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Client Amir has a traffic accident, in the right leg there is a fracture of the femur (thigh). The
doctor is diagnosed with a dextra femoral fracture and can no longer be treated with medical
treatment, therefore the next three days will be amputated. At the time of the assessment it
appears that the client experiences moderate anxiety where there are signs such as anxiety, the
client only focuses on the leg to be amputated, difficulty concentrating, but still can do
something with the direction of others.

Now the client feeling moderate anxiety because the client feels threatened with the leg to be
amputated. The family also appears to be accompanying the client. Currently the client is
treated in the orthopedic room at Stikes Muhammadiyah Hospital in Klaten.

Nurse: Assalamualaikum, Pak Amir.

Client: Wa alaikumsalam.

Son client: Wa alaikumsalam

Nurse: May I Introduce sir, my name is Wurnia nurse, you can call me Nia nurse, I'm the
nurse on duty this morning. My goal here is to check your blood pressure.

(then the nurse checks the patient's blood pressure)

Nurse: Wow, mr. Amir your have a high blood pressure at 140/80 mmHg. If you may know
how you feel now?

Patient: I am afraid of a nurse

Nurse: Afraid why?

Client: I am scared and anxious because tomorrow my feet will be amputated.

Nurse: Alright, then what if I now teach you how to deal with anxiety, that is by deep
breathing techniques, we just do it here, sir, about 10 minutes, how are you willing?

Client: Alright, I'm willing, suster.

Nurse: Well sir so this is the way, I practice first we will practice it together the way is, take a
deep breath for 10 seconds and then exhale through the mouth slowly how do you do it

Client: Yes we can.

Nurse: I breathe in the hold, I count to 10, you can stand 1,2,3 ...... we have repeated three
times, sir. Wahh, good, you can practice it very well.

Nurse: How do you feel after you have done the deep breathing technique?

Client: I feel a little calmer now sus.

Nurse: Try to repeat how to overcome anxiety by using deep breathing techniques?

(Clients practice how to do deep breathing techniques)

Nurse: Wow, you are good, you can practice it very well. Later, when you feel anxious, you
can practice the method I taught. Are you understand sir?
Client: Yes, I understand, suster.

Nurse: Okay sir, later in the afternoon around 5:00 p.m. I will come here again to see your
condition , and if you still feel anxious I will teach you how to overcome it with other
techniques. oke, sir, are you willing?

Client: Alright, I'm willing nurse.

Nurse: Oya, you are the son of Mr. Amir, right?

Son's client: yes nurse

Nurse: I hope you can help Sir Amir if he feel the anxiety again, are you willing?

Son's client: of course nurse, I'm willing

Nurse: Okay then I'll excuse me first, Assalamu'alaikum.

Client: Wa'alaikumsalam

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