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Kanook – Tlingit Nation

Sept – 2010

To you non-historians of the modern age, when someone mentions “ancient society’s” they are
not talking about the 1960s or thereabouts, they’re speaking to 15,000 to 32,000 BCE and
beyond, in fact a little more than 24-hours-ago, lift up your jaws, there was life on this planet
before you were born!
The study of life on this planet, 3rd from the Sun in case you’re wondering, is as diverse and
confusing as life itself, plugged full of theories and guesses as any subject you can study, other
than the relationship between conservatives and liberals. Which according to these “wise guys”
the Earth’s journey through the cosmos would be nothing short of haphazard if not for them, the
scary part is they really believe this ego enhancing bull-puckie, as they dance and prance behind
their heaven sent pulpits and campaign platforms.
Most of our society today bases our history on what has been written, whereas for instance the
history of Alaska got its “official” beginning when Aleksei Ilyich Chirikov stepped ashore in
Southeast Alaska on July 15th, 1741 and for the continental United States when William Bradford
and his Separatist and non-Separatist’s disembarked from the Mayflower at Plymouth Rock on
November 9th, 1620.
Unfortunately the indigenous populations of the America’s were treated as having settled the
land about 5-minutes before the Europeans “discovered” the new land. The chaps from the
continent of Europe planted their flags on the beaches of American and ran roughshod over its
inhabitants. Whereas the Europeans greatest advantage being the indigenous population was not
immune to the filth and disease their European cousins inherited along with their methods of
trading, rape, pillage, and deceit along with passing off a few bottles of fermented grape. This is
not a piece on the conquest of the America’s, albeit not a pretty picture, it still is our history.
Likewise in what is known as the “cradle of civilization” we have no written records before the
23rd Century BC in Sumer, whereas modern scholars were able to decipher a syllabary form of
writing thus permitting archaeologists to read some records and their inscriptions.
History before writing became the norm consists of oral traditions that have transmitted to us in
the modern day as “legends” and “myths”, all spun around the campfires with people sitting
talking and listening under a star-filled sky. We have read text that was supposedly constructed
within concrete parameters by leaders of the religious persuasion that tell us God created the
world a little over 4,000 years ago – don’t chuckle too loud there are still a number of our kind
walking around on this Blue Marble that firmly believe in this.
When someone tells you that ancient civilizations have been found dating back some 200,000
years plus, you might pass it off as a Science Fiction tale created by some wild and wooly person
who is smoking some good stuff writing a good script for Hollywood. Get a grip!
About 150-miles inland in South Africa a city-state (metropolis) has been discovered that
conservative estimates encompasses some 1,500 square miles, and this city-state in part of an
even larger community that is about 10,000 square miles. Modern dating techniques have placed
it age between 160,000 to 200,000 BCE.

You might ask yourself why this particular location, well as it turns out the predominant reason
is that the region was and is loaded with gold. Whereas over the past 500+ years thousands of
ancient gold mines have been discovered, now modern scholars are linking this precious medal to
the establishment and demise of a vanished civilization, that worked the area digging and
processing billions of tons of gold. Estimates speculate that is truly the oldest civilization on our
Blue Marble. Scholars are only guessing when they say that gold played a role in the dense
population in the area, they consider that although the site is 150-miles plus from an excellent
port, suggesting the there was a maritime trade that would have helped support a large population.
But then again, this was some 200,000 years ago. Most of the “ruins” have been buried in the
sand, and even today that are only really definable from an aircraft or from a satellite, whereas
they have been exposed when the changing climate has blown the sand around, showing the walls
and foundations.

It has taken a number of years for these remote “circles” to be recognized as more than just
some random stone circles constructed for the enjoyment of a few bushman and some herders,
albeit they were believed to have been constructed by some indigenous culture, no one bothered
to investigate the aspect of an established civilization.
I’m not sure about you, but my historical education has taught me that the most powerful
civilizations all emerged in Sumeria and Egypt, with a few other scattered places. Couple with
this information, if you dig it out, with what I learned that “until” the “Bantu” people migrated
from the northern regions of Africa during the 13th Century this part of the world consisted of a
few hunter gatherers or the Bushmen – and that they did little to contribute anything to our
advancement of technology or civilizations. Were we wrong or what?
Over the past 20-years scholars
have determined that these stone
structures are not simply corrals or
holding pens for wild animals.
They are now convinced that they
are the ancient remains of temples
and astronomical structures of a
lost ancient civilization, pushing
back the clock of time and firmly
establishing the fact that
somebody wandering about in
South Africa knew or understood
just a bit more than we figured they did.
The circular ruins are spread over a huge area, which as I mentioned can only be appreciated
from above – whereas over time and in today’s present climate being uncovered show some
original walls as high as five-feet and over three-feet wide.
When you study the ruins the first thought that comes to mind is the planning of the large
community, a community when associated with the numerous “gold mines” in the region gives
creditability to their existence – in addition the roads, some extending a hundred miles, and their
terraced agriculture reminds one of the Inca settlements in Peru.
The natural assumption is that the circles cannot be over 200,000 years old, and since “rocks”
cannot be carbon-14 dated, how did our scientists arrive at the 200,000 year old date?
As a great many discoveries in science Johan Heine stumbled onto “Adam’s Calendar” in 2003,
when he was on his way to assist one of his pilots who had smacked his plane on the edge of a
cliff. Next to the crash site he discovered a very strange non-natural arrangement of stones
sticking out of the earth. In his study of the monoliths he slowly realized that they were aligned
to the cardinal points of the Earth (North, South, East and West), and that there were at least three
monoliths aligned towards the sunrise, but that on the west side of the aligned monoliths there
was a mysterious hole in the ground, he later figured out that something was missing.
