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Uric Acid and Gout (‫( )حمض اليورك والنقرس‬Naqris)

How to control by Prophet Mohammed’s (‫ )صلى هللا عليه وسلم‬food habits

One of the best Uric acid remedies and cure. Gout-(a disease that causes painful swelling of the joints
especially in the toes- Gout is caused by high levels (excess) of uric acid, the patient suffers with Arthritic pains
in the back, knee joints & mostly in the heels. Excessive uric acid can form crystals in the joints, causing pain
and inflammation. Natural treatment home remedy for gout and prevention. How to control (eliminate) elevated
Uric acid levels and reduce severe pain and inflammation in joints? Gout is a type of Arthritis.
Recommended foods to eat (for Uric Acid and Gout patients)

1) Drink plenty of water (8-10 glasses /day ) as it will help to flush out
excess of uric acid through kidney, & prevents constipation (‫)اشرب كثير من الماء‬
2) Eat potassium rich foods. Low potassium levels are related to gout. Potassium has
the potential to dissolve uric acid crystals by raising the PH level in your
urine. Potassium is a must in diet of Uric acid patients.The Daily Value (DV) for
potassium is 3,500 mg and sodium is 2400 mg. The potassium in fruits and vegetables
contains organic salts, such as citrate and malate; salts that neutralize the uric acid in
the urine that could cause you kidney stones. Along with sodium, chloride, calcium, and
magnesium, potassium is an electrolyte, meaning that it helps to conduct electrical
charges in the body. A good sodium/potassium balance is very important for your
overall health. Fruits, vegetables, and non-cheese dairy products should all contain
more potassium than sodium. Potassium, like sodium, is essential for normal body
What is the Purpose of potassium in human body?
 Maintains the electrolyte balance in your body's cells. Healthy functioning of all of your
body's cells, tissues and organs -Electrolytes are substances that help conduct electricity in
your body.
 Manages your blood pressure and keeps your heart functioning properly, Maintains heartbeat
 Assists nervous system by aiding in the correct function of tissues needed for sending nerve
 Promotes efficient cognitive functioning by helping to deliver oxygen to the brain
 Helps the muscles contract- Enhances muscle control, the growth and health of your cells
 Breaks down and use carbohydrates, releases energy from protein, fat and carbohydrates
during the metabolic process. Your body needs potassium to build proteins.
 Aids in the waste removal process, A high potassium diet might help prevent bone loss and
kidney stones
 Control the Acid-Base Balance and body’s fluid balance

Food Sources of Potassium(men and women is 4700 mg/day) is an electrolyte

% Daily
Food, Amount (mg)
based on Calories

Wheat 300 gm ( ‫)قمح‬ 1179 33%

White rice 158 gm / Egg 1 large (‫)األرز‬ 55 1.3%
Food Sources of Potassium(men and women is 4700 mg/day) is an electrolyte
% Daily
Food, Amount (mg)
based on Calories

Sweet potato, (146 grams) / Avacado (‫أفاكادو‬/ ‫)البطاطس‬ 694 20% 131
Beet greens, cooked, 1/2 cup (‫)البنجر األخضر‬ 655 19% 19
Potato, baked, flesh, 1 potato (156 grams) (‫)البطاطس‬ 610 17% 145
Lima/White beans, canned, 1/2 cup (‫)الفاصوليا‬ 595 17% 153
Raisins 100 gm (‫)زبيب‬ 749 16%
Yogurt, plain, 100 gm (‫)زبادي‬ 290 8% 64
Prune juice, 3/4 cup/ Clams, canned, 3 ounces=85gm / Carrot
530 15% 136
juice, 3/4 cup (‫ عصير الجزر‬/ ‫)عصير البرقوق‬
Soybeans, green, cooked, 1/2 cup / Halibut, cooked, 3 ounces (‫)فول الصويا‬ 485 14% 127
Tuna, yellowfin/rockfish cooked, 3 ounces (‫)سمك التونة‬ 484 14% 118
Winter squash, cooked, 1/2 cup (‫)السكواش الشتاء‬ 448 13% 40
Banana, 1 medium / water melons 400 gm (‫)موز‬ 422 12% 105
Spinach/Brocolli/cantaloupe/cabbage 1/2 cup ( / ‫ بروكولي‬/ ‫سبانخ‬
419 12% 21
Tomato sauce, 1/2 cup (‫)صلصلة الطماطم‬ 405 12% 39
Tomato juice, 3/4 cup (‫)عصير الطماطم‬ 417 12% 31
Orange/ lemon/ straw berries/ Pomgranate 100gm / Sesame 50 gm ( /‫الفراولة‬/ ‫ ليمون‬/ ‫برتقال‬
‫سمسم‬/‫)رمان‬ 232 6.6%
Chicken 85 gm (‫)دجاج‬ 225 4.6%
Apple100 gm (‫)تفاح‬ 107 2%

