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Road Runoff Water-Quality Mitigation by

Permeable Modular Concrete Pavers

Elizabeth A. Fassman, Ph.D., A.M.ASCE1; and Samuel D. Blackbourn2
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Abstract: Discharge from a 200 m2 permeable modular concrete paver test section on an atypical 6.0 to 7.4% slope and in an active roadway
was monitored concurrently with an adjacent reference conventional asphalt section in Auckland, New Zealand. The permeable modular
pavement (PMP) underdrain water quality had consistent total suspended solids (TSS), zinc, and copper event mean concentrations that were
statistically less than the reference asphalt runoff. Event mean concentration (EMC) distributions ranged over only a few μg/L, or mg/L from
the PMP underdrain versus more than an order of magnitude for some parameters from the reference asphalt. Runoff volume control by the
PMP contributed to substantial pollutant mass loading differences despite clay subsurface soils. PMP joint and bedding material were iden-
tified as the likely source of most pollutants in the underdrain discharge that might be avoidable with a construction specification for well-
washed materials. A properly designed PMP section would likely provide adequate treatment for an expanded source area. Combined with
data from the literature, it is recommended that permeable pavements, in general, be given strong consideration for effective source treatment
of urban storm-water runoff. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)IR.1943-4774.0000339. © 2011 American Society of Civil Engineers.
CE Database subject headings: Porous media; Concrete pavements; Stormwater management; Sustainable development; Nonpoint
pollution; Best Management Practice; Water quality; Runoff.
Author keywords: Porous pavements; Storm-water management; Low impact development; Nonpoint pollution; Best management
practice; Water quality.

Introduction potentially significant source (Kennedy and Pennington 2009).

Preliminary results by Moores et al. (2009) of samplings from rural
Roadways and other car habitats (e.g., parking lots, driveways) and urban arterial motorways in New Zealand suggest that total
comprise a significant proportion of the total impervious area in zinc is generated at a rate of 0:4–0:5 mg=vehicle=km, whereas
urban settings. Along with the high volumes of surface runoff gen- total copper is at 0:08–0:09 mg=vehicle=km. To protect or mitigate
erated, studies indicate that associated non-point-source (NPS) pol- effects on receiving environments, the control of heavy metals from
lution is a significant contributor to receiving water degradation road surfaces deserves attention.
(Pitt 2002). In Auckland, New Zealand, suspended solids and Various types of permeable pavements together may be consid-
heavy metals (particularly zinc and copper) have been identified ered as an emerging low-impact development (LID) technology to
as priority pollutants of concern for urban runoff because of the replace conventional paving surfaces by using at-source control
heavy loads generated and the potential for detrimental effects to prevent or significantly delay runoff generation. In many appli-
to the coastal and harbor receiving environments (Auckland cations, permeable pavement treats or manages only the surface
Regional Council 2003; Boston Consulting Group 1994; Sawyer that it covers. Precipitation falling over the surface of a permeable
et al. 1994). The New Zealand Ministry of Transport estimates that pavement infiltrates an aggregate-filled storage reservoir (the base
road runoff accounts for 40 to 50% of urban metal contamination to course) below the permeable surface (Fig. 1). Water flows through
aquatic ecosystems (Ministry of Transport 1996). Local (Auckland) the base course porous media to be exfiltrated to the surrounding
studies indicate that roads are the second-largest contributor to subsoil (where site conditions permit) or collected in an underdrain
mass budgets for total zinc from a central city and residential catch- for discharge to reticulation or receiving waters. In some cases, per-
ment monitored and modeled (Timperley et al. 2005). Tire wear meable pavement may also manage run-on (flow) from adjacent
was specifically identified as the major source of zinc in road runoff impervious surfaces.
(Kennedy and Pennington 2009). Roads have also been identified Field water-quality studies of permeable pavements suggest
as major contributors of total catchment loads for total copper promise in addressing pollutants of concern (sediment and heavy
(Timperley et al. 2005), with brake pad wear identified as a metals) in the Auckland region. When permeable pavement
systems discharge runoff either with a subsurface underdrain
1 or from the surface, they have shown markedly better water
Dept. Civil and Environmental Engineering, Univ. of Auckland,
Private Bag 92019, Auckland Mail Centre, Auckland, 1142, New Zealand quality than reference conventional pavement systems monitored
(corresponding author). E-mail: concurrently, and as described in Table 1 (Barrett 2008; Bean et al.
AECOM, 6th Floor, 1901 Rosser Ave., Burnaby, British Columbia, 2007; Booth and Leavitt 1999; Boving et al. 2008; Brattebo and
V5C 6S3, Canada. Booth 2003; Dempsey and Swisher 2003; International Storm
Note. This manuscript was submitted on December 30, 2009; approved
on January 14, 2011; published online on January 18, 2011. Discussion
Water Best Management Practice Database 2010). Generally, mean
period open until April 1, 2012; separate discussions must be submitted permeable pavement discharge total copper or zinc event mean con-
for individual papers. This paper is part of the Journal of Irrigation centrations (EMCs) are less than half the value of EMCs from the
and Drainage Engineering, Vol. 137, No. 11, November 1, 2011. reference surfaces. Only two of the four studies identified reported
©ASCE, ISSN 0733-9437/2011/11-720–729/$25.00. dissolved fractions for reference sites, and only four studies


