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GHID de OONVERSATE ROMAN ENGLEZ TABLA DE MATERII Z *PREFATA “Semmele-fonetice ............ eaten -CONVERSATIE “UZUALA Salutari, Expresii de politefe ... 17 Cumineepern o conversatie ... 18 : Formule «te prezentare wd 19 «Propozijii_exprimind -felicitarl, © rare 20 "Propozifil -exprimind 0 “tntre- bare, o rugaminte...seece 21 “Raspunsurl, scurte observajil, Comentarii vseeectierenriecs 24 Propozitii exprimind scuza, FORTEC seeesessecssereerccerses 2B Propozifit exprimtad ietaatnns Pamintul........cceeeee 344) 20 Propozi{ii epeiied ence dul, refuzul .. 30 'Fixarea unei intilniri,: Invitafil, Vizite _ ee 32 Propozifii erpemid erases t ’Propozitit. sasbon een seis; o.sugestie ... -Expresii generale ‘Introducing’ People . PEREPAGB a.csssetes Dee soasen es ee Key to Pronunciation .......... °13 EVERYDAY -GONVERSA- TION Greetings, Polite Expressions... 17 Starting a Conversation . Congratulations:and Wishes .,. -20 ‘Questions, "Requests ........... 22 Answers, Shért_ Statements, Comments vivissiecsieiesecseee Bt -Apologies, Expressions ot Re- 28 29 gret Agréetietit ws Disagreement, Refusal.,.......... 30 Making av Appointment, ‘Invi- tations, Visits Thanks .......0604 Advice «ss General Formulas... secerere 87 k IN CALATORIE Cu trenul . Cu avionul Cu vaporul Cu automobilul Sosirea, La vam& JARA, NATIONALITATEA 50 LAS BANGK ose rssseesqeseerminye 82 MUNCA, PROFESIUNI, ME- SERII . FAMILIA, GRADE DE RUDE- NIB. VIBISTA pu svsoesseseirnras DQ Casa, Apartamentul .......0..° 61 VREMEA . 69 HOTELUL ......0. Culcarea, Scularea seeeuseiee 75 trecesenreeveds) 72 RESTAURANTE, MESELE ZILEI 78 81 83 Cum ne orfent&im ......00000 88 Transportul urban ..,. 91 Indicatoare, semne 94 Vizitarea orasului 6 TRAVELLING ‘By Railway 38 By Air. 4i By Ship . 43 By Car. 45 Arrival. At ‘the Custom House 48 COUNTRY. NATIONALITY 50 AT THE BANK .......:0:0.0.5.. 52 WORK, PROFESSIONS, TRADES FAMILY. RELATIONSHIP, AGE ... 200 seseenseessoare: OF The House, The Flat... ...... “61 THE WEATHER .. THE HOTEL ...0....408 lame sieve’ TB Golng to Bed, Getting up ...... 75 RESTAURANTS. MEALS ‘OF THE DAY Breakfast . Lunch and Dinner IN TOWN Inquiring the Way ......... City Transport co ses ance soe Notices, Signs ...ese+. Sight-Seeing .....+eee meer

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