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In the theory of successful intelligence according to Sternberg (in safari, 2008) is thinking of
high intelligence. To achieve success in the future need to be developed three main
intelligence capabilities:

A. Analytical intelligence

is the ability necessary to consider the value of a person's ideas and decide which of
these ideas are feasible realized. To improve the analytical intelligence there are several
stages ketermapilan basic must-have in achieving and creating effective problem solving
and efficient. (According to Sternberg, 1997 in Safaria, 2008)
1. Problem recognition
Understand, understand and know the problems
2. Problem definition
Defining accurately, specifically what the problem is
3. formulating a strategy for problem solving
Determining strategy
4. Respresenting information
Looking for information critical to the success of the strategy are made.
5. allocating resources
Able to consider and choose the resources that she chose will maximize the results
they can.
6. Monitoring and evaluation
Observing the developments over prosses problem solving as well as to monitor and
evaluate the decisions they make.

B. Creative Intelligence
the intelligence to create new innovations, and develop a product into something new,
which of course has a high utility value. as well as bring up alternatives in solving
Some of the principles developed by (Sternberg, in Safaria 2008):
1. Encourage your child to try new things
2. Critical Thinking, not memasung children's creativity
3. motivate children, in case of failure
4. Allowing myself to confront risks, guiding the child to determine the risks wisely
5. Always trying to define the problem from all sides
6. Give praise, support and reward
7. Give freedom to the child's creative thinking, do not always give orders or impositions
8. Giving constantly evolving, growing and developing others
9. Giving freedom to evolve with the environment.
C. Practical Intelligence

Is the ability to solve problems of daily living that are practical, and also someone who is
able to apply the theory to the practice and action in real life. How to improve the
practical intelligence of children (according to Sternberg, in Safaria 2008):
1. Support the child's ability to develop creative abilities, by way of academic success
does not always require only temporary, creative ability in the real environment
everyday is always ignored.
2. motivate and facilitate both morally and materially to the creation of children's
creativity practical intelligence.

According to Sternberg, 1997 (in Safaria, 2008) there are several barriers that hinder the
development of successfull intelligence of children, namely:

1. Negative Expectations of the important people around us

2. The belief we would efficacy ourselves
3. Children of loss and shortage of models to be an example to emulate in daily life

To achieve success in the future need to be developed three primary intelligence, namely
analytical intelligence, creative intelligence and practical intelligence. Whereby the three
intelligence are mutually supportive and relate to each other. And all three must develop a
balanced way to achieve success. If only one of the more evolved than others then need
another person to fill the vacancy. "Intelligence is the ability of individuals who need to be
honed and trained, then the excess to the person"


Sternberg, R. J. (1997): Successful intelligence. New York: Plume

Sternberg, R. J.; Kaufman, J. C.; Grigorenko, E. (2008). Applied Intelligence. Cambridge:

Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-71121-0. Lay summary (18 July 2010).

Sternberg, R. J., ed. (1995). Encyclopedia of human intelligence. Macmillan. ISBN 978-0-02-
897407-1. OCLC 29594474

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