line Movement
level 3 Shield Striker
level 4 Block the Spell
level 5 Shield Wall

Block the Strike

When using a shield you may auto guard (as if rolling a NAT 20 but without the other benefits of a NAT 20) 1 Ranged or Melee attack per 5 levels per round. For each shield
you wield gain +5 Guard past the first.

Front Line Movement

When you are in front of an ally you may apply Block the Strike or Block the Spell for an ally within your reach

Shield Striker
When using a shield as a weapon the shields Damage is increased by +15 also any weapon used in the other hand gains this extra Damage unless it's another shield.

Block the Spell

You may half Damage from Acrobatics Check type Casts and Abilities when making a Guard Check over the TS instead if the Damage type is one that overcomes a guard (Like Ion
to Mystic) that guard to the check is removed like any normal damage cycle though any damage types that auto bypass do not remove any guards.

Shield Wall
You may with your shield as a ½ ACT instantly make your shield considers a “Wall” based on the shield size category (based from medium sized) Buckler (Not effect) Light
Shield (1DSU space takes half Damage) Medium Shield (1DSU space takes 1/4th Damage) Heavy Shield (protects full 1DSU space) Large Buckler (protects full 1DSU space) Large
Light Shield (protects 3DSU space) Large Medium Shield (protects 3DSU space) Large Heavy Shield (protects 5DSU space) Huge Buckler (protects 5DSU space) etc. more than 1
shield do not stack and the shield that provides the wall no longer becomes a guard bonus but cover bonus. Also within shield wall form you gain Damage Absorbency equal to
the shields guard bonus also you may move while in Shield Wall form at -3DSU per shield active direction (you may choose either North, East, West, South, Up, or NE, NW, SE,

Yuusha of Heroes
level 1 Yuusha Among Heroes/Unity
level 2 Stand And Fight
level 3 I Won’t Give Up/Stand With Me
level 4 Come At Me
level 5 Together We Are United/Limit Broken Hero

Yuusha Among Heroes

If you are working with another Yuusha of Heroes you gain a bonus +4 to your d20 rolls this bonus is equal to your Hero of Yuusha class level maxing at +20. Other characters
that are not Yuusha of Heros instead grant +1 bonus instead of +4 if they are your allies.

You may consider this class as the qualification for another class for example Paladin ignoring the condition you may only perform this for 1 class at a time if you meet the
requirements for that class you may instead link this to another class to meet its requirements meaning you can qualify this class for “Paladin” but once you have the
requirements for “paladin” you do not apply this class ability and instead may apply it to another requirement class.

Stand And Fight

Claim 1 enemy as your target for the rest of the battle you gain a +5 bonus Damage and Aimed Strike Check against that target if another Yuusha of Heroes also claims that
target stack their +5 bonus Damage and Aimed Strike Check to your own this bonus can stack up to +25. Other characters that are not Yuusha of Heros instead grant +2 bonus
instead of +5 if they are your allies. Once the target is defeated you may claim a new target during that battle.

I Won’t Give Up
If your HP is at 75% of max you gain a bonus +5 Aimed Strike Check and Damage if at 50% +10 at 25% +15 if you reach 0% or lower instead of falling you may make a special
attack that deals 5d12+1d12 per character level+STR,CON,DEX,PSY,DUR,SPRT,SPD,LUK MODS Damage in a 5DSU radius centered on your character that only hurts your enemies the
Damage is considered Void-Type.

Stand With Me
You may as a Full Round ACT activate this ability but may only be activated on the 3rd round of combat and any next activation per 3rd round of combat. For each time a ally
goes KO or Dies reduce the rounds needed to activate by -1. Once activate your allies around in a 3DSU Aura of you gains +5 to Skill Checks and Temporary Damage Absorbency
of 100. Each time this activate the effect and radius extends per stack till the end of combat or you fall from KO or Die. Any KO ally within the Aura when activate gets up
at 1 HP not as a death defying effect but as if you aided them to get up giving.

Come At Me
The claimed target you have taken from Stand And Fight, if they try to target you for any reason, you gain a +5 to your rolls against them each time they target you. This
stacks up to +25. If they try to target anybody other than you, you may try to get their attention back with a +10+the bonus roll against them on your roll
(Intimidate/Diplomacy/Bluff check for the taunt).

Together We Are United

For a ½ ACT you can grant your Yuusha Among Heroes and Stand And Fight bonuses to all allies within 6DSU. The bonus of this aura cannot effect yourself but others can. This
bonus only lasts for 2 rounds.

Limit Broken Hero

When activating Stand With Me the Aura treats it's distance by +1DSU. Each KO or Death instead reduces the rounds of activation by -2 instead of -1. The Temporary Damage
Absorbency is increased from 100 to 200. You gain +5 to all your stats per activation of Stand With Me ability till the end of combat. When you fall from KO or Death you can
if able activate Stand With Me and become invincible for 1 round unable to take damage but this effect may only activate once ever 1 hour. You also gain back 10% of your
stamina per half an hour you are resting.


Requires level 5

Level 1 Arcane Identification/Spellsteal

Level 2 Displacement Shield/Detect Traps
Level 3 Mental Acuity/Disarm Traps
Level 4 Overcharge
Level 5 Arcane Savant

Arcane Identification
Gain a +2 to mind per level to identify magical items or effects. You may use 5 casts to double this effect for 5 minutes. This is considered a mystic cast.

As a level 5 mystic cast you may remove one beneficial status effect off the target and add it to yourself

Displacement Shield
As a level 5 mystic cast you partially phase into the ethereal realm, granting attacks against you a 25% chance to miss. Effects which ignore the ethereal miss chance also
ignore this ability. Lasts 3 rounds.

Detect Traps
As a level 1 mystic cast you may detect all hidden traps with TS equal to your cast TS within 8DSU. You may expend up to 4 additional casts to increase the TS by 5 per cast.

Mental Acuity
When casting you may expend an additional cast equal to the cast level to make the cast uninterruptable.

Disarm Traps
On any traps detected by your Detect Traps ability you may gain your Arcane Identification bonus to disarming them.

As a 1/2 act all cast damage is increased by 20% but you expend 2x the casts as normal. Lasts 2 rounds.

Arcane Savant
Cast damage is increased by 1%(LUK only affects once after all are added together) for every 4 casts that you have remaining in your daily cast pool.

Requires level 3

level 1 Creation Artist V1/Magical Paint/Magical Paint Vial

level 2 Creation Artist V2
level 3 Creation Artist V3
level 4 Creation Artist V4
level 5 Creation Artist V5

Magical Paint
A Artimancer has a set of Paints that cost 50 credits that only this class can make for 1 pint (must be placed in a container). These paints are used only for the
Artimancer's Cast abilities. For each Cast level you must expend 1 Pint of this Magical Paint thus a Cast level 5 expends 5 Pints. For each extra Pints (equal to the Cast
level) expend you may increase the duration of the created article existence by 1 round or extend it's range by 1DSU or it's zone effected by 1DSU or weight limit by 10kg.
You may only create objects with this Magical Paint and nothing it produces like food or water will work to effect for hunger and leaves one feel undernourished. You may not
create articles that are from classes themselves. Anything created with this class is not a permanent article and is treated as a summon thus cannot ever be made permanent
through any source. You may only make objects equal to your max creation credit limit x3 if you try to make an object that is worth more than this it's duration is cut in ½
it's time min 1 round.

Magical Paint Vial

This special vial can contain up to 100 pint of magical paint and only weight as 1kg you may upgrade this vial only through this class for 1000 credits for another 100 pint
you may continual pay for this upgrade.

Creation Artist V1
Within a 1DSU zone you may produce Objects up to 1DSU away. These objects last for 1 round. Objects cannot weight more than 15kg.

Creation Artist V2
Within a 3DSU zone you may produce Objects up to 1DSU away. These objects last for 2 rounds. Objects cannot weight more than 25kg.

Creation Artist V3
Within a 3DSU zone you may produce Objects up to 3DSU away. These objects last for 2 rounds. Objects cannot weight more than 35kg.

Creation Artist V4
Within a 5DSU zone you may produce Objects up to 3DSU away. These objects last for 3 rounds. Objects cannot weight more than 45kg.

Creation Artist V5
Within a 5DSU zone you may produce Objects up to 3DSU away. These objects last for 3 rounds. Objects cannot weight more than 55kg.
Black Harmonious
Requires level 3

level 1 Dark Shield/Dark Pierce

level 2 Energy Burst/Fury Of Black
level 3 Reality Dark Matter/Broken Reality
level 4 Void To Reality/Matter Break Down
level 5 Sturben Shi Death/Micro Reality Break

Dark Shield
Void & Untyped Damage along with Environmental Damage deal half as much to you but Dark Pierce ability remains off. It takes a ½ Act to switch to Dark Pierce ability.

Dark Pierce
Your attacks may deal Void damage but only Void damage but Dark Shield ability remains off. This effect allows you to ignore auto block effects and negation effects. It
takes a ½ Act to switch to Dark Shield ability.

Energy Burst
While Dark Shield and Dark Pierce abilities are off you gain regeneration of 50 per round and +15 to all your stats. Gain -100 Void Damage Mitigation and all attacks you
perform deal 10d4 Void damage touch.

Fury Of Black
In a 3DSU aura around yourself cause a constant 50 multiplied by your level Untyped Damage effect that shuts down regeneration effects and cuts healing effects in half in
the aura against enemies the activation is a free action once a turn but can be shut off at will. This damage will not count as a violent action.

Reality Dark Matter

You and your equipment cannot be atomized. All your equipment gains regeneration 100 per round.

Broken Reality
By expending 1 stamina point you do not need to breath for 2 rounds or by expending 1 wisdom point you do not need to breath for 4 rounds, during the rounds you do not need
to breath you are immune to all heat and cold temperature based effects and damage. You also may give up a set amount of rounds to remove a foes immunity to any damage type
for rounds equal to what you given up or immunity to a Reality Break ability effect.

Void To Reality
You may recall objects from their atomized state in a 3DSU reforming them in 5 minutes of focus (you decide what objects reform) The object had to of been atomized on that

Matter Break Down

You may treat your melee attacks from Dark Pierce to have a extended reach of 1DSU per 3 character levels. Your Dark Shield reduces all status effects and special negative
rounds effects on yourself by half and denies any extra stacks till the first set is removed also radiation does not effect you while this shield is up and is completely

Sturben Shi Death

If a foe dies in a 5DSU radius of you you and your allies regenerate for 5 rounds of 100 HP.

Micro Reality Break

By expending 50% (Minimal LUK MOD of 5% minimal) of your HP (max amount of Micro Reality Break is up to your level x3) you can cause a distortion in an area up to 10DSU away
from you based purely upon sight this area expands 3DSU. Every round it causes atomization of 50 Damage to everything around and 50 more added each time it expands it this
effect expands 1DSU the next round and doubles each time till it reaches 10DSU radius upon that the Reality Break collapses returning everything back to normal except things
that have died or sentient/semi sentient beings own damage. Even air itself it destroyed in this move making it a non breathable zone in the field etc. Objects on beings
return to the wearer when the reality break ends.

Biotic Soldier
Requires level 3

level 1 Bio Enhancer Control/Bio Shield

level 2 Bio Charge
level 3 Bio Field/Bio Blade
level 4 Bio Recharge
level 5 Biotic Bang/Biotic Blockade

Bio Enhancer Control

A Biotic Soldier requires this device attached to their body costing 5000 credits to buy without this equipment the any ability of the Biotic Soldier is unusable this
equipment comes in many forms attaching to nervous systems notably surrounding the body and is generally a skin tight suite or wires needled into the mind and nerves of the
user it takes 1 day to attune to it and get it correct for use if the user is too weak from hunger or lack of sleep it is unusable also the user gains a Psionic protection
of –10 Damage while active and gaining a +5 to TS to resist Psionic mind influences

Bio Shield
For a Full Round ACT the user may activate a special over shield made of their bodies Ion field amplified several times during that time of 1d4+1 rounds of activity of the
shield it grains the user a –25 Damage Mitigation and a -25 per Biotic Soldier level except against Heat based attacks or Cold based attacks.

Bio Charge
For a Full Round ACT a Biotic Soldier may turn his entire body into a condensed Bio Ion Ball and return normally at the end of the charge the distance you can charge is 3DSU
per level of Biotic Soldier plus ½ your normal fly speed round down to nearest 1DSU. Anything struck at the end of the charge takes 25d8 Damage and any perks of charge
attacking extra damages the Damage type is Ion during this charge it must be a straight line to the target and if you reemerge in a place you cannot stand you will start
falling during the time you are a ball only Ion, Heat, Cold Damage may hurt you
Bio Field
A Biotic Soldier can give up their Biotic Shield to make a bubble as big as 3DSU per Biotic Soldier level. You cannot squash and hurt anything or anybody in this field but
may encase it around anything that can fit into it the field does not block air flow and can be seen through and out of and must allow movement. It does cover the ground as
well but does not go through any materials to form this shield. It can be broken like a solid object and itself has HP equal to 2500 x Biotic Soldiers level with a hardness
equal to stone. If the foe absorbs Ion in any way it is immune to the shield and may phase through it at will, Ion Damage Mitigation does not count. you may form this also
to push back water, magma and poison gases and most any solid object for example and prevent them from entering the field but this does not alter Gravity or create fresh air
or other components to survive though. The field itself is movable unless a unwilling subject is in it the user must be able to withhold a focus on the field for a ½ ACT if
the field is broken forcibly the user is stunned for 1 round you cannot have more than 1 field out at a time if you turn back on your Bio Shield your Bio Field disappears.

Bio Blade
A Biotic Soldier can give up their Biotic Shield to make a blade forming around their limb that deals Ion and Heat damage of +10 Damage per character level max +100. This
blade may only form as a ½ ACT and takes a ½ ACT to dismiss back as a Bio Shield. This counts as a natural weapon.

Bio Recharge
While performing a Bio Charge you may during that same action upon reemergence turn on your Bio Shield

Biotic Bang
By giving up your Bio Shield and unable to use any Biotic Soldier Powers for the next 1d4-1 rounds you may cause a move that launches a destructive energy ball of massive
force and gravitational pull that goes up to a distance of 20DSU that will go to any see able target area in the line of sight. Upon reaching the destination it shall pull
in any subject towards it, on its destination flight it has a 1DSU reach that also pulls into it's gravitational field except the user. When it reaches it's destination it
shall remain there unable to move increasing it's reach to 10DSU. The ball itself is controlled till reaching 20DSU it shall stop and detonate meaning you can move the
ball in a zig zag pattern if so desired till it reaches destination. Upon the destination the ball will remain for 1 round per 1DSU it did not travel. Anything pulled in
will be pushed to the center of the energy ball causing 5d6 Ion damage each round. No thing within the ball is sharing a full square unless it can till the ball adsorbed to
it's full 10DSU of reach of space. The TS to resist the pull is equal to your own with a muscle check to avoid being sucked in upon the ball. The ball shall explode in 18DSU
radius when it's duration has reached or upon users command. Subjects and items un fasten stably are then ejected out in a massive explosion of gravitational explosion all
subjects are thrown to the edge of radius taking 30d10 + CON and PSY MOD Damage half of the damage rounded down is Gravity and the other half rounded down is Ion. If the foe
is immune to Gravity and its effects they are not sucked into it and are immune to all the gravitational effects (the sucking towards the sphere and the push effect) the
Damage of Gravity itself must be resisted from the normal reduction and immunity effects. If any of the gravity damage is negated instead the damage is purely Ion this Ion
damage always effects the environment that it strikes. The subjects flung out from the center take an extra 30d12 + CON and PSY MOD Damage of physical when they are pushed
out of the explosion if they are not immune to the gravity effects.

Biotic Blockade
A Biotic Soldier can give up their Biotic Shield to form a Large Shield for a ACT that extends out max 3DSU around the user that acts as Cover on the guarding end but the
inside allows visual for yourself. This shield can be placed down in a direction as you remain immobile extending it's guard range to 3DSU Max. Attack that hit the shield
from a distance will bounce off back at their sender. The shield can only remain out for up to 10 round before another ACT must be performed to keep it up. This shield
grants a guard bonus when not immobile of +25 Ion Guard stacking with a normal shield while still counting as a shield but ranged attacks only have a 25% chance to bounce
back at senders when making a successful Guard Checks.

Blood Caster
Requires level 10

level 1 Create Blood/Blood Shot

level 2 Blood Oath/Blood Control
level 3 Blood Burn/Blood Weapon
level 4 Blood Drain/Blood Defense
level 5 Blood Boil/Blood Arcane

Create Blood
Create 1 litre +1 litre per Con MOD of blood at will for ½ ACT. You may as a cast create 2 litres of blood per 1 cast level. Each litre counts as 1kg. This blood will
dissipate within 12 hours. Blood made this way does not count as a summon. The blood created is synthetic blood.

Blood Shot
You may fire up to a minimal of ½ a litre of blood. The shot of blood fired deals 5d6 Physical Water damage per ½ litre used and fires up to 3DSU per litre used. This attack
requires a Ranged Aimed Strike Check.

Blood Oath
You may deal 25 Damage to yourself that you cannot decrease. per round that you want a +20 bonus to one type of check you may pay separate HP for other check boosts with
different round amount.

Blood Control
Blood not within a body can be controlled and float around you of up to 25kg per Blood Caster level, 10kg per Magus named class, 20kg per Bard named class, 15 per Cleric
named class, 5kg per Hacker named class, 1kg per Knight named class, 5kg per Berserker named class, and 5kg per Druid named class. This effect only grasps up to 3DSU around
yourself of the blood and cannot be pulled from a sentient source or drain a source that is outright wielded by a sentient source.

Blood Burn
You may Deal 10d6+CON MOD Damage to a single target that has blood the check to avoid is Endure for half TS 19 + your level this is a level 1 Cast 10% chance of removing a ½
ACT from the foe due to pain if this succeeds if you raise the Cast level increase the damage by 1 die grade (Max 20d6 as a 5th level Cast)

Blood Weapon
You may form blood into a melee weapon that deals 1d4 points of damage per litre used to form it (Max 5d4 per character level for damage). You may also use 2 litres to
extend it's reach instead of it's damage by 1DSU. Blood weapon formed has hardness of 5 always. You may only form up to 1 blood weapon per 5 character levels.

Blood Drain
Any Blood source you may regenerate 250 + (CON MOD x5) of HP. During a Melee attack. Or heal 100 HP from 1 litre of blood created from this class. This will remove the blood
source from existence.

Blood Defense
You may use the blood that floats around you from Blood Control ability as extra barrier granting +5 Physical Guard Check per 1 litres of blood. This Guard Check is made
before your own Guard Check and does not count as your own for effects of guarding. This counts as an over layer and will protect your articles from dangerous effects first.
Atomization effects only work half as effective against the blood created from this class. Blood Hardness is treated as 5 per 1 litre for it's HP vs Atomization effect.

Blood Boil
Your Blood Burn may Last for 2 rounds on a single target which may stack every time they fail the TS of Blood Burn

Blood Arcane
All blood created from Create Blood Ability or gather up from your Blood Control becomes Arcane Blood. This blood does not dissipate within 12 hours and remains indefinite.
The blood gives off a magical aura itself but masks all other magic and alignment senses. Arcane Blood also can treat Blood Shot and Blood Weapon damage as Mystic as well as
Physical along with Blood Defense gaining also Mystic Guard bonus with the normal Physical Guard. Blood Defense ability to resist atomization effect becomes one forth as
effective instead of one half. Blood Hardness is treated as 5 per 1 litre for it's HP vs Atomization effect. You may Burn up to 5 litres of Arcane Blood to gain 1 Cast Pool
Charge to yourself.

Bone Control Master

Requires level 5

level 1 Bone Armor/Bone Weapon

level 2 Bone Extension V1
level 3 Bone Skin
level 4 Bone Extension V2
level 5 Bone Fusion

Bone Armor
You may extend around your body your own bone this counts as armor of any degree you wish but at basic without upgrades the hardness is equal to your body hardness (add-on
on self count to the bones).

Bone Weapon
You may extend out of your body bone weapons of Me-lee type these weapons are equal to your own size category but at basic without upgrades the hardness is equal to your
body hardness (add-on self count to the bones for 1 round when out of hand).

Bone Extension V1-V2

You may extend your bones into a environment that you can pull from as any bone type material when created the area spread of creation is equal to 3DSU cubed per V# max 5DSU
cubed in any linking of the cubes.(wich pushes any being other than yourself out of those squares to the edges. you may craft with these bone or others or use them as a
extension of your abilities from this class. You may also warp and shape the bone as you please making structures like walls. You may only activate this ability once per

Bone Skin
The Bone Armor and Weapon ability are also enhanced by anything that counts as your skin (including machines materials) not the Bone Extension ability.

Bone Fusion
You may graft any metal or rock into bone and Bone Skin effects your Bone Extension if you please. All negative effects of bone are negated when fused with other materials
that are solid.

Body Weaver
Requires level 3

level 1 Body Threads

level 2 Long Reach Threads
level 3 Stitched Body Threads
level 4 Life Control Threads
level 5 Sealing Threads

Body Threads
You may make special threads mark with control powers only marked to you called Body Threads that come in spools, each new spool costs 50 credits each up to 5DSU long, these
threads can be made out of any material upon creation (also multiplying the base price of the threads) the threads HP is 5 and hardness 0 but can handle up to 25kg stacking
with each other and each spool weighing 1kg and ½ ACT to draw out, you may easily transfer a material out of a spool for a new material by apply the new material source and
destroying 1 of the older ones.

Long Reach Threads

You may now use the threads you make from Body Threads as extensions of your attacks, these threads can float mid air unusually and takes 5 strands to form a singular limb
extension all must be made of the exact same materials and length to form a Long Reach Thread. You may keep this effect up for 2d4 rounds upon which you cannot reactivate it
for 1d4 rounds, you may control up to 3 Long Reach Threads per character level and their reach length depends upon the length you made each of the 5 strands fused together.

Stitched Body Threads

Your threads can now be infused into your body infusing their length together as one no longer costing you 1kg per spool nor a ½ ACT per spool drawing out. This also keeps
your body together if your limbs are cut off restitch them back to your body and making you able to disconnect your body parts, you may intake 5 spools in your body per
character level and all must be made of the same material which case all material switching of the spools are applied all at once with 1 material. Your body weight increases
by weight equal to each spool in your body and counts as weight that is not part of your body able to slow you down past your carry limit, this takes a ½ ACT to detach any
amount of spools to lighten yourself and a ½ ACT to re assimilate any number spools upon touch.

Life Control Threads

You can spin a Spool into a target you touch, they must make a Endure Check against your TS or become linked to you which causes a variety of effects as listed. If you take
damage you may cause that damage caused to the targets linked by ½ as mortality damage, you may see through their sensory but they must make a Mind check against your TS to
resist, you may force a Acrobatics Check with your own ½ not theirs and give them a bonus +10 to the check, you may take control of their body using their ½ acts under your
control or transfer your own ½ acts to them to perform more actions they cannot move past your reach limit of the threads used and this takes 1 Body Thread Spool of equal
length each per limb they have plus 5 this effect is a Mind Check against your TS to resist if this effect is on a dead body you can use your threads through that body and
implant Stitched Body Threads into it for your control and use your class abilities through that body as if it was your own, When are attached to a living sentient you may
drain it's life by 5 HP per round dealing 5 Mortality damage to them.

Sealing Threads
Your Life Control Threads gains a new ability to seal a target and remove it's soul into a locked void dimension it takes a Mind Control to break equal to your TS + 1 per 5
threads spools used. The dimension their soul is locked in also can be broken out of with the same TS but they can only attempt once per year this TS can be increased by 10
per 100 spools of thread applied and can only apply once a month, for every year you must also add at least 1 more extra 100 spools or the seal will weaken by -25 TS every
month thereafter till new 100 spools are added.

Cast Nullifyer
Requires Level 3

level 1 Casters Bane

level 2 Casters Drain
level 3 Casters Assimilate
level 4 Casters Eater
level 5 Casters Reflect

Casters Bane
You may negate any bonus effects a Cast gets against you

Casters Drain
As a ½ act you may drain 5d4 casts from a target. You gain casts equal to half the amount drained.

Casters Assimilate
You may negate any number of Casts that fail against you and gain them into yourself

Casters Eater
By expending Casts (but this is not a Cast action) you may delete that many Casts out of your targets within 6DSU of yourself or one target that is within sight of any
amount of Casts you yourself gave up of the same levels and amount

Casters Reflect
If a Cast is used upon you may reflect it back at a target Caster who used it or a new target starting from your spot it takes a ½ ACT to reflect, the Cast is the same basis
as the original user but you decide to use the full effects or not and choices.

Requires Level 5

Level 1 Speed Up V1/Time Displacement/Initiative Control

Level 2 Speed Up V2/Time Immunity
Level 3 Speed Up V3/Time Warp/Haste
Level 4 Speed Up V4/Time Jump
Level 5 Speed Up V5/Time Blitz/Time Rift

Time Displacement
As a 1/2 act you act first in the initiative order on the next round

Initiative Control
Gain a bonus to initiative equal to +10 per Chronomancer level. When initiative phase is rolled all allies including yourself may roll twice and pick which result they want.

Speed Up V#
You may treat any effect that operates in rounds on 1 target to tick equal to 1 round per V# extra on the same round. When applied to a target you may not use it on that
same target equal to the rounds you speed up any of their effects +1 round.

Time Immunity
You are immune to effects that stop or slow time and automatically can just act normally when they occur

Time Warp
As a level 1-5 Cast gain that many extra ½ acts upon the given up Cast this can only stack up to 5 ½ ACT max per round. You cannot perform an attack during this period of
time or interact with the environment except moving around it

As a level 1-5 cast all allies within 6DSU gain SPD mod equal to cast level * 2 for 2 rounds. You must wait an additional 3 rounds after this effect ends before being able
to use this ability.

Time Jump
Same as Time Warp but you may move objects as you wish

Time Blitz
Same as Time Warp but you may perform an attack but it instantly breaks the Time Warp
Time Rift
As a level 5 cast you may create a 6DSU radius area that lasts for 3 rounds and slows all movement to 1/4 of normal. Ranged attacks moving through this area count the
distance as 4x the normal amount. You may only have 1 Time Rift active at once.

Bio Synthesis
Requires level 10

level 1 Bio Upgrade Type 1/Bionic Implant

level 2 Bio Upgrade Type 2/Bionic Synergism
level 3 Bio Upgrade Type 3/Bio Drive
level 4 Bio Upgrade Type 4/Bio Hyper Sensor
level 5 Bio Upgrade Type 5/Ghost In The Shell

Bio Upgrade Type 1/Type 2/Type 3/Type 4/Type 5

You gain access to a special orb called a Bio Mass Nano Entity Machina aka BMNEM. This Mass is made of a special material that only it can be made from and exist in it's
form called Nanofiber Harmony wich has Hardness equal to the users body +50 the article has a Intelligence Empower Equal to the characters level x2 and all mind control
powers must pass through it before the user it will not try to control a user with a Bionic Implant (It has no alignment or personality of it's own. It has regeneration 100
per turn. It takes a ACT to wear or take off the BMNEM. If the BMNEM is destroyed it will reform in 2 rounds in it's orb form at 100 HP. Type 2 Upgrades it's hardness by +10
and grants the user who wears it +1DSU of all movements per 5 levels. Type 3 Upgrades it's hardness by +15 and grants the user who wears it the ability to run over all rough
terrain with no penalty and stick to walls and ceilings as if they were normal ground. Type 4 Upgrades it's hardness by +20 and grants the user who wears it the ability to
regenerate and itself gains a constant heal of 100 HP a round even if it was atomized. Type 5 Upgrades it's hardness by +25 and grants the user who wears it The ability to
deconstruct themselves and teleport equal to their flight speed divided by two round down to the nearest 1DSU.

Bionic Implant
You must have this to use a Bio Mass Nano Entity Machina (BMNEM) or else they will try to control your body and kill you within 2 rounds if you try to control them.

Bio Synergism
Your BMNEM Will instantly try to save you if you reach 0 HP and keep you up even when you are Koed it will takeover your body for up to 3 rounds. Stamina will not expend
while wearing the BMNEM for the first 2 turns of combat but only 1 activated Stamina power of this class will not drain.

Bio Drive
You may summon a BMNEM to your side instantly from any place. Your Bio Implant also enhances you to superior levels granting you +15 to all stats. You gain immunity to EMP
of anything equip to you at the cost of 1 stamina a turn. For each extra stamina you spend on this ability in a turn gain +10 to all your stats.

Bio Hyper Sensor

Gain Perfect Sight up to 3DSU per 5 levels for 1 stamina per 2 rounds.

Ghost In The Shell

Status effects last half as long on yourself. Your BMNEM and you can swap senses and share them. You may expend 5 stamina to recover 25 cast pool charges. Your unarmed
attacks while wearing BMNEM increases by +25. Your Guard Check roll on dice doubles and a Nat 1 is only consider a 1 at the cost of 10 stamina.

Cybernetic Warrior
Requires level 10

level 1 Cybernetic Part/Upgrade Variable

level 2 Upgrade Part V1/Weapon Installment V1
level 3 Upgrade Part V2/Weapon Installment V2/Overshield
level 4 Upgrade Part V3/Weapon Installment V3
level 5 Upgrade Part V4/Upgrade Part Extended/Overdrive

Cybernetic Part
You acquire a cybernetic machine this machine can infuse as any 2 of these zones Head, Body, Left Arm, Right Arm, Left Leg, Right Leg this part does not make you a Cyborg as
you can take it off at whim it grants you a +10 to STR if arms +20 to SPD if legs a +5 to PSY if head and a +15 to CON if body you can switch it around to different zones of
the body as seen fit for a Full Round ACT this is item is disguised as a casual item like a clothing brief case etc. and transforms when needed if it breaks the cost to
replace is 15,000 or buy another costs 30,000 credits. You may not upgrade or put ADD-ONs to this item whichever body part is covered is immune to call shots thus takes
Damage upon the entire body not just the called region as if normal this item is considered to be made from special alloyed materials with a hardness of 25 and flexibility
of 10 has 5000 HP for each part involved of the item combined together of the max 30000 HP total. also a building check of 50 will fully repair the suit (with special
material supply along with other more common wares not listed use in computer manufacturing) all Damage taken while wearing the suite is taken on the suite not the user,
this suite counts as armor on each body part overriding any armor equipped except shield but not their ADD-ONs to yourself just the guards adds. This suit cannot be hacked.

Upgrade Variable
For 50000 increase each parts bonus by +2 to a max of +10 at level 5, which makes the final level stats of this class addition +30 STR, +50 SPD, +15 PSY, and +25 CON. You
may pay 2500 credits to give this suite a bonus +5 DUR bonus max +100 bonus. You may pay 15000 credits to give this armor a auto repair function for 50 HP for each part.

Weapon Installment V#
Every time you receive this you may install a free basic weapon with upgrades of equal level to this classes (example includes a sword or a rifle upgrades refer to any scale
up of its Damage distance and ammunition and all considered 1 handed for effect you cannot choose any siege weapons) the ammunition if used is based on the suite and all the
suits guns use a different ammo type of the guns/weapons they are based off of but cost initially the same as listed only 1 body part may contain this weapon at a time the
three body parts that may contain these weapons are the shoulders and the 2 arm parts the weapons are not detachable or usable by others and do not have to appear as their
true incarnation (they can be palm guns for example) these weapons may be broken through called shots though unlike the suite itself but suite repair does fix all the
weapons, you must reload each weapon individually any weapon broken deals 100 Damage to the suite

Upgrade Part V#
You now may choose an extra section based upon the V# section of your body added on to the original 2 limited granting the bonus that it applies to a max of all body zones
of Head, Arms, Legs, Body
Upgrade Part Extended
You may pay for extra parts on the suit to cover up your body if you have more than the normal amount of natural body parts than given of the Upgrade Part line this does not
add bonus HP to the armor. These parts cost 5000 credits per and grant +5 DUR stat per extra part when equipped.

You may deactivate all your weapons in your armor from Weapon Installment ability to make a protective shield bubble around yourself this grants a +50 Ion Guard +25 Guard
per level after receiving Overshield ability of a max of +100 but at the cost you cannot move from the spot of activating this ability all your allies are also protected by
this barrier and it tries to block out all intruding outer forces the bubble reaches out to 3DSU at the first level and 1DSU per level after receiving this ability to a max
of 5DSU any attacks within the bubble are not enhanced by the defensive bonus only outside forces you may shrink the shield down to only your square by choice and this
effect take a ½ ACT to activate and lasts unlimited amount of time till the suite breaks

You may give up some of the suits HP max by 10% do deal a double Damage Melee attack with the suits head butt/kick/punch/body slam type moves it must involve the suits in
the attack also during the time the power lasts for as many rounds as you may wish but each rounds uses up 10% more of its HP max up to sustaining it for 10 rounds after the
10th round if it has 0 HP at the time the effect will end and the suit is considered broken if it had HP left over it is not broken but still needs to pay the repair cost to
fix all the HP Damage or be fixed manually also if you activate Overshield it doubles the defensive bonus and shield distance

Daemon Knight
Requires level 3

level 1 Hell Fire/Infernal Blaze

level 2 Blazing Fear
level 3 Daemon Form/Glorious Fire
level 4 Soul Eater
level 5 Daemon Vigor/To Cinders

Hell Fire
Your melee, Cast or ranged attacks can inflict on choice 10 Heat or Unholy damage or both multiplied by character level that is separated from your normal damage upon coming
near a foe with (even if they evade) but damage mitigation effects re apply for this damage as if it was a separate attack. You may only apply this ability 1 + 1 time per 3
character levels in combat. You may stack this ability on the same attack and the effect differs based on the attack action done. Melee: Upon activation half round down the
damage but apply the damage to all your melee attacks and if you CRIT it will also apply to this separated damage. This effect lasts for 2. Ranged: Applies the normal effect
and if you CRIT it will also apply to this separated damage. Cast: The damage is tripled but still applies separately of a damage source.

Infernal Blaze
While not in Daemon form you gain -15 to Heat, Unholy and Cold sources per “Daemon Knight” named class level and -5 to all Void, Mortality and Untyped sources as well.
Mortality and Acid damage effect are cut in half in duration against yourself rounded down.

Blazing Fear
All in a 6DSU Area must make a Mind Check against your Aura (you choose who is effected) if they fail they are infected with burn (heat or unholy stacking based on choice
each leveling separately) level 1 and up 1 level each time they fail the TS is 20+5 per character level (this is not a fear effect but counts as one for Master Berserker)

Daemon Form
For a ½ ACT you may grow 1 to 3 size grades above your size and turn into a full daemon form in this form you are Immune to all Heat source Acid source and Unholy source
Damage gain of choice upon use and turn on of 1 pair of Wings, 1 Tail, 1 extra set of 2 arms, and 1 extra set of 2 legs. In this form you are treated as a Devil
Classification if your HP is driven to 0 in the current form you are forced to revert back to normal form with ½ your Current HP and cannot change back till you are fully
healed. All untyped Guard Checks modifications are treated as Unholy instead including your 1d20 roll for guard. If you wish you may refuse to grow but still gain the size
bonus guard.

Glorious Fire
Any Heat, Unholy damage source gains +1 dice grade except To Cinders.

Soul Eater
Any Heat or Unholy damage you perform from this class or Great Daemon abilities heal you ½ back the damage they deal

Daemon Vigor
A 19 is treated as a NAT 20 for Guard Checks and Endure Checks as long as you remain in Daemon Form and you may grow 4 size categories larger instead and gain +50 BHP per
“Daemon Knight” class level During Daemon Form

To Cinders
You may create a Fire Blast Ball for a ½ ACT this ability is a Cast based on the Cast given up of level 1-5 increase the Damage by 1d6+50 so a level 1 Cast is 1d6+50 while a
level 5 is 5d6+250 the Damage is either Heat, Unholy or both the TS is equal to the normal level of the corresponding Cast if Acrobatics Check for half if they are capable
of leaving the blast radius with evasion they take no Damage the radius of the blast is 5DSU and by expending an extra Cast of level 1-5 add 1DSU per Cast level expended
extra but you may only do this once per use.

Death Claw Master

Requires level 3

level 1 Sizzling Claw

level 2 Dark Fear Strike/Dark Chi
level 3 Darkness Invoked
level 4 Death Claw/Dark Chi Strike
level 5 Soul Stealing Death Claw
Sizzling Claw
You may enhance your natural and unarmed attacks to deal Mortality Damage. Unlike normal this damage will only ignores Mystic/Holy/Unholy guard. You deal +15 Damage with
these attacks, but you take Damage equal to half the Damage you deal with any such attacks.

Dark Fear Strike

Upon a successful hit with Sizzling Claw or Death Claw you may apply a fear effect level equal x4 of the Death Claw Master level

Dark Chi
You gain +1 to your Guard Checks per Cast Charge Pool you have remaining. You gain +5 Untyped Damage per 25 Cast Charge Pool you have remaining. You gain +1 Aimed Strike
Check per 15 Cast Charge Pool you have remaining.

Darkness Invoked
As a ½ ACT, you may activate this effect. While this Darkness Invoked is active, all Sizzling Claw or Death Claw attacks you make heal you for the Damage dealt. These
attacks have a cumulative +4 added to any multiplier (+7, then +10 from Soul Stealing Death Claw). In addition, you double your move speed, and add +50 to your Guard Check
Modifier. While this effect is active, you may teleport up to 5DSU. as a free action 3 times per round, but each round you remain in this form, take 10% of your total HP as
Damage. Once you reach 0 HP, Darkness Invoked ends, your HP is reset to 1, and you become Unconscious. During this effect, your body turns into a black blaze with red
lightning blasting out from your aura.

Death Claw
As a 1 and ½ ACT You may make an unarmed attacks that have an additional +2 multiplier to Damage and has a 5% (cannot be effected by LUK MOD) chance to instantly kill your
target and you take 1/2 the Damage dealt by these attacks as recoil this only effects targets not important decided by the GM.

Dark Chi Strike

The ability Dark Chi allows you to ignore enemies Aimed Strike Check equal to your Cast Pool Charges left but every time this ability is used it drains Cast Pool Charges
equal to the Aimed Strike Check divided by 100 round down minimal is always -5.

Soul Stealing Death Claw

Your Death Claw attack has an +4 multiplier, instead of +2, and the Instant Death chance is raised to 10% (cannot be effected by LUK MOD) this only effects targets not
important decided by the GM.

Dream Weaver
Requires level 3

level 1 Walking Dream/The Eye Of Insights

level 2 Phase Dream/Dream Enter
level 3 Dream Teleport/Awakening Dream
level 4 Deep Dream/Dream Eater
level 5 Dream Wave Energy/Nightmare Dream

Walking Dream
You may when you rest. Count 4 hours of rest as 8 hours of rest.

The Eye Of Insights

You gain Life Sense, Sense Eletroreception when your “eyes” or what functions as eyes are closed or are not active. This reaches up to 12DSU.

Phase Dream
You may as a ½ Act at half your movement speeds ignore rough terrain and phase through articles as if you are Ethereal for 1 round, also you do not take share square
negatives nor do your allies. Unlike other movements and actions this does not use up a stamina point.

Dream Enter
You may touch a target and see their dreams or recall their dreams of their past up to 1 week ago.

Dream Teleport
You may while Phase Dream is active teleport up to 1DSU per character level this movement can only be done once per turn.

Awakening Dream
You may heal a resting target and double their healing rate percent during that rest.

Deep Dream
You may on touch allow a resting target to count 4 hours of rest as 8 hours of rest. In addition you may count 2 hours of rest as 8 hours of rest for yourself .

Dream Eater
You may when you touch a target resting learn 1 week of their life per 5 minutes you focus upon them. During this time you also regenerate by 1 HP per round.

Dream Wave Energy

You may make Dream Enter, Awakening Dream, Deep Dream, Dream Eater, Nightmare Dream effect targets up to 3DSU per character level. You may also sense all resting targets
within 3DSU per character level. This ability only affects 3 targets + 1 extra per 4 characters.

Nightmare Dream
You may on touch inflict a resting target with nightmares, giving them 1 fatigue level per 1 hours of rest and making the current rest not count as proper rest for removing

Earth Control Master

Requires level 2

level 1 Earth Manipulator/Earth Strike

level 2 Earth Armor/Earth Claws
level 3 Metal Manipulator/Tremor Senses
level 4 Earth Wall/Earth Blaster
level 5 Gaia Manipulation/Earth Quake

Earth Manipulator
This ability grants a pool called a Earth Charges. You may have up to 10 per Earth Control Master level and 1 per CON MOD and 2 per DUR MOD. To create a set of charges you
must be within a vicinity of rock type material and spend a ACT to gather up to 1/10th of your Earth Charges. These charges are used for special abilities only from this
class. A user can force 1 stamina to recharge as a free action 10 Earth Charges.

Earth Strike
You gain a special Melee Training Type Effect (MTE) of +1d4 of Bonus Size Damage as long as you have 10 Earth Charges. You may increase the MTE type damages grade by +1 by
expanding up to 25 Earth Charges. For each 25 Earth Charges you gain +5 hardness to melee strikes. When you strike you apply a Metal Physical damage or a Earth Physical
damage when using this ability.

Earth Armor
While you have at least 25 Earth Charges your Body Hardness is increased by +10 and grants a +25 physical earth to Guard Checks. You may expend 1 Earth Charge to increase
this hardness up by +2 per expend but after 2 rounds if below 25 Earth charges the effect wears off.

Earth Claws
You may expend 25 Earth Charges to increase your size dice by +1 grade and gain a burrow speed up to 1DSU of materials of hardness 10 or below.

Metal Manipulator
Earth Manipulator now gains not only access to Rock material but Metal material. Able to switch the damage and guard types from Earth Physical to Metal Physical for guard
and damage types. Any ability using Metal has it's effects Hardness doubled.

Tremor Senses
You may sense through any rock or soil like material up to 12DSU and metallic materials up to 8DSU similar to a sonar. You may extend this range by +1DSU per 5 Earth Charge
or Metal Charge. You may identify any material of metal or rock in this sense.

Earth Wall
By expending 10 Earth Charges you can make a wall made of rock. The wall stands at 1DSU tall or shorter, 1DSU thick or thinner, 1DSU long or short. For 5 Earth charges you
may make the wall gain either up to +1DSU to the height, up to +1DSU to the thickness or up to +1DSU to the length. The wall will have a hardness of 10.

Earth Blaster
By expending 10 Earth Charges you can focus a ranged Aimed Strike Check attack up to 10DSU that deals 10d12+STR+PSY+CON+DUR earth environmental damage with hardness of 10.
This attack has a chance to knock the target unstable removing a ½ ACT of 50% and a 25% chance to Knock the target prone also a 25% chance to do neither (Out of a tally of
100% LUK must aim for one of these effective percent chances not all 3). The attack fired is only equal to a 1DSU by 1DSU boulder but it's size can be increased by +1DSU per
25 earth charges spent. To avoid the damage is a Acrobatics Check.

Gaia Manipulator
All abilities of Earth Control master gain double hardness and treats physical damages at +1 Dice Grade. You may expend 25 Earth Charges to gain 1 stamina.

Earthen Quake
You may Expend 25 Earth Charges for a Full Round Act to slam the ground effecting a 5DSU area that has a knock down chance of 50% to all in the area except yourself. This
chance to knock down goes down by -5% per size category past Medium they are. The area can be increased by another 5DSU per 10 Earth Charges spent and the duration of this
ability can be increased by 1 round per 15 Earth Charges spent. The chance to knock down can be increased by 1% per 20 Earth Charges spent.

Essence Healer
Requires level 3

level 1 Divinity Pure V1/Vitality Surge

level 2 Divinity Pure V2/Healing Storm
level 3 Divinity Pure V3/Healers Eyes
level 4 Divinity Pure V4/Healing Nova
level 5 Divinity Pure V5/Healer Senses

Divinity Pure V#
This ability is a Divinity Cast and heals amount equal to the V# and is worth a Cast equal to the Cast it’s V# is thus V5 is a 5th level Cast it can either be Holy or Unholy
Healing by choice. V1 treats a touched being 5d12+PSY MOD, V2 treats a touched being 10d12+PSY MOD, V3 treats a touched being 20d12+PSY MOD, V4 treats a touched being
40d12+PSY MOD, V5 treats a touched being 80d12+PSY MOD if you wish this Cast can be inputted into any form of attack replacing all its damages and effects meant for Damage
using the healing effect instead (meaning a rifle can shoot an explosive bullet and the explosive radius and hit heal with the effect of the Cast and any other effect that
helps the healing) this also allows the attack to CRIT with the healing. For each strike involved in the healing it drains an extra of the cast charge.

Vitality Surge
When healing you may instead heal vitality at half it's value applying and apply your CON MOD as bonus.

Healing Storm
You can add 1 Cast level to any Cast that heals and add a 5DSU radius to it, you can stack this as many times as you want till Cast level 5 this cannot breach Cast level 5

Healers Eyes
You may see HP in percentage on ally targets from up to 30ft as a ½ ACT. This vision overtakes all other visions when active seeing their nervous system and body damages

Healing Nova
You can add 1 Cast level to any Cast that heals and double its dice amount; you can stack this as many times as you want till Cast level 5 this cannot breach Cast level 5

Healers Senses
When Healers Eyes ability is active. You can visually see their body system damages etc. you can make out certain zones of pain and view in great detail. While active this
allows you to sense them across walls. Healers Eyes ability does not overtake all visions but counts as 1 of your vision types to switch too.

Fates Broken Gun

Requires level 3

level 1 Justice Shot V1

level 2 Broken Fate Shot V1
level 3 Justice Shot V2
level 4 Broken Fate Shot V2
level 5 The Good the Bad and the Ugly

Justice Shot V#
You may add your LUK MOD to a single attack Damage with ranged attacks this stacks with any other LUK MOD to Damage on V2 you may do this for an attack action instead of a
single attack.

Broken Fate Shot V#

Instead of Justice Shot V# you may treat a single gunshot as a CRIT not an auto hit if you do this as your whole attack action Broken Fate Shot V2 permits you to treat that
+3 CRIT degree

The Good the Bad and the Ugly

Your Broken Fate Shot may be activated on a normal CRIT with a gun but at the cost of 5% of your Max HP

Fates Broken Fighter

Requires level 3

level 1 Justice Fist V1

level 2 Broken Fate Tactician V1
level 3 Justice Fist V2
level 4 Broken Fate Tactician V2
level 5 Chosen Roads

Justice Fist V#
You may add your LUK MOD to a single attack Damage with melee attacks this stacks with any other LUK MOD to Damage on V2 you may do this for an attack action instead of a
single attack.

Broken Fate Idealist V#

You may replace once per day up to 1 skill checks in the day per V# from their normal modifier stat to LUK. The results of the checks using LUK instead is x3 of the LUK MOD

Chosen Roads
LUK MOD multiplier from Broken Fate Idealist is increased by +2

Fire Control Master

Requires level 2

level 1 Fire Manipulator/Inferno Wisps

level 2 Flame Shield/Flame Strike
level 3 Molten Manipulator/Flame Tornado
level 4 Incinerating Manipulator/Inferno Snake
level 5 Solar Manipulation/Living Fire

Fire Manipulator
This ability grants a pool called a Fire Charges. You may have up to 10 per Fire Control Master level and 1 per CON MOD and 2 per DUR MOD. To create a set of charges you
must spend a ACT to gather up to 1/10th of your Fire Charges. These charges are used for special abilities only from this class. A user can force 1 stamina to recharge as a
free action 10 Fire Charges. You cannot create Fire Charges while submerged in a extinguishing environment.

Inferno Wisps
By expending 5 Fire Charges you create 1 small floating fire ball that floats within your square. This fire ball can be launches dealing 5d4 heat damage as a ranged touch
attack from up to 10DSU. You may only have up to 5 Inferno Wisps active per Fire Control Master level and they extinguish easily or after 1 day. They provide up to 1 TS of
light per active Inferno Wisp.

Flame Shield
You gain the ability to ignore TS of 15 of Heat and Cold Environments as long as you have a Fire Charge. You may increase the Flame Shield immunity TS range by +10 per 5
Fire charge spent for 3 rounds. You may extend the duration of the increased Immunity to Environments by 1 round per extra Fire Charge spent. Reduce Both Heat and Cold
damage done by equal to the TS you are Immune to.

Flame Strike
You gain the ability to deal 1d4 Heat Damage to your melee attacks as long as you have 10 Fire Charges. You may extend your Heat dice damage out up to 1DSU for 5 Fire Charge
as a reach attack (This damage is not modified by other sources except those that effect heat damages) You may apply the ADD-ONs of a weapon or your self to the reach

Molten Manipulator
Fire Charges being created can be created in extinguishing environment as a Full Round ACT instead of a ACT. Abilities that use Fire Charges no longer need to obey
extinguishing and only go out by users will. You may take any Heat Source and for each TS it has of Heat you gain that as Fire Charges but this takes a ACT to perform from
up to 5DSU away of yourself.

Flame Tornado
You may Expend up to 25 Fire Charges and 1 Inferno Wisp to create a spinning fire funnel that you have control over. It may move up to 3DSU a turn, It deals 10d4 Heat
Environmental Damage. They are size Large for area of effect. If 2 Flame Tornado link they combine growing the Flame Tornado by +1 size category and adds their damages
together. The Max size category a Flame Tornado can be is Grand. Flame Tornado can only last up to 5 rounds. The rounds a Flame Tornado can last can be extended by 1 round
per 5 Fire Charges. A Flame Tornado can have it's movement extended by 3DSU for 1 Fire Charge for 1 turn. To avoid the damage is a Acrobatics Check.

Incinerating Manipulator
For 25 Fire Charges you can regain 1 Stamina. For 5 Fire Charges you gain +1DSU for 1 movement action. You may boost all Heat damage done by +1 dice grade for 25 Fire
Charges for 1 rounds max +10 dice grades. For 25 Fire Charges you gain +10 to DEX and STR for 2 rounds.

Inferno Snake
You may make a Inferno Wisp turn into a Inferno Snake for 25 Fire Charges. A inferno Snake deal 10d4 Heat once a turn to anything that touches it. The Inferno Snake Length
is equal to 3DSU Long each segment is 1DSU area. You may position any effecting square of the inferno snake though stacking segments will not increase the damage. Each
Segment must be chained to another. A Inferno Snake may link to another Inferno Snake counting their segments as a whole. Each Inferno Snake Can be launched as a ranged
touch attack to a foe up to 10DSU away (counting as that rounds damage). Inferno Snakes may move around the user up to 10DSU. Inferno Snakes only last for 10 rounds. For
Each time a Inferno Snake fuses with another the rounds for it gain +2 extra. Rounds for all Inferno Snakes may be extended by 1 round per 5 Fire Charges spent. To avoid the
damage is a Acrobatics Check.

Solar Manipulation
Your Molten Manipulator no longer costs a Full Round ACT instead turns into an ACT for it's effect. Fire Manipulator only takes a ½ ACT instead if you are standing in a Heat
TS of equal to 30 or more to create Fire Charges. All Heat based damage has it's dice grade boosted by +1.

Living Fire
If Heat damage does no damage to you, you instead heal by that amount. You may expend 25 Fire Charges to increase the rounds of Incinerating Manipulators abilities effects
by 1 round and for the movement for 2 move actions (The stamina regain effect is unaffected). You may explode a Inferno Wisp, Flame Tornado or Inferno Snake in a 5DSU Radius
dealing 10d10+STR+PSY+CON+DUR heat environmental damage as a free action. To avoid the damage is a Acrobatics Check.

Fortune Master
Requires level 10

level 1 Better Lucky Than you

level 2 Insight
level 3 I make the Impossible Look Possible
level 4 Prediction
level 5 Future Insight

Better Lucky Than You

When attacking you may apply LUK MOD to your Damage

When spending a ½ ACT you may attain a +5 bonus to all 1d20 rolls for 2 rounds

I make the Impossible Look Possible

You may re roll a 1d20 roll once a round

For a Full Round ACT you can grant a +50 to a single 1d20 check you make you can only keep 1 prediction active at a time

Future Insight
You may out of combat Determines ones location is or were items are 100%, if you ask were you will be next 7 days time for 50% accuracy, in the next months time is 25%. All
visions are blurry and aren’t always correct as ones decisions might change the course of others and the future is never solid. You may gain 1 extra Prediction.

Future Predictor
Requires 10

level 1 Future Sight

level 2 Present to Past
level 3 Present to Future
level 4 Many Possibility
level 5 Clairvoyant Future

Future Sight
Focus on one opponent, for each round you scan that one foe you gain a +5 Aimed Strike Check against them. If you already have future sight instead gain a +10 Aimed Strike

Present to Past
You may in a round launch at attack at where a “Foe” used to be instead of where he is now from the previous round. (this does not allow you to get 2 attacks worth on the
same target.

Present to Future
If you Future Sight on a foe, you may attack zones that if they cross they automatically get hit by the attack. Only 1 attack triggers per round.

Many Possibility
You may Future Sight more than one target but give up -10 Aimed Strike Check

Clairvoyant Future
Many Possibility instead gives a -5 Aimed Strike Check instead of -10 Aimed Strike Check

Future Sniper
Requires 10

level 1 Future Sight

level 2 Bullet Time
level 3 Chrono Shot
level 4 Chrono Phase Shot
level 5 Future Complete Action

Future Sight
Focus on one opponent, for each round you scan that one foe you gain a +5 Aimed Strike Check against them. If you already have future sight instead gain a +10 Aimed Strike

Bullet Time
You may slow down your ranged weapons shot or even stop it completely, if anything touches the bullet they still have to guard against it or takes it's usual damage etc.
upon touching a normal timed target it will return to normal time.

Chrono Shot
With a ranged weapon you may shift a shot up to 1 week in the future.

Chrono Phase Shot

Chrono Shot now may also cross realms.

Future Complete Action

You may on a target with future sight focus roll predict a number of 1-4 roll 1d4 if you roll the number your next action on them High Success Bonus (HSB). (only up to 1 of
your attacks may CRIT from a High Success Bonus (HSB) of this ability)

Requires level 2

level 1 Chance Taker

level 2 Know when to Hold em
level 3 Know when to Fold em
level 4 Know when to Walk Away
level 5 Read em and Weep

Chance Taker
Your character gains a 1.5 times their LUK MOD bonus 1 time a day for 2 rounds. You may expend 5 stamina to use this another time a day.

Know when to Hold em

If you fail a roll except a NAT 1 you may double that roll or the next 1d20 roll. You can only activate this effect every 1d4+1 rounds this recharge is shared with Know when
to Fold em and Know when to Walk Away abilities.

Know when to Fold em

If you fail a roll including a NAT 1 you may on the next turn treat that roll as a NAT 20 without rolling. You can only activate this effect every 1d4+1 rounds this recharge
is shared with Know when to Hold em and Know when to Walk Away abilities.

Know when to Walk Away

If you roll a NAT 1 you may give that NAT 1 to a target opponent within 6DSU of you if you NAT 20 you gain a 2 round +10 LUK MOD bonus. You can only activate this effect
every 1d4+1 rounds this recharge is shared with Know when to Hold em and Know when to Fold em abilities.

Read em and Weep

If any effect that uses 1d4+1 rounds of this class the round duration is cut in half minimum 1 round recharge Chance takers 1.5 times is changed to 2 times the LUK MOD bonus
and can be used as many times equal to LUK MOD divided by 10 plus base of 1 use always.

Gate Way Maker

Requires level 10

level 1 Portal V1/Shield Generator/Portal Protection

level 2 Portal V2
level 3 Portal V3/Power Generator
level 4 Portal V4
level 5 Portal V5/Portal Master

Portal V#
Each version Cast of the portals do not link with others V# each consumes are a Cast only 1 set of portals from a Cast V# can exist the older set disappears all count as
Casts for use normal physics do apply these portals, when not attached to a surface the portals back is blank like nothing happen and only one side is the portal rip open
you may keep a older portal open during a Cast and just open 1 new one

Portal V1
You may open 2 portals on 2 hard surfaces that you touched they go between each other 1 centimeter to 1DSU opening

Portal V2
You may open 2 portals on 2 hard surfaces or 3DSU range from yourself they go between each other when you enter them and is limited to 1 centimeter to 1DSU opening

Portal V3
You may open 2 portals on 2 hard surface or 5DSU range from yourself they go between each other when you enter them and is limited to 1 centimeter to 1DSU opening

Portal V4
You may open 2 portals on 2 hard surface or 6DSU range from yourself they go between each other when you enter them and is limited to 1 centimeter to 1DSU opening

Portal V5
You may open 2 portals on 2 hard surface or 8DSU range from yourself they go between each other when you enter them and is limited to 1 centimeter to 1DSU opening

Portal Protection
Whenever an enemy attempts to go through one of your portals they must make a muscle check of TS + 5 per Gate Way Maker level. If they fail they do not go through the portal
and are knocked prone.

Shield Generator
Whenever an ally goes through one of your portals they gain +10 guard per Gate Way Maker level for 3 rounds.

Power Generator
Whenever your attacks go through one of your portals they gain +1x multiplier, stacking up to +5x.

Portal Master
You may have a second set of portals active.

Gravity Warper
Requires level 10

level 1 Gravitational Field

level 2 Gravitational Blast
level 3 Gravitational Increase
level 4 Gravitational Decrease
level 5 Gravitational Explosion

Gravitational Field
You may produce as a ½ ACT a field of anti-Gravity around yourself withing this field Ranged attacks suffer a -25 Aimed Strike Check penalty this field reaches 1DSU per
Gravity Warper level

Gravitational Blast
You may perform as an attack action a Gravity force shot that deals 5d6+PSY MOD Damage (MOD Max 30) Gravity Damage that also applies forceful push effect level equal to this
class level x2 Multi-Attack abilities that are from yourself apply to this attack

Gravitational Increase
You may make 1 object per 3 character levels increase in either +1kg through +10kg weight score within your gravitational field also any attack you perform with a weapon
under this effect increases it's Damage by +1 per character level this extra Damage is Gravity Damage. This ability does not stack on a single object multiple times.

Gravitational Decrease
You may make 1 object per 3 character levels decrease in either -1kg through -10kg weight score within your gravitational field also any Melee weapons decrease their hand
needs by -1 per 5 character levels while they are under this effect, any items made weightless are floating and can be directed anyplace by you if the weapon is not normally
usable consider it an environmental weapon if you direct floating objects in an attack, using your PSY as bonus Damage. This ability does not stack on a single object
multiple times.

Gravitational Explosion
You may as an ACT release your gravitational field to cause a Gravitational Blast attack within the entire radius that deal x10 the dice Damage and increases MOD Max by x2

Gun Master
Requires level 3

Level 1 Bringer of Pain

Level 2 Rip and Tear/At Doom's Gate
Level 3 Hell to Pay/Raging Strikes
Level 4 Bones of Titans
Level 5 A Reckoning of Lead

Bringer of Pain
All firearm class weapons gain bonus damage equal to 1/4 DEX mod. This does not stack with similar effects from other classes.

Rip and Tear

You may make a muscle check as an attack against a target's limbs within 1DSU. The damage dealt is equal to 5 per 2 muscle you roll. You must still roll a Aimed Strike Check
for this attack.

At Doom's Gate
Guns and their accessories can never slow you down, and you may make ranged attacks with firearm class weapons while moving.

Hell to Pay
You may holster your firearm and draw another firearm as a free action. This cannot be done during an attack action.
Raging Strikes
Once per day you may increase all damage dealt by 35% and movement speed by 8DSU for 5 rounds, but during this time you can only make improvised melee attacks. You may use
Rip and Tear while this ability is active.

Bones of Titans
All bullets can pierce up to 3DSU of solid material, and you suffer no additional Aimed Strike Check penalties for making called shots against multiple targets at once. If
shooting a target with breakable armour the guard is reduced by ¼ rather than having their armour pierced.

A Reckoning of Lead
Reloading firearms is always a free action. This cannot be used during an attack action.

Induction Fluxer
Basic 10

level 1 Magnetism Field

level 2 Magnetic Warp
level 3 Magnetic Push
level 4 Magnetic Pull
level 5 Magnetic Storm

Magnetism Field
As a ½ ACT you may produce a field around yourself for 2 rounds this field cancels the effects of magnetism within itself of 6DSU and allows the you to control the magnetic
properties also you may make permanent Magnets with objects or remove the magnetism on objects also any EMP effects do not work in your field unless you allow them too. You
must magnetize entire items rather than individual parts of it. You may have a maximum of 1 item per Induction Fluxer level magnetized.

Magnetic Warp
Within the Magnetism Field you may magnetism any object TS 10 per Induction Fluxer level max 50 the TS to beat is to only to objects that can be magnetized upon wish it it's
a Melee weapon it's to resist losing the weapon out of the users hand and for a Ranged attack it's treated as a auto miss and cause the objects to then form into a ball and
finally drop from the magnetic focus point within the field any machines also are stunned for 1d4 per Induction Fluxer level rounds if they fail a Endure Check equal to the

Magnetic Push
Equal to Magnetic Warp TS you may cause any magnetized object to be forcibly fly away from you or another magnetic object within the area this counts as environmental Damage
if flung at another being or object

Magnetic Pull
You may pull an object to you or another magnetic object within your field it's Weight score in kg is the TS you have to beat to pull a un attended object your lift score
calculates PSY instead of STR and does not count towards your normal lift score upon which if the items you decide to pull if they are lighter instead they automatically go
to the item they try to pull instead this counts as environmental Damage if flung at another being or object

Magnetic Storm
You may either as a ½ ACT extend your Magnetism Field by another 6DSU or drop it for a EMP effect. The EMP effect lasts for 1d4 rounds from where your field.

Interruption Synergist
Requires level 3

level 1 Class Stacker V1/Counter Strike V1

level 2 Class Stacker V2/Counter Cast V1
level 3 Class Stacker V3/Interruption Add
level 4 Class Stacker V4/Counter Strike V2
level 5 Class Stacker V5/Counter Cast V2

Class Stacker V#
Once you take this class you can pick from one class and add its ability to this class. Once done, you cannot change your choice unless you gain a level in this class or
down level this class. If you already have the ability you can choose a new class feature of the correct level. So a V1 takes a 1st level ability while V2 can take 2 1st
level abilities or 1 2nd level ability. This also intakes abilities that permit Casts granting the classes corresponding Cast abilities making this class also able to Cast.
You must meet the class’s requirements to copy its ability thus you must meet it's minimal level requirement for taking said ability you may ignore prestige class
requirements though but must still obey the minimal level it takes for the class and ability. If the class uses a V# for the ability all abilities of a lower V# are also
gained with take the class feature ability, any ability with the same name will not stack together unless noted they do. The abilities do no count as having the class but do
count for any ability perquisite. You may pay 2500 credits to retrain this ability to a different class ability. Ultimate Classess cost +1 extra level slot except 5th wich
will still cost only 5 levels.

Counter Strike V#
Your counter attack at V1 can counter a NAT 2 d20 roll from a target (though it is not a critical attack and still has to confirm a hit) and permits 1 free counter attack in
a round V2 of Counter Strike permits you to Counter on a NAT 19 (though they can still confirm a hit on you if they equal or overcome your roll) and you gain 1 more free
counter attack in a turn

Counter Cast V#
Your counter attack with a Cast does not use up a Cast use for the turn (it does expend the Cast though) on V2 you can Counter with a Cast without using a counter attack for
the turn

Interruption Add
You can perform 2 Interruption Counters in a turn instead of 1
Requires level 10

level 1 Reality Warp/

level 2 Distortion Blast
level 3 Teleportation Flux
level 4 Temporal Rip
level 5 Erase

Reality Warp
Move an object up to 20DSU away from you weighing 20kg weight score at 1st level Irritamancer and gaining 20kg weight score limit per Irritamancer level up to 100kg weight
score to another spot in 20DSU except items that are worn on a sentient being or an animate object. Any item worn on you is immune to disintegration effects.

Distortion Blast
Expend a level 1-5 Cast to shoot a 5d4 per Cast level expended + PSY MOD of Void Damage (MOD MAX 40). You may expend a level 1-5 Cast for each Cast level into the Cast raise
the dice grade by 1 (max 5 dice grades). You may expend any level of Casts to raise the MOD MAX by +5. You may drop the damage dice to 1d4 and not be able to raise the dice
grade from any other source but from this ability to deal stat damage instead and no modifier may apply. The check to cut the damage in half is a Evasion. The check to cut
the damage in half is a Mind or Endure (only choose 1)(This stacks with the Evasion cut in half to make damage 1/4th instead).

Teleportation Flux
Teleport yourself up to 6DSU away from your original position as an ACT this teleportation cannot be jammed but instead is increased in distance per 15 character levels by

Temporal Rip
When you use Teleportation Flux you become invulnerable to all Damage for 1 round but you cannot attack or perform special actions in this form except move your land speed
or fly speed and may phase through Physical objects as if they weren’t there if you stop in a solid section you will be teleported out and take 5d4 Damage to yourself and
become stunned for 1 round

You may as a Full Round ACT make a eradication field around yourself which destroys all Physical matter in your 1DSU square for 2 round this will not erase yourself and
equipment and instead protects it from any destructive effects including atomization during this time period you may use any ability of this class but cannot use normal
attacks or other classes abilities except passive ones your movement speed is also dropped by half and any sentient or living thing that passes through instead of being
erased will be knocked away by 1DSU to the side and automatically takes a Distortion Blast if you wish. This field does not destroy the ground beneath your feet.

Requires level 5

level 1 Unstoppable Force

level 2 Momentum Force
level 3 Wrecking Ball
level 4 Body of Force
level 5 I’m the Juggernaut

Unstoppable Force
Gain Temporary Damage Absorbency equal to your character level x10 any Damage taken goes to Temporary Damage Absorbency first any Damage that reduces Damage Absorbency to 0
any Damage left over goes to the targets HP and other reduction sources once this classes Temporary Damage Absorbency goes to 0 will come back next round, other Temporary
Damage Absorbency stack with this abilities and share with this classes effects

Momentum Force
Your body hardness and natural/weapon attacks hardness gains a bonus equal to your current Temporary Damage Absorbency divided by 3 rounded down if you are harder than any
object you can move through said articles except those that are sentient by giving up –25 of your Temporary Damage Absorbency if this reduces it to 0 or below you do not
take Damage you do not need exactly 25 Temporary Damage Absorbency to activate. Any damage hitting over your Temporary Damage Absorbency will still damage you. If you try to
walk through a sentient being their equipment will not auto break but you will knock them off to the side unless you have a trample ability which case you may try to break
their equipment at a 20% chance for every item of up to 4 items randomly.

Wrecking Ball
Momentum Force ability bonus to your hardness divided by 3 instead changes to divided by 2.

Body of Force
All Void-Physical Damage is reduced by half rounded down when applying through your Temporary Damage Absorbency if it hits your HP after wiping your Temporary Damage
Absorbency the Damage was still halved

I’m the Juggernaut

For a ½ ACT you can double your Temporary Damage Absorbency for 1 turn if you collide into objects with Momentum Force it does not reduce your Temporary Damage Absorbency
also after the 1 round you lose half your current Temporary Damage Absorbency that you have currently after any effects.

Requires level 5

level 1 Ranged Shot V1

level 2 Marked Shot V1/Top Shot
level 3 Ranged Shot V2
level 4 Marked Shot V2/Master Shot
level 5 Ranged Shot V3

Ranged Shot V#
Add a +1 to max range increment per V# for any weapon you are using to a max of 6 instead of 3 increments

Marked Shot V#
When throwing/shooting in the first Ranged increment of a weapon (not Melee attack) ignore the called shot penalty to Aimed Strike Check it adds then on V2 ignore the second
Ranged increments negative to called shots thus max called shot penalty for 6 increments is –20 Aimed Strike Check.

Top Shot
Reduce the penalty for firing past your base range increment by -10

Master Shot
When performing a ranged attack (not Melee attack) you may re roll your Aimed Strike Check if the previous result missed. If you NAT 20 instead you may re roll again and if
this confirms a hit deals and extra +3 CRIT degree if you roll another NAT 20 instead increase the CRIT degree by +9 instead of +3. If Nat 1 your NAT 20 re roll you deal
normal damage. If you re roll a Nat 1 and roll another Nat 1 for your re roll you deal damage to yourself equal to the guns damage divided by 2 and the gun takes the same

Martial Artist of the Ascended

Requires level 5

level 1 Float Like A Butterfly/Sting Like A Bee

level 2 Ascended Style
level 3 Ascended Strike/Ascended Meditation
level 4 Ascending Body
level 5 The Ultimate Cost/Zen Meditation

Float Like A Butterfly

Any class that says you cannot wear your armor for your abilities is negated for a ½ ACT for 3 rounds every round it persists you suffer a –10 to your Guard Checks (Round 1
–0 round 2 –10 round 3 –20 round 4 –30 round 5 –40 etc.) if you reactivate this ability the rounds stack

Sting Like A Bee

If you activate Float Like A Butterfly ability for each round it persists you gain a bonus equal to +10 to your Aimed Strike Check. You suffer an equal negative to your
Acrobatics Checks as the Guard negative if you activate Sting Like A Bee ability on attacks.

Ascended Style
Float Like A Butterfly ability negative to guard is cut in half. Sting Like A Bee ability also applies the bonus to Damage equal to +5 for each +10 Aimed Strike Check it

Ascended Strike
You can instead of rolling Damage for a Melee attack with your body or natural attacks size dice deal 25+LUK MOD Damage per 5 character levels

Ascended Meditation
When you meditate (for example when you try to regain casts) or just perform a meditation stance you may activate this ability to regain 1 stamina per 10mins of meditation.

Ascending Body
For a ½ ACT you gain a 3DSU movement bonus, +5 to 4 different mods and –5 to 4 different mods if you don’t take the movement bonus the stat bonus goes to +10 instead the
negative remains the same the effects last for 3 turns if you reactivate this ability the rounds stack as do the bonuses stack reapplying the effect again and the choice the
max stacks you may take are up to 10.

The Ultimate Cost

For each round Ascending Body exists on your character you can activate The Ultimate Cost, you cannot activate Ascending Body again till it is over, every turn you take 10%
of your Current HP in Damage, all bonuses accumulated from Ascending Body are doubled as are negatives, if you reach 0 HP you character will die and cannot be revived.

Zen Meditation
Your Ascended Meditation now may be performed during any restful action not just meditation.

Master of Arms
Requires level 5

Level 1 Blade Mastery/ Mastery

Level 2 Gun Mastery/Projectile Mastery
Level 3 Improvised Fighting
Level 4 Arms Master
Level 5 Master of All

Blade Mastery
When making a called shot the chance to deal vitality damage is increased by 10%(Unaffected by LUK). If your weapon is classified as multiple types, only one mastery ability
may apply in an attack.

When using a Bludgeoning weapon you ignore guard equal to your Aimed Strike Check rolled. If your weapon is classified as multiple types, only one mastery ability may apply
in an attack.
Gun Mastery
When using a firearm classification weapon, you may deal 2x sundering damage. If your weapon is classified as multiple types, only one mastery ability may apply in an

Projectile Mastery
When using a projectile classification weapon, gain +10 Aimed Strike Check. This bonus is multiplied by the number of targets in your attack action. If your weapon is
classified as multiple types, only one mastery ability may apply in an attack.

Improvised Fighting
When making an improvised attack you may ignore 1/4 of the target's hardness. If your weapon is classified as multiple types, only one mastery ability may apply in an

Arms Master
You may apply a second mastery ability in an attack for weapons that are considered multiple classifications, but at reduced effect for the second classification:
-Blade Mastery chance of dealing vitality damage is increased by 5%(unaffected by LUK)
- Mastery ignores guard equal to 1/2 of the Aimed Strike Check rolled
-Gun Mastery deals 1.5x sundering damage
-Projectile Mastery gains +5 Aimed Strike Check per target
-Improvised Fighting ignores 1/8 of target's hardness

Master of All
When you apply a mastery all other masteries increase damage done by their specified weapon type by 20%(Unaffected by LUK) for your next attack. This ability does not work
with masteries used by Arms Master. If your next attack counts as multiple weapon types, the damage bonus is divided by the number of classifications of the weapon.

Requires level 5

level 1 Material Components V1/Profiteer

level 2 Material Components V2
level 3 Material Components V3/Millionaire
level 4 Material Components V4
level 5 Material Components V5/Paid Protection

You may make a diplomacy check against a target's diplomacy to increase the amount of money you can sell an item for by 5% or decrease the cost of purchasing by 5%. This
ability can only be used up to 2 times per week against a single target. LUK cannot reduce the cost of an item to lower than 20% of its market price.

Material Components V#
You gain a pool of credit resources of 10,000 credits per V# this is only spend able in crafting projects from other classes like Artificers Inventor and Alchemists and
takes 1 week to regain your pool again

Gain +2 to all skills for every 5 FP and +6 for every 1 TP you have, up to a maximum of +100.

Paid Protection
You may spend up to 2000 credits to gain mitigation equal to 1/2 of the credits spent for 5 rounds.

Master Arching Shot

Requires level 3

level 1 Arching Attacking

level 2 Projectile Mastery
level 3 Over Cover Shot
level 4 Quick Arching Attacking
level 5 Pin Point Zoning

Arching Attacking
When using a “Projectile weapon” or “thrown” (like bows, crossbows, spear guns, nail guns, or thrown weapons like grenades or other implements thrown) you may add a 6DSU
range to them in an “arcing fashion” giving up your movement for the round. This arc does not apply a penalty but basic Arcing does still if it breaches past this ability.

Projectile Mastery
Gain a +15 Aimed Strike Check for any “Projectile weaponry”

Over Cover Shot

When performing a arcing ranged attack for each 3DSU it has to arc it gains +2 damage to the initial hit (this does not increase grenades damage radius or similar type
effect of such).

Quick Arching Attacking

You may move while performing Arching Attacking instead of giving up the movement may continue to move normally but take a –15 to the Aimed Strike Check when doing so

Pin Point Zoning

When using a “projectile weapon” or “thrown” you may half all the range increment minuses rounded down when performing past normal range increments this does not apply to
other forms of negatives.
Mender Of Creation
Requires level 3

level 1 Heal The Reality/Mend The Weary

level 2 Reality Solution/Eyes Of Reality
level 3 Reality Maker/Disturbance Sense
level 4 Devotion Of Reality/Zone Of Reality
level 5 Leben Seikatsu Life/Fixing Fates Lines

Heal The Reality

As an ACT Heal or Repair a target for 100 HP multiplied by your level.

Mend The Weary

Give up 1 Stamina point to grant back 2 stamina points to a target other than yourself. You may give up 1 Wisdom point to grant back 5 stamina points to a target.

Eyes Of Reality
You can see the Health Value and Vitality Value of a target (Their HP numbers and Vitality numbers) you see these as an aura starting at Blue and decreasing from purple to
Red. You also can tell a target healing energy type. Illusion type effects TS are reduced against you by -5 per character.

Reality Solution
As an ACT per round all healing and regeneration effects in a aura around yourself up to 5DSU are boosted by +25 (this +25 is multiplied by Heal the Reality and Zone Of
Reality when it's used)

Disturbance Sense
You can see status effects or special effects on a target as a ½ ACT

Revival Maker
All objects on your person are immune to atomization. Also any Healing you perform gain +50 bonus modifier.

Devotion Of Reality
If you fall to 0 HP instead you go to 1 HP and all targets you choose around you are healed equal to your Max HP. This effect can only occur once every combat

Zone Of Reality
Make a 5DSU radius from up to 5DSU away from yourself this zone lasts for 1 round per character level that gives healing of 50 HP multiplied by your level.

Leben Seikatsu Life

You may treat healing as a revive effect making any damage making a targets HP negative instantly to 0 HP plus the healing. And upon any form of revival you gain Healing
effect of +150 HP to yourself and all allies around you in 5DSU.

Fixing Fates Lines

You may give up 2 stamina points or 1 wisdom point to revive a target that just recently died within 1 hour. This ability costs 2 more stamina points or 1 more wisdom point
to revive a target per extra 1 hour they have been dead.

Momentum Synergist
Requires level 3

level 1 Class Stacker V1/Extra Move V1

level 2 Class Stacker V2/Extra ½ ACT V1
level 3 Class Stacker V3/Extra Move V2
level 4 Class Stacker V4/Extra Move V3
level 5 Class Stacker V5/Extra ½ ACT V2

Class Stacker V#
Once you take this class you can pick from one class and add its ability to this class. Once done, you cannot change your choice unless you gain a level in this class or
down level this class. If you already have the ability you can choose a new class feature of the correct level. So a V1 takes a 1st level ability while V2 can take 2 1st
level abilities or 1 2nd level ability. This also intakes abilities that permit Casts granting the classes corresponding Cast abilities making this class also able to Cast.
You must meet the class’s requirements to copy its ability thus you must meet it's minimal level requirement for taking said ability you may ignore prestige class
requirements though but must still obey the minimal level it takes for the class and ability. If the class uses a V# for the ability all abilities of a lower V# are also
gained with take the class feature ability, any ability with the same name will not stack together unless noted they do. The abilities do no count as having the class but do
count for any ability perquisite. You may pay 2500 credits to retrain this ability to a different class ability. Ultimate Classess cost +1 extra level slot except 5th wich
will still cost only 5 levels.

Extra Move V#
You can move 1 more time in a turn free of a ½ ACT to do so these movements are at ½ normal movement rounded down to nearest 1DSU of your characters regular move action

Extra ½ ACT V#
You gain a ½ ACT to your pool Negating Extra move V1 once you gain Extra ½ ACT V2 negate both Extra Move V2 and V3 thus you have 1 extra ACT in a round

Requires level 10

level 1 Undead Army V1/Legion Of Death

level 2 Undead Empower V1/Undead Army V2
level 3 Undead Army V3/Greater Enmassive
level 4 Undead Empower V2/Undead Army V4
level 5 Becoming the Lich/Undead Empower V3/Undead Army V5

Undead Army V#
As a free act once per turn you may use dead materials to convert skeletal shaped warriors as a summon (this includes trees and soil so on) up to 10 per V# max 50 they have
300 HP per V# max 1500 and deal size Damage their stats are of the Medium monster progression (They do not take HP or CP progression) and are of your level. but do not gain
extra FP or abilities they all have life sense up to 100DSU and Night Sight/bright sight/normal sight for their regular sight degrees if you Die (This does not count KO) all
the skeletons deconstruct on spot and you cannot reuse destroy skeletons to make another the skeletons are considered undead body type and undeath classification the size
and hardness varies based upon the warrior made you must make it at least small to large size and the material must have been from an organic source like a tree a person’s
bones a person’s flesh etc. a medium person can configure to 1 skeleton and 1 flesh skeleton for example but any used materials defeated or dismissed dissipates and rots
away fast.

Legion Of Death
You may give up slots of max Undead you can have from Undead Army and Greater Massive to make a stronger form skeletal shaped warrior. Combined the Full HP of the fused
skeletal shaped warriors. That stats of the fusion equal to base medium progression plus 1/10th the stat progression of each fused. A fusion can increase it's size grade of
damage by +1 per 20 fusions.

Undead Empower V#
Undeath classification in a 6DSU around you gain a bonus +15 guard, evasion, mind, endure, Aimed Strike Check and Damage per Undead Empower the bonus Damage is Unholy this
ability counts as an aura and has no effect on you if you are an undeath. Undead Army and Greater Massive skeletal shaped warriors gain +1 size dice grades up while in this

Greater Massive
You may create extra skeletal shaped warriors. These extra warriors do not take up your normal Undead Army ability but instead you may only summon extra equal to your CON,
PSY, SPRT and LUK MOD (negative stats are treated as +0). You may max only have up to 5 Extra Skeletal Warriors per character level from this ability.

Becoming the Lich

You may pay 10,000 credits and 1 week ritual that you become a Lich Template (must meet requirements still).Also Undead Empower effects bonuses gain a bonus equal to your
SPRT and LUK MOD (this also applies to their size dice up divided by 4).

Mutilation Master
Requires level 5

level 1 Glorious Maiming

level 2 Painful Torture
level 3 Bleeding Strikes
level 4 Sadistic Injury
level 5 Tormenting Strikes

Glorious Maiming
When attacking claim 1 stat of the foe of either STR, DEX, DUR, or SPD your attacks may instead attack a single stat of the listed choices this attack does not count as a
normal attack thus does not apply your weapons multipliers or other effects unless they permit. Damage dealt is untyped but cannot be negated except by mitigation of
“special source” damage is equal to 1d4+1d4 per character level this effect stacks with similar stat effecting abilities.

Painful Torture
Glorious Maiming also now may choose CON, PSY, SPRT, or LUK as well

Bleeding Strikes
Upon hitting either STR or DEX you also cause the foe to start taking 3 damage per size category they are thus a Micro size takes 3 damage a round while a medium takes 12
damage a round this effect lasts for 1d4 rounds every time you successfully hit add 1 more round to the counter and stacks the damage again thus 3 becomes 6 etc.

Sadistic Injury
Upon striking either PSY SPRT or LUK you make the foe lose Casts equal to the damage of Bleeding Strikes divided by 3.

Tormenting Strikes
If you hit CON DUR or SPD the opponent has a 5% chance to lose a ½ ACT from their action pool.

Requires level 5

level 1 Killer Instinct

level 2 Enemy Of You
level 3 Crush the Weak
level 4 Rip You Apart
level 5 Wrath of my Power

Killer Instinct
When you kill or KO an opponent gain a +10 bonus to Endure Mind and Acrobatics Checks for the entire combat this effect stacks continually till combat ends.

Enemy Of You
When fighting a foe claim 1 enemy as a target once every 3 rounds you gain a bonus +10 Aimed Strike Check and Melee or Ranged Damage against them and +10 on Guard Checks
against them

Crush the Weak

When you kill or KO an opponent your next attack action deals +15 Melee or Ranged Damage and all Damage of the attack is changed to Mortality when applied

Rip You Apart

When performing Rending/Disable checks in a Grapple or if Performing Crushing/Called/Pinpoint Shots on body parts gain a bonus +10 Damage and +10 on the grapple check if you
are grappling.

Wrath of my Power
Your Bonus from Both Killer Instinct and Crush the Weak are doubled

Nightmare Warrior
Requires level 5

Level 1 Nightmare Spawn/Darkness Blades

Level 2 Fear Striker
Level 3 True Fear/Fear Empowered
Level 4 Chaos Nova
Level 5 Frozen in Fear

Nightmare Spawn
Adds the classification Undeath and Devil

Darkness Blades
Attacks with a melee weapon may deal unholy damage at will and inflict fear rank 1. A target with a fear effect already on them will have the rank increased by 1.

Fear Striker
For every stack of fear a target has on them your melee attacks gain +1 Aimed Strike Check and Damage.

True Fear
All fear effects applied by this class may ignore fear immunity granting a stack of fear but with no applied negative effects of fear itself, except from Nightmare Hunter

Fear Empowered
Fear effects against you are reversed, granting you +1 to all d20 rolls per rank.

Chaos Nova
You may expend 5 casts to inflict fear rank 10 on all enemies within 6DSU. Mind check to ignore.

Frozen in Fear
You may expend 5 casts to stun all targets affected by fear within 6DSU. The stun rank is equal to the rank of fear on the target. If the target is stunned, the fear effect
is removed. Mind check to ignore.

Nightmare Hunter
Requires level 2

Level 1 Flash Step +1DSU/Dark Slayer/Soul Sense

Level 2 Flash Step +1DSU/Sonic Sight/Equipment Specialist
Level 3 Flash Step +1DSU/Side Flash/Trained Multi Specialist
Level 4 Flash Step +1DSU/Quick Dark Slayer/Soul Charge Empowerment
Level 5 Flash Step +1DSU/Acrobatic Flash/Run on Attack

Flash Step +1DSU

Flash step ability adds a movement bonus to land speed only based of 1DSU, all flash steps stack together

Dark Slayer abilities

Nightmare Hunters Casts that rely on spirit energy to banish entities that threaten our world or boost their own physical prowess all are level 1

Empowering Spirit – gain a bonus +10 against undeath, devil and elemental classification types on d20 rolls for 5 rounds. This effect stacks up to once per character level.
Hyper Dash – Your movement actions cannot have a interrupted or counter action performed against them for the round.
Illusion Tempest – Create 1 Clone of yourself that is a illusion a Mind Check per entity you wish it to effect once it is attacked and struck (it's guard and Acrobatics
Checks are based on your own checks) it can perform any action you can but has no effect on a environment and once once performs a unbelievable action it disappears you can
have up to 10 clones existing.
Sonic Blade Cut – Your Melee weapon gains a 8DSU reach distance, if the weapon uses it's reach from this ability it only deals Wind damage (sonic property) this effect lasts
for 3 rounds.
Cloud Jump – You may jump twice in a row or once and negate any falling Damage equal to a second jump check the second jump can be even within the air as if they used a hard
surface to gain another jump, this ability is a free action.
Dynamic Agility – You gain a +5 to Slight, Evasion and Jump Checks, this bonus doubles every time you Cast this ability up to a bonus of +50 to each this effect lasts for 1
round and is a free action to Cast.
Vortex Sonic Cut – You may give up in increments of 1DSU of Flash Step for 2 rounds to perform an attack within a radius equal to the amount of 1DSU given up in Flash Step
the attack must roll a single Aimed Strike Check against each target in the radius (You may exclude allies) you may choose any weapon for each target. You cannot apply
Multi-Attack or combo attack abilities to this Cast. This attack gains damage multipliers equal to 1/2 your character level(minimum +1x). This cast cannot be empowered by
caster effects.

Soul Sense
As a level 1 cast you may sense a chosen classification within 3DSU for 1 round. You may extend the duration by 1 round per 2 additional casts spent, and may increase the
radius by 3DSU per 3 additional casts spent. Any sense does not reveal or locate their location just that they are within the vicinity though you know the direction each is
and their relative size.

Sonic Sight
As a ½ ACT you may see invisible beings for 2 rounds. This allows you to see ethereal and reduces the miss chance against them by 1/2.

Equipment Specialist
You may draw articles as a free action but cannot perform a violent action within that round. You may draw up to 3 items per “Nightmare Hunter” named class level.

Side Flash
You may as a free action use a Flash Step of 1DSU as a Acrobatics Check. You may only do this once per round +1 more time per +5 DUR MOD or +10 DEX MOD or +15 SPD MOD
(Whichever is highest of the 3)

Trained Multi Specialist

You may consider your "Nightmare Hunter" class levels as another class for effects and to fulfil prestige requirements. You may only emulate 1 class per named "Nightmare
Hunter" class that you have. You may switch each of these emulations once per week.

Quick Dark Slayer

Once per round you may use a Dark Slayer cast as a free action. If casting a spell that is already a free action, you may cast 2 at once.

Soul Charge Empowerment

When meditating you regain double the cast amount. Once per round(+1 use per roud per different "Nightmare Hunter" named class, up to a max of 3 times per round) you may
make a Dark Slayer cast that was not a free action not consume a cast.

Acrobatic Flash
You may apply Flash Step as a Jump movement without rolling for Jump Check using the Flash Step distance for the Jump distance instead.

Run on attack
While you move you may perform an attack action both using up both respected actions of the movements and the attack action.

Plant Master
Requires Level 5

level 1 Plant Link

level 2 Plant Subtype/Plant Meld
level 3 Plant Synthesis
level 4 Plant Life Reviver/Poison Spores
level 5 Plant Control

Plant Link
You may speak to any plants and understand them, you may also link yourself to the plant network and receive info similar to sonar and pressure feelings and weather up to 1
kilometer where plant life touches each other per character level.

Plant Sub Type

You are considered only a Plant Classification for 5 rounds as a ½ ACT and gain CRIT immunity during the time frame you may camouflage among plants with a +15 stealth check
as you look like any type of plant around you

Plant Meld
While you have a Plant classification you may fuse into the plants (they must have a size equal to or bigger than your own) in which case you may with the Plant Link ability
distance to teleport into any plant you can reach (even if the size cannot contain you in wich case you auto exit the plant to safe ground) to but this effective
teleportation takes 15 mins per 1 kilometer travel in this way.

Plant Synthesis
You may heal plants in a 6DSU area for a 1 HP for 1 HP basis restoring them from death and giving up your life force or you may wither plants in a 6DSU area for a 1 HP for 1
HP basis withering them and restoring your life force by that amount, if a plant goes to 0 HP it cannot be given HP as it has died. This power cannot be used on “Sentient

Plant Life Reviver

You may in a place that can handle plant life, start invigorating the area to grow plants in a 6DSU radius. You can increase the growth speed of the plants by giving up HP
for each 5 HP you give them 1 month time lapse of growth cycles

Poison Spores
Your body can produce spores or your plants that make them in a 2DSU area around them. These spores effectiveness dissipate after they stop releasing. Beings that don't need
to breath are immune or holding their breath while in the cloud of spores. The spores when inhaled deal 5d4 poison damage to HP and poison status of it's level equal to your
character level x2.

Plant Control
Control Vines in a 10DSU radius from the ground up the total hp of the summon is 300 times your level hp if the HP is depleted you cannot summon the plants for 2 rounds the
vines take x2 Damage from Heat and Cold Damage and are susceptible to status effects that apply ones that don’t apply are (Forceful Push, Blinding, Deafening)

The vines can attack dealing 5d6+CON & DUR MOD Damage to the target or targets grapple with a TS of 20+5 per character level which then deal 5d6+CON MOD each round they are
grappling the check to resist is slight or muscle, max amount of attacking vines is equal to character level divided by 2. the plants vines may reach out up to 50DSU the
vine may also apply Poison status effect level even to Plant Master level x4 if you apply the poison upon the plant half the plants damage you may choose any type of stat
for the poison.

The vines can also produce structures by weaving and over lapping one another making platforms or things like thrones in the radius

It takes a ½ ACT to activate this ability and it lasts for 5 rounds while concentrating for a ½ ACT each round if struck while concentrating you must make a mind check with
a TS equal to the Damage (this does not count as an attack action)

Any grappled targets may use small weapons and weapons in hand that requires 1 hand or has a trigger like a firearm if the weapon is a Melee is may be used with only 1 hand
if it’s 1 or 2 handed if permit able all attacks done are considered hits thus do not have to roll Aimed Strike Check just Damage but to any targets that aren’t the vines
it’s a –20 Aimed Strike Check

Precision Shooter
Requires level 3

level 1 Critical Point/Shot On The Run

level 2 Sharp Eye/Disarming Shot
level 3 Critical Break/Stationary Shot
level 4 Deadly Eye Shot/Great Disarming Shot
level 5 Critical Snap/Shot Focus

Critical Point
CRITS for Ranged weapons increased from on a NAT 20 to a NAT 19 (a NAT 20 is still needed for auto hit)

Shot On The Run

You may move in an attack action for ranged attacks only

Sharp Eye
Rolling a 1 on damage dice for ranged attacks are treated as 2s instead

Disarming Shot
You may perform a shot as a special grapple that tries to disarm the foe once a round

Critical Break
CRITS for Ranged weapons increased from on a NAT 20 to a NAT 18 (a NAT 20 is still needed for auto hit)

Stationary Shot
If you do not perform a move action in a round gain a bonus +3 Aimed Strike Check per character level to your first ranged attack

Deadly Eye Shot

Rolling a 1 or 2 on damage dice for ranged attacks are treated as 3s instead

Great Disarming Shot

Disarming Shot gains a bonus +20 bonus

Critical Snap
CRITS for Ranged weapons increased from on a NAT 20 to a NAT 17 (a NAT 20 is still needed for auto hit)

Shot Focus
Focus on weapons that mention a focus do not take a ½ ACT to focus.

Prosperous Windfaller
Requires level 5

level 1 Lady Luck

level 2 Silver Lining
level 3 Grace the Winds
level 4 Better Lucky than Skilled
level 5 Impossible Luck

Lady Luck
You may heal yourself 5d4+1d4 per level+LUK MOD x5 once every 1d4+1 rounds

Silver Lining
If you NAT 20 on a 1d20 roll you may roll another 1d20 roll plus your LUK MOD you get this bonus to the next 1d20 roll you perform.

Grace the Winds

This is considered an aura thus you cannot have this aura active when another aura is active your allies gain 1/10th your LUK MOD to their 1d20 rolls and Damage

Better Lucky then Skilled

During the time Grace the Winds is on you may instantly turn it off to perform an instant CRIT not an auto hit for 1 attack. Once you use this Grace the Winds cannot be
reactivated for 2 rounds

Impossible Luck
On a NAT 1 do not consider the NAT 1 an instant failure or as a NAT 1 this ability only activate once every 2 rounds
Puppet Master
Requires level 10

level 1 Control String V1

level 2 Control String V2/Soul String
level 3 Control String V3
level 4 Control Strong V4/Infinite String
level 5 Control String V5

Control String V#
You produce a set of odd physical strings that upon attachment of a physically struck opponent they make a Mind Save or become a host to your string control effect
(inanimate or just objects do not make any saves) the TS is equal to your own TS +5 per V# this ability has. The strings strand takes a sight check of your TS +20 to notice.
The string has a limitation effect you activate from up to 12DSU connecting to yourself for control though the string itself is only 1 centimeter long when attaching to
anything without being attached to you looking like a bit of fishing line or spider web. The string itself can also be used as a fashioned rope under your control extending
out up to 12DSU reach even for attaching to for the physically struck opponent or objects and can handle up to 250kg weight score for pulling and holding before snapping per
string per V# this ability has. The string itself has 100 HP per V# this ability has. The producer of the string can only make 1 string per round and takes a ½ ACT to make a
control string. A control string can only control 1 being at a time that has failed the Mind Save though the string itself is still attached to them if they successfully
passed the TS but cannot be called upon for 1 day till they fail the TS (Not alerting them of the control string itself) but may enact a sight check of the string. You may
control up to 1 object piece with max Weight Score 5kg. The weight max that can be controlled object is multiplied per V# of this ability while the amount of objects that
can be controlled simultaneous is also equal to the abilities V#. A dominated being has no memories of being controlled and just does as is commanded though they cannot use
their casts in this state.

Soul String
The strings from Control Sting ability become harder to see and strengthen, The strings gain Temporary Damage Absorbency that refresh every 3 rounds equal to Control String
V# x100. The strings also gain 18DSU of control activation length instead of 12DSU. The Sight check to spot the strings increases by another +20 TS. The strings ignore
terrain at will when extending out being able to ignore physical barriers for activation.

Infinite String
The strings from Control String ability become even harder to see and extend their distance and power to a new level, The strings gain a activation length of 25DSU instead
of 12DSU or Soul Strings ability 18DSU. The Sight check to spot the strings increases by another +20 TS. The strings when used as a rope use has their reach instead extend
up to 40DSU per round.

Reckless Fighter
Requires level 3

Level 1 Fixated Strike/Reckless Warrior V1

Level 2 Straining Strike
Level 3 Destructive Strike/Reckless Warrior V2
Level 4 Reckless Abandon
Level 5 Relentless Warrior

Fixated Strike
You give up 5%(Luck may reduce up till 1%) as un-negatable damage to self of your Max HP to gain +20 Aimed Strike Check to all your attacks for that round if the attack was
a combo attack instead the bonus is +10 Aimed Strike Check instead of +20 Aimed Strike Check.

Reckless Warrior V#
Claim a target as a ½ ACT. This target grants you a bonus +5 Aimed Strike Check and Damage and strike hardness against them. During V2 you gain Damage Absorbency equal to
the Reckless Fighter level x20.

Straining Strike
The Reckless fighter can spend 10% of Current HP (LUK can effect up till 5%) as un-negatable damage to self to deal bonus damage equal to 1% (Max LUK MOD of +25%) of your
Max HP per attack. You may activate this only up to 2 times in a round. Multipliers do not effect the bonus damage.

Destructive Strike
If the relentless fighter successfully hits an opponent, instead of dealing damage it reduces bonus to Guard Checks by your strike hardness, however you may only apply this
once. This effect lasts for 1 round normally as bonus this effect lasts for 1 round per 2 hits up till a max of 3 rounds and any extra will not reset the rounds till they
pass when you reach max 3 rounds.

Reckless Abandon
Once during a combat if you hit 0 or less HP you heal for for 5% of your Max HP and Regenerates 5% of your Max HP each round for 3 rounds and until the healing &
regeneration ends you can not be KO ed

Relentless Warrior
When activating Reckless Warrior you gain these listed bonus against the target and effects you may initiate this effect after Reckless Warrior. When attacking this target
with Fixated Strike the Aimed Strike Check bonus is increased by +10. The Straining Strike percentage to damage is increased by 1% (Max LUK MOD of +25%). Destructive Strike
may extend it's rounds by double till and counts your strike hardness as +10 extra bonus. And your Reckless Abandon gains an extra 1% on it's healing and regeneration
percents. Once you claim a target you cannot change your claimed target for 3 rounds and all other targets you try to attack gives you a -15 Aimed Strike Check and Damage
penalty. You also gain a bonus to your movement by +5DSU to move to your claimed target.

Requires level 3
level 1 Vitality Body/Hard Line Smash
level 2 Vital Point Guard/Determination
level 3 Self Hardening/Body Of Steel
level 4 Greater Vitality/Unwavering Self
level 5 Vital Deflection/Breaker Fist

Vitality Body
you gain a bonus +10 HP to your base HP per character level

Hard Line Smash

Your DUR MOD applies to your Melee damage & Strike Hardness

Vital Point Guard

Any attack that is a Pinpoint Shot instead becomes a Called Shot against yourself.

Abilities that cost stamina are reduced by -1 with an extra -1 per 50 CON MOD. This cannot reduce a stamina cost below -1. All move actions within a turn of your normal ½
ACTs are free instead. Your DUR MOD applies itself as a bonus to your CON SCORE.

Self Hardening
Gain a hardness bonus to yourself of +1 per character level.

Body Of Steel
Apply your DUR MOD to BHP

Greater Vitality
you gain a bonus +10 HP to your base HP per character level.

Unwavering Self
Your STR MOD applies to your DUR SCORE as bonus. Your DUR MOD applies itself as a bonus to your STR SCORE.

Vital Deflection
Any damage multiplier used against you shall be reduced by -1 per 3 levels.

Breaker Fist
Your DUR MOD from Hard Line Smash becomes doubled.

Requires level 3

level 1 Link Of Machines/Mechanical Right Hand

level 2 Data Breaker
level 3 Army Of Legion One
level 4 Mechanical Bond
level 5 Anti Invention Deconstruction

Link Of Machines
Any Machine and Computer operations of skills gain a +25 bonus

Mechanical Right Hand

At the cost of 1500 credits you may make a device called the the Mechanical Right Hand aka a MRH. This device counts as any and all computer devices and any toll kit you
need except a Alchemists and Artificers unless you have these classes kits which case you may fuse these kits into the device and count the weight they use as 0 as the MRH
can move on it's own of up to 3DSU per round. This device also instantly reads who has a “Hacker” named class and is immune to any form of Hacking. This device reform itself
within 1 round of it ever being destroyed.

Data Breaker
if a “Hacker” named class tries to use abilities they have a 25% chance to fail their action and cannot use that action again but does not use up their action pool. Upon
their failure you gain 1 cast of any level or a bonus ½ Act for the turn (this effect does not stack for the extra action.)

Army of Legion One

You may make helper bots called Legion Bots that each cost 1000 credits that all contain a ½ Act of their own and movement speed of 6DSU of either flight, land or swimming.
These bots are fragile and only have 100 HP and 10 Hardness. Each bot only contains 1 prehensile limb. Each bot contains Perfect Sight. All their data instantly transmits to
you and your MRH. You may only have 10 Legion Bots per character level.

Mechanical Bond
Your MRH or any Legion Bots can become a weapon of your choosing or armor penetrate of basic grade of the material steel in treatment. Your Legion Bots may form objects or
vehicles of 5 legion Bots per 1DSU square of basic grade +1 legion bot extra for a extra upgrade level.

Anti Invention
Any “Invented work” (articles that don't normally exist in the manual) you gain a bonus against equal to their cost divided by 10 to damage and Aimed Strike Check against
them with your Legion Bots and disable any of their protective abilities.

Requires level 5
level 1 Speak with Spirits/Spiritual Essence/Shade Tendril V1
level 2 Ghost Realm Teleport/Spiritual Focus/Shade Tendril V2
level 3 Spirit Assistant/Accursed Power/Shade Tendril V3
level 4 Heal The Spirit/Medicine Man/Shade Tendril V4
level 5 Voodoo Curse/Spirit Bomb/Shade Tendril V5

Speak with Spirits

You may speak with and see the spirit realm (Ethereal) clearly at will

Spiritual Essence
You may add your SPRT MOD in place of your either your STR, DEX, DUR or SPD MOD for 6 rounds. Once done you cannot activate this effect again for 1 hour.

Shade Tendril V#
You may create 2 Shade Tendrils that have a reach of 3DSU per V#. They may only exist up to 5DSU away from the Shaman himself. They use ½ the Shamans STR and DEX MOD for
stats. They have HP equal to 25 per shaman level. The Shade Tendrils can hit without Ethereal miss chance effect. They only exist on field for up to 6 rounds before
dissipating. It takes a ½ ACT to summon up to 3 at a time at max. These Shade Tendrils may apply any Shaman ability to their touch when the shaman themselves activate the
ability as if they are part of him. The Shade tendrils count as a body part for the Shaman thus count as a natural attack.

Ghost Realm Teleport

You may enter the spirit realm completely for 1 hour per SPRT MOD once your hour ends you cannot enter for 24 hours

Spiritual Focus
You may as a Focus action for a ACT make casts MOD break and extra damage from SPRT MOD x2 effective. Also Spiritual Essence lasts for 6 rounds extra.

Spirit Assistant
You may form a bond with a ghost (Not a wraith/ghost template) as a ritual that takes 1 hour. These spirits become your aids and helpers able to do more physical things than
they used to be able to do. They may pick up items for you and even draw for you but may only perform 1 ½ ACT a round. They cannot perform violent actions except throw a
grenade. They cannot wield items larger than 2 hands needed to wield by themselves. Each ghost bonded to you counts as 1 extra hand. They cannot help you wield items only
draw them or put them away. They may only interact with objects of up to 5DSU from yourself. You may only bond up to 1 ghost to yourself per 3 character levels and must
agree to be your partner. Ghosts bonded toyou have a small charm in your possession and if it's destroyed means you must spend another ritual to re bond to them.

Accursed Power
You may produce an aura that reduces an enemies LUK MOD against yourself equal to your SPRT MOD. You may also have Spiritual Essence ability treat SPRT mod in place of your

Heal The Spirit

When healing an entity that would be hurt by the healing it still heals instead treating it as Void type healing. When you are healed with a source that normally would
damage you it still heals you as if it was Void type healing instead.

Medicine Man
You may touch a person to find all that harms them spiritually, bodily, and cursed wise. You may then attempt to cure these problems with a Mind Check. Once done you can
only perform this once per week to them. This will not repair or heal them but helps diagnose their issues. The TS to beat is equal to the curses TS to resist it. The bodily
and spiritually will either tell their issues or attempt to remove the effect if it's plausible with the TS equal to the status effect or non-status effect this also
includes fatigue effects hunger effects and thirst effects and sleep deprivations along with the usual poisons etc. This is a ritual that lasts for 1 hour and requires
uninterrupted focus while the target remains rested or as rested as they can in a similar meditative trance. Each attempt per week to remove the effect reduces the TS to
beat it by -25.

Voodoo curse
You may place a curse on a target the targets curse activates within 3 days the curse afflicted causes a –5 to the targets LUK MOD per character level. during that time you
have full awareness of the targets doings so you may judge them of their actions to see if they made up for etc. you may deactivate the curse effect for any period of time
you wish and activate it again upon various actions or fully release the curse as you see fit this does not allow you to know their exact location or whereabouts only what
they are doing somewhat to an extent not invading their private life. The TS to resist is equal to your your TS +3 per character level the enemy has that you cursed.

Spirit Bomb
You may make a small charm that you can explode at your whim dealing 10d8+SPRT+LUK MOD untyped of damage in a 3DSU radius (negatives do not apply). While still as a charm
you have awareness around if when you make a Focus action of up to 5DSU around it. This item costs 250 credits to make and have no weight. You can only detonate up to 3 per
character level. This explosion only damages what you will to be damaged. You may only focus sight through 1 at a time switching between each takes a ½ ACT and you may only
view through them and detonate them from up to 1 kilometer away from yourself.

Soul Affinity
Requires level 5

level 1 Soul Weapon

level 2 Soul Armor
level 3 Soul Infusion
level 4 Soul Transfusion
level 5 Soul Empower

Soul Weapon
You may take a willing subjects soul out from their body as a Full Round ACT the same action can be done to put back their soul you must be in touch distance to perform
this, upon doing so the beings body becomes an endless dormant sleep but also never aging but can still receive harm in any normal way, the weapon pulled from the soul is
decided from the character whom soul was pulled, the weapon gains a +5 Damage bonus against all opposing alignments (Evil vs Good) (Honor vs Dishonor) this bonus can go to
+10 if both alignments are opposing, the weapon also contains a Damage bonus equal to the character level divided by 4 minimal +2 a +2 to Damage could also be traded for 15k
credits worth of an ADD-ONs these +1 bonuses in this mannerism can be stacked together for a bigger ADD-ON thus +2 Damage can be exchanged for a 30k credit bonus ADD-ONs
though the damage the weapon deals is untyped. The weapon has sentience of the original soul pulled out and uses its Mental stats in the same way a sentient weapon ADD-ON
does, you cannot enhance this weapon in any fashion from class abilities or crafting, this weapon transfers what it wishes to its user of its abilities from classes
including Casts so on, the soul pulled must be equal to your level or lower than your level to be pulled from their body, the weapons hardness is equal to the soul used CON
score, the soul used can talk to you telepathically, the weapon can ignore ethereal miss chances of any sort, the weapon has its own actions equal to its original souls
actions and can perform its own actions and Casts based from its limits and stats but cannot take you over instead it can refuse to lend any of its abilities or Casts so on
to you if the weapon is receiving Damage it damages the original souls body or if their body is damaged the weapon reflect this upon its HP

Soul Armor
You may take a willing subjects soul out from their body as a Full Round ACT the same action can be done to put back their soul you must be in touch distance to perform
this, upon doing so the beings body becomes an endless dormant sleep but also never aging but can still receive harm in any normal way, the armor pulled from the soul is
decided from the character whom soul was pulled, the armor gains a +5 guard bonus against all opposing alignments (Evil vs Good) (Honor vs Dishonor) this bonus can go to +10
if both alignments are opposing, the armor also contains a guard bonus equal to the character level divided by 4 minimal +2 a +2 to guard could also be traded for 15k
credits worth of an ADD-ONs these +1 bonuses in this mannerism can be stacked together for a bigger ADD-ON thus +2 guard can be exchanged for a 30k credit bonus ADD-ONs
though the guard type is untyped. The armor has sentience of the original soul pulled out and uses its Mental stats in the same way a sentient armor ADD-ON does, you cannot
enhance this armor in any fashion from class abilities or crafting, this armor transfers what it wishes to its user of its abilities from classes including Casts so on, the
soul pulled must be equal to your level or lower than your level to be pulled from their body, the armors hardness is equal to the soul used CON score, the soul used can
talk to you telepathically, the armor can make you ethereal but only against attacks of any sort, the armor has its own actions equal to its original souls actions and can
perform its own actions and Casts based from its limits and stats but cannot take you over unless it want to perform a Acrobatics Check itself using your body also it can
instead refuse to lend any of its abilities or Casts so on to you if the armor is receiving Damage it damages the original souls body or if their body is damaged the weapon
reflect this upon its HP

Soul Infusion
You may absorb a soul of a willing person as they fall to dormant sleep upon this you cause use their class levels as if they are your own gain all their knowledge they wish
to share upon this you can also transfer them to be a soul weapon or soul armor by whim or reabsorb them into yourself also gaining their Physical stats and mental stats
scores divided by 4 as bonuses till separation if you assimilate multiple souls the levels of the souls cannot surpass your own level or else you start to take Damage of 10%
(LUK only decreases up to 1%) each round of your Max HP +5% (LUK only decreases up to 1%) for every 5 levels past your own level upon your death you become a soul weapon or
armor and your body dissipates into nothing releasing the souls back to their bodies the weapon or armor are the same description of your ability of either Soul Armor or
Soul Weapon, and you can only return to life if your old body was created back again and another the weapon is ritualistically put back into you or by another Soul Affinity

Soul Transfusion
Instead you can become a Soul weapon or armor for somebody else and revert back to your body by will and a Full Round ACT to recover after the transfer back

Soul Empower
While you Soul Transfusion yourself you can grant the user of yourself all your “stats” scores divided by 4 like Soul Infusion but while you are a weapon or armor still,
also by will you can either create 2-soul weapon or armor from a single soul instead but both entries of the articles have their limited actions just the same as if they are
1 singular sentient item due to them being created from one soul

Soul Locker
Requires 5

level 1 Soul Chain

level 2 Soul Seal
level 3 Soul Lock
level 4 Great Soul Chain
level 5 Great Soul Lock

Soul Chain
Produce a chain that you may use as a weapon that can even touch ethereal ignoring ethereal miss chance. These chains may extend up to 5DSU long. These chains may turn
invisible outside of combat and do not interact with physical world objects unless you permit them so and do not have any weight to them except for what you apply with
pulling. These are treated as improvised weapon and a natural attack. These chains deal bonus damage equal to your own SPRT MOD. You can produce 2 chains per round from your
arm to shoulders, each chains hardness is equal to your SPRT MOD x5. You may only have up 2 chains active out of combat. You may only have a max of 2 chains per character

Soul Seal
You may seal a being in a Void Prison Realm prison that cannot be escaped from TS Mind Check equal to 5 x per chain attached to upon successful seal, the TS to break out is
x10 the the TS. The seal may only be resisted once every 6 months. Time does not pass within the Void Prison Realm and no exit is apparent even for the creator of the seal.
Though the seal maker is aware of the created seals existing and those made by others. These seals are not within a traversal nor see able sense thus do not interfere with
spaces around them. The creator of a seal can cancel it and end it's existence and create an exit to it at whim. The seal when created has a special item called a seal key
that when broken releases the seal.

Soul Lock
Once you touch a foe with your Soul Chain ability you can lock the chain to the target. Once locked the chain no longer has a distance limit except what you designate the
target may cross from minimal of 5DSU. For each chain attached you gain a +5 Aimed Strike Check or Grapple to attach another chain to the target or strike with a chain as an
attack. If the target tries to teleport or cross into another realm instead the chains will automatically start to lock down the target in spot and you may perform a pull to
teleport them back from the spot they teleport/realm crossed from with a grapple check equal to the bonus of each attached chain but if you fail 1 chain will automatically
break off the target forcibly.

Great Soul Chain

Your chain gains x10 your SPRT MOD for hardness instead. Your chains may extend up to 12DSU instead of 5DSU.

Great Soul Lock

Your Soul Lock now per chain locked on gives the foe a -5 to their Evasions and To Hits.

Storm Control Master

Requires level 2

level 1 Wind Manipulator/Gust Aura

level 2 Thunder Shield/Static Strike
level 3 Electric Manipulator/Tornado Blast
level 4 Lighting Blitz/Sheering Wind
level 5 Hurricane Force/Lightning Squall
Wind Manipulator
This ability grants a pool called a Wind Charges. You may have up to 10 per Storm Control Master level and 1 per CON MOD and 2 per DUR MOD. To create a set of charges you
must spend a ACT to gather up to 1/10th of your Wind Charges. These charges are used for special abilities only from this class. A user can force 1 stamina to recharge as a
free action 10 Wind Charges.

Gust Aura
You gain the ability to ignore TS of 15 of Wind Degrees to yourself and in a 3DSU area around yourself as long as you have Wind Charge. You may increase the Gust Aura
immunity TS range by +3DSU per 5 Wind charges spent for 3 rounds. You may extend the duration of the increased range by 1 round per extra Wind Charge spent. Reduce Both Ion
and Heat damage done by equal to the TS you are Immune to.

Thunder Shield
You gain the ability to produce lighting in a area from around your body up to 3DSU that deals Ion Damage equal to your Static Strike at will hitting a target once per round
with a Aimed Strike Check (This is not a violent action) as long as you have Wind Charges. You may increase the Thunder Shield lighting shots distance by 1DSU per 1 Wind
Charge you expend. Ion & Psionic Damage while Thunder Shield is up is reduced by -10 per Wind Charge you store.

Static Strike
You gain the ability to deal 1d4 Ion Damage to your melee attacks as long as you have 10 Ion Charges. You may extend your Ion dice damage out up to 1DSU for 5 Wind Charge as
a reach attack (This damage is not modified by other sources except those that effect Ion damages). Your Ion Damage from Static Strike increases by 1d4 per 25 Wind Charge
you store the previous turn.

Electric Manipulator
Abilities that use Wind Charges. You may take any Ion Source and for each TS divided by 10 you gain 1 Wind Charge (always minimal 1). For each 10 Wind Charges you gain 1DSU
of all movement speeds this also counts as a Flash Step for effects that use Flash Step movement. Static Strike 1d4 Ion Damage raises from 1d4 to 1d6 and expenditure for use
as a reach is extended of 1DSU per 3DSU it was extended by. Thunder Shield base reach increases from 3DSU to 5DSU.

Tornado Blast
You may Expend up to 25 Wind Charges for a tornado that you have control over. It may move up to 3DSU a turn, It deals 10d4 Physical Environmental Damage. They are size
Large for area of effect. If 2 Tornado link they combine growing the Tornado by +1 size category and adds their damages together. The Max size category a Tornado can be is
Immeasurable. Tornado can only last up to 5 rounds. The rounds a Tornado can last can be extended by 1 round per 5 Wind Charges. A Tornado can have it's movement extended by
3DSU for 1 Wind Charge for 1 turn. Tornado has a forceful push effect that lifts upwards treating the area as if it has no ground it can remain stable on the TS of the
forceful push is equal to TS 15 per size the Tornado is and once grabbed carries articles within itself dealing damage to them as 1 size grade higher Physical Environmental
Damage. Tornado may use Wind Damage instead for the cost of 10 Wind Charges but instead of lifting targets causes Deafening Status Effect.

Lighting Blitz
If Ion damage does no damage to you, you instead heal by that amount. By expending 5 Wind Charge you may teleport to a destination of up to 5DSU +1DSU per extra Wind Charge
spent for this ability. When you teleport make your movement as if you were moving normally, Each square you cross then becomes a lighting blast dealing
10d12+STR+PSY+CON+DUR. Ion Damage. To avoid the damage is a Acrobatics Check.

Sheering Wind
Static Strike & Thunder Shield ability may switch it's damage type to Wind instead at will blasting wind blasts in force instead of Lighting. Wind Degree effect does not
effect you equal to TS 10 per Wind Charge you have while Thunder Shield is active. Thunder Shield while active produces a Wind Degree of TS 1 per active Wind Charge equal to
it's reach out distance from your body. Electric Manipulator also intakes Wind Source to gain Wind Charges not just Ion Source.

Hurricane Force
You may turn a Tornado from Tornado Blast ability into a Hurricane Eye. Hurricane Eye will form where you stand and follows where you go though you may only have 1 active at
a time. For the first turn nothing will occur, For the second turn winds form Raising Wind Degree in a 6DSU +1DSU per size the Tornado was assimilated and the TS 5 +5 per
size the Tornado was assimilated, For the third turn the Wind Degree increases it's distance from yourself by +3DSU and the distance boost from the Tornado size by +1DSU
extra and the Wind Degree TS gained doubled. For the forth turn the Winds start to damage dealing 5d12+STR+PSY+CON+DUR Physical Environmental Damage. For the fifth turn and
onward up to the tenth turn the Winds also charged with electricity dealing 5d12+STR+PSY+CON+DUR Ion Environmental Damage as well. You may extend the duration of this
ability by 1 round per 5 Wind Charges. You may expend 5 Wind Charges to immunize a target from your own Hurricane Force ability. To avoid the damage is a Acrobatics Check.

Lighting Squall
You may expend 25 Wind Charges to form a Ionic Storm. While the Ionic Storm is active it starts to blast single lighting bolt to a target up to 12DSU around you that deals
5d12+STR+PSY+CON+DUR Ion Environmental Damage from the sky. On the second turn it 1 extra bolt fire. On the third turn 2 extra bolts fire. On the forth turn 2 extra bolts
fire. On the fifth turn 4 extra bolts fire. On the sixth turn onward it continues to fire all 10 of it's bolts for up to 10 turns. The duration can be extended by 1 round
per 15 Wind Charges. Once the duration ends it explodes in all 12DSU for 50d12+STR+PSY+CON+DUR Ion Environmental Damage + 1d12 per extra round it was extended by. You may
expend 5 wind charges to immunize a target from the final blast it performs at the end. To avoid the damage is a Acrobatics Check.

The Pay Loader

Requires level 5

Level 1 Radical Blast/Collateral Damage

Level 2 Vehicle Demolish
Level 3 Focused Blast/Duck and Cover
Level 4 Wide Spread Destruction
Level 5 Greater Collateral/Carpet Bombing

Danger Zone
Explosive that you use gain +1 dice grade.

Collateral Damage
Explosives deal 25% more damage to the environment

Vehicle Demolish
All damage against a vehicle deals 50% more damage.

Focused Blast
You may give up Danger Zone dice grade damage to increase the Aimed Strike Check by +25. Your range increment for any explosive is increased by +1.
Duck and Cover
Gain damage mitigation against explosive attacks equal to your character level * 5 but costs you a ½ ACT to use.

Wide Spread Destruction

You may increase the radius of Explosive by 2DSU.

Greater Collateral
The ability Collateral Damage 25% more damage to environment and Vehicle Demolish 50% more damage to vehicles are doubled.

Carpet Bombing
When making multiple attacks with explosives in a round, each attack gains an additional +10 damage per explosive attack after the first explosive attack.

Requires level 2

level 1 Transformation V1/Transmutation Transfer

level 2 Transformation V2/Transmutation Recovery
level 3 Transformation V3/Transmutation Stamina
level 4 Transformation V4/Transmutation Extended
level 5 Transformation V5/Transmutation Superior

Transmutation Transfer
Transfer any Infusion Stone ADD-ON to another Infusion Stone no matter what type.

Transmutation of Self
You take on a chimeric form of mutation if Organic body. Machines take on a strange mechanical adaptation, And Ethereal takes on strange adaptation of similar nature to
Organics but showing more energy. This form Chooses 2 movement types that may switch freely. This form also chooses Powers of up to 2 per V#. You may suppress any chosen
Power as a ½ ACT and hide it's physical showing. To transform is a free action but will only last for 3 rounds and cannot be used again for 3 rounds when canceled or ends.

Chimeric Forms Movements

Normal (10DSU Land Speed)
Slither (6DSU Land speed and cannot be tripped +25 grapple)
Swim (5DSU Land speed and 8DSU Swim)
Burrow (6DSU Land speed and 1DSU Burrow speed claws)
Flight (3DSU Land speed and 6DSU Flight speed replaces your arms with wings)
Sticky (6DSU Land speed and Walk on Walls and Ceiling)
Fast Paced (8DSU Land speed and x4 land move speed once per round on one move action)

Chimeric Form Chosen Powers

Large Animal- Form Size increases by 1 category (cannot be taken if you take small animal but may stack max huge size)
Small Animal- Form Size Decrease by 1 category (cannot be taken if you take large animal but may stack minimal tiny size)
Breathe Blast- Elemental Breath of Heat, Cold, Acid or Ion of 5d6+CON+DUR+SPRT MOD Max 50 each time taken
Poison- level 5 poison status effect or stun effect (chosen) on an attack type application to either claws or bite or Skin (Which then only activates upon them touching you
physically with their body)
Claws- you gain claws on feet and hands that deal 2d6 size dice when attacking with (size increases this dice grade)
Tail- you gain a tail of 1DSU each time taken or another 1DSU tail (any tail not from this like a wolf tail is cosmetic and doesn’t count)
Prehensile- Make either tails or Wings Prehensile
Spikes/Spines- you produce Spikes or Spines like hair or a hard needle appendage on your body that deals 1d6 size dice when attacking with (size increases this dice grade)
Fangs/Tusks/Horns- you gain a bite attack with your head that deals 3d6 size dice when attacking with (size increases this dice grade)
Quadruped- you may go on all 4s of you going on your hands (only if you did not take Flight, Slither or Swim movement) and increase land speed by 5DSU
Wings- you gain wings witch adds a flight speed of 6DSU if you already took Flight movement you extend its flight speed by 3DSU and Land speed by 5DSU and your wings will
not take up your arms) this will not take up your arm slot when taken (May stack for extra wings)
Warm Coat- you gain the ability to live in Cold Temperatures of TS 15 (May stack for TS limit increase)
Heat Resilient- you gain the ability to live in Hot Temperatures of TS 15 (May stack for TS limit increase)
Extra Arms- you gain an extra set of arms they have a prehensile hand on them every time taken (May stack for extra arms)
Hyper Scent- Your Scent check may pin point targets like sight and grant a +25 to scent checks (May stack for extra skill check)
Hyper Sight- Your Sight Becomes able to see in Infrared Sight and Night sight capabilities simultaneously with +25 to Sight checks. (May stack for extra skill check)
Echo Location- you can locate anything via sound like Sonar Sight equal to 12DSU distance and a +25 to listen checks (May stack for extra skill check)
Super Agility- +3DSU ground movement with a +25 to Jump & Climb checks (May stack for extra skill check)
Sticky Walk- you gain the ability to talk on walls (Not ceilings) if you already have sticky movement type you increase your Land speed by 5DSU
Hard Skeleton/Skin- Gain a +25 to body strike hardness with a +25 to your Guard Check (May stack for extra skill check)
Digger- gain a burrow speed of 1DSU if you already have the burrow movement it becomes 3DSU burrow speed.
Water Breathing- you can breathe underwater and gain a 5DSU swim speed if you already have Swim movement add a 5DSU swim speed.
Elemental Immunity and attack- Become Immune to one choice of Heat, Cold, Acid, Ion. Every time taken and gain an attack and touched Damage of that type of 5d6 this also
adds to your proper aligned Breathe Blast of either Heat, Cold, Acid, Ion. (You may only stack this 2 times)

Transmutation Recovery
Transformation V# the round to use the ability's Chimera Form after it ends or is canceled goes from 3 rounds to 2 round.

Transmutation Stamina
You regain 1 stamina per character level per 6 rounds while in Chimera Form. You also gain Max stamina of +1 per 2 character levels.

Transmutation Extended
Transformation V# the rounds to remain the abilities Chimera Form extends from 3 rounds to 6 rounds.

Transmutation Superior
Transformation Extended the rounds to remain the abilities Chimera Form extends from 6 rounds to unlimited. Transformation Recovery the round to use the ability's Chimera
Form after it ends or is canceled goes from 2 rounds to 1 round. You may gain use of 5 extra Powers in Chimera Form.
Treasure Hunter
Requires level 10

Level 1 Magnificent Discovery / Vault Hunter

Level 2 Nimble Feet / Survival Instincts
Level 3 Grand find / Linguist
Level 4 The Great Discovery / Finder's Favour
Level 5 Legendary Discovery / Hunter's Knowledge

Magnificent Discovery
Gain a +20 Mind check to identifying an item's use, powers, and value.

Vault Hunter
Gain a +20 Sight and +20 Slight to finding and disarming traps. If you trigger a trap, gain a +20 to the check against its effects.

Nimble Feet
Once per round whenever you are caught unaware you may still make an Acrobatics Check using 1/3 your normal modifier.

Survival Instincts
You may survive in any temperature environments

Grand Find
Gain a bonus +1 per level to Mind checks for identifying items or remembering historical facts and people.

Gain a +20 to decipher written language, and you take -1 day per Treasure Hunter level to learn languages

The Great Discovery

Your Grand Find ability now grands +3 Mind per level.

Finder's Favour
Whenever you find an artifact(per GM discrection) with a value of at least 5,000 credits per character level gain a bonus +15 FP. You may only gain this bonus once per week.

Legendary Discovery
Once per day you may quadruple the bonus gained from Magnificent Discovery and Grand Find.

Hunter's Knowledge
You may make study checks for History, Archaeology, Palentology, and Historian as though your degree was 2 grades higher than it is.

Unnatural Immortality Seeker

Requires level 5

level 1 Flesh Eternal Eater

level 2 Spare Lives Absorber
level 3 Flesh Eternal Devourer
level 4 Great Lives Absorber
level 5 Timeless Body

Flesh Eternal Eater

You become partially organic and gain the body type of FLORA or FAUNA depending, upon which you gain a special diet, you must absorb flesh or material that is or was living
to keep yourself constantly stable (it cannot be treated in any sense similar to cooking etc.), your body then gain regeneration 5 HP per round once done, you must touch the
living target and it must be sentient for this effect to work and deals 10 Mortality damage per round you touch with your own flesh.

Spare Lives Absorber

You may intake life sources hearts and store them within your body within a container (max 2 spare hearts containers inside your body) these hearts are held within a special
capsule container within your body on one of your natural limbs for use, upon if you hit 0 HP your body suddenly gains regeneration equal to 150 x your level per round
during that time you cannot get up till at 25% HP this effect continues to go till you're at max health, and 5 rounds after upon such the heart suddenly breaks, each heart
container has 150 HP x your level and Hardness of 25 (cannot be reenforce with other materials to improve) also can be called shot as they must be attached to your body
someplace. To make a heart container you must end your targets life and extract it's heart and later pay 500 credits for the container unit, it takes a Full Round ACT to
apply a heart container into one of your limbs.

Flesh Eternal Devourer

Flesh Eternal Eater instead now regenerates 10 HP per round.

Great Lives Absorber

Spare Lives Absorber now can contain 2 extra hearts on your body and your containers gain a extra 50 hardness.

Timeless Body
Your body stops aging and remains you at a youthful state gaining the ETERNAL body type as long as you have Flesh Eternal Eater effect going, also you may implant a heart
container into a spare body upon your death of that body you transfer to the preserved body which slowly turns into your own in looks, you may only have a max of 2 spare
bodies that you can transfer your self into, this effect remains constant even when you are “dead”, if you implant a heart container into a living body you cannot take over
that body till they have died. You make break every heart container in your current body and instantly transfer to a applicable body that you can take over.
Requires level 10

level 1 Vexing Aura

level 2 Charmed
level 3 Jinxed Touch/Luck Drain
level 4 Jinxed Blast
level 5 Vexing Aura Mastery

Vexing Aura
As a ½ ACT you may turn on a vexing aura that makes all LUK MOD negated except yours the aura reaches out 6DSU (only 1 aura may be on at a time including from other classes)

When Vexing Aura is not on you gain a +5 LUK bonus when talking to others diplomatically

Jinxed Touch
You may apply a curse upon ones luck whereas for 5 rounds upon your Physical touch (not through like cloth) they must make your TS +10 or suffer a –10 to their LUK MOD this
does not stack

Luck Drain
You may apply a curse upon ones luck to drain it into yourself by 5 points per round this effect lasts for 2 rounds but resets back every time giving back all the LUK given
to you.

Jinxed Blast
You may now Imbue the Cursed into a Touch from Jinxed Touch into any type of thing you do as an attack or targeting like a thrown grenade or an arrow shot for example

Vexing Aura Mastery

Your vexing aura now only effects your allies to a –10 to their LUK MOD if it reduces their LUK MOD to 0 or lower it will not go negative thus not hinder their d20 rolls and
reaches out 12DSU if you want it too upon creation

Void Mage
Requires level 3

Level 1 Void Magic V1/Void Replenishment

Level 2 Masochism/Mind Vision
Level 3 Void Magic V2
Level 4 Void Empowerment
Level 5 Void Magic V3/Insanity

Void Magic V1
Mark of Might - Increases the target's damage dealt by an amount equal to their character level * 2 for 2 rounds. Only one Mark effect may be active on a target at once.
Mark of Fortitude - Increases the target's maximum health by 5% for 2 rounds. Only one Mark effect may be active on a target at once.
Mark of Accuracy – Increases the target's Aimed Strike Check by an amount equal to their character level and reduces the called shot Aimed Strike Check penalty by ½ for 2
rounds. Only one Mark effect may be active on a target at once.
Curse of Frailty - Reduces the target's melee and ranged damage multipliers by 1/4 for 2 rounds. Mind Check to ignore. Only one Curse effect may be active on a target at
Curse of Burden - Reduces the target's movement speed to 1/2 of normal for 2 rounds. Mind Check to ignore. Only one Curse effect may be active on a target at once.
Mind Fry - Applies stun(psionic) to the target. Effect rank is equal to character level up to a max of 20. Mind Check to ignore.

Void Magic V2
Mark of Mental Fortitude - Gives the target a 50% chance to ignore mind effects for 2 rounds. Only one Mark effect may be active on a target at once.
Mark of Blood Magic – Allows the target to cast at -1 level for 2 rounds, but makes their casts cost 25 HP per cast. Cannot reduce a cast below level 1.
Curse of Vampirism - Attacks made against the target will heal the attacker for an amount equal to 5%(LUK cannot effect) of the damage dealt for 2 rounds. Mind Check to
ignore. Only one Curse effect may be active on a target at once.
Curse of Weakness - Increases the damage multipliers taken by the target by +2x for 2 rounds. Mind check to ignore. Only one Curse effect may be active on a target at once.
Crushing Void - Places a void zone with a 5DSU radius for 2 rounds. All targets within this zone have their movement speed reduced by 1/2. Mind check to ignore.

Void Magic V3
Mark of Shielding - Increases the target's mitigation against all damage types by an amount equal to their character level * 5 and reduces their multipliers taken by -5x for
2 rounds. Only one Mark effect may be active on a target at once.
Mark of Haste - Increases the target's movement speed by 5DSU and gives them an extra 1/2 act for 2 rounds. Only one Mark effect may be active on a target at once.
Curse of Thorns - Causes the target to take damage equal to 1/10th of damage that they deal for 2 rounds. Mind check to ignore. Only one Curse effect may be active on a
target at once.
Curse of Shadow - Causes the target to be unable to see beyond 8DSU for 2 rounds. Mind check to ignore. Only one Curse effect may be active on a target at once.
Curse of Mind Bending - Causes the target to be considered flanked by all attackers for 2 rounds. Mind check to ignore. Only one Curse effect may be active on a target at
Void Rift- Creates an area of 6DSU radius for 2 rounds. All damaging casts made within this zone have a 50% chance of backfiring and damaging the caster for 1/2 the damage

Void Replenishment
Regenerate 5%(LUK cannot affect) of max HP per round.

