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Wow Jokowi drops nominated Budi Gunawan as

Indonesian Police Chief

Jakarta- A thousand of supporter of Indonesia police chief was surrounding outside the
presidential palace in Jakarta. Jokowi as the Seventh Indonesian Presiden who elected last
year,2014 has dropped amazing thing that Budi Gunawan not as nominee of police chief.

In addition, he suspended the two leaders in KPK (Corruption Eradication Commision) which is
in highly anticipated move which as hopes that will ease a bitter stand-off between police and the
KPK as two main low enforcementagencies in Indonesia.

This decision also to replace Budi Gunawan as on his nominee for next Indonesian police chief
that was to preserve the peace as the controversy surrounding on his candidacy(Budi Gunawan)
which has split the public said Jokowi in short statement.

He, Jokowi, also ordered the suspension of KPK chief Abraham Samad and also his deputy
(Bambang Widjojanto), who both of themnamed as suspectsin separate police cases.

Wow Jokowi Batal lantik Budi Gunawan sebagai

Jakarta-Ribuan pendukung kepolisisan Indonesia telah mengelilingi bagian luar Istana
Kepresidenan di Jakarta. Jokowi sebagai president RI terpilih yang ke tujuh pada tahun lalu,
2014 telang membatalkan suatu hal yang mengagetkan yakni Budfi Gunawan bukan kandidat
Kapolri selanjutnya.

READ MORE Daftar Kosa Kata dalam Bahasa Inggris Sesuai Pengelompokkannya +Artinya

Ditambah lagi, ia menangguhkan 2 pemimpin KPK (KomisiPemberatasan Korupsi) untuk

mengantisipasi sebagai harapan mengurangi konflik yang terjadi antara polri dan juga KPK
sebagai 2 penegak hokum di Indonesia.

Putusan ini juga menggantikan Budi Gunawan yang ditunjuk sebagai kandidat kapolri untuk
menghilangkan kontroversi yang terjadi dalampencalonannya yang telah banyak menimbulkan
perbedaan pendapat kata Jokowi singkat.

Jokowi mengaharapkan dengan adanya penangguhan atas Pimpinan KPK Abraham Samad dan
Bambang Widjojanto yang menjadi tersangka dalam kasus kepolisian.
TRIBUNNEWS.COM, JAKARTA – The defendant cases of allegations of blasphemy Basuki
Purnama Tjahaja aka. Ahok suspects testimony of witnesses at trial.

At the trial continued yesterday, the Prosecution was scheduled to bring five witnesses.

But, the prosecutor only brought four witnesses.

Witnesses including Secretary of PP Muhammadiyah Youth Pedri Kasman, Wahyudin Abdul

Rashid of MUI Bogor, Burhanuddin and Irena Handono.

Ahok said the witnesses looked as if there was someone had set them.

He said, the answers, statements and patterns of the witnesses were similar to each other.

Ahok planned to report the allegations of false testimony to the police, through his legal team.

“I thought it was a lot. But, I think the setting has one pattern. In fact, there is the same sentence
in their answers. Even the point and coma of their answers were the same,” said Ahok in his
house in Lembang, Menteng, Central Jakarta, Wednesday (01/11/2017).

Additionally, Ahok said the reporting patterns were the same, through the distribution of video
communication in WhatsApp application, then referred to the video on YouTube.
West Java was Rocked by 5 SR Earthquake, Jakarta: An earthquake shocked Indonesia again. This time, a 5 righter scale
earthquake shake up Cianjur, West Java.

“The earthquake occurred on Saturday at around 17:36 pm,” said citizen. According to BMKG,
the earthquake was in a depth of 10 kilometers in 8:37 south latitude – 06.79 East Longitude.

The earthquake which happened in the afternoon created panic among the residents. They were
afraid of tsunami which can be caused by the earthquake. Luckily, the fear did not happen.

“The earthquake did not cause a tsunami because the strength was not big enough,” said BMKG.

Nevertheless, hundreds of homes were damaged and destroyed by the earthquake. However, so
far it’s unknown whether there were fatalities or injured in the incident. (AN)

Jawa Barat Diguncang Gempa 5 SR, Jakarta – Gempa bumi kembali menggetarkan Indonesia. Kali ini, gempa
berkekuatan 5 skala Richter menggoyang Cianjur, Jawa Barat.

