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This study aimed to examine the role of sef regulated learning, academic self-
concept, and numerical ability as predictor of mathematics achievement. The
subjects of this study were 120 student of SMA "X" Brebes. The data were
collected by using self-regulated learning and academic self-concept scale, data
of numerical ability scores, and data of matematics scors. The data were
analyzed by using multiple regression analysis. The result of multiple regression
analysis indicated that the self regulated learning, academic self-concept, and
numerical ability can become positive predictor of mathematics achievement
(Fregresi = 29,114; p<0,01; R = 0.656; R2= 0,430). The three independent variables
(self regulated learning, academic self-concept, and numerical ability) work
together to contribute effectively to the dependent variable (mathematics
achievement) of 43% (R square = 0,430). The rate of the contribution to self-
regulated learning toward mathematics achievement was 9,23%, the contribution
of academic self-concept on mathematics achievement was 10,83%, and the
contribution of the numerical ability to mathematics achievement was 22,94%.

Keywords: self-regulated learning, academic self-concept, numerical ability and

mathematics achievement.


Mathematics is an important aspect for the mastery of science and

technology (Nugroho, 2003). Alsa (2005) stated that the development of

Indonesia’s students of mathematical abilities lags behind other countries in Asia,

even in comparison with countries in Southeast Asia. The statement was issued

based on the Word Competitiveness Year book 2002, which states that

Singapore recorded the highest scores for math, which is 604, followed by South

Korea (587), Taiwan (585), Hong Kong (582), and Japan (579). Then followed far

below Malaysia is a student with a score of 519, United States (502), Thailand

(467), Indonesia (403), and the Philippines (345).

Indications that Indonesia had low achievement in mathematics at the

international level can also be seen based on tthe report of a study of The Third

International Mathematics and Science Study Repeat (TIMSS-R) in 2003.

TIMSS-R findings indicate that students' mathematics achievement of junior hight

school in Indonesia was ranked 34 of 45 countries (Puspendik, 2006).

Furthermore, in TIMSS in 2007, showed that the performance of eighth grade

students Indonesia rank 36 of 49 countries (Puspendik, 2009). Honours were

even relatively worse on Programme for International Student Assessment

(PISA), which measures the ability of 15 year olds in reading literacy,

mathematics, and science. Programs that are measured every three years, in

2003 put Indonesia on the lowest rating of 2 out of 40 countries sampled, which is

only one rank higher than Tunisia (Puspendik Balitbang Depdiknas, 2006).

Furthermore, in PISA in 2009, Indonesia ranks only 61 of 65 participants with an

average score of 371, while the international average score was 496 (Puspendik

Balitbang Depdiknas, 2012).

In SMA “X” Brebes, Mathematics is one of the subjects required to

achieve a minimum completeness criteria (KKM). For students who have not

reached KKM (7,5), they are obliged to have remedial in order to achieve a

predetermined KKM. The result of the analysis in SMA "X" Brebes about the

score of students’ report book in the second semester report cards grade XI of

2012 on the mathematis subject shows that among 120 students, there are some

students who have not reached a predetermined KKM and must have remedial.

In addition, the analysis also showed that from six subjects, the average score of

mathematics subjects (7,46) is in the lower ranks. When it is compared with the

average score of Indonesian language (8,27), English language (8,53), Physics

(7,61), Chemistry (7,72), and Biology (8,20), the average score of mathematics

subjects is in the lower ranks.

There are many factors that affect students' mathematics achievement at

senior high school "X" Brebes. Generally, the factors that affect student

achievement is the internal factor, the factor that comes from the student and

external factors that are outside the student factors (Suryabrata, 2002; Shah,

2003). Internal factors consist of physiological and psychological factors.

Physiological factors related to health factors, while sensory loss and

psychological factors related to internal factors such as students' intelligence,

attitude, motivation, and interest. External factors include the social and non-

social individuals such as the learning environment, parenting parents, learning,

teaching methods, and the professionalism of educators / teachers (Woolfolk,

2007; Slavin, 2009; Shah, 2003).