Mind Vision
As a 1/2 act you may link to an friendly target and share vision with them.
After being critically struck by an attack your Void Replenishment is doubled in effectiveness for 2 rounds.

Void Empowerment
For every Mark or Curse you have active, there is a 5%(LUK cannot affect) chance your casts will not consume a cast.

As a 1/2 act all stats are increased by 30%(LUK cannot effect) but you take 20%(LUK cannot effect) of max HP damage per round that cannot be reduced by any means. You may
choose how many rounds this effect lasts up to a max of 1/2 your character level, but this effect cannot be removed once activated. While this effect is active, your Void
Replenishment is turned off.

War God Master

Requires level 5

level 1 You Shall Not Pass

level 2 I Am Your End
level 3 I’ll Snap You Into Twain
level 4 A Formidable Foe
level 5 Not

You Shall Not Pass

You cannot be moved from your square as a ½ ACT if a foe tries to or tries to pass you, you gain an automatic attack if it hits they cannot move from their spot and are
knocked prone no matter their size

I Am Your End
If the foe is at 25% of their Max HP you can if you perform a CRIT just instantly KO (not kill) them to 0 HP

I’ll Snap You Into Twain

If you KO a foe you gain a bonus to all your Physical based mods (STR DEX CON SPD) by +15 this effect lasts for 5 rounds and stacks the MOD and rounds it persists

A Formidable Foe
When you fight a foe equal to your level or higher as a ½ ACT you gain a bonus to all Physical based mods by +30 and you can choose to either Grow 1 size larger, or gain a
150 Damage absorption each turn this effect is active any Damage that goes over absorption hits your HP this effects lasts for 3 rounds and requires 5 rounds to use again

If you downed a foe equal to or more than your level you will gain a bonus 3 FP, if you defeat a foe that is lower than your level you gain a bonus 1 FP

War Hulk
Requires level 5

level 1 Massive Attack

level 2 Increasable Strength
level 3 Titans Clutch
level 4 Gods Fist
level 5 Gods Fury

Massive Attack
Your STR MOD boosts by +2 per level when you spend a ½ ACT for 1 round and must wait 3 rounds to activate again

Increasable Strength
You can throw items 30DSU When Massive attack is on

Titans Clutch
When grappling you are considered 2 sizes larger than you really are

Gods Fist
Your Massive Attack ability of STR MOD boost by +3 per level instead

Gods Fury
You may Grow 1 Size Larger for a Full Round ACT for 5 rounds while also activating Massive Attack at the same time

Water Control Master

Requires level 2

level 1 Water Manipulator/Aqua Spheres

level 2 Frost Shield/Frost Strike
level 3 Hydro Manipulator/Ice Storm
level 4 Hydro Jet/Scatter Blast Frost
level 5 Blizzard Force/Deluge Force

Water Manipulator
This ability grants a pool called a Water Charges. You may have up to 10 per Water Control Master level and 1 per CON MOD and 2 per DUR MOD. To create a set of charges you
must be in a moist enough environment and spend a ACT to gather up to 1/10th of your Water Charges. These charges are used for special abilities only from this class. A user
can force 1 stamina to recharge as a free action 10 Water Charges.

Aqua Spheres
By expending 5 Water Charges you create 1 small floating water ball. This ball of water floats around you acting like a shield within your square. You may only have up to 5
Aqua Spheres active per Water Control Master level and they evaporate after 1 day. Each ball actively guards you from attacks automatically granting +5 Physical Water guard
per Aqua Sphere active. The water spheres act as water environment for protection within your square of 1 foot per Aqua Sphere.

Frost Shield
You may convert a Aqua Sphere into a Frost Shield. This frost shield acts as a 1DSU thick physical shield granting a +5 guard. Only up to 2 Frost Shields can be active per
Water Control Master level.

Frost Strike
You gain a special Melee Training Type Effect (MTE) of +1d4 of Bonus Size Damage as long as you have 10 Water Charges. You may increase the MTE type damages grade by +1 by
expanding up to 25 Water Charges. For each 25 Water Charges you gain +5 hardness to melee strikes. When you strike you apply a Cold Physical Damage or a Water Physical
Damage when using this ability.

Hydro Manipulator
You may create special Liquid Ice Spheres from a Aqua Sphere or a Frost Shield for 5 Water Charges. These balls can be used either source using Aqua Spheres or Frost
Shields. You may fling these Liquid Ice Spheres to deal 5d12 damage from up to 6DSU away as a Thrown attack. These Liquid Ice Spheres act as both Aqua Sphere and Frost
Sphere providing 1DSU of liquid environment protection and 1 foot of penetration distance along with +10 to Guard. As long as you have 10 Water Charges you are immune to
rough terrain created by ice or water. As long as you have 20 water charges you are immune to water environment negatives (except those that deal with ranged attacks). As
long as you have 30 Water Charges you move perfectly underwater with your ground movement or flight speed at will. As long as you Have 40 Water Charges you may use your Aqua
or Frost Shields active as platforms to walk on from up to 1DSU per 5 Aqua Sphere and 1DSU per 2 Frost Shield. You may expend 5 water charges to cover a 1DSU cubed amount of
water on the surface or rain it down upon the surface though you may expend more than 5 Water Charges at once to expand the cubic feat by 1DSU. By expending 5 Water charges
you may create Fog Cloud around yourself of up to 5DSU that lasts for 3 rounds. To avoid the damage is a Acrobatics Check.

Ice Storm
You may expend 1 Frost Shield and 2 Aqua Spheres or 20 Water Charges to strike an area of 5DSU radius with cold ice spike rain that deals 10d12+STR+PSY+CON+DUR Cold Damage
for 5 round. This will automatically start freezing the ground creating a rough terrain of ice and automatically freezing any water sources spreading through it. You may
extend the round by +1 per 15 Water Charges. You may expand the radius by +3DSU per 10 Water Charges. This damage is entirely environmental damage.

Hydro Jet
You may Expend 5 Water Charges and 1 Aqua Sphere to launch a beam of water as a thrown attack that strikes with a hardness of +25 in a 20DSU distance striking a thin 1DSU
diameter within it's line. You may keep this beam focused on for 2 rounds per 1 Water Charge. You may extend the distance from 20DSU by adding +5DSU per 5 Water Charges. The
Hydro Jet deals 10d10+STR+PSY+CON+DUR Water Damage. The Hydro Jet also soaks the area struck in water making it wet. To avoid the damage is a Acrobatics Check.

Scatter Blast Frost

You may Expend 5 Water Charges and 1 Frost Shield to fire a Ice Spear or Ice Shards as a thrown attack that strikes with a hardness of +10. The Ice Spear Travels at 10DSU
line and is up to 1DSU long and may have it's length increased by 1DSU adding 1 more dice grade to it max of 5 times for 5 Water Charges each size growth. The Ice Shards
Travels at 5DSU cone encompassing the caster and may extend up to +5DSU for 5 Water Charges and may instead of fire the full frontal of the character the full 360 radius
around the user for 10 Water Charges. Both Attacks base damage is equal to 10d12+STR+PSY+CON+DUR. Ice Shards do not risk striking your allies. To avoid the damage is a
Acrobatics Check.

Blizzard Force
You may expend 20 Water Charges to create a 8DSU Radius struck with a sudden chilling burst reducing the temperature of the area to TS 10 Cold and instantly freezing all
liquid sources to rough terrain ice. The next round It will start to snow and haze vision as the TS 10 Cold turns to TS 20 Cold (The weather effect of loss of vision is
equal to the Cold TS). On round 3 the area starts to deal 10d12+STR+PSY+CON+DUR. Cold Damage as the snow begins to strike with hail and ice shards with a TS 30 cold instead
of a TS 20 Cold. The effect remains the same for 2 more rounds in the radius. You may extend the rounds by +1 round for 2 Frost Shield or 10 Water Charges. You may expand
the radius by +3DSU for 15 Water Charges. You may Expend 25 Water Charges to have this effect only work on your foes. This damage is entirely environmental damage. To avoid
the damage is a Acrobatics Check.

Deluge Force
You may expend as many Aqua Spheres and Frost Shields as you wish to fire a flood of immense force. The Area effected is equal per Aqua Sphere of +3DSU to the lines width
and height along with range of +5DSU of traveling distance. It deals damage equal to Each Aqua Sphere providing +1d12 Water damage and each Frost Shield providing +2d12 Cold
Damage extra environmental pieces added into the Deluge increase the damage by +1d12 if they equal up to 1DSU cubed additional articles. A Deluge Force travels at +5DSU
extra per 3DSU of sloped environment. This automatically soaks the environment. This damage is entirely environmental damage. To avoid the damage is a Acrobatics Check.

Zilo Controller
Requires level 2

level 1 Zilo Field/Flash Step +2DSU

level 2 Zilo Surge/Flash Step +2DSU
level 3 Zilo Quintessence/Flash Step +2DSU
level 4 Zilo Forbidden/Flash Step +2DSU
level 5 Zilo Ultimate/Flash Step +2DSU

Zilo Field
You may store Zilo Energy into yourself. You are immune to all radiation including Zilo Radiation. You may contain up to 10 Zilo Energy in yourself for each 3 levels past
the first level you may contain 10 more.

Flash Step +2DSU

Flash step ability adds a movement bonus to land speed only based of 2DSU, all flash steps stack together

Zilo Surge
You may Shift any Energy type or Charge type to Zilo Energy or shift any Zilo Energy you contain into another Energy or Charge type as a ½ ACT. Any Zilo Energy you contain
can also be shifted into a Cast Pool Charge of 1 Zilo Energy equals 5 Cast Pool Charge once per round. To shift a Cast Pool Charge or a Cast Charge you must exchange 5 of
either to form 1 Zilo Energy.

Zilo Quintessence
You gain +3 To a Stat of your choice per Zilo Energy you contain. You may only redistribute these stats every week.

Zilo Forbidden
For each Zilo Engery you contain instead of stats from Zilo Quintessence you gain a Racial Ability Bonus.

Zilo Ultimate
Zilo Field allows you to contain up to 15 instead of 10 Zilo Engery in yourself.

Zilo Fist
Requires level 2

level 1 Fist Of Elements/Flash Step +3DSU

level 2 Soul Drain Fist/Flash Step +3DSU
level 3 Fist Of Gods/Flash Step +3DSU
level 4 Soul Empowering Body/Flash Step +3DSU
level 5 Uroboros Strike/Flash Step +3DSU

Flash Step +3DSU

Flash step ability adds a movement bonus to land speed only based of 3DSU, all flash steps stack together

Fist Of Elements
You may change you natural melee attacks to have a different Aimed Strike Check type of either Mystic, Psionic, Ion, Gravity, Holy, Unholy. For reasons of ignoring guard
types they match.

Soul Drain Fist

Your natural melee attacks can remove up to 1d4 Casts or Cast charges off a target on all their equipment or 2d4 if you called shot a single article. These charges then
restore you by 1 Cast on all your Cast levels.

Fist of Gods
Fist Of Elements counts for 2 damage types instead of 1 switch. Also Soul Drain Fist Cast and Cast store charge removal dice are doubled.

Soul Empowering Body

You may expend Casts to gain regeneration of +15 per Cast level given up, +15 Temporary Damage Absorbance per Cast level given up, +1DSU of movement per 25 Cast levels given
up and +5 untyped guard & Acrobatics Checks and damage to natural melee attacks per 30 given up. This effect lasts for 3 rounds and cannot be refreshed. Upon taking new
Casts or Cast charges into yourself you may extend the duration by 1 round once every 2 rounds.

Uroboros Strike
You may add a status effect to your natural melee attacks it's level is equal to a given amount of Casts levels max 20. only 2 status effects may persist for up to 2 rounds
on your natural attacks. Also Fist of Gods instead of 1 or 2 switches may have 3 switches.

Zilo Synergist
Requires level 2

level 1 Zilo Drain/Zilo Power Infusion

level 2 Zilo Cast Empower/Zilo Force
level 3 Zilo Power Mutation
level 4 Path Of Evolution/Zilo Chrysalis
level 5 Full Zilo Evolution

Zilo Drain
You can take a Zilo energy from the crystal at will increasing your stats temporarily by +5 max to +30 to all stats for 1 round. Rounds do not stack when activated till you
must absorb a new zilo source be it crystal or liquid.

Zilo Power Infusion

You may transfer Zilo energy into any object as it's own energy source at will.

Zilo Cast Empower

You can as long as you drain a Zilo source increase the TS by +3 per +5 from Zilo Drain. For each +3 TS it removes one of the +5 stat boosts.

Zilo Force
Your body acts as a Zilo pull force and may absorb Zilo energies from up to 20DSU but takes a ½ ACT to perform.

Zilo Power Mutation

The Zilo Drain ability stat boosts increase to +10 max to +60.

Path Of Evolution
You cannot take another level of this class unless by Zilo Chrysalis ability of this class

Zilo Chrysalis
Upon this level, every day you randomly have a chance to crystallize around your body forming a cocoon. There is a 25% chance everyday if you consider this positive or
negative is up to you. Upon the change you then become immobile and asleep for 1 week upon that week you auto level up in this class (not your character thus if you gain a
level you cannot pick a class for that level) into the next level of Zilo Synergist. The cocoon of crystal is unbreakable and also extra exposure of Zilo type source (50kg
weight score) reduces the evolution by 1 day. If you aren’t transforming to the next level of this class yet you gain a +50 bonus to all your stats but once you transform
you lose the stat boost until you revert back.

Full Zilo Evolution

Upon this level you cannot use training points to undo any level of this class. This class will count as another class for a prestige class of your choice. You become a
special type of being with a unique template called Zilo Altered listed below. Your body becomes a living Zilo crystal entity
Zilo Altered
Elemental & Devil or Angel.
Eternal Body Type
-Gain 120 FP of self only type. These ADD-ONs are consider racial thus cannot be canceled or removed nor count against your body limit of ADD-ONs. You may alter these ADD-
ONs every week.
-Gain regeneration of 100 HP that also regrows body parts.
-Gain Temporary Damage Absorbency of 150 that refreshes every round.
-Your Body gains hardness of +25.
-Machine Body Types also gain Organic Body type.
-Undead Body Types heal from Positive energy along with negative by choice.
-Your body can be sunder also taking x2 as much damage when called shot from sunder (This is a weakness).
-Weakness you take x3 damage from Heat and Acid damage (if you already have it increase it by +1 instead if this weakness is lower than the largest weakness)

Wild Fang Master

Requires level 3

level 1 Soul Cracker

level 2 Soul Buster/Bright Chi
level 3 Soul Charged Form
level 4 Soul Crush/Radiance Chi
level 5 Soul Eraser

Soul Cracker
You may enhance your unarmed and natural attacks to deal Holy or Unholy Damage based upon your choice with a +10 Damage for those attacks you take Damage to yourself equal
to 1/4th the Damage you dealt with those attacks.

Soul Buster
Upon the hits you make with Soul Cracker increase to +30 instead of +10 also a foe hit with a CRIT is knocked back even if you are smaller than your foe by 3DSU at your
will. If you wish you may instead use a ACT to initiate the Knock Back effect on the next 1 attack.

Bright Chi
You gain +1 to your Guard Checks per Cast Charge Pool you have remaining. You gain +1DSU Movement per 25 Cast Charge Pool you have remaining. You gain +1 Aimed Strike Check
per 15 Cast Charge Pool you have remaining.

Soul Charged Form

You no longer take Damage to yourself from Soul Cracker as a ½ ACT this form requires you to always give up a ½ ACT to focus it each round upon this focus you also gain a
+6DSU movement bonus and a +10 modifier bonus to Evasion and Guard Checks also 3 times per round you may teleport up to 5DSU you may perform this as a free interruption this
is treated as land based movement for reasons of effects like charge attacks. As a free action your body turns into a illumination of yourself with great sparks of yellow
lighting appearing from your body aura

Radiance Chi
The ability Bright Chi allows you to ignore enemies Aimed Strike Check equal to your Cast Pool Charges left but every time this ability is used it drains Cast Pool Charges
equal to the Aimed Strike Check divided by 100 round down minimal is always -15. You may double the effects bonuses of Bright Chi by giving up 25% of your Max HP for 2

Soul Crush
Soul Cracker ability increase its Damage to +50 instead of +30 and upon a CRIT deals +2 degree to the foe instead of usual +1 the foe is knocked back by 5DSU instead of 3DSU
not prone but 3DSU knock back causes them to go prone if you choose to knock them back 3DSU. Your initiation of the effect for a ACT increases to 2 attacks instead of 1

Soul Eraser
Upon a hit the knock back goes to 6DSU from 5DSU. Upon getting knocked back the opponent can choose to not go prone and be knocked back by 3DSU but suffers -15 to all skill
checks for 1d4 rounds. You may initiate the Knock Back effect as a ½ ACT instead of just a CRIT or a ACT and apply it to 3 attacks instead of 2.

Windfall Burner
Requires level 10

level 1 Pay the Price

level 2 Pay Day
level 3 Skills to Pay the Bills
level 4 The Rich Get Richer
level 5 The Poor Get Stronger

Pay the Price

You can expend 250 credits to gain 1d4 turns of +20 to one MOD of your choice except LUK MOD

Pay Day
If you are paid in credits equal to amount of minimal 250 credits you gain a +10 to all your skill checks for the day

Skills to Pay the Bills

The bonus from Pay Day doubles

The Rich Get Richer

Once a week you can increase one payment of credits you get by 50% more
The Poor Get Stronger
You can expend 30% of your current credits to get a +100 to all your mods for 1 turn (cannot apply to build checks) you cannot activate this ability for 2 rounds after, if
your LUK MOD gives up a % more you gain additional +20 to each of the mods. (You must have at least 100,000 credits on your person to activate this ability)(All amounts
round down)

Zilo Mage
Requires level 3

level 1 Mutagen Cast V1/Wild Urge

level 2 Mutagen Cast V2/Wild Magic
level 3 Mutagen Cast V3/Zilo Energy
level 4 Mutagen Cast V4/Wild Zilo Urge
level 5 Mutagen Cast V5/Omni Mutation

Mutagen Cast V#
When using this ability you may apply once per turn new abilities to a target equal to the Cast level used from the Zilo Mutant Template be it negative or positive
temporarily for 3 turns any additional Casts stack the duration. A target that wants to resist makes an Endure Check equal to your TS. If you keep effecting an ally with
this ability (starting on the 2nd time Cast) they must make a Endure Check equal to your TS +5 for each Cast applied again. Upon failure gain 1 negative random effect and
lose 1 positive effect randomly from the Zilo Mutant Template till the Cast duration ends.

Wild Urge
Your body attacks may alter to a new damage type (except Mortality or Void damage) of your choice for 3 rounds but you take damage equal to 1% (cannot be effected by LUK
MOD) of your Max HP per switch.

Wild Magic
Your Casts damage may alter to a new damage type (except Mortality or Void damage) of your choice for but you take damage equal to 5% (cannot be effected by LUK MOD) of your
Max HP.

Zilo Energy
You may apply the Zilo Mutation Template to a target but go by the random rules.

Wild Zilo Urge

You may double the effective rounds of the Mutagen Cast upon yourself.

Omni Mutation
You may double the effective rounds of the Mutagen Cast upon others.

Blade God
Requires 3 levels blade master

level 1 Scorn Slash

level 2 Deflective Blade
level 3 Flashing Cut/Powerful Cut
level 4 Pierce The Heaven
level 5 Master Of The Edge

Scorn Slash
Any Slash or Pierce type attack made gain +25 DMG per multiplier range given up on hit rolls for the turn.

Deflective Blade
You may treat your Blade type weapons as a buckler.

Flashing Cut
If you make a combo attack with a Blade type weapon for each combo reduce the Aimed Strike Check penalty by -2 at the cost of 2 stamina.

Powerful Cut
If you make a single attack or a combo or multi attack of minimal of 3 blows with a Blade type weapon in a attack action for 2 stamina these attacks gain +50 extra damage
and your STR modifier multiplied by 1.5 rounded down.

Pierce The Heaven

if your attack was “auto deflected or dodged” by an ability activated you may ignore that ability for 4 stamina

Master Of The Edge

All Stamina costs are reduced by -1 of Blade God class abilities and all Blade weapons gain +15 DMG and Aimed Strike Check.

Fracturing Crusher
Requires 3 levels great buster

level 1 Just Smashing!

level 2 Crushing Swing
level 3 Meteor Hammer/Rapid Slam
level 4 The God Hammer
level 5 Master Of The Breaking Force

Just Smashing!
Any Impact type attack made gain +20 DMG per multiplier given up on hit rolls for the turn.

Crushing Swing
When swinging a Bludgeoning type weapon it's reach in front of you counts as environmental damage to all non main targets and the environment in a 1DSU line. The
environmental damage is divided by 2 rounded down.

Meteor Hammer
If you make a single attack or a combo or multi attack of minimal of 3 blows with a Bludgeoning type weapon in a attack action for 2 stamina these attacks gain +50 extra
damage and your STR modifier multiplied by 2.

Rapid Slam
If making a combo attack or multi attack with a weapon it's CRIT multiplier increases by +1 per extra hit it connects and ignores -2 multiplier reducer per successful
strike before confirming all damage of all blows.

The God Hammer

You may treat any Bludgeoning weapon to have a area of effect of environmental damage equal to the weapons size category Tiny of 1DSU, Small of 1DSU, Medium of 1DSU, Large
of 1DSU, Huge of 3DSU, Titan of 3DSU and continue the pattern. If the the weapon is a 2 handed weapon it is treated as 1 size category larger. The environmental damage done
does not apply against the original target of the strike. Also any status effects apply to the Area of Effect. This strike costs 4 stamina.

Master Of The Breaking Force

All Stamina costs are reduced by -1 of Fracturing Crusher class abilities and all weapons gain +15 DMG and Aimed Strike Check.

Valor Of Arms
Requires 2 level of Blade Master and Great Buster

level 1 Master Of The War

level 2 The Art Of War
level 3 Courage Of The Arms
level 4 Presence Of The Master
level 5 True Valor

Master Of The War

Blade and weapons gain +1 Aimed Strike Check per character level. Every attack made with a Blade Weapon gains +5 Aimed Strike Check every time they miss against the target
they did not hit. Every attack made with a Weapon gains +3 DMG and +1 Aimed Strike Check every time they miss against the target they did not hit. Any canceled attack from
an effect also counts as a miss.

The Art Of War

Treat weapons as Blade weapons and Blade weapons as weapons for 2 extra stamina a round.

Courage Of The Arms

Treat this class as a Knight and Magus named classes and levels. You may expend 25 cast levels to regain +5 stamina (You cannot expend cast pool charges produced from
expending your stamina for this effect). You may treat all Aimed Strike Check types as a unified Aimed Strike Check always taking the highest of the 3 modifies but treating
it as precision, tactical and forceful to hit for effect benefits and treated as using all 3 modifies (any cross modification does not count and only applies once from a

Presence Of The Master

Gain +3DSU of all movements. +15 to all your stats and +5 extra per 5 levels.

True Valor
You may enter a state of being called the True Valor Form as energy sparks off your body in the color of your alignment (white and black for evil, blue for neutral, gold and
silver for good, purple for honorable, red for dishonorable) and weapons covered in this aura while you wield them. The weapon is treated as Natural, Unarmed, Blade, Impact,
Pierce, Environmental and any that would be having a reducing source or deflecting will automatically be turned off. During this form you expend all your casts and gain this
form for 1 round per 25 cast levels plus base 5 rounds or Instead 50%(LUK cannot reduce below 10%) of your max HP for 10 rounds +1 extra round per 5%(LUK cannot reduce below
1%) current HP given up when this form is activated you cannot activate it again to extend the rounds. In this form all stamina costs are reduced by -1. You gain a ramping
+15 to all stats per round while this effect is active. This ability ignores effects that cause you to not consume casts.

Havoc Archer
Requires 2 levels archer

level 1 Arrow that Destroys

level 2 Painful Arrow
level 3 Destructive Arrow
level 4 Smashing Arrow
level 5 Brutal Force Arrow

Arrow that Destroys

If your opponent defends against a projectile classification weapon it deals ¼ the Damage that ignores damage reductions by any effect

Painful Arrow
If Damage is done through a projectile classification weapon to a defending being they are stricken with pain and has a 10% chance to lose a ½ ACT next time they ACT
Destructive Arrow
When your projectile classification weapon hits a foe you may deal a bonus 10d4+10 damage with the weapon that ignores -20 of all guard types of an opponents armor

Smashing Arrow
When attacking with a projectile class weapon you may claim 1 stat of the foe of either STR, DEX or SPD your attacks may instead attack a single stat of the listed choices
this attack does not count as a normal attack thus does not apply your weapons multipliers or other effects unless they permit. Damage dealt is untyped but cannot be negated
except by mitigation of “special source” damage is equal to 1d4+1d4 per character level this effect stacks with similar stat effecting abilities.

Brutal Force Arrow

Your projectile classification weapon deal ½ the Damage through Guard Checks instead of ½

Mystic Archer
Requires 3 levels Archer

level 1 Mystic Shot/Mystic Aim Shot

level 2 Straight Wind Shot/Delay Fire Shot
level 3 Homing Projectile Shot/Force Through Shot
level 4 Volley Of Arrows/Greater Homing Projectile Shot
level 5 Phasing Shot/Mystic Shot Charge

Mystic Arrow
Projectile classification weapons fired may be treated as Mystic if there are 3 types you may replace one as Mystic Damage

Mystic Aim Shot

You may give up a amount of casts to a charge pool called a Mystic Seeker Shot Charges. This pool of charges remains for 1 hour and max the pool can contain is equal to your
characters own TS. You may expend these charges to a projectile classification weapon shot. The shot gain +2 Aimed Strike Check per charge pool spent on a single attack

Straight Wind Shot

Your projectile classification weapons are unaffected by the wind but only for the first shot all others shots are normal

Delay Fire Shot

You may give up a amount of your Mystic Seeker Shot Charges equal to 1 per projectile and 1 per round of the lasting effect. These shots will pause mid air retaining their
force and for each round remaining delayed gain +2 damage. This also delays any time effects present on the projectile fired. You may choose when the projectile is delayed
till it reaches it's target or if it's still within the weapon itself. You may retroactively increase the time on the current shots already in a delay state.

Homing Projectile Shot

You may fire 1 projectile classification weapon at a target with a +5 Aimed Strike Check it will corner and turn any direction till it hits the target or hits into an object
only the first shot will count any shots taken after are normal. Range increment penalties apply based upon distance it travels.

Force Through Shot

You may give up a amount of your Mystic Seeker Shot Charges equal to 2 per projectile and 2 per extra stacking on the same projectile. Your shot will penetrate through 1
centimeter of material per stacking. Guard Check will negate if successful.

Volley of Arrows
You may fire 1 projectile classification weapon into the air as a Full Round ACT and choose a 6DSU radius all targets in the radius make Guard Checks against your Aimed
Strike Check with a +10. This shot is fully effected with all abilities of any class with “Archer” in the name unless it makes an attack count as a multi attack or combo

Greater Homing Projectile Shot

Homing Projectile Shot may now effect all shots instead of just 1.

Phasing Shot
You may fire 1 projectile classification weapon that phase through objects to hit its acquired targets as a Full Round ACT. If a target is to guard against this attack
instead only ½ Their Guard Check may apply against this shot.

Mystic Shot Charge

If Mystic Arrow is active your shots with a projectile classification weapon gains +10 Aimed Strike Check and always consider to have 2 Mystic Seeker Shot Charge active even
if non are present. These charges do not surpass your pool and when used disappear for 1 round.

Requires 5 levels Archer

level 1 One Man Volley V1

level 2 Bleeding Shot V1 Pin Point Shot V1
level 3 One Man Volley V2
level 4 Bleeding Shot V2 Pin Point Shot V2
level 5 One Man Volley V3 Bleeding Shot V3 Pin Point Shot V3

One Man Volley V#

As a Full Round ACT you may designate a 1DSU radius with any projectile class weapon you do not need to reload. Damage opponents may make Acrobatics Check to halve the
Damage or none if they leave the radius you can only do this if you have at least 10DSU of ceiling above you or more unless you volley the ceiling the range is limited to
the bows max range. The Radius increases by 1DSU per V# past V1
Bleeding Shot V#
You may apply this to any shot with a Bow, Crossbow or Speargun. The weapon will deal +25 damage on V1 +50 damage on V2 and +100 damage on V3 at the cost of –3 Aimed Strike
Check per V# Crossbows gain a +3 Aimed Strike Check per V# applied instead and a –3 on the TS of any Area of effect radius for both bow and crossbow implemented and if a
target is struck they may make a Endure Check TS equal to the Damage done or they take 15 point of Damage per size category they are (medium takes 45 Damage per round) every
2 rounds multiple bleed effects Damage stack and share the same round counter the bleeding damage reduces regeneration effects by 1/10th. They must make 2 Endure Checks to
negate the bleeding always take the highest TS that was last applied. creatures that cannot bleed are immune as are undead but the regeneration effects they have are still
cut for the duration.

Pin Point Shot V#

Increase the Range of projectile class weapons by x2 on V1 x3 on V2 and x4 on V3 so a range of 20DSU for a bow increases to 80DSU on V3.

Requires 5 levels Archer

level 1 Arrow Storm

level 2 Specialized Bow Combat
level 3 Hawk Eye Shot
level 4 Custom Ammunition
level 5 Masters Shot

Arrow Storm
When performing Multi-Attack with a projectile classification weapons it does not suffer negative penalties

Specialized Bow Combat

You may treat projectile classification weapons with a +10 extra damage and also with a +10 extra damage when used in Melee combat

Hawk Eye Shot

Called Shots/Pinpoint Shots with a projectile classification weapons Aimed Strike Check penalty is reduced by -15.

Custom Ammunition
You may apply a special +5 FP bonus to your projectile classification weapons or their ammunition equal to any class with “Archer”. This FP is daily and takes 3 hours to
apply but can be done during resting period.

Masters Shot
Called Shots/Pin Point Shots with a projectile classification weapons Aimed Strike Check penalty is reduced by -15.

Dancing Harmony
Requires 2 levels of Bard or Harmonics

level 1 Dancing Musical/With Momentum/Ton Of Blades

level 2 Sharp Dance/Nimble Bend
level 3 Twisted Spin
level 4 Agile Dance/Dancing Mad
level 5 Dante’s Inferno/Dance Of The Dead

Dancing Musical
Treat your Dancing as an instrument and activation of all song based abilities it takes a Full Round ACT to start dancing i takes a ½ ACT to stop dancing

With Momentum
When you move while Dancing Musical is active you must always move in 1DSU drifts never going straight but diagonal every 1DSU square. But gain +5 damage on all your melee
and ranged attacks.

Tone of Blades
You may use your regular Melee weapons as instruments (like swords or bows) this counts as dancing or playing said instrument in a tone and can be silent when performing.

Sharp Dance
Increase damage for melee and ranged +5 Damage when using Melee weaponry while Dancing Musical is active

Nimble Bend
When you make Acrobatics Checks you do not have to move from the square and every 1DSU you give up gain a +5 to your Acrobatics Checks. Also any effect that would cause ½
damage if you made the Acrobatics Check instead deals 1/4th the damage.

Twisted Spin
You do not have to make slight checks to make any sharp turns and may make up to 3 drifts in a charge.

Agile Dance
To start dancing takes an ACT now and you gain a +5 to evasion and Aimed Strike Check while dancing

Dancing Mad
You do not have to move in diagonal movements anymore from the With Momentum ability to gain it's benefits but if you move diagonal up to 1 time per 3DSU you move you gain a
+10 to Acrobatics Checks and extra +10 damage and +25 Aimed Strike Check.

Dante’s Inferno
When Dancing Musical is active the negative for combo attack the negative goes to –5 instead of –10.
Dance Of Destiny
Your Dancing Musical only takes a ½ ACT to activate. Upon activation your charge attacks can have up to 20 drifts along with a +25 Aimed Strike Check on charge attacks. Your
Melee and Ranged attacks gain a +5 Damage. If Dancing Musical is not active it is treated active for playing Tone of Blades and Dancing Musical but without it's other true
activation benefits.

Master Berserker
Requires Level 2 Berserker

level 1 Badgers Fury/Fear Me

level 2 Rage Roar/Rushing Rage
level 3 Intimidating Smash/Calm Rage
level 4 Wolverines Fury/Rushing Rage Improved
level 5 Crushing Blow/God Hath No Fury

Badgers Fury
While In a Rage your attacks may make called shots and make sunder checks at an extra 5% bonus for auto break if you do not have the Sunder ability you are treated like you
do while in rage but without the Damage boost

Fear Me
If a foe is immune to fear effects or has resistance you may still apply fear effect though it does not gain the negatives of the status effect unless they fail their
resistance (immunity will not gain any negative ever)

Rage Roar
In a 5DSU radius around yourself when you turn on rage all targets excluding allies that know you well make a Mind Check with a TS of 19 + your level x2 or become fear level
one if they already have fear they get 1 fear level higher

Rushing Rage
Gain a bonus movement of +3DSU while in rage

Intimidating Smash
When you fell a Foe in a 8DSU Radius around yourself all targets excluding allies that know you well make a Mind Check with a TS of 19 + your level x2 or become fear level
one if they already have fear they get 1 fear level higher

Calm Rage
You may turn off your rage at whim upon doing so you retain your rage bonuses for 2 rounds

Wolverines Fury
While In a Rage your attack may make pin-point shots and also raise your sunder checks by 5% bonus for auto breaks if you do not have the Sunder ability you are treat like
you do while in rage but without the Damage boost

Rushing Rage Improved

Rushing Rage gains an extra +3DSU movement while in rage

Crushing Blow
Deal an additional 1d12 extra damage per 2 fear levels on the target when attacking.

God Hath No Fury

While not in rage you may give up 10% HP to activate a rage stack as a free action.

Fury Caster
Requires Level 1 Class with Casts and level 1 Berserker with Rage Ability

level 1 Control The Fury V1/Explosive Rage Blast

level 2 Overcome The Fury/Explosive Rage Element
level 3 Control The Fury V2/Explosive Rage Breaker
level 4 Master The Fury/Explosive Rage Zone Break
level 5 Control The Fury V3/Explosive Rage Mage

Control The Fury V1

You can Cast while Rage ability is on at a 50% chance to lose the Cast with no effect. For each V# your chance of failure reduces by 25% at V3 making it 0% of failure.

Explosive Rage Blast

Give up a Cast of any level upon the activation of rage and deal 5d8 Damage per level of the Cast given up plus STR MOD in a 6DSU radius this counts as Mystic Damage Endure
for Half (Cannot use avoidance) this does not effect the enviromentonly the targets you choose within the radius.

Explosive Rage Element

Your Explosive Rage Blast now may switch between Physical, Wind, Heat, Cold or Ion damage. (Damages do not effect equipment of targets)

Overcome The Fury

During Rage your Casts gain the damage bonus of Rage ability.

Explosive Rage Breaker

You may apply the damage of Explosive Rage Blast instead to targets equal to your Fury Caster level and stacks of Rage. These targets can be equipment etc.

Master The Fury

During Rage your Casts gain TS boost equal to half your damage bonus of Rage ability.

Explosive Rage Zone Break

Instead of targeting of any kind you may effect the area around you and damage it all for ½ the damage and treat the damage as envriomental damage.

Explosive Rage Mage

Your Explosive Rage Blast deals double the dice and radius

Raging Knight
Requires Berserker level 3

level 1 Blood Honor/Raging Armor

level 2 Scars Of War
level 3 Blood Scars
level 4 Bleeding Strike
level 5 Over Rage

Blood Honor
This ability is treated as an Honor Code if you disobey this code you lose all the Raging Knight abilities for 1d4 rounds the honor code is to serve your allies in combat

Raging Armor
Your Rage Damage absorption is increased by your CON MOD & DUR MOD

Scars Of War
When you activate Rage regain 5d4+CON+5d4 per level HP back

Blood Scars
Your intimidate checks are increased by +10 and while not raging you gain a per round Damage absorption equal to your CON MOD

Bleeding Strike
On a single attack when you apply this ability and your opponent is hit they must make a Endure Check against your TS or suffer 5 Damage every turn per their size category
thus tiny takes 5 Damage and medium takes 15 every round this effect stacks per failure they make 2 Endure Checks in a row against your TS to stop the Damage of 1 stack also
along with the bleed Damage effect they have a 25% chance to lose their action every time they make an action thus if they try and move they have a 25% chance of spending
that action but not performing it

Over Rage
Your rage minus instead of adding to Damage can be treated as STR MOD of your choice (This extra STR MOD does not apply to Aimed Strike Check)

Fury Gunner
Requires Berserker 1

level 1 Furious Firearms

level 2 Furious Fire
level 3 Furious Fighting Firearms
level 4 Blind Fire
level 5 Going Ballistic

Furious Firearms
When you enter Rage you may apply its bonus to any firearm weapon but you must choose either the original Rages effect or this Rages effect

Furious Fire
When entering Rage you may initiate a special attack within your guns first increment of distance divided by 2 that deals your guns Damage you must roll Aimed Strike Check
still you cannot call shot any of the attacks but this does not take up any violent action

Furious Fighting Firearms

When entering Rage if you make the firearm increase choice you may apply the Rage Damage bonus to Melee with only firearms and treat their size category 2 size categories
larger for Damage

Blind Fire
While in Rage with if you are blinded deafen or unaware of your current foe or soon to be foe you have a 30% chance (increases with LUK MOD to percent equal to every 5 to
the LUK MOD is a 1% chance) to “know” where that foe is for the round to initiate an attack against after that the foe whereabouts unless otherwise faulted by the attack
etc. is thereby unknown again a GM should allow the player a chance of rolling this against a potential unknown threatening foe that wishes harm on the current time with
true intentions during that round to do so then and now they however if successful do not have to initiate this “knowledge” and may ignore it

Going Ballistic
When entering Rage with activating Furious Fire ability you gain the ability to perform this attack up to twice instead of once and can initiate up to once every 2 rounds
the same type of attack twice in a row when initiating this every 2 rounds you give up your normal violent action but retain all your normal ½ acts as this power is a free

Master Craftsman
Requires a mix of 3 levels of Alchemist or Artificer

level 1 Grand Crafter V1/Speedy Crafting

level 2 Grand Crafter V2/Inventive Ideology
level 3 Grand Crafter V3/Grand Crafter
level 4 Grand Crafter V4/Master Grand Crafter
level 5 Grand Crafter V5/Legendary Crafter

Grand Crafter V#
this ability adds extra credit limit to “Bio-Creation V# & Creation V#” abilities +5,000 per V# Max 25,000 Credits.

Speedy Crafting
When making any sort of build check cut the craft time by 6 hours per 500 extra credits you spend extra. This does not effect items crafted from abilities that are based
from abilities.

Inventive Ideology
You may gain a +3 to the build check per 500 credits you spend extra.

Grand Crafter
Your Speedy Crafting reduces the time by 12 hours and your Inventive Ideology grants a +6 to build

Master Grand Crafter

Your Speedy Crafting reduces the time by 1 day and your Inventive Ideology grants a +10 to build

Legendary Crafter
For every 10 your build check is over the craft TS, the craft time is reduced by 12 hours.

Legacy Crafter
Requires level 10

level 1 Legacy Stone/Legacy Crafter/Blue Prints

level 2 Crafters Boon V1
level 3 Legacy Soul Craft/Artifact Crafter
level 4 Crafters Boon V2
level 5 Legendary Artifact/Legendary Crafter

Blue Prints
You may make a item called a “Blue Print” these articles are special and weight in at 250g each normally and are made of special materials etc. (generally types of paper and
instruction manuals) To construct one takes 1 hour per 10,000 credits worth of the article and 150 credits. Once created you may use a Blue Print to have others more easily
assist you in building. For each extra Blue Print used by a Alchemist or Artificer the build check is increased by a bonus +5. While a Blue Print is being used (Not per Blue
Print) decrease the time it takes to build by 1 day per person max persons on a project equal to each 12 hours it takes to build the article in a 1DSU cubed squaring and for
or each 1DSU cubed of the objects size extra persons to assist. Minimal time to build is always 5mins till. Aid another also does not suffer a penalty. If you already have
this ability gain +5 to build checks. You cannot Blue Print articles attached to a class ability.

Legacy Stone
You may make a Legacy Version Infusion Stone of any type of Body, Core, Equipment and Accessory. Any 1 takes a Single Philosopher Stone to make within 1 week of work.

Crafters Boon V#
This ability adds extra credit limit to “Bio-Creation V# & Creation V#” abilities +12,500 per V# Max 25,000 Credits. If you do not have these abilities instead treat this
ability as those two abilities with this listed craft pool.

Legacy Crafter
This ability allows you to upgrade a item past it's normal form Called a Legacy type. A item cannot be tweaked to a Legacy till it's reach it's max upgrades if it has any.
Once upgraded it will then be called a Legacy Item and may take up into Legacy Grade up to 5 grades. Legacy Bonus grants +15 Damage, +15 Aimed Strike Check, +15 Grapple and
+15 Guard within it's uses for weapon and armor use per grade. Everything else gains +5 Hardness per grade. Each legacy grade will cost 1 Philosopher Stone and 1 week of

Legacy Soul Craft

You may apply a characters soul into a Philosopher Stone to make a “Soul Crystal” (their soul either has to be willing or else you have to make a Mind Check against their TS
times their title level (first title level is a x1) this can only work if they are a fully disembodied spirit and they have died) this crystal contains the characters
entirely inside of it (their soul) you may implement them into a item as either an accessory or infuse them into the item. The worth in market value is equal to the
characters level x10,000 then multiplied by their title level thus every level that is in a new title level adds +1 to the multiplier past the first title level plus the
price of a normal Philosopher Stone. When implanted as a Intelligent Item unlike Intelligence Empower it does not count as a ADD-ON nor can it be canceled in any sort the
item is “their” body” and their mental stats will always pass on (their physical stats though tracked don't usually apply) other than this uniqueness they may do all the
things a Intelligence Empower can do.

Artifact Crafter
When an item has all 5 Legacy Grades it may qualify for Artifact type. Once upgraded it will then be called a Artifact Item and may take up into Artifact Grade up to 5
grades. Artifact Bonus grants +15 Damage, +15 Aimed Strike Check, +15 Grapple and +15 Guard within it's uses for weapon and armor use per grade. Everything else gains +5
Hardness per grade. Each artifact grade will cost 2 Philosopher Stone and 1 week of work.

Legendary Crafter
You may Grant up to 2 Legacy Grades with 1 philosopher stone. If at Legacy Grade 4 or 5 1 Philosopher stone will equal it to a Artifact Grade. Any artifact grade costs in
philosopher stones are 1 instead of 2.

Legendary Artifact
When an article is at Artifact Grade 5 it may become a Legendary Artifact. The cost to apply is 5 Philosopher stones and 1 month of work. Once applied it grants a Bonus +50
Damage, +50 Aimed Strike Check, +50 Grapple, +50 Guard to weapons and armor use and +100 Hardness to everything else. The item will self reform within 1d4 days if destroyed.
The item also may inherit any special upgrades to itself at ½ the cost as if a Inventor was working on it (Effects should be limited based on GM discretion). The item does
have a destruction clause set by the maker that must be logical and doable (example of throwing it into a volcano or a set incantation spoken in a specific language or both)
the method once set is locked but if the method becomes impossible in any way of a sliver chance then it's reforming effect will deactivate. When it reforms it will reform
to it's owner or to a safe spot it is set to.

Martial Artist Of The Style

Requires Brawler level 2

level 1 Flash Step +3DSU/Focusing Style

level 2 Tiger Claw/Serpent Strike/Crane Wing
level 3 Mantis Counter/Monkey Grasp
level 4 Flash Step +3DSU/Advanced Focusing
level 5 Master artist

Flash Step +3DSU

Flash step ability adds a movement bonus to land speed only based of 3DSU, all flash steps stack together

Focusing Style
Only 1 of the two may be active of a Offensive Focus or a Defensive focus it takes a ½ ACT to switch the focus (if an ability requires you to focus this can be done in the
same action of focus). Offensive Style grants a +10 Aimed Strike Check with a +5 To damage to melee type attacks while Defensive gives a +10 Guard with a +5 Evasion. Only 1
focus ability may be active at a time from this class and takes a ½ ACT to switch.

Tiger Claw
On Offensive Focus grants Break Sundering (5% chance to break sunder) to non-animated objects and +10 Damage on melee (Focus ability)

Serpent Strike
On Defensive gain +15 on Aimed Strike Check and +10 Evasion. Upon a opponents missed attack you gain a free melee or grapple counter attack on that opponent but only once
per opponent and you cannot be tripped and fight perfectly prone. The counter attack will consume 5 stamina when performed, You may only do the counter attack once per
round. (Focus ability)

Crane Wing
Use ½ DEX MOD added to STR MOD for natural Melee attacks

Mantis Counter
On Defensive focus you may melee or grapple counter attack for free after 1 attack in an opponent’s attack action against you, you may apply this again against other
opponents though your attack automatically takes first hit. The counter attack will consume 5 stamina when performed, You may only do the counter attack once per round.
(Focus ability)

Monkey Grasp
On Offensive focus you may perform Jump checks at a +5 Grapple and Acrobatics Checks at a +10 and you may fight prone and get up prone instantly also any grapple that
involves disarming grants a bonus +10. (Focus ability)

Advanced Focus
Your bonus to Focusing Style grants a bonus to it's style choice boosts and itself by +5.

Master Artist
You may ignore the requirement of a focus bonus requirement and may have up to 2 style focus abilities active. If a style matches it's original focus it gains a boost to
it's bonuses by +10.

Oversized Brawler
Requires 5 levels Brawler

level 1 Fighting Prowess V6/Brawler Focus

level 2 Fighting Prowess V7/Master Brawler
level 3 Fighting Prowess V8/Knock Out Blow
level 4 Fighting Prowess V9/Exalted Brawler
level 5 Fighting Prowess V10/King Of Brawl

Fighting Prowess V#
Gain a +5 Damage to unarmed and natural attacks which increases to +5 each V#

Brawler Focus
For each V# of Fighting Prowess also gain that bonus to Aimed Strike Check

Master Brawler
Superior Brawlers can now add +1 extra V#

Knock Out Blow

For each Fighting Prowess V# you gain a use per round of changing your unarmed and natural attacks into Non-Lethal damage that deals 1.5 times damage against the target
(this has no effect on non sentient articles).

Exalted Brawler
Superior Brawlers can now add +1 extra V#
King Of Brawl
You may perform lethal attacks with Knock Out Blow at choice, also for each 5 Fighting Prowess V#s you possess gain a Damage Absorbency equal to the bonus. Superior Brawl
now adds +1 extra V#. For each Fighting Prowess you do not use in a Superior Brawl activation extend it's effect rounds by +1. Every turn you do not activate Superior Brawl
and it is not active gain a bonus equal to the Fighting Prowess from Superior Brawl's max V# bonus damage to Acrobatics Checks.

Valiant Knight
Requires 5 levels Knight

Level 1 All Encompassing Valor/Mighty Rider

Level 2 Riding Charger
Level 3 Grand Grace/Trample
Level 4 Grand Tourney
Level 5 Bonded Rider/Versatile Rider

All Encompassing Valor

All allies within 6DSU gain a +1 mind per your character level to resist negative effects. Anyone under this effect who successfully resists a negative mind effect gains a
+15 Aimed Strike Check and Damage with weapons against what caused the effect for 2 rounds.

Mighty Rider
When riding a mount or driving a vehicle gain a +15 to all skill checks except build and study with them.

Riding Charger
When riding a mount or driving a vehicle your charge attacks cannot be interrupted.

Grand Grace
When riding a mount or driving a vehicle once per round you may make gain a bonus to your Pilot equal to 1/4 of your Evasion bonus to avoid an attack that normally is
Evasion to beat.

When riding a mount or driving a vehicle, your mount may make an attack when you perform a violent action that applies Forceful Push to the target. The effect rank of the
Forceful Push is equal to your "Knight" named class levels.

Grand Tourney
When riding a mount or driving a vehicle your charge attacks deal an additional +10 damage. If charging someone who is mounted they must make a Pilot check equal to your TS
or be knocked off their mount. The knock off effect does not apply if the person is secured onto their mount or vehicle.

Bonded Rider
You may spend a day to bond to a mount or vehicle. When bonded your Mighty Rider and All Encompassing Valor abilities are doubled while you are on your mount or vehicle. You
also gain an additional +20 Pilot when riding or driving your mount/vehicle, and it may move an additional 5DSU per move action. If your mount dies or is destroyed you
suffer a -25 to all skill checks for 1 week and you cannot bond to a new mount, unless it is revived/rebuilt. You may remove your bond with a mount or vehicle, but cannot
bond to another mount or vehicle for 3 days.

Versatile Rider
When you are not bound to a mount or vehicle your Trample ability gains a bonus of +10 TS and your Grand Tourney gains an additional +10 Damage. In addition, when applying
Grand Tourney against a target that is secured onto their mount you instead cause them to suffer a -15 to all skill checks for 1 round if they fail your TS. This ability
does not work during the 1 week or 3 day periods from Bonded Rider after losing or removing a bonded mount or vehicle.

Omni Knight
Requires Knight level 2 or Brawler level 2 or Berserker level 2

level 1 Brave Soul Weapon

level 2 Weapon of the Greats
level 3 Armor of the Greats
level 4 Brave Forge Weapon
level 5 Brave Soul Omni

Brave Soul Weapon

You are able expend a single Cast level of 1-5 (this does not count as Casting) into your weapon to grant it to defensively cancel Casts but you must roll a Aimed Strike
Check the guard equal to the Casts TS x3 the effect remains on your weapon for 1 round per Cast level spent.

Brave Soul Weapon

You are able to expend a set of Cast Charge Pool or Cast Charges (this does not count as a cast action or a cast) into your weapon to grant it to act as a defensive against
Casts but you must roll a Aimed Strike Check against the Casts you are canceling equal to their TS x3.

Weapon of the Greats

The weapon you use when you strike a foe removes 1 per Omni Knight level of Cast Pool Charges or a Cast Charge source.

Armor of the Greats

Casts against you have a 25% chance to cancel out when you wear armor

Brave Forge Weapon

Weapon of the Great instead deals 2 Casts removed and Armor of the Greats raises to 50%

Brave Soul Omni

The TS you must overcome with your Aimed Strike Check is reduced from x3 to x2
Requires Knight level 1 and Cleric level 1

level 1 Divine Weapon/Alignment Scan

level 2 Healing Aura/Battle Aura
level 3 Smite/Commanders Aura
level 4 Guardian Aura/Casters Aura
level 5 Holy Avenger/Grand Commanders Aura

Divine Weapon
Add the bane property (equal to the bane ADD-ON effect Damage and Aimed Strike Check) with stacks equal to your Paladin class levels to ranged or Melee against a chosen
target for a ½ ACT that’s opposing your alignments per alignment that stacks normally with other banes and the weapons main Damage is treated as Holy or Unholy instead of
normal of it's base damages neutral alignment instead deals it's bane bonus damage as ½ to any sort of alignment except neutral. This counts as a Bane effect.

Alignment Scan
For each level of Cleric, Paladin, Anti Paladin, Crusader, Templar, Arch Cleric gain 1DSU extra of this type of sight. Red = Dishonorable, Blue = Honorable, Black = Evil,
White = Good, D or H side Neutrality = Amber, E or G side Neutrality = Yellow. Always glows in a swirl of the 2 colors around the beings with alignments. You see these
colors with your normal sight as you wish, if you are blind you can still see in these auras around the entity themselves this effect can only be active for 2 rounds and
takes 1d4 rounds to use again after.

Healing Aura
Heals 10d4+PSY+CON+DUR MOD HP per round (Void-Type) MOD Max (50) to you and allies in a 6DSU area around yourself while active only 1 Paladin named class aura can be active
at a time

Battle Aura
Grants a +10 Aimed Strike Check and +10 Damage and +10 to Endure/Mind/Acrobatics Checks to avoid negative effects and Damage to you and allies in a 6DSU area around yourself
while active only 1 Paladin named class aura can be active at a time

A smite attack deals 10d4+DUR+PSY or CON MOD Damage which this damage deals on touch to additional to your normal Melee attack against the chosen target for Divine Weapon

Commanders Aura
All gain a +25 to Sight, Listen, Mind checks while this aura is up when in the middle of battle for scanning foes within a 6DSU area around yourself and gain a +1 Aimed
Strike Check and damage against foes that have been studied by yourself successfully for each level of Knight named class you contain. You may give up this bonus to have 2
Paladin auras up but each gives half it's effect rounded down to it's effected precipitants. (This counts as a Paladin aura itself)

Guardian Aura
Grants a +15 Guard Acrobatics Checks of no certain type to allies in a 6DSU area around yourself while active only 1 Paladin named lass aura can be active at a time and
negates negative status effects by 25% chance

Casters Aura
Grants a 25% chance of Casts not using up yours or allies Cast pool per day and a +5 to the TS of the Casts to allies in a 6DSU area around yourself while active only 1
Paladin Class aura can be active at a time

Holy Avenger
If a Smite Target is still alive your next smite attack on them for x2 extra damage of the smite damage on touch on a Melee attack once per round and if the target is slain
after this attack you may claim a divine weapons new target right away and apply the bonus to smite x2 extra damage

Grand Commanders Aura

Commanders Aura may have up to 3 Paladin Auras up but each gives 1/3rd it's effect rounded down to it's effected precipitants.

Anti Paladin
Requires Paladin level 2

level 1 Paladin Deconstruction/Black Hand

level 2 Tyrannical Aura/Alignment Mask
level 3 Darkness Bound/Black Knight
level 4 Revelation of Death Aura/Dark Smite
level 5 Knight of the Black/The Great Stand

Paladin Deconstruction
Paladin Levels count as Anti Paladin Levels and are not treated as Paladin level when taken instead they count as Anti Paladin levels for special effects. All Paladin class
level remain functional and this class still counts for Paladin requirements for classes.

Black Hand
You may touch a target if they have Undead Body type or another that shares 1 of your Alignments they are healed for 5% of their Max HP and you take 1% of your Max HP.

Tyrannical Aura
For Every Anti Paladin Level put a –2 on Aimed Strike Check on all enemies in a 6DSU area only 1 Paladin named class aura can be active at a time.

Alignment Mask
If one tries to scan your alignment you may mask it and falsify your own alignment. You are aware of any alignment scanning abilities instantly but not their general user.
Darkness Bound
If you face a paladin you gain a +10 Aimed Strike Check against them and Damage if a paladin has anti paladin level you do not gain this bonus as the paladin levels are
treated as anti-paladin levels from the Paladin Deconstruction ability. If they contain the Crusader and Templar class this grants a bonus +10 Aimed Strike Check and damage
for each.

Black Knight
Commanders Aura when activating multiple auras you may have the full bonus apply at the cost of your CON and DUR MOD x25 of damage per round. If the modifier is negative
instead treat the negative as if it was a positive modifier.

Revelation of Death Aura

You may emit a 10d4+PSY+CON+DUR MOD MOD Max (50) Unholy Damage to enemies up to 16DSU away every round this Damage is halved when used on Paladins. Only 1 Paladin named
class aura can be active at a time.

Dark Smite
Your smite may once per day +1 extra time per 100 CON and DUR SCORE just apply to 1 of your attacks without restrictions of Divine Weapon and apply Divine Weapon as a full
bonus to any target.

Knight of the Black

If a Smite Target is still alive after a smite when you activate Holy Avengers effect you also gain 1% of your HP max back after the Holy Avenger Attack ability

The Great Stand

If you have a ability that would automatically revive you from a race or class. You may cancel this ability and all other abilities that would activate upon yourself to gain
a bonus +250 to all your stat scores for 6 rounds. But cannot be revived etc. for up to 3 months by any effect except Spark Of The Forbidden. Of use of 1 Philosopher Stone.
Also you may encase any defeated targets soul into a item called a Philosopher Coin that contains their soul ready to be put into a Philosopher Stone. These coins worth are
equal to the level of the soul x5000 +5000 extra per template past 5 and +5,000 per Spark or Zilo named Template.

Requires 2 levels Paladin 3 Cleric

level 1 Redemption/Alignment Attune

level 2 Gods Blade
level 3 Fight For God
level 4 Gods Blade of Spirit
level 5 Holy Smash

You may convert a Anti Paladin back to paladin (they may exchange those Anti Paladin levels for Knight Paladin Crusader or Templar levels as seen fit if all are filled then
Anti Paladin can be traded for another class if you are a Anti Paladin then this class ability does not work but instead the regular powers of it also permit it to heal 30d4
HP healing to Undead or Living targets as seen fit this power is valid to both Anti Paladin Crusader mix and regular Crusader

Alignment Attune
Once per day choose 1 weapon. That weapon has a +10 damage against those that oppose your alignment. If you have a Neutral alignment instead the damage is +5 to all other
alignments. The weapon glows for which alignment is within 5DSU of the pointed target of it and points the alignments out. Red = Dishonorable, Blue = Honorable, Black =
Evil, White = Good, D or H side Neutrality = Amber, E or G side Neutrality = Yellow. The blade always glows in a swirl of the 2 colors.

Gods Blade
Your Blade may deal Holy or Unholy Damage upon will

Fight For God

If you KO or slay a foe you gain a +25 bonus to your next d20 rolls for 2 rounds the target must be hostile to you

Gods Blade of Spirit

When you KO orslay a target you regain 5% of your HP the target must be hostile to you

Holy Smash
If you KO or slay a Foe all allies gain a +25 to their d20 rolls for 2 rounds the target must be hostile to you

Requires Paladin level 2

level 1 Great Vigor

level 2 Great Stand/Great Push
level 3 Mighty Guard
level 4 Word of Gods
level 5 Abolish Strike

Great Vigor
When at 0 HP or less you’re not considered Koed or Killed for 1 round and can move stand etc. when it’s your turn after that you go down Koed unless you heal back to at
least 0 HP or more

Great Stand
If you spend a ½ ACT you cannot be moved from your spot by any effect of your opponents

Great Push
For a ½ ACT you may perform a forceful push effect of level equal to DUR MOD if the forceful push equals level 20 every extra DUR MOD adds an extra +5 to the TS of the
forceful push. This forceful push effect does not count as your turns violent action if you activate Abolish Strike after this effect occurs in which both effects happen

Mighty Guard
When using a Shield you may for a ½ ACT use it to guard all your body parts and treat its guard adds x2 when guarding those body parts against called shots or pinpoint shots

Word of Gods
For a ½ ACT heal yourself for 150+CON+DUR MOD Void-Type

Abolish Strike
Claim an enemy for a ½ ACT attack action this attack action is singular and cannot be multiplied from other sources but CRITS way thus only 1 strike roll a Aimed Strike
Check to confirm the strike if you hit you deal x5 Damage to that target that you weapon normally would have done then if you CRIT apply x2 the the CRIT degree amount thus
x2 Damage = x4 instead, for each alignment they are opposing of your own add a extra +3 to the multiplier.

Requires level 5 Paladin

Level 1 Divine Guardian/Redoubt

Level 2 Eye for an Eye
Level 3 Righteous Guardian/Inquisition
Level 4 Reckoning
Level 5 Unyielding/Holy Shield

Divine Guardian
When applying your Holy Weapon or Divine Weapon, you may forgo the bane bonus to instead reduce all damage taken from the target by 10 for each alignment that opposes yours.

While you are inflicted with an effect that impairs your movement of body you gain mitigation equal to 10 per character level.

Eye for an Eye

Whenever an enemy critically strikes you, they take holy damage equal to 50 per character level.

Righteous Guardian
You may detonate your Guardian Shielding to heal all allies within 3DSU of the target for 1/2 of the shield amount.

When attacking the target of your Divine Weapon, you may forgo dealing damage with Smite to instead reduce the damage of their next attack by 1/10 of the damage you would
have dealt with Smite. This effect does not stack across multiple hits.

For each round in combat that you do not attack, your next attack gains a +2x damage multiplier stacking up to a maximum of +10x.

Once per combat you may spend an ACT to instantly clear all effects that impair your movement of body, and heal for 5%(LUK cannot effect) of max HP per effect removed.

Holy Shield
Expend up to 5 casts to grant guard equal to 1/2 of your shield's guard to all allies within 6DSU. Lasts 1 round per cast expended.

Requires 2 levels Cleric

Level 1 Divine Righteousness

Level 2 Divine Light/Divine Justice
Level 3 Divine Crusade
Level 4 Divine Guard/Divine Reckoning
Level 5 Divine Storm

Divine Righteousness
As a level 1-5 cast you deal additional holy damage equal to your character level on all weapon attacks. Lasts 1 round per cast level. Only one of your Emissary Divine
ability may be active at once.

Divine Light
As a level 1-5 cast you heal yourself for 5%(LUK cannot affect) of the damage you deal with weapon attacks. Lasts 1 round per cast level. Only one of your Emissary Divine
ability may be active at once.

Divine Justice
As a level 1-5 cast your weapon attacks apply Stun(Ion) with an effect rank equal to your character level * 2. Lasts 1 round per cast level. Only one of your Emissary Divine
ability may be active at once.

Divine Crusade
As a level 1-5 cast your movement speed is increased by 1DSU per 2 character levels and you ignore rough terrain. Lasts 1 round per cast level. Only one of your Emissary
Divine ability may be active at once.

Divine Guard
As a level 1-5 cast you gain holy guard equal to character level * 10. Lasts 1 round per cast level. Only one of your Emissary Divine ability may be active at once.

Divine Reckoning
As a level 1-5 cast you may attack an additional time whenever using a multi-attack. Lasts 1 round per cast level. Only one of your Emissary Divine ability may be active at

Divine Storm
As a Full Round ACT you may consume an active Emissary Divine ability on you to deal 10d12 Holy damage per character level every round for 4 rounds to all enemies within
6DSU with an additional effect depending on which Divine ability you had active:

Righteousness: The damage is increased to 20d12 per character level

Light: All allies within the Divine Storm are healed for 15d12 void healing per character level
Justice: All enemies hit have Stun(Ion) with effect rank equal to character level * 3 applied to them.
Crusade: All allies within the Divine Storm gain +5DSU movement and ignore rough terrain.
Guard: All allies within the Divine Storm gain Holy guard equal to character level * 10
Reckoning: All allies within the Divine Storm may attack an additional time whenever using multi-attacks.

Arch Cleric
Requires 1 level Cleric

level 1 Grand Divinity/Holy Chain V1

level 2 Holy Embodiment/Holy Strike V1
level 3 Faithful Empowerment/Holy Chain V2
level 4 Grand Holy Weapon/Holy Strike V2
level 5 Grand Miracle/Holy Chain V3

Grand Divinity
All Divinity Casting now may switch to CON MOD instead of PSY MOD. DUR MOD surpasses MOD Max as a bonus effect. Also if you try to regain Casts you may use ½ your DUR MOD to
your regained Casts.

Holy Chain V#
Healing from a Cleric's Divinity Cast may chain to 1 extra target if the original target was fully healed for the left over from up to 3DSU of the original target. This may
have an extra target per V# past the first within the distance it can reach. The distance the chain offs can reach increases by +1DSU per V# past V1.

Holy Embodiment
Give up a level 1-5 Cast multiply your SPRT MOD by x2 for 2+1 round of given up Cast which stack per use, you cannot activate this effect for 1d4 rounds

Holy Strike V#
You may treat your Holy or Unholy Healing from the Cleric Divinity Casts to instead be treated as damage Casts. On V2 any Cast that can scan alignments may be used as a free
Cast after performing a healing or damage of Cleric Divinity Casts.

Faithful Empowerment
You can pass to your allies as a ½ ACT in a 6DSU aura around yourself your Holy Weapon and Holy Embodiment ability if they are at least 1 sharing alignment of your own

Grand Holy Weapon

The bane effect from Holy Weapon and Divine Weapon now scales to character level instead of the Bane ADD-ON.

Grand Miracle
Miracle now works automatically as soon as you fall to 0 HP this uses up one of your uses of Miracle ability, also gains additional uses per day equal to your character
level divided by 4

Requires level 2 Priest

level 1 Grace of Gods

level 2 Prayer of Gods
level 3 Silver Lining
level 4 Gods Savior
level 5 Divine Fury

Grace of Gods
Grant a +15 Bonus to a target ally for 3 rounds to all their d20 rolls except HP rolls for a ½ ACT max stacking modifier is +45 to a single target

Prayer of Gods
For any target with Grace of Gods effected on them you may release the effect to heal them equal to the bonus x10 for a ½ ACT this is Holy healing or Unholy healing if your
alignment is Evil or your choice if you are neutral unlike other healing this always heals the target even if it’s Holy to undead or Unholy to organics

Silver Lining
The Grace of Gods Bonus affects 2 targets instead of 1 and the bonus rises to +20 max stacking modifier is +60 to a single target

Gods Savior
You may as a Full Round ACT double Grace of Gods bonus

Divine Fury
Gain a Damage Mitigation of –500 against all Damage types except Unholy (if you are Good Align) or Holy (If your Evil Aligned) if Neither then choose one upon use of this
ability also you gain a +10 bonus to all your d20 checks this effect lasts for 2 rounds that do not stack this activation is free but cannot be used again for 1 round after
it's effect has expired

Holy Arch Knight

Requires 5 levels Cleric

level 1 Angel Form/Mark of Good

level 2 Resist Evil/Divine Blaze
level 3 Grace of the Heavens/Heroes Light
level 4 Border of Life/Lights Of Miracles
level 5 Heavens Miracle/Light Bringer

Angel Form
You become a Celestial Angel with immunity to Holy source Cold Source and Ion Source Damage you gain ADD-ON wings and may heal allies in a burst around yourself (not
yourself) of 400+100 per level Holy which does not affect undead the radius of this burst is 6DSU to activate this form is a Full Round ACT to revert is ½ ACT while in this
form you are considered an Angel classification along with your normal classification

Mark of Good
You must not be evil to use any of these abilities

Divine Blaze
All Holy damage or healing increase it's dice grade by +1.

Resist Evil
Reduce any Unholy Damage by half

Grace of the Heavens

You are unaffected by wind while in Angel Form and can imbue all your attacks with Ion Damage of 5d6 and Holy Damage of 5d6 this Holy Damage never cures its target and only
harms those that are evil the Ion Damage always causes harm this Damage does not ignore armor defensive types but both damages apply even when you have all 3 damage types
active as if from separate sourcing

Heroes Light
Gain Unholy, Holy, Heat, Cold and Ion -250 mitigation to yourself and -150 from Void and Untyped sources.

Border of Life
If you go to 0 HP instead you instantly revive at ½ your Max HP this can only happen once a day once you revive you instantly turn to Angel Form

Lights Of Miracles
Upon reviving a target they gain a bonus +25 to all their stats for 2 rounds

Heavens Miracle
You may expend your Border of Life to revive a fallen ally per 3 levels max 15 fallen allies if the ally died a month ago they cannot be brought back if they do not return
to life they may refuse revival when they are revived they gain benefit to Angel Form for 5d4 rounds also you transform into Angel Form while they transform into angel form
this ability expends a Full Round ACT

Light Bringer
You may form a weapon of pure light. This weapon is either a sword or a bow with unlimited ammo. This weapon deals +150 damage of Ion and Holy. This weapon ignores -25 of
all of a targets guard types but Holy and Mystic. Any opponet that opposes your alignment has all this weapons bonuses doubled.

Data Infiltrator Hacker

Requires Data Hacker level 3

level 1 Quicken Scan/DI inputs V1

level 2 Super Decipher
level 3 Decipher scripts Quicken/DI inputs V2
level 4 Super Scan/Hyper Super Decipher
level 5 Intensify Inputs/DI inputs V3

Quicken Scan
Now permits your Scanner Tech ability to be used as a ACT

Super Decipher script

Decipher Script ability raises the base TS 25

Decipher Scripts Quicken

Allow you to decipher scripts as a free action

Super Scan
Allows more than 1 target to have held Scanner Tech ability info per class with “Hacker” in the name taken with a different name.

Hyper Super Decipher

Permits you to have decipher script to decipher up to base TS 50 instead of base TS 25
Intensify Inputs
Permits inputs and DI inputs to be +50 extra Damage or healing instantly that is not included into the modifier max

DI Inputs V#
These are Input type Casts and for every V# uses the next level higher

DI Input level 1
Zeo Crash - 20d8+PSY (MOD Max 60) Void-Damage Mind Check for half damage. May target up to 1 target per “Hacker” named class level.
Arc Force - heal 30d8+PSY (MOD Max 60) Void-Healing or Void Damage.
Symbol Of the Hacker – place a charge on yourself or another that when when you use a skill you may use another stats mod instead of it's normal stats (muscle with a DEX MOD
for example) upon doing so the charge is used up. This qualifies the used skill for anything that the switch stat would qualify as for usage if applicable. You may only
contain 2 charges on yourself at a time and may only Cast this once a round per target. These charges only remain on a target for 1 hour.
Evil/Good/Honorable/Dishonorable Seal - seal one of the 4 choices of alignment minor unimportant beings level 10 and lower perm 25% chance. When sealed they are unable to
act but make a Endure Check every round to break free for 10 rounds.
Sentry Array – Create a Small Data Hologram Machine that counts as your sight That remains in place for 1min per “Hacker” named class level. You have full sight and they may
perform your Scanner Tech ability from it's area. You may only have 1 up per “Hacker” named class. They Have HP equal to 50 per character level.
Sub Sonic Teleport – You may Teleport up to 6DSU. When done You do not use any action. You may only do this once per round.
Hacker Icon 1.0– Grants on a target a mark that allows you to teleport to them from up to 200DSU as a ACT. You may also explode the mark and damage any foes around the mark
6DSU radius and only damage the foes Evasion for half. The damage is equal to 10d8+PSY (MOD Max 60) this damage type is untyped. This mark may only exist up to 10 minutes
per hacker class name. Only a max of 2 Hacker Icon 1.0 may exist.
Warp Speed – Increase all movement speeds by +10ft for 2 rounds. This extra movement ignores rough terrain when it's active. This effect does not stack with itself or other
“Warp Speed” named cast abilities.

DI Input level 2
Core surge - 20d10+PSY PSY (MOD Max 80) Void-Damage Mind Check for half damage. May target up to 1 target per “Hacker” named class level.
Grade Core – 30d10+PSY (MOD Max 80) Void-Healing or Void Damage.
Key Grade - increase all stats mods up by +2 for 4 rounds
Evil/Good/Honorable/Dishonorable Super Seal - seal one of the 4 choices of alignment minor unimportant being level 20 and lower 50% chance. When sealed they are unable to
act but make a Endure Check every round to break free for 15 rounds.
Sentry Array Upgrade – When a Sentry Arrow is active this can be cast with it to make it Invisible and it gains 50 HP per character level.
Sonic Teleport – You may Teleport up to 8DSU. When done You do not use any action. You may only do this once per round.
Hacker Icon 2.0– Grants on a target a mark that allows you to teleport to them from up to 3005DSU as a ACT. You may also explode the mark and damage any foes around the
mark 6DSU radius and only damage the foes Evasion for half. The damage is equal to 10d10+PSY (MOD Max 80) this damage type is untyped. This mark may only exist up to 1 hour
per hacker class name. Only a max of 2 Hacker Icon 2.0 may exist.
Hyper Warp Speed – Increase all movement speeds by +20ft for 2 rounds. This extra movement ignores rough terrain when it's active. This effect does not stack with itself or
other “Warp Speed” named cast abilities.

DI Input level 3
Core surge - 20d12+PSY PSY (MOD Max 100) Void-Damage Mind Check for half damage. May target up to 1 target per “Hacker” named class level.
Grade Core Force – 30d12+PSY (MOD Max 100) Void-Healing or Void Damage.
Seal of judgment - seal either good, evil, honorable, or dishonorable minor unimportant being level 40 and lower 75% chance. When sealed they are unable to act but make a
Endure Check every round to break free for 20 rounds.
Great Symbol Of the Hacker – Same as Symbol Of the Hacker but 1 target extra per 3 levels. The limits of per target are shared between these two Casts. Any target that
already had a symbol from the same round or has max charges will do nothing.
Super Sonic Teleport – You may Teleport up to 10DSU. When done You do not use any action. You may only do this once per round.
Hacker Icon 3.0– Grants on a target a mark that allows you to teleport to them from up to 5005DSU as a ACT. You may also explode the mark and damage any foes around the
mark 6DSU radius and only damage the foes Evasion for half. The damage is equal to 10d12+PSY (MOD Max 100) this damage type is untyped. This mark may only exist up to 1 day
per hacker class name. Only a max of 2 Hacker Icon 3.0 may exist.
Light Warp Speed – Increase all movement speeds by +30ft for 2 rounds. This extra movement ignores rough terrain when it's active. This effect does not stack with itself or
other “Warp Speed” named cast abilities.

Nexus Hacker
Requires 5 levels Data Hacker

level 1 Data Panel/Input Empower V1

level 2 Time Stop/Time Split
level 3 Fast Forward/Input Empower V2
level 4 Rewind/Time Step
level 5 Time Bender/Input Empower V3

Data Panel
You have access to a special data panel that can take any shape around your body like a gauntlet a set of panels or an eyepiece when this panel is on you can use all the
Nexus hacker abilities without it on none of the Nexus hacker abilities will work and this panel is considered a summon it costs a ½ ACT to summon the panel. This panel
counts for the device a hacker needs to use it's hacker abilities. And EMP effect will shut down a Data Panel till the EMP effect ends then you may reactivate it.

Input Empower V#
Your Inputs from other classes with “Hacker” in their name increase their MOD Max by 15 per V#. All Hacks have their TS effects And Percentages (be it their effect or TS to
resist) increased by +5 per V#.

Time Stop
You may stop time for 25% (LUK cannot effect) your Max HP. For 2 rounds of actions your attack action limitations still apply during this time you may interact with none
animate objects and all your attacks do not hit till you resume the time certain aggressive setups will not be construed as attack actions depending upon the GM you may not
use this during the Time Stop Again or use Chronomancer Class Abilities or Quick Cast ADD-ON and all healing while in Time Stop is cut in one forth after body type percent
max and regeneration is cut in 1/10th any damage attacks performed in the time stop are also cut by 1/5th. Once a time stop has concluded you cannot perform it again for 2

Time Split
During a time stop you may cancel it early to gain a ½ ACT per rounds not used in the Time Stop.

Fast Forward
You May Give up a ½ ACT to gain a slot up or two slots up in the imitative order. Also You may expend Casts (as many as you wish) to give a bonus equal to given up Cast
levels x2 an for every extra you roll while being first you gain a pool of Cast charges within your Data Panel that remain for 2 rounds then decay by -25 every round.

Time Step
During Time Stop ability you move at x2 your movement speed.

Time Bender
Gain +50 to Initiative checks. During Time Stop ability you gain 1 extra ACT during it's activeness.

You may rewind all the events of the round for 25% (LUK cannot effect) of Max HP. All retains their memories of what they did you can only do this once in a combat. You
cannot Rewind while in a Time Stop.

Ultimate Hacker
Requires 5 levels Data Hacker 5 levels Data Infiltrator Hacker 5 levels Nexus Hacker

level 1 Input Superior/Scan Storage

level 2 Hack Store Counter V1/Data Storage
level 3 Hack Store Counter V2/Auto Program
level 4 Hack Store Counter V3/Super Computer
level 5 Hack Store Counter V4/Infinity Computer

Input Superior
These Input Casts are superior abilities used by hackers to cancel out powerful Casts and abilities and without the Nexus Hackers Data Panel none of the Input Superior can
be Cast

level 1 Superior Input

Cancel Out- Cancel out a Cast of equal level considered violent action
Status Decimation- Cause a negative to chosen stat of –30 for 1d4 rounds Endure (STR,CON,DEX,DUR) or Mind (PST/SPRT/LUK) to negate

level 2 Superior Input

Cancel Out V2- Cancel out a Cast of equal level or lower considered violent action
Status Decimation V2- Cause a negative to chosen stat of –60 for 1d4 rounds Endure (STR,CON,DEX,DUR) or Mind (PST/SPRT/LUK) to negate

level 3 Superior Input

Cancel Out V3- Cancel out a Cast of equal level or lower considered violent action
Status Decimation V3- Cause a negative to chosen stat of –90 for 1d4 rounds Endure (STR,CON,DEX,DUR) or Mind (PST/SPRT/LUK) to negate

level 4 Superior Input

Cancel Out V4- Cancel out a Cast of equal level or lower considered violent action
Status Decimation V4- Cause a negative to chosen stat of –120 for 1d4 rounds Endure (STR,CON,DEX,DUR) or Mind (PST/SPRT/LUK) to negate

level 5 Superior Input

Cancel Out V5- Cancel out a Cast of equal level or lower considered violent action
Status Decimation V5- Cause a negative to chosen stat of –150 for 1d4 rounds Endure (STR,CON,DEX,DUR) or Mind (PST/SPRT/LUK) to negate

Hack Store Counter V#

You may store a number of a type of Input Cast equal to the Hack Store Counter Level if an event happens you may as a free action activate the hack in the Data Panel this
will also drain 10% of your HP unless a healing hack is used or a the Cancel Input hack then you do not lose 10% of your HP you may only activate this gauntlets ability once
a round unless for a healing Input or the Cancel Input to put a input into the Store Counter you must Cast it the counters will then remain forever till Cast and without the
Nexus Hackers Data Panel activated the hack store counter cannot be used if it is shut off all the stored hacks are lost

Scan Storage
You may save Scans for your Scanner Tech ability you done of a target of 5 per character level. Re scanning the subject updates the data further on their biography within
your Data Panel.

Data Storage
You may store up to 1000 text lines or 15mins of video/audio per character level in your Data Panel.

Auto Program
Your Data Panel can maintain auto hacking or programming for time reasons but works only at ¼ rounded down the speed compared to yourself and the Data Panel must remain up
during that time. and hold 1 project for you and gains 1 extra project every level divisible by 15.

Super Computer
Your Data Panel ability Auto Program speed is increased to ½ the time instead.

Infinity Computer
Your Scan Storage can contain double the amount. Your Data Storage can contain double the amount. Your Auto Program ability can now maintain twice as many projects.

Omega Hacker
Requires level 5 Data Hacker

level 1 Scan Jam

level 2 Scan Jam Counter
level 3 Input Restore
level 4 Data Infinity
level 5 Data Info Log

Scan Jam
When being scanned by any ability input the info you want the into the scan be it false info etc. or weird info

Scan Jam Counter

When being scanned input you may reverse this free action with your own Scanner Tech ability input on the foe but if they have Scan Jam they cannot alter it instead the info
will be blanked

Input Restore
When using a hack Input from your Casts you may have a 25% chance to not expend your Input from your “Hacker” named class

Data Infinity
When you Cast any input that has been restored the target you successfully applied against with the input you then learn all its info from past present and future for 24
hours you can only learn info from 1 subject at a time any extra is either lost or kept instead

Data Info Log

You may Store the Data from Data Infinity into a special log file and recall 1 file a day per 3 levels of “Hacker” classes

Hack Warper
level 5 Data Hacker and level 15

level 1 Last Stand

level 2 Gravitational Control
level 3 Forever Zero
level 4 Status Empower
level 5 Big Bang

Last Stand
When reduced to 0 or lower HP you may use the Big Bang Ability or a Healing hack Input this is a free action to activate

Gravitational Control
You may cause either anti-Gravity in a 10DSU area or turn on Gravity in a 10DSU area for a ½ ACT

Forever Zero
You may when Gravitational Control is active automatically turn it off and blast out 20d10 Gravity Damage to all being stuck in the Gravitational Zone Acrobatics Check for
half 0 if they are at the edge of the blast you can only do this the turn after you activate Gravitational Control

Status Empower
Grant a +150 to chosen stat for 2 rounds on a character for a ½ ACT (cannot stack on the same stat)

Big Bang
In the 10DSU area of Gravity Control Make a Gravity warp that then explodes dealing 100d12 Gravity Damage no PSY MOD added this also fully damages you and counts as an Input
level 5 Cast

Hack Gunner
Requires 1 level Trick Gunner or 1 level Gunslinger and 1 level Data Hacker

Level 1 Tempest Shot

Level 2 Bluescreen Rounds/Jamming Shot
Level 3 Multiphasic Shots
Level 4 Feedback Rounds / Digital Sight
Level 5 Hurricane Shot

Tempest Shot
When attacking with firearms you may attack a second target within 3DSU of the primary target for 1/2 of the normal damage

Bluescreen Rounds
When attacking a target with Machine body type or Machination classification with a firearm classification weapon you may apply stun(Ion) with rank equal to character level.

Jamming Shot
You may cancel a cast by rolling a Aimed Strike Check against the cast TS with a firearm classification weapon. This is considered a violent action.

Multiphasic Shots
Your attacks with firearms ignore penalties incurred by environmental effects such as wind or water.

Feedback Rounds
When your Jamming Shot successfully jams a cast, you may deal 1/3 normal damage to the caster.

Digital Sight
As a 1/2 act you may give up to 5 Input cast levels to highlight all targets within 3DSU per cast level. This ability will not highlight targets that cannot be seen by your
sight type, but will highlight targets through solid materials.

Hurricane Shot
Your Tempest Shot may hit an additional target for 1/2 of normal damage

Requires 2 levels Deceptionist or 2 levels Magus or 2 levels Data Hacker

level 1 Illusionary Field

level 2 Illusionary Creation
level 3 Illusion Mastery
level 4 Illusion Explosion
level 5 Illusion Imbuement

Illusionary Field
You may make a falsified field up to 25DSU around yourself. The illusionary field can be altered in any way you feel to all subjects within the field must make a TS equal to
your own or believe the changes unless they are super drastic then it High Failure Negative (HFN)s. In the field senses are then altered to fit the Illusionary double
actions so it may grasp objects etc. if they fail the illusionary field they believe the Illusionary double automatically. Although it is fake, somebody can still see the
world at their own ideal by choice and return at whim. If this power already exists on your character increase the range to 245DSU.

Illusionary Creation
Your Illusionary Field disbelief limits are decreased also boosting the TS by +5 the effects start to even effect their internal perceptions making them not feel pain etc.
but their own body limits will prevent moving like from a broken leg. Upon disbelief of the field instead they must roll twice and take the lowest result.

Illusion Mastery
Increase the TS of any Illusionary effect by +5

Illusion Explosion
If an Illusion is disbelieved it will detonate in a pulse of energy around the disbeliever by choice of a 1DSU radius the Damage is of choice of Heat/Cold/Ion and deal 25d6
unavoidable Damage no check can be applied as the effect is a sudden pulse to the sense and causes these issues, they have a 5% chance to go Blind, 5% chance to go Deaf, 5%
chance to go Anosmia, every time they successfully disbelieve an illusion the damage raises by 25d6 and the chance raises by 1% the effect resets back to normal after 3
rounds which reset every time they disbelieve which case all ill status effects caused by this ability are reset back to their original numbers and removed.

Illusion Imbuement
You may treat any Cast you do to instead be a illusionary version it will deal no Damage nor heal but it does not cost any Cast amount automatically becoming 0 if a real
version is shot it’s TS increases by +5 per fake version shot if they disbelieve any of them then increase the TS by +5 for a real one this max stacks up to +50 to the TS of
the real Cast performed as you have caused many flinches and falsified so many times to the point they aren’t as weary of a real one and lose reaction any attacks performed
during their flinch is considered a backside attack till they are hit. The bonus TS to the real ones will cut in half any increased TS gain rounded down but any fakes
launches will cause flinch.

Mind Warping Illusionist

Requires 2 levels Illusionist or 5 levels Magus

level 1 Illusionary Empower

level 2 Warp The Minds
level 3 Psionic Illusion Empowered
level 4 Mystical Illusion Empowered
level 5 Illusion Facade

Illusionary Empower
All Illusion effects gain a bonus to their TS equal to half your character level rounded down

Warp the Minds

For a ½ ACT you can undo immunity to Illusions on one target for 2 rounds

Psionic Illusion Empowered

For Each Psionic Focus that you have on Illusions you have gain a +1 to their TS

Mystical Illusion Empowered

For each level of “Magus” named class, Deceptionist, Illusionist you have Illusion TS is raised by +1

Illusion Facade
If you have an Illusion succeed the illusion effect time is doubled this also includes abilities of Psionic Power Casts that have round durations

Hyper Illusionist
Requires 4 levels Illusionist or 2 levels Mind Warping Illusionist

level 1 Illusion Warp Field

level 2 Illusion Of Minds
level 3 Mental Zone Port
level 4 Illusion Force
level 5 Illusion Reality

Illusion Warp Field

Illusion Field ability distance is increased by x2 it's distance.

Illusion Of Minds
More than 1 Illusion Field may exist equal to each Mind Warping Illusionist, Illusionist and Hyper Illusionist levels. Each 1 layers over one other upon one negated or
cancled out the next one will activate.

Mental Zone Port

You may teleport in your Illusion Field as a ACT of up to 20DSU. But you must not be distracted (examples like being caught in a grapple) to regain focus takes a ½ ACT

Illusion Force
If a foe is immune to your Illusion they must make a mind check equal to your TS or take damage equal to your character level x25 untyped

Illusion Reality
Illusion Force damage increases by x50 instead of x25. The Illusion Warp Field distance is increased by x5 instead of x2. Illusion Of Minds also can stack double the amount
of Illusion Fields.

Crushing Grappler
Requires 2 level Grappler

level 1 Over Clasp/Grappling Precision

level 2 Counter Grapple/Grapple Strike
level 3 Rending Grapple/Crushing Clasp
level 4 Just Smashing/Wrecking Toss
level 5 Goliath Clasp/Grapple Counter Control

Over Clasp
You may grapple a target 1 size larger than yourself at a -15 to your grapple check.

Grappling Precision
Called Shots and Pinpoint Shots percent of success in a grapple is increased by +5%

Grappling Strike
You may treat your grapple as a Aimed Strike Check for attacks (STR mod for Forceful, DEX for precision or tactical).

Counter Block
If may use Grapple as a Guard Check with a +15 bonus while using it defensively but can only perform it once a turn.

Crushing Clasp
You may grapple a target 2 sizes larger than yourself at a -30 to your grapple check.

Rending Grapple
Your called shots in a grapple skip 1 step and may instead of render remove the body part when enough damage occures.

Just Smashing
When performing a sunder attempt to equipment in a grapple deal x3 damage to the object.

Wrecking Toss
When performing a disarm and toss the article off you toss the article up to 3DSU away in any direction you wish. When performing a grapple throw you deal x2 the damage to
the tossed subject and may toss them +3DSU further.

Goliath Clasp
You may grapple a target 3 sizes larger than yourself at a -45 to your grapple check.

Grapple Counter Control

When a foe fails any grapple check against you you gain a free action to grapple them instead.

Requires 1 level Brawler 1 level Grappler

level 1 Ready to Rumble/Improvise Combat Weapon V1

level 2 Smack Down/Improvise Combat Weapon V2
level 3 Extreme Improviser/Improvise Combat Weapon V3
level 4 Hold Down/Improvise Combat Weapon V4
level 5 Extreme Smack Down/Improvise Combat Weapon V5

Ready to Rumble
When using an improvised weapon or a natural attack if you miss the foe you can initiate a grapple check forgoing your normal attack order you wanted to proceed with this
also would result in the drop of the improvised weapon

Improvise Combat Weapon V#

Any improvised attack counts it's damage at +10 per V# and grants +5 to Aimed Strike Check, Grapple attempts with said attempts per V#.

Smack Down
If you hit a foe or object with a body part attack or improvised weapon you can as a ½ ACT treat that 1 attack to remove 1 ½ ACT from that foes pool of actions

Extreme Improviser
If you activate Smack Down ability with an improvised weapon they lose an ACT instead of a ½ ACT but the improvised weapon instantly breaks and becomes worthless (unless it
is a character) except as materials unless another class effect says otherwise also the items hardness is treated as +10 more than usual

Hold Down
If you are trying to grapple a foe you can give up your entire round to x2 the 1d20 roll you perform for the grapple check (meaning just the 1d20 roll not any modifiers of
bonuses) and you cannot High Failure Negative (HFN) via a NAT 1

Extreme Smack Down

When activating smack down you may instead of using up a ½ ACT give up your round to make your opponent stun for 1d4-2 rounds minimal 1 round and on their turn they still
lose the actions in their pool from the Smack Down ability

Requires Gunslinger level 5 or Archer level 5

level 1 Quick Draw/Mark Shot

level 2 Dead Aim/Killing Ace Shot
level 3 Critical Shot/Steadfast Reload
level 4 Nameless Pain/The Wounding Shot
level 5 Dead Mans Dance/Death's Knock

Quick Draw
You may draw a firearm, crossbow or bow as a free action

Mark Shot
You may as a ½ ACT grant a +10 Aimed Strike Check on a single target. This provides automatic Focus action on the target.

Dead Aim
While Mark Shot is activated you may expend a ½ ACT for a single shot to deal a 15-20-CRIT range to the Mark Shot Target.

Killing Ace Shot

While Mark Shot is activated you may expend a ½ ACT for a single shot to deal +25 damage to the Mark Shot Target.

Critical Shot
Your Firearms, Crossbows, Bows or Spear guns gain +2 CRIT degrees

Steadfast Reload
You may reload any Breach Load weapons barrels as all a ½ ACT, You may reload any Cylinder weapon as a ACT instead of a Full Round ACT and a free action to load up to 2
bullets instead once per round.

Nameless Pain
While Mark Shot is activated you may expend a ½ ACT for a single shot to deal that instead of it's damage all at once does it in over 5 rounds with a +25 extra damage the
damage is divided by 5 ticking this damage each new round. The damage is treated as a single normal attack but re applies status effects each round.

The Wounding Shot

While Mark Shot is activated you may expend a ½ ACT for a single shot to deal damage to vitality of a random body part if a general Aimed Strike Check or to the point of a
called shot also dealing 1% of the MAX Vitality the body part has automatically.

Dead Mans Dance

You may Switch your Mark Shot as soon as your target is fallen to a new target as a free action

Death's Knock
You may activate this ability at will but cannot shut it off for up to 3 rounds once activated. You take as a Weakness x3 damage from all sources but treat all your attacks
as if they provide weakness on a foe of x3.

Spirit Healer
Requires Healer level 3

level 1 Heal the soul

level 2 Soul Barrier
level 3 Deflection Spirit
level 4 Hardened Wall
level 5 Wall

Heal the Soul

Heal a target within 6DSU for 10d10+PSY+SPRT+CON MOD x3 This ability can be performed once per round per Spirit Healer level you cannot pick the same target more than once.

Soul Barrier
Create a +20 Void Guard Barrier around a target within 6DSU and has hardness of 35 that is 5 millimeter thick though does not hinder the targets movements etc. the barrier
can be broken and barrier can only persist on 1 target at a time this barrier once broken takes 1 round to reactivate again. This cannot be used again for 3 rounds.

Deflection Spirit
Ranged Attacks striking the Soul Barrier including Phase Shot will be negated.

Hardened Wall
The Soul Barrier hardness is increased to 50 from 35.

The Soul Barrier may not be broken by any force existing and this effect lasts for 2 rounds and reflect all Ranged attacks back to their origination this ability can be used
again after 5 rounds.

Requires 1 level of either Knight, Archer, Berserker, Trainer or Magus

level 1 Dragon Rider/Summon Drake

level 2 Dragons Armor
level 3 Dragons Weapon
level 4 Dragons Wings
level 5 Dragons Magic

Dragon Rider
You gain a +10 to your skill rolls while riding a dragon including Aimed Strike Check and Grapple the dragon also gets this bonus (this does not include build checks)

Summon Drake
You may summon a Special Dragon called a Drake (That is Classified as a Dragon and Elemental) that is equal to your characters level into your world as long as you have a
special charm called a Dragons Charm, this charm can be made with common place materials for 1 hour of making for a Grade 1 Dragon's Charm and by paying 1000 credits extra
up the charm by 1 grade up to max of 4000 credits for a Grade 5 Dragons Charm in a special ritual and takes a ½ ACT to activate when it is made, upon use the charm breaks
but in the place in 1 round summons the Drake a species of dragon that uses WIMPY monster HP and stat progression but if your Dragons Charm has any Grades up the HP and Stat
Grade progression, the Drake has a movement of 8DSU on the ground Bi Pedal, Can Swim 6DSU and has Flight of 20DSU, The drake has no arms but has 2 clawed feet and a Bite
attack that deal +15 damage per Grade of the Charm, the Drake has a Breath of choice upon summon of either Acid, Heat, Cold, Unholy, or Holy based damage that hits up to
12DSU in a line or a Cone of 8DSU for 5d4+50 per Dragon Charm Grade, The Dragon Size can be Medium-Large on Grade 1 Dragon Charm and every Charm Increases max size by 1 more
Grade, The Dragon comes with a Saddle and riding equipment and a Medium Dragon can carry 1 Rider Large 2 etc. with no trouble, The Drake can stay in your world for infinite
amount of time and you can upgrade a charm to upgrade the current Drake, upon the Drakes Death you must wait 1 day to be able to summon a new Drake, but the Drake that died
in your world is harvest able for this classes Dragons Armor and Dragons Weapon ability if needed, if your Drake was desummoned at all a Charm of the Appropriate Grade will
form in your hand but cannot be used for 1d4 rounds. The Drake counts as any class name to help qualify for any of it's abilities though the Drake is not benefiting to

Dragons Armor
You may create Armor from dragons bone and scales that only you can wear that grants an elemental resistance against either Acid, Heat, Cold, Ion, Unholy, or Holy based
Damage of 50 points that raises to 100 points at level 4 Dragoon (only one elemental can be made per weapon and costs the user 5000 credits to make another armor)

Dragons Weapon
You may create a weapon from dragon bone and scales that only you can use that grants an elemental attack extra Damage of 5d10 of either Acid, Heat, Cold, Ion, Holy or
Unholy based when made this Damage raises to 5d12 at level 5 Dragoon (only one elemental can be made per weapon and costs the user 5000 credits to make another weapon)

Dragons Wings
You can sprout special Dragon Wing from your dragon equipment that has melded into your body for 1d4+6 rounds once per day you may extend this by 1 round per Cast level
dropped during the end duration of the ability (level 1 adds 1 round and level 5 adds 5 rounds), which grant a 8DSU fly speed as long as your armor and weapon remain on your
person and your classification while in this form is treated as Dragon along with your normal classifications

Dragons Magic
While Dragon Wings is activated your elemental resistance raises to 40 and your elemental weapon Damage raises to 10d6 and you may fire an elemental blast that deals
10d8+STR or PSY MOD MOD Max (50) Range of 20DSU line or 8DSU cone of 1 elemental type based on your current weapon choices

Dark Knight
Requires Knight level 1

Level 1 Code Breaker/The Dark Empowerment/Black Sight

Level 2 Dark Conduct/Cursed Knight
Level 3 Rooks Move/Aura of the Dark/Black Sight Enhanced
Level 4 Meciless/Darkness Guard
Level 5 Dark Blade/Black Knight/Black Sight Empowered

Code Breaker
If you break a knight's Honour Code you may expend 10%(LUK does not effect) of your Max HP to not lose your knight abilities.

The Dark Empowerment

While in darkness of at least TS 5 you gain +1 Aimed Strike and Damage. This increases by +1 for every additional 5 TS of darkness.

Black Sight
Gain a special Night Sight of up to 6 DSU that ignores all vision impairments including magical.

Dark Conduct
When you activate Code Breaker you gain +15 STR/DEX/PSY/CON, +30 SPRT/DUE, and +45 LUK/SPD for 2 rounds. This effect does not stack or reset round duration with multiple
uses of Code Breaker. At level 10, the stat gains are doubled.

Cursed Knight
When you break your Honour Code you may take a curse instead of losing your knight abilities, lasting 8 weeks. When you active this ability you gain Dark Conduct for 2
rounds. Only one curse may be active on you at once, and you may not activate Cursed Knight again if you are already cursed. This curse can be removed by a Priest's remove
curse ability. Roll a 1d8 to determine which curse you are inflicted with:

Silence: You cannot speak except to cast and have a 10% chance of spell failure. This increases by 10% for each round you spend in combat and resets back to 10%
after combat has ended.
Chill: You always feel cold, even if you normally can't feel. While in combat you suffer a -3 Aimed Strike and Damage for each round, resetting after the combat has
Deathly: All critical damage against you has 2x the crit multiplier. All damage against you is always considered lethal.
Sickly: While in combat suffer Penalty status effect against your STR, DEX, and CON increasing by 1 level per round of combat. This Penalty cannot be removed, but
after combat has ended dissipates within 1 minute per Penalty level.
Fear: While in combat you suffer Fear effect increasing by 1 level per round of combat. This Fear cannot be removed, but after combat has ended dissipates within 1
minute per Fear level.
Exhausted: You may only move at 1/2 your normal movement speed and while in combat all stamina costs are increased by +1
Haunted: You cannot draw or holster weapons without expending a 1/2 act, and constantly hear voices antagonizing you. This causes you to need an additional 4 hours
of rest every night to be considered rested. While in combat you suffer -2 Aimed Strike and Guard every round, and are always considered flanked by enemy attackers.
Blood Lust: While in combat you may only make Forceful Aimed Strike attacks and suffer -4 Aimed Strike per round, but gain +2 damage with Forceful Aimed Strike
attacks. Every round there is a 5% chance you will lose control and enter an enraged state, during which you must commit to a violent action even if against an ally and have
your guard check reduced by 1/2 for the round. This chance increases by 5%(LUK cannot effect) for every round you spend in combat.

Rooks Move
For a 1/2 act you ignore all armour movement speed penalty for 2 round.

Aura of the Dark

You may tone down the TS of light within a 4 DSU radius around yourself by -5 per Dark Knight level.

Black Sight Enhanced

Your Black Sight ability increases to 12 DSU and can read Good or Evil alignments within the range. Good alignments appear as a gray smoke around the target while Evil
sppears as black smoke.

When you KO or kill an enemy, your next attack will deal critical damage if it hits.

Darkness Guard
Gain an additional +10 Aimed Strike and Damage against Strong Good or Strong Evil targets, an additional +5 Aimed Strike and Damage against Normal Good or Normal Evil
alignments, and an additional +2 Aimed Strike and Damage against Weak Good or Weak Evil alignments.

Dark Blade
Whenever you kill a foe you heal for 5% of max HP and 1/2 of all physical damage you deal is considered Darkness Damage for 2 rounds, healing you for the amount of Darkness
damage dealt. Darkness Damage is a unique damage type created by this class.

Black Knight
Whenever you activate Cursed Knight, you also immediately trigger Dark Blade as if you had killed a foe. The duration of the curse is reduced down to 4 weeks, and you may
give up your Black Sight to reduce this to 2 weeks but lose the Black Sight for the entire 2 weeks as well.

Black Sight Empowered

Your Black Sight ability increases to 24 DSU and may see invisibility of any type as if it is shimmering, reducing the miss chance to 25% against them. If they are already
shimmering, the miss chance is instead 5%. You may reduce your Black Sight to 12 DSU to use it as a sense instead of a sight, but this does not negate backside or flanking

Requires 1 levels Knight

level 1 Honor Code Dependency/Swift Draw

level 2 Bushido Mastery
level 3 Arrow Shot/Counter Strike
level 4 Massive Armor Wearer
level 5 The Honorable Thing/Full Counter Strike

Honor Code Dependency

All abilities require the Honor Code of the knight to not be broken to remain active or suffer the penalties

Swift Draw
Draw a Melee weapon as a free action

Bushido Mastery
When using a 2 handed weapon you may gain a +15 Guard Bonus added to the weapon as if it was a shield this shield counts as a buckler.

Arrow Shot
Your Skills with a Bow grant you a double bonus Aimed Strike Check from your bow and skills with a crossbow permit double the Damage bonus from a crossbow

Counter Strike
When making a counter attack gain +15 bonus to the Aimed Strike Check, Grapple and Damage.

Massive Armor Wearer

Your Armor negative to speed is reduced by a –3DSU

The Honorable Thing

If your Honor Code is not broken you may gain a +20 Aimed Strike Check and Damage on the next single attack performed

Full Counter Strike

Counter strike may perform 1 free interupion counter a turn this does not negate a violent action limit when performed as a violent action.

Crimson Crusader
Requires 3 levels Samurai

level 1 Deflect Projectiles/Oversize Style

level 2 En Garde/Crimson Rush
level 3 Crimson Stance/Counter Style
level 4 Crimson Guard/Fierce Style
level 5 Crimson Master/Crusader of Force

Deflect Projectiles
You may deflect 1 ranged attack per Crimson Crusader level except from lasers, plasma or siege weapons with your weapon or shield wielded as long as you face the attacks
direction. You cannot deflect attacks that do not roll Aimed Strike Check and the object size cannot be half your size or larger (deflecting meteors is not really a
plausibility). If the object is half or size or larger you may roll a Aimed Strike Check to try and cut the object in a sunder attempt instead.

Oversize Style
You may wield a weapon that requires 2 hands in 1 hand treating it as if it was wielded by 2 hands (cannot be used with bows). You take a -10 Aimed Strike Check while
performing this (not per weapon)

En Garde
Cannot Be Flanked by foes

Crimson Rush
On a Charge Attack you take half the negatives rounded down

Crimson Stance
You take a stance called Crimson Stance for a ACT. While in this stance you cannot move till it's canceled. You gain +25 Aimed Strike Check, +25 Guard, And Deflect
Projectile ability does not need facing to activate.

Counter Style
You may when performing a counter attack as a NAT 20 or against a NAT 1 perform it without a free action instead.

Crimson Guard
You may exchange your weapon size Damage for Guard Armor Bonus and treat the weapon like a shield equal to a buckler for 1 round the weapons defensive type is considered
based upon the weapons Damage type

Fierce Style
Oversize Style does not suffer the -10 Aimed Strike Check penalty. Crimson Rush instead negates all charge penalties. Counter Style provides a bonus +25 Damage.

Crimson Master
Treat Crimson Crusader levels as “Knight” & “Samurai” named classes levels for effects.

Crusader of Force
“Knight” & “Samurai” named classes levels are treated as Crimson Crusader levels for effects.

Ancient Samurai
Requires level 2 Samurai

level 1 Ancient Blades Of Honor/Honor Bound Blades

level 2 Ancient Training
level 3 Ancient Blades Unbound/Ancient Sword Empower
level 4 Zantetsuken
level 5 Greater Ancient Blades/Kusanagi

Ancient Blades Of Honor

You gain free Blade Weapons of one that is Basic type these weapons are made of steel but have advanced crafting that makes their hardness 100 and a bonus upgrade of upping
the multiplier by +1 up to +5 for each blade per Ancient Samurai level. There is one Great Blade, one Long Blade and one Basic Blade. These weapons cannot be ever upgraded
by paid credits or FP but start automatically fully upgraded. For each “Samurai” and “Knight” named class level they gain 10 FP for each blade. Each blade acts as if it has
2 Legacy Grade 5 Equipment Infusion Stones for ADD-ON Limits. The blades contain an ability to restore your honor once if you break it instantly per blade but if you perform
this effect the blade that performed this effect loses all its upgrades and bonus FP for the day also if you lose any of these blades your honors are all permanently
“broken” no matter what effect you perform except from this class itself while any 1 of the blades are still present on your person.

Honor Bound Blades

If you lose any of your blades provided from this class you have a chance every day to find them again by 25% this effect is increased by LUK effects in any sense (A GM can
denote a reason that this effect does not work if deemed mention able like if it was stolen by a powerful figure etc. that still possesses it). The blades if they are
damaged can only be repaired by the owner or a Legacy Crafter class.

Ancient Training
When using the Ancient Blades they try to roll a Aimed Strike Check they receive a multiplier equal to the blades own damage multiplier from Ancient Blade Of Honor.

Ancient Blades Unbound

The Ancient Blade Of Honor abilities weapons automatically gain a +100 FP to spend to each blade per day. If you have a class of any of the listed a passive effect can
remain active on the blades (Only up to 2 may be active)
-Fire Control Master (Heat Damage 5d12 with level 5 Burn effect)
-Water Control Master (Cold or Acid 5d12 with a level 5 Penalty or Blind effect)
-Storm Control Master (Electric 5d12 with a level 5 Stun effect)
-Earth Control Master (Metal 5d12 increase weapon hardness x2 for the strike)

Ancient Sword Empower

Each Blade contains a charge called a Ancient Blade Charge. Each blade contains up to 1 charger per “Knight” “Samurai” and “Control Master” named class levels. You may
convert any Ancient Blade Charge for another form of charge (Including Cast Charge Pool etc.)
-You may use a Ancient Blade Charge to gain a +5 Aimed Strike Check bonus per charge equal to the assign blade used for 2 rounds.
-You may use a Ancient Blade Charge to gain a +5 Damage bonus per charge equal to the assign blade used for 2 rounds.
-You may use a Ancient Blade Charge to gain a +10 Hardness bonus per charge equal to the assign blade used for 2 rounds.

You can expend 1 of the Ancient Blade charge to grant the Ancient Blades the ability to deal Untyped Damage that only ignores Mystic/Unholy/Holy guard. Also upon a CRIT
there is a 10% (LUK cannot effect) chance the blade will instant kill (LUK from foe effects) this can be negated by GM discretion. This kill blow will negate any auto revive
effect shutting it off.

Greater Ancient Blades

Your Blades gain a bonus extra +100 FP each to blade

You can expend 1 Ancient Blade charge to make the Ancient Blades gain +1 Damage Multiplier from the Ancient Blades Of Honor ability and able to strike Ethereal. When
performing Zentetsuken while this effect is active it deals no bodily damage and leaves targets undamaged physically shown but still deals damage to the target and the
chance for instant death increases by +5% (Unaffected by LUK). This effect lasts for 2 rounds.

Knight of the Fate

Requires 3 levels of Knight or Archer

level 1 Aura of Fate

level 2 Code of the Fate
level 3 Guarding Fate
level 4 Sacrifice
level 5 Embrace Fate

Aura of Fate
You may only have 1 aura on at a time by spending a ½ ACT you may turn this aura on turning off any other aura currently on any aura within your auras 6DSU reach is canceled
out and you gain their benefits

Code of the Fate

For as many Honor Codes you have taken as a Knight and have not broken currently as a Knight you gain a +1 bonus to Aimed Strike Check and Damage

Guarding Fate
You may grant your Code of the Fate bonus as a LUK MOD bonus to your allies within your Aura of Fate ability radius while Aura of Fate is on if there is no active Honor Code
they gain a +1 bonus

You may break your code of conducts and gain a x2 bonus on your next attack actions Aimed Strike Check rolls once you break all your codes you must wait x2 the dice roll
rounds for you to regain them again instead of just 1d4 rounds

Embrace Fate
When the Knight of the Fate ally falls instead the Knight may transfer his HP remaining over to the fallen ally and be left at 0 HP

Aqua Magus
Requires 1 level Magus

level 1 Create Water/Freeze Water/Imbue Frost

level 2 Walk on Water/Water Breathing
level 3 Imbue Penalty/Water Purify
level 4 Imbue Stun/Cold Adapted
level 5 Aquatic Master/One With Water

Create Water
You may make up to 20 liters of water per level of Aqua Magus and Magus Class once per round from up to 5DSU +1DSU per Magus level.

Freeze Water
You may freeze up to 20 liters of water per level of Aqua Magus and Magus Class from up to 5DSU +1DSU per Magus level. You may perform this on the Create Water ability
before it even creates the water.

Walk on Water
You may walk on water and walk on ice as if it was normal ground no rough terrain.

Water Breathing
For 1 round per 1 level of “Magus” named class you may ignore the need to breathe if under a liquid environment

Imbue Frost
(You can only apply 1 Magus classes Imbuement onto any of the Casts that are listed specially from this ability this does not include the Imbue from the general Imbuement
that apply to any of these Casts)
-Mystic Blast chain now damages in cold and creates a mist effect that obscures sight for 6DSU and through the range it goes through plus if it hits water it applies freeze
water ability or creates water in the vicinity it struck
-Mystic Push chain now works to control water in the sense of it being like a solid object you may also freeze it at whim
-Mystic Shield now adds an extra +5 Physical guard that will melt when heat strikes this extra +5 guard per level version of the Cast continues even when the original effect
turns off the ice is up to 1 millimeter per level version of the Cast.
-Mystic Target Chain now makes a target automatically wet with water and applies x2 damage with Water/Cold like attacks
-Mystic Camo now also makes a mist cloud around you up to 12DSU while invisible this cloud does not have to centered on you and can be shifted at will per action but it must
be at least covering you

Imbue Penalty
Imbue the Penalty (Cold) effect, all effects applied normally. The level is equal to Mystic Cast level x4 for the effect Penalty effect (Cold)

Water Purify
You may purify any liquid based from water into pure water of either deuterium or basic pure water. Any impurities will be dissipated out.

Imbue Stun
Same as above but the Stun effect (Cold) is added too

Cold Adapted
You can withstand all TS of Cold degree.

Aquatic Master
Any Damage done with Water/Cold like attacks is multiples by +2 and the TS raised by +5

One With Water

You may turn into a special Elemental Form as the Elemental Race of WATER or ICE type for 30mins as if you had Elemental Empower stacking 5 times for all of it's racial
abilities. You may only have one Elemental Form active till the rounds are up.

Blazing Magus
Requires 1 level Magus

level 1 Ignite/Breathe Fire/Imbue Fire

level 2 Heat Reflection/Heat Precision
level 3 Imbue Burn/Inferno Shield
level 4 Melt Stone/Ash Breath
level 5 Fire Mastery/One With Fire

You may ignite any burnable material automatically on fire in a 3DSU radius once per round, though this will not melt stone, the effect continues to tick damage per round of
30 Heat damage for non attended objects till the amount of feet is destroyed and 15 Heat damage for equipped and wielded and attended objects, any caught on fire will take
the 15 Heat damage per round instead per object on fire on them. This ignition will dissipate in 2 rounds per “Magus” level and will only stack damage up to 150 per round.
You control the ignition melt direction.

Breathe Fire
You can breathe in low oxygen places just fine with high Heat

Heat Precision
You may with heat TS control it's area spread and minimalism it in a consolidated area it persists from preventing it from spreading the heat across the area as you wish.
Also your equipment is immune to heat damage dealt to it from spread or submerging into environment heat damage.

Heat Reflection
You may walk over and touch super heated liquids and also deflect heat effects of any overly hot environment allowing you to walk through normal fire like nothing happens,
this effect does not give you any way to breath through these environments and will not protect you from attacks and status effects from enemies.

Melt Stone
Your Ignite ability now may start to damage stone and ignite it on fire.

Imbue Fire
(You can only apply 1 Magus classes Imbuement onto any of the Casts that are listed specially from this ability this does not include the Imbue from the general Imbuement
that apply to any of these Casts)

-Mystic Blast chain now can ignite things on fire depending on the Ignite fire ability or Melt Stone ability and applies Heat effect to the Damage
-Mystic Push chain now can grab magma like a solid object and can also ignite any object picked up depending on the Ignite ability and melt stone ability
-Mystic Shield chain now gives you a blazing armoring that deal 10d6 fire Damage while the effect goes +10d6 per level of Cast to striking sources
-Mystic Target Chain now makes a target suffer their combustible equipment to ignite and applies x2 damage with Heat like attacks
-Mystic Camo chain also grants a 10d12 Heat Damage +10d12 per level of Cast in a 6DSU radius

Imbue Burn
Imbue the Burn (Heat) effect into your Cast’s level 1 grants level 1 to your Mystic Casts equal to the Cast level x4 for the effect Burn (Heat)

Inferno Shield
You and your equipment gain a -5 Damage Reduction against all Heat, Cold and Ion Damage sources per “Magus” level This reduction will only last for the first attack and lose
-10 Reduction per each attack in a round then resets on the next round back to full.

Ash Breath
You no long need to breath.

Fire Mastery
Any Damage done with Heat like attacks is multiples by +2 and the TS raised by +5

One With Fire

You may turn into a special Elemental Form as the Elemental Race of FIRE type for 30mins as if you had Elemental Empower stacking 5 times for all of it's racial abilities.
You may only have one Elemental Form active till the rounds are up.

Earth Magus
Requires Magus level 1

level 1 Create Stone/Stone Sense/Imbue Earth

level 2 Stone Warp/Stone Skin/Sand Control
level 3 Imbue Slow Down/Stone Meld
level 4 Imbue Stone Turn/Stone Shape
level 5 Earth Mastery/One With Earth

Create Stone
Make up to 3 centimeter cubed of common or bountiful rock type material per level of Magus and Earth Magus once per round in front of yourself that is linked to the ground.

Stone Sense
You may see any stone material and tell what it is up to 5DSU per “Magus” class level.

Imbue Earth
(You can only apply 1 Magus classes Imbuement onto any of the Casts that are listed specially from this ability this does not include the Imbue from the general Imbuement
that apply to any of these Casts)

-Mystic Blast chain also deals Earth based Physical Damage

-Mystic Push chain can use Create Stone ability in a certain area of choice ignoring the link to the ground and in front of yourself rule
-Mystic Shield chain adds a Physical Damage Mitigation of -50 per Cast level
-Mystic Target Chain now makes a target suffer a -3DSU to any movement with a thin layer of rock type material upon their body of 1kg per limb multiplied by size of the
target and applies x2 damage with Earth like attacks
-Mystic Camo chain also creates a field of sharp ground spikes unnoticeable comes out in a 6DSU radius around you though does not reveal your location these spikes deal 20d4
Damage Physical +20d4 per Cast level

Stone Warp
You may shape stone of common or bountiful as you wish as if taking a +100 on your build check to shape it as if it was just soft clay. You may apply this to Create Stone
when it is used. You may only do this effect on Stone you are touching in 1DSU cubed per “Magus” level.

Stone Skin
Your body produces a natural layering of stone like substance to protect itself (This cannot be effected by your abilities as any material source). This counts as +25 Guard
Against called shots. Also counts as +2 extra centimeter against penetration effects per “Magus” level.

Sand Control
All sand in an area can be used as prehensile body parts or other such giving the user in a 3DSU area around them +10 Guard Check Physical and 2 extra limbs max and all that
are hit by the sand take 5d6 Earth Damage, they may also be grappled TS of 20+5 per character level and take continual 5d6 Earth Damage.

Imbue Slow Down

When striking with a Cast you can slow down the opponent by -3DSU base and disable flying ability the TS is equal to the Cast

Stone Meld
You may walk through stone as if it was not tangible (You still cannot see through it) You can adjust up and down through the stone. You must always exit any end safely and
your powers prevent you from entering any dangerous section or counting your weight against said stone you are walking through.

Imbue Stone Turn

Imbue the Stone Turn effect to your Mystic Casts equal to the Cast level x4 for the effect Stone Turn

Stone Shape
Stone Warp works up to 3DSU per “Magus” level. This will only effect up to 1DSU cubed of stone base +1DSU cubed per 1DSU of distance you give up on the distance.

Earth Mastery
Any Damage done with Earth like attacks is multiples by +2 and the TS raised by +5

One With Earth

You may turn into a special Elemental Form as the Elemental Race of EARTH type for 30mins as if you had Elemental Empower stacking 5 times for all of it's racial abilities.
You may only have one Elemental Form active till the rounds are up.

Nature Bender Magus

Requires 1 level Magus

level 1 Life Breather/Death Breather/Imbue Nature

level 2 Source Sense/Trait Hide
level 3 Imbue Poison/Poison Drain
level 4 Nature Master/Storm Of Magic
level 5 Imbue Restoratives/Mystic Empowerment

Life Breather
Once per round you may touch a target to Heal 25 HP to a living source per “Magus” named class level (excluding yourself) even if they have died, it takes 1000 HP per day
they have died, upon revival they are comatose for hours equal to the years they have been dead.

Death Breather
Once per round you may touch a target to take 25 HP from a living source per “Magus” named class level you then heal back half that amount rounded down, the subject must be
willing or upon draining you may use this life force to instantly give a 6DSU area the HP life force and revitalize and purify the areas air, make the plant life sustain and
grow again if it can handle plants, and heal all subjects in the area by 1/4th the HP taken

Imbue Nature
(You can only apply 1 Magus classes Imbuement onto any of the Casts that are listed specially from this ability this does not include the Imbue from the general Imbuement
that apply to any of these Casts)

-Mystic Blast chain now may now make called shots but the TS is cut by -15 (does not apply to Mystic Percision Chain)
-Mystic Percision Chain instead gain +10DSU distance and +5 dice grade.
-Mystic Push chain now works to apply either Life Breather or Death Breather abilities, the Death Breather may work on foes but only at 5 HP per instead of 25 HP per
-Mystic Shield now gives you +30 stealth in natural environments and +60 stealth if you stand still
-Mystic Target Chain now makes a target suffer -10 to all Guard Checks of every type per gear that applies a Guard Check and applies x2 damage with Mystic like attacks
-Mystic Camo makes you able to phase through any living thing at will

Source Sense
You may sense life up to 3DSU per “Magus” class level. You may sense any being that is undead classification of up to your Life Sense ability of this class.

Trait Hide
You may hide your Classification types from any sort of scanning type source.

Imbue Poison
Imbue the Poison (pick any variant) effect, all effects applied normally. The level is equal to Mystic Cast level x4 for the effect Poison effect

Poison Drain
You may instead heal from Poison effect instead of being hurt by it.

Nature Master
Any Cast done by a Magus can instead be turned into Healing-Void-Type but the healing is 1/4th of what the damage would be and cannot apply negative effects

Storm Of Magic
Each time you cast gain a special charge called a “Storm Magic Charge” this charge is stored within yourself or a Caster Focus item. These charges act like a Cast Pool
Charge but if expend deal 250 HP Cost per charge to the caster using them but for each charge used within a cast grants a effect of any choice per charge. +1 To Duration of
effect, +1 Damage Multiplier to 1 Damage Type the cast has, +5 Bonus Damage or Healing even if the cast normally does not have it, Make the cast TS +5 Extra, Overcome 1
immunity effect as a bypass. Alternatively you may expend these type of charges to shoot a 12DSU Cone 25DSU Line of untyped damage that deals 5d6 damage per Storm Magic
Charge used within it and Has increased Cast TS of +3 per Charge used within it using it in this fashion cannot apply the bonus effects but does not cost HP. You can only
have up to 2 Storm Magic Charges per “Magus” level that you have created at 1 time.

Imbue Restoratives
Imbue one of the following status effects Energize, Antidote, Motility, Bravery, Empower, Awakening, or Restoration (pick any variant if this comes up) effect, all effects
applied normally. The level is equal to Mystic Cast level x4 for the effect level

Mystic Empowerment
Any Damage done with Mystic like attacks is multiples by +2 and the TS raised by +5

Sonic Magus
Requires level 1 Magus

level 1 Sound Blocker/Sound Amplify/Imbue Sound

level 2 Sound Twister/Silence Self
level 3 Sound Mimicry/Sound Recollection
level 4 Imbue Deafen/Frequency Location Wave
level 5 Sonic Mastery/One With Sound

Sound Blocker
In a 10DSU range in a 3DSU radius from you or around yourself in 3DSU Silence or produce high sound TS by 5 per Magus Level and Sonic Magus Level you can only do this once a
round. Also any wind damage you take does not apply to your equipment.

Sound Amplify
You may amplify sound for you to hear allowing you a listen check bonus of +1 per “Magus” named class level taken.

Imbue Sound
(You can only apply 1 Magus classes Imbuement onto any of the Casts that are listed specially from this ability this does not include the Imbue from the general Imbuement
that apply to any of these Casts)

-Mystic Blast chain now gains a forceful push effect and also deals Wind (Physical) type (Ignores damage reduction)
-Mystic Push chain now can now apply your size damage + PSY MOD (Max 30) (Ignores damage reduction) to mystic push like a reach attack dealing Wind (Physical) type Damage
-Mystic Shield chain add a special deflection barrier around you that causes all subjects within 6DSU to take your size damage + PSY MOD (Max 30) (Ignore damage reduction)
-Mystic Target Chain now makes a target suffer -50 to Listen checks and -20 to all Physical Guard Checks and applies x2 damage with Wind like attacks
-Mystic Camo chain that negates sound completely around yourself

Sound Twister
You may change sounds to other sounds in a 3DSU area around yourself +3DSU extra per “Magus” level.

Silence Self
Anything you do can be instantly silenced like foot steps at will (even snapping a tree branch will be silenced) You may only hold up this effect out of combat.

Sound Mimicry
Grants you the ability to constantly able to produce sounds or alter them up to 6DSU away from yourself in locations pinpoints or alter others sounds including your own.

Sound Recollection
Any sound produced you hear around you will be instantly recalled perfectly and repeated through Sound Mimicry ability as you wish.

Imbue Deafen
Imbue the Deaf Effect (Wind) to your Mystic Casts equal to the Cast level x4 for the effect Stun

Frequency Location Wave

You may sense things through sound waves that cannot normally be heard at all by any entity. This will pierce up to 3DSU thick objecting and work in a zone of 6DSU around

Sonic Mastery
Any Damage done with Wind like attacks is multiples by +2 and the TS raised by +5

One With Sound

You may turn into a special Elemental Form as the Elemental Race of AIR type for 30mins as if you had Elemental Empower stacking 5 times for all of it's racial abilities.
You may only have one Elemental Form active till the rounds are up.

Storm Magus
Requires level 1 Magus

level 1 Wind Stand/Electric Pulse/Imbue Wind and Lighting

level 2 Pulse Force/Stored Energy
level 3 Levitation/EMP Deflect
level 4 Imbue Stun/Electricity Sense
level 5 Wind Mastery/One With Air

Wind Stand
You can withstand 1 wind level per Magus and Storm Magus Level

Electric Pulse
Produce a current from your body able to recharge and power electrical devices, you produce 1 unit of power per Magus and Storm Magus Level

Imbue Wind and Lightning

(You can only apply 1 Magus classes Imbuement onto any of the Casts that are listed specially from this ability this does not include the Imbue from the general Imbuement
that apply to any of these Casts)

-Mystic Blast chain now deals Ion type Damage this can jump to a new target within 3DSU of the current target +2 new targets per Storm Magus level the new target or original
target can produce to a new target like a new chain reaction, if the targets have metal or are in a liquid substance it can travel doubled the distance to that new target
each new target struck takes -10 as much less damage thus target #5 takes the -50 less damage. You may select the same target from a previous bounce but they talk half as
much damage before the damage reduction of the bounce and any further times they end up a target of a bounce again take half as much damage again till the damage would equal
0. You cannot use the Electric effect of Ion when using this Cast.
-Mystic Push chain now can handle air and throw it like a gust of wind swirl it the wind degree is equal to your wind stand x2 also able to do forceful push at +1 size
levels higher than normal per Storm Magus level
-Mystic Shield chain add a special deflection barrier around you that ads a +50 Guard Check against projectiles as a wind effect also within 3DSU of yourself a wind degree
equal to your wind stand blows around you also able to deal 10d6 Ion damage when a foe touches into it.
-Mystic Target Chain now makes a target suffer that all Ion based attacks with a range gain +3DSU extra to jump to as a target also suffer a -1DSU movement per metal object
upon their person of 3kg and applies x2 damage with Ion like attacks
-Mystic Camo chain grants a forceful push in a 3DSU radius near you upon it's activation by choosing to not move for that round you may extend this blast to 6DSU instead

Pulse Force
Ion Damage gains an effect called Arcing Chain. Arcing Chain takes the amount of Ion Damage done and may bounce up to +1DSU per “Magus” level between a set chain of targets
(acts like a movement line). The arced damage is ½ the amount of normal damage to secondary targets of the primary target. Only 1 arc may exist per “Magus” named class. When
a target is struck by an arc the arc must find a new chain till it's out of range for a bounce. If more than 1 arc exists the arcs cannot bounce to the same chain of targets
and all must seek different targets but a secondary bounce can re-target another arc chains target but only deals 1/4th extra damage to them instead of ½ damage. You may
target yourself with any of the arc chains as well always taking no damage. Also 1/4th of Ion Damage dealt to you or by you is also stored. You choose when to discharge this
bonus damage pool into your next Ion damage but it shall release in 6 rounds +6 rounds per “Magus” level. You cannot arc Ion into yourself using this ability.

Stored Energy
Your body can store 1 Energy within itself per “Magus” level.

Grants you the ability to levitate up to 6DSU up in the air and instead of falling decent down 6DSU each round

EMP Deflect
EMP effects do not destroy computers or delete their data if under that risk. If your are effected by EMP effects they do not stun you but instead cause you to take -25 to
all skill checks for that round.

Imbue Stun
Imbue the Stun Effect (Ion) to your Mystic Casts equal to the Cast level x4 for the effect Stun

Electricity Sense
In 5DSU around yourself you may sense all “Electric Energy” even Bio Electric of living beings. This cannot sense through walls though. This also can tell which way the
current if feeding and how much is being pulled through the source.
Wind Mastery
Any Damage done with Wind/Ion like attacks is multiples by +2 and the TS raised by +5

One With Air

You may turn into a special Elemental Form as the Elemental Race of AIR or ELETRICITY type for 30mins as if you had Elemental Empower stacking 5 times for all of it's racial
abilities. You may only have one Elemental Form active till the rounds are up.

Acidic Magus
Requires level 1 Magus

level 1 Melt Objects/Acidic Meld/Create Alkaline/PH Level Control/Imbue Acid

level 2 Acidic Pull/Acidic Amplifier
level 3 Acidic Shielding/Acidic Infusion
level 4 Imbue Acid Burn/Hyper Acidic Amplifier
level 5 Acid Mastery/Recovery State/One With Acid

Melt Objects
You can acidic liquefy (disintegrate)(acid effect) on Objects up to 1DSU space per Magus and Acidic Magus Level once per round, the effect continues to tick damage per round
of 25 Acid damage for non attended objects till the amount of feet is destroyed and 10 Acid damage for equipped and wielded and attended objects. This acid will dissipate in
2 rounds per “Magus” level and will only stack damage up to 100 per round. You control the acid melt direction.

Acidic Meld
You and your equipment is immune to environment acid damage. Acid damage does not remove your regeneration. This does not provide acid damage immunity only from acid melt
effect but not from a disintegrate effect if it occurs from over damage.

Create Alkaline
Create Salt or Alkaline liquid in 1DSU area attached to the ground or 1 litre per Magus level once per round.

PH Level Control
You may determine a pH level of anything. And control the pH levels of up to -0.5 or +0.5 per Magus and Acidic Magus level.

Imbue Acid
(You can only apply 1 Magus classes Imbuement onto any of the Casts that are listed specially from this ability this does not include the Imbue from the general Imbuement
that apply to any of these Casts)

-Mystic Blast chain can now imbue a blinding effect that also deals 5d4 extra Damage +5d4 per Cast level. Blindness is an Endure Check
-Mystic Push chain now can melt the object being carried with the melt objects ability liquefying it
-Mystic Shield chain adds an extra corrosive barrier around you making items melt when they touch dealing half as much Damage to you from Ranged projectiles though Melee
attacks deal 10d4 +10d4 per Cast level extra Damage to the striker or striking weapon
-Mystic Target Chain now makes a target suffer -150 HP off all their equipment of Acid damage and applies x2 damage with Acid like attacks
-Mystic Camo chain now adds a nauseous gas effect that causes blindness and 20d4 Damage in a 6DSU radius blindness is an Endure Check

Acidic Pull
Any Acid Damage Effect on objects is removed at your will in a area around yourself of 3DSU +3DSU per “Magus” level. Your Acid Damage Effect continues to burn 1 round extra.

Acidic Amplifier
Melt Objects when used on unattended objects deals x2 as much damage though cap of damage still applies.

Acidic Shielding
You cannot be disintegrated by acid damage. You may also pass this effect to others for 1 round per “Magus” named class level the rounds are divided among the users. This
does not provide acid damage immunity only from acid disintegration effect.

Acidic Infusion
May turn 20 litres of liquid into Acid mixture per Alkaline Magus level per round.

Imbue Acid Burn

Imbue the Burn (Acid) effect) to your Mystic Casts equal to the Cast level x4 for the effect Burn (Acid)

Hyper Acidic Amplifier

Melt Objects when used on unattended objects has it's cap increased to 200.

Acid Mastery
Any Damage done with Acid/Poison like attacks is multiples by +2 and the TS raised by +5

Recovery State
You may turn your body into a liquid state similar to acid or alkaline instead of dying at 0 HP and recover 5% HP per hour once you are back to ½ HP you may reconfigure.

One With Acid

You may turn into a special Elemental Form as the Elemental Race of WATER type for 30mins as if you had Elemental Empower stacking 5 times for all of it's racial abilities.
You may only have one Elemental Form active till the rounds are up.

Infiltrator Magus
Requires 1 level Magus

level 1/Silenced Mystic Caster V1/Mystical Scanner/Casters Incorporation.

level 2 Mystic Assassination V1/Mystic Veil/Magic Hand
level 3 Silenced Mystic Caster V2/Mystic Warp Step/Imbue Arcane Cast
level 4 Mystic Assassination V2/Mystic Eyes/Great Magic Hand
level 5 Silenced Mystic Caster V3/Mystic Cancel/Hand of Mages

Silenced Mystic Caster V#

You may silence your Mystic Blaster ability or any Mystic Cast once a round per V#. Also each V# grants a +15 to Diplomacy, Bluff, Intimidate, Slight and Stealth checks.

Mystical Scanner
When using a Mystic Blaster you may see a 3DSU radius of the area struck for up to 1 round per “Magus” named class level.

Casters Incorporation
Any “Psionic” or “Hacker” named class are also consider to be “Magus” named classes and any “Magus” named class is consider to be a “Psionic” or “Hacker” named class for
benefits and scaling. For each Different “Magus' named class not changed from this ability you gain 1 Psionic Focus ability. Psionic Focus increases any “Magus” or “Hacker”
named class casts per stack granting +5 TS and +5 Mod Max increase per active focus.

Mystic Assassination V#
Assassination Type Effect (ATE): With a Mystic Cast or with Mystic damage deal a bonus 5d4 Void damage bonus per “Magus” named class level. This damage raises to 5d6 instead
of 5d4 at V2.

Mystic Veil
You may turn yourself invisible for 1 round per “Magus” named class level as a ACT that will break when you attack and cannot reactivate for 1 minute. This invisibility may
only be held while in stealth mode and once canceled out cannot activate for 1 minute and any full movement will cancel it out.

