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6th group

Winda Rofita S. (

Aulia Dyah A. I (
Tia Rizska N. (
Ahmad Arri Dhowi (

People often use a language to signal their membership of particular groups and to
construct different aspects of their social identity. Languages vary from one place to another,
from one social group to another, and from one situation to another. That’s why language
become a reasonable reflection of our lay culture. This study related to sociolinguistics which
discuss about the relation of language and society. There are many language phenomena in this
world. One of them is language variation. As we mention before that language become the
signal of particular aspect of society that give an impact to the language as a tool of
communication. It has a tight relation to the differences how people deliver their message or
communicating with another. And we will discuss this knowledge that related to our topic for
today which will be classified in some point such as the definition of language variation, some
aspect that can affect variation of language, some factor of language variation, and standard
language also other variation which also provide some examples to support the review.
The first is about the definition of language variation. Language variation is systematic
differences on how one language is used by different speaker of language. (Ditambahkan ya
The second is about aspects which influence language variation. As we mention before,
some aspect that can be influence a variation of language are phonological aspect, lexical aspect
and syntactical aspect. First is phonological aspect, there are some differences on how people
pronunciation a certain word/words in one language. for example, word ‘mulih’ is pronounced
differently by different people. One say ‘Mulih’ other say ‘Moleh’. Or word ‘Adus’ can
pronounce ‘Ados’ by other people. Another differences in this aspect is intonation. For
example, as Hudson (1996 : 170) said about the word ‘ controversy’. Older speakers tend to
pronounce it with a stress in the first syllable i.e. ‘controversy, while younger people tend to
stress the second syllable i.e. con’troversy. Second aspect is lexical aspect, this aspect refers
vocabulary of a language. the variation that can be found in one language is on the choice of
words. For example, in Javanese some people call a food that made by some vegetable is ‘ote-
ote’ but another Javanese say ‘Weci’. It also happens when people talk to their friend, they will
say ‘sampeyan’ or ‘kowe’ depend on the situation. Or in English, some people call ‘a
carbonated soft drink’ with ‘Pop’ but other called ‘Soda’. Then, syntactical aspect, is a variation
that can be found in one language is the sentence structure aspect. It proves that people from
Batak have different sentence structure from people from Papua when they speak Indonesian
language. for example, Batak’s people say “Aku ingin bertemu dengan bapak kau” but Papua’s
people say “Aku ingin bertemu dengan kau punya bapak”. Or another example is javanese will
say “kamu sudah makan nasi?” but maduran will say “nasi sudah di makan kau?” it show that
the differences of original area also can influence the variation of language.
Third is about factor of language variation. Factor that can be influence variation of
language can be divide into four factors. Speakers factor, functional factor, formality factor
and media factor. For the first we going to explain about speakers’ factor. Speakers factor is
divide into two categorize which are individual factor and a group of speakers. Individual factor
means that every person has his/her own way to communicate (use a language) which is
different with another speaker. The unique characteristics of the language of an individual
speaker are referred to idiolect. Due to age, sex, state of health personality, race, emotion,
education background, etc. idiolect itself means differences/variations between an individual
and another speaker are on the phonological, lexical and syntactical. For example,
(Ditambahkan ya) Second is functional factor, it means the variation happen because of the
field of usage. Language used in military is different with the one in journalistic/medical field.
Cause they have their own special language in their field. For example, (tolong di tambahkan
ya) third is formality factor, Joos in Chaer and Agustina (1995:93) said there are five types of
formality factor. First is frozen, it is the most formal style that usually used in respectful
situation or formal ceremony. Second, Formal, generally, it is used in the formal events, talks
about the serious problem such as in the formal speeches and official meeting. Third,
Consultative It is used in some group discussion, regular conversation at school, companies,
trade speech conversation, etc. Forth, Casual, it is often used in the conversation between
friends or family. It is usually applied in daily conversation. Fifth, Intimate, it is a style among
intimate members of a family or friends that do not need a complete language with clear
articulation. The last is Media factor/facility. This factor can be form as oral or written
language. in oral language it is supported by suprasegmental factors, such as intonation, pitch,
etc, also kinesics. While in written language it is expected by using punctuation marks. For
example … (Ditambahkan ya)
Forth is about standard language.
The last is Other Variation. Labov (in Chaer and Agustina, 1995) classified language
variation based on social status, economy class, …
In conclusion,

Hudson, R. A. (1996). Sociolinguistics. 2nd ed, Cambridge : Cambridge University


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