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The client in the video is suffering from excessive worrying which already
interferes her everyday life. She worries a lot about her brother’s health. She also
anticipates and imagines bad things will happen to her.
When assessing for GAD, clinical professionals are looking for the following:

1. The presence of excessive anxiety and worry about a variety of topics,

events, or activities. Worry occurs more often than not for at least
6 months and is clearly excessive.

2. The worry is experienced as very challenging to control. The worry in both

adults and children may easily shift from one topic to another.

3. The anxiety and worry are accompanied with at least three of the
following physical or cognitive symptoms (In children, only one symptom is
necessary for a diagnosis of GAD):
 Edginess or restlessness
 Tiring easily; more fatigued than usual
 Impaired concentration or feeling as though the mind goes blank
 Irritability (which may or may not be observable to others)
 Increased muscle aches or soreness

 Difficulty sleeping (due to trouble falling asleep or staying asleep,

restlessness at night, or unsatisfying sleep)

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) has been shown to be effective for a wide
variety of mental health disorders,including anxiety disorders.CBT has also been
associated with improvements in quality of life in anxiety patients. CBT is typically
conceptualized as a short-term, skills-focused treatment aimed at altering
maladaptive emotional responses by changing the patient's thoughts,behaviors,
or both.
Bugnay, Jan Claire S.

Clinical Case Series: Treatment of PTSD With Transcendental Meditation in Active

Duty Military Personnel Vernon A. Barnes, PhD*; John L. Rigg, MD†; Jennifer J.
Williams, LCSW†
A 26-year-old African American male Army Reservist was deployed to Afghanistan in
June, 2010, for 6 months. He was medically evacuated from the war theatre after an
improvised explosive device blew up under the vehicle in which he was riding. The
explosion occurred directly under his seat area. The force of the blast propelled him
upward, causing him to strike his head on the top of the vehicle. At the time he was first
seen by the clinical behavioural health component of the Traumatic Brain Injury clinic,
he was highly anxious. He was restricting his activities because of his fears for his safety
and was using alcohol to cope with his feelings. He was having nightmares almost
nightly that caused him to wake with a pounding heart and profuse sweating. He
would not go out in public without a concealed firearm and had an incident when he
became hyper aroused and shot the weapon into the air. His parents were so
concerned for his safety that they took the weapon and locked it up. He participated
in Cognitive Processing Therapy for treatment of PTSD. As a part of that treatment, he
was taught several relaxation exercises that were of limited benefit in helping him to
calm himself. Because of the previous findings on TM in the reduction of anxiety, the
treatment team thought this soldier might find this strategy more helpful than the others
he used previously. After completing TM training, the soldier stated that he felt calmer
and more positive. He was less stressed. He said that he was getting more of his tasks
done than he had in the past. He said he was more patient and less irritable. The Soldier
enjoyed the practice so much that he asked to return to do follow-ups with the next
groups of trainees. OQ-45 scores were reduced from 109 before TM training to 102 at 6
weeks and 93 at 4 months post training. PCL scores were reduced to 54 at 4 weeks and
41 at 6 weeks compared to 60 before TM. Compliance with TM practice was once per
day 3 to 5 times per week at 6 weeks. Attendance at TM training sessions was 100%.


Soldiers are prone to this kind of mental disorder especially that they experience
war. People around them and their social support should be more patient and
understanding if they have this kind of condition. This may be difficult to prevent
since we cannot expect anything that will happen in the future. However,
people should have a good and strong social support to help them in times of
difficulties and to help them seek professional help.

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