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One Word Substitution with Meaning

1. Audience – a number of people listening to a lecture

2. Altruist – one, who considers the happiness and well-being of others first
3. Atheist – a person who does not believe in God
4. Anthropologist – one, who studies the evolution of mankind
5. Autocracy – government by one person
6. Autobiography – the life history of a person written by himself
7. Amputate – to cut off a part of a person's body which is infected
8. Arsenal – a place for ammunition and weapons
9. Archives – a place where government or public records are kept
10. Amateur – a man who does a thing for pleasure and not as a profession
11. Aristocracy – government by the small group
12. Aquatic – animals/plants ere which live in water
13. Amphibian – animals which live both on land and sea
14. Ambidexter – one, who can use either hand with ease
15. Alimony – allowance paid to wife on legal separation
16. Anthology – a collection of poems
17. Abdication – voluntary giving up of throne in favour of someone
18. Arbitrator – a person, appointed by two parties to solve a dispute
19. Astronomer – a person, who studies stars, planets and other heavenly bodies
20. Astrologer – a person who studies the influence of heavenly bodies on human beings
21. Anthology – a collection of poems
22. Axiom – a statement which is accepted as true without proof
23. Agenda – a list of headings of the business to be transacted at a meeting
24. Anarchist – one, who is out to destroy all governance, law and order
25. Almanac – an annual calender with positions of stars
26. Bigamy – the practice of having two wives or husbands at a time
27. Bibliophile – a lover and collector of books
28. Bouquet – a collection of flowers
29. Bureaucracy – government by the officials
30. Belligerent – a person, nation that is involved in war
31. Biennial – an event which happens once in two years
32. Blasphemy – the act of speaking disrespectfully about sacred things
33. Creche – a nursery where children are cared for while their parents are at work
34. Cosmopolitan – a person who regards whole world as his country
35. Chauffeur – one, who is employed to drive a motor car
36. Curator – a person incharge of a museum
37. Carnivorous – one, who lives on flesh
38. Cannibal – one, who feeds on human flesh
39. Contemporaries – belonging to or living at the same time
40. Cloak room – a place for luggage at railway station
41. Cynosure – centre of attraction
42. Connoisseur – a critical judge of any art and craft
43. Crusade – a religious war
44. Choreographer – one, who teaches dancing
45. Cacographist – a person, who is bad in spellings
46. Calligraphist – a person, who writes beautiful handwriting
47. Cynic – one, who sneers at the aims and beliefs of his fellow men
48. Convalescent – one, who is recovering health
49. Cavalry – soldiers, who fight on horse back
50. Cardiologist – a person, who is specialist in heart diseases
51. Cartographer – one, who draws maps
52. Dormitory – the sleeping rooms with several beds especially in a college or institution
53. Drawn – a game that results neither in victory nor in defeat
54. Elegy – a poem of lamentation
55. Epitaph – words which are inscribed on the grave or the tomb in the memory of the buried
56. Ephemeral – lasting one day
57. Effeminate – a person who is womanish
58. Emigrant – a person who leaves his own country and goes to live in another
59. Edible – fit to be eaten
60. Egotism – practice of talking too much about oneself
61. Encyclopaedia – a book that contains information on various subjects
62. Epicure – one, who is devoted to the pleasure of eating and drinking
63. Florist – one, who deals-in flowers
64. Fastidious – one, who is very -selective in one's taste
65. Fanatic or Bigot – one, who is filled with excessive and mistaken enthusiasm in religious matters
66. Fatal – causing death
67. Fatalist – one, who believes in fate
68. Facsimile – an exact copy of handwriting, printing etc
69. Fauna – the animals of a certain region
70. Flora – the plants of a particular region
71. Fratricide – murder of brother
72. Fugitive – one, who runs away from justice or the law
73. Fragile – easily broken
74. Feminist – one, who works for the welfare of the women
75. Granary – a place for grains
76. Genocide – murder of race
77. Gregarious – animals which live in flocks
78. Hangar – a place for housing aeroplanes
79. Hive – a place for bees
80. Horticulture – the art of cultivating and managing gardens
81. Homicide – murder of man
82. Hearse – a vehicle which is used to carry a dead body
83. Hedonist – one, who believes that pleasure is the chief good (sensual)
84. Horizon – a line at which the earth and the sky seem to meet
85. Honorary – holding office without any remuneration
86. Heretic – one, who acts against religion
87. Herbivorous – one, who lives on herbs
88. Insolvent/Bankrupt – a person who is unable to pay his debts
89. Inaudible – a sound that cannot be heard
90. Inaccessible – that cannot be easily approached
91. Incorrigible – incapable of being corrected
92. Irreparable – incapable of being repaired
93. Illegible – incapable of being read
94. Inevitable – incapable of being avoided
95. Impracticable – incapable of being practised
96. Immigrant – a person who comes to one country from another in order to settle there
97. Invincible – one, too strong to be overcome
98. Indelible – that cannot be erased
99. Incognito – travelling under another name than one's own
100. Indefatigable – one, who does not tire easily
101. Infallible – one, who is free from all mistakes and failures
102. Invigilator – one, who supervises in the examination hall
103. Itinerant – one, who journeys from place to place
