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Missouri State Highway Patrol

Date: September 27, 2018

Subject: Retirement

To: LT. Colonel Eric Olson Acting Superintendent

From: Captain Ronald S. Johnson

On November 1, 2018, I will retire from the Missouri State Highway Patrol following a career that began
on July 1, 1987. It has been my honor to have been afforded the opportunity to serve Missourians, and
visitors of the state, as well as command outstanding troopers and civilian employees during my tenure.

In 1987, I joined the Missouri State Highway Patrol because I wanted an opportunity to not only serve
the citizens of Missouri but individuals globally as well. My goal has always been to become a law
enforcement officer who could serve the diverse population of the United States of America and uphold
equal justice for all regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, socioeconomic background or any
other factors that impact humanity. It was my belief that the personal cultural experiences and
challenges I’ve faced would always guide my moral compass and in turn influence equal justice.
Ultimately, I desired to make a difference in the lives of others. A quote from Dr. Martin Luther King
Jr.’s ‘I Have A Dream’ speech called to mind the importance of equality for all. The following words of
Dr. King strengthened my strides during my thirty-one year walk as a public servant. “Now is the time to
make justice a reality for all of God’s children. It would be fatal for the nation to over-look the urgency of
the moment.” Our nation faces challenging times of trust between law enforcement and various groups
including; urban communities, people of color, and distressed socioeconomic areas. The Missouri State
Highway Patrol must always remain mindful of the RESPONSIBILTY OF THE BADGE and uphold equal
justice for all. Diversity in our agency’s workforce and leadership must reflect all Missourians and
visitors of the great Show Me State. This collective mindset will ensure that all of Missouri’s citizens are

In 2014, I was honored, humbled and saddened, as the assigned incident commander during the
Ferguson Protest. That moment in history challenged our global community to become better and
stronger. Those feelings of honor and humility manifested from the bravery exhibited by law
enforcement, protestors and citizens throughout our community who gave of themselves beyond
measure. The common thread that unified these groups was a cause greater than their individual
differences. I am disheartened that the United States still faces some of the great pains of inequality
from our past. This nation continues to struggle with homelessness, poverty, hunger, failing educational
systems, and other challenges that broaden the economic and racial divide.

In my thirty-one years as a trooper, I have become stronger and more resilient as a man. This experience
has sharpened my awareness of cultural similarities and differences in our state and nation. Throughout
my career there have been good and bad internal/external experiences, all having their character
molding value. I am grateful to those leaders who saw value in me and those who did not, as both had
impactful merit. With the current climate of our state, nation, and planet, I know that I must continue to
walk the path, I started on July 1, 1987. On August 9, 2014, I was reminded that the journey, as in our
nation’s past, will have moments of tear filled pain. On November 1, 2018, I will join the consulting
team of Lodestone Solutions Group. This decision will enable me to continue my trek across this
country, speaking to create changes and challenges in individuals, companies, institutions, communities
and our justice system. My intention is to bring about meaningful promise, purpose and a realization of
those values and dreams that all mankind is deserving of.

In life we will always have regrets but joining the Missouri State Highway Patrol will not be a regret
documented on the scroll of my life. “Faith is taking the first step, even when you don’t see the whole
staircase.” - Martin Luther King, Jr.


Ronald S. Johnson, Captain

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