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Course Objectives – Students will:

- Learn safe, effective lifting/spotting techniques and training principles
- Develop an understanding of related target muscle groups.
- Create and participate in a positive environment that encourages success.
- Develop self-confidence and self-discipline.
- Use goal setting and other sports psychology tools to achieve personal bests.
- Develop athletic movements by improving overall strength, power, balance, stability and flexibility.

Training Philosophy:
The goal of this class is to provide each student with the fundamental skills, knowledge and training needed to reach individual fitness
goals. The ultimate purpose of weight training and conditioning is to develop “functional strength” which will help you perform your best
in your chosen activities and to develop habits which will contribute to lifelong health and fitness. Strength Training and Conditioning is
beneficial only if the student trains with enough frequency, intensity and consistency.

Instructional Philosophy:
All students will be provided with the necessary training on each specific exercise so that the exercise process can be safe and productive.
Students are encouraged to remain positive with themselves, as well as with other students in order to maintain a good training
atmosphere. It is important to realize that everyone begins this course, and progresses through this course at his/her own rate, as they
reach their own individual goals. Safety is always given the first priority in this class.

Class Expectations in accordance with the AHS PBIS P.R.I.D.E. Matrix:

Productivity-Stay in designated area until bell rings. Actively participate in all activities. Lock ALL personal items.
Respect- Leave all electronics in locker. Use professional language. Always demonstrate proper hygiene. Respect school property.
Integrity- Keep lockers and locker room clean. Demonstrate good sportsmanship. Be on time and where you are supposed to be at all
times. Use safety spotters and clamps on all core lifts. Return equipment to proper storage when finished.
Determination- Give your best effort daily. Dress for class every day. Have a goal oriented mindset with a great attitude
Excellence- Be a leader and show respect to each other. Support peers in activities they participate in outside the classroom.
**Note: It is strongly advised to bring a pad lock to lock your valuables with. The school in not responsible for lost or stolen items.

Athlete Competition Policy:

Athletes are required to dress on “game days” and workout, however, only using minimal loads and intensity. The goal of training on
game-days is to increase the flexibility and circulation in the muscles to aid in recovery, not to train hard. Athletes are expected to dress
for and report to class on time and to lift and spot like any other day. If behavior or missed workouts becomes a problem, make-up lifting
will be required before/after school.

Testing Procedures:
Measuring your strength gains is an important component of this class. Each student will be pre-tested at the beginning of the trimester
and at the conclusion of the trimester in each of the following areas:

Lifts: Bench Press, Parallel Squat, Power Clean

Floor Tests: Vertical Jump, Standing Long Jump, 15 Yard Shuttle Run (Pro Agility),40 Yard Dash.

Course Assessment Plan:

Your Trimester Grade will be derived from total points accumulated from performance tests, daily participation and effort points (See
rubric). Your points will be accumulated based upon the grading rubric designed for this class. Your letter grade is based upon the Adrian
High School Physical Education Department percentage grading scale. We will be using a program called PLT4M that tracks progress in
the weight room. ( Students have all access to this program. It is recommended that each student download the app to their
phone. ***New Users use the Join Code – Adrian18

Will be used as an additional tool to communicate. Students must join their class’s page using their school e-mail.

1st hour code – 46191jv 2nd hour code- cnkp8e1

A 100%-99% B- 92%-91% D+ 84%-83%
A- 98%-97% C+ 90%-89% D 82%-81%
B+ 96%-95% C 88%-87% D- 80%
B 94%-93% C- 86%-85% E below 80%

Each student begins class with 10 points per day; however, points will be deducted each day for the following actions:
1) Tardiness, out of class without permission (LEAVING EARLY), loitering (wasting class time)
2) Electronic devices (NO CELL PHONES!). ZERO TOLERANCE! (Zero points for the day if brought to class)
3) Non-participation, skipping lifts, performing lifts not assigned
4) No gym clothes, inappropriate gym clothes
5) Horse-play, nuisance items, interfering with others / safety issues.
6) SWEARING! (Zero for the day OR 50 push-ups / 100 crunches immediately as consequence to re-gain points back)
7) Excessive absences beyond 5 will result in a zero for the day unless lost participation points are made up. All unexcused
absences result “0” (zero) points for each day missed. Absences can be made-up for full credit, but you must arrange with
teacher. You will lose course credit after 10 total absences (excused / unexcused). Please keep in mind that this is a
participation class, therefore you must be present to participate!


If your child has a medical problem that I should be aware of, please let me as soon as possible by email: or
by phone: 263-2181 ext.1193.
Daily Work Rubric Weight Room
Advanced Fitness

Engaged in designed workout throughout entire period. (All lifts completed)

Works with optimum efficiency to obtain peak physical conditioning.
Demonstrates proper lifting technique at all times.
Demonstrates proper weight room safety technique at all times.

Engaged in designed workout throughout most of the class period. (Most lifts completed)
8-7 Works with above average efficiency to obtain peak physical conditioning.
Demonstrates proper lifting technique a majority of the time.
Demonstrates proper weight room safety technique a majority of the time.

Engaged in designed workout during portions of the class period. (Some lifts completed)
6-5 Works with average efficiency to obtain peak physical conditioning.
Demonstrates proper lifting technique sometimes.
Demonstrates proper weight room safety sometimes.

Sporadically engaged in designed workout during the class period. (A couple lifts completed)
4-3 Works with below average efficiency to obtain peak physical conditioning.
Demonstrates proper lifting technique rarely.
Demonstrates proper weight room safety rarely.

Rarely engaged in designed workout during the class period. (1 lift completed)
2-1 Works with poor efficiency to obtain peak physical conditioning.
Demonstrates proper lifting technique hardly ever.
Demonstrates proper weight room safety hardly ever.

Never engaged in designed workout during the class period. (0 lifts completed)
0 Works with no efficiency to obtain peak physical conditioning.
Never demonstrates proper lifting technique.
Never demonstrates proper weight room safety technique.

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