After weeks and months of measuring and noted observations, he concluded that the monoliths
predicted the perfectly aligned rise and fall of the Sun. He was able to determine the solstices and
the equinoxes – but his mysterious hole still remained unfilled and an enigma.
Christo, a local chap, told Johan that the missing stone was strange shaped stone that had been
removed from the spot 20+ years ago and taken and placed somewhere near the entrance to the
nature reserve.
After an extensive search, Johan finally found the “anthropomorphic” (humanoid shape) stone,
intact with a plaque fastened to it and displayed to commemorate the opening of the Blue
Swallow Reserve in 1994, like a rookie cop at a crime scene the stone he figured it had been
removed, unknowingly from one of the most important ancient sites known to man today.

The first calculations of the “age” of the calendar were made based on the rise of “Orion”, a
constellation known for its three bright stars forming the “belt” of the mythical hunter.
Successful graduates of 8th grade know that the Earth wobbles on its axis, this wobble causing
the stars and constellations to change their angle of presentation in our night sky, positions that
change on a cyclical basis. 8th graders call this action “precession”, whereas the precession cycle
is complete about every 26,000 years.
By determining when all three-stars of Orion’s belt were position flat or horizontal with respect
to the horizon, the scholars calculated they could estimate the time when the three stones in the
calendar were in alignment with these three bright-stars. There first “rough” set of numbers said
the site was at “least” 25,000 years ago – since that time with new and more precise equipment
measurements have been made suggested an age of at “least” 75,000 years, and the most recent
and highly accurate calculations completed in June-2008, puts the site’s age to at “least” 160,000
years, these measurement taking into account the actual erosion of the dolerite stones at the site.
And you believed that Stonehenge was old at 8000 BCE ?
Gold mining 160,000 years ago – I’d ask you to close your eyes, but it would make it a bit
difficult to read this – but imagine a guy or girl getting up at the crack of dawn, picking up their
tools and going to work in some pit in the ground. As they walked to work, busses hadn’t been
invented yet, stepping around kids playing stickball on the sidewalks and mothers sitting on their
haunches mixing some strange delicacy together to feed her family. Animal skins hanging on the
clothes line, with mongrel dogs yapping at their feet as they made their way towards another day
at the mine.
There have been a number of ancient abandoned mines dated in southern Africa, whereas the
“Anglo-American Corporation” in the 1970s let a contract for a group of archaeologists to look
for some ancient mines. They published in “Optima” one report detailing a discovery in
Swaziland and a couple of other locations that showed extensive mining with shafts up to fifty-
feet in depth. Stone objects and charcoal remains established dates of 35,000 – 46,000 – and
60,000 BC – confirming their synopsis that mining in southern Africa was present, “during much
of the period subsequent to 100,000 BC. A team of International Physicists in September 1998
verified human remains in Swaziland and Zululand dated 80,000 to 115,000 years BC.
One particular Zulu legend in southern Zimbabwe tells of the ancient gold mine at Mototapa
that employed “artificially” produced flesh and blood slaves created by the “1st People”, the
slaves are said to have gone into battle with the “Ape-Man”, this happening when the “great war
star appeared in the sky”. Fact or some ancient pipe dream?
Gold as a mineral in ancient times, according to our way, would be practically useless, where
you can’t eat it, it is too soft for making tools, and is not useful for anything except ornaments
and its physical beauty that is on par with copper and silver. So why was it so important to the
planets early Homo sapiens?
Homo sapiens trace our ancestry back through time to a point where we evolved from other
primitive hominids, so its said, albeit our scientists do not understand “why” this new type of
two-legged, walking upright mammal suddenly appeared, of “how” the change happened –
nevertheless some learned scholars say they have traced our “genes” (levis’) back to a single
female they label our “Mitochondrial Eve”. Whereas she is the one
female individual human who is the female counterpart of our Y-
chromosomal “Adam”. Although they seemed to have lived in
different time…don’t ask me how this worked out, as I’m clueless.
She is believed to have lived between 150,000 to 250,000 years
BP, most likely in East Africa around Tanzania and other regions to
the south and west. Again our learned scholars speculate that she
lived in a population of between “perhaps” 4000 to 5000 females
capable of producing children at any given time. As our scientists have found no other offspring
with strong evolutionary changes to their DNA, or at least to this date, it would appear that the
human race today are all descendants of this one-human-female.
She pre-dates the “out-of-Africa” migration which took place some 60,000 to 95,000 years ago,
albeit her fossil remains are roughly similar with the fossils found in Ethiopia near the Omo River
and at Hertho. In other words, our Mitochondrial Eve is old!
We have been taught (some of us) that the Sumerian civilization is the oldest common
historical civilization hanging around on the book shelves in our great institutions of learning,
along with the Egyptians with their Pharaohs and numerous pyramids, where their dynasties
stretch back some 3200 years BP.
The ancient Sumerian seal shows the legend of the “Great Flood”, which is noted as consuming
all of mankind, as the noted accounting in the book of Genesis – like Genesis the Sumerian
accounting “Atrahasis” tells a story depicting the creation of modern humans, not by a loving
God as Genesis maintains, but by a super-race of extra-terrestrials who were in need of semi-
intelligent “slaves” to assist them in mining gold. I won’t go there, even for my technical
background and sometimes rampant curiosity I find the legend of the “planet Nibiru” a little hard
to swallow … but the question remains how come Homo sapiens suddenly appeared? That is if
you consider a couple of thousand over time as suddenly!