104. Infirmary – a home or room used for ill or injured people
105. Infanticide – murder of an infant
106. Infantry – soldiers, who fight on foot
107. Inflammable – liable to catch fire easily
108. Interregnum – a period of interval between two reigns or governments
109. Kennel – a place for dogs
110. Lunatic asylum – a home for lunatics
111. Lexicographer – one, who compiles a dictionary
112. Loquacious – one, who talks continuously
113. Linguist – one, who is skilled in foreign languages
114. Lapidist – one, who cuts precious stones
115. Misanthrope – a hater of mankind
116. Misogamist – one, who hates marriage
117. Mortuary – a place, where dead bodies are kept for post mortem
118. Mercenery – working only for the sake of money
119. Matricide – murder of mother
120. Martyr – one, who dies for a noble cause
121. Maiden speech – the first speech delivered by a person
122. Mint – a place where coins are made
123. Misogynist – a hater of womankind
124. Morgue – a place, where dead bodies are kept for identification
125. Mammals – animals which give milk
126. Monogamy – the practice of marrying one at a time
127. Missionary – a person, who is sent to propagate religion
128. Numismatics – the study of coins
129. Namesake – a person having same name as another
130. Nostalgia – a strong desire to return home, home sickness
131. Novice or Tyro – one, new to anything, inexperienced
132. Narcotic – a medicine for producing sleep
133. Optimist – a person who looks at the brighter side of things
134. Orphan – one, who has lost parents
135. Omnipresent – one, who is present everywhere
136. Omnipotent – one, who is all powerful
137. Omniscient – one, who knows everything
138. Opaque – that which cannot be seen through
139. Obituary – an account in the newspaper of the funeral of the one deceased
140. Orphanage – a home for orphans
141. Obstetrician – one, who is skilled in midwifery
142. Ostler – one, who looks after horses at an inn
143. Omnivorous – one, who eats everything
144. Pessimist – a person who looks at the darker side of things
145. Potable – fit to drink
146. Post mortem – an examination of dead body
147. Philanthropist – a lover of mankind
148. Patricide – murder of father
149. Philatelist – one, who collects stamps
150. Plagiarism – literary theft or passing off an author's original work as one's own
151. Polygamy – the practice of marrying more than one wife at a time
152. Polyandry – the practice of marrying more than one husband at a time
153. Philogynist – a lover of womankind
154. Plebiscite – (a decision made by) votes of all qualified citizens
155. Philanderer – one, who amuses himself by love making
156. Philistine – one who does not care for art and literature
157. Plutocracy – government by the rich
158. Pseudonym – an imaginary name assumed by an author for disguise
159. Posthumous – a child born after the death of his father or the book published after the death of
the writer
160. Panacea – a remedy for all diseases
161. Paediatrician – a person, who is specialist in child diseases
162. Platitude – ordinary remarks often repeated
163. Pedant – one, who makes a vain display of his knowledge
164. Polyglot – one, who speaks many languages
165. Paleography – the study of ancient writing
166. Posse – a number of policemen called to quell a riot
167. Parole – pledge given by a prisoner for temporary release, not to escape
168. Pedestrian – one, who goes on foot
169. Portable – that can be carried easily
170. Quarantine – an act of separation from other persons to avoid infection
171. Rhetoric – the art of elegant speech or writing
172. Regicide – murder of King or Queen
173. Sacrilege – violating or profaning religious things/places
174. Sculptor – one, who cuts in stones
175. Suicide – murder of oneself
176. Stable – a place for horses
177. Somnambulist – a person, who walks in sleep
178. Somniloquist – a person, who talks in sleep
179. Souvenir – a thing kept as a reminder of a person, place or event
180. Swan song – the last work (literary) of a writer
181. Sot, Toper – one, who is a habitual drunkard
182. Sinecure – a job with high salary but little responsibility
183. Stoic – a person, who is indifferent to pleasure and pain and has control over his passions
184. Sanatorium – a place for the sick to recover health
185. Sororicide – murder of sister
186. Triennial – an event which happens once in three years
187. Truant – a person/student who absents himself from class or duty without permission
188. Teetotaller – one, who does not take any intoxicating drink
189. Transparent – that which can be seen through
190. Theocracy – government by religious principles
191. Uxorious – one extremely fond of one's wife
192. Utopia – an imaginary perfect social and political system
193. Uxoricide – murder of wife
194. Verbatim – repetition of speech or writing word for word
195. Volunteer – one, who offers one's services
196. Virgin – a woman who has no sexual experience
197. Versatile – interested in and clever at many different things
198. Veteran – one, who has a long experience of any occupation
199. Venial – a fault that may be forgiven
200. Wardrobe – a place for clothes
More than 1000 One Word Substitution
One Word Substitution : A

One Word Sentence

Abdurate Unmouable - stubborn - unyeilding
Aborigines The original inhabitants of a country

Abridge To condense

Absolute Zero The standing point of absolute temperature

Acceterate Cause to move faster
Accilerate Speed up

Acerose Needle shaped

Acess Means of approaching

Acoustics Relating to sound

Acrophobia Pathological fear of high places

Acumen Superior mental acuteness

Adhoc For the purpose

Adolscence A stage of growth between boyhood and youth.