J. Irrig. Drain Eng., 2011, 137(11): 720-729

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Fig. 1. Typical permeable pavement longitudinal section and underdrain detail

described TSS control. The extent of empirical evidence published despite arguments highlighting inadequacies—namely, that a
to date on permeable pavement discharge water quality is relatively percent removal does not give a clear indication of how clean
scarce, thereby signaling a need for additional field investigations if the treated discharge actually is (GeoSyntec Consultants and
the technology is to be widely accepted. Wright Water Engineers 2008). Nonetheless, Schlüter et al.
In the current regulatory context, the percent removal metric for (2002) report an average 73.4% reduction in peak concentration
storm-water treatment devices remains the standard assessment of TSS over five events by a permeable pavement. Sansalone et al.

Table 1. Permeable Pavement Water-Quality Performance Reports: Mean Study Event Mean Concentrations
Total heavy metalsb (μg/L) Dissolved heavy metals (μg/L)
Type of
TSS (mg/L) Copper Zinc Copper Zinc
permeable Number of storms
Test location pavement PP Ref PP Ref PP Ref PP Ref PP Ref or samples
Austin, TX-site 1 Permeable 8.8 117.8 12.9 26.8 34.7 167.4 9.8 5.9 27.4 47.1 25
(Barret 2008) friction course
Austin, TX-site 2 Permeable 23.2 174.2 12.4 31.7 23.3 138.6 8.4 5.9 13 16.6 6
(Barret 2008) friction course
Renton, WAc (Booth and Leavitt 1999) Grasspave 21.4 9 2.5 12.6 3
Gravelpave 1.9 2 3
Turfstone 1.4 < MDL 3
Uni ecostone 14.3 7.9 3
Renton, WAc (Brattebo and Booth 2003) Grasspave < MDL 8 13.2 21.6 9
Gravelpave 0.89 8.23 9
Turfstone 1.33 7.7 9
Uni ecostone 0.86 6.8 9
Goldsboro, NC (Bean et al. 2007) Uni ecostone 8 12 5 13 8 67 TSS: 13 Metals: 8
Durham, NH (International Stormwater Porous asphalt 5.7 57.9 13.1 58.4 Ref: 23; PP
BMP Database 2010) TSS 12; Zn 13
Lakewood, CO site 1 (International Pervious 27.2 12.8 28.2 0.8 16.7 TSS: 11 Metals: 12
Stormwater BMP Database 2010) concrete blocks
Lakewood, CO site 2 (International Modular block 38.9 9.7 33.2 6.1 15.4 TSS: 36 Tot.
Stormwater BMP Database 2010) Metals: 36 Diss.
Metals 35
Kingston, RI (Boving et al. 2008) Porous asphalt < 50–1280 < 20–440 Range of 14 mean
monthly EMCs
University Park, PA (Dempsey and Porous asphalt < 20 191; 197 Annual average
Swisher 2003) for 2 years
All sites tested parking stalls with the exception of the two Barrett (2008) sites, which were overlays on active roadways; all sites tested reference (Ref)
untreated parking stalls adjacent to or very near the permeable pavement (PP) sites with the exception of the two Barrett (2008) sites, which were adjacent to
or before-and-after installations of the permeable friction course on active roadways.
Analytical procedure unknown (e.g., total metals versus total recoverable metals).
These studies reported on the same site with several years between studies, hence demonstrating long-term performance.


