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What we are going to witness this Nov. 2 will either be the demise of the Republican
Party or the Selling of America !

Although It is illegal under the Tillman Act of 1907 for "foreign nationals" to spend
money to influence U.S. elections, money is pouring in from foreign governments to
pay for ads that support Republicans. Our US Chamber of Commerce has collected
funds from these governments through its system of AmChams overseas. These
foreign entities are hoping to influence our trade policies and decisions concerning
US foreign policy.

According to a report by Think Progress:

The largest attack campaign against Democrats this fall is being waged by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, a trade
association organized as a 501(c)(6) that can raise and spend unlimited funds without ever disclosing any of its donors. The
Chamber has promised to spend an unprecedented $75 million to defeat candidates like Jack Conway, Sen. Barbara Boxer
(D-CA), Jerry Brown, Rep. Joe Sestak (D-PA), and Rep. Tom Perriello (D-VA). As of Sept. 15th, the Chamber had aired
more than 8,000 ads on behalf of GOP Senate candidates alone, according to a study from the Wesleyan Media Project.
The Chamber’s spending has dwarfed every other issue group and most political party candidate committee spending.

Foreign firms like BP, Shell Oil, and Siemens are active members of the Chamber. But on a larger scale, the U.S. Chamber
of Commerce appears to rely heavily on fundraising from firms all over the world, including China, India, Egypt, Saudi
Arabia, Brazil, Russia, and many other places. Of course, because the Chamber successfully lobbied to kill campaign
finance reforms aimed at establishing transparency, the Chamber does not have to reveal any of the funding for its ad

The Chamber say it cannot directly account for exactly where the money for these ads is
coming from, and because the managed to defeat the Disclose Act which would have
required campaign financing transparency.

One thing you can be sure of is that these governments and foreign governments expect
a big ROI for their efforts. This return on their investments would involve how US foreign
policy is shaped.

Also policies involving investment, tax code reform, outsourcing of American jobs, trade
agreements, and environmental protections would be shaped by the secret campaign
funding process. In other words, this ROI will come out of the hide of the American

The Disclose Act would have kept politics clean and transparent requiring Enhanced
Disclaimers making CEOs and other leaders to take responsibility for their ads and
Enhanced Disclosures so we could actually follow the money. It would have prevented
foreign influence and make shareholders able to know where their money is going. It
would have tightened Coordination Rules making it impossible for corporations to
“sponsor” candidates.

American companies are also benefiting from then defeat of this bill. Big corporations are
now legally laundering their political contributions to sponsor ads against programs and candidates
that displease them. Money is flooding Republican campaign chests at unprecedented
amounts. Republicans are outspending Democrats 8 – 1 in some critical bases.

Big Business is also currently sitting on billions of dollars they should be using to hire
people. They are sacrificing growth in order to artificially suppress private sector hiring.
They say they are doing it because of “all the uncertainty” – but, it is really to make the
Administration economic management look bad. All to the better - a bad job market also
feeds public anger!

Added to this, we have “small businesses” like the ones run by billionaires David and Charles Koch
can secretly fund “educational” groups to set up things like the Tea Parties without most people involved
knowing who is running things or why, if power flows to the GOP this November chances are that soon
nobody will be able to follow the money ever again!

And, you can bet these people expect a very rich ROI. And the Republicans will make sure they get it…
at our expense!

If they get control of the House they will make sure all attempts to create campaign financing
transparency will never get out of committee. This just may put them in control for ever since they can
look forward to things such as the 8 – 1 financing advantage in all their future campaigns.

They need to be GRILLED about this by the press. They are rarely asked about their foreign campaign
support and they change the subject when asked about the secretly laundered domestic money that is
fueling their campaigns.

Once in control of the House they are going to cripple the Obama White House with unprecedented
intimidation. First, they will tie up the Administration with frivolous subpoenas. All they need is a
majority in the House, and b o o m those subpoenas will start flying!

Rep. Michele Bachmann has said that subpoenaing and investigating the Obama administration
is "all we should do" if Republicans gain control of Congress!!!

They’ll start digging up Jobsgate once they are in power.

Rahm Emanuel, White House Deputy Chief of Staff Jim Messina, and other White House aides
will be subpoenaed shortly after the election:
Were federal crimes committed?
What did Obama know, and when did he know it?
Is this what Obama meant when he said he was going to “create jobs”?

Weeks ago the Republican members of the Senate Judiciary Committee have sent a letter to
Attorney General Holder asking him to name a special prosecutor to investigate. Rep. Darrell
Issa (R-Calif.), senior Republican on the House Committee on Oversight and Government
Reform has suggested subpoenas if the Justice Department does not start a criminal
investigation of the White House.

Rep. Issa now only gives evasive answers on the subpoenas. And, other Republican leaders
have suddenly grown quiet on the issue prior to Election Day - but just you wait till Nov 3!
Worse! Worse! Worse!