Adulation Excessive devotion
Aerial Living in air

Aeronautics Science of flight of aeroplanes

Aesthetic A love of beauty

Affidavit A written statement given on oath

Affinity Having a natural attention to
Aggravate To make worse
Aglophoble A person who hates England

Agonostic One who thinks that everything is know through god only.

Alimony Money giving to a woman who divorses his husband.

Allegory Description of a subject with symbolical representation to another.

Allusive Having reference to something

Alluvial Sandy soil deposited by running water

Alpinism Mountain climbing

Altimeter Instrument used for measuring altitudes in aircraft.

Altruist One who works for the good of others.

Amateur One who learns a subject as a hobby.

Ammeter Instrument used for measuring the electrical currents in amperes.

Amnesty General pardon of the offenses against gout.

Amoyan Strong and powerful woman.

Amphibian Living/ Operating on land and water.

Amphibious Animals that can be live on land and water.

Ample Adequate or more than dequate - in extent, size etc.

Anachronism Comparing modern persons with ancient persons

Anachronism Something out of its proper time.

Anachronistic A word which can be interpreted in any way.

Anachronistic Set in wrong time or period.

Anaesthetics Drugs causing unconciousness such as chloroform.

Anaesthetist One who gives chloroform to a patient.

Analogy Relation - Relationship

Anarchist One who is out to destroy government

Anarchist One who provokes disorder in a state.

Anatomist One who describes the parts of the human body.

Anatomy Study of sciences relating to the bodily structure of human.

Anile Like a weak old woman.

Animometer Instrument used for measuring the force and velocity of winds.

Annihilate Destroy utterely

Annuity Yearly grant - beings - animals and plants by way of disection.

Annular Ring shaped

Anodyne Pain reliever

Anonymus That which is written without name.
Antagonist Enemy - Antagonism
One who studies history relating to the development of man from
premetive ages.

Antibiotics Drugs which completely destroys bacteria.

Antiquarian A person who is interested in antiquities.

Aphelion The point in a planet's orbit that tis farthest from the sun.
Apiary a bee house (Contains several hives).
Apirigee A point as above that is nearest to earth.
Apologist One who says sorry (Sorrow) for his mistakes.
Aporhtegm Words spoken by great men.

Apostasy To renounce one's faith or religion.

Apostate One who deserts his religion or principles.

Aqauntie Relating to water
Aquarium A thing where fishes are kept.
Aquatic Living in water

Arbitrator One who is appointed by two parties & decide their difference.

Arboreal Living in trees

Arboriculture Cultivation of trees and vegetables.

Archaeologist One who studies human antiquities.

Archaism Using ancient Languages.

Archeologist One who make a scientific study of human antiquities.

Archipeloge See which has number of small islands.
Archive That what is not in current use.
Aristocracy The rule by nobels.
Arsenal A place where weapons are manufactured and stored.
Articulate To pronounce Clearly.
Astronomy Study of heavenly bodies.
Atheist One who has no belief in god.
Atmosphere The air surrounding the earths.
Audible That which can be heard.
Audiometer Instrument used for measuring the intensity of sound.
Audiophone Instrument used for improving imperfect sense of hearing.
Aurora Australis Southern lights
Aurura Borealis Northern lights.
Autocracy Absolute rule by one person.
Autocrat Who exercises absolute power.
Avairy A building for keeping - rearing and breeding of birds.
Avalanche A heavy mass of snow falling down a hill with great noise.
Avarice Greed - Inordinate desire to gain and hoard wealth.

One Word Substitution : B

One Word Sentence

Ballad A short narrative poem - adopted for writing and sighning.
Science dealing with the motion of projectile like rockets bombs &

Balmaccan A type of man's overcoat.

Barbarism Mixed Language

Barometer An apparatus used for measuring the atmospheric pressure.
Bellicose Ready to fight.

Benefactor Kindly helper. One who makes a request or endowment.

Benevolent Kind hearted

Bevy Group of girls or women larks. Flocks of quail.

Bibliographer One who writes big books.

Bibliography A list of books with details of authorship, editions, subject etc.

Bibliophile A lover book

Biblophile One who loves the study of books.

Bifurcate Divided into two branches.
Bigamy The crime of having two life partners at a time.

Bilingual Spoken or written in two languages.

Biography Life of a person written by somebody.

Biologist One who studies the science of animals and plants.

Biota Animal and plant life of a religion or period.
An apparatus which records the fight data of an aeroplane and is also
Black Box
a voice recorder.
Blackbinding Kidnapping for selling into slavery.

