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Discard the books, discard the high-flown intentions!

The 2010 election is based on the 2008 Constitution. And this 2008 Constitution was forged in the
National Convention. The process of the notorious National Convention is well known and has been
documented from both democratic aspect and ethnic aspect. The wholly heavy-handed convention was
far from being a forum for the voiceless masses. The National League for Democracy or the thirteen
ethnic peace forces that tried to instill a sense of forum into the convention were effectively silenced.
Hence a parliament borne out of the sham convention's paperwork would be but a sham parliament
where anyone voicing dissent would be disciplined under the conditional clauses of the constitution. All
legislators or engagers would undoubtedly become accomplices to the regime's genocide, war crimes
and crimes against humanity on ethnic peoples, students, Buddhist monks, Christians and Muslims.
Even before the Election Day, evidence is building up that the campaigning period which normally
should be a sort of forum is dismally failing to meet the minimal standards.
People's respect for politicians and political parties would never advance as long as politicos are
complacent to tyrant's conditions, as long as they lay slack, as long as they are submissive and docile,
as long as they don't fight back. Only when the politicians and political parties become defiant, only
when they become rebellious, only when they become revolutionary would the people trust and respect
them again and the political parties would be reborn and grow. This scenario is totally contrary to that of
party registration and existence prior to the so-called 2010 election.
The silly apologists of the military dictatorship are claiming that something is better than nothing or that
there is no other alternative to the 2010 elections. They don't understand the people's power. They
underestimate the people's wisdom. The people have shown their might in the Saffron Revolution of
2007. The hypocrites in power of the opposition movement then—who are now openly clamoring for
collaboration and role (or rule) of military—backed down, not daring to ride the wave.
Pragmatism flaunted by collaborators turned out to be opposite to what they preach. The GONGO USDA-
turned-USDP is turning the country into 'multi-party system' like that of China or North Korea's.
(Communist China has eight 'parties' beside the communist party and totalitarian North Korea has two
parties beside the communist Workers' Party.) No freedom of politics is present and will be present in
the parliament or outside the parliament. The despots have already completed arrangements for their
economic hold in addition to political hold. There is no place for extra-military politicians in the new
Burmese order, not even for those who have fawned on the despots with anti-sanction talk or anti-Aung
San Suu Kyi talk. The Burmese military's unequivocal plan is "total submission or else." There is and will
be no place for 'outsiders.' And there is another principle upheld by them, "Once a dissident, always a
dissident!" Their philosophy is simple—if you really support us or acknowledge our role why not join the
army or USDA/USDP instead of forming a political party rival to USDP or army?
Do we need courage to kowtow or courage to stand up and fight? Trying to get elected into a rubber-
stamp parliament needs no bravery or adventure. But there are numerous ways to fight back—and
without violence. But there is nothing such as free lunch. Even Gandhi had to languish in prison or
starved himself into a skeletal figure during his freedom struggle.
So get off the ivory palace and live among the people on the streets, study the faces of people in
myothits (new settlements), learn from their sentiments, learn from their ire, learn from their bitterness!
Discard the books, discard the high-flown intentions! Go to the grass roots, go to fight!

GONGO: Government Organize Non Government Organisationen

USDA : Union Salidarity and Development Assiociation

USDP : Union Solidarity and Development Party

contact person : Sonny Aung Than Oo.....Phn: 0173 5347534

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