The Koch brothers, other fat cats, and corporations have been secretly providing the money and
support for the Tea Party movement. They will get a big ROI on that investment. They will use
that movement to keep the White House in line by raising the specter of Impeachment.

Nobody’s mentioning the word now. It will scare people and get the wrong people to the polls
Nov 2. But go on Google and type in: Impeach and Obama
Google results:
About 675,000 results (0.29 seconds)

You’ll see there’s a movement afoot, even if it is being kept underground for now:
A National Day of Protest for the impeachment of Obama is scheduled for November 13, 2010.
National Impeach Obama Tea Party / Protest – WordPress
National Impeach Obama Tea Party / Protest – FaceBook

To Republicans Impeachment is a political trial and not a criminal trial. In 1970, Gerald R. Ford, the then
majority leader of the House of Representatives, wrote the following: “An impeachable offense is
whatever a majority of the House of Representatives considers it to be at a given moment in history.“

To impeach a president, there is no need for the public to cite any specific legal crime!
“It’s time to impeach Obama for high crimes against U.S.” by Joe Kovac of World Net Daily

“Obama Must be Impeached: He’s Either Incompetent, or Purposely Failing” by the Canada Free Press

“President’s socialist takeover must be stopped” by Jeffery T. Kuhner of the Washington Times

The Case for Impeachment by Thomas Tancredo for The Washington Times


If Republicans take the House November 2.
Now, mention of “Tea Parties” and “Impeachment” would lead most people to think
of Birthers and other assorted crackpots. And sure enough, a quick survey of many
of those 675,000 + sites (from a Google search of the words “impeach” and
“Obama”) brings up more than a few angry Birthers. There are also quite a few
sites marketing shirts, bumper stickers and even toilet paper to make a profit on
the hubbub.

Then, there are the militia-oriented sites which find Obama ambitiously unraveling
the Constitution, actively rooting out American traditions and values, and most of
all, committing crimes against American liberty.

However, when I write about Impeachment, I thinking about what is being said
through right-wing think-tanks, journals and books. They seem to be trying to work
out their whole impeachment strategies based on various systems of legal
(criminal) charges.
Again, the goal is not necessarily to remove our president from office!
It is to tie up the Obama White House and keep it perpetually on the
defensive so that there can be no progress on any of the reforms our
nation needs.

Rush Limbaugh’s brother, David, is an entertainment attorney. In his earlier attacks

on Obama he has used Islamaphobia, personal attacks, and, of course, the current
B.S. du jour, So Is He a Christian?

However, David Limbaugh draws upon his legal expertise in his latest book, Crimes
Against Liberty: An Indictment of President Barack Obama, to create a
legal primer for his impeachment.

He carefully analyzes the charges he thinks may carry the weight of law. Current
Republican theory considers Impeachment a just political process - Whatever the
majority of the House deems to be an impeachable offense can serve as legitimate
grounds for impeachment.

However, Limbaugh sought out items which he thinks might meet the constitutional standard of
“high crimes and misdemeanors”. David Limbaugh’s charges may seem laughable… How Obama
has accused Republicans of opportunistic partisanship and misrepresentations, but I laughed at the
sex-police when they made their first rumblings against Clinton !

He presents his “evidence” as a criminal complaint:

Obama’s offenses against the rule of law (including the administration’s blatant
pursuit of race-based justice) Violations of the public trust (including Obama’s
Chicago-style bully boy tactics to protect and advance the administration’s
cronies) Abuses against the private sector (including how the Obama
administration is removing any limits to federal power) Crimes against good
governance (including Obama’s mania for secrecy after getting elected on
promises of transparency) Betrayals of the national interest (including the
administration’s gagging of honest discussion of the threat of radical Islam)

And, lawyers at other think-tanks are putting together other ways to get Obama.

But, remember the goal is to use just the threat of Impeachment to shadow everything the
president does for the next few years and to have it there complicating things for 1012.

The goal is to tie up the Administration. Knock it off message! Keep it off task!

The Obama Administration has already weakened itself trying to accommodate the Republicans. They
came to office with a strong mandate for Change. Bill after bill was watered down to get GOP support.
The opposition made no concessions and has voted Nope! again and again and again.

What will happen when they have to deal with a barrage of subpoenas month after month?

Just the threat of any sort of Impeachment process and all hope of any real Change dies!
Big corporations and foreign governments are now legally laundering their political contributions to
sponsor ads against programs and candidates that displease them. They expect big ROI, for their
money. November 2 may bring them the first returns on their investments big time!



Larry Hayes
234 Thompson St. # 14
New York NY 10012
see also:
Hibernians and Corruption in City Government
What Happened to Larry Hayes

NOTE: I am neither a reporter nor a political buff. I had been working on my new play about the moral
complexity faced by French artists and writers in Occupied Paris, The Lonely Place, when I began to
see that we too have to fight for Liberty!

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