Blasphemer One who speakes evil - Impcous one - irrevirent one.

Blood The process the transfusing blood of one person into blood stream of
Transfusion another person.

Boat Wrighter Wagon maker

Bolo Large single - adged military knife - Machete

Botanist One who studies the science of plants

Boycott To obstain from buying or using
Boycott Unite to punish a person from association.
Brettle Easily broken

Buccal Of the check of the sides of the mouth.

Bureaucracy A gout in which the whole power is vested in officials.

Butcher One whose business to a slaughter cattle for food.

Bygamist One who has two wives.

One Word Substitution : C

One Word Sentence

Cacophonous Harsh or discordant sound.
Cadaver Dead body

Caduceus Emblem of medical profession and US army medical corps.

Caliber Diameter of bore of gun - degree of merit.

Calligraphy Beautiful writing
Calorimeter An instrument used for measuring quantities of heat.

Canon Church law body of principles.

An apparatus used in an internal combustion engine for

charging air with petrol

Cardiac Pertaining to the heart

Cardinal Of prime importance

Cardiograph A medical instrument for tracing heat movements.

Caries Dental decay

Describe the habits, merits and demerits of a man by seeing

his skull carniologist.

Flesh eater - dogs - cats - lions etc

Carnivorous An animal tht eats human flesh.

Carrion Dead and putrifying flesh

Catastrophe Denotes the last stage of a tradegy.

Celibate One who resolved not to marry.

Centipede An insect with many legs.

Cervine Of deers or the deer family - Deerlike.

Chagrien Vexation from humiliation or disappointment.

Chandlier Candle maker - Merchant - Dealer in supplies and provisions.

Chemotherapy Controls of infections by chemicals.

Chiarascuro Distribution of light and shade in a picture.

Chiromanchy Fortune telling through palm reading - palmistry.

Arrangements of events according to dates or times of

One who writes the details of transactions which made in a

Chronometer An instrument kept on boardship for measuring accurate time.

It contains a series of lenses arranged to throw on screen an

enlarged image of photography

Circumlocution A round about way of speaking.

Clarify Make clear.

Classic That which is acclaimed as an excellent work.

Clio Greek muse of history.

Coalesce Grow into one - Blend - unite - fuse.

Coercion Intimidation by threat or duress - forceful - compulsion.

Coeval Of the same age or duration - Contemporary with.

Cognomen Surname or nickname.

Collegues Those who work in the same department.

Colleiny Complete with buildings and work - Caolmines.

Comatose In a coma - Lacking energy - Lethargic.

Comely Pleasing in appearance - fair - pretty.

Commutator Device for reversing direction of electrical current.

Compensation Money given for requisitioned property.

Concatinate Linked together

Concetric Having the same centre.

Conflagrative Combustible - flammable - inflammable

Me who is well versed in any subject a critical judge of any art

particularly fine arts.

Connoisseur Expert in art - the fine arts.

Contagious Disease A disease which spreads by contact.

Contemporary A man living in the same age with another.

Contemporary One who lives at the same time of another

Restrained in regard to desires or passion - especially to sexual

Convalescence The gradual recovery from illness.
Converge To meet in a point (Rays & illness).
Cooper Maker of casks or barrels.
Copy-right Exclusive right to publish a book.

Coral reef A chain of rocks laying at or near the sea.

Cosmopolitan One who is free from national limitations.

Costegate Correct by punishing.

Creditor One to whom a debt is owing.

Credulity Trust without proper evidence readiness to believe.

Credulous A person who readily believes others.

Credulous Too ready to believe
Crescograph Instrument used for measuring the growth of plants.

Cresendo Gradual increase in force - volume - loudness.

Crisis Turning point of danger or disease.

Cryogenies Branch of physics dealing with very low temparature.
Cryptograph Secret writing.
Crystallography Science of crystallization.
Cul-De-Sac Dead end
Cygnet Young swan.
Centre of interest - something that strongly attracts attention
by its brilliance.
Cytogenetics Cell formation.
Cytology Dealing with cells.

One Word Substitution : D

One Word Sentence

Debacle Sudden collapse - general break-up - violent rush.
Debtor One who owes money to another.
Decalogue Ten commandments.
Decelerate Slow down.
Defendant One who is sued by the plaintiff.
Got birth and followed principles in a particular caste but
telling, he is not god.

Deist One who believes in the existence of god.

Delettante An admirer by the people

Become liquide by absorbing moisture from the air - Melt
Delittante One who takes up an art - dabbler - a lover of fine arts.
Deluge Anything that overwhelms like a flood - great flood - rain.
Democracy The gout formed by the people.

Demography Science of vital and social statistics.

Demonology Ralating to devils - ghost and other terror things.

Depilate Remove hair from.
Dermotologist One who treates skin diseases.
Desiceate Dry throughly - Remove moisture from.