J. Irrig. Drain Eng., 2011, 137(11): 720-729

(2008) determined that a permeable concrete system reduced tur- from multiple testing locations to investigate the reliability of
bidity by more than two orders of magnitude, and Schlüter et al. permeable pavement as a tool for water-resources protection.
(2002) reported approximately 80% turbidity reduction. Likewise,
Barrett (2008) demonstrated that runoff from asphalt pavement may
contribute TSS at an order of magnitude in greater concentration Site Description
than runoff from a permeable friction course. As part of a treatment
train configuration, annual pollutant mass discharges from per- Constructed in February 2006, the trial site (Fig. 2) comprises a
meable pavement plus swale configuration were 91.5, 87.5, and standard asphalt section and a PMP section that was built purposely
82% less than from an asphalt catchment without any treatment for concurrent monitoring. The entire 850 m2 asphalt catchment
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for TSS, copper, and zinc, respectively (Rushton 2001). Generally, includes pavement, sidewalk, and grass that drain to a single catch-
few permeable pavement monitoring studies report percent pit. The asphalt surface has an 8.9 to 10% longitudinal slope and
reductions either for mass load or concentration. It appears that 3.6 to 5.9% cross fall. The catchpit discharges to a storm sewer
along Birkdale Road through a 225-mm-diameter concrete pipe.
the efficacy of monitoring is challenged where test systems are
The 200 m2 PMP test section includes a live traffic lane and
not lined, thereby making it difficult to collect base course dis-
parking lane with bus stop. Longitudinal surface slope measures
charge samples.
at 6.0 to 7.4% more than the PMP, with 3.0 to 3.7% cross fall
Permeable pavements are not yet widely used in the Auckland
toward a catchpit should surface runoff be generated.
region for storm-water management due, in part to, a lack of local
The ∼35-m long ∼6-m wide PMP test section was constructed
performance data. The storm-water management design manual
from impermeable concrete paver blocks with enlarged joint spaces
from the regional environmental authority does not currently in-
filled with 2–5 mm aggregate chip (Fig. 3) to allow flow into a two-
clude permeable pavement when designed as a detention device
layer aggregate base course. Joint spacing was calculated to allow
(i.e., primary discharge through underdrains with little to infiltration of the peak flow that would be generated by a 2-year,
no ex-filtration expected) as an accepted water-quality treatment 24-h annual recurrence interval (ARI) storm from an equivalent en-
device that could be used as a component in a permitted site tirely impervious area. Spacing was somewhat arbitrarily increased
storm-water management plan (Auckland Regional Council by a factor of 10 to allow for clogging over time, resulting in a
2003). Therefore, the University of Auckland undertook a study design surface infiltration rate of 1;200 mm=h and a ratio of joint
to empirically assess PMP performance for urban NPS pollutant space to impervious paver area of 0.19. The same 2–5 mm aggre-
control in the local context, and to compare results against the cur- gate chip was used as bedding material for the pavers. A nonwoven
rent regulatory requirement for removal of 75% TSS for permitted geotextile with equivalent opening size (EOS) of ≤ 250 μm was
activities. laid between the bedding layer and the base course. Water infil-
The test site was located on Birkdale Road (an active roadway) trated into the PMP base course was discharged through an under-
in Auckland, New Zealand, because it was hypothesized that in- drain at the downstream end of the test section. The underdrain
creased loading from frequent traffic would accelerate failure discharged through a 150-mm-diameter PVC pipe to the storm
and hence yield a better understanding of long-term performance. sewer along Birkdale Road.
Data from the PMP section and an adjacent reference asphalt sec- An overall two-layer 480-mm base course thickness was
tion were collected concurrently from 2006 to 2007 and again in required to provide structural stability to support the daily
2008, when additional funding became available. Site data are used 458 equivalent standard axle load along Birkdale Road (including
herein to evaluate the discharge water quality, identify possible 5% heavy traffic). Structurally, the top 150-mm-deep layer of
sources of pollutants in the discharge, and compare pollutant loads 12-mm-diameter aggregate would only be adequate for lighter
against untreated runoff from the reference asphalt surface. loads (e.g., cars in parking lots), whereas the bottom 230-mm-deep
Receiving water protection is considered the ultimate goal of layer of 40-mm-diameter aggregate was required because of the
limiting NPS discharges from urban storm-water runoff. Therefore, truck traffic and loading frequency in the live roadway. A secon-
an effective management plan considers the quality of the treated dary motivation for the two layers was that the 40-mm aggregate
discharge (e.g., the concentration) entering the environment. An costs less than the 12-mm aggregate, resulting in a greater specified
additional aim of the current investigation is to compile data sets depth of the former; the latter is still necessary to prevent migration

Fig. 2. Birkdale Road test site; reference asphalt catchment (white border) = 850 m2 , including asphalt, sidewalk, and grass; PMP catchment (black
border) = 200 m2 ; a Sigma 900MAX automatic sampler with pressure transducer was installed at each monitoring station to measure flow and collect
water-quality samples


J. Irrig. Drain Eng., 2011, 137(11): 720-729

to directly compare pollutant mass loadings from catchments of
equivalent sizes.
A Sigma 2149 tipping bucket rain gauge located near the end of
the PMP section recorded rainfall depth in 5-min intervals on the
basis of 0.25-mm bucket tips. Individual storm events were delin-
eated by at least 3 hours with less than 2 mm of rainfall conditional
also on cessation of runoff from both monitoring stations.
Runoff samples for water quality analysis were collected from
the upstream side of the V-notch weirs in each monitoring station.
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In an attempt to capture representative samples over the duration of