Another internal factor is estimated to affect students mathematics

achievement is self-regulated learning. Self-regulated learning is based on a

strategic approach to cognitive learning (Zimmerman, 1990). Self-regulated

learning is a strategy that refers to an individual's ability to regulate itself in the

learning process, to include the ability of metacognition, motivation and active

behavior (Zimmerman & Schunk, 2004). Self-regulated learning is one of the

important strategies that gifted children can determine their own choices learning

activities, targets and how to achieve the targets set (Zimmerman, 2002). Based

on the research finding by Zimmerman (1990), and Camahalan (2000) showed a

positive correlation between self-regulated learning and mathematics


Internal factors are expected to further influence on student's

mathematics achievement is academic self-concept. Academic self-concept is a

holistic view of the cognitive, behavioral, emotional, and capabilities of self as

related to academic students (Skaalvik & Skaalvik, 2005; Bong & Skaalvik, 2003).

Marsh (2003) explains that academic self-concept is the self-assessment ability

students will include students' perceptions and feelings about self-acceptance,

confidence, and self-esteem related to the academic field that was involved in the

school. In line with the above opinion, Liu, Wang, and Parkins (2005) states that

academic self-concept is academic confidence and academic effort in academic

tasks to achieve academic achievement. Academic self-concept can be formed

through the school and specifically affected by the reinforcement it receives

through the learning process in schools (Hanze & Berger, 2007).

Hamachek (in Yara & Olatunde, 2010) states that individuals who have a

positive academic self-concept will have the ability to adapt better, can influence

the situation and can demonstrate the capabilities of the better so as to avoid the

negative psychological reactions. They can influence the situation and can use

the skills possessed better. Yara and Olatunde (2010) in his study found that

academic self-concept was significantly related to mathematics achievement of

high school students. Students who have high self-concept more courage to

express his opinion, have a strong desire to succeed, and trying to show a good

performance in math homework.

Some research on the relationship of academic self-concept to academic

achievement that has been done by previous researchers, found that academic

self-concept is positively correlated with academic achievement (Yahaya, Ramli,

Boon, Ghaffar, & Zakariya, 2009; Marsh, 2006; Liu, et al., 2005; Liu & Wang,

2005; Marsh, 2003; Sanches & Roda, 2003). Students who have high academic

self-concept will demonstrate motivation and academic achievement than

students with higher self-concept or low current akdemik (Marsh, 2003; Sanches

& Roda, 2003).

Besides factors above, some results of studies that have been done

indicate a role of numerical ability on students' mathematics achievement.

Butterworth (1999) and Dehaene, Piazza, Pinel, and Cohen (2003) stated that

the ability of numerical understanding students have a very important role in

enhancing the students' understanding of the mathematical material. The results

Booth and Siegler (2008), Smedt, Verschaffel, and Ghesquiere (2009) showed

that numerical abilities are positive predictors of students' mathematics

achievement. Furthermore Booth and Siegler (2008), Smedt, et al. (2009)

concluded that students with high numerical ability more accurate and faster at

doing math problems. Some research is in line with the opinion of Butterworth

(1999) which states that in addition to intelligence, cognitive factors that affect the

learning of mathematics is deductive reasoning (deductive reasoning), inductive

reasoning (inductive reasoning), the ability of point in space (spatial perceptual

ability), Numerical ability, and verbal ability.

Based on the above descriptions, the researchers assumed that the

efforts of high school students "X" Brebes in achieving optimal mathematics

achievement is influenced by self-regulated learning, academic self-concept, and

numerical abilities. Thus, researchers are keen to test empirically whether

mathematics achievement can be predicted by self-regulated learning, academic

self-concept, and numerical ability.