Despondent High - Spirited - Overflowing with enthusiasm - boiling up.

Is a form of government in which a single entity rules with
absolute power.
Detenu One who detained in custody.
Dislectical (s) Logical argumentation.
The process for flood purification when the kidneys
Dialysis malfunction.

A state of a person, who is asked to choose one of the two

infavourable things.
Situation requiring a choice between equally undesirable
alternatives - perplexing problem.
Diminish Make or become smaller.
Diminuendo Gradual increase in force.
Dipsomania Irristible craving for alcoholic drinks.
Dissuade Persuade not to do something.
Sum payable as profit to an individual by a joint stock
Domicile A place where one lives permanently.
Dorsal Situated on bank.
Drinker's apparatus Instrument used to help breathing in infantile paralysis.
The origin of electricity in a dynamo is the transformation of
machanical energy into energy.

One Word Substitution : E

One Word Sentence

Earth's Atmosphere
Is covering of air which surrounds of earth.
Ebullient Situated on the abdominal side.
Eccentric That which is not placed centrally.
Ecclisiologist One who studies the science relating to the church.
Eclectric Persons with unusual or odd personality.

Eclogue A pastoral poem.

Study of plants or of animal or of people or of institutions in

relation to environment.
Edible That which is fit to be eaten.

Effiminate A person who is a womanish in his habit.

Effiminate One who possess the quantities of woman.
Egoeism Selfishness - opposed to altruism.
Egoism Speaking too much of one self.
Egoist One who speaks using I and me always.
One which rescemes its normal shape and size after the stress
is releases.
Electrometer Instrument used for measuring electricity.
Elegiac Expressing sorrow or lamentation.
Elegy A lament for the dead.
Elixir Not clerical.
The ommission from a sentence of a work or words that would
comple the construction.
Elymology Science relating to the formation and development of words.
Elymology Which discribes the birth of a particular word.
Embeyyle Divert money fraudulently to one's own use.
Emeritus Honourably discharged from service.
Emetic Inducing vomiting - something that induces vomiting.
Emollient Soothing to living tissue.
Empericism Belief based on experience or observation.

Encomuim Formal expression of high praise - eulogy.

Encroach Make inroads on others property.

A disease which becomes prevalent in a particular area on
account of its surroundings conditions.
Enduring Long lasting.
Enjoin Direct or order someone to do something.

Enthologist One who studies the science of the variatees of human race.

Entomologist One who studies about insects.

Ephemeral Transitory - short lived - lasting a very short time.
Epicentre (Of Earch Quack) is the point at which earthquake breakout.

Epicure A person who is very fond of sensous enjoyments.

Epicure One who prefers sensual pleasures.

A disease which attackes many people in a particular area in
one time.
Epilogue A poem of speech at the end of the play.
Epilogue A short speech at the end.
Epiphangi An appearance or manifestation.
Equanimity Evenness of mind or temper.
Equigravisphere A point in space where the gravity is constant.
Equine Of horses - horselike - a horse.
Equinox When days and nights are equal (March21 - September).
Esoteric Known only a few - Reconcile.

Spend a hot or dry period in a prolonged state of torpor or


Estuary A broad channel formed by joining of the sea and river water.
Ethologist One who studies the science of character.
Etiology Study of causation. The study of the cause of disease.
One who studies derivations of words - history of linguistic

Eulogy Speech or writing that praises - High praise - Encomium.

Euphimism Soften expression.

Euphony Melodious Music

Euphony Pleasant sound.

Euthanasia Mercy killing painless death to relieve suffering.
Euthenics Science of improving the environment.
Exaggerate Describe a thing beyond limits of truth.
This is a outer most zone of the atmosphere and beings at
about 40 miles above earth.
Science dealing with life or possibilities of life existing beyond
the earth.
Exegesis Critical explanation or interpretation.
Exemplary Fit to be
Exercism Slogan to derive or get out of the dragon.

Exodus Departure - Emigration (Usually of a large number of people).

Exonerate Free from blame - Exculpate.

Explicit Fully and clearly expressed.

Extempore Speech delivered without any preparation.

Extinguish To put an end to.
Eymologist One who studies the science and origin of words.

One Word Substitution : F

One Word Sentence

Fanatic One who passes interest in religion.
Fatalism Religion that which believes that god is everything.

Fathom Understand fully - unit of length equal to six feet.

Fathometer Instrument used for measuring the depth of the ocean.

Fauna Animals of a given region or period.

Fealthy Sworn allegance to a lord.

Feduciary Of the relationship between a trustee and his principal.

Fertile That which is productive.

Fetish Amulet object believed to have magic power.
Filly A young female horse.
Fission Cleaving or splitting into parts.
Animals such as birds, sheep and goats keeping together in
large number.
Flora Plants of a particular region or period.

Flotsom The thing which comes out from sea (Cannot stay in water).

Fluctuating Moving to & fro.

Flux Continuous change - instability - fusion.
Footedpad Robber, who goes on foot.
Formidable That which is heard tobe resisted.
Fortissimo Very loud.