Magic Hand
You may for a Full Round ACT as a Focus per turn create a 2 invisible force hand that can reach up to 5DSU from yourself that act as prehensile hands. You must remain
focused while operating these hands and may perform skill checks with them as if they are your own hands. These hands cannot perform violent actions with intention directly.
During your Focus you can feel through the hands (though you do not feel pain nor damage through them only that it could hurt). The hands themselves have only up to a ACT to
themselves but use your skill checks (PSY instead of STR MOD if it's a STR MOD based skill).

Mystic Warp Step

You may teleport up to ½ flight movement as long as you end up on safe ground. You may only do this once a round as a move action and it cannot bypass walls and structures
that are closed.

Imbue Arcane Cast

Arcane Cast V# can be effected with these Imbue effects. If the effect does not have any dealing with the listed effect they cannot apply to the cast.
-The imbued cast can have it's TS raised by +5 per 2 extra casts expend into it. You can only raise a TS up to a max of +25 per “Magus” named class level.
-The imbued cast can have it's duration multiplied per 3 casts expend into it. You can only multiply the duration up to a max of x2 per “Magus” named class you have.
-The imbued cast can have it's radius increased by +3DSU per 4 casts expend into it. You can only up to a max of +5DSU per “Magus” named class you have.
-The imbued cast can have it's bonus multiplied per 5 cast expend into it. You can only multiply the bonus up to a max of x2 per “Magus” named class you have.

Mystic Eyes
You may cause all magical articles to light up visible to all (including invisibility), and through the lights aura of colors gain a +10 per “Magus” named Class levels to
decipher the magics use and origin. This is consider mystic sight. If you already have Mystical Scan instead you can also sense the same distance and feel their presence and
the decipher bonus also doubles when in sight.

Great Magic Hand

Your Magic Hand ability now only takes a ACT instead to use and Focus per round. Also your Magic Hand ability gains +3DSU from yourself.

Mystic Cancel
You may with your Mystic Blaster ability or any Mystic Cast cancel out an opponents cast by dealing damage against their damage. The left over damage of their cast can still
deal damage. This form of casting does not show a origination point when used.

Hand of Mages
Your Magic Hand ability gains 2 ACTs instead of 1 ACT. The invisible force hands may also use PSY or STR for your skill checks that involve STR. Also your Magic Hand ability
gains +3DSU from yourself.

Steel Magus
Requires 1 level Magus

level 1 Alter Metal/Metallic Creation/Imbue Steel

level 2 Metallic Skin/Demagnetize
level 3 Magnetism/Magnetic Levitation
level 4 Imbue Burn Shrapnel/Magnetic Levitation Share
level 5 Metal Mastery/One With Metal

Alter Metal
You may alter 1DSU of Metal per Magus Level this cannot effect sentient beings made of metal. If you alter metal worn the enemy may make a slight check against your TS.
Alterations can be shape and pulling apart the metal mixes like Steel into its basic mix of into iron and nickel or fusing 2 metals that can combine naturally. you can do
this once per round

Metallic Creation
Make up to 2 centimeter cubed of any common or bountiful metal per level of Magus and Steel Magus once per round in front of yourself that is linked to the ground.

Imbue Steel
(You can only apply 1 Magus classes Imbuement onto any of the Casts that are listed specially from this ability this does not include the Imbue from the general Imbuement
that apply to any of these Casts)
-Mystic Blast chain can now imbue a metal warp into itself and can coat the enemy in metal shards that stick to them when electrical attack strike they take extra 5d6 Damage
-Mystic Push chain now be fully Physical and deal 5d6 Damage plus PSY MOD (max 30) this is consider metal and takes form via metallic shards
-Mystic Shield chain adds a Layer of Physical Guard of +50 this is consider metal and layers around your body
-Mystic Target Chain now makes a target suffer all their metal objects to become magnetized if they can become magnetized making any quick draw effects to them inapplicable.
Also all Ion effects have a bonus +3DSU jump distance and applies x2 damage with Metal like attacks
-Mystic Camo chain now adds a function to disable any tracking source like the radar ADD-ON and makes all electronic equipment go haywire in a 3DSU area around yourself, as
you are not traceable by electronics etc.

Metallic Skin
Your Organic Skin applies damage reduction and treats it's hardness as +5 per “Magus” level.

You may remove all magnetic property of objects in 5DSU+ 5DSU per “Magus” Level. Up to half of this magnetism TS round down can be stored by you to be placed by your
Magnetism ability. This action takes a ½ ACT per 5DSU.

You are able to alter magnetism weakening it and transferring it to maintainable objects and also empowering it you also may add magnetism to maintainable objects every
“magus” named class level raises the magnets TS level of 10 magnetism attracts metals of weight equal to the TS forever 5 TS is 1 size category starting with tiny the space
distance it attracts is equal to 1DSU per 5 TS for a person to resist the magnetism is a muscle check like to swing their metal sword if they fail they must make another
muscle check or lose the article if the article goes flying towards the magnet it deals Damage to the magnetized article if the hardness is greater if it’s a person that’s
magnetized focus (like their armor is magnetized) and the object is flying at them they take 1d6 Damage per size category the item is that stuck to them

Magnetic Levitation
You may fly using magnetism.

Imbue Burn Shrapnel

Imbue the burn (Metal) effect) to your Mystic Casts 1st level does a 1st level burn (metal)

Magnetic Levitation Share

You may grant allies near you within 6DSU your Magnetic Levitation ability.

Metal Mastery
Any Damage done with Metal like attacks is multiples by +2 and the TS raised by +5

One With Metal

You may turn into a special Elemental Form as the Elemental Race of METAL or EARTH type for 30mins as if you had Elemental Empower stacking 5 times for all of it's racial
abilities. You may only have one Elemental Form active till the rounds are up.

Radiation Magus
Requires 1 level Magus

level 1 Pierce-Vision Sight/Radioactive Sense/Imbue Radiation

level 2 Radiation Immunity/Radiation Drain
level 3 Radiation Assimilation/Radiation Sustain
level 4 Imbue Radioactive Sickness/Radiation Conversion
level 5 Radiation Mastery/One With Radiation

Pierce-Vision Sight
You can see through up to 1DSU per Magus and Radiation Magus level but cannot see through lead and various other objects.

Radioactive Sense
You may up to 100DSU Sense Radioactive anomalies

Radiation Immunity
You are Immune to all formats of radiation

Radiation Drain
You may force any Radiation into yourself within your square or touch. This counts as 1 meal in your day if you need to eat for that day once a day.

Imbue Radiation
(You can only apply 1 Magus classes Imbuement onto any of the Casts that are listed specially from this ability this does not include the Imbue from the general Imbuement
that apply to any of these Casts)

-Mystic Blast chain can now causes radiation damage with radiation sickness of TS 5 Endure Check per “Magus” named class
-Mystic Push chain now causes radiation sickness TS 5 Endure Check per “Magus” named class, objects touched intake the radiation for 1d4 hours and may pass on the radiation
sickness effect
-Mystic Shield chain produces in 3DSU a radiation sickness TS 5 Endure Check per “Magus” named class
-Mystic Target Chain now makes a target suffer -2 to all their stats any extra stacking applies -2 to all their stats. Excluding SPRT and LUK stats. And apply 1 TS of
Radiation per stack.
-Mystic Camo chain now produces in a 3DSU a radiation sickness TS 5 Endure Check per “Magus” named class

Radiation Assimilation
You may assimilate radiation in a 6DSU radius around yourself as a ½ ACT and drain 5 TS of radiation also removing radiation sickness upon use, this heals you by 10d6 + PSY
MOD (Max 30)

Radiation Sustain
Radiation Assimilation counts as Radiation Drain for the meal in the day and instead now counts as 2 meals in the day instead.

Imbue Radioactive Sickness

All your Casts TS for radioactive sickness is x2

Radiation Conversion
When you use Radiation Drain or Radiation Assimilation and gain a “meal” for a day you also gain a Radiation Boon Charge. You may store these Radiation Boon Charges up to
the max of your “Magus” levels. You may use one charge to count as a meal within the day, You may expend 2 charges to regain a body part that was removed at 1 Vitality, You
may Heal up to 250 Vitality to a body part for 1 charge or extend your max life by 1 month for 100 charges, You may transfer Radiation Boon Charges for energy of 1 for 5
Energy to power article for 1 hour.

Radiation Mastery
Any Damage done with Radiation damage is multiples by +2 and the TS raised by +5

One With Radiation

You may start to mutate your body at will growing unusual articles and power of up to 10 when transforming. You under go this form for 1 hour and cannot stack with a
Elemental Form from a “Magus” named class. You may not use this ability for 1 hour after it's duration is up. Grow 1 Extra Arm, Gain +1DSU Movement that cannot be reduced by
anything, Gain Slither thus cannot be tripped, Gain Extra 2 Legs granting +3DSU movement and +5 against Forceful Push effects made to move you from your square, Gain 1DSU
Tongue that fold cleanly into your mouth, Gain a 1DSU Tail, Any limb becomes Prehensile even ones from these choices, +10 STR/CON/DEX Score & +20 DUR/SPD Score.

Astral Embodiment
Requires Level 1 Magus & Cleric

Level 1 Cast Imbued Astral

Level 2 Astral Connection
Level 3 Astral Fusion
Level 4 Astral Portal
Level 5 Astral Mastery

Cast Imbued Astral

-Mystic Blast chain: Your mystic blasts instead summons (not treated as a summon) a meteor/comet from a portal from the astral realm the velocity that hits in a line equal
to the mystic blast range with a width and height of 1DSU to each end of the line at Cast level 1 and +1DSU to each side per Cast level to the width and height max +5DSU
height and width. You may summon this portal in any zone up to your Cast range. The meteor/comet hardness is equal to 150 per Cast level and deals 500 damage per Cast level
to environment (not to beings) as it goes through. Upon contact with the end of the range the meteor/comet explodes in a radius equal to the width and height for the damage
-Mystic Push chain: you may have more than 1 forceful push active and constantly keep it up for 1 round per Cast level of the mystic push. Max 2 instead of 1.
-Mystic Shield chain: Temporary Damage Absorbency Bonus equal to your PSY MOD multipied by the Cast level you used this will deplete per hit. This Cast lasts for 1d4+1 round
per Cast level rounds. Any Casts done will not refresh the rounds but will refresh the absorbency pool by the new amount.
-Mystic Camo chain: Instead of turning invisible you gain a bonus to healing and Cast damage by +2 multiplier for 1 round per Cast level. This multiplier does not stack with

Astral Connection
With a Casting range of 5DSU, you may Cast a buff onto yourself or an ally granting them a stat boost of a singular stat equal to your Cast level expend x10. You cannot
stack the same buff stat upon the same target. This Cast lasts for 1d4+1 round per Cast level rounds which refreshes the previous rounds if the result is higher to the
current rounds left. If you Cast this upon yourself you only receive half the increased stat buffed.

Astral Fusion
Treat your "Cleric" named classes as "Magus" named class levels.

Astral Portal
You may open a portal to the Astral Realm as a 1/2 ACT. The portals size is equal to 1DSU per "Cleric" named classes you have though you may control how large it is. This
portal is a 2 sided door anything going into it from one side will not exit the other side visa versa. A single portal can be open for 5 rounds and dismissed as a 1/2 ACT.
If you open a portal to block an attack you take 25% (LUK cannot effect) of your Max HP this negates regeneration.

Astral Mastery
All your Cast ranges of Magus classes are doubled in range. All Cleric Casts can be boosted by x2-x6 rounds, damage or healing by expending a level 1-5 Cast (1st level x2,
2nd level x3, 3rd level x4 etc.)

Gun Magus
Requires 1 level Gunslinger or Trick Gunner and 1 level Magus

level 1 Rune Bullet/Elemental Bullet

level 2 Mystic Cast Bullet
level 3 Penetrate Shot
level 4 Smashing Shot
level 5 Explosive Shot

Rune Bullet
Ballistic classification weapons fired may be treated as Mystic if there are 3 types you may replace one as Mystic Damage

Elemental Bullet
The firearm projectile can use any non Cast “Magus” named class ability within it as a touching effect to the area it strikes as long as you do not put a Cast into the
bullet and considers it part of the damage of the bullet.

Mystic Cast Bullet

You may perform a cast of any Mystic Power Cast type spell that creates instead a summon of 2 bullets as a ½ ACT. These Bullets last for 1 day and match any gun assigned to
them upon the summoning. Any alternation to the casts will be carried over into the bullets as well. When these bullets are fired from the gun the caliber own damage will
apply along with the cast's own damage. The range of the cast is instead the firearms own range + the cast's range. The target of any cast is the strike zone of the bullet.
Any damage the cast does is cut in half.
Penetrate Shot
Your shot penetrates through up to 5mm of an object to strike intended target this 5mm does not reduce the range of the projectile unlike normal piercing though only harms
the intended target and nothing else

True Strike Bullet

Give up a Cast of level 1-5 as a free action (this does not consider itself a Cast for negation) Based on the Cast level this shot can be delayed to hit a target for each
round of delay it gains a +5 Aimed Strike Check. The Bullet seeks it's designated target going around any corners etc. to reach it and applying any gun benefits as normal
shots. You may have up to 1 True Strike Bullet active per “Magus” named class. The delayed shots do not count as a violent action till they are order to attack or hit their
duration limit.

Explosive Shot
As a Full Round ACT you can shoot an explosive bullet that explodes in a 12DSU radius dealing the guns typical damages equal to the bullets Damage divided by 1/4th. all
targets around the hit subject can make Acrobatics Checks for half Damage of the bullets rolled Damage you must roll a Aimed Strike Check to strike an opponent with it they
do not get a Acrobatics Check for half Damage as the primary target of the bullet. Only 1 Explosion may happen per shot.

Gun Ace
Requires 1 level Gunslinger, Trick Gunner or Psionic Shot

level 1 Smoking Strike Shot V1/Deadly Bullets

level 2 Smoking Strike Shot V2/Do You Feel Lucky
level 3 Smoking Strike Shot V3/That'll Be The Day
level 4 Smoking Strike Shot V4/We Deal In Lead
level 5 Smoking Strike Shot V5/Alpha Shot

Smoking Strike Shot V#

+5 Aimed Strike Check and Damage with firearm class weapon per V#

Deadly Bullets
When using a firearm class weapon it's damage is increased by +10 and treats it's damage type it treated as Mortality by choice.

Do You Feel Lucky

When use a firearm class weapon with 1 shot left that last shot will deal +2 dice grade more damage.

That'll Be The Day

When you are being caught under fire by another ranged weapon Your ranged weapon gains a +15 Aimed Strike Check against the other ranged weapon users and gains priority of
counter actions.

We Deal In Lead
When you hit a target you gain a +5 extra damage each time you hit them with a firearm class weapon and only a firearm class weapon for the damage boost. The damage boost
only works once per turn stacking per target (+5 1st round +10 2nd round etc.) but the damage increase lasts for 24 hours against that target or targets and resets each time
they are hit.

Alpha Shot
When a target foe is KO or Killed you may gain 1 extra free attack to a new target as an ACT transferring the bonus of We Deal In Lead ability to the new target.

Mystic Knight
Requires 1 level Magus

level 1 Mystical Blade/Mage Knight Code

level 2 Blade of the Mage/Arcane Burst
level 3 Bonded Item
level 4 Mystical Armor
level 5 Bonded Item Greater

Mystical Blade
Your Melee attacks can be considered Mystic Damage when attacking

Mage Knight Code

Your levels of Mystic Knight count as both Magus and Knight for reasons of effects and qualifications for classes and takes the place of a honor code. The code of honor you
swear by is same as the Knights choices if you did not take the Knight class these codes don't stack with the Knight itself.

Blade of the Mage

Imbue a Cast as a free action into a Melee attack to add a +5 Damage per Cast level thus a Cast level 5 adds +25. You may only apply a stack to a max of +500 damage to 1

Arcane Burst
You may expend a Cast to gain +10 per Cast level expend to either your STR, PSY, CON or DUR. This effect lasts for 1 round you cannot stack this effect more than +100 to any
1 stat.

Bonded Item/Bonded Item Greater

Choose an item it becomes bonded and has Intelligence Empower V5 while in your possession an no other persons may use the item benefits and powers this increases to 10 at
level 5 Mystic Knight the Item alignment matches yours and does not count as an ADD-ON for the item it may talk out loud and knows all you know anything it learns you also
learn but it is not Empowered when not within 30DSU of you also may transfer its Empower to another item for a 5 hour ritual if the item already has Intelligence Empower it
stacks normally the items stats are rolled just like any Intelligence Empower the item is a different personality of your own and has its own thoughts and opinions but is
just a separate version of you it shall also override previous Intelligence Empower items personality till bonded to a new item which resets the previous Intelligence
Empower items stats

Mystical Armor
You may gain a +5 to Guard Checks via giving up a Cast of a certain level for 1 round so level 5 Cast is +25 Guard Mystic type max stack +200

Mystic Creationist
Requires Magus level 1

level 1 Cast Blade/Magic Weapon Smith

level 2 Flying Weapon
level 3 Magic Shield Smith
level 4 Magical Craft Smith
level 5 Magic Bomb

Cast Blade
You may expend a level 0-5 Cast to make a weapon (not firearms) or a shield of basic grade. A level 0 Cast (can Cast infinitely) will make 1 weapon or a shield and every
Cast level above creates +1 extra weapon +6 max for a level 5 Cast. These weapons deal Mystic damage can may last for up to 1 hour, you may expend a level 1-5 Cast to extend
the time the blades exist for 15mins per Cast level. All ammo for certain weapons is infinite but cannot use other weapon sources. Hardness of the weapons are equal to 15
multiplied by the Cast level of 1-5 used. Any elemental change from a “Magus” named class can apply and replace the weapons damage type based on the Mystic Blast Casts.

Magic Weapon Smith

You may expend a Cast to upgrade your Cast Blade ability weapon function level 1 Cast gives it 1500 credits worth of upgrade and gains 1500 credits per Cast level up to max
7,500 credits worth of upgrades this effect may stack with separate Casts and lasts on that single weapon till dismissed or it's time runs out. You cannot use Cast store
charges on this ability. Sage ability Continual Cast can only impart as many Casts as you have max of any time once during it's duration.

Flying Weapon
Any weapon or shield created from Cast blade may float as if wielded. Max you may wield in attack while it floats is +1 per odd level of your character.

Magic Shield Smith

You may expend a Cast to upgrade your Cast Blade ability shield function level 1 Cast gives it 1500 credits worth of upgrade and gains 1500 credits per Cast level up to max
7,500 credits worth of upgrades this effect may stack with separate Casts and lasts on that single weapon till dismissed or it's time runs out. You cannot use Cast store
charges on this ability. Sage ability Continual Cast can only impart as many Casts as you have max of any time once during it's duration.

Magical Craft Smith

The Magic Weapon Smith and Magic Shield Smith abilities can expend the credits on ADD-ONs max up to 10 per weapon or shield.

Magic Bomb
Instead of creating a weapon or shield you may make a special bomb with Cast Blade. Upon being used it explodes in a 3DSU radius and deals 5d4 mystic damage. This counts as
a Cast.

Dark Magus
Requires 3 levels of a “Magus” classes

level 1 Darkness Sight/Imbue Darkness

level 2 Dark Space/Gate Way Of Black
level 3 Darkness Teleport/Deeper Gate
level 4 Imbue Negative Energy/Omega Gate
level 5 Darkness Master/One With Darkness

Darkness Sight
You may see in any degree of darkness for a ½ ACT this effect lasts for 1d4 rounds

Dark Space
Choose a single 1DSU square it becomes the highest TS of darkness the effect lasts for 2d4 rounds in that space you may do this in a ½ ACT and for each level of “magus”
classes divided by 2 rounded down in that ½ ACT effect more than 1 square thus level 6 magus effects 3 1DSU squares

Gate Way Of Black

Choose 3 Realm that you GM allows you to take. You may open a portal to any realm of your choice that will hold open for 1 day. You may open a gateway once a month.

Darkness Teleport
You may when standing in the Dark Space abilities affected square teleport to another Dark Space square

Deeper Gate
You may select 1 more Realm for Gate Way of Black. You may open a portal back to your home plane at any time closing down the original gate you had open before.

Imbue Darkness
(You can only apply 1 Magus classes Imbuement onto any of the Casts that are listed specially from this ability this does not include the Imbue from the general Imbuement
that apply to any of these Casts)

-Mystic Blast chain now when shot instead turns into a 3DSU radius blast that produces 2 darkness degrees in the vicinity per “magus” class levels
-Mystic Push chain now can manipulate shadows (just shadows projected from say yourself or a tree) to grasp like limbs
-Mystic Shield now blankets 5DSU around you 2 darkness degrees in the vicinity per “magus” class levels and is turned to Unholy defensive
-Mystic Target Chain now makes a target suffer a darkness effect around their square of +5 TS per stack and applies x2 damage with Unholy like attacks
-Mystic Camo now enables you to gain a shadow section in a 3DSU radius around you

Imbue Negative Energy

Instead of Mystic Damage you may apply Unholy Damage instead when applying this it may also deal 1d2 Damage to either STR, DEX or CON by choice per “Magus” levels

Omega Gate
You may select 1 more Realm for Gate Way Of Black. Gate Way Of Black instead may be open twice a month instead of once.

Darkness Master
Any Damage done with Unholy like attacks is multiples by +1 and the TS raised by +2

One With Darkness

You may turn into a special Elemental Form as the Elemental Race of DARKNESS type for 30mins as if you had Elemental Empower stacking 5 times for all of it's racial
abilities. You may only have one Elemental Form active till the rounds are up.

Light Magus
Requires 3 levels of a “Magus” classes

level 1 Bright Sight/Imbue Light

level 2 Bright Space/Gate Way Of White
level 3 Light Cloak/Brighter Gate
level 4 Imbue Positive Energy/Alpha Gate
level 5 Light Master/One With Light

Bright Sight
You may see in any degree of light for a ½ ACT this effect lasts for 1d4 rounds

Bright Space
Choose a single 1DSU square it becomes the highest TS of light the effect lasts for 2d4 rounds in that space you may do this in a ½ ACT and for each level of “magus” classes
divided by 2 rounded down in that ½ ACT effect more than 1 square thus level 6 magus effects 3 1DSU squares

Gate Way Of White

Choose 3 Realm that you GM allows you to take. You may open a portal to any realm of your choice that will hold open for 1 day. You may open a gateway once a month.

Light Cloak
You may when standing in the Bright Space abilities affected square obtain a 3 round invisibility

Brighter Gate
You may select 1 more Realm for Gate Way of White. You may open a portal back to your home plane at any time closing down the original gate you had open before.

Imbue Light
(You can only apply 1 Magus classes Imbuement onto any of the Casts that are listed specially from this ability this does not include the Imbue from the general Imbuement
that apply to any of these Casts)

-Mystic Blast chain now when shot instead turns into a 3DSU radius blast that produces 2 light degrees in the vicinity per “magus” class levels
-Mystic Push chain now can shed light of 1 degree higher in an area where it grasps
-Mystic Shield now turns radiates 5DSU around you 2 light degrees in the vicinity per “magus” class levels and is turned to Holy defensive
-Mystic Target Chain now makes a target suffer a brightness effect around their square of +5 TS per stack and applies x2 damage with Holy like attacks
-Mystic Camo now reveals all invisible beings up to 20DSU from you while you remain invisible

Imbue Positive Energy

Instead of Mystic Damage you may apply Holy Damage instead also any attack with Imbue Light causes BLIND effect TS equal to the light degree plus level and for every 5
levels the BLIND effect raises 1 effect level

Alpha Gate
You may select 1 more Realm for Gate Way Of White. Gate Way Of White instead may be open twice a month instead of once.

Light Master
Any Damage done with Holy like attacks is multiples by +1 and the TS raised by +2

One With Light

You may turn into a special Elemental Form as the Elemental Race of LIGHT type for 30mins as if you had Elemental Empower stacking 5 times for all of it's racial abilities.
You may only have one Elemental Form active till the rounds are up.

Destruction Magus
Requires level 5 of either Magus, Cleric, Hacker, Psionic, Nightmare Hunter, Bard or Black Harmonious and level 10

level 1 Ultimate Caster/Quivering Mystic

level 2 Void Breaker
level 3 Shattering Realm/Reality Break
level 4 Grand End
level 5 Ultimate Reality Bender

Ultimate Caster
All Casts done are automatically considered to gain double the TS by choice by expending 5% (cannot be effected by LUK MOD) of your Max HP as Damage to yourself

Quivering Mystic
All Casts done have their MOD max increased by x2 their limit by choice by expending 5% (cannot be effected by LUK MOD) of your Max HP as Damage to yourself this effects
duration is for 1 round.

Void Breaker
You may make any Cast damage you perform into either Heat, Cold, Acid, Ion, Void, Holy or Unholy or mix 1 with the original damage type.

Shattering Realm
You may create a realm of your own called the “Alter Realm” these alter realms are equal to the size of your characters level of 20DSU per level this planar can have basics
of “water” and other effects needed to support life, upon this creation the realm exists as long as you live you may enter this realm as a 5 min ritual inviting all into it
that wish to go and you wish to enter, this realm exists upon the realms you can jump to and may also contain “portal ways” to other realms you have visited called “Gate
Doors” these gate doors are a free exit to your realm but only a entrance for 1d4 rounds upon use

Reality Break
By expending 50% (Minimal LUK MOD of 5% minimal) of your HP (max amount of Reality Break is up to your level x2) you can cause a distortion in an area up to 50DSU away from
you based purely upon sight this area expands 3DSU. Every round it causes atomization of 250 Damage to everything around and 250 more added each time it expands it this
effect expands 5DSU the next round and doubles each time till it reaches 1 kilometer radius upon that the Reality Break collapses returning everything back to normal except
things that have died or sentient/semi sentient beings own damage. Even air itself it destroyed in this move making it a non breathable zone in the field etc. Objects on
beings return to the wearer when the reality break ends. If a target lives through this distortion effect they are immune to a “Reality Break” area for life except the
creator themselves whom are fully immune to any form of “reality breaks”.

Grand End
You may summon a weapon called the “Grand End” this weapon is any weapon “except siege weapons and vehicles/mecha or any combination weapon” that is fully upgraded without
payment from its own personal upgrades not “ADD-ONs” this weapons lasts for 5 rounds and costs you 15% of your Max HP to create if it’s a Melee weapon it’s Aimed Strike
Check ignores all guard types except Ion, Void and Untyped, if it’s a projectile weapon it will deal x2 Damage, if it’s a ballistic weapon the weapon always self reloads as
it's own action but acts as if you reloaded the weapon (ending or starting up effects that take actions). Also chosen upon creation of 1 type no stacking effects of ammo
types. Upon the weapons discharge of existence you take an additional 15% more Damage based upon your Max HP. This weapon is consider to be a Legendary Artifact Weapon for
ADD-ONs and gains a bonus +5 damage per 3 character levels also you may exchange +1 damage for +5FP that can only be spent for the weapon.

Ultimate Reality Bender

You may give up 5 Stamina points or 2 Wisdom points to extend any “Reality Break” named power radius by x2 of it's previous maximum. You may give up 5 Stamina points or 2
Wisdom points to increase any “Reality Break” named power damage by +25 of it's continual growth damages. Shattering Realm ability has it's size increased by x2 at level 15
and every 15 levels by +1 extra multiplier.

Word Magus
Requires 15 levels of classes with “Magus” in the name

level 1 Simple Word Casts

level 2 Casting Words V1
level 3 Casting Words V2
level 4 Casting Words V3
level 5 Casting Words V4

Simple Word Casts

Simple Word Casts are casts but they themselves do not use Cast Pool Charges when used by themselves. These casts may use any Magus Imbue or Casting Words V#. Only 1 of the
choices of Ray, Ball, Wave or Nova may be used.

Casting Words V1-4

When Using Casts From this Class one must combined a Set of Words Together Depending upon the words marked number it uses up that many Casts to say that word so 5 1st level
Cast words makes a 5th level Cast initially all Damage is Mystic when Casting the spells come in 3 variable Forms as from the Simple Word Casts which must apply 1 of the 3
given but not any more (You may combo these words into Mystic Power Casts but you cannot use Imbues from other Casts as if it was a Imbue.

Simple Words Casts

Ray-Fires a 16DSU Range Ray 20d6 + PSY MOD Damage Evasion Half Edge Avoid
Ball-Fires a 12DSU Range Ball with a 3DSU Radius 10d6 Damage Evasion Half Edge Avoid
Wave-Fires a Centered Area up to 8DSU away with a 1DSU Radius 10d6 Damage Evasion Half Edge Avoid
Nova-Fires a Centered Area around yourself with a 3DSU Radius 10d6 Damage Evasion Half Edge Avoid

Casting Words V1
Heighten-Damage increases to 30d6
Cold-Cold Damage
Fire-Heat Damage
Acid-Acid Damage
Earth-Earth (Physical) Damage
Lighting-Ion Damage
Iron-Metal (Physical) Damage
Darkness-Unholy Damage (Hurts Living Cures Undead)
Blessed-Holy Damage (Cures Living Hurts Undead)
Toxic-Applies an level 10 Poison Effect (Must pick 1 Poison Damage type)

Casting Words V2
Magnify-Damage increases to 45d6 + PSY MOD
Remaining-Effects Area for 2 Extra Rounds
Forced-Causes an level 10 Forceful push in the area
Ranged-Increase Range by x2
Blast-Increase Radius by X2 (If none make it 3DSU)
Breaking-Switches to Endure Check instead of Evasion
Casting Words V3
Intensify-Damage increases to 60d6 + PSY MOD
Reverb-Effects Area for 4 Extra Rounds
Weakening-Applies an level 10 Penalty Effect (Type is based on Damage type)
Flash-Applies an level 10 Blind/Deafness Effect
Explosive-Increase Radius by x4 (If none make it 5DSU)
Far-Increase Range by x4

Casting Words V4
Ultimate-Damage increases to 75d6 + PSY MOD
Eternal-Effects Area for 8 Extra Rounds
Depower-Damage dealt is to a claim stat instead of to HP but damage is divided by 100
Preventing-Applies an level 10 Stun Effect (Type is based on Damage type)
Painful-Applies an level 10 Burn Effect (Type is based on Damage type)
Engulfing-Increase Radius by x6 (If none make it 8DSU)
Distant-Increase Range by x6

Requires level 1 of 2 of these classes as a mix of either Data Hacker, Magus, Cleric, Psionic, Nightmare Hunter or Bard

level 1 Twin Cast/Caster Insight V1

level 2 Weave Of Magic/Caster Insight V2
level 3 Bends Of Magic/Caster Insight V3
level 4 Speed Caster/Caster Insight V4
level 5 Sorcerer Supreme/Caster Insight V5

Twin Cast
You may use a 2 different casts sources (Input, Divinity, Mystic Power, Dark Slayer, Psionic Power and Unclassified Cast) within a violent action. You must have both hands
free to do this unique form of casting (Only Caster Focus articles can remain within the hands) To also perform this you must also drain a separate -15 Cast Charges (This
does not add Cast levels to the two casts).

Caster Insight V#
You may treat all casting ability that grows with a V# at +1 V# higher per V# of this ability but their TS is reduced by -25 when used this way. When the V# has no effects
past it's current form instead increase the TS by +2 per V# of this ability.

Weave Of Magic
Raise the TS of Casts Done when up to 2 hands are free. The TS is boosted by +2 Per level of Warlock.

Bends Of Magic
You may hold a cast hold charge for up to 1 hour before it returns at choice, When performing this you cannot create more than 1 (2 if using Twin Cast) Cast Hold Charge.
Your Twin Cast ability now may use 2 of the same cast source type.

Speed Caster
You may perform a cast action as a free action once per turn from a cast that was held as a cast hold charge for up to 3 rounds.

Sorcerer Supreme
for each 5mins you had a cast in cast hold charge form the cast gains +10 TS. Twin Cast cost after cast changes from -15 to -10 instead from Cast Charges.

Mecha Pilot
Requires Mecha Jockey level 2

level 1 Tactical Skill/Class Synergy

level 2 Tactical Skill
level 3 Tactical Skill/Class Synergy
level 4 Tactical Skill
level 5 Tactical Skill/Class Synergy

Tactical Skill
Every time you gain this ability you may pick two tactical skills from the list below these abilities only apply to mechas/vehicles, you cannot take the same skill twice.

Rush Charge
Consider the charge attacks of mechas/vehicles to have Damage equal to +15 Medium +25 large add +10 for each size grade up each time this Damage is doubled when in overdrive

Pushing the Machine

You may as the overdrive of your engine gain a bonus +20 Damage and +10 Aimed Strike Check and +25 Acrobatics Checks if the boosters are on they also increase all these
additions by +5 extra per booster once the machine overdrives is over it cannot overdrive for double the period of time it was in overdrive from use of this ability

Mecha Brawler
Any Melee attack in a mecha has its size dice increased by x2 thus 1d12 is 2d12 instead also your Damage from other mechas/vehicles can be reduced by ½ while the engine is
in overdrive

Caster Machine
Any Cast performed now can instead be Cast from the Vehicle/Mecha outside like it was Casted from the mecha itself. While Overdrived all casts radius, range and damage are
boosted by x2 (This does not count as a multiplier and increases the base of the cast itself)
Cool Down
The radiator of the mecha while it activates it's super coolant instead doubles it's effective Heat reduction to x2 instead of x1.5 and reduces Damage from Heat by half once
it ends though you cannot activate it for double the amount of time it was active, also if your machine is damaged from overheat instead you may make a Mind Check to reduce
the Damage to the engine by half with the TS equal to the Heat produced if you score 20 or more over instead you negate the Damage and fully vent it

Mastery of Piloting
Gain a +1 to your Pilot checks per character level

Evading Fire
When making a Acrobatics Check in your mecha/vehicle any shots that hit are reduced by half.

Super Turbo
When using your boosters you may push them to triple their distance added once every 5 rounds. During this time the boosters completely shut down.

Ghost In A Shell
When Piloting a mecha/vehicle You may change the Piloting stat rolled to either DEX or PSY full instead of half and half on your own accord and gain a +10 to all Pilot

Customized Mech
Any Mech you own personally gives you a +15 to Pilot checks

Class Synergy
You may gain a class ability from another class of level 1 and count this class as that class name till you take the class itself and permitted to reassign the class ability
to another class. Or gain +5 to a single skill check except Pilot. You can do this equal to the amount of times you gain this ability.

Requires Mechanic 2

level 1 Matter Converter Creator/Fast Pace Maker

level 2 Mechanical Assisted/Retro Back Pack
level 3 Extra Dimensional Package/Mechanicalist Turret
level 4 Shrunken Tech/Ammo Packer
level 5 Extreme Device Jumbler/Adjusted Mechanicalist Turret

Matter Converter Creator

All Mechanicalist abilities are based on an item called a Matter Converter Creator (Abbreviated MCC) that produces raw craft materials per day based on a point pool. You may
upgrade the MCC to produce bountiful materials for 10,000 credits, common materials for 20,000 credits, uncommon for 40,000 credits, rare for 80,000 credits, scarce for
160,000 credits, and legacy for 320,000 credits. Each upgrade increases the point pool per day by 1 points. You may purchase each upgrade a second time to increase the point
pool again to a maximum of 12 points per day. The cost of producing materials are:

Bountiful - 1 point per 1200g of raw materials

Common - 2 points per 1200g of raw materials
Uncommon - 3 points per 1200g of raw materials
Rare - 4 points per 1200g of raw materials
Scarce - 5 points per 1200g of raw materials
Legacy - 6 points per 1200g of raw materials

The MCC may also be used to craft basic items of a market price up to 250 credits.

Fast Pace Maker

You can make items quickly using the MCC it can make a 1-time use basic gun that busts after 1 shot for example etc. this does not cost you anything all items created this
way are broken in 1 use or over a period of 2 hours

Mechanical Assisted
You can uninstall or install a accessory as a free action if you can install or uninstall it as a ½ Act. Or reduce it's action cost by a ½ Act for installing it or
uninstalling it. You may perform this once every round +1 extra time per 10 character levels.

Retro Back Pack

Your MCC is now attached to a special pack that has 2 extra sets of small pair of arms that have a set of special abilities. It cannot perform any violent actions.
-The MCC pack arms have a reach of 3DSU
-The MCC increases the Fast Pace Maker ability to last for up to 2 uses before breaking and lasting up to 4 hours.
-The MCC is consider to have any Alchemist, Artificer or Mechanic class and any that prestige from the 3 classes as long as the owner has these classes. Though it
automatically comes with the Chemist, Bio Engineering and Building ability but only for itself.
-The MCC has a spare carry load of 5 grenades/rockets, 50 ammo for ballistic guns, 50 ammo for non ballistic guns.
-The MCC will equip the Chemist Kit and Artificers Tool Kit into itself and carry it freely for the owner.
-The MCC acts as all tool kits using 2 points of 1200g of raw material to automatically make a full kit to produce.
-The MCC cuts the cost to upgrade any kits from the Alchemist, Artificer, Mechanic and their prestige classes.
-The MCC cannot move on it's own but counts as a portable work station for professional work.
-The MCC can be hacked into treating that person as a “owner” as well for their needs.
-The MCC cannot be recreated by any other means from Blue Prints etc. not can it intake ADD-ONs or upgrades from alternate sources.

Extra Dimensional Package

Your MCC is now an Extra Dimensional space. It's spare carry load of grenade/rockets increases to 25 and 200 for ballistic ammo/non ballistic ammo. It can carry a inter
dimensional space of materials of up to 500kg weight score for crafting resources and increases by 500kg more weight score for every level after gaining this ability of
Mechanicalist max at level 5 at 1500kg weight score. It's claws can reach into this space only costing it a ½ ACT for the materials.

Mechanicalist Turret
The MCC can be turned into a turret mode upon such it must be given a weapon using it's 2 claw arms to use the weapons that are 2 handed or 1 claw arm for a 1 handed. The
MCC considers itself to have a ACT for actions. The MCC obeys orders from it's owner to what it shall aim at and can only move up to 3DSU per move action.
Shrunken Tech
Your Retro Pack can shrink items for you for up to 8 hours removing them as a usable item and also not counting to your item carry limit till they are back to normal size
their weight score becomes 0kg while shrunk.

Ammo Packer
The MCC may make up to 10 grenades or rockets every 8 hours, 200 of any basic ammo type every 8 hours. The ammo can be sold at only 1/10th the price unlike normal and only
the MCC can hand the ammo off as a ACT as it loads your magazines for you.

Extreme Device Jumbler

When making an item with Fast Pace Maker you can apply 2 ADD-ONs of a price limit of 50k for free this does not cost you credits

Adjusted Mechanicalist Turret

The Mechanicalist Turret ability now has 3 ACTs. Gains +50 Aimed Strike Check with a +2 per character level. Move action is increased to 6DSU and may climb on walls and
ceilings. Gives vision sight to the MCCs owner.

Mechanical Master
Requires Mechanicalist level 2

level 1 Pylon Pack/Generator Pack

level 2 Pandora Pack/Hammer Space
level 3 Turret Pack/High Energy Pack
level 4 Sentient Pack/2 Mode Pack
level 5 Cybernetic Pack Suite/Integrated MCC Zone

Pylon Pack
As a 2500 credit upgrade you can place your pack down and it now becomes a ammo generator producing 10 basic ammo per round and 1 grenade grenades made will explode in 24
hours thus aren’t recommended to selling to anybody. This is a mode for the pack and takes a ½ ACT to disengage the packs mode.

Generator Pack
As a 5000 credit upgrade you can place your pack down and it now becomes a power generator producing energy per round to power objects. This energy per round is equal to the
number of crafter classes you have. This is a mode for the pack and takes a ½ ACT to disengage the packs mode.

Pandora Pack
Your pack can turn into multiple weapons first as a basic pistol for free, you can add new weapons into the options it can turn into example a multi launcher, a grenade
launcher, or even make unique choices of weapon combos, you can swap the weapon as a free action to transform it freely, any ADD-ON's that can apply to the weapon form add
into the Pandora Pack you can choose which are active per switch, all upgrades are still paid for in each weapons forms separately etc. ADD-ONs though are universal and you
may switch them about as you switch the weapons form also counting this item as a legacy item. Unique weapon choices need you to be an inventor though to combine gun stats
and combo weapons for a form choice. Ammo is automatically reloaded into the weapon as a free action, used from your hammer space and all basic ammo types/normal
grenades/normal rockets are produced infinitely for the weapon free of charge.

Hammer Space
A character can carry a unlimited amount of supply within the pack it takes a Full Round ACT to activate Hammer space mode but once active you can summon any item from your
space at free will and put any item into hammer space at free will this is a mode for the pack and takes a ½ ACT to disengage all items left in hammer space can only be
retrieved when hammer space mode is active.

Turret Pack
You can place down your pack to become a Turret this can be to any surface and is thrown like a grenade and has grenade range when thrown it takes on 1 form of your Pandora
Pack without you operating it along with producing a shield tech dome around itself that protects the people in the 3DSU space the barrier will break with 500 Damage but
reestablishes the very next round it can hold a max of 4 people in the space and itself also any shots within the barrier still go out unlike the pylon. This is a mode for
the pack and takes a ½ ACT to disengage.

High Energy Pack

The Generator Pack upgrade provides x2 the energy.

Sentient Pack
The MCC becomes a sentient NPC. unlike a Intelligence Empower item it’s race is called a Mechani Ytilitu and becomes your friend. It will count it’s 2 arms as fully
prehensile and can help you craft equal to your crafter class levels and takes on all levels of your crafter class (the listed classes apply as crafter classes (Alchemist,
Artificer, Mechanic, Transmutation Alchemist, Master Alchemist, Inventor, Mystic Alchemist, Master Craftsman, Legacy Crafter, Ultimate Inventor). It can engage all its modes
at its own will and action itself or disengage as its own action it’s HP is equal to your own but cannot commit to combat other than throwing a grenade it’s stats are equal
to your own.

2 Mode Pack
The MCC can have up to 2 modes instead of 1 active. The MCC can split itself into 2 units if needed leaving 1 mode continually active.

Cybernetic Pack Suite

The Sentient Pack can fuse itself onto you creating you into a Bio Machine a Cybernetic Power suite that fits snugly around your body as the Pack has learn how to configure
itself into nanobots this suite gives you +50 STR any Pandora weapon built into it and armory along with applicable ADD-ONs as creatable weapons at will as weaponry
increased movement speed in all environments by +5DSU and +5 to all skill checks and gives you all sensory types. This is a mode for the pack and takes a ½ ACT to disengage.

Integrated MCC Zone

The MCC can create a 50DSU cubed space that counts as any professionals work space upon it's construction mode containing any needs of work except it does not provide any
extra power per round to itself but to run basic equipment appliances more that drain more than 1 energy a round to power. This is a mode for the pack and takes a ½ ACT to
Copy Cat
Requires level 1 of a class with StoreV# ability

level 1 Store V1/Quick Learn

level 2 Store V2/Perfect Copy Attack
level 3 Store V3/Originality Lost
level 4 Store V4/Perfect Quick Learn
level 5 Store V5/Master Of Retraining

Store V#
You may store a ability learn from from either Mimic Fighter or Mimic Mage upon doing so that abilities level takes up the amount of slots equal to it's level worth thus a
level 3 ability takes up 3 slots. The Store V# ability cannot store a “Store V#” ability within itself. The Store V# ability cannot store a “Store V#” ability within itself.

Quick Learn
You may spend a ACT to study a target to learn any one of it's abilities to fill a Store slot.

Perfect Copy Attack

Once per 2 rounds you may make as a counter emulated ability right after an opponent uses it on the round this uses up a Cast equivalent on your character if it’s Cast

Originality Lost
All Store V# are worth 2 slots instead of 1.

Perfect Quick Learn

Quick Learn takes a ½ ACT to use instead of an ACT.

Master Of Retraining
Any class name you emulate with Mimic Fighter or Mimic Mage you may consider yourself those classes at level 5 for retraining anybody or yourself.

Shadow Stalker Ninja

Requires 2 levels Ninja

level 1 Shadow Disappearance/Shadow Armament

level 2 Shadow Merging
level 3 Shadow Light/Black Zone
level 4 Shadow Extension
level 5 Shadow Clone

Shadow Disappearance
You gain a +15 to stealth checks in shadowy areas (not including your own shadow or others)

Shadow Armament
You may form a melee weapon made of shadow as a ½ ACT to draw upon. The weapon gains +5 damage per “Ninja” named class level. This weapon is metaphysical and ignores all
hardness dealing either Physical, Psionic or Mortality Damage. This weapon benefits from Artificer FP Boost and +5 FP per 2 “Ninja” named class levels. This weapon exists
for a duration equal to your “Ninja” named class levels of 1min per level. This item will dissipate if not held for 1min.

Shadow Merging
You may merge into other shadows other than your own when you make contact with them for an ACT while merged if somebody strikes the shadow they still have to roll a Aimed
Strike Check to hit you but this is only if they know that your part of a shadow (like performing this move in front of them)

Shadow Light
When merged into a shadow you can see as Infrared Sight and Sound Sight while merged

Black Zone
You may treat shadows around you in a 10DSU area as -5 or +5 TS brighter or darker adjusting per “Ninja” named class level. Also you can detect all zones that have shadows
even if you cannot see them.

Shadow Extension
You may have shadows treat as extra parts for yourself as long as you have sight to them their reach is up to 6DSU they may grapple and trip but not charge attack

Shadow Clone
Summon a clone of yourself from your shadow that does everything you can do and shares HP the cloned subjects HP this clone has all your equipment and powers if the clone
dies you lose all of your HP and KOed any Casts your clone does uses up your Casts and any limited equipment and class abilities are also used up the clone will not move
more than 6DSU away from you the clone may make separate choices from your main choice thus choose different targets and move in different spot you may only have 1 clone out
max the clone cannot clone itself the clone is unaffected by any effect unless you are effected the clones weaponry doesn’t ever break unless your weaponry breaks for
example the clone is treated as a Undeath classification and is officially an extension of yourself and intakes all effects you intake.

Master Ninja
Requires 2 levels Ninja

level 1 Pressure Point Combat/Under the Shadow

level 2 Crafting Devices/Master of the Alchemist Craft
level 3 Night Step/Escape Artist
level 4 Precision Thrower/Snatch Slash
level 5 Favored of the Dark and Light

Pressure Point Combat

Your attacks may instead attack a single stat of your choice this attack does not count as a normal attack thus does not apply your weapons multipliers or other effects
unless they permit. Damage dealt is untyped but cannot be negated except by mitigation of “special source” damage is equal to 1d4+1d4 per “Ninja” class levels this effect
stacks with similar stat effecting abilities.

Under the Shadow

Gain a +10 stealth check when moving in darkness TS 10 or higher (not counting your shadow or others) but you move at half your speed not counting your flash step which will
apply full movement speed.

Crafting Devices
Your Trap Maker ability now has a boosted +5 to all it's TS and cost reduced to 15 credits instead of 25 also the traps now be converted to a type of throwing device instead
that counts as a grenade also you may pay 100 credits to boost the damage dice grade by 1 so 5d4 turns to 5d6 max up to d12s instead

Master of the Alchemist Craft

Your Rogue, Assassin and “Ninja” named class levels and “Alchemist” named class levels count as the same classes for effects of each of these classes or qualifications

Escape Artist
If you fail a slight check gain a +1 to the next one you perform. You may perform 2 slights checks and take the highest in a single slight check to escape from a “trap” or

Night Step
When in shadows if you use any stealth typed actions that involve movement you can move half speed with no penalty.

Precision Thrower
When using thrown weapons extend its range increment by 3DSU and reduce called shots/pinpoint shots with thrown weapons by half rounded down

Snatch Slash
When you perform a slight to steal you may perform 2 slight checks and take the highest in a single slight check. Also you may perform a free single attack if you
successfully have stolen or try to leave a article in the same check.

Favored of the Dark and Light

You may switch all darkness TS requirements instead to brightness TS equivalents for any ability mentioning darkness to stealth checks.

Psionic Defender
Requires 5 levels of a Psionic class

level 1 Psionic Focus/Psionic Focus Requirement/Psionic Power V1

level 2 Psionic Defensive Focus/Psionic Power V2
level 3 Psionic Focus/Illusion Canceler
level 4 Mind Over Matter/Psionic Power V3
level 5 Psionic Focus/Psionic Defensive Focus Extreme

Psionic Focus
As a ½ ACT you may use abilities of a class with "Psionic" in the name or items that require Psionic Focus but suffer a -30 penalty on Guard Checks and -20 on Acrobatics
Checks per active Psionic Focus. If you are stuck with any damage you risk losing your Psionic Focus stacks the TS to make is a Mind Check of 25 with a +10 per stack of
Psionic Focus extra. If you have more than 1 Psionic Focus from another class you may during the same 1/2 ACT stack them but suffer the stack of the -30 Guard Checks and -20
on Acrobatics Checks. Duration of Psionic abilities used multiplies by the number of Psionic Focus active. Damage modifier max increases by 10 for each Psionic Focus for any
Psionic damage source, and Aimed Strike Check for Psionic attacks increase by +3 for each active Psionic Focus and Raise TS of any Psionic ability by +5 per extra stack past
the first. To shut of any number of Psionic Focus costs a ½ ACT. Per stack you may perform a small mind wave blast around you that deals 25+ 5 per level Psionic damage in a
3DSU area or a 3DSU sight line. This cannot be affected by psionic focus this cannot effect anything that is without a mind.

Psionic Focus Requirement

You must have Psionic Focus on to use any of these class abilities

Psionic Power
This class has a set of Psionic Power which their V# represents the Cast level they use though unlike other Casts these Casts do not consider as Casts within anti Casting
zones due to their users innate ability to control with their mind not with Mystic or divinity you can only use these powers if you have a Psionic Focus on

Psionic Power V#
These are Psionic Power Casts and use up a Cast level equal to their V#

Psionic Power V1
Telekinetic - Make an item up to 60DSU away come to you in a weight limitation of 250kg or repulse from you this power cannot fire a gun swing a sword or fire a bow but may
throw the items at the enemy if you have the Telekinesis ability from the Psionic Elementalist class you may add this Cast to its weight lift and distance
Telepathy - Talk via mind for 2 hours. This works between you and the person you linked to.
Object Float - Make a single object or willing being float up to 1 centimeter to 1DSU off surfaces for 5 rounds. This can only be on objects up to x10 your size category
ignoring any lift. The object can be moved up to 3DSU per round.

Psionic Power V2
Mind Crush – Cause Fear level 1 to a target that increases by +2 per Psionic Focus active you may lessen the fear level as you please
Mind Terror – For each level of fear on a target an effect happens, this automatically absorbs all the fear levels on the target though, level 1-5 fear the target has a 25%
chance to lose a ½ ACT they are performing, level 6-10 the target loses it's turn and cowers in true fear, level 11-15 the target starts to run away from a chosen vicinity
target that is their focus of paranoia and can only assume actions that get them away (not violent acts), level 16-20 the target suffers the run away effect and the 25%
chance to lose a ½ action effect when they are trying to run away.
Psionic Power V3
Psionic Charge Power – If you lose any Psionic Focus you may expend this to regain a single Psionic Focus back though this ability takes no action cost you must expend this
multiple times to re stack all your original stacks you have previously back. You may also activate this to apply a free action Psionic Focus.
Telepathic Share – You can make 2 targets you choose to gain Telepathy with each other for 2 hours. This works between the two targets you linked together.
Object Heighten Lift – Make up to 1 willing target or object per Psionic Focus active float up to 1 millimeter to 3DSU off the surfaces for 5 rounds. This can only be on
objects up to x10 your size category ignoring any lift. The object can be moved up to 3DSU per round.
Telekinetic Uplift - Make an item per Psionic Focus active up to 20DSU away come to you in a weight limitation of 125kg or repulse from you this power cannot fire a gun
swing a sword or fire a bow but may throw the items at the enemy if you have the Telekinesis ability from the Psionic Elementalist class you may add this Cast to its weight
lift and distance

Psionic Defensive Focus

Permits you to Guard & Evasion without the penalties but only once a round.

Illusion Canceler
Illusions do not affect you anymore of TS 10 + 15 per “Psionic” named class or lower this effect will only protect once per round per “Psionic” named class and passively
without a round use always works against a TS equal to half of the current TS rounded down

Mind Over Matter

Once per round you may exchange the STR or DEX score with the PSY score for a skill check.

Psionic Defensive Focus Extreme

Reduce Psionic Focus penalty by ½ from the guard & evasion penalty.

Psionic Mind Warper

Requires 2 levels of a “Psionic” named class

level 1 Psionic Focus/Mind Arrow/Psionic Focus Requirement/Psionic Power V1

level 2 Psionic Power V2
level 3 Psionic Focus/Psionic Power V3
level 4 Psionic Power V4
level 5 Psionic Focus/Psionic Power V5

Psionic Focus
As a ½ ACT you may use abilities of a class with "Psionic" in the name or items that require Psionic Focus but suffer a -30 penalty on Guard Checks and -20 on Acrobatics
Checks per active Psionic Focus. If you are stuck with any damage you risk losing your Psionic Focus stacks the TS to make is a Mind Check of 25 with a +10 per stack of
Psionic Focus extra. If you have more than 1 Psionic Focus from another class you may during the same 1/2 ACT stack them but suffer the stack of the -30 Guard Checks and -20
on Acrobatics Checks. Duration of Psionic abilities used multiplies by the number of Psionic Focus active. Damage modifier max increases by 10 for each Psionic Focus for any
Psionic damage source, and Aimed Strike Check for Psionic attacks increase by +3 for each active Psionic Focus and Raise TS of any Psionic ability by +5 per extra stack past
the first. To shut of any number of Psionic Focus costs a ½ ACT. Per stack you may perform a small mind wave blast around you that deals 25+ 5 per level Psionic damage in a
3DSU area or a 3DSU sight line. This cannot be affected by psionic focus this cannot effect anything that is without a mind.

Psionic Focus Requirement

You must have Psionic Focus on to use any of these class abilities

Mind Arrow
Weapons that use arrows, bolts or spears as their ammo may automatically reload with a mind arrow as long as you are Psionic Focus. This ammo ignores wind degree and grants
+1 Range increment on said weapons per 3 active Psionic Focus still scaling the pattern of range increments (always counts only 1 Psionic Focus active as 3). Shooting
negatives on range increments are reduced by -5 Aimed Strike Check per Psionic Focus active. The damage each shot deals is Psionic damage base. The ammo itself is meta

Psionic Power
This class has a set of Psionic Power which their V# represents the Cast level they use though unlike other Casts these Casts do not consider as Casts within anti Casting
zones due to their users innate ability to control with their mind not with Mystic or divinity you can only use these powers if you have a Psionic Focus on.

Psionic Power V1
Blow Back Shot- with a Ranged weapon in hand that makes a hit if the opponent doesn’t make your TS they are knocked prone and away from you by 1DSU per Psionic Focus if this
results them being hit into a wall or equal sized object of their own size they take an extra 5d6 Damage per Psionic Focus stacked. This effect activation is a free action
for that 1 attack.
Pummel Strike- with any Melee weapon attack you may grant the weapon a bonus x2 to its Damage bonus. If the weapon is a improvised weapon it instead gains +5 damage per
active Psionic Focus. This effect activation is a free action for that 1 attack.

Psionic Power V2
Hyper Range- Ranged weaponry distance is treated for 1 attack action x2 the distance except firearms. This effect activation is a free action for that 1 attack.
Psionic Reach- When performing a Melee attack extend the reach by 1DSU and +1DSU per Psionic Focus extra stack. This effect activation is a free action for that 1 attack.

Psionic Power V3
Hypnotize Mind- Make a single target fall asleep if they fail your TS for 5d4 rounds till you or your allies hurt them Mind Check for no effect
Calm Mind- Make a single target consider another target as a friend against your TS for 5d4 rounds till you or your allies hurt them Mind Check for no effect.
Frenzy Mind- Make a single target focus on another target as an enemy and focus only on your appointed target against your TS for 5d4 rounds Mind Check for no effect. This
effect activation is a free action for that 1 attack.

Psionic Power V4
Hypnotize Minds- Make targets equal to 1 target per 5 level max 5 falls asleep if they fail your TS for 5d4 rounds till you or your allies hurt them Mind Check for no effect
Calm Minds- Make targets equal to 1 target per 5 level max 5 consider appointed targets as a friend against your TS for 5d4 rounds till you or your allies hurt them Mind
Check for no effect
Frenzy Minds- Make targets equal to 1 target per 5 level max 5 consider another target or targets as an enemies and focus only on your appointed targeting per target against
your TS for 5d4 rounds Mind Check for no effect

Psionic Power V5
Supreme Emulate Thought Mind and Time (SETMT))- A single target must make against your TS or for 1 round have their thoughts shaped and controlled by you, you take round to
shift their thoughts (this does not count as the first round of the effect) in which you may alter their whole personality being a different person etc. treating you like
their ally think they went on a cool adventure with you or grew up with you etc. till the rounds burn out in which they return to their normal selves unsure of what happen
Mind Check for no effect

Psionic Sniper
Requires 2 levels Psionic Shot and 3 levels Sniper

Level 1 Psionic Focus/Psionic Focus Requirement/Illusionary Shot

Level 2 Psionic Aim
Level 3 Psionic Focus/Ambush Shot
Level 4 Empowered Shot
Level 5 Psionic Focus/Phase Shot Psionic

Psionic Focus
As a ½ ACT you may use abilities of a class with "Psionic" in the name or items that require Psionic Focus but suffer a -30 penalty on Guard Checks and -20 on Acrobatics
Checks per active Psionic Focus. If you are stuck with any damage you risk losing your Psionic Focus stacks the TS to make is a Mind Check of 25 with a +10 per stack of
Psionic Focus extra. If you have more than 1 Psionic Focus from another class you may during the same 1/2 ACT stack them but suffer the stack of the -30 Guard Checks and -20
on Acrobatics Checks. Duration of Psionic abilities used multiplies by the number of Psionic Focus active. Damage modifier max increases by 10 for each Psionic Focus for any
Psionic damage source, and Aimed Strike Check for Psionic attacks increase by +3 for each active Psionic Focus and Raise TS of any Psionic ability by +5 per extra stack past
the first. To shut of any number of Psionic Focus costs a ½ ACT. Per stack you may perform a small mind wave blast around you that deals 25+ 5 per level Psionic damage in a
3DSU area or a 3DSU sight line. This cannot be affected by psionic focus this cannot effect anything that is without a mind.

Focus Requirement
You must have Psionic Focus on to use any of these class abilities

Illusionary Shot
You may fire a ranged attack that deals 3/4 of normal damage that makes the target considered flanked by all within 6DSU of them for 3 rounds. Mind Check to negate.

Psionic Aim
Every time you attack a target with a ranged attack you gain +3 Aimed Strike Check against that target for 2 rounds, stacking with each hit. If you attack another target,
the bonus is reset.

Ambush Shot
Ranged attacks made against targets at 100% HP gain damage multipliers equal to 1/2 your character level.

Empowered Shot
Ranged attacks may inflict 1 status effect that is a mind effect. The effect rank is equal to the number of psionic focus stacks you currently have active up to a max of 10.

Phase Shot
As a full round ACT you may fire a ranged attack that phases through solid objects and ignores Guard Checks. Does not work with multi-attack effects.

Expert Summoner
Requires 5 levels Summoner

level 1 Summoners Stone V1/Summoning V1/Summoners Linking

level 2 Summoners Stone V2/Summoning V2/Summoning Unchained V1
level 3 Summoners Stone V3/Summoning V3/Conjuration Speech
level 4 Summoners Stone V4/Summoning V4/Summoning Unchained V2
level 5 Summoners Stone V5/Summoning V5/Wild Tongues

Summoners Stone V#
A Expert Summoner creates a special stone for 250 credits. This stone has 1 WS and 1 WSV. These stones are needed to use the ability Summoning V#. The stone is called a
Conjured Design Stone and does not automatically upgrade when gaining levels or class levels and to make a new one or update one takes 1 week of time though multiples can be
done at the same time. You can only have 1 per V# actively linked to yourself nor can you use a stone that is for a higher Summoning V# than your own or higher level. It
takes 1 week to link a Conjured Design Stone to yourself. All designs of the conjured are from the Summoning V# ability. A stone must visually be out in the open to keep the
summon active.

Summoning V#
You may summon a being called a Conjured. This ability cannot be used without a linked Conjured Design Stone. Conjured are a part of yourself split from your dream realm.
You invent a form of a Conjured based on your mental design and to make a new one takes takes a week, You can only store up to 5 Conjured designs at a time. Their form and
being are designed by the summoner but must remain in a body similar to a humanoid or a quadruped. Though looking like other beings they suffer a -100 to Disguise to look
like other races due to their inability to completely replicate their looks and behaviors. Conjured gain a classification and Body type. Body types grant different abilities
while Conjured always carry a classification connected to that body type. Conjured also gain a set of rules link to them listed below.
-Conjured do not have Stamina Points, Wisdom Points or Cast Pool Charges. Any action of using Stamina Wisdom or Cast Pool Charges instead pull from the Summoner themselves
instead as if they used the effect. If the ability uses a class level it uses the Summoners level as the class level but the familiars level for the measurement of character
level, If the effect calls for a specific class the “Summmoner” named class levels count as those class levels along with the original class level if the summoner contains
that class level instead wich ever is higher.
-Conjured never use up Stamina Points when they perform their own actions and always treated at 0 Stamina and can never go negative but cannot ever spend stamina.
-Takes a Full Round ACT to summon a Conjured of up to where 1 of your Familiars are and takes that Familiars Full Round ACT as well. There may only be 1 Conjured on the
field at a time. If a Conjured is reduced to 0 HP or is de-summoned it cannot be summoned again within it's slot for 1 minute. If all your Familiar slots are empty then your
Conjured automatically de-summons.
-Conjured can only exist out for up to 1 minute per Summoning V# max of 5 minutes.
-Conjured level is limited to your level divided by 4 minimal level 1 (They do not gain class levels). This decreases per Summoning V# of 0.5 to max decreasing of 1.5 at V5.
-Conjured that gain FP from any source ability cannot have that FP split off of themselves and can only go to themselves nor can they except any FP built into them from
outside sources.
-Conjured are limited to Micro size to Medium size at Summoning V1 but may grow up to Grand size at V5.
-Conjured gain stats from Chapter 11 NPC & Monsters. They gain in 4 General Positive Stats WEAK and increase 4 stats EASY. They gain 1 extra EASY stat per Summoning V# past
V1(Making all 8 EASY stat).
-Conjured gain HP of WEAK.
-Conjured gain CP of WEAK this increases by +1 Grade for CP up to max of FORMIDABLE per Summoning V# past V1. CP can boost a Conjured General Stat line and HP line up to
only a max of HARD.
-Conjured choose 1 body type and gain natural benefit of it and set choice classifications but always contain Changeling classification.
--Organic Fauna: Fey, Dragon, Arthropod, Amoebiod, Human, Reptile, Fish, Beast, Avian.
---Gain +3DSU to quadruped movement (Beast)(Reptile), 3DSU to swim movement (Fish)(Amoebiod)(Reptile), 1DSU to bipedal movement (Human)(Fey)(Dragon), +1DSU to slither
movement which cannot be tripped (Reptile)(Amoebiod)(Dragon), +1DSU to Flight movement (Avian)(Arthropod)(Dragon)(Fey). +15 to Scent and Sight checks.
--Organic Flora: Fey, Plant
---Gain +3DSU to slither movement which cannot be tripped. +15 to Climb and Slight checks.
--Inorganic Machine: Machination
---Choose 1 metal of bountiful to common and that is their base material (cannot apply additives). Can be summoned with compartments.
--Inorganic Ethereal: Machination, Elemental, Fey, Angel, Devil, Amoeboid.
---Gain Special resistance to 3 damage types (-5 mitigation per level), 3 that are weakness (x2 damage from that source), and 1 that gains immunity from. No weakness
resistance or immunity may overlap.
---This may overlap any Organic or Ethereal.

Summoners Linking
When you summon a familiar you may move your perception to it's own as a Full Round ACT this action reduces if you get another Summoners Linking by halve (Full Round ACT
goes to an ACT etc.). Also when any class that also has Summoners Linking must have a Familiar out to use it's abilities.

Summoning Unchained V#
When a Summon has a Grade limit to it's CP or Stat Progressions you may give up ½ your Max HP and turn off your regeneration for 3 rounds and all healing is cut in ½ for 3
rounds to yourself. During this the summon Has it's limit Grade increased by +5 for V1 and +4 more at V2. Though if V2 is used you instead cannot use regeneration and
healing is cut for 6 rounds instead of 3.

Conjuration Speech
You may learn languages from your Summoners Spirit ability.

Wild Tongues
You may start to learn languages with wisdom points of animals and things you normally can't pronounce but costs you 250 credits to get a special magic bead that stores the
ability to pronounce the sounds. You may also store other languages and their components within these same beads.

Master Summoner
Requires 5 levels of Expert Summoner

level 1 Familiar Enhancement

level 2 Summoning Enhancement
level 3 Fortify Familiar
level 4 Fortify Summon
level 5 Guardian Summon

Familiar Enhancement
Your Familiar level division is changed to divided by 1 instead of 1.5 you may also alter the size of your familiar to up to Huge

Summoning Enhancement
Your Conjured level is division level is lessen down by 0.5 extra to a minimal of divided by 1 per Summoning V#

Fortify Familiar
If your Familiar is reduced to 0 HP you may take a ½ ACT to restore it's health to full instead of it being auto de-summoned. You may only activate this once every 3 rounds.

Fortify Summon
It takes an ACT to summon and an ACT for your familiar to summon instead of a Full Round ACT and the summon remains for 2mins instead of 1mins per Summon V#

Guardian Summon
You may summon a Conjured from the HARD monster line for it's HP and all it's Positive stat lines grade but at divided by 1.5 of your level

Synthesis Summoner
Requires 2 levels of Summoner

level 1 Guardian Infusion V1/Summoner Linking

level 2 Familiar Bond V1/Summon Burst
level 3 Guardian Infusion V2/Summon Arching
level 4 Familiar Bond V2/Summoner Sight
level 5 Guardian Infusion V3/Summon Ultra Burst

Guardian Infusion V#
Instead of summoning your Familiar you gain a layer of bonus Damage Absorption equal to the familiars HP you also gain by choice of FP of ADD-ONs equal to the Familiars
Level divided by 4 rounded down to yourself as the self-area these effects last for 1d4 rounds per Guardian Infusion V# up to max 3d4 rounds you may only fuse 1 Familiar
slot into yourself. Once all the Damage Absorption is gone it counts as if your familiar was just destroyed. You cannot use a fused Familiar slots to use this ability.

Summoners Linking
When you summon a Familiar you may move your perception to it's own as a Full Round ACT this action reduces if you get another Summoners Linking by halve (Full Round ACT
goes to an ACT etc.). Also when any class that also has Summoners Linking must have a Familiar out to use it's abilities.
Summon Burst
You may increase any Familiar, Conjured or Trainers Pet summons by 1 grade to their HP and General Stats (WIMPY to WEAK etc.) this will decrease the time limit they have out
by half and cost you half your Current HP. If they do not have a time limit they may only remain out for up to 6 rounds then de-summon.

Familiar Bond V#
At V1 Familiar V# ability gains x2 the Familiar slots. At V2 Summoning V1 ability gains 1 extra Conjured slot. Ever V# also grants Familiars to gain regeneration 25 and
yourself 10 regeneration per Active Familiar, Conjured & Trainer Pets summoned out by you.

Summon Arching
You may Cast through your Familiar or Conjured as if you were standing were they are as an aim point.

Summon Sight
You may with Summoner Linking ability instead use your Conjured.

Summon Ultra Burst

Summon Burst ability costs one forth your Current HP instead of one half. The rounds till they de-summon will also increase to 12 rounds instead of 6. Upon the end the
rounds the Summons effected will blast in a 3DSU radius against opponents dealing Void damage equal to their HP divided by 20.

Summoner Of The Forbidden

Requires level 5 of Summoner and level 10

level 1 Forbidden Familiar Stone V1/Summon Forbidden V1/Summoner Linking

level 2 Forbidden Familiar Stone V2/Summon Forbidden V2/Summon Enhance V1/Forbidden Blockade
level 3 Forbidden Familiar Stone V3/Summon Forbidden V3/Summoner Awakening
level 4 Forbidden Familiar Stone V4/Summon Forbidden V4/Summon Enhance V2/Forbidden Link
level 5 Forbidden Familiar Stone V5/Summon Forbidden V5/God Forced Forbidden Summon

Forbidden Familiar Stone V#

A Summoner Of The Forbidden creates a special stone for 250 credits. This stone has 1 WS and 1 WSV. These stones are needed to use the ability Summon Forbidden V#. The stone
is called a Forbidden Conjured Design Stone and does not automatically upgrade when gaining levels or class levels and to make a new one or update one takes 1 week of time
though multiples can be done at the same time. You can only have 1 per V# actively linked to yourself nor can you use a stone that is for a higher Summon Forbidden V# than
your own or higher level. It takes 1 week to link a Forbidden Conjured Design Stone to yourself. All designs of the forbidden conjured are from the Summon Forbidden V#
ability. A stone must visually be out in the open to keep the summon active.

Summon Forbidden V#
You may summon a being called a Forbidden Conjured. This ability cannot be used without a linked Forbidden Conjured Design Stone. Forbidden Conjured are a part of yourself
split from your dream realm. You invent a form of a Forbidden Conjured based on your mental design and to make a new one takes takes a week, You can only store up to 5
Forbidden Conjured designs at a time. Their form and being are designed by the summoner but must remain in a body similar to a humanoid or a quadruped. Though looking like
other beings they suffer a -100 to Disguise to look like other races due to their inability to completely replicate their looks and behaviors. Conjured gain a classification
and Body type. Body types grant different abilities while Forbidden Conjured always carry a classification connected to that body type. Forbidden Conjured also gain a set of
rules link to them listed below.
-Forbidden Conjured do not have Stamina Points, Wisdom Points or Cast Pool Charges. Any action of using Stamina Wisdom or Cast Pool Charges instead pull from the Summoner
themselves instead as if they used the effect. If the ability uses a class level it uses the Summoners level as the class level but the familiars level for the measurement
of character level, If the effect calls for a specific class the “Summmoner” named class levels count as those class levels along with the original class level if the
summoner contains that class level instead wich ever is higher.
-Forbidden Conjured never use up Stamina Points when they perform their own actions and always treated at 0 Stamina and can never go negative but cannot ever spend stamina.
-Takes a Full Round ACT to summon a Forbidden Conjured up to 6DSU from yourself. There may only be 1 Forbidden Conjured on the field at a time. To summon a Forbidden
Conjured removes all Familiar and Conjured slots and de-summons them when they are out. If a Forbidden Conjured is reduced to 0 HP or is de-summoned it cannot be summoned
again within it's slot for 1 minute.
-Forbidden Conjured exist by draining your HP, Each round while it is out it drains 10% of your Max HP. It will always drain minimal 150 HP per round. This counts as damage
that is not to yourself or an ally. If you do not have enough HP to feed it will de-summon. All regeneration while the Forbidden Conjured is cut by 1/10th rounded down.
-Forbidden Conjured level is equal to your level (They do not gain class levels).
-Forbidden Conjured that gain FP from any source ability cannot have that FP split off of themselves and can only go to themselves nor can they except any FP built into them
from outside sources.
-Forbidden Conjured gain FP equal to Summon Forbidden V# x15.
-Forbidden Conjured are limited to Micro size to Immense size at Summoning Forbidden V1 but may grow up to Immeasurable size at V5.
-Forbidden Conjured gain stats from Chapter 11 NPC & Monsters. They gain in 4 General Positive Stats EASY and increase 4 stats NORMAL. They gain 1 extra NORMAL stat per
Summoning V# per V# past V1 (Making all 8 NORMAL stat).
-Forbidden Conjured gain HP of EASY.
-Forbidden Conjured gain CP of EASY this increases by +1 Grade for CP up to max of HARSH per Summon Forbidden V# past V1. CP can boost a Forbidden Conjured General Stat line
and HP line up to only a max of HARSH.
-Forbidden Conjured choose 1 body type and gain natural benefit of it and set choice classifications but always contain Changeling classification.
--Organic Fauna: Fey, Dragon, Arthropod, Amoebiod, Human, Reptile, Fish, Beast, Avian.
---Gain +3DSU to quadruped movement (Beast)(Reptile), 3DSU to swim movement (Fish)(Amoebiod)(Reptile), 1DSU to bipedal movement (Human)(Fey)(Dragon), +1DSU to slither
movement which cannot be tripped (Reptile)(Amoebiod)(Dragon), +1DSU to Flight movement (Avian)(Arthropod)(Dragon)(Fey). +15 to Scent and Sight checks.
--Organic Flora: Fey, Plant
---Gain +3DSU to slither movement which cannot be tripped. +15 to Climb and Slight checks.
--Inorganic Machine: Machination
---Choose 1 metal of bountiful to common and that is their base material (cannot apply additives). Can be summoned with compartments.
--Inorganic Ethereal: Machination, Elemental, Fey, Angel, Devil, Amoeboid.
---Gain Special resistance to 3 damage types (-5 mitigation per level), 3 that are weakness (x2 damage from that source), and 1 that gains immunity from. No weakness
resistance or immunity may overlap.
---This may overlap any Organic or Ethereal.

Summoners Linking
When you summon a Familiar you may move your perception to it's own as a Full Round ACT this action reduces if you get another Summoners Linking by halve (Full Round ACT
goes to an ACT etc.). Also when any class that also has Summoners Linking must have a Familiar out to use it's abilities.
Summon Enhance V#
Your Familiar, Conjured and Forbidden Conjured receive a bonus +15 FP per Enhance V# max +30

Forbidden Blockade
Your Forbidden Conjured when is being de-summoned instead just loses 1 Stat progression for 2 rounds till it hits below WIMPY.

Summoner Awakening
Your Summoner Linking also works on a Forbidden Conjured

Forbidden Link
Your Forbidden Conjured when is being de-summoned stat progression loss will only last for 1 round instead of 2 from Forbidden Blockade. Also you may with Synthesis Summoner
you may use your Forbidden Conjured instead of your Familiars if it's out for it's Guardian Infusion ability or Familiar Bond.

God Forced Forbidden Summon

When your HP hit 0 you automatically use Summon Forbidden V#. It will last for 1 hour as long as you are KOed not Dead which case this ability wont activate.

Summoner Of The Worlds

Requires level 2 of Summoner and level 2 Trainer

level 1 Summon Booster V1/Summoners Linking

level 2 Summon Massive V1/Summoners Passage
level 3 Summon Booster V2/Summoners Control
level 4 Summon Massive V2/Summoners World
level 5 Summon Booster V3/Summoners Destiny

Summon Booster V#
You may boost either your Familiar, Conjured or Forbidden Conjured or Trainer Pet Grade by +1 by sacrificing a Familiar if it is a Forbidden Conjured you may instead instead
the HP loss by x2 per boost increasing the stat progression Grade by 1 more thus if the HP and Stat Grade is EASY then it goes to NORMAL then again to HARD then again to
FORMIDABLE etc. but cannot surpass their limit of progression grade. At V2 Any “summoner” named class and Trainer class gains +10 FP to their summons and at V3 +20 more FP
this bonus FP.

Summoners Linking
When you summon a familiar you may move your perception to it's own as a Full Round ACT this action reduces if you get another Summoners Linking by halve (Full Round ACT
goes to an ACT etc.). Also when any class that also has Summoners Linking must have a Familiar out to use it's abilities.

Summon Massive V#
You may summon either a Extra Familiar from the Summoner Class or a Conjured creature from the Expert Summoner class or Extra Animal from the Trainer Class equal to the V#

Summoners Passage
You may turn a Familiar or a Trainer Pet into a Conjuration Circle. This circle lasts for 30 minutes and may be used as a summon point as if it was a familiar and counts as
one during the time but you cannot exceed your Familiar slot using this or your Trainer Pet slot allotment if you used that virtually take the space of one. Unlike a summon
a Conjuration Circle is a metaphysical section that cannot be physically attacks but can be de-summoned as normal.

Summoners Control
Convert a Familiar into a Conjured and it treats itself as the summoning zone also this will allow you break the Conjured limit.

Summoners World
Your Summoners Linking now instead links to all your Familiar, Conjured, Forbidden Conjured and Trainer Pets all share the same sensory of another via each others eyes and

Summoners Destiny
You may increase the amount of Summon Forbidden from 1 to 2 instead but you yourself must always give up an ACT every round till dismissed. Cost to Keep both is only worth
the cost of 1.

Psycho Gunner
Requires 1 level Trick Gunner

level 1 Nut Case

level 2 Painful Reload
level 3 Hit Skid
level 4 Slow the fall
level 5 I’m flying I’m flying

Nut Case
When firing your firearm you may perform a Melee attack extra during the shot that is near you that is in your size reach once per round for 1 attack this attack is not
subject to negatives from Multi-Attacks from different limbs and sources

Painful Reload
When emptying out a magazine of a firearm you may throw it at a 6DSU range you must roll a Aimed Strike Check and while reloading you may perform Nut Case while throwing the
magazine this is not considered an attack action and does not take any negatives

Hit Skid
During your movement you may perform slight or climb checks to skid or ascend up walls or down vertically inclined 90-degree angle max during your move action with a +15
Acrobatics Check during the move action
Slow the fall
Your Hit Skid now may Skid down walls instead of limited to 90-degree vertical inclines

I’m Flying I’m flying

You may fire your gun during your Hit Skid as the Dancing Shot and may perform the dancing shot every time you move but considered your attack action of the round after your
turn ends

Havoc Gunner
Requires 2 levels of either Trick Gunner or Gunslinger

level 1 Havoc Charge Shot

level 2 Painful bullets V1
level 3 Busting Havoc Blast
level 4 Painful Bullets V2
level 5 Judgment Dread

Havoc Charge Shot

If your opponent defends against a gunshot it deals ¼ the Damage that’s un-ignorable but any effect

Painful bulletsV1-2
If Damage is done through a gunshot to a defending being they are stricken with pain and has a 25% chance of losing their current action they try each time V2 raises chance
to 50%

Busting Havoc Blast

Your shots instead deal 1/3 the Damage instead of ¼ through Guard Checks

Judgment Dread
Your shots deal ½ the Damage through Guarding checks instead of 1/3

Zilo Soul Bond

Requires 2 levels of Zilo Synergist

level 1 Zilo Energy Control/Casters Enhancer/Martial Enhancer

level 2 Forbidden Spark Of Life
level 3 Reversal Of Effect Zilo
level 4 Zilo Synergy
level 5 Eternal Life

Zilo Energy Control

You may expend an level 1-5 Cast to gain Zilo charges equal to the Cast expend as a ½ ACT these charges can be expend for “Casts uses” for later or abilities that use
“charges” as part of their class abilities these charges remain for 24 hours or till expend you can only hold up to charges equal to your Zilo Synergist level and your Zilo
Soul Bond level (Max 10) if you expend 5 charges you can give to a target a random mutation from the Zilo Mutation Template or 10 for a chosen mutation.

Casters Enhancer
Buy expending Zilo charges you can gain a +5 bonus to your modifier for 1 round per charge for Casts Damage this cannot break the Cast MOD Max

Martial Enhancer
By expending Zilo charges you can gain a +5 bonus to your attacks for 1 round equal to the charges spent

Forbidden Spark Of Life

You can expend a #% of your life to your allies within 5DSU and heal them by that much you can also use Zilo charges to heal them +10 healing (not Holy or Unholy but Void)
per charge expended for this effect as a ½ ACT this also can revive characters that have freshly died and if you expend 90% of your life (along with at least 5 Zilo charges
these charges do not heal) you can revive and reverse death completely from long dead targets if they wish to be revived you cannot regain the 90% HP from any means for 1
week after performing this action

Reversal Of Effect Zilo

The last level of Zilo Synergist level is no longer locked and you may reverse its form as a Full Round ACT or reverse “others” if you cure them of their last 2 levels of
Zilo Synergist and revert to level 3 Zilo Synergist they can take the 4th level of Zilo Synergist again if they please though also you can cure a Zilo Mutation Template
stack for 10 Zilo charges.

Zilo Synergy
You can now hold x2 as much Zilo charges max (level 5 Zilo Synergist 5 and Zilo Soul Bond level 5 = 20 instead of max 10)

Eternal Life
Your character can never “age” or “die” from age, hunger, lack of sleep etc. Though they still wish to eat and sleep normally, though do not have to but are not consider
rested if they skip it on it. You can stop eating and sleeping for 1 week before it start to affect your natural healing and Casts restored. You also heal from both Unholy
and Holy healing.

Master Alchemist
Requires 3 levels Alchemist
level 1 Alchemist Imbue/Chemical Kit Dependency/Chemistry Master
level 2 Quick Toss
level 3 Gene Splice
level 4 Quick Alchemy
level 5 Alchemists Grand Arsenal

Chemical Kit Dependency

Requires the Alchemists Chemical kit to use these abilities

Chemistry Master
You may make any consumable class item or charge item at 1/2 It's time including “Alchemist” named class ability type consumables. And reduces the minimal time of 5mins to
1min instead. Also you may alter these items with special effects from Alchemist Imbue ability if it applies to the effect correctly.

Alchemist Imbue
Choose any of the Imbues below and apply them to a chemical compound only, you must provide a 250 base price credits per Imbue and may only apply max 5 on one compound but
you may repeat the same Imbue effect and stack the rounds they last and effects but not the TS it takes to resist.

-Imbue Enhanced
Your mix gains +5 to it's base damage or healing effect or +1 round/min/hour/day to one of it's effect duration. The duration boost costs x2 as much per Imbue to the base
price (250 to 500 to 1000 to 2000 etc.) so +5 duration is 7750 credits to the base price if it's boosting the same duration.
-Imbue Gas
Your mixer choice will emit a gas for 2 rounds releasing the effect for those rounds in a 3DSU area and cannot see for 2 rounds through the gas effect
-Imbue Burn
Imbue a Burning effect to your mixer choice that when a foe is struck with this property makes a Slight Check equal to your level +19 if they fail they suffer Burn Effect
(chosen damage of Heat,Cold,Acid,Ion) the level the Burn Effect can be increased up from level 1 with 500 credits per level.
-Imbue Poisoning
Your mix may apply a Sleep, Stun or Poison effect. When a foe is struck with this property makes a Endure Check equal to your level +19 if they fail they suffer the chosen
effect made. The level the Status Effect can be increased up from level 1 with 500 credits per level.
-Imbue Spreading
You may apply an spreading effect to your mixer ability that adds a 1DSU radius explosion or to the gas effect if it's present.
-Imbue Entangling
Imbue a Entangling effect to your mixer ability that when a foe is struck with this property makes a Muscle check equal to your level +19 if they fail they suffer -5 on all
Physical D20 rolls and Damage for 3 rounds and for 1 round they cannot move, this effect stacks when applied from another source.

Quick Toss
You may throw more than 1 consumable in a violent action and continually throw them till you fail a slight check, for every compound past 2 thrown you must beat the TS of 25
and TS increases by +15 every time you throw again, if you fail you must stop throwing the compounds.

Gene Splice
When applying templates to a target you may reduce the time by half and apply a special Blue Print called a Gene Print to have assistance with the operation.

Quick Alchemy
Time when making any consumable or charge article is ½ the time again to ¼ time from Chemistry Master.

Alchemists Grand Arsenal

The Alchemist Chemistry Kit, Artificers Tool Kit & Inventors Tool Kit becomes able to hold unlimited of any consumable article and a ½ Act to call any number of it out even
during combat (Cannot Apply Quick Draw Effects to this item for this effect storage) Quick Toss can be performed with this storage though.

Transmutation Alchemist
Requires 3 levels Alchemist

level 1 Touch of Transformation/Alteration Reach 1DSU

level 2 Touch of Mass Transformation/Alteration Reach 1DSU
level 3 Touch of Expert Transformation/Alteration Reach 1DSU
level 4 Touch of Mass Expert Transformation/Alteration Reach 1DSU
level 5 Alchemist's Ultimate Formula/Alteration Reach 1DSU

Touch of Transformation
When touching an item via your Physical contact (not through clothing) you may work it into various items up to the size of equal to your Alteration Reach ability in cubed
feat, you may apply any sort of temperature (limited to up to 5000 TS of heat or 100 TS of cold), Separation of components, combination of components and aged process of the
components (not backwards only forwards) and apply any sort of pressure amount (Limited to 5000 pascal) along with shape in this ability to produce items (through Mechanic,
Alchemist, Artificer and Inventor classes) this only allows you to extract the materials and create proper materials this cannot effect living subjects PCs or NPCs
(Including Machine Body Type) nor their equipment in the space up to the Alteration Reach max effective area.

Alteration Reach 1DSU

Your effective radius of Touch of Transformation reaches out 1DSU per Alteration Reach thus going to max 5DSU from your contact touch point with yourself in a radius

Touch of Mass Transformation

Your Touch of Alteration permits you to halve your time of creating items with a minus 50 to your build check multiple Transmutation Alchemist can stack this effect all
adding their negatives as well full minus 100 not half to the check

Touch of Expert Transformation

You may produce a weapon that is not upgraded as you see fit this item cannot be sold and breaks after the combat and is only creatable if you have proper materials
possessed or in area of Alteration Reach max effective area.

Touch of Mass Expert Transformation

Your Negative from halving creation time negative becomes 25 instead of 50
Alchemist's Ultimate Formula
You may create a book for 50,000 credits called a Alchemists Formula Book. This books weight is equal to 10kg. The book itself counts as a magical article containing any
type of crafting formula within itself. This book may contain any casts with their empowering imbues from other abilities etc. as long as it was placed within the book using
up the necessary casts to create it. Once a cast is stored within the book it can be cast as if the person knows the cast by any reader that has “Proper Access” to the book.
A book can have access placed within the book requirements are designed by the maker itself. For each Cast Charges used to apply to the book increases it's value by 1000
credits. Only up to 20 Unique casts (Any change to 1 cast will alter it to a new Unique version like changing it's damage type or expanding it's range or from a template
ability to multiply it's damage etc.) can be placed within 1 book but may be expanded by another 10 for 50,000 credits. As a special ability the book can use any one of it's
cast abilities placed within it from the user for free if it only uses a Cast Charge amount of 5 or lower as a Full Round ACT. To increase the uses per day of a free use of
the books cast abilities will cost 10,000 credits. To increase it's Cast Charge limitation will cost 15,000 credits per 5 Cast Charges.

Mystic Alchemist
Requires 5 levels of Alchemist

level 1 Master Synthesis V1/Philosophers Stone

level 2 Master Synthesis V2
level 3 Master Synthesis V3/Philosophers Weapon
level 4 Master Synthesis V4
level 5 Master Synthesis V5/Philosophers Elixir

Master Synthesis V#
You have an FP pool equal to the V# x5 that you can place into items per day if you still have an item you placed FP into you do not get that FP back if you sold the item
and received the credits you will regain the FP you had invested in that item from but cannot apply it for a day this class ability takes 1 hour to initiate this effect into
items you are imbuing simultaneously (thus can work on multiple items at the same 1 hour time) (you cannot trade amongst your party pre creation)

Philosophers Stone
Once every 2 weeks permitted by spending 2 week of time (336 hours) and 25,000 credits (this if a type of craft but don't need to make a craft check nor can apply price
Mitigations only time Mitigations) you can make a special stone called the Philosopher Stone (Hardness equal to 15), which can be used to do the following:
-Substitute for any power source for infinite time and emits 10 Zilo energy a round per 1kg Weight score (Max Store 50kg per weight score).
-This stone may be absorbed to give you back all your Casts for the day.
-The stone also can be used to fully heal a subject upon use
-The stone can revive a fallen ally from death (if they been dead up to 1 month and the body is preserved)
-The stone can transmogrify itself to any known material of up to 6000 WSV for Bountiful, 3000 WSV for common, 1500 WSV for Uncommon, 1000 WSV for Rare, 750 WSV for Scarce,
600 WSV for Legacy, 300 WSV for Unobtainable, 3 WSV for Godly (except itself) upon which it is now that material.
-This stone can be used as a craft material for items of Legacy Grade at a material component etc.
-This item itself is considered the basic material needed for anything potently powerful in existence. This is the pen ultimate of a Alchemists desires for his master
creations or any craftsman that can get a hold of one
-It is worth 250,000 credits for just 1 and their weight is 10kg per stone

Philosophers Weapon
By using a Philosophers Stone you can turn it into a weapon called the Philosophers Weapon (Hardness Infinite And Weightless). This weapon is considered to be the very
essence of creation or destruction. Upon creation the weapon will exist for 1 year. During this time the weapon FP is equal to your own character class levels x10 (max 250
FP) (any applied ADD-ONs from creation remove out of the current FP) the weapon grade is of the highest upgrades but every time the weapon is used in combat it loses 25 days
of existance. This article has no ADD-ON limit unlike other equipment, you may adapt the ADD-ONs to different ones as a ½ ACT. If this item is used to make a weapon that
fires projectiles all projectiles are basic projectiles and has unlimited ammo but takes the normal time for any reloading of the weapon it emulates as but does not need to
be maintained nor can it break or jam from misfires. Anybody can use this weapon and the weapon itself sells for 7,500 credits per 5 FP max 375,000 credits the items price
drops by 10% per 25 days it loses on it's existence.

Philosophers Elixir
By using a Philosophers Stone you can turn it into a special liquid. This liquid can come in the form of different effects by the choices listed. All effects can instead be
reversed as well for an opposite type of effect like a cure. All effects can only effect those with Organic as part of their race and can drink the vial. You can mix more
than 1 effect into an elixir but each effect stacks into the cost and time to make. It takes 1 month to make an elixir with a single effect worth 150,000 credits per effect.
You cannot stack opposition effects into an elixir. This elixir cannot be remade from other articles copied etc. thus reconstructing or using mimicry.
Rejuvenation of Age: you reverse your age back from 1d10 years. The effect that happens in a time span of 1 day as if you are aging backwards if this results in you turning
back into pre-birth you disappear and cease to live. If you make a reverse of this instead it adds 1d10 years per drink.
Ageless Eternity: you stop the ageing process of your body thus upon that point you do not age with time nor will die of old age the reverse of this effect will undo this
effect and any being that is consider ageless will also lose their agelessness.
Enhance Self: you gain a +5 to one of your stats. This effect reversed is instead a –5 to one of the stats.
Drink of Life: upon use this elixir will revive somebody back to life the reverse is the elixir will kill a living entity.

Requires 1 levels of Artificer or Alchemist or Mechanic

level 1 Builders Mastery V1/Create Simple Items/Advanced Building/Inventors Tool Kit/Blue Prints/Proto Blue Prints
level 2 Builders Mastery V2/Create Small Machines
level 3 Builders Mastery V3/Create Medium Machines
level 4 Builders Mastery V4/Create Large Machines
level 5 Builders Mastery V5/Create Grand Machines

Another Inventor may assist their prices and ½ their check with your own to make better articles past both your own abilities alone this also lessens time to make divided by
each Inventor helping

Builders Mastery V#
This ability adds extra credit limit to “Bio-Creation V# & Creation V#” abilities +5,000 per V# Max 25,000 Credits.
Advanced Building
You may at GM discretion produce items past the Artificer/Alchemist building techniques and use effects of the Advanced Building section in the item creation rules as well
as apply ADD-ONs as item upgrades. These effects are considered upgrades of the base item and are multiplied by normal material rarity costs.

Inventors Tool Kit

You Need Artificer Tool Kit or Chemist Kit to perform any of the creation abilities of this class. You may upgrade the Kit for 10,000 credits to become a Inventors Tool Kit
(only if it was a max upgraded Kit) Which Provides a bonus +25 to Build Checks and counts as both Chemist Kit and Artificer Tool Kit for any work. This Kit also provides a
bonus to reducing time on crafting Articles under 500 credits by half the time. You may upgrade this Kit Further for 25,000 credits to obtain +1 extra project slot to a max
of +10 extra project slots.

Create Simple Items

You may make simple tools and items and fix things as TS implies all items take a variable of days or hours 1000 credits is equivalent to 12 hours work for every 1000 credit
it takes 12 hours more and item of 500 credits is 6 hours 250 credits 3 hours 125 credits is 1 hour any simple items are created in 1 hour of work from 1 credit to 124
credits take 1 hour officially simple items are like dice and unimportant items example a key dice or a card are simple

Blue Prints
You may make a item called a “Blue Print” these articles are special and weight in at 250g each normally and are made of special materials etc. (generally types of paper and
instruction manuals) To construct one takes 1 hour per 10,000 credits worth of the article and 150 credits. Once created you may use a Blue Print to have others more easily
assist you in building. For each extra Blue Print used by a Alchemist or Artificer the build check is increased by a bonus +5. While a Blue Print is being used (Not per Blue
Print) decrease the time it takes to build by 1 day per person max persons on a project equal to each 12 hours it takes to build the article in a 1DSU cubed squaring and for
or each 1DSU cubed of the objects size extra persons to assist. Minimal time to build is always 5mins till. Aid another also does not suffer a penalty. If you already have
this ability gain +5 to build checks. You cannot Blue Print articles attached to a class ability.

Prototype Blue Prints

Your Blue Prints ability can now make a new type of Blue Print called a “Prototype Blue Print” This type of Blue Print may make any new “Inventions” from this class at the
cost of 500 credits and 2 hours of time per 10,000 credits of the article. Upon completion of the article you may then perform a “Blue Print” of the new article. You must
use this ability before you make a new article not listed in the manual. This Blue Print unlike a normal Blue Print does not grant bonuses to build checks. You cannot Blue
Print articles attached to a class ability.

Create Small Machines

You may create robotics and machinery up to 100DSU cubed of space. The cost of creating machines is 1500 credits per 1DSU cube mutliplied by material rarity. If building
something smaller than a 1DSU cube you may create 2 small, 8 tiny, or 16 micro machines for each 1DSU cube of material. The weight of machines are 5kg per 1DSU cube(3 for
small, 2 for tiny, and 1 for micro per machinne) multiplied by material. Multiple inventors may work together to add their maximum machine sizes together for a single
project. You may also craft any of the following:

- For 5000 credits you may add Cyborg or Golem template to a patient
- You may make a non sentient Cyberoid. You may pay 50000 credits to make the Cyberoid sentient.
- You may create computer programs in your machines. The cost is 500 credits for each individual command your program is capable of doing. Each program counts as a process
for a robot.
- You may craft a new body for a sentient machine race but must pay additive price of each material involved per body part.

Create Medium Machines

Enhanced machinery skills now allow you to make a 1100DSU-cube of machinery

Create Large Machines

Enhanced machinery skills now allow you to make a 4100DSU-cube of machinery

Create Grand Machines

Enhanced machinery skills now allow you to make a 13100DSU-cube of machinery

Great Daemon Knight

Requires 3 levels Daemon Knight

level 1 Daemon Blade V1/Mark of Evil

level 2 Daemon Armor V1/Daemon Shield
level 3 Daemon Blade V2/Daemon Gauntlets
level 4 Daemon Armor V2/Daemon Infusion
level 5 Ashes To Ashe/Daemonic Guardian

Mark of Evil
You must not be good to use any of these class abilities. Abilities of this class also count for Daemon Knights activation.

Daemon Blade V1-2

To use this ability you cannot change into your Daemon Form ability to produce a Daemon Blade that matches your size you can truly wield and will adjust accordingly. It can
be any bladed Melee weapon of basic grade it’s material is Daemon Bone and has a hardness of 50 the blade blades Damage though is always Heat/Unholy based Damage. You may
only summon 1 Daemon Blade in existence and can only be done once a turn V2 The blade upgrades to it's maximum upgrade potential. The Damage of the Daemon Blade grows x2 of
the basic weapons Damage. You may summon 2 Blades instead of 1 in existence and can only be done once a turn. Upon the use of this power you still obtain the guard bonus of
the size you would have been if you grew from Daemon Form ability.

Daemon Armor
To use this ability you cannot change into your Daemon Form ability to produce a Daemon Armor (this may be active at the same time as the Daemon Blade) the armor give the
user a Void-type defensive bonus of +25 (per body part) and at V2 +50 (per body part) it is made of Daemon Bone with hardness of 50 unlike normal armor this covers over the
users body like a skin thus does not slow down the user. This ability does not count as armor for agile fighter class but overrides normal armor if it's superior to it. This
is a summon.

Daemon Shield
You may make a Daemon shield in place of your Daemon Weapon this shield is identical to the stats of the Daemon Armor armor bonus type and growth and counts as any sized
shield you wish matching your own size of wield ability of being used as a shield. This is a summon.
Daemon Gauntlets
You may make a set of Daemon gauntlets instead of 1 Daemon Blade of Shield with double its guard and damage bonus. This is a summon.

Daemon Infusion
Your bonus to your Daemon Blade or Daemon Gauntlets basic damage boost of x2 is increased to x3. Also when the blade misses it always deals 1/4th it's damage. Upon a miss
reduce the foes next mind check against your Burning Fear by -5 for the rest of the combat.

Daemonic Guardian
Your Bonus to Daemon Armor and Shield gain a bonus +10 to all pieces.

Ashes to Ashes
To Cinders instead deals either 1d6+100 (from it's 1d6+50 previous) Or allow it to burn for a set of turns equal to the Cast level spent dealing 1d6+25 instead of the

Nightmare Hunter Elite

Requires level 5 Nightmare Hunter

Level 1 Fearless/Gravity Defied

Level 2 Flash Step +3DSU/Dark Slayer Empower
Level 3 Weakness Cut/Counter Flash
Level 4 Flash Step +3DSU/Slow Fall
Level 5 Long Strike/Tactical Advantage

Fear effects are reversed on you, granting you a +1 to d20 rolls per stack instead.

Gravity Defied
Gain +3 to your jump check per character level.

Flash Step +3DSU

Flash Step ability adds a movement bonus to land speed only of 3DSU. All flash steps stack together.

Dark Slayer Empower

Your Dark Slayer abilities gain the following bonuses:

Empowering Spirit: Grants +20 instead of +10

Hyper Dash: Gain 3DSU movement speed. You may expend up to 4 casts to increase this bonus by 3DSU per cast
Illusion Tempest: You may make 2 clones per cast
Sonic Blade Cut: Your reach is increased to 12DSU instead of 8DSU
Cloud Jump: You may perform up to a maximum of 4 jumps
Dynamic Agility: Starts at +10 bonus, doubling up to a max of +50
Vortex Sonic Cut: For every 1DSU of Flash Step given up, you reach an additional 3DSU

Weakness Cut
Your attacks may forgo normal damage to attack a single stat instead, dealing 1d4 + 1d4 per "Nightmare Hunter" named class level. This is untyped damage but cannot be
negated except by mitigation of "special source" damage.

Counter Flash
If you use a Flash Step from Side Flash ability or Acrobatic Flash ability and end up near an enemy you may make 1 free counter attack but you may only perform this once per
opponent a turn.

Slow Fall
You are immune to fall damage equal to your Flash Step distance.

Long Strike
You may use your Flash Step instead into distance for a Thrown Weapon.

Tactical Advantage
Whenever you are stuck by an attack you gain +3DSU movement and +25 Evasion for 2 rounds, stacking up to 5 times. Successfully evading an attack refreshes the duration but
does not add a new stack.

Nightmare Hunter Master

Requires level 2 Nightmare Hunter

Level 1 Advanced Flash Step/Aura of Heart

Level 2 Dark Slayer Support/Empowered Support
Level 3 Guardian of All/Instant Step
Level 4 Flash Step +3DSU/Soul Lock String
Level 5 Flash Step +3DSU/Nightmare to Nightmares

Advanced Flash Step

Once per round as a 1/2 act you may triple your land movement speed, may move through foe's squares without interruptions, and gain a +30 to your Jump checks. This action
itself cannot be interrupted and lasts until the end of the round.
Aura of Heart
As a 1/2 act activate a 6DSU aura that renders all allies within 6DSU immune to fear effects.

Dark Slayer Support

You may cast the following Dark Slayer abilities on allied targets with diminished effect:

Empowering Spirit: Grants them +5, stacking once per your character level. This effect lasts 5 rounds.
Illusion Tempest: You may clone a friendly target. This effect is limited by your normal clone limit.
Sonic Blade Cut: Grants the target 3DSU reach on their melee weapons for 3 rounds. When attacking with the added reach they deal wind damage.
Cloud Jump: They may jump twice in a row on their next jump action within 5 rounds. The second jump can be even within the air as if they used a hard surface
Dynamic Agility: They gain a +2 to evasion, jump, and slight checks for 1 round. This bonus doubles with each stack up to a maximum of 25.
Soul Sense: All allies within 8DSU gain the full effects of your Soul Sense when you cast it on yourself

Empowered Support
The effects of your Dark Slayer Support are doubled if you have Dark Slayer Empower from Nightmare Hunter Elite

Guardian of All
You may make a guard or Acrobatics Check when an adjacent ally is attacked to take the damage yourself instead of the intended target and reduce the damage taken by 1/2. You
may use a 1/2 act to use Advanced Flash Step to reach an allied target before performing this ability.

Instant Step
You may as a movement action teleport up to a distance equal to your total Flash Step distance. After using this ability you cannot benefit from Flash Steps or use this
ability again for 2 rounds.

Flash Step +3DSU

Flash Step ability adds a movement bonus to land speed only of 3DSU. All flash steps stack together.

Soul Lock String

You may make an Ethereal rope by choice that can attach onto anything and transfer to a new target via contact the rope is always attached to you this rope lasts for 24
hours a user can create up to 10 ropes via each finger the rope also can only be touched by permission personas and articles it can be tied in a knot but cannot be knotted
by anything but yourself and will never tangle unless allowed to it can handle any weight that you can handled. Any target that dies or is KO'd while a string is attached to
them you may attempt to seal in a Void Prison with Mind check of TS + 10 per string attached to them to negate. If they fail they are locked in the Void Prison for 6 months
before being able to attempt another Mind check to break free.

Nightmare to Nightmares
You can become an Ethereal and phase through walls limited you cannot pass through 5DSU of wall any target struck with in Ethereal form ignores all their material plane
armor upon the strike you revert to normal and cannot access the form again for 2d4 rounds you can last in this form equal to “Nightmare Hunter” class levels. When striking
a target with this ability active your damage multiplier is increased by an amount equal to your character level for the first strike in the attack.

Zilo Sage
Requires level 5 Zilo Mage

Level 1 Zilo Manipulation

Level 2 Zilo Powered
Level 3 Zilo Burn
Level 4 Unstable Magic
Level 5 Power Overwhelming

Zilo Manipulation
As a 1/2 act you may reverse all effects of zilo on the target

Zilo Powered
When using Wild Magic you may increase the health cost with your LUK mod. After using Wild Magic the damage of your next cast is increased by a percentage equal to 3x of the
percentage of health consumed. This percentage cannot be affected by LUK.

Zilo Burn
You may consume a Zilo energy source to increase casting damage by 50 per zilo energy consumed for 2 rounds. After this effect ends your casting damage is reduced by 50 per
zilo energy consumed for 2 rounds and you cannot re-activate this ability during that time. Maximum zilo energy consumable is equal to your character level. The damage
gained by this ability ignores mod max.

Unstable Magic
When casting you may randomly alter a spell(base cast is negated if cast negated is noted), rolling a d100(LUK cannot affect this roll) to determine the effect based on the
Zilo colour spectrum:
Black: Dim
1-2 Spell duration, healing and damage reduced to 1/2 of normal
3-4 Spell is turned to void damage
5-6 An area within 6DSU of the caster is considered the darkest TS for 3 rounds(Cast Negated)
7-8 Caster loses 10% of max HP(Cast Negated)
9-10 Target loses 10% of max HP(Cast Negated)
11-12 Caster suffers -30 to all skills for 2 rounds(Cast Negated)
13-14 All spells cast or targeting within 6DSU of the caster for the next 2 rounds deal 1/2 damage(Cast Negated)
15-16 Target's stats are all cut in half for 5 rounds(Cast Negated)
17-18 The target cannot cast spells for 2 rounds(Cast Negated)
19-20 Target gains a damage absorbency equal to level * 25 for 3 rounds(Cast Negated)
White: Amp
21-22 Spell duration, healing and damage are doubled
23-24 An area within 6DSU of the caster is considered the brightest TS for 3 rounds(Cast Negated)
25-26 Spell radius is increased by 5DSU
27-28 Target's stats are all doubled for 5 rounds(Cast Negated)
29-30 Spell consumes twice the normal cast amount
31-32 Target takes extra damage equal to level * 25 for 3 rounds(Cast Negated)
33-34 All beings within 10DSU automatically roll NAT 20s for the next 10 rounds(Cast Negated)
35-36 Spell explodes on top of the caster, dealing 1/2 damage in a 5DSU radius
37-38 Target is inflicted with random status effect of a random rank
39-40 The spell counts as a critical hit
Red: Reality Breaking
41-42 A random animal is summoned(per GM discretion)(Cast Negated)
43-44 Creates a thunderstorm that surrounds 20DSU around the caster for 1 hour. This creates winds of TS equal to cast and strikes for lightning that deals 50d8 ion
damage at random(Cast Negated)
45-46 Creates a tiny black hole, pulling in all within 20DSU for your cast TS * 3. Muscle check to negate.(Cast Negated)
47-48 Reality break is cast on top of the caster(Cast Negated). This ability ignores reality break immunities.
49-50 Target can no longer see or hear other beings for 10 minutes(Cast Negated)
51-52 Caster size is increased or decreased randomly by 3 sizes(Cast Negated)
53-54 All metal items within 10DSU become magnetically charged, attracting to all other magnetic items for 5 rounds(Cast Negated)
55-56 Casters gender is permanently changed(Cast Negated)
57-58 The ground around the caster in a 10DSU area is turned to lava for 5 rounds(Cast Negated)
59-60 Adds Empowered Intelligence level 1 to a random object within 20DSU(Cast Negated)
Blue: Control & Sealing
61 Seals the target for up to 1 year. Mind check to negate.(Cast Negated)
62 Seals the caster for up to 1 year. Mind check to negate.(Cast Negated)
63 All within 10DSU automatically roll nat 1s for the next 10 rounds and cannot cast using vocal components(Cast Negated)
64-65 All beings within 10DSU of the caster are unable to use any form of movement for 2 rounds.(Cast Negated)
66-67 All gravity within 8DSU of the caster is reversed for 5 rounds.(Cast Negated)
68-69 Truth Zone Omega is cast around the caster for 10 rounds.(Cast Negated)
70-71 You move at 1/10th of normal time for 5 minutes of normal time.(Cast Negated)
72-73 All locks within 20DSU are sealed shut for 10 minutes. Slight check to overcome.(Cast Negated)
74-75 All equipment within a 10DSU area gain Lock Bind to nothing for 5 rounds(Cast Negated)
76-77 Applies Stone Turn of a random rank to all targets within 6DSU(Cast Negated)
78-79 You lose all knowledge of all languages for 10 rounds(Cast Negated).
Green: Creation
80-81 Spell is turned to void healing.
82-83 Summons a meteor at the target location that deals 100d8 Physical and 100d8 Heat damage in a 10DSU radius.(Cast Negated)
84-85 A random item on the target or caster is changed into a random material(cast negated)
86-87 You are turned into a random flora of the area for 5 minutes(Cast Negated)
88 Everything within 20DSU that has died a maximum number of years equal to the caster's level are revived by choice(Cast Negated)
89-90 Random flora sprouts within 6DSU of the caster.(Cast Negated)
91-92 Creates a random creature with level equal to caster's level + 10. This creature has a 50% chance to be your ally or your enemy.
93-94 All within 8DSU are instantly healed back to max HP.(Cast Negated)
95-96 The cast does not consume casts and the caster gains casts equal to what the cost would have been.
97-98 Target becomes immune to damage for 1 round.(Cast Negated)
99 Spell goes off normally
100 Random effect as per GM discretion

Power Overwhelming
Expend half of your casts to become an elemental of pure zilo, increasing all damage dealt by 20%, reducing all damage taken by 10%(LUK mod can only affect up to 50%), and
causing your casts to not consume spells(a maximum of 100 spells can be used on a single cast). This effect lasts for 5 rounds and can only be used once per day.

Battle Mancer
Requires level 2 and any class that can “use a Cast”

Level 1 Enchantment
Level 2 Cast to the Weapon/Healing Weapon
Level 3 Shared Enchantment
Level 4 Spellshield/Master Enchanter
Level 5 Spellstrike

You may add a damaging cast into a weapon from any class list of Casts. This will change the damage type of the weapon into the damage type of the cast and add bonus damage
equal to 2 * Cast Level up to a max of level 5. This effect lasts for 1 round per cast level of the cast.

Cast to the Weapon

You may store 1 cast in a weapon that lasts until used. A cast stored in a weapon may by cast by anybody wielding the weapon as a 1/2 ACT or as a combo attack with the
weapon itself in a violent action. If the weapon leaves your possession the cast will only persist in the weapon for 24 hours. You may only store 1 cast in a weapon per
Battle Mancer level.

Healing Weapon
Your Enchantment ability now can cast a healing cast into a weapon, changing the weapon's damage into the cast's healing type for 1 round per cast level and granting bonus
healing equal to 2 * Cast Level. The healing done with this weapon is equal to ½ of the damage it would have dealt. Only one Healing Weapon may be active at once.

Shared Enchantment
When you use your Enchantment ability on your own weapons, all allies within 6DSU have their weapons enchanted as well wth 1/2 of the damage bonus. This does not affect
weapons which are already Enchanted. This ability cannot share Healing Weapon's effects.
You may imbue yourself with a damaging cast. When next struck by an attack, the cast triggers and adds a bonus +10 per cast level(Maximum +50) to your guard and deals the
spell's normal damage to your attacker. The guard type granted by this ability is equal to the cast's damage type.

Master Enchanter
Your Enchantment ability now increases damage by 3 * Cast Level and your Healing Weapon now grants bonus healing equal to 3 * Cast Level.

When making an attack with a weapon you may add a level 5 cast to the attack grants +1x damage multiplier and causes the target to make a Mind check against your TS. On
failure they take 10% more damage from casts and weapons affected by your Enchantment for 1 round.

Cast Alteration Master

Requires a class that can use “Casts”

level 1 Cast Area Alteration V1/Caster Insight V1

level 2 Reversal Cast/Cast Intermix/Recurrent
level 3 Cast Area Alteration V2/Caster Insight V2
level 4 Acceleration/Cast Zone Configuration/Hold the Cast
level 5 Cast Area Alteration V3/Caster Insight V3

Cast Area Alteration V#

When using a “Cast” ability pick one of these choices instead of it's initial targeting method. you can alter its initial area and use of striking from these choices, if the
foe make an Acrobatics Check and leaves the effect area the effect will not do anything to them if the successfully make the TS, if it’s effect is a Mind check and they are
still affected by it they then make the mind check after the evasion if they perform an evasion. This costs an extra cast amount of 5 cast levels given up from yourself and
not from any other source.

-Radius: Up to 3DSU away +3DSU per V# past 1 you can deal a radius that effects 3DSU +1DSU per V# past 1
-Cone: In a line of 3DSU +1DSU per V# past 1 you produce a cone that blossom out starting out at 1DSU and increases Diameter by 1DSU every 1DSU past the first square
effected in front of you thus example first 1DSU has no extension, 3DSU has 3DSU, 3DSU has 5DSU etc.
-Beam: In a line of 3DSU +3DSU per V# past 1 this line starts from the square in front of yourself and moves on straight forward
-Self Burst: Around yourself you blast out a radius effect up to 3DSU +3DSU per V# past 1
-Zone Burst: In a selected zone up to 10DSU +10DSU per V# past 1 a selected 1DSU +1DSU per V# past 1 square bursts instantly any target in it does not gain a Acrobatics
Check but instead a endure for half of the effect. If they pass over your TS by 20 or NAT 20 they negate the effect entirely
-Target: You claim a target +2 per V# past 1 these targets based on the effect make the usual save of the Cast you performed unlike other versions you can also apply “Cast”
use abilities that normally apply to yourself also you must have a line of sight to your target or know its name and have seen them once (not in disguise but as themselves
fully) to target it if the effect deal Damage then if you recall the target by name not sight decrease the TS to resist the effect by –25 a target does not get any radius or
effective area but instead gain multiple targets with no distance restriction unlike other alterations

Caster Insight V#
You may treat all casting ability that grows with a V# at +1 V# higher per V# of this ability but their TS is reduced by -25 when used this way. When the V# has no effects
past it's current form instead increase the TS by +2 per V# of this ability.

Reversal Cast
You can make a Mind Check or a Slight Check, to rebound a “Cast” to a new target of your choice this does not work with “Casts” that are not directly imputed against
yourself, like into their “weapon” etc. if you fail you do not get a save against the effect unless it’s a mind check

Cast Intermix
A Cast can now switch 1 of it's required components in the order of, vocal for gesture, gesture for mental and mental for no requirement. Thus Psionics Power Casts then do
not require you to have a clear mind for the Casting if no requirement is beneficiary. Also by increasing the Casts level by 1 you can further down the requirements by
another step each time.

You may expend Casts extra on top of your Cast to extend a duration on the Cast if it did no have a duration. If it did have a duration the Casts needed to extend the
duration takes 3 times as many Casts. For each 2 levels of Casts used extend the duration by +1 round. If you make the duration reach up to 1 year the effect instead remains
up till dismissed by yourself even if you where to pass away.

You may expend Casts extra on top of your Cast to reduce duration of rounds auto ticking the effects to the Cast. (Even status effects linked from the Cast) This forces the
checks if it requires many checks per round of it's duration etc. to happen as if a new round keeps passing. 2 Casts given up reduces the rounds down by -1. You may spend 1
extra Cast level to apply this effect to a Cast effecting duration that you have already done on top of the normal cost.

Cast Zone Configuration

If you make a Cast that has an effective area like a “Radius, Cone, Beam, Self-Burst, Zone Burst” then you may make sections of 1DSU of it that are “non effective” and minus
the effective distance of the Cast to increase its radius so if you remove –3DSU of a radius’s distance you can add that to the radius itself or reduce the radius’s
effective radius and add it to distance, for a beam you can reduce its length and instead add to its effective radius in the line it performs, or alter a cone to work in
reversal or have sections that alter in the diameter etc. as long as you are not “adding” extra spaces you can shape the Casts as you wish as long as they follow their basic
function rules (A cone must remain in its line and follow its’ diameter, a Self-Burst must always be around yourself, a Radius must always come from a center area, a beam
must always follow its main line etc.

Hold the Cast Charge

You may perform a Cast but instead of releasing it's effect you may instill it as a visible force of power charge, this charge looks different depending on the Cast type and
easily discerned as a “non-Cast type, Psionic Power, Mystic, Divine, Input or a Dark Slayer) this charge then can be broken to release it's Cast by the Caster or fizzle out
if targeted by example foe with an attack, the charge has 25 HP per Cast level and a hardness of 5 per Cast level, any item can be also charged with this Cast as well
gaining it's benefit of HP and Hardness till the Cast is released or the charge HP is depleted, the charge lasts for 1 hour upon which it dissipates. Multiple charges can be
placed in an item but each having different HP and the Hardness they add does not stack. You may discern who can release the charge as well. To release a charge is a ½ ACT.
Word Binder
Requires 3 levels of a class with Casts

level 1 Word Mark Power

level 2 Casters Scroll
level 3 Master Casting Spinner
level 4 Insignia Of Casting
level 5 Mage Incarnation Insignia

Word Mark Power

You may take existing Casts from a class in imbue it into a mark on an item, this item upon the break of the word or by volition of the mark maker then Casts effect on the
area, the effect only applies upon proper targeting or you may set it so it only effects the 1DSU square the mark is within. These marks will dissipate if in your possession
after 1 day but if left as a trap will remain indefinite. When placed this Mark can have a set of commands for it's trigger set by the maker (like reading this will cause it
to release or when this is crossed pass it will release etc.) multiple triggers may be placed for the Casts release.

Casters Scroll
You may cast without Vocal or Somatic Component but instead replace with Caster Scroll item that costs 25 credits per Scroll which can contain up to 100 Insignia that just
has to be in your possession that contains a insignia that counts for 1 cast level. It costs 5 credits per insignia upon the Caster Scroll. The Caster Scroll does not count
as a normal physical object and cannot be stolen lost but can be damaged nor does it have the capability to contain ADD-ONs or be wielded. You may make a quick Caster Scroll
that can contain the Word Mark Power and obey what was placed with the Word Mark Power criteria.

Master Casting Spinner

You may store cast charges in your Casters Scroll of up to 1 per Insignia but takes up a Insignia's slot from the scroll.

Insignia Of Casting
Your Caster Scrolls may cover your body (1 scroll counts as a single armor slot) For Each Insignia within the scroll it grants +1 to Guard Checks of Untyped. A Insignia is
lost every time it blocks an attack from all involved Caster Scrolls. This does not count as wearing armor for effects.

Mage Incarnation Insignia

You may give up HP equal to 1% (LUK cannot effect) to make 1 Insignia as a free action. You may also give up 2 cast charge pool to put 1 Insignia into the Caster Scroll as a
free action.

Elite Slayer
Requires 5 levels slayer

level 1 Potent Bane V1/Bane V6

level 2 Know Thy Foe/Bane V7
level 3 Potent Bane V2/Bane V8
level 4 Defender Bane/Bane V9
level 5 Potent Bane V3/Bane V10

Potent Bane V#
Choose a Body type of “Fauna” “Flora” “Machine” “Ethereal” “Undead” or “Eternal” of any of the types selected you may apply your Bane from the Slayer or Elite Slayer class
line. For each V# you may apply 1 more choice of Body type.

Bane V#
Gain +5 against your Special Enemy choices on all Skill Checks and Damage. This is a Bane effect.

Know Thy Foe

You gain a bonus to any of your “Special Enemy” choices to your Aimed Strike Check, Grapple Check, Mind Check, Study Check by +15. This bonus does not stack per matching
“Special Enemy”.

Defender Bane
You gain a bonus to any of your “Special Enemy” choices to your Guard Check, Endure Check, Acrobatics Check, Mind Check, Study Check by +15. This bonus does not stack per
matching “Special Enemy”.

God Slayer
Requires 5 levels slayer

level 1 Quick Bane/Invincible

level 2 Bane Caster/Inevitable End
level 3 I Wont Back Down/Legendary Slayer
level 4 Gods Fall/Pain of Bane
level 5 Fell The Greatest Foe/Ragnarok

Quick Bane
New Target ability from Slayer class gains +4 to the base switches per day.

Invincible No More
Gain your Slayer class/Elite Slayer class abilities against characters of level 10 to 14

Bane Caster
You may apply Bane effects to your Casts

Inevitable End
Gain your Slayer class/Elite Slayer class abilities against characters of level 15 to 19
I Wont Back down
When at 50% HP any target matching a single bane effect you have you gain a bonus +15 as a bane effect. If at 25% the bonus increases to +25 instead. If at 5% HP the bonus
increases to +50 instead.

Legendary Slayer
Gain your Slayer class/Elite Slayer class abilities against characters of level 20 to 24

Gods Fall
Gain your Slayer class/Elite Slayer class abilities against characters of level 25 to 29

Pain of Bane
Your Bane effects bonuses can be boosted by +10 for each Bane effect. But on the next 2 rounds after all your Bane effects are reduced by half rounded down.

Fell The Greatest Foe

When defeating a foe higher level than you, you gain a bonus 5FP they must be at least 5 levels above your own.

Gain your Slayer class/Elite Slayer class abilities against characters of level 30 or more

Infinity Ascended
Requires any mix of 5 levels of Magus, Cleric, Psionic, Data Hacker, Nightmare Hunter or Bard

level 1 Shift Casts

level 2 Infinity Spell
level 3 Soul Spell
level 4 Border of Life
level 5 Ascended One

Shift Casts
Any cast you perform can change to a different type once a round. This considers it for the cast type but not it's previous type for that round.

Infinity Spell
You may Cast all Casts at a -1 level at will (a level 1 Cast goes to a level 0) it takes 10 level 0 Casts to equal a level 1 Cast. The cost of HP is 50x Cast level.

Soul Spell
Instead of giving up Casts for a Cast you may expend 25 HP per Cast level from yourself.

Border of Life
If you go to 0 HP your body enters a special state called the Soul Form you are consider a Elemental Classification and Ethereal/Eternal Body Type. In this form you are
unable to move with HP equal to your living form, upon 1d4+1 rounds, you may choose to go back to your body at 1% of your Max HP. Or enter an allies body and you may take
any of his own Casts to Cast your own Casts out of their body. If you hit 0 HP in Soul Form your are dead.

Ascended One
Your Border of Life ability, you may move about as you wish nobody able to see you unless you permit it, you are fully in a new realm called the “Grand Line” (you are within
a Ethereal state) you may sacrifice yourself to it and give your allies a +500 stat boost for 10 rounds, you may become a Elemental Classification with Ethereal/Eternal Body
type permanently gaining +50 to PSY and SPRT and Cast infinite amount of any of your Casts (When done you may only expend casts equal to your cast pool max per round), you
may give up this form to return to mortal (your normal self) status and instead gain a x2 to all your level Casts for 5 rounds upon revival you are at 25% of your Max HP
(constant revival will not stack the x2 your Casts) and you may only return to your body once every 5 rounds.

Omni Caster
Requires any mix of 5 levels of Magus, Cleric, Psionic, Data Hacker, Nightmare Hunter or Bard

level 1 Empower Casts

level 2 Giga Spell
level 3 Hyper Casts
level 4 Terra Spell
level 5 Omni Spell

Empower Casts
All Casts you perform for -500 or your HP to gain +50 damage

Giga Spell
As a Cast level 1-5 you may blast in a 5DSU long line distance or a 3DSU blast radius target location deal 5d12+PSY MOD (MOD Max 150) Void damage (Cast level multiplies the
long lines distance choice, the blast radius choice, the dice damage, and the MOD Max increase by +25 extra past 1st level Cast) Acrobatics Check for half

Hyper Casts
Every time you Cast the next Cast you do next round will gain a +5 damage boost this effect constantly keeps stacking till you do not Cast in a round

Terra Spell
Giga Spell may add +3DSU to it's line distance for an extra Casts multiplied by the Cast spent (5th level +10DSU extra etc.). You may expend a Cast to boost the line width
and height by +1DSU per Cast level you spend extra (5th level +5DSU width & height extra etc.) The Radius gains a bonus +1DSU multiplied by the extra Casts spent (5th level
+5DSU extra etc.). These bonus extras do not multiply with the Giga Spell Cast level itself.
Omni Spell
Give up half your current Cast amount to Cast with a +4 multiplier. You may only do this once per round

Arch Druid
Requires 3 level Druid

level 1 Bestial Wrath

level 2 Quick Wild Form
level 3 Ferocity Power
level 4 Nature Restoration
level 5 Grand Lord of Nature

Bestial Wrath
Your Natural User ability now increases to +20

Quick Wild Form

Your Beast Master ability can quickly shift to a new for as a free ACT instead of a ½ ACT and your Beast Master ability now allows you to become an animal up to +1 to +3
your size category.

Ferocity Power
In animal form you gain a as a ½ ACT a +25 to physical skills for 1 round (STR, DEX, CON based skills) (this cannot be used for Build checks)

Nature Restoration
You may heal any living thing by 50 HP per round in a 6DSU radius per round while you concentrate

Grand Lord of Nature

Your Lord of Nature ability boost to animal skills is doubled each time you spend a ½ ACT for 1 round also a ½ ACT you can telepathically talk to animals up to 1 kilometer
and double this distance for 2 rounds every time you spend a ½ ACT max 12 kilometer radius

Nature's Knight
Requires 1 level Druid

level 1 Natures Guardian

level 2 Holy Nature
level 3 Natures Weapons
level 4 Wild Armor
level 5 Natures Avenger

Natures Guardian
any class with “Druid” in it's name counts as levels of Knight or Magus for “Knight Effects” “Magus Effects” and class requirements

Holy Nature
Anything trying to harm natural landscape and animals that you fight against grants you a +10 Aimed Strike Check and Damage against them

Natures Weapons
You may form a weapon from nature itself this weapons is most notably made of animal parts, stone, and plant materials and forged into a strange weapon only Druid class can
use correctly it's hardness it 25 and is has a weight of 5kg this can be any weapon (except siege weapons or laser weapons) of any size grade of your size category, you can
make as many of these weapons as you wish as long as you have the natural resources around you and 1 hour. This weapon deals physical damage only but counts as a part of
your body when wielded thus uses your bodies ADD-ONs(this item cannot have ADD-ONs put on it)

Wild Armor
You may form a armor from nature itself this armor is most notably made of animal parts, stone, and plant materials and forged into a strange armor only Druid class can use
correctly it's hardness it 25 and is has a weight of 5kg this can be any armor of any size grade of your size category, you can make as many of these armors as you wish as
long as you have the natural resources around you and 1 hour. This armor guards with physical and psionic only but counts as a part of your body when worn thus uses your
bodies ADD-ONs (this item cannot have ADD-ONs put on it)

Natures Avenger
The Druid only armor and weapon gain a bonus +25 extra Aimed Strike Check Damage and Guard Checks and give you a +5 to Endure Checks for each piece worn

Killer Nemesis
Requires 2 levels Nemesis

level 1 The Killer Spirit

level 2 I Will Be Destruction
level 3 Hunt The Weak
level 4 Eternal Power
level 5 Way Of The Killer

The Killer Spirit

Killer Instinct also grants a bonus +5 Mortality Damage bonus
I Will Be Destruction
Enemy Of You gains a bonus 1 extra target per 5 characters levels you have.

Hunt The Weak

You gain a +5DSU movement bonus when going for a target of Enemy Of you

Eternal Power
You may Apply Nemesis and Killer Nemesis class abilities to Casts instead of just Melee or Ranged.

Way Of The Killer

Any Mortality Damage source deals a bonus +5 damage per character level you possess

Requires 1 levels Detective

level 1 Mental Scan/Quick Relay

level 2 Habitual Learning/Field of Knowledge
level 3 Granted Eye/Study Zone Scan
level 4 Greater Info Delve/Eye Of Knowledge
level 5 Versatile Detective/Informational Recall

Mental Scan
You may claim a target or environment zone for a ½ ACT this remains locked for the entire time till dismissed but you may only have up to 3 targets per Investigator level.
The mental scan applies to your Mind Check Foe & Zone Analyze of a +5 per Investigator level.

Quick Relay
You may apply a Mental Scan to a ally and relay info to them granting your Mental Scan bonus to them but you must be able to communicate to your ally.

Habitual Learning
When you gain Info from a Foe & Zone Analyze you may double the info amount you gain for investment.

Field of Knowledge
You gain a special field of up to 3DSU. This field counts as a Mental Scan to all targets within it. This counts as having 2 Mental Scans active against your limitation.

Granted Eye
Your Sight checks to spot anything on a Mental Scan ability are increased by +20

Study Zone Scan

When using the detective ability Study Zone you may count it as a Field of Knowledge but uses the Study Zones effective area (but not it's bonus to the Mental Scan). This
counts as having 5 Mental Scans active against your limitation.

Greater Info Delve

For each level of Detective or Master Detective grants a +3 to how many Mental Scans can be active.

Eye Of Knowledge
Granted Eye bonus increased from +20 to +50

Versatile Detective
The Study Zone ability applies to all Investigator abilities for the per 6 second boost.

Informational Recall
Once you learn something from a Mental Scan and scan a target with shared any similarities of previous info it will be automatically applied and learn.

Requires level 5 and 5 of any class with a Cast use

level 1 Casting Mastery

level 2 Soul Charge
level 3 Still Cast
level 4 Pure Cast
level 5 Continual Cast

Casting Mastery
Any Cast you perform gains a +1 TS per character level

Soul Charge
You may expend 10% (cannot be effected by LUK MOD) of your Max HP to restore all your Casts Pool Charge by half rounded down of their max as a ½ ACT. This can only be
activated 1 time per day + 1 extra time per 10 levels.

Still Cast
As long as you stay still in a meditative channeling position (sitting) any Cast done will heal you by 1% your Max HP. This effect can only activate once per round.

Pure Cast
Any Cast done does not require a component to Cast as long as you stay still in a meditative channeling position (sitting).

Continual Cast
As a Full Round ACT any Cast done on the next 2 rounds will not expend your Casts this effect cannot stack in rounds, while active you cannot activate this effect for 1d4
rounds and during those rounds you cannot Cast. This ability only applies to the original user and cannot share it's effect among others except for the original activating

Master Detective
Requires 2 levels Detective

level 1 Expert Study Zone

level 2 Tactician Fighter
level 3 Pen Is Mightier
level 4 Word Bender
level 5 Insightful Prodigy

Expert Study Zone

Study Zone ability gains a bonus +1DSU per V# and may center around you by choice continually by choice.

Tactician Fighter
You may focus your entire study zone on 1 target and double your bonus against that target from Study Zone

Pen Is Mightier
You may replicate writing perfectly and memorize it perfectly to copy down as if you rolled a NAT 20 to recall and write the info (this still might fail depending on info
amount). Also learning languages (written) takes -1 day per Detective and Investigator levels.

Word Bender
You may repeat any words you have heard perfectly and memorize it perfectly to copy down or repeat it as if you rolled a NAT 20 to recall and write the info (this still
might fail depending on info amount). Also learning languages (vocal) takes -1 day per Detective and Investigator levels. Gain +1 to Diplomacy, Bluff and Intimidate checks
per Master Detective, Detective and Investigator levels.

Insightful Prodigy
Investigator and Master Detective grants +2 bonus to Study checks also you may once per round negate a Study checks ½ ACT cost.

Master Rogue
Requires 2 levels Rogue

level 1 Mastery Skill Enhanced/The Eye Of Spy

level 2 Mastery Skill Enhanced/Espionage Step
level 3 Mastery Skill Enhanced/Close Quarter Combat
level 4 Mastery Skill Enhanced/No Step
level 5 Mastery Skill Enhanced/Fox Agent

The Eye Of Spy

Your vision become more acute noticing even odd details far beyond normal. Invisibility has only a 25% miss chance instead of 50% also allowing you to have all vision based
sensory extend by +5DSU extra.

Espionage Step
When not in stealth mode you may consider any action you do stealth as if it was in a stealth mode equal to your total modifier divided by 5. This constant stealth is done
at will without a roll. You cannot apply this to a normal stealth check in stealth mode.

Close Quarter Combat

If you are not in stealth mode and you may gain a +15 Aimed Strike Check Evasion and Slight Checks against opponents from up to 3DSU from you.