Mathematics Achievement

Gagne (in Schunk, 2008), defined academic achievement as the

acquisition of skills that are manifested in the students' learning outcomes.

Wingkel (2009) states that learning achievement is the ability possessed by a

student obtained from the learning process. Furthermore, according to Alsa

(2005) achievement is the result obtained by one of their studies, which is

expressed in the form of numbers. Woolfolk (2007) and Slavin (2009) stated that

student achievement can be determined based on formative and summative

tests. Formative tests are tests conducted at the end of each discussion of a

subject that aims to determine the effectiveness of the learning process that has

been done. This test is intended to determine the level of ability and students'

understanding of topics that have been taught (Woolfolk, 2007; Slavin, 2009).

Measure of success or progress of students in these tests are mastery skills that

have been formulated in the formulation of specific instructional objectives

previously set (Woolfolk, 2007; Slavin, 2009). Summative test is a test conducted

at the end of a certain period of teaching, which includes some or all of the units

taught in one semester (Woolfolk, 2007; Slavin, 2009).

From the above notions it can be concluded that the mathematics

achievement can be interpreted as the rate of change in knowledge and skills

obtained by students after going through the process of learning mathematics.

Mathematics achievement can be expressed in terms of a number of quantitative

/ qualitative score or scale is categorical declaration. A student has a high

mathematics achievement when students earn high scores, whereas if the

acquisition of student math scores are low, it can be said that the students had

low mathematics achievement.

Aspects of mathematics achievement

Bloom (in Marzano & Kendall, 2007; Thomas, 2005), formulated the three

aspects of learning competencies, namely: cognitive, affective, and psychomotor

that can be taught in an integrated way to achieve the goals of the learning

process. Cognitive aspects emphasis on intellectual aspects that distinguished of

the six levels or sub category from the lowest to the tallest. The six aspects,

namely knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, and

evaluation. Affective aspects with regard to attitudes, appreciation, and

motivation of students in learning activities. Affective aspect refers to the ability of

students to internalize the values received that later became part of him in

shaping values and determine behavior. Study skills in the affective aspects,

namely: receive, reply, appreciate, create value, and personality (Krathwohl,

2002). Psychomotor aspects include the ability to coordinate physical movements

and behaviors that emphasize aspects of motor skills. These abilities can be

acquired through training, habituation, and the measurement of speed, distance,

procedures, and implementation techniques. Psychomotor aspect includes

several taxonomies, namely: observing, imitating the movement, in accordance

with the instructions to manipulate movement, articulating, and coordinate

multiple abilities (Krathwohl, 2002).

Based on these three aspects (cognitive, psychomotor, and affective)

above, aspects of mathematics achievement are considered in this study is the

cognitive aspects (include knowledge, comprehension, application, and analysis).

To get the mathematics achievement data, this study draws on data after a test

score of student math deliberations made by the subject teachers (MGMP)

Brebes. At the high school level math class XI semester two, the cognitive

aspects revealed by covering aspects of knowledge, comprehension, application,

and analysis as well as comply with the standards of competence which includes

the student's ability to use the rule sukubanyak in solving the problem, determine

the composition of the two functions and the inverse of a function, and use the

concept of limit function and derivative function in problem solving.

Self-regulated learning

According to Zimmerman (1990) self-regulated learning is an individual

effort to self-regulate learning by engaging in metacognitive skills, motivation and

active behavior. Risemberg and Zimmerman (1992) explains that students who

study based on self-regulation would be more proactive in their efforts to learn

because they realize the advantages and disadvantages of self and as required

by the objectives and strategies related tasks set for himself. Schunk (2008) self-

regulated learning is a systematic process of the student to focus our thoughts,

feelings and actions to achieve a predetermined.