a hydrograph while also adequately sampling over a range of storm
events (e.g., short versus long durations), discrete 1 L samples were
collected more frequently during the first 2 hours of sampling, fol-
lowed by gradually increased time intervals until all bottles were
Fig. 3. PMP surface detail at Birkdale Road
filled or no water was in the pipe. Samples were only analyzed if
sampling occurred over a period representing at least 60% of the
total runoff volume of a storm event, whereas the overall average
of the 2–5 mm joint/bedding chip if a geotextile fabric is not used. for all storms was in excess of 75% according to best practice guid-
A 2007 investigation into underdrain construction revealed that ac- ance from the American Society of Civil Engineers and the
tual base course depth varied from 590 to 660 mm in some areas U.S. EPA (Geosyntec Consultants and Urban Drainage and Flood
near the downhill end of the test section. Loss of joint chip was Control District 2002).
observed by 2007 and replaced in April 2007. Up to 14 discrete samples from each monitoring station per
Testing before construction by the installation team character- storm were analyzed for solids and heavy metal concentrations.
ized subgrade soils as silty clay and clayey silt. Soil permeability Total suspended solids and particle size distribution (PSD) testing
testing equipment broke during field measurements but perme- was carried out at the University of Auckland. To ensure laboratory
ability was later estimated at 0:01 mm=d through on-site perc data quality, data-quality assurance procedures from the Standard
testing. Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater (American
Public Health Association et al. 1995) were followed. Zinc and
copper analysis were performed by an external New Zealand-
Methodology accredited laboratory. Analytical procedures and method detection
limits (MDL) are shown in Table 2. Results below the MDL are
reported as the MDL. Dissolved heavy metals are considered
Data Collection
bioavailable—the form taken up by biota and thus related to tox-
Monitoring equipment was installed in the 150-mm PMP under- icity. Between 2006 and 2008, analysis of total metals was shifted
drain and the 225-mm pipe discharging from asphalt catchment to total recoverable metals. Both procedures also encompass
catchpit. Water depth in each pipe was recorded at 5-min intervals dissolved fractions in the result. The total recoverable metals ana-
by a Sigma 900MAX automatic sampler with pressure transducer lytical procedure is considered to be a better measure of overall
rated for up to 1.75 m depth with 2 mm accuracy. Pressure trans- heavy metals that are or could become bio-available to biota in
ducers were secured upstream of a 120° V-notch weir installed in the chemical environment of the gill or the gut (U.S. EPA 1992).
each pipe upstream of the discharge point to the storm sewer. Event mean concentrations were determined by numerically
Laboratory replicas were used to develop rating curves for each compositing results of discrete sample analysis according to stan-
monitoring station, including all equipment that might cause dard volumetric flow-weighting protocol. Within a single event,
turbulence in the flow. Details of the laboratory replica are different numbers of samples were sometimes analyzed for differ-
presented in Fassman and Blackbourn (2010). Measured flow ent parameters, depending on available sample volume rather than
from the asphalt catchment was scaled down on the basis of the on analytical requirements. Numerical composites usually con-
ratio of PMP surface area to asphalt catchment (200 m2 =895 m2 ) sisted of 8–10 sample aliquots. One composite consisted of 6–8

Table 2. Pollutant Analysis Procedures

Parameter Testing procedure Method detection limit
pH AQUA TPS pH/Conductivity probe n/a
TSS Method 2540D (APHA, AWWA, WEF 1995), modified to filter > 200 mL 2:5 mg=L
of sample by pouring into the filtration device.
Total recoverable zinc and copper Nitric/hydrochloric acid extraction by EPA 1638 (U.S. EPA 1996). ICP-MS, 1:0 μg=L Zn; 0:5 μg=L Cu
trace level by Method 3125B (APHA, AWWA, WEF 2005)
Total zinc and copper Nitric acid digestion by Method 3030E (APHA, AWWA, WEF 1998). ICP-MS 1:0 μg=L Zn; 0:5 μg=L Cu
by Method 3125B (APHA, AWWA, WEF 1998)
Dissolved zinc and copper Sample filtration through nitric acid washed 0.45μm membrane filter 1:0 μg=L Zn; 0:5 μg=L Cu
by Method 3030B (APHA APHA, AWWA, WEF 2005). ICP-MS trace level
by Method 3125B (APHA APHA, AWWA, WEF 2005)
PSD Malvern laser diffraction particle analysis n/a