Unless you’re really an uninterested Homo sapien, by now even with this weird explanation on
the creation of us, we still haven’t explained why anyone would need many, many kilograms of
Gold some 150,000 plus years ago. Remember King Solomon had a big thing for it collecting
approximately 43 tons of it each year – at today’s spot price we’re talking $1.7 billion big ones
every year, it could be that the ancient sites in southern Africa were the mysterious site of Ophir
noted in the Old Testament? Even so 43 tons is more than enough to keep the lights burning all
night in his temple, so it can be said that for some reason back some 150,000 plus years ago
someone had a major hunger for Gold!
Needless to say, the discovery of a civilization in southern Africa dating back some 200,000
years is mind-boggling, especially to the establishment who have hung their hat on the belief that
we wandered out of some caves after the last Ice Age. Stating that mainstream historians are
having a difficult time with the information is a known fact – sort of like the United States
population accepting the fact that a half-breed is running the country, albeit as time goes by, more
and more believe he and his gang are doing a piss-poor job.
Compare the 200,000 year old site to the relatively new site at Chaco Canyon a shallow, ten-
mile canyon situated in the NW corner of New Mexico, and by today’s standards somewhat
isolated accessible only by “washboard” dirt roads.
Scholars tell us it was carved from
ancient sea beds by centuries of erosion,
where millions of years of history reveal
themselves in layer after layer of rock,
giving up from time-to-time fossils from
the planets distant past.
At 6,200 feet above sea-level it is a
high-desert canyon, sun-scorched in the
summer and bitterly cold in the winter.
Regardless ample evidence has been found that at one time it was a thriving community around
2900 BC, albeit at that time scholars believe they were mostly a nomadic like band that is until
around 200 AD when farmers, the life givers of the planet, settled in the area and built small pit
Around 850 AD, the population
changed – they began to build
massive stone building unlike any
that had been built before in their
neck-of-the-woods. Structures
that reached for the sky, four or
five stories high that had up to
700 rooms and dozens of “kivas”.
Each building within line-of-sight
of the other, communications don’t you know! They were aligned referencing celestial lines;
they employed water collection systems and
were connected to outlying sites with an
extensive network of roads – in other words an
elaborate sophisticated and highly organized
culture, with Chaco Canyon at its center.
For 300 years construction moved
forward and the community grew, then in 1150
AD the region was abandoned, for reasons
even until today we know not why, speculating
that a prolonged drought might have been the reason,
Some also speculate that the Chaco Canyon population moved onto two other areas, such as
Mesa Verde and Chuska Mountains, who around 1150 AD were growing.
300 years, when you see numbers like this on a piece of paper and measure it against other
ancient civilizations, even the 500-year-old Roman Empire, it might not appear as very important
value except when you stop and consider our country has existed as a major civilization for less
than 240 years. Many Native American tribes in the US Southwest today trace their ancestors
back to Chaco Canyon, Mesa Verde, and the Chuska Mountains. But I get ahead of myself!
First found and ignored by anthropologists from the University of Chicago and Istanbul
University in the 1960s, is a site in southeastern Turkey near Urfa that pre-dates Stonehenge by
some 6,000 years. Gobekli Tepe again turns our view of civilization a bit on its side.
At Gobekli Tepe are found
some very massive stones carved over
11,000 years ago, in other words close
to 8,000 years before the legendary
Abraham left the same region on his
way south to conquer the savage
Canaanites, or so the Religions of the
Middle East would have us believe.
Klaus Schmidt, a German
archaeologist has been poking around
Gobekli Tepe for over a decade, and is
convinced he has found the world’s oldest temple. On a top of one hill, he and his workers have
uncovered standing stones, or pillars arranged in circles. Also on the hillside he found four other
rings of partially excavated pillars, each one having at its center two large stone T-shaped pillars
encircled by slightly smaller stones facing inward. The tallest pillars stand
16 feet high and weight between 7 and 10 tons. Some are blank, while
others have elaborately carved foxes, lions, scorpions and vultures
numerously scattered across the pillars. The rings themselves, some 65
feet across definitely have a pattern to their construction, giving him the
impression that this a human-built holy place. Why our scholars figure it
for a holy-place is beyond me, it could have been a popular place to hang
out and partake in a popular drink made from fermented barley, which was
growing wild all over the place. From the peak of the hill some 1,000 feet above the valley floor,
one can see the horizon in nearly every direction, and they ask themselves what the landscape
must have looked like over 11,000 years ago. A time after the edge of the Ice began its slow
march back towards the north-land, and after centuries of intensive farming and settlement that
has turned the land into the sparse featureless brown expanse that fills your vision today.
