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Sangita Agarwal et al 10.5005/jp-journals-10026-1197


Dermatoglyphics: A Marker of Periodontal Disease

Sangita Agarwal, 2Shikha Rajput, 3Veena Kalburgi, 4Sandeep Thakur

ABSTRACT to use fingerprints for identification of criminals in

Dermatoglyphics is the scientific study of fingerprint patterns. India.4 In 1892, one of the most original biologists of
Fingerprints are formed in early embryonic life, during the 10th his time, Sir Francis Galton published his work on
to 16th weeks of intrauterine life and remain permanent during fingerprints.5
the whole life. Dermatoglyphics can be used as a diagnostic
Dermatoglyphic patterns develops between the
tool of genetically and nongenetically determined diseases.
Thus, it can be used not only in the field of medicine but also in 13th and 19th week of intrauterine life, which begins
dentistry for the early identification or prediction of oral lesions from early limb development stage at 4th to 6th week of
and diseases. Hence the present paper reviews the applica- intrauterine life and ridge formation (13th week) and get
tion of dermatoglyphics in dentistry along with the advantages,
completed on definite pattern stage at the 19th week of
limitations, and patterns of dermatoglyphics.
intrauterine life. During pregnancy, growth disturbance
Keywords: Arch, Dermatoglyphics, Fingerprints, Loop, Whorl. in intrauterine life due to hereditary or environment
How to cite this article: Agarwal S, Rajput S, Kalburgi V, factors may result in abnormal dermatoglyphic patterns.6
Thakur S. Dermatoglyphics: A Marker of Periodontal Disease. It is considered as a window of congenital abnormalities
J Orofac Res 2015;5(4):134-137.
and is a sensitive indicator of intrauterine anomalies and
Source of support: Nil a diagnostic tool.7
Conflict of interest: None After definite pattern stage, they are unaffected by
the environment; thus, they have a unique role as an
INTRODUCTION ideal marker for individual identification and study
of population. Early detection can aid the clinician to
Fingerprint analysis for personal identification, through anticipate health problems and initiate preventive and
decades of scientific research, has come to be recognized protective health measures at a very young age. It is still
as a powerful tool in the diagnosis of psychological, at infancy in the world of dentistry where the co-relation
medical, and genetic conditions. As the fingerprint pat- of dental conditions with that of dermatoglyphic patterns
terns are unique to all individuals and remain unchanged is done.8
over the lifetime, they now provide a firm empirical basis
for the study of chirology.1 DERMATOGLYPHIC PATTERN
Dermatoglyphics is a harmonious blend of two CONFIGURATION9
Greek words “derma,” i.e., skin, and “glyphe,” i.e., carve.1
Dermatoglyphics is defined as the study of the intri- Dermatoglyphic Landmarks
cate dermal ridge configurations on the skin covering The three basic dermatoglyphic landmarks found on the
the palmar and plantar surfaces of the hand and feet.2 fingertip patterns are:
This term was coined by Harold Cummins and Midlo 1. Triradius: It is formed by the confluence of three ridge
in 1926.3 systems that form angles of approximately 120° with
Dermatoglyphic patterns are determined geneti- one another.
cally, and once they are formed completely, they remain 2. Core: It is in the approximate center of the pattern.
constant throughout life. William Herschel was first 3. Radiant: They emanate from the tri-radius and enclose
the pattern area.
Reader, 2,4Postgraduate Student, 3Head and Professor
Fingertip Patterns
Department of Periodontology, People’s Dental Academy
Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India The ridge patterns on the distal phalanges of the finger-
Department of Prosthodontics and Crown and Bridge, Hitkarni
tips are divided into the three groups:
Dental College, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh, India 1. Arches: It is simplest pattern formed by succession
Corresponding Author: Shikha Rajput, Postgraduate Student of more or less parallel ridges, which traverse the
Department of Periodontology, People’s Dental Academy pattern area and form a curve that is concave proxi-
Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India, Phone: +919981601550 mally. Five percent of the world’s total population
has them.