J. Irrig. Drain Eng., 2011, 137(11): 720-729

aliquots, but sampling occurred over the full hydrograph duration, were further explored through probability distributions (Pitt 2002)
with short sampling intervals compared to hydrograph duration. in an attempt to provide a more comprehensive interpretation of
PSD was performed on volumetric flow-weighted composite treatment performance than typical considerations of mean or
samples mixed from aliquots of well-mixed discrete samples. median statistics, or percent removals.
PSD analysis was carried out for eight storms for the asphalt runoff The sampling program aimed to characterize typical perfor-
(three in 2006 and five in 2008) and 10 storms for the PMP under- mance. Auckland is described by 1,240 mm of mean annual precipi-
drain discharge (four in 2006 and six in 2008). The laser diffraction tation spread relatively evenly over 137 wet days (> 1:0 mm=day
methodology generally improved with increasing particulate con- rainfall) (National Institute of Water and Atmosphere Science
centration in the sample; however, treated runoff samples tended 2000). It was considered important to sample events as frequently
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to produce relatively low particulate concentrations. The PSD test- as feasible, reflecting the frequency of storm runoff while acknowl-
ing procedure produced skew in the range of 0.4–1 mm diameter edging the practical limitations of resetting equipment and the qual-
because of low sediment concentration in the PMP underdrain ity assurance requirements for sample representation of the runoff
discharge. Distinct individual particles were not observed in the hydrograph. As a result, short antecedent dry periods were occasion-
underdrain discharge, suggesting an absence of particles in this size ally encountered (Table 3), namely storms on December 19, 2006;
range. Raw data measured above 0.4 mm for PMP underdrain September 11, 2008; and October 7, 2008.
discharge were attributed to instrument limitations and discarded
from the analysis. Event Mean Concentration Analysis
Individual event EMCs are presented in Table 3; overall results are
Wash Test
summarized in Table 4. Analysis of individual event data indicated
PSD testing in 2006 suggested that sediments discharged from the that there was no deterioration in water-quality characteristics in
PMP underdrain were not sourced from the surface. A wash test either monitoring station between the distinct study periods and
was performed in 2008 to determine if the sediment source was over a total of approximately 2.5 years. The difference between
actually from the materials used in the PMP system. Samples were total zinc or copper and total recoverable zinc or copper between
also analyzed for heavy metals because the effort had been 2006 and 2007 and 2008 reflects the change in analytical method
expended to set up the trial. rather than implying a change in site behavior. Statistically signifi-
Wash tests were performed on each of the three aggregate cant differences were observed between PMP underdrain discharge
subbase materials: 2–5 mm aggregate chip for joints and bedding, and asphalt EMCs for all parameters (all p-values ≤ 0:002), as
12 mm aggregate in the top 150 mm of the PMP base course, and shown in Table 4. SPSS statistical software (formerly, Predictive
40 mm aggregate in the lower part of the base course. Analytics SoftWare Statistics 18) was used for analysis. The
The wash test apparatus consisted of a 2 m section of Shapiro and Wilk test for normality (Shapiro and Wilk 1965) in-
100-mm-diameter PVC pipe. Caps were placed at the ends, and dicated that all parameter EMCs followed a log-normal distribution
hose nozzle fittings were sealed into the end caps. The tube was (all p-values > 0:05), with the exception of dissolved zinc. EMC
then filled with the test material, and water was washed through differences for parameters other than dissolved zinc were statisti-
the tube at a rate of 0:0067 L=s. The resultant velocity in the pipe cally assessed by using the student t-test on log-transformed data,
was similar to the estimated velocity in the PMP base course during whereas dissolved zinc EMC distributions were assessed for differ-
peak runoff. Discharge water samples were collected after 6, 12, ences with the nonparametric Mann-Whitney U test for independent
and 24 h of washing. samples.
Birkdale Road reference asphalt total or total recoverable zinc
Comparison among Performance Reports EMCs are higher than other reference sites (Table 1) but not atypi-
Acceptance of new technologies often depends on empirical cal for Auckland runoff (Kennedy 2003). They are also comparable
evidence supporting performance across a range of applications. to reference data from the only other active roadway monitoring
To supplement the Birkdale Road site data, performance reports site (Barrett 2008). It is feasible that the overall higher Birkdale
from the printed literature (summarized in Table 1) and data from Road zinc concentrations compared to the literature reflect the site
the International Stormwater BMP Database (2010) were also ex- characteristics, e.g., a downhill section of roadway that produces
plored. Of the nine sites in the BMP Database reporting TSS or zinc above average brake wear. Total recoverable copper and total
data, six sites provided results for three storms or fewer, which was recoverable zinc from the reference asphalt is 59 and 53%, respec-
deemed insufficient for analysis herein without comparison to a tively, in particulate form (Table 3), suggesting that treating asphalt
reference site. Ultimately, data from two studies from Colorado runoff by using a combination of particulate and dissolved pollutant
and one study from New Hampshire were used to further assess removal mechanisms (e.g., sedimentation, filtration including
permeable pavement water quality. sorption, and/or precipitation) is needed to substantially reduce
potential toxicity from these heavy metals to biota in receiving
Results and Discussion The PMP underdrain discharged only 9% of zinc in dissolved
form, suggesting that sorption of zinc to the PMP materials oc-
Storm-water quality monitoring at Birkdale Road occurred almost curred. Over the measured pH range (Table 3), zinc is likely to re-
continuously from March 2006 to early January 2007 and from main sorbed to particulates within the PMP base course (Sawyer
June 2008 to December 2008. Up to 13 complete storms were cap- et al. 1994). Dissolved copper may generally prove problematic
tured for water-quality analysis, depending on water-quality param- for permeable pavements. Copper mobility is affected by pH,
eter. A complete storm was considered an event in which both moisture content, and organic matter (Altaher 2001; Howell and
reference asphalt runoff and PMP underdrain discharge samples Gawthorne 1987). Whereas, organic content should not be relevant
were collected, which allowed for calculation of percent differen- in permeable pavement, the fluctuating moisture content may be
ces. A few additional storms analyzed for either reference asphalt the reason that more copper was found in dissolved form (42%)
runoff or PMP underdrain discharge EMCs were used to character- than zinc (9%) in the PMP underdrain. Keeping perspective on po-
ize the pollutant distribution from each monitoring station. EMCs tential receiving water impacts the actual magnitude of the average