Fragile That which can be easily broken.

Funambulist A rope dancer - who walks on thread.

Funge A class of plants which have no chlorophyll.
Fussion Uniting by metting together.
One Word Substitution : G

One Word Sentence

Galvanize Startle into sudden activity - to coat with zinc.
A glass tube for measuring volume changes in chemical
reactions between glasses.

Gambrel Type of roof.

Gastronomy Relating to taste (Food taste).

Gender Male goose
Genealogist One who traces the history of the descent of families.

Geneology Heredity, Hereditary

Genocide international distriuction of racial groups.

Genuine Authentic - free from pretense.
Geologist One who studies the internal structure of the earth (crust).

Germicide Medicine that kills germs.

Geysers There are natural hot water springs.

A huge mass of snow moving slowly down the valley and
Mass of lic. Formed by snow on mountains moving slowly along
Gnosticism A type of yoga (Gymnastics).
Government Connoisseur of choice food.
Graminuiorous Animals that feed on grass.Animals that feed on grass.
Gregarious Animals living in flocks.
Gynaecologist One who treates femal diseases

One Word Substitution : H

One Word Sentence
Escape of blood to the ruptures of blood vessels inside the
Haemorrhage body.

Hagiology Relating to kings Hagiographic.

Herbivore Plant eater - hoofed mammals.

Herbivorous Animals eating herbs.

Hedonist One who devotes himself to pleasure.

Hiatus Gap - Missing part - Break in continuity - lacuna.

Hibernate To spend the winter in a dormant state.

Hibernation Condition of sleep during certain parts of the year.

Hierarchy Any system of persons or things passed on to other.

Hieroglyphic Pictographic script.

Histrionics Acting - Artificial behaviour or speech done for effect.

Hodge-Podge Heterogeneous mixture - Jumble.

Holocaust A sacrifice totally concerned by fire - Devastation.

Making of true - three dimensional photographs by use of laser


Homely Not beautiful - unattractive - plain.

Things which are of the same kind and of the same


Homologous Corresponding having same or similar relation.

Word pronounced the same as, but different in meaning

spelled the same wayhood.

Horologist One who studies the art of clock making.

Horticulture An art of garden cultivation.

Hostage Persons given to another as pledge.

Hullabaloo Clamorous noise or disturbance - Uproar.

Hybrid Anything derived from heterogeneous sources.

Hydraulics Study of water or other liquid in Motion.

Hydrographer One who knows the positions of lands and draws the maps.

Hydrography Description of oceans and lands and the oceans.

Hydrometer Instrument used for measuring the specific gravity of liquids.

Hydrophobia It is usually caused by the bite of mad dog.

Hydrophobia Rabies disease (Dog's bite) disease of water.

Hydrophone Instrument used for recording sound under water.

Culture of plants without soil, with the help of chemical

solutions containing nutrients.

Hydrostatics Relating to water.

Hydrotropic Turning towards or away from moisture.

Hygrometer Instrument used for measuring humidity in air.

Hymn Song in praise of god.

Hyperbola Curve with two distinct and similar branches.

Hypercriticism Deep criticism.

One Word Substitution : I

One Word Sentence

Ichthyologist An expert in fishes.

Ichthyology Study of fishes.

Iconoclast Destroyer of images attached on traditions.

Iconography Teaching by pictures and models.
Iconolater Worshipper of idols or images.
Favorite - Any person or thing devotedly or excessively
Igloo Eskimo home shaped hut or native house.

Igneous Of or about fire produced under intense heat.

Ill-o·mened Ill fated - Unlucky

Illegible That which is incapable of being read.

Illicit Unlicensed - unlawful

Imago an insect in its sexually mature adult state

Immiscible Incapable of being mined.

Immutable Unchangeable - unalterable - changeless.

Implicit Not fully and clearly expressed implied.

Imply Indicate without express statement.

Impregnable That which cannot be taken by force.
Improbable That which is not likely to happen.
Impromptu Made or done without previous preparation - Extemporaneous.
Impenetrable impossible to pass through or enter.
Inattentive Not giving proper attention.
Inaudible That which cannot be heard.
Incarcerate imprison or confine.
Incarnadine Blood red - crimson - flesh coloured - pale pink.

Incinerate Burn - Reduce to ashes.

Incognito Travelling under a name other than one's own.

Incombustible Not inflammable
Incompatible Persons who cannot work or live together in harmony.
Incomprehensible That which cannot be understood.
Iconoclast A destroyer of images.
Incorrigible Incapable of being corrected.
Incorruptible very honest : incapable of being corrupted
Incredible That which cannot be believed.
Incriminate Change with a crime or fault.
Incumbent Holding of an office - obligatory.
Indescribable That which is impossible to describe adequately.
Inescapable That which cannot escaped from.
Inevitable Sometimes which cannot fail to come to pass.
Inexplicable That which cannot be explained.
Infallible Incable of making mistakes
Infanticide Murder or infants.