3) Eat Alkaline foods to neutralize Uric Acid

(3a) Watermelon(‫)بطيخ‬-For gout & high uric acid, Watermelon juice with
its rind (skin, crust) is such a beautiful therapy, when taken daily, gout
pains will reduce within 10 days Insha'Allah. Water melon is alkaline
forming electrolyte, also it contains vit C. Prophet (pbuh) loved
Watermelons and grapes.
3b) Nabeez (soak dates or raisins in water for 4-5 hours and drink its
water and eat dates [Nabidh-an alkalizing tonic, sunnah drink],

4) Drinks high in vitamin C (Lemon juice reduces heat of the body and improves the digestive
system) Continuously taking in 500 milligrams of this vitamin will decrease your uric acid levels in a month or
(4a) Lemon juice on an empty stomach-How you can add lemon to your gout diet is as simple as taking
the lemon juice of 1 or 2 lemons and adding it in your glass of cool water, first thing in the morning on an
empty stomach would be best.

(4b) Lemon juice and Baking Soda- (‫)عصير اليمون وصودا الخبز‬

You can also mix lemon with baking soda together which creates a perfect pH level of 7 in your body keeping
it neutral. This helps restore balance almost instantaneously. Very simply add 2 tablespoons of lemon juice
and ½ of tablespoon of baking soda in a glass of water and mix it very well for about two minutes to make
sure it doesn’t foam or fizz, it must be flat before drinking! It will have the taste of flat water.

Although an acid itself, lemon juice, like apple cider vinegar, helps to promote the production of digestive
juices including bicarbonate, helping to neutralize acidity in the body. Lemon juice stimulates the formation of
calcium carbonate in the body, which also helps neutralize uric acid.

4c) Use lemon juice after Meals to neutralize uric acid in the body.

(4d) tangerines, mandarins, oranges (‫)برتقال‬

5) Complex carbohydrates (breads, cereals), Chocolate, cocoa, Celery, Figs, Fresh cherries, strawberries,
blueberries red-blue berries, kiwis, mangoes, pineapple
6) Drink organic apple cider vinegar (ACV), (‫)خل التفاح‬
Uric acid levels increases due to certain foods listed below foods must be avoided. Diets that are high in
purines (crystalline solid Nitrogen containing substance derived from uric acid) and high in protein have long
been suspected of causing an increased risk of gout.

Things to Avoid- (‫)األشياء لتجنب‬

Uric Acid and Gout (‫ )نقرس‬patients (Temporarily until you high uric acid) Restrict or
greatly reduce foods high in purines -
(Avoid 1) Organ meats such as liver, kidney, heart, Meat, Chicken,
shrimps, small silver fishes, shellfish, salty fish()
(Avoid 2) Daal Masoor, peanut, Rajma, Arabic fool (tamiz fool),
mushrooms (‫)عدس احمر‬
(Avoid 3) Yeast extracts brewers and bakers yeast (‫)الخبازين الخميرة‬
(Avoid 4) Coffee, soft drinks(‫)القهوة مشروب غازي‬
(Avoid 5) Sleeping after the meals, after Fajar & after Asar (it makes the
heart brittle)(‫) النوم بعد الوجبات‬
(Avoid 6) Avoid sodium rich foods also. As a general rule of thumb, cheeses, breads, canned soups, and fast
foods would be foods with much more sodium than potassium. ()

Mirza Ehteshamuddin Ahmed-(Indian-Hyderabadi)

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