J. Irrig. Drain Eng., 2011, 137(11): 720-729

Table 3. Asphalt Runoff versus PMP Underdrain Discharge Individual Storm Event Mean Concentrations
Total copper Total zinc Dissolved Dissolved
pHa TSS (mg/L) (μg/L)b (μg/L) copper (μg/L) zinc (μg/L)
Storm Antecedent
Storm date depth (mm) dry period (d) Asph PMP Asph PMP Asph PMP Asph PMP Asph PMP Asph PMP
9/09/2006 45.2 12.0 6.3 7.3 186.9 44.3
10/16/2006 19.7 5.4 66.2 13.7 260.8 5.2 178.4
10/23/2006 30.7 6.2 26.0
11/07/2006 19.4 8.2 9.8 7.5 48.0 28.8 8.3 5.4 156.3 14.8 6.1 2.0 34.8 1.0
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11/18/2006 15.5 1.7 7.0 7.6 167.5 28.2 19.3 4.9 252.9 11.7 3.9 1.6 75.3 1.0
11/30/2006 18.5 2.3 6.6 7.6 121.6 63.7 15.8 6.2 246.1 14.9 4.5 1.7 126.6 1.0
12/19/2006 8.1 0.6 6.8 7.9 54.4 45.5 5.7 9.3 2.7 1.0
01/09/2007 24.8 12.3 8.0 46.3 7.5 15.9 2.4 1.0
2006 Average 107.4 40.4 14.3 5.9 229 13.3 3.9 2.1 103.8 1.0
2006 Median 93.9 44.3 14.8 5.7 249.5 14.8 4.5 2.0 101.0 1.0
9/11/2008 11.4 0.6 6.9 7.6 35.5 36.4 9.3 4.4 72.3 13.3 4.5 1.6 33.7 1.0
9/17/2008 15.5 5.4 74.4 19.8 9.6 3.8 61.5 12.2 5.2 1.6 41.8 1.6
10/06/2008 12.4 5.0 6.8 7.9 40.8 43.5 11.4 3.9 76.5 10.7 7.5 1.9 47.1 1.0
10/07/2008 25.3 0.6 7.0 7.7 126.3 75.8 12.6 7.6 98.5 26.0 3.4 2.7 48.9 1.0
10/17/2008 15.3 5.7 6.9 7.1 22.0 14.4 10.9 4.1 105.8 11.7 4.6 1.7 35.7 1.0
10/24/2008 19.3 1.0 6.5 7.3 93.4 26.0 6.8 4.7 66.4 10.5 2.9 2.3 31.1 1.0
10/26/2008 9.4 1.2 5.8 6.8 241.4 15.4 27.3 3.3 187.2 7.5 3.3 1.7 62.1 1.0
11/05/2008 13.1 2.8 66.5 7.0 22.5 2.2 1.0
11/23/2008 13.2 6.0 7.5 8.4 128.7 39.0 15.4 5.8 105.2 10.6 6.1 2.8 39.8 1.6
12/09/2008 33.1 7.5 90.9 7.7 20.7 2.5 1.0
2008 Average 95.3 42.8 12.9 5.2 96.7 14.6 4.7 2.1 42.5 1.1
2008 Median 83.9 37.7 11.2 4.6 87.5 12.0 4.6 2.1 40.8 1.0
Arithmetic average of discrete samples.
Analytical method was for total metals in 2006 and 2007 and total recoverable metals in 2008.

dissolved copper EMC (2:1  0:2 μg=L) (Table 4), which is less site 2. Median EMC TSS from Birkdale Road (39:0 mg=L) does
than the U.S. EPA’s chronic or acute effects threshold (3:1 μg=L substantially exceed the Colorado site 2 median (11:5 mg=L)
and 4:8 μg=L, respectively) for marine water quality (freshwater (International Stormwater BMP Database 2010), implying overall
criteria depends on hardness, which was not measured in this study) that TSS was not well controlled at Birkdale Road compared to
(Burton and Pitt 2002). other permeable pavement installations.
Average TSS in the PMP underdrain discharge (41:8 mg=L) An initial reaction would be to attribute discrepancies between
shown in Table 3 is greater than the typical values reported in this site and other sites to site-specific characteristics; questioning
Table 1, with the exception of the modular block study in Colorado loading in particular because Birkdale Road is subject to truck and

Table 4. Treatment Summary

Total Total
Total recoverable Dissolved recoverable Dissolved
Characteristic pH TSS coppera copperb copper Total zinca zincb zinc
Asphalt runoff (mg/L TSS Average 6:99  0:55 100:5  33:9 14:3  4:5 12:9  4:4 4:8  0:8 229:0  47:9 96:7  28:1 63:0  25:5
or μg/L metals) EMCc
Median 6.84 83.9 14.7 11.1 4.6 249.5 87.5 44.5
PMP underdrain Average 7:66  0:22 41:8  10:3 5:9  0:9 5:2  1:0 2:1  0:2 13:3  2:4 14:6  3:8 1:1  0:1
discharge EMCc
(mg/L TSS Median 7.66 39.0 5.7 4.6 2.0 14.8 12.0 1.0
or μg/L metals) EMC
P valued 0.001 0.002 0.001 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Average concentration difference (%)c 49  18 57  23 58  12 55  11 93  3 85  5 97  1
Average mass difference (%)c 65  17 79  9 68  15 69  15 97  1 88  7 98  0
Number of events 13 3 8 11 3 8 11
2006–2007 data.
2008 data.
Average of individual events 95% confidence interval.
Assessment of statistically significant difference between asphalt runoff and PMP underdrain EMC; statistics calculated on log-transformed paired
water-quality data for all parameters except dissolved zinc, which was assessed by using the Mann-Whitney U test with untransformed data.