Infections That (disease) which is liable to spread.

Inflammable That which sets on fire easily.

Inimitable That which cannot be.

Insolation The sun's energy

Insoluble That which cannot be dissolved in liquid.

Insomnia Loss of sleep.

Inhalation taking air into lungs - stimulus.

Insurmountable too great to be overcome.

Interdiction Prohibition prevention from participation in certain sacred acts.

Interjection A word exclamation

Internist Medical student receiving training in a hospital.

Intractable That which cannot be controlled easily.

Invertebrate Without a backbone - without strength of characters.

Invincible That which cannot be defeated.

Invulnerable Incapable of being wounded.

Ionosphere The layer of the earth's atmosphere which contains a high

concentration of ions and free electrons.
Irrevocable A decision on which one cannot go back.

Isobel Is a contour lines of equal rainfall.

A line on a map connecting points having the same amount of
Isohyets rainfall in a given period.

Isthmus A narrow strip of land connecting two larger land masses.

Itinerate One who journeys from place to place.

More than 1000 One Word Substitution

One Word Substitution : J

One Word Sentence

Jaywalk To cross streets on foot in a careless and dangerous way.
Joey A young kangaroo

Judicious Wise, sound in judgement.

Kimono A loose gown of silk as worn in Japan.

Knighthood The right to put ‘Sir’ in front of one’s name.
Lackey One who behaves like a servant by always obeying.

Laminate To cover with thin sheets of metal or plastic

Legible Capable of being read clearly.

Leonine Of or like a lion

Lexicographer One who complies dictionaries

Libertarian One who believes that one should have freedom of expression.

Limerick A humorous short poem with five lines.

Literati People with knowledge of literature.

Loquacious One who talks a lot.
Lowbrow One who has not interest in literature,art etc.

Lullaby A pleasant song sung to send children to sleep.

Machete A knife with a broad heavy blade.

Magnum Opus A great work of art, particularly literary.

Malediction Evil, vicious speech.
Manual A book giving instructions or information.
Manuscript Handwritten script of a book.
Martinet A strict disciplinarian.

Mascot Something chosed as a symbol to bring good luck.

Masochist One who enjoys pain or humiliation.

Mediocre One who is neither intelligent nor dull.

Melodious Sweet Sounding.

Mercantile Of trade and business

Meteorology The scientific study of weather conditions.

Meticulous A person who is very careful about details.

Militia Those trained as soldiers but not belonging to a regular army.

Misanthrope One who hates mankind.

Misogamist One who hates marriage.

Misogynist One who hates women

Monomaniac One who keeps thinking of one particular thing only.

Monotheism The practice of worshipping only one god.

Multinational A company having branches in many countires.

Mycology The scientific study of fungi.

Nausea Strong feeling of wanting to vomit.

Nautical of or concerning navigation, sailors, or the sea; maritime.

Nemesis Downfall that satisfies natural justice.

Neologism A new word.

Nepotism Undue favour shown by a person in power to his relatives.

Notary A public official who makes written statements official

Numismatic One who collect coins.

Obituary Notice of a person's death in a newspaper.

Obligatory That which required to be done by law.

Obsolete That which is out of use, or replaced by a newer model.

Omnipotent One who is all powerful.

Omniscient One who know everything.

Omnivorous One who eats anything.

Ontology Philosophy concerned with the nature of existence

Opthalmologist An eye-doctor

Optometrist A technician who measures your eyesight.

Pachyderm A thick-skinned animal, especially an elephant or rhinoceros.
Pacifist One who believesin the abolition of war.
Paleography The study of ancient writing.

Palaeontology The study of fossils.

Panacea A remdy which can cure all diseases.

Paradox Contradictory statement.
an organism that lives in or on another organism (its host) and
benefits by deriving nutrients at the host's expense.
Pariah One who is not accepted by society
Patent Sole right to make and sell one's own invention.
Paunch A man's fat stomach.

Pedant One who exhibits his book learning

Penultimate Last but one.

Perquisite Gain over and above one's salary.
Petrology The scientific study of rocks.
Philistine Person of material outlook who is indifferent to culture.

Philologist Onesho is well versed in the science of languages

Pigment The natural colouring mater of plants and animals

Plaintiff One who bring a charge against someone in court

Platonic A very close, non-sexual friendship between two people.

Plebeian Of the lower social classes.

Polyandry The practise of having more than one husband at the same time.
The practise of having more than one husband or wife at the same
Polyglot One who speaks many languages.
Polygraphy A lie-detector.
Posthumous A child born after the death of its father.
Postscript A note added at the end of a letter, after the signature.
Pragmatist One who uses common sense.
Prescient Able to foretell what will happen in future.
Profile A side view of someone's head.
Propellant An explosive for firing a bullet or a rocket.
Pseudonym A pen-name assumed by a writer.
Pulimonary Of or having an effect on the lungs.
Pyrotechnics The art of making fireworks

One Word Substitution : Q

One Word Sentence

One who dishonestly claims to have knowledge and skill, esp. in
Quarantine Confinement to one place to prevent spread of infection.
Trying to do the impossible, usually to help others, while putting
oneself into danger.