Dermatoglyphics: A Marker of Periodontal Disease

The arch pattern is subdivided into two types: Quantitative Analysis

(a) Simple or plain arch – Composed of ridges that cross
Many dermatoglyphic characteristics can be described
the fingertip from one side to the other without
quantitatively, e.g., by ridge counting and measuring
distances or angles between specified points.
(b) Tented arch – Composed of ridges that meet at a
point so that their smooth sweep is interrupted.
2. Loops: A series of ridges enter the pattern area on
one side of the digit, recurve abruptly, and leave Dermatoglyphics as a diagnostic tool is now well estab-
the pattern area on the same side. It is the most lished in a number of diseases that have strong hereditary
common pattern found in 60% of the world’s total basis.10 Commins was the first person to show the possible
population. use of dermatoglyphics in clinical medicine.11
The loop pattern is subdivided into two types:
(a) Ulnar loop: Composed of ridges that open on the MEDICAL CONDITIONS12
ulnar side.
• Dermatoglyphics in diseases which are purely genetic
(b) Radial loop: Composed of ridges that open on the
radial side.
Loops may be large or small, tailor short, vertically Down’s syndrome, Klinefelter’s syndrome, Patau
or horizontally oriented, plain loop or double loop. syndrome, Edwards’s syndrome, inborn blindness,
Occasionally, transitional loops can be found, which Noonan syndrome, Turner’s syndrome
resemble whorls or complex patterns. • Dermatoglyphics in other diseases that have some
3. Whorls: It is any ridge configuration with two or genetic background:
more triradii. One triradius is on radial and the – Neurological diseases: Alzheimer’s disease, schizo-
other on the ulnar side of the pattern. A total of 35% phrenia, cerebral palsy, neurofibromatosis,
of the world’s population has them. epilepsy
Subtypes of whorl patterns include: – Heart diseases: Congenital heart diseases, rheu-
(a) Plain/simple/concentric whorl: Composed of ridges matic heart dis­ease, coronary heart disease
that form ellipses. Other conditions like diabetes mellitus, cancer of
(b) Spiral whorl: A configuration in which ridges spiral the cervix, leprosy, essential hypertension, bronchial
around the core in either a clockwise or a counter- asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, tuberculosis, carcinoma
clockwise direction. of the breast, and sickle cell anemia.
(c) Central pocket whorl: A pattern containing a loop
within which a smaller whorl is located. Central DENTAL CONDITIONS
pockets are classified as ulnar or radial according
In Periodontal Diseases
to the side on which the outer loop opens.
(d) Lateral pocket/twinned loop pattern: Composed of Atasu et al13 conducted a study with the aim of finding
interlocking loops. a finger-tip pattern type that would identify the patients
(e) Accidentals/complex pattern: One in which pat- with periodontal diseases. When the finger-tip
terns cannot be classified as one of the above patterns of the patients were compared with those of
patterns. periodontally healthy (PH) individuals, the following
were observed:
Palmar Patterns • Decreased frequencies of twinned and transversal
The palm has been divided into several anatomically ulnar loops on all fingers of the patients with juvenile
designed areas: periodontitis (JP),
• Thenar and first inter-digital area: These two areas • Decreased frequency of double loops on all fingers
are closely related anatomically and are considered and an increased frequency of radial loops on the right
one area. Patterns, when present, are most often second digits of the patients with rapidly progressive
loops. periodontitis (RPP),
• Second, third, and fourth inter-digital area: Configurations • Increased frequencies of concentric whorls and trans-
encountered in the inter-digital regions are loops, versal ulnar loops on all fingers of the patients with
whorls, vestiges, and open fields. adult periodontitis (AP),
• Hypothenar area: Patterns commonly seen are whorls, • Increased frequency of the triradii on the palms and
loops, and tented arches. soles of the patients with JP.
Journal of Orofacial Research, October-December 2015;5(4):134-137 135
Sangita Agarwal et al

The authors concluded that in the light of these find- Dermatoglyphics has also found its association with
ings, dermatoglyphics could be used together with the other dental conditions like cleft lip and palate, tauro­
other diagnostic methods, such as clinical and radiologic dontism, and dental fluorosis.12
investigations and in identifying patients from distinct
groups of Periodontal diseases (PDs). ADVANTAGES7
The major advantages of the dermatoglyphics are:
Dental Caries
• Fingerprints are fully developed at birth and there-
Sharma et al14 studied dermatoglyphic interpret­ation of after remain unchanged for life.
dental caries and its relation to Streptococcus mutans growth, • Scanning or recording of their permanent impres-
which showed that the subject group had a decreased sions can be accomplished rapidly, inexpensively,
frequency of loops and high S. mutans growth as compared conveniently, and without causing any trauma to the
to control group. patient or hospitalization.

Polat et al15 studied 38 bruxism patients and examined • It is difficult for the dermatoglyphics patterns to be
dermatoglyphic patterns of fingers and palm. Bruxism diagnostically useful if the patient has gross malfor-
patients demonstrated an increase in frequency of whorls, mations of the limbs.18
I loops, and t triradii. There was a decrease in the fre- • There are several disadvantages for using atd angle as
quency of ulnar loops, atd angle, IV, H, and t″ tri-radii a parameter. The most important shortcoming is the
than the controls. This study summarized that when size of atd angle, i.e., affected by the amount of spread-
combined with other clinical features in bruxism, der- ing of the fingers when the patterns are recorded. The
matoglyphics can serve to strengthen a diagnostic pressure exerted can also affect the atd angle.19
impression. • Care must be taken while recording the prints to
apply the ink material in adequate amounts. A thin
Malocclusion or thick application results in light or dark improper
Reddy et al16 conducted a study using dermatogly­phics prints.20
to predict and compare malocclusion groups. A total of
96 subjects were divided into three malocclusion groups: CONCLUSION
Class I (cont rol group); class II, div. 1, div. 2;
Fingerprints are known to be unique and unalterable and
and class III (experimental group) aged 12 to 14 years.
hence an excellent tool for population studies, personal
The dermatoglyphic findings revealed that the craniofa-
identification, and morphological and genetic research.
cial class II, div. 1, div. 2 pattern was associated with
Though dermatoglyphics is considered an inexact science,
increased frequency of arches and ulnar loops and
it has moved from obscurity to acceptability as a diag-
decreased frequency of whorls, whereas in class III,
nostic tool. Dermatoglyphics in association with other
there was an increased frequency of arches and radial
diagnostic tools, such as clinical and radiological inves-
loops with decreased frequency of ulnar loops. In predict-
tigation, can be used for identification of patients with
ing class III malocclusion, based on the frequency of
distinct groups of periodontal diseases.
arches, the sensitivity values were found to be higher
and more reliable than the sensitivity values of class II,
div. 1 and div. 2 malocclusion. From their study, the REFERENCES
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