No Step
If you perform a stealth check in stealth mode you increase the sound TS of anything that is TS 10 sound or less by +25 TS, TS 15 by +15, TS 20 by +5 and TS 25 by +5. Your
movement suffers a -5DSU penalty while this is active but upon release the sound goes back to normal audible.

Fox Agent
The Eye Of Spy gains +3DSU extra to base sight. Espionage Step stealth bonuses gains a bonus +20 to stealth checks. Close Quarter Combat grants a bonus +10 to it's bonuses.
No Step movement penalty is reduced to -3DSU instead. Any “Rogue” named class level gained also grants a +2 bonus to Study checks.

Mastery Skill Enhanced

Choose 2 skill out of 10 to grant special abilities listed below every time this ability is gained from a Master Rogue level. These abilities Enhanced the Mastery Skill
ability from the Rogue class thus require the same named skill to activate and be used.
Ranged weapons gain a bonus +3DSU to their base distance. The percent of Called Shots increases by +3% per “Rogue” named class level (cannot be effected by LUK or other
class abilities that emulate the class name)
-Agility Fighter
Your melee attacks may use DEX with your STR for the Strike Hardness for weapons of your size category or smaller.
-Stealth Runner
Gain +5DSU of movement in stealth. This bonus movement is unaffected by stealth mode movement cut bonuses.
-Sleight of Hand
You gain a +2 to your sleight check per “Rogue” named class level.
-Mastery Skill
All skills chosen from Master Skill from Rogue may take 10 instead of rolling with a -10 to their skill checks when this action is taken. Choose 5 skills, These skills when
performed against any of your actions treat a 2 as a NAT 1 against you. You may only switch this set of choices once per week.
-Acrobatic Training
When you make an Acrobatics Check you may perform a free stealth check if it was a AoE effect and you succeeded against their sight or listen(as long as the attack has a
obscuring effect) or you Evasion adjacent to your foe's square you may count them unaware for that round. You may roll on the ground while prone up to ½ your movement ground
speed +3DSU.
-Pressure Strikes
The Aimed Strike Check increases by +50 the damage increases by +25, The dice grade boosted adds 1 extra degree.
-False Action
False action works on the same foe twice as much before it will not fool the same target.
-Listen Closely
You may also perform ventriloquism with a stealth check to redirect your voice into a spot. Also you can hear at twice the normal distance allowed of sound heard in a
unhindered environment and focus your hearing upon to 1 target even if the sound TS level is up to 25 or lower over other sounds.
-Quick Observation
As a ½ ACT You gain a 6DSU radius around yourself reducing the TS of Sight, Listen and Scent checks by -25 during this mode your movement is always reduced to max 6DSU.
Allowing auto searching of General Searches to be counted as Attentive Searching. If you perform a Attentive Search consider it a Precision Search. If you perform a
Precision Search it gains a bonus +15 on it's check. During this activation you may ignore the movement penalty while performing any of these types of search and the 6DSU
area around yourself counts as all your searched zones even in precision search.

Ultimate Inventor
Requires Inventor level 5 and level 15, 15 FP, 3 TP

level 1 Alpha Crafter/Superior Blue prints

level 2 Nano Crafter
level 3 Material Synthesizer Creation
level 4 Crafter Of Legends
level 5 Omega Crafter

Alpha Crafter
Crafting time is cut by ½ rounded down always.

Superior Blue Prints

Blue Prints (Not Prototype Blue Prints) can be made for free. Blue Prints and Prototype Blue Prints take half the time to make.

Nano Crafter
You may produce small machines called nanobots they can not ever be upgraded or changed like an item or objecting but you may create up to a 1 centimeter cube of them for
10,000 credits. Upon creation these machines count as 10 assistance for crafting and increases your project count by +1 per 1DSU of nanobots. Nanobots are not see able by
the naked eye. Up to up 216,000 centimeters of nanites can exist in a 1DSU square which costs 2,160,000,000 credits. Nanobots are set to obey a server controller that is on
your person this controller itself costs 1,000 credits and can handle a unlimited number of nanobot squares if the server is destroyed you must create a new one to command
the nanobots correctly. All repair costs are free when done with nanobots.

Material Synthesizer Creation

Your nanobots may refine raw craft materials for free and take only 5mins.

Crafter Of Legends
This ability adds extra credit limit to “Bio-Creation V# & Creation V#” abilities of +100,000 credits.

Omega Crafter
Alpha Crafter ability now cuts craft by ¼ rounded down instead of ½ the time always.

Ultimate Deletion
Requires Level 15, 15 FP, 3 TP

level 1 Enders Line

level 2 Deletion Sphere
level 3 Gravity Vacuum
level 4 Void and Null
level 5 The End

Enders Line
Expend 5 level 1 Casts to form a line that is 10 centimeters in diameter and 100DSU long that upon touching becomes atomized dealing 250+25 per character level damage to
anything hit this can perform called shots.

Deletion Sphere
Expend 5 level 2 Casts to form a ball that floats in your hand that takes up 1DSU. You may throw this ball up to 10DSU and call it back in the same action. This ball lasts
for 3 rounds unless you expend another 5 level 2 Casts. Anything upon touching becomes atomized dealing 150 Void damage to any sentient being hit. Upon dismissal you may
detonate the ball in a 5DSU radius.

Gravity Vacuum
Expend 5 level 3 Casts to form a singularity. You may create this singularity up to 20DSU from yourself and you are Immune to it's effects. The singularity draws in objects
up to 1kg on the first turn increasing by 1kg more every 2 turns. The singularity remains till dismissed dealing also 10 gravity damage and increasing by 10 every turn. The
singularity draws in from a 6DSU radius but you may extend this radius by 3DSU for each 5 level 3 Cast expended which will remain till the singularity is dismissed and may
be used during the Cast action to create the singularity. You may control the size of the pull in reach as a ½ ACT and direct where it is not going to pull. You may move the
singularity up to 10DSU per ½ ACT.

Void and Null

Expend 5 level 4 Casts to cause a singularity you have Cast or a deletion sphere to cause it to explode in the radius of 1 kilometer radius dealing 1000 Void damage you are
able to choose what is unaffected by this damage.

The End
During the void and null you may Expend 5 level 5 Casts in the same action to extend it's radius by double the radius and may stack this more than once up to max of 5 times.

Ultimate Creation
Requires level 15, 15 FP, 3 TP

level 1 Beginnings Line

level 2 Living Mark
level 3 Recreation
level 4 Everlasting Revival
level 5 Reality Recreation

Beginnings Line
Expend 5 level 1 Casts to heal a target +1 extra target per character level. The healing Heals for ½ your Base HP in Void-Healing.

Living Mark
Expend 5 level 2 Casts to put a mark on a target. This mark lasts for 3 rounds and may extend by another 3 rounds by expending another 5 level 2 Casts. During those rounds
the marked subjects gain Regeneration 25 and Temporary Damage Absorption equal to 1/4th your Base HP that does not regain each turn but will restore to full upon adding more
rounds to the mark.

Expend 5 level 3 Casts and your Living Mark now allows you to perform new power manipulations. Any Target with a living mark you can see through their sensory awareness. Any
target with a living mark automatically becomes a extra target for beginnings line ability. You may expend the mark on a target to cause a Void-Type healing to the target
and within a 6DSU radius around them also recreating anything that was destroyed back to it's original state. You may expend a living mark to grant the wearer a stat boost
of +50 to STR, DEX, CON, DUR and PSY.

Everlasting Revival
Expend 5 level 4 Casts and you may triple a living marks current duration. If a target with the mark dies the mark will still work and the regeneration will revive them from
death even if they were atomized but the duration of the mark is halved.

Reality Recreation
Expend 5 level 5 Casts to cause a 100 kilometer effect around yourself that revives any target that has died willing to come back to life. This restores anything that was
destroyed during a 24 hour span.

Ultimate Sage
Requires level 15, 15 FP, 3 TP

level 1 Code of the Sage

level 2 Casters Art
level 3 Soul of Power
level 4 Soul of Eternal
level 5 Soul of Immortal

Code of the Sage

Gain +25 PSY, SPRT, LUK.

Casters Art
For every lost 1% (LUK cannot apply) HP you gain +5 to either PSY, SPRT or LUK stat of your choice. This is effect lasts for 5 rounds after you are healed removing the
charges you wish by choice for each 1% that is returned.

Soul of Power
Casters Art bonus increases by +5 to the SPRT bonus. You may as an ACT expend a set of casts to grant your next cast a +1 TS per cast expended but it loses -10 from it's
modifier per +3 TS boosted.

Soul of Eternal
Casters Art bonus increases by +5 to the PSY bonus. You may as a ACT expend a set of casts to grant your next cast a increase of it's MOD MAX by +5 (counting as base MOD
MAX) equal to +1 per cast expended.

Soul of Immortal
You may split your casts equal to up to x10 targets. For each split of a cast any damage or healing done is divided by 3 +1 extra per split past 2 splits. Upon splitting the
TS is still equal to the basic cast being split and increased by +1 per missing 1% (cannot be effected by LUK MOD) HP.

Ultimate Armament
Requires level 15, 15 FP, 3 TP

level 1 The Warriors Code

level 2 Weapon That Severs
level 3 Unfathomable
level 4 Grand Master
level 5 Unstoppable

The Warriors Code

You gain +25 STR, DEX and SPD.
Weapon That Severs
Any Melee attacks you perform as a ½ ACT extra with that 1 attack deals Mortality damage bonus on top of the 3 damage type limit

For every lost 1% (cannot be effected by LUK MOD) HP you gain +5 to either STR, DEX or SPD stat of your choice. This is effect lasts for 5 rounds after you are healed
removing the charges you wish by choice for each 1% (cannot be effected by LUK MOD) that is returned.

Grand Master
Any Melee attack that Nat 1s instead is treated as a NAT 20 this effect only occurs once a combat per 5 character levels.

The Warriors Code and Unfathomable stat boost is doubled.

Ultimate Guardian
Requires level 15, 15 FP, 3 TP

level 1 Guardians Code

level 2 Front Line Shield
level 3 Immovable
level 4 Unstoppable Guard
level 5 True Guard

Guardians Code
You gain +25 CON, DUR and SPRT.

Front Line Shield

All Guards or Evasion you perform in front of an ally gives them 1/4th your bonus as Void-Type.

You cannot be moved from your spot from any other effect unless you will it or if you cannot stand upon that spot.

Unstoppable Guard
Any Nat 1 on a Guard or Acrobatics Check counts as a NAT 20 this effect only occurs once a combat per 5 character levels.

True Guard
You may make a Guard Check aid to any ally as a free action within your reach. Adding 1/10th your Guard to their Evasion or Guard Check as Void bonus. For every lost 1%
(cannot be effected by LUK MOD) HP you gain +5 to either CON, DUR or SPRT stat of your choice. This is effect lasts for 5 rounds after you are healed removing the charges
you wish by choice for each 1% (cannot be effected by LUK MOD) that is returned.

Ultimate Artillery
Requires level 15, 15 FP, 3 TP

level 1 The Sharp Shot Code

level 2 Master Trajectory
level 3 Predict All Shot
level 4 Free Fire
level 5 Unstoppable Perfect Shot

The Sharp Shot Code

Any Called Shot done is -15 of it's penalty. And dealing an extra +30 damage.

Master Trajectory
You may fire ranged weapon shots that can infinity bounce off any solid object dealing damage only to it's true target. Upon striking it's true target the shot can be called
shot with the penalty reduced by a -30.

Predict All Shot

You may fire a ranged weapon shot to ACT as a Guard Check as a free action. If the Guard Check is successful deal damage for that one shot to the article that was going to
deal the attacks damage and roll for both damages and ignore hardness. You may fire shots that ignore hardness automatically.

Free Fire
You may as a Full Round ACT fire up to 25 shots rolling Aimed Strike Check from your ranged weapon dealing x10 damage to the target that also reduces that targets Guard and
Acrobatics Checks against this attack by 1/4th your Aimed Strike Check.

Unstoppable Perfect Shot

You may as a Full Round ACT fire a single shot from your ranged weapon rolling Aimed Strike Check dealing x10 damage and a auto CRIT. If you roll a NAT 20 you will CRIT
again on top of your auto CRIT and if you roll a nat 1 you lose your auto CRIT. The range of the shot is increased by 10DSU to the weapon.

Ultimate Necromancer
Requires level 15, 15 FP, 3 TP

level 1 Death's Breath

level 2 Darkness Of The Dead
level 3 Black Spirit Raiser
level 4 Rise And Fall
level 5 Umbra Death

Death's Breath
When you find a body of a creature that potentially could have a ghost. You may as a Full Round ACT raise it's body binding a portion of that spirit and your own spirit
called a Bound Risen (Not enough spirit for sentience) The body held by magic may smell a bit or be off and does not work at all for any form of “disguise”. The being has
all it's inherit racial traits and template traits. You cannot raise things of level higher than your own, Their stats are treated as racial and all Normal stat lines for a
NPC. You may only have up to 1 Bound Risen per “Necromancer” named class level. Bound Spirits have no class levels. Bound Risen can not be more than 200DSU away from their
creator less they deactivate and may not perform any action but 1 which is they are commanded (this is at will and a mental action) to return to their creator which they
will move by command back to the minimal 200DSU.

Darkness Of The Dead

You may have full awareness of your Bound Dead as if their sensory points was your own. You may also use them to speak for you. You may give up 1 Bound Spirit slot to grant
1 Bound Spirit your own class levels. Any summons the Bound Spirit performs counts as your own pool. Any casts the Bound spirit performs counts off it's own pool but drains
½ rounded down of the cost from your own pool as well. The Bound Spirit can now start to be used as a disguised version of it's own race till it performs a violent action.

Black Spirit Raiser

As a free act once per turn you may summon a single Bound Ghost. You may have of up to 1 per class level max 30. Each ghost has 100 HP per your level and Ethereal body that
all non ethereal has a 50% miss chance against them and they have Ethereal Strike to strike anything they wish. Damage they deal is equal to your character level x25 of a
damage type choice of either Unholy, Holy, Mystic, Ion or Psionic and have no true size damage. All ghosts have a PSY and SPRT score of 50 per character level and use this
to derive their Lift Score with PSY and SPRT for any resistance against status effects if they can apply unless it's a Mind check which functions normally. All Bound Ghosts
have Night Sight, Bright Sight and Normal Sight and a Life Sense up to 100DSU. If any are destroyed they explode in a 3DSU burst of energy dealing their damage they normally
deal x2. These spirits may convey information to the summoner or another by phasing through them but do not truly hold sentience like normal ghosts being fragmentation.

Rise And Fall

When a Bound Risen is reduced to 0 HP you may sacrifice 5 Bound Ghosts to reclaim it to 1 HP. You may also sacrifice 5 Bound Ghosts to restore all Bound Risen HP by 5%
instantly (This is not a healing effect). You may sacrifice 1 Bound Ghost to heal yourself by 50d8 + 5% of your MAX HP or restore 5 Cast Charge but cannot summon that Bound
Spirit slot for up to 5 rounds.

Umbra Death
1 of your Bound Risen may become a Umbra Risen. This Umbra Risen no longer takes up 1 of your Bound Risen slot and is effected with Darkness Of The Dead ability without
losing the same slots of Bound Risen. This Umbra Risen heals the same amount as you do when you sacrifice 1 Bound Ghost for healing of restoration of casts charges
simultaneous but also benefits from revival the same as normal Bound Risen effect from Rise And Fall ability. Umbra Death usually glow a powerful aura when revealed and have
Night Sight, Bright Sight, Normal Sight, Life Sight simultaneously through their vision along with Life Sense up to 100DSU. Umbra Risen do not need to stay within 200DSU of
their creator unlike Bound Risen and just obey any mental command given. It takes a ritual of 1 hour to designate a new Umbra Risen after your first one. The Umbra Risen
level is always equal to your own.

Ultimate Arcane
Requires level 15, 15 FP, 3 TP

level 1 Mystical Temporal Shift

level 2 Magic Chain Missiles
level 3 Arcane Assimilation
level 4 Mana Bomb
level 5 Mystic Force Eruption

Mystical Temporal Shift

You generate 1 Cast Pool Charge per 10 rounds as long as you have not used a single cast using ability within 60 rounds. Your Cast Pool Charge is doubled if you have not
used a cast using ability for 1 day. Once you use a cast using ability and lose the effects of this ability for not using cast using abilites you gain a bonus +100 PSY and
SPRT for 2 rounds.

Magic Chain Missiles

Expend 1 cast to launch a magical bolt that has a 20DSU range to 1 target for 5d4 Mystic or Psionic damage. You may expend as many casts as you want to provide extra
effects. 1 Cast to launch 1 more magical bolt. 1 Cast per magical bolt created to extend their range by +20DSU. 1 Cast per magical bolt created to increase the dice grade of
the magical bolts by 1 degree (5d4 to 5d6 and continued 5d8 etc.). 1 Cast per magical bolt to make each bolt explode in a radius effect of 3DSU.

Arcane Assimilation
If you take 0 damage from a Mystic or Psionic damage source you instead heal by half that amount that deal damage. Every time you regain Cast Charge Pool you heal by x20
that amount you regained.

Mana Bomb
You may give up all your Cast Charge Pool and feed it into a spherical source of power. This sphere is called a Mana Bomb, Once created you can again place all your Casts
Pool Charges within it on the next day. You may release this spheres power at will exploding it in a massive blast of damage dealing 5d12 per Cast Pool Charge placed within
it. The Radius is equal to 1DSU per 1 Cast Pool Charge placed within it. The explosion triggers again each time for each 100 Cast Pool Charge placed within it. Each
Explosion trigger chooses a random damage type but the initial first damage is always Mystic. Roll a dice to determine the damage types that each explode separately of 1d8
then roll another dice even or odd number to determine the type with the associated number odd for left choice even for right choice. 1 = Physical/Wind, 2 = Ion/Psionic 3 =
Mystic/Void 4=Unholy/Cold 5 = Holy/Heat 6 = Acid/Gravity 7 = Radiation/Mortality 8 = Untyped.

Mystic Force Eruption

You may drain from a Mana Bomb as if it was a Cast Focus. This counts as a Cast Pool Charge for yourself but for each 1 Cast Charge you use in a cast you drain 3 Cast Pool
Charge from it. Unlike a normal Caster's Focus it will count anything using it's casts as all forms of casting mentally, somatic & vocal but the object must be within your
possession in the ready and touched upon like a normal Casters Focus. Casts using this as a Caster's Focus deal +25 Bonus Damage or Healing & Ignore +25 of Mod Max Cap (not
multiplied from Psionic Focus for Mod Max cap).

Ultimate Divinity
Requires level 15, 15 FP, 3 TP

level 1 Rising Ascendant/Paragon Of Faiths

level 2 Miracle Energy/Faith In Self
level 3 Mythos Come True/Unity Smite
level 4 Deus Ex Machina/Shared Unity
level 5 Fate & Control/In Name Vow

Rising Ascendant
You gain a classification called “Divine Spark”. You start to assimilate power from others in a unique pool called a “Faith Pool Charge” (FPC). Many abilities from this
class use this pool to activate their powers. You automatically start with 2 Faith Charges per character level every day. Others though unknowingly if they share a heavy and
common belief in you they provide 5 Faith Charges per day. You cannot state any power you derive off these being to pull FPC from as it will instantly sever their link to
your pool. Over a long period of time be it over your fame, your doings, or just what action you perform through butterfly effect you can start to collect believers
passively (GM decides this and awards this). If you commit actions against your original belief your FPC may waver though new ones may sit to fill the spot or you strengthen
resolves of others without knowing it with your influence of mind passively. You must listen to your own belief system for the most part without excuse to be outright
contradictory fully of actions with no proper explanation (Like killing just because the person was evil) and if such actions are done you cannot use the FPC in any form
till you have amended which will take from up to 1 week to many years based on GM and the actions grievousness against the beliefs.

Paragon Of Faiths
You represent a format of faith and unknowingly waver those around you that share similar traits. Allies of the same alignment of any 1 gain +5 to their skill checks from up
to 20DSU from you. Neutral may still benefit from the bonus of Good or Evil, Honor or Dishonor. But slowly form and waver if they keep using this bonus to alter alignment to
adjust to the at very least Weak Variant. Per 25 Faith Pool Charges remaining in a day this bonus grow by +5.

Miracle Energy
If you have the ability Miracle you may expend 25 Faith Pool Charges to use the ability without effecting your per day but only for others and not yourself. You may use 100
Faith Pool Charges to grant 1 wish to a character. But this wish must be worded carefully and not be against your faith though you may also refuse the wish at whim and re-
address the rules of it. A wish cannot grant more wishes nor give any sort of power that is beyond your own power and level though for each remaining 25 Faith Pool Charge
your level is consider +1 higher for said wish. (Gms discretion)

Faith In Self
You may pull from the FPC as if it was your own Cast Pool Charges. For each 2 Faith Pool Charges = 1 Cast Pool Charge. You can only pull from the FPC once per 3 rounds.

Mythos Come True

Your power grows internally and influence becomes more potent. Your Paragon Of Faiths doubles it's bonus. Your body starts to become a bit more perfected granting +5 to 3
different stats of your choice per 50 Faith Pool Charges are unspent in the day.

Unity Smite
You may Expend 1 Faith Pool Charge to deal +10 Damage against a being opposite of your alignment. (This bonus does not apply per opposite alignment) If you are pure Neutral
this instead becomes +5 against any target.

Deus Ex Machina
You may create a fabricated clone of yourself in any region that per day eats up 25 of your Faith Pool Charges till dismissed. You cannot be near this Avatar from up to 1
kilometer but upon dismissal you may teleport to where it was. You may have it act within your place and it acts as if you would in the situation and shares all your own
personal powers along with relaying all it's info to yourself constantly. No Avatar may be more than 1 kilometer from one another and may only be summoned in placed you hold
heavy influence determined by a GM (A Church, a Sacred Ground, a Strong Believer, a Sacred Object, a Emotional Link personal to self) Though the Avatar looks similar to
yourself it has much more of a other worldly feeling to it.

Shared Unity
You may Turn any cast you perform into a Divinity. You may heal a person that is granting you Faith Pool Charges for 1d4 per Faith Pool Charge you have and cause
regeneration of the same amount for 2 rounds. You may forgo the rule to 1 entity once per day you might hold dear etc. or for reasons that might be important to interact
with a Faith Pool Charge giver. Some entities might become exception if you hold them emotionally important and instead will grant +10 to your Faith Pool Charge per day if
you keep putting them for exception from this effect.

Fate & Control

You gain +5 to LUK per character level. If you cannot use LUK this instead applies to 1 stat of your choice per day.

In Name Vow
You may perform a Vow unique to your Faith to any of your faith or even to a outer source. A Vow must be made clearly and based on intent entirely with no “trickery of word”
even if said faith is about trickery. Once performed if you break this Vow then you are abolished from your FPC till you amend. Though if the Vow is unreasonable then it
will not trigger or work. When you are under at least 1 Vow you gain +5 Faith Pool Charge per level instead of +2. You may only have up to 3 active Vows and each must be a
profound promise (I will never kill in vengeance for example). For Each Vow past the first you gain +3 then +2 to your Faith Pool Charge per level.

Ultimate Unarmed
Requires level 15, 15 FP, 3 TP

level 1 Fist Of The Wind

level 2 Flashing Fierce Force
level 3 Damnation Revelation Rotation
level 4 Breaking Bullet Beat
level 5 Hand Of God Smiting Righteous Rampage Abolishing Retaliation

Fist Of The Wind

Natural Attacks gain +10 Damage bonus per character level. Charge Attacks instead gain +15 bonus per character level.

Flashing Fierce Force

Natural Attacks gain +5 Aimed Strike Check bonus per character level. You gain +1DSU of Ground movement per 2 Character levels and +10 to all Jump Checks, along with only
taking half damage from all falling damages.

Damnation Revelation Rotation

You may turn 90 degrees 4 times a round as a free action. (You cannot turn more than 360 degrees within a round). You gain +1DSU to Evasion Movement per 3 character levels.

Breaking Bullet Beat

Natural Attacks gain +5 Damage bonus per character level. Charge Attacks instead gain +10 bonus per character level. Your Aimed Strike Check for the charge attack may be
treated as a automatic Acrobatics Check instead of a manual Acrobatics Check.
Hand Of God Smiting Righteous Rampage Abolishing Retaliation
As a Full Round ACT gain for 1 attack this single Natural Attack gains a Multiplier of +20. The Damage type of the attack is Mortality. You can only perform this attack once
per 5 rounds.

Ultimate Magic Blade

Requires level 15, 15 FP, 3 TP

level 1 Martial Spell Stance

level 2 Incarnation Weapon
level 3 Spell Slasher
level 4 Weapon Of Fierce Arts
level 5 The Ideal Weapon

Martial Spell Stance

You may drain your entire Cast Pool Charges into your weapon. Once done the weapon allows you to enter Martial Spell Stance. In Martial Spell Stance you gain +25 Damage,
Aimed Strike Check, Guard or Grapple to your Weapon for 10 rounds. Once 10 rounds pass half rounded down of the Cast Pool Charges return into you but if you instead gain
extra over your max the remaining will revert back into the weapon back into a Martial Spell Stance for another 3 round in which they will instead of returning dissipate

Incarnation Weapon
While in Martial Spell Stance the Cast Pool Charges you spent into your weapon remain as a source you can pull from as if it was your normal Cast Pool Charges. For each 1
Cast Pool Charge remaining in the weapon it gain +1 to it's Damage, Aimed Strike Check, Guard, or Grapple for the 10 rounds it lasts or the 3 rounds for extra rounds it

Spell Slasher
You may treat any weapon in Martial Spell Stance as if they equal a somatic and vocal component for any cast form for just being wielded. You may cancel a cast against
yourself or the area it would effect around yourself at the cost of 2 rounds of Martial Spell Stance.

Weapon Of Fierce Arts

Increase the base rounds Martial Spell Stance by 5 rounds. Martial Spell Stance weapons bonus to Damage, Aimed Strike Check, Guard and Grapple increase by +5.

The Ideal Weapon

Increase the extra rounds of Martial Spell Stance by 2 rounds. Martial Spell Stance weapon bonus to Damage, Aimed Strike Check, Guard and Grapple increase by +5. Spell
Slasher ability only consumes 1 round instead of 2 rounds if performed only once within the round and only ever consumes 1 round if it's on extra rounds instead. The Rounds
of Martial Spell Stance can be increased by +1 per 15 Cast Pool Charges spent from the Martial Spell Stance weapon.

Ultimate Force Fate

Requires level 15, 15 FP, 3 TP

level 1 Luck Is Suggestion

level 2 Destiny Is Choice
level 3 Fate Is Nothing
level 4 Will Is Universal
level 5 Grand Line Is Reality

Luck Is Suggestion
Luck MOD percentage effect is treated 0.6 instead of 0.5.

Destiny Is Choice
Luck MOD percentage effect is treated 0.7 instead of 0.5. LUK MOD grants BHP x5.

Fate Is Nothing
Luck MOD percentage effect is treated 0.8 instead of 0.5. LUK MOD grants BHP x5. LUK MOD Grants Bonus to all damages.

Will Is Universal
Luck MOD percentage effect is treated 0.9 instead of 0.5. LUK MOD grants BHP x5. LUK MOD Grants Bonus to all skills twice instead of once if it's negated you only apply LUK
MOD once as normal instead of being negated.

Grand Line Is Reality

Luck MOD percentage effect is treated 1 per instead of 0.5. LUK MOD percentage effect can be boosted by +0.5 for 5 rounds. This can only be activated once per hour.

Chapter 5 Casts
Casting is a variant of using various energies “soul” etc. pulled from oneself, Casting can be done in many “unexplained” variant ways be it hand signs mental manipulation
etc. all based on how one presumes their character uses their Casts, Casts are separated out into a few categories they are as listed Inputs, Psionic Power, Divinity,
Mystic, Dark Slayer, Unclassified. A Unclassified Cast cannot be stored or used normally via other Cast types but generally do count as a generalized Cast but if something
negates a Cast type say Input then Unclassified is immune to this general bias to Casts, but if something out right claims just Cast then even Unclassified Casts are
effected, even if you can't use Casts Casting abilities always scale to your level based on the chart below.

Inputs: Require a special technological computer devices to perform gestures on (with your hands) but can use vocal components instead of gesture as a replacements if the
device can accept those instead. (range is limited based on the class description but you need line of sight always to a square unless noted)
Divinity: Requires Vocal components to use. (range is limited based on the class description but you need line of sight always to a square unless noted)
Mystic Power: Requires gestures to perform with mental for control (range is limited based on the class description but you need line of sight always to a square unless
noted)(Mystical Music from bard is sub-type of Mystic)
Dark Slayer: Requires only mental activation (range is limited based on the class description but you need line of sight always to a square unless noted)
Psionic Power: Requires only mental activation (The range of a psionic power Cast is 10DSU per Psionic Focus but does not require direct line of sight only that you saw them
once visual of their face or have a mental link to them unless noted)
Unclassified: Requires gesture, vocal and mental for the activation (range is limited based on the class description but you need line of sight always to a square unless

A “Cast Action” is a action incorporating a cast thus has no true action cost. A cast can be held within as a “charge” called a “cast held charge (CHC)” for 1 round before
all the charges return to their original sources on the next round. You may only contain 1 casting charge and must release it on a “new action” that at least costs a ½ Act
(thus to release a violent action of just a cast is a ½ ACT) While you may combo a cast with your normal attack with the usual combo penalty (and their requirements and
somatic always requires 1 hand free)

A Mental input requires only a thought to perform the Casts but your mind must remain clear enough (some effects might disrupt this), A gesture requires your hands to
perform the Casts (entangling up your hands etc. might disrupt this), and a vocal requires your voice (non whisper voice range must be hear able) to perform the Casts (can
be easily stopped via muffling etc. also not good for stealth).

Casts draw from a pool of charges. The amount of charges used in a cast determines the cast level thus using 5 cast pool charges is a 5th level cast. If a ability claims to
use a 5th level cast to boost another cast it pulls off your cast pool charge as 5 extra charges raising the cast level further. Thus a 1st level cast + a 5th level cast boost
+ a 5th level cast boost = a 11th level cast for the end result of a cast level for determining TS. You may Transfer Cast Pool Charge to 2 alternate types of sources called
Energy or Cast Charge when abilities and articles state and permit the transfer.

Level of Character Cast Pool

1 10
2 10
3 15
4 15
5 15
6 20
7 20
8 20
9 25
10 25
11 25
12 30
13 30
14 30
15 35
16 35
17 35
18 40
19 40
20 40
21 45
22 45
23 45
24 50
25 50
26 50
27 55
28 55
29 55
30 60

Toughness score increases by

9 + character level + Cast Pool/Charges used + (PSY & SPRT MOD added together divided by 2) + Other [unless noted something is different in the formula for a Cast]

Cast Targeting
If a Cast does not list a range then it has a range of on sight target or known location of target if it directly affects 1 being with mental known location. You cannot use
a sense for targeting unless it is directly affected with mental known location.

Cast Recharge Time

A character may regain his Casts either by normal means of 8 hours of relaxation be it sleep or activities that are not stressful to the character like reading etc. (this
does not include build checks that take up to 5 hours or more) these hours must not be in a row upon the next day you regain the Casts not after the 8 hours.
Cast Recharging
A character may perform an action called a meditation to regain Cast Pool to themselves. This action can be performed up to 60mins. You must select the time of how long you
meditate and how many Cast Pool charges you want to regain. The TS is equal to the amount of pool you are trying to regain x3 at once Minus the time you spend meditating.
Thus if you try to recharge 30 for 10min meditation the TS is equal to 50 with a mind check that has it's result divided by 2. Minimal time of meditation is 10mins but you
cannot be interrupted once during this meditation or else it High Failure Negative (HFN)s. Meditation is not a restful action. If you fail the check you instead lose casts
equal to the time max minus time you spent meditating if you reach 0 casts it will not go any lower. NAT 1 doubles the amount of Casts lost. NAT 20 means you gain casts
equal to your meditation time x2.

A character gains bonus Casts based on PSY and SPRT SCORES added together divided by 10. LUK also adds to Casts by +1 per LUK MOD (Even if you cannot use LUK MOD) if LUK MOD
goes negative instead counts as 0.

[craft material and process}
[gear articles]
[gear kits]
[pets and animals]
[housing and renting]
[Melee weaponry]
--Improvising weapons
[ranged weaponry]
--Modern Firearms
--Other Modern Firearms
--Laser Firearms
--High Tech Magna Weapons (HTMW)
--Early Firearms
--Projectile Launchers
[ammunition and Special Weaponry]
--Ammunition for Weapons
--Rocket/Missile Ammo
--Sprayer Cartridges
[siege weapons]


When making an item you can alternate the materials they are made of, this increases or decreases various of their stats, for a gun it only increases their hardness but if a
bullet is made of the material it's hardness will count in for any piercing effects etc. if you apply an additive it's extra additive is added to the items base cost then
multiplied by the material base of the item, most items in the manual are made of either steel or steel wood or a add mixture for base components including the bows and
crossbows (for parts etc.) this does not apply to ADD-ONs price or the alloy's additive of the items price but will effect the upgrade price all the multiplicative effects
they provide are only to the weapons own Damage and not from ADD-ONs or other abilities but the upgrade and additive addition of a weapons Damage is multiplied.

Metals may always combined with each other unless noted. If a source says it can combine a certain material type and contains a contradiction material type it could not
normally fuse with it may still fuse due to the normal material it can fuse with. Effects of fusion are never negated nor taken away from and material and always remain upon
said material permanently.

The cost of an item is based on a rarity system for materials, with the rarest material applying its rarity multiplier to the final cost after adding the additive cost of
all other materials in the item to the base cost.

When making an item you make put a material coating as an overlay that causes the materials used in the coating to have their effects take place instead of the base item's
material, as well as the coated material's hardness to be used on striking and for damage negate(the base item's hardness still applies as the item's HP). This increases the
weight of the item by 1/10th of the weight plus material changes. This can be added to any item as an upgrade worth 250 credits. You may only apply one material coating to an

Regeneration on equipment count as repairing and will normally only repair the material it's fused into unless mentioned

All prices of items listed later are based around a Common material that would make the most sense. Though you can alter the price to fit for a alternate material & size

Any metal materials can be added into on another as an additive then inherit that materials effect you can only apply the same metal additive once and an item can only have
up to 4 Additives to itself

Organic/non Metals cannot normally be additives but can be alternate parts of items like a handle, hilt, various parts etc. these do no effect to the item except at the part
it's attached to example a leather handle, whereas alloy mixes (metals combined literally together) do apply all their effects together

weapon and armor use refers to the part that strikes the object directly and not example a swords own hilt

The weight of the materials are as follows:

Weightless: -3kg
Trivial: -2kg
Light: -1kg
Normal: No Change
Heavy: +1kg
Dense: +2kg
Burden: +3kg

An item's final weight cannot be 0 unless otherwise stated. Items below 1kg in weight cannot be reduced below half their original weight unless otherwise stated.

When a material can be reshaped via an action you must still make a build check to build it into it's new form and equal to the WS of it's reformatted form. The price of the
reforming build check is the same but does not take the usual time to price when used this way.

When making a article that is consumable (like bullets/arrows/grenades etc.) divide the end cost by 5. But when making ammo pre-campaign consider the market limiter for
making said articles in it's sale units amount and never as per 1 for item price limits.

Rarity Multiplier Additi Additive To Additive To Ammo Price When Materials Volume
To Market ve To Upgrades Consumables Produced (pure Needed to Craft For
Price & Market Market Price (like Ammo) material)(basic ammo) Item Size (For each
Upgrade Price (special effects Hand) (follow
Price themselves do not pattern)
Bountiful Divides by 2 125 50 25 25 Tiny (1)
Common x1 250 100 50 50 Small (1)
Uncommon x2 500 200 100 100 Medium (2)
Rare x3 750 300 150 150 Large (2)
Scarce x4 1000 400 200 200 Huge (3)
Legacy x5 1250 500 250 250 Titan (3)
Unobtainab x10 2500 1000 500 500 Grand (4)
Godly x100 25000 10000 5000 5000 Gigantic (4)
Omni Godly x1000 250000 100000 50000 50000 Immense (5)

Bountiful Materials
Bountiful Material Hardnes Flexibi Magic Weight Material Magneti Effects
s lity Type c
Aluminium 5 20 Non- Trivial Metal Yes Suffers -10 Damage and Guard
Bone 7 10 Non- Light Organic No When struck against a harder object, this material automatically breaks.
Bronze 5 15 Non- Light Metal No Increases Ion damage dealt by +5 damage.
The wearer of this material takes +3 Ion damage.
Common Craft Variabl Variabl Non- Variable Metal/Rock Variabl Common materials not listed as a material.
Elements e e Magic e
Effects and statistics of material at GM discretion
Glass 7 5 Non- Light Rock No When struck against a harder object, this material automatically breaks.
Hardwood 4 10 Non- Light Organic No This material takes +2 heat damage.
The wearer of this material takes +2 heat damage.

When soaked in water the extra heat damage is negated. 1Kg of this material takes 1 day to dry
Iron 10 10 Non- Heavy Rock Yes Weight Score is increased by +5kg
Lead 5 10 Non- Dense Metal No Blocks 10 TS Radiation per 1mm of thickness.
Generates 1 TS Radiation to anybody wearing this material that causes radiation sickness.

Blocks piercing sight from seeing through this material.

Leather 3 80 Non- Trivial Organic No You may harden this material, increasing the hardness by +3 but reducing the flexibility by
Magic 40.
Nickel 10 10 Non- Normal Metal Yes Has a 75% chance to resist rust effects.
Obsidian 10 5 Non- Normal Rock No When struck against a harder object, this material automatically breaks.
Deals +3 Slashing or Piercing Damage.
When used in a weapon that deals crushing damage, the item takes ½ the damage it deals.
Plant Vine 3 80 Non- Light Organic No When soaked in water and cared for, will repair within 1 week when damaged.
Polymers 3 75 Non- Light Polymer No This material takes +4 heat damage.
The wearer of this material takes +4 heat damage.

You may harden this material, increasing the hardness by +3 but reducing the flexibility by
Rubber Polymers 3 80 Non- Normal Polymer No This material takes +4 heat damage.
The wearer of this material takes +4 heat damage.

The wearer of this material takes -15 Crushing Damage and -5 Cutting Damage.

You may harden this material, increasing the hardness by +3 but reducing the flexibility by
Silk/Cloth Fabric 0 90 Non- Weightles Organic No Costs only ¼ the amount to repair.
Magic s
This material takes +2 heat damage.

This does not count towards the 5 material mix limitation, but only 1 silk may be added as an
extra material.
Softwood 2 15 Non- Light Organic No This material takes +2 heat damage.
The wearer of this material takes +2 heat damage.

When soaked in water the extra heat damage is negated. 1Kg of this material takes 1 day to dry
Stone 7 5 Non- Heavy Rock No When struck against a harder object, this material automatically breaks.
Twilight Venpar 0 30 Magic Normal Metal Yes This item generate 1 charge every 4 hours, and loses 1 charge upon use of the item(attacking,
guarding, etc.) or upon the item losing HP. It may hold up to a max of 25 charges per Venpar
used in the mix.

For every 10 charges gain 1d4 bonus void touch damage. For every 20 charges gain +5 hardness.
For every 30 charges gain +5 Damage and Guard.

This material may be alloyed with itself up to 3 times.

Netiniac 0 40 Magic Normal Polymer No Increases thrown or shot range by +1 DSU.

This material repairs 1 HP per round and counts itself as 1 step higher for damaged condition.
Atomization negates this effect.

This material can only have 2 other materials added as an alloy. It may be alloyed with
Aquatiza 0 10 Magic Heavy Rock No This material ignores all negatives of water combat.

This material gains +10 hardness and treats it weight grade as Normal while under water.

This material repairs 1 HP per round while under water.

Common Materials

Common Material Hardnes Flexibi Magic Weight Material Magneti Effects

s lity Type c
Basic Silk 0 90 Non- Normal Organic No Costs only 1/10 the amount to repair.
This material takes +2 heat damage.

This does not count towards the 5 material mix limitation, but only 1 silk may be added as an
extra material.
Chitin 10 10 Non- Normal Organic No When struck against a harder object, this material automatically breaks.
This material takes -10 acid damage, and the wearer takes -5 acid damage.

When soaked in water the auto break effect is negated. 1Kg of this material takes 1 day to dry
Cobalt 15 10 Non- Heavy Metal Yes Has a 75% chance to resist rust effects.
Crystal 15 5 Non- Heavy Rock No When struck against a harder object, this material automatically breaks.
When striking flesh, causes the target to bleed for 1 damage per round until shards are
removed surgically
Iron Wood 10 20 Non- Normal Organic No This material takes +2 heat damage.
The wearer of this material takes +2 heat damage.

When soaked in water the extra heat damage is negated. 1Kg of this material takes 1 day to dry
Spider Silk 5 90 Non- Light Organic No Costs only ¼ the amount to repair.
This material takes +2 heat damage.

This does not count towards the 5 material mix limitation, but only 1 silk may be added as an
extra material.
Steel 10 15 Non- Normal Metal Yes This material may be alloyed with itself.
Titanium 15 10 Non- Light Metal No This material and its wearer take -20 acid damage.
Alphatrine 15 10 Magic Burden Metal Yes Reduces damage multipliers taken by -1. This effect does not stack from wearing multiple items
made from this material.
Aquasiza Wood 2 20 Magic Trivial Organic No This material ignores all negatives of water combat.

This material gains +10 hardness and treats it weight grade as Normal while under water.

This material repairs 10 HP per round while under water.

Dawn Venpar 0 10 Magic Normal Metal Yes This material absorbs sunlight during the day to gain 1 charge per hour. This material loses 1
charge every 2 hours at night. It may hold up to a max of 25 charges per Venpar used in the

For every 10 charges gain 1d4 void damage. For every 20 charges gain +5 hardness. For every 30
hardness gain +5 damage and guard. This material loses 1 charge upon losing HP.

This material may be alloyed with itself up to 3 times.

Dusk Venpar 0 10 Magic Normal Metal Yes This material refracts out light during the night to gain 1 charge per hour. This material
loses 1 charge every 2 hours during the day. It may hold up to a max of 25 charges per Venpar
used in the mix.

For every 10 charges gain 1d4 void damage. For every 20 charges gain +5 hardness. For every 30
hardness gain +5 damage and guard. This material loses 1 charge upon losing HP.

This material may be alloyed with itself up to 3 times.

Gilfra 2 10 Magic Burden Metal No On strike this material shuts off bodily add-ons for 1 round. When striking a machine it only
shuts off the add-ons of the part struck.

When striking absorbensite or stealanite, this material turns off their effects for 1 round.

This material cannot be alloyed with absorbenite or stealanite.

Kuritikaruzetine 5 10 Magic Normal Metal No Upon creation choose either +1 critical multiplier or +1 critical range. You may only choose
each one up to a maximum of 3 times.

When alloyed with another material the object loses -10 damage per stack of this material.

This material may be alloyed with itself and gains +5 damage per stack when not alloyed with
any other material but itself.
Living Vine 5 90 Magic Light Organic No When soaked in water will repair within 1 week.

This material may reduce its flexbility by 30 at will, becoming solid.

Melder Fiber 2 50 Magic Normal Organic No This material can copy an organic tissue's hardness when mixed into itself.

As a Full Round Act this can be molded into any shape.

Repairs 5 HP per round.

This material is treated as body as well as material.

Nano Reforma 0 40 Magic Normal Polymer No This material reforms itself with additives back to the bonded user every round. EMP will
disable this effect.

Thrown or shot range increased by +1 DSU.

A user must bond to this material. It takes 2 rounds to bind to a new user.

This material can have an alloy of 2 metal materials and 2 non-metal materials.
Rusteel 10 15 Magic Normal Metal No On touch with metal this material has a 50% chance to rust it, causing it to suffer -10 damage
and guard stacking. Upon 5 stacks the item breaks.

This metal cannot rust.

Small Zilo 5 10 Magic Normal Rock No Can hold up to 5 energy score per WSV. You may cast into the crystal to add 1 energy per cast
level. This energy may be converted to any type.
Slifenmar 10 10 Magic Normal Metal Yes Grants +5 damage and guard.
Vengarian Vine 5 60 Magic Normal Organic No This material gains 2 charges per hour spent in sunlight and loses 1 charge for every hour
spent in darkness. It may hold up to a max of 20 charges per Vengarian Vine used in the mix.

For each 10 charges gain +5 damage and guard. For each 15 charges gain 5d4 void touch damage.

This material may alloy with itself.

Uncommon Materials

Uncommon Material Hardnes Flexibi Magic Weight Material Magneti Effects

s lity Type c
Diamond 40 5 Non- Normal Rock No
Silver 5 20 Non- Normal Metal No This material deals +10 Ion damage.
This material suffers -10 damage and guard.

Causes the wearer to take +10 Ion damage.

Tungsten 25 10 Non- Heavy Dense Yes
Adamantine 20 10 Magic Normal Metal Yes This material can be alloyed with itself.
Betatrine 10 10 Magic Burden Metal Yes Reduces damage multipliers taken by -2. This effect does not stack from wearing multiple items
made from this material.
Bio Steel 5 20 Magic Weightles Metal No Ignores damage reduction based on hardness.
This metal is a symbiotic form of life and feeds off blood, repairing 1d4 HP per 2 litres of

This material cannot be alloyed with metal, but may alloy with organic materials.
Blaze Crystal 5 10 Magic Normal Rock No This material is immune to heat damage, and reduces heat damage taken by the wearer by -20.

When used in an attack, deals 5d4 heat touch damage.

Reduces the TS of cold effects around yourself by 15 and of heat effects by 5.

Blood Vine 5 80 Magic Light Organic No May link into the user, allowing it to drain 1 HP to repair itself and allowing the user to
treat it as an extra limb.

When soaked in blood will repair itself within a day.

Demkorori 5 50 Magic Light Metal Yes This material will restore from rust within 1d4 rounds.

Items made from this cannot be broken by dropping it from any height, and grants 20 damage
absorbency to the user.

This material takes 2x damage from heat, ion, and acid damage.

Causes the item to become buoyant

Derpamite 0 15 Magic Light Rock No On striking explodes in a 3 DSU radius to deal 1d4 + 1d4 per hardness of the struck object.
This destroys the material. If made undisintigratable the material still explodes but does not
get destroyed.

This material may alloy with rocks or metals. When alloying the item will no longer be
destroyed on exploding but will deal reduced damage equal to 1d4 + 1d4 per 1 hardness that the
struck object is over the alloy's hardness.
Dezunduur 5 15 Magic Dense Metal Yes When not alloyed, this material cannot be broken.

When alloyed, the damage reduction from hardness is doubled.

Elelctruim Crystal 5 10 Magic Normal Rock No Every hour 1 WSV of this material produces 1 energy, and can store up to 50 energy per 1 WSV.

When used in an attack, deals 5d4 Ion touch damage to the target and user. You may expend
energy to increase the damage by 1d4 per 1 energy.
Etromeka Crystal 10 10 Magic Normal Rock No This material can be alloyed with any material except those that specifically state they do
not alloy. When alloying the item gains +150 HP but suffers -10 hardness per material in the
mix other than this one.

When alloyed, this removes the magnetic property from the item.

When not alloyed, grants +20 damage and guard.

Fateraifo 15 10 Magic Burden Metal No Upon creation may choose either +10% Damage or +10% Guard.

This material cannot be used in ammunition

Forcerzeerate 10 10 Magic Normal Metal No On attack deals Acid damage equal to 1/10 of the damage dealt. This becomes 1/5 of the item
has another form of acid damage.

This material is immune to acid and reduces acid damage taken by the wearer by 20.
Frost Crystal 5 10 Magic Normal Rock No This material is immune to cold damage, and reduces cold damage taken by the wearer by -20.

When used in an attack, deals 5d4 touch cold damage.

Reduces the TS of heat effects around yourself by 15 and of cold effects by 5.

Fuse Wood 5 20 Magic Trivial Organic No This material takes +2 heat damage and causes the wearer to take +2 heat damage.

When soaked in water the extra heat damage is negated. 1Kg of this material takes 1 day to dry

This material can fuse with any other wood or vine named materials.
Gearios Demntia 0 15 Magic Normal Metal No When not alloyed gains +1x damage and guard multipliers and ignores half of target's damage
multiplier reducers.

When alloyed increases the item's true hardness by 1.5x and becomes immune to Wind and Gravity
Life Crystal 10 10 Magic Light Rock No When struck or striking an organic or ethereal body type, repairs by 5d4 points. When at max
HP the points are stored in the item, and are automatically consumed to heal the item if it
takes damage.

Upon breaking, deals damage equal to the stored point in a 3 DSU radius.

For every 25 points, gains +1 Damage and Guard(Max +50).

May give up 50 points to create 1 WSV of raw Life Crystal.

Living Silk 5 90 Magic Light Organic No This material takes +2 heat damage and causes the wearer to take +2 heat damage.

Repairs 1 HP per round

This does not count towards the 5 material mix limitation, but only 1 silk may be added as an
extra material.
Mithril 10 20 Magic Trivial Metal No Increases Ion damage by +10

Reduces the weight of the item by ½

This metal is considered a type of silver.

Nanofiber Polymer 5 80 Magic Trivial Polymer No Can be alloyed with rock, organic, and polymer materials but loses 5 hardness when alloying.

When being alloyed this material provides +100 hp to the item on the first material added, and
+50 on additional materials added.

This material is treated as +15 flexibility for resisting sunder effects.

You may harden this material on creation, increasing hardness by 10 but reducing flexibility
by 30.
Sentoval 15 10 Magic Heavy Metal Yes Increases guard by +15
Silver Wood 5 20 Magic Light Organic No This material takes +2 heat damage and causes the wearer to take +2 heat damage.

When soaked in water the extra heat damage is negated. 1Kg of this material takes 1 day to dry

Reduces the weight of the object by ½.

Soulsteel 0 20 Magic Light Metal No Deals +10 damage to organic body types.

May give up 5%(LUK cannot effect) of your HP to increase the damage by +10 for 1 round. This
effect stacks in damage, but not duration.
Thermocite 10 15 Magic Normal Metal Yes Produces a damage equal to the dice number of the last heat or cold damage taken, stacking up
to a maximum of +50 damage. Ion damage counts towards heat damage for this effect.

Taking heat or cold damage will reduce the damage of the opposite damage type if it is present
on the item.

This material is immune to heat and cold and gives the user 20 damage absorbency against those
damage types. This material cannot be affected by heat or cold damage effects.
Zilo Crystal 10 10 Magic Normal Rock No Can hold up to 10 energy score per WSV. You may cast into the crystal to add 1 energy per cast
level. This energy may be converted to any type.

Rare Materials

Rare Material Hardnes Flexibi Magic Weight Material Magneti Effects

s lity Type c
Gold 5 20 Non- Heavy Metal No Deals +15 Ion damage and causes the user to take +15 Ion damage.
Rust fails 50% of the time.

Suffers -15 damage and guard.

Lithium 0 10 Non- Weightles Metal No Deals +25 Ion and Heat Damage and causes the user to take +25 Ion and Heat damage.
Magic s
Has a +50% chance to rust.

Suffers -20 Damage and Guard.

Magnesium 0 15 Non- Heavy Metal No When dealing heat damage this material is destroyed and applies Burn(Heat) rank 5 to the
Magic target or increases an existing Burn(Heat) effect by 5 levels. On strike it instantly does 5
rounds worth of Burn damage at ¼ of the normal damage. This effect can only be applied once
per round. This burn effect works under water.

Has a +90% chance to rust.

Ranged attacks have ¼ of the normal distance.

For each material in an alloy with this metal, the burn effect level is reduced by 1.
Uranium 15 15 Non- Dense Metal No Emits TS 5 radiation within 5 DSU that causes radiation sickness.
Used as a fuel in nuclear reactors.
Adamant Wood 25 20 Magic Normal Organic No This material takes +2 heat damage and causes the user to take +2 heat damage.

When soaked in water the bonus heat damage is negated. It takes 1 WSV of this material 1 day
to dry out.
Blaze Wood 5 20 Magic Trivial Organic No This material is immune to heat, but may still be ignited.

Causes the user to take +2 heat damage.

When soaked in water the bonus heat damage is negated. It takes 1 WSV of this material 1 day
to dry out.
Carbuncle Xithrine 5 20 Magic Light Metal No On hit reduces damage multiplier reducers by 1 for 2 rounds. This effect stacks the reduction,
and refreshes the rounds back to 2 on hit.

Ignores the unbreakable or undisintigratable effects on hit. This does not ignore

When not alloyed is immune to heat, cold, ion, acid, and wind damage. When alloyed instead
reduces heat, cold, ion, and acid damage taken by the item by ½. Wind immunity remains on

When dealing physical damage, applies the wind damage effects instead of physical. The item
still does physical damage.
Dawn Gold 20 15 Magic Normal Metal No Gives the user a 5% chance to resist status effects. LUK applies to this effect only once from
multiple items.

Reduces damage taken by casts by 5%. This effect stacks with each item made from this material
up to a max of 25%. LUK may only apply to this ability once.
Demask Silk 10 90 Magic Normal Organic No When alloyed reduces hardness by 20.

Repairs itself by 1 HP per round.

May alloy 1 metal into itself. This mixture is different from the normal mixture limit and
applies only to the silk portion.

This does not count towards the 5 material mix limitation, but only 1 silk may be added as an
extra material.
Desforium 20 15 Magic Light Metal Yes Gains +5 damage and guard

Weight score of item reduced by ½.

Diamonite 20 10 Magic Heavy Rock No Gains +25 Damage and +20 Guard

This material treats its flexibility as 50 for negating damage,

Dragon Scale 15 25 Magic Light Organic No This material is immune to Heat, Cold, Acid, and Ion damage and grants the user -15 damage
taken from those damage types. Also increases damage dealt by these damage types by +15.

Gains +5 Damage and Guard.

Dusk Crystal 20 10 Magic Normal Rock Yes Increases status effects produced from the item by +5.

Reduces void damage taken by 5%. This effect stacks with each item made from this material up
to a max of 25%. LUK may only apply to this ability once.
Ezrifawma 10 15 Magic Normal Metal Yes Ignores all hardness
Fey Vine 5 80 Magic Light Organic No When soaked in holy water will repair within 1 day.

May link to an organic target and be treated as an extra limb and grant 7 DSU of life sense.

Can alloy with metals and may remove the metal or earth damage subtype.

May reduce its flexibility by 20 at will, making it solid.

Gammatrine 10 10 Magic Burden Metal Yes Reduces damage multipliers taken by -3. This effect does not stack from wearing multiple items
made from this material.
Greater Zilo 10 10 Magic Normal Rock No Can hold up to 10 energy score per WSV. This energy may be converted to any type.
Casts performs by the user have a 5% chance of not consuming a cast. This effect stacks with
each item made from this material up to a max of 25%. LUK may only apply to this ability once.

Casts made against the wearer have a 5% chance of failure against you. This effect stacks with
each item made from this material up to a max of 25%. LUK may only apply to this ability once.
Hexmalite 0 20 Magic Dense Metal No LUK mod to and against this material is negated(does not affect crafting with this material).

Reduces the wearer's LUK score by 15. This cannot reduce LUK below 0.
Holicite 15 10 Magic Normal Rock No On creation choose between dark or light.

Light Holicite deals +15 damage to Undead body types and changes the base guard type on the
item to Holy.

Dark Holicite deals +15 damage to Eternal body types and changes the base guard type on the
item to Unholy.
Kilomathine 15 10 Magic Burden Metal No Gains +0.5x damage multiplier, +20 guard, and reduces damage multipliers taken by 1.
Kineticalium 0 10 Magic Light Metal No Gains +1x damage multipliers and ignores damage reduction.

This material may alloy with Vibrofine(ignores Vibrofine's alloying rule).

When used in ammunition creates Hyper Hit Rounds.

Liquasteel 5 30 Magic Normal Metal Yes Becomes as hard as the material it strikes.

May be repaired by touching it to another source of liquasteel and applying heat TS or heat
damage equal to its hardness.
Mind Quartz 10 10 Magic Light Rock No Gives the wearer a 25% chance to negate psionic powers. LUK mod may only effect this ability
once from multiple items.

When this material successfully resists a psionic effect the chance is increased by 5%
(Unaffected by LUK) for 5 rounds.
Moon Silver 20 25 Magic Light Metal No Increases holy healing on user by 10%. LUK applies to this effect only once from multiple

Weight score of item is reduced by ½.

This material is considered a type of silver.

Nanofiber 5 40 Magic Normal Metal Yes Reduces the object's weight by ½.

Repairs 5 HP per round. This can re-attach parts broken off of the item.
EMP shuts down this material for 1d4 rounds.
Psiosheer 0 25 Magic Trivial Organic No Mind effects have a 20% chance to ignore mind immunity per 1 WSV worn of this material.
Percentages from this ability stack and LUK applies only once.

Psionic power range is increased by 3 DSU per 1 WSV worn of this material.
Riggadrite 15 30 Magic Weightles Metal No
Sun Bronze 20 15 Magic Light Metal No Increases unholy healing on user by 10%. LUK applies to this effect only once from multiple

Weight score of item is reduced by ½.

Tultherium 20 25 Magic Normal Metal Yes
Uru 15 15 Magic Heavy Metal Yes This material is immune to Ion and Cold damage and grants the user -20 Ion and Cold damage

On attack deals Ion damage equal to 1/10 of the damage dealt. This becomes 1/5 of the item has
another form of Ion damage.
Valdar 0 15 Magic Normal Metal Yes Multiplies item's true hardness by 2x.
Zabernite 20 15 Magic Dense Metal Yes Gains +10 damage and +5 Guard.

Scarce Materials

Scarce Material Hardnes Flexibi Magic Weight Material Magneti Effects

s lity Type c
Platinum 5 20 Non- Normal Metal No Deals +10 Ion Damage and causes user to take +3 Ion damage.
Zircon 15 15 Non- Light Metal Yes Reduces object's weight by 2kg(this cannot reduce it below the minimum).
Absorbenite 0 15 Magic Normal Metal No On contact with another metal negates their properties for 1 round in a 1 DSU area around the
point of contact.

Instead of shutting down metal properties, this material may shut down add-ons for 1 round.

EMP effects are negated by this material.

Reduces status effect duration on the user by 2 rounds.

Daktherium 30 10 Magic Heavy Metal Yes Gains +10 Damage and Guard
Deltatrine 10 10 Magic Burden Metal Yes Reduces damage multipliers taken by -4. This effect does not stack from wearing multiple items
made from this material.
Destiny Iron 10 15 Magic Burden Metal Yes LUK mod to and against the object is negated(does not apply to crafting with the material).

Adds +3kg to the item.

Fey Silk 0 90 Magic Weightles Organic No Can remove all stains and polish any surface. This cloth will always be clean.
This material silences anything under it.

This material purifies water when run through it and removes its electric conductive property.

This material is immune to acid damage and protects items under it from acid damage.

This does not count towards the 5 material mix limitation, but only 1 silk may be added as an
extra material.
Ghost Steel 10 20 Magic Light Metal Yes This material can always hit Ethereal beings and prevents them from phasing through this

Deals +15 damage to Ethereal body types.

Upon hitting a target with manifest energy drains it into itself, but loses 1 energy per hour.
Gains +2 damage for each manifest energy within the item.
Glacinite 15 15 Magic Normal Metal Yes This item is immune to Ion, Acid, and Cold damage and grants the user -20 damage taken from
these damage types.

On attack deals Cold damage equal to 1/10 of the damage dealt. This becomes 1/5 of the item
has another form of Cold damage.
Gravitybeizeti 5 15 Magic Weightnes Metal No Can alter its weight to be -15kg or -15kg per 1 WSV of this material.
This material can alloy with Graviakeltin, ignoring its alloy rule.
Hydra Vine 5 80 Magic Light Organic No When soaked in acid will repair in 1 day.

When broken it will regrow 1 WSV of raw Hydra Vine. It must take 5 acid damage before being
able to regrow more material.

This material by alloy with Organic or Polymers.

Hydra Wood 15 20 Magic Trivial Organic No Repairs 5 HP per round.

Takes +2 Heat damage and causes the user to take +2 Heat damage.

When soaked in water the heat damage effect is negated. It takes 1 WSV of this material 1 day
to dry out.
Hyper Nanofiber 15 40 Magic Trivial Metal Yes Reduces object's weight by ½.

Repairs 10 HP per round. This can re-attach parts that have broken off.

EMP effects shut down this material for 1d4 rounds.

Infernite 10 15 Magic Heavy Metal Yes This material is immune to Acid, Heat, and Wind damage and grants the user -20 damage taken
from these damage types.

On attack deals Heat damage equal to 1/10 of the damage dealt. This becomes 1/5 of the item
has another form of Heat damage.
InvincaChrome 25 10 Magic Heavy Metal No Gains +15 Damage and Guard
Light Titan 10 20 Magic Light Metal Yes Reduces object's weight by 5kg(this cannot reduce it below the minimum).
Living Liquid Steel 10 30 Magic Normal Metal Yes Repairs 50 HP per round.

This material becomes as hard as the material it strikes.

This material by turn into a solid or liquid at will. When a liquid, flexibility is considered

This material is alive.

Magalo Polymer 25 30 Magic Light Polymer No Reduces Physical and Ion damage dealt by 25.

When soaked in water repairs 1 HP per round and stops all bleeding effects on the user.

Can be shaped into any shape and then re-solidified. It takes 1 day of work to do this.

Cannot be alloyed but can be used as a 5th material, unless a 5th material is already present.
Magnatalite 25 15 Magic Dense Metal Yes This material is immune to Ion, Heat, and Cold damage and grants the user -15 damage taken
from these damage types.

On hit removes 5 mitigation from the target for 2 rounds. This effect is multiplied as though
it were damage. This effect stacks mitigation amount and refreshes the rounds back to 2 on
multiple hits.

This material takes 2x damage from Gravity and Psionic damage.

Megamathine 20 15 Magic Dense Metal Yes Gains +0.5x damage multiplier

Item gains +0.5x guard multiplier.

Refleltuim 10 10 Magic Burden Rock No Mystic, Heat, Acid, and Ion damage is absorbed into this item up to a max of 200. You still
take the damage as normal.

You may expend the absorbed damage to blast void damage in a 7 DSU radius.

When attacking you may expend 100 absorbed damage to increase the damage multiplier by +1x.

Adds +3kg to the item.

Truedar 0 15 Magic Heavy Metal Yes Multiplies item's true hardness by 2.5x.

Legacy Materials

Legacy Material Hardnes Flexibi Magic Weight Material Magneti Effects

s lity Type c
Iridium 30 15 Non- Dense Metal Yes Gains +20 Damage and Guard.
Rust fails 75% of the time.
Osmium 35 15 Non- Dense Metal Yes Gains +15 Damage and +25 Guard.
Rust fails 75% of the rail.

Reduces the TS of radiation effects of 15 per 1mm thickness of this material. If the TS is
reduced to 0 or lower, the radiation effect cannot penetrate this material.
Deximinius 15 15 Magic Trivial Metal Yes On hit reduces multiplier reducers by 1 for 2 rounds. This effect stacks in reducers and
refreshes rounds back to 2 on multiple hits.

For each multiplier reducer on the target grants +5 damage. This counts multiplier reducers
negated by this material.

Material effects to reduce damage is considered half by this material.

When user is hit by Mortality or Acid damage the regeneration negate is ignored and the rounds
are ½ of normal.
Dragon Vine 5 80 Magic Light Organic No When soaked in water will repair within 1 week.

This material is immune to Acid, Heat, Cold, and Ion damage.

This material may alloy with Organic or Polymer materials.

Drazomite 20 15 Magic Burden Organic Yes Reduce the object's weight by ½.

Treats Void and Mortality damage as Physical even if guard is bypassed. (Except d20 rolls)

Grants 5 HP regeneration to item and user.

This material is considered a metal for alloying.

Epsilontrine 10 15 Magic Burden Metal Yes Reduces damage multipliers taken by -5. This effect does not stack from wearing multiple items
made from this material.
Fate Steel 15 15 Magic Burden Metal Yes LUK mod to and against object is negated(Does not affect crafting with this material).

Increases the object's weight by 2kg.

Gigamathine 20 15 Magic Light Metal Yes Gains +0.5x damage multiplier and +10 Guard.

Increases critical damage multiplier by +0.5x.

When the user is critically struck, there is a 1% chance the crit will turn into a normal
attack. LUK mod only applies once to this effect from multiple items.
Graviakeltin 0 20 Magic Weightles Metal No This item's flexibility is treated as 90 for damage negate, and has a strike hardness of 75.
This material ignores the effects of gravity and have a weight considered to be 1g. This
causes it to ignore normal range limits but is still affected by wind and the weight of other

This material is immune to Gravity damage and grants the user -20 Gravity damage taken.

This material cannot be alloyed.

Hyper Bio Magnite 15 15 Magic Burden Metal Yes Gains +2x damage multiplier. Item gains +2x guard multiplier.

This material can only be alloyed with organic materials. This material may be fused into the
skin of an organic body type, granting them body hardness equal to material hardness.

This material is considered alive and may repair 1d4 HP per 2 litres of blood.
Iron Demask 30 10 Magic Heavy Metal Yes Gains +10 Damage and Guard

Damage reduction from hardness is doubled.

Increases the object's weight by 4kg. For each 5kg the item weighs it gains +2 Damage and
Guard up to a max of +50.
Radianlite 5 20 Magic Light Metal No Radiation effects are absorbed by this material granting it 1 charge. Maximum 1 charge per WSV
of this material. Cannot absorb radiation if at max charges.

A charge may be converted into 5 energy or expended as up to 5 cast charges.

Stealanite 0 15 Magic Normal Metal No This material negates the effects of other materials on contact for 1 round within 1 DSU of
the point of contact.

This material may copy the effects of another material on hit. Only 1 material's effects may
be copied at a time. This will only steal effects that do not interfere with alloy mixtures.

Reduces status effect duration on the user by 4 rounds.

Titan Wood 20 20 Magic Trivial Organic No Cannot be broken or disintegrated except by Acid.
Voidriget 25 15 Magic Light Metal No Items made from this have their base damage and guard types changed to void.
Zegathermai 15 10 Magic Heavy Rock No Produces a damage equal to the dice number of the last heat or cold damage taken, stacking up
to a maximum of +100 damage. Ion damage counts towards heat damage for this effect.

Taking heat or cold damage will reduce the damage of the opposite damage type if it is present
on the item.

This material is immune to heat, ion and cold and gives the user 20 damage absorbency against
those damage types. This material cannot be affected by heat or cold damage effects.

This material protects the user from elemental burn effects and absorbs it into itself until
it reaches the maximum damage.

Unobtainable Materials

Unobtainable Hardnes Flexibi Magic Weight Material Magneti Effects

Material s lity Type c
Argus Rotia 50 10 Magic Dense Metal No This material cannot be broken.
Dominite 15 10 Magic Light Rock No Gains +25 Damage and Guard

Adds +2kg to the object.

Examathine 10 15 Magic Burden Metal No Item gains +0.5x damage multiplier and +1x critical damage multiplier.

Item gains +10 Guard.

Adds +5kg to the object

Fey Iron 0 20 Magic Light Metal No When this material becomes invisible, it is rendered silent.

This material is treated as Fey classification.

This material always melds to your form and does not take shapeshifting damage.

Increases movement speed by +3 DSU. This effect does not stack from multiple items.
Petamathine 10 15 Magic Burden Metal Yes Item gains +1x damage multipliers

Gains +20 Guard.

When dealing a critical strike, gains +10 damage before crit multipliers are applied.

Adds +5kg to the object.

Prism Zilo 10 10 Magic Normal Rock No Always produces 5 Zilo Energy per round. Can hold up to 50 energy per WSV of this material.

Reduces damage multipliers taken by 2x.

Gives the item 25 damage absorbency.

Item can store up to 10 cast charges.

Psionium 0 75 Magic Trivial Metal No Can be shaped as a mind check. While focused you may make this a solid object but suffer -5
guard. An active Psionic Focus instead changes the guard penalty to +5 guard.

Reduces the duration of mind effects by half, down to a minimum of 1 round.

Terramathine 25 15 Magic Burden Metal Yes Item gains +0.5x damage multiplier and +0.5x guard multiplier.

Upon being critically struck the user has a 5% chance to turn the crit into a normal attack.
LUK only applies to this ability once from multiple items.

Adds +5kg to the object.

True Demask 35 15 Magic Burden Metal Yes Gains +30 Damage and Guard

Triples damage reduction from hardness.

Adds +10kg to the object.

Vibrofine 0 15 Magic Light Metal Yes Item gains +2x damage multipliers, ignores hardness, and ignores damage reduction.

Upon striking the target suffers -10 Aimed Strike Check for 1 round. Upon being stuck when
using this as armour the user suffers -10 Aimed Strike Check for 1 round.

Cannot alloy with other materials.

When used in ammunition creates Kinetic Force Rounds.
Wilzarfii Crystal 15 10 Magic Light Rock No Gains +50 Damage and Guard

Repairs 5d4 HP per round and melds back to its original shape. User may reshape this material
as a build check.

This material cannot be used to make firearms.

Yggdril Vine 5 80 Magic Light Organic Yes This material may reduce its flexibility by 20 at will, becoming solid.

Gains +5 damage and guard.

Repairs 5 HP per round.

On hit reduces guard from armour by 10 for 5 rounds. This effect stacks in guard reduction,
and refreshes the rounds with multiple hits.

This material can alloy with metals.

Yggdril Wood 20 20 Magic Burden Organic Yes On touch deals 5%(LUK does not effect) damage to metal. This does not affect metals this
material is alloyed with.

Repairs 5 HP per round. This material is considered alive.

When fed 1 WSV of metal this material regenerates 5 HP per round to the user. Lasts for 1
round per 1 WSV consumed.

This material can alloy with metal.

Yottamathine 0 15 Magic Trivial Metal No Item gains +0.5x damage multipliers

Gains +25 Guard

Upon being critically struck the user has a 5% chance to turn the crit into a normal attack.
LUK only applies to this ability once from multiple items.

Adds +5kg to the object

Zetatrine 10 15 Magic Burden Metal Yes Reduces damage multipliers taken by -5. This effect does not stack from wearing multiple items
made from this material.

Item gains +1x guard multiplier.

Zettamathine 25 15 Magic Light Metal Yes Item gains +0.5x damage multiplier.

Gains +5 damage and +10 guard.

Adds +5kg to the object.

Godly Materials

Godly Material Hardnes Flexibi Magic Weight Material Magneti Effects

s lity Type c
Creationriget 35 20 Magic Weightles Organic No On touch with a dead entity will atomize 1 WSV of this material to auto revive them at full
s HP. This effect ignores immunity to atomization.

Once per round Mortality or Untyped damage will heal the user instead of damaging them. On
triggering, the next source of Mortality or Untyped damage will deal 0 damage to the user.

Regenerates 150 HP to the item and user. This regenerate cannot be shut down but does not
activate if the Mortality/Untyped block has been expended for the round.
Deus Metallum 25 25 Magic Weightles Metal No Ignores all hardness and may penetrate up to 5 DSU when used in a ranged attack.
Gains +2x damage multipliers.

This material ignores the effects of gravity unless alloyed with another material. Alloys with
this material will always weigh 1g.
Etatrine 100 15 Magic Burden Metal No Reduces damage multipliers taken by -5x.

Item gains +3x damage multipliers and +1x guard multiplier.

Removes magnetic property from alloy.

Infinitium 75 10 Magic Trivial Metal Yes Item gains +2x damage multipliers.

Item gains +30 Guard.

This material is undestroyable.

Weight score of item is divided by 10.

Omegatrine 100 15 Magic Trivial Metal Yes For each 50 hardness of the material or alloy, reduces damage multipliers taken by 1x.

Item gains +2x damage multipliers and +1x guard multiplier.

This material cannot be disintegrated.

Philosopher Stone 15 10 Magic Normal Rock No Created by Mystic Alchemists.

This material can be used as a soul stone if a target dies nearby.

This material cannot be alloyed.

There is only a 10% chance per year per city that this material is available on the market.
Rokahrizha 40 20 Magic Heavy Metal No As an ACT may choose 5 damage types of: Heat, Cold, Ion, Acid, Gravity, Psionic, Mystic, Holy,
Unholy, and Void. This material will deal 5d4 bonus damage of each type chosen.

This material is immune to the damage types chosen, and reduces damage taken by the user of
each damage type chosen by an amount equal to hardness.

Adds +10kg to the object.

Symbio Bio Steel 0 30 Magic Weightnes Metal No This material can alloy with any material. This ignores rules that specifically state a
s material can't normally alloy.

Item gains +2x damage multipliers and +1x guard multiplier.

Repairs 50 HP per round. This material is considered alive.

Weight score of object is divided by 10.

Ultramathine 75 10 Magic Burden Metal Yes Item gains +2x damage multipliers and +0.5x guard multiplier.

This material cannot be broken.

Adds +20kg to the object.

Voidretriget 40 15 Magic Weightles Organic No On touch negates the effects of Creationriget for 10 rounds.
Doubled Mortality, Untyped, and Void damage. This cannot be reduced by multiplier reducers and
multipliers after normal damage multipliers apply. Multiple items of this material instead
increases the damage by +5 after the first stack.

Allows you to control gravity around your body and grants +15 untyped guard.

You may focus one limb to create 5 psionic limbs, up to a max of 25 total psionic limbs. This
effect does not stack from multiple sources of this material.

User takes 25%(LUK can affect to min 5%) of max HP per round and causes the user to take half
regeneration and healing. Multiple sources of this material increase the damage by 5% of max
Zilo Ouroboros 10 10 Magic Normal Rock No Produces 50 Zilo Energy per round. Can hold up to a maximum of 50 energy per 1 WSV.

Can hold up to 50 cast charges.

Can convert Zilo Energy into cast charges or cast charges into Zilo Energy.
Zilo Ubiquity 10 10 Magic Normal Rock No Produces 25 Zilo Energy per round. Can hold up to a maximum of 25 energy per 1 WSV.

Can hold up to 500 cast charges. Regenerates 10 cast charges per hour.

May give up 250 cast charges to increase cast regeneration by 2x or reduce regeneration time
by ½. This effect lasts 1 day.

Omni Godly Materials

Omni Godly Material Hardnes Flexibi Magic Weight Material Magneti Effects
s lity Type c
Full Philosopher 15 10 Magic Normal Rock No This material counts as 10 Philosopher stones in use.
There is only a 1% chance per year per city that this material is available on the market.
God Infinitrium 150 15 Magic Weightles Metal No This material cannot be atomized, destroyed, or disintegrated.
Item gains +50 damage and guard.

As a ½ ACT this material can change its shape into a new form. The new form must be equal to
the size category of the previous form.
God Steel 200 10 Magic Burden Metal Yes Item gains +9x damage multipliers and +2x guard multipliers.

This material may give up 1/5 of its HP to increase hardness by 25. Only HP gained from this
material may be used.
Malchior Mahogany 100 25 Magic Trivial Organic No Can hold up to 500 cast charges.

Regenerates 15 cast charge per round to the user's cast pool.

This material is undestroyable.

As a ½ ACT user may teleport up to 3 DSU. Increases other teleportation ranges by +3 DSU.
VibroInfinitrium 0 15 Magic Weightles Metal No Ignores all hardness, damage reduction, and damage mitigation.
Consider target's guard at -50 of normal when attacking.

When used in ammunition gains +11 DSU penetration distance.

Item gains +50 Damage

Zilo Infinite 0 10 Magic Light Rock No Can hold up to 1000 cast charges.

Regenerates 100 cast charges per hour to the user's cast pool.

Increases cast damage by the user by +150. Allows the user to ignore MOD MAX on casts. The
damage bonus from this ability becomes +50 for each additional source of this material after
the first.


Craft materials are an item of just your basic material used to make the items of the game, generally there is a classic market price for all items. To create say a 1 handed
sword you need 2 WSV (Weight Score Volume) per hand of the materials, a WSV of crafting is before materials, weight category and weight effects. When purchasing a mixture
material you use the additive cost the other materials additive costs divided by ½ (250 goes to 125 etc.) to the price Craft Material's price. When buying Raw material
instead use the Multiplier of the materials rarity.

For basic wielded items it takes 2 WS for each hand it takes to wield the item effectively +1 WSV for any size 2 grades up -1 WSV for size less than Medium for said item
(minimal WS 1) (All armor but gauntlets and shield take 2 hands to wield). For larger projects WSV might vary thus ask a for a estimation.

Even though WS of the Craft Material can be technicality “less” or “more” the WSV worth of the Material comes first for determining crafting amount before WS changes occur
called a Weight Score Volume. As this is reading a certain (amount) not a (value of true weight) as all size amounts are “even”. Thus if the items WS is 0 due to it's light
nature if you have 5 WS worth it shall weight in around 2 WS (5 divided by 2 rounded down) for normal carry Weight Score. Every 120 WSV of Raw Materials & Small Craft
Material is 1 WS in carry weight.

If you use 6th material it's WS needed is always 1 WS (Generally Silk) this material is also not applied to upgrade costs due to it not effecting anything directly to the
weapon itself.

Some craft materials do not need to be raw and are separate materials of their own, they generally are used in chemical usage and are casually liquid or special solid

All projects use Extra Craft Materials unless a GM notes that it does not need these materials.

Material Classification Cost & WS worth Material Craft Use General Use
Raw Materials 1 credit per 10g(before As listed in the Materials Cannot be used for extensive projects as
material changes) of raw Section this item is a unrefined material requires 1 week for 1200g of
material. variant of the material used for raw material to be refined into 1kg of
creating Craft materials or Small craft material of the same material
Craft Materials (this cannot be a (with usage of Material Treatment Kit
mixture materials as this is a listed in GEAR KIT section)
materials raw unrefined state)
Craft Materials 250 credits per 1kg(before As listed in the Materials This article can be used for any
material changes) Section this item is a worked crafting of items
material used for more basic item
creations and material to utilize
Large Craft Material 1250 credits per 5kg(before As listed in the Materials This article can be used for any
material changes) Section this item is a worked crafting of items
material used for more advanced
item creations and material to
Huge Craft Material 2500 credits per 10kg(before As listed in the Materials This article can be used for any
material changes) Section this item is a worked crafting of items
material used for more larger
scale projects item creations and
material to utilize
Grand Craft Material 5,000 credits per 20kg(before As listed in the Materials This article can be used for any
material changes) Section this item is a worked crafting of items
material used for more larger
scale projects item creations and
material to utilize
Small Craft Material 5 credit per 5g(before Minuscule amount of materials This article can only be used to make
material changes) used for crafts of things this things equal to or cheaper than 250
can represent gunpowder, small credits (this does not count material
amounts of metals, and very multiplied price). 10 Of these may be
common material components in converted into Extra Craft Material or
small amounts though nothing Upgrade Material.
capable to turn into “Craft
Materials or Pure Craft
Materials) though can be used as
filler for parts and repairs.
(this is enough to craft a full
25 ammo)
Extra Craft Materials 50 credits per 1kg. Unlike other craft materials this This article is involved in all craft
material is based on random projects and is needed in all craft
material components that are projects. It requires 1kg per 5kg
small and hardly noticeable but involved in a article. A GM may say if
important to the infrastructure this is needed in a crafting project or
and working of the articles (do not.
not use material multipliers for
Upgrade Materials Upgrade price divided by 10 This form of material is When using for a upgrade it must be
(insert article) for 1kg(before material components to a specific articles specific to that article type. Like
changes). upgrades like a swords damage or Pistol, Assault Rifle etc. And to it's
a guns range etc. and is one particular Upgrade example of say
multiplied by material multiplier Damage or Range.
of the article it was meant to be
used on.
Herbal Reagents 50 credits per 1kg Special herbs that could be of Used for various mixtures
various types used in various
projects of chemical work
Fire Oil 15 credits per 1 litre. This Used to keep a fire going for 1 Used for various mixtures and fuel
item weighs 250g per 1 litre. hour per 250ml(4 hours per 1 source
litre) and other chemical works
Healing Oil 15 credits per 1 litre. This 250ml used to rub on wounds to Used for various mixtures
item weighs 250g per 1 litre. prevent bleeding and help healing
over rest by adding 5% more
regained (only for Organic Body
Types) and other chemical works
Clay/Putty 50 credits per 1kg Used for building and chemical Used for various mixtures and building
Explosive Compound 50 credits per 1kg Used for explosives and other Used for various mixtures
chemical works
Liquid Explosive 15 credits per 1 litre. This Used for explosives and other Used for various mixtures
Chemical item weighs 250g per 1 litre. chemical works
Acid or Alkaline 15 credits per 1 litre. This Used for chemical works Used for various mixtures
Chemical (liquid or item weighs 250g per 1 litre.
Gasoline/Other Fuel 15 credits per 1 litre. This Used for fueling things lasting Used for various mixtures and fuel
item weighs 250g per 1 litre. 1h per litre and other chemical source
Cooking/Baking Food 2 credits per taste grade up Basic food implements used in For each 15 you roll the food grade
Materials (Bland>Bland+>Okay>Okay+>Good cooking and baking. increases past Cheap Food. And down 1
>Good+>Great>Great+>Exquisite grade if not using proper equipment.
End>Gods End+)(No food
surpasses Godsend+ taste)
Spice Food Materials 10 credits per taste grade up Spices effect meals upping it's For each new Spice container made of the
(Bland>Bland+>Okay>Okay+>Good taste grade by 1 step per the (certain spice) it has up to 100 uses
>Good+>Great>Great+>Exquisite spices grade. (can also represent before it is all used up.
>Exquisite+>Marvelous>Marvelo decreasing grade of taste if
us+>Masterful>Masterful+>Gods mixed with wrong food) A spice
End>Gods End+)(No food cannot raise certain lower food
surpasses Godsend+ taste) grades higher thus if a spice is
3 grades higher it will only
raise the food by +2 grades max.
If the food is 3 grades higher it
will only raise the food by +1
grade max. You can only apply
spices once to a food you are

Items created for reasons of entertainment enjoyment or tools and containers. Inventors can make these items as well if they take the time for it while some are like
potions, oils and tonics, for the alchemist these items are not involved with modifications for weapons usually and are for more casual uses instead some can be mixed to
produce extra stacked effects all items are based on medium sized users, various gear is also ingredients for various uses you may use this section to gather up material
produce various other items in crafting etc. you can produce custom bullet for example or make C4 via chemicals.

You cannot stack the effects of clothes and various gear unless noted (Clothes/Wear only count 1 WS per 5 of existing). All Clothing and Wear items count as 2 body slots of
shirt and legs. Any article named as a “body part piece” is a special slotting to design equipment gear that is not listed normally for base price. If you split the set pair
of clothing instead (Adventures Clothes Shirt and 1 Casual Clothes Pants) the Adventures Clothes Bonuses is cut in half rounded down.

Micro-Tiny size share same articles interchangeably. Small and Medium share same articles interchangeably except anything worn or wielded. For Large-Huge the item price goes
up by 1.5 times the price (round down) and increases WS by +1. For each 2 size grades the same rules apply in the listed pattern increasing the price multiplier by 0.5 times
more and WS increasing by +1 thus a Titan-Grand size is at x2 multiplier to price with a +2 WS and a Gigantic-Immense is at x2.5 multiplier to price with a +3 WS and so on.

When increasing the size of said objects for each size category they increase by their “Lift Score” does not change for the containers but equates to the size it was made
for. Thus the Hands limit of a object placed within a container increases by +1 more each size up. While if a Large Size Large Chest will have x1.5 the Lift Score for a
Medium size character but the objects Hands Needed to carry around also increased by +1.

When sticking items inside of a container, the WSV of the container is increased by the WSV of the items it contains unless otherwise noted.

Item Name Price Weight WSV Special Effect 1
Casual Clothes 5 credits 250g 2 WS is treated as 0 when worn
Adventures Clothes 5-125 credits 400g 2 Can hold up to 5 WSV of items. No individual item can be larger than 1 WSV.

Items held in this clothing are considered as no weight.

+5 to concealing 0 Handed objects.

+1 Endure Check to Cold & Hot environments per 20 credits spent past minimal spent. (cannot surpass max
Combat Vest Wear 500 credits 600g 2 +30 Lift Score for specific item combo of items. WS of Vest is 2

Can carry up to 2 Light blades, 5 Grenades, 10 Magazines,up to 10 1 pint containers, and 2 rope with 1
grapple (combo)

Gives +5 Guard Check (physical) only guard body (does not stack with body armor)
Warm Clothes 125 credits 500g 2 +10 Endure Check to Cold environment

-5 Endure Check to hot environment

Arid Clothes 125 credits 200g 2 +10 Endure Check to hot environments

+2 Endure Check to Cold environments

Nobles Clothes 125-250 250g 2 +5 Diplomacy or Bluff in social situations with Richer people or special status people

Diplomacy increases by +1 per 25 credits past minimal spent. (cannot surpass max price)
Disguise Wear 5-125 credits 250g 2 +10 to stealth and bluff involving clothing looks

+1 stealth and bluff for disguise per 20 credits spent past minimal spent. (cannot surpass max price)

Only 1 type of disguise per made

Swim Wear 1-125 credits 150g 2 +5 Endure while swimming in Cold water

1DSU extra swim speed in water unless your swim speed is 8DSU or higher.

+1 Endure Check to swimming in cold water per 20 credits spent past minimal spent. (cannot surpass max price)
Old Pressure Scuba Suit 450 credits 400kg 75 +10 Endure while swimming in Cold water

Has a hose connected to the outside air pump system.

The weight of this item is not applied against the wearer's weight load.

Movement speed reduced to ¼ of normal while wearing this on land and not fully submerged.
Non-Soilable Clothing 100 credits to 250g 2 This item does not count towards your lift score limit.
a clothing type
listed. This clothing remains clean through most environments.

This clothing additive is material based.

Space Wear 125 credits 50kg 50 Allows one to survive in space for up to 10mins of supply. Blocking high outer radiation. (TS 50 radiation)

Has a breathing apparatus, small boosters and minor drinking liquid apparatus and has a small solar piece to
charge up the boosters.

This suite slows your movement down by 1/4th the boosters only work in space and allow you to move 5DSU a
round +5DSU extra movement while in space but to stop you must reverse the boosters and negate your continual
movement in the same fashion.
Extreme Hazmat Environment Suit 125 credits 50kg 50 Blocks extreme chemical & high outer radiation effects. (TS 30 grade chemicals and TS 50 radiation)

Has a breathing apparatus to protect from deadly air environments.

This suite slows your movement down by 1/4th.

Moderate Hazmat Suit 100 credits 40kg 50 Blocks extreme chemical & lighter outer radiation effects. (TS 30 grade chemicals and TS 30 radiation)

Has a breathing apparatus to protect from deadly air environments.

This suite slows your movement down by 1/2th.

Light Hazmat Suit 75 credits 40kg 50 Blocks extreme chemical effects when handling safely. (TS 30 grade chemicals)
Stealth Wear 5-125 credits 250g 2 Gives a +10 to stealth checks and +15 at darkness level TS 10 and +5 per 10 more TS of Darkness a stealth
wear could also be armed for brightness levels instead or for a certain environment

+1 stealth per 20 credits spent past minimal spent. (cannot surpass max price)
Skin Replication Cover 500 credits 200g 2 This false skin covers the body of usually a machine to make them look like a organic race usually of human
but sometimes other race type ones may be bought.

Gives a +20 Stealth & Bluff to hide your potential race (of a similar figure race)

This skin repairs itself within 5 rounds from damages.

Skin Link Meld Suit 2500 credits 2kg 2 This clothing is a interweave computer system keeping track of your vitals. This may link into other computer
networks and even cybernetics as a over layer.

+5 Endure Check to Cold & Hot environments. And a +5 to Study checks for hacking and allows for easy
programming as well.

This suit interfaces with most technology setups with it's special plugs acting as a small neurological and
server component link system.
Sunblock Cloak & Suit 250 credits 300g 2 This cloak absorbs energy from the sun and blocks dangerous sun exposure radiation.

This cloak keeps 5 energy max from the sun rays and absorb 1 energy per 2 hours that can be expelled via
plug port into a device.

This suit will protect a vampire from sun weakness for 2 hours till it is fully charged.
Universal Specialist Body Suit 5000 credits 1kg 2 This suit provides survival in space, air filtering to allow breathing on any environment and body care
systems tightly around your body as this suit attaches to your skin . This suit also self cleans the user and
itself every hour. This Suite does not take any body slots but cannot use ADD-ONs.

This suit can display as any of the above suits/wear/clothes listed (you may cut certain features of them off
but it can form any 1 of them as a ½ ACT switch and will auto switch to tight mode when in danger or going
into a dangerous environment. This suit also blocks radiation effects.

This suit auto repairs itself fully within 5 rounds. (This suit is made from nanofiber/demask silk that has
been remolded thus cannot use other materials or additives. nor can it be hacked by any means). If the user
is stunned by any format it shall half the duration.
Universal Enhancer Body Suit 50,000 1kg 2 This suit provides survival in space, air filtering to allow breathing on any environment and body care
systems tightly around your body as this suit attaches to your skin . This suit also self cleans the user and
itself every hour. This suit can withstand up to TS 50 of Hot and Cold environments for the user. This Suite
does not take any body slots but cannot use ADD-ONs.

This suit can display as any of the above suits/wear/clothes listed (you may cut certain features of them off
but it can form any 1 of them as a ½ ACT switch and will auto switch to tight mode when in danger or going
into a dangerous environment. This suit also blocks radiation effects.
This suit auto repairs itself fully within 5 rounds. (This suit is made from nanofiber/demask silk that has
been remolded thus cannot use other materials or additives. nor can it be hacked by any means). If the user
is stunned by any format it shall half the duration. This suit also automatically cuts the users need to eat
by half the amount. Keeps their vitals. Grants a +25 bonus to Climb, Jump, Muscle, Slight, Stealth, Evasion
and Guard. This suit also grants the user +5 bonus hardness to their body hardness and natural attacks (This
guard bonus counts to every limb) When the user is hit with an attack that would kill instead it will
automatically keep them to 0 HP instead and keep them just knocked out but this effect only function once
ever 10 mins. (You can upgrade these skill bonuses and the hardness by +5 by paying an extra 25,000 credits
each time for each +5 as a side upgrade
Flippers 50 credits 100g 1 A pair of flippers that slow down your land speed by -1DSU and take a -25 on ground based Evasion & Slight
checks. But increase swim speed by 1DSU unless your speed is 6DSU or higher.
Basic Footwear 100 credits 1kg 1 Basic shoes. Usually used for running and moderate protection from environments
Traction Footwear 125 credits 1kg 1 Foot wear for a user going mountain climbing, walking over fairly rough terrains and last a long time.

Grants +5 to Slight checks to falling from rough terrain if involving foot balance.
Nobles Footwear 200 credits 1kg 1 They look nice.

+5 to diplomacy to people that like shoes.

-5 Acrobatics
Ice Footwear 125 credits 1kg 1 Shoes designed for ice walking generally or high slippery zones.

Grants +15 to Slight checks when walking on ice slippery zones.

Gloves 100 credits 300g 1 Good for keeping hands mildly warm against TS 2 Cold.

Protects hands mildly from injury. -2 to slight checks involving hands.

Work Gloves 150 credits 1kg 1 Good for keeping hands mildly warm against TS 3 Cold.

Good for keeping hands protected from heavy duty injuries and handling like construction. -3 to slight checks
involving hands.
Cold Weather Gloves 125 credits 1kg 1 Good for keeping hands warm against TS 10 Cold.

Good for keeping hands protected from heavy duty injuries and handling like construction. -10 to slight
checks involving hands.
Medical Gloves 25 credits 5g 1 Used for sanitation. Very disposable but not durable.

Has 0 hardness and always made of thin plastic material.

Goggles/Glasses 125 credits 100g 1 Can be made to protect your eyes from the light by -10 TS but also occurs +10 darkness (can be made to adjust
to light level thus darkness effect does not occur for 50 credits) (Eye slot)

Can be made to have a device in it upon crafting

Can be made to protect eyes from weather effects

Sight Goggles 150 credits 100g 1 You may switch between Normal, Infrared Sight or Night Sight TS of Darkness 30. as a ½ ACT. (Eye Slot)
Hyper Sensory Face Plate 15000 credits 1kg 2 These goggles have Infrared Sight/Night Sight/Bright Sight/Electromagnetic Sight/Life Sight/Sonar Sight up to
12DSU the vision follows to your zoom level. (Eye Slot)

To switch between the sights is a ½ ACT but you may keep up to 2 active at a time as a free switch along with
your own visual sight.

You may zoom up to 10,005DSU with a ½ ACT any 10DSU or more behind cannot be seen. Also you may turn on a
targeting system to give yourself a +10 Aimed Strike Check for aiming. This reduces the time you are blinded
by half duration.
Head Piece 100 credits 125g 1 Generic Item for Head Slot
Body Piece 100 credits 125g 1 Generic Item for Body Slot
Arms Piece 100 credits 125g 1 Generic Item for Arm Slot
Gauntlet Piece 100 credits 125g 1 Generic Item for Hand Cover Slot
Hands Piece 100 credits 125g 1 Generic Item for Hand Slot
Legs Piece 100 credits 125g 1 Generic Item for Leg Slot
Feet Piece 100 credits 125g 1 Generic Item for Feet Slot
Tail Piece 100 credits 125g 1 Generic Item for Tail Slot
Wings Pieces 100 credits 125g 1 Generic Item for Wing Pair Slot (2 wings)
Hat 100 credits 125g 1 Generic Item for Hat Slot
Eye Pieces 100 credits 50g 1 Generic Item for Eye Slot
Ring 100 credits 50g 1 Generic Item for Ring Slot(1 per finger)
Neck Piece 100 credits 50g 1 Generic Item for Neck Slot
Mask 100 credits 125g 1 Generic Item for Mask Slot
Pants 100 credits 125g 1 Generic Item for Pant Slot
Shirt 100 credits 125g 1 Generic Item for Shirt Slot
Robes 100 credits 125g 1 Generic Item for Robe Slot
Cape 100 credits 125g 1 Generic Item for Cape Slot
Belt 100 credits 125g 1 Generic Item for Belt Slot
Forehead 100 credits 125g 1 Generic Item for Forehead Slot
Earrings 100 credits 50g 1 Generic Item for Earrings Slot(1 per ear)

Item Name Price Weigh WSV Special Effect 1
Coin purse 10 credits 150g 1 Holds up to 1000 credits worth of currency.

Max 10 equipped

Takes a Full Round ACT to draw a specified amount of currency out.

Belt Pack 10 credits 300g 1 Holds up to 5 WSV worth of items.

Max 10 equipped

Takes ½ ACT to draw items out of a pouch

Back Pack 100 credits 1kg 3 Holds up to 15 WSV worth of items. Cannot hold an individual item of more than 10 WSV.

May pay 100credits as an upgrade to treat the combined weight of contained items as 5kg lower(cannot be
reduced below 0kg).

Max 1 equipped (Back Pack Slot)

Unequipped as a ½ ACT and an ACT to draw an item out of a pack

Large Back Pack 250 credits 2kg 5 Holds up to 30 WSV worth of items. Cannot hold an individual item of more than 15 WSV.

May pay 250credits as an upgrade to treat the combined weight of contained items as 10kg lower(cannot be
reduced below 0kg)

Max 1 equipped (Back Pack Slot)

Unequipped as a ½ ACT and an ACT to draw an item out of a pack

Huge Back Pack 500 credits 3kg 7 Holds up to 45 WSV worth of items. Cannot hold an individual item of more than 20 WSV.

May pay 500credits as an upgrade to treat the combined weight of contained items as 10kg lower(cannot be
reduced below 0kg)

Max 1 equipped (Back Pack Slot)

Unequipped as a ½ ACT and an ACT to draw an item out of a pack

Tackle Box 100 Credits 300g 1 Holds up to 25 WSV of Wire, Fishing Lure, Fishing Bait, or Fishing Hooks.

May pay 100 additional credits to make this an upgrade to a back pack.
Map Carry Case 100 Credits 300g 1 Holds up to 5 basic folding maps.

Water Proofing +250 credits

Schematic Carrier 250 credits 300g 1 Reduce Weight Score of all Formula and Blue Prints to 0 when placed inside. (carries up to 10 at a time)

Does not need to be equip to work.

Water Proofing +250 credits

Craft Kit Carrier 500 credits 500g 2 Holds up to 15 WSV of craft material.

All materials carried in this pack are considered to have ½ their normal weight score.

Max 2 equipped

Water Proofing +250 credits

Pack Extension 50 credits 100g 1 Adds 5 WSV to the maximum capacity of a backpack.

Max 3 Extensions on a single backpack. This can only be applied to backpacks.

Potion Belt 100 credits 300g 1 Holds up to 10 individual consumables. Takes a free action to draw a consumable(normal time to consume still

Max 1 equipped Potion Belt

Ammo Carry Pack 100 credits 300g 1 Holds up to 10 WSV of bullets or rivets. Takes a free action to draw bullets or rivets out(normal reload
times on weapons still apply).

Max 5 equipped (Ammo Pack Slot)

Magazine Carry Pack 100 credits 300g 1 Holds up to 10 individual magazines. Takes a free action to draw magazines out(Normal reload times on weapons
still apply).

Max 5 equipped (Ammo Pack Slot)

Powder Horn & Powder Flask. 100 credits 300g 1 Holds up to 250 shots worth of black powder. Takes a ½ ACT to pour the black powder (Unless it's for
reloading a early firearm).

Comes with a powder measure to pour.

Arrow Quiver 100 credits 300g 1 Holds up to 10 WSV of Arrows. Takes a free action to draw arrows out(Normal reload times on weapons still

Max 5 equipped (Ammo Pack Slot)

Bolt Quiver 100 credits 300g 1 Holds up to 10 WSV of Bolts. Takes a free action to draw bolts out(Normal reload times on weapons still

Max 5 equipped (Ammo Pack Slot)

Explosives Bandolier 100 credits 300g 1 Holds up to 10 individual grenades or mines. Takes a ½ ACT to draw an explosive(Quick Draw Add-On will reduce
this to a free action).

Max 5 equipped (Ammo Pack Slot)

Rocket Carry Pack 100 credits 300g 1 Holds up to 5 WSV of rockets. Takes a free action to draw rockets(Normal reload times on weapons still

Max 5 equipped (Ammo Pack Slot)

Weapon Sheath/Holster/Carry Cord 25 credits 300g 1 Holds 1 weapon, which is counted as ½ its normal weight while sheathed.

Must be fitted for that 1 weapon and protects that weapon from damage when weapon is stored within, taken
damage first before the weapon.

Quick Draw, Returning (for the returning effect only which returns to the sheath instead not adding ranged
distance) Compression, Dimensional, Storage, Extra Dimensional, Extra Lift, Weight Control
Weight Control
Lock Case 50 credits 1kg 10 Holds up to 10 WSV of items. This item's WSV is not increased by the WSV of items inside of it.

Takes a ACT to open this case as it has special locks and a key

This item protects all articles within itself thus takes all Damage first (this item counts as a 2 Handed
Object when full) 1 Handed Object when empty)
Large Lock Case 150 credits 3kg 20 Holds up to 20 WSV of items. This item's WSV is not increased by the WSV of items inside of it.

Takes a Full Round ACT to open this case as it has special locks and a key

This item protects all articles within itself thus takes all Damage first (this item counts as a 4 Handed
Object when full) 2 Handed when empty)
Small Sack 25 credits 500g 1 Holds up to 10 WSV of items. Cannot hold an individual item of more than 5 WSV.

Takes a ½ ACT to open this sack but a Full Round ACT to find anything you need.

This item protects all articles within itself thus takes all Damage first (this item counts as a 1 Handed
Object when full) 1 Handed Object when empty).
Large Sack 50 credits 1kg 2 Holds up to 20 WSV of items. Cannot hold an individual item of more than 10 WSV.

Takes a ½ ACT to open this sack but a Full Round ACT to find anything you need.

This item protects all articles within itself thus takes all Damage first (this item counts as a 1 Handed
Object when full) 1 Handed Object when empty) WS of this article is 2 when empty.
Small Chest/Barrel/Crate 50 credits 3kg 25 Holds up to 20 WSV of items. Cannot hold an individual item of more than 10 WSV. This item's WSV is not
increased by the WSV of items inside of it.

Takes a Full Round ACT to open this chest as it has special locks and a key
This item protects all articles within itself thus takes all Damage first (this item counts as a 6 Handed
Object when full) 2 Handed when empty).
Chest/Barrel/Crate 100 credits 6kg 45 Holds up to 40 WSV of items. Cannot hold an individual item of more than 15 WSV. This item's WSV is not
increased by the WSV of items inside of it.

Takes a Full Round ACT to open this chest as it has special locks and a key

This item protects all articles within itself thus takes all Damage first (this item counts as a 8 Handed
Object when full) 4 Handed when empty) WS of this article is 5 when empty.
Large Chest/Barrel/Crate 150 credits 10kg 65 Holds up to 60 WSV of items. Cannot hold an individual item of more than 20 WSV. This item's WSV is not
increased by the WSV of items inside of it.

Takes a Full Round ACT to open this chest as it has special locks and a key

This item protects all articles within itself thus takes all Damage first (this item counts as a 10 Handed
Object when full) 6 Handed when empty) WS of this article is 10 when empty.
Mystic Hold Space 10000 credits 500g 1 This may be placed on any container except a Micro Dimension Cube.

Increase the WSV capacity of the holding container by x2 and each extra stack of this effect applying another
+1 to the multiplier.

Extra Extra space created counts as another “Mystic Holding Zone” thus it takes a ½ ACT to switch to
different holding space. You must designate when placing an item into the container which of the holding
spaces it is entering (1 2 or 3). As only 1 can be active at a time.

Only the active holding space counts towards weight and WSV of the container.

This is considered a magic item.

Micro Dimension Cube (MDC) 2500 credits 500g 1 Holds up to 50 WSV of items. Cannot hold an individual item larger than 20 WSV. Items inside of this
container do not apply their weight to your weight load.

Portable in hand

A futuristic (or magical) storage cube. All content is stored in a extra dimension space and weight does no
matter when caring except the cube itself. To recall an item takes a ½ ACT to pull out item either in front
of you safely and soft or to your hand safely. For each 5 separate items within it it takes an extra ½ ACT to
pull it out.
Micro Dimension Cube Quickener +1000 credits 0 0 A special device to decrease the draw time when a MDC is full of items. For each MDCQ attached lessen the ½
(MDCQ) ACT needed by 1 the minimal time to draw a item still is ½ ACT always.

Attaches to MDC but not as an accessory.

Micro Dimension Cube Power +500 credits 0 0 +5 WSV to the max individual item limit of an item that can be stored within.
Storage (MDCPS)
Attaches to MDC but not as an accessory (more than 1 may be installed)
Micro Dimension Cube Expanded +1000 credits 0 0 Adds +10 WSV to the maximum carry capacity of a Micro Dimension Cube
Attaches to MDC but not as an accessory (more than 1 may be installed)
Micro Dimension Storage Bank 2500 credits 250g 1 A Computer (Or magical) device link for Micro Dimensional Cubes
Link (MDSBL)
Portable in hand

This device allows a cube to access a different cubes stored items as a ½ ACT. But the cubes must be each
linked to the same MDSBL which takes 1 hour. This device also allows the attached cube to extend the items it
carries to up 6 hands instead of 3 when linked The MDSBL can disconnect any cube as a free action. If a cube
disconnects and a item is officially too big it will remain in the cube still but cannot be put back in.
Bottle/Vials 1 credit per 100g 1 per Each is made to contain liquids though can contain other substances
100ml they per 1
carry 100ml litre Price is multiplied by the materials hardness(minimum 1x multiplier).

For each litre past the first the reduce the WS is by 1 for the container itself.
Water Skin 1 credit per 100g 1 per Each is made to contain liquids though can contain other substances
100ml they per 1
carry 100ml litre These items are immune to Acid

For each litre past the first the reduce the WS is by 1 for the container itself.

Item Name Price Weight WSV Special Effect 1
Slow Burn Fuse 10 credits 2g 1 Burns for 1 hour. Wind may blow it out at TS 5 Wind.

This fuse produces a smell from the burning chemicals when lit.
Ramrod 15 credits 250g 1 Used for Muzzle-Load type guns reloading action.

Necessity for Muzzle-Load type actions and set to either Pistol or Rifle type Early fire arm or a specific
siege weapon.
Cuffs 10 credits 500g 1 Set at certain sizes to lock down creatures hands or legs.

Takes a Muscle check equal to the hardness to break or a Slight check equal to the amount of credits spent to
make a pair divided by 5.
Universal Cuffs 15 credits 500g 1 Set at certain sizes to lock down creatures hands or legs.

Takes a Muscle check equal to the hardness x2 to break or a Slight check equal to the amount of credits spent
to make a pair divided by 4.
Locks 10 credits 500g 1 A lock to protect your articles.

Takes a Muscle check equal to the hardness to break without sunder.

Universal Lock 15 credits 500g 1 A lock to protect your articles.

Wind may blow it out at TS 5 Wind.

Keys 10 credits 150g 1 Used to unlock 1 set articles to said key
Lock Pick Set 20 credits 300g 1 Used to unlock a normal door similar to a key using a slight check with a +5 modifier.
Spear Gun 150 credits 3kg 3 A gun that fires spears & harpoons specially loaded for it.

This when used as a weapon grants +10 damage as a improvised weapon instead of normal for the spears/harpoons
in ranged. If used in melee with the spears/harpoons +5 instead.

Spears & Harpoons cost 1 credit for this article and have a WS of 2kg and WSV of 2 each. The Spear gun can
have a rope attach to a Spear or Harpoon adding a +3kg for the rope holder and crank and +50 credits to the
Survival Knife 50 credits 1kg 1 A knife with a mini saw like function (if wanted), A cutting blade and able to stab somewhat effectively that
is around 15-22cm long.

This when used as a weapon grants +5 damage as a improvised weapon instead of normal.

You may pay the cost of this knife x3 to apply to a thrusting knife to apply a slashing damage choice. But
this increases the knifes weight by +1kg. This counts as a upgrade to the knife. (this does not apply the
bonus damage)
Survival Shovel 150 credits 2kg 1 A special shovel that is a multi tool. Based on placement of the shovel head swivel. That is 50 centimeters
long when unfolded and 25 when folded.

The tool uses of the shovel are as as followed. A Shovel, Pick & Hoe. As main pieces. A Mini saw on the
shovel side of the blade.

The other modifications cost 25 credits each. A Saw head replacement that can be placed within the handle. A
telescopic handle for longer reach leverage of up to 1 meter long when folded out making it 2 handed instead.
A Wood Ax head to replace the folding shovel head as an Full round ACT.
Shovel/Spade 25 credits 1kg 2 Used to Dig allowing a burrow speed of 5 centimeters per round (item is 2 handed)

If made of harder metal may dig in much harder materials then soil and gravel. A head or handle replacement
costs 15 credits for Head 10 for Handle.

Allows one to more easily find materials located in buried areas (not good at precision digging)
Pickax/Mattock 25 credits 2kg 2 Used to Precision Dig in stone for mining uses with a 1 centimeter borrow speed in stone per round (item is 2

If made of harder metal may dig in much harder materials then normal stone. A head or handle replacement
costs 15 credits for Head 10 for Handle.

Allows one to more easily find materials located in hard stoned areas (good at precision digging but slow in
casual soil and gravel digging)
Wood Ax 25 credits 2kg 2 Used to chop down trees and various vegetation (item is 2 handed)

The ax withstands cutting up to 1 tree per hardness the ax has before it must be sharpen and cared for a day.
A head or handle replacement costs 15 credits for Ax Head 10 for Handle.

Allows one to more easily collect wood materials and similar types of materials
Hoe 25 credits 1kg 2 To be used for landscaping and general farming. (item is 2 handed)

The hoe head costs 15 credits while the handle costs 10.
Pitch Fork 25 credits 1kg 2 To be used for certain farm hand jobs like hay bundles. Or some farming.

The fork head costs 15 credits while the handle costs 10.
Rake 25 credits 1kg 2 To be used for certain farm hand jobs like moving debris and clutter. Or some farming.
The rake head costs 15 credits while the handle costs 10.
Metal Saw/Jewelers Saw/Wood 25 credits 1kg 2 Different sets of saws for different material work. Each adjusted for their particular job. The Mini saw is
Saw/Mini Saw only good for minor cutting as a saw thus extremely slow for set jobs. Thus cutting a stick is more
applicable than a thick tree.

The saws withstands cutting up to 1 tree per hardness if wood saw before needing to be sharpen and aligned. A
saw blade replacement if it breaks cost 10 credits the handle costs 15 credits.

Metal saws can cut much denser metals and even wood still but require a new blade every 25 jobs and cuts into
wood as x5 the time. If the saw blade is harder than the material it's cutting into by 5 hardness it does not
need a new blade just a realigning. The Jewelers saw for softer metals and gems can only cut for 1 job before
needing a blade replacement. If the saw blade is harder than the material it's cutting into by 5 hardness it
does not need a new blade just a realigning. This form takes x10 as long to cut into wood due to precision
cutting basis.
Gas Chain Saw 150 credits 5kg 3 The gas chain saw is used for cutting wood normally though with a different type of blade and more
maintenance can be used for cutting metals. This when used as a weapon grants +5 damage (cutting & crushing)
as a improvised weapon instead of normal with a -10 Aimed Strike Check.

The gas it takes is equal to 1 fuel source per hour of use. Max 5 fuel within it's tank.

With a basic chain which costs 25 credits it may cut through up to 10 trees before it needs refueling. With a
metal cutting chain which costs 50 credits may cut up to 10 metal pieces before it needs refueling. Chains
and chainsaw new maintaining after each days worth of work or start to suffer risk break down.
Electric Chain Saw 100 credits 4kg 3 The electric chain saw is used for cutting wood normally though with a different type of blade and more
maintenance can be used for cutting metals. This when used as a weapon grants +5 damage (cutting & crushing)
as a improvised weapon instead of normal with a -10 Aimed Strike Check.

The gas it takes is equal to 1 energy source per hour of use. Max 5 energy charge.

With a basic chain which costs 25 credits it may cut through up to 5 trees before it needs refueling. With a
metal cutting chain which costs 50 credits may cut up to 5 metal pieces before it needs refueling. Chains and
chainsaw new maintaining after each days worth of work or start to suffer risk break down.
Fishing Pole 250 credits 3kg 2 This article is used for fishing and comes with a mechanical reel that costs 50 credits to replace or without
one for -50 credits.

You may upgrade the pole to gain a +5 to any fishing expertise checks but gains 1gk. You may make this up to
3 times max weight of around 6kg.

Wire for fishing or just a fishing kit must be applied to restock.

Professional Fishing Pole 500 credits 5kg 5 This article is used for fishing and comes with a mechanical reel that costs 150 credits to replace or
without one for -150 credits.

You may upgrade the pole to gain a +10 to any fishing expertise checks but gains 1gk. You may make this up to
3 times max weight of around 8kg.

Wire for fishing or just a fishing kit must be applied to restock.

Fishing Hook 10 Credits 50g 1 Used for fishing with a fishing rod. Can be attached to a Fishing Pole as a Full Round ACT

Upon catching a fish, there is a 10% chance this item will break.
Fishing Lure 10 Credits 100g 1 Can be attached to a Fishing Hook as a ½ ACT.

Grants a +5 LUK to fishing based checks. Must be set to a certain fish type, otherwise grants a +2 LUK to
fishing based checks.
Fishing Bait 10 Credits 100g 1 Can be attached to a Fishing Hook as a ½ ACT.

Grants a +5 LUK to fishing based checks. Must be set to a certain fish type, otherwise grants a +2 LUK to
fishing based checks.

This item is consumed upon getting a fish on the line.

Fishing Net 100 credits 2kg 5 Used for fishing.

Can hold up to a maximum of 10kg. You may pay 2x the price to increase this to 20kg.
Mini Laser 150 credits 5kg 3 Fires a tiny concentration beam that is useful for welding, electronics, Carving, And Pointing. (The power
is controllable to the intensity)

This beam only dangerous range is on 1d4 heat damage when concentrated for 3 rounds on the object when set to
high. When set on very high it will deal 1d6 heat damage over 2 rounds instead but only at 5DSU. Which case
the beam weakens every 5DSU by 1 dice grade. At 1DSU dice grade increases by +1 instead.

Uses Small Battery Package

Universal Tool 500 credits 5kg 5 This tool is able to be a Shovel, Spade, Pickax, Mattock, Wood Ax, Saw, Mini Laser.

When using this tool it performs the job much easier than it's low tech counter parts providing a +10 to any
checks pertaining to the job it was designed for.

Uses Small Battery Package

Folding 10 credits 0 0 As a ½ ACT you may fold the said item into a 1 handed object but it cannot be used for it's intended effects
(Shovel/Spade/Pickax/Mattock/Woo till unfolded for a ½ ACT
d Ax/Saw)
While folded, the item's WSV is considered ½ of normal.

This cost is added to the normal select able tools own cost.
Mystic Tools 100 credits 1kg 1 This Addition effect applies to a tool.

This can only be applied to a Shovel,Spade,Pickax,Mattock,Wood Ax or Saw

Once applied if you pay the cost for another tool to be placed within the Mystic Tools it may switch as a ½
ACT to any of it's installed tool forms. Also all tool heads will take care of themselves within 2 hours when
not in use.

This makes the item count as magical.

Electronic Devices
Item Name Price Weight WSV Special Effect
Digital Lock Pick Set 100 credits 500g 1 Used to unlock a digital lock door similar to a key using a Study check with a +5 modifier.

Uses Small Battery Package

Data Hacker Computer 150 credits 2kg 3 This device is the casual go to device for a hacker granting a +10 to Study checks for hacking and allows
for easy programming as well. This device also has vocal or input modal for usage of it's activation.

This device has a +10 to slight checks to hide it from sight. This device attaches to your wrist with ease.

Uses Small Battery Package

Wireless Hack Plug 25 credits 250g 1 A small plug device that can hack into computer devices. This connects to a Data Hacker Computer.

Upon use of either inserting into a computer or using it's wireless function near the computer of up to 6DSU
away (if the computer is able to also be wireless) grants a +5 to Study checks for hacking. Multiple plugs
stack their bonus but at a reduced -1 per extra plug. (max bonus +15 with 5 plugs)

Uses Small Battery Package

VR Training Module 500 credits 2kg 3 A device used to study. Meets requirements for study time and may be programmed with what one needs.

Uses Small Battery Package

VR Hyper Training Module 500000 credits 250g 1 Teaches up to Study Degree of Specialist (But not any higher). The cost is for 1 study type. The time it
+50000 per takes is equal to 1 year to 1 day spent in the VR.
study degree it
teaches. Uses Small Battery Package
Universal Radio 250 credits 1kg 2 This device is used to pick up radio stations, newer models pick up up to 2 solar systems away.

Uses Small Battery Package

Universal Communication 100 credits 1kg 2 These devices link up on a signal together upon adjustment and reach out a span of 5 kilometers apart.
Transmitters (UCT)
Uses Small Battery Package
Universal Cell Phone (UCP) 100 credits 1kg 2 This device transmits your voice to another Universal Cell Phone and Receives calls from other Universal Cell
Phones or make small video calls or send photo.

Each phone has it's own number address. And reaches across the entire Universal network that exists properly
linked up.

Uses Small Battery Package

Universal Translator Dictionary 100 credits 1kg 2 This device holds all languages in a dictionary of the known languages.
Uses Small Battery Package
Universal Video and Audio Device 50 credits 1kg 2 Used to play video and sound combinations
Can store up to 24 hours of sound and video recording

Uses Small Battery Package

Universal Credit Device Wallet 5 credits 1kg 1 Used to store digital money and produce trade source worth on off worlds like steel
(UCDW) (First one is
free) Can create a usual money source of trade in a area based on galactic laws for Physical trades if needed each
one is a new bank account able to transfer money between one another, This stick has a Digital Lock of TS 25

Uses Small Battery Package

Advanced Universal Credit Device 500 credits 1kg 1 Used to store digital money and produce trade source worth on off worlds like steel
Wallet (AUCDW)
Can create a usual money source of trade in a area based on galactic laws for Physical trades if needed each
one is a new bank account able to transfer money between one another, This stick has a Digital Lock of TS 50

Uses Small Battery Package

Enhanced Universal Credit Device 1000 credits 1kg 1 Used to store digital money and produce trade source worth on off worlds like steel
Wallet (EUCDW)
Can create a usual money source of trade in a area based on galactic laws for Physical trades if needed each
one is a new bank account able to transfer money between one another, This stick has a Digital Lock of TS 100

Uses Small Battery Package

Large Computer Device (desktop 300 credits 20kg 30 A computer device that travels the universal net. To to be placed on a desk. Universal device.
or similar typed on desk large
computer) Acts like a server and may be connected to any other universal devices along with doing any computer actions.
It has a distance length or pick up for signal up to 3DSU per 15 credits.

Requires Power Outlet

Portable Computer Device (laptop 500 credits 5kg 10 A computer device that travels the universal net. To to be taken places for ease of information it does all
or tablets or similar device) jobs of any Universal device.

Acts like a server and may be connected to any other universal devices along with doing any computer actions.
It has a distance length or pick up for signal up to 1DSU per 15 credits.

Uses Small Battery Package

Life Scanner 150 credits 1kg 1 Used to scan for life

Scans in a 6DSU radius give Life Sense

Uses Small Battery Package

Metal Detector 150 credits 1kg 1 Used to scan for metals

Scans in a 1DSU radius (and gives precision in that 1DSU)

Uses Small Battery Package

EMF Detector 150 credits 1kg 1 Used to scan for Electromagnetic Fields

Scans in a 3DSU radius (and tells how strong it is)

Uses Small Battery Package

Wrist Mounted Specialty Computer 500 credits 1kg 1 This double wrist device is a special computer that has a link cable to other computers. A wireless system
(Comes with 2 wrist mounts) and comes with most other computer device needs. This device comes with scanners as well.

A computer device that travels the universal net. To to be taken places for ease of information it does all
jobs of any Universal device. This device is also special for hack programming granting +10 to Study checks
for hacking into computers.

Acts like a server and may be connected to any other universal devices along with doing any computer actions.
It has a distance length for signal or pick up to 1DSU per 15 credits

Uses Small Battery Package

Universal Digital Map (UDM) 50 Credits 1kg 1 Used for localization of Galaxies, Solar Systems, Planets, Planet Surface info etc.

Uses Small Battery Package

Global Positioning System 50 credits 1kg 1 This basic positioning system says the location of north, and flat detail map similar to a folding map

Uses Small Battery Package

Digital Reader and Photographer 50 credits 1kg 1 Used for catalog info of written articles. This item can store up to 500 pages of info or picture
Device (DRPD)
Uses Small Battery Package
Digital Storage Device 125 credits 1kg 1 Any Digital Device can store articles on this machine, a (UVAD, UCDW, DRPD) can send info to this device once
linked upon such it can intake info into itself from the devices like storing pictures, money, or even videos
and audios

Can store up to as much credits as you wish to send acting as a new bank, can store up to 10,000 pages or
pictures, can store up to 120 of hours of video and audio

Uses Small Battery Package

Universal Atomic Watch 50 Credits 500g 1 Tells Atomic Time for the user (Also helps read planets day/night cycle)
Uses Small Battery Package
Simple Atomic Watch 25 Credits 500g 1 Tells Atomic Time for the user

Uses Small Battery Package

Radiation Detector 150 credits 1kg 1 Reads radiation numbers at a set distances from itself.

Uses Small Battery Package

Electric Field Detector 150 credits 1kg 1 Reads electrical and magnetic fields in numbers at a set distances from itself.

Uses Small Battery Package

Cloak Device 2500 credits 1kg 1 The user gains invisibility status, Upon attacking the invisibility breaks. This device only work on a
personnel of medium size or smaller and any size larger increases the cost per 1DSU extra it will effect.
This device drains the battery package within 1 hour of continual use.

The invisibility is imperfect thus if you move the TS to see you is 15 at full move and 30 at half movement
speed and 45 at 1/4th your movement speed and 100 if not moving at all. Sight check to spot the light

Uses Small Battery Package

Silencer Device 2500 credits 1kg 1 The user gains silenced status. Upon an attack the silence breaks but treats the first attack as silenced.
This device only work on a personnel of medium size or smaller and any size larger increases the cost per
1DSU extra it will effect. This device drains the battery package within 1 hour of continual use.

The silence is imperfect thus if you move the TS to hear you is 15 at full move and 30 at half movement speed
and 45 at 1/4th your movement speed and 100 if not moving at all. Listen check to hear the sounds of the user.

Uses Small Battery Package

Air Speed Protection 250 credits 1kg 1 The user can withstand high amounts of G force and Air Speed velocity to their body

This protects from up to 40DSU of extreme speed per upgrade. 250 credits per upgrade.

Uses Small Battery Package

Small Battery Package 5 credits 300g 1 These small batteries power very minuscule devices for up to 3 hours of use per battery (use refers to
(10g turning on not left in standby mode which takes 6 months for a battery to burn out when in standby mode)
batter The power these batteries provide work differently with the Flash Light, Radial Flash Light and Light Ball.
There is 30 batteries per Pack
Small Battery Package Re-charger 25 credits 1kg 1 Recharges up to 5 batteries from the Small Battery Package article to full within 1 hour.

In solar format it takes 1 hour per battery on the charger.

Remote Drone 1000 credits 5kg 3 A micro sized remote control drone with a camera on it. It comes with a control device, or may be controlled
by a computer device.

While moving this drone produces a sound of TS 50, and uses the user's pilot as a stealth check.

This drone has a ground movement speed of 4 DSU, and a lift score of 5.

Uses Small Battery Package

Remote Flying Drone 2500 credits 4kg 3 A micro sized remote control drone with a camera on it. It comes with a control device, or may be controlled
by a computer device.

While moving this drone produces a sound of TS 50, and uses the user's pilot as a stealth check.

This drone has a ground and flight movement speed of 4 DSU, and a lift score of 2.

Uses Small Battery Package

Surveillance Camera 100 credits 1kg 1 A small camera used to constantly monitor an area.

Can be connected to a computer device to view the camera from a remote area.

Uses Small Battery Package or can be connected to a power outlet.

Animal Equipment
Item Name Price Weight WSV Special Effect
Animal Harness/Leash/Bridle 25 credits 3kg 3 This article is measured for a specific animal species. It gains +1kg per size up it applies or -1kg per size
Helps tether control the animal with handles and ropes or link the animals to others.

A stronger version for pulling and certain working jobs is applies worth x4 the price. (Pulling a
cart/pulling a plow/riding)
Animal Saddle 500 credits 5kg 10 This article is measured for a specific animal species. It gains +1kg per size up it applies or -1kg per size

Helps set up an animal for riding so you may seat upon them comfortably and not hurt the animal.

Riding an animal without this causes a -10 to your pilot checks to maintain in seat of the animal.
Animal Carry Bags +100 credits None None This is the same as any type of back pack except designed for the animal it is set for.

This links to Saddles For a bonus +5 WSV.

The WSV of these type of packs is also boosted for a animal by +5 Per square their body extends out.
Animal On Go Feed Bag 25 credits 2kg 2 This article is measured for a specific animal species. It gains +1kg per size up it applies or -1kg per size

This special feed bag is designed for the animal to eat while it's being used for riding or other work.

Contains up to 3 WSV of food for the animal.

Books & Writing

Item Name Price Weight WSV Special Effect
Study Books 50 credits 300g 1 A book for studying a subject for your Education Subject. The book may only help with the degree it's locked
Multiplied per to upon buying it.
Degree level
you're training Meets requirements for study time on the singular subject.
Book 5 credit per 50 200g 1 Used for writing books or to purchase books
pages per 50 per
pages 250 May pay 2x the Price for treated chemically paper and cover (design choice)
Endless Page Book 150 credits per 0 0 Applies to a Book only.
50 pages
Makes the book able to hold a unusually large amount of pages while keeping the same size.

WS of the book will not change no matter how many pages is honestly within the book.

This is considered a magical effect.

Paper 10 credit for 400g 2 Used for writing and other things
100 pieces per per
100 500 This item is for Physical paper.
pieces piec
es May pay 2x the Price for treated chemically paper (design choice).
Writing Ink 1 credit per 100g 1 Used for writing and various other things. 10 ml of ink can cover up to 1000 pages.
10ml of ink
May pay 2x Price for colors that are not black

May pay 2x Price if special invisible Ink with visible reactive agent like a candle fire
Quill 5 credits 50g 1 Used for writing. Must be dipped in ink on a regular basis while using.
Pen 10 credits 50g 1 Used for writing. Can be refilled with up to 10 ml of ink at once.

This item does not work in environments without gravity. You may pay 20 credits to negate this.
Chalk 5 credits 100g 1 Used for writing. Can cover up to 100 pages worth of words.
Pencil 5 credits 50g 1 Used for writing. Can cover up to 100 pages worth of words.

Food & Drink

Item Name Price Weight WSV Special Effect
Travelers Rations Meals Packs 10 credits 1kg 1 A basic meal of either canned or treated food. (Bland)

Each pack has 5 meals

This food cannot Go bad from long term age
Cheap Food or Drink 5 credits 100g 1 A cheap meal low nutrition meal (Bland)

Feeds 1 meal per 2

This food will go bad within 3 days, or 7 if chilled.

Basic Food or Drink 15 credits 200g 1 A basic meal (Bland+)

Feeds 1 meal

This food will go bad within 7 days, or 14 if chilled.

Average Food or Drink 30 credits 200g 1 A average meal (Okay)

Feeds 1 meal

This food will go bad within 7 days, or 14 if chilled.

Fine Food or Drink 45 credits 200g 1 A luxury meal (Okay+)

Feeds 1 meal

This food will go bad within 3 days, or 7 if chilled.

High Class Food or Drink 60 credits 200g 1 A Rare meal (Good)

Feeds 1 meal

This food will go bad within 3 days, or 7 if chilled.

Animal Feed 15 credits 500g 1 A basic meal for an animal (Okay)(Bland for most non animals)

Feeds 1 meal

This food cannot Go bad from long term age. Unless it's meat.
High Grade Animal Feed 25 credits 500g 1 A higher meal for an animal (Good)(Bland for most non animals)

Feeds 1 meal

This food will go bad within 7 days, or 14 if chilled.

Adventuring Equipment
Item Name Price Weight WSV Special Effect
Bandages/Cloth 1 credits per 100g 1 These Bandages have many uses
1DSU per per
Grappling Lock Hook 25 credits 500g 1 This item is tied to something to lock on even strange surfaces that it can lock on

Price is multiplied by the metals hardness

Grapple Shot Gauntlet 500 credits 2kg 3 Can hold up to 5DSU of either a cable or rope. And have 1 grapple lock hook attached to the launcher. (this
takes up a wielding slot to equip)

Shoots a Grapple Lock Hook (with or without the rope) accurately up to 5DSU .

A pull system pulls up to 500 WS in a speed of 3DSU per round. If WS is 501-1000 it pulls in a speed of 1DSU
per round. And any WS above will strain and not pull up.
Spray Paint 25 credits per 250g 1 Used to color objects with a color each can contains 1 type of color
Each can has up to 15 uses for up to 3DSU of pure color coverage

May blind a target of scent and sight checks for 2 rounds TS of 20 to overcome the effect
Pepper Spray 25 credits per 250g 1 Used to defend oneself from attackers harmlessly
15 uses for one can

May blind a target of scent and sight checks for 2 rounds TS of 30 Endure to overcome the effect
Rope 1 credit per 500g 1 Can Handle up to 25kg weight score multiple ropes stack in worth. Hardness of Rope is 5.
3DSU per per
5DSU 5DSU May pay 2x the cost to increase the weight score limit to 50kg.
Metal Cable 2 credit per 500g 1 Can handle up to 25 weight score. multiple Cables can stack in worth.
3DSU per per
5DSU 5DSU Cost and Weight Score Limit are multiplied by the metal hardness(minimum 1x multiplier)
Wire 1 credit per 100g 1 Can Handle up to 10kg weight score multiple wires stack in worth. Hardness of wire is 5.
5DSU per per
5DSU 10DS May pay 2x the cost to increase the weight score limit to 20kg.
Made of polymer materials.
Basic Folding Maps 15 credits 250g 1 Choose any 1 type of map. This item is made of paper like material.

This item is used for various localization info.

You suffer a -50 when determining your location if you do not know which direction north is.
Compass 15 credits 500g 1 This item tells directional north as long as the planet has a magnetic field.

If the magnetism in a area is too high it will not work properly.

Parachute 50 credits 10kg 10 Upon use of a pulled cord you pop a fabric out of this pack that slowly descends you to the ground 25% chance
of failure it pops

Upon use of a secondary pulled cord you pop a fabric out of this pack that slowly descends you to the ground
25% chance of failure it pops

Upon of a third pulled cord you pop fabric out of this pack that slowly descends you to the ground 25% chance
of failure it pops
Gas Mask 25 credits 1kg 1 Upon wearing which takes a ACT to put on this mask will keep you safe from dangerous gases for up to 2 hour

The filter must be replaced every hour after use

Filters cost 5 credits to buy a new filter

Megaphone 50 credits 1kg 1 Upon use it increases your volume of voice TS by x2 max TS 30

Uses Small Battery Package

Telescope 50 credits 3kg 1 Zooms in a 20DSU clearly and for every 100 credits zooms another 20DSU clearly.

It takes a ½ ACT to clearly zoom to a new sight length

Musical Instrument 25 credits 1kg 1 A basic Music Instrument like drums guitar etc.
Expert Instrument 250 credits 1kg 1 A basic Music Instrument like drums guitar etc.

Grants +5 Study Checks to playing music

Grand Instrument 1000 credits 1kg 1 A basic Music Instrument like drums guitar etc.

Grants +10 Study Checks to playing music

Cutting Torch 500 credits 3kg 1 Upon use will cut through materials at a rate of 1 centimeter per round. Cannot cut through items that are
immune to disintegration.

Contains 2 pints of fuel. This is enough fuel to run for 1 hour.

The fuel costs 15 credits to refill

Welding Torch 500 Credits 3kg 1 Upon use will weld two materials together at a rate of 1 centimeter per round. Cannot weld items that are
immune to disintegration.

