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Lesson Plan

Monday, September 10, 2018

 Topic: Getting to know the students, learning about the importance of knowing more
than one language, traveling
 Objective: Having the students learn a little bit more about the facilitators, how
learning another language (this is case  English) can create opportunities, and get
them excited about traveling to other places (if they haven´t already).
 Plan
o Introduction (25 minutes)
 Manolo will start off the workshop by introducing the topic “How
learning another language can help open opportunities abroad” and
saying something about himself and his experience in the UK
 Felicia will go next and give a little background on herself. She will talk
about the opposite of how learning Spanish has helped her travel to
other places including now as a becario in Mexico
 Students will introduce themselves and talk about why they decided to
attend the English Conversation Workshops and if they have ever
traveled abroad
o Video (5 min)
 Travel Inspiration Video
o Why is it important/what´s the best part of traveling? (25 min)
 Ask students what they think
 Give suggestions (foods, meeting new people, exploring new
cultures, opening your mind to new ideas)
 Felicia will talk briefly about the best part of traveling to Mexico so far
 Ask students for suggestions on foods and must-see places
o How can learning English help you travel? (25)
 Ask students for their opinion
 Scholarships to travel to the United States and other English-speaking
 Learning another language will help you communicate with more
people (English is spoken in many parts of the world)
o Closing Remarks (10 min)
 Wrap-up and have each student talk about their takeaways
 Talk about the rest of the workshops for the week
 Materials Needed
o Computer/internet to play video
o Printed Sign-in sheet

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