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Langsa, 01 Oktober 2018

To :
Visa Section of

Dear Sir/Madam,

With this letter, I would like to inform you that I am the undersigned,

Name :
Position :

Certify that,

Name : Nurwandiani
Position : Middle Auditor
Paspor No : B8272523
Working Since : 01 November 1993 - Now

Are planning to have vacation to Greece country on 19th until 27th November 2018. She
will return to Indonesia on 27th November 2018. All kinds the expenses such as tickets
and accomodations during the trip of above purpose are fully covered by her personal

I acknowledge and guarantee that she will not seek any employment or permanent
resident into your country. She will obey every regulation and will return to Indonesia
soon after her holiday trip is completed.

She will still be employed by Government of Langsa - Aceh Province, and will come back
to work after her holiday trip is over. It would be highly appreciated if you could grant
her entry the tourist visa to enter your country.

Should you need additional informations detail about her, please do not hestitate to
contact the undersigned. Your kind assistance will be very highly apppreciated.

Sincerely Yours,

Syahrul Thaib
Langsa, 01 Oktober 2018
No : Kepada Yth :
Lampiran : Pimpinan Bank BRI
Perihal : Permohonan Referensi Bank Cabang Langsa
Di –

Dengan hormat,

Dengan ini saya mohon untuk dibuatkan Surat Referensi Bank sebanyak 1 (satu) buah
rangkap dalam bahasa Inggris serta menyertakan saldo terakhir. Berikut data saya
dibawah ini :

Nama Pemilik rekening : Nurwandiani, SE

Nomor Rekening : 0042-01-044180.509

Adapun ditujukan kepada : Embassy of Greece, perihal tentang Permohonan Visa

Schengen, yang berkantor dialamat : Plaza 89, 12th Floor – Suite 1203, HR Rasuna Said,
Kav. X-7 No. 6, Jakarta 12940..

Demikian surat permohonan ini saya sampaikan, atas bantuan dan kerjasamanya saya
ucapkan terima kasih.

Langsa, 02 Oktober 2018


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