It is not hard to visualize the people of the ancient land gazing their herds of gazelle and
mixtures of wild animals, the grass lands crisscrossed with gently flowing rivers, ponds and lakes
stuffed with migrating geese and ducks, trees loaded with fruit their branches touching the ground
and acres of nut trees, under which is found rippling fields of wild barley and wild wheat such as
“emmer and einkorn”. The land was a paradise, whereas it sits on the northern edge of the Fertile
Crescent – an arc of mild climate and arable land from the Persian Gulf to present-day Lebanon,
Israel, Jordon and Egypt – a paradise that attracted hunter-gatherers from Africa, Iran and the
Levant. Albeit there is no evidence of any great number of people living on the hill, the belief
that the site was unprecedented in its time and is considered as humanity’s first “cathedral on a
It is believed that the site was constructed by the residents of at least three major settlements,
one of them being “Nevali Cori” an early Neolithic (beginning around 9500 BC) site on the
middle Euphrates in the province of Urfa (Sanliurfa). The more significant city is Urfa (its name
since the Byzantine era), whereas some scholars strongly believe it is the biblical city of “Ur”,
this due to its proximity to the biblical village of Harran. Ur is known as the birthplace of “Job”,
albeit some diehard biblical experts maintain Ur is the south of Iraq – an opinion that is slowly
changing. Ur’s or “Urfa” history dates back to 9000 BC, approximately the same date as Gobekli
Ur has been subject to many battles in its long history, our first records indicating it was
dominated by people from “Ebla” another ancient city
about 34 miles southwest of Aleppo in present day Syria,
at its height a large city-state in the late 3rd millennium
BC and again between 1800 and 1650 BC. It note in
history is the famous “Ebla Tablets”, around 15,000
cuneiform tablets dating from around 2250 BC, written
in Sumerian script recording mostly the Eblaite
language, a previously unknown language that has become the earliest attested “Semitic
Language” after the closely related “Akkadian”. Subsequently Ur fell under the Akkadian
Empire, noted in history as the 1 manifestation of an empire, while a bit later (relatively
speaking) they were ruled by the Sumerian’s, the Babylonians and so forth an so on up until the
Crusaders got done trying to push the eastern populations around – and eventually lost!
What is important in the preceding is that around 9000 BC a civilization put their skills on the
line and built a complex high on a hill near some established population centers, these centers
were thousands of years older than Stonehenge, yet do not come close to similar structures found
in southern Africa constructed somewhere around 177,000 BC, a date that pales in comparison to
the advances we have dug from beneath the dirt in the modern era. 169,000 years before Gobekli
Tepe they were mining gold and building astronomical observatories below the equator in Africa,
calculating the growing season and when to harvest the crops to feed the inhabitants of a city-
state that was some 10,000 square miles in size. In comparison the City of Los Angeles,
California is some 498 square miles in size, even the largest city in the world, Mexico City at 574
square miles shrinks in comparison to the city in southern Africa at 1,500 square miles. Talk
about urban sprawl!
We can only guess at makeup of these early ancestors of humankind, just as we can only
speculate on the functioning of their types of government – we are pretty certain their primary job
was to supply their buyers, whoever they were, with tons of gold for what purpose we again can
only guess. What we are firm in believing that they did exist, what is beyond most of our beliefs
is that they existed over 200,000 years ago.
Approximately 5,160 years ago a civilization that most of us have been taught is the oldest
technically able society on our planet consolidated the northern and southern sections of the Nile
River and the Egypt of old marched into the future. At the time the “Upper” and “Lower” Egypt
came under their first recognized Pharaoh – and born were a series of Kingdoms, separated by
periods of relative instability known as Intermediate Periods. Around 1600 years after its birth
Egypt reached its peak and began a slow but steady decline, with the rule of the Pharaohs finally
drawing to a close when it fell to the Roman Empire 5,130 years after being established.
Compare this time line that is almost 22 times the present lifespan of the United States of
There is little doubt in anyone’s mind that Egypt for over at least 4500 years was one of the
greatest civilizations whereas if not a long lasting one ever to grace the planets surface. Its
success to survive the inevitable changes around it was its hallmark, that and to adjust to the
conditions of the changing Nile River Valley where they mastered the prediction of its flooding,
store-housing crops (long before the Jews up north had Joseph go down and show them a thing or
two, but then again this is religious malarkey noted to raise the importance of Abraham’s gang in
the Middle East – or as we know it – advanced PR) and their leadership necessary to control the
immigration of many different cultures that their success had to defend against from time-to-time.
These masters of their surrounding land lasted for centuries, motivating and organizing all the
activities within their domain, building stone structures that survive today, three of which plus
one large animal like member that defies dating – we only speculate, whereas some date them
back to over 10,000 years while others only a few thousand.
They held dear to themselves religious beliefs that an upstart set of religions born a few miles
north of their land, points to and ridicules with venomous words condemning the civilization of
the Nile Valley to the pits of Hell – with glee by the way, and yet in their rush to condemn they
are but a flea on the back of an elephants back when it comes to scratching the surface of what the
civilization of the Nile Valley knew and understood.
It would be century upon century that the achievements of this northern civilization would even
began to duplicate what the ancient Egyptians were able to do, this including quarrying,
surveying and construction techniques that mystify the builders of today. The Egyptians threw up
pyramids, temples, obelisks and dug deep into rock
hillsides to hide their important leaders from the thieves
who robbed their graves in search of riches beyond
imagination. The had a system of mathematics that
confused the dimwits who surrounded their river valley,
they practiced and implemented a regime of medicine that
very few understood, had irrigation systems and
agricultural methods that the sheep herders in the north
could only marvel at, they sailed the rivers and the
Mediterranean, hauling freight importing and exporting in
such quantities that it still amazes the archaeological world
today. One little known fact is that their culture, after a
great war in the Levant produced a peace treaty that is
known as the first of its kind, they left in the archives of
history art and architecture that has been copied down through the ages, their work has been
stolen and secreted to the far corners of the world, all their accomplishments have inspired the
imaginations of travelers and writers for centuries – and as mentioned their application of
mathematics has stunned scholars for thousands of year up to and including present day.