“Gempa itu terjadi pada hari Sabtu sekitar pukul 17.36 WIB,” Ujar warga. Menurut BMKG,
gempa tersebut berada dalam kedalaman 10 kilometer di 8.37 Lintang Selatan – 06.79 Bujur

Gempa yang terjadi sore itu sempat membuat kepanikan bagi warga sekitar. Mereka takut akan
Tsunami yang ditimbulkan akibat gempa. Beruntung, ketakutan itu tidak terjadi.

“Gempa tidak menimbulkan tsunami,” jelas BMKG.

Ratusan rumah rusak dan hancur akibat gempa bumi. Namun, sejauh ini belum diketahui apakah
ada korban jiwa maupun luka dalam peristiwa tersebut. (AN)
A grandmother and 5 Years-old Boy Died Because of
Landslide, Kebumen: Family of grandma Sutiyem cried when she was removed from the heap
of soil that befell her body by SAR team. The landslides often occurred in Krakal Vilage,
Kebumen, Central Java. But this time the damage caused quite worse.

As reported by Evening News IndoTV, Tuesday (11/25/2014), heavy rains that occurred on
Monday night, 24 November eroded soil and caused landslides that pile up 6 houses. A
grandmother became victims of the disaster. She could not save herself because she was asleep
when the landslide came.

“It happened so fast. Even I could not save anything,” said one of the victims whose home was
buried in the ground.

Meanwhile in Cililin region, West Bandung, West Java, A number of houses collapsed due to
heavy rains that eroded settlements’ soil there. This incident caused a 5 year-old boy died buried
under the ruins of the house. While his father suffered serious injuries and had to receive
treatment in Cililin hospitals.

Landslides also occurred in the District of Coastal Tassel, Pekan Baru, Riau. It caused a school
building collapsed due to buried in the ground. This incident made the schools was forced to
dismiss the learning activity until conditions getting better. Besides landslides, thousands of
homes were flooded due to overflowing of Siak River. Fortunately, there were no fatalities in
this incident. (AN / Sun)

Seorang Nenek dan Bocah 5 Tahun Meninggal Akibat

Longsor, Kebumen – Keluarga Nenek Sutiyem menangis ketika jenazahnya berhasil

dikeluarkan dari timbunan tanah yang menimpanya oleh team SAR. Bencana longsor memang
sering terjadi di Desa Krakal, Kebumen, Jawa Tengah. Namun kali ini Kerusakan yang
ditimbulkan cukup parah.

Seperti yang diberitakan oleh Berita 6 Petang IndoTV, Selasa (25/11/2014), hujan deras yang
terjadi pada hari Senin malam 24 November menggerus tanah dan mengakibatkan longsor yang
menimbun 6 rumah warga. Seorang nenek menjadi korban dari bencana itu. Dia tidak sempat
menyelamatkan diri karena sedang tertidur pada saat longsor terjadi.

“Peristiwa itu terjadi begitu cepat. Bahkan saya tidak sempat menyelamatkan barang-barang,”
ujar salah satu korban yang rumahnya tertimbun tanah.

Sementara itu di kawasan Cililin, Bandung Barat, Jawa Barat, Sejumlah rumah ambruk karena
hujan deras yang mengikis tanah pemukiman itu. Kejadian ini mengakibatkan seorang bocah 5
tahun tewas tertimbun reruntuhan rumah, sedangkan ayahnya mengalami luka yang serius dan
harus menjalani perawatan di RSUD Cililin.

Bencana longsor juga terjadi di Kecamatan Rumbai Pesisir, PekanBaru, Riau. Longsor tersebut
menyebabkan sebuah gedung sekolah runtuh akibat tertimbun tanah. Kejadian ini membuat
pihak sekolah terpaksa meliburkan murid-muridnya sampai kondisi mulai membaik. Selain
longsor, ribuan rumah terendam banjir akibat luapan Sungai Siak. Beruntung tidak ada korban
jiwa dalam kejadian ini. (AN/Sun)

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