Winne and Philip (1997) states that self-regulated learning is the ability to

effectively manage their own learning experiences in a variety of ways so as to

achieve optimal learning outcomes. Wolters and Rosenthal (2000) said that self-

regulated learning is a learning strategy that trains students to be able to learn

analytically (analytical learning) and learning in depth (deep learning). According

to Woolfolk (2007) the success of the process of self-regulated learning is

influenced by the knowledge, motivation, and self-discipline of students. Some

researchers Peverly, Brobst, Graham, and Shaw (2003), Zimmerman (in Ablard &

Lipschultz, 1998), suggests that the self-regulated learning is a powerful learning

strategies for individuals in academic achievement.

Based on the explanation above, the definition of self-regulated learning

that is used in this study refers to Zimmerman (1990) defines self-regulated

learning as individuals attempt to self-regulate learning by engaging in

metacognitive skills, motivation and active behavior.

Academic self-concept

Academic self-concept is defined as a holistic view of the cognitive,

behavioral, emotional, and capabilities of self as related to academic students

(Skaalvik & Skaalvik, 2009; Bong & Skaalvik, 2003; Marsh, 2003). According to

Liu, et al. (2005), academic self-concept is the academic confident (perception

and feeling) and academic effort (commitment, engagement, and interest) in

academic tasks to achieve the expected learning achievement.

Academic self-concept is the basis of academic achievement and

behavior and be decisive to achieve the learning objectives that have been

established (Skaalvik & Skaalvik, 2009; Marsh, 2006). Academic self-concept

plays an important role in the development of individuals in the study are

expected to portray himself as a learner in school and able to respond to any

changes that occur in the environment (Skaalvik & Skaalvik, 2005; Marsh, 2003).

Green, Nelson, Martin, and Marsh (2006), found that academic self-

concept is positively associated with student achievement school. Students with

high academic self-concept study shows better performance than low self-

concept students. With their commitment, students are actively involved in each

of the learning process and have an interest to work on academic tasks both

inside and outside the classroom, so this will have implications for increasing

student academic achievement.

Numerical ability

Hoard, Geary, and Hamson (1999), Eggen and Kauchak (2010)

suggested that numerical ability is related to the ability to use mathematical skills.

Meanwhile, Aderogba and Olatoye (2011), more specifically explained that basic

numerical ability are skills that must be owned by a student in learning advanced

mathematics. Numerical system is part of the existing system of mathematics in

algebra, geometry, probability theory, statistics, theory of functions, and analysis.

Holloway and Ansari (2008) more specifically states that the numerical

ability of children at school age is the ability to do work-work counted manually

using a common arithmetic operations. Capabilities include the ability to perform

the intended operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions,

and their applications. Djaali (1989) suggests that as many as 14 percent of

variation in mathematics achievement can be explained by the basic numeracy

skills. Research results show that the higher the basic numeracy skills of students

it will be the higher mathematics achievement, whereas the lower numeracy skills

of students then showed also lower math achievement.

Based on some opinions on the above it can be concluded that the

numerical ability is the ability to do work-work counted manually, using the

common arithmetic operations, which includes the ability to perform the

operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, squaring, square root

withdrawal, and its application .

The relationship of self-regulated learning, Academic Self-Concept and

Numerical Ability with Mathematics Achievement

Various studies have shown that mathematics achievement associated

with self-regulated learning, academic self-concept, and numerical ability.

Zimmerman and Martinez-Pons (2001) has conducted research on the use of

strategies in self-regulated learning in high school students. The results of the

study showed a positive relationship between self-regulated earning with student

achievement in mathematics and language. Pintrich and De Groot (1990)

examined the relationship of self-regulated learning with learning achievement in

science and English classroom. By using a self-report questionnaire that contains

the strategies used in the study based on self-regulation, shows a positive

relationship between self-regulated learning with student achievement in science

and language classes. Other studies on the relationship between self-regulated

learning achievement in a particular field of study conducted by Ablard and

Lipschultz (1998), Camahalan (2000) showed a positive correlation. Based on

some of the above results show that the learning based on self-regulation has an

important role in improving student achievement.