It was when the Ice began its retreat northward that the climate of Northern Africa started
changing, gone were the cool summer rains, taking with them fertile fields and dense forests
leaving behind the hot arid climate found today – this change taking place in the late Paleolithic
period (15,000 to 10, 000 BC) forced the population to concentrate along the Nile and the sparse
tribes of hunter-gathers packed their bags and went where the water was – news traveling fast that
their distant cousins who had been living in the Nile valley since the end of the Middle
Pleistocene (120,000 years ago) had it pretty good.
It was a slowly changing climate that caused the population explosion in the Nile valley, just as
today scientists and scholars are predicting another climate change – if in studying history we
note that the climate changed over centuries, bringing about a gradual advancement of Homo
sapiens driving them away from the easy living across the savannah making life a bit more
difficult due to the heavy concentrations of people. It is called “change” folks, and like the late
Paleolithic period today it seems that we’re not going to be able to stop the change – the question
becomes will we be able to survive the movement of people – after all we’re a bit more than there
was wandering around some 12,000 years ago – and we just might be moving backwards.
It was a British Army deserter, James Lewis posing as an American engineer in 1826 who first
took notice of a series of “mounted” ruins near a small town in Punjab named “Harappa”, and
over the years the name of that town came to be known as the “Harappa Civilization”, the oldest
known urban culture in the Indus Valley. The site is located in what is now Pakistan and western
India – all-in-all the culture covered an area the size of Western Europe.
The ancient Harappa Civilization was the largest of four ancient civilizations of Egypt,
Mesopotamia, India and China – yet of its history it is the least known. Mainly because of the
Indus method of writing, which we have not been able to decipher – whereas there have been
found remnants of the script on pottery vessels, seals and amulets but we have yet to have found
a “Rosetta Stone”, thereby lacking any direction in deciphering their account by linguists and

Occupied for many centuries it wasn’t until around 2600-1900 BC that the Harappa culture
reached its peak, having a tremendous economic influx on the surround region with an explosion
in urban growth. This period of time is known as the “Golden Age of Harappa”, whereas the
culture experienced a rapid growth in technology, trade and a continuous urban expansion.
For the first time in the regions history evidence has been found that supports the facts that
many people of different classes and occupations lived together. Between 2800-2600 BC, the
“Kot Diji” period, Harappa morphed into a thriving economic center, at its focal point an area
equal to several large shopping malls, incorporating a level of architectural expertise unparalleled
in the ancient world.
As other Indus Valley cities it was laid
out in grid-like patterns with the
orientation of streets and buildings
according to the cardinal directions with
ease of access to other neighborhoods and
segregated private ant public areas. It had
many drinking water wells and a highly sophisticated system of waste removal, whereas “all”
Harappan houses were equipped with latrines, bathing areas, and the waste emptied in to large
mains which made its way to settling ponds and later applied as fertile sludge to the surrounding
agriculture fields.
Like the Phoenicians of the Levant, the Harappa culture did not rule by military right, whereas
it appears the merchants were the rulers with a little religion thrown into the mix. No where is
there to be found a monument dedicated to might or glorification and no monument dedicated to
war or conquered enemies. As the Phoenicians the strong speculation is that the rulers were
wealthy merchants, or powerful landlords or even some spiritual leaders and that the resultant
leaders showed their power and status with the use of “seals” and “fine jewelry”.
As for the “seals” which are the most commonly found object in the Harappan cities, they are
decorated with motifs such as elephants, water buffalo, tigers and most of all “unicorns”, along
with some found showing prototypes of later Hindu religious figures, some which are found
today in various locations in India and Pakistan.

Scholars have concluded that there was a healthy economic and social structure within all of the
Indus Valley, similarly they have put aside the notion of an “Aryan” invasion of the Valley for
the remaining strong influence of the religion of “Shiva” worship, a concept that has continued on
down from the ancient Harappan society, It was “supposed” that the Aryan’s destroyed the
Harappa cities around 1500 BC, causing the decline of the Indus civilization – a belief no longer
accepted laying the decline on climate changes that caused great droughts beginning around 2200
BC, forcing the abandonment of the cities pushing the population westward. Recent findings
have shown that the “Sumerian” empire also declined sharply during the same time period, again
due to a climate shift, and the close proximity to each other it is now naturally assumed that the
climate change affected both cultures.
As the Harappan cities began to decline they did so as a result of many factors, not the least
being their overextended political and economic networks, and the drying of their major rivers.
Around 1900-1300 BC evidence is found that demonstrates that their once majestic cities were no
longer being maintained along with being “overcrowded”, which leads to the conclusion that
their once powerful rulers were loosing their authority, and a new world order was born. The first
thing to disappear were the cultural elites, but all-in-all the Indus culture did not slip by the
wayside – as new cities were born in the Ganga and Yamuna river valleys between 600-300 BC,
cities that maintained the cultural and technological aspects of the earlier cities – whereas these
new cities kept the technologies, artistic symbols, architectural styles, and certain aspects of the
social organization as the Harappan society. This fact alone disputes the idea of an Aryan
invasion, whereas the Indus cities may have declined, for various reasons, their culture continued
on with only a small tick here or there.

Mohenjo-daro and the great bath

A couple of thousand miles northeast of the Indus Valley in China in Lantian County a 6,500
year old Banpo Neolithic village was discovered in 1954, in the Yellow River Valley just east of
Xi’an. The site contains the remains of several well organized Neolithic settlements dating back
to approximately 4500 BC. It area is made up of some 14 plus acres which were surrounded by a
ditch, supposedly a defensive moat over 16 feet wide. The houses were circular, constructed of
mud and wood with overhanging thatched roofs set on low foundations, the entire site had several
communal burial plots. Between 1954 and 1957, 538,183 square feet of the Banpo site was
excavated revealing a wealth of information of the culture.
