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THE PHILOSOPHY OF SEQUENCE TRAINING The 1966 Mr. America plans not only to outline a new system of training during this coming year, but he also wants to influence each trainee to “think through” his individual program so that *, each person will eventually develop a philosophy of training of his own. By Robert S. Gajda, Mr. America, 1966 as told to Bill Starr _Aitouse several fine articles have recently been writen about the exercies system I use, the P.HLA. (Peripheral Heart Act it enough. Jn explaining this system I think it essential to give a litle history of how it was developed. In 1963 while attend- ing George Williams College I had the good fortune of participating in a lass of Bukh (Danish) gymnastics, along with forty stadents from the Neils Bukh School, for an hour of continuous drills. Although the exercise bout was quite rigorous, I found it to be stimulating and almost toni effect. Seeking an explanation as to why I felt no fatigue I consulted my professor of physiology, Dr. Arthur Steinhaus, and he explained that the basis of the system of P.HLA. in: volves the thorough utilization of the circulatory system. How Circulation and P.H.A. Function ‘The meaning of Peripheral Heart Action i this: fn addi- ton ta a single central heast, of which everyone is naturally aware, the body contains approximately 696 secondary hearts or pumps. Yes, you guessed it, every musele in your body is « pump. Whenever a muscle tontracts, veinal blood —iull of oxidative wastes—is forced out and new noutish- ‘ment enters via arterial blood. For a muscle to perform work it needs a supply of oxygen to break down glycogen (sugar) for energy. The muscles must also have an adequate trans- port for the removal ofthe waste incurred from cheraical re- actions. The veins, which are thin-walled tubes with very litle muscle fibre, actin this transport, The returning blood does not have the advantage of the strong pumping action ‘of the heart. Veinal blood must also contend with the force ‘of gravity. Although the veins of the lower extremities do contain valves that prevent back flow, they must depend fon muscle contraction for active transport. This explains why runners continue moving after a race. 2 ako explains the peectcal value of the Hoffman walk after each set of exercises. ‘The cardiac muscle (heast) is nothing more than a pump. It needs a returning blood supply, otherwise i eannot fune- tion propesly. The less blood the heart receives the less it pts out. An example, soldiers standing at attention for long periods fall like flies; the reason being the great strain ‘on the circulatory system due to lack of peripheral heart action. As a result the mascular pumps cannot be utilized Hence, the blood tends to accumu- (Continued on page 72), mn} to date none has been expli MEN- THIS IS YOUR YOU CAN'T BE RUPTURED IF YOU HAVE A STRONG ABDOMEN You need the YORK ABDOMINAL COURSE, tls the fonds you shovld cot tod the sxerctes pov need. Your fends will be Ines betlr. Your soccer In ie may LOSE 3 TO 6 INCHES AROUND YOUR WAIST! Ast come quicly when you hain wih the YORK ABDOMINAL COURSE ou ton foe Sinker too Westra inches te month And the sting ‘Wing the Waker ely © few winter «'ay. Yor ove to our ating wih Se YORE ABDOMINAL COURSE ct ence cole Tee Satan’ the bee nvesent you wil ver make SEND THIS COUPON TO ME NOW WITH ONE DOLLAR and start at once so you will ook better at the beach in your bathing trunks and in the business world in your sit, ONLY 4 00 ‘lac Henman Srengih ond Health Publishing Co., nosed find one buck, 1 went 16 look beter, 1 want 242.pomnd class without a 19.pound div ‘ion? And can you give good Teason why both classes couldn't be adopted as the ine for each country offset each other? Agsine the ‘only people being penalized. by the present situation are the lifters. The ‘adop tion of one ‘or two more clases would do rothing but allow more lifters to lif, And ‘what's wrong with thet? So the promoters vould have fo run two clases ons couple of days instead of one like the present prac ice ‘has been in work competition, This would take care of the “ton long to ru” {argument that is popular in the international ‘So hat to do? Find out the name of your district AAU weightlifting chairman, A com: plete listing of AAU personnel ie foand on page 2 of the dAU WEIGHTLIFTING RULES. Phone or write your area represen: tative and express your views on the 202 pound ‘class, If he answers that the class fas aot been accepted internationally, just reply that the ‘Rusfans have had the 282 pound clase for years, Why do we have to wait to the last inate and then get caught ‘hort of lifters in a new class? You may aso ‘wish to write the national chairman, Rudy so, OL West 1aTth St, New York 3, [N-¥. Tt you would like to express your views snd opinions both pro and eon on the sub ject to Strength and Heath we will be glad to make a tally of the views and forward the levers on ta the national chairman. Dy doing this the loca and national chairmen will be aeare of what the liters want and think ie Jt. Or 2¢ one nations! champion put i ‘Le