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Year 8 English – Task 1

Socially constructed stereotypes of the ideal person; understanding individual differences

Task: Alternative first-person account

Mode: Written account

Length: 500-600 words

Task Description: Within the film wonder we hear multiple perspectives of characters (August, Via, Summer, Jack, Justin and Miranda). Everyone in this film has
their own challenges throughout Auggies story. You will present another character’s perspective through a written account to show their perspective.

Characters: Nate (Dad), Isabel (Mum), Mr. Tushman (principle), Mr. Browne (science teacher), Daisy the dog, Henry, Miles, Amos or a negotiated character.

 Use appropriate paragraphs and structure to form your writing
 Use descriptive language
 Use the first person
 Write in chronological order
 Create emotion through persuasive language
 Use techniques used in ‘Wonder’ such as humour, empathetic tone, metaphors and symbols to make meaning within your writing

Consider the following:

 Whose perspective are you speaking from?

 The language this character would use
 An experience in the film that effected that character
 How does your character feel throughout their experience?
 Why is their perspective important?
 Who is the audience you are writing for?
 How can you get the importance/emotion of your writing through to your audience?

Ensure that you proof read this assignment, you can hand up a draft and ask your peers for feedback.
Assessment Rubric
Year 8 English – Task 1: Alternative first-person account

Criteria for assessment Approaching Year 8 Standard At Year 8 Standard Above Year 8 Standard

Language features are used for particular Students show little understanding of Students understand how the Students show strong
purpose and effect how the selection of language features selection of language features can understanding of how the
can be used for particular purposes and be used for particular purposes and selection of language features
effects. effects. can be used for particular
purposes and effects.

Meets the needs and interests of audience When creating and editing texts to When creating and editing texts to When creating and editing
create specific effects, the students create specific effects, they take into texts to create specific effects.
does not take into the account the account intended purposes and the they meet the intended
intended purposes and the needs and needs and interests of audiences. purposes and the needs and
interests of audiences. interests of audiences

Using grammar and select vocabulary for They demonstrate some They demonstrate understanding They demonstrate excellent
effect understanding of grammar, select of grammar, select vocabulary for understanding of grammar,
vocabulary for effect effect select vocabulary for effect

Use accurate spelling and punctuation There is an attempt for accurate Accurate spelling and punctuation Accurate spelling and
spelling and punctuation, with errors throughout with some errors punctuation throughout with
present present little to no errors present

Teacher comment:

Note: This rubric has used the Australian Curriculum standards for year 8 English to determine students level of achievement within the bands standards. (ACARA, 2018)

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