The Banpo site was associated with the Yangshao Culture, being part of the Banpo phase dating
between 5000 BC to 4000 BC, where earlier excavations of the site revealed by whatever means
or reason that the culture was once a strong matriarchal society, how-some-ever it appears the
facts do not support the existing dominance of the male in China and they now claim the site was
not matriarchal. Equally modern Chinese archaeological
research reveals little if any evidence that suggests any
religious or political structure from the ruins beneath the
soil. Evidence of a culture rewriting history to fit the
existing rulers as Russia did when Stalin rose to power.
Not to be disputed is the find of the Lantian Man or
Homo erectus lantianensis, a sub-species of Homo erectus
that was discovered in Lantian County in 1963, in Shaanxi
province about 31-miles southeast of the city of Xi’an.
Albeit it is older than Peking Man, at 530,000 to 1 million years old, it is younger than Yuanmou
Man at some 1.7 million years old.
A few years after the life of the Lantian Man had come to an end, the Xi’an region became the
cultural and political center of China from 1046-256 BC for the Zhou Dynasty one dynasty that
lasted longer than any other dynasty in China’s history. It was during the Zhou Dynasty that use
of iron was introduced to China, and of greater importance is was during this dynasty that written
script evolved and developed to a finite art in the later stages of the Zhou Dynasty. It was the 1 st
emperor of China, “Qin Shi Huang” who had the Terracotta Army constructed and placed in his
future mausoleum just east of Xi’an soon after his ascension to the throne (246 BC to 221 BC) –
he was 13 when the Terracotta Army project began, which it is said involved over 700,000
The “Emperors” army consists
of over 8,000 soldiers at 6’ to 6’4”
tall, with over 130 chariots with
520 horses and 150 cavalry
mounts – even today a majority of
the army is still buried in the pits.
Qin was buried with palaces,
scenic towers, court officials,
valuable utensils and “wonderful
objects” with 100 rivers fashioned
in mercury, whereas recent testing has shown high levels of mercury in the soil in and around Mt
Lishan. The actual tomb of Shi Huang Di is beneath an earthen pyramid that is 250 feet tall and
just shy of 1,148 square feet. It have never been opened, and the
predominant opinion is that it will never be opened – so that the
objects buried with the Emperor will be undamaged – photo’s and
video’s are a no-no in the area along with the fact that only a select
“few” foreigners, such as the Queen of England, who have been
permitted to walk through the Terracotta Army.
There are many such ancient civilizations scattered across our
Blue Marble, so many that confusion runs amuck on whose
civilization came first – regardless of the dates we’ve managed to
assemble as a reference.
For countless centuries our scholars believed Egypt was the established cradle of civilization of
our modern world, but finds such as those in South Africa are now shedding a new light on the
assumption, while most believe that the absence of any scientific knowledge gauges the society –
other scholars in searching through the ruins of Mesopotamian and Phoenician civilizations are
finding that they pre-date Egypt, and the recent discoveries in China pre-date even them. There
are a few steadfast historical high-brows that hang tough to the concept that most major
civilizations were connected to the Mediterranean Sea. In their belief tell us that Egypt exported
its civilization to Greece and Rome, and that our modern civilization is closely related to our not
so distant past.
Albeit our past is clouded almost to the point of obscurity, as a race we tend to tie our antiquity
back to this or that type of religion – seems that the myths and stories tied in with this Far Eastern
religious figure or that one carries more weight, than tales of leadership and glory out of the cold
northland – in my opinion just a matter of poor public relations.
The civilizations which came into being
several thousand years ago on the shores of
the eastern Mediterranean, reached a high-
level of achievement – a status that we still
admire today and constantly puzzle over
how they were able to accomplish some of
their advancements. Of course, we compare
their works to what we’re able to do today,
such as the construction of the Pyramids and the great temple in Baalbeck, Lebanon.
Above all they were accomplished in science, industry, agriculture, trade and most of all in
War, all of which we have advanced with a great degree – especially War – which is a wonder to
some of us in that we figured as we became more “civilized” we would have left War behind the
kitchen door and walked onto a better understanding of each other. Unfortunately, greed and the
thirst for the world’s yellow and black gold has shuttled the act of War back onto the stage of
human accomplishments and expertise. Some predict water or food will be the next driving force.
Through all of this it appears that three primary religions still remain the bone of contention
passed on to us down through the ages – whereas Christianity, Judaism and Islam just cannot
agree on much of anything – even down to who or what we call the supreme being or the
supposed creator of this place we call home.
Within Islam, for instance, are groups of radicals who have become so inflamed over those who
do not follow their brand of fire and brimstone, they are doing everything in their power to
destroy the other two religions with enough vigor to boil their blood when they hear or see their
counterpart walking, talking or skipping down the avenue. This is not to say that the other two
religions don’t have their radicals, whereas in Judaism we find the Orthodox Jew at times more
radical then the Islamic nutcase, and in Christianity we find our Holy-Rollers and redneck
southern Baptists who look forward to destroying the likes of Jew and Muslims, at the drop of the
hat or the rifle hanging across the window of their Chevy pickup. Christians shoot at shadows,
finding nothing in the shadows they set about creating a bogyman – they’re masters at it!
I have heard it said the “religion has fashioned the destiny” of the world, whether or not
“destiny” is the correct word or not, it is certainly true that it has begat more Wars than any other
cause in our past – albeit the two major conflicts in our recent history were brought about by a
couple of zealots who just wanted to rule the world.