them know thet rules should be made forthe porpove of helping weightlifting and eighties, and not for the convenience of iia.” Arpen! eo end MR. AMERICA (Continued from page 55) late (stagnate) in the lower extremities and veinal return Becomes. inadequate, “Conse: ‘quently, fainting occurs because the heart Jhas no blood to pump tothe bean Bulfer A ‘There is no value in congesting blood iv ‘any muscle The sooner Ihe velnal blood i farried hack oo the lungs for the removal of carbon dioxide the better. The main reason at clecultion ie so. importants: beesise ffs unique system of butlers contained in the blood, ‘The way the hulfer system fonctions is this: Buffets aze substances contained in the blood which will newraize acids o bases so that the pH.” of the blood. is aot altered appreciably, The pH. of the blood is a sate of dynamic equilibrim or chemical balance needed for survival. A. normal pH is 73. Anything’ above or below this level would set the chemical balance of the ody. This ‘homical balance is 20 important that ifthe DH. were ty drop, even a few tenths, death ‘would cceur, During exerelse we build up cide which the bullers must neuszalie, Tf we fell to neviralize the acid build up, we Secome fatigued, By using the PHA, soe tem there is an optimum utilization of the blood bufer action. ‘The main buifers are: 1. Oxyhemoglabin, 2; Plasma protein, 3. Cell phosphate, 4 Bi carbonate Reason for PHA, Although i is true that every muscle oon: tains Dutfers, it is algo true that no single muscle contains enough to replenish its ten loss. For water to be purified it must he Altered over many rocks Like a stream of wate, blood must pass over many muscles to pick up additonal buffers. When bufers ce ined up, Iaeates (acide). accumulate ‘The diference between a conditioned athlete and the nomathlte Ia a phosphate (buffer) reserve, The more progressive trtning one oes the more buffers you put in the bank, 20 to speak. Its a type of security to dra fon when the need does arise "in shor, the value of the PLA, system J accelerated. venous civculation and. the optimam fellatio of butler action. "The Relation of P-HLA. and Current Training Methods After hearing Dr. Steinhaus explain the theory of PHA. my interest mounted and Whegan to realize its broad potentialities, Natarally “my second question vas, “Is PHA. epplicsble to. weight traning?” Dr, Stcinhaus believed the system would be ideal since it was bred on sound eclentifc fact "There is Lite vale in the “pumping #7 ten advocated by preent day weight tait- cers, Actually pumping exercises have Tile merit in the development of a healthy body. Results are not long lasting md. perbape even detrimental in many ways. The pump- Ing system favors the development of & con dition called “Techemia”” Tschensia is ax fertreme build-up of an oxygen debt. Tt is tvidenced by eramp and muscle ache. Also, ‘he possibilty of extreme dilation of capil lavies and yeine favors the development of sacoee reins, There are many other chronic tlects of the pomping system that T vill hot enumerate for the sake of brevity. ‘So what doce all this have to do with bullding big stng muscles? Tt sounds more Tike, endurance training, end who wants that? Let's consider St what causes hyper: tuoply {imuscle geowth). According to. Dr. Steinhaus, muscles grow in proportion to the amount of work done in a unit of me UUntensity Factor). No. benefit is, derived from exercise until a muscle is relaxed or no longer performing work. It is then that the wastes ae carried off and new blood enters, When adapting PILA. we are apply. ing the sbove factors to the fullest. The average weight trainer usually rests two 10 five minutes between sels to recuperate Have you ever wondered how many addi. tional exercises could be done in that period ff time? T do from four to six seta, The fverage weight trainer usually works out from one to three hours daily. So you can see that by doing PALA. you have a mini= ‘mum increase of four times more work done, four times more intensity, and four times rore recuperation because of balfer action. What is realy astonishing is the fact that you can bandle heavier weights for a longer esd, ‘One day my Wednesday training partner, Roger Mets, and I decided ta try an exper. rent, Tnatead of sequencing our exercises ite BOARDS Exercise and relax on the FOLDAWAY. Well padded and covered in vinyl. Suitable for heaviest man or most petit miss. Folding the board automatically folds legs into compact 36" x 16"x 4" package. Store in closet or under bed. DELUXE ABDOMINAL BOARD $29.95 Here's the KING SIZE Board—6 long, 16" wide. A profes- sional piece of bodybuilding equipment for home use. Com- fortably foam padded and vinyl covered. Adjustable legs slide thru rigid steel cross-bar—no wrench needed. The economy board that has been the standard abdominal exerciser for over 25 years! Ruggedly built with adjustable rubber tipped legs. Length 5’ 6", width 16" in natural shellac finish. Footstraps made of extra strong webbing. qu" EACH BOARD—BOB HOFFMANS YORK ABDOMINAL COURSE Sey Se eS occ Perera Ceo

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