Some research on the relationship of academic self-concept to academic

achievement that has been done by previous researchers, found that academic

self-concept is positively correlated with academic achievement (Yahaya, et al.,

2009; Marsh, 2006; Liu, et al., 2005; Liu & Wang, 2005; Marsh, 2003; Sanches &

Roda, 2003). Students who have high academic self-concept will demonstrate

motivation and interest in higher learning (Marsh, 2003; Sanches & Roda, 2003).

Students who have high self-concept will view themselves in a positive, confident,

and enthusiastic set goals to be achieved (Liu & Wang, 2005; Liu, et al., 2005).

Marsh (2006), found that students with high self-concept will be encouraged to be

actively involved in learning, which in turn will result in increased student

achievement achieved.

Furthermore, some of the results showed the influence of numerical ability

on mathematics achievement. Booth and Siegler (2008), Welsh, Delfabbro,

Burns, and Begg (2009) stated that with good numerical skills that will help

students solve math problems more quickly and accurately. This is consistent

with the results of Holloway and Ansari (2008) which examined the effects of

numerical skills to the speed and accuracy of the students in answering math

problems. Results showed that students who have high numerical skills faster

and more accurate in doing math problems. Barnea-Goraly, Eliez, Menon,

Bammer, and Reiss (2005), stated that the numerical ability studies suggest that

the ability of high achieving students math better than students who have medium

or low mathematics achievement. Suparlan and Juhariah (2009), Rachmani

(2009) in his research shows a positive relationship between numerical ability

and mathematics achievement.


Based on the descriptions above, the hypothesis proposed in this study is

a "self regulated learning, academic self-concept, and numerical ability can

become positive predictor of mathematics achievement ".


Subjects Research

The subjects of this study were students of SMAN “X” Brebes. The number of

subjects involved in this study is 120 students.

The design of this study

The study design will be used in this study is a quantitative approach to

the technique of multiple regression analysis. Regression analysis techniques

aim to predict changes in the value of the dependent variable, if the value of the

independent variable manipulated (Sugiyono, 2009). This study uses four

variables, three predictor variables (self-regulated learning, academic self-

concept and numerical ability), and one dependent variable or criterion

(mathematics achievement).

Method of Data Collection

Methods of data collection conducted in this study are as follows:

1. Mathematics achievement

To find and measure mathematics achievement, use documentation.

Documentation is a method of data collection based on the information that is

written, is used as evidence. This study uses data documentation math

scores of students of class XI A, B, C, D, and E science classes in second


2. Self-regulated learning

The instrument used for examining students' self-regulated learning is self-

regulated learning scale consisted of 36 items with reliability index of 0,826.

Time spent on student self-regulated learning scale is 30 minutes.

3. Academic self-concept

The instrument used for examining students' academic self-concept is

academic self-concept scale consisted of 24 items with reliability index of

0,805. Time spent on student academic self-concept scale is 30 minutes.

4. Numerical ability

The instrument used for examining the numerical ability students is 40-

questions of numerical ability tests (numerical ability tes form A/A5). Test

reliability of numerical ability is 0,803. Time spent on numerical ability test is

30 minutes.

Data Analysis Methods

Data analysis method used in this study is multiple regression analysis.

This technique is intended to empirically examine the independent variables (self

regulated learning, academic self-concept, and numerical skills) as predictor of

dependent variable (students' mathematics achievement). The process of data

analysis in this study using the services of a computer program Statistical

Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 16.0 for windows.


Hypothesis test in this study is by using a statistical technique of multiple

regression analysis. This technique is intended to empirically examine the

independent variables (self regulated learning, academic self-concept, and

numerical ability) as predictor of dependent variable (mathematics achievement).

Statement of the hypothesis of this research is to predict mathematics

achievement through self regulated learning, academic self-concept, and

numerical abilities of the students.