J. Irrig. Drain Eng., 2011, 137(11): 720-729

bus traffic. At Birkdale Road, PMP underdrain discharge water Road, EMC distributions of reference asphalt TSS and dissolved
quality was not correlated to untreated runoff water quality accord- zinc EMCs range over an order of magnitude (Figs. 4 and 5). De-
ing to Pearson (Milton and Arnold 1995) correlation on log- rived from Birkdale Road data, a percent removal metric to predict
transformed data for TSS, total/total recoverable zinc, or total/ performance subsequently applied at another site would suggest
total recoverable copper. Data from the New Hampshire study that treated discharge would also range over an order of magnitude.
(International Stormwater BMP Database 2010) was also investi- However, Figs. 4 and 5 demonstrate that the distribution of PMP
gated. Spearman’s rho correlation again failed to identify correla- discharge EMCs is actually rather small for all parameters, meaning
tions between the New Hampshire reference site and permeable that it would be reasonable to expect a range of only a few μg/L or
pavement water quality for TSS or total zinc. Unfortunately, at mg/L of pollutant in the treated discharge, regardless of conditions.
Downloaded from by UTFPR - Universidade Tecnologica Federal do Parana on 10/27/17. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.

the time of analysis the International Stormwater BMP Database The amount of time that runoff exceeds critical values
(2010) provided only one concurrent study of permeable pavement (e.g., water-quality standards) may be as significant as the dis-
and reference site runoff. Whereas site type (e.g., parking versus charge quality itself with regard to potential receiving water im-
roadway) may influence the availability of pollutants on a conven- pacts (Ackerman and Stein 2008). At Birkdale Road, 90% of
tional pavement surface, it does not appear to be related to per- total recoverable zinc and 60% of total recoverable copper PMP
meable pavement underdrain discharge water quality. EMCs were approximately one-third the concentration of only
Consistency and reliability are important characteristics for 10% of the cleanest reference asphalt samples. In other words,
treatment systems to protect receiving environments. At Birkdale nearly all samples from the PMP underdrain were approximately

Fig. 4. Particulate parameter EMC probability distributions

Fig. 5. Dissolved parameter EMC probability distributions


J. Irrig. Drain Eng., 2011, 137(11): 720-729

one-third of the value of only the few cleanest samples from the does the PMP potentially satisfy the 75%-removal local regulatory
reference asphalt. Likewise, all dissolved zinc samples would be requirement for storm-water treatment devices.
expected at an order of magnitude less EMC than the cleanest The larger percent differences determined for zinc than copper
10% of reference asphalt samples. (Table 4) exemplifies one of the criticisms of using a percent
removal calculation as a stand-alone measure of performance rather
Percent Differences than any particular characteristic of the PMP. The influence of the
Summary water-quality performance is presented in Table 4 in asphalt runoff characterization is substantial in Eq. (1). At Birkdale
EMC and pollutant mass percent differences. At Birkdale Road, Road, asphalt runoff zinc (total, total recoverable, or dissolved)
the pollutant percent removal commonly used to assess treatment EMCs were typically an order of magnitude greater than copper
Downloaded from by UTFPR - Universidade Tecnologica Federal do Parana on 10/27/17. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.