The basis for the now three primary religions in the world was one man who wandered out of
Southeastern Turkey under guidance from his God, from his lions with his 2nd wife who was from
Egypt, because his first wife was barren, came the supposed father of the Islam, and from his 1st
wife came the father of Judaism – and from offshoots of the Judaism family came the leader of
the Christian church. All three lay claim to a single-God theory, with all three pointing to the
Egyptians as violators of the faith by having in their bully-pulpit rhetoric more than one deity –
but as most stories spread today, many fail to include the original texts or myths of
Zoroastrianism that was taught beginning around 600 BC – this too was a religion that celebrated
a single-creator, who was fair and kind and showed no evil toward his subjects. The worshipped
“Aura Mazda” as their supreme being, who in time he created other prominent beings who guided
the Persians (Iran) and other members of the sect in doing good on their earthly domain. When
Islam came into being around 700 BC, its followers did their level best to marginalize
Zoroastrianism completing their job after the Islamic hordes invaded Iran, where today you will
find mostly Shi’ite followers of the prophet Mohammad.
Islamic scholars like to pit Christianity against Zoroastrianism every chance to they get,
proclaiming the Christianity supported by the wealth and power of the Roman’s stood against the
religion of Persia supported by the moral power of India and other locations in the Far East, while
the civilization of Egypt winding its way through Phoenicia and Mesopotamia separated the East
from the West preventing any grave confrontation of the two separate ideologies and
civilizations. I find their reasoning a little off-center and naturally leaning toward a solution or
outcome of which they divorce themselves. The claim is that as Christianity slowly took over the
Egyptian form of religion in both Egypt and Phoenicia the act brought Zoroastrianism face-to-
face and the battle lines were drawn. Albeit for centuries the East and West confronted each
other without intermingling between their own beliefs, each felt of the other’s religion erecting a
“moral” barrier that replaced the old barrier that was in-place by the Near Eastern civilizations.
Then again, this is an article of Ancient civilizations, not one on not-so-ancient journeys into
fantasy land concerning this or that religion – we have as a modern society have become to
wound up in them as it is…the situation has become too far out of hand, it seems, to reign the
monster back behind its shell of respectability or sensibility – don’t you think?
Following some 196,000 years after the assembly of stones in South Africa we find that the
new kids on the block from the northland busted their butts and placed some stones in a similar
fashion on the Salisbury Plain in England – whereas in recent days archaeologists and their tag-
alone scholars label the place Stonehenge, original don’t you think?
The theory states that people from the
surrounding countryside set up their temporary
dwelling in a place called Durrington Walls at
the shifting of the seasons, celebrating the
equinoxes as our home spun its way through the
cosmos, in addition some guess they used the
region for ritual feasting and important funeral
ceremonies – sadly no gold has been found as-
of-late, but what the heck England wasn’t known for its gold rather they had an abundance of tin.
The area around Durrington Walls lays claim to the largest Neolithic village ever found in
Britain, with dwelling being uncovered that date back to 2,600-2,500 BC – the same period as
Stonehenge. This claim as the largest and oldest is based on scholars excavating eight houses,
but wait they have identified many other “probable” dwellings using up-to-date surveying tools.
Their best guess is that there were more than 100-houses, each one around 16 square feet, not
Buckingham Palace mind you – but we have advanced a bit since some 4,000 plus years. One
educated commentator on BBC news remarked about the evidence found that contained rubbish
covering the floors, “It is the richest – by that I mean the filthiest – site of this period in Britain.”
It appears that between 2600 BC and 1620 AD they didn’t do a whole lot in cleaning up their act,
as when they traveled across the Atlantic they carried along with them all sorts of disease and
corruption that almost wiped out the Brown Race in North America. At the end of the day, it is
still unclear who or what really put the stones in place at Stonehenge or other scattered locations
across Europe – no matter they are there!
In a strange way much attention has been paid to Stonehenge and it European counterparts,
whether this is on purpose or by accident the life and times of this plus 4000 year-old-site has
tickled the imagination of just as many as the discovery or the Pyramids in Egypt. One can only
suppose that the non-brown race would like credit as being the supreme rulers of our civilization,
disregarding previous finds across the globe as purely accidental burps in our history. I have read
some compositions by scholars who have examined the Pyramids of Central America, most
always beginning with “even though they are well constructed, they are smaller in size…” as if
they have been copied by some individual who might have had the opportunity to cross the
Atlantic and check things out in Egypt. In other words, with the exception of damn few things,
the European race who have brought more war to our globe than any other, are most always
finding a way to lord their supposed superiority over the rest of civilization – up to and including
the supposed invasion of India back in antiquity giving rise to the various advanced societies
being found there today – of course the scholars from those societies who have shown some of
these flights of fancy to be false are shouted down from the lofty levels of European society – so
be it! Just as the scholars and explorers of not-so-ancient North America and South America in
finding working tools pre-dating (22,000 BC plus) the supposed crossing of the land-bridge
between Siberia and Alaska, are shouted down as if they are first graders of science – this action
has become the norm when explorers other than writing under the guidance of their European
counterparts, attempt to publish their noted works and find that even their acceptance in Readers
Digest is shunned.