Contains 2 pints of fuel. This is enough fuel to run for 1 hour.

The fuel costs 15 credits to refill

Arc Welder 1000 Credits 3kg 1 Upon use will weld two materials together at a rate of 1 centimeter per round. Cannot weld items that are
immune to disintegration.

Uses Small Battery Package. Runs out of battery power after 1 hour.
Air Tanks 100 Credits 3kg 1 Contains a type of air (Oxygen, Carbon Dioxide etc.) That has 1 hour of use. A space air tank will cost 50
more credits.

To refill these tanks it will take 1 hour with a pressure pump equipment.

If these tanks are damaged they might explode based upon the air within and pressure needed. If the air is
explosive it will deal damage in a 3DSU radius dealing damage based upon what GM determines.
Soap 5 Credits 250g 1 Used for personal hygiene. Has 100 uses.
Soap Dispenser 15 Credits 600g 1 Used for personal hygiene. Has 500 uses.

Can be refilled for 5 credits.

Tent 100 Credits 5kg 5 Can fit 2 medium sized people inside comfortably.
Arid Tent 200 Credits 4kg 4 Can fit 2 medium sized people inside comfortably.

Grants a +5 Endure to arid environments while inside.

Cold Weather Tent 200 Credits 6kg 6 Can fit 2 medium sized people inside comfortably.

Grants a +5 Endure to cold environments while inside.

Sleeping Roll 25 Credits 2kg 2 A basic mat for sleeping
Sleeping Bag 50 Credits 2kg 2 A basic sleeping bag.

Grants +2 Endure to cold environments while inside.

Heavy Sleeping Bag 100 Credits 4kg 3 A heavy sleeping bag for cold weather.

Grants +5 Endure to cold environments while inside.

Lighting Tools
Item Name Price Weight WSV Special Effect
Flash Light 50 credits 500g 1 Shines in a 18DSU 15 degree cone and dims at 5DSU the TS of the light is raised by 1 per 50 credits spent

Requires 1 hand to hold

Runs out of battery power after 1 hours

Radial Flash Light 50 credits 500g 1 Shines in a 3DSU 180 degrees and dims at 1DSU the TS of the light is raised by 1 per 50 credits spent

Can be pinned on the persons body

Runs out of battery power after 1 hours

Light Ball 25 credits 500g 1 Shines in a 3DSU 360 degrees and dims at 1DSU the TS of the light is raised by 1 per 50 credits spent

Is thrown and turns on upon landing or before being thrown

Runs out of battery power after 10 mins

Lighter 10 credits 250g 1 Can create a small fire for igniting things on fire.

Contains 1 table spoon of fuel. The fuel costs 5 credits to refill.

Upon use shines in a 1DSU 360 degrees and dims at the 1DSU. The TS of the light is 2.
Flare 10 credits 250g 1 Upon use shines in a 3DSU 360 degrees and dims at the 1DSU. The TS of the light is 5.

Lasts 15 Minutes. Can be thrown or held.

Flare Gun 150 credits 1kg 1 Can fire a flare up to 40DSU.

Can only hold 1 flare round at a time. Takes a ½ act to reload

Can only fire special flare ammo that costs 10 credits per round.

Flare rounds burn at TS light 15 for 30 seconds.

Matches 5 credits 150g 1 Can create a small fire for igniting things on fire
per Contains 30 matches. A match is consumed on use. Wind can blow it out in TS 5.
Upon use shines in a 1DSU 360 degrees and dims at the 1DSU. The TS of the light is 2.
Torches 20 credits 250g 1 A hand held object with a safety hold with a top point for ignition.

The compound at the top burns for up to 2 hours. Wind can blow it out in TS 10. To refuel costs 5 credits.

Upon use shines in a 3DSU 360 degrees and dims at the 1DSU. The TS of the light is 5.
Lantern Torch 50 +100 if 2kg 2 A hand held lamp that acts as a focused light.
credits The compound at the top burns for up to 2 hours. Wind can blow it out in TS 15. To refuel costs 5 credits.

Comes in 3 forms. (a adjustable version can be bought)

--Shines in a 18DSU 15 degree cone and dims at 5DSU the TS of the light is raised by 1 per 50 credits spent.
--Shines in a 3DSU 180 degrees and dims at 1DSU the TS of the light is raised by 1 per 50 credits spent

Infusion Stones
Item Name Price Weight WSV Special Effect
Body Infusion Stone 2500 Credits 1g 1 Intakes ADD-ONs

No ADD-ON limit to intake

Takes Alchemist to remove and add ADD-ONs

Core Infusion Stone 1500 Credits 1g 1 Intakes ADD-ONs (For Machine Body Type)

5 ADD-ON limit to intake

Takes Artificer to remove and add ADD-ONs

Equipment Infusion Stone 1000 Credits 1g 1 Intakes ADD-ONs (For Equipment)

5 ADD-ON limit to intake

Takes Artificer to remove and add ADD-ONs

Accessory Infusion Stone 500 Credits 1g 1 Intakes ADD-ONs (For Accessories)

2 ADD-ON limit to intake

Takes Artificer to remove and add ADD-ONs

Basic Infusion Stone 100 Credits 1g 1 Intakes ADD-ONs (For storage)

25 ADD-ON limit to intake

Takes Artificer and Alchemist to remove and add ADD-ONs. A user may Expend their FP into this stone to create
the ADD-ON they want into itself as a manifestation.
High Core Infusion Stone 25,000 Credits 5g 1 Intakes ADD-ONs (For Vehicle/Mecha/Large Objects)

5 ADD-ON limit to intake

Takes Artificer or Alchemist to remove and add ADD-ONs. This stone acts mostly as a Equipment Stone for usual

These kits are used for general usages like cooking, experiments, and general supplies you carry with you for your job. All kits encompass a WS of 5 as they contain many
articles within themselves but are easily organized. Kits do not stack their bonuses with themselves. The bottle containers though can be used for other things are specially
designed for the kit they came from themselves.

Kit Type Cost Weight WSV Kit Use

Material Treatment Kit (insert material) 150 credits 1kg 1 Allows the user to refine a raw material into Craft Materials. This will refine 1.2kg of Raw
Material into 1 WS of Craft Material or 1.2kg of Small Craft Material. You may use this kit to alloy
a material into another, but require a second kit for the other material. The refining process takes
1 week.

This kit is not needed if you have an Alchemist or Artificers kit.

This kit has 5 uses before a refill is needed.

Mapper's Kit 250 Credits 2kg 1 Allows the user to make maps. This kit contains enough to make 3 full detail maps, 6 detailed maps,
12 simple maps, or 24 crude maps. Maps grant a +5 to avoid getting lost for each grade up that it

This kit also contains the following items: 1 Compass, 1 detailed map of a local area, 1 detailed
map of a wide area, and 1 Map Carry Case. You may pay 250 credits to water proof the Map Carry Case.
Hunters Kit 250 credits 5kg 2 Used for curing, skinning, or tanning animals that have been hunted. This kit contains tools for
tanning hide and preserving meat enough for 12 tiny animals, 6 small animals, 3 medium animals, or 1
large animal.

This kit also contains the following items: 1 Survival Knife. You may pay 100 credits as an upgrade
to apply Thrusting Dagger to the knife.
Fishing Kit 250 credits 5kg 5 Used for fishing.

This kit contains the following items: 1 Tackle Box, 5 Wire of 10 DSU each, 10 Fishing Hooks, 5
Fishing Lures.

May pay 10 credits to make the wire hold up to 20kg.

Animal Husbandry & Care Kit (Per animal 125 credits 5kg 5 Used for care of animals. Contains tools for cleaning, breeding, etc.
This kit also contains the following items: 10 Feed Bags
Craftsmen Kit (insert craft) 125 credits 5kg 3 Used for 1 suitable craft like gem cutting or sewing for example, and includes the tools needed for
the craft. Contains enough material for 2 uses.

This kit is not needed if you have an Alchemist or Artificers kit.

Computer & Electrical Repair Kit 500 credits 5kg 3 Used for computer maintenance and repair, and includes the tools needed for working with

Each kit contains enough material for 50 uses.

Camping Kit 200 credits 10kg 5 This kit contains the following items: 1 Tent, 2 Sleeping Bags

You may pay the difference to upgrade the items to another type of Tent or Sleeping Bag.
Building Tools Kit 250 credits 5kg 3 Used for normal build checks to make items of construction nature

Contains hammers, nails, drills with various bits, screwdrivers of various bits, various ruler
types, wielding supplies etc.

Used for normal craft checks involving construction of large projects like a house etc. This kit is
pointless if you are a Artificer crafting class.
Climber Kit 125 credits 5kg 2 A kit used to climb and scale things, and grants a +10 to climbing when used.
Travelers Cooking Kit 125 credits 3kg 2 Used for cooking and baking food, and includes various pots and pans. This kit grants a +10 to
cooking food when used.
Master Cooks Kit 250 credits 3kg 2 Used for cooking and baking food of higher quality, and includes various pots and pans. This kit
grants a +15 to cooking food and raises the grade of food by +1 when used.
Spice Kit 125 Credits 1kg 1 Used for making spices and includes various equipment ot create spices.

This kit has 50 small glass vials that can each hold 100 uses of spice. This kit does not come with
any pre-made spice.
Water Filter Kit 125 credits 1kg 1 Used for purifying water. Has 25 tablets that can purify up to 8 litres of water each.

This kit also contains the following items: 10 glass vials that hold 100ml each.
Surgical Kit 125 credits 3kg 3 Used for storing medical aid and surgery based gear, and contains basic medical equipment needed to
perform surgury.

This kit has enough supplies for 10 uses and grants a +10 to performing surgury.
Animal Health Care Kit 125 credits 3kg 3 Used for storing medical aid and surgery based gear for animals, and contains basic medical
equipment needed to perform surgury.

This kit has enough supplies for 10 uses and grants a +10 to performing surgury.
Herbal and Medical Kit 125 credits 1kg 1 Used for storing and creating Herbal makes, and contains basic medical equipment.

This kit also contains the following items: 10 glass vials that hold 100ml each, 5 containers that
each hold 5kg of material.

This kit has 5 uses. You may use this kit to increase the regeneration gained from sleeping one
night by 5% on a single target. This takes 5 rounds to apply.
Chemical and Powders Kit 125 credits 1kg 1 Used for storing and creating Compounds and Mixtures for reasons other than healing

This kit also contains the following items: 10 glass vials that hold 1ml each, 5 containers that
each hold 5kg of material.

This kit can be used in building items that use chemical or powder mixes. This kit is not needed if
you have an Alchemist Kit.
Weapon and Armor Care Kit 125 credits 1kg 1 Used to care of Melee type weapons and repair.

This kit can be used to repair wepons or armour up to 3 times, but cannot be used for creating new
weapons or armour. This kit is not needed if you have an Artificers kit.
Gun Care Kit 125 credits 1kg 1 Used to care of Ballistic weapons and repairs (Required for any Firearm Bullet creation)

This kit can be used to repair firearms up to 3 times, but cannot be used for creating new firearms.
This kit is not needed if you have an Artificers kit.
Ammo Creation Kit 125 credits 5kg 3 Used in the making of Bullets for guns

This kit can hold up to 25 WS of Gunpowder and bullet casings that can be used to make 1 WS of
ammo(25 rounds). This kit does not come with any gunpowder or bullet casings.

This kit is not needed if you have an Artificers kit.

Explosive Creation Kit 125 credits 5kg 3 Used in the making of Explosives

This kit can hold up to 25 WS of compounds to make 5 grenades, but does not come with any compounds.

This kit is not needed if you have an Artificers kit.

Projectile Craft Kit 125 credits 5kg 3 Used in making non Bullet Ammo like “War Nails” “Arrows” “Bolts” etc. and is required for proper
ammunition for said weapons.

This kit is not needed if you have an Artificers kit.

Blacksmith Kit 250 credits 5kg 3 Used in solid metal works of precision details etc.

This kit is not needed if you have an Artificers kit.

Wood Craft Kit 250 credits 5kg 3 Used in solid wood works of precision details etc.

This kit is not needed if you have an Artificers kit.

Special Treatment Kit 250 credits 5kg 3 Used in plant and other organic like chitin or polymer works of precision details etc.

This kit is not needed if you have an Artificers kit.

Stone Works Kit 250 credits 5kg 3 Used in solid stone and crystal works of precision details etc.

This kit is not needed if you have an Artificers kit.

Gunsmith Kit 250 credits 5kg 3 Used in making firearm classed weapons.

This kit is not needed if you have an Artificers kit.

Advanced Gunsmith Kit 250 credits 5kg 3 Used in making firearm classed weapons.

This kit is not needed if you have an Artificers kit.

Common Kit Refill 15 credits As Kit As Kit Used to Refill various kits and or repair articles within them.
Infusion Stone Remover Kit 15,000 Credits 1kg 1 Can in place of a crafter remove Infusion of the Equipment type or Accessory type stones.

This kit is not needed if you have an Artificers or Alchemist kit.

Infusion Stone Alchemist Kit 15,000 Credits 1kg 1 Can in place of a crafter remove Infusion of the Body type stones.

This kit is not needed if you have an Alchemist kit.

Infusion Stone Artificer Kit 15,000 Credits 1kg 1 Can in place of a crafter remove Infusion of the Core type stones.

This kit is not needed if you have an Artificers kit.

Basic Infusion Stone Transfer Kit 10,000 Credits 1kg 1 Can take a basic stone and any not faceted Infusion Stone and place the ADD-ONs from the Basic
Infusion Stone to the Source Infusion Stone.

This kit is not needed if you have an Artificers or Alchemist kit.


When the world has laws and needs to keep their paper works in order or need a way to service but keep things just from being a public stepping ground. Generally a
governmental body or even job servicing offers up Licenses, Paper documents etc. either given to you or kept by them with ways to access and keep in order. However it is
played out this section is to help out with price servicing. Be it if you need it to own a type of firearm (Owning) and Operations of said firearm to fire it with live ammo
(Operations), Be that you need Permission to even carry it to a certain place (Permissions) and finally that you need your ID card to even use any of the above mention
(Authentication). If by a business approach is similar. These are rules set for either safety, order and even to have a subscription to keep a place going. Also the more
paid out the more protected the documentations and proofs are marked for law study if given access or use. This system could even be used to mark “Copyrights” “Trademarks”
etc. to exemplify beyond ownership but to prevent others profiting upon your own “works”. Though no system is perfect misinformation and handling by others can always be a
difficult matter no matter how simple or complex a system works as.

Document/License Cost Time Limit Description

Owning 500 to 50,000 credits Lasts up to 1 year base with 5,000 per year. To make unlimited This sort of documentation allows ownership of 1
x2 price. The more cost put into a unlimited the more or multiple things that would otherwise be
protection proofing is assigned of +1 in law study per 500 illegal to own without this.
credits before price multiplication.
Operation 500 to 15,000 credits Lasts up to 2 year base with 5,000 per year. To make unlimited This sort of documentation allows usage of 1 or
x3 price. The more cost put into a unlimited the more multiple things that would otherwise be illegal
protection proofing is assigned of +1 in law study per 500 to use without this.
credits before price multiplication.
Permission 500 to 10,000 credits Lasts up to 2 year base with 5,000 per year. To make unlimited This sort of documentation allows you to enter or
x2 price. The more cost put into a unlimited the more bypass places or zones that are not allowed in a
protection proofing is assigned of +1 in law study per 500 public way like a club, restricted sight, etc.
credits before price multiplication. without this you would be marked as a trespasser.
Authentication 500 to 25,000 credits Lasts up to 1 year base with 5,000 per year. To make unlimited This sort of documentation allows you to prove of
x3 price. The more cost put into a unlimited the more say identity, job status, funds, history, and
protection proofing is assigned of +1 in law study per 500 proof of trusted info etc. Without this you
credits before price multiplication. really have a hard time “proving” within certain
government & other business fields and laws.
Pets and Animals cannot surpass the level of the trainer of the animal. To find an animal for sale of certain level or in nature is a 100% of a level 1 with a -5% per level
up. Certain places may raise this percentage to find higher level animals.

Animal Cost Animal Stats

Riding Animal Fast 5,000 +2500 per level Normal Stat Growth in all stats, Move Speed in 1 movement
category base 12DSU others 6DSU. HP is Easy progression.
Riding Animal Sturdy 5,000 +2500 per level Normal Stat Growth in all stats, Move Speed in all movement
category base 8DSU. Lift Score x2. HP is Easy progression.
House Pet 1,500 +2000 per level Normal Stat Growth in 6 categories, 2 Stats Hard. HP is Easy
Wild Animal Untamed 1,000 +1500 per level Normal Stat Growth in 4 categories, 2 Stats Hard, 2 Stat Wimpy.
HP is Easy progression.
Exotic Pet 2,500 +2500 per level Normal Stat Growth in 5 categories, 3 Stats Hard. HP is Easy
Exotic Wild Animal 2,000 +2000 per level Normal Stat Growth in 3 categories, 4 Stats Hard, 1 Stat Wimpy.
Untamed HP is Easy progression.


One may buy a plot of property or rent from one, a property Cost is to own. While rental is a per month basis you pay (along with utility) if you damage the place though you
must pay the Repairs Per Month till it is fixed. Size space is measured in 1DSU cubes general and a basic 1DSU cubed is listed for 1DSU by 1DSU additive price. Power Produce
is for example used to recharge things, run your life works etc. if you over draw you must pay the Utilities Upkeep per 2 power you drain. You may customize the place as you
see fit, build time for a place is equal to cost divided by 10 in days, and if using materials in WS worth you must give in 10 per 1DSU cube. Walls of a a place around half
a foot thick to 1foot thick. When a space demands power, it refers to any devices running in it on or off constantly, thus 1 room provides 1 power unit per hour to plugged
in devices of that room like lights, appliances, and the ilk of such. If you do not have a strong enough generator to power the place it will still provide the power but you
are over working the generator and risk it breaking every month by 25% which then all power ran devices are shut down. You may manually cut power from anything and make it's
power need 0 when it is off, if you are renting that is not an option and must still pay for the rent as normal (As this would deal with NPC transactions). When Renting a
built place you do not need to pay for the Land Rent.

Article Cost/Rental Size Space Power Utilities

Needs/Produce Upkeep/Rep
airs Per
Land Plot/Land Rent 2500 credits/250 credits 3DSU land space - -
Single Space 125 credits/25 credits 1DSU cube Needs 1 power 10 credits
Tiny Place 500 credits/100 credits 3DSU cubed Needs 4 power 50 credits
Small Place 1,000 credits/200 credits 5DSU cubed Needs 8 power 100
Medium Place 1,500 credits/300 credits 6DSU cubed Needs 12 power 150
Large Place 2,000 credits/400 credits 8DSU cubed Needs 16 power 200
Huge Place 2,500 credits/500 credits 10DSU cubed Needs 20 power 250
Immense Place 3,000 credits/600 credits 12DSU cubed Needs 24 power 300
Colossus Place 3,500 credits/700 credits 15DSU cubed Needs 28 power 350
Supreme Place 4,000 credits/800 credits 16DSU cubed Needs 32 power 400
Monumental Place 4,500 credits/900 credits 18DSU cubed Needs 36 power 450
Immeasurable Place 5,000 credits/1000 credits 20DSU cubed Needs 40 power 500
Generator Small 5,000 credits +500 per Takes up 1DSU cube Produce 50 power 100
upgrade max 5 times +10 per upgrade credits
Generator Medium 10,000 credits +1000 per Takes up 5DSU cube Produce 100 power 150
upgrade max 5 times +20 per upgrade credits
Generator Large 15,000 credits +1500 per Takes up 6DSU cube Produce 150 power 200
upgrade max 5 times +30 per upgrade credits
Heating Small 2,500 credits/250 credits Takes up 1DSU cube Heats 3DSU Needs 10 power 100
cube credits
Heating Medium 5,000 credits/500 credits Takes up 1DSU cube Heats 5DSU Needs 15 power 150
cube credits
Heating Large 7,500 credits/750 credits Takes up 1DSU cube Heats 6DSU Needs 20 power 200
cube credits
Cooling Small 2,500 credits/250 credits Takes up 1DSU cube Cools 3DSU Needs 10 power 100
cube credits
Cooling Medium 5,000 credits/500 credits Takes up 1DSU cube Cools 5DSU Needs 15 power 150
cube credits
Cooling Large 7,500 credits/750 credits Takes up 1DSU cube Cools 6DSU Needs 20 power 200
cube credits
Small Reinforcing 10,000 credits/1000 Adds +10 Hardness - 100
credits credits
Medium Reinforcing 15,000 credits/1500 Adds +20 Hardness - 150
credits credits
Large Reinforcing 20,000 credits/2000 Adds +30 Hardness - 200
credits credits
Digital Connection 100 credits/10 credits Connection to digital services Needs 5 power 100
Weak (service) very slow (cannot use advanced credits
tech with it or for heavy
digital work), Reaches 5DSU
radius as server, can handle up
to 5 devices at once.
Digital Connection 150 credits/15 credits Connection to digital services, Needs 10 power 150
Normal (service) Reaches 10DSU radius as server. credits
Can handle up to 15 devices at
Digital Connection 200 credits/20 credits Connection to digital services Needs 15 power 200
Strong (service) (can use for advanced tech) credits
Reaches 20DSU radius as wireless
server. Can handle up to 30
devices at once.
Digital Net Server 250 credits/25 credits Connection to digital services, Needs 20 power 150
Small Reaches 1 kilometers for linking credits
devices. Can handle up to 20
devices at once.
Digital Net Server 500 credits/50 credits Connection to digital services, Needs 25 power 200
Reaches 10 kilometers for credits
linking devices. Can handle up
to 35 devices at once.
Digital Net Server 750 credits/75 credits Connection to digital services, Needs 30 power 250
Large Reaches 100 kilometers for credits
linking devices. Can handle up
to 50 devices at once.
Irrigation 5 credits/1 credits Water and other liquids systems - 5 credits
per 1DSU Cube
Gas 5 credits/1 credits Gas systems per 1DSU Cube Needs 1 power 5 credits
Electric 25 credits per 5 extra Power for the Place from outside Provides 5 power 25 credits
power (Rent Only) source. per increase


Article Cost Weight WSV Description Power Needs/Produce Utilities Upkeep/Repairs Per Month Special
Bed Cheap 50 3kg 75 Shoddy Bed 0 0 Requires +1 hour to be considered rested.
Bed Basic 250 10kg 100 Basic Bed 0 0 None
Bed Noble 1000 25kg 150 Expensive Bed 0 0 Requires -1 hour to be considered rested(cannot reduce rest requirement
below 2 hours).
Bed Pod 2500 50kg 75 Sleeping Pod Needs 1 power per 1 5 credits Requires -2 hours to be considered rested(cannot reduce rest requirement
hour. below 2 hours).
Has its own life support system.
Has a portable computer.
Dresser 1000 25kg 50 Holds 0 0 Holds up to 75 WSV of items. An individual item cannot exceed 10 WSV.
Wardrobe 2500 50kg 75 Holds 0 0 Holds up to 125 WSV of items. An individual item cannot exceed 10 WSV.

Living/Dining Room
Article Cost Weight WSV Description Power Utilities Upkeep/Repairs Special
Needs/Produce Per Month
Seating 50 per 3kg per 75 per Shoddy 0 0 None
Cheap 1DSU 1DSU 1DSU Seating
Seating 250 per 10kg per 100 per Basic 0 0 None
Basic 1DSU 1DSU 1DSU Seating
Seating 1000 per 25kg per 150 per Expensive 0 0 None
Noble 1DSU 1DSU 1DSU Seating
Table 100 per 10kg per 75 per Shoddy Table 0 0 None
Cheap 1DSU 1DSU 1DSU
Table 500 per 15kg per 100 per Basic Table 0 0 None
Basic 1DSU 1DSU 1DSU
Table 1500 per 15kg per 150 per Expensive 0 0 None
Noble 1DSU 1DSU 1DSU Table

Article Cost Weight WSV Description Power Utilities Upkeep/Repairs Special
Needs/Produce Per Month
Small 500 5kg 15 Small Needs 1 Power 5 None
Appliance Appliances per 1 hour.
that fit on
a counter-
top such as
a toaster or
Large 2000 50kg 100 Large Needs 1 Power 5 None
Appliance standalone per 1 hour.
such as a
stove or

Accessories are a article type that attach to Equipment Objects, They grant a benefit usually and allow the article it's attached to to perform something different. An
accessory takes up it's slot (Scopes use the same slot). Normally to remove an accessory if applicable is a 1/2 ACT and a 1/2 ACT to attach a new one unless mentioned.

Accessories Price Weight WSV Effect Extra

Shield Lock 250 credits 1kg 1 This addition to a shield allows The article takes a Full Round
it to carry a article like a ACT while the shield is not being
Torch safely or even a blade etc wielded to install and lock the
on the front. object or remove it. The object
must be max a 1 handed article or
smaller for the shield size.
(Quick Draw effect instead cuts
the time to a ACT instead)
Battery Recharger (uses solar or plug in) 500 credits 1kg 1 Restores 1 energy in a battery You may upgrade this to restore 2
pack per 30mins energy per 30mins for 5000 more
credits and 3 per 30mins for
another 5000 upgrade for an extra
battery pack recharge for every
2500 credits max 5 at a time

Minor Battery Charger 250 credits 1kg 1 Restores 1 energy in a battery You may upgrade this to restore 2
(uses solar or plug in) pack per hour energy per hour for 5000 more
credits and 3 per hour for
another 5000 upgrade for an extra
battery pack recharge for every
1000 credits max 5 at a time
Refilling Device 25,000 credits 1kg 2 Refills/Repairs a limited The device refills a container
consumable source back into it's back to full (liquids, powder
package format. etc.) of the source within it
every 3 rounds of what it is
attached to. You may also apply
this to a singular consumable
item that will repair or refill
upon usage after 3 rounds back to
the container source or wielding
hand whichever was last used.
This device has 2 parts one is
the device that refills and the
other is the device that attaches
to the objecting source so it may
refill to the containers needed
bundling and reusable condition.
(cannot rebuild something from
Reconstruction Device 25,000 credits 1kg 2 Rebuilds the attached This item has 2 parts one goes on
weapon/armor/object using the yourself the other on the item
Reconstruction device. you want to reconstruct upon
imminent destruction of the item
(This will not repair consumable
effects back or refill the object
if the article was used) like it
exploding or severe Damage the
device on the gun instantly after
2 round reforms the article all
the remaining bits of the old
article are somehow eliminated
and dissipate into nothing you
can attach this as a Full Round
ACT to a new object if the device
on the item breaks the module on
you reforms it if the module on
your person breaks the piece on
the object reforms a new one you
cannot use this to reform
sentient beings except those with
the “Intelligence Empower” ADD-ON
also any article attached with
this effect is consider a normal
item if it was a single use item
(cannot rebuild something from
atomization) A reconstruction
device can only reconstruct a
1DSU square max per device.
Detonation Device 1000 credits plus chosen grenades 1kg 1 Makes the weapon into an Upon attachment to the weapon
variants cost explosive when thrown you may then trigger
to explode (free action) the
weapons thrown distance is
limited based on the type of
weapon but upon your chosen
destination to explode it deals
the grenades worth of Damage if
it was a gun the bullets still
remaining per bullet deal an
extra +2 Damage as Physical if
the weapons ammo had a special
property apply it (not per
bullet) the weapon in question
and all attached to it are
destroyed in the explosion the
Transformation Adjust 50 credits for gear and accessories 1kg 1 Makes the objects adjust to a This attachment must be applied
wearable objects. 150 credits for other transformation like therianthropy upon making of the item and
wearable objects. without damaging it. represent a article that reshapes
with you to fit. After your form
change you must spend a ½ ACT to
readjust all articles back to
your normal state.

These items are single use and once used are inert of their effect. Effects must either be of a “Drink/Oil” or “On Break” or “Dissipate” The On Break will break the item
it's on to activate while dissipate leaves the item in place (On Break reduces it's use time by a ½ ACT). If you make the effect into a type of upgrade craft use multiply
it's price by 5. A article does not have to be a slot use item but if placed on a slot will auto use when equip. (Ring etc. does not have to be a ring but listed sources
that are best placed on these as their effects are better as a auto use passive than a activate) some articles are best used as basic chemical creations like drinks or
applications the item does not have to break but the effect will go inert and dissipate when activated manually or via trigger (emptying the amount of drink/oil/mystical
effect dissipates so on). To use a consumable is a ½ ACT but you may do a movement action and use a consumable but cannot charge and use a consumable. If Any consumable
effect is made into a permanent their activation is a ½ ACT and cannot stack their effect till the previous effect ends If the effect is a auto activate then the ½ ACT will
expend automatically into the next round and cannot reactivate the effect for 1 hour. Item listed are not inputted into an item thus the item and the effects will crumble
away no matter what it's made of unless it's inputted upon an item as a consumable charge effect this does not act as a upgrade for price multiplication. Materials are not
effecting the price of these effects but these effect may be placed on a article without multiplying the effect cost as all articles effects are placed on 0 credit items.

Item Cost Weight WSV Effect

Ring of Protective 1000 50g 1 If a enemy called shots you, instead that called shot is deflected upon use. This will only block 1 called shots before
break. If the Aimed Strike Check still strikes it deals normal damage.
Ring of Revival 1500 50g 1 Once if you hit 0 or less HP this ring activates and heals you for 5% of your Max HP and Regenerates 1% of your Max HP each
round for 5 rounds you are still KOed during the time till it's healing stops. Only 1 effect of this can activate happen per
round. Only 1 of this effect will activate per 2 rounds.
Medallion of Shield 1500 50g 1 This effect produces a shielding effect around yourself that gives +5 to your Guard Checks for 3 rounds that is Void typed
guard and works even when you do not guard. The shield also doubles it's bonus against all called shots and protects all body
parts simultaneously. Shields hardness is equal to your body hardness.
Medallion of Vigor 1500 50g 1 This effect removes any fatigue you have by -5 levels and gain +5 stamina point back.
Medallion of Restoration 1500 50g 1 This effect reduces a status effects level that is effecting you by -5 levels
Charge of Life Medallion 1500 50g 1 If your HP is 0 or less your HP instantly goes to 1 instead and cannot go below 1 for the entire round. Once this effect ends
you instantly KO at 0 HP. Only 1 of this effect will activate per 2 rounds.
Charm of Momentum 1500 50g 1 Your movement for all movement types you can perform are at +6DSU this lasts for 3 movement actions before break.
Oil of Hardness 500 50g 1 Articles of up to 1DSU Cube gain 5 hardness for 3 rounds
Elemental Oil 1000 50g 1 Application upon a source gives it 5d4 of the damage type (1 type chosen per consumable) Heat, Cold, Ion, Acid. This effect
lasts for 5mins and any extra stacks of the same element will raise the previous dice grade by +1 of the bonus damage (5d4 to
5d6 etc.) and reset the effect lasting for another 1 minute instead of resetting duration. Only 1 Elemental Oil of a damage
type can be applied to a single source removing the previous placed one and it's stacks. If a damage source of same damage
type already exists upon the article boost it's dice grade by +1 as well.
Ectoplasmic Oil 500 50g 1 You may strike Ethereal realm for 1 hour
Ethereal Charm 1000 50g 1 Turn Ethereal for 1 round per SPRT MOD (Min 2 rounds) giving you 25% miss chance while in the realm.
Water Breathing Drink/Oil 500 50g 1 You may breathe in liquids environments for 1 hour
Atmospheric Drink/Oil 1000 50g 1 You may breathe and survive in any atmosphere or lack of one except you cannot breath in liquids environments for 1 hour
Water Proofing Oil 250 50g 1 Articles of up to 1DSU Cube are unable to get wet for 1 day
Preservation Oil 250 50g 1 Articles of up to 1DSU Cube are immune to rotting and rusting effects for 1 hour
Melding Keep Oil 250 50g 1 Articles of up to 1DSU Cube are immune to disintegration for 1 hour
Melding Glue 5 50g 1 Glues together an article that takes a TS muscle check 100 to pull apart, but melts at 15 TS of Heat
Enhanced Melding Glue 50 50g 1 Glues together an article that takes a TS muscle check 200 to pull apart, but melts at 25 TS of Heat
Solvent Oil 25 50g 1 Undoes Melding Glue and Enhanced Melding Glue
Elixir Of Revival 10,000 50g 1 This item when used on a dead target that has died at most 1 week ago will revive them. Also this item will restore all your
cast pool charges and HP to max. For the round of combat any casts spent of the previous round will be refunded then this
cast refund effect dissipates. This effect can only occur once every 2 days upon one effected by this consumable for the
revival. A target revived from this item more than once suffers a -10 to all their stats and Exhausted status level that
cannot be removed by any means for 1 week. For each subsequent revival Exhausted status level increases by +1 that cannot be
removed by any means.
Restorative Drink 150 50g 1 Heals 10d4 of one stat +5% of the Stat round up.
Greater Restorative Drink 300 50g 1 Heals 10d4 of one stat +10% of the Stat round up.
Energized Restorative 450 50g 1 Heals 10d4 of one stat +15% of the Stat round up.
Grand Restorative Drink 600 50g 1 Heals 10d4 of one stat +20% of the Stat round up.
Max Restorative Drink 750 50g 1 Heals 10d4 of one stat +25% of the Stat round up.
Healing Drink Minor V1 150 50g 1 Heals 20d4 HP +10% of Max HP
Healing Drink Minor V2 200 50g 1 Heals 20d6 HP +10% of Max HP
Healing Drink Minor V3 250 50g 1 Heals 20d8 HP +10% of Max HP
Healing Drink Minor V4 300 50g 1 Heals 20d10 HP +10% of Max HP
Healing Drink Minor V5 350 50g 1 Heals 20d12 HP +10% of Max HP
Healing Drink V1 250 50g 1 Heals 20d4 HP +15% of Max HP
Healing Drink V2 300 50g 1 Heals 20d6 HP +15% of Max HP
Healing Drink V3 350 50g 1 Heals 20d8 HP +15% of Max HP
Healing Drink V4 400 50g 1 Heals 20d10 HP +15% of Max HP
Healing Drink V5 450 50g 1 Heals 20d12 HP +15% of Max HP
Max Healing Drink V1 350 50g 1 Heals 20d4 HP +20% of Max HP
Max Healing Drink V2 400 50g 1 Heals 20d6 HP +20% of Max HP
Max Healing Drink V3 450 50g 1 Heals 20d8 HP +20% of Max HP
Max Healing Drink V4 500 50g 1 Heals 20d10 HP +20% of Max HP
Max Healing Drink V5 550 50g 1 Heals 20d12 HP +20% of Max HP
Regeneration Healing Drink 600 50g 1 Regeneration effect restoring 10d4 HP for 10 rounds also may reattach body parts.
Greater Regeneration Drink 1000 50g 1 Regeneration effect restoring 10d4+10 HP for 10 rounds also may reattach body parts.
Casters Drink 250 50g 1 Restores 5 Cast Pool Charges
Greater Casters Drink 500 50g 1 Restores 10 Cast Pool Charges
Energized Casters Drink 750 50g 1 Restores 15 Cast Pool Charges
Grand Caster Drink 1000 50g 1 Restores 20 Cast Pool Charges
Max Caster Drink 1250 50g 1 Restores 25 Cast Pool Charges
Hyper Senses Drink 2000 50g 1 You can see perfectly in certain cases gaining Pierce-Vision sight up to 3DSU through objects (but based on your normal sight
type), able to sense invisibility up to 6DSU(Does not sense mystic invisibility), auto ignore illusion effects and take no
negative side effects from disbelief of them. See willingly into ethereal realm. Smell and Hear perfectly up to 6DSU
(environmental effects still take effect on this distance). And lasts for 5 minutes. Taking more than 1 will not stack.
Dark Sight Drink 250 50g 1 You gain Night Sight for 1 hour but lose your basic sight till you dismiss this effect.
Illumination Stone 25 50g 1 This stone when activated shines with light for up to 1 hours. Upon use shines in a 3DSU 360 degrees and dims at the 1DSU.
The TS of the light is 10.
Mastery Emulator V1 2500 50g 1 Upon buying choose a class ability at the classes level 1. Upon activation you may use that ability for 2 round (does not
stack rounds) Out of Combat this effect lasts for 5 minutes. If this is of a class of higher than basic add +1500 to the
credit price (Prestige/Basic higher than level 1.) If the class is a Ultimate class instead increase price by +2500.
Mastery Emulator V2 5000 50g 1 Upon buying choose a class ability at the classes level 2. Upon activation you may use that ability for 2 round (does not
stack rounds) Out of Combat this effect lasts for 5 minutes. If this is of a class of higher than basic add +1500 to the
credit price (Prestige/Basic higher than level 1.) If the class is a Ultimate class instead increase price by +2500.
Mastery Emulator V3 7500 50g 1 Upon buying choose a class ability at the classes level 3. Upon activation you may use that ability for 2 round (does not
stack rounds) Out of Combat this effect lasts for 5 minutes. If this is of a class of higher than basic add +1500 to the
credit price (Prestige/Basic higher than level 1.) If the class is a Ultimate class instead increase price by +2500.
Mastery Emulator V4 10000 50g 1 Upon buying choose a class ability at the classes level 4. Upon activation you may use that ability for 2 round (does not
stack rounds) Out of Combat this effect lasts for 5 minutes. If this is of a class of higher than basic add +1500 to the
credit price (Prestige/Basic higher than level 1.) If the class is a Ultimate class instead increase price by +2500.
Mastery Emulator V5 12500 50g 1 Upon buying choose a class ability at the classes level 5. Upon activation you may use that ability for 2 round (does not
stack rounds) Out of Combat this effect lasts for 5 minutes. If this is of a class of higher than basic add +1500 to the
credit price (Prestige/Basic higher than level 1.) If the class is a Ultimate class instead increase price by +2500.
Skills Enhancer Type 1 1000 50g 1 Upon buying choose a skill. That skill gets a +10 bonus for 1h (every consecutive stack adds 10m extra to the lasting time
not the bonus)
Skills Enhancer Type 2 2000 50g 1 Upon buying choose a skill. That skill gets a +20 bonus for 1h (every consecutive stack adds 10m extra to the lasting time
not the bonus)
Stat Enhancer Type 1 1500 50g 1 Upon buying choose either Physical (STR/DUR) or Mental Stats (PSY/SPRT) Hardy (CON/DUR) Agile (DEX/SPD) Special (LUK/Any 1
other stat). The chosen stat types get a bonus +15 to them for 5m (this effect does not stack on the bonus)
Stat Enhancer Type 2 3000 50g 1 Upon buying choose either Physical (STR/DUR) or Mental Stats (PSY/SPRT) Hardy (CON/DUR) Agile (DEX/SPD) Special (LUK/Any 1
other stat). The chosen stat types get a bonus +30 to them for 5m (this effect does not stack on the bonus)
Keen Potion 500 50g 1 Upon use choose a skill and multiply the skills roll result by 1.5 round down (this counts as a keen skill multiplier and
stacks with other keen skill multipliers by adding together (1.5 + 1.5 = 2.0 or 1.5 + 1.5 + 1.5 = 2.5 etc.) If the actions
spent are past your own it will instead eat into your next turns. (This multiplier only effects the 1d20 result) This potion
lasts until your next roll of the chosen skill.

Addictive Consumables
An addictive consumable is treated as normal consumable except with a chance to become addicted every time you use it. The base chance starts off low, but is increased for
each use within the week that you use the consumable. Once every week the addiction chance is reduced by 1 stack of increase until back at the base chance.

Once addicted, you suffer the following negatives:

– Week 1: No effect. You must consume the consumable or suffer penalties.

– Week 2: All stats reduced by -25. Mind check TS 20 to compel your character to seek out and consume the consumable.
– Week 3: All stats reduced by -50. Mind check TS 50 to compel your character to seek out and consume the consumable. You must make an Endure check of TS 30 or lose
¼ of your max HP. This cannot be healed back by any means until you are cured of your addiction.
– Week 4: All stats reduced by -100. Mind check TS 100 to compel your character to seek out and consume the consumable. You must make an Endure check of TS 60 or
lose ¼ of your max HP. This cannot be healed back by any means until you are cured of your addiction.
– Week 5: All stats reduced by -150. Mind check TS 150 to compel your character to seek out and consume the consumable. You must make an Endure check of TS 90 or
lose ¼ of your max HP. This cannot be healed back by any means until you are cured of your addiction.
– Week 6: All stats reduced by -150. Mind check TS 150 to compel your character to seek out and consume the consumable. You must make an Endure check of TS 120 or
lose ¼ of your max HP. This cannot be healed back by any means until you are cured of your addiction.
– Week 7: All stats reduced by -150. Mind check TS 150 to compel your character to seek out and consume the consumable. You must make an Endure check of TS 150 or
lose ¼ of your max HP. This cannot be healed back by any means until you are cured of your addiction.

After the 7th week you continue to suffer -150 to all stats as well as make the Mind and Endure checks at a rate of +30 TS per week until you either die or are cured.

Every addictive consumable has an overdose chance based on how many times you use it within 1 day. The overdose chance does not trigger until the 2nd use within 1 day unless
otherwise noted. The chance starts off as the list chance, and increases by that amount for each extra use within 1 day. This only resets when you rest for at least 8 hours
without consuming the consumable.

When an overdose is triggered, you must make a TS Endure check equal to 10 * the number of times you have consumed the consumable since last resting or lose 1/10th of your
max HP every 5 minutes until you either die or get medical attention from another person making a TS Study(Chemistry and Bio-Chemistry knowledge degrees apply) check against
the same TS as your Endure.

Item Cost Weight WSV Base Increasing Overdose Chance Effect

Addiction Addiction
chance Chance(Unaffe
cted by LUK)
Weak 100 200g 1 2% 1% 1% Reduces PSY score by 10 for 30 minutes. Duration and reduction both
Alcohol credits stack with each use.
Does not start until 10 stacks.
Characters of a gender you find attractive gain +10 diplomacy per
stack against you.

After getting to 10 stacks, you feel less pain. You are immune to
effects which cause loss of action due to pain.
Alcohol 200 200g 1 4% 2% 2% Reduces PSY score by 15 for 30 minutes. Duration and reduction both
credits stack with each use.
Does not start until 6 stacks.
Characters of a gender you find attractive gain +15 diplomacy per
stack against you.

After getting to 6 stacks, you feel less pain. You are immune to
effects which cause loss of action due to pain.
Strong 300 250g 1 6% 3% 3% Reduces PSY score by 20 for 30 minutes. Duration and reduction both
Alcohol credits stack with each use.
Does not start until 3 stacks.
Characters of a gender you find attractive gain +20 diplomacy per
stack against you.

After getting to 3 stacks, you feel less pain. You are immune to
effects which cause loss of action due to pain.
Painkiller 1000 250g 1 10% 5% 5% Makes you immune to effects which cause loss of action due to pain
credits for 30 minutes.

Reduces all damage taken by 10 for 30 minutes.

Strong 2500 250g 1 15% 5% 10% Makes you immune to effects which cause loss of action due to pain
Painkiller credits for 45 minutes.

Reduces all damage taken by 30 for 45 minutes.

Blitz 5000 250g 1 15% 5% 5% Grants you an additional ACT to the action pool and increases
credits movement speed by 5 DSU for 3 rounds.
Liquid Ice 2000 250g 1 20% 7% 7% Reduces stamina cost for moving by 1 per round for 5 minutes.
Increases muscle and all PSY based checks by +20 for 5 minutes.

This counts as drinking 250ml towards your daily need of water.

Combat 2000 250g 1 10% 5% 5% Increases movement speed by 2 DSU. Increases Sight, Listen, and
Stimulant credits Scent checks by +20. Increases all Aimed Strike checks by +15.
Reduces all damage taken by 10.

These effects last 5 minutes.

Overcharge 5000 250g 1 20% 7% 7% Increases movement speed by 3 DSU. Increases Sight, Listen, and
Stimulant credits Scent checks by +30. Increases all Aimed Strike checks by +25.
Reduces all damage taken by 20. These effects last 5 minutes.

Using this deals damage to you equal to 5% of your max HP.

Health 2000 250g 1 10% 5% 5% Heals you for 10% of max HP and increases your max body type
Stimulant credits healing by 10%(unaffected by LUK) for 10 rounds.
Berserk 5000 250g 1 25% 10% 10% Increases STR mod by 30 for 10 rounds.
Scorpion's 5000 250g 1 25% 10% 10% Increases DEX mod by 30 for 10 rounds.
Sting credits
Wizard's 5000 250g 1 25% 10% 10% Increases PSY mod by 30 for 10 rounds.
Flow credits
Burnout 2000 250g 1 10% 5% 5% Increases movement speed by 5 DSU, Aimed Strike on Charge attacks
credits by +25, and Charge attack damage by +30 for 5 rounds.

Increases damage taken by 30 for 5 rounds.

Last Stand 5000 250g 1 25% 10% 10% Prevents you from dying or being KO'd upon reaching 0 HP for 4
credits rounds.
Wolverine 2000 250g 1 20% 7% 7% Grants you regeneration of 150 per round for 10 rounds.
Everlast 2000 250g 1 20% 7% 30% Heals you for 30d12 + 25% of max HP. This ignores your max healing
credits amount.
Evocation 2000 250g 1 20% 7% 30% Grants you an additional 50 cast charges. These charges go away
credits after 10 rounds.
Pandemic 2000 250g 1 25% 10% 5% Increases MOD MAX for casting by +50 for 10 rounds.

Armor Slots go over basic body parts to protect their parts acting as protective plating but during each era the protection form became tougher and tougher to keep up with
weapons. There is 3 archetype of armor. Medieval, Modern and High Tech (HTMA). Each armor form consists of different protective functions each better set for the age they
are within due to better technology. Armor has 5 grades up. Shields instead of being worn are wielded and count as a over covering armor for any other armor in taking a blow
before worn armor itself when it performs Guard Checks. High Tech does not follow the normal rules and instead is more akin to HTMW as they are HTMA instead granting special
effects and benefits from futuristic wear. Armor takes 2 minute per armor piece to put on. With help this time is reduced down to 1 minute and 30 seconds. Armor can overheat
the user applying a +1 to the TS of Heat per armor size up to resist environmental heat.

Gauntlets, Leggings, Bracers come in a set of 2. They share their ADD-ONs as a set but only wearing 1 occurs only half the amount of Guard Check rounded down to the user if
you wear a different pair of these with different ADD-ON only the first one put on applies but does grant both of their Guard Check additions. Called Shots performed on
paired articles only applies to the side it was struck by thus if called shot attack on bracer it only will be aimed at either the left or right side and their HP tally is
split among the 2 articles.

The body parts a shield guards counts down per called shot given in a row (thus a called shot while wearing a buckler always counts the arm but if they called shot a head
then the left arm that the buckler is not on then it will guard the head but a 2nd called shot aimed at the leg will not be blocked) Shields do not count as worn armor for
effects that mention negatives from using armor and do not follow traditional armor rules. A shield guard is negated in a backside attack and also it's body guards counts
for how many targets it may guard against if you are being flanked counting those targets as if they called shot even if they did or didn't. Shields though a 1 handed item
for wielding are a 2 handed article when they are a Light Shield, Medium Shield while a Heavy Shield and Advanced Shield is a 3 handed article for their true sizes.

If you increase a armor size past tiny small or medium instead increase the by price by x1.1 (+0.1 per size up more) the base cost credits per size up. (not upgrades or
special effects) Armor has 5 type grades (Minor (Buckler), Light, Medium, Heavy, Advanced) shields consider these grades as well but count as a wielded item instead of a


This armor is the first archtype of armor. Though in use has some good protection it generally has crummy effectiveness against firearm weaponry. Mostly plates and cloths in
protection These armors have good anti melee and even bow and arrow protection while suffering from advancing crossbows technology a bit. These armors all suffer one forth
as much total guard against any Ballistic Weapon. When performing DEX based skills they suffer a -1 per armor grade higher than minor unless it's for Grapple and Aimed
Strike Check skills. Armor has a thickness consideration base of 0.25 millimeter (0.25mm) per 10 hardness against any penetration effect.

Shields Cost Weight WSV Guard Penetration Resistance Reflective Guarding Bonus Ability Throw Hands
Capable Range Needed
Buckler 500 1kg 1 +5 Guard +2 per 250 +5 Hardness against Penetrate for 500 credits Any light This shield When this shield 3DSU 1
credits max +15 Max +20 effect will can only is wielded it
bounce off the assist does not take up
shield like a guarding 1 your hand. The
mirror but body part wielding hand
still taking and the arm. loses -5 Aimed
the damage. Strike Check. If
For 1500 the Buckler is
credits used in a
attack use it's
Guard bonus as
Damage Instead.
Light Shield 1000 3kg 2 +10 Guard +2 per 250 +5 Hardness against Penetrate for 500 credits Any light This shield When deflecting 1DSU 1
credits max +20 Max +20 effect will guards the a blow you may
bounce off the arm it's on perform a disarm
shield like a and 2 extra Grapple with the
mirror but body parts Guard Bonus with
still taking that are the Guard Bonus
the damage. near each of the shield.
For 1500 other. If the Light
credits Shield is used
in a Improvised
attack use it's
Guard bonus as
Damage Instead
with a -5
Medium Shield 1500 5kg 3 +15 Guard +2 per 250 +5 Hardness against Penetrate for 500 credits Any light This shield When deflecting 1DSU 1
credits max +25 Max +20 effect will guards the a blow you may
bounce off the arm it's on perform a disarm
shield like a and 3 extra Grapple with the
mirror but body parts Guard Bonus of
still taking that are the shield. If
the damage. near each the Medium
For 1500 other. Shield is used
credits in a Improvised
attack use it's
Guard bonus as
Damage Instead
with a -10
Heavy Shield 2000 7kg 4 +20 Guard +2 per 250 +5 Hardness against Penetrate for 500 credits Any light You may as a This shield 1DSU 1
credits max +30 Max +20 effect will ½ ACT claim allows you to
bounce off the cover behind use ½ of it's
shield like a this shield Guard as a
mirror but but move at Acrobatics Check
still taking 1/4th your against area of
the damage. movement. effects and
For 1500 This shield permitting if
credits guards the you do not
arm it's on escape the area
and 4 extra of effect to
body parts take 1/8th the
that are damage if you do
near each not leave the
other when area of effect
not in but lose -3DSU
cover. to Evasion
Movement. If the
Heavy Shield is
used in a
attack use it's
Guard bonus as
Damage Instead
with a -15
Advanced Shield 2500 12kg 5 +25 Guard +2 per 250 +5 Hardness against Penetrate for 500 credits Any light You may as a This shield 1DSU 1
credits max +35 Max +20 effect will ½ ACT claim allows you to
bounce off the cover behind use ½ of it's
shield like a this shield Guard as a
mirror but but move at Acrobatics Check
still taking 1/4th your against area of
the damage. movement. effects and
For 1500 This shield permitting if
credits guards the you do not
arm it's on escape the area
and 5 extra of effect to
body parts take 1/8th the
that are damage if you do
near each not leave the
other when area of effect
not in but lose -3DSU
cover. to Evasion
Movement. If the
Advanced Shield
is used in a
attack use it's
Guard bonus as
Damage Instead
with a -20

Body Armor Cost Weight WSV Guard Penetration Resistance Material Bonus Effect Time Speed
Reduction to Minus
Minor Body Armor 500 2kg 2 +5 Guard +2 per 250 credits max +15 +5 Hardness against Penetrate for Gain a reduction Attach spikes to ACT -1DSU
500 credits Max +20 against either the Body that deal
Slash, Impact, or +5 damage when
Pierce damage of grappling or use
-10. For 1500 them as a Melee
credits weapon. For 1500
Light Body Armor 1000 4kg 3 +10 Guard +2 per 250 credits max +20 +5 Hardness against Penetrate for Gain a reduction Attach spikes to 2 ACT -3DSU
500 credits Max +20 against either the Body that deal
Slash, Impact, or +10 damage when
Pierce damage of grappling or use
-10. For 1500 them as a Melee
credits weapon. For 1500
Medium Body Armor 1500 8kg 4 +15 Guard +2 per 250 credits max +25 +5 Hardness against Penetrate for Gain a reduction Attach spikes to 3 ACT -3DSU
500 credits Max +20 against either the Body that deal
Slash, Impact, or +15 damage when
Pierce damage of grappling or use
-15. For 1500 them as a Melee
credits weapon. For 1500
Heavy Body Armor 2000 12kg 5 +20 Guard +2 per 250 credits max +30 +5 Hardness against Penetrate for Gain a reduction Attach spikes to 4 ACT -5DSU
500 credits Max +20 against either the Body that deal
Slash, Impact, or +20 damage when
Pierce damage of grappling or use
-15. For 1500 them as a Melee
credits weapon. For 1500
Advanced Body Armor 2500 15kg 6 +25 Guard +2 per 250 credits max +35 +5 Hardness against Penetrate for Gain a reduction Attach spikes to 5 ACT -5DSU
500 credits Max +20 against either the Body that deal
Slash, Impact, or +25 damage when
Pierce damage of grappling or use
-20. For 1500 them as a Melee
credits weapon. For 1500

Helmet Armor Cost Weight WSV Guard Penetration Resistance Material Bonus Effect Time to Speed
Reduction Unequippe Minus
Minor Helm 250 500g 1 +0 Guard +2 per 250 credits max +10 +5 Hardness against Penetrate for 500 Gain a reduction When called ACT -1DSU
credits Max +20 against either shot to the
Slash, Impact, head gain +5
or Pierce damage guard. For 1500
of -5. For 1500 credits this
credits increases to
Light Helm 500 1kg 2 +5 Guard +2 per 250 credits max +15 +5 Hardness against Penetrate for 500 Gain a reduction When called ACT -1DSU
credits Max +20 against either shot to the
Slash, Impact, head gain +10
or Pierce damage guard. For 1500
of -5. For 1500 credits this
credits increases to
Medium Helm 750 3kg 3 +10 Guard +2 per 250 credits max +20 +5 Hardness against Penetrate for 500 Gain a reduction When called ACT -1DSU
credits Max +20 against either shot to the
Slash, Impact, head gain +15
or Pierce damage guard. For 1500
of -10. For 1500 credits this
credits increases to
Heavy Helm 1000 5kg 4 +15 Guard +2 per 250 credits max +25 +5 Hardness against Penetrate for 500 Gain a reduction When called ACT -3DSU
credits Max +20 against either shot to the
Slash, Impact, head gain +20
or Pierce damage guard. For 1500
of -10. For 1500 credits this
credits increases to
Advanced Helm 1500 7kg 5 +20 Guard +2 per 250 credits max +30 +5 Hardness against Penetrate for 500 Gain a reduction When called ACT -3DSU
credits Max +20 against either shot to the
Slash, Impact, head gain +25
or Pierce damage guard. For 1500
of -15. For 1500 credits this
credits increases to

Gauntlet Cost Weight WSV Guard Penetration Resistance Material Bonus Effect Time to Speed
Reduction Unequippe Minus
Minor Gauntlet 250 500g 1 +0 Guard +2 per 250 credits max +10 +5 Hardness against Penetrate Gain a reduction Punch Strikes ACT -1DSU
for 500 credits Max +20 against either deal +5 damage
Slash, Impact, or as a weapon.
Pierce damage of This bonus
-5. For 1500 increases by +5
credits more for 1500
Light Gauntlet 500 1kg 2 +5 Guard +2 per 250 credits max +15 +5 Hardness against Penetrate Gain a reduction Punch Strikes ACT -1DSU
for 500 credits Max +20 against either deal +10 damage
Slash, Impact, or as a weapon.
Pierce damage of This bonus
-5. For 1500 increases by +5
credits more for 1500
Medium Gauntlet 750 3kg 3 +10 Guard +2 per 250 credits max +20 +5 Hardness against Penetrate Gain a reduction Punch Strikes ACT -1DSU
for 500 credits Max +20 against either deal +10 damage
Slash, Impact, or as a weapon.
Pierce damage of This bonus
-10. For 1500 increases by +10
credits more for 1500
Heavy Gauntlet 1000 5kg 4 +15 Guard +2 per 250 credits max +25 +5 Hardness against Penetrate Gain a reduction Punch Strikes ACT -1DSU
for 500 credits Max +20 against either deal +15 damage
Slash, Impact, or as a weapon.
Pierce damage of This bonus
-10. For 1500 increases by +10
credits more for 1500
Advanced Gauntlet 1500 7kg 5 +20 Guard +2 per 250 credits max +30 +5 Hardness against Penetrate Gain a reduction Punch Strikes ACT -3DSU
for 500 credits Max +20 against either deal +15 damage
Slash, Impact, or as a weapon.
Pierce damage of This bonus
-15. For 1500 increases by +15
credits more for 1500

Legging Armor Cost Weight WSV Guard Penetration Resistance Material Bonus Bonus Time to Spee
Reduction Effect Effect Unequipp d
ed Minu
Minor Leggings 250 500g 1 +0 Guard +2 per 250 credits max +10 +5 Hardness against Penetrate for Gain a Kick Grants ACT -
500 credits Max +20 reduction Strikes when you 1DSU
against deal +5 commit to
either damage as a full
Slash, a weapon. round of
Impact, or This movement
Pierce bonus reduces
damage of increases the Speed
-5. For 1500 by +5 Minus by
credits more for 3DSU for
1500 1500
credits. credits
Light Leggings 500 1kg 2 +5 Guard +2 per 250 credits max +15 +5 Hardness against Penetrate for Gain a Kick Grants 2 ACT -
500 credits Max +20 reduction Strikes when you 1DSU
against deal +10 commit to
either damage as a full
Slash, a weapon. round of
Impact, or This movement
Pierce bonus reduces
damage of increases the Speed
-5. For 1500 by +5 Minus by
credits more for 3DSU for
1500 1500
credits. credits
Medium Leggings 750 3kg 3 +10 Guard +2 per 250 credits max +20 +5 Hardness against Penetrate for Gain a Kick Grants 3 ACT -
500 credits Max +20 reduction Strikes when you 1DSU
against deal +10 commit to
either damage as a full
Slash, a weapon. round of
Impact, or This movement
Pierce bonus reduces
damage of increases the Speed
-10. For by +10 Minus by
1500 credits more for 3DSU for
1500 1500
credits. credits
Heavy Leggings 1000 5kg 4 +15 Guard +2 per 250 credits max +25 +5 Hardness against Penetrate for Gain a Kick Grants 4 ACT -
500 credits Max +20 reduction Strikes when you 1DSU
against deal +15 commit to
either damage as a full
Slash, a weapon. round of
Impact, or This movement
Pierce bonus reduces
damage of increases the Speed
-10. For by +10 Minus by
1500 credits more for 3DSU for
1500 1500
credits. credits
Advanced Leggings 1500 7kg 5 +20 Guard +2 per 250 credits max +30 +5 Hardness against Penetrate for Gain a Kick Grants 5 ACT -
500 credits Max +20 reduction Strikes when you 3DSU
against deal +15 commit to
either damage as a full
Slash, a weapon. round of
Impact, or This movement
Pierce bonus reduces
damage of increases the Speed
-15. For by +15 Minus by
1500 credits more for 3DSU for
1500 1500
credits. credits

Bracer Armor Cost Weight WSV Guard Penetration Resistance Material Bonus Effect Time to Speed
Reduction Unequipp Minus
Minor Bracer 250 500g 1 +0 Guard +2 per 250 credits max +10 +5 Hardness against Penetrate for 500 Gain a Attach spikes ACT -1DSU
credits Max +20 reduction to the bracers
against that deal +5
either damage when
Slash, grappling or
Impact, or use them as a
Pierce Melee weapon.
damage of For 1500
-5. For 1500 credits
Light Bracer 500 1kg 2 +5 Guard +2 per 250 credits max +15 +5 Hardness against Penetrate for 500 Gain a Attach spikes 2 ACT -1DSU
credits Max +20 reduction to the bracers
against that deal +10
either damage when
Slash, grappling or
Impact, or use them as a
Pierce Melee weapon.
damage of For 1500
-5. For 1500 credits
Medium Bracer 750 3kg 3 +10 Guard +2 per 250 credits max +20 +5 Hardness against Penetrate for 500 Gain a Attach spikes 3 ACT -1DSU
credits Max +20 reduction to the bracers
against that deal +15
either damage when
Slash, grappling or
Impact, or use them as a
Pierce Melee weapon.
damage of For 1500
-10. For credits
1500 credits
Heavy Bracer 1000 5kg 4 +15 Guard +2 per 250 credits max +25 +5 Hardness against Penetrate for 500 Gain a Attach spikes 4 ACT -3DSU
credits Max +20 reduction to the bracers
against that deal +20
either damage when
Slash, grappling or
Impact, or use them as a
Pierce Melee weapon.
damage of For 1500
-10. For credits
1500 credits
Advanced Bracer 1500 7kg 5 +20 Guard +2 per 250 credits max +30 +5 Hardness against Penetrate for 500 Gain a Attach spikes 5 ACT -3DSU
credits Max +20 reduction to the bracers
against that deal +25
either damage when
Slash, grappling or
Impact, or use them as a
Pierce Melee weapon.
damage of For 1500
-15. For credits
1500 credits


Unlike medieval armor the Bracer slot is now shared with the Gauntlet. These armors are designed to fight against more so ballistics and explosives and remain fairly light
in comparison in trade also not restricting DEX based skills till Heavy and Advanced which will remove up to -5 to DEX based skills but grants -50 damage against any
explosive effects base.
Shields Cost Weight WSV Guard Penetration Resistance Ballistic Guarding Capable Bonus Ability Hands
Guard Needed
Buckler 2000 1kg 1 +10 Guard +2 per 250 credits max +25 +5 Hardness against Penetrate for 500 Grants +10 This shield can When this shield 1
credits Max +30 extra guard only assist is wielded it
against guarding 1 body does not take up
ranged part and the arm your hand. The
attacks. For it's on. wielding hand
1500 credits. loses -5 Aimed
Strike Check. If
the Buckler is
used in a
Improvised attack
use it's Guard
bonus as Damage
Light Shield 3000 3kg 2 +15 Guard +2 per 250 credits max +25 +5 Hardness against Penetrate for 500 Grants +15 This shield When deflecting a 1
credits Max +30 extra guard guards the arm blow you may
against it's on and 2 perform a disarm
ranged extra body parts Grapple with the
attacks. For that are near Guard Bonus with
1500 credits. each other. the Guard Bonus
of the shield. If
the Light Shield
is used in a
Improvised attack
use it's Guard
bonus as Damage
Instead with a -5
Medium Shield 4000 5kg 3 +20 Guard +2 per 250 credits max +30 +5 Hardness against Penetrate for 500 Grants +20 This shield When deflecting a 1
credits Max +30 extra guard guards the arm blow you may
against it's on and 3 perform a disarm
ranged extra body parts Grapple with the
attacks. For that are near Guard Bonus of
1500 credits. each other. the shield. If
the Medium Shield
is used in a
Improvised attack
use it's Guard
bonus as Damage
Instead with a
-10 Damage.
Heavy Shield 5000 7kg 4 +25 Guard +2 per 250 credits max +35 +5 Hardness against Penetrate for 500 Grants +25 You may as a ½ This shield 1
credits Max +30 extra guard ACT claim cover allows you to use
against behind this ½ of it's Guard
ranged shield but move as a Acrobatics
attacks. For at 1/4th your Check against
1500 credits. movement. This area of effects
shield guards the and permitting if
arm it's on and 4 you do not escape
extra body parts the area of
that are near effect to take
each other. 1/8th the damage
if you do not
leave the area of
effect but lose
-3DSU to Evasion
Movement. If the
Heavy Shield is
used in a
Improvised attack
use it's Guard
bonus as Damage
Instead with a
-15 Damage.
Advanced Shield 6000 12kg 5 +30 Guard +2 per 250 credits max +40 +5 Hardness against Penetrate for 500 Grants +30 You may as a ½ This shield 1
credits Max +30 extra guard ACT claim cover allows you to use
against behind this ½ of it's Guard
ranged shield but move as a Acrobatics
attacks. For at 1/4th your Check against
1500 credits. movement. This area of effects
shield guards the and permitting if
arm it's on and 5 you do not escape
extra body parts the area of
that are near effect to take
each other. 1/8th the damage
if you do not
leave the area of
effect but lose
-3DSU to Evasion
Movement. If the
Advanced Shield
is used in a
Improvised attack
use it's Guard
bonus as Damage
Instead with a
-20 Damage.

Body Armor Cost Weight WSV Guard Penetration Resistance Ballistic Guard Bonus Effect Time to Speed
Unequippe Minus
Minor Body Armor 2000 2kg 2 +5 Guard +3 per 250 credits max +20 +5 Hardness against Penetrate for Grants +10 extra This armor ACT -1DSU
500 credits Max +30 guard against counts as a
ranged attacks. combat vest.
For 1500 credits. Grants +5 to
lift score.
This lift
score can be
upgraded to
+10 for 1500
Light Body Armor 3000 4kg 3 +10 Guard +3 per 250 credits max +25 +5 Hardness against Penetrate for Grants +15 extra This armor 2 ACT -1DSU
500 credits Max +30 guard against counts as a
ranged attacks. combat vest.
For 1500 credits. Grants +5 to
lift score.
This lift
score can be
upgraded to
+10 for 1500
Medium Body Armor 4000 8kg 4 +15 Guard +3 per 250 credits max +30 +5 Hardness against Penetrate for Grants +20 extra This armor 3 ACT -3DSU
500 credits Max +30 guard against counts as a
ranged attacks. combat vest.
For 1500 credits. Grants +5 to
lift score.
This lift
score can be
upgraded to
+10 for 1500
Heavy Body Armor 5000 12kg 5 +20 Guard +3 per 250 credits max +35 +5 Hardness against Penetrate for Grants +25 extra This armor 4 ACT -3DSU
500 credits Max +30 guard against grants
ranged attacks. protection
For 1500 credits. from
reducing it's
damage by -50
extra for
1500 credits
Advanced Body Armor 6000 16kg 6 +25 Guard +3 per 250 credits max +40 +5 Hardness against Penetrate for Grants +30 extra This armor 5 ACT -3DSU
500 credits Max +30 guard against grants
ranged attacks. protection
For 1500 credits. from
reducing it's
damage by -50
extra for
1500 credits
and grants
bonus +10
guard against
all physical
damage types.

Helmet Armor Cost Weight WSV Guard Penetration Resistance Bonus Effect Time to Speed
Unequippe Minus
Minor Helm 500 500g 1 +5 Guard +3 per 250 credits max +20 +5 Hardness against Penetrate for 500 credits This armor grants ACT -1DSU
Max +30 protection from
explosives reducing it's
damage by -5 extra for
1500 credits
Light Helm 750 1kg 2 +10 Guard +3 per 250 credits max +25 +5 Hardness against Penetrate for 500 credits This armor grants ACT -1DSU
Max +30 protection from
explosives reducing it's
damage by -5 extra for
1500 credits
Medium Helm 1000 3kg 3 +15 Guard +3 per 250 credits max +30 +5 Hardness against Penetrate for 500 credits This armor grants ACT -1DSU
Max +30 protection from
explosives reducing it's
damage by -10 extra for
1500 credits
Heavy Helm 1250 5kg 4 +20 Guard +3 per 250 credits max +35 +5 Hardness against Penetrate for 500 credits This armor grants ACT -3DSU
Max +30 protection from
explosives reducing it's
damage by -15 extra for
1500 credits
Advanced Helm 1500 7kg 5 +25 Guard +3 per 250 credits max +40 +5 Hardness against Penetrate for 500 credits This armor grants ACT -3DSU
Max +30 protection from
explosives reducing it's
damage by -15 extra for
1500 credits and grants
bonus +10 guard against
all physical damage

Gauntlet Cost Weight WSV Guard Penetration Resistance Bonus Effect Bonus Effect Time to Speed
Unequip Minus
Minor Gauntlet 500 500g 1 +5 Guard +3 per 250 credits max +20 +5 Hardness against Penetrate Punch Strikes deal This armor grants ACT -1DSU
for 500 credits Max +30 +5 damage as a protection from
weapon. This bonus explosives reducing
increases by +5 more it's damage by -5
for 1500 credits. extra for 1500
Light Gauntlet 750 1kg 2 +10 Guard +3 per 250 credits max +25 +5 Hardness against Penetrate Punch Strikes deal This armor grants ACT -1DSU
for 500 credits Max +30 +10 damage as a protection from
weapon. This bonus explosives reducing
increases by +5 more it's damage by -5
for 1500 credits. extra for 1500
Medium Gauntlet 1000 3kg 3 +15 Guard +3 per 250 credits max +30 +5 Hardness against Penetrate Punch Strikes deal This armor grants ACT -1DSU
for 500 credits Max +30 +10 damage as a protection from
weapon. This bonus explosives reducing
increases by +10 it's damage by -10
more for 1500 extra for 1500
credits. credits
Heavy Gauntlet 1250 5kg 4 +20 Guard +3 per 250 credits max +35 +5 Hardness against Penetrate Punch Strikes deal This armor grants ACT -1DSU
for 500 credits Max +30 +15 damage as a protection from
weapon. This bonus explosives reducing
increases by +10 it's damage by -15
more for 1500 extra for 1500
credits. credits
Advanced Gauntlet 1500 7kg 5 +25 Guard +3 per 250 credits max +40 +5 Hardness against Penetrate Punch Strikes deal This armor grants ACT -1DSU
for 500 credits Max +30 +15 damage as a protection from
weapon. This bonus explosives reducing
increases by +15 it's damage by -15
more for 1500 extra for 1500
credits. credits and grants
bonus +10 guard
against all physical
damage types.

Legging Armor Cost Weight WSV Guard Penetration Resistance Bonus Effect Bonus Effect Time to Spee
Unequip d
ped Minu
Minor Leggings 500 500g 1 +5 Guard +3 per 250 credits max +20 +5 Hardness against Penetrate for Kick Strikes deal +5 This armor grants ACT -
500 credits Max +30 damage as a weapon. protection from 1DSU
This bonus increases explosives
by +5 more for 1500 reducing it's
credits. damage by -5 extra
for 1500 credits
Light Leggings 750 1kg 2 +10 Guard +3 per 250 credits max +25 +5 Hardness against Penetrate for Kick Strikes deal This armor grants 2 ACT -
500 credits Max +30 +10 damage as a protection from 1DSU
weapon. This bonus explosives
increases by +5 more reducing it's
for 1500 credits. damage by -5 extra
for 1500 credits
Medium Leggings 1000 3kg 3 +15 Guard +3 per 250 credits max +30 +5 Hardness against Penetrate for Kick Strikes deal This armor grants 3 ACT -
500 credits Max +30 +10 damage as a protection from 1DSU
weapon. This bonus explosives
increases by +10 reducing it's
more for 1500 damage by -10
credits. extra for 1500
Heavy Leggings 1250 5kg 4 +20 Guard +3 per 250 credits max +35 +5 Hardness against Penetrate for Kick Strikes deal This armor grants 4 ACT -
500 credits Max +30 +15 damage as a protection from 1DSU
weapon. This bonus explosives
increases by +10 reducing it's
more for 1500 damage by -15
credits. extra for 1500
Advanced Leggings 1500 7kg 5 +25 Guard +3 per 250 credits max +40 +5 Hardness against Penetrate for Kick Strikes deal This armor grants 5 ACT -
500 credits Max +30 +15 damage as a protection from 1DSU
weapon. This bonus explosives
increases by +15 reducing it's
more for 1500 damage by -15
credits. extra for 1500
credits and grants
bonus +10 guard
against all
physical damage


Unlike previous armor groups these special armors take up multiple zone slots guarding them with special enhancements along with enhancing the person capabilities themselves
with high technology. These armors unlike previous count as special archtype with special effects generally working in tandem even with Modern Armor etc. Generally this
group of armors are called power armors only 1 step away from being Mech suits. At times due to their technological side but do to this are at times easy to hack and disable
on technological levels.

High Tech Armor Cost Weight WSV Helm Body Gauntlet Shield Bonus Effect
Powered Armour Suit 100,000 100kg 50 30 30 30 None This suit grants the user a bonus +15 to melee damage and STR based skills but causes
Credits them to suffer -15 to all DEX based skills.

This suit can hold up to 5 battery slots and drains 1 energy for every 30 minutes of

This suit fully protects the user from damage, taking damage to itself first. The
thickness is treated as 2mm.

EMP will fully shut down the suit's functionality except allowing the user to exit.

Takes a Full Round ACT to enter the suit or an ACT to exit.

Power Exoskeleton 50,000 150kg 50 10 10 10 None This exoskeleton has a STR MOD of 25, a DUR MOD of 10, and a bonus Lift Score of
Grade 1 credits 450kg. The exoskeleton must lift the user, but counts only half the user's weight.
This exoskeleton does not count towards the user's weight load.

While wearing this exoskeleton, the user suffers -2 DSU movement but movement will
never cost stamina. The user also suffers a -15 to DEX based skills checks except
Aimed Strike Check. This exoskeleton ignores Power Kick from weapons of equal size.

A user cannot enter this exoskeleton when wearing Medium, Heavy, or Advanced grade of
armour. Any armour worn by the user does not stack with the armour from the

This exoskeleton can hold up to 5 battery slots and 3 Power Armour Modules. It may
grant up to 15 Energy required from modules at once. Energy is drained for every 30
minutes of operation. Base energy drain is 5 per 30 minutes. It takes a ½ ACT to open
the casing of a battery pack and another ½ ACT to replace the battery.

This exoskeleton fully protects the user from damage, taking damage to itself first.
The thickness is treated as 2mm.

EMP will fully shut down the exoskeleton functionality and modules except allowing the
user to exit.

Add-ons on exoskeletons apply to the entire article, except they may only have one
equipment infusion stone.

Takes a Full Round ACT to enter the exoskeleton or an ACT to exit.

Power Exoskeleton 100,000 200kg 80 20 20 20 None This exoskeleton has a STR MOD of 50, a DUR MOD of 20, and a bonus Lift Score of
Grade 2 credits 650kg. The exoskeleton must lift the user, but counts only half the user's weight.
This exoskeleton does not count towards the user's weight load.

While wearing this exoskeleton, the user suffers -3 DSU movement but movement will
never cost stamina. The user also suffers a -25 to DEX based skills checks except
Aimed Strike Check. This exoskeleton ignores Power Kick from weapons of equal size.

A user cannot enter this exoskeleton when wearing Medium, Heavy, or Advanced grade of
armour. Any armour worn by the user does not stack with the armour from the

This exoskeleton can hold up to 5 battery slots and 6 Power Armour Modules. It may
grant up to 30 Energy required from modules at once. Energy is drained for every 30
minutes of operation. Base energy drain is 5 per 30 minutes. It takes a ½ ACT to open
the casing of a battery pack and another ½ ACT to replace the battery.

This exoskeleton fully protects the user from damage, taking damage to itself first.
The thickness is treated as 4mm.

EMP will fully shut down the exoskeleton functionality and modules except allowing the
user to exit.

Add-ons on exoskeletons apply to the entire article, except they may only have one
equipment infusion stone.

Takes a Full Round ACT to enter the exoskeleton or an ACT to exit.

Power Exoskeleton 150,000 250kg 100 30 30 30 None This exoskeleton has a STR MOD of 75, a DUR MOD of 30, and a bonus Lift Score of
Grade 3 0 850kg. The exoskeleton must lift the user, but counts only half the user's weight.
credits This exoskeleton does not count towards the user's weight load.

While wearing this exoskeleton, the user suffers -4 DSU movement but movement will
never cost stamina. The user also suffers a -35 to DEX based skills checks except
Aimed Strike Check. This exoskeleton ignores Power Kick from weapons of equal size.

A user cannot enter this exoskeleton when wearing Medium, Heavy, or Advanced grade of
armour. Any armour worn by the user does not stack with the armour from the

This exoskeleton can hold up to 5 battery slots and 9 Power Armour Modules. It may
grant up to 45 Energy required from modules at once. Energy is drained for every 30
minutes of operation. Base energy drain is 5 per 30 minutes. It takes a ½ ACT to open
the casing of a battery pack and another ½ ACT to replace the battery.

This exoskeleton fully protects the user from damage, taking damage to itself first.
The thickness is treated as 6mm.

EMP will fully shut down the exoskeleton functionality and modules except allowing the
user to exit.

Add-ons on exoskeletons apply to the entire article, except they may only have one
equipment infusion stone.

Takes a Full Round ACT to enter the exoskeleton or an ACT to exit.

Power Exoskeleton 200,000 250kg 100 30 30 30 None This exoskeleton has a STR MOD of 100, a DUR MOD of 40, and a bonus Lift Score of
Grade 4 0 1050kg. The exoskeleton must lift the user, but counts only half the user's weight.
credits This exoskeleton does not count towards the user's weight load.

While wearing this exoskeleton, the user suffers -4 DSU movement but movement will
never cost stamina. The user also suffers a -45 to DEX based skills checks except
Aimed Strike Check. This exoskeleton ignores Power Kick from weapons of equal size.

A user cannot enter this exoskeleton when wearing Medium, Heavy, or Advanced grade of
armour. Any armour worn by the user does not stack with the armour from the

This exoskeleton can hold up to 5 battery slots and 12 Power Armour Modules. It may
grant up to 60 Energy required from modules at once. Energy is drained for every 30
minutes of operation. Base energy drain is 5 per 30 minutes. It takes a ½ ACT to open
the casing of a battery pack and another ½ ACT to replace the battery.

This exoskeleton fully protects the user from damage, taking damage to itself first.
The thickness is treated as 8mm.

EMP will fully shut down the exoskeleton functionality and modules except allowing the
user to exit.

Add-ons on exoskeletons apply to the entire article, except they may only have one
equipment infusion stone.

Takes a Full Round ACT to enter the exoskeleton or an ACT to exit.

Power Exoskeleton 250,000 250kg 100 30 30 30 None This exoskeleton has a STR MOD of 125, a DUR MOD of 50, and a bonus Lift Score of
Grade 5 0 1250kg. The exoskeleton must lift the user, but counts only half the user's weight.
credits This exoskeleton does not count towards the user's weight load.
While wearing this exoskeleton, the user suffers -4 DSU movement but movement will
never cost stamina. The user also suffers a -55 to DEX based skills checks except
Aimed Strike Check. This exoskeleton ignores Power Kick from weapons of equal size.

A user cannot enter this exoskeleton when wearing Medium, Heavy, or Advanced grade of
armour. Any armour worn by the user does not stack with the armour from the

This exoskeleton can hold up to 5 battery slots and 15 Power Armour Modules. It may
grant up to 75 Energy required from modules at once. Energy is drained for every 30
minutes of operation. Base energy drain is 5 per 30 minutes. It takes a ½ ACT to open
the casing of a battery pack and another ½ ACT to replace the battery.

This exoskeleton fully protects the user from damage, taking damage to itself first.
The thickness is treated as 10mm.

EMP will fully shut down the exoskeleton functionality and modules except allowing the
user to exit.

Add-ons on exoskeletons apply to the entire article, except they may only have one
equipment infusion stone.

Takes a Full Round ACT to enter the exoskeleton or an ACT to exit.

HyNano Body Suit 150,000 100kg 60 None +50 Guard +50 Guard None These guard types stack with normal armor guards stacked on top for only protecting
credits the wearer.

Grants the wearer 250 HP Vitality Regeneration to Body, Legs, and Arms and 50 HP
regeneration normal. Grants +20 to Muscle, Climb, Jump, and Slight Checks. Grants +10
Evasion, Endure, and Mind Checks. When used with the HyNano Control Helmet
regeneration is doubled.

Grants the wearer +5 DSU movement, and prevents movement from dropping below 3 DSU.
As a ½ ACT your next movement is 4x the distance.

Increases user lift score by 5x. The weight of this item is not counted against the

Grants +25 Guard to called shots against body, arms, and legs. These parts must be
disabled 2 extra times before negative activate.

This item uses nanite technology and cannot be made from other materials. Its Hardness
is 30 and Flexibility is 20.
HyGuard Energy Guard 50,000 50kg 60 None +10 guard +10 guard +10 The shield blocking always counts as a buckler
Body Suit credits per body per body guard.
part. Add part. Add Add extra Reduces the user's movement by -1 DSU per +10 upgrade. ADD-ONs that provide guard will
extra +10 extra +10 +10 per add its bonus once to Body, once to Gauntlet/Legging/Bracer, and once to Shield.
per 1500 per 1500 1500
credits credits credits The weight of this item does not count against the user's lift score.
max +150. max +150 max +50
This item uses nanite technology and cannot be made from other materials. Its Hardness
is 30 and Flexibility is 20.
HyNano Control Helmet 150,000 20kg 10 +50 None None None This helm gives the user special breath filters projecting from deadly environment
credits guard effects and also helping recovering from stunning status effects reducing their effect
rounds by -2.

Grants the user +250 HP Vitality Regeneration to the head.

Grants the user +6DSU of each Perfect Sight, Life Sight, Electromagnetic Sight, and
Sonar Sight.

Grants the user +25 to Sight and Listen checks.

The weight of this item does not count against the user's lift score.

This item uses nanite technology and cannot be made from other materials. Its Hardness
is 30 and Flexibility is 20.
HyGuard Energy Shield 50,000 5kg 10 None None None +15 For each +15 the shield considers itself 1 armor grade higher starting at Buckler.
Deflector credits guard.
Add extra This armour reduces the user's movement speed by -1 DSU per +15 Upgrade.
+15 per
1500 The weight of this item does not count against the user's lift score.
max +75 This item uses nanite technology and cannot be made from other materials. Its Hardness
is 30 and Flexibility is 20.

Power Armour Modules

Power armour modules are designed to work in an exoskeleton and require power from the exoskeleton. They can be added or removed from an exoskeleton as a 5 Round ACT.
Modules do not stack multiple times or with other Mk modules of the same name. Material effects from these modules do not apply to the exoskeleton.

Module Cost Weight WSV Energy Effects

Strength Module Mk I 5,000 5kg 5 2 Energy Increases the Exoskeleton STR MOD by +10 and Lift Score by +50.
Can be turned on or off as a ½ ACT.
Strength Module Mk II 15,000 8kg 5 5 Energy Increases the Exoskeleton STR MOD by +20 and Lift Score by +100.
Can be turned on or off as a ½ ACT.
Strength Module Mk 25,000 10kg 5 10 Energy Increases the Exoskeleton STR MOD by +30 and Lift Score by +150.
III Credits
Can be turned on or off as a ½ ACT.
Speed Module Mk I 5,000 5kg 5 4 Energy Increases ground movement speed by +3 DSU and grants +5 Aimed Strike Check and Damage to Power Armour punches
Credits and kicks when charging.

Can be turned on or off as a ½ ACT.

Speed Module Mk II 15,000 8kg 5 10 Energy Increases ground movement speed by +5 DSU and grants +10 Aimed Strike Check and Damage to Power Armour punches
Credits and kicks when charging. This effect does not stack with Speed Module Mk I.

Can be turned on or off as a ½ ACT.

Speed Module Mk III 25,000 10kg 5 15 Energy Increases ground movement speed by +7 DSU and grants +15 Aimed Strike Check and Damage to Power Armour punches
Credits and kicks when charging. This effect does not stack with Speed Module Mk I.

Can be turned on or off as a ½ ACT.

Plating Module Mk I 10,000 15kg 10 1 Energy Increases the guard of each part of the exoskeleton by +10.
Plating Module Mk II 20,000 20kg 10 2 Energy Increases the guard of each part of the exoskeleton by +20.
Plating Module Mk III 30,000 25kg 10 3 Energy Increases the guard of each part of the exoskeleton by +30.
Hazardous Environment 10,000 5kg 5 2 Energy Grants the user +30 Endure to resist radiation effects and filters hazardous gas from the air.
Module Mk I Credits
Can be turned on or off as a ½ ACT.
Hazardous Environment 20,000 8kg 5 4 Energy Grants the user +60 Endure to resist radiation effects and filters hazardous gas from the air.
Module Mk II Credits
Can be turned on or off as a ½ ACT.
Hazardous Environment 30,000 10kg 5 6 Energy Grants the user +90 Endure to resist radiation effects and filters hazardous gas from the air.
Module Mk III Credits
Can be turned on or off as a ½ ACT.
Shield Module Mk I 10,000 5kg 5 5 Energy Increases the guard gained from Power Armour by +5 for each part and grants the user and armour 15 Mitigation
Credits against all damage types.

Can be turned on or off as a ½ ACT.

Shield Module Mk II 20,000 10kg 5 10 Energy Increases the guard gained from Power Armour by +10 for each part and grants the user and armour 30 Mitigation
Credits against all damage types.

Can be turned on or off as a ½ ACT.

Shield Module Mk III 30,000 15kg 5 15 Energy Increases the guard gained from Power Armour by +15 for each part and grants the user and armour 45 Mitigation
Credits against all damage types.

Can be turned on or off as a ½ ACT.

Deflector Module Mk I 20,000 5kg 5 1 Energy Grants the user 200 Temporary Damage Absorbency. Every time this absorbs damage, the armour expends an
Credits additional 1 energy per 10 damage absorbed. If the exoskeleton has no energy left, then the Temporary Damage
Absorbency is turned off.

Can be turned on or off as a ½ ACT.

Deflector Module Mk 40,000 10kg 5 2 Energy Grants the user 400 Temporary Damage Absorbency. Every time this absorbs damage, the armour expends an
II Credits additional 1 energy per 15 damage absorbed. If the exoskeleton has no energy left, then the Temporary Damage
Absorbency is turned off.

Can be turned on or off as a ½ ACT.

Deflector Module Mk 60,000 15kg 5 3 Energy Grants the user 600 Temporary Damage Absorbency. Every time this absorbs damage, the armour expends an
III Credits additional 1 energy per 15 damage absorbed. If the exoskeleton has no energy left, then the Temporary Damage
Absorbency is turned off.

Can be turned on or off as a ½ ACT.

Medical Module Mk I 10,000 5kg 5 5 Energy Grants the user +15 HP Regeneration and a +10 Endure to resist negative effects.
Can be turned on or off as a ½ ACT.
Medical Module Mk II 20,000 10kg 5 10 Energy Grants the user +30 HP Regeneration and a +20 Endure to resist negative effects.
Can be turned on or off as a ½ ACT.
Medical Module Mk III 30,000 15kg 5 15 Energy Grants the user +45 HP Regeneration and a +30 Endure to resist negative effects.
Can be turned on or off as a ½ ACT.
Bunker Module Mk I 5,000 5kg 5 2 Energy Treats the power armour as +2mm in thickness and +15 hardness against sundering and penetrating effects.
Can be turned on or off as a ½ ACT.
Bunker Module Mk II 15,000 10kg 5 5 Energy Treats the power armour as +4mm in thickness and +30 hardness against sundering and penetrating effects.
Can be turned on or off as a ½ ACT.
Bunker Module Mk III 25,000 15kg 5 10 Energy Treats the power armour as +6mm in thickness and +30 hardness against sundering and penetrating effects.
Can be turned on or off as a ½ ACT.
Weapon Interface 5,000 5kg 5 1 Energy Allows an energy weapon powered by a battery to be connected to the Power Armour, using the armour's battery
Module Credits instead.

Can be turned on or off as a ½ ACT.

Stealth Module 25,000 5kg 5 1 Energy As a ½ ACT the user may turn on or off invisibility and silencer. While in this mode this module drains an
Credits additional 5 energy per round + 1 energy per 1 DSU you move.

Can be turned on or off as a ½ ACT.

Targeting Module Mk I 15,000 5kg 5 2 Energy Grants the user +10 Aimed Strike Check and +5 Damage on Called Shots.
Can be turned on or off as a ½ ACT.
Targeting Module Mk 25,000 8kg 5 5 Energy Grants the user +20 Aimed Strike Check and +10 Damage on Called Shots
II Credits
Can be turned on or off as a ½ ACT.
Targeting Module Mk 35,000 10kg 5 10 Energy Grants the user +30 Aimed Strike Check and +30 Damage on Called Shots
III Credits
Can be turned on or off as a ½ ACT.
Weapon VI Module 50,000 5kg 5 5 Energy Allows the user to re-roll a missed attack for 25 Energy. You may only use this once per round.
Can be turned on or off as a ½ ACT.
Scanner Module 15,000 5kg 5 3 Energy As an ACT you may scan an object to determine material make-up, hardness, and flexibility.
Can be turned on or off as a ½ ACT.
Command Module 10,000 5kg 5 3 Energy Allows you to scan up to 5 allied targets, providing you with a constant display of their HP as a percentage,
Credits Casts per day, and notifies you of any negative bodily effects. A target is immediately dropped from this if
they move more than 5km away from you.

This module also contains a Universal Communication Transmitter.

Can be turned on or off as a ½ ACT.

Jet Booster Module 10,000 5kg 5 1 Energy Allows flight at a movement of 6 DSU per movement action. Drains additional energy equal to 1 per 1 DSU moved
Credits in an action. This flight is not boosted by the user's SPD MOD.

Can be turned on or off as a ½ ACT.

Recon Sensor Module 15,000 5kg 5 1 Energy Grants +20 Sight.
Grants 10 DSU of Life, Night, Bright, Sonar, and Infrared Sight that may be turned on and off as a ½ ACT. For
each sight type turned on, this module drains an additional 5 Energy.

Can be turned on or off as a ½ ACT.

EMP Shield Module 15,000 5kg 5 5 Energy Grants the exoskeleton immunity to EMP effects. Every time it negates an EMP effect it drains an additional 15
Credits energy.

Can be turned on or off as a ½ ACT.

Weapon Mount Module 5,000 5kg 5 2 Energy Allows the exoskeleton to mount a small Cannon, Rail Gun, Laser Canon, or Vulcan siege weapon. The weapon can
Credits be deployed or stashed away as a ½ ACT.

Cannot be equipped with Jet Booster Module.

Can be turned on or off as a ½ ACT.

Power Arm Module Mk I 10,000 5kg 5 1 Energy As a ½ ACT turn the exoskeleton's arms into melee weapons that deal an additional +15 Damage. Every time you
Credits attack in this form an additional 5 energy is drained. While in melee form, the arms cannot be used for
anything else.
Can be turned on or off as a ½ ACT.
Power Arm Module Mk 20,000 10kg 5 2 Energy As a ½ ACT turn the exoskeleton's arms into melee weapons that deal an additional +30 Damage. Every time you
II Credits attack in this form an additional 5 energy is drained. While in melee form, the arms cannot be used for
anything else.

Can be turned on or off as a ½ ACT.

Power Arm Module Mk 30,000 15kg 5 3 Energy As a ½ ACT turn the exoskeleton's arms into melee weapons that deal an additional +45 Damage. Every time you
III Credits attack in this form an additional 5 energy is drained. While in melee form, the arms cannot be used for
anything else.

Can be turned on or off as a ½ ACT.

Storage Module 2,500 1kg 2 0 Energy Allows the storage of up to 30 WSV of items. Single items higher than 10 WSV cannot be stored in this module.
You may have up to 5 of these modules installed in a single exoskeleton.
Temperature Regulator 5,000 5kg 5 1 Energy Protects the user against hot or cold environments of up to TS 50.
Module Mk I Credits
Can be turned on or off as a ½ ACT.
Temperature Regulator 10,000 8kg 5 2 Energy Protects the user against hot or cold environments of up to TS 100.
Module Mk II Credits
Can be turned on or off as a ½ ACT.
Temperature Regulator 15,000 10kg 5 3 Energy Protects the user against hot or cold environments of up to TS 150.
Module Mk III Credits
Can be turned on or off as a ½ ACT.

A character of medium size cannot use a weapon that is 2 size categories smaller than themselves and normally a character cannot wield a weapon larger than their hand count
for wielding. If they do all effects of weapons being larger gain the effect of the 2 handed type weapons effect instead unless they treat that weapon category wield able
thus a large-Basic Blade would be treated as a 1 handed weapon for a medium if they are permitted to wield “Large” weapons. While a weapon group 1 size smaller than your own
gains the 1 handed weapon effects. (Micro sized character can equally use Tiny sized weapons as if same size) If a weapon is 2 sizes over your own size it gains a extra 1DSU
reach and for every next 2 categories over your size gains another 1DSU. If you wield a weapon that is over your wielding category and you do not have an ability to wield it
properly in these states it is consider a improvised weapon instead gaining no effects.

A Melee weapon has a concealment bonus equal to it's size and weapon type.
Tiny: +10 concealment
Small: +5 concealment
Large: -5 concealment

A concealment is a form of stealth when trying to hide the weapon quickly and stationary without being yourself stealthy. Though further aided by a stealth check for certain
silencing factors based upon the situation. A weapon with a base concealment score uses that concealment as bonus damage of the weapon itself when it hits an unaware
opponent with a called shot. (This does not mean bonus concealment from size or weapon type)

Swift Speed Strike – You may perform a set of melee attacks with a melee weapon that suffer -15 Aimed Strike Check per extra 2 swings or stabs and allow the single melee
weapon to combo attack with itself also applying combo attack penalties. You cannot use Multi Attack ADD-ONs with the weapon using this ability. The Aimed Strike Check
penalty from each 2 swings or stabs applies only after thus if you swing once then twice no penalty occurs then 3 and 4 occur the -15 Penalty to every attack following etc.
You may only perform up to 12 swings at max. But once you start to perform any extra action like moving that involves the weapon from stopping the Swift Speed Strike then
you cannot initiate Swift Speed Strike again till next round. (You can perform Swift Speed Strike with 1 in each hand as long as both were activated at the same time).

Power Strike – You may perform a single Melee strike that costs +1 extra stamina instead of 1 to deal 50% more damage and +5 extra strike hardness for that 1 strike.

When making weapons smaller than normal the base cost is ½ for small or ¼ for tiny and the damage is -5 per size grade down. When making weapons larger than normal the base
cost is multiplied by +1x per size above medium and the damage is increased by +5 per dice grade.

If a melee weapon's weight is more than 0.75x of the wielder's weight, then they suffer a -25 Aimed Strike Check for being unbalanced. If the melee weapon's weight exceeds
1.25x of the wielder's weight, then you must make a muscle check equal to the weight in kg of the weapon or be knocked prone and drop the weapon. When throwing a weapon, it
becomes 1x your weight for unbalanced or 1.5x to be knocked prone.

All Daggers gain a +15 slight for concealment.

Weapon Weapon Cost Weight WSV Melee Damage Bonus Hands Throwing Distance Special Special 2
Type Needed
Thrusting Blade 100 500g 1 +5 Damage 1 2 DSU Distance For 1000 credits add a CRIT When making
Dagger credits May pay 500 credits per extra +5 damage Throwing counts as range of 19-20 for 5,000 called shots
Pierce up to a maximum of +25 Damage. an improvised increase to 18-20 this weapon
Damage weapon. gains +10
For 1500 credits if this Aimed Strike
weapon is used in a Multi- Check and
Attack (from ADD-ONs) Or Damage.
Combo Attacks Apply half
the penalty rounded down
Throwing Blade 100 500g 1 +10 Damage 1 4 DSU Distance. For 1000 credits add a CRIT When used in
Dagger Credits May pay 500 credits per extra +5 damage May pay 50 credits range of 19-20 for 5,000 a melee
Cutting up to a maximum of +30 Damage. per +1 DSU up to a increase to 18-20 attack,
Damage maximum of 7 DSU. suffers -5
For 1500 credits if this Damage
weapon is used in a Multi-
Attack (from ADD-ONs) Or
Combo Attacks Apply half
the penalty rounded down

Weapon Weapon Type Cost Weight WSV Melee Damage Bonus Hands Throwing Distance Special Special 2
Thrusting Blade 150 1kg 1 +15 Damage 1 2 DSU Distance For 1000 credits add a When making
Sword Credits May pay 500 credits per extra +5 damage Throwing counts CRIT range of 19-20 for called shots
Pierce up to a maximum of +35 Damage. as an improvised 10,000 increase to 18-20 this weapon
Damage weapon. gains +10
For 1500 credits if this Aimed Strike
weapon is used in a Multi- Check and
Attack (from ADD-ONs) Or Damage.
Combo Attacks Apply half
the penalty rounded down
Slashing Sword Blade 150 1kg 1 +15 Damage 1 2 DSU Distance For 1000 credits add a This weapon
Credits May pay 500 credits per extra +5 damage Throwing counts CRIT range of 19-20 for gains +15
Cutting up to a maximum of +35 Damage. as an improvised 10,000 increase to 18-20 Damage
Damage weapon. against
For 1500 credits if this unarmoured
weapon is used in a Multi- targets.
Attack (from ADD-ONs) Or
Combo Attacks Apply half This weapon
the penalty rounded down suffers -15
instead Aimed Strike
Check against
Hybrid Sword Blade 150 1kg 1 +15 Damage 1 2 DSU Distance For 1000 credits add a When making
Credits May pay 500 credits per extra +5 damage Throwing counts CRIT range of 19-20 for called shots
Cutting or up to a maximum of +35 Damage. as an improvised 10,000 increase to 18-20 this weapon
Pierce weapon. gains +5
Damage For 1500 credits if this Aimed Strike
weapon is used in a Multi- Check and
Attack (from ADD-ONs) Or Damage.
Combo Attacks Apply half
the penalty rounded down This weapon
instead gains +5
Great Blade 250 2kg 2 +25 Damage 2 2 DSU Distance For 1000 credits add a When making
Thrusting Credits May pay 500 credits per extra +5 damage Throwing counts CRIT range of 19-20 for called shots
Sword Pierce up to a maximum of +45 Damage. as an improvised 10,000 increase to 18-20 this weapon
Damage weapon. gains +10
For 1500 credits if this Aimed Strike
weapon is used in a Multi- Check and
Attack (from ADD-ONs) Or Damage.
Combo Attacks Apply half
the penalty rounded down
Great Slashing Blade 250 2kg 2 +25 Damage 2 2 DSU Distance For 1000 credits add a This weapon
Sword Credits May pay 500 credits per extra +5 damage Throwing counts CRIT range of 19-20 for gains +15
Cutting up to a maximum of +45 Damage. as an improvised 10,000 increase to 18-20 Damage
Damage weapon. against
For 1500 credits if this unarmoured
weapon is used in a Multi- targets.
Attack (from ADD-ONs) Or
Combo Attacks Apply half This weapon
the penalty rounded down suffers -15
instead Aimed Strike
Check against
Great Hybrid Blade 250 2kg 2 +25 Damage 2 2 DSU Distance For 1000 credits add a When making
Sword Credits May pay 500 credits per extra +5 damage Throwing counts CRIT range of 19-20 for called shots
Cutting or up to a maximum of +45 Damage. as an improvised 10,000 increase to 18-20 this weapon
Pierce weapon. gains +5
Damage For 1500 credits if this Aimed Strike
weapon is used in a Multi- Check and
Attack (from ADD-ONs) Or Damage.
Combo Attacks Apply half
the penalty rounded down This weapon
instead gains +5

Weapon Weapon Type Cost Weight WSV Melee Damage Bonus Hands Throwing Distance Special Special 2
Heavy Axe Blade 150 1kg 1 +20 Damage 1 2 DSU Distance For 1000 credits add a
Credits May pay 500 credits per extra +5 damage Throwing counts CRIT range of 19-20 for
Cutting and up to a maximum of +40 Damage. as an improvised 10,000 increase to 18-20
Crushing weapon.
Damage For 1500 credits if this
weapon is used in a Multi-
Attack (from ADD-ONs) Or
Combo Attacks Apply half
the penalty rounded down
Throwing Axe Blade 150 1kg 1 +25 Damage 1 4 DSU Distance. For 1000 credits add a When used in
Credits May pay 500 credits per extra +5 damage May pay 50 CRIT range of 19-20 for a melee
Cutting Damage up to a maximum of +35 Damage. credits per +1 10,000 increase to 18-20 attack,
DSU up to a suffers -5
maximum of 7 DSU. For 1500 credits if this Damage
weapon is used in a Multi-
Attack (from ADD-ONs) Or
Combo Attacks Apply half
the penalty rounded down
Great Heavy Blade 250 2kg 2 +30 Damage 1 2 DSU Distance For 1000 credits add a
Axe Credits May pay 500 credits per extra +5 damage Throwing counts CRIT range of 19-20 for
Cutting and up to a maximum of +50 Damage. as an improvised 10,000 increase to 18-20
Crushing weapon.
Damage For 1500 credits if this
weapon is used in a Multi-
Attack (from ADD-ONs) Or
Combo Attacks Apply half
the penalty rounded down

Weapon Weapon Type Cost Weight WSV Melee Damage Bonus Hands Throwing Distance Special Special 2
Heavy Hammer Blunt 150 1kg 1 +15 Damage 1 2 DSU Distance For 1000 credits add a +1x When a target
Credits May pay 500 credits per extra +5 damage Throwing counts CRIT Multiplier for 10,000 successfully
Crushing up to a maximum of +35 Damage. as an improvised increase to +2x guards deal
Damage(May pay weapon. 1/5 of normal
250 credits to For 1500 credits if this damage.
add pierce as weapon is used in a Multi-
an optional Attack (from ADD-ONs) Or
damage) Combo Attacks Apply half
the penalty rounded down
Great Heavy Blunt 250 2kg 2 +25 Damage 1 2 DSU Distance For 1000 credits add a +1x When a target
Hammer Credits May pay 500 credits per extra +5 damage Throwing counts CRIT Multiplier for 10,000 successfully
Crushing up to a maximum of +45 Damage. as an improvised increase to +2x guards deal
Damage(May pay weapon. 1/5 of normal
250 credits to For 1500 credits if this damage.
add pierce as weapon is used in a Multi-
an optional Attack (from ADD-ONs) Or
damage) Combo Attacks Apply half
the penalty rounded down

Weapon Weapon Type Cost Weigh WS Melee Damage Bonus Hands Throwing Distance Special Special 2
t V Needed
Throwing Blade 150 1kg 1 +20 Damage 1 4 DSU Distance. For 1000 credits add a When used in
Polearm Credits May pay 500 credits per extra +5 damage May pay 50 CRIT range of 19-20 for a melee
Pierce Damage up to a maximum of +40 Damage. credits per +1 10,000 increase to 18-20 attack,
DSU up to a suffers -5
maximum of 7 DSU. For 1500 credits if this Damage
weapon is used in a Multi-
Attack (from ADD-ONs) Or
Combo Attacks Apply half
the penalty rounded down
Blade Polearm Blade 150 1kg 1 +15 Damage 1 2 DSU Distance For 1000 credits add a This weapon
Credits May pay 500 credits per extra +5 damage Throwing counts CRIT range of 19-20 for gains +1 DSU
Pierce or up to a maximum of +35 Damage. as an improvised 10,000 increase to 18-20 of Reach
Cutting weapon.
Damage(Choose For 1500 credits if this
one upon weapon is used in a Multi-
buying) Attack (from ADD-ONs) Or
Combo Attacks Apply half
the penalty rounded down
Great Blade Blade 250 2kg 2 +25 Damage 2 2 DSU Distance For 1000 credits add a This weapon
Polearm Credits May pay 500 credits per extra +5 damage Throwing counts CRIT range of 19-20 for gains +2 DSU
Pierce or up to a maximum of +45 Damage. as an improvised 10,000 increase to 18-20 of Reach
Cutting weapon.
Damage(Choose For 1500 credits if this
one upon weapon is used in a Multi-
buying) Attack (from ADD-ONs) Or
Combo Attacks Apply half
the penalty rounded down
Staff Polearm Blunt 250 1.5kg 2 +25 Damage 2 2 DSU Distance For 1000 credits add a +1x This weapon
Credits May pay 500 credits per extra +5 damage Throwing counts CRIT Multiplier for 10,000 gains +2 DSU
Crushing up to a maximum of +45 Damage. as an improvised increase to +2x of Reach
Damage weapon.
For 1500 credits if this
weapon is used in a Multi-
Attack (from ADD-ONs) Or
Combo Attacks Apply half
the penalty rounded down
Great Hybrid Blunt 250 3kg 2 +25 Damage 2 2 DSU Distance For 1000 credits add a +1x This weapon
Polearm Credits May pay 500 credits per extra +5 damage Throwing counts CRIT Multiplier for 10,000 gains +2 DSU
Crushing, up to a maximum of +45 Damage. as an improvised increase to +2x of Reach
Pierce, or weapon.
Cutting Damage For 1500 credits if this When
weapon is used in a Multi- attacking
Attack (from ADD-ONs) Or there is a
Combo Attacks Apply half 10% chance
the penalty rounded down you will
instead consume 1

Chain Weapons
Chain weapons cannot make pinpoint shots, and suffer an additional -15 Aimed Strike Check when making called shots(this negative is not removed by spending a ½ act).

Weapon Weapon Type Cost Weigh WS Melee Damage Bonus Hands Throwing Special Special 2
t V Needed Distance
Throwing Chain Blunt 100 1kg 1 +15 Damage 1 4 DSU Distance. For 1000 credits When used as a melee
Weapon Credits May pay 500 credits per extra +5 damage May pay 50 add a +1x CRIT weapon, this weapon
Crushing up to a maximum of +35 Damage. credits per +1 Multiplier for counts as improvised.
Damage DSU up to a 10,000 increase to
maximum of 7 +2x Against armoured
DSU. targets, deals only ¼
For 1500 credits if damage.
this weapon is used
in a Multi-Attack Gain +20 Grapple to
(from ADD-ONs) Or entangle target.
Combo Attacks Apply
half the penalty
rounded down
Ball and Chain Blunt 150 2kg 1 +25 Damage 1 2 DSU Distance For 1000 credits Suffers -30 Aimed
Weapon Credits May pay 500 credits per extra +5 damage Throwing counts add a +1x CRIT Strike Check.
Crushing up to a maximum of +45 Damage. as an Multiplier for
Damage(May pay improvised 10,000 increase to May spend a ½ act to
250 credits to weapon. +2x remove the Aimed
add pierce as Strike Check penalty
an optional For 1500 credits if on your next attack
damage) this weapon is used within 1 round.
in a Multi-Attack
(from ADD-ONs) Or This weapon gains a
Combo Attacks Apply +15 to grappling an
half the penalty opponents weapon.
rounded down
Great Ball and Blunt 250 4kg 2 +35 Damage 1 2 DSU Distance For 1000 credits Suffers -30 Aimed
Chain Weapon Credits May pay 500 credits per extra +5 damage Throwing counts add a +1x CRIT Strike Check.
Crushing up to a maximum of +55 Damage. as an Multiplier for
Damage(May pay improvised 10,000 increase to May spend a ½ act to
250 credits to weapon. +2x remove the Aimed
add pierce as Strike Check penalty
an optional For 1500 credits if on your next attack
damage) this weapon is used within 1 round.
in a Multi-Attack
(from ADD-ONs) Or This weapon gains a
Combo Attacks Apply +15 to grappling an
half the penalty opponents weapon.
rounded down
Whip Blunt 100 1kg 1 +15 Damage 1 2 DSU Distance For 1000 credits This weapon gains +1
Credits May pay 500 credits per extra +5 damage Throwing counts add a CRIT range of DSU of Reach.
Pierce Damage up to a maximum of +35 Damage. as an 19-20 for 10,000
improvised increase to 18-20 This weapon cannot be
weapon. made from a solid
For 1500 credits if material.
this weapon is used
in a Multi-Attack This weapon cannot
(from ADD-ONs) Or deal lethal damage.
Combo Attacks Apply
half the penalty This weapon does no
rounded down damage against an
instead armoured target.
Chain Whip Blade 150 2kg 1 +15 Damage 1 2 DSU Distance For 1000 credits Suffers -40 Aimed
Credits May pay 500 credits per extra +5 damage Throwing counts add a CRIT range of Strike Check. On
Cutting or up to a maximum of +35 Damage. as an 19-20 for 10,000 purchase you may
Pierce Damage improvised increase to 18-20 reduce the Aimed
weapon. Strike Check penalty
For 1500 credits if to -20, but this
this weapon is used weapon will produce a
in a Multi-Attack sound of TS 5 when
(from ADD-ONs) Or used. This effect
Combo Attacks Apply does not work when
half the penalty deafened.
rounded down
instead This weapon gains a
+15 Slight to

This weapon gains a

+15 to grappling an
opponent's weapon.

When you roll a 1 on

a to hit with this
weapon, you strike
yourself with it.

Melee Weapon Accessories

Name Cost Weight WSV Mod Slot Applies To Effect
Dagger Hilt 50 100g 1 Handle Daggers None
Small Sword 50 100g 1 Handle One-Handed Swords None
Large Sword 100 150g 1 Handle Two-Handed Swords None
Small Axe 50 100g 1 Handle One-Handed Axes None
Large Axe 100 150g 1 Handle Two-Handed Axes None
Small Hammer 50 100g 1 Handle One-Handed Hammers None
Large Hammer 100 150g 1 Handle Two-Handed Hammers None
Small Polearm 50 100g 1 Handle One-Handed Polearms None
Large Polearm 100 100g 1 Handle Two-Handed Polearms None
Small Guarding 1000 200g 1 Handle Daggers Gives +10 Guard(type equal to weapon's damage type) but weapon suffers -15 Aimed Strike
Hilt One-Handed Swords Check.
Large Guarding 1500 300g 1 Handle Two-Handed Swords Gives +10 Guard(type equal to weapon's damage type) but weapon suffers -15 Aimed Strike
Hilt Check.
Small Nimble 2000 50g 1 Handle Daggers Increases Aimed Strike Check by +10
Hilt One-Handed Swords Reduces called shot penalty by -15
When attempting to guard with this weapon you suffer -50
Large Nimble 2500 100g 1 Handle Two-Handed Swords Increases Aimed Strike Check by +10
Hilt Reduces called shot penalty by -15
When attempting to guard with this weapon you suffer -50
Small 1000 200g 1 Handle One-Handed Axes Gives +5 Guard(type equal to the weapon's damage type) but weapon suffers -10 Aimed Strike
Reinforced One-Handed Hammers Check
Handle Item has +100 HP
Deals +10 Damage when striking directly with this accessory.
Large 1500 300g 1 Handle Two-Handed Axes Gives +5 Guard(type equal to the weapon's damage type) but weapon suffers -10 Aimed Strike
Reinforced Two-Handed Hammers Check
Handle Item has +100 HP
Deals +15 Damage when striking directly with this accessory.
Small Light 3000 25g 1 Handle One-Handed Axes Increase Aimed Strike Check by 10
Handle One-Handed Hammers Reduces called shot penalty by -15
Weapon gains +5 damage on normal attacks
There is a 10% chance per attack made that you will consume 1 extra stamina.
Large Light 5000 75g 1 Handle Two-Handed Axes Increase Aimed Strike Check by 10
Handle Two-Handed Hammers Reduces called shot penalty by -15
Weapon gains +5 damage on normal attacks
There is a 10% chance per attack made that you will consume 1 extra stamina.
Small Reach 1000 150g 1 Handle One-Handed Polearms Grants the weapon +1DSU reach but suffers -10 damage
Large Reach 1500 250g 1 Handle Two-Handed Polearms Grants the weapon +1DSU reach but suffers -10 damage
Current Feeder 2500 1kg 1 None Any Melee Weapon Grants weapon a bonus damage of 5d4 Ion damage.
Attacks deal an additional 2d4 Ion damage for each piece of metallic armor the target is
This mod can be attached or removed as a Full Round ACT
Handle Locker 2500 500g 1 None Any Melee Weapon When attached a weapon cannot move more than 5DSU away from you.
Item can be recalled as an ACT.
This mod can be attached or removed as a Full Round ACT
Handle 100 +50g 0 None Any Handle, Hilt, or Converts a hilt. handle, or shaft to be wielded in a specific non-prehensile limb. This
Converter Shaft convertion cannot be undone and must be done to a specific race and body part.

Weapons using this suffer -10 Aimed Strike Check.

Improvising Weapons
(These weapons can be contained in their own grouping of weapons really not used in a correct fashion or way example a gun being used for improvising or using a swords “”
sides or even using a chair as improvised weapon all improvised weaponry are based on “Hands Needed” thus the chart can continue higher if necessary fitting the pattern
though using hands needed in summary example if the article is 1 size larger instead base it off its hands needed size then multiply the size Damage for size difference from
yourself and decrease thrown by half distance and increase reach by 1DSU) Environmental Weapon will not count as Improvised weaponry.

Size Category Damage Thrown Reach (if any)

Hands 0 -10 6DSU 1DSU
Hands 1 -5 5DSU 1DSU
Hands 2 0 5DSU 3DSU
Hands 3 +5 3DSU 3DSU
Hands 4 +10 3DSU 3DSU

Ranged Weaponry
Ranged weapons are weapons which fire ammunition out of a weapon. The classifications of ranged weapons are:

Projectile – Weapons that fire large ammo at slower velocities such as Bows and Crossbows
Firearm – Weapons that fire ballistic ammunition, such as guns.
Beam – Weapons that use beam attacks such as lasers. These weapons count as Firearms for effects and modification slots. Beam weapons are always considered meta-physical
regardless of damage type and ignore hardness. Beam weapons cannot fire in an arc and can bounce off reflective surfaces. If fired in bad weather conditions such as rain the
damage grade is reduced by 1 step.
Launcher – Weapons that launch explosive rounds such as Grenade Launchers or Rocket Launchers. The attacker rolls a Aimed Strike Check to hit a square or target with the
round itself, but all targets within the explosive radius must roll an Acrobatics Check against the attacker's TS for the explosion.
Sprayer – Weapons that fire a line of fuel from a canister such as a Flamethrower. Sprayers do not roll Aimed Strike Check, but enemies may roll an Evasion against the
attacker's TS to take ½ damage or no damage if they can evade out of the spray entirely.

All weapons listed are for a medium sized character. You may reduce the size which reduces the dice grade by 1(minimum 1d4), reduces range by -1DSU, and reduces the cost by
½ per 1 size grade down. You may increase the the size which increases the dice grade by 1, increases range by 1DSU, and adds 0.5x to the cost multiplier of the weapon.

When attempting to move and then fire a ranged weapon in the same round you suffer a Aimed Strike Check penalty of -10 for a 1-handed weapon or -15 for a 2-handed weapon. If
the weapon has the Power Kick ability then it suffers an additional -10 Aimed Strike Check. You may fire a 1-handed weapon with 2 hands to reduce the penalty by 5.

When firing Firearms create a loud sound with a TS of 0 to hear them within the first 8DSU, increased by 10 TS for every 8DSU beyond that up to 1000DSU when the sound
dissipates entirely. The TS to hear the gun is reduced by the number of dice multiplied by 5.

Ranged Weapon Load Types

All ranged weapons have a specific load type that determines how the ammunition is loaded into the weapon. The action cost to reload a ranged weapon is defined by the
weapon, however reloading always requires the use of 2 hands. You may reload while holding an item in both hands, but the cost to reload is increased by a ½ ACT. Upon
reloading a weapon you lose all your focus effects.

External Magazine: – These firearms use a detachable magazine box, with the number of bullets held in a single magazine being determined by the magazine size itself. This
type of gun is capable of jamming and must buy magazines. To reload an External Magazine it takes a ½ ACT per 3 bullets.

Internal Magazine – These firearms use an internal magazine that cannot be detached with the number of bullets held is determined by the gun. This type of gun is capable of
jamming, and bullets must be hand loaded into the gun itself.

Cylinder Load – These firearms are fed by a cylinder that holds a small number of rounds on it. The number of bullets held is determined by the cylinder loaded into the
gun. This type of gun is not capable of jamming. Cylinder weapons may be reloaded 1 bullet at a time as a ½ act unless otherwise noted.

Breech Load – Firearms loaded by inserting the cartridge or shell directly into a chamber at the rear of the barrel. They only hold a single round per barrel and cannot
jam. Breech Load weapons may fire all loaded barrels at once as a combo attack. The reload speeds of breech loaded weapons cannot be effected by ADD-ONs or Accessories. Any
combo attack done only allows each barrel to only fire once.

Belt Fed – Larger machine guns that are fed by a large belt of ammunition that are prone to overheating and are capable of jamming. For each consecutive round that you fire
a belt fed weapon after the first round there is a 10% chance(+10% for each additional round that you have fired) that the gun will suffer heat damage equal to the gun's
dice damage without multipliers.

Muzzle-Load – Used in early firearms, these require manually loading powder and shot into the barrel from the front also using a ramrod. They do not jam, but a misfire can
damage the weapon. A muzzle-load weapon can only hold one bullet per barrel and cannot fire if the powder becomes wet. All reloads of this type are a Full Round ACT plus
another reload type listed below from Matchlock, Wheel-lock, Flintlock and Percussion Cap. Upon a NAT 1 a 10% chance instead of a misfire leads to the gun exploding dealing
it's damage to itself equal to the damage the gun rolls.

Matchlock – This load type is extra to a early firearm. It takes a ½ ACT to load the black powder pan and uses a slow burning fuse to light the black powder in the pan when
pulling the trigger.

Wheel-lock – This load type is extra to a early firearm. ½ ACT to load black powder & spin the crank of the gun upon the wheel mechanism near the black powder pan. The
ignite material that touches the wheel (the Iron Pyrite) must be replaced every 25 shots and costs 10 credits per Iron Pyrite and a ½ ACT to load the Iron Pyrite. Upon a NAT
1 this gun can jam with a 25% chance instead of a misfire and the usual 10% chance to instead explode.

Flintlock - This load type is extra to a early firearm. It takes a ½ ACT to load the black powder pan and pull the striker hammer back. The ignite material on the striker
(the Flint) must be replaced every 25 shots and costs 10 credits per Flint and a ½ ACT to load the Flint. You can pay 100 credits to weather proof the mechanism suffering
only a 75% chance it will fire in bad weather conditions.

Percussion Cap - This load type is extra to a early firearm. It takes a ½ ACT to load the percussion cap and pull the striker hammer backer.

Gas Capsule – Used solely by plasma weapons, these use a capsule of gas that is super-heated into a plasma. This type of gun cannot jam.

Fuel Canister – Used by sprayers. This type of gun cannot jam.

String – Used by weapons that fire a projectile from a high tension string. They hold only 1 round and must be reloaded after every shot. These weapons are considered silent
when firing.

Steam – Weapons powered by steam that requires a boiler on the gun heated by a Thermocite and Blaze Crystal mechanism. Firing 100 rounds consumes 1 WS of water in the
boiler. If the user is struck by a cold attack, the steam weapon cannot fire for 1 round. Once a steam weapon falls below ½ HP, they can no longer fire due to a loss of
pressure. Steam weapons use another Load Type in addition to being steam.

Ranged Weapon Abilities

2x Burst – You may fire 2 rounds to increase the dice grade of the damage by 1 step. If using a weapon that has a battery pack, then double the energy is also consumed.

3x Burst - Fires 3 rounds to increase the dice grade of the shot 2 times, but you suffer a -15 Aimed Strike Check. If using a weapon that has a battery pack, then double
the energy is also consumed.

5x Burst - Fires 5 rounds to increase the dice grade of the shot 3 times, but you suffer a -25 Aimed Strike Check. If using a weapon that has a battery pack, then double
the energy is also consumed.

Full Auto - Fires 15 rounds to increase the dice grade of the shot 4 times, but you suffer a -30 Aimed Strike Check. This penalty increases to -75 Aimed Strike Check against
targets further than 10DSU away. If using a weapon that has a battery pack, then double the energy is also consumed. Shotguns that use this ability consume only 10 rounds.

Selective Fire - Weapons with this property gain a burst fire ability of their choosing as well as the Full Auto property.

Forced Full Auto - Weapons with this property can only fire in full auto.

Power Kick - When firing weapons with this property you must make a muscle check of the number of dice * 4 or be knocked prone unless you are firing the gun from a prone
position, using Weapon Pod Legs, using twice the number of hands needed to wield the weapon, or have the Stability ability. In addition when using multi-attack with these
guns you suffer an extra -10 Aimed Strike Check per additional shot(this effect is not ignored by Stability).

Rotary - Guns with this property suffer 1/2 the normal overheat damage from being Belt Fed and may fire two rounds before chance of overheat damage happens.

Sawed Off - Guns with this property become 1-handed weapons, but reduce the range by 3DSU. They also change their weight category to 1 grade lower. Also using normal ammo
for a shotgun makes it spread as birdshot ammo variant spreading at 5DSU instead of 8DSU. while using birdshot ammo variant spread earlier at 3DSU instead of 8DSU. This can
only apply to Shotguns.

Shotgun Point Blank – Shotguns type weapons or guns with “Spread Shot” named ammo variant may only perform a called shot while 5DSU or shorter distance only but deal +25%
more damage when they do this. This can be further increased to 30% instead of 25% more damage when at 3DSU or less. This can be further boosted increased to 50% instead of
30% when fired at 1DSU or less. Reduces called shot penalty by -10 when performing this maneuver if at 3DSU or less. This effect is not present on a shotgun loaded with Slug
ammo variant type due to it acting as a normal gun instead.

Point Blank – Every firearm that is not a Shotgun type weapon or fires like a shotgun instead has an ability called Point Blank. Point Blank can only occur at the first
3DSU of these guns reducing called shot penalty by -5 and dealing 15% more damage when performing this maneuver. This can be further boosted increased to 25% instead of 15%
when fired at 1DSU or less.

Extra Tap Fire – Firearm type weapons may fire out as a combo attack unique to themselves. (This cannot be applied to Grenade Launchers or Rocket Launchers) You may fire a
extra shot within your violent action of up to max of 12 extra shots. For each extra 2 shots trigger pulls you give up -15 Aimed Strike Check on top of normal combo penalty.
If you perform this with a automatic function then the Aimed Strike Check penalty per 2 shot actions increases as listed. x2 Burst -15 Aimed Strike Check, x3 Burst -15 Aimed
Strike Check, 5x Burst -20 Aimed Strike Check, Full Auto -25 Aimed Strike Check. You cannot use Multi Attack ADD-ONs with the weapon using this ability. The Aimed Strike
Check penalty from each 2 shots trigger pulls applies only after thus if you fire 1 then 2 shots no penalty occurs then 3 and 4 occur the -5 Penalty to every attack
following etc. But once you start to perform any extra action like moving that involves the weapon from stopping the Extra Tap Fire then you cannot initiate Extra Tap Fire
again till next round. (You can perform Extra Tap fire with 1 in each hand as long as both were activated at the same time)

Focus - Weapons with the ability may spend a 1/2 ACT to gain +20 Aimed Strike Check when the target is further than 10DSU away. This is a focus effect.

Overcharge – Weapons with this ability may consume twice as much energy to increase the damage by 25%. This stacks with other percentile increases additive. This ability can
only apply to weapons that use battery packs.

Steam Powered – Weapons with this ability may spend a ½ ACT to charge up the weapon, causing the next shot to deal 1 dice grade higher damage and gain +3DSU of distance. You
may stack this ability up to 2 times before firing. This effect wears off if you do not fire within 5 minutes of charging.

Makeshift Quality – Weapon can be made as a makeshift variant. These variants have a fairly less useful role in existence and come with defects due to offshoot material
building and proper constructions. These weapons on a roll of 2-5 jam unlike other weapons no matter the weapon type. Upon a NAT 1 the weapon blow up dealing damage equal to
the weapons own gun shot to it's self and ½ that damage to the user. The weapons own health pool is cut by 1/4th and upon 1/3 of it's HP the jam chance increases to roll of
3-8 and counts a roll of 2 as also a NAT 1. Every jam deals 100 HP damage to the gun successful or not. If a shot would jam it has a chance to still go off even in a jam
state releasing the shot still at a 80% chance. Reloading actions for any weapon other than Modern and Early firearms are increased by ½ ACT. And an magazine is also
makeshift and set only to that gun itself. These weapons costs are cut down by ½ normal price for their base price and upgrades. Some makeshift quality guns are not
noticeably different than their better counter parts.

Ranged Weapon Weight Categories

All ranged weapons weapons follow the normal weight rules of items but have a weight category which further affects the weight of the weapon.

Tiny – No change to the item's weight and a +30 slight to conceal the weapon
Compact – Adds 1kg to the item's weight and a +20 slight to conceal the weapon
Light – Adds 3 WS to the item's weight and a +10 slight to conceal the weapon
Medium – Adds 5 WS to the item's weight
Heavy – Adds 8 WS to the item's weight and suffer a -10 slight to conceal the weapon
Oversized – Adds 12 WS to the item's weight and suffer a -20 slight to conceal the weapon
Oversized+ - Every weight category grade over Oversized increases the WS by an additional +4 and increases the slight penalty by -10

Early Firearms

Early Pistols
Name Cost Weight WSV Round Type Range Load Type Mod Slots Hands Needed Reload Act Special Special
Matchlock Pistol 50 1kg 1 Early Ammo 5DSU Muzzle-Load, Barrel 1 Full Round ACT +20 Slight to This gun cannot fire
(250 credits per +1DSU up to Matchlock + Matchlock. conceal under bad weather
a max of 8DSU) conditions.
Wheel-lock Pistol 250 3kg 1 Early Ammo 5DSU Muzzle Load, Barrel 1 Full Round ACT +20 Slight to This gun has a 80%
(250 credits per +1DSU up to Wheel-lock + Wheel-lock. conceal chance to not fire
a max of 8DSU) under bad weather
Flintlock Pistol 150 2kg 1 Early Ammo 5DSU Muzzle Load, Barrel 1 Full Round ACT +20 Slight to This gun cannot fire
(250 credits per +1DSU up to Flintlock + Flintlock. conceal under bad weather
a max of 8DSU) conditions. This gun
has a 75% chance to
not fire under bad
weather conditions for
+100 credits.
Percussion Cap 750 2kg 1 Early Ammo 5DSU Muzzle-Load, Barrel 1 Full Round ACT +20 Slight to None
Pistol (250 credits per +1DSU up to Percussion + Percussion conceal
a max of 10DSU) Cap Cap.
Pepper-Box Pistol +500 +1kg 1 Early Ammo -1 DSU to the range. Muzzle-Load Barrel 1 Full Round ACT Applies to This Pistol has 2
per per barrel per barrel + Matchlock, barrels. You may pay
barrel Load type. Wheel-lock, 500 credits to gain
Flintlock, additional barrels up
Percussion as to a max of 6 total
a bonus barrels.
Powder Revolver 1000 4kg 1 Early Ammo 5DSU Cylinder Barrel 1 Full Round ACT +10 Slight to None
Pistol (Percussion (250 credits per +1DSU up to Load(cannot per Cylinder conceal
Cap or Flintlock) a max of 10DSU) use Quick Chamber

Early Rifles
Name Cost Weight WSV Round Type Range Load Type Mod Slots Hands Needed Reload Act Special Special
Matchlock 100 7kg 2 Early Ammo 8DSU Muzzle-Load, Barrel 2 Full Round ACT + None May pay 1250
Rifle (250 credits per +1DSU up to a Matchlock Matchlock. for a rifled
max of 16DSU) barrel, which
range by 3DSU
but turns the
reload act
into a 2
Round ACT.
This gun
cannot fire
under bad
Wheel-Lock 500 8kg 2 Early Ammo 8DSU Muzzle Load, Barrel 2 Full Round ACT + None May pay 1250
Rifle (250 credits per +1DSU up to a Wheel-lock Wheel-lock. for a rifled
max of 16DSU) barrel, which
range by 3DSU
but turns the
reload act
into a 2
Round ACT.
This gun has
a 75% chance
to not fire
under bad
Flintlock 300 7kg 2 Early Ammo 8DSU Muzzle Load, Barrel 2 Full Round ACT + None May pay 1250
Rifle (250 credits per +1DSU up to a Flintlock Flintlock. for a rifled
max of 16DSU) barrel, which
range by 3DSU
but turns the
reload act
into a 2
Round ACT.
This gun
cannot fire
under bad
Percussion 1500 7kg 2 Early Ammo 8DSU Muzzle-Load, Barrel 2 Full Round ACT + None May pay 1250
Cap Rifle (250 credits per +1DSU up to a Percussion Cap Percussion Cap. for a rifled
max of 18DSU) barrel, which
range by 3DSU
but turns the
reload act
into a 2
Round ACT.
Pepper Box- +500 +1kg 2 Early Ammo -1 DSU to the range. Muzzle-Load per Barrel 2 Full Round ACT per Applies to This rifle
Barrel Rifle per barrel barrel + Load Matchlock, has 2
barrel type. Wheel-lock, barrels. You
Flintlock, may pay 500
Percussion as credits to
a bonus gain
effect. additional
barrels up to
a max of 6
Wall Gun 1250 10kg 2 Early Ammo 10DSU Muzzle-Load + Barrel 2 Full Round ACT + -10 Slight to May pay 1250
(Matchlock), (250 credits per +1DSU up to a Extra load type. Either Matchlock, conceal. for a rifled
(Wheel-lock), max of 20DSU) Wheel-lock, Cannot be barrel, which
(Flintlock), Flintlock, multi barrel. increases
(Percussion Percussion Cap. range by 3DSU
Cap). but turns the
reload act
into a 2
Round ACT.
This weapon
has Power
Powder 2000 7kg 2 Early Ammo 8DSU Cylinder Barrel 2 Full Round ACT per None May pay 1250
Revolver (250 credits per +1DSU up to a Load(cannot use Cylinder Chamber for a rifled
Rifle max of 18DSU) Quick Loader) barrel which
(Percussion increases
Cap or range by
Flintlock) 3DSU.