Based on the results of multiple regression analysis, the value of the

constant b0 = 3,400, coefficient b1 of self-regulated learning= 0,010, b2 of

academic self-concept = 0,015, and the coefficient b3 of numerical ability = 0,058.

Based on the results of equation line of multiple regression in this study is Y =

3,400 + 0,010 X1 + 0,015 X2 + 0, 058 X3.

Referring to equation line of multiple regression above, it can be seen


a. Constant value b0 = 3,400, meaning that if the value of self regulated

learning, academic self-concept, and students’ numerical ability is 0, then the

value of mathematics achievement is 3,400.

b. Coefficient b1 of self-regulated learning= 0,010, which means that if the value

of self regulated learning is increased by 1 unit, then the mathematics

achievement will increase by 0,010.

c. Coefficient b2 of academic self-concept = 0,015, meaning that if a student's

academic self-concept is increased by 1 unit, then the mathematics

achievement will increase by 0,015.

d. Coefficient b3 of numerical ability = 0,058, meaning that if the students’

numerical ability is increased by 1 unit, then the mathematics achievement

will increase by 0,058.

Furthermore, based on the results of linear regression analysis, the value of

R = 0,656, and the value Fregresi = 29,144 (p <0,01). This indicates that there is a

significant relationship between self regulated learning, academic self-concept,

and numerical ability with mathematics achievement. In other words, self

regulated learning, academic self-concept, and numerical ability can become

positive predictor of mathematics achievement. The result of the analysis

indicates that the hypothesis in this study is acceptable. The studen who have

higher self regulated learning, academic self-concept, and numerical ability, will

have higher mathematics achievement.

The value of the three of independent determinants is reflected by the

value of the determinant’s coefficient of R2 = 0,430. This means that all three

independent variables (self regulated learning, academic self-concept, and

numerical ability) work together to contribute effectively to the dependent variable

(mathematics achievement) of 43 % (R square = 0,430), whereas 57 % is from

other variables than the variable studied.

The three independent variables (self regulated learning, academic self-

concept, and numerical ability) have different contribution to the dependent

variable (mathematic achievement). The rate of the contribution to self-regulated

learning toward mathematics achievement was 9,23 %, the contribution of

academic self-concept on students' mathematics achievement was 10,83%, and

the contribution of the numerical ability to mathematics achievement was 22,94%

(beta value x value of the zero-order x 100%).

Some of the calculation results above shows that the self-regulated

learning, academic self-concept, and numerical ability can be significant positive

predictor for mathematics achievement, the hypothesis in this study received.


Hypothesis test results indicate that the variable self-regulated learning,

academic self-concept, and numerical abilities together can be a positive

predictor of mathematics achievement. It can be seen from the value of R =

0,656, and the value Fregresi = 29,144 (p <0,01). Based on these results it can be

concluded that the variable of self-regulated learning, academic self-concept, and

numerical abilities can be a predictor for mathematics achievement in a positive

and significant. The three independent variables together contribute effectively to

the mathematics achievement by 43%.

Contribution of self-regulated learning on mathematics achievement of

9,23%. Self-regulated learning variable is positively related to mathematics

achievement, indicated by partial correlation coefficient of 0,198 (p <0,05). These

findings support the research Ablard and Lipschultz (1998), that high-achieving

students reported frequent use of self-regulated learning as a way to organize

and change their course materials, read the notes, and ask for adult help.

Zimmerman and Martinez-Pons (2001) states that there is a close relationship

between self-regulated learning with academic achievement. Based on his

research, Zimmerman and Martinez-Pons (2001) concluded that students with

high academic achievement more adept at applying self-regulated learning. They

are actively developing, modifying and transferring the strategies used in the

context of new contests and higher strategy, effective and efficient when

compared to those used by low-achieving students.