Today we find another element tickling the chests of the holy-than-thou citizens in the West,
the rise of the Arabic race – totally unacceptable to the superior West, this unacceptability they
color with the Arabs religion, Islam. Today we find an undercurrent that “supposes” that some in
the West have created bogymen dressed as the Arab, moving around creating terrorist activity
that has the West up in arms, yet there is another group that accent every little action pushed by
the radicals (there are some in every race, check out Rush Limbaugh) who run about stirring the
pot or threatening or committing havoc across the globe. In other words, it is not fair to state with
a straight face that over the past few hundred years or so that all the terror caused on our globe
has been caused by Arabs, or as some of our selected elites push for labeling all Arabs as radical
Muslims out to conquer the known world. A world the European’s have ruled with impunity
since the invention of the sail – running about with a stick with a flag waving from its top being
shoved into some sandy beach far across the waves from their homeland – the White European
had arrived to save the day and fill their coffers with distant riches ripped from the hands of the
indigenous race who just happened to occupy the land they lusted after…they called in progress
and the age of “discovery”. Today educated individuals call it stealing and a few other choice
Albeit I could walk down the streets in the West and would find six out of ten pointing their
fingers at the Arab people of the world…especially in America and England, and maybe a few
above average in France. Like during the two great wars, we are today gathering all the people
from the land of the radical Arab into the same bucket – just as we did the ordinary citizens of
Germany and Japan. We are ready to construct concentration or relocation camps and herd these
people behind their walls, while we do war against their homeland – blitzing the countryside and
again maybe like we did after the last two great battles, waltz back into the bombed out landscape
throw a few dollars around and wrap our arms around the survivors while we pick their pockets
removing their scientists, scholars and numerous other previous shakers and movers from their
society. Our leaders smile and pat each other on the back, send a few dollars to the Pope and
whatnot and go to sleep at night with the righteous feeling that they have saved the world,
naturally stuffing a few coins found here and there in their pocketbooks to fight another day.
Our entire society loves war, we can’t help it, it is engrained we seem to love the fact that there
will be a day when each and every one of us might have the chance to rule over our neighbor, so-
to-speak. Since man first came down from the trees (some maintain) he brought part of the tree
with him, fashioned it into a serviceable device and clubbed anyone who strolled past or through
his patch of ground. Eventually, some write, he started pounding on the heads of the other gender
dragging them into his cave to have his way with them, hence the population grew and more
clubs were made.
From this small but effective beginning, relatives of this man now have weapons that can and
will destroy that patch of ground beneath that tree from days-gone-by, trouble is if it were
possible we’d soon realize that none of us are even close to that patch of ground, in that none of
us own or live on our original patch of ground – we have conquered, and/or ran amuck on each
others land for so long that there isn’t a patch of ground left that once belonged to its original
owner, consequently we really don’t care if we wipe it clean in some wild act of desperation.
Not meaning to preach, but here we are an advanced civilization, supposedly beyond the
advances of any ancient society – yet, when you peel back the ages we might have developed a
few technical toys but we’re just as mired in the muck of conflict as we ever have been, more so
in some cases.
On August 26th, 1071 a series of small wars took place that dragged the existing “civilized”
society into a series of small wars, staring with the invasion of the Seljug (Arabic) forces led by
Alp Arslan against the Byzantine Empire. History refers to these small wars as the Crusades,
whereas the Holy Roman Empire and armies from Europe pitted their mercenaries against the
Muslims all along the northern and eastern side of the Mediterranean Sea – it was the Pope
against the hordes of Mohammad. We all know the result the Muslims whipped the drawers off
the mercenaries of the Pope and the leaders of Europe. For hundreds years the Muslims
controlled the “holy” city of Jerusalem, albeit one of the profitable gains of the Crusades was the
re-establishment of Trade between the “East and West” at the unofficial end of them – in fact
history has shown that without the Islamic influence in Europe it quite likely they’d still be in the
“dark ages”. It sure in the hell wasn’t the citizens of Judaism, they’re mostly bankers.
One of the negative aspects of the battles between the East and the West was the beginning of
the prosecution of the Hebrew race – especially within the European realm – volumes have been
written detailing this action – which I’m sure would put you to sleep faster than a warm cup of
chocolate…before you tucked yourself in between the sheets.
Unfortunately, due to a series of events (some suspect) we find our global society once again
lining up choosing sides for another up and coming war in the Middle East…this time without
horses and tall men strutting their stuff with red crosses splashed across their chests and turbans
wrapped around their heads. Once again the reasons are the same, finance and greed, whereas the
first go-around was about some up-on-step Arabs threatening the financial empire of the Holy
Roman Catholic church. Now we find the reason being the presence of black gold in great
abundance beneath the sands of the Middle East, and the greed and corruption of a few financial
houses in Europe who just cannot stand the fact that maybe these evil hordes will control the fuel
of society.
Naturally if you look at the boards and controlling members of the financial industry, you’ll see
some old money that dates back a few hundred years, to a group of Hebrews that grimace with
glee when they dream of the demise of their age-old-enemy – albeit there is a slight chance that
most of them can trace their linage back to the gang that Abraham led from the valleys and
foothills of Southeastern Turkey back around 2900 BC, in fact sharing their bloodline with each
other yet willing to drop nuclear weapons or push young men and young women out the door of
their homes with TNT or some other explosive strapped to their backs.
In America we find a group of Native American’s living in the southwestern part of the
country, whose legends tell us that as a global society we’re in our fifth go-around, and that after
this will there will be a great “change”, unfortunately the sitting President of the United States
had a vision of himself as the messiah for change – which might have been true in his dreams, but
as usual the old-timers and bankers of the world told him to “get a grip” and today we find more
of the same-old, same-old magnetic pull of the yellow metal coupled to that black gold pulling
against any semblance of order – seems this has been going on for over 200,000 years since those
first shallow pit gold mines were opened in South Africa.
We haven’t learned a damn thing – have we?

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