Modern Firearms

Modern Pistols
Name Cost Weight WSV Round Type(Choose One) Range Load Mod Slots Hands Needed Reload Act Special Special
Mini Pistol 500 1kg 1 Common 5DSU External Barrel 1 External Magazine +30 Slight to None
Basic(+500 Credits to cost) (500 credits per Magazine – ACT conceal
High(+1000 Credits to cost) +1DSU up to a Breech-Load Breech-Load – ½
max of 8DSU) Cylinder Load ACT
Cylinder Load –
Full Round ACT
Pistol 750 2kg 1 Common 8DSU External Barrel 1 ACT +20 Slight to None
Basic(+500 Credits to cost) (500 credits per Magazine Top Rail conceal
High(+1000 Credits to cost) +1DSU up to
Military(+1500 Credits to cost) 16DSU) If using High
High Military(+2000 Credits to cost) Military
rounds then
only +10
Slight to
conceal and
weight is
Cylinder 1500 2kg 1 Common 12DSU Cylinder Load Barrel 1 Full Round ACT +20 Slight to None
Revolver Basic(+500 Credits to cost) (500 credits per Top Rail conceal
High(+1000 Credits to cost) +1DSU up to
Military(+1500 Credits to cost) 20DSU) If using High
High Military(+2000 Credits to cost) Military
rounds then
only +10
Slight to
conceal and
weight is
Breech-Load 750 2kg 1 Common 8DSU Breech Load Barrel 1 ½ ACT to reload +20 Slight to May pay 5000
Pistol Basic(+500 Credits to cost) (500 credits per Top Rail all barrels conceal credits for
High(+1000 Credits to cost) +1DSU up to an extra
Military(+1500 Credits to cost) 16DSU) If using High barrel up to
High Military(+2000 Credits to cost) Military a maximum of
rounds then 2 total
only +10 barrels.
Slight to
conceal and
weight is
Burst Fire 2000 2kg 1 Common 6DSU External Barrel 1 ACT +20 Slight to Choose
Pistol Basic(+500 Credits to cost) (500 credits per Magazine Top Rail conceal between 2x
High(+1000 Credits to cost) +1DSU up to Burst and 3x
Military(+1500 Credits to cost) 12DSU) Burst
Machine 2500 2kg 1 Common 6DSU External Barrel 1 ACT +20 Slight to Full Auto
Pistol Basic(+500 Credits to cost) (500 credits per Magazine Top Rail conceal
High(+1000 Credits to cost) +1DSU up to a
Military(+1500 Credits to cost) max of 12DSU)

Modern Shotguns
Name Cost Weight WSV Round Type(Choose One) Range Load Mod Slots Hands Needed Reload Act Special Special
Semi- 500 7kg 2 High Gauge(+1000 Credits to cost) 6DSU Internal Barrel 2 Internal None May pay 2500
Automatic Medium Gauge(+2000 Credits to cost) (500 credits per Magazine – Top Rail Magazine – ½ ACT credits for Sawed
Shotgun Low Gauge(+3000 Credits to cost) +1DSU up to Base 2(100 Underbarrel per 3 ammo Off
Magnum Gauge(+4000 Credits to cost) 12DSU) credits per External
+1 up to 12) Magazine - ACT
Cylinder Load 1000 7kg 2 High Gauge(+1000 Credits to cost) 6DSU Cylinder Load Barrel 2 Full Round ACT None May pay 2500
Shotgun Medium Gauge(+2000 Credits to cost) (500 credits per Top Rail credits for Sawed
Low Gauge(+3000 Credits to cost) +1DSU up to Underbarrel Off
Magnum Gauge(+4000 Credits to cost) 12DSU)
Breech Load 750 7kg 2 High Gauge(+1000 Credits to cost) 6DSU Breech Load Barrel 2 ½ ACT to reload None May pay 5000
Shotgun Medium Gauge(+2000 Credits to cost) (500 credits per Top Rail all barrels credits for an
Low Gauge(+3000 Credits to cost) +1DSU up to Underbarrel extra barrel up to
Magnum Gauge(+4000 Credits to cost) 12DSU) a maximum of 3
total barrels. May
pay 2500 credits
for Sawed Off
Automatic 2500 7kg 2 High Gauge(+1000 Credits to cost) 6DSU Internal Barrel 2 Internal None Full Auto.
Shotgun Medium Gauge(+2000 Credits to cost) (500 credits per Magazine – Top Rail Magazine – ½ ACT May pay 2500
Low Gauge(+3000 Credits to cost) +1DSU up to Base 2(100 Underbarrel per 3 ammo credits for Sawed
Magnum Gauge(+4000 Credits to cost) 12DSU) credits per External Off
+1 up to 12) Magazine - ACT

Modern Rifles
Name Cost Weight WSV Round Type(Choose One) Range Load Mod Slots Hands Needed Reload Act Special Special
Assault Rifle 5000 7kg 2 Common 12DSU External Barrel 2 ACT None Choose between 2x
Basic(+1000 Credits to cost) (500 credits Magazine Top Rail Burst, 3x Burst, 5x
High(+2000 Credits to cost) per +5DSU up Underbarrel Burst, or Full Auto.
Military(+3000 Credits to cost) to 25DSU) May pay 5000 credits
for Selective Fire
Semi-Automatic 4000 7kg 2 Common 50DSU Internal Barrel 2 Internal Magazine – None Focus
Rifle Basic(+1000 Credits to cost) (500 credits Magazine – Top Rail ½ ACT per 3 ammo
High(+2000 Credits to cost) per +6DSU up Base 5(100 Underbarrel External Magazine -
Military(+3000 Credits to cost) to 120DSU) credits per +1 ACT
High Military(+4000 Credits to up to 15)
cost) External
Bolt-Action 4000 7kg 2 Common 50DSU Internal Barrel 2 Internal Magazine – None Focus
Rifle Basic(+1000 Credits to cost) (500 credits Magazine – Top Rail ½ ACT per 3 ammo This weapon has ½ the
High(+2000 Credits to cost) per +6DSU up Base 5(100 Underbarrel External Magazine - normal jam chance.
Military(+3000 Credits to cost) to 120DSU) credits per +1 ACT Cannot fire more than
High Military(+4000 Credits to up to 15) once in an attack
cost) External action.
Magazine This weapon suffers
only half the normal
ranged increment
Aimed Strike Check
Cylinder Load 4000 7kg 2 Common 50DSU Cylinder Load Barrel 2 Full Round ACT None Focus
Rifle Basic(+1000 Credits to cost) (500 credits Top Rail
High(+2000 Credits to cost) per +6DSU up Underbarrel
Military(+3000 Credits to cost) to 120DSU)
High Military(+4000 Credits to
Breech Load 4000 7kg 2 Common 50DSU Breech Load Barrel 2 ½ ACT to reload all None Focus
Rifle Basic(+1000 Credits to cost) (500 credits Top Rail barrels May pay 5000 credits
High(+2000 Credits to cost) per +6DSU up Underbarrel for an extra barrel
Military(+3000 Credits to cost) to 120DSU) up to a maximum of 2
High Military(+4000 Credits to total barrels.

Modern Heavy Weapons

Name Cost Weight WSV Round Type(Choose One) Range Load Mod Slots Hands Needed Reload Act Special Special
General 10000 10kg 3 Common 8DSU Belt Fed Barrel 2 Belt Fed – Full If using High Forced Full
Purpose Basic(+2500 Credits to cost) (500 credits External Top Rail Round ACT Military Auto
Machine Gun High(+5000 Credits to cost) per +1DSU up Magazine Underbarrel External Rounds the Power Kick
Military(+7500 Credits to cost) to 16DSU) Magazine – ACT weight is
High Military(+10000 Credits to cost) +2kg.

-20 Slight to
Rotary 20000 15kg 4 Common 6DSU Belt Fed Barrel 2 Full Round ACT -20 Slight to Forced Full
Machine Gun Basic(+2500 Credits to cost) (500 credits Conceal Auto
High(+5000 Credits to cost) per +1DSU up Power Kick
Military(+7500 Credits to cost) to 12DSU) Rotary
High Military(+10000 Credits to cost)

Modern Launcher Weapons

Name Cost Weight WSV Round Type(Choose One) Range Load Type(Choose One) Mod Slots Hands Reload Act Special Special
Grenade 2000 4kg 1 20mm Grenade 50DSU Breech Load Barrel 1 ACT per Barrel +10 Slight to May pay 2500
Pistol 30mm Grenade Top Rail conceal credits for
40mm Grenade an extra
50mm Grenade barrel up to
a maximum of
3 total
barrels. Each
barrel Adds
Grenade 2000 6kg 1 20mm Grenade 50DSU Breech Load Barrel 1 ACT per Barrel +10 Slight to None
Launcher 30mm Grenade Top Rail conceal
40mm Grenade
50mm Grenade
60mm Grenade
Pump Action 2000 4kg 1 20mm Grenade 50DSU Internal Magazine – Top Rail 1 ½ ACT per Grenade +10 Slight to None
Grenade 30mm Grenade Base 1(100 credits per conceal
Launcher 40mm Grenade +1 up to 3)
50mm Grenade External Magazine
Magazine 5000 10kg 2 20mm Grenade 100DSU Magazine Barrel 2 ½ ACT None None
Grenade 30mm Grenade Top Rail
Launcher Underbarrel
Rotary 5000 4kg 2 20mm Grenade 50DSU Cylinder Load Barrel 2 ACT per Grenade -5 Slight to +1kg per 2
Grenade 30mm Grenade Top Rail conceal per 6 Grenade it
Launcher 40mm Grenade Grenades it can can contain
50mm Grenade contain. past 6.
Portable 2500 4kg 2 20mm Grenade 100DSU Breech Load None 2 ½ ACT +10 Slight to Must be
Mortar 30mm Grenade conceal. propped on
Launcher 40mm Grenade surface to
50mm Grenade fire safely
60mm Grenade and a over
head of up to
Chain Fed 15000 40kg 5 20mm Grenade 100DSU Belt Fed Top Rail 2 Full Round ACT Forced Full Auto None
Grenade 30mm Grenade Power Kick
launcher 40mm Grenade
Bazooka 1250 + Cost 10kg 3 Rocket 50DSU Breech Load None 2 ACT + ½ ACT -10 Slight to This weapon
of Rocket Conceal breaks after
firing. In
order to use
again it must
be repaired
and loaded
with a new
Rocket 5000 10kg 3 Rocket 100DSU Breech Load None 2 ACT + ½ ACT -10 Slight to None
Launcher Conceal
Smart 10000 10kg 3 Remote Missile 150DSU Breech Load – Has 3 None 2 ACT per barrel -10 Slight to Rockets fired
Launcher barrels Conceal from this
launcher can
be remotely
detonated at
any time.
Multi 10000 15kg 3 Rocket 100DSU Breech Load – Base 2 None 2 ACT per barrel -20 Slight to None
Launcher Barrels. Conceal
May pay 5000 credits
for an extra barrel(max
4 total barrels)

Modern Sprayer Weapons

Name Cost Weight WSV Round Type(Choose One) Range Load Type(Choose One) Mod Slots Hands Needed Reload Act Special Special

Sprayer 5000 10kg 3 As Canister 10DSU Line Fuel Canister – Base 1 None 2 Full Round ACT per -10 Slight to Takes an ACT
500 credits per +1 up canister Conceal to switch the
to a max of 3 hose to a new
Fast Load 10000 10kg 3 As Canister 10DSU Line Fuel Canister – Base 1 None 2 Full Round ACT for -10 Slight to Takes an ACT
Sprayer 500 credits per +1 up all canisters Conceal to switch the
to a max of 3 hose to a new
Twin Nozzle 10000 10kg 3 As Canister 10DSU Line per Fuel Canister – Base 1 None 2 Full Round ACT per -10 Slight to This weapon
Sprayer nozzle 500 credits per +1 up canister Conceal can fire one
to a max of 3 shot from
each nozzle.
Takes an ACT
to switch the
hose to a new
Twin Hose 15000 10kg 3 As Canister 10DSU Line Fuel Canister – Base 1 None 2 Full Round ACT per -10 Slight to This weapon
Sprayer 500 credits per +1 up canister Conceal has two
to a max of 3 separates
hoses to
attach to
canisters and
can fire one
shot per

Rail Tech Firearms

Rail Pistols
Name Cost Weight WSV Damage Round Range Load Battery Pack Mod Slots Hands Needed Reload Act Special Special
Type(Choose One) Type(Choose Load
Rail 10000 2kg 1 10d8 Rail Ammo 20DSU External 1 Barrel 1 ACT for Magazine +20 Slight Gains
Pistol Physical (500 Magazine May pay 2500 Top Rail ACT for Battery to Conceal penetration
credits credits for +1 Pack distance
per +1DSU up to a max of equal to ¼
up to a 3 total of the
max of batteries ammo's
40DSU) hardness
Machine 15000 4kg 1 10d8 Rail Ammo 20DSU External 1 Barrel 1 ACT for Magazine +10 Slight Choose
Rail Physical (500 Magazine May pay 2500 Top Rail ACT for Battery to Conceal between 2x
Pistol credits credits for +1 Pack Burst or 3x
per +1DSU up to a max of Burst
up to a 3 total Gains
max of batteries penetration
40DSU) distance
equal to ¼
of the

Rail Shotgun
Name Cost Weight WSV Damage Round Type(Choose Range Load Battery Pack Mod Slots Hands Needed Reload Act Special Special
One) Type(Choose Load
Rail 20000 8kg 3 15d10 Rail Ammo 5DSU External 1 Barrel 2 ACT for None Gains penetration
Shotgun Physical (500 Magazine May pay 2500 Top Rail Magazine distance equal to
credits per credits for +1 Underbarrel ACT for ¼ of the ammo's
+1DSU up to up to a max of Battery Pack hardness
20DSU) 3 total
Rapid Rail 25000 8kg 3 15d10 Rail Ammo 5DSU External 1 Barrel 2 ACT for None Choose between 2x
Shotgun Physical (500 Magazine May pay 2500 Top Rail Magazine Burst, 3x Burst,
credits per credits for +1 Underbarrel ACT for or 5x Burst
+1DSU up to up to a max of Battery Pack Gains penetration
20DSU) 3 total distance equal to
batteries ¼ of the ammo's

Rail Rifle
Name Cost Weight WSV Damage Round Type(Choose Range Load Battery Pack Mod Slots Hands Needed Reload Act Special Special
One) Type(Choose Load
Rail Rifle 25000 8kg 3 20d10 Rail Ammo 60DSU External 1 Barrel 2 ACT for None Gains penetration
Physical (500 Magazine May pay 2500 Top Rail Magazine distance equal to
credits per credits for +1 Underbarrel ACT for ¼ of the ammo's
+6DSU up to up to a max of Battery Pack hardness
905DSU) 3 total
Rapid Rail 30000 8kg 3 20d10 Rail Ammo 5DSU External 1 Barrel 2 ACT for None Choose between 2x
Rifle Physical (500 Magazine May pay 2500 Top Rail Magazine Burst, 3x Burst,
credits per credits for +1 Underbarrel ACT for or 5x Burst
+1DSU up to up to a max of Battery Pack Gains penetration
20DSU) 3 total distance equal to
batteries ¼ of the ammo's
High Rail 30000 8kg 3 20d12 Rail Ammo 60DSU External 1 Barrel 2 ACT for None Overcharge
Rifle Physical (500 Magazine May pay 2500 Top Rail Magazine Power Kick
credits per credits for +1 Underbarrel ACT for Gains penetration
+6DSU up to up to a max of Battery Pack distance equal to
905DSU) 3 total ½ of the ammo's
batteries hardness

Rail Heavy Weapons

Name Cost Weight WSV Damage Round Type(Choose Range Load Battery Pack Mod Slots Hands Needed Reload Act Special Special
One) Type(Choose Load
Rail 35000 12kg 4 40d10 Rail Ammo 10DSU Belt Fed 1 Barrel 2 Belt Fed – -10 Slight Forced Full
Machine Physical (500 External May pay 2500 Top Rail Full Round ACT to Conceal Auto
Gun credits per Magazine credits for +1 Underbarrel Magazine – ACT Power Kick
+3DSU up to up to a max of ACT for Gains
100DSU) 3 total Battery Pack penetration
batteries distance
equal to ¼
of the
Rail 40000 20kg 4 40d12 Rail Ammo 8DSU Belt Fed 1 Barrel 2 Belt Fed – -20 Slight Forced Full
Rotary Physical (500 May pay 2500 Top Rail Full Round ACT to Conceal Auto
Machine credits per credits for +1 Underbarrel Magazine – ACT Rotary
Gun +3DSU up to up to a max of ACT for Power Kick
80DSU) 3 total Battery Pack Gains
batteries penetration
equal to ¼
of the
Rail Launcher Weapons
Name Cost Weight WSV Damage Round Type(Choose Range Load Battery Pack Mod Slots Hands Needed Reload Act Special Special
One) Type(Choose Load
Rail Launcher 20000 12kg 4 As Grenade Grenade Round 50DSU Breech Load 1 None 1 ½ ACT per -10 Slight None
(500 credits May pay 2500 Grenade to Conceal
per +5DSU up credits for ACT for Battery
to 150DSU) +1 up to a Pack
max of 3
Rail Multi 30000 12kg 4 As Grenade Grenade Round 50DSU Cylinder 1 None 2 ½ ACT per -10 Slight None
Launcher (500 credits May pay 2500 Grenade to Conceal
per +5DSU up credits for ACT for Battery
to 150DSU) +1 up to a Pack
max of 3

Plasma Tech Firearms

Plasma Pistols
Name Cost Weight WSV Damage Round Type(Choose Range Load Battery Pack Mod Slots Hands Needed Reload Act Weight Special
One) Type(Choose Load Category
Plasma 15000 2kg 2 10d10 Heat Plasma Gas 8DSU Gas Capsule 1 Barrel 1 ACT for Capsule +20 Slight Has +1 to
Pistol (500 credits Top Rail ACT for Battery to Conceal the critical
per +1DSU up Pack threat range
to a max of Has +1
20DSU) critical
Plasma 15000 4kg 2 15d10 Heat Plasma Gas 20DSU Gas Capsule 1 Barrel 1 ACT for Capsule +10 Slight Has +1 to
Magnum (500 credits Top Rail ACT for Battery to Conceal the critical
per +1DSU up Pack threat range
to a max of Has +1
40DSU) critical

Plasma Shotguns
Name Cost Weight WSV Damage Round Type(Choose Range Load Battery Pack Mod Slots Hands Needed Reload Act Special Special
One) Type(Choose Load
Plasma 30000 8kg 3 15d12 Heat Plasma Gas 5DSU Gas Capsule 1 Barrel 2 ACT for None Has +2 critical
Shotgun (500 credits – Holds 2 Top Rail Capsule damage multiplier
per +1DSU up Underbarrel ACT for
to a max of Battery Pack
Rapid 35000 8kg 3 15d10 Heat Plasma Gas 5DSU Gas Capsule 1 Barrel 2 ACT for None Choose between 2x
Plasma (500 credits – Holds 2 Top Rail Capsule and 3x Burst
Shotgun per +1DSU up Underbarrel ACT for Has +2 critical
to a max of Battery Pack damage multiplier

Plasma Rifles
Name Cost Weight WSV Damage Round Type(Choose Range Load Battery Pack Mod Slots Hands Needed Reload Act Special Special
One) Type(Choose Load
Plasma 30000 8kg 3 20d12 Heat Plasma Gas 40DSU Gas Capsule 1 Barrel 2 ACT for None Has +2 to
Rifle (500 credits – Holds 2 Top Rail Capsule the critical
per +6DSU up Underbarrel ACT for threat range
to 605DSU) Battery Pack
Rapid 35000 8kg 3 20d12 Heat Plasma Gas 12DSU Gas Capsule 1 Barrel 2 ACT for None Has +2 to
Plasma (500 credits – Holds 2 Top Rail Capsule the critical
Rifle per +1DSU up Underbarrel ACT for threat range
to 25DSU) Battery Pack
High 35000 12kg 4 40d8 Heat Plasma Gas 40DSU Gas Capsule 1 Barrel 2 ACT for -10 Slight Overcharge
Plasma (500 credits – Holds 2 Top Rail Capsule to Conceal Power Kick
Rifle per +6DSU up Underbarrel ACT for Has +2 to
to 605DSU) Battery Pack the critical
threat range

Plasma Heavy Weapons

Name Cost Weight WSV Damage Round Type(Choose Range Load Battery Pack Mod Slots Hands Needed Reload Act Special Special
One) Type(Choose Load
Plasma 45000 12kg 4 40d12 Heat Plasma Gas 10DSU Gas Capsule 1 Barrel 2 ACT for -10 Slight Forced Full
Machine (500 credits – Holds 2 May pay 2500 Top Rail Capsule to Conceal Auto
Gun per +3DSU up credits for Underbarrel ACT for Power Kick
to 30DSU) +1 up to a Battery Pack Has +2 to
max of 3 the critical
total threat range
Plasma 50000 20kg 4 80d6 Heat Plasma Gas 8DSU Gas Capsule 1 Barrel 2 ACT for -20 Slight Forced Full
Rotary (500 credits – Holds 2 May pay 2500 Capsule to Conceal Auto
Machine per +3DSU up credits for ACT for Rotary
Gun to 25DSU) +1 up to a Battery Pack Power Kick
max of 3 Has +2 to
total the critical
batteries threat range

Laser Tech Weapons

Laser Pistols
Name Cost Weight WSV Damage Round Type(Choose Range Battery Pack Load Mod Slots Hands Needed Reload Act Special Special
Laser 15000 2kg 2 10d8 Laser 100DSU 1 Barrel 1 ACT for +20 Slight Has +1
Pistol Heat (500 credits per May pay 2500 Top Rail Battery Pack to Conceal critical
+20DSU up to a max credits for +1 up damage
of 200DSU) to a max of 3 total multiplier
Laser 20000 4kg 2 10d10 Laser 100DSU 1 Barrel 1 ACT for +10 Slight Overcharge
Magnum Heat (500 credits per May pay 2500 Top Rail Battery Pack to Conceal Has +1
+20DSU up to a max credits for +1 up critical
of 200DSU) to a max of 3 total damage
batteries multiplier

Laser Rifle
Name Cost Weight WSV Damage Round Type(Choose Range Battery Pack Load Mod Slots Hands Needed Reload Act Special Special
Laser 35000 8kg 3 20d8 Heat Laser 200DSU 1 Barrel 2 ACT for None Has +1 critical
Rifle (500 credits per May pay 2500 Top Rail Battery Pack damage multiplier
+20DSU up to a max credits for +1 up Underbarrel
of 400DSU) to a max of 3 total
High Laser 40000 10kg 3 20d10 Heat Laser 200DSU 1 Barrel 2 ACT for None Overcharge
Rifle (500 credits per May pay 2500 Top Rail Battery Pack Has +1 critical
+20DSU up to a max credits for +1 up Underbarrel damage multiplier
of 400DSU) to a max of 3 total

Laser Heavy Weapons

Name Cost Weight WSV Damage Round Type(Choose Range Battery Pack Load Mod Slots Hands Needed Reload Act Special Special
Shoulder 60000 22kg 5 80d6 Heat Laser 1100DSU 2 Barrel 2 ACT for Battery -20 Slight Overcharge
Mounted (500 credits per May pay 2500 Pack to Conceal Always
Laser +20DSU up to a max credits for +1 up consumes 5
Cannon of 3005DSU) to a max of 6 total Energy per
batteries shot
Has +1

High Tech Magna Weapons(HTMW)

Name Cost Weigh WSV Damage Round Range Load Type Mod Hands Reload Specia Special
t Type(Choose Slots Neede Act l
One) d
Shatter 100000 8kg 2 30d6 Energy Infinite Battery Pack None 2 ACT for None Ignores Vehicle DR
Buster Gun Heat/Ion – Holds up Battery Energy Shot consumes 2 energy.
to 5 Pack May consume 5 energy to deal 2x dice damage
Hyperion 250000 8kg 3 40d12 Has no round Infinite None None 2 None None Takes 1 full round to charge
Zilo Force Untyped type. Ignores all protection including DR
Blaster Targets seem Ignores all vehicle DR
to die as if You may overcharge for each round without firing this gun
from no to add an additional 40d12 damage per round, up to 10
cause at all times.
when struck
by this
Zilo 150000 4kg 1 25d6 Energy 12DSU Zilo Crystal None 1 ½ ACT per None Can be fired in a 6DSU cone and hit up to 5 targets
Controlled Physical (500 – Base 1 Zilo Can be used as a melee weapon, dealing bonus damage equal
Weapon credits (May pay Crystal to the number of damage dice.
per 5000 credits Can be turned into a shield to add +20 Guard
+1DSU) for +1 up to Each time this weapon attacks or guards, 1 energy is
a max of 5) drained from one of the Zilo Crystals.
This weapon is a 1-handed gauntlet.
Time 500000 8kg 3 25d6 Energy 20DSU(ca Battery Pack None 2 ACT per None Can fire a future blast to hit a 1DSU area at any point in
Control Untyped nnot be – Base 5 Battery the future or a past blast to hit a 1DSU area at a point
Gun changed) (May pay Pack up to 5 rounds in the past. Consumes 1 energy.
Affects 5000 credits Can reverse or rapidly age a target. Consumes 1 energy for
up to a per +1 up to every 1 month added or removed from the target. This
1DSU a max of 20) cannot kill a target of old age or unmake them due to age.
area These effects only last up to 24 hours.
Damage dealt by this ignores all damage reducing sources
including mitigation. Once damage applies it cuts
mitigation of the target in half each time it hits until
it reaches 0. This effect lasts for up to 2 rounds and
does not stack rounds, but will refresh them.
Warp Point 500000 8kg 3 250 Warp Point Infinite Breech Load None 2 ACT None May fire an unguided shot, placing an explosive at a
Launcher Heat/Ion Explosive Ignores specified distance.
Line of May fire a guided shot, placing an explosive at a
Sight specified co-ordinate location.
This weapon when fired has a teleport failure chance of 5%
for each 200DSU away the target location is. Upon failure
the target location will be off by 5-3DSU in a random
Plasma 50000 2kg 1 +50 Bonus Melee Melee 1 Zilo None 1 ½ ACT None This weapon produces a meta-physical energy blade like Ion
Emitter Deals Crystal field that is extremely hot and sparks with electrical
Heat/Ion energy and glows with TS 10 light in the square it's in.
This weapon has a 19-20 critical threat range & a +2
critical multiplier. It may drain drain 1 energy off the
Zilo crystal itself to extend it's reach by 1DSU up to 2
times for max of +2DSU for 1 round. The Zilo crystal
itself is not the only power source but part of the power
source process thus does not drain it's energy constantly.
You may make the Plasma Emitter deal 3x damage for 2
rounds, but this causes the Zilo Crystal inside to break
which will de-power the blade after the effect. Takes a
ACT to place a new Zilo crystal inside. The weapons hilt
is set and itself can only benefits from certain material
effects while no other material may apply to the blade
Gravity 75000 8kg 3 5d12 Energy 25DSU 1 Zilo None 2 ½ ACT None On firing this weapon creates a 1DSU singularity, pulling
Burst Gun Gravity Crystal everything within 1DSU in and expanding the pull radius by
1DSU per round up to 5DSU. Muscle check to try to leave
the singularity.
Everything in the singularity takes the weapon's damage
every round, increasing by 1 dice grade for each round the
target has been in the singularity.
Every shot consumes 5 energy from the Zilo Crystal
Rotary 125000 4kg 2 As Ammo Common 10DSU Cylinder Barrel 1 ½ ACT for None This weapon uses Modern Pistol ammo and is treated as one
Dimensiona Basic(+5000 Load + 1 Top Zilo for effects and modifications.
l Pistol Credits to Zilo Crystal Rail Crystal May consume 1 energy to increase the range by 30DSU, make
cost) ½ ACT per the damage type any 3 by choice, and double the dice
High(+10000 normal damage.
Credits to round. This weapon can hold an infinite amount of ammo and may
cost) reload the Cylinder as a ½ act provided there is enough
Military(+15 ammo in the dimensional storage. Ammo stored in the
000 Credits dimensional storage is considered weightless.
to cost)
000 Credits
to cost)
Rotary 150000 8kg 4 As Ammo Common 20DSU Cylinder Barrel 2 ½ ACT for None This weapon uses Modern Rifle ammo and is treated as one
Dimensiona Basic(+5000 Load + 1 Top Zilo for effects and modifications.
l Rifle Credits to Zilo Crystal Rail Crystal May consume 1 energy to increase the range by 30DSU, make
cost) Underb ½ ACT per the damage type any 3 by choice, and double the dice
High(+10000 arrel normal damage.
Credits to round. This weapon can hold an infinite amount of ammo and may
cost) reload the Cylinder as a ½ act provided there is enough
Military(+15 ammo in the dimensional storage. Ammo stored in the
000 Credits dimensional storage is considered weightless.
to cost)
000 Credits
to cost)

Projectile Launchers

Unique Projectile Launchers

Name Cost Weight WSV Damage Round Aimed Strike Range Hands Special Special
Type Check Bonus Needed
Sling Shot 625 300g 1 15d4 Sling May pay 1000 6DSU 2 +30 This weapon is considered a bow for effects.
Physical Ammo credits per +3 Slight to This weapon can fire rocks found on the ground, but loses -3DSU of range when
up to a max of Conceal doing so.
Sling 500 250g 1 10d4 Sling May pay 1000 6DSU 1 +30 This weapon is considered throwing for effects.
Physical Ammo credits per +3 Slight to This weapon can fire rocks found on the ground, but loses -3DSU of range when
up to a max of Conceal doing so.
Sling 625 500g 2 15d4 Sling May pay 1000 6DSU 2 None This weapon is considered throwing for effects.
Staff Physical Ammo credits per +3 This weapon can fire rocks found on the ground, but loses -3DSU of range when
up to a max of doing so.
Blow Gun 500 250g 1 10d4 Blow May pay 1000 5DSU 1 +30 This weapon is considered a bow for effects.
Physical Dart credits per +3 Slight to
Ammo up to a max of Conceal
Atlatl 750 500g 1 15d4 Spear May pay 1000 6DSU 1 None This weapon is considered throwing for effects.
Physical Round credits per +3
up to a max of
Fire Spear 1000 1kg 2 25d4 Spear -10 Aimed 3DSU 2 None This weapon is considered either an early rifle for effects. This weapon takes
Launcher Physical Round Strike Check a Full Round ACT to reload.

Name Cost Weight WSV Damage Round Type Aimed Strike Check Bonus Range Hands Load Special Special
Needed Type
Short Bow 2000 1kg 2 10d10 Physical Arrow May pay 1000 credits per +3 up to 10DSU 2 String None Focus
a max of +30 May pay 2500 credits to apply ¼ of STR MOD
as bonus damage
Long Bow 2500 3kg 2 10d12 Physical Arrow May pay 1000 credits per +3 up to 15DSU 2 String None Focus
a max of +30 May pay 2500 credits to apply ¼ of STR MOD
as bonus damage
Recurve 3000 5kg 2 20d6 Physical Arrow May pay 1000 credits per +3 up to 15DSU 2 String None Focus
Bow a max of +30 May pay 2500 credits to apply ¼ of STR MOD
as bonus damage
Produces sound of TS -20 to hear at 1DSU,
increasing by 10 TS per 2DSU.
Grand Bow 3500 8kg 3 20d8 Physical Arrow May pay 1000 credits per +3 up to 25DSU 2 String -10 Focus
a max of +30 Slight May pay 2500 credits to apply ¼ of STR MOD
to as bonus damage
Conceal You cannot move and fire this weapon in the
same round.
Produces sound of TS -20 to hear at 1DSU,
increasing by 10 TS per 2DSU.
Compound 6000 5kg 2 20d10 Physical Arrow May pay 1000 credits per +3 up to 30DSU 2 String None Focus
Bow a max of +30 Applies ¼ of STR MOD as bonus damage

Name Cost Weight WSV Damage Round Type Aimed Strike Check Bonus Range Hands Load Reload Weight Special
Needed Type Act Categor
Hand 2500 2kg 1 10d6 Physical Bolt May pay 1000 credits per +2 10DSU 1 String ½ ACT None Ignores ¼ of guard of the same type as
Crossbow up to a max of +10 the damage within the first range
increment as long as the bolt fired has
hardness equal to or higher than the
Crossbow 3000 5kg 2 20d8 Physical Bolt May pay 1000 credits per +3 15DSU 2 String ACT None Ignores ¼ of guard of the same type as
up to a max of +10 the damage within the first range
increment as long as the bolt fired has
hardness equal to or higher than the
Arbalest 3500 10kg 3 20d10 Physical Bolt May pay 1000 credits per +3 20DSU 2 String Full -10 Ignores ¼ of guard of the same type as
up to a max of +20 Round Slight the damage within the first range
ACT to increment as long as the bolt fired has
Conceal hardness equal to or higher than the
Repeating 4500 7kg 3 20d6 Physical Bolt May pay 1000 credits per +3 12DSU 2 String Full None Has a top loading mechanism that holds up
Crossbow up to a max of +20 Round to 10 bolts at once.
ACT Ignores ¼ of guard of the same type as
the damage within the first range
increment as long as the bolt fired has
hardness equal to or higher than the
This crossbow cannot have a scope
attached to it

Steam Force Guns

Name Cost Weight WSV Damage Round Type Range Hands Needed Load Type Steam Reload Act Weight Category Special
Steam 4500 5kg 2 10d6 Physical Steam Round 6DSU 1 External 5 WS ACT Medium Steam Powered
Pistol Magazine Water
Steam 5000 12kg 3 20d6 Physical Steam Harpoon 10DSU 2 Single 5 WS ½ ACT Heavy Steam Powered, The Steam Harpoon Gun can
Harpoon Shot Water have a rope attach to a Steam Harpoon
Gun adding a +3kg for the rope holder and
Steam 5500 12kg 3 20d6 Physical Steam Round 15DSU 2 External 5 WS ACT Heavy Steam Powered
Rifle Magazine Water
Steam 6500 12kg 3 As Ammo Grenade Round 10DSU 2 Breech 5 WS ACT per barrel Heavy Steam Powered
Launcher Load Water May pay 5000 credits for an additional
barrel, up to a maximum of 2 barrels.

Ranged Weapon Magazines

Name Cost Weight WSV Ammo Capacity(Choose Applies To Special
Pistol Magazine 10 50g 1 Common – 5 Rounds(Max All Pistols with None
15) an External
Basic – 5 Rounds(Max 15) Magazine
High – 5 Rounds(Max 15)
Military – 5 Rounds(Max
High Military – 4
Rounds(Max 8)

May pay 5 credits per +1

up to the max
Pistol Extended Magazine 100 100g 1 Common – 15 Rounds(Max All Pistols with None
30) an External
Basic – 15 Rounds(Max Magazine
High – 15 Rounds(Max 30)
Military – 12 Rounds(Max
High Military – 8
Rounds(Max 12)

May pay 5 credits per +1

up to the max
Pistol Drum Magazine 250 500g 1 Common – 30 Rounds(Max All Pistols with None
50) an External
Basic – 30 Rounds(Max Magazine
High – 30 Rounds(Max 50)
Military – 18 Rounds(Max
High Military – 12
Rounds(Max 20)

May pay 5 credits per +1

up to the max
Pistol Quickdraw Magazine 250 100g 1 Common – 5 Rounds(Max All Pistols with Takes only a ½ act to reload(cannot be reduced further by add-ons)
15) an External
Basic – 5 Rounds(Max 15) Magazine
High – 5 Rounds(Max 15)
Military – 5 Rounds(Max
High Military – 4
Rounds(Max 8)

May pay 5 credits per +1

up to the max
Shotgun Magazine 10 100g 1 2 Rounds(Max 8) All Shotguns with None
an External
May pay 5 credits per +1 Magazine
up to the max
Shotgun Extended Magazine 100 150g 1 8 Rounds(Max 12) All Shotguns with None
an External
May pay 5 credits per +1 Magazine
up to the max
Shotgun Drum Magazine 250 1kg 1 12 Rounds(Max 25) All Shotguns with None
an External
May pay 5 credits per +1 Magazine
up to the max
Shotgun Quickdraw Magazine 250 150g 1 2 Rounds(Max 8) All Shotguns with Takes only a ½ act to reload(cannot be reduced further by add-ons)
an External
May pay 5 credits per +1 Magazine
up to the max
Rifle Magazine 10 150g 1 Common – 20 Rounds(Max All Rifles with an None
30) External Magazine
Basic – 20 Rounds(Max
High – 20 Rounds(Max 30)
Military – 15 Rounds(Max
High Military – 5
Rounds(Max 10)

May pay 5 credits per +1

up to the max
Rifle Extended Magazine 100 150g 1 Common – 30 Rounds(Max All Rifles with an None
40) External Magazine
Basic – 30 Rounds(Max
High – 30 Rounds(Max 40)
Military – 25 Rounds(Max
High Military – 10
Rounds(Max 15)

May pay 5 credits per +1

up to the max
Rifle Drum Magazine 250 1kg 1 Common – 50 Rounds(Max All Rifles with an None
75) External Magazine
Basic – 50 Rounds(Max
High – 50 Rounds(Max 75)
Military – 30 Rounds(Max
High Military – 15
Rounds(Max 25)

May pay 5 credits per +1

up to the max
Rifle Quickdraw Magazine 250 150g 1 Common – 20 Rounds(Max All Rifles with an Takes only a ½ act to reload(cannot be reduced further by add-ons)
30) External Magazine
Basic – 20 Rounds(Max
High – 20 Rounds(Max 30)
Military – 15 Rounds(Max
High Military – 5
Rounds(Max 10)

May pay 5 credits per +1

up to the max
Ammo Belt 100 1kg 1 Common – 50 Rounds(Max Chain Fed Firearms None
Basic – 50 Rounds(Max
High – 50 Rounds(Max
Military – 50 Rounds(Max
High Military – 30
Rounds(Max 120)
20mm Grenade – 50 Rounds
(Max 100)
30mm Grenade – 50 Rounds
(Max 75)
40mm Grenade – 50 Rounds
(Max 50)

May pay 5 credits per +1

up to the max
Ammo Backpack 500 5kg 1 Common – 500 Rounds(Max Chain Fed Firearms None
Basic – 500 Rounds(Max
High – 500 Rounds(Max
Military – 400
Rounds(Max 800)
High Military – 300
Rounds(Max 600)
20mm Grenade – 100
Rounds (Max 200)
30mm Grenade – 100
Rounds (Max 150)
40mm Grenade – 50 Rounds
(Max 100)

May pay 5 credits per +1

up to the max
Cylinder 10 100g 1 Early Ammo – 6 Cylinder Load None
Rounds(Max 6) Weapons
Common – 6 Rounds(Max
Basic – 6 Rounds(Max 12)
High – 6 Rounds(Max 12)
Military – 6 Rounds(Max
High Military – 4
Rounds(Max 6)

May pay 5 credits per +1

up to the max
Grenade Launcher Cylinder None 0kg 1 20mm Grenade – 6 Rounds Cylinder Load The article comes initially with the grenade launcher inbuilt. You do not buy
(Max 24) Grenade Launcher this separately.
30mm Grenade – 6 Rounds set for the size
(Max 18)
40mm Grenade – 6 Rounds
(Max 12)
50mm Grenade – 3 Rounds
(Max 6)

May pay 5 credits per +1

up to the max
Grenade Launcher Magazine None 150g 1 20mm Grenade – 1 Round Grenade Launcher None
(Max 5) with an External
30mm Grenade – 1 Round Magazine set for
(Max 5) the size

May pay 5 credits per +1

up to the max
Rotary Dimensional 25000 1kg 1 Attaches to a Magazine Attaches to a The article attach has it's quantity of carry weight increased to infinite. The
Magazine extra stored articles do not take up weight only the outer ones in reach. To
summon up the ammo to be loaded takes a extra ½ ACT to set the ammo out and the
normal load action. This spare ½ ACT cannot be removed by quick draw.

Can be attached or removed from a magazine as a Full Round Act.

Ranged Weapon Accessories

Name Cost Weight WSV Mod Slot Applies To Effect
Bow/Crossbow 10 50g 1 None Bows Can be removed or attached as a Full Round ACT.
String Crossbows Making this item out of metal will increase the cost by 3x
Sling Ballast 1000 100g 1 None Crossbows Allows a Crossbow to fire small objects such as Grenades.
Converter While this device is attached, you cannot fire bolts or use the Crossbow Magazine Loader.
Once attached, this modification cannot be removed. Takes a 5 Round ACT to add to a weapon.
Folding Stock 250 500g 1 None Modern Firearms Grants a gun +5 Aimed Strike Check and may use a 1/2 to gain +10 Aimed Strike Check against
Rail Weapons a target that is 3DSU or further away as a focus effect. This makes the gun two-handed but
as a 1/2 act the stock can be folded up to make the gun one-handed again if it was
originally a one-handed gun. This stock must be made to fit for a specific weapon and can be
adjusted to fit a new weapon for 125 credits.
Only one stock may be attached to a gun at one time.
Bump Stock 2000 500g 1 None Rifles Grants the gun the use of the Full Auto ability, but increases the Aimed Strike Check
Shotguns penalties by -15.
This stock must be made to fit for a specific weapon and can be adjusted to fit a new weapon
for 125 credits.
Only one stock may be attached to a gun at one time.
RPA 5000 1kg 1 None Modern Firearms Modifies a weapon so that it fires Rocket Propelled Ammo.
Modification Once attached, this modification cannot be removed. Takes a 5 Round ACT to add to a weapon.
Shotgun 500 500g 1 Barrel Modern Shotguns Makes a shotgun treat it's normal ammo as birdshot ammo variant for it's effect (not
Cylinder Bore Rail Shotguns effecting the direct damage). If applied to birdshot ammo variant it's spread will occur at
Choke 6DSU instead of 8DSU. This mod can be attached or removed as an ACT
Shotgun Full 500 500g 1 Barrel Modern Shotguns Makes a shotgun treat it's normal ammo at +5 Aimed Strike Check. If applied to birdshot ammo
Choke Rail Shotguns variant spread will occur at 12DSU instead of 8DSU. This mod can be attached or removed as
an ACT
Shotgun Auto 1500 1kg 1 Barrel Modern Shotguns May use the Shotgun Cylinder Bore Choke effect or Shotgun Full Choke effect or fire as
Mechanical Rail Shotguns normal upon user choice. This cannot be attached to a weapon that has a Gun Suppressor on
Choke it. This mod can be attached or removed as an ACT.
Muzzle Brake 500 150g 1 Barrel (addition) Modern Firearms Adds a reduction to recoil to any burst or full auto function by -5 Aimed Strike Check. This
decreases the TS of 5 per 12DSU to hear the gunshot from your square. This may apply to a
cost of any Suppressor.
Flash Hider 500 45g 1 Barrel (addition) Modern Firearms Hides the flash of a gun shot reducing it's chance to spot it visually from the flash by -25
from a sight check. This may apply to a cost of any Suppressor.
Barrel Extender 1000 500g 1 Barrel (addition) Modern Pistols Increases distance by 5DSU and adds +5 Aimed Strike Check. This mod can be attached or
Modern Rifles removed as an ACT. This mod must be made to fit for one class of weapon. This will provide a
Modern Heavy -10 to slight and stealth checks to hide the weapon.
Early Firearms
Gun Suppressor 1000 500g 1 Barrel Modern Firearms Adds a TS of 15 per 12DSU to hear the gunshot from your square and adds +5 Aimed Strike
Common Round Check. This cannot be attached to any weapon with a Choke or Barrel Extender. This mod may
be attached or removed as an ACT. This only works for Common Rounds. This will provide a -10
to slight and stealth checks to hide the weapon.
Gun Suppressor 1500 500g 1 Barrel Modern Firearms Adds a TS of 15 per 12DSU to hear the gunshot from your square and adds +5 Aimed Strike
Basic Round Check. This cannot be attached to any weapon with a Choke or Barrel Extender. This mod may
be attached or removed as an ACT. This only works for Basic Rounds. This will provide a -10
to slight and stealth checks to hide the weapon.
Gun Suppressor 2000 500g 1 Barrel Modern Firearms Adds a TS of 15 per 12DSU to hear the gunshot from your square and adds +5 Aimed Strike
High Round Check. This cannot be attached to any weapon with a Choke or Barrel Extender. This mod may
be attached or removed as an ACT. This only works for High Rounds. This will provide a -10
to slight and stealth checks to hide the weapon.
Gun Suppressor 2500 500g 1 Barrel Modern Firearms Adds a TS of 15 per 12DSU to hear the gunshot from your square and adds +5 Aimed Strike
Military Round Check. This cannot be attached to any weapon with a Choke or Barrel Extender. This mod may
be attached or removed as an ACT. This only works for Military Rounds. This will provide a
-10 to slight and stealth checks to hide the weapon.
Gun Suppressor 3000 500g 1 Barrel Modern Firearms Adds a TS of 15 per 12DSU to hear the gunshot from your square and adds +5 Aimed Strike
High Military Check. This cannot be attached to any weapon with a Choke or Barrel Extender. This mod may
Round be attached or removed as an ACT. This only works for High Military Rounds. This will
provide a -10 to slight and stealth checks to hide the weapon.
Quick Loader 50 100g 1 None Cylinder Allows the reloading of a Cylinder load weapon as a ½ act.
Must be designed for a specific cylinder size.
Quick Loaders can only reload Cylinder load weapons that are empty.
It takes a Full Round ACT to load a Quick Loader. You may load a single bullet into a quick
loader as a ½ act
Iron 250 250g 1 Top Rail All Firearms, As a ½ Act may gain a +5 Aimed Strike Check against targets 5DSU or further as a focus
Sight/Reflex Crossbows, effect.
Sight Spear Guns Can be on a gun with a scope, but does not stack in effect nor can you use the Iron Sight
when the scope is attached. You may pay 50 credits for a side variant attachment called a
Canter that can be switch to even with a scope attached for firearms only. The Iron Sight
must be custom fitted for the weapon type.
Red Dot/Holo 250 250g 1 Top Rail All Firearms, As a ½ Act may gain a +10 Aimed Strike Check against targets 5DSU or further as a focus
Sight Crossbows, effect.
Spear Guns You may pay 50 credits for a side variant attachment called a Canter that can be switch to
even with a scope attached for firearms only. (Uses a small battery package)
Basic Scope 250 250g 1 Top Rail All Firearms As a 1/2 act may gain a +10 Aimed Strike Check against targets 10DSU or further as a focus
Crossbows effect. Can see clearly between 50-100DSU and takes a 1/2 act to adjust the zoom
Bows distance(cannot see more than 10DSU behind the current zoom distance clearly). Only one
Spear Guns scope may be on a weapon.
For 2500 credits you may add Infrared or Night Sight. Takes a 1/2 ACT to switch between
sights for the scope.
This mod may be attached to Bows, Crossbows, and Spear Guns even without the proper mod slot
Zoomed Scope 500 250g 1 Top Rail All Firearms As a 1/2 act may gain a +15 Aimed Strike Check against targets 10DSU or further as a focus
Crossbows effect.
Can see clearly between 50-400DSU and takes a 1/2 act to adjust the zoom distance(cannot see
more than 10DSU behind the current zoom distance clearly). Only one scope may be on a
For 2500 credits you may add Infrared or Night Sight. Takes a 1/2 ACT to switch between
sights for the scope.
This mod may be attached to Crossbows even without the proper mod slot available.
Advanced Scope 1000 250g 1 Top Rail All Firearms As a 1/2 act may gain a +20 Aimed Strike Check against targets 10DSU or further as a focus
Can see clearly between 50-4005DSU and takes a 1/2 act to adjust the zoom distance(cannot
see more than 10DSU behind the current zoom distance clearly). Only one scope may be on a
For 2500 credits you may add Infrared or Night Sight. Takes a 1/2 ACT to switch between
sights for the scope. (Uses a small battery package)
Camera Scope 1500 1kg 1 Top Rail All Firearms A special scope that can view cameras of up to 5 locations, or the forward view. Views can
Crossbows be switched as a 1/2 ACT. The scope comes with 5 360 view cameras and additional units can
Bows be bought for 250 credits each. The scope can view cameras up to 1 kilometer away. (Uses a
small battery package)
Laser Sight 250 250g 1 None All Firearms Grants +5 Aimed Strike Check.
All Projectile Can be turned on and off as a free action. (Uses a small battery package)
All Spear Guns
All Steam Steam
Round Guns
Flashlight 250 250g 1 Under Barrel, Top Rail All Firearms Allows you to attach or remove a flashlight as a ½ act (Uses a small battery package)
Bayonet Bracket 250 250g 1 Under Barrel, Top Rail All Firearms Allows you to attach or remove a small blade to the end of your gun as a 1/2 act, but causes
the gun to suffer -5 Aimed Strike Check.
Grenade 2000 5kg 1 Under Barrel All Firearms May fire grenades from your firearm as an alternate fire mode.
Launcher Holds only 1 grenade, has a range of 8DSU and takes an ACT to reload.
Takes a an ACT to attach or remove the Grenade Launcher from a weapon.
Causes the gun to suffer a -10 Aimed Strike Check while attached.
Tactical Grip 500 250g 1 Under Barrel All Firearms Reduces the Aimed Strike Check penalty of Burst Fire and Full Auto abilities by 10 Aimed
Strike Check. This mod can be attached or removed as an ACT. Can be attached to guns that
have a Laser Sight, Flashlight Bracket, or Bayonet Bracket in the under barrel slot.
Micro Sprayer 2000 5kg 1 Under Barrel All Firearms May shoot sprayer cartidges from your firearm as an alternate fire mod.
Holds only 1 Micro Sprayer cannister, fires in a 6DSU line and takes a full round ACT to
Takes an ACT to attach or remove the Micro Sprayer from a weapon.
Causes the gun to suffer a -10 Aimed Strike Check while attached.
Taser 1000 1kg 1 Under Barrel All Firearms May fire an electrically charged shot that applies Stun (Ion) level 1 to organic targets.
The Taser must be reloaded after every shot and takes a Full Round ACT to reload.
May pay 1000 credits per +1 level to the Stun effect.
Takes an ACT to attach or remove the Taser from a weapon. (Uses a small battery package)
Bi-Pod 1000 500g 1 Under Barrel All Firearms When firing the gun from a prone position or when braced against a solid surface reduces the
Aimed Strike Check penalty of Burst Fire and Full Auto by 20 Aimed Strike Check. This mod
can be attached or removed as an ACT.
Weapon Pod Legs 1000 250g 1 None Weapons with Power As a 1/2 ACT attach or detach the weapon pod legs. This makes the gun immobile and requires
Kick that the user be standing up but negates the weapon's power kick penalty including the Aimed
Strike Check penalty and reduces the Aimed Strike Check penalty of Burst Fire and Full Auto
by 25 Aimed Strike Check. While attached to a weapon, the gun can swivel up to 45 degrees in
either direction and gains a +5 Aimed Strike Check unless then target is 5DSU or closer,
then it suffers -15 Aimed Strike Check.
This mod does not stack with Bi-Pod or Tactical Grip.
Air-Burst 500 50g 1 None Grenade Launchers This system allows your Air-Burst grenades set to it to explode from your programmed
system credi distance or button click near your trigger with a remote signal.
Gun Face Plate 2500 500g 1 None All Two-Handed When deployed grants a firearm +25 Guard against ranged attacks but causes the weapon to
Firearms suffer -10 Aimed Strike Check and reduces movement speed by 1 DSU. The movement speed
reduction counts as armour and is reduced by DUR Mod.

This attachment may be deployed or retracted as a free action. It may be attached or

detached as a Full Round ACT.
Machine Gun 1000 250g 1 None Belt Fed Weapons As an ACT you may replace the barrel on a heavy weapon that is belt fed to reset the
Replacement overheat effect from being belt fed. Barrel mods must be attached to each individual barrel.
Zilo Power 10000 1kg 1 None Modern Firearms Can hold up to 5 Zilo Crystals of 1 WS each, and must have at least 1 in order to be able to
Controller fire.
Weapons with this modification no longer fire normal ammunition and always apply meta-
physical to the damage type.
May expend 1 Zilo energy to raise the damage of an attack by +3.
Once attached, this modification cannot be removed. Takes a 5 Round ACT to add to a weapon.
Sprayer Nozzle 5000 500g 1 None Sprayer Weapons Increases the range of the sprayer to a 20DSU line.
Adjuster May fire a 8DSU cone from a sprayer by choice.
Can be attached or removed as a Full Round ACT
Rail Extension 7500 500g 1 Barrel Rail Weapons Increases the damage done by 15% and range by 3DSU, but increases the weapon's weight
category by 1 grade and causes it to consume 1 extra energy per shot
Rail Stabilizer 7500 500g 1 Barrel Rail Weapons Increases the range by 5DSU and Aimed Strike Check by +10, but also increases the weapon's
weight category by 1 grade.
Plasma 10000 500g 1 Barrel Plasma Weapons Increases critical damage multiplier by +1 but increases the weapon's weight category by 1
Stabilizer grade
Plasma Extended 10000 500g 1 Barrel Plasma Weapons Increases the critical threat range by +1 but increases the weapon's weight category by 1
Barrel grade
Beam Splitter 10000 500g 1 Barrel Laser Weapons Allows a laser weapon to strike up to 3 targets in a shotgun like cone, but reduces the
damage by 2 dice grades.
Low Intensity 10000 500g 1 Barrel Laser Weapons Shots apply Stun (Ion) level 1 to the target
Stunner Shots blind the target for 1d4 + 1 rounds. Endure Check to negate.
Shots deal only ¼ of normal damage
May pay 1000 credits per +1 level to the Stun effect.
When attached to a laser weapon, this modification can be toggled on or off as a ½ act.
Can be attached or removed as an ACT

Ranged Weapon Ammunition

Hand-held Explosives
All explosives have a 2 stage of damage in their area of effect. The Initial Damage Radius deals the full damage within it's Area of effect. The Second area of effect
outside this called the outer damage deals 10% less damage (LUK will only effect up to 10%). Anything that reduces the radius effects both. If 2 or more explosives go off in
the same round nearly at once and cross the area of effect on a target their their dice add together as a singular damage.
When buying or crafting an explosive, it must have a chosen fuse and detonation type.
Fuse Types
Impact – The explosive will detonate the same round it is triggered a few seconds after throwing.
Timed – The explosive will detonate 1 - 5 rounds after it is triggered. You must choose the number of rounds when buying/crafting the explosive.
Pull Fuse – The explosive immediately detonates when triggered.
Detonation Type
Hand Grenade – A handheld thrown explosive device that has a pin or lit fuse and detonates after throwing.
Remote – An explosive charge that has a remote detonation device that can be triggered at any time.
Proximity – An explosive charge that triggers whenever a target comes within the damage radius (minimum 3DSU if there is no damage range).
Tripwire – An explosive charge that triggers whenever the wire is pulled out from it. A wire of up to 3DSU may be set up from the device.
Pressure Mine – An explosive mine that triggers whenever somebody steps on it and is triggered by pressure.
Air-Burst – An explosive design only for launchers grenades. These will detonate mid air instead from a smart launching system at their desired zone and target area.
(Rockets/Missiles may also have the designed within them as long as it's for a smart launcher) EMP effects will cancel out the signal and each ammo base price is increased
by +50 credits.
20mm Grenade – A launched grenade that will arm itself after being launched. It's smaller size reduces it's damage by 2 dice grade and 2DSU and effect area. Base Price is
reduced by 1/3rd round down credits.
30mm Grenade – A launched grenade that will arm itself after being launched. It's smaller size reduces it's damage by 1 dice grade and 1DSU and effect area. Base Price is
reduced by ½ round down credits.
40mm Grenade – A launched grenade that will arm itself after being launched.
50mm Grenade – A launched grenade that will arm itself after being launched. It's larger size reduces it range by -2 DSU but has +1DSU of radius and effect area. Base Price
is increased by 1.5 times.
60mm Grenade - – A launched grenade that will arm itself after being launched. It's larger size increases it's damage by 1 dice grade and reduces it range by -3 DSU but has
+2DSU of radius and effect area. Base Price is increased by 2 times.
All explosives are made for a medium sized character. You may decrease the size which reduces the dice grade of the damage by 1(Minimum 1d4), the initial damage radius by 1
DSU(minimum 1 DSU) for every 2 grades down, the outer damage radius by 1 DSU(Minimum 1 DSU) for every 2 grades down, and reduces the cost by ½ per 1 size grade down. You may
increase the size which increases the dice grade of the damage by 1 grade, the initial and outer damage radius each by 1 DSU for every 2 grades up, and adds 0.5x to the cost
multiplier of the weapon.
A grenade that is 2 or more sizes higher than the size of weapon you can wield is oversized and considered an improvised weapon for throw distance in addition to losing -1
DSU thrown distance for each size grade higher than the maximum size you can wield.

Name Cost Weight WSV Damage Thrown Initial Outer Special

Distance Damage Damage
Radius Radius
Fragmentation 100 150g 1 15d10 Physical 6DSU 3DSU 3DSU This grenade applies material effects. Modern Armor allows a Guard Check of it's
effective bonus to negate the damage. This radius obeys penetration limits as if all
sides are a ballistic round from it's radius. This will travel +1 DSU and dice grade
in a liquid environment as Wind damage and the material will no longer apply.
Concussive 150 150g 1 15d10 Wind 6DSU 3DSU 3DSU This grenade uses pressure wave forces. This will travel +2 DSU and dice grade in a
liquid environment. Overcomes hardness of up to 5 base. Overcomes +1 more hardness
per 50 credits.
Smoke 100 150g 1 None 6DSU None None This grenade creates a 6DSU radius of smoke that obscures sight with a TS of 45.
This smoke lasts 1d4 -1 rounds or until wind of TS 15 blows it away.
Anyone within the smoke must made an Endure Check of TS 15 or lose a ½ ACT due to
coughing. Targets that don't need to breathe are immune to this effect.
Dummy 50 150g 1 None 6DSU None None This grenade does not explode.
Incendiary 250 150g 1 15d10 Heat 6DSU 3DSU 3DSU This grenade deals an additional 5d4 Heat damage to all within 6DSU including the
environment for 2 rounds. Objects may remain on fire if they are combustible
continually taking the marked heat damage even past 2 rounds. The heat damage will
increase in dice grade for each 1DSU of combustible objects are present that remain
and do not burn up from damage. The heat damage caused over the 2 round will apply
Burn(heat) status effect of level 1 and if the Burn status effect successes then the
round duration of the burn increases by to 2 rounds and each time the check occurs
for the Burn(heat) status effect it will level by 1 again with it's new TS.
Freeze Gel 250 150g 1 15d10 Cold 6DSU 3DSU 3DSU Applies Stun(Ice) level 1 to all targets within 3DSU. May pay 50 credits per +1 to
the level of the Stun effect.
Acidic 250 150g 1 10d10 Acid 6DSU 3DSU 3DSU Applies Blind level 1 to all within 3DSU. May pay 250 credits per +1 to the level of
the Blind effect.
Applies the damage every round for a number of rounds equal to the duration of the
Blind effect.
Flash Bang 200 150g 1 5d10 Heat 6DSU 1DSU None Blinding & Deafen status effect applied to target. The duration and rounds it last
are not increased by their level from this source. Increase the level by +1 per 25
The Blinding effect uses slight check to avoid & The Deafen uses Endure to avoid.
The status effects only last 1d4+1 rounds in a 10DSU radius.
Sting 150 150g 1 15d10 Physical 6DSU 5DSU 3DSU This grenade always deals non-lethal damage
Tear Gas 250 150g 1 None 6DSU None None Leaves a 5DSU cloud of gas that lingers for 1d4 + 1 rounds.
Any caught in the gas has a 25% chance of losing any action they take.
Targets wearing a gas mask are immune to the effects of this grenade.
Chemical Gas 250 150g 1 10d10 Acid 6DSU None None Leaves a 5DSU cloud of gas that lingers for 1d4 + 1 rounds.
Any caught in the gas takes the damage per round.
Targets wearing a gas mask are immune to the effects of this grenade.
Shock Gel 250 150g 1 10d10 Ion 6DSU 3DSU 3DSU All within the targeted 1DSU square are covered in a gel that deals the grenade's
damage every round for 1d4 + 1 rounds.
All outside the 1DSU square but within the grenade's radius are covered in a gel
that deals half the grenade's damage every round for 1d4 + 1 rounds.
The gel can be washed off with water.
Hardener Gel 250 150g 1 5d4 Physical 6DSU 3DSU 3DSU Deals non lethal damage and covers the target area in a hardening gel that jams
equipment with moving parts.

If not washed off within 1d4 rounds the gel hardens, slowing movement speed by 5DSU
and disabling all devices until the gel is soaked in liquid.

May make a muscle check of TS 10 per stack to break the gel. The gel has a hardness
of 5.
Mystic Charge 150 150g 1 15d8 Mystic 6DSU 3DSU 3DSU None
Zilo Burst 250 150g 1 15d12 Random 6DSU 3DSU 3DSU This grenade disrupts casts in a 6DSU area for 1d4 + 1 rounds, applying a 50% chance
of cast failure for anyone attempting to cast. This percentage cannot be altered by
anything, including luck.
The damage type of this grenade is random based on a 1d8 roll: Cold, Heat, Mystic,
Ion, Physical, Gravity, Holy, Unholy.
Zero Blast 200 150g 1 15d10 6DSU 3DSU 3DSU None
Gravity Burst 200 150g 1 15d10 Gravity 6DSU 3DSU 3DSU Gravity is negated within 3DSU for 1d6 rounds.
EMP 200 150g 1 None 6DSU None None Creates an electromagnetic field of 6DSU that ruins unprotected electronic
Any target with the machine classification has Stun (Ion) Level 1 applied to them.
May pay 50 credits per +1 to the level of the Stun effect.
Holy 150 150g 1 15d10 Holy 6DSU 3DSU 3DSU None
Unholy 150 150g 1 15d10 Unholy 6DSU 3DSU 3DSU None
Vacuum 250 150g 1 15d12 Physical 12DSU 6DSU 3DSU After throwing this grenade charges for 3 rounds. During the charge time all within
6DSU are pulled in with a Forceful Push effect. After the charge time is over, the
grenade explodes with a Forceful Push outward and deals damage multiplied by the
number of rounds spent charging.
This grenade may be remotely detonated any time during the charge to immediately
May pay 100 credits to increase the charge time by 1 round.

Grenade Upgrades
Name Cost Damage Thrown Distance Damage Radius Special
Change Change Change
Blast Power Upgrade +500 +5 Dice -1DSU per add None Maximum 10 stacks on a single grenade.
per per add Cannot apply to grenades that don't deal damage.
Surge Power Upgrade +500 +1 Dice -1DSU None Maximum 1 stack on a single grenade.
per grade per Cannot apply to grenades that don't deal damage.
add add
Radius Booster +500 -5 Dice None +3DSU per add Cannot buy if the grenade's damage has been reduced to nothing.
per per add
Cluster Grenade +2500 -5 Dice -3DSU per add None This causes the grenade to split into 1 extra grenade per add after hitting the target square.
per per add Maximum 10 stacks on a single grenade.
Distance Upgrade +500 None +1DSU per add None Maximum 20 stacks on a single grenade.
Bounce Upgrade +250 None None None Allows the grenade to bounce off a hard surface +1 time per stack. This does not extend the
per maximum distance of the grenade.
Clinger Upgrade +50 None None None Causes the grenade to stick to the target through one of the following methods by choice:
per Magnetism, Chemical Compound, or Grapple Device.
stick You must roll a Aimed Strike Check to stick a grenade to a target. This cannot be guarded
method against.
Once stuck, the target may attempt a muscle of TS + 10 to remove the grenade.
Spike Upgrade +250 None None None When thrown at a target, this grenade deals +5 damage and counts as a blade for the impact hit
per instead of improvised.
add Maximum 5 stacks on a single grenade.
Smart Blast +1500 None None None The grenade's explosion will ignore 1 target or 1 1DSU square per stack.
Anti-Vehicular Upgrade Cost * None None None Ignores vehicle DR

Name Cost Weight WSV Damage Initial Outer Amoun Special
Damage Damage t
Radius Radius
Rocket 500 100g per 1 20d12 3DSU 3DSU 5 None
rocket Heat
Heat Seeking 750 100g per 1 20d12 3DSU 3DSU 5 Has the seeking property but automatically seeks out the nearest heat source.
Rocket rocket Heat
High Explosive 1500 100g per 1 30d12 5DSU 3DSU 5 None
Rocket rocket Heat
Impact Rocket 500 100g per 1 15d12 None None 5 This rocket does not explode.
rocket Physical Has +10 strike hardness when attempting to sunder.
Missile Pod 500 100g per 1 5d12 Heat 2DSU 1DSU 5 When fired splits into 5 micro-missiles that hit the target area.
rocket per per per If fired from a Smart Launcher, the micro-missiles may seek individual targets.
missile rocket rocket
Downpour 750 100g per 1 5d10 Heat 5DSU 3DSU 5 When fired splits into 5 missiles that all hit the target radius.
Missile Pod rocket per May fire in an arc straight up to reduce the damage to 5d8 per missile but increase the radius to
missile 10DSU.
Remote Missile 1000 100g per 1 20d10 3DSU 3DSU 5 This rocket moves at a rate of 12DSU per round for up to 3 rounds. After 3 rounds or when remote
rocket Heat detonated, it explodes.
If jammed, the rocket continues in a straight line until the timer is up or it hits something.
This rocket can only be fired from a Smart Launcher.
Alchemical Grenad 100g per 1 As As As 5 Applies the effect of a grenade into the Rocket. This ammo does not count as a grenade for
Blast Rocket e rocket Grenade Grenade Grenade effects, but does count as an explosive.
Price +1 dice
x10 grade
Micro Nuke 15000 5kg 2 50d12 16DSU 8DSU 5 Creates radiation in 36DSU area that lingers for 1 week. Targets within the radiation suffer -5
(1kg per Heat/Radi CON per round.
nuke) ation On the 3rd day the radiation sickness becomes -3 CON per round.
On the 5th day the radiation sickness becomes -1 CON per round.
After leaving the area or the radiation dissipating, the radiation sickness effect lasts for an
additional 12 hours.
The radiation of this ammo causes the ground to become infertile for 1 month.

Rocket/Missile Upgrades
Name Cost Damage Distance Change Damage Radius Special
Change Change
Blast Power Upgrade +500 +5 Dice -1DSU per add None Maximum 10 stacks on a single rocket.
per per add Cannot apply to grenades that don't deal damage.
Surge Power Upgrade +500 +1 Dice -1DSU None Maximum 1 stack on a single rocket.
per grade per Cannot apply to rockets that don't deal damage.
add add
Radius Booster +500 -5 Dice None +3DSU per add Cannot buy if the rocket's damage has been reduced to nothing.
per per add
Distance Upgrade +500 None +1DSU per add None Maximum 20 stacks on a single rocket.
Smart Blast +1500 None None None The rocket's explosion will ignore 1 target or 1 1DSU square per stack.
Anti-Vehicular Upgrade Cost * None None None Ignores vehicle DR
Sprayer Canisters
Name Cost Weight WSV Damage Shots per Canister Special
Flame Tank 500 1kg 1 10d12 Heat 25 Applies Burn (Heat) level 1
May pay 250 credits per +1 level to the Burn effect
Acidic Tank 500 1kg 1 15d8 Acid 25 Applies Burn (Acid) level 1
May pay 250 credits per +1 level to the Burn effect
Shock Gel Tank 500 1kg 1 15d4 Ion 25 Covers the target in a gel that shocks any hit target for the initial damage every round for 1d4 + 1
If the target is struck by a heat or ion attack the shock gel is removed and they are burned for 1d4 +
1 rounds again for half the initial damage.
If the target washes in water the gel is removed.
Hardener Gel Tank 250 1kg 1 10d4 25 Deals non lethal damage and covers the target area in a hardening gel that jams equipment with moving
Physical parts.
If not washed off within 1d4 rounds the gel hardens, slowing movement speed by 5DSU and disabling all
devices until the gel is soaked in liquid.
May make a muscle check of TS 10 per stack to break the gel. The gel has a hardness of 5.
Cryo Gel Tank 500 1kg 1 15d8 Cold 25 Applies Stun (Cold) level 1
May pay 250 credits per +1 level to the Stun effect
Micro-Flame Tank 250 1kg 1 10d12 Heat 5 Applies Burn (Heat) level 1
May pay 250 credits per +1 level to the Burn effect
Micro-Acidic Tank 250 1kg 1 15d8 Acid 5 Applies Burn (Acid) level 1
May pay 250 credits per +1 level to the Burn effect

Base Ammo Type

Name Cost Weight WSV Damage Type Applies To Amount Special
Common Pistol 50 500g 1 10d4 Physical Modern Ammo Modern Pistol 25 None
Round Pistol Round
Basic Pistol Round 100 500g 1 10d6 Physical Modern Ammo Modern Pistol 25 None
Pistol Round
High Pistol Round 150 500g 1 10d8 Physical Modern Ammo Modern Pistol 25 None
Pistol Round
Military Pistol 200 1kg 1 10d10 Physical Modern Ammo Modern Pistol 25 None
Round Pistol Round
High Military 250 1kg 1 10d12 Physical Modern Ammo Modern Pistol 25 Applies Power Kick to the weapon
Pistol Round Pistol Round Reduces vehicle DR to ½ instead of ¼
Common Rifle Round 50 1kg 1 20d4 Physical Modern Ammo Modern Rifle 25 None
Rifle Round Modern Heavy Weapons
Basic Rifle Round 100 1kg 1 20d6 Physical Modern Ammo Modern Rifle 25 None
Rifle Round Modern Heavy Weapons
High Rifle Round 150 1kg 1 20d8 Physical Modern Ammo Modern Rifle 25 None
Rifle Round Modern Heavy Weapons
Military Rifle 200 2kg 1 20d10 Physical Modern Ammo Modern Rifle 25 None
Rifle Round Modern Heavy Weapons
High Military 250 2kg 1 20d12 Physical Modern Ammo Modern Rifle 25 Applies Power Kick to the weapon
Rifle Round Rifle Round Modern Heavy Weapons Reduces vehicle DR to ½ instead of ¼
High Gauge Shell 50 1kg 1 15d4 Physical Shotgun Shell Modern Shotguns 25 Cannot take Armour Piercing ammo variant.
Modern Ammo Hardness counts at -10.
Medium Gauge Gauge 100 1kg 1 15d6 Physical Shotgun Shell Modern Shotguns 25 Cannot take Armour Piercing ammo variant.
Shell Modern Ammo Hardness counts at -10.
Low Gauge Shell 150 1kg 1 15d8 Physical Shotgun Shell Modern Shotguns 25 Cannot take Armour Piercing ammo variant.
Modern Ammo Hardness counts at -10.
Magnum Gauge Shell 200 1kg 1 15d10 Physical Shotgun Shell Modern Shotguns 25 Cannot take Armour Piercing ammo variant.
Modern Ammo Hardness counts at -10. Applies Power Kick to
the weapon. Reduces vehicle DR to ½ instead
of ¼
Sling Ammo 10 1kg 1 As Weapon Used Sling Weapons with Sling Ammo load type 25 Can be thrown as an improvised weapon.
Blowdart Ammo 10 1kg 1 As Weapon Used Blowdart Weapons with Blowdart Ammo load type 25 Can be thrown as an improvised weapon.
Arrow 50 1kg 1 As Weapon Used Arrow Bows 25 On use there is a 100% chance for the arrow
Projectile to break, reduced by 5%(Unaffected by Luck)
for each hardness of the ammo.
Bolt 50 1kg 1 As Weapon Used Bolt Crossbows 25 On use there is a 100% chance for the bolt to
Projectile break, reduced by 5%(Unaffected by Luck) for
each hardness of the ammo.
Spear 50 1kg 1 As Weapon Used Spear Atlatl 25 On use there is a 100% chance for the spear
Projectile to break, reduced by 5%(Unaffected by Luck)
for each hardness of the ammo.
Steam Round 50 2kg 1 As Weapon Used Steam Round Steam Force Pistol 25 Contains no gunpowder.
Steam Force Rifle
Steam Harpoon 1 4kg 1 As Weapon Used Spear Steam Harpoon Gun 1 Contains no gunpowder. Acts like a Bolt from
Projectile a crossbow. Can be thrown or melee as an
improvised weapon.
Rail Round 150 1kg 1 As Weapon Used Rail Ammo Rail Pistol 25 Must be made from a magnetic material.
Rail Round Rail Rifle
Rail Heavy Weapons
Rail Shell 150 1kg 1 As Weapon Used Rail Ammo Rail Shotgun 25 Must be made from a magnetic material.
Rail Shell When fired spreads to be able to hit 1DSU
around the main target. All secondary foes
struck take 1/4th the damage of the primary
target if they are hit. The spread only
occurs at 8DSU. Hardness counts as normal for
primary shot and -5 for secondary targets. If
the primary target is within or blocking the
trajectory of the spread they take the spread
damage only once not for each square they
have blocked.
Gas Load Capsule 150 1kg 1 As Weapon Used Gas Capsule Plasma Weapons 1 Holds enough gas for 5 shots. May pay 150
credits for +5 to the capacity of a capsule,
up to a maximum of 25.
Battery Pack 100 2kg 1 As Weapon Used Laser Laser Weapons 1 Holds up to 5 energy. May pay 100 credits per
+5 energy capacity up to a maximum of 30
These battery packs may be used to power any
article with a universal plug(1 energy
provides 5 hours of power).

A battery can only be made out of Cobalt,

Nickle, Lead, or Lithium.
Regenerating 1000 5kg 1 As Weapon Used Laser Laser Weapons 1 Holds up to 5 energy. May pay 100 credits per
Battery Pack +5 energy capacity up to a maximum of 10
These battery packs may be used to power any
article with a universal plug(1 energy
provides 5 hours of power)
Regenerates 1 energy per round

A battery can only be made out of Cobalt,

Nickle, Lead, or Lithium.
Early Shot 25 1kg 1 10d6 Physical Early Ammo Early Pistols 25 When fired spreads to be able to hit 1DSU
around the main target. All secondary foes
struck take 1/4th the damage of the primary
target if they are hit. If they have a Guard
Check over +25 the primary targets damage is
reduced by 1/4th and if the secondary targets
guard is over the same amount they instead
take 1/8th the damage. The spread only occurs
at 5DSU. Hardness counts as -10 for primary
shot (instead of normal) and -15 for
secondary targets. If the primary target is
within or blocking the trajectory of the
spread they take the spread damage only once
not for each square they have blocked.

Requires Black Powder

Early Ball 25 1kg 1 10d10 Physical Early Ammo Early Firearms 25 None

Requires Black Powder

Early Buck and 25 1kg 1 10d6 Physical Early Ammo Early Firearms 25 Hits up to 3 targets in a cone.
Ball Fire an additional ball that deals +1 dice
grade of damage at a single target.

Requires Black Powder

Black Powder 25 150g 1 As Ammo Used Early Ammo Early Firearms 25 Used when firing early ammo. For Matchlock,
Shots Wheel-lock & Flintlock load. When it explodes
it deals 10d8 per WS when it catches on fire.
Wheel-lock Iron 1 250g 1 As Ammo Used Early Ammo Early Firearms 25 Used when firing early ammo. Wheel-lock load.
Pyrite shots
Flintlock Flint 1 100g 1 As Ammo Used Early Ammo Early Firearms 25 Used when firing early ammo. Flintlock load.
Percussion Cap 25 250g 1 As Ammo Used Early Ammo Early Firearms 25 Used when firing early ammo. Percussion Cap
shots load.
Siege Bolt 500 50kg 1 As Weapon Used Siege Ancient Siege Weapons 25 Made for Ancient Siege Weapons.
Stone Shot 500 50kg 1 As Weapon Used Siege Ancient Siege Weapons 25 Made for Ancient Siege Weapons.
Cannon Shot 1000 50kg 1 As Weapon Used Siege Early Gunpowder Siege Weapons 25 Made for Early Gunpowder Siege Weapons.
Mortar Shell 2500 25kg 1 As Weapon Used Siege Modern Gunpowder Siege Weapons 25 Made for Modern Gunpowder Siege Weapons
Vulcan Round 5000 50kg 1 As Weapon Used Siege Vulcan Siege Weapon 300 Made for Vulcan Siege Weapons.
Auto Cannon Shot 5000 50kg 1 As Weapon Used Siege Auto-Cannon Siege Weapon 100 Made for Auto-Cannon Siege Weapons.
Rail Cannon Shot 10000 50kg 1 As Weapon Used Siege Rail Gun Siege Weapon 25 Made for Rail Gun Siege Weapons
Grenade Round 1000 + Grenade 5kg 1 As Grenade Used Grenade Round Launchers with Grenade Round type 5 This ammo takes in a handheld explosive of
Cost choice.
This ammo cannot have variants or additives.
This ammo cannot be thrown like a normal
The handheld explosive of this ammo must be
of grenade detonation type.

Ammo Variants
Note: Only one ammo variant may apply to a single ammunition round.

Name Cost Added Damage Applies To Special

Standard Ammo None As Ammo Used All Ammo Types None
Armour Piercing 2x Base Cost As Ammo Used Modern Ammo Ignores ¼ of the target's guard.
Steam Round Gains 1mm penetration distance if harder than material source by 10.
For every 5 it is harder than the material source increase this by penetration
distance by 1 centimeter.
If the material is equal in hardness it instead will be at 1 centimeter
penetration distance.
Hollow Point 2x Base Cost +1 Dice grade against Modern Ammo Penetration distances are ½ of normal.
organic targets Steam Round Guard from armour applies 1.25x against this ammo variant.
Subsonic 1.5x Base Cost -1 Dice grade Modern Ammo Increases TS to hear the shot by 20 per 12DSU
Steam Round Reduces the distance by -3DSU.
High Power 2x Base Cost +2 Dice grade Modern Ammo Increases distance by 3DSU
Steam Round Gives a 15% chance on firing that the weapon will take damage equal to the dice
damage without multipliers.
Slug Round 150 +2 Dice grade Shotgun Shell Can be fired by Shotguns, but must be designed to a specific load type.
Adds 10DSU to the range. Acts as a normal round considering the shotgun also a
rifle and allows Armour Piercing ammo variant. Hardness counts normal.
Buck and Ball 100 +1 Dice Grade Shotgun Shell Can be fired by Shotguns, but must be designed to a specific load type. Adds
10DSU to the range. Acts as a normal round considering the shotgun also a rifle
and allows Armour Piercing ammo variant. Hardness counts normal.
Birdshot ½ Base cost -1 Dice Grade Shotgun Shell When fired spreads to be able to hit 1DSU around the main target. All secondary
foes struck take 1/4th the damage of the primary target if they are hit. If they
have a Guard Check over +25 of the Aimed Strike Check the primary targets damage
is reduced by 1/4th and if the secondary targets guard is over the same amount
they instead take 1/8th the damage. The spread only occurs at 8DSU. -3DSU off
weapons range increment. Hardness counts as -20 for primary shot (instead of
normal) and -30 for secondary targets. If the primary target is within or
blocking the trajectory of the spread they take the spread damage only once not
for each square they have blocked.
Spreading Buckshot 50 As Ammo Used Shotgun Shell When fired spreads to be able to hit 1DSU around the main target. All secondary
foes struck take 1/8th the damage of the primary target. If the secondary targets
guard is over by +25 they instead take 1/10th the damage. The spread only occurs
at 8DSU. -3DSU off weapons range increment. Hardness counts as normal for
primary shot and -30 for secondary targets. If the primary target is within or
blocking the trajectory of the spread they take the spread damage only once not
for each square they have blocked.
Breeching 1.5x Base Cost -1 Dice grade Shotgun Shell Deals 1.5x sundering damage. Hardness counts normal.
Flare 0.75x Base Cost Deals 1d8 Physical Shotgun Shell Fires a flare that burns at TS 15 light for 30 seconds.
damage The range of this ammo is increased by 20DSU/
This ammo type can only be fired from a Shotgun using a Cylinder Bore Choke or
an Auto Mechanical Choke set to Cylinder Bore.
When hitting a target there is a 25% chance the target will be inflicted with
Burn (Heat) rank 1
Spread +100 to Base Cost As Ammo Used Pistol Round Acts as Birdshot for normal weapons
Rifle Round Reduces the Aimed Strike Check by -10.
Rail Round
Distance Spread +150 to Base Cost As Ammo Used Pistol Round Acts as Spreading Buckshot for normal weapons
Rifle Round Reduces the Aimed Strike Check by -5.
Rail Round
Rocket Propelled +500 to Base Cost Adds +20 Damage Modern Ammo Increases the range by 5DSU.
Targets hit with this ammo must make a muscle check or be pushed back 1DSU.
Only guns with a RPA modification accessory may fire ammo with this variant.
Bodkin Head 1.5x Base Cost As Ammo Used Projectile Increases distance by 5DSU
Blunt Head 2x Base Cost As Ammo Used Projectile Makes the arrow deal crushing damage instead of pierce
Penetration distances are ¼ of normal
On hit there is a 10% chance the target will lose a ½ act
Broadhead 2x Base Cost +3 damage per dice Projectile None
Mechanical Broadhead 2x Base Cost +3 damage per dice Projectile Increases distance by 3DSU
Penetration distances are ½ of normal
Target Point Head 1.5x Base Cost -2 damage per dice Projectile Penetration distances are 2x of normal
Paper Cartridge 2x Base Cost As Ammo Used Early Ammo A package containing both the ammo and the powder needed to fire for early
firearms. This reduces the reload from Muzzle-Loading to a ACT.

Can cause a misfire when rolling a 1 or 2 instead of just a 1.

Special Measure Paper 5x Base cost As Ammo Used Early Ammo A package containing both the ammo and the powder needed to fire for early
Cartridge firearms. This reduces the reload from Muzzle-Loading to a ACT. This version is
specially measured for the gun it's set too and more time taken. (cannot stack
with Paper Cartridge)
Minni Ball +25 credits As Ammo Used Early Ammo A Bullet that can be placed down any rifled Early Fire arm at the same rate as
if it wasn't rifled. And combo used with paper Cartridge. +3 DSU to range. (The
price addition is not multiplied and is applied after multiplication.

Ammo Additives
Name Cost Added Damage Applies To Special
Gilded Jacket Bullet As bullet price again As ammo Used Modern Ammo This ammo applies the material effects of 2 metals in different stages. Upon the
with the second Rail Ammo strike it applies the cover metal that the gilded jacket is placed over the
material set. Steam Round primary 1st material. Thus upon the first strike it applies the second material
first for piercing effectiveness then the second material will apply it's
effects along side the 1st when it meets it's end destination. (This uses the
metal coating rules from materials). Kineticalium & Vibrofine apply their ammo
types instead as the same price.
Acidic 150 As Ammo Used Modern Ammo On hit creates an acidic gas cloud that deals 5d4 acid damage per round in a
Projectile 3DSU radius for 1d4 rounds. This damage affects equipment.
Rail Ammo
Steam Round
Blow Dart
Damage Alteration 150 As Ammo Used Modern Ammo Changes the damage type of the ammo to the chosen type between: Gravity, Ion,
Projectile Mystic, Psionic, Unholy, or Holy.
Rail Ammo
Steam Round
Blow Dart
Explosive 500 As Ammo Used Modern Ammo Explodes to deal an additional 15d4 heat damage in a 1DSU radius around the
Projectile target.
Rail Ammo
Steam Round
Blow Dart
Frost 150 As Ammo Used Modern Ammo Applies Stun(Freezing Ice) Rank 1.
Projectile May spend 100 credits to add +1 to the status effect rank.
Rail Ammo
Steam Round
Blow Dart
Hyper Hit 3x Material Multiplier +1x Damage Multiplier Modern Ammo Must be made from only Kineticalium.
Projectile Ignores damage reduction
Rail Ammo Gains 2mm penetration distance
Steam Round Gives a 5% sunder chance
Sling Causes target to suffer -5 guard on their next Guard Check within 5 rounds.
Blow Dart (Bullets are Kineticalium Jacketed)
Jamming 250 As Ammo Used Modern Ammo Undoes invisibility in a 1DSU area for 2 rounds
Rail Ammo
Steam Round
Blow Dart
Kinetic Force 10x Material Multiplier +2x Damage Multiplier Modern Ammo Must be made from only Vibrofine.
Projectile Ignores damage reduction
Rail Ammo Gains 4mm penetration distance
Steam Round Gives a 10% sunder chance
Sling Causes target to suffer -10 guard on their next Guard Check within 5 rounds.
Blow Dart (Bullets are Vibrofine Jacketed)
Venom 150 As Ammo Used Modern Ammo Applies Poison Rank 1.
Projectile May spend 100 credits to add +1 to the status effect rank.
Rail Ammo
Steam Round
Blow Dart
Ultra Kinetic Force 800 + 10x Material +3x Damage Multiplier Modern Ammo Must be made from only an alloy of Kineticalium and Vibrofine.
Multiplier Projectile Ignores damage reduction
Rail Ammo Gains 6mm penetration distance
Steam Round Gives a 15% sunder chance
Sling Causes target to suffer -15 guard on their next Guard Check within 5 rounds.
Blow Dart (Bullets are Kineticalium Vibrofine alloyed Jacketed)
Tranquilizer 250 None Modern Ammo Applies Sleep rank 1.
Projectile May spend 50 credits to add +1 to the status effect rank.
Rail Ammo Ammo with this effect can only have Tracker, Silenced, and Venom as other
Steam Round additives.
Sling Cannot be taken on Spread or Distance Spread variant ammo.
Blow Dart
Rubber 50 As Ammo Used Modern Ammo Always deals non-lethal damage and cannot apply lethal effects.
Projectile Ammo with this additive does nothing against targets with any type of armouring.
Rail Ammo
Steam Round
Blow Dart
Paint 100 As Ammo Used Modern Ammo Always deals non-lethal damage and cannot apply lethal effects.
Projectile Applies a color or odor paint on hit.
Rail Ammo Ammo with this additive does no damage against targets with any type of
Steam Round armouring.
Blow Dart
Tracker 250 None Modern Ammo Sticks to a target and can be tracked by a special locator that costs an
Projectile additional 500 credits. Each Tracker round is attuned to a specific tracker.
Rail Ammo Ammo with this effect can only have Tranquilizer additives and cannot be taken
Steam Round on Spread or Distance Spread variant ammo.
Sling You may pay an additional 500 credits as an upgrade to make the ammo apply
Blow Dart normal damage(this upgrade cannot be taken with Tranquilizer).
Tracer 150 As Ammo Used Modern Ammo When firing adds a +5 Aimed Strike Check against the target for 1 round for
everybody who can see the shot. This effect does not stack and only works in
darkness. The Aimed Strike Check bonus does not apply to the first shot made.

This ammo produces a TS 1 light with a radius of 10mm.

Incendiary 250 Changes damage type to Modern Ammo Applies Burn(heat) Rank 1.
heat Projectile May spend 100 credits to add +1 to the status effect rank.
Rail Ammo
Steam Round
Blow Dart
Shock Gel 150 ½ Normal damage Modern Ammo Covers the target in a gel that shocks the target for the initial damage every
Projectile round for 1d4 + 1 rounds.
Rail Ammo If the target is struck by a heat or ion attack the shock gel is removed and
Steam Round they are burned for 1d4 + 1 rounds again for half the initial damage.
Sling If the target washes in water the gel is removed.
Blow Dart
Hardening Gel 150 As Ammo Used Modern Ammo Deals non lethal damage and covers the target in a hardening gel that jams
Projectile equipment with moving parts.
Rail Ammo If not washed off within 1d4 rounds the gel hardens, slowing movement speed by
Steam Round 5DSU and disabling all devices until the gel is soaked in liquid.
Sling May make a muscle check of TS 10 per stack to break the gel. The gel has a
Blow Dart hardness of 5.
Zapper 150 Adds 1d4 Ion Damage Modern Ammo Deals non lethal damage
Projectile Gives a 10% chance on hit to cause the target to lose a 1/2 act.
Rail Ammo
Steam Round
Blow Dart
Smoke 150 ½ Normal Damage Modern Ammo Creates a smoke cloud of a 3DSU radius that blocks light and lasts for 1d4 + 1
Projectile rounds.
Rail Ammo Any wind effect of TS 15 or higher will blow the smoke away.
Steam Round
Blow Dart
Stealth 250 As Ammo Used Modern Ammo Turns the shot into a silenced and invisible shot. Automatically breaks after
Projectile hitting.
Rail Ammo
Steam Round
Blow Dart
Flash Bang 150 As Ammo Used Modern Ammo Blinding & Deafen status effect applied to target. The duration and rounds it
Projectile last are not increased by their level from this source. Increase the level by +1
Rail Ammo per 25 credits. The Blinding effect uses slight check to avoid & The Deafen uses
Steam Round Endure to avoid. The status effects only last 1d4+1 rounds in a 3DSU radius.
Blow Dart
Alchemical Blast 150 + Grenade Price As Ammo Used + Grenade Modern Ammo Applies the effect of a grenade into the ammo. This ammo does not count as a
Final Price is Damage Projectile grenade for effects, but does count as an explosive.
multiplied by 10 Rail Ammo
Steam Round
Blow Dart

A siege weapon is a larger form of weaponry used against fortifications, vehicles, and groups of infantry. These weapons ignore vehicle DR and deal an additional 2x damage
to infantry. Siege weapons are normally medium sized and take up 1 DSU of space. You may increase the size which increases the cost multiplier by +0.5x per size up and
grants it +1 dice grade. You may decrease the size down to small which makes it cost 0.75x of normal and reduces the dice grade by 1. A siege weapon cannot be smaller than

Siege weapons which are automated by a computer system still require at least 1 person to control the computer, but that 1 person may control all siege weapons linked to the
computer and fire them as a volley attack.

When making a volley attack, you only need to roll a single Aimed Strike check for each type of weapon being fired and gain an additional +5 for every 10 weapons you are
firing. When rolling a 1 you do not auto miss, but only deal ½ the normal damage. Volley attacks do not suffer negatives for combo attacking, but still count as individual

Any ability which summons or grants bonus weapons cannot summon or grant a siege weapon unless stated otherwise.

If an infantry character attempts to fire a siege weapon while it is not locked in place, they suffer a special Power Kick that cannot be negated by any means and has a TS
of 10x the normal amount. Upon failure, they take damage equal to the weight of the siege weapon in kg.

Ancient Siege Weapons

Name Cost Weight WSV Damage Range People Needed Ammo Hold Reload ACT Other
Ballista 100,000 750kg 75 200d6 25DSU 3DSU radius 2 Medium sized people. 1 Siege 3 Rounds This weapon arcs and does not directly
credits Physical Bolt straight line fire at the foe but can
Polybolos 125,000 600kg 60 150d6 25DSU 3DSU radius 1 Medium sized person 1 Siege Full Round This weapon arcs and does not directly
credits Physical Bolt ACT straight line fire at the foe but can
Catapult 100,000 1250kg 75 175d6 36 DSU 5DSU 2 Medium sized people. 1 Stone 2 Rounds This weapon arcs and does not directly
credits Physical radius Shot straight line fire at the foe but can
Trebuchet 150,000 1500kg 150 225d8 75 DSU 3 Medium sized people. 1 Stone 5 Rounds This weapon arcs and does not directly
credits Physical Shot straight line fire at the foe but can

This weapon deals 2x damage to environment and

vehicles, but only 1x to infantry.
Battering 100,000 600kg 60 250d8 3 DSU 4 Medium sized people None None Takes a Full Round ACT to attack.
Ram credits Physical
This weapon deals 2x damage to environment and
vehicles, but only 1x to infantry.
Early Gunpowder Siege Weapons
Name Cost Weight WSV Damage Range People Needed Ammo Hold Reload ACT Other
Culverin 100,000 2000kg 100 200d6 100 DSU 3 DSU 2 Medium sized people. 1 Cannon 3 Rounds This weapon arcs and does not directly
credits Physical Radius Shot straight line fire at the foe but can
Demi- 75,000 1500kg 75 150d6 75 DSU 3 DSU 1 Medium sized person. 1 Cannon 3 Rounds This weapon arcs and does not directly
Culverin credits Physical Radius Shot straight line fire at the foe but can
Bombard 150,000 3000kg 150 300d6 150 DSU 5 DSU 3 Medium sized people. 1 Cannon 6 Rounds This weapon arcs and does not directly
Cannon credits Physical Radius Shot straight line fire at the foe but can

Modern Gunpowder Siege Weapons

Name Cost Weight WSV Damage Range People Needed Ammo Hold Reload ACT Other
Siege 125,000 1250kg 100 200d6 300 DSU 6 DSU 2 Medium sized people. 1 Mortar Full Round This weapon fires in a high arc that sends the
Mortar credits Physical Radius Shell ACT mortar shell 150 DSU into the air.
Can be automated by a
computer system.
Vulcan 100,000 300kg 100 250d8 100 DSU 8 DSU 1 Medium sized person. 2 Ammo Full Round This weapon fires specialized ammo drums
credits Physical radius. Drums ACT per loaded into its chain feeder.
Can be automated by a (6000 drum
computer system. rounds You may buy an additional Ammo Drum for 5000
per drum) credits.

This weapon always consumes 600 rounds per

Auto- 100,000 500kg 75 200d8 500 DSU 3 DSU 1 Medium sized person. 2 Ammo Full Round This weapon fires large caliber rounds fed
Cannon credits Physical radius Boxes ACT from 2 ammo boxes.
Can be automated by a (100
computer system. rounds You may buy an additional ammo box for 5000
each) credits.

You may fire 50 rounds to deal double damage.

High Tech Siege Weapons

Name Cost Weight WSV Damage Range People Needed Ammo Hold Reload ACT Other
Laser 200,000 1000kg 100 250d12 Heat 1000 DSU 1 Medium Sized Person 100 ACT per 10 Consumes 10 energy per shot. May be linked to
Cannon credits Battery Batteries. a vehicle engine and use that as a power
Can be automated by a Pack source.
computer system. Inserts
Has the Overcharge ability as the ranged laser
weapon ability.
Rail Gun 250,000 2000kg 150 250d12 600 DSU 1 Medium Sized Person 1 Rail ½ ACT per Consumes energy per shot. May be linked to a
credits Physical Cannon Rail Shot vehicle engine and use that as a power source.
Can be automated by a Shot
computer system. ACT per 10
10 Batteries
Plasma 200,000 1250kg 100 250d12 Heat 750 DSU 1 Medium Sized Person 50 ACT per 10 Consumes 1 energy and 20 Plasma gas uses per
Cannon credits Battery Batteries shot. May be linked to a vehicle engine and
Can be automated by a Pack use that as a power source.
computer system. Inserts ACT per 10
Plasma Gas This weapon deals +3x crit multiplier damage.
10 Plasma Capsules
Arc 250,000 1500kg 125 250d12 Ion 250 DSU 1 Medium Sized Person 100 ACT per 10 Consumes 30 energy per shot. May be linked to
Cannon credits Battery Batteries a vehicle engine and use that as a power
Can be automated by a Pack source.
computer system. Inserts
This weapon has a 30% chance to EMP instead of
the normal EMP chance when using Ion damage.
When used in a volley attack, this chance is
increased by 1%(Unaffected by LUK) per 5 Arc

A Caster Focus is a item made from Zilo Crystal and attuned for it's job. These items have a cost per version not based on a size. You can pay 25 credits as an upgrade to an
item to intake a Casters Focus (Examples of like a wand, staff, etc.) and any non accessory item can have up to 3 Caster Focus sockets built into them. A item made from any
form of Zilo Crystal does not have to pay this price and may just be automatically tuned to be a Caster Focus and does not count itself as a “upgrade” for price multipliers
etc of other materials but cannot intake the 3 extra sockets. Caster Focus cannot be fused together only upgraded from a lower version to a higher version till it reaches
Engulfing Focus.

You must have the Caster Focus in your hand unless it's attached to an accessory or armor piece to pull from it's Charges Storage or benefit from it's Charges Regeneration.
You must free your hand to touch the focus you wish to use unless it's in your wielded slot, hand slot, ring slot or Gauntlet armor slot to use their Cast Boot or Cast Surge
ability. Only the one Caster Focus applies it's Charges Regeneration to the user till they have full Cast Pool Charges and all others instead apply there's to their personal
Charges Storage. Unlike other Cast Storage it does not take a ½ ACT to pull from the storage for a cast itself or for their Cast Boost or Cast Surge effects.

Caster Focus Cost Weig WS Charges Regeneration Charges Storage Cast Surge Cast Boost Cast Empowering
ht V
Small Focus 2500 1kg 1 Restore 5 Cast Pool 5 Casts charges stored +1000 Expend 5 Cast charges from Expend 5 Cast charges from Expend 5 Casts charges from
Charge per hour +2500 credits for 5 extra max 15. focus to increase multiplier focus to increase dice focus to give +10 extra damage
credits for 5 extra This takes a ½ ACT extra to of the cast by +1. (This Cast grade or duration by 1 or healing to a Cast. (This
per hour max 5 extra pull the charges (Does not store charge does not expend step. (This Cast store Cast store charge does not
stack action cost with Cast a ½ to pull for this effect) charge does not expend a ½ expend a ½ to pull for this
Charge Store ADD-ON.) You may only apply this to pull for this effect) effect)
effect up to 5 times You may only apply this
effect up to 4 times
Normal Focus 5000 1kg 1 Restore 5 Cast Pool 10 Casts charges stored +1000 Expend 5 Cast charges from Expend 5 Cast charges from Expend 5 Casts charges from
Charge per hour +2500 credits for 5 extra max 20 focus to increase multiplier focus to increase dice focus to give +10 extra damage
credits for 5 extra (Does not stack action cost of the cast by +1. (This Cast grade or duration by 1 or healing to a Cast. (This
per hour max 10 extra with Cast Charge Store ADD- store charge does not expend step. (This Cast store Cast store charge does not
ON.) a ½ to pull for this effect) charge does not expend a ½ expend a ½ to pull for this
You may only apply this to pull for this effect) effect)
effect up to 5 times You may only apply this
effect up to 4 times
Empowering 7500 1kg 1 Restore 5 Cast Pool 15 Casts charges stored +1000 Expend 5 Cast charges from Expend 5 Cast charges from Expend 5 Casts charges from
Focus Charge per hour +2500 credits for 5 extra max 25 focus to increase multiplier focus to increase dice focus to give +10 extra damage
credits for 5 extra (Does not stack action cost of the cast by +1. (This Cast grade or duration by 1 or healing to a Cast. (This
per hour max 15 extra with Cast Charge Store ADD- store charge does not expend step. (This Cast store Cast store charge does not
ON.) a ½ to pull for this effect) charge does not expend a ½ expend a ½ to pull for this
You may only apply this to pull for this effect) effect)
effect up to 5 times You may only apply this
effect up to 4 times
Engulfing 1000 1kg 1 Restore 5 Cast Pool 20 Casts charges stored +1000 Expend 5 Cast charges from Expend 5 Cast charges from Expend 5 Casts charges from
Focus 0 Charge per hour +2500 credits for 5 extra max 30 focus to increase multiplier focus to increase dice focus to give +10 extra damage
credits for 5 extra (Does not stack action cost of the cast by +1. (This Cast grade or duration by 1 or healing to a Cast. (This
per hour max 20 extra with Cast Charge Store ADD- store charge does not expend step. (This Cast store Cast store charge does not
ON.) a ½ to pull for this effect) charge does not expend a ½ expend a ½ to pull for this
You may only apply this to pull for this effect) effect)
effect up to 5 times You may only apply this
effect up to 4 times

Chapter 7 ADD-ONs
ADD-ONs are a special effect of usually magical property unlike upgrades they are instead placed in special stones called Infusion Stones. These stones based on their type
grant the user the ADD-ON's as the limitation are based on the ADD-ON and body type limit.

-Body Infusion Stone

These stones go to any body type but Machine types and only "Self" type ADD-ONs can be placed into them. Self type them spreads the effect through their entire characters
body for the benefit. But only a set of ADD-ONs are allowed to be active at once within them based on their character level. Only 1 Body Infusion Stone may exist within the
host, The host cannot have their stone enhanced till it's removed and must be removed by an ability. If the Host dies the stone is extract able.
-Core Infusion Stone
These stones only go to Machine Body types. These stones can be Infused into any part of a Machine Body types body of their limbs but any effect that proclaims "Self" will
actively work for their entire being if it's "Defensive" but only for that limb if it's "Offensive" type. Any 1 Limb may contain 1 of these Stones. These stones are extract
able as a Full Round ACT.
-Equipment Infusion Stone
These stones only go to Equipment (They cannot be used in Machine Body Types limbs) When inserted cannot be removed except by a ability. These Stones only grant 5 ADD-ONs
each of different names though these effects apply andy "Defensive" effect to all it's Accessories attached and only 2 can be placed into an item object. (Power Armor may
only place 1)
-Accessory Infusion Stone
These stones only go to Equipment that will act as Accessories to a Equipment item (They cannot be used in Machine Body Types limbs). When inserted cannot be removed except
by a ability. These Stones only grant 2 ADD-ONs each of different names to the object they are Attached to and it's corresponding accessory. only 1 Stone may apply it's
effects to the Equipment it's attached to.
-Basic Infusion Stone
These stones unlike the rest do not infuse into an object or host but instead contain large amounts of ADD-ONs Any ability that can pull from the previous stones treats this
stone as all the Infusion Stone types for removing and adding ADD-ONs into them. These stones can contain up to 25 ADD-ONs at once of different names. A person that has FP
may expend their FP into this stone to also create ADD-ONs which then manifest within the stone.
-High Core Infusion Stone
These stones are similar to Equipment Infusion Stones but only for fairly over-sized objects like a Vehicle/Mecha/House.
-Legacy Body Infusion Stone
Same as Body Infusion Stone. This may be placed with a Body Infusion Stone.
-Legacy Core Infusion Stone
Same as Core Infusion Stone. This may be placed with Core Infusion Stone of 2 max.
-Legacy Equipment Infusion Stone
Same as Equipment Infusion Stone. This may be placed with Equipment Infusion Stone of 2 max. (Power Armor may only place 1)
-Legacy Accessory Infusion Stone
Same as Accessory Infusion Stone. This may be placed with Accessory Infusion Stone of 1 max.
-Legacy Basic Infusion Stone
These stones unlike the rest do not infuse into an object or host but instead contain large amounts of ADD-ONs Any ability that can pull from the previous stones treats this
stone as all the Infusion Stone types for removing and adding ADD-ONs into them. These stones can contain up to unlimited ADD-ONs at once of different names and can be used
grant any being even without a extracting method ability to transfer it's ADD-ONs to another Infusion Stone or Remove from another Infusion Stone.
-Legacy High Core Infusion Stone
Same as High Core Infusion Stone. This may be placed with High Core Infusion Stone of 2 max.

Offensive effects activate on an attack usage or for the article any effect of this sort to not cover yourself the effects only apply upon articles attack unless it has
defensive. Some offensive are Melee only or Ranged only applying more restriction upon it's activation.

Defensive effects activate on defensive use of item or remain generally on these effects cover yourself and your items if you have a equipped armor on your body (so if you
wear body armor with undisinigratable it applies to your entire body and itself but if the item cannot be worn the defensive effect is only active upon that item

If an ADD-ON is applied to a singular use item the price is 1/5th the normal if the item becomes reusable through a method like a “Reconstruction module” The ADD-ON effects
on the consumable only active once every 6 rounds. The consumable ADD-ON rounds effect will only last for up to 2 if it was a unlimited passive effect (status effects
applied do not count as part of an ADD-ON).

If an ADD-ON has a stacking effect it will consider all sources as part of it's stacks till it reaches it's max amount of stacks except Intelligence Empower which each
counts separately.

A character can only stack an ADD-ONs of the same names up to x5 per character level of active stacks. Inactive stacks cannot be counted towards any effect even from another
ADD-ON source till level reaches the allowing amount.

ADD-ONs can be shut off as a free action unless noted. ADD-ONs glow with a magical effect if they are just a ADD-ON and for each stack or count of ADD-ONs the article glows
brighter in it's auras. If the ADD-ON is shut off it does not provide it's magical aura till turned back on.

Name Effect Cost Activation Type

Armoring (Insert) +5 to a single type of Armor Guard Bonus with the choice of Physical, 2,500 Defensive
Gravity, Psionic, Mystic, Ion, Holy and Unholy per stack max bonus equal to
the objects current guard bonus modified by materials the object is made
from. (If the plus surpasses the guard from the object it still applies but
only up to the articles guard total and any spare is not counted.) This may
replace the base guard type of the object. All guard type effects have a
small aura around the armor when struck.
Grand Armor +5 to a single type of Armor Guard Bonus with Void per stack max bonus 10,000 Defensive
equal to the objects current guard bonus modified by materials the object
is made from. (If the plus surpasses the guard from the object it still
applies but only up to the articles guard total and any spare is not
counted.) This may replace the base guard type of the object. All guard
type effects have a small aura around the armor when struck.
Guardians Supreme Armoring For each piece of armor gain a bonus +1 bonus Guard and Evasion that is 25,000 Defensive/Self
untyped. The Guard bonus is multiplied by the armor type thus Heavy Body
armor grants a x4 while minor grants a x1. The Evasion bonus is multiplied
by the armor type thus Minor Body armor grants a x4 while Heavy grants a
x1. If the Armor is not of your size bonus will not apply. If you are hit
reduce damage by the bonus but only when you make the check (Evasion
applies it bonus only to evasions and guard only applies to guards take the
higher of the 2 if you do both.) this reduction cannot be effected by any
effect and negates even effects that normally would effect. These bonuses
cannot be multiplied by any effect. If the item is not a armor it is
consider armor of minor grade if 1 handed and heavy grade if 2 handed and
gains a +30 to it's guard cap from ADD-ONs. If you would go beyond negative
HP it automatically goes to 0 and never drops below 0 HP even if you are
killed or Koed.
Shell Armor For each Guard Type on the article worn or wielded armor gain -1 multiplier 10,000 Defensive
reducer including inactive Guard Types.
Hard Shell Armor For each Guard Typed on the article worn or wielded armor gain a Damage 5,000 Defensive
Absorbency of +15 including inactive Guard Types. requires Shell Armor
Solid Shell Armor For each Guard Type on the article worn or wielded armor gain a Damage 5,000 Defensive
Mitigation of all sources of -15 including inactive Guard Types. requires
Hard Shell Armor
Life Clasp Armor For Each Guard Type, Damage Absorbency and Mitigation Type (cannot be all 10,000 Defensive
source mitigation) on the article worn or wielded gain +5 Base HP including
Inactive Guard Types.
Blade Guard Armor Gain -5 Mitigation from Slashing type damage. 1,000 Defensive
Guard Armor Gain -5 Mitigation from Impact type damage. 1,000 Defensive
Pierce Guard Armor Gain -5 Mitigation from Pierce type damage. 1,000 Defensive
Great Wall Guard If you have a Multiplier Reducer It's amount x2 to gain that as damage 15,000 Defensive/Self
mitigation of all sources. Any reducer effect applies first before
application of the mitigation effect.
Mobility Armor This ADD-ON provided +5 Untyped guard per stack but loses -10 per Armor 10,000 Defensive/Self
Piece you wear. Max stack x20 (the negative from armor pieces does not
multiply per stack)
Armor Surpass Increase the cap on Guard bonus from an article by +5. This is not a True 5,000 Defensive
guard bonus and only allows ADD-ONs that add guard to breach their cap by
the amount this stacks.
Titanic Armoring Increase the cap on Guard bonus from a Armor ADD-ONs that has a limit equal 5,000 Defensive
to the items Guard bonus by +15. Gain bonus +5 extra guard (effected by
Guard bonus cap) per stack. Gain +1 hardness per stack. Per stack article
grants a armor speed minus of -1DSU per stack (DUR effects this).
Guard Assimilate When hit with a damage source gain +10 guard against that source, If struck 20,000 Defensive/Self
with a new damage source the Guard resets and alternates to that new damage
source. This effect lasts for 5 rounds then resets back to 0 when not being
hit by a damage source (even non-to hit damage sources activate this
effect). This ADD-ON stacks up to max 2 times.
Preemptive Strike Blocker When a Multi-Attack ADD-ON activates you gain -10 all mitigation and -3 10,000 Defensive
multiplier reducer per Potential hit they activated (Thus if 4 you gain -40
every time they strike against you and lose -12 Multipliers to their
damage) For each stack of this ADD-ON the mitigation is increased by -10.
If the attack has a combo attack gain a bonus -5 mitigation per Combo that
will confirm to try and hit you but this bonus will not stack per of this
ADD-ON taken.
Deflect And Parry Multi-Attack ADD-ONS when activated towards you treat 2s as NAT 1s. If 15,000 Defensive/Offensive
stacked again it treats 3 as NAT 1s. These NAT 1 activation are counted as
true NAT 1s. If a Single Strike is performed against you you may instead
gain a free counter attack if they miss with a +25 to Aimed Strike Check
per stack of this ADD-ON.
Guardian Blocker A shield with this ADD-ON when you successfully block with just it's guard 5,000 Defensive/Offensive
you gain a free counter attack with a +15 Aimed Strike Check per stack of
this ADD-ON. The Shield gains a +25 to it's base guard if it's the only
Guard source you activate against an attack per stack.
Damage Absorbency Destroyer Every time you strike a foe with any form of damage. Negate -10 of all 10,000 Offensive/Self
separate types of their Damage Absorbency (If any are stacking it's just
deducted from the same pool). This effect only stacks up to -100 Damage
Absorbency Negation per stack of this ADD-ON. This effect only lasts for up
to 2 rounds on the struck target but every time it activates resets the
rounds active.
Damage Absorbency Drain This ADD-ON requires Damage Absorbency Destroyer. You gain a Temporary 5,000 Melee weapon/Self
Damage Absorbency for up to 5 rounds equal to the amount of Damage
Absorbency you have Negated. Each time this effect re applies the rounds
will reset for this Temporary Damage Absorbency. Damage Mitigation Eater
ADD-ON effect also resets this effects rounds.
Damage Mitigation Destroyer Every time you strike a foe with any form of damage. Negate -5 of all 15,000 Offensive/Self
separate types of their Mitigation types (If any are stacking it's just
deducted from the same pool). This effect only stacks up to -15 Mitigation
Negation per stack of this ADD-ON. This effect only lasts for up to 2
rounds on the struck target but every time it activates resets the rounds
Damage Mitigation Eater This ADD-ON requires Damage Mitigation Destroyer. You gain a Temporary 5,000 Melee weapon/Self
Damage Absorbency for up to 5 rounds equal to the amount of Damage
Mitigation you have Negated. Each time this effect re applies the rounds
will reset for this Temporary Damage Absorbency. Damage Absorbance Drain
ADD-ON effect also resets this effects rounds.
Damage Dampening Shield +5 Damage Absorbency per stack 10,000 Defensive/Self
Damage Absorb Shield +5 Temporary Damage Absorbency per stack the damage done reduces it down 2,500 Defensive/Self
upon hitting 0 then left over Damage hits HP, the absorbency amount
refreshes per round
Damage Negate Shielding Damage Dampening Shield & Damage Absorb Shield ADD-ON. Gain x2 their 50,000 Defensive/Self
applied Damage Absorbency and a +1 to the multiplier per stack of this ADD-
Damage Mitigation -10 Mitigation from a damage type. Upon the 5th stack the stacks past grants 2,500 Defensive/Self
a -5 Mitigation from a damage type. You may switch the Mitigation type once
every 3 rounds.
Damage Mitigation Dual -10 Mitigation from 2 damage types. Upon the 4th stack the stacks past 5,000 Defensive/Self
grants a -5 Mitigation from the damage types. You may switch the Mitigation
type once every 3 rounds.
Damage Mitigation Tri -10 Mitigation from 3 damage types. Upon the 3th stack the stacks past 10,000 Defensive/Self
grants a -5 Mitigation from the damage types. You may switch the Mitigation
type once every 3 rounds.
Damage Mitigation Quad -10 Mitigation from 4 damage types. Upon the 2nd stack the stacks past 15,000 Defensive/Self
grants a -5 Mitigation from the damage types. You may switch the Mitigation
type once every 3 rounds.
Damage Mitigation Empowerment For each stacks of a Damage Mitigation, Damage Mitigation Dual, Damage 15,000 Defensive/Self
Mitigation Tri, Damage Mitigation Quad -5 extra mitigation of all sources.
This Mitigation ADD-ON only turns on equal to your DUR MOD divided by 2 per
combat per single damage source striking minimal 2 times per combat. Max
charges per combat usable equal to your level divided by 2 minimal 2 times.
You cannot activate this ADD-ON outside of a combat scenario.
Protector Mitigation (Insert) -100 Mitigation from the inserted damage type. Upon the 2nd Stack the stacks 2,500 Defensive
past grants a -50 Mitigation. Upon the 4th Stack the stacks past grant a -25
Mitigation. This Mitigation only applies to the item it's currently on and
cannot be applied to a Machine Body types body part. Over layering will not
apply unless it is a container protecting articles within (you cannot apply
a cloth over a shield for example to protect the shield under it.
Cast Shielding Damage Mitigation from any sort of Cast by –25 per stack max 5,000 Defensive
Stat Resistance Damage that applies to your stats is reduced to -10 mitigation 2,500 Defensive/Self
Absorbing Armor Between each amount of types you have on your article this ADD-ON is 10,000 Defensive
applied to you gain a Damage Mitigation of 5 per +10 Guard the armor
provides to that source (Physical, Gravity etc.)
Armor Melee Enhancer Reduce Damage Against Melee type attacks by the guard bonus that still 10,000 Defensive
apply divided by 10 rounded down (this also applies against vibrofine
material effect ignoring it's anti damage reduction)
Armor Ranged Enhancer Reduce Damage Against Ranged type attacks by the guard bonus that still 10,000 Defensive
apply divided by 10 rounded down (this also applies against vibrofine
material effect ignoring it's anti damage reduction)
Armor Cast Blocker Reduce Damage Against Cast type attacks by the guard bonus that would not 10,000 Defensive
be negated by its Damage divided by 5 rounded down
Environmental Protection Reduce damage from environmental type damages by -100 per stack 2,500 Defensive/Self
Penetration Blocker If something tries to penetrate through the enhanced article this ADD-ON is 1,000 Defensive/Self
attached to instead able to emulate 0.25mm thicker than it really is per
stack. Against any penetrating source. This source does not defend against
sundering or break sunder or give bonus HP to objects. The source struck is
still struck though.
Nova Burst Give up mitigation from ADD-ONs to apply it as damage equal to it's 15,000 Offensive
resistance source per stack of the ADD-ON applying in a radius of 5DSU each
damage source counts as a different attacking source that only harms foes
and not the environment (their equipment is still effected). Once performed
you lose the mitigation source for 1 round and cannot activate this ADD-ON
for 2 rounds. Acrobatics Check for half damage.
Guardian Bomb Give up Temporary Damage Absorbency to cause a untyped damage equal to the 15,000 Offensive
temporary damage absorbency given up in a 5DSU radius this only harms foes
and not their equipment. Upon use you cannot use this ADD-ON again for 2
rounds. Acrobatics Check for half damage.
Slamming Guard You may give up +5 Guard from ADD-ON sources once a round to apply +1 extra 10,000 Offensive
damage to melee and ranged attacks for that round the damage that is
applied is touch damage. The damage sources applied are shared of the guard
types given up.
Guard Penetration -5 on armored subjects ignoring upon each guard type that’s existing per 10,000 Offensive
stack max –50
Greater Guard Penetration -5 on armored subjects ignoring upon each guard type that’s existing per 10,000 Offensive
stack max -50 requires max Penetration ADD-ON
Drill Pierce Any untyped guard bonus is cut by half for the first stack then by one 20,000 Offensive/Self
forth the second stack then it does not stack anymore. Also when hitting
any guard that succeeded deal 15 damage per stack. You may roll a Aimed
Strike Check to confirm if the damage is a CRIT for the damage.
Environmental Smash Gain +15 to your environmental damage and against the environment. 5,000 Offensive
Titan Bane Deal +5 damage per stack against foes larger than your own size. For each 5,000 Offensive
size they are above you past the first size above you grants additional +1
Aimed Strike Check against the target. This is a bane effect.
Large Weapon Strike 1 Size up on size damage grade of melee and ranged weapon this ADD-ON is 10,000 Offensive
attached to and patterns stacks max 5 (You cannot apply this to ammo)
Heavy Natural Strike 1 Size up on size damage grade of natural body attacks and size dice this 15,000 Offensive/Self
ADD-ON is attached to and patterns stacks max 5
Size Item Growth Article grows 1 size larger per stack max 5 you may revert to it's old size 2,500 Offensive/Defensive
Size Item Shrink Article shrinks 1 size smaller per stack max 5 you may revert to it's old 1,000 Offensive/Defensive
size (min size Micro) may revert as a free action
Size Enhancer Shrink or Grow 1 Size larger as a ½ ACT max stack 2 (this includes all your 20,000 Offensive/Defensive/Self
Size Increaser Grow 1 Size larger per stack as a ½ ACT max 3 stacks (this includes all 10,000 Offensive/Defensive/Self
your equipment) may revert as a free action
Size Decreaser Shrink 1 Size smaller per stack as a ½ ACT max 3 stacks (this includes all 10,000 Offensive/Defensive/Self
your equipment) may revert as a free action
Intelligence Empower V# Something with this ADD-ON is granted a PSY, SPRT, and LUK score of +25 per 30,000 per +25 Offensive/Defensive
stack. This item has a ½ ACT of its own and gains a ½ ACT extra at 300,000 stat add to each
credits to activate its own abilities at its own whim. If it is to be stat score each
forced to use an ability a user must make a mind check against the items time this is done
mind check the item has its own personality and alignment it may try to is considered a
control a characters action with a Mind Control Save equal to its level for the
PSY+SPRT+LUK MOD against your PSY+SPRT+LUK MOD. The item can consider any item
effect upon it as Self Armor and Weapon to apply any effects for itself.
Item uses PSY modifier for Aimed Strike Check and SPRT modifier for its per
level HP and base modifier for it's Hardness and LUK acts normally but
cannot be negated by any means of an effect. Levels do not give the article
FP or TP or it's own Casts and does not gain EXP as a character and counts
as a NPC. Mind control from this effect always negates any mind control
immunity or resistance.
Improved Intelligence Empower V# This may only stack equal to the count of Intelligence Empower V#. The 150,000 credits Offensive/Defensive
article gains a class level equal to the amount of Improved Intelligence per V#
Empower V# also for each V# the resist of mind effect goes up by +5.
Classes that would give more Intelligence Empower would just boost the
current Intelligence Empower V# stack it has. The ADD-ON cannot surpass
your character level. The class it gains only applies it's abilities to
itself and not the user.
Intelligence Empower Inhibitor If you strike a article with Intelligence Empower you may shut it off for 2 10,000 Offensive
rounds (it cannot do anything itself) for each stack of this ADD-ON you may
negate a higher level version of Intelligence Empower but cannot negate
anything that is 1 level higher than this ADD-ONs stack (thus a 20 stack
can only negate level 1-20 of Intelligence Empower) If more than 1
Intelligence Empower Exists you may split this ADD-ONs technical negation
level between them if it's high enough or pick which ones get whichever
number stacks this ADD-ON can apply.
Stat Null (insert) Pick one stat. As a ½ ACT for 3 rounds target an opponent if they have Stat 5,000 Offensive/Defensive
Boosts from an ADD-ON to that stat negate it by -10 per stack. This only
effects the ADD-ONs gives and not from other sources. (This is not a
violent ACT)
Stat Add (insert) Adds a +10 to chosen stat per stack max stack 10 5,000 Offensive/Defensive/Self
Improved Stat Add (insert) Adds a +5 to chosen 2 stats per stack max stack 10 (2 choices from 5,000 Offensive/Defensive/Self
(insert) alternate versions do not stack)
Hyper Stat Add (insert) (insert) For every 1 Stat Add, Improved Stat Add, Stat Drainer in the chosen 10,000 Offensive/Defensive/Self
positive stats gain +1 to that stat. (2 choices from alternate versions do
not stack)
Stat Drainer (insert>insert) Pick 1 stat of your choice to gain a +5 and one stat to be decreased by -5 2,500 Offensive/Defensive/Self
per stack. Max drain of a single stat is -100 from this ADD-ON and all
other stat drainers thus a stat can never drop below -100 minus from these
Faceting Stat Add (insert) Adds a +5 to chosen stat per stack max stack 10 1,000 Offensive/Defensive
Racial Booster You gain a bonus stat point from this ADD-ON that can only be spent on 1,000 Self
bonus racial. Max stack 15 per level.
Durable Guardian DUR MOD damage mitigation effect applies to your gear. Your DUR MOD is 25,000 Defensive
doubled for damage mitigation.
Vitality Booster Increase your BHP by +2 base per stack this is multiplied per level (level 10,000 Defensive/Self
2 +4 level 3 +6 etc.)
Fate Health Increase your BHP by your LUK MOD 5,000 Defensive/Self
Guardian Health Increase your BHP by your DUR MOD 5,000 Defensive/Self
Brute Health Increase your BHP by your STR MOD 10,000 Defensive/Self
Mental Health Increase your BHP by your PSY MOD 10,000 Defensive/Self
Nimble Health Increase your BHP by your DEX MOD 10,000 Defensive/Self
Determined Health Increase your BHP by your SPD MOD 5,000 Defensive/Self
Vital Burst The Fate Health, Guardian Health, Brute Health, Determined Health ADD-ON 25,000 Defensive/Self
bonus to HP is multiplied per stack of this ADD-ON starting at x2 then to
x3 etc. Mental Health & Nimble Health instead multiplies by 1.5 + 0.5 past
the first per stack
Skill Booster (insert) Grants a +3 to a skill chosen per stack. Only 2 may be taken every 1,000 Offensive/Defensive/Self
character level of the same skill. (This cannot be applied to Aimed Strike
Check, Grapple Check or Guard Check)
Improved Skill Booster (insert) Grants a +1 per Skill Booster or 5 Racial Booster with the same Skill 10,000 Offensive/Defensive/Self
Trained (insert) per 2 stacks. (This cannot be applied to Aimed Strike
Check, Grapple or Guard Skill)
Keen Skill (insert) You may as a ½ ACT multiply a skill check of the chosen skill by 1.5 (this 25,000 Offensive/Defensive/Self
stacks with other keen skill multipliers by adding together as listed in
their racial) But the next turn you suffer a negative to that skill for 2
rounds by -15.
Keen Skill Enhanced (insert) You may with a Keen Skill reduce it's action cost by a ½ ACT per stack of 15,000 Offensive/Defensive/Self
this ADD-ON but upon doing so the skill takes a -10 negative before it
Keen Skill Negate You may as a ½ ACT negate a Keen Skill multiplier by -1 per stack. 2,500 Offensive/Defensive
Evasion Avoidance When you successfully perform an Acrobatics Check instead of taking half 10,000 Defensive/Self
damage you take 1/4th damage from area effecting type attacks. This occurs
even if you did not leave the damaging effect area.
Greater Evasion Avoidance When you successfully perform an Acrobatics Check treat the area of damage 15,000 Defensive/Self
as if it's half it's size. If you fail an Acrobatics Check you can once a
turn treat it as if you had activated Evasion Avoidance but only at ½ the
damage instead of 1/4th. Requires Evasion Avoidance ADD-ON.
High Move Avoid Your evasion can pass through foes squares with no interruption also you 10,000 Defensive/Self
may move 3DSU instead of 1DSU or till you are on the other side of the foes
Greater High Move Avoid Your evasion movement is increased by another 1DSU. If you successfully 10,000 Defensive/Self
evade you may perform 1 counter attack against the attacker.
Cover Down You do not have to move 1DSU with Evasion requires Evasion Avoidance ADD-ON 2,500 Defensive/Self
or High Move Avoided ADD-ON
Greater Cover Down If you perform the Cover Down ADD-ON effect you gain a bonus +3 to your 5,000 Defensive/Self
Acrobatics Check per character level.
Fleet Foot Evasion Your first Acrobatics Check of the round does not cost a ½ ACT at the cost 5,000 Defensive/Self
of the Acrobatics Check taking a -10 penalty.
Greater Fleet Foot Evasion Your second Acrobatics Check of the round does not cost a ½ ACT at the cost 10,000 Defensive/Self
of the Acrobatics Check taking a -20 penalty. Requires Fleet Foot Evasion
Stable Actions If an action costs stamina it's drain will be reduced by 1 for the first ½ 5,000 Defensive/Self
Act of the turn that drains stamina. (Each stack applies to the Second
Third etc. The cost reduce does not stack.)
Action Add Adds a ½ ACT to your action pool max 2 stack together among all equipment. 30,000 Defensive/Self
Any actions used from Action Add also use x3 as much Stamina.
Quick Action When performing a skill that takes a ½ ACT you may reduce it to a free 30,000 Defensive/Self
action by taking a -25 to the skill check performed but may only perform
once a round. For each stack you may perform this a extra time in a round
max up to 4 times the negative consistently stacks.
Counter Action Add You may reduce a counter attack by a ½ ACT for a counter attack ACT per 30,000 Defensive/Self
Interruption Action Add You may reduce a interruption action by a ½ ACT for a single interruption 30,000 Defensive/Self
per stack (This does not allow you to perform extra interruption actions
per turn)
Time Dilation Gain a ½ ACT to your action pool per stack. If you use this bonus pool of 30,000 Defensive/Self
actions next turn you suffer a -15 to your skill checks per extra ½ ACT you
take past your normal from this ADD-ON. Max stack 6.
Quick Draw Draw a Weapon and Holster a weapon at no action or switch the weapon's 5,000 Offensive/Defensive
wielding hand (Does not apply to improvised weapons) (does apply to
Quick Armor Reduce Armor put on or take off as a free action 1,000 Defensive
Quick Item Draw Draw an article (that is not a weapon) or put it away into the effected 5,000 Defensive
object as a free action.
Compression Items with this effect fold fairly small without being damaged of -1 size 5,000 Offensive/Defensive
grade per stack max -10 size grades. The articles weight is unaffected. The
items may only shrink down to 1cm cubed and no smaller.
Dimensional Storage Able to hold items of WS of 5 within per stack this does not count against 500 Defensive
your Lift Score it is a ½ ACT to eject the item out which will land safely
to the ground in front of you or to your free hand or hands.
Extra Dimensional Able to hold an item per stack that does not take up it's WS till drawn out 500 Self
as a ½ ACT. (this cannot be applied to ammunition loading devices)
Extra Lift Any thing that has a Lift Score or bonus to it of any sort gains a extra +5 2,500 Defensive/Self
to it's bonus per stack max 3 stacks per article though body type Organic
can stack this up to 10 times instead upon “self”
Weight Control Imbued Object can have weight controlled per stack –15 weight score or +15 10,000 Offensive/Defensive/Self
weight score max 5 stacks items must be at least 0 weight score (Weight
based effects are treated at the items original weight though anything
dealing with it effecting as from falling/gravity etc. will apply normally)
Immovable Control Imbued Object can be turned on to remain in spot ignoring all gravity rules 10,000 Offensive/Defensive
and remain in it's spot unmovable till turning off this ADD-ON. (This will
move with the planet)
Speed Boost Move 1DSU more on all base speed (this does not grant flight) per stack 5,000 Defensive
Improved Speed Boost For each 3 stacks of Speed Boost ADD-ON gain a bonus +1DSU move on all base 10,000 Defensive
speed (this does not grant flight)
Heavy Loader Your base land speed movement cannot drop below 3DSU max Then 5DSU max on 5,000 Defensive/Self
the second stack.
Burdening Movement For each stack you may treat -15 SPD Score as 0 instead (thus -30 SPD score 25,000 Defensive/Self
requires 2 stacks to bring it to 0). If Your SPD Score is positive you gain
+5 Lift Score per stack.
Rough Carrier DUR MOD for reducing movement penalty on Armor and Lift Score negative is 10,000 Defensive
treated at x2 the amount for only that piece of equipment it's placed upon.
Rough Runner Ignore Harsh Terrain on land 1,000 Defensive/Self
Rough Flier Ignores Harsh Terrain in air except wind 1,000 Defensive/Self
Rough Swimmer Ignores Harsh Terrain in water 1,000 Defensive/Self
Water Walk Walk on water like land. The water may act similar to rough terrain if it's 5,000 Defensive
becoming wave like but you do not “disturb the water” unless you desire to
deciding how far you sink down at whim. And forceful effect pulling you
down will destabilize this effects anchoring. This does not hide sound as
if you are walking on a solid object.
Air Walk Walk on air like land. You decide the inclines and steepness as if it was 20,000 Defensive
altering terrain for your anchoring. The “Ground” you are upon created from
this effect does not anchor you or immunize you from effects of winds nor
will it save you from falling instead treating as your fall would have
stopped upon that point of elevation. You cannot defy the basic direction
of gravity thus cannot for example walk up downside. This does not hide
sound as if you are walking on a solid object.
Gravity Walk Walk in Gravity effects like on land and ignore Gravity effects of weight 10,000 Defensive
changes requires Air Walk and does not permit you to ignore regular Gravity
of a planet etc. to leave it's orbit.
Wind Stand Withstand 5 TS category up of wind per stack 2,500 Defensive
Wall Walker Walk on Surfaces up to sideways not upside-down as if it were normal 2,500 Defensive
terrain. Surfaces you normally have to make a balance check on if you walk
on them will still apply and if you fail this ADD-ON shuts off.
Ceiling Walker Walk On ceiling as if it were normal terrain requires Wall Walker ADD-ON. 2,500 Defensive
Surfaces you normally have to make a balance check on if you walk on them
will still apply and if you fail this ADD-ON shuts off.
Positional Sense Always know were North is (if plausible for a north and can be true north 5,000 Defensive
or magnetic north) and as long as you have a map know where you are on that
Wings Add 1 pair of wings per stack (2 wings) allowing flight each wing adds a 5,000 Defensive/Self
stability in higher wind speeds max 5 sets of wings each time taken is a
new ADD-ON
Boosters Add boosters that per stack allowing flight each booster grants a +3DSU to 10,000 Defensive
all movement types per stack
Tail Adds a 1DSU Tail each stack may add 1DSU on a current tail (limit up to 15,000 Defensive/Self
5DSU) or 1 new of 1DSU starting (this does extend reach when stacking on
top) each new tail 1DSU progression each time taken is a new ADD-ON except
if you extend a previous tails length then it stacks instead. Each separate
tail counts as a new add-on
Arm You gain a complete 1 arm with a hand this arm itself is already Prehensile 40,000 Defensive/Self
with a working hand (the hand does not have to be human but must be
similar) each time taken is a new ADD-ON. You may have max up to 4 Arms
through this ADD-ON per article.
Legs You gain a Pair of 2 legs (they can take any format as long as they are 15,000 Defensive/Self
legs) they boost your land speed by +1DSU each time taken each time taken
is a new ADD-ON. You may have max up to 8 Legs through this ADD-ON per
Fins You gain a fin or other swimming enhancement to a body part part (they can 5,000 Defensive/Self
take any format as long as they are related to swimming)(this will effect
pairs so 2 arms, 2 legs, 2 wings, 1 for body, 1 for head 1 for tail to keep
symmetrical) they boost your swim speed by +1DSU per stack
Feather You gain feathers or other flight enhancement to a body part part (they can 5,000 Defensive/Self
take any format as long as they are related to flying)(this will effect
pairs so 2 arms, 2 legs, 2 wings, 1 for body, 1 for head 1 for tail to keep
symmetrical) they boost your flight speed by +1DSU per stack
Body Part Converter Any body parts/enhancements to them can be hidden and removed off that are 5,000 Offensive/Defensive/Self
from ADD-ONs, this also can be used to enhance and hide natural body parts
if applied to self, it is a free action to release out 3 parts, and a ½ ACT
to release out per extra 3 parts concealed on the same round
Prehensile Makes something able to Grasp like a hand like a tail or a wing though 20,000 Offensive/Defensive/Self
thing must be able to extend a grasp or be a limb of a body (most body
parts are up to 1DSU length of reach if any say below this they cannot
apply this) If the limb has beyond 1DSU this also extends to it's reach.
Limb Embracer (Insert) With the choice of Head, Left Arm, Right Arm, Left Leg, Right Leg or any 5,000 Defensive/Self
vital organ like Brain or Heart etc. if you lose that part you do not have
that part disabled/KO on the first Damage threshold or removed/die on the
second instantly but instead survive for 2d4 rounds if you can attach the
part back to yourself you may within the 2d4 rounds and live this does not
return HP lost from the part being disabled or removed but undoes HP max
reduce 25% from loss of the parts
Limb Embracer Enhanced (Insert) Increases the time allot of survival by instead of rounds to hours this 5,000 Defensive/Self
ADD-ON requires Limb Embracer (Insert) of the proper body part match
Amphibious Adapter Increases the time needed for water on any race or item that needs water in 500 Defensive/Self
a certain amount of time by x2 and per stack another +1 to the multiplier
Breath Filter Breathe in Hazardous region fine as long as it has your environments 2,500 Defensive/Self
atmospheric breathing source (oxygen, carbon dioxide etc.)
Respiratory Giver Breathe in zones that have none of your needed atmospheric breathing needs 5,000 Defensive/Self
fine. requires Breath Filter
Low Temp Survivor Allows survival in coldest regions like space though you can still freeze 15,000 Defensive/Self
over this is not Cold resistance
High Temp Survivor Allows survival in hottest regions like Magma though you can still 15,000 Defensive/Self
disintegrate this is not Heat resistance
Temperature Preserve Produces a Cooling or Heating effect on what it's applied to of TS +15 max 1,000 Defensive/Self
on both
Weather Guard Protects an article from only effects caused by the weather like Wind, 500 Defensive
Heat, Chill, Rain etc.
Undisintegrateable Cannot be melted by anything like magma 20,000 Defensive/Self
Unfreeze-able Cannot be frozen over by Cold 20,000 Defensive/Self
Aqua Protector Articles with this add-on are treated as if they are on dry land and ignore 1,000 Offensive/Defensive/Self
the effects of becoming wet.
Aqua Combat Articles with this add-on ignore the negatives of fighting under water 1,000 Offensive/Defensive/Self
including range limits within other liquids. This ADD-ON requires Aqua
Telepathy Talk via mind up to 1 kilometer per stack(this is a Psionic effect) 15,000 Offensive/Defensive/Self
Information Store Store audio text and visual information up to 10mins audio/visual and 1000 500 Defensive
words per stack
Lingual Emulator This ADD-ON contains 1 part of a language per stack. The language part must 2,500 Defensive
be decipher via it's source (Written)(Motion)(Vocal) in contact for up to
5mins upon which it will store that part till you wish to dump that info
for a new part. You may perform the component fluently as if you have learn
Imbue (Status Effect) Imbue an effect like poison or stun for example (not unique effects) max 2,500 Offensive
100 stacks on 1 effect
Imbue Casting (Status Effect) Imbue an effect like poison or stun for example (not forceful push) max 100 2,500 Offensive
stacks on 1 effect for casts only but costs a extra ½ ACT when applied.
Push Back Grants Forceful push level per stack effect on a weapon per stack max 100 10,000 Offensive/Self
Force Blast Cast Grants Forceful push level per stack effect on a weapon per stack max 100 10,000 Offensive
for casts only but costs a extra ½ ACT when applied.
Status Protection (Status Effect) Grants a 25% chance of the listed status effect to High Failure Negative 5,000 Defensive/Self
(HFN) per stack max 100%
Full Effect Protection Grants a 5% chance to all status effects to High Failure Negative (HFN) per 25,000 Defensive/Self
stack max 50%
Status Blockader Grants a 5% chance to all status effects even special type ones to High 30,000 Defensive
Failure Negative (HFN) per stack max 50%
Abnormal Effect Protection Grants a 5% chance of status effects that are unique to fail not from the 15,000 Defensive/Self
status effects listed but mentioned as part of abilities or ADD-ONs not
listed in the rules chapter. This stacks up to 100%.
Acclaimed Target Grants a +5 Aimed Strike Check, Evasion and Guard against 1 acclaimed 10,000 Offensive/Defensive/Self
target for a ½ ACT to acclaim. You lose 1 less Stamina point against the
target when performing violent acts against them. First Evasion every round
against the target is a free action. ½ ACT to switch targets but you can
only switch every 2 turns.
Seeker Grants a +5 Aimed Strike Check and moves around corners as long as target 20,000 Ranged Weapons
is known. Invisibility targets that are known to the chosen square have
their miss chance removed unless they are ethereal. Seeker may go as far as
it needed to hit it's target but incurs penalty for each range increment it
goes past.
Target Locker Grants a +5 Aimed Strike Check and grants Seeker ADD-ON effect. If it 20,000 Ranged Weapons
misses deal ½ Damage (requires Seeker ADD-ON)
Teleport Adds a teleport for a ½ ACT 3DSU per stack this does not evade attacks or 25,000 Defensive/Self
Damage and those resolve first
Teleport Jam Jams Teleportation in an area were nothing may teleport out or into 3DSU 10,000 Offensive/Defensive/Self
per stack
Mental Jam Block effects that can mess with your mind by 10% per stack. This counts 15,000 Defensive/Self
also as a mind immunity effect.
Mind Shock Guard Psionic abilities used against you have a 5% chance to fail per stack. This 20,000 Defensive/Self
counts also as a mind immunity effect.
Viper Strike +1 on Aimed Strike Check and Damage in flank and unaware situations per 2,500 Offensive
Viper Kiss Deal 1d4 extra Damage in flank and unaware situations per stack 5,000 Offensive
Vipers Touch Upon a miss in flank and unaware situations gain a +3 Void Damage from 5,000 Offensive
touch that cannot be effected by any effects per stack, this effect only
applies when you miss your target upon the strike, all other “Viper” ADD-
ONs will activate along with this ability.
Touch Strike Upon a miss deal 1/4th your damage on an attack, if you already have an 15,000 Offensive
ability that does this or better do not apply.
Wind Shot Shots ignore 1 category up of wind TS per stack 500 Ranged Weapons
Whirl Wind Shot Arching Shots ignore -5 Aimed Strike Check negative per stack. Only 1 stack 1,000 Ranged Weapons
per Wind Shot ADD-ON.
Mercy Touch As a ½ ACT as a switch on and off make your damage deal Non-Lethal damage 5,000 Offensive/Defensive/Self
instead of Lethal. The active effect then -1 Multiplier and -10 Damage.
Upon the second stack of this ADD-ON the negatives will no longer apply.
Upon the the 3rd stack if any damage dealt would potentially drop them to
less than 0 HP the weapon will not allow any more damage to harm leaving
them at 0. At 4th Stack if the foe has a auto revive mechanic or is healed
to get back up they will remain Knocked Out for 1d4 rounds. Upon the 5th
Stack and above Any non lethal damage done with this ADD-ON active will
deal +1 multiplier and +1 bonus damage. (This ADD-ON applies to casts and
all attacks as long as it's wielded or equip while active) True-Lethal
Damage cannot be converted to Non-Lethal
Healing Touched As a ½ ACT you may switch your weapons damage and any Void aligned bonus 20,000 Offensive/Self
damage (those marked as heat, mystic etc) as Void-Healing type instead the
healing is 1/10th of the tally you roll, only healing effects may apply in
this mode change, as a ½ ACT you may switch back to normal damage mode (You
cannot heal yourself with this effect when wielding said article only
Improved Healing Touched As a ½ ACT you may switch your weapons damage and any Void aligned bonus 15,000 Offensive/Self
damage (those marked as heat, mystic etc) as Void-Healing type instead the
healing is 1/5th of the tally you roll, only healing effects may apply in
this mode change, as a ½ ACT you may switch back to normal damage mode (You
cannot heal yourself with this effect when wielding said article only
others) this ADD-ON requires Healing Touched ADD-ON
Grand Healing Touched As a ½ ACT you may switch your weapons damage and any Void aligned bonus 10,000 Offensive/Self
damage (those marked as heat, mystic etc) as Void-Healing type instead the
healing is 1/3rd of the tally you roll, only healing effects may apply in
this mode change, as a ½ ACT you may switch back to normal damage mode (You
cannot heal yourself with this effect when wielding said article only
others) this ADD-ON requires Improved Healing Touched ADD-ON
Imbued Healing Healing Effects gain and grant double natural PSY MOD and double effective 25,000 Defensive
max modifier if it has any (this does not apply to regeneration over time
effects) (this effect stacks but it only doubles your natural modifiers and
MOD Max) max 3 stacks. Per stack this increases body type healing percent
by 1% (LUK cannot effect) per stack.
Uber Imbued Healing Imbued Healing ADD-ONs MOD Max multiplier is instead x3 when it is on the 25,000 Defensive
same item as Imbued Healing is stack on. Per stack this increases body type
healing percent by 1% (LUK cannot effect) per stack.
Godly Imbued Healing Imbued Healing ADD-ONs MOD Max multiplier increases by +1 extra (x10 MOD 10,000 Defensive
Max) plus all healing Casts gains a +25 bonus. Per stack this increases
body type healing percent by 1% (LUK cannot effect). Requires Uber Imbued
Regenerator Regenerates 5 HP a round per stack you can reattach a body part this way if 2,500 Defensive
Improved Regenerator If you are hit by a source that negates regeneration count the regeneration 5,000 Defensive
from Regenerator ADD-ON as Void typed healing that is one forth of what it
would have regenerate rounded down (requires Regenerator)
Shared Regenerator You may activate Improved Regenerator to heal an ally you touch and give 10,000 Defensive
them it's effect for 5 rounds that you lose out of your own regenerator
pool. (Requires Improved Regenerator)
Casters Store V1-# Store Casts depending on the V# of Casts equaling to that level so a V7 can 1,000 Offensive/Defensive
hold 1 5th level Cast and 2nd level Cast for example, The user even without
class ability can use any Casters Store within as a ½ ACT. Casts stored are
from the classes ability and not a static Cast charge. The casts held
within remain as they were even containing the casters MOD and other
changes to the cast (Even if they were weaker or stronger when inserting
the casts within)
Cast Store Charge V1-# Store Casts that are not based on class abilities but solid charges. These 1,000 Offensive/Defensive
charges can be used a 1 Cast for 1 energy or expend for a Cast as a extra ½
Quick Cast You may perform a Cast as a free action once a round. 15,000 Offensive/Defensive
Quick Cast Superior You may perform a Cast as a free action 2 a round instead of once from 10,000 Offensive/Defensive
Quick Cast ADD-ON but at the cost of -10 to the TS if you take this ADD-ON
again you may perform 3 free action Casts at instead -20 TS. This ADD-ON
requires Quick Cast ADD-ON
Quick Cast Ultimate You may perform a Cast as a free action 4 a round instead of once from 10,000 Offensive/Defensive
Quick Cast ADD-ON but at the cost of -30 to the TS if you take this ADD-ON
again you may perform 5 free action Casts at instead -40 TS. This ADD-ON
requires Quick Cast Superior ADD-ON
Imbued Cast Damage Damaging Effects from Casts grant double natural PSY MOD and double 30,000 Offensive/Defensive
effective max modifier (this effect stacks but it only doubles your natural
modifiers and MOD Max) max 3 stacks
Uber Imbued Cast Damage Imbued Cast Damage ADD-ONs MOD Max is x3 instead of x2 when stack on the 30,000 Offensive/Defensive
same item as the ADD-ONs.
Godly Imbued Cast Damage Imbued Cast Damage ADD-ONs MOD Max multiplier increases by +1 extra (x10 10,000 Offensive/Defensive
MOD Max) plus all damage Casts gains a +25 bonus. Requires Uber Imbued Cast
Caster Delimiter Increase MOD Max by 5 on your Cast sources per stack 5,000 Offensive/Defensive
Sonar sight vision Grants a 3DSU Sonar Sight per stack 5,000 Defensive/Self
Infrared sight vision Grants a 5DSU Infrared sight per stack 5,000 Defensive/Self
Night sight vision Grants a 5DSU Night Sight per stack 5,000 Defensive/Self
Bright sight vision Grants a 6DSU Bright Sight per stack 5,000 Defensive/Self
Electric Sense Grants a 3DSU Sense Eletroreception 10,000 Defensive/Self
Electric sight vision Grants a 3DSU Electromagnetic Sight 10,000 Defensive/Self
Sense Living Grants a 3DSU Life Sense 10,000 Defensive/Self
Life sight vision Grants a 3DSU Life Sight 10,000 Defensive/Self
Scent sight vision Grants a 3DSU Scent Sight (can see the smells and taste traces with (being 10,000 Defensive/Self
blinded does not negate)
Pierce-Vision sight vision Grants a sight to see through up to 1DSU of objects per stack this cannot 5,000 Defensive/Self
see through lead or materials of similar typing
Ghost sight vision Grants a sight to see Ethereal entities up to 3DSU per stack 5,000 Defensive/Self
Alignment Blocker Hide your alignment and shows it as Neutral if you can be viewed or non 2,500 Defensive/Self
existent if you are hiding and unseen.
Invisibility For a ½ ACT you become unseen by normal sight till you attack. If you fail 10,000 Defensive/Self
a stealth check you start a shimmer effect and the foes can guess your
direction with a 50% miss chance for their attacks. You may stack this ADD-
ON and it may block 1 extra source of sight. Only up to 2 other sources of
sight may be blocked on top of being invisible. Those extra sight sources
that are being blocked do not count as invisibility. Takes a ½ ACT to
switch between the block vision types.
Hyper Invisibility Invisibility ADD-ON does not disengage on an attack action if this ADD-ON 5,000 Defensive/Self
is activated but the invisibility effect will turn off automatically after
1 round per stack. Requires Invisibility.
True Invisibility Invisibility ADD-ON activated with Hyper Invisibility now becomes true 10,000 Defensive/Self
invisibility blocking all forms of sight except that of Invisibility
Blocker ADD-ON. Upon activation of this ADD-ON your invisibility will lose
1 round of it's Hyper Invisibility activation duration extra per round this
effect is active. Cannot active Sensory Invisibility while this effect is
Sensory Invisibility Invisibility ADD-ON activated with Hyper Invisibility now becomes able to 10,000 Defensive/Self
block out any non sight/listen based sensory. Upon activation of this ADD-
ON your invisibility will lose 1 round of it's Hyper Invisibility
activation duration extra per round this effect is active. Cannot active
True Invisibility while this effect is active.
Silencer For a ½ ACT you become unheard by normal hearing till you attack 10,000 Defensive/Self
Hyper Silencer Silencer ADD-ON does not disengage on an attack action if this ADD-ON is 5,000 Defensive/Self
activated but the silence effect will turn off automatically after 1 round
per stack. Requires Silencer.
Invisibility Blocker See Invisible things for 2 rounds per stack for a ½ ACT 10,000 Defensive/Self
Silence Blocker Hear Silenced things for 2 rounds per stack for a ½ ACT 10,000 Defensive/Self
Lock Bind V# This Locks an items ADD-ONs and Use of effects to the owner or owners 5,000 Defensive
(marked upon application) thus it's effects all turn off for other users.
To identify even 1 ADD-ON or effect takes a Mind Check check of V# x 25 and
to remove this ADD-ONs effect takes a Build Check over coming the V# x 50
Build Check. To use the item itself is a TS of x25 per Lock Bind but only
of things you know are on it or to use it trying to force through it's Lock
Reach Booster Increase weapons reach by 1DSU per stack max 3 stacks 5,000 Melee Weapon
Range Booster +3DSU on range attacks per stack max 5 stacks 5,000 Offensive
Returning A weapon of this property returns to its wielder and adds a range of 5,000 Melee weapon
+12DSU. It takes 1 turn for the item to return to your possession. (this
makes the item reusable thus a normal item if modifying a projectile that
(arrow/blots/rivets/spears) it applies to a 25 round bundle. You must
denote a marked zone it shall return to example would be it's sheath, your
hand or back pack etc. The action to recall is a draw action thus normally
takes a ½ ACT to recall. You may only summon your article up to 20DSU away.