In this study, self-regulated learning variables have an effective contribution

to the mathematics achievement at 9,23 %, smaller than the effective contribution

of academic self-concept variables (10,83%) and variable numerical ability

(22,94%). This was most likely due to the characteristics of the subject matter of

mathematics are numbers, graphics, and symbols that require the ability to learn

abstraction. In order to understand the relationship between symbols or with one

material with another material that required the ability to think logically, inductive

thinking and deductive thinking. Based on the characteristics of the subject

matter of mathematics, Alsa (2005) stated that internal factors that may affect the

achievement over learning mathematics is like a factor of intelligence,

mathematical aptitude, interest in mathematics, attitudes toward mathematics,

and motivation to learn.

Contribution of academic self-concept on mathematics achievement of

10,83%. Academic self-concept variable was positively related to student

mathematics achievement, indicated by partial correlation coefficient = 0,244 (p

<0.01). The results of this study support some previous research that found that

academic self-concept is positively correlated with academic achievement

(Yahaya, et al., 2009; Marsh, 2006; Liu, et al., 2005; Liu & Wang, 2005 ; Marsh,

2003; Sanches & Roda, 2003). Students who have high academic self-concept

will demonstrate motivation and interest in higher learning to improve academic

achievement (Marsh, 2003; Sanches & Roda, 2003). In addition, students who

have high self-concept will view themselves in a positive, confident, and

enthusiastic set goals to be achieved (Liu & Wang, 2005; Liu, et al., 2005).

Chapman, Tubmer, and Prochnow (2000) says that academic self-concept is the

basis of academic achievement and academic behaviors.

Yara and Olatunde (2010) in his study concluded that academic self-concept

was positively correlated with high school mathematics achievement. Students

who have good self-concept has a better mathematics achievement and shows

the attitude of learning more diligent and more confident with the abilities it has.

Corbiere, Fraccaroli, Mbekou, and Perron (2006) in his research shows that

academic self-concept was positively correlated with students' interest towards

the subjects and academic achievement.

Contribution of numerical ability on mathematics achievement of 22,94%.

Based on the analysis results can also be shown that the numerical ability

variable have positively and significantly related to student mathematics

achievement, indicated by partial correlation coefficient = 0,377 (p <0.01). In this

study, numerical ability variable have higher contribution rather than self

regulated learning and academic self-concept variable, it may be because one

aspect of mathematics is numeracy. Numeracy contained in almost most of the

branches of mathematics such as algebra, geometry and statistics. Numerical

ability can support the way of thinking fast, precise and accurate (Booth &

Siegler, 2008). According to Welsh, et al. (2009) and Slameto (2003) standard

numerical ability include the ability of numbers, numeracy containing reasoning

and algebra skills, and abilities mengopreasikan count numbers include

operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

The results of this study are consistent with research Sasanguie, Defever,

Smedt, and Reynvoet (2009) that examined the effect of numerical ability in math

achievement. From the results, Sasanguie, et al. (2009) and Rachmani (2009)

concluded that children with high numerical ability more accurate and faster at

doing math problems than children with medium numerical ability or low.

Booth and Siegler (2008) which states that with good numerical ability that

will help students solve mathematics problems more quickly and accurately. In

line with the above opinion, Aderogba and Olatoye (2011) in his study concluded

that the numerical ability test is a good predictor for students' mathematics skills.

The higher the numerical ability test results of students it will be the higher math

skills, conversely the lower the numerical ability test students as well the lower

mathematics achievement.


Based on the results of research and discussion, it can be concluded

there is a significant relationship between self regulated learning, academic self-

concept, and numerical ability with mathematics achievement. In other words,

self regulated learning, academic self-concept, and numerical ability can become

positive predictor of mathematics achievement.

The three independent variables (self regulated learning, academic self-

concept, and numerical ability) have different contribution to the dependent

variable (mathematic achievement). The rate of the contribution to self-regulated

learning toward mathematics achievement was 9,23%, the contribution of

academic self-concept on mathematics achievement was 10,83%, and the

contribution of the numerical ability to mathematics achievement was 22,94%


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