One Word Substitution : R

One Word Sentence

Raconteur One who is good at telling stories or who tells anecdotes
Rapport A good relationship between two people.

Receptive Capable of receiving new ideas.

Excessive use of official formalities which causes unnecessary

Red Tapism
A government policy of increasing the amount of money in
Refugee One who takes refuge in a foreign country
Reinforce Strengthen by additional men or material.
Reinstate Put back in a former station or condition.
Renaisssance A renewal of interest in art, literature etc.
Requisition An official demand or request.
Retribution A severe deserved punishment.
Ringleader One who leads others to do wrong or make trouble.
Rodent A small herbivore usually considered a pest..
Ruminant A cud-chewing animal
An admirer of the Russian people, language, manners or way
of life.
Russophobe One who dislikes the Russians and Russia.
Wanton destruction of a plant by workmen ; Wanton
destruction especially of a factory, etc. by dissatisfied workers.
Sacrilege The violation or profaning of sacred things.
A hospital esp, for tuberculosis patients and convalescents. ; A
place for invalids and convalescents.
Sanctimonious Making a show of piety.
Scaffold A structure on which criminals used to be hanged.
Sceptic Person who doubts the truth of what he is told.
Scuba An instrument used for breathing when swimming under water.
Sculptor One who carves in stone, metal, wood, etc.
Sedentary Done while sitting down.
Seer One who can see into the future.
Sensationalism The intentional producing of excitement or shock.
Septuagenarian One in his seventies.
Silhouette Black shadow-like picture on white background.
Simultaneous happening or done at the same time
Simultaneously Taking place or happening at the same time.
Sinecure Any office with good salary but no work.
An admirer of the Chinese people, language, manners or way
of life.
Sinophobe One who dislikes the Chinese and China.
Small Fry Unimportant people.
Snippet A small piece from something spoken or written.
Sojourn A short stay at a place.
Somnambulist One who walk in his sleep
Spendthrift One who spends too much
Spinster An unmarried woman.
Stale Something which is not fresh.
A sudden rush of a large number of frightened people or
Stellar Of the stars.
Stockbroker One who buys and sell shares for others.
Stoic One who is indifferent to pain and pleasure.
Stratagem A trick to deceive an enemy.
Stringent Very strict.
A subject which cannot be publicly discussed because it is
Sub Judice
being considered by a court of law.
Subcutaneous Beneath the skin.
Subsidy Money paid by a government to make prices lower.
Subversive Attempting to weaken or overthrow authority.
Superannuated Too old for work.
Superfluous More than is needed
Surgeon One who treats diseases by Operations
Surreal Having a strange, dreamlike unreal quality.
Symposium Collection of views of several persons on a topic.
Synonym A word with the same meaning as another.
A lifelike representation of a famous scene by a group of
people who do not move or speak.
Taboo An act which religion or custom regards as forbidden.
The art of preparing, stuffing and mounting the skins of
Taxidermy animals, birds and fish. ; The art of stuffing animals and
setting them in life-like poses.
Technocrat A specialist in technology.
One who doesn’t consume alchoholic drinks; One who abstains
from all kinds of alcoholic drinks.
Terminate Come or bring to an end.
Theist One who believes in the existence of God.
Theocracy Government by priests.
Thesaurus Lexicon, esp, a collection of words
Timber Wood cut down for building etc.
Topiary The art of trimming trees and bushes to decorative shapes.
The art of representing the physical features of a place on a
One who betrays his friends, ruler, country, etc. or One who is
disloyal to his country.
Transmigration Belief that the soul passes at death into another body.
Tyrant A ruler with complete power who rules cruelly.
Ultimatum final proposal of terms given by one party to another.
Unanimous A decision taken by the votes of all.
Unanimous Of the same opinion
Undertaker A tradesman who manages funerals.
Unisex Of one type, used by both males and females.
One who makes or deals in carpets, curtains, beds, cushioned
seats, etc.
A person who has suddenly risen from low rank to wealth and
Usurer One who lends money at an excessive rate of interest.
Utopian Ideally perfect but impracticable.
Uxoricide The killing of one’s wife.
Uxorious Greatly or excessively fond of one’s wife.
Vagabond One who wanders without settled home.
Valetudinarian One who is overanxious about one’s health.
Verbatim Word for word
Versatile Of many sided ability
Veterinarian One skilled in the treatment of diseases of animals.
Vicarious Done for another
Volunteer One who takes part in an enterprise of his own free will
Wanton Recklessly inconsiderate
Warren A place for breeding or preserving rabbits
Widower A man whose wife is dead
Winnow To separate the husks from the grain
Xenomanic A perso n having an excessive attach ment to foreign living
Zoo A place where many kinds of animals are kept for show
Zoology The science of animal life.

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