Melee weapons with this ADD-ON do not count as improved when thrown.
Improved Returning Returning ADD-ON now extends it's range to +40 extra feat. The duration to 10,000 Melee weapon
recall is instead instant but you may not use it in a combo attack again
upon returning. The action to recall is a free action. You may now summon
your article any distance away.
Explosive Makes a 3DSU explosion radius when strikes target as the projectile 5,000 Ranged Weapon
explodes into bits but is destroyed thus when ricochet it will bounce but
not deal Damage till the intended first target is hit and will not bounce
anymore the Damage from the explosion is a separated extra attack damage of
5d4 damage of the initial damage also carrying the same special effects.
(this counts as a TS Evasion or a Guard of the original attack for those
caught in the radius that was equal to your Aimed Strike Check result)
Overkill Explosive Requires Explosive ADD-ON. Raise the dice grade of Explosive by +1 per 5,000 Ranged Weapon
stack. You may only stack this equal to your level divided by 3 min one
Radial Overkill Explosive Requires Overkill Explosive ADD-ON. For each dice grade of 5d6, 10d6, 20d6 10,000 Ranged Weapon
etc. you may apply a new stack of this ADD-ON to increase the radius by
+1DSU. You may control the radius as well to be minimal 3DSU.
Blast Dampener Radius effects deal -25 damage against you per stack 2,500 Defensive/Self
Frost Burst A foe struck with a weapon of this property makes a Endure Check equal to 30,000 Offensive
your level +30 if they fail they suffer -5 on all D20 rolls and Damage and
deals 100d6 Cold Damage for 3 rounds and for 1 round they cannot perform a
move action. Damage dealt is not from the weapon. These effects do no stack
but active rounds do. This status effect cannot stack in rounds or reset in
duration when it exists on a target already.
Blazing Burst A foe struck with a weapon of this property makes a Slight Check equal to 30,000 Offensive
your level +30 TS if they fail they suffer 50d4 Heat Damage for 3 rounds
and for 2 rounds lose a ½ ACT. Damage dealt is not from the weapon. These
effects do no stack but active rounds do. This status effect cannot stack
in rounds or reset in duration when it exists on a target already.
Sparking Burst A foe struck with a weapon of this property makes a Endure Check equal to 30,000 Offensive
your level +30 TS if they fail they suffer 50d8 Ion Damage and cannot hear
or see with anything for 3 rounds. Damage dealt is not from the weapon.
These effects do no stack but active rounds do. This status effect cannot
stack in rounds or reset in duration when it exists on a target already.
Acidic Burst A foe struck with a weapon of this property makes an Slight Check equal to 30,000 Offensive
your level +30 TS if they fail they take 50d12 acidic Damage for 3 rounds
and cannot see for 2 rounds. Damage dealt is not from the weapon. These
effects do no stack but active rounds do. This status effect cannot stack
in rounds or reset in duration when it exists on a target already.
Graviton Burst A foe struck with a weapon of this property makes an Endure Check equal to 30,000 Offensive
your level +30 TS if they fail they take 50d12 Gravity Damage for 3 rounds
and cannot move for 2 rounds. Damage dealt is not from the weapon. These
effects do no stack but active rounds do. This status effect cannot stack
in rounds or reset in duration when it exists on a target already.
Mystical Burst A foe struck with a weapon of this property makes an Mind Check equal to 30,000 Offensive
your level +30 TS if they fail they take 50d4 Mystic Damage for 3 rounds
and suffer -10 to D20 rolls and Damage for 3 rounds. Damage dealt is not
from the weapon. These effects do no stack but active rounds do. This
status effect cannot stack in rounds or reset in duration when it exists on
a target already.
Psionic Burst A foe struck with a weapon of this property makes an Mind Check equal to 30,000 Offensive
your level +30 TS if they fail they take 50d10 Psionic Damage for 3 rounds
and any mind immunity they possess are negated for 1 round. Damage dealt is
not from the weapon. These effects do no stack but active rounds do. This
status effect cannot stack in rounds or reset in duration when it exists on
a target already.
Positive Fission Burst A foe struck with a weapon of this property makes an Mind Check equal to 30,000 Offensive
your level +30 TS if they fail they take 50d8 Holy Damage for 3 rounds and
cannot see for 1 round also if they do not match your alignment
(Dishonorable vs Honorable Good vs Evil) triple the duration while if 2 are
against your alignment increase the dice damage of this status effect by +1
dice grade neutral is never opposing though. Damage dealt is not from the
weapon. These effects do no stack but active rounds do. This status effect
cannot stack in rounds or reset in duration when it exists on a target
Negative Fission Burst A foe struck with a weapon of this property makes an Mind Check equal to 30,000 Offensive
your level +30 TS if they fail they take 50d8 Unholy Damage for 3 rounds
and cannot see for 1 round also if they do not match your alignment
(Dishonorable vs Honorable Good vs Evil) triple the duration while if 2 are
against your alignment increase the dice damage of this status effect by +1
dice grade neutral is never opposing though. Damage dealt is not from the
weapon. These effects do no stack but active rounds do. This status effect
cannot stack in rounds or reset in duration when it exists on a target
Rust Hit Upon touch contact with any Metal it has a 25% chance to cause rust to the 25,000 Offensive/Self
item making it lose -10 Damage and guard every time it causes rust upon 5
rusted touch the item breaks
Un-rust able Cannot be rusted. Things within are also protected. 5,000 Offensive/Defensive/Self
Preservation Cannot rot or spoil. Things within are also protected. 1,000 Offensive/Defensive/Self
Keen Striker +3 Aimed Strike Check per stack 5,000 Offensive/Self
Keen Strike Improved Requires Keen Striker ADD-ON, per 2 Stacks of Keen Striker gain a bonus +1 10,000 Offensive/Self
Aimed Strike Check from this ADD-ON
Mobility Striker Gain a +10 Aimed Strike Check per stack but lose a -15 Aimed Strike Check 5,000 Offensive/Self
per armor piece you wear max stack 10 (the negative from armor pieces does
not multiply per stack)
Keen Swift Strike You may drop a stack of Keen Striker effect to gain +2 damage to all your 10,000 Offensive/Self
Melee or Ranged attacks (except those that don't roll a Aimed Strike Check
at all) (you give up the Keen Striker effect and Keen Striker Improved does
not count the stack for that round)
Micro Dodger Gain +2 to Acrobatics Checks per 1DSU square that would potentially hit you 10,000 Defensive/Self
while any passing through during the Evasion movement. This bonus increases
by +3 if you are Small Sized +4 if Tiny and +5 if Micro sized. This bonus
caps at +50 max. This Bonus adds in after all multiplication effects not
Micro Fighter When caught in a grapple or you are in a climb on you gain +2 to Slight or 10,000 Defensive/Self
Muscle Checks to break out per size they are larger than yourself and they
suffer a 5% miss chance to even deal damage to you in the sustained grapple
or climb on per size category they are larger than you.
Pin Point Shot On a called shot remove a -5 Aimed Strike Check per stack 2,500 Offensive/Self
Warping Attack Weapon Deals a damage type by choice (only 3 types of Damage can exist on a 2,500 Offensive
weapon) Each time you stack you must select from either (Physical, Mystic,
Psionic, Ion, Gravity, Holy or Unholy) Upon 2 stack my may select (Water
which takes 2 damage slots or Wind which takes 2 damage slots Metal which
takes 1 damage slot Earth which takes 1 damage slot or Radiation which
takes 3 damage slots) If water is a choice: upon the strike the foe will be
soaked in water and every strike produces 1 litre of water. If Radiation is
a choice it applies Radiation Sickness effect upon itself of TS equal to
your character level.
Superior Warping Attack Weapon Deals all of a damage type by choice (this counts as 3 types of 5,000 Offensive
Damage) Each time you stack you must select from either (Mortality, Void,
Heat, Cold or Acid)
Touching Strike Every stack that is a odd number gains 1d4 damage, Every even number stack 5,000 Offensive
of this ADD-ON gains +1 extra damage. This damage is touch damage.
Elemental Touching Strike Touching Strike ADD-ON now can switch it's dice and damage bonus touch to a 10,000 Offensive
choice of Metal, Earth, Gravity, Mystic, Ion, Heat, Cold, Acid, Holy,
Unholy or Void. You may apply 1 more choice of the split dice damage types
per 3 stacks of Touching Strike.
Superior Touching Strike Touching Strike ADD-ON gains +1 damage per 3 stacks of Touching Strike you 15,000 Offensive
must choose which damage type this rolls for of the #d4s rolls (1d4+2 heat
1d4 cold for example.
Uber Touching Strike Every 2 stacks of Touching Strike ADD-ON gains +1 extra touch damage per 10,000 Offensive
1d4 depending upon the damage source roll (2d4+2 Acid & 4d4+3 Heat for
Godly Touching Strike Touching Strike ADD-ON may give up 1d4 to make it deal +3 of touch damage 20,000 Offensive
to the source instead of touch damage (this +3 counts itself as a 1d4 for
the effects of Uber Touching Strike & Superior Touching Strike ADD-ONs)
Natural Martial You may as a ACT switch your Natural Attack from your limbs damage type to 15,000 Offensive/Self
either Gravity, Mystic, Ion, Psionic, Holy or Unholy for 2 rounds on top of
your normal Physical (this does not count the damage as the damage type
when struck and is only for negation of guard) If you stack this Add-On up
to 3 times you may apply up to 3 negations.
Keen Grapple +1 Grapple per stack 2,500 Offensive/Self
Clasp Grapple When grappling you may grapple a target 1 size larger than yourself per 5 5,000 Offensive/Self
stacks also per stack gain a bonus +1 to your counter grapples.
Ethereal Strike Raise Aimed Strike Check on Ethereal percent chance by 25% each stack max 10,000 Offensive/Self
to 100% from the base 50% without Ethereal Strike for melee and ranged
Ethereal Caster Raise Aimed Strike Check on Ethereal percent chance by 25% each stack max 20,000 Offensive/Self
to 100% from the base 50% without Ethereal Strike for Castings
Bane Strike (insert) Deal +5 on Damage and Aimed Strike Check against the set classification per 5,000 Offensive
stack max 5 for each classification. This is a Bane effect.
Shifting Bane You may treat a Bane Strike (insert) as different Bane Strike (insert) As 10,000 Offensive
if they stacked together for their bonus. You may only transfer stacks of
one version to another per stack of this ADD-ON. To activate takes a Full
Round ACT and lasts for 2 rounds, Each time you perform a Shift the rounds
reset back to 2 rounds but you may not Shift any back to their original
bane till these rounds are over.
Evil Striker Deal +5 on Damage and Aimed Strike Check against evil beings per stack max 10,000 Offensive
10. This is a Bane effect.
Good Striker Deal +5 on Damage and Aimed Strike Check against good beings per stack max 10,000 Offensive
10. This is a Bane effect.
Chaos Striker Deal +5 on Damage and Aimed Strike Check against Dishonorable beings per 10,000 Offensive
stack max 10. This is a Bane effect.
Law Striker Deal +5 on Damage and Aimed Strike Check against Honorable beings per stack 10,000 Offensive
max 10. This is a Bane effect.
Neutral Striker Deal +5 on Damage and Aimed Strike Check against neutral beings per stack 15,000 Offensive
max 10. This is a Bane effect.
Alignment Bane Shift You may treat a Evil Striker/Good Striker/Chaos Striker/Law 20,000 Offensive
Striker/Neutral Striker bonus into this ADD-ON at half their bonus rounded
down. To activate takes a ½ ACT and lasts for 3 rounds resetting the rounds
each time it's activated.
Long Range Killer For each 10DSU a weapon can fire up to before next range increment the 10,000 Offensive
weapon gains a +2 damage bonus. This bonus only goes up to 100DSU.
Overhead Strike When using a ranged weapon and you are at 3DSU above your targets elevation 5,000 Ranged Weapon/Self
gain a +1 to your multiplier of damage, for each stack increase the range
this effect works by by 3DSU.
Targeting Overhead Strike This ADD-ON requires Overhead Strike, increase your Aimed Strike Check by 5,000 Ranged Weapon/Self
+5 per 3DSU you are permitted of Overhead Strike but give up a +1
multiplier bonus also for each 3DSU you gain a ranged bonus of 3DSU
distance that you are 3DSU elevated above your target.
Improved Overhead Strike This ADD-ON requires Overhead Strike, increase the multiplier bonus by +1 10,000 Ranged Weapon/Self
per stack.
Vigilance Attack When activated this ADD-ON permits you to perform an extra violent action 25,000 Offensive/Self
each as a ½ ACT activation. It must be a singular attack. Combo, Quick Cast
ADD-ON and Multi strikes cannot be activated when this ADD-ON is activated
for the round. Per stack you gain 1 more violent action in the round. All
attacks done in this fashion takes a -5 multiplier. For each activation the
multiplier remover stacks thus 2 Vigilant Strikes activated takes a -10 to
all the multipliers. CRIT multipliers are unaffected. For each activation
also the attacks lose -5 Damage. You must activate this before you initiate
your turns Violent actions equal to the count of extra Violent actions you
wish to perform. (this is not multiplier reducer).
Harbinger Piston Strike This ADD-ON cannot be activated if you have any Multi-Attack effect ADD-ONs 5,000 Offensive/Self
on the weapon that are active during the attack that will trigger a Multi-
Attack. Attacks with this effects increase base damage by +2 per stack, +2
Aimed Strike Check per stack, and ignore -5 Multiplier reducer on the first
stack with -2 extra per 3 stacks.
Shredding Storm Strike This ADD-ON cannot be activated if you have any Single-Attack effect ADD- 5,000 Offensive/Self
ONs on the weapon that are active during the attack. Attacks with this
effects increase base damage by +1 per stack, +1 Aimed Strike Check per
stack, and reduces the enemies Guard per strike by -1 for 2 rounds when it
touches and any hit resets the duration. The max guard it can remove is up
to -5 per stack.
Hyper Strike Attack When making a singular strike gain a +1 multiplier per stack max stack x10 5,000 Offensive/Self
charge attacks do not activate this effect.
Multi-Attack You may make an extra attack per stack of this ADD-ON when it's activated 5,000 Offensive
for the article it's attached to. Each extra multi-attack provides a -5
Aimed Strike Check penalty (Max -25 for +5 extra strikes) This ADD-ON may
only stack up to 5 times (This is a multi attack effect).

For each attack performed in an attack action using this ADD-ON you lose -3
Multipliers for the entire attack. This does not affect critical
Multi-Attack Proficient Remove a -5 penalty per stack for any Multi-Attack ADD-ON effect (Max stack 2,500 Offensive
5) this effect only applies to the article that's using the Multi-Attack
Multi-Attack Improved Proficient Requires Multi-Attack ADD-ON. When using Multi-Attack you may make an extra 10,000 Offensive
attack plus an additional number of attacks equal to the number of Multi-
Attack stacks you have.

You suffer -5 Aimed Strike Check and lose -3 multipliers for each extra
attack that you use. This does not affect critical multipliers.
Multi-Guard For each stack of Multi-Attack & Multi-Attack Proficient ADD-ON you gain 5,000 Defensive
bonus guard split evenly between the weapons damage types. +5 bonus guard
if the article is a short type weapon. +10 if it's a basic or long type
weapon. +15 if it's a Grand type weapon. If it's a shield the bonus is a +5
bonus. If the article is a ranged type weapon, a shield or a improvised
article instead the bonus is a +5. If you are using 2 hands for any article
except those that must use 2 hands to wield the bonus is increased by +5
extra. Only 1 Multi Guard source may be active at a time. This bonus may
also apply to Aimed Strike Check for Deflection, Counter Deflection Attack
skill checks or Grapple for Disarming, Deflecting skill checks but at half
the bonus round down.
Multi-Strike Breaker Any Multi-Attack ADD-ON based attack action performed ignore -0.5 5,000 Offensive/Self
Multiplier reducer per stack.
Channeling Force Gain +1 Aimed Strike Check per stack and +1 damage every 5 stacks when not 2,500 Ranged Weapon
using Multi-Attack effect ADD-ONs or Single Strike effect ADD-ONs. For Melee Weapon
every 10 stacks of this ADD-ON you may use 1 stack of Multi-Attack, Multi-
Attack Improved Proficient, or Hyper Strike from another weapon in your
possession that has this ADD-ON but you cannot use the ADD-ON from the
original weapon in the same round.

All effects of this ADD-ON except the Aimed Strike Check bonus consider the
number of stacks as all stacks of this ADD-ON from all your weapons. The
maximum number of weapons with this ADD-ON you can have is 5.
Channeling Force Empower For each 5 stacks of Channeling Force gain +1 Hardness(not true hardness), 10,000 Ranged Weapon
+1 Guard, and -1 to the Called Shot Aimed Strike Check penalty. For each 10 Melee Weapon
stacks gain +1 Grapple with that weapon. This bonus is based off the total
number of Channeling Force stacks you have on all of your equipment, but
must be split between your weapons. You may switch these bonuses around
once every 3 rounds. Requires Channeling Force.

These bonuses do not apply if you are using Multi-Attack effect ADD-ONs or
Single Strike effect ADD-ONs in the round.
Channeling Force Combo When making a combo attack with weapons that have Channeling Force Combo 25,000 Ranged Weapon
you gain an additional 5 damage per stack of Channeling Force you have on Melee Weapon
all weapons used in the combo attack. This damage must be split between the
weapons being used in the attack. When using this ability, you cannot
activate Swift Speed Strike, Extra Tap Fire, or Multi-Attack or Single
Strike effects. Requires Channeling Force.
Channeling Force Adept When making a combo attack with weapons that have Channeling Force Combo 25,000 Ranged Weapon
the Aimed Strike Check penalty of Swift Speed Strike and Extra Tap Fire is Melee Weapon
reduced by 1/2. When activating Power Strike it activates for all melee
weapons used in that combo attack for the cost of 1 activation. When using
this ability, you cannot activate Multi-Attack or Single Strike effects.
Requires Channelling Force.
Critical Point Raise CRIT range to on a 1d20 roll to 19 and -1 per stack max -5 for 15 for 15,000 Offensive/Self
CRIT though any number CRIT that is higher overrides with imbued item (this
is not a natural 20 effect thus is not a auto hit)
Critical Wound When a CRIT succeeds you may cause a continual damage effect that is not 15,000 Offensive/Self
multiplied equal to +25 damage (same damage as your attack produces) per
stack that lasts for 1d4 rounds and each round stacks up to max of 4 rounds
when effect re applies
Critical Succession Every time you CRIT raise your CRIT range on a 1d20 roll to the next number 25,000 Offensive/Self
lower required for a CRIT per stack thus a 15 becomes a 14 etc. till you
reach a minimal of 5. This bonus resets if you do not CRIT for 1 round or
till the combat is over.
Critical Snap Add +0.5 to CRIT degree per stack max stack counts up to is +5 but may 5,000 Offensive/Self
stack higher still to overcome CRIT multiplier reduction effects.
Critical Snap Superior Add +0.5 to CRIT degree per stack max stack counts up to is +5 but may 10,000 Offensive/Self
stack higher still to overcome CRIT multiplier reduction effects. Requires
max stack of Critical Snap.
Critical Damage If you CRIT (even if the CRIT is negated by an effect) deal an extra damage 2,500 Offensive/Self
equal to your CRIT Multiplier per stack. Max stack 10.
Critical Pierce If you CRIT and the target reduces CRIT multiplier deal extra damage to the 5,000 Offensive/Self
target equal to their multiplier reducer x10
Critical Dominate For each 5 LUK MOD or 15 of STR or DEX MOD whichever is higher in worth of 15,000 Offensive/Self
modifier. You gain a 5% chance (Unaffected by LUK MOD) Max 25% chance to
treat a attack as a NAT20 CRIT (This does not count as an auto hit). This
effect may only activate up to 1 time per round per stack.
Critical Fate Strike If you CRIT add your LUK MOD as bonus damage. Also if your CRIT failed you 10,000 Offensive/Self
may re roll it with a -1 to it's CRIT range (thus 15-20 becomes 16-20) This
will not effect a normal 20-20 CRIT Range with a -1.
Critical Eviscerate If you roll a CRIT you may roll a 1d20 that is not effected by your CRIT 15,000 Offensive/Self
range modifications except from your weapons natural upgrades to see if you
CRIT again by using this ADD-ONs charge effect if you confirm this you
consider the effect a double CRIT thus doubling all CRIT effects. You may
consecutively activate this effect on top of itself and gain a triple CRIT
a quad CRIT etc. This ADD-ON has charges per combat equal to your LUK MOD
minimal 1.
Casting Burst Snap (Insert) Choose a damage type per version. That damage type gets a +0.5 damage 5,000 Offensive
multiplier bonus per stack of this add-on to the same damage type (this is
a multiplier) max +5 for Cast type abilities. But you must expend a ½ ACT
to activate this effect along with the normal action of Casting action.
Critical Cast When Casting you may roll 1d20 as if rolling for a Aimed Strike Check Upon 10,000 Offensive
reaching a result of 20 you CRIT with the Cast. This roll applies any CRIT
type effects to it from ADD-ONs and classes if they may apply
Vital Protector Reduce any damage multipliers by -0.5 per stack also reduces Damage from 50,000 Defensive/Self
Vitality Damage by -25 per stack
Vital Bracer Reduce any damage multipliers by -1 per stack 50,000 Defensive/Self
Vital Keeper Reduce any Vitality Damage by -50 per stack 25,000 Defensive/Self
Vital Clasp When hit by a damage of 1,000 +100 per Vital Keeper ADD-ON stack if the 10,000 Defensive/Self
damage hit over the thresh hold the effect will not activate. (times your
multiplier reducer from Vital Protector and Vital Brace ADD-ON) per stack
of this AD-ON negate half the damage once in the round. If the effect would
still KO you instead cut the damage by 1/4th if the damage will still
KO/Kill you instead cut the damage by 1/6th if the damage will still KO/Kill
you cut the damage by 1/8th if the damage will still KO/Kill you cut the
damage by 1/10th if the damage will still KO/Kill you you are left at 1 HP
(this does not count as a avoid death type mechanic) This effect can only
happen once every 2 round.
TS Cast Mitigation Reduce Enemies Casts TS by -1 per stack against you. Only 5 may be taken 5,000 Defensive/Self
every 10 character levels.
Improved TS Cast Mitigation For each 2 stacks of TS Cast Mitigation gain a bonus -1 to Casts TS against 25,000 Defensive/Self
TS Mitigation Reduce Enemies TS by -1 per stack against you (Not Cast TS). Only 5 may be 5,000 Defensive/Self
taken every 10 character levels.
Improved TS Mitigation For each 2 stacks of TS Mitigation gain a bonus -1 to Enemies TS against 35,000 Defensive/Self
TS Cast Booster Grants you a +1 to your Casts TS per stack. Only 5 may be taken every 10 2,500 Offensive/Defensive/Self
character levels.
TS Booster Grants you a +1 to your TS but Casts per stack. Only 5 may be taken every 2,500 Offensive/Defensive/Self
10 character levels.
Piercing Sunder This effect gives any weapon a 5% break sunder chance base if the hardness 10,000 Offensive/Self
of your attack is equal to or greater than the material struck. If you are
using a ranged attack the attack can go through a set distance equal to the
1d# dice of 0.25mm. The distance of the range is cut down per distance it
penetrated through x6. When this is applied to a melee attack instead the
penetration effect is able to go through a set distance equal to it's base
number of damage it dealt within every 15 damage units it goes through 0.5
feat worth of thickness which case it also loses -15 damage per distance it
penetrated through before damage applied fully. Explosive effects upon the
attack instead sunder but do not themselves perform penetration effect.
When trying to sunder a mecha/vehicle instead the sunder chance is to
ignore it's 1/4th Damage Reduction as this ADD-ON cannot sunder them but
may apply penetration to them.
Sunder Protection An article with this effect has a resistance against sunder by 5% against 5,000 Defensive/Self
break sunder effects per stack which reduces the sunder chance percent
Hardness Mitigate When striking something harder reduce it's hardness worth by -5 per stack 5,000 Defensive/Self
max -15 per strike done to the object the hardness reduce lasts for 1d4
rounds and resets per hit max 3 stacks
Hardness Booster Increase Hardness of an article by +5 per stack 10,000 Offensive/Defensive/Self
Quick Reloading When reloading an article (you still use the said actions for reloading) 5,000 Weapons with re-load times
you may reload with 1 hand as if you had 2. If any reload actions are
separated out it spreads to each reload action.
Auto Reloading When reloading an article (you still use the said actions for reloading) 5,000 Weapons with re-load times
your item may reload itself from articles upon yourself. This action still
requires the same hand amount to reload. If the weapon has Quick Reloading
and all your hands are taken up you may just touch the weapon to the ammo
source instead as a free action. If any reload actions are separated out it
spreads to each reload action.
Hasten Reloading Reduce reloading action by ½: 15,000 Weapons with re-load times
-Full Round ACT is an ACT
-ACT is a ½ ACT
-½ ACT & 1 ACT is an ½ ACT
-½ ACT is free.
If any reload actions are separated out it spreads to each reload action.
Hyper Reloading Reduces a reloading action by a ½ ACT. This will make Full Round Act 15,000 Weapons with re-load times
instead into a ACT. Quick Load ADD-ON effect will apply first then this
ADD-ON. If any reload actions are separated out it spreads to each reload
Dimensional Loader Add a dimensional space to a weapons loading apparatus making it hold x2 30,000 Weapons with capacity
the amount of ammo before a need of a reload. limit
Capacity Adder Adds +5 to weapons capacity of ammo per stack if Pistol & Rifle 2,500 Weapons with a load
classification weapons. Adds +1 to shotgun classification weapons. Quivers capacity (does not work in
have their capacity increased by +5. Grenade Launcher/Rocket single shot weapons or
Launcher/Sprayer/Breach Load are unaffected by this ADD-ON. All other breach load)
capacity types are increased by +1 (Including Early Firearms)
Mechanical Reliable Undoes mechanical issues dealing with jams (like a guns jam) the chance of 5,000 Defensive
activation is 10% per stack taken. Bad weather effects are also negated.
EMP proof This effect blocks a EMP effect once per round per stack to applied article 2,500 Offensive/Defensive/Self
and whats under it.
Null Field This effect jams casts done against you negating their negative effects 5,000 Defensive
upon yourself. (jam effect) this effect only works 2% (LUK cannot effect)
per stack. This may only stack up to 80% (LUK cannot effect) max. This ADD-
ON though equally can cancel your own casts while active. To turn off this
Nullification Field Zone Null Field ADD-ON may extend around yourself in a effecting area instead of 10,000 Defensive
1DSU per stack (Null Field already is innately at 1DSU self focused) To
expand or shrink the field is a ½ ACT
Nullification Protector An article effected by this ADD-ON is protected from a casts effects 5,000 Defensive
entirely even your own effects done through casts.
Cast Cutter When you strike a target and confirm a hit with the item that has this ADD- 5,000 Offensive
ON you may remove 1 cast charge per stack of their cast charge pool or cast
charges (you choose the source) also any cast regenerating effect will be
shut off for 1min per stack.
Cast Eater Requires Cast Cutter ADD-ON. When removing casts instead you may drain the 10,000 Offensive/Defensive
casts into the item with this ADD-ON. These charges are called Devoured
Cast Energy Charges. You may use these charges to cancel any cast of equal
amount of charges it took to make their cast divided by 2 round down. This
can be done as a defensive action but casts a ½ Act. (jam effect)
Destabilize Strike This effect turns off Un-Rustable, Preservation, EMP proof and Null Field 5,000 Offensive/Defensive/Self
ADD-ONs for 1 round upon touch but divided the damage by 3 (this is not a
multiplier reducer and thus applies after after damage has been tallied)
this round cannot stack.
Information Store Store audio text and visual information up to 10mins audio/visual and 1000 1,000 Offensive/Defensive
words per stack
Morphing Object You may transform your item into a new item per stack as a ACT. The items 1,000 Offensive/Defensive
it transforms into must be of similar hands to wield thus a 2 handed weapon
can go into a 1 handed or a 2 handed weapon but a 1 handed weapon cannot
becomes a 2 handed weapon. The materials the article is made of are the
same as the base item. The upgrades of the new form are not shared and must
be paid for separately and still based on the material the article is made
of. If the price surpasses 1000 credits then you must pay the difference
into the ADD-ON price. The ADD-ONs on the main object are shared
accordingly on each form.
Transmutation Object You may apply a item into this ADD-ON as part of the cost. Once done this 500 Offensive/Defensive
ADD-ON may be installed on another article with this ADD-ON as a
transformation for a ACT. Every stack of this ADD-ON is counted as a
separate item infused into itself then must be applied to a main body
source. The materials and upgrades are separated of each item and the ADD-
ONs of each item are also separated. But the weight of each article only is
shown when in that current form.
Shape Meld Configure The item reconfigure it's size and shape to the user and allows it to be 1,000 Offensive/Defensive
used in any form the user takes if they desire (even if the effect would
normally meld it into their body) also any body effects that effect you
effect the objects as if it's part of your body. This allows the article to
always remain active even if form switching (even if an ability will
normally deny the effects being active)
Disguises Configure For each stack of this ADD-ON you may contain a single disguise changing 500 Defensive
even your own looks to match that entity. Your limbs becomes concealed or
grow to match that form but once you come under combat your form transforms
back but this ADD-ON then produces an illusion effect to make you look like
the entity still. Upon which the TS to beat the illusion is equal to your
TS +5 per stack of this ADD-ON. Disguises must match of your size category
of 1 size grade higher or lower than yourself but may take on forms of
either a animal, flora or a sentient race.
Casual Armor Configure Treats armor as 1 category lower (Advanced as Heavy etc.) per stack for the 1,000 Defensive
treatment of DEX loss for wearing larger armor. If Minor Armor treatment is
treated lower than Minor no DEX negative will apply as if wearing no armor
(Though still counts as you wearing the Armor category it's in). The armor
you wear also may take on the form of any Clothing or Wear type named item
with it's benefits in it's form. The form may instantly switch out at the
users whim of a free action. This effect works on all worn articles except
Weapons, Shields and Back Pack type articles. This effect officially
conceals all articles true form and does not count as a illusion but
instead counts as a mystic effect. The materials it may appear as are of
any quality of cloth of silk or cotton, any rubber, any silver, gold,
platinum, iron, copper, nickle (or similar expensive/rare metals) of up to
a degree of design. Any type of common wood species, any leathers and any
form of jewels like ruby, emerald, sapphire, opals, amethyst etc. for decor
etc. All costumes must be somewhat practical of either poor, middle, noble,
high noble quality of the regions known in design.
Fate Cutter Every stack negates a percentage effect by -1% against you when on Armor 10,000 Offensive/Defensive
effect (cannot be effected by LUK MOD). If on a Weapon effect instead a
struck target loses -5 LUK Stat per stack for 2 rounds which resets the
rounds each time it hits.
Luck Guard When your LUK comes up against another LUK MOD that is reducing it this 2,500 Defensive
ADD-ON will protect your LUK from being reduced down. This ADD-ON will
prevent 0.5% per stack from being negated by another LUK MOD reduction

Chapter 8 RULES

[alignment of characters]
[classification of characters]
[body type rules]
[age rules]
[sensory & sight rules]
[skill check rules]
[hardness rules]
[size & weight score & lift score rules]
[status effects]
[environment & body limitation rules]

There are 2 categories for this and 1 optional category
First category is one of these 3 choices (D)ishonarable (N)eutral and (H)onarable
Second category is one of these 3 choices (E)vil (N)eutral and (G)ood
A Third Category can be applied to the other 2 for the (D), (H), (E) and (G) called (S)trong and (W)eak

A character whom is Dishonorable tends to break rules and vows

A character whom is Honorable tends to obey rules and vows
A character whom is Good tends to try to perform moral deeds and help others
A character that is Evil tends to try to perform immoral deeds and is self-absorbed at times
A character that is Neutral falls between both groupings of its correspondence or has no bias
A character that is Strong in his alignment means he highly regards it and follows through with it
A character that is Weak in his alignment means he is closer to a Neutral standing to his regards

An alignment shouldn’t define a characters views fully and should mildly represent whom they are if one good character sees another good character stealing this could be
taken as an evil ACT but if the theft was to feed a poor family whom can’t pay for it this could be seen as good and the theft as dishonorable many qualities can be taken
into fact of how the character sees it themselves and others in example not all evil characters can see themselves as evil while some good character really are the bad guys
in truth without ever knowing it alignments don’t make people in the end only your choices.

Classifications a various types of representations of species diversity, examples of this are as listed many can be combo mixed and integrated, too many classifications
might provide more benefits from a user of multiple bane effects or articles that target certain classifications



A Characters race inherits a body type there is 6 body types two are a special type that stack with any of the others generally a body type is considered 1 type unless
otherwise marked, body types each have their own rules based for all that have them and only a racial ability usually “ignores” the normal rule of the body type like diets
etc. always take the best of the “body type” descriptors when many are present. If you for example are Ethereal And Organic, you may still eat drink and sleep as you wish
but still retain the powers from the Ethereal side for example and don't need to eat or drink. If you have both a Machine and Organic Body both sources are separated and
takes a ½ ACT to switch between which is the active source upon the body parts each.

Any ADD-ONs from a Race or Template do no count to your ADD-ON limit and are granted from the race itself as a bonus

Healing done limitations are effected by LUK of the healer and the healed target but negative LUK MOD always counts as +0% unless stated. Healing a stat is not effected by
the body type rule. If the target was at full health and a effect activates based on healing the amount does not get cut and uses the full healing number.

When resting if you are wearing armour or are not sleeping in a bed then all effects of being rested are reduced by ½ of their normal amount(The tired effect is still

Organic Body Type

These types can have up to 10 +5 per level divisible by 4 character level ADD-ONs on their entire selves the ADD-ONs apply to all their body parts, these beings regenerate
HP at different interval based upon either flora or fauna type organics, also if a poison etc. only target says Organics it effects both Organic types etc. generally
Organics cannot have ADD-ONs attached to their bodies without special means the subtypes are Flora and Fauna of this Body Type

Flora Body Type

Emanates life pulse
-Must hibernate for 4 hours each day to avoid tired effect (this is not sleep but effects are the same for not doing it)
-Must have up to 1 litres of water and 6 hours of sunlight exposure to avoid starvation/thirst per day (multiply by size)
-Regenerates 10% of Max HP each day if water and sunlight are reached and fully hibernated for the 4 hours
-Breathes carbon-dioxide
-Grows older
-Regrows lost limbs within 1 week
-damaged by Unholy (healing)
-healed by Holy (healing)
-Healing done can heal up to 20% of your max HP.
-CRIT multiplier reduced by -3

Fauna Body Type

-Emanates life pulse/electricity
-Must rest up to 8 hours to avoid tired effect at least 3 consecutive hours of it must be sleep
-Must have up to half litre of water and 1 weight score of food per day to avoid hunger/thirst effect (multiplied by size)
-Regenerates 5% of Max HP each day if water and food are reached and rested for 8 hours
-Breathes Oxygen
-Grows older
-damaged by Unholy (healing)
-healed by Holy (healing)
-Healing done can heal up to 25% of your max HP.

Inorganic Body Type

This body type is typically constructions or beings formed from special energies like ghosts or elemental, generally their bodies are separated out if they are a machine sub
type, while the ethereal type are more tangible to intangible beings usually ghosts and elemental themselves and seem closer to organics in some senses ADD-ON rules vary
between the two, machines and ethereal are not afflicted by poisons normally instead susceptible by computer viruses or energy disruptions if a body type does not mention
machine then a it shall follow Organic ADD-ON rules.

Machine Body Type

-Emanates Aura of electricity/energy pulse
-Must reboot once a day to keep stable (similar to sleep) the reboot lasts for 1 hour each day skipped is -2 to all checks but no chance of tired effect
-A machine must have maintenance repairs once every 3 days for 3 hours or suffer -5 to skill checks per skipped maintenance this costs 10 credits of materials per character
level. (If Cyborg Template/Golem Template only pay this once not per body part).
-Each body part counts as a piece of worn armor and a weapon each with max 10 ADD-ONs only applying to each separate parts (armor overrides)
-If able to apply new materials pay additive price to add the material to 1 body part multiplier does not apply for this form of crafting.
-A machine applies damage negate if hardness striking it does not equal or over come it's hardness
-A machine applies Damage reduction based on it's hardness
-A machine body weight score is effect by each of it's body parts weight score
-A machine cannot heal over time
-A machine to repair itself must pay 100 credits per missing 1% Max HP
-cannot breathe
-cannot eat
-cannot drink
-cannot sleep
-immune to mind effects from psionics
-heals from Unholy and Holy (healing)
-Healing done can heal up to 10% of your max HP.
-Immune to all bodily poisons
-Susceptible to computer viruses

-Emanates Aura of electricity/energy pulse
-No need to sleep but can
-Regenerates 2% HP per day over time
-Cannot breathe
-Cannot eat
-Cannot drink
-heals from Unholy and Holy (healing)
-Healing done can heal up to 15% of your max HP.
-Immune to all bodily poisons

Special Body Types

These body types stack onto a current body type overriding a few autos of the body types automatically any similar functions are replaced with such of the effects

-Emanates no aura of life
-No need to sleep but can
-No need to breathe
-No need to eat or drink but can
-Cannot regenerate by rest
-heals from Unholy (healing)
-damaged by Holy (healing)
-Healing done can heal up to 20% of your max HP.
-Age stops
-Immune to all bodily and mental poisons
-Can live without any vital body parts except your head
-CRIT multiplier reduced by -3

-No need to sleep but can if your base body type must sleep or hibernate component then you suffer fatigue but with no death.
-No need to eat or drink but can if your base body type must eat or drink component then you suffer fatigue but with no death.
-Age stops


Everything gets older eventually unless time has stopped somehow but the time flow still exists in a sense, the longer you are lived the more knowledge one attains. But the
closer to their timely demise, age reflects a characters perspective of how things work.

Beings have a age base of either Short, Average, Long, Ancient, Timeless, Eternal, Endless that determines their estimated life spans. These races have 6 stages of life
which is their activity of between the ages they are born, able to mate, bodily matured then to the ages of slowly degrading till death. The penalties of these age groups is
measured based upon the age base. Child suffers a -25 to skill checks and has no WP, Youth suffers a -10 to skill checks but has WP, Teen is when they become sexually mature
but not mentally still (females and males may differ), Adult is when the body finally starts to fully mature even mentally, Elder starts the process of degrading but still
function instead losing -1 to STR, DEX base skill check per 5 years till they hit Venerable when they start to lose -1 to CON, PSY, SPRT based checks and make a Endure Check
every year with a TS equal to Their Age divided by 5 round down. If they pass that year the TS increases by +1 on top of the next years division when they have to make a
check. Once they fail they expire and die from natural causes. Though some contain a age called Endless thus only need to maintain themselves to remain active and alive.

Child: 0-3
Youth: 4-6
Teen: 7-10
Adult: 11-30
Elder: 31-50
Venerable: 51+

Child: 0-5
Youth: 6-10
Teen: 11-20
Adult: 21-50
Elder: 51-70
Venerable: 71+

Child: 0-5
Youth: 6-15
Teen: 16-20
Adult: 21-120
Elder: 121-300
Venerable: 301+

Child: 0-5
Youth: 6-20
Teen: 21-30
Adult: 31-210
Elder: 211-600
Venerable: 601+

Child: 0-5
Youth: 6-20
Teen: 21-30
Adult: 31-1200
Elder: 1201-2000
Venerable: 2001+

Child: 0-5
Youth: 6-20
Teen: 21-30
Adult: 31-3000
Elder: 3001-6000
Venerable: 6001+

There is 5 Age Learning categories listed below and each gain Wisdom Points (WP) which are extent to gain a knowledge basis max WP a char may have is 25 at level 1 and +5 to
the max per character level thus starting with max 30 WP at level 1. (A GM can decide a races age point as he so deems allowing a different feel to each races longevity)
Wisdom Points are gained based upon your age of life for each 2 years you gain 1 point these points don't grant many abilities but permit you to gain some small benefits
from the story of a game, you may regain these WP each week. Each of these choices costs 1 WP. When starting a character your WP determines your maximum amount of educations
you have upgraded within your current lifetime thus you do not get to spend WP pre campaign. You must spend your auto Associates degrees before your Wisdom Point spent

Short Age Learning

5-25 years
Starts with 8 degree level of Associate level

Moderate Age Learning

25-50 years
Starts with 10 degree level of Associate level

Long Aged Learning

50-100 years
Starts with 12 degree level of Associate level

Very Long Aged Learning

100-250 years
Starts with 14 degree level of Associate level

Ancient Aged Learning

250-500 Years
Starts with 16 degree level of Associate level

Long Ancient Aged Learning

Starts with 18 degree level of Associate level

Very Ancient Aged Learning

Starts with 20 degree level of Associate level

Eon Aged Learning

Starts with 22 degree level of Associate level

Long Eon Aged Learning

Starts with 24 degree level of Associate level

Very Long Eon Aged Learning

Starts with 26 degree level of Associate level

-Gain +2 to a skill out of combat for 1 WP spent into the skill.

-Expend to help attain knowledge for more of the story conveniently to help story progression and info (Info is determined by GM)
-Redo a skill check out of combat for even if you couldn't before. For each redo within that week costs 5 more WP each retry. (this negates the previous roll) This also
applies the +2 for each expended WP into this redone skill check.
-Within combat you may reroll a skill check for 20 WP and for each reroll within that week another 5 WP will apply to the cost. (this negates the previous roll) This also
applies the +2 for each expended WP into this redone skill check.
-Increase a weapons range increment treatment by 10DSU (not reach) for 1 WP and for each increase of range costs 1 extra more WP.

Education Value and Time

A character starting, gains automatic education degrees in certain subjects and professions equal to their max WP they start with (max 30 WP can be expended). For each is a
automatic 1 degree. If you lack a education degree the TS of Study is instead x5 to make a Study check against and a NAT 20 will not apply it's bonus to the skill. A
character may only learn up to 2 Education Subject Fields per month. You must have a source that you can continually study from during that month.

A language will split into 3 counter parts up to Master Degree but if you study a language to Doctorate then you gain +25 to Deciphering Study Checks to that particular
language And if Specialist this bonus increases to +50 this overrides the bonus to Decipher Study Checks from Associate to Master. Languages are split into Somatic (Hand),
Dialect (Spoken), Written (Pictures, Symbols, etc.), Code (Computer Codes/Programs), Archaic (Older dialects for the language components you already have (Must at least know
1 other portion of the language) For each degree understandable you gain a +10 to Decipher Study Check involving that field of language and all it's roots. Any race given
language are consider Master Degree automatically. If you do not take Universal you may gain 3 extra Master Degree languages as Universal is always consider “Specialist”
Degree when starting. Some knowledge could stack into the same area thus apply their bonuses stacking.

Sometimes a GM may put a degree level requirement not just a TS to certain study checks example a “Degree 8” is needed in science to study the new species etc. thus a roll
cannot be passed without “certain info” or the degree key stone number needed. Any TS reduction occurring is only to skill checks involved in the field “Art: Dance” for
example will reduce a slight check to “dance” but not the study skill itself for dance. Where if you are to watch another dancer you would use the study to examine their
dance and to learn to mimic it.

Basic Study Bonuses

-Associate Degree (1st Degree): You know of the subject to a reasonable level that is acceptable this degree will normally take 1 month to learn over time in it's subject.
This education degree provides no bonus. A NAT 20 does not provide a bonus.
-Bachelor Degree (2nd Degree): You know above average of your subject, this degree will normally take 2 months to learn over time. A NAT 20 only applies half the bonus.
Reduce TS of all fields with requirement by -2.
-Master Degree (3rd Degree): You know your subject with verse skill, this degree will normally take 4 months to learn over time. A NAT 20 will count full bonus. Reduce TS of
all fields with requirement by -2.
-Doctorate Degree (4th Degree): You know your subject with extreme detail, this degree will normally take 8 months to learn over time. You may take a 10 on this study check
if you wish. You may re-roll a Study check on a subject once every day as long as you have access to the articles to study again or use a Mind check to do a recall of info
to perform the study check. Reduce TS of all fields with requirement by -3.
-Specialist Degree (5th Degree): You know your subject with little error, this degree will normally take 16 months to learn over time. Also any NAT 1 does not consider a
negative on the skill just counting the number as a 1. Reduce TS of all fields with requirement by -3.
-Specialist + (6th Degree & Above): A character can obtain degree's above Specialist. These Degrees Only reduce TS by -1 to only this field and fields they link requirements
to upwards. The time to study only take 3 months to obtain this new degree grade. Once you taken up to degree 10 your time to study takes 6 months instead.

Second Level Subject

-Associate Degree (1st Degree): You know of the subject to a reasonable level that is acceptable this degree will normally take 1 month to learn over time in it's subject.
This education degree provides no bonus. A NAT 20 does not provide a bonus.
-Bachelor Degree (2nd Degree): You know above average of your subject, this degree will normally take 2 months to learn over time. A NAT 20 only applies half the bonus.
Reduce TS of the specific field by -3.
-Master Degree (3rd Degree): You know your subject with verse skill, this degree will normally take 4 months to learn over time. A NAT 20 will count full bonus. Reduce TS of
the specific field by -3.
-Doctorate Degree (4th Degree): You know your subject with extreme detail, this degree will normally take 8 months to learn over time. You may take a 10 on this study check
if you wish. You may re-roll a Study check on a subject once every day as long as you have access to the articles to study again or use a Mind check to do a recall of info
to perform the study check. Reduce TS of the specific field by -4.
-Specialist Degree (5th Degree): You know your subject with little error, this degree will normally take 16 months to learn over time. Also any NAT 1 does not consider a
negative on the skill just counting the number as a 1. Reduce TS of the specific field by -5.
-Specialist + (6th Degree & Above): A character can obtain degree's above Specialist. These Degrees Only reduce TS by -1 to only this field and fields they link requirements
to upwards. The time to study only take 3 months to obtain this new degree grade. Once you taken up to degree 15 your time to study takes 6 months instead.

The Education Subject Fields

First Level Subjects List:
History (Splits into sub groups) (different civilizations may vary study checks and time for application of your study check)
-General (Involves history you understand from up to around 200 years or so of small information in all groups except Current History like stories told)
-Current (Involves events currently happening like celebrity/nobility, government, wars, religious and sociology but only on scales of rumors and not deep)
-War (Info of many wars (not full practice). Weapon Technology, Battle Styles, Tactics, Figures of Fame and even causes (this is a more focused group of history types)
-Ancient-Myth (Info of ancient times from around past 200 years similar to General History & Current History info for those periods)
-Space (Involves a more futuristic setting of past General or Current knowledge but understanding of the outer laying of space societies interactions)
-Government (Involves info of society laws implementations in the past. Info involving figures notable of government changes, structures and implementations)
-Species (focus on another species implementing any of the other history groups for how well you study into their cultures info of cross referencing)
-Religious (Involves the ideology information and evolution along with older philosophy understandings and implementations (shamanism to monotheism or polytheism examples)
-Sociology (Involves the general info of how they acted in their past why and how they performed their social interactions and impacts to society actions)
Communication Arts
-Special Type-
Art (Splits into sub groups) (Counts as History: Sociology & History: Religious)
Language (Separated out per language of race which ties into each races root language) (Counts as Communication Arts & History: Sociology for requirements)
Computer & Programming (Also includes Data Inputs magical cast arts knowledge)(counts as Communication Arts & Mathematics requirement)
Mysticology & Divinity (Study in untyped, mystic, divine cast arts knowledge also Undeath classification & Undead Body type) (Counts as History: Ancient-Myth & History:
Religious requirements)
Psionic (Study in Psionic and Dark Slayer cast arts knowledge also understanding of mental based powers) (Counts as History: Sociology & Communication Arts for requirements)

Second Level Subject List:

Biology (Science 2/Math 1)
Chemistry (Science 2/Math 1)
Physics (Science 1/Math 2)
Survival Forest(Science 1/Math 1)
Survival Desert (Science 1/Math 1)
Survival Ocean (Science 1/Math 1)
Survival Urban (Science 1/Math 1)
Law (You must study the regions law for understanding before use thus taking 1 week of study with abundant info to learn) (Communication Arts 1/Mathematics 1/History:
Government 1)
Philosophy (History: Religious 1/History: Sociology 1)
Psychology (Science 1/Communication Arts 1/History: Sociology 1)
Geography (History 1 (Any)/Math 1)
Geologist (Chemist 2/Physics 2/Science 3)
Locksmith (Math 1/Science 1)
Agriculture (Science 1/Math 1)
History: Paleontology (History: Species 2/History: Ancient/Myth 2) (Info of ancient creatures even past the times ranging from billions of years ago before civilizations)
History Archaeologist (History: Ancient-Myth 2/History: War 2/Communication Arts 3)
Bio-Chemist (Biology 2/Chemistry 2/Math 1)
Zoology (Biology 2/Chemistry 2)
Zoology Mammal (Zoology 1)
Zoology Avian (Zoology 1)
Zoology Arthropod (Zoology 1)
Zoology Amphibian (Zoology 1)
Zoology Fish (Zoology 1)
Botany-Mycology (Biology 2/Chemistry 2)
Linguistics (Communication Arts 2/History: Any 2)
Physical Geography (Geography 2/Physics 2/Geologist 2)
Social Geography (Geography 2/Psychology 2/History: Sociology 3)
Cartography (Geography 2/Art: Drawing 2)
Quantum Physics (Physics 3/Chemistry 3/Biology 2)
Robotics Macro Engineer (Physics 3/Math 3)
Robotics Micro Engineer (Physics 3/Math 3)
Astronomy (Physics 3/Math 4/History: Space 1)
Astronaut (Biology 1/Aeronautic 1/Terranautic 1/History: Space 1)
Aeronaut (Physics 1)
Terranaut (Physics 1)
Aquanaut (Physics 1)
Architecture (Physics 2)
Anatomy (You must study the species for understanding before use thus taking 1 week of study with abundant info to learn per body type, species or classification) (Biology
4/Bio-Chemist 2)
Medical Surgery (You must study the species for understanding before use thus taking 1 week of study with abundant info to learn per body type, species or classification)
(Anatomy 2)
Neuroscience (You must study the species for understanding before use thus taking 1 week of study with abundant info to learn per body type, species or classification) (Bio-
Chemist 3/Medical Surgery 2/Biology 5)
Geneticist (Bio-Chemist 4/Biology 4/Zoology 2)
Military Operations (Law 2/Math 3)
Military Tactics & Strategics (History: War 2/Math 3)
Chef (Art: Culinary 2)
Secretary & Clerk (Math 2/Communication Arts 2)
Economics (Math 3)
Business & Merchant (Economics 2)

Campaign Based
Zilo Physics (Physics 2)
Zilo Robotics Macro Engineer (Zilo Physics 1/Robotics Macro Engineer 1)
Zilo Robotics Micro Engineer (Zilo Physics 2/Robotics Micro Engineer 1)
Zilo Bio-Engineer (Zilo Physics 1/Bio-Chemist 2)
Multi-Realm Physics (Quantum Physics 2)
Time-Flow Physics (Quantum Physics 2)

Other types may be added based on campaign or players asking discretion. Profession of a Scientist cannot be taken due to it's broad fields. Many other Professions may be
taken based on a GMs discretion and it's field application stacking. Some fields can have mini sub group info applied into it without increasing it's study value like law or
history only taking time to gather the info of say a new region depending usually taking about 1 week to a month based on info abundance and study materials.

Time is measured mostly in atomic time not full on earth time after 1 day is 24 hours 7 days is 1 week and 4 weeks is 1 month and 12 months is 1 year though not all planets
follow the pattern all time of recharges etc. use this time no matter where you are.

A person can write a Theoretical Print/Informational Print similar to a Blue Print or a Book or Programmed in a Virtual Reality or a Video etc.. This article is for
informational teaching and passing of info in the chosen language/languages. The bonus article can for example enact as a basis for a Blue Print and must only be deciphered
by a person whom can use the “Blue Print” ability then can recreate the Blue Print themselves using the information. Also this info can help use as a study info to reach a
person to the next study degree if they can decipher the information etc. These articles have many other item uses but must use up the material sources needed to make them
(Like a blank book etc.).


Normally a character can see in casual color sight (what we see as humans) or a close variant of it, various race info might explain special listings. A character might have
many more sensory types like scent, echolocation, and even all round sight. This list is basic unedited variants of the visions, if a sight stacks with another sight of the
same type they add their distances together. You may switch your visions around freely as you please but every 2nd switch Casts a ½ ACT.

A character has a constant alertness level check made every round. The constant check counts as a Sight, Listen, Scent. This is called a Perception check. The perception
check is equal to all three checks divided by 4. This passive work for up to 3DSU around oneself at all times but does not count as “passing the check” only allows a GM to
tell you of a specific area that you become interested/suspicious of. This may alert you but does not inform you of anything thus all info is questionable by the character
and upon any failure will instant dismiss that feeling for said character.

Characters have set sensory types though 2 are most notable Sight and Sense. Sense abilities though not pin point do not “grant sight” or information normally of fine
movements just distance and location estimations where a Sight grants Line Of Sight. Though Sense does add awareness it does not negate “Back Side Attack” or “Invisibility”
it only gives a general idea of location. Sight grants Line Of Sight allowing “Targeting” with target required components where sense does not unless a ability notes it
does. All Senses can be active but vision types must be switched. A target that is invisible gains a +100 to it's stealth against sight if it's not canceled. A target that
is silenced gains a +100 to it's stealth against listen if it's not canceled.

Normal Sight: Casual assumed what all characters have unless noted with a different sight type, can typically see in color and is effected by the darkness and overly bright
areas the range of sight is within a 260 degree cone

Night Sight: You can see in either black and white or Ultra violet (variable) upon such you can see in darkness in similar as if you are in light but you cannot distinct
colors in this sight the range of sight is within a 260 degree cone

Bright Sight: Like normal sight but ignore the brighter light levels and cannot be blinded by light, also negates invisibility (not mystical invisibility)

Infrared Sight: Also called heat sight you may see in various heat level from cold to hot you will notice the temperate variances but similar temperatures start to intermix
and you cannot distinct the difference the range of sight is within a 260 degree cone

Sonar: Unlike other sights this is more of a sensory that does not involve eyes, instead you see in sound waves the louder the TS the clearer the image but, also too loud
will distort and blind you the same this is based on your listen checks to decipher

Scent: Unlike other sights this is more of a sensory that does not involve eyes, instead you smell the air the greater the TS the clearer the location but, also too small
will distort and be undependable to you this is based on scent checks

Scent Sight: (only from an ADD-ON) this allows you to see with your Scent sensory making it more accurate and useful
Life Sense: You sense living Organic Body Types and can differentiate if the entity is Flora or Fauna this can dictate down to different life forms general aura even from
bacteria, molds, viruses and species.

Life Sight: This is just like life sense but instead of sensing you see life signatures this is blocked by anything that blocks Life Sense. You can tell if the entity is
Flora or Fauna or Undead this can dictate down to different life forms general aura even from bacteria, molds, viruses and species.(Undead have a void space among the life)

Blind: You cant see with your eyes thus all vision types are negated.

Sense Eletroreception: You sense Electricity and EMP fields along with and Organics.

Electromagnetic Sight: Same as Sense Eletroreception but instead through your eyes. Anything that blocks Sense Eletroreception also blocks this sight.

Pierce-Vision: See in Black in White, and through various objects except Pierce-Vision deflecting materials like lead.

Ghost Sight: Can see Ethereal beings negating their invisibility to you.

Perfect Sight: Has the effects of Ghost Sight, Normal Sight, Night Sight and Infrared Sight all at whim of switching freely simultaneously.

A character has a attentiveness level based each with different degrees of Toughness Scores they are allowed to reduce. But certain situations change how your characters
attentiveness behaves.

A Character normally is in Aware Condition all checks are normal Toughness.

A Character in battle is in Combat Condition all checks are increased by +25 TS that involve searching in the environment.
A Character while under a negative status effect has all their TS increased by +5 per level of the status effect.
A Character can enter a General Search Mode Reducing the TS of searching by -25.
A Character can enter a Attentive Search Mode (you must specify what they search like the walls, floor or ceiling reducing the searching TS by -50. Your movement max though
is reduced by -70% round down nearest 1DSU.
A Character can enter a Precision Search Mode (you must focus on a general 1DSU square) reducing the searching TS by -100. Your movement max though is reduced by 90% round
down nearest 1DSU.
Characters in combat or in certain situations are consider Alert Condition considering them aware except against things that have beat their sensory checks. Though if they
are unaware they might not be fully alert of the position able to apply their DEX skills and Guard Checks against anything making them unaware though at a penalty of -30 but
their Guard Checks remain at half their amount.


[Aimed Strike Check]

Skill checks represent the creatures ability to perform such tasks they can do many of which have to beat a TS unlike other games were you train in skills you do not in this
game you skills are based around you own Physical abilities and limitations as you experience and grow.

Skill checks have a max amount they can breach at certain character levels. Your base max is equal to 20 plus your character level x5. When this number is breached the extra
amount of skill check number is instead divided by 1/5th before applying.

The formula for skill checks is. (1D20 result * multiplier for skill)+(NAT 1 or NAT 20 negative/bonus)+(bonus * multiplier then effected by skill cap).

Keen Skill unlike other multipliers only effects dice and not the skill passive bonuses.

Skills can be performed each round as a free action unless noted and may stack any time for each action you try to do in a ½ ACT but if you fail say a Mind Check to scan
something you cannot do it again for another round unless an ability notes it or the GM permits a new roll on a better time frame or triggered action some skills are used to
resist various effects thus may apply any times mentioned a Skill check tries to beat a TS or another roll to confirm its success or not

Some skills can be aided and assisted though through particular settings

If you are not under a stressful situation like battle you may perform a casual focus check, which you instead auto roll a 10 plus your casual modifiers once you do this may
continue with it till a stressful situation or distracting happens in which case you automatically stop using the skill this may quicken up a game situations that are unable
to perform this in example are walking over a thin ledge or in amid jump or performing another action entirely as this represents a single focus upon that skill. You cannot
auto roll 10 with a Study Check, Stealth, Listen, Sight and Scent checks.

If you NAT 20 a roll your roll performs a High Success Bonus (HSB). High Success Bonus (HSB) means you also gain a bonus +15 to your skill check but if this bonus does not
pass the TS still fails. If you NAT 1 you suffer a High Failure Negative (HFN). High Failure Negative (HFN) means you gain a negative -25 to your skill check but if this
bonus does still pass the TS you can still manage a success though if you still fail you may be subject to certain failure effects like falling over or making the TS even
larger than previous etc.. A NAT 20 on a Aimed Strike Check and Grapple will confirm a automatic hit effect on top of the HSB (not from an ability but a natural state). A
NAT 1 on a Aimed Strike Check and Grapple will confirm a automatic failure thus opening up foes for counter attacks upon yourself and subject to massive failure states and
your attack auto missing.

Aiding is the combo of the multiple rolls together each total divided by 2 but costs the assisting users a 1/2 ACT (interrupt counter action) (acts will be explained next
Chapter )

( + ) mean if can be aided by another ( - ) mean depends on situation ( | ) means no assistance capable

Aimed Strike Check | (referred to as Aimed Strike Check)

STR, DEX or PSY MOD (You cannot apply skill boosters to this skill except keen skills). STR is Forceful Aimed Strike Check. (Blows using Melee Combat with minimal dexterity
involved but controlling the force and momentum of the weapon) DEX is Precision Aimed Strike Check. (Blows using swift Melee Combat or all form of Ranged Combat initially
due to aiming and control of the weapons.) PSY is Tactical Aimed Strike Check. (Uses are rare and involve a very very planned form of attack to maximize the success of
hitting the foe using ones wit and ingenuity more than usual)(This Aimed Strike Check sub type is not normally usable except through an ability). This skill is used to make
attacks against a target to confirm hitting but has applications of either Normal Attack, Called Shot/Pin Point Shot, Deflection, Counter Deflection Attack. Normal Attack:
Just rolling a Aimed Strike Check against the foe forcing them to roll a Guard that deflects or Evasion defensive that avoid the touching of the blow as a whole or Grapple
check and even another Aimed Strike Check used as deflective defensive options. Called Shot/Pin Point Shot: Similar to the mentioned of Normal attack hit very particular
points. This option follows just the same as the Normal Attack for most effects for defensive options. Deflection: You may roll a Aimed Strike Check against another Aimed
Strike Check or a Grapple with a -10 to the result that acts like a Guard Check (Counts as a Counter Action for bonus). Counter Deflection Attack: Similar to Deflection
still suffering a -10 Aimed Strike Check but instead you try to also perform damage, When done instead of applying full damage you apply ½ your damage from the blow to the
targets article or self you are striking away (This uses a violent action and still counts as a Counter Action for bonus). A NAT 20 means High Success Bonus (HSB) and also
applies a +15 Bonus for use of other effects for the marked scenarios listed above.

Grapple +
STR MOD or DEX MOD (You cannot apply skill boosters to this skill except keen skills). The section for the grapple effect is listed in the OTHER EFFECTS OF BATTLE AND
MANEUVERS for it's usual effects. Basics use of this skill are for holding your target, Disarming your target, Or using it control the targets movements in a form way
forcefully. You may use this skill defensively but using a ½ ACT to as long as you hold no intent to force the foe into a full grapple with Disarming or Deflecting a blow
similar to a Guard (These Choices also count as Counter Action for bonus). This roll to resist is made against certain scenarios as listed. Disarming: You may use a object
like a shield, sword or even your own body part capable of removing the said object from the active target. The foe on hand has roll a Aimed Strike Check then you just have
to beat their Aimed Strike Check roll. Where if you initiate it they must make a Slight or Muscle check against it counting as a defensive action for yourself. Deflecting:
Unlike disarming this step just tries to force the blow away and is used to counter act against a Aimed Strike Check or Grapple skill and just has to beat the Aimed Strike
Check or Grapple skill similar to a Guard skill as a defensive action. This deflection will if successful open a opponent for a Counter Attack that CRITS but costs a violent
action to perform against such a successful action called a Riposte Attack. Normal Grapples: These grapples only force Muscle or Slight when performed to hold the foe as
listed in OTHER EFFECTS OF BATTLE AND MANEUVERS. A NAT 20 means High Success Bonus (HSB) and also applies a +15 Bonus for use of other effects for the marked scenarios
listed above.

Climb -
STR MOD (used to scale places and go over rough terrain with more ease if you pass over a TS you may climb at full speed over ½ your movement) also you may for the first
18DSU of a fall (a check per 3DSU) try to negate a fall if there is graspable stable objects per 3DSU. You also perform this instead of a grapple when the target is to large
to grapple but applies the similar function when addressing attacks within a grapple mentioned in the CLIMB ON rules.

Jump |
STR MOD (Jumping in distance is equal to the number divided by 10 thus if you roll 25 you only move up to 2DSU in any movement you perform as a jump. When performing a
horizontal jump you may apply your SPD MOD to the jump check. This is considered part of a movement action and if thus done you are considered to have used a ½ ACT for
movement extra but you may perform this with evasion without increasing the action spent amount) if you perform a jump you can only drift 1DSU to the right or left unless
you have wings in which case you start Flight. If you perform a jump check while also evading you must perform the jump check first if it fails to surpass the TS +25 and or
leave the dangerous zone the evasion fails if the evasion fails you take the Damage still if you NAT 1 the jump the Damage is a CRIT and you do not perform an Acrobatics
Check cause your jump failed if you jump example straight up to your max height and have no more jump distance and consider for falling Damage you shall start falling if you
jump you can end your jump at any time in the proper arc and you only take falling Damage if you use up all your jump distance before landing, you take a -5 per DSU jumped
past 1DSU in an evasion for incorporating a jump movement instead of normal evasion movement. Any movement bonus of evasions movement does not apply to a jump evasion but
instead uses jump movements.

Guard |
DUR MOD (Perform a check to avoid Damage from a Physical attack the Guard Check must be 1 point over an opponent Aimed Strike Check to avoid the Damage the roll of Guard
Checks 1d20 is considered a untyped thus cannot be ignored unlike other types of armoring so the DUR MOD and Roll cannot be bypass or ignored by most effects but effects
that touch you and only require a touch still to apply their effect) when guarding you may assign a part to help guard other parts (arms, tail notably) which case they will
apply their Guard Checks in the specifics against attacks, this might lessen your overall guard but direct damages and effects to alternate areas instead of striking very
vital ones if it comes up but once applied to that area you cannot switch it off that area during the attack. Guard Checks are cut in half their whole applying amount when
in treated as unaware condition. When articles providing guard are being sunder attempted (called shot to the equipment instead of the wearer) a Guard Check instead will try
to cut damage down. If you do not beat the Aimed Strike Check source then you take damage at one half of what the sundering damage to the object was at and the article takes
damage as from a normal sundering attempt rules applying it's hardness etc., if you beat the Aimed Strike Check source by +50 or more the damage is cut in half, if you beat
the Aimed Strike Check source by +100 one forth damage occurs, if you beat the Aimed Strike Check source by +150 no damage occurs to the sunder target object. Only the
objects own guard will apply against the blow or other assisting guard articles from a sunder attempt. A NAT 20 means High Success Bonus (HSB) and also applies a +15 Bonus
for use of other effects when used as a defensive action against Aimed Strike Check. Only a article wielded that is consider big enough or armor can perform a Guard Check to
protect a person (accessories like earrings cannot perform a Guard Check for example even if they have a potential guard score) though some articles like a Hand Slot, Feet
Slot, Tail Slot, Wing Pair Slot, Mask Slot, Forehead Slot, Pant Slot, Shirt Slot, Robes Slot, Cape Slot type items can apply their guard but only if the armor that is not
covering over them for the indicated body zone (Gauntlet for Hands & Cape, Body Armor for Robes & Shirt, Leggings for Feet & Pants, Shield for Tail & Wing Pair, Helmet for
Mask & Forehead).

Listen |
PSY MOD (used to sense presences and to hear things that are normally hard to hear)

Sight |
PSY MOD (used to sense presences and see thing that are normally hard to see)

Bluff -
PSY MOD (used for detecting lies and or lying). When applied it counts as the vocal part of a Disguise.

Acrobatics -
DEX MOD or add a PSY MOD if assisting with Advanced Telekinesis which is the only way to assist an evasion and used to perform acrobatics like running up walls all
Acrobatics Checks move you at least 1 square over in any direction you move on a evasion you move max 1DSU square unless you are in a charge in such case you spend the move
action to continue the charge this is also considered a move action and costs you a ½ ACT if your square leaves the area of effect you are unaffected by the effect unless
you fail your check then you are still effected while moving to the new square) To perform a wall run you must beat the TS of going up the wall then apply 1/4th your movement
this counts as a evasion action to avoid a hit like normal. If you do not have a surface you can stand on firmly then you descend down from falling. You may make a climb or
slight check during this descent if permitted. If you make Acrobatics Check and use a alternate movement type (like teleporting) it's still locked at the minimal of 1 square
1DSU (unless it was modified). The only time a Acrobatics Check does not move you is to maintain balance and will not cost you a ½ ACT. A NAT 20 means High Success Bonus
(HSB) and also applies a +15 Bonus for use of other effects when used as a defensive action against Aimed Strike Check or against Enemy Cast TS to avoid damage.

Endure -
CON & DUR MOD used to avoid being poisoned and resists various bodily status effects.

Mind -
PSY & SPRT MOD (used to avoid mind effects and to remember things or recall things you experienced) Mind checks representing analytical study also could apply to other
situation than just scanning an opponent like remembering important text from books tables and so on. You may roll a Mind to also recall info based upon the time and how
long it has been instead of looking at the source itself GM discretion based on how much can be recalled based on time that has passed and the check itself to form the TS.
If you have a education within your Study Check zone that applies for any info it will reduce the TS for the applied subjects of any Mind Check based on GM discretion. Once
a round all characters may make a Mind Check to perform a Foe & Zone Analyze (This is not a scan ability) The TS to beat is equal to the foes or zones TS that is visible
etc. not including any of their TS boosters. The Mind Check is not performed normally and always counts as if you taken a 5. For each round you succeed you may learn 1 info
of the foe +1 extra info per 5 you beat the TS (this will vary per target and environments you can see). The info choices are as listed. If you choose the info again you
gain a additional level to the info learn. HP as percent, 1 Racial or Template Ability (If info is invested multiple times 3 abilities learn of the Race you learn what race
it is and discover it's full abilities, If 3 abilities on the same template are scan then you learn of the full Template and all it's abilities.), Learn 1 class taken (Not
how far invested into the class) (If you keep invest 2 info you learn how many of that class level was taken), Learn characters level, Learn 1 stat score (if you invest 1
info again you learn what buffs and modifiers applying to that stat), Learn 1 ADD-ON on self (if 2 info are invested you may learn 3 more ADD-ONs on their self each time
along with normal discovery), Learn of 1 equipment (if you invest 1 info you learn it's material potentially, if you invest 2 you learn of 1 of it's ADD-ONs if any and then
acts as if the discovery of ADD-ONs for the self ADD-ONs after for the article though this is only per 1 article you are applying investment into), Learn of 1 potential weak
spot if it's visible (If you keep investing into into this each time you gain a +5 to the Mind Check to discover any till it's revealed that there is no weak spot or all are
discovered (though they have to be visible to be gaining the knowledge of this), You may invest also on the environment as well to learn of weak spots and strategies in the
area using it each time investing info for this will grant you a +5 to the next Mind Check to find a use unless there is no use.

Study -
PSY (Used for general education and usage checks provided from a education subject field) This check is to make variable checks based upon your knowledge basis which would
be explained in AGE/TIME FLOW & WIDOM/EDUCATION section of the manual. You cannot apply LUK MOD to this skill. You cannot perform any stat switch or adjustment to this skill
from another modifier. When you fail a study check you cannot retake it for 1 month of time.

Slight -
DEX MOD (Is using your hands and body to quickly (TS 15 for each 90 degree turn 45 TS for a 180 degree 75 for 270 degree and 105 TS for a full 360 degree) This action is
used for various actions of quick reflex in example of to grab things and perform dexterous tricks actions that are precision based (also used to avoid being flank which is
to overcome a opponents TS score or being attacked from behind) this also halves falling Damage TS equal to the falling height in Square Unit. so 6DSU = TS 30 and to
overcome rough flying terrain if you overcome the TS of the rough flying terrain you may fly full speed) also you may for the first 18DSU of a fall (a check per 3DSU) try to
negate a fall if there is graspable stable objects per 3DSU.) You may conjunction this check with a stealth check in stealth mode to hide your Slight Check as a whole but
once your stealth check is beaten your slight check still might succeed but was spotted.

Stealth |
DEX MOD (is moving silent in any form) You may activate a mode called stealth and while in this mode movements effect how your check is while your in full movement you take
a 1/10th the result if you move full movement. If you move at half your movement you suffer only 1/4th the result. If you move 1/4th your movement you suffer no penalty. This
applies for each movement ½ ACT done. If you beat the foes sensory of any kind you may reduce their Aware status to Unaware. You must remain out of sight and silent for a
stealth check to work and must end your square out of basic sight into cover. If the foe has a sense that is not tied to sight or listen you cannot catch them Unaware.
Invisibility of any sort instead grants a +100 to your Stealth against sight and counts a being out of sight while Silence applies a +100 against listen. If you NAT 1 while
invisible or silenced the effects auto breaks or if the foe surpasses your check the effect will remain active but they become aware till they feel relaxed back to unaware.
All movement actions and skill checks (except stealth, listen, sight, scent, study, mind checks) in Stealth mode cost ½ ACT more than usual. When applied it counts as the
physical part of a Disguise.

Scent |
PSY MOD (used to smell things and try and recognize such smells also part of tasting stuff too you smell certain distance equal to your check so 30 scent check equals 3DSU
away which is the result divided by 2 by the shown example).

Muscle +
STR or PSY for telekinesis (Used for control of your muscles to move objects that are heavy are break out of grapples by sheer force) A normal bodied entity gains no bonus
to a muscle check but for each extra arm you gain +5 to muscle checks, +5 for each extra pair of legs (2 legs). These bonuses only apply to lifting.

Diplomacy +
PSY MOD (Used to talk to others calmly and nicely and to gather information or round up spirits etc. Social acts must overcome their own mind check to success).

Intimidation –
STR or PSY MOD (Used to scare something with your brutal force STR MOD or words PSY MOD the opponent uses to resist is Mind check to negate or another intimidate to
counteract every time they fail they gain 1 level of fear effect).

Build Checks +
Half of the PSY and DEX MOD rounded down added together unless “working with programming” which is full PSY MOD (This check is unique in itself this skill is used to make
items and objects preexisting or if capable to make new items if your class permits it you need the required materials to produce). When crafting you must have at least 1
matching study knowledge.

Pilot Checks -
Half of the PSY and DEX MOD rounded down added together (This check is use only to pilot things and is the check that represents all the other checks for any piloting except
your own personal Mind,Study, Intimidate, Bluff or Diplomacy. You may ride/pilot almost anything as long as you gain a stable grip and control though most things should be
around 1 square larger than yourself for stability and if they are equal size or larger you generally cannot ride/pilot it with any form of stability thus suffer a -50 to
ride/pilot checks).
Items have three separate scores: Hardness, Flexibility, and Thickness. Hardness refers to an item's durability and its capacity to resist slashing or cutting based attacks.
Flexibility refers to how much an item can flex while retaining its original shape and its capacity to resist crushing based attacks. Thickness refers to how thick the item
is, and adds to the item's total hit points.

If an item's flexibility score is 70 or higher, the item is no longer considered rigid.

An item's hit points are equal to hardness score * thickness * 10. The thickness is measured in millimetres and has a minimum of 1mm for calculating an item's HP. If an item
has 0 hardness, it's HP is treated as 10 per mm of thickness.

If the item has Intelligence Empower, the item's HP is increased by the Intelligence Empower's SPRT MOD.

In order to sunder an item it must overcome either hardness or thickness based on the damage type:

- Slash type damage must overcome the item's hardness * 1.5. The damage dealt to the item is reduced by an amount equal to hardness.
- Crushing type damage must overcome the item's flexibility. The damage dealt to the item is reduced by flexibility * 2.
- Piercing type damage must overcome 1/2 the item's hardness plus 1/4 the item's flexibility. The damage dealt to the item is 1/3 of normal but deals 1/10 damage to
the wearer of the item. This effect does not stack with similar effects.

If an attack fails to overcome the needed hardness or thickness score then it does no damage to the item, and takes damage equal to the hardness of the item they attempted
to sunder.

In order to deal damage to a machine body type character you must overcome their body's hardness or flexibility scores. An non-machine body type character does not get to
apply their body hardness or flexibility against attacks, and may use 1/2 their strike hardness to attempt to sunder an item. Upon success they deal only 1/2 the damage they
would have dealt.

If an attack penetrates through the thickness of the item or disintegrates it then the attack deals 1/10 of the damage to the wearer of the equipment. Items which are
unbreakable cannot be penetrated through. Touch damage will automatically strike the object as well as the layer under it unless it cannot breach from effects.

As an item loses HP it loses effectiveness based on how much hit points it has left(all effects stack together):

- Items below max HP suffers -5 Aimed Strike Check, Guard, and Damage
- Items below 1/2 HP suffers -25 Aimed Strike Check and -10 Damage and Guard
- Items below 1/4 HP suffers -15 Aimed Strike Check and -20 Damage and Guard
- Items at 1 HP are treated as improvised and loses all upgrades until fixed
- Items at 0 HP at treated as broken and improvised with -2 hands wielding worth

Items which are unbreakable cannot be reduced below 1 HP except by Disintegration, Atomization, or Deconstruction.
Items which are undisintegratable cannot be reduced below 1 HP by Disintegration effects.
Items which are undestroyable cannot be reduced below 1 HP except by Deconstruction.


All characters and items have a weight score that is represented in kilograms(kg). For lightweight objects 1000g is equal to 1kg.

Lift score is a measurement in kilograms of how much a character can carry on them. The amount that a character can carry is (35 + ½ STR MOD + 2 * DUR MOD) * size multiplier
in kg. The minimum lift score a character can have is 5kg.

A character's weight may exceed their size category's maximum weight by ½ of the limit(so a medium sized character may be up to 150kg) but they become overweight and consume
+1 stamina on all actions that consume stamina. A character that exceeds that limit becomes obese and will consume an additional +1 stamina. Anything that innately quadruped
gains a bonus +2 to their lift score multiplier And any flight lift score is has it's multiplier reduced by -1 multiplier.

HP modifier X1 for Lift Score Divide by 3
1d4 Size Damage with Melee or thrown
0DSU reach -15 Guard roll +15 evasion +15 Aimed Strike Check
Weight 1-20kg
Height around 1/4 of a foot to 1 foot

HP modifier X1 for Lift Score Divide by 2.5
1d4 Size Damage with Melee or thrown
0DSU reach -10 Guard roll +10 evasion +10 Aimed Strike Check
Weight 5-25kg
Height around 1/2 of a foot to 1 foot

HP MOD & Lift score X1
1d6 Size Damage with Melee or thrown
1DSU reach -5 Guard rolls +5 evasion +5 Aimed Strike Check
Weight 25-50kg
Height 2-1DSU

HP MOD & Lift score X1.5
1d8 Size Damage with Melee or thrown
1DSU reach
Weight 50-100kg
Height 4-8ft

HP MOD & Lift score X2
1d10 Size Damage with Melee or thrown
2DSU reach +5 Guard roll -5 evasion
Weight 75-150kg
Height 9-5DSU

HP MOD & Lift score X2.5
1d12 Size Damage with Melee or thrown
2DSU reach +10 Guard roll -10 evasion
Weight 125-200kg
Height 21-6DSU

HP MOD & Lift Score X3
2d6 Size Damage with Melee or thrown
3DSU reach +15 Guard roll -15 evasion
Weight 200-275kg
Height 31-8DSU

HP MOD & Lift Score X3.5
2d8 Size Damage with Melee or thrown
3DSU reach +20 Guard roll -20 evasion
Weight 300-400kg
Height 41-10DSU

HP MOD & Lift Score X4
2d10 Size Damage with Melee or thrown
4DSU reach +25 Guard roll -25 evasion
Weight 400-500kg
Height 51-12DSU

HP MOD & Lift Score X4.5
2d12 Size Damage with Melee or thrown
4DSU reach +30 Guard roll -30 evasion
Weight 500-600kg
Height 61-15DSU

HP MOD & Lift Score X5
4d6 Size Damage with Melee or thrown
5DSU reach +35 Guard roll -35 evasion
Weight 600-700kg
Height 71-16DSU

HP MOD & Lift Score X5.5
4d8 Size Damage with Melee or thrown
5DSU reach +40 Guard roll -40 evasion
Weight 700-800kg
Height 81-18DSU

HP MOD & Lift Score X6
4d10 Size Damage with Melee or thrown
6DSU reach +45 Guard roll -45 evasion
Weight 800-900kg
Height 91-20DSU

HP MOD & Lift Score X6.5
4d12 Size Damage with Melee or thrown
6DSU reach +50 Guard roll -50 evasion
Weight 900-1000kg
Height 101-23DSU

If a character's total weight load exceeds that of their lift score then they are overburdened and suffer -1DSU to all movement speeds and -5 Aimed Strike Check when
attacking for every kg over their lift score that they are. When increasing the size of an item the weight increases by 0.5x per category above medium(so large is 1.5x, huge
is 2x, etc.). Small items are ½ the weight while Tiny are ¼.

All items have a weight score volume(WSV) that is a representation of the amount of space that an item takes up. This is used to determine how many items can fit inside of
containers such as a backpack. When increasing the size of an item the WSV increases by 0.5x per category above medium(so large is 1.5x, huge is 2x, etc.). Small items are ½
the WSV while Tiny are ¼.
A tiny sized character does not have a reach thus it cannot attack a foe unless they are in its square but a tiny sized character can enter a square with no penalty to
itself or the square it is entering except if more than 8 tiny sized creatures enter that square any foe fighting a tiny sized creature in its square is auto confirmed as
flanked from any other foe

Each size a variable of an extra 1DSU extension to its cube space thus a medium sized character going large now takes up 4 1DSU cubes these cubes do not have to be as a cube
(like a snake) but must all be adjacent to each other so a huge sized character is up to 16 1DSU cubes of space a small sized character is equal to ¼ the size of a 1DSU cube
but takes up a 1DSU cube anyways while a tiny sized character size is so negligible that it takes 8 tiny sized character to equal a 1DSU cube fully filled

A character cannot increase their squares size past Immeasurable.

If you are taking damage the damage is tracked per size. Thus if you have 500 HP at small size and taken 300 damage, And your HP is increased by growing 1 size larger your
max HP equals to 750 you still have taken the 300 damage against that new health pool. If you increase the size to large your HP would be 1000 but still taken the 300 HP
damage. Thus no matter which size or if you your HP would be “full” the damage is still calculated after the new size change HP.

The TS to swim is equal to WS of all objects on yourself with a muscle check. You only have to make this check once every turn and failure just stops the movement from
occurring that turn.

[stone turn]
[forceful push]
[swallow whole]
[Mind Controlled/Illusion Controlled/Invisibility/Silence]
[death and KO]

Status effects do not stack their levels unless noted from a effect from an ability and cannot surpass level 100. If you perform a multi attack you may cause multiple
resistance rolls of the status effect or even reset the duration but not raise the status effect level. If a attack from 2 sources occur simultaneously example of wich 2
characters attack at the same time the combined level of the 2 status effects becomes the new equivalent level also applying to the TS and applying the highest TS of the
characters own TS.

Some of these can also be produced as Mystic Poison, some can be made into viruses etc. this section is useful for creation of alchemical effects or inventing items, some
effects occur due to environments. If 2 status effect levels occur. The levels stack to a “max grade level” if they use a level grade.

POISON (Insert) level 1-100

Endure Check each round (Mind Check if mystic poison)
1d4 per 5 levels of Mortality Damage (this cannot be changed from it's damage source nor reduced from any source except those that mention poison) to chosen stat or Hit
Points these may exist per poison effect like poison (STR) and poison (DEX) are separate effects if the poison you take in total in all your stats is greater than your Max
HP the creature is Koed. SPRT/LUK are always Mystic Poisons.
Stacks with rounds
2 rounds +1 round per 5 levels
TS -25 at level 1 +1 per 1 levels.

Poison could be a deadly effect or a KO effect chosen before the poison enters if a deadly is injected over a KO it over rides and KO overrides deadly poison Damage unlike
most Damage types is nothing Damage thus is un resistible except by certain effects

ANTIDOTE level 1-100

Does Not Stack
One Inflicted with this effect is considered to be immune to poison for a set amount of rounds if you were inflicted with POISON this will negate the POISON effect.
1 round per level

ENERGIZE level 1-100

1d4 per level of Healing (Holy) or (Unholy) to chosen stat or Hit Points & Cures MAIMING status effect.
Stacks with rounds
2 rounds +1 round per 15 levels
TS -25 at level 1 +10 per every 5th level

This effect is treated as poison to undead types (still effecting them) unless this effect is negative in which case it heals them this effect will affect undead types and
STUN level 1-100
One Endure Check unless noted (this can come in various forms like body stunning or frozen solid in ice if an elemental force is applied some immunity might apply) the types
of stunning are Paralysis (Normal) Stun (Cold) Stun (Earth) Stun (Ion) for Ice and Earth you may also apply muscle check. This may be a form of Poison (not the status effect
but shares the same resistance) which must choose either Bodily (Endure) or Mystic (Mind). Stuns may only apply once and cannot be reset or stacked once they are applied and
for 2 rounds after being effected by any stun.
Does not stack
Remain unmovable for 1 rounds at level 20 adds 1 more round
TS -30 at level 1 +15 per every 5th level
Stops the body from moving and generally disallows any ACT including mind actions unless it's a ice or earth type which would be specially noted this also denies DEX

Does not stack
Negates Any Stun effect and grants stun immunity for 1 round per level

FEAR 1-100
Mind Check (Bravery Negates) This may be a form of Poison (not the status effect but shares the same resistance) which must choose either Bodily (Endure) or Mystic (Mind)
Does not stack. Fear only applies to the target that caused the fear or is thought to have caused the fear.
Duration lasts till cured or fear is displaced
Take a -1 penalty on 1d20 rolls add -1 per level beyond
TS 1 +1 every level

Removes FEAR status effect and immune to fear effects for the duration.
Does not stack
2 rounds +1 per 10 levels
Take a +1 bonus on 1d20 rolls add +1 per level beyond

BURN Searing (Heat)/Chill (Cold)/Shock (Ion)/Negative Shock (Unholy)/Positive shock (Holy)/Stone Shrapnel (Earth Physical)/Metal Shrapnel (Metal Physical)/Distortion
(Void)/Acidic (Acid)/Radiation Shock (Radiation) level 1-100
Endure Check unless noted (Mind Check if Mystic Poison)
2d6 Damage per level
1 round at level 1 +1 round per level beyond level 1
Does not stack unless different name
Puts a remaining continual Damage
TS +0 at level 1 +3 per every 5th level

STONE TURN level 1-100

Endure or Mind check usually maybe and muscle to get out of it
Opponent cannot move if they fail and must make muscle check to leave their stony prison and also denies DEX and Guard Checks STR is halved while incased
TS -50 at level 1 +1 per every level

PENALTY level 1-100

Endure Check (this can come in various forms like freezing or poisons if an elemental force is applied some immunity might apply you may only apply this penalty to effect
one stat) This may be a form of Poison (not the status effect but shares the same resistance) which must choose either Bodily (Endure) or Mystic (Mind)
Does stack
1 round at level 1 +1 round per 5 levels beyond level 1
Take a -1 penalty on 1d20 rolls for a certain stat effected add –1 per level
TS -10 at level 1 +1 per every 3rd level

EMPOWER level 1-100

(You may only apply this empower to effect one stat)
Does stack
1 round at level 1 +1 rounder per 5 levels beyond level 1
Take a +1 bonus on 1d20 rolls for a certain stat effected add +1 per level

SLEEP level 1-100

Mind Check or Endure Check depending. This may be a form of Poison (not the status effect but shares the same resistance) which must choose either Bodily (Endure) or Mystic
Does not stack
1 hour per 2 levels.
Opponent at failure goes to a deep sleep if they are hit they have a 5% chance to stay asleep this might deny DEX
Add 5% that percent chance every level 2 levels beyond 1 level max 50%
TS +0 at level 1 +3 per every 5th level

AWAKENING level 1-100

Does Not Stack
One Inflicted with this effect is considered to have slept their needed hours and negates SLEEP effect
level 1-100 1 round per level

STARVATION level 1-100

Mind Check or Endure Check depending (Can be Mystic Poisoned)
Does not stack
Opponent at failure goes to a painful hunger if they are hit they have a 5% chance to stay in this state this will apply a -2 penalty equal to character level to all skill
checks. Also stamina will be lost of -1 and -1 extra per 5 levels of this status effect.
Double that percent chance every level beyond 1 level max 100%
TS +0 at level 1 +3 per every 5th level

DEAFEN level 1-100

Endure Check
Does not stack
Opponent at failure loses their hearing for a set amount of rounds this might also cause unaware status anything not seen
1 round at level 1 +1 rounder per level beyond level 1
TS +0 at level 1 +3 per every 5th level

BLINDING level 1-100

Endure Check or Mind Check. This may be a form of Poison (not the status effect but shares the same resistance) which must choose either Bodily (Endure) or Mystic (Mind)
Opponent at failure loses their sight for a set amount of rounds when they try to Aimed Strike Check they have a 50% miss chance and possibly unaware status
1 round at level 1 +1 rounder per level beyond level 1
TS +0 at level 1 +3 per every 5th level

ANOSMIA level 1-100

Endure Check or Mind Check. This may be a form of Poison (not the status effect but shares the same resistance) which must choose either Bodily (Endure) or Mystic (Mind)
Opponent at failure loses their scent ability and is unable to smell or taste for a set amount of rounds
1 round at level 1 +1 rounder per level beyond level 1
TS +0 at level 1 +3 per every 5th level

RESTORATION level 1-100

Does Not Stack
One Inflicted with this effect is considered to have eaten their needed weight and negates STARVATION, ANOSMIA, DEAFEN, and BLINDING this effect lasts for a set amount of
rounds then if you have not truly eaten your proper weight in food you are considered in. Also stamina will be restored of +1 and +1 extra per 5 levels of this status
level 1-20 1 round per level

Does Not Stack same effect.
Endure Check to resist
One inflicted with this effect loses 1/10th of 1 of their physical stats total score (STR, DEX, CON, DUR, SPD) or Great Pain: Lose 1/10th your MAX HP as automatic Mortality
Damage, Staggering Pain: Every time you take a ½ ACT you lose a ½ ACT or Crippling Pain: Lose Suffer 1/100th of your MAX HP as automatic Mortality Damage when you perform a ½
ACT. To determine the effect roll 1d6 If you roll 1 STR is effected, 2 DEX is effected, 3 CON is effected, 4 DUR is effected, 5 SPD is effected, if 6 re roll the dice then
determine 1-2 Great Pain, 3-4 Staggering Pain, 5-6 Crippling Pain.
1 round at level 1 +2 round every 10th level.
TS -30 at level 1 +1 per every level

This status effect will occur when ever your HP takes at least 1/5th of it's MAX in one blow. It's level is equal to each 1/5th of HP HP taken being 20 levels +20 extra levels
base (minimal will always be 40), Thus if you lost 2/5th of MAX HP you must resist a level 60 of this effect. The TS is modified by the maim causers TS or Cast TS if it was a
cast that caused the damage, If the loss was from environment or yourself for the damage your characters own TS is applied instead.

FORCEFUL PUSH level 1-100 (Unique Effect)(does not always contain a level grade)
Muscle Check to avoid knock back or prone status
Does Not Stack (Unique)
Opponent is pushed back or even knocked prone
level +0 at level 1 +2 per level Forceful Push
TS Creatures +5 per size category up -5 for each lower than Medium push back 1DSU per 15 on a successful push If you NAT 20 you automatically Push the foe Prone if pleased
if you NAT 1 and opponent has a way to counter ACT in a format that can knock you over they may counter and try and trip you freely any size penalties are inquired as well
if possible.

SWALLOW WHOLE (Unique Effect)

Swallow things hole 1 size category smaller when you swallow these things it’s considered a grapple check if you succeed you have them in mouth or other swallowing mechanism
and you deal physical size damage to the opponent grappled next turn the opponent makes a grapple check against you if you win you swallow them dealing physical size damage
again to them an opponent inside takes 10% (LUK Does not effect) health loss each turn they are inside they can make attacks to you if they pass a muscle check or slight
check equal to your TS which they may deal damage to you if they deal 10% (LUK Does not effect) HP damage they break free you may make regular action normally when you have
a target in swallowed also this grapple cannot be assisted by normal means. Due to this form of grapple there is no risk of others hitting what you have swallowed. You may
only have 1 swallowed target at a time.

HEALING (Unique Effect)

Healing though not a basic status effect obeys the laws of it's damage type rules. Healing Generally follows that it damages things instead when too much is applied or when
hitting into a source that oppositions to it's healing polarity. Most common healing forms are Holy and Unholy while Void healing has no real polarity to anything. When a
target is healed when at full HP it does nothing normally but if they are healed at x5 their maximum HP (Healing Percent limit will only occur when they are note full HP
then healing limit percent will not cut the healing amount down) value instead they take 1/100th of that as damage instead even if they normally would heal from the effect
and it shuts off REGENERATION effect for 10 rounds. Healing cannot repair bones and broken body parts along with reattaching any body parts entirely only able to restore
mostly basic wounds, gashes, organ damages. Healing upon machines are more similar to somewhat fixing and repairing them undoing their dents and recharging some of their
energy but still cannot repair too much to the point. Healing is a quick form of repairing but still leaves scars if scars were to be left as if it's just quickening the
natural healing responses of beings while to machines it's quick repairing that can be done. Healing is not a “true” status effect but alteration to the reverse of damages
to the physical world and small fractions of the spiritual world though most healing is consider magical in nature. Healing when used on a Koed target and brought to
positive HP may get back up unless noted by the healing source. Healing cannot recover one from a Death as their functions have fully stopped.

REGENERATION (Unique Effect)

this status effect is unique and cannot be used by any means as a “status effect” but from effects that say “regeneration or regenerate” nor does this count as a healing
effect. Instead every round you gain the allotted HP amount starting on the next round exactly at the start of that round. Regeneration is shut off by Mortality and Acid
damage for 1 round stacking up thus every time you are hit with Mortality or Acid damage you lose a round of Regeneration. Your regeneration cannot restore your hunger or
need of food but remains constant till you are Hungry and or Thirsty if it's part of your racial abilities and if applied by a different source other than racial keeps
active even through Starvation and Thirst. Regeneration cannot make you recover from the KO or Death but if you are KO will constantly regain you till are awaken.
Regeneration that cannot put on body parts represents high recovery rate but does not help against scars etc. Regeneration that can put body parts back on does restore even
scars and represents high body repair rate overriding normal regeneration allowing body parts to be put back on.


this status effect is unique and cannot be used by any means as a “status effect”. if you do not obtain the required amounts to eat drink or sleep/reboot (Based on Body
Type) you suffer penalties accordingly as followed and each are separate and stack.
-Hunger: Starvation Status Effect listed above growing by 1 level every day you do not eat upon day 21 you must make a Endure Check or die. the Endure Check increased by +50
TS each day.
-Thirst: Same as Starvation but gain 6 level of Starvation that can only be quenched by the needed source (like water).
-Tired: You suffer a similar effect to “Starvation” but every day without sleep grants 10 stacks and every day you also have a chance for the sleep status effect (unique
variant) with a TS of +20 each day without upon failure you rest for your needed hours +1 hour per day you missed of rest also you gain the fatigue effect during these days.
-Fatigue: This effect occurs when your character becomes mentally or physically tired effecting them even a machine body type can suffer this if they do not rest or reboot
or push their body beyond their limits. If you're organic body type you can suffer fatigue for traveling too long continually (moving at your full movement) (flying in spot
continually with natural wings will also occur this just the same as movement as if you moved your full movement due to stress of maintaining instead of mostly gliding) This
will stack up to 1 fatigue level per 30 minutes though a Endure Check can negate this of TS 20 but increases the TS by +10 per 30 minutes this continues. When characters
perform actions that take stamina points and have 0 stamina points they gain 1 fatigue level. Fatigue grants a -2 to your skill check rolls per 5 stacks max stack of 100.
once at 100 Stacks you start to suffer the effects of Tired. For each 3 hours of rest you remove 1 fatigue level unlike fear effect the penalty past level 100 becomes a new
effect called exhausted.
-Exhaustion: When you reach 100 stacks of Fatigue you start to instead gain stacks of Exhaustion (If 1 Fatigue is removed then 1 Exhaustion is removed) For each 5 Stacks of
Exhaustion it applies a -3 to your skill checks. Once you gain past 100 stacks of Exhaustion you suffer a chance of death raising by 5% per time Exhaustion would stack (thus
If it would have stack to level 104 it would been a 20% of death). Natural environment effects that you must make checks against (like hot environments etc.) also occur in
the same fashion but their TS is based on the environment and gain stacks of exhaustion instead. While under exhaustion your own stamina is cut in half per day. It takes
instead 6 hours to remove 1 level of this effect.


this status effect is unique and cannot be used by any means as a “status effect”. If you do not obtain required amounts or too much of a certain air type to
breath/assimilate through your air need intake (Based on body type or written on a race itself) you start to suffocate. A character can hold their breath equal to their
Endure Check divided by 10 the result is in minutes you then can hold. Then every round they must make a Mind Check or start to try and breath again. The TS is equal to 10
per round this TS is increased each time you are distracted by +5 more. During Suffocation phase you can only start to survive up to 10mins before you entirely die from
suffocation or drowning. Every round you make a Endure Check with a rising 20 TS each round or become knocked out (not 0 HP) during this time of being knocked out you start
to take 5/100 HP damage every round. This is true lethal damage.


this status effect is unique and cannot be used by any means as a “status effect”. If one fails against Radiation TS and keeps failing they take -5% (except SPRT & LUK) of
their max stats each turn they fail. You cannot take the stat damage more than once a turn. Every time you fail the percentage adds from the previous thus -5% goes to -10%
to -15% etc. before LUK MOD applies to it.


This status effect cannot be be used by any means as a “status effect”. These effects vary and are determined by the situation at hand as explained. The target is under a
mind controlling effect or a illusion perception effect. These effects both count as a mind effect and thus any mind effect immunity or resistance applies against these
forms of mental status effects. The TS produced is effected either by Character TS or Cast TS if done by a cast. Invisibility can both be a Illusion or a Specialized effect
under camouflage generally these effects either mess with light if camouflage but if Illusion messes with general perceptions the bonus from them is a +50 and applies a
sight blocking but if spotted causes a sorta shimmer effect plausibly raising conspicuousness and awareness for 1 round to one minute, if any invisible target moves it
automatically makes them shimmer reducing their invisibility bonus to +25 and the miss chance against them reduced from 50% to 25%. Silence acts similar but with sounds
generally muting the sound naturally or causing a illusion to reduce the hearing parties own sounds to the sounds you make and causing hearing blocking which if heard
through this effect instead cause a muffle sound causing plausibly raising conspicuousness and awareness for 1 round to 1 minute, if the silenced target makes through noise
levels too high the bonus is reduced to +25 to the stealth checks instead of a +50. (GM has certain decisions on the effectiveness when spotted or heard even through
illusions or natural means and based on characters own actions)

DEATH AND KO (Unique effect)

This status effect cannot be be used by any means as a “status effect”. These effects vary and are determined by the situation at hand as explained. KO aka Knock Out: This
effect occurs when your HP reaches 0 or various other means depending like being hit in the head and making it's Vitality go to 0 so on. Under KO status you still regenerate
but regeneration to positive does not wake you instead you must reach full HP to get up from regeneration unlike healing which allows auto cognitive state. Death effect
results in the death of your character which might initiate certain effects just like the KO status. Upon such not even healing works to bring back the dead. Upon death some
turn into phantoms which cannot do much to the mortal realm and are in the Ethereal or Shadow realm (A GM can determine what a phantom can do). Death can occur if a KO
status remains too long from fatal damage or instantly from true fatal damage skipping the Knock Out step if you are hit with fatal damage at 0 HP you can die. HP that
reaches negative of 1/4th your Max HP rounded down means you will be afflicted with death though. Another form of Death that is decided upon a GM is called “Fated Death” this
form of death cannot be adverted by any effect (this is used for story reasons by GM discretion)

REVIVAL (Unique effect)

Any effect that brings you back from 0 or less HP to 1 or more is called a revival effect. These effects “cheat death and KO status” for most cases. Revival effects are not
highly uncommon but most time they are from either a specialized healing effect or regeneration but do not usually count as either and some are based on sheer will powers.
Revivals though only have a time frame when they can be used of up to 1 week for most effects unless noted. This is not the same as when one is raised as a Undead though and
does not constitute as a revival during that phase but instead a “Necromancy Revive”. Most cases a spirit can refuse to be revived though or if their spirit has moved on
etc. thus revival used does not always work even when it seems it should (GM discretion).


Your character has limits to their existence based on their own body, and the environment they are within be it they might nearly die to they could become a spirit unable to
move on from the after life or just trying to run so fast that their own body rips apart.

A Organic body typed character can only handle every mach speed to a degree as the speeds increase in damage factors.
Mach 1 100 Heat damage then Mach 2 is 250 heat damage, every Mach speed past 2 is multiplied by 4 thus Mach 3 is 1000 heat damage so on. Having High Temp Survivor will
negate all damage from this effect.

When a person dies they sometimes have a ghost. This ghost is ethereal and carries over your stats and equipment into the ethereal realm this is similar to the Ghost/Wraith
template except they cannot manifest or effect the mortals realm.

A character at 0 HP that is hit with lethal force will die if the damage surpasses their CON/DUR/SPRT mod x100. A GM can dictate that they just die at 0 HP or not if the
force is just normal lethal or Non-Lethal. True Lethal always kills at 0 HP

There is a set of limitations to a characters/items immunity to certain effects and mental state protections.

Sentient: Is Immune to instant Atomization, Disintegration and Breakable also is immune to many variable effects till death.(PCs/NPCs)
Sub Sentient: Is Immune to instant Atomization, Disintegration and Breakable to many variable effects till death like a NPC. (Wild Intelligence)
Void-Sentient: Is not immune to instant Atomization, Disintegration nor Breakable status effect. (Things that can't think for themselves)
Object: Has no ability to do anything and has no immunity

Atomization: destroys everything but Undestroyable

Disintegration: destroys everything that is not immune to Disintegration even if it's unbreakable
Deconstruction: destroys everything that is. This is beyond atomization and unbonds all things that make the articles it is the only way to work with a Undestroyable object.

A article that is Unbreakable can still be dented to damaged status to 1 HP but cannot be “broken”
A article that is Undintegratable can still be broken but cannot be by normal terms be disintegrated past 1 HP
A article that is Undestroyable can only be dented to damaged status 1 HP even when hit with disintegration or atomization


[action in game]

An action is a set parameter of time in battle that one may take an action is 6 seconds a half (1/2) ACT is a half of an action that takes up 3 seconds

A round as a full battle set but a round out of battle as an effect is 1 min (because battle is stressful thus lessens effectiveness)

You may take an interruption counter action once per round this costs you the normal action as usual this is usually used as a counter attack against another attack or
taking an attack of opportunity against a foe running past in reach this also represents battle stamina

If your Opponent NAT 1s it’s roll against you or vise versa, you may make a counter attack this counter attack does not count against your interruption action or your attack
limit per round this is called an extra counter and still uses up your action pool

Interruption Counters may perform all usual moves and apply the single violent action rules. Free counter moves also cost the action they require to perform like normal and
are just free from the normal counter action limits of 1 violent action a turn.

A free action refers to not using any of your action pool but you may only apply up to 10 free actions a turn.

A creature gets 1 ACT per round thus the combo is

1/2 ACT - 1/2 ACT 6 seconds

There is an ADD-ON that raises your action pool up to ½ ACT

ACT 6 seconds
1/2 ACT - 1/2 ACT - 1/2 ACT - 1/2 ACT 6 seconds
ACT - 1/2 ACT - 1/2 ACT 6 seconds
1/2 ACT - 1/2 ACT - ACT 6 seconds

A max of 3 Acts can be obtained in total on one character in game without penalty effects.

Time doesn't much have an effect over a battle unless it has to be tracked for say a bomb etc.

A Full Round ACT unlike other action costs just uses the entire round to perform the action. If any reductions to a FRA occur it becomes a ACT instead. If you use a FRA and
have 2 ACTs and a ½ ACT you still have a ½ ACT left. If you can activate extra ACTs you may after a FRA.

An attack action is considered a ½ ACT and ability attack moves costing a ½ ACT but may only be done once per round (not counting counter actions) abilities that are not
used for violent reasons do not count against your attack action of the round unless noted. Casting violently uses up your violent action but does not cost a ½ ACT as
Casting itself uses up a ½ ACT. If an ability is a free use ability you may only apply it once in a combo attack unless noted.

Moving is considered a ½ ACT and every creatures base speed in anything is 6DSU +1DSU per 15 in SPD stat (minimal always 1DSU per movement which is 5 ½ Acts to move a 1DSU
square over) though this determines a character moving at their max potential not walking.

If you perform actions that are in a single ½ ACT that are granted through abilities that go beyond a ½ ACT you do perform the action within the 3 seconds but you use up
your other actions equally as you wear yourself out doing the action thus represented by the loss of the action pool only few abilities push like this and it must say you
can do this to perform multiple ½ acts within the same 3 second time frame.

Action Priority rules are equivalent to these actions: A Defensive action always goes first to check for success (Grappling to disarm Guard Checks) An Acrobatics Check
counts as both Defensive and Movement (movement for the squares it moves). A attack action goes second in priority any defensive actions overrides them but a attack action
will override first against a move action (thus a counter attack on the movement part of a evasion will override it's movement same goes to a charge attacks charge) though
most attack actions are violent thus only 1 a turn may be performed unless otherwise stated. A movement goes last in priority and is anything that initiates a movement
teleports included thus any attack performed will can still strike a teleporting target or grapple them etc.

Every character has stamina points which are consumed by the following actions:

-Using at least a ½ Act during combat except the first move action in a round consumes 1 stamina
-Every move action beyond the first move action consumes 1 stamina
-A character may consume 1 stamina point to gain an extra free interruption action or ½ ACT. Consecutive uses of this in a combat increases the cost by +1 each time.
-A character may consume 3 stamina points to increase movement speeds for +6DSU for the round.
-A Character may spend 5 stamina to reduce a Action down by 1 Step (Full Round ACT to a ACT, A ACT to a ½ ACT, 2 ACTs to an ACT) You cannot reduce a ½ ACT to a free action
nor repeat reducing the same action to a lesser degree again. Consecutive uses of this in a combat increases the cost by +2 each time.
-A character may consume stamina to regain 10 cast pool charges per stamina consumed even surpassing your regular cast pool charges. These charges disappear after 1 round.

If a character goes below 0 stamina then they gain 1 level of fatigue per stamina below 0 until they die of fatigue(even if you normally wouldn't die of fatigue). Stamina
fully regains them when resting for 8 hours unless under fatigue which case instead you remove 1 fatigue level per hour of rest. Characters have a base of 20 stamina that
can only be reduced down to a minimum of 10, and gain an additional stamina point for every 1 DUR MOD and 10 CON MOD. A character regenerates 1/10th of their stamina per 10
minutes and after. If any stamina was used during combat after 5 minutes you regain 1/10th of that stamina back. Stamina regained is reduced if you are under fatigue, equal
to +1 to the 1/10th (1/11th for fatigue level 1 1/12th fatigue level 2 etc.).
[damage type rules]
[attack area of effects]
[damage formula order & bonus dice rules]
[action order initiative]
[critical attacks and multipliers]
[grapple and disarm]
[flanking and backside attacks]
[disable and rending]
[climbing on]
[superior muscles]
[environmental weapon]
[interruption counter]
[counter attack]
[clash of success]
[clash of failure]
[vitality system & crush shot/called shot/pinpoint shot]
[slight checks]
[falling damage]
[lifting and throwing]
[combat in water and other liquids]
[climbing and combat climbing]
[share square]
[moving through squares]
[taking cover]
[combo attacks]


A weapon can have any 1 of the 4 Damage types while damaging, a weapon starts with 1 at the start if you upgrade a weapon with an ADD-ON or have class additive for effects
to add a Damage type the max effective types is 4 you may though count every different attack separately changed if you can and interchange as you wish if you have the
ability a firearms bullets always carry Physical Damage unless noted. Weapons may choose 1 from the Normal Rotation upon creation for it's damage type base. You may only
switch the weapons damage types once per round. A weapon made with a damage type other than Physical must pay 500 credits extra (this does not count as part of the crafting
costs). Damage from the source is split up equally rounded down between the damage types.

Bonus damage can exist upon a weapon but this damage does not apply for Negating Guard types nor is part of the damage split of a weapons damage types. But adds into the
final till of all damage.

Armor can only have a max of 4 alternate types from the defensive bypass of damage list starting with one but if any ADD-ON effect or class effect interchanges Guard bonuses
then you may switch it every time you roll a Guard Check to whichever order once a guard type is ignored it won’t apply against the other types of Damage during the Aimed
Strike Check and Guard roll sequence thus a Mystic/Psionic Damage type cancels out the Gravity Type Guard and Physical Type Guard simultaneously but not any other types till
something else is applied a Guard roll made via a 1d20 has no type thus cannot be ignored same goes for a DUR MOD bonus. Armor may choose from the Normal Rotation upon
creation for it's guard type base. You may only switch the guard types once per round. A armor made with a guard type other than Physical must pay 500 credits extra (this
does not count as part of the crafting costs).

Some articles has “classifier effects” to their damage type these relate to how the power works in some cases

The types of armor and weapon Damage that exist are listed below
Ion is energy based “meta physic” “disintegrates” “temperature plus” “electric” “EMP” “deflective” “electric feed”
Physical is general normal defenses and attacks “physical source” (Metal/Wind/Earth/Water/Acid/Slash/Impact/Pierce Sub groups of this Damage)
Mystic is magic based "meta physic" “blockade” “buster”
Gravity is warping Gravity "meta physic" “crush” “deflective”
Psionic is mind powers "meta physic" “EMP” “ionic feed” “electric” “anti EMP”
Holy is good aligned or healing powers of divinity "meta physic" “polarity” “positive”
Unholy is evil aligned or negative healing powers of divinity "meta physic" “polarity” “negative”

Defensive Bypass Of Damage (Normal Rotation)

Physical ignores Ion
Ion ignores Mystic
Mystic ignores Gravity
Gravity ignores Psionic
Psionic ignores Physical

Holy ignores Unholy

Unholy ignores Holy

Other types of unique Damage are existent but cannot be put into weapons or defensive without special means while some weapons consider to already having it if they are made
from steel or stone as materials apply their component as well these damages overcome Damage reductions of any type unless otherwise noted certain situations ignore example
Cold Damage to stone or steel sources that deal Physical Damage do not abide of this rules though and still apply the normal Damage reductions. If a damage is performed with
this type of damage it's treat as a type of damage from the normal damage rotation listed above or if treated as a guard it applies the same.

Void-Damage (always ignores all) “pure” “polarity”

Heat (treated as Psionic & Gravity & Holy) (anything dealing with hot temperature effects including laser beams or magma) “disintegrates” “temperature plus” "meta physic"
Cold (treated as Psionic & Gravity & Unholy) (anything dealing with Cold temperature effects) “temperature down” "meta physic" “brittle” “chill”
Earth (treated as Physical) (Anything dealing with crystals and stones) “physical source” “wounding” “hard block”
Metal (treated as Physical) (Anything dealing with metallic) “physical” “wounding” “penetrate block”
Organic (treated as Physical) (Anything dealing with organic tissue) “physical” “sinew”
Water (treated as Physical & Gravity) (anything dealing with water or various liquids) “physical source”
Wind (treated as Psionic & Ion) (anything dealing with wind or various wind effects like a sandstorm which can be also be earth) “meta physic” “sound”
Acid (treated as Psionic & Mystic) (anything dealing with chemical compounds that melt) “disintegrates” “weakening” “melting” “physical source”
Radiation (treated as Ion & Mystic) (radiation from radioactive sources) “meta physical” “disintegrates” “EMP” “buster” “radiation”
Mortality (treated as Void) (Very specific damage type dealing with pure damage also poison uses this type of damage) “mortality”
Untyped (Conforms to any alternate damage types unless noted)
Slash (anything that provides a cutting force) “cutting”
Pierce (anything that provides a force that pierces) “pierce”
Impact (anything that provides pure raw force) “crushing”
Atomization “Atomize”
Non-Lethal “non kill damage”
Lethal “kill damage”
True Lethal “always kill damage”

Classifiers List

Deflective: This effect also treats Acid,Heat,Cold,Void damages as normal for Guard Checks as if they are a Guard Check deflect able source unlike other defensive normal
guard type listings.

Electric: This property belongs to Ion & Psionic as a variant form through electricity instead of true Ion or Psionic. When you attempt to strike with this source it gains
+5 Aimed Strike Check per 5 WS of conductible source upon the target. When it deals damage it applies a bonus damage of 5d4 Ion damage per 2 WS of conductible source upon
the target. This also provides the EMP effect. This also provides a stun (electricity) level equal to per 10 WS of conductible source upon the target.

Electric Feed: This property belongs to Ion alone. Upon being struck while using Ion Guard it shall generate 5d4 Ion damage per guard source that produces Ion guard that
cannot become the Electric property but instead deals 5d4 extra damage per 2 WS of conductible source upon the striker and also protects you from EMP effects reducing their
duration by -1 round.

Ionic Feed: This property belongs to Psionic alone. This property only applies to Psionic damage and treats itself as a Ion damage for benefits of damage boosts to Ion

EMP: This property every time it applies damage has a 10% chance to cause a EMP (Eletro Magnetic Pulse) effect, this effect cancels out computers and other various machinery
for a duration equal to 2 rounds or 1 round per 25d# Ion or +100 base Ion, this means even data wipes. Though this EMP effect does not work on sentient machine characters as
it's too weak.

Anti EMP: This effect belongs to Psionic alone. When a EMP or a Mind Control effect tries to activate against the source instead has a 5% (LUK does not apply) chance to fail
stacking with all other Anti EMP sources.

Sound: This property belongs to Wind alone as a variant form through sound vibrations instead in circumstances if it deals damage in a area of effect it damages all things
in it's area even if they are covered by other articles. When this pierces through articles the next centimeter is reduces by half it's damage, this damage will
automatically be reduced by ½ if the flexibility or hardness of 5 of 1 millimeter. This means the entire user and his gear all suffer the damages when hit.

Crush: This property belongs to Gravity alone as a fundamental force of weight gravity damage ignores hardness and also bypasses
through physical property if not Aimed Strike Check based if it is a Aimed Strike Check based upon hitting it will ignores all hardness

Wounding: This property belongs to Earth and Metal alone dealing damage with this will at a 25% chance deal 15 damage a round till they are healed and regeneration sources
are reduced by 10% rounded down while in wounded condition till they regenerate all their HP to max.

Hard Block: This property belongs to Earth alone when being struck with Void or Mortality damage it will treat that damage type as physical instead for reasons of overcoming
guard types.

Penetrate Block: This property belongs to Metal alone when being struck with an effect that penetrates treat the base guard of the armor not through ADD-ONs or materials
only upgrades treat the thickness as 0.1mm thicker per 25 guard it has.

Blockade: Temperature Plus, Temperature Down, Brittle, Melting, Sound, Crush does not effect.

Buster: This effect undoes any form of Damage Absorbency except Mystic Absorbency and reduces Void/Mortality Guard by -10 every time it touches till the end of combat.

Brittle: This property belongs to Cold alone upon which Decrease Hardness of struck objects by 1 per 150 damage. The hardness reduce lasts till repaired.

Chill: This property belongs to Cold alone upon which Damage per strike reduces Damage Absorbency effect by half but only once a round upon the strike

Weakening: This property belongs to Acid alone for every 150 damage decrease objects hardness by 1 (even if it does not bypass the hardness) and continues to damage said
objects for ½ the damage again the next turn. The hardness reduce lasts till repaired.

Melting: This property belongs to Acid alone if you strike with this property stops regeneration effects for 4 round every time it hits and if this effect was reduced to 0
rounds it instead cuts the regeneration effects down to half.

Temperature Plus: This property makes the temperature raise to heighten degrees that can cause obvious environmental effects dealing with high heat, this property does not
alone belong to heat damage itself. For every 25d# dice boost and per +100 base the Heat level TS by 1 in a 2 centimeter area around the precise strike point, if objects are
hit with temperature down property then this property decrease the objects hardness by 1. If striking something that already has a heat TS score higher than the Temperature
Plus effect being applied to it, only 1/10th of the TS is added.

Temperature Down: This property makes the temperature lower to heighten degrees that can cause obvious environmental effects dealing with low heat, this property only
belongs to cold damage. For every 25d# dice boost and per +100 decrease the Heat level TS in a area by 1 in a 2 centimeter area around the precise strike point, if objects
are hit with temperature plus property then this property decrease the objects hardness by 1. If striking something that already has a cold TS score higher than the
Temperature Plus effect being applied to it, only 1/10th of the TS is added.
Disintegrate: This property makes things melt due to certain effects like high temperature or chemical source this effect ignores hardness of the object and causes it damage
even if it's unbreakable anything with this property is immune to disintegration itself though as are Meta Physic properties. If the damage of the source exceeding the
hardness of the object/being x1000 instead this is consider Atomize effect but must still destroy all it's HP to initiate this effect.

Sinew: This source belong to Organic alone. Any attack done with this property or dealt to the source increases it's hardness by +5 per successive strike to or against
itself but loses this hardness after 3 rounds and cannot apply again for 1 round after all 3 rounds are over losing the bonus hardness. This bonus hardness is not effected
by any source effects.

Radiation: Applies Radiation Sickness effect.

Physical-Source: A property that is very common but effects varies upon the source, these effects generally are a true physical material like Metal, Earth, Water, Acid.
Though oddly some effects use physical forces like Wind/Gravity/Psionics/Mystic though they still are a meta physical existence but just extend to a physical force this
property is common and always has hardness apply to it's function when dealing with it unlike Meta Physic which does not this property has hardness apply against it unless
another property negates this, any weapon made as a physical property also either deals Slash, Pierce or Impact damage as long as it fits the source.

Meta-Physic: This category belongs to anything metaphysical articles dealing with this type usually are not effected by the physical articles they usually deal with unique
effects that deal mentality and cosmic forces and effects this type does not deal with casual physical forces without physical bodies like Gravity, Mystic, Holy, Unholy,
Ion, etc. this group still has hardness applied against it unless another property negates this, any attack under this property can deal any of the Slash, Pierce or Impact
damage as long as it fits the source.

Pure: A property that is unique that has no aligned sources all guard rolls dice and unlisted typed bonus are Void typed, this source is neither physical or meta physic
property and belongs to it's own grouping as it bypasses all sources but itself and Ion, this cannot negate the 1d20 roll or any applied stats contributions to rolls.

Polarity: Holy Unholy and Void have 2 polarities normal (Damage) and (healing) if a polarity is opposing of a body type rules it will automatically switch to Damage polarity

Positive: A property that is unique to Holy. Upon activation on touch the target is inflicted with a positive charge adding another +3 damage or healing to that target per
charge already existing on the target. The effect negative will automatically delete 5 charges. This modifier does not count as a modifier for mod max.

Negative: A property that is unique to Unholy. Upon activation on touch the target is inflicted with a negative charge adding another +3 damage or healing to that target per
charge already existing on the target. The effect positive will automatically delete 5 charges. This modifier does not count as a modifier for mod max.

Mortality: A damage type that overcomes and cannot be reduced by all damage reductions and absorption effects except if it's specifically mentioned and also stops
regeneration effects for 4 round every time it hits and if this effect was reduced to 0 rounds it instead cuts the regeneration effects down to half.

Cutting: This property has no special effect but to always exist on any weapon that Slashes like a daggers or a sword.

Pierce: This property has no special effect but to always exist on any weapon that contains forced through qualities like a blades tip or a arrows tip.

Crushing: This property has no special effect but to always exist on any weapon that uses non slashing like a club or a hammer.

none-Lethal: This damage when hits a foe as the last hit will not kill the target.

Lethal: This damage when a foe as the last hit will kill the target but effects can move it to Non-Lethal.

True Lethal: This damage when a foe at the last hit will kill the target and cannot ever become Non-Lethal.

Atomize: Destroys the articles etc. instantly leaving no trace as Atomization.

Material Bound Damage

Though max 3 damage types can exist to a weapon some are material bond example if your weapon deals Mystic damage but is a Metal Sword it will deal Mystic and Metal damage,
but if you have Mystic/Psionic/Ion it will still deal the Metal damage based on the fact the material is still Metal that the item is made of, various materials have bond
damage that is not alternate and is attached to itself this means that if you use a sword made of Ice it will deal Water damage and Slash damage (considering it's just
normal frozen water) and thus always have a damage with water and slash affixed to it. The damage type Slash, Pierce and Impact also fall under this effect and the usage
defines one of the 3 being used or mix. For damages that treat themselves as other damage types this is only for reasons of Guard and Aimed Strike Check and thus do not gain
their classifiers)


Some attacks are very peculiar there is a set type of attacks that hit in area of effect and have various attributes of combat and the field space they effect.

Target: This type of attack chooses a target or multiple targets depending to apply it's effect. It's range is variable upon what is used. Melee and Ranged attacks generally
are also a form of target attack.

Penetration: This effect is similar to targeting except if the attack can penetrate through it can in theory strike the target behind and go through users armors as long as
the effect allows, this also can plausibly go through walls etc. this sort of attack is usually part of a target attack but acts similar in some cases to a line attack with
restrictions. If hitting a target that makes a Guard Check it instead if it can penetrate all the way through the Guard Checkers thickness of their protective wear and
themselves it shall cut their Guard Check by ½ before applying Aimed Strike Check and if it does not surpass the result then the attack is deflected as normal.

Touch Attacks: These attacks still initialize an effect automatically upon what they touch, this can lead to armor bypassing, spreading certain effects, etc. generally this
type of attack is attached to a target attack like Penetration even if the damage that was not touch type does not make it through a guard you may apply you modifiers.

Line: This attack fires in a straight line trying to go around all cover till it strikes a solid surface or goes through that surface if it bypasses all it's HP, generally a
line attack can be avoided if the person gets out of it's blast zone while some line attacks have more than 1 direct line of example a 1DSU diameter with 5DSU distance for
an example of a casual line or a 3DSU diameter with a 5DSU distance etc.

Cone: This attack type is similar to a line except it shall blossom 1DSU extra on each side of the diameter meaning if the line is 3DSU it shall start the first part as 1DSU
then 3DSU for the next section of the line (1DSU to each end) then 5DSU adding another 1DSU to each end then ending with 6DSU at the end of the distance for it's area of
effect generally growing the farther the line extends. Some effects could stop the blossoming effect and stop it at a cap, while others may make the line longer/widen the
line for a larger cone area.
Radius: This attack has a distance then ends with a certain radius and diameter zone that is struck thus a 6DSU distance and a 6DSU radius means 6DSU of a sphere area is
struck with the attack, many variants of this attack exist and can exist on Target type attacks.


There is a set of variants of calculation of damage this will help list the order of any damages

Step 1
Size Damage + MOD Damage + Bonus Damages + Added Bonus Dice Damages – Reduction Effects/Mitigation
Step 2
Percentage Raise Effects to Damage
Step 3
Multiplier Damages & Division of Damage
Step 4
Alternate effect after(status effects and special effects based on after total damage has applied)
Step 5
Weakness Multiplier/Immunization

Thus for example a weapon deals (1d8 Size)+(+10 STR MOD)+(+10 from a class)+(+1d4 Void)+(+5d6 Acid)+(5d6 heat)+(+10% extra damage of tally)(x2 damage of previous tally)then
applies after(1/4th damage of final previous tally)+(After applies forcerzeerate 1/4th of that damage total applies again as Acid)and(Burn Status Effect (Heat).

After damage application reduction effects and immunizes take place, immunity are overrides by any weakness to a damage but instead become a x1 to the damage source no
matter what. If you are to absorb into HP from a damage type and you have a weakness the healing effect is cut equal to the weakness multiplier.

Similar ruling apply to guard and other roll types but damage is most prevalent of the orders

Damage applies before all movements happen thus teleporting does not avoid chance of being hit by damage.

2 Sorts of Damage Sources are called Assassination Type Effects (ATE) Assassination CRIT Type Effects (ACTE) and Melee Training Type Effects (MTE).
Assassination Type Effects (ATE): These effects only activate on unaware, flanked, backside attack or DEX denied status.
Assassination CRIT Type Effects (ACTE): These effects are the same as (ATE) but also activate the ATE with a CRITs as well as a bonus condition thus all ATE activate with a
Melee Training Type Effect (MTE): These are Bonus Size Dice that boosts your effect Melee Damage to your character to represent Martial attack training and do not grow with
your size unless it notes a d# where the # is equal to your current Size dice and not MTE dice.

Damage Reduction, Damage Absorbency/Temporary Damage Absorbency, Damage Mitigation. (DR, TDA & DA, Mitigation)
A character with this type of sources reduces the damage by the amount listed. Temporary Damage Absorbency and normal Damage Absorbency stack normally together as does
damage type specific Absorbency. Damage Reduction applies first then Absorbency then Damage Mitigation in order of reducing down damages. All sources of reducing damage
applies after damage calculation in Step 1. If anything is Immune to a source it takes no effect from it. Any source that negates damage reduction also will negate damage
absorbency but damage mitigation does not negate. These count as Reduction effects except Mitigation. Temporary Damage Absorbency will go down first before hitting Damage

If Damage was converted to healing from an ability and you have a weakness to that damage type the Healing will not function and remains off.


At the start of a battle to decide whom goes first in turn wise roll 1d20 + DEX + PSY MOD this decides who gets to ACT in the time frame first one may give up their turn to
go one order step below with no actions of that round every time they give up their turn they go below the order if they hold back a turn while they are last they are then
first in the round in a round if somehow you go up in imitative while first in order you will be last in the order alter how this works is 6 seconds a ½ ACT is worth 3
normally an ability that adds more ½ acts alters the time frame up to a max of 2 acts in 6 seconds. If one NAT 20s their Initiative it gains a +50 bonus while if they NAT 1
it loses -50 instead. This check is not a skill check.


A CRIT is a NAT 20 on your opponent or a NAT 1 on your foes side or a activated effect. if your foe NAT 1s you gain an auto attack as a counter attack if you have any this
successful attack is double Damage x2 if you NAT 20 a Aimed Strike Check and they NAT 1 the Damage goes to x3 this is known as a double CRIT upon witch any Crit effects
apply double (say +2 to Crit multiplier goes to +4 instead so on). You may not stack activated CRIT effects on top of each other and any effective CRIT past a double CRIT
will always remain at a double CRIT. if you hit a foe with an elemental attack they are weak too this is also considered a multiplier. When adding any multipliers together
for example though these effects are not always consider true critical attacks and consider your base x1 usual damage to your multiplier (x4 + x3 = x5 (-1 off each
multiplier before adding together) most damage is a multiplier by x1 this is the minimal multiplier sometimes the multiplier is boosted by +1 or +0.5 or reduced by -1 by
other effects. If a effect says it reduces by ½ 2/3rd 3/4th etc. this is consider a minus to a multiplier instead but can still effect the tally of damage unlike a multiplier
reducer. If you would normally take ½ and a 2/3rds damage you take 3/4th damage (add the 2 numbers together on the left side of the division add them together then for the
right side make that number 1 higher than the left side number)(3/4th would be divide by 4), If you take x4 damage then take 3/4th damage you then instead take x1 damage. All
CRITS read in a degree of pluses added into the normal multiplier that you would usually apply. Any damage multiplier is also read similar thus a +1 to a multiplier means x2
the damage while +4 would equal x5 (Base is x1 + 4 = x5). If a race lists a specific weakness to a source that is a multiplier this multiplier cannot be reduced by anything
that reduces a multiplier and remains as is.


A target grappled is denied its DEX MOD if they are equal or smaller size than you but you are also denied DEX. A grapple check is opposed by the opponents grapple (which is
a muscle check or a slight check), all attacks done in a grapple can be called shots without any negatives on the grappled subject. You cannot grapple something that is 2
sizes larger than you. If the subject is 1 size larger than you, then you must take a –4 to grappling them. If the subject is smaller they take a –4 for each size they are
smaller than you. You may perform a trip and decide to go prone continually grappling them or deal ½ Damage and let go of them. This attempt does not include their extra
body part bonuses. Any attack done in a grapple is considered a DISABLING AND RENDING attack while a grapple is considered part of an attack action. A failed grapple attempt
counts as such. If you succeed in a grapple attempt you may continue your grappling move against the foe (some moves require more than 1 grapple in a single attack like
LIFTING AND THROWING AND SIZE). For every certain limb you have and the opponent has you gain a bonus and they gain a resistance to the bonus you gain. This applies for
every prehensile part except the first 2 arms of a creature. You will gain a +1 if you have no legs and constrict with your body (the bonus is raised to a +1 per size
category you are above the target that does not constrict for the opponents resistance). They gain a +1 for every extra limb past a pair of legs (2 legs) and pair of arms (2
arms). If you have no legs and constrict you gain a +1 bonus for each size category you are above the non-constrictor grappler. Any target in a grapple risks being hit even
by their allies depending upon the situation; there is a 50% risk for 2 same size targets. A target in the mouth of a grappler has a 20% chance to be hit (mouth periodically
opens from resisting force inside or chewing). A target fully swallowed has a 0% chance to be hit and while in a constriction has a 100% chance of being hit (due to them
being immobile and inability to later location). A target being 1 size category larger has a 55% chance and a 5% chance more for each category it is higher (max 95%) e.g. a
Grand Size Grappling a Tiny has a 80% chance of being hit while the tiny has a 20% chance of being hit. This rule even goes for moves that force evasions like beams and
radius effects with targeting status effect moves that target a specific target without a Physical components (like a curse that just does a status effect (debuffs usually))
do not have to roll a percentage but the target must be visible via sight. Area of effects that strike the target also strike the Grappler unless they are swallowed
(protected from the effects of the blast). When grappling you must be descriptive of how you are doing it as you may leave one of their arms free which allows them to also
attack you with called shots. If you do not describe how you wish to do it between you and your GM the GM will make a call upon how it happens in the situation. He might
take it instead also using some parts of your body (this may result in a negative to your grapples but for every extra limb involved over the opponent except wings, heads,
and tails is a +1 to grapple. If the limb has a minus to grapple it is negated. If you use a limb that does not have a minus to grapple for that time being. You cannot
perform extra attacks within a grapple from other effects other than limb count. Firearms weapons used in a grapple when you are not in control still have to roll a Aimed
Strike Check with a -15 Aimed Strike Check if single handed and -30 Aimed Strike Check if 2 handed while if you are in control they instead gain a +20 Aimed Strike Check if
it's single handed and a +10 Aimed Strike Check if 2 handed. When a target it's Guard Check is cut by ½.

When something is proned they are considered fallen to the ground and are denied Acrobatics Checks unless noted it take a ACT to get up which could be interrupted if
interrupted you are knocked back down if it succeeded unless noted or other general effects of battle happen a prone target DEX is denied unless they make a slight check to
overcome the enemies TS if they do they may make a Acrobatics Check to roll out of the way of the foes attack to any direction away from the attack during this evasion you
may make another slight check to surpass the opponents TS if done you may make the evasion to also stand up from prone while prone you take a -25 to Evasion rolls and a -10
Aimed Strike Check unless certain effects negate as such like the ability to move without legs on land.


When attacking an opponent who is prone, being attacked by an ally on the other side of the opponent directly from you, or being hit on the backside facing away from you
during these maneuvers you gain a +10 Aimed Strike Check bonus to your attacks the opponent gets to make slight checks against your TS plus Your DEX MOD to avoid you gaining
these bonuses. Backside and Flanking Aimed Strike Check bonus stacks to +20 if they correspond with each other and thus the DEX MOD to TS extra by x2 when both are active.
Backside attacks negate a shield's use for granting any guard benefit. A flank attack counts as a called shot for a shield to guard against it thus reducing it's body
protection count. A slight check negates these shield negatives if passed but you must remain facing them to negate the backside attack and the attacks flanking attack.

If a foe cannot see, hear, smell they are considered unaware to it, subjects to this are denied their DEX and Cuts their Guard Checks down by Half their roll and any attack
upon the subject attack will have the same bonus as a FLANKING AND BACKSIDE ATTACK effect against the subject being attacked from the back if you are aware of the being
presence but unable to see smell or hear them and do not have an ability that can trace their location you are still considered unaware due to lack of knowledge where they
are even if somebody does know and tells you invisible subjects are common place to gain this advantage. For more info of the conditions of alertness go to Chapter 8 SENSORY

Various means of “concealment” exist like invisibility from sight soundless movement from hearing or just behind an object etc. these forms of concealment can grant unaware
condition to foes if they do not know about your presence existing or a +25 on Aimed Strike Check rolls if they just can’t locate your area if you are “invisible you are
gaining a 50% miss chance from their attacks if they can guess your square this does not stack with ethereal instead you consider this miss chance roll first then ethereal
chance various environmental conditions grant concealment and cover can also grant concealment.

Tripping is capable when you're near an opponent and decide to flip them down to the ground the trip attempt is a 1d20+DEX or STR, PSY if it's through a mental ability this
could also be done in an attack which would produce half as much Damage this uses a ½ action along with a regular attack ½ action if used in attack with ½ Damage as well and
tripping a target with extra legs and a tail is harder for every odd number leg is a +2 against trip attempts and for every tail is a +1 and for every pair of wings (2
wings) is a +1 and their check is a slight check against your trip attempt a creature that doesn’t need legs to stand is immune (unless they are in flight) also a creature
any size larger than yourself for each size category gains a +1 to its slight check


Rending is done during a grappled subject being attacked by the grappler and is quite dangerous if used properly it pinpoint shots a body part without negatives and deal
Damage to that body part if the Damage is equal to the body part the body part cannot be used for 1d4 rounds if you attack a disabled part for example you hit the arms HP
mark again you deal enough Damage to remove the part but as soon as a disable or rend succeeds you lose your grapple on that opponent an attack deals Damage equal to your
size Physical attack this is considers an attack action. (further effects are in VITALITY SYSTEM & CRUSH SHOT/CALLED SHOT/PINPOINT SHOT section)

When you decide to climb on an opponent the climbing check is their TS the opponent has to be at least 2 sizes larger than yourself for it to be consider “climbing” instead
of grappling

You and another opponent by literally go hand to hand pushing on each other to knock the other down or such these require muscle checks and a ½ ACT as a Forceful Push
effect. Or could have a boulder fall on you, you could try to stop it with your own strength instead of taking the of the blow with a Guard Check or avoiding it with
Evasion this can be used in conjunction with a Tripping as a STR check

When using the environment as a weapon it depends upon the environmental weapon used if you throw a boulder of Large Size (equal to a large size character) it deals dice
Damage equal to your STR MOD plus the boulders Weight score divided by 4 rounded down and Large size Damage dice (weight scores may vary depending on how a GM may want to
determine this environmental Damage the other type is example Launching electricity through a wire into a water puddle apply the PSY MOD (max equal to title level x25) plus
10d# dice based upon your title level (this is not a Tech or done through a Tech) and continue each time it is your turn or on their turn if they enter the environmental
Damage upon their own turn a GM may determine other status effects like stun of a certain level or other such depending upon any source of environmental Damage if the source
is not caused by yourself apply any of these examples minus the modifier of your character (since no being is applying their own personal intervention to the Damage) this
type of Damage can vary of Mystical Damage Physical Damage or Elemental Damage (Void mystical or mystical) or Nothing Damage (which may also be applied as poison Damage)

Interruptions are a attack or action done on somebody’s else’s turn this can only be done once per round and uses up the equivalent actions required when more than 1
interruption in an attack happens dealing with TS like combining 2 attack ½ all the TS rounded down then add them together all Damage and effects are kept separately with
their specific MODs. You cannot interruption a counter attack from a NAT 20 or NAT 1 you can decide when your interruptions go as if an opponent attack you decide to
interrupt you may attack them while they launch an attack elsewhere this results in the opponent force into a check they still get their attack but they disadvantaged from
spending an action you may counter only once per their ½ acts so if a person counter attacks against a move at the specific time of advantage they cannot counter attack
again from that character another character that has not spent their counter can though you cannot perform a interruption to move if the opponent is performing an attack
against you as evasions represents this if you perform a interruption attack while somebody else is also attacking the same target all attacks in that same ½ action are
simultaneous and instead the opponent is forced to only roll 1 defensive check or evasion to beat all the attacks any that beat that roll hit and if any one of those attacks
done NAT 1s for a counter attack or if the guard performed is a NAT 20 you may counter any of the targets subject for the counter attack.

You may while in a interruption action take a slight check against the Aimed Strike Check rolled against them and take the damage for them.

Counters are generally are a quick reaction thus are a ½ ACT they generally are a way of quick combat reflexes that are sudden and only happen in the middle of 1d20 rolls
NAT 1s on Aimed Strike Check or NAT 20s Guard or Evasion these do not count towards your attack ½ action unlike Interruption Counters these types of attacks do not count
towards your attacks of the round

If 2 NAT 20s occurred against each other happen you are to roll against each other with 1d20s again adding you LUK modifiers to this roll only whomever wins with the higher
number gets to apply his Success-fulness over the opponents

Just like a CLASH of NAT 20s NAT 1s can clash whomever is the winner gets to not consider their NAT 1 as the other NAT 1 was a bigger mistake or just dumb luck too however
it comes out you add your luck MOD to this roll


Vitality system is based on each body parts critical function Head, Body, Legs, Arms, Wings, Tails. Each body part uses a HP amount equal to the base HP of the character;
there are 3 forms of attacks that hit differently on these body parts. If you called shot multiple targets with 1 attack (example penetrate effect) the percentage you roll
must acquire all stacking penalties. HP healed does not effect this but regeneration does.

Making any one of these 3 selection is still a “Called Shot” type ability All negatives applied from this section are “Called Shot” Negatives but other negatives outside of
these negatives are not thus any penalties to Aimed Strike Check applied not from a “Called Shot” are not negated off from sources that negate called shot negatives. Any
auto hit ability will decrease the chance of activation by -15% except ones in grapples.

Crush Shot: “This counts as a Called Shot and Pinpoint Shot for benefits of modification of anything that effects called shot and pinpoint shot” You may attack all body
parts on a target of equal size or lower in a attack (singular or many) that deals ½ your damage to their HP and ½ to their VITALITY HP this attack has a 50% chance of
working if it fails it is a normal attack. Grapples automatically gain a bonus +15% to activate.

Called Shot: “This counts as both Called Shot and Pinpoint Shot for benefits of modifications unless noted separately.” You may call out a main body part zone like Head,
Body, Arm, Leg, Tail, Wing and deal all your damage as VITALITY damage to that part this damage only deals ¼ HP damage to the main target. This attack also takes a -30 Aimed
Strike Check penalty with a increasing -10 Aimed Strike Check penalty per extra target involved in extra called shots (say through piercing effect or hitting more than 1
called shot sector in a single attack) The percentage of activation is 30% per extra target or else it turns into a normal attack. Their percentage increases by 1% per size
category they have above your own and a -2% per size category they are smaller than you along with the Aimed Strike Check penalty decreasing per size they are larger than
you by +5.

Pinpoint Shot: “This counts as both Called Shot and Pinpoint Shot for benefits of modifications unless noted separately.” You may call out a main body part zone like Head,
Body, Arm, Leg, Tail, Wing interior (like eyes, brain, hand etc.) and deal all your damage as VITALITY damage to that part this damage only deals ½ HP damage to the main
target. This attack also takes a -45 Aimed Strike Check penalty with a increasing -15 Aimed Strike Check penalty per extra target involved in extra called shots (say through
piercing effect or hitting more than 1 called shot sector in a single attack) The percentage of activation is 15% per extra target or else it turns into a called shot attack
which then rolls by the Called Shot percentage to work. Their percentage increases by 1% per size category they have above your own and a -3% per size category they are
smaller than you along with the Aimed Strike Check penalty decreasing per size they are larger than you by +5.

Zone Called Shot: When performing a called shot to a 1DSU square is a -10 to the Aimed Strike Check to denote a 1/4th of a square is a -15 Aimed Strike Check to denote a
1/8th of a square is a -20 Aimed Strike Check etc. this form of called shot is only for certain accuracy to objects etc. or particular square zones of objects. Range
increments beyond add another -5 Aimed Strike Check per range increment beyond the first.

All examples are for classical humans’ race even if they have a tail or wings affixed to them as a racial quality may vary by GM discretion these are effects are potentially
negative effects that can occur if the body part is render.

Head (negative –10% CON/PSY Score)

-Pinpoint (KO, Kill, Blind, Mute, Deaf, Paralyze, Dizziness)
Body (negative –10% CON/STR/PSY Score)
-Pinpoint (Kill, Paralyze, Suffocation, Acid Damage)
Arm (negative –10% DEX/STR Score)
-Pinpoint (Can’t hold stuff, Can’t move it, Cast Failure Chance)
Leg (negative –10% DEX/STR Score)
-Pinpoint (Can’t stand, lose movement)
Tail (negative –10% DEX Score)
-Pinpoint (Can’t hold stuff, Can’t move it, lose movement)
Wing (negative –10% DEX Score)
-Pinpoint (Can’t move it, lose movement)

All negative percents add onto each other

if a limb is completely removed then the person suffers a -25% to their Max HP for till that part is re attached.

Slight is quite a handy ability to use as it allows acrobatics depending allows you to get a Guard or evasion score if sneak attacked or flanked (when one is on the other
side of another attacking the person in the middle of them) it allows even quick motions of the hands to take thing to use things dexterously etc. But TS apply to these
things still and NAT 1s usually end up as a Prone and other ill effects it can also used to halve falling Damage
Roll 1d20 then multiply it by number by each 5 feat fallen but must be dropped around 5DSU for tiny through medium and +3DSU for each size up to even take it into effect
also slight checks can halve this though the TS for a slight check to halve falling Damage is equal to the feat fallen so 6DSU = TS 30 object falling deal their
environmental size Damage plus falling Damage this is considered Physical Damage unless otherwise noted, falling damage caps based upon the terminal velocity, to figure out
the Terminal velocity base it upon gravity amount (all casual calculation are based around earth gravity levels as x1) then your WS x 20 the result is your cap damage that
you take from falling. If a planet has a larger amount of gravity (say x2 of earth) increase the result of damage by x2 and the WS cap by x2 as well.

A charge attack is in a move action and does not take up your attack action though you must have at least 5DSU space to charge when making a charge attack you gain a +10
Aimed Strike Check and a -100 on a Guard Check and a -25 on a Acrobatics Checks (the minus to these checks are mid movement not after) you have to make a charge in a line
with a 1DSU drift at max turning (a slight check to turn sharper corners is equal to 20 per 1DSU turn) You may not make a trip attempt unless it is a forceful push nor can
you make a grapple check, forceful push charges deal 1/2 Damage (this applies after multipliers unlike most divisions) and the TS is equal to Muscle to Muscle checks if you
score 20 over the opponent or a natural 20 you cause a auto knock down that will take 2 Acts to get up instead of a ACT. A charge attack normally is stopped by another
attack that hits successfully you may not normally apply called shots to a charge attack or multiple attack or combo attack abilities unless noted.


Roll 1d20+STR as a muscle check the TS is equal to the objects weight score if you can lift the object normally with no problem then do not roll, a thrown object deals
environmental Damage not your size Damage to throw something living that’s resisting to be thrown make a grapple check if successful make another grapple check to lift them
then throw the resisting thrown object or living thing the example information is from the size charter. A thrown weapon differs from a casual object as it counts as a true
weapon thus applies your STR but uses DEX as the Aimed Strike Check. A muscle check does not permit you to wield things as weapons but allows only of lifting it per round.
Your casual lift score is boosted by +1 per 10 you roll but this effect only lasts for 1 minute and adds fatigue to your character this fatigue for each 1 minute you extend
your lift score in this fashion.


Combat in liquids like water reduce various stats unless your race is able to negate these negatives. Ranged weapons fire only up to 1DSU if they can fire underwater (this
cannot be negated with a racial ability). Firearms that are no sealed and protected from liquids cannot fire (this cannot be negated with a racial ability). And you deal
1/10th as much damage magic techs are usually unaffected though Aimed Strike Check and DEX skills have a penalty at -25, and a +10 to Grapple checks.


If you are climbing it’s worth ½ you land base speed if you want to go full land based speed you have to beat the zones climb TS by 20 taking you time to climb will allow
you to lessen the climb checks TS by half all climbing requires a climb check every movement or action done while climbing if you are trying to attack etc. while climbing
you take a –4 Aimed Strike Check if you are doing any other type of action like jumping slight checks that’s physically effecting they take a –6 on the roll)

A flying creature takes risks if they are hit by a special sourced attacks they must make a TS equal to the strikers #d# dices Damage not including the modifiers (Unless
from abilities that don’t deal with modifiers) or start a fall out of control, if struck midair by a regular attack they must make a TS equal to the dices Damage not
including the modifiers (Unless from abilities that don’t deal with modifiers), if the attack has both Physical and special dice involvement both dice Damage amounts are
totaled together, if multiple techs strike all the dice are added together if a flier is over succumbed in weight they start a fall rough flier will negate the issue
depending upon the degree of TS as the same as the wind degree charter this is a balance check and for every extra tail and set of wings you gain a +1 to the check if a
flying creature is Denied DEX other than flank and unaware they start to fall and must make a slight check to avoid falling a creature that can fly must not be over weighted
in its weight lifting score if it fails the muscle check to over lift it will fall or cannot take off flying one may stabilize only once if they fail they take falling
Damage and are prone on the ground


If you share a square with an ally or you squeeze through a tight space. Take a –3 on Aimed Strike Check if your situation calls for it if you make a slight check of TS
equal to 5 per character level you possess then you may negate this if passed. If you share a square with an opponent you take a –3 on your Aimed Strike Check and Guard
Checks unless you make a slight check against their TS you are considered to be flanked while in a square with an enemy of size 3 smaller to equaling your size only. For
limitations upon those that can share squares 2 Tiny equals 1 small 2 small equals 1 medium 1 large equals 4 mediums etc. so a large can share with up to 4 mediums in his
square 2 smalls can share with 1 medium or 2 mediums can share a square with each other, other sizes can be compared in this way as well so 1 1DSU square is equivalent to 2
medium creatures max


You may pass through ally squares as you please but to move through an enemy square you must make is past their TS in a slight check if you fail you are stopped on their
square and your movement ends if the foe is 2 sizes smaller this will not count and you may pass freely through that square

Depending on how big you are and the terrain you take cover from you gain a bonus on stealth and against attacks trying to hit you over that cover while in stealth you gain
a +5 per size category the cover is over your own to stealth checks. Also if the opponent tries to attack over the cover you gain a Guard Check bonus or Acrobatics Check
bonus per size category the object is over your own +5. If it’s equal size +5 for each 1DSU it’s over your height if you’re crouching you are consider 1 size smaller for
intent of the guard bonus but not evasion you must claim that you are taking cover on the said object to gain these bonuses. If you perform a peer over action you may act as
if you are within that square but only have half the covers bonus to yourself rounded down along with if you make an Acrobatics Check you do not have to move 1DSU only
returning to your cover position instead. If the Cover is 1 size category over your own you also gain concealment bonus as long as you can remain hidden behind it

Any effect that adds an extra attack onto the same article thus you punch with your fist twice instead of once is a Multi-Attack effect which is different from a combo
attack that uses different sources for multiple attacks.

A character can initiate more than 1 attack in a ½ per article like 1 kick per leg 1 punch per arm or gun shot or sword slash and a head butt for every extra article applied
all the attacks take a –10 Aimed Strike Check so if you perform a kick, kick, sword slash, head butt you take a –30 Aimed Strike Check on all those attacks the first one is
free of a penalty if they have Multi-Attacks within say the sword has the ability to attack twice its negatives from that ability only apply it’s the swords Multi-Attacks
and takes on the –30 on all those attacks stacked on with some class abilities might reduce this negative or remove it based upon what is being used all these attacks are
being performed in the single ½ ACT that you are performing.


[toughness scores]


To overcome a TS you must hit its number equally or over TS can also be applied to challenges or dangerous zones, all scores are measured in standard or close to standard
person limits not for general PC or high fantasy limits

Characters Type TS is 10 + characters level x5 + any other ability or effects

Unique Type TS 20 + characters level x5 + any other ability or effects
Casts Type TS 9 + characters level + (½ your (PSY+SPRT Scores)

0 is Low-Wimpy challenge
5 is Mid-Wimpy challenge
10 is High-Wimpy challenge
15 is Low-Weak challenge
20 is Mid-Weak challenge
25 is High-Weak challenge
30 is Low-Easy challenge
35 is Mid-Easy challenge
40 is High-Easy challenge
45 is Low-Normal challenge
50 is Mid-Normal challenge
55 is High-Normal challenge
60 is Low-Hard challenge
65 is Mid-Hard challenge
70 is High-Hard challenge
75 is Low-Formidable challenge
80 is Mid-Formidable challenge
85 is High-Formidable challenge
90 is Low-Superior challenge
95 is Mid-Superior challenge
100 is High-Superior challenge

any above is considers either negligible to mention etc. and may surpass etc.

Heat degrees

Items dissipate 1/10 of their heat TS per round until they reach the ambient TS temperature of the surrounding area.

0 is 20 Degrees Celsius
5 is 25 Degrees Celsius
10 is 30 Degrees Celsius
15 is 35 Degrees Celsius
20 is 40 Degrees Celsius
25 is 45 Degrees Celsius
30 is 50 Degrees Celsius
35 is 55 Degrees Celsius
40 is 60 Degrees Celsius
45 is 65 Degrees Celsius
50 is 70 Degrees Celsius
55 is 75 Degrees Celsius
60 is 80 Degrees Celsius
65 is 85 Degrees Celsius
70 is 90 Degrees Celsius
75 is 95 Degrees Celsius
80 is 100 Degrees Celsius
85 is 105 Degrees Celsius
90 is 110 Degrees Celsius
95 is 115 Degrees Celsius
100 is 120 Degrees Celsius

And for Cold Temperatures

Items dissipate 1/10 of their cold TS per round until they reach the ambient TS temperature of the surrounding area.

0 is 10 Degrees Celsius
5 is 5 Degrees Celsius
10 is 0 Degrees Celsius
15 is -5 Degrees Celsius
20 is -10 Degrees Celsius
25 is -15 Degrees Celsius
30 is -15 Degrees Celsius
35 is -20 Degrees Celsius
40 is -20 Degrees Celsius
45 is -25 Degrees Celsius
50 is -25 Degrees Celsius
55 is -30 Degrees Celsius
60 is -30 Degrees Celsius
65 is -35 Degrees Celsius
70 is -35 Degrees Celsius
75 is -35 Degrees Celsius
80 is -40 Degrees Celsius
85 is -40 Degrees Celsius
90 is -40 Degrees Celsius
95 is -45 Degrees Celsius
100 is -45 Degrees Celsius

One who fails a Endure Check takes Damage equal to the TS degree x 1d20 so a 5 TS 150 Degrees would be 1d20 x1 and a 50 TS 950 Degrees is 1d20 x10

Wind Levels

0 is 10 MPH
5 is 20 MPH
10 is 30 MPH
15 is 40 MPH
20 is 50 MPH
25 is 60 MPH
30 is 70 MPH
35 is 80 MPH
40 is 90 MPH
45 is 100 MPH
50 is 110 MPH
55 is 120 MPH
60 is 130 MPH
65 is 140 MPH
70 is 150 MPH
75 is 160 MPH
80 is 170 MPH
85 is 180 MPH
90 is 190 MPH
95 is 200 MPH
100 is 210 MPH

Continue with the pattern every degree of wind is rough movement for fliers and a failure to slight check in the wind properly will take Damage of 1d20 x the degree of the
wind force so a 5 TS wind 20 MPH is 1d20 x1 Damage while a 50 TS wind 110 MPH wind is 1d20 x 10

Water Hazard Levels

0 is No water
5 is 0mph water
10 is 0.5mph water
15 is 1mph water
20 is 1.5mph water
25 is 2mph water
30 is 2.5mph water
35 is 3mph water
40 is 3.5mph water
45 is 4mph water
50 is 4.5mph water
55 is 5mph water
60 is 5.5mph water
65 is 6mph water
70 is 6.5mph water
75 is 7mph water
80 is 7.5mph water
85 is 8mph water
90 is 8.5mph water
95 is 9mph water
100 is 9.5mph water

Being pushed causes drowning and 1d20 x2 Damage per round and movement of 12DSU per mph

Variables of -10 through +10 due to certain information known or other easier things to occur

Terrain Conditions For Rough Terrain and Climbing

0 Flat Surface
10 Rough Surface
20 Slick Surface
30 Highly Rough Surface
40 Highly Slick Surface
50 Rough Sloped Surface
60 Slick Sloped Surface
70 Highly Rough Sloped Surface
80 Highly Slick Sloped Surface
If there is many grasp points for climbing grant a -5 to the TS

0 is Weak Sensitivity
20 is Minor Sensitivity
40 is Low Sensitivity
60 is Mild Sensitivity
80 is High Sensitivity
100 is Extreme Sensitivity

Up wind is –5 on the TS per wind TS Category up and extra 3DSU Distance to Smell
Down wind and Blown Away to the side is +20 on the TS per wind TS Category Up
For each 1DSU it is away the TS is raised by +5
For each extra Scent involved with a Scent to pinpoint is a +5 TS
TS increases by +10 to locate the general direction

5 is 2 mph winds/ light trickle/ wispy
10 is 4 mph winds/ trickle/ thin
15 is 8 mph winds/ heavy trickle/ light
20 is 10 mph winds/ light drizzle/ moderate
25 is 12 mph winds/ drizzle/ thick
30 is 14 mph winds/ heavy drizzle/ heavy
35 is 16 mph winds/ light shower/ dense
40 is 18 mph winds/ shower/ massive
45 is 20 mph winds/ heavy shower/ extremely thick
50 is 22 mph winds/ light storm/ extremely heavy

Sandstorms/Snowstorms/Rainstorms also provide concealment equal to their TS degree thus 50 is 50% concealment and blocks out a certain TS of light equal to the storms TS -5,
concealment is also the chance to miss to strike the target like ethereal and lessens out scent and sight checks a Rain storm does not block out light unlike a Snowstorm
Sandstorm or Fog.

Darkness Degrees
5 is Still light
10 is Still light
15 is Still light
20 is Dim light
25 is Dim light
30 is Dim light
35 is Very low light
40 is Very low light
45 is Very low light
50 is no light

Unlike other TS based this does not go past 50 and measures only for sight checks for every 10 TS a light source grants negate 5 TS of Darkness (if the area is primarily
darkness) also within the darkness if your opponents sight does not match out the distance to see you, you gain a concealment of up to 10% per 5 TS concealment if they guess
your square is also the chance to miss to strike the target like ethereal. Visions based on light can be completely negated. And to spot specific things in that darkness the
smaller the object or being the harder to spot increasing the TS by x6 for Micro x5 for Tiny x4 for Small x3 for Medium x2 for Large and finally for Huge and beyond x1. If
no light exists (50) the check for light based visuals is always impossible to pass.

Light Degrees
5 is Still light
10 is Still light
15 is Still light
20 is Bright light
25 is Bright light
30 is Bright light
35 is Intense light
40 is Intense light
45 is Intense light
50 is Blinding light

Unlike other TS based this does not go past 50 and measures only for sight checks for every 10 TS a darkness source grants negate 5 TS of light (if the area is primarily
lighten) if your opponents sight does not match out the distance to see you, you gain a concealment of up to 10% per 5 TS concealment if they guess your square is also the
chance to miss to strike the target like ethereal. Various things may block light examples are like various walls etc.

Info Recalling and Study

0 Super Simple Info
10 Simple Info
20 Super Common Info
30 Common Info
40 Super Basic Info
50 Basic Info
60 Uncommon Info
70 Super Uncommon Info
80 Rare Info
90 Super Rare Info
100 Scarce Info
110 Super Scarce Info
120 Legacy Info
130 Super Legacy Info
140 Secret Info Info
150 Super Secret Info
160 Ancient Info
170 Rare Ancient Info
180 Super Rare Ancient Info
190 Scarce Ancient Info
200 Legacy Ancient Info

When trying to learn of various info like how to hack a computer, find out a monsters statistics via study, discovering minerals, and even down to various studies of
academics on the field. If you fail this check you will not know the info till you are given a new source check from a GM.

Diplomacy and Bluffing

0 Simple Questions to Answer

10 Questions to Answer
20 Small Favor
30 Favor
40 Greater Favor
50 Acquaintances Favor
60 Friend Favor
70 Good Friendly Favor
80 Best Friends Favors
90 Close Friends Favors
100 Very Close Friends Favors
110 Minor Dangerous Request
120 Dangerous Request
130 Large Dangerous Request
140 Huge Dangerous Request
150 Extreme Dangerous Request
160 Life Costing Request
170 Large Life Costing Request
180 Huge Life Costing Request
190 Extreme Life Costing Request
200 Outright Against All Character Request

Keep most checks in a realistic request or else nobody will consider doing the request. Most measures are based on personal choice. And characters themselves PCs though
cannot “use these rolls” to manipulate the actions of other PCs in this mannerism.

Hacking Computers
0 Very Simple Code
10 Simple Code
20 Very Common Code
30 Common Code
40 Uncommon Code
50 Very Uncommon Code
60 Hard Code
70 Very Hard Code
80 Advanced Code
90 Very Advanced Code
100 Security Code
110 Greater Security Code
120 Advanced Security Code
130 Hyper Security Code
140 High End Code
150 Greater High End Code
160 Advanced High End Code
170 Hyper High End Code
180 Chaotic Code
190 Greater Chaotic Code
200 Advanced Chaotic Code

Hacking Code is a special TS derived for getting into computers usually by the means of Programming and Hardwired Infiltration of the computer. For each 1 TS it takes 5mins
to try and see the results of the “Hacking” attempt for each 10 TS you reach over the TS you reduce the time by -5 minute. If you are to reduce the time under 1min it
instead reduces it by 6 seconds per 10 TS over till you reach 0 seconds (a free action) A Hack time does not have to be consecutive but it must be worked on to reduce the
time. If you program something etc. the TS to counter hack your own program is your Study Check divided by 3. A minimal work time on any TS is equal to 6 seconds per 25 TS
(thus cannot ever drop below it minimal time) and you cannot reduce any time below except with special effects.

Magnetism Strength & Pull Distance

0 1DSU
5 0.1DSU
10 0.1DSU
15 0.1DSU
20 0.1DSU
25 0.1DSU
30 0.6ft
35 0.7ft
40 0.8ft
45 0.9ft
50 1DSU
55 1.1DSU
60 1.1DSU
65 1.1DSU
70 1.1DSU
75 1.1DSU
80 1.6ft
95 1.7ft
100 1.8ft

Gravity Strength & Pull Distance

0 1DSU
5 10DSU
10 20DSU
15 30DSU
20 41DSU
25 51DSU
30 61DSU
35 71DSU
40 81DSU
45 91DSU
50 100DSU
55 110DSU
60 120DSU
65 130DSU
70 141DSU
75 151DSU
80 161DSU
85 171DSU
90 181DSU
95 191DSU
100 201DSU

Sound Level in TS
0 0 Decibel
5 15 Decibels
10 30 Decibels
15 45 Decibels
20 60 Decibels
25 75 Decibels
30 90 Decibels
35 105 Decibels
40 120 Decibels
45 135 Decibels
50 150 Decibels
55 165 Decibels
60 180 Decibels
65 195 Decibels
70 210 Decibels
75 225 Decibels
80 240 Decibels
85 255 Decibels
90 270 Decibels
95 285 Decibels
100 300 Decibels

Per distance +10 TS per 12DSU -15 in enclosed space with only +5 per 12DSU.


0 is 1 Joule
5 is 100 Joules (punch strength) 1d8
10 is 200 Joules (2 punches strength) 1d10
15 is 400 Joules (4 punches strength) 1d12
20 is 800 Joules (8 punches strength) 2d6
25 is 1600 Joules (16 punches strength) 2d8
30 is 3200 Joules (32 punches strength) 2d10
35 is 6400 Joules (64 punches strength) 2d12
40 is 12,800 Joules (128 punches strength) 4d6
45 is 25,600 Joules (256 punches strength) 4d8
50 is 51,200 Joules (512 punches strength) 4d10
55 is 102,400 Joules (1024 punches strength) 4d12
60 is 204,800 Joules (2048 punches strength) 8d6
65 is 409,600 Joules (4096 punches strength) 8d8
70 is 819,200 Joules (8192 punches strength) 8d10
75 is 1,638,400 Joules (16,384 punches strength) 8d12
80 is 3,276,800 Joules (32,768 punches strength) 16d6
85 is 6,553,600 Joules (65,536 punches strength) 16d8
90 is 13,107,200 Joules (131,072 punches strength) 16d10
95 is 26,214,400 Joules (262,144 punches strength) 16d12
100 is 52,428,800 Joules (524,288 punches strength) 32d6

Damage is based on a basic human punch strength (1d8 Medium sized damage for damage measure) These amounts are a rough estimate of Joules to damage. 4,184,000,000 how much
Joules TNT produces (135 TS). Though these damages are based on melee damage growth other estimations can be produced instead and should only be noted that a level 1
character is a average of all beings with slight above average chances.

[body slots]
[drawing items and putting away]
[battle rules]
[weapon classifications]
[firearm reloading and mishap rules]
[weapons range rules]
[item creation rules]

Characters have a set of body slots that they are limited to wearing these items do not take up your carry limit at all when in use the slots are as listed

Head, Body, Any count of Arms, Any count of Hands, Any count of Legs, Any count of Feet, Any set of 2 Eyes count, Any set of 2 Wings, Up to 1 Ring per limb that can use a
Ring (fingers, tendrils, Toes), Mask (this slot can cover over a helm or go under one), Pants (if you have legs),Neck, Shirt (this goes under the Body slot), Robes (This
goes above the Body slot), Cape, Any count of Tails, Belt, Forehead, Hat, Earrings per 1 Ear, Shoulders, Wielding (based on your capabilities of wielding like a shield or a
weapon belong to these spots).

Any body slot of Eye, Wings, Rings, Mask, Shirt, Pants, Neck, Robes, Cape, Tails, Belt, Forehead, Hat, Earrings are all consider accessory slots for yourself and their
applications. Also any other objects also do not follow the body slot rules follow under accessory rules too.

If you have an article that does not contribute an initial bonus to Damage or guard like a weapon or armor item but has an effect on it for attacking or defensive it though
does not count as such an item but will apply its effects to you naturally as if used as such thus you can have 2 bandage wraps each separate items imbued with a weapon
effect if you punch with the bandages it counts as your natural attack and applies said items effect but if you put a gauntlet over the item the gauntlet will take effect
and override all its effects counting as a weapon item of the same slot the same is apply able to armor as well thus robes that add Guard add their guard but if you wear
armor it will overtake any effects and inert it

As long as an item covers an area and takes up the right slot example a body bandage imbued with a weapon effect that covers your entire body all section of the body that
are not negated by a stack over item will inherit this effect

Some items do not take up a normal slot these are called slot less items examples are dice, book, etc. these items grant their benefit as long as they belong on your person
or if used in the sense of how their effect can activate like using it defensively or offensively.

If you have an item that grants extra body slotting like an extra tail this counts towards your slotting bonus unless the item is sentient other words the benefits are only
given to the sentient item which case if the sentient item is wielded or worn by person unless it’s a slot less item grants it’s bonuses to the owner of the sentient item as
long as the sentient item approves

If a character instead applies self the self-body slots are consider separate from the worn slots representations of such are tattoos and mechanical enhancements etc.


To draw an item it takes a ½ ACT and during that drawing of the item you can draw up to equal to your hand count so you can draw out two swords if you have two hands and 3
if you have a prehensile tail for example, to put the article away on your person is another ½ ACT but a free action to just carefully drop the item to the ground on the
space you’re standing on freeing that hand or prehensile part for any other article you can draw out you can also draw something while you’re making a movement of up to 3DSU
per 1 articles thus if you move 6DSU you can draw up to 3 items during that movement if you wish as a slight action you can lessen down a draw time of accumulated drawing of
articles by beating a TS of 25 and every 10 after save another ½ ACT thus if you score 50 you could theoretically draw out 4 items for free action and a 5th and above for a ½
ACT per this also applies to putting away items thus you can put away 2 of those items for free and draw out two new items

A weapon uses a set amount of hands to use for each size category the item is it requires more hands to operate properly so a weapon meant for a large size character that is
built from a 1 handed variant uses 2 hands instead, a 2 handed weapon would then need 3 hands, if the weapon is 1 size smaller it only needs 1 hand less then, if the weapon
is 2 sizes smaller it’s unusable to the wielder. Siege weapons require too much manpower in itself to be wield able by any character. If you are under sized for a weapon and
do not have enough hand you cannot wield the weapon, if you use a 2 handed weapon 1 handed you take a –10 Aimed Strike Check penalty for each size category it is over your
own size wield limit, thus a Great Blade is –20 Aimed Strike Check and a Long Blade is –10 Aimed Strike Check.

When performing an attack action you may include other limbs to use attacks at the same time so firing two guns during the same attack action if you are doing this you take
a –10 Aimed Strike Check for each extra attack from a different source accumulated on all the attacks so if you use your two guns and having a tail fire another gun you take
a –20 Aimed Strike Check throwing a grenade or rocket launcher is not affected by this but will count another –10 Aimed Strike Check for the other attacks that do require
Aimed Strike Check if a gun has a blade on it you may perform a Melee attack and fire the gun for extra Damage this is counted as a Melee attack not a Ranged attack as the
guns Damage and the blades Damage add up as one

When a weapon permits a focus for extra Aimed Strike Check you must expend a ½ ACT to apply it and meet its conditions scopes also require this to apply their bonuses

When attacking you may apply all weaponry you are using in hand so a Gun in one and a another gun in the other hand means you may attack with both on the same attack action
if one has up to 6 attacks and the other 2 the one with 6 Strikes may fire four times and the one with 2 Strikes may strike with 2 on the same attack action

If you use a 2 handed gun 1 handed you take a –1 penalty on Aimed Strike Check per dice the guns Damage does and may not focus if the gun has the ability to gain extra Aimed
Strike Check if the weapon is a “Laser” type instead the user takes a –2 penalty for using it 1 handed per battery pack insert it has due to battery pack weight and the gun
being built to be held by 2 hands

A weapon of larger size has its dice grade up its Ranged increased and cost multiplied by the size up all weapons listed are medium so a 2d4 weapon with 50% chance of 3d4
goes large is a 2d6 with a 50% of 3d6 a Melee weapon with a +10 size Damage just goes up from the pattern a set of +10 for each size up Melee weapon range is never increased
unless it’s a reach weapon of armor does not increase by size

A gun with the sundering ADD-ON may ignore a certain feat of material it goes through depending on its 1d# dice so 4d# goes through 1DSU while explosive tries to break all
objects in its radius a spread radius gun cannot sunder through objects but will break objects in an area like an explosive radius

There is 4 types of Ranged categories “thrown” “projectile” “ballistic” and “spread” A thrown weapon is considered Melee and Ranged for effects, a projectile is anything
that is fired from a device, a ballistic is any projectile launches from a firearm like a pistol rocket launcher etc. firearms differ from projectile launchers for effects
as they use different methods, and spread is anything that has a radius or cone to it like a grenades, exploding arrows, and sprayer/throwers


Weapons belong to 2 categories though many subgroups cross these categories Melee & Ranged. Other types are Improvised, Thrown, Blade & Melee, Firearm, Melee, Projectile &

A Improvised weapon is any weapon usage that is not normally meant to be a weapon.

A Firearm is any weapon that fires their round with “Ballistics or Pressurized shot”

A Blade is a cutting specific made weapon for cutting or piercing source “swords and spears”

A Bludgeoning is a object specifically made weapon for crushing source “mace and staffs”

A Projectile weapon is any ranged weapon that fires via anything other than “Ballistics”

A Thrown weapon is both a projectile and a melee attack combined.

A Natural attack is anything done via your own body. These effects don't count as a weapons.

There is different weapon type classes among the weapons themselves usually based upon name. Examples listed below.

Pistol, Shotgun, Rifle, Thrower, Rocket Launcher, Grenade Launcher, Explosives, Projectile, Blade, , Thrown.

Many ranged projectiles vary on their type and have different rules to them as wind variables effect them if a weapon has more than 1 type take the lowest Aimed Strike Check

Ballistic: Wind degree effects a -3 Aimed Strike Check per 5 TS of Wind

Projectile: Wind degree effects a -5 Aimed Strike Check per 5 TS of Wind
Thrown: Wind degree effects a -2 Aimed Strike Check per 5 TS of Wind
Laser: Ignores Wind degree but the farther the laser the less the damage by -25 per 3DSU past max range increments. Also bounces off mirrored surfaces and refracts into
prisms this still damages the object if it cannot take the heat damage.


Reloading a gun in actions refers to the marked action so if you have to reload a gun with a ½ ACT and an ACT it means if you only have an ACT you spend an ACT on your turn
and a ½ ACT next turn during the beginning of the new round as a “free counter action”

The 5 types of gun loads for normal firearms are Magazine (Mag), Internal (Int), Cylinder (Cyl)(Ncyl), Breech (Bre), Chain Feed (ChFd) each has a particular rule set for
-Magazine: a gun that uses a magazine basically cannot reset it’s ammo to full without unloading the previous magazine basically if you leave 5 rounds you must unload the
magazine to set it back to full the 5 not used are left in the previous magazine but during combat cannot be filled up due to the time it takes to fill magazines again but
you may reload that magazine into the gun making your gun have 5 bullets to use the magazine is treated as a separate item from the gun itself thus devices can be fashioned
like a bomb to it etc.,
-Internal: normally guns are set to reload as magazines as an optional choice you may instead have it built as an Internal loader instead of using a magazine or loading
device you insert the bullet into the gun directly and then set the action for the bullet to be set to fire this permits you to reload a gun at the same speed but without
having the limited magazine rule at the cost the reload speed is equal to a Cylinder loader type and a speed loader may be made for this type of gun,
-Cylinder: there are two types of cylinder reloads removable and non-removable the removable can be treated as magazines (ACT reload) the new Cylinder but to refill a
cylinder is a Full Round ACT as normal unless you have a speed loader which makes it a ½ ACT due to the quick ease instead of grabbing each bullet and placing it in the
cylinder the second type non-removable exactly like internal loaders except they are still a revolving cylinder to fire each bullet a bonus of any cylinder type gun is they
cannot ever jam if they are well taken care of,
-Breech: another similar to internal loader but not quite the same unlike the internal loader each barrel only gets 1 shot and is quickly reloaded but the bullets casing is
not ejected out of the gun till you perform the reloading process (this is all done during the reloading process) and each barrel must be reloaded separately unless you use
a speed loader similar to a cylinder loader,
-Chain feed: of the 5 types this one is the most unique this can only apply guns with magazine listed as their type when applied the chain is establish on a gun via a
special converter for chain feed the ACT of reloading is the same but once the chain is expended the converter cannot be reused till you un hook the converter from the gun
and spend a Full Round ACT linking the new chain to the converter

Early Firearms are a different class from their usual counter parts originating in our real time by the Chinese and also used by the British so on these weapons fired
similar to that of cannons and shotguns weapons of this category instead use a different loading mechanism of multitude of steps and have their own type of failures in use
and are almost nearly unreliable in comparison to more modern fire arms or laser weapons these weapons load with “explosive powder” “pellets or a large metal ball like a
cannon ball” and requires one to shove the powder down the barrel then set the ammo inside and set it so the trigger will ignite the powder and blast the object out where a
modern fire arm has powder pre cased in the ammo itself all set skipping the long enduring process to firing the weaponry but this sort of weaponry still can exist and ends
up still cheaper than more modern versions all these guns are still under the classes of Pistol, Shotgun, Rifle but no Machine-gun but with added prefix of “Early” these
guns unlike the Modern or laser weapons have a max range limitation from upgrades and lesser fire power but are much cheaper

Laser Tech Firearms are a heighten version of modern weaponry still classed like any other of the guns of Pistol, Shotgun, Rifle and Machine-gun but with added prefix of
“Laser” these weapons use a battery pack instead of Physical ammo thus can never do Physical starting choice but auto start with Heat instead no matter what (you can put
ADD-ONs to alter the Damage types still) the battery packs can be recharged and reused but drain easily by each fire but these weapons will never jam due to the lack of
Physical ammo the battery packs are still under the magazine rules of the regular gun rules of loader types all fire from a laser weapon uses up 1 energy out of its battery
and to reload a battery pack only means to reload 1 battery pack also all energy weapons unlike other weapons can use any battery pack due to the fact they are all universal
unlike bullet and shell calibers and gauges just their energy amount differs

A modern firearm has a chances to jam. If the gun NAT 1s there is a 50% it will become jammed. If the gun was damaged by any amount it always has a 50% chance to jam
increasing by 5% per 1/10th the HP it loses. If the gun was not cared for properly (cleaned down the barrel once a week if it has been fired or come into contact with moister
or other elements) or (cleaned and adjusted once a month) for each month the gun is not cared for it loses 1/10th it's HP till it has 1/10th it's HP and treated as if it was
damaged. To Undo a jam from a NAT 1 you must spend a Full Round ACT with a 25% chance to undo the Jam effect, For each Crafter class you have reduce the Jam chance by 5% and
increase the Jam fix chance by 5% when spending a Full Round ACT.

An Early firearm instead of jamming it shall misfire which means the gun will not fire it's shot. On the case of the gun being damaged, ill cared for, or just rolling the
10% chance for it to instead explode on a NAT 1 the guns damage grade of it's HP determines more ill effects. The explosive percent increases by 1% for each 5 points of
damage it has taken. For every Mechanic level, Inventor level, Artificer level, Alchemist level, Master Alchemist level you possess reduce the explosive chance down by 1%.

If your weapon is overheated while at least 1 round inside of it the round has a 25% chance to misfire even in modern fire arms using the early gun rules this counts for any
Heat Damage type attack that you did not successfully perform an Acrobatics Check against this also has a 25% if you are carrying ammunition not loaded in a weapon to cause
you to lose 1 round per base dice Damage (so 5d4 means 5 bullets) this automatically applies to chain feed s belt that are not in a protective Holder or Pack automatically
Rivet guns and Nail guns do not suffer from this effect

The steam power guns known as either a Nail Gun (Pistol Class) or the Rivet Gun (Rifle Class) unlike other weapons these weapons have specific rules to them dealing with
their steam power but jam like a modern firearm the steam power gun must have a refill of water every day to work properly thus if they are not turned on in example Cold
environment that would freeze water the rivet gun cannot fire and must be repaired from broken status from a busted water tank Air pressure/Cog Spring Rivet Gun (Rifle
Class) and Nail Guns (Pistol Class) known with the word Gadget jam in the same fashion as modern firearms and do not suffer from the same after effects as its steam partner
(but have less Damage)


Ranged weaponry lists its range increments for every 1DSU past a increment you take a –10 Aimed Strike Check you can go up to 3 range increments (before effects that boost)
so a 3DSU range max can go 8DSU at –20 Aimed Strike Check. You may instead with a ranged weapon roll a Aimed Strike Check for a square for the first increment is a 15 Aimed
Strike Check the second increment is 30 Aimed Strike Check and the third is 45 Aimed Strike Check if you miss roll 1d4 then multiply it by 5 that is how much distance in
meters or feet it was off from the square you meant to target rolling a d8 to determine the compass direction it off shot to as well. Thrown weapons range increment limit is
2 instead of 3 unlike other ranged weaponry. If you surpass your normal range increment of 3 or 2 if thrown the negative is -25 for extra range increment past and loses -15
Damage as well per increment past also the square targeting Aimed Strike Check increases by +30 Aimed Strike Check needed (thrown weapons would have to roll a 60 Aimed
Strike Check for range increment 3 for example) For every 10DSU you are above a target you gain +1DSU to the weapons range. Max increments you can pass is up to 30th range
increment. Max throwing distance of a object if not listed is 3DSU -1DSU per size category it is above your own size. If you move then try to perform a ranged attack you
suffer a penalty of -10 if the weapon is 1 handed, if it's 2 handed you suffer a -15 Aimed Strike Check if the weapon has a “Power Kick” effect then it suffers a -10 Aimed
Strike Check on top of the listed penalties If you 2 hand a 1 handed weapon it instead suffers only a -5 Aimed Strike Check penalty.

If a projectile tossed or shot can arc (bows/crossbows/spearguns/grenade launchers/thrown) generally must follow the rule that they take a -10 Aimed Strike Check per 3DSU
arcing they must do to reach the intended target this negative is reduced to -5 if you already at a higher elevation.

Grenades and Rockets do not roll a Aimed Strike Check for aiming at a 1DSU square within it's normal increments unless it is past its regular increment range then normal
penalties occur for Zone Called Shot. The enemy may make a Acrobatics Check if they end up on out of the explosion take no Damage but if they fail their Acrobatics Check
take normal damage.

Grenades may Roll a Aimed Strike Check or a Rocket may roll a Aimed Strike Check as a Ranged Physical attack when a grenade has this option it will do your STR Damage plus
your size Damage with it if thrown or just size Damage x2 if launched from a rocket launcher or grenade launcher. The rocket will perform physical damage (unless rocket
shell is modified) then explode if armed.

Grenades (also representing mines) may be made as either a Detonation were ½ ACT to throw ½ ACT to click the detonator at any time Impact Explodes upon contact of surface
Sensor were it explodes on the next correct sensory targeting “movement or Heat” Time Delay where it takes 1 action round or more to blow up ½ ACT will throw and goes off in
2 ½ acts or more if set a grenade must either be a hand thrown or built for a launcher if you wish to amplify a grenades force of Damage combined the grenades price with
another up to a max of 5 times it must be the same type of grenade stacking distances of the thrown grenade can be the same as a gun and throwing at a certain spot area as a
call shot has no penalty and a Aimed Strike Check of 15 per extra distance thrown to hit the right spot if missed it hits the next step distance down a grenade may be thrown
a max distance of x3 thus a max distance thrown of a 6DSU throw distance is 18DSU these items are a single time use like rockets

Burst Fire weapons use up the count of bullets and if the bullets have effects they apply that effects equal to the bullets burst out of the weapon but only 1 effect may
take place as if it was a singular attack but for each bullet the effect may force a TS roll for each bullet.

A thrown weapon also counts as a Melee and a ranged weapon simultaneously thus uses DEX for Aimed Strike Check and STR for damage.


Building comes in a few sub categories that some fit in multiple categories. These being Chemical Craft “Anything with chemical natures”, Organic Craft “Anything dealing
with a organic nature”, Blacksmith Craft “Anything dealing with mineral natures”, Mechanical Craft “Anything dealing with gears, hydraulics, electricity and up to computers
natures”, Magi Craft “Things of the magical nature and energies that are a bit off kilter” These groupings define the most core mixtures of who can fit in what group for
crafting and many can mix into the groups of builds. Example to make a culinary meal you might state that it has slim involvement of Chemical and Organic craft though more
so Chemical natures. If you add magic to the food then it be a Magi craft. The DM must justify if it will involve a craft group heavy enough for what it involves in.

Basic Building
If you have no creation classes you may still make a build check but the price to build is equal to the items cost and you require the materials (produced within the cost
already) and must have a tool kit that does not apply building bonuses of a cost of 500 credits, to Successfully Build something you must make a Build check for every unit
of 500 credits (market price) the TS of building is +1 per 500 credits. Building is limited to generic equipment listed in the manual but a NAT 20 does not automatically
makes the object unlike the listed abilities of the creation classes, for each 1000 credits it takes 2 days 500 credits 1 day 250 credits 12 hours 125 credits 6 hours and
anything less 1-124 3 hours

Build Time Reductions

If you have a way to reduce crafting time in any way the minimal time of any project is always based of it's max time divided by 10 thus if a project takes 10 hours it must
take a minimal of 1 hour to build. While if a project takes 1 year (365 days which is 8760 hours (365*24) then it takes a minimal of 876 hours or in day time 36 days and 12
hours) You also may have a list of projects max of up to 10 projects worked on at the same time. 1 years = 365 days, 1 day = 24 hours, 1 hour = 60 minutes. Most Minimal time
to craft something is always 5 minutes.

If character uses an ability from a class that crafts then the costs are reduced by half to make said items, if you use Craft Materials or Pure Craft Materials items, the
price is free of charge and just requires to make the TS as usual. Failure does not result in loss of the materials usually.

There is many building options within this game though most take materials to make, officially it takes 2 weight score worth (explained in crafting material section) of
materials per “hands” needed to make an item even if the item would have less weight score or if the material itself is denser or less denser than the raw materials every
upgrade to an item manually requires 1 weight score of the appropriate materials, if the item is small or tiny sized then the hands needed is always consider 1. Armor
instead scales based on size past medium and thus 1 weight score is all that is needed to make a tiny-medium sized armor but a large size armor takes 2 weight score and
rises per size.

Create Simple Items non-Inventor

You may make simple tools and items and fix things as TS implies 500 credits (market price) in cost is +1 TS to build checks all items take a variable of days or hours. For
every 1000 credit it takes 2 days, 500 credits is 1 day, 250 credits 12 hours, 125 credits is 6 hours and any simple items are created in 3 hours of work from 1 credit to
124 credits take 3 hours officially simple items are like dice and unimportant items example a key dice or a card are simple this changes entirely as an Inventor which
halves all these results as he’s even quicker and more trained in his profession from their ability of a similar name.

Building/Chemist (Only apply able from certain classes)

To Successfully Build something you must make a build check for every unit of 500 credits (market price) the TS of building is +1 building is limited to generic equipment
listed in the manual a NAT 20 does not automatically make the object but you must require all needed materials to build if you gain the ability of this name from a class its
effects apply over this replacing it entirely for each For each 500 credits it takes 12 hours, 250 credits 6 hours, 125 credits 3 hours and anything less (1-124) 1 hours.

Artificer Tool Kit & Chemist Kit (Only apply able to certain classes)
A character needs a type of kit depending on the work of either “Mechanical Nature” from Artificers Tool Kit ability (This includes devices that run on gears, hydraulics,
electricity, and even computers). “Chemical Treatment and Handling” (This includes working with Organic matters and Chemicals.) Chemist Kit. “Magical Nature” Chemist Kit or
Artificer Tool Kit with Mysticology ability from Alchemist. While some basic designs like a sword can be made by a Artificers Tool Kit alone or a Chemist Kit with Geologist
ability from the Alchemist Class. These tool kits do not stack their bonus but instead take the highest ones bonus for form of crafting. A basic tool kit bought from the
gear articles is inferior to these tool kits.

An item can have ability ADD-ONs on it or even a powerful unique effect etc.
Items generally can have costing depending too you can transfer augmentation to another item of 1 of the effects for the price to

Combining and mixing of 1 or more items to another is a unique process only a inventor can do. Take the price of the new articles being added (be it ADD-ONs or some ability
from another weapon) multiply it by 1.5 of it's price and treat it as a upgrade thus material multipliers will apply, if the effect was of a single use consumable multiply
it's own price by 5 before mixing with the 1.5 multiplier. If Any consumable effect is made into a permanent their activation is a ½ ACT and cannot stack their effect till
the previous effect ends If the effect is a auto activate then the ½ ACT will expend automatically into the next round and cannot reactivate the effect for 1 hour.

If you fuse 2 or more weapons together the extra weapons being put into it costs ½ it's price (always keep the most expensive article as the base price) and both apply
separate upgrades between each other but they share the same ADD-ONs the WS of the article instead treats the heaviest of the weapons and the extra WS is divided by ½ if it
goes to 0 it instead just adds 1 WS to the object.

If a player wants to invent a gun out from the pre-made listed formula of guns the GM may make decisions based upon the various close formula from the other guns try to keep
the cost of upgrades even for the gun class though a good sum of weaponry are already pre-made existing within this

To fix an item (just the regular components not ADD-ONs) the basic cost of the materials of an item is 1/10th its cost including upgrades so a pistol’s repair in credits is
worth 50 credits while an upgraded pistol with Damage 3d6 is 250 credits

When a weapon has another weapon attached to it the weapons are considered separate for upgrades effects limits and uses if you use a Melee weapon attached to a gun and the
gun barrel has the Melee weapon attach to it you may fire the gun and deal Physical Damage but this counts as 2 separate Aimed Strike Check rolls since the gun is firing
point blank during a slash or bash this is counted as a Melee attack instead of a Ranged for effect purposes on the gun all applicable effects activate for both weapons
simultaneously thus no negative on Aimed Strike Check happens if more than 1 gun exists on the Melee attack only the shared trigger space may all fire at once if made for
this use (personally limit it to 4 triggers max) you do not gain your Melee weapons bonus Damage weapon you activate this effect but it’s hardness still counts for its
Damage and the ammo also if the gun has more than attack into it, it does not apply unless on the single Melee instead it will only be treated active as many times at you
can attack with the Melee so tri attack with a duo attack on the Melee if you Melee fire you can only fire it per Melee but you can fire it normally one more time without
the Melee as it has 3 attacks but the attachment only had 2 but if your gun can Melee twice and the gun can only fire once in a ½ ACT instead you can only fire the gun once
during the Melee attack

If an ADD-ON is applied to a singular use item the price is ¼ the normal if the item becomes reusable through a method like a “Reconstruction module” the ADD-ONs are on the
module and not the item through an instant transfer but the creation unit sell price increases as such applying its effects to the attached article when applicable upon
detachment the ADD-ON return to their source and it inherits the ADD-ONs of its next attached source

A player cannot make anything smaller than micro sized item, machine, or anything can make something smaller than this size, due to molecular breaking rules that makes any
game become stupid ridiculous, and beyond broken and unplayable if a GM has no control.

When making unique effects not within the manual on a normal basis from effects existing you can follow these guidelines to find the price (this is for upgrades) (each
multiplier applies separately from smallest multiplier to then to the largest then divisions add together). All these multipliers and divisions apply before material
multiplication or divisions.
Unique Out Of Manual Basis: x5 Multiplier
Limited Charge Effect(Consumable): Divide the cost by 1/5th for 1 charge and for each stack apply the price again. (counts as consumable effect though the item itself it's on
wont count as consumable unless it is designed to break)
Charge Per Day Effect: Divide the cost by 1/2 for 1 charge and for each stack apply the price again then every other charge past the 1st costs 2500 credits upon the 5th
charge the cost to add new charges increases to 5000 and doubles each time you apply a 5th charge threshold.
Forever Effect: Multiply by x25 (does not undo duration of limit but activation still costs)
Break Effect Limitations Minor Positive: Multiply by x10 (make the effect have a positive outcome like +20 to a stat or reduced Full Round ACT to Act (other positives
discussed on GM equivalent to these))
Break Effect Limitations Positive: Multiply by x15 (make the effect have a positive outcome like +50 to a stat or reduced Act to ½ Act (other positives discussed on GM
equivalent to these))
Break Effect Limitations Greater Positive: Multiply by x20 (make the effect have a positive outcome like +100 to a or reduced ½ Act to a Free Action or Revivals (other
positives discussed on GM equivalent to these))
Break Effect Limitations Minor Negative: Divide by ½ (the effect grants a negatives to stats for example of minimal -20 or a Act Activation of ½ Act (other negatives
discussed on GM equivalent to these)
Break Effect Limitations Negative: Divide by 1/3 (the effect grants a negative to stats for example of minimal -50 or a Act Activation (other negatives discussed on GM
equivalent to these)
Break Effect Limitations Greater Negative: Divide by ¼ (the effect grants a negative to stats for example of minimal -100 or a Act activation of Full Round ACT or cause
Death (other negatives discussed on GM equivalent to these)
If Effect From Template: Templates single effect will cost 2500 credits before multiplications etc.
--If an effect duration is needed to be added for the consumable type effect treat 1 round free and for every other round +50 credits max 5 rounds (out of combat treat this
as minutes) this is on top of the consumable price but not multiplied. If specialized consumable 1 hour is treated as 500 credits this is on top of the consumable price but
not multiplied. If maximized 1 day is treated as 1000 credits this is on top of the consumable price but not multiplied. If the effect already has a duration us that instead
and any extra duration modifications that you wish to change will instead use these prices x2.5)

When applying an upgrade to something from a unique source example ADD-ONs that are converted to upgrades etc. For each upgrade applying you also pay x5 for the price of the
upgrade if the upgrade was based off a consumable first multiply the consumable price by x5 then apply the upgrade x5 price after.

There is an item type called legacy these items come with a variable amount of grades of up to 5 for each grade they can have 2 spare ADD-ON slots. Only Legacy Crafter may
make such items and is within a few other classes for their abilities.

When making items pre-campaign the price limit based on market value of the item is equal to level x1000 credits worth thus a level 1 can craft up to market price of 1,000
credits while a level 5 can craft up to market price of 5,000 credits worth of an item. This is for singular items craft before a campaign this is only applied when you are
using “crafting” on the item and not anything using base market price, including upgrades. ADD-ONs count as a separate entity and do not have to listen to this rule.
Mechs/Vehciles/Ships do not count towards this limitation due to their costs already being outstandingly high. Abilities with a cost cannot be reduced by any means as they
are already reduced though true credit amount from abilities can pay for the item.

Chapter 9 REGIONAL & environment

Regional info is a special segment of info dealing with social structure of how a planet would work living place by living place these limits are generally listed in the
order of first your reputation, environment, city, NPC, Jobs each segment marks how easy it would be for certain characters to walk around these establishments how simple it
would be to get in trouble so on all based on what you have done as a character

This explains your threshold of fame what you have done or what you been hiding there is a few forms of reputation and the cities general alignment bias towards your choices
this could result in discounts hefty prices or refusal of services or them outright attacking you on spot the types of reputations are first Positive and Negative influences
anonymity to mask what you done and Respect and Fear level that you produce from the tally each effect each other in different outlooks though not all NPCs will react the
same as they are still individual people and many good things can be seen bad visa versa

Positive Rating
When you perform various acts you can receive positive rating equal to the NPCs level that you helped max +25 this will spread your fame about the max positive rating you
can have is +100 this reputation is for those that are mostly good guys or generally good service with honorable results sometimes you can also deal a negative effect and
pass it off as a positive though in others eyes like falsely slaying a villain instead helping them escape gaining you small negatives and moderate positives if you were
found out though all that positive gained be reversed to negative for example

Negativity Rating
When you perform more vile various deeds like assassinations that are more shifty in their motives you receive negative reputation rating though this seems like it would
reduce Positive it will not remove it the tally score is applied after they add together to find your well known fame again the max rating you can receive for this is +100
you gain max +25 from any deed you done that’s seen as a negative to other example slaying a level 30 NPC that was a good guy will add +25 negativity while if you slayed a
level 5 it just be 5 negativity rating sometimes you are caught in a situations that could be negative seeming building it up till you prove your innocents or just deeds

anonymity Rating
When you prefer this deed to not spread or you haven’t done much over time this will build up this rating also goes to max +100 and you obtain this by somehow hiding your
traces of the ACT you done for example redirecting the blame to somebody else or giving credit to another down to outright somebody saw the effects of what you done but
nobody can prove that it was you that did it this bonus overrides both positive and negative rating tally but cannot completely override it if it gets too high you can try
to aim the anonymity at a instead one or the other or try to evenly split it among the two as you see fit when trying for anonymity

Fame Rating
This rating is produced after you add positive and negative rating together then minus anonymity rating if you have 100 you are extremely well known equivalent to around
half of your positive and negative still show if your anonymity cannot contain it all thus if you have 25 positive 30 negative and 15 anonymity 40 fame shows rating shows
while majority is slacking to negative treatment than positive still fame determines only how well known you are as once your name is spread it's harder to keep it gone from
those that whisper it

Respect Level
This is gained through Positive Rating and small doses from Negativity rating for each Positive Rating you have add +1 to the Respect level for each Negativity Rating add
+0.5 to the Respect Level (always round down the result) anonymity Rating will give you a -1 Respect level

Fear Level
This is gained through Negativity Rating and small doses from anonymity Rating people trend to fear these sorts of characters as they are usually preceded with unknown or
just pure fear based attitude this score can trend to make people run away from you instead of respect your presence for each Negativity Rating gain +1 to the Fear level for
each anonymity Rating add +0.5 to the Fear level (always round down the result) Positive rating will give you a -1 Fear level

Generally a shared alignment gives you a +10 Positive per shared alignment +5 if you're a weak variant Alignment of the same alignment -5 if a weak opposite of the alignment
and -10 if total opposite alignment different alignments do stack up Neutral gives a +5 anonymity instead to any sort of alignment as their motives are a bit intermixed

A environment determines the resources and general outlook of the land and things living in it what you're bound to find within its thresholds like ancient ruins or deep
jungles many biomes can exist along with different structures of what’s effecting it this section lists the environments temperature then biomes then what exists within it
called a sub biome

Cold Environment
-Cold Ocean
-Deep Ocean
Moderate Environment
Hot Environment

Sub Biomes
-Ancient Ruins
-Meteor Site
-Mystical Alteration
-Divine Alteration

a Biome each has a TS from a Range of 0-100 in counts of five based upon how large it is each 5TS is equal to 1.5 kilometers of space it takes up on the planet it does not
have to be perfectly established borders of distance and can be any shape it takes up on the land form higher TS = more resources it has but also easier to get lost within

Environments might be excuses of why certain things are easily obtained vs why others are nonexistent example a (Moderate Environment Mountain Biome with Sub Biome
Civilization Meteor Site could be a reason why a certain rare material and various mineral types of Metals and Alloys are easily found here but not unusual Herbs mostly
located in the swampland way out of cities reach)

Different mixtures result in different environments example Cold Environment+Cold Ocean Biome+Underground Sub Biome can make a undersea cave which can be mixed with Ancient
Ruins to also include a crashed space ship or old pirate ship etc. to add more environment to it

A place that people live within each civilization is different in its cultures and make up and each has a dominating alignment casually what a civilization has is limited by
its size and reach of biomes around it bigger the civilization the wider the reach to other biomes for more materials or to other cities in general each civilization is
measured in TS for sizes and population count TS also is to determine if you can find a certain article or find your way around the city itself small means easier to
navigate while larger based places are generally much more complex to navigate around this is based from the civilization sub biome but uses resources of only surrounding
other biomes and sub biomes

population and credit limit are based on the population limit of a civilization each civilization has a dominating of 80% of the 2 alignments groups thus a Honorable Good
Civilization a Dishonorable Evil Civilization a Good City etc. Neutral has no bearing effect upon a city judgment to others the other 20% are built up of the other
alignments in a unknown amount credit limit is also established an they cannot sell more than they have in credits worth a town though that increases in credits worth to the
next stage can essentially upgrade to the next civilization type within a year time to build and establish people takes time

TS 5 people 25 Small Hamlet Credits 1000

TS 10 people 50 Hamlet Credits 2000
TS 15 people 100 Large Hamlet Credits 4000
TS 20 people 200 Small Village Credits 8000
TS 25 people 400 Village Credits 16,000
TS 30 people 800 Large Village Credits 32,000
TS 35 people 1600 Small Town Credits 64,000
TS 40 people 3200 Town Credits 128,000
TS 45 people 6400 Large Town Credits 256,000
TS 50 people 12,800 Small City Credits 512,000
TS 55 people 25,600 City Credits 1,024,000
TS 60 people 51,200 Large City Credits 2,048,000
TS 65 people 102,400 Small Metropolis Credits 4,096,000
TS 70 people 204,800 Metropolis Credits 8,192,000
TS 75 people 409,600 Large Metropolis Credits 16,384,000
TS 80 people 819,200 Small Megalopolis Credits 32,768,000
TS 85 people 1,638,400 Megalopolis Credits 65,536,000
TS 90 people 3,276,800 Large Megalopolis Credits 131,072,000
TS 95 people 6,553,600 Small Conurbation Credits 262,144,000
TS 100 people 13,107,200 Conurbation Credits 524,288,000

The NPCs of an environment vary casually cities have the highest NPC counts and highest level variants of the NPCs NPCs dictate the civilizations government, protectors,
workers and casual civilians the bigger the basic environment can have up to 0-1000 people roaming about roll 1d10 multiply by 100 GM then rolls another if they wish 1d10
instead reduces by x10 the result to add a different variance the

Non Civilized Zone NPC levels

highest NPC in a Non-civilization zone is equal to the Zones TS divided by 5 round down so in a TS score zone of 25 highest level NPC you could potentially find is a 5 but
the chances of finding them can be slim to determine the next 5 highest level NPC in a none civilized zone divide by 7 round down thus the TS 25 area has 5 level 3s and the
next 10 highest NPC levels is divide by 9 round down so the next 10 highest level characters in TS 25 area is 2 any others are minimal level

Civilized Zones
unlike a Non-Civilized zone finding a NPC is easier and generally their level variance is higher the amount of highest level NPC is multiplied by civilization size thus a
Conurbation which is size grade 20 has 20 highest level NPC x5 second highest and x10 3rd highest the rest are 60% level 1s and 2s 30% level 3s and 4s and 10% level 5s if the
highest level NPC is higher than level 5 the highest level NPCs are generally elders the best of the workers and high end protectors the highest level NPC is generally
sometimes the leader of an establishment if it's small but this can vary as the civilization grows and the highest leveled NPCs are more bound to protector or best shops and
working types or elders

A civilization has different sub category types which bases the shops and tech level and each has different effects upon how each is laid out. Some society types can stack
if they make logical sense though Age type will never stack with one another.

-Age Tribal Society (very low tech down to bountiful resources credits worth cut by 3/4th round down)
-Age Ancient Society (very low tech down to common resources credits worth cut by 2/3rd round down)
-Age Medieval Society (simple tech down to uncommon materials credits worth cut by ½ round down)
-Age Modern Society (casual tech down to rare materials)
-Age Advanced Modern Society (advanced tech down to scarce materials)
-Age Steam Tech Society (advanced tech down to scarce materials)
-Age Future Tech Society (hyper advanced tech down to Legacy materials)
-Miner Society (increase the probability of better earth based materials like metals alloys and gems etc. increase credit value by x2 and material rarity +1 for metal and
rock materials)
-Agriculture Society (increase the probability of better plant and wildlife based materials like bone woods and herbs etc. increase credit value by x1.5 and material rarity
+1 for organic materials)
-Trader Society (increase the probability of anything based on the import and export of other nearby civilizations increase credit value worth by x2 and material rarity +1
for all materials)
-Coastal Society (more water based ecology like fishing sea trades or large lake cross trades increase credit value worth by x1.5)
-Magic Society (increases all materials rarity grades by +1 and all magic user classes levels increase by +5 of their higher levels)
-Psionic Society (increase all material rarity grades by +1 and all psionic user class levels increase by +5 of their higher levels)
-Warrior Society (increase all material rarity grades by +1 and all melee user class levels increase by +5 of their higher levels)
-Studying Society (increase all material rarity grades by +1 and treat society 1 age step ahead in technology without moving it ahead)
-Abandon Society (this city was abandon and how probably nobody living in it and value worth of stuff in it is equal to credits worth divided by 100 of any find able goods
if one is lucky mostly it could have been raided and things just become unusable over time and useless)

If you are Respected you gain a discount from shopping by 1% per 10 Respect Level max 10% discount
If you are Feared you gain a discount from shopping by 0.5% per 10 Fear level (round down)

A higher level character is not effect by Fear thus instead increase price by +1% if they recognize you

If you use a discount you choose how much of a #% you can remove off prices from your tally this amount will reset next week based on your new rating in that civilization
and you might lose some positivity gain negativity or lose some anonymity instead or a add mixture based on how it was done the more while you could gain some if you use it
selflessly instead or do acts to make up for it in return

Job vary civilization to civilization and many formats of jobs can be taken and are being done to keep everything in check, the Jobs done are casual based on society like a
miner a builder a politician a trader etc. these jobs pay equal to minimal wage of the civilization of 10+1 per Education Degree credits per civilization size per day, a
bounty hunt given by a civilization once you bring in a target is 250 credits if you make the requirements for payment certain classes change this up though only payment is
for the target not per person.

You can hire a person from town if they are willing to work for 15 credits a day time character level under your service for a bit though they won’t be senseless of their
lives for the credits though but will aid you if you treat them well

Universes & Realms

Out in the grand scheme is usually a solar system, out of a solar system in bigger perspective galaxies and nebula, many things spanning far an wide and right where we sit
as specs, we are but a butterfly effect or but a small effect on a really enormous scheme called a Universe, but of course our universe is linked into many universes called

all time in this game is measured in atomic time based on earth time of days of 24 hours, though planets all have different rotations to their suns

ZILO aka Z.I.L.O “Zenith Infused Life Oscillation”

A powerful source of fuel, of massive technology, of powerful magic and consider the essence of all life itself ZILO is the incarnation of the worlds power, known by the
many names of Ki, Chi, Soul, Spirit. Zilo itself is really a mix of Oxygen and a Element called “Z” aka Zenith the effect it cause for creating life is called zenith
instilled life osmosis aka ZILO effect.

ZILO has 5 fundamental forms of elements Z green, Z red, Z blue, Z white and Z black. The opposition of ZILO is NILO (Nadir Infused Life Oscillation) green Zilo is the
reactive bonding to element Zenith that causes it's nature to change it's “unusual” reality bending effects to create things in a space like materials. Red Zilo is the
reactive bonding to element Zenith that causes huge energy fluxes and in control turn one energy into another. Blue Zilo is the reactive bonding to element Zenith that
instead tries to assimilate energy into itself and is used as a sealing of high radical amounts of energy and radiations. Zenith Black is NILO and seems to be able to do the
same properties as element Zenith but instead weakens the Zenith elements own while Zenith weakens Nadir. Zenith White is unbounded element Zenith as it's energy is a high
amplification of magnitudes far beyond what most thought plausible it's existence has created heavy amounts of new technology to the point most think it's the “brink” end
game of all energy issues. Though most have displayed it's highly imperative that not only Oxygen touches Zenith or Nadir but even Nitrogen and many many other elements
instantly want to bond to the purest for of Zenith thus Impure Zenith is used more often for basic powering while Purified Zenith aka Processed Zenith becomes a back bone of
extreme power use technologies or power plants to a entire planet though it's not unheard of to power higher up super ships and space stations with a primary Process Zilo
Power Plant. Though used Nadir is also used in the same fashion and in the exact same creative functions. Though it's amazing to fuse the two elements together to create NZ
type materials that have advanced super structures and effects
even causing super effects and unique uses including the most difficult to make material of Infinitrium or spectacular use of Deezunder in many specialized wares.

Zilo comes in the 4 states of matter Crystal/Glass, Liquid, Vapor, Plasma. It also may be purified to make Processed Zenith.

Crystal or Glass Zilo

Is the common form found it crystallizes at room 70 degrees Fahrenheit and below, this form of Zilo only freezes when in contact with another bonding element like oxygen or
nitrogen or if nearest to coldest temperatures. It is the main source of study of it's radiation effects and attributes as it produces a “Life Radiation” aka Evolution Waves
or Mutation Waves. These radiations effects are small in most cases but cause DNA and RNA to have alterations over a period causing adaptations or sometimes lack of to occur
in beings though this radiation does not kill things or cause bodily harm it can cause cancers and health issues from the mutations. Zilo effects up to 3DSU of radiation per
1 WS. Nilo is a similar element that is usually called Zilo as well it is the core opposite of Zilo and still produces the same effects.
This format is the melted down variant of Zilo it only occurs at 120 degrees Fahrenheit, very much like the crystal but spreads radiation even more than it's crystalline
form. It's radiation effective range from 3DSU to 5DSU per 1 WS.

Not much is know about this form but is formed around 280 degrees Fahrenheit, very much like the crystal but spreads radiation the best of it's states of matter. It's
radiation effective range from 5DSU to 8DSU per 1 WS.

Zilo turns plasma around 930 degrees Fahrenheit which is not very noticeable this is the common form found when found in extreme temperature places though it's so hot it's
radiation effect really has no baring any more than it's Vapor form. It's radiation effective range from 8DSU to 10DSU per 1 WS.

This is the only source you can use for fuel 1 litre lasts in constant use for 500 years but upon contact with certain gases like Oxygen, Nitrogen, Carbon Dioxide etc. it
comes into contacts it will crystallize upon touch if the temperature is 70 degrees or lower. 1 litre will wipe out 10 thousand kilometers of a radius. Causing much of the
area to be suffering Zilo radiation effects. 1 WS effectively can cause up to 40DSU of radiation if it isn't going to explode first from coming into contact with one of it's
explosive fusions. Zilo processed can be neutralized safely by putting Nilo with it.

Zilo usually produces it's own energy source called Zilo Energy (which is the form of the radiation) which is equal to 1 normal energy.


Vehicles and Mechas are larger machines controlled by a pilot. They are split into one of four classifications:

Power Suits
A Power Suit is a special type of armour machine that layers over a pilot's body to turn them into a walking mecha-infantry. A Power Suit will use ½ of the pilot's movement
speed and gains Vehicle Damage Reduction of ½ reduction. Power Suits gain only half the lifting capability of a normal mech. A Power Suit protects the user inside, requiring
attackers to destroy the Power Suit first unless they have penetration effects. If the Power Suit is considered unbreakable, then penetration can only deal ¼ of normal
damage to the user.

A Power Suit must be the same size category as the pilot or smaller, and contains room for only a pilot inside of it. A character cannot pilot a Power Suit that is not the
same size as them. The only parts that a Power Suit may use are: Body/Hull Computer, Engine, and Radiator. A Power Suit may not use mecha weaponry. A Power Suit counts the
body as its head and limbs, and does not need to purchase them separately.

While inside of a Power Suit, the pilot does not need to make a pilot check to maneuver the armour but your DEX mod is limited by the suit's maximum DEX. If the suit's STR
is higher than the pilot's STR mod, then the suit's STR mod is used. A Power Suit does not have to lift its own weight or count towards the weight of the user.

The Engine and Radiator are counted as though they are 1 DSU in size. You may forgo the Engine and Radiator to use a single battery except for a Large Zilo Battery or
Planetary Zilo Battery.

A Power Suit only uses 10 energy per hour.

A Mecha is a walker based machine that uses arms and/or legs on a large hull. A mecha must be at least Large size, and any pilots must be at least 1 size smaller than the
Mecha's size. A mecha gains Vehicle Damage Reduction of ¾ reduction. A mecha protects the anything inside, requiring attackers to destroy segments of the mecha in order to
attack those inside. If the attacker has a penetration effect, they may attack a target inside the mecha but they are considered obscured and the attacker suffers a 50%
chance to miss. The penetration effect is negated if the hull or armour plating around the hull is considered unbreakable.

In order to maneuver a mecha, a pilot must make both a Pilot check as well as the check using the required skill for the action. The maximum allowed roll for the required
skill is based on the Pilot check rolled. A mecha always uses its own DEX and STR mods. A mecha must have arms to make a climb check and legs to make a jump check.
When making a weapon, you may pay a 2x multiplier to the final cost(after all other cost multipliers) in order to upgrade it to a Mecha Weapon. A Mecha Weapon ignores
Vehicle Damage Reduction and may only be wielded by a Mecha or mounted on a Vehicle or Simple Vehicle. Siege Weapons cannot be upgraded to a Mecha Weapon and already ignore
Vehicle Damage Reduction.

A Vehicle is a machine primarily used for travel, carrying heavy loads, or for mounting large weapons. A vehicle must contain at least 1 cockpit for a pilot, and the pilot
must be of equal or smaller size of the cockpit in order to drive the vehicle. A vehicle protects the anything inside, requiring attackers to destroy segments of the vehicle
in order to attack those inside. If the attacker has a penetration effect, they may attack a target inside the vehicle but they are considered obscured and the attacker
suffers a 50% chance to miss. The penetration effect is negated if the hull or armour plating around the hull is considered unbreakable.

In order to maneuver a vehicle, a pilot must make both a Pilot check as well as the check using the required skill for the action. The maximum allowed roll for the required
skill is based on the Pilot check rolled. A vehicle always uses its own DEX and STR mods. A vehicle cannot make jump or climb checks.

When making a weapon, you may pay a 2x multiplier to the final cost(after all other cost multipliers) in order to upgrade it to a Mecha Weapon. A Mecha Weapon ignores
Vehicle Damage Reduction and may only be wielded by a Mecha or mounted on a Vehicle or Simple Vehicle. Siege Weapons cannot be upgraded to a Mecha Weapon and already ignore
Vehicle Damage Reduction.

A Vehicle cannot have the following parts: Head, Legs.

Simple Vehicle
A Simple Vehicle is a more primitive form of vehicle that does not use engines to propel itself, such as a sailing ship or wagon.

A simple vehicle must contain at least 1 cockpit for a pilot, and the pilot must be of equal or smaller size of the cockpit in order to drive the simple vehicle. A simple
vehicle protects the anything inside, requiring attackers to destroy segments of the simple vehicle in order to attack those inside. If the attacker has a penetration
effect, they may attack a target inside the simple vehicle but they are considered obscured and the attacker suffers a 50% chance to miss. The penetration effect is negated
if the hull or armour plating around the hull is considered unbreakable.

In order to maneuver a simple vehicle, a pilot must make both a Pilot check as well as the check using the required skill for the action. The maximum allowed roll for the
required skill is based on the Pilot check rolled. A simple vehicle always uses its own DEX and STR mods. A simple vehicle cannot make jump or climb checks.

When making a weapon, you may pay a 2x multiplier to the final cost(after all other cost multipliers) in order to upgrade it to a Mecha Weapon. A Mecha Weapon ignores simple
vehicle Damage Reduction and may only be wielded by a Mecha or mounted on a simple vehicle or Simple simple vehicle. Siege Weapons cannot be upgraded to a Mecha Weapon and
already ignore simple vehicle Damage Reduction.

A Simple Vehicle cannot have the following parts: Computer, Head, Legs, Arms, Engine.

Creating and Piloting A Vehicle/Mech

In order to build a Vehicle/Mech, a character must have access to the right materials. When building, the crafter must pay the cost for any body/hull and cockpit of the
vehicle/mech first before being able to apply various upgrades and parts.

The HP total of the vehicle/mech is equal to the combined HP of the Arms, Legs, Body/Hull, Head, and Cockpit. Each individual part gains HP per 1 DSU that it takes up. When
attacking a larger vehicle/mech you may called shot a 1 DSU square to try to destroy that portion of it. After breaking 1 DSU square of an outer layer, you have line of
sight as though that 1 DSU square is no longer there and may attack the inside of the vehicle. Once an individual part reaches 0 HP, it is broken and no longer can be used
until repaired.

Radius effects will deal damage to every 1 DSU square that they hit.

When piloting a vehicle/mech, you suffer a -25 to the pilot check if you are not trained, such as having the Mecha Jockey class. In addition, each type of vehicle/mech has a
requirement of PSY and DEX for the pilot or they suffer a further negative. If you do not meet one of the two stat requirements you suffer an additional -25, and if you do
not need both stat requirements you instead suffer an additional -75.

– Simple Vehicles and ground only vehicles require 15 PSY and DEX score.
– Air based Vehicles require 30 PSY and DEX score.
– Space based Vehicles require 45 PSY and DEX score.
– Planetary Mechas require 60 PSY and DEX score.
– Space Mechas require 75 PSY and DEX score.

Vehicles/mech gain a lift score equal to their STR mod * 2. This is multiplied by the size of the mech. When a vehicle/mech is damaged, it suffers -100 to STR and DEX scores
for every ¼ of its total HP that it is missing until repaired.

For every 5 tons that the vehicle weighs, its movement speed is reduced by 1 DSU. All movement parts including legs lose 1/10th of its movement for every ¼ of its HP that its

Vehicle/Mech Heat and Energy

In order for a vehicle to use parts that require energy, it must have a power source in the form of a battery or an engine that can generate energy. The listed energy used
or generated are per hour of continuous operation unless otherwise noted.

A vehicle cannot use more energy than it has available. You may make a Study(Robotics Macro Engineering) check to attempt to overdrive an engine to generate more energy for
1 hour. The TS is equal to the amount of energy the engine normally generates per hour, and for every 1 over the TS your check is the engine can generate 1 additional energy
up to a maximum of half of the normal energy generation per hour. For every point of additional energy generated in an overdrive, the engine takes 10 points of heat damage.

During normal operation of energy using parts, a vehicle will also generate heat which must be dissipated in the way of a radiator. The list heat produced or dissipated are
per hour of continuous operation unless otherwise noted. If a vehicle is producing more heat than it can dissipate then the radiators and engines all take 10 heat damage per
1 heat not dissipated every hour.

You may make a Study(Robotics Macro Engineering) check to overdrive a radiator and make it dissipate more heat for 1 hour. The TS is equal to the amount of heat the radiator
normally dissipates, and for every 1 over the TS your check is the radiator can dissipate 1 additional heat up to a maximum of half of the normal heat dissipation per round.
For every additional point of heat dissipated, the radiator takes 10 points of heat damage.

You may make a Study(Computer Programming, Robotics Macro Engineering) check to shut down or start up a system on a vehicle that is using energy or generating energy in
order to adjust your vehicle's energy and heat usage. The TS is equal to combined heat generated, heat dissipated, energy used, and energy generated divided by 5. This check
is not needed if you have the Energy Controls upgrade installed into your computer system.

Vehicle/Mech Computer Systems

More advanced vehicles may automate certain operations with the use of a computer system. A computer may only perform a number of operations equal to the maximum number of
processes it has available.

All computer upgrades take 1 process to run unless otherwise noted. Any weapons that have been automated via the computer system take an additional 1 process per weapon
linked. If a computer is affected by extreme temperatures, it will lose 1 maximum process per 5 TS of heat or cold that it has past a TS of 50.
You may make a Study(Computer Programming) check to overclock a computer system and make it run additional processes beyond its limit. The TS is equal to the number of
active processes, and you may make it run 1 additional process for every 5 over the TS you are. This lasts for 30 minutes, and causes the computer to take heat damage equal
to 25 per extra process that it is running.

Vehicle/Mech Weak Points

Vehicles/mechs have weak points on them that take additional damage when attacked by a called shot. The parts of vehicles with weak points are:

– All movement parts, legs, and arms take 5x damage

– Engine, Computer and Radiator take 10x damage

Vehicle/Mech Main Parts

Part Name Cost Weight Hit Points Energy Used Heat Other
Body/Hull 2500 credits per 1 500kg per 1 DSU Material HP per 1 DSU Simple Vehicle: 0 None Starts as 1mm thick. May increase thickness, but
DSU All Others: 1 per 5 DSU must pay the cost of the part again for each +1mm
Cockpit/Head 2500 credits per 1 300kg per 1 DSU Material HP per 1 DSU Simple Vehicle: 0 None Starts as 1mm thick. May increase thickness, but
DSU All Others: 2 per 5 DSU must pay the cost of the part again for each +1mm
Arms/Clasps 7500 credits per 1 300kg per 1 DSU Material HP 3 per arm None Starts as 1mm thick. May increase thickness, but
must pay the cost of the part again for each +1mm

Has no reach. May pay 2500 credits per +1 DSU

reach, up to a maximum number of times equal to
the vehicle's size.
Legs 7500 credits per 1 300kg per 1 DSU Material HP 3 per leg None Starts as 1mm thick. May increase thickness, but
must pay the cost of the part again for each +1mm

Grants 6 DSU ground only movement and 5 DSU swim

only movement. Allows the vehicle to perform jump
checks. A vehicle must have at least 2 legs in
order to be able to move, and the distances do not

Grants +25 lift score per leg. You may only have
up to 1 leg per 1 DSU in size the vehicle is.

May be upgraded with Movement Upgrades

Computer 2500 credits 50kg 100(+50 per 500 5 + 1 per 1 active process 1 per 5 Has 1 active process limit(+1 per 500 credits).
credits) active
processes May be upgraded with Computer Upgrades.
STR Upgrade 2500 credits 0kg None None None Increases the maximum STR score of a vehicle by
DEX Upgrade 2500 credits 0kg None None None Increases the maximum DEX score of a vehicle by

Movement Parts
Part Name Cost Weight Hit Points Energy Used Heat Other
Tread 5000 credits 200kg Material HP 5 1 Grants 5 DSU ground only movement.

Grants +50 Muscle to prevent being stuck while

moving. Grants +100 lift score.

This type of movement cannot be tripped.

Wheels 2500 credits per 2 50kg per 2 Material HP 3 per 2 1 per 2 Grants 12 DSU ground only movement. Distance does
not stack with multiple wheels.
A vehicle must have at least 2 wheels in order to
move, and may have a maximum of 1 wheel per 1 DSU
in size it is.

If you drive without all your wheels on the

ground, the vehicle must make a slight check of TS
10 * the number of wheels not on the ground or
flip over.

This type of movement cannot be tripped.

Slither 10000 credits 50kg Material HP 5 3 Grants 10 DSU ground and swim movement.

Reduces lift score by 25.

This type of movement cannot be tripped.

Air Thruster 15000 credits 200kg Material HP 10 5 Grants 25 DSU of ground or flight movement.

This thruster requires an atmosphere in order to

work. Attempting to use this thruster while in
space will not move you and deal 500 damage per
round to the thruster.
Air 10000 credits 50kg Material HP 5 3 Grants 12 DSU of ground or flight movement.
This propeller requires an atmosphere in order to
work. Attempting to use this propeller while in
space will not move you.
Water 7500 credits 100kg Material HP 5 2 Grants 20 DSU swim only movement.
The vehicle must be floating on top of the water
for this thruster to work. It will not function if
fully submerged.
Water 5000 credits 50kg Material HP 3 1 Grants 8 DSU swim only movement.
The vehicle must be floating on top of the water
for this propeller to work. It will not function
if fully submerged.
Sail 2500 credits 15kg Material HP 0 0 Grants 1 DSU movement per 1 TS of wind per sail.
You may have up to 3 sails on a single vehicle.

Provides no movement if there is no wind.

Small Oar 250 credits 5kg Material HP 0 0 Grants 1 DSU movement per 1 person rowing, up to a
maximum of 6 DSU.

Drains 1 stamina every 5 minutes from those


Only works on water based vehicles that are

floating on top of the water. Only works on
vehicles up to grand size.
Large Oar 500 credits 10kg Material HP 0 0 Grants 1 DSU movement per 1 person rowing, up to a
maximum of 12 DSU.

Drains 1 stamina every 5 minutes from those


Only works on water based vehicles that are

floating on top of the water. Only works on
vehicles above grand size.
Submarine 10000 credits 100kg Material HP 5 2 Grants 16 DSU swim speed.
Only works in water.
Submarine 7500 credits 50kg Material HP 3 1 Grants 8 DSU swim speed.
Only works in water.
Space 20000 credits 250kg Material HP 15 5 Grants 25 DSU movement.
Solar Sail 15000 credits 50kg Material HP 0 0 Grants 1 DSU movement per sail.

Only works in space and with a constant source of

radiation from a star.
Movement 2500 credits 0kg None 3 3 Increases the movement of a movement part by +3
Upgrade DSU.
This is applied as an upgrade and may only be
applied to movement parts that use energy.

Engine Parts
Part Name Cost Weight Hit Points Energy Generated Heat Other
Steam Engine 2500 credits per 1 150kg per 1 DSU Material HP per 1 DSU 5 per 1 DSU. 2 per energy Requires a refill of 10 litres per 1 DSU every 5
DSU hours of running.
Gains +5 total energy per
250 credits extra.
Combustion 5000 credits per 1 200kg per 1 DSU Material HP per 1 DSU 15 per 1 DSU. 1 per energy Requires a refill of 10 litres of a combustible
Engine DSU fuel source per 1 DSU every 5 hours of running.
Gains +5 total energy per
500 credits extra.
Nuclear 20000 credits per 1 300kg Material HP per 1 DSU 25 per 1 DSU 3 per energy Requires a new fissile material source of 1 WSV
Engine DSU per 1 DSU once per year.
Gains +10 total energy per
500 credits extra.
Solar Engine 7500 credits per 1 100kg Material HP per 1 DSU 5 per 1 DSU 2 per 3 Generates no energy when not in direct sunlight.
DSU energy
Gains +5 total energy per
100 credits extra.
Thermal 15000 credits 250kg Material HP 1 per 5 heat produced None This does not negate the heat being produced, and
Engine it must still be dissipated by a radiator.
Electric 7500 credits per 1 200kg Material HP per 1 DSU Provides up to 15 energy 1 per 5 This engine does not generate energy and must be
Engine DSU per 1 DSU. energy. provided with a battery source.

Provides +5 total energy May pay 1000 credits for an upgrade to allow a
per 250 credits extra. user to manually crank the engine to provide it
with 1 energy per round. This drains 1 stamina per
round from the user.
Zilo Crystal 25000 credits per 1 300kg Material HP per 1 DSU Contains storage for 3 Zilo 1 per 3 This engine does not generate energy. It instead
Engine DSU Crystals per 1 DSU. energy drains energy from Zilo Crystals inserted into the
Gains +1 crystal slot per
500 credits extra.
Liquid Zilo 50000 credits per 1 500kg Material HP per 1 DSU 50 energy per 1 DSU. 1 per 5 Requires a new liquid zilo source of 1 litre per 1
Engine DSU energy. DSU every 500 years.
Gains +15 total energy per
1000 credits extra.
Acid Battery 2500 credits 25kg Material HP / 2 None None Can store up to 50 energy(+10 per 500 credits).

A battery can only be made out of Cobalt, Nickle,

Lead, or Lithium.
Nuclear 5000 credits 50kg Material HP / 2 None None Can store up to 150 energy(+15 per 500 credits).
A battery can only be made out of Cobalt, Nickle,
Lead, or Lithium.
Small Zilo 10000 credits 20kg Material HP / 2 None None Can store up to 200 energy(+20 per 1000 credits).
A battery can only be made out of Cobalt, Nickle,
Lead, or Lithium.
Zilo Battery 15000 credits 120kg Material HP / 2 None None Can store up to 250 energy(+25 per 1500 credits).

A battery can only be made out of Cobalt, Nickle,

Lead, or Lithium.
Large Zilo 25000 credits 240kg Material HP / 2 None None Can store up to 500 energy(+50 per 2500 credits).
A battery can only be made out of Cobalt, Nickle,
Lead, or Lithium.
Planetary 250000 credits 1000kg Material HP / 2 None None Can store up to 5000 energy(+500 per 25000
Zilo Battery credits).

A battery can only be made out of Cobalt, Nickle,

Lead, or Lithium.
Radiator Parts
Part Name Cost Weight Hit Points Heat Energy Used Other
Radiator 5000 credits per 1 50kg per 1 DSU Material HP per 1 DSU Dissipates 5 heat per 1 1 per 5 heat Requires a refill of 10 litres per 1 DSU every 5
DSU DSU. May pay 500 credits dissipated. hours of running.
per +1 total heat
dissipation. May double heat negation at the cost of damaging
the radiator by 10% of max HP per round.
Generates 1 heat per 15
hear dissipated.

Bonus Parts
Part Name Cost Weight Hit Points Energy Used Heat Other
Damage 5000 credits 50kg Material HP 5 + 5 per Damage Absorbency 10 + 10 per Grants +50 Temporary Damage Absorbency(+50 per 500
Resistance upgrade. Damage credits).
Enhancer Absorbency

Armour 500 credits per 1 25kg per 1 DSU. Material HP None None Protects a single part on a ship, taking damage to
Plating DSU in size of the itself before allowing the parts underneath to be
part it's covering. damaged.

Treated as 1 DSU of thickness against penetration

effects. You may pay 250 credits per 1 DSU size to
increase this by 1 DSU emulated thickness.

Reduce the movement speed of the vehicle by 1 DSU

per 1 DSU thickness this part is treated as.
Security 20000 credits 50kg Material HP per camera 1 per 5 cameras None Comes with 20 cameras and a central computer to
System monitor them. Can trigger an audio alarm in the
100 credits per vehicle.
Requires a computer, and takes up an active
Warp Point 50000 credits 250kg Material HP Requires 10 energy per 1 Generates Allows a vehicle to travel anywhere within the
Drive DSU size of vehicle total 100 heat current dimensional plane within 1d4 hours.
charge to jump. when
jumping. Energy may be built up over multiple rounds, but
Can store up to the max will discharge if not used within 5 minutes.
needed energy, but cannot
be used as a battery. Warp Point Drives have a cooldown of 7 days. Using
it before the cooldown has a 10% per 1 day
remaining on the cooldown chance of damaging the
Warp Point Drive by ¼ of its max HP and causing it
to shut off entirely for 2 weeks after the jump.
Advanced 250000 credits 300kg Material HP Requires 10 energy per 1 Generates Allows a vehicle to travel anywhere within the
Warp Point DSU size of vehicle total 100 heat current dimensional plane within 1d4 hours.
Drive charge to jump. when
jumping. Energy may be built up over multiple rounds, but
Can store up to the max will discharge if not used within 5 minutes.
needed energy, but cannot
be used as a battery. Warp Point Drives have a cooldown of 3 days. Using
it before the cooldown has a 10% per 1 day
remaining on the cooldown chance of damaging the
Warp Point Drive by ¼ of its max HP and causing it
to shut off entirely for 2 weeks after the jump.
Military 1000000 credits 400kg Material HP Requires 10 energy per 1 Generates Allows a vehicle to travel anywhere within the
Grade Warp DSU size of vehicle total 100 heat current dimensional plane within 1d4 hours.
Point Drive charge to jump. when
jumping. Energy may be built up over multiple rounds, but
Can store up to the max will discharge if not used within 5 minutes.
needed energy, but cannot
be used as a battery. Warp Point Drives have a cooldown of 1 day. Using
it before the cooldown has a 10% chance of
damaging the Warp Point Drive by ¼ of its max HP
and causing it to shut off entirely for 2 weeks
after the jump.
Computer Upgrades
Part Name Base Cost Upgrade Cost Weight Effect
VI Port 2500 credits 500 credits per +1 20kg Permits an Intelligence Empower ADD-ON to be installed at 1 stack per 1 VI Port.
Each stack of Intelligence Empower grants a +2 to the maximum process limit.
Radar Scan 2500 credits 500 credits per +50 10kg Scans up to 50 DSU.
Scans for range and velocity of objects within range.
Sonar Scan 2500 credits 500 credits per +50 10kg Scans up to 50 DSU
Sends out a sound pulse to scan for objects within range.
Life Scan 2500 credits 500 credits per +50 10kg Scans up to 50 DSU
Shows all life signs within range.
Heat Scan 2500 credits 500 credits per +50 10kg Scans up to 50 DSU
Shows heat signatures within range as well as the temperature of the heat. Only picks up
heat signatures of TS 1 or greater heat.
Radiation 2500 credits 500 credits per +50 10kg Scans up to 50 DSU
Scan DSU
Scans for radiation within range. Shows type and strength of radiation.
Electromagne 2500 credits 500 credits per +50 10kg Scans up to 50 DSU
tic Scan DSU
Shows any electric and electromagnetic energy levels within range.
Matter Scan 2500 credits 500 credits per +50 10kg Scans up to 50 DSU
Scans matter within range and provides info on what the material is.
Planetary 25000 credits 10000 credits per 10kg When used magnifies the range of all scanners by 5000x, but only provides a scan once per
Scan +500x minute. Does not show movement.
Life Support 2500 credits None 25kg Regulates the environment for the species that it is set to, and warns of any interruptions
to the system or loss of life support in an area.

This is required to have a habitable atmosphere on a vehicle in space.

This upgrade uses an additional 5 energy.

Energy 2500 credits None 25kg Regulates energy and allows a user to shift energy use to various parts of the vehicle as
Controls needed.

This negates the need to make a check when attempting to shut down or power up energy or
heat using systems in a vehicle.
Mechanical 2500 credits None 25kg Regulates mechanical needs of the ship, and provides a +50 study to anybody trying to find
Control the source of a problem on the vehicle.
Storage 1000 credits 500 credits per +1 5kg Provides 5TB of storage to the computer system for storing digital files and backups.
Drive TB
Targeting 25000 credits 1000 credits per +5 50kg Grants +5 Aimed Strike check to weapons linked to the vehicle's computer system. This bonus
System Aimed Strike check is affected by the character skill division penalty based on level.

1000 credits per +1 May only apply to 1 target per round. Each target counts as an additional process.
Auto Pilot 25000 credits 5000 credits per +1 50kg Allows the computer to drive the ship automatically with a base 10 Pilot check.
This upgrade uses an additional process for every +5 Pilot upgrade that it has.

Chapter 11 NPCS & MONSTERS

Monsters Mechanic Challenge List
When making a NPC monster or character you can make your own race,or use the pre exiting. These NPCs use a system called Character Points (CP) which is used to determine the
total EXP and Reward that should be offered this process is similar to character creation and any Race NPC made can skip these steps for normal character creation and taking
classes. each choice classifies under 6 categories (Wimp 0 point, Weak 1 point, Easy 2 point, Normal 4 point, Hard 8 point, Formidable 10 point, Harsh 12 point, Nightmare 14
point, Improbable 16 point, Impossible 18 point.) these each adding more CP for more balanced challenges or over challenges like boss fights. (Mechanics can stack again if
they involve numbers) if a character takes a class, they automatically gain a worth of 6 CP. If any thing summons using this system the beings themselves cannot summon. The
TS of any creature if it's not a Character Type NPC is equal to it's level x1 unless modified by CP.

To give a monster a class ability costs 4 CP. If it's a Prestige class ability it costs an extra 1 CP. If it's a Ultimate class ability it costs an extra 2 CP. If a ability
from a class is a V# ability you must pay 1 CP per V# version past V1 taken on top of the CP normal cost. If the monster copies a ADD-ON it costs 1 CP for each 5FP. For
applications of templates shall cost 2 CP per template(special templates cost 5 CP and count towards the special template limit) max 5 templates. If it's a race it shall
cost 5 CP. To copy a small portion of a Race or a Template costs 3 CP but anything that does not work normally in context will be shut off and be inert.
When taking negative stat progressions gain CP extra based on the positive charts cost. You can stack multiple negatives but only 1 positive line may exist upon a NPC.

Monsters and Summons do not gain FP or TP, only NPC characters do.

All made creatures have up to at least 1 classification.

General Base Stats (GBS)

(for each of the 8 stat categories)
Wimpy Stat: +25 stat base
Weak Stat: +50 stat base
Easy Stat: +75 stat base
Normal Stat: +100 stat base
Hard Stat: +125 stat base
Formidable Stat: +150 stat base
Harsh Stat: +175 stat base
Nightmare Stat: +200 stat base
Improbable Stat: +225 stat base
Impossible Stat: +250 stat base

General Stats Growth Positive (GSGP)

(for each of the 8 stat categories)
Wimpy Stat: +0 per level
Weak Stat: +1 per level
Easy Stat: +2 per level
Normal Stat: +3 per level
Hard Stat: +4 per level
Formidable Stat: +5 per level
Harsh Stat: +6 per level
Nightmare Stat: +7 per level
Improbable Stat: +8 per level
Impossible Stat: +9 per level

General Stats Growth Negative (GSGN)

(for each of the 8 stat categories)(Any summons done by a class cannot take these for extra CP)
Wimpy Negative Stat: -0 stat per level
Weak Negative Stat: -2 stat per level
Easy Negative Stat: -3 stat per level
Normal Negative Stat: -4 stat per level
Hard Negative Stat: -5 stat per level
Formidable Negative Stat: -6 stat per level
Harsh Negative Stat: -7 stat per level
Nightmare Negative Stat: -8 stat per level
Improbable Negative Stat: -9 stat per level
Impossible Negative Stat: -10 stat per level

Health Points
Wimpy HP: 50 HP per level
Weak HP: 100 HP per level
Easy HP: 150 HP per level
Normal HP: 200 HP per level
Hard HP: 250 HP per level
Formidable HP: 300 HP per level
Harsh HP: 350 HP per level
Nightmare HP: 400 HP per level
Improbable HP: 450 HP per level
Impossible HP: 500 HP per level

All BHP is equal to 50% of the listed HP per level

Apply size modifier to the HP
(CON/SPRT or their mods has no effect on the total HP per level but for -5 in CON or -10 in SPRT lost in each deals -50 on max health of the creature instead the health loss
is multiplied by the size multiplier if the number goes negative instead -100 per loss instead)

TS Alterations
Normal Base TS is equal to x1 per level before modification. Round down any non whole number.
Wimpy: +0 per level.
Weak: +0.4 per level.
Easy: +0.8 per level.
Normal: +1.2 per level.
Hard: +1.6 per level.
Formidable: +2.0 per level.
Harsh: +2.4 per level
Nightmare: +2.8 per level
Improbable Stat: +3.2 per level
Impossible Stat: +3.6 per level

Ability List
This is a list of the abilities and mechanics a creature can have each is worth a set amount of CP and the more the monster has the more powerful it should count using a
Races ability automatically costs 10 CP. (some choices listed here are better price alternatives though)

Base Ability Choices

These choices must be picked and have no cost on the make but only 1 may be pick between the choices (all creatures are assumed to have a head, body, plausible 1 set of
prehensile parts (like 2 arms with hands) and a set of legs determined by the movement type choices.

-Body Size: Pick between Tiny-Medium (this choice can be negated from Extra Abilities and Parts that boost the size further.
-Movement Types:
--Slither: 6DSU move, 8DSU swim (Cannot be tripped can constrict) (1 leg in some estimation)
--Bi Pedal: 6DSU move, 6DSU swim (2 legs)
--Quadruped: 8DSU move, 5DSU swim (4 legs)
--Multi-Legged: 10DSU move, 6DSU swim (has up to 6 legs but counts as 4 legs for body attacks with legs)
--Fins: 1DSU move, 10DSU swim (Does not count limbs just general movement)
--Flight: 5DSU move, 3DSU Swim, 6DSU Flight (must be Bi Pedal or Quadruped for this choice to be open without Extra Abilities and Parts choice taken)
--sight: Decide between, Normal, Infrared Sight, Night Sight or Bright Sight.

Extra Abilities and Parts

These choices are optional take and provide a bit of customization of the creature

--Slow: -3DSU to movement but movement cannot drop below 3DSU per move.
--Blind: Cannot See with eyes but gains 5DSU Sonar Sight with 100% accuracy or Scent 50% accuracy of 6DSU.
--Dash: Can move as +3DSU per movement action for the turn but after suffers -3DSU per movement action next turn. (only for Quadruped or Bipedal movement types)
--Thorny: Melee attackers have a 50% to take your physical attack damage when they strike at you.
--Bonus Skill: Gain +1 to a skill per 2 level.
--Larger: Size Large-Titan (1 CP per size past Large)
--Extra Fast: Gains a +1DSU per movement action.
--Extra Movement: gain 1 extra movement type take highest movement base of the choices, also must intake the extra legs minimal of each choice.
--Extra Tail: Gain a 1DSU tail, it may constrict.
--Pincers: Gain a pair of pincers on a body part that deal +1 extra damage per level, it may constrict
--Extra sight: Gain 1 extra sight type
--Very Large: Size Grand-Immense (1 CP per size past Grand)
--Hyper Fast: Gains a +3DSU per movement action.
--Extra Arm: Gain a extra arm that is prehensile.
--Incredibly Large: Size Colossus-Monumental (1 CP per size past Colossus)
--Sonic Fast: Gains a +3DSU per movement action.
--Prehensile: Make a limb or body part Prehensile and able to properly grip (not counting constriction grapple)
--Immensely Large: Size Immeasurable-Extra Sizes (2 CP per size past Immeasurable)
--Hyper Sonic Fast: Gains a +5DSU per movement action.
--Regeneration: Gain 1/100th of HP MAX back per round as regeneration
--Cast Shield: Cast have a 50% chance to fail against you
--Sonic Fast: Gains a +1DSU per movement action per level.
--Seismic Wave: Attacks deal area of effect at will in a 1DSU square it rolls Aimed Strike Check in.
--Hyper Sonic Fast: Gains a +3DSU per movement action per level.
--Seismic Bust: Attacks deal area of effect at will in a 3DSU square it rolls Aimed Strike Check in.
--Lighting Fast: Gains a +3DSU per movement action per level.
-Seismic Crack: Attacks deal area of effect at will in a 3DSU square it rolls Aimed Strike Check in.
–-Hyper Lighting Fast: Gains a +5DSU per movement action per level.
--Seismic Destroyer: Attacks deal area of effect at will in a 5DSU square it rolls Aimed Strike Check in.

Special Attack
These attacks can be laser beams, fire breaths, special elemental touches etc. and may apply special effects upon the creators whim if applied. (A GM may rework any of the
given choices a bit be it if the enemy is supposed to explode he can use the Blast with no 20DSU distance and have it target yourself as the center of the radius when
reaching 0 or less HP)

--Beam: 5DSU distance beam that strikes all squares it goes through in a 1DSU radius for 5d4+1 per level damage of a type.
--Cone: 6DSU distance cone that hits for 5d4+1 per level damage of a type.
--Projectile: 5DSU distance projectile that strikes with a Aimed Strike Check for 5d4+1 per level damage of a type.
--Blast: 5DSU distance attack that strikes at a target square squares in a 3DSU radius for 5d4+1 per level damage of a type.
--Enhanced: A Normal attack that is enhanced to deal touch 5d4+1 per level damage of a type.
--Beam: 10DSU distance beam that strikes all squares it goes through in a 1DSU radius for 5d4+1d4 per level damage of a type.
--Cone: 8DSU distance cone that hits for 5d4+1d4 per level damage of a type.
--Projectile: 6DSU distance projectile that strikes with a Aimed Strike Check for 5d4+1d4 per level damage of a type.
--Blast: 10DSU distance attack that strikes at a target square squares in a 5DSU radius for 5d4+1d4 per level damage of a type.
--Enhanced: A Normal attack that is enhanced to deal touch 5d4+1d4 per level damage of a type.
--Beam: 15DSU distance beam that strikes all squares it goes through in a 1DSU radius for 5d6+1d6 per level damage of a type.
--Cone: 12DSU distance cone that hits for 5d6+1d6 per level damage of a type.
--Projectile: 6DSU distance projectile that strikes with a Aimed Strike Check for 5d6+1d6 per level damage of a type.
--Blast: 15DSU distance attack that strikes at a target square squares in a 5DSU radius for 5d6+1d6 per level damage of a type.
--Enhanced: A Normal attack that is enhanced to deal touch 5d6+1d6 per level damage of a type.
--Beam: 20DSU distance beam that strikes all squares it goes through in a 1DSU radius for 5d8+1d8 per level damage of a type.
--Cone: 15DSU distance cone that hits for 5d8+1d8 per level damage of a type.
--Projectile: 8DSU distance projectile that strikes with a Aimed Strike Check for 5d8+1d8 per level damage of a type.
--Blast: 20DSU distance attack that strikes at a target square squares in a 6DSU radius for 5d8+1d8 per level damage of a type.
--Enhanced: A Normal attack that is enhanced to deal touch 5d8+1d8 per level damage of a type.
--Beam: 20DSU distance beam that strikes all squares it goes through in a 3DSU radius for 5d10+1d10 per level damage of a type.
--Cone: 20DSU distance cone that hits for 5d10+1d10 per level damage of a type.
--Projectile: 8DSU distance projectile that strikes with a Aimed Strike Check for 5d10+1d10 per level damage of a type.
--Blast: 20DSU distance attack that strikes at a target square squares in a 6DSU radius for 5d10+1d10 per level damage of a type.
--Enhanced: A Normal attack that is enhanced to deal touch 5d10+1d10 per level damage of a type.
--Beam: 20DSU distance beam that strikes all squares it goes through in a 3DSU radius for 5d12+1d12 per level damage of a type.
--Cone: 20DSU distance cone that hits for 5d12+1d12 per level damage of a type.
--Projectile: 8DSU distance projectile that strikes with a Aimed Strike Check for 5d12+1d12 per level damage of a type.
--Blast: 20DSU distance attack that strikes at a target square squares in a 8DSU radius for 5d12+1d12 per level damage of a type.
--Enhanced: A Normal attack that is enhanced to deal touch 5d12+1d12 per level damage of a type.
--Beam: 20DSU distance beam that strikes all squares it goes through in a 3DSU radius for 10d6+2d6 per level damage of a type.
--Cone: 20DSU distance cone that hits for 10d6+2d6 per level damage of a type.
--Projectile: 8DSU distance projectile that strikes with a Aimed Strike Check for 10d6+2d6 per level damage of a type.
--Blast: 20DSU distance attack that strikes at a target square squares in a 8DSU radius for 10d6+2d6 per level damage of a type.
--Enhanced: A Normal attack that is enhanced to deal touch 10d6+2d6 per level damage of a type.
--Beam: 20DSU distance beam that strikes all squares it goes through in a 3DSU radius for 10d8+2d8 per level damage of a type.
--Cone: 20DSU distance cone that hits for 10d8+2d8 per level damage of a type.
--Projectile: 8DSU distance projectile that strikes with a Aimed Strike Check for 10d8+2d8 per level damage of a type.
--Blast: 20DSU distance attack that strikes at a target square squares in a 10DSU radius for 10d8+2d8 per level damage of a type.
--Enhanced: A Normal attack that is enhanced to deal touch 10d8+2d8 per level damage of a type.
--Beam: 20DSU distance beam that strikes all squares it goes through in a 3DSU radius for 10d10+2d10 per level damage of a type.
--Cone: 20DSU distance cone that hits for 10d10+2d10 per level damage of a type.
--Projectile: 8DSU distance projectile that strikes with a Aimed Strike Check for 10d10+2d10 per level damage of a type.
--Blast: 20DSU distance attack that strikes at a target square squares in a 10DSU radius for 10d10+2d10 per level damage of a type.
--Enhanced: A Normal attack that is enhanced to deal touch 10d6+2d6 per level damage of a type.
--Beam: 20DSU distance beam that strikes all squares it goes through in a 3DSU radius for 10d12+2d12 per level damage of a type.
--Cone: 20DSU distance cone that hits for 10d12+2d12 per level damage of a type.
--Projectile: 8DSU distance projectile that strikes with a Aimed Strike Check for 10d12+2d12 per level damage of a type.
--Blast: 20DSU distance attack that strikes at a target square squares in a 12DSU radius for 10d12+2d12 per level damage of a type.
--Enhanced: A Normal attack that is enhanced to deal touch 10d12+2d12 per level damage of a type.

Special Effects
Add a level 1-4 status effect to one of your body part attacks or Special Attacks (Add 1 CP per level past 1)
Add a level 5-7 status effect to one of your body part attacks or Special Attacks (Add 1 CP per level past 5)
Add a level 8-10 status effect to one of your body part attacks or Special Attacks (Add 1 CP per level past 8)
Add a level 11-13 status effect to one of your body part attacks or Special Attacks (Add 1 CP per level past 11)
Add a level 14-16 status effect to one of your body part attacks or Special Attacks (Add 1 CP per level past 14)
Add a level 17-20 status effect to one of your body part attacks or Special Attacks (Add 1 CP per level past 17)
Add a level 21-24 status effect to one of your body part attacks or Special Attacks (Add 1 CP per level past 21)
Add a level 25-28 status effect to one of your body part attacks or Special Attacks (Add 1 CP per level past 25)
Add a level 29-32 status effect to one of your body part attacks or Special Attacks (Add 1 CP per level past 29)
Add a level 33-100 status effect to one of your body part attacks or Special Attacks (Add 1 CP per level past 33)

Resilience To Damage
Pick a damage type to resist against.

Wimpy: Takes x2 extra damage from chosen damage source

Weak: Takes -5 from the damage source per level
Easy: Takes -15 from the damage source per level
Normal: Takes -25 from the damage source per level
Hard: Takes -35 from the damage source per level
Formidable: Takes -40 from the damage source per level
Harsh: Takes -45 from the damage source per level
Nightmare: Takes -50 from the damage source per level
Improbable: Takes -55 from the damage source per level
Impossible: Immunity from the damage source.

Each challenge should offer a CP limit and EXP multiplier based on difficulty
(CP limit Base 10 and +1 per level)
Divide EXP by 18
(CP limit Base 10 and +2 per level)
Divide EXP by 16
(CP limit Base 15 and +2 per level)
Divide EXP by 14
(CP limit Base 15 and +3 per level)
Divide EXP by 12
(CP limit Base 20 and +3 per level)
Divide EXP by 10
(CP limit Base 20 and +4 per level)
Divide EXP by 8
(CP limit Base 25 and +4 per level)
Divide EXP by 6
(CP limit Base 25 and +5 per level)
Divide EXP by 4
(CP limit Base 30 and +5 per level)
Divide EXP by 2
(CP limit Base 30 and +6 per level)
Divide EXP by 1

Encounter Measure Charter

Monsters have a value based on challenge for each level of the monster group 250 credits worth of materials or equipment can be found if it's a monster if it's a created NPC
then it will have normal character creation credits, monsters ADD-ONs are not convertible as they are part of their body though their body is worth in materials, monsters
rarely have a treasure trove and generally don't know how to or can't use weapons armor etc. unless made too.

This charter is for a 1 enemy encounter

An excelling challenge is all party level divided by 2
A good challenge is all party levels combined divided by 3
A moderate challenge is party levels combined divided by 4
A wimpy challenge is all party levels combined divided by 5

This charter is for a grouped enemy party encounter

An excelling challenge is all party levels combined +10 divide by amount of monsters
A good challenge is all party levels combined +5 divide by amount of monsters
A moderate challenge is party levels combined 0 divide by amount of monsters
A wimpy challenge is all party levels combined –5 divide by amount of monsters

This game is  and thus cannot be reproduced and sold by others for money except by Jacob R. Watts Keuter. Permission to play this game must be under authority of JRWK as the game is under alpha test. This game is changing thus
any version prior is still , any version rewritten is still , as it's base was from this manual. Thank you for not reproducing. Signed; Jacob R. Watts Keuter. Email me at for any issue with title of Dnet.

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