efficiency between inflows and outflows of storm-water treatment for each storm sampled; the PMP zinc discharge EMCs were only
devices is not an accurate term, as runoff from the reference asphalt 2–3 times greater than copper (Table 3). Hence, a higher percent
catchment does not flow onto or into the PMP for treatment. The difference for zinc will be determined from Eq. (1), potentially
PMP acts as a self-mitigating source control to prevent pollutant implying less capacity to manage copper. The analysis of copper
discharge. A mathematical percent difference in EMCs demon- PMP EMCs indicates that copper is below U.S. EPA marine effects
strates comparative discharge quality between the untreated refer- thresholds, regardless of the percent difference measure. It is
ence asphalt catchment (EMCAsphalt ) and the PMP underdrain therefore concluded that the PMP system effectively discharges
discharge (EMCPMP ) as shown in Eq. (1): significantly less EMCs and less mass of heavy metals than a con-
ventional asphalt surface.
EMCasphalt  EMCPMP
EMC % difference ¼ × 100% ð1Þ
EMCasphalt PMP Underdrain Discharge Pollutant Source
In Eq. (1), pollutant mass (determined by the product of EMC and
runoff volume) for each monitoring station may be substituted for Average PSD for each of 20 particle size bands were compiled from
EMCs to determine percent differences in pollutant loadings. individual storm results and component wash testing to produce
Although the Birkdale Road PMP site was installed over clayey Fig. 6. Most sediments discharged from the PMP underdrain were
subsoils, some reduction in underdrain discharge volume was in the 5–6 μm-size range (clay), whereas most of the pollutants
measured compared to rainfall volume, whereas runoff from the from the reference asphalt runoff were in the 70–80 μm-size range
reference asphalt catchment generally mirrored rainfall. Runoff (silt-fine sand). Difference in color between asphalt surface TSS
volume control was significant for frequently occurring small samples (black) and PMP underdrain discharge TSS samples (light
storms (Fassman and Blackbourn 2010), indicating the potential brown) seemed to reflect surface source materials. Likewise, lack
for good water-quality control on a mass basis. All but one of of statistical correlation between reference asphalt and PMP
the storms sampled for water quality from the reference asphalt underdrain EMCs called to question the source of pollutants
catchment were less than the local water quality storm depth of discharged from the PMP.
28 mm, whereas two storms sampled from the PMP discharge were Wash test pollutant concentrations from the 2–5 mm chip were
greater than 28 mm of rain (Table 3). extremely high compared to the 12 and 40 mm base course materi-
The reduction in runoff volume contributed to greater differen- als for all parameters (Table 5). The PMP construction specification
ces in pollutant mass loads rather than EMCs discharged from the did not call for washed aggregates. Compared to base course
PMP compared to the reference asphalt catchment (Table 4). Differ- materials, the small particle size of the joint/bedding chip means
ences in EMCs were statistically significant, but the comparison of the potential for very large surface area. Unwashed construction
mass loadings highlights the importance of runoff volume control materials are typically stored in an open stockyard, thereby creating
in reducing NPS impact to receiving waters. The arithmetic average an opportunity to be coated with dust that is not removed before
of the difference in TSS discharge increased by 16% when mass installation. As the PSD of PMP underdrain discharge indicated
loads were considered rather than only EMCs for the PMP under- a predominance of clay (known to be the prevalent soil type
drain discharge (Table 4). Only when the 95% confidence interval in the Auckland region), it is likely sourced from the unwashed
on the average mass difference (upper bound of 82%) is considered 2–5 mm joint/bedding chip. Clay (5–6 μm) would easily migrate

Fig. 6. Wash test and average Birkdale Road PSD analyses


J. Irrig. Drain Eng., 2011, 137(11): 720-729

Table 5. Wash Test Results a known storage volume exceeding minimum requirements for
Average concentration a water-quality treatment, the PMP should not be overloaded with
additional source area.
Total Total
PSD and wash testing of PMP components combined with cor-
recoverable recoverable
Construction material TSS (mg/L) copper (μg/L) zinc (μg/L)
relation analysis suggested that the joint/bedding aggregate chip
was the primary source of pollutants in the PMP underdrain dis-
2–5 mm joint/bedding 337.4 14.1 65.0 charge. Identifying an alternative chip or, at least, specifying a
aggregate well-washed material should further improve results. Nonetheless,
12 mm base course 31.5 1.4 4.0 PMP underdrain discharge was of markedly better water quality
Downloaded from by UTFPR - Universidade Tecnologica Federal do Parana on 10/27/17. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.

(top layer aggregate) than untreated asphalt runoff.

40 mm base course 17.2 2.2 6.6 Local regulations require 75% TSS removal on a long-term
(bottom layer aggregate) average basis but exceptions may be made in which a treatment
a system provides less TSS control, but good control of other pollu-
Average of samples measured after 6, 12, and 24 h of washing. tants of concern, e.g., heavy metals. Over complete storm events
sampled at Birkdale Road, the upper bound of the 95% confidence
through the geotextile with EOS ≤ 250 μm separating the bedding level on average difference between pollutant mass discharges from
layer from the base course in the field. Replacement of joint chip in the reference asphalt catchment and the PMP system was 82% for
the field in April 2007 would have continued to provide the clay TSS. Average mass differences for total recoverable or dissolved
detected in the 2008 monitoring. copper were approximately 70%, total recoverable zinc was ap-
Furthermore, field data for PMP underdrain TSS was correlated proximately 90%, and dissolved zinc was 98%. Large differences
to total recoverable copper on log-transformed data (p ¼ 0:01), overall are attributed to runoff volume control despite installation
whereas total recoverable zinc was correlated to total recoverable over clay soils.
copper (p ¼ 0:05). If the sediment in the PMP underdrain discharge Empirical evidence presented herein suggests that PMP should
is sourced from the joint/bedding aggregate chip, it can also be con- provide comprehensive water-quality treatment of storm-water
cluded that most heavy metals in the underdrain discharge are, too. discharges for pollutants of concern locally; however, a decision
An alternate joint/bedding aggregate chip specification, at least to include the technology as an accepted practice for storm-water
calling for well-washed aggregates, should improve discharge control lies entirely in the hands of the policy makers.
EMC and render it consistent with other permeable pavement
installations reported in the literature (Table 1).

Conclusions This study was funded by the North Shore City Council, the
Auckland Regional Council through the Stormwater Action Plan,
A 200 m2 PMP test site was installed along Birkdale Road in Maunsell Ltd. (now AECOM), and TechNZ. Viewpoints expressed
Auckland, New Zealand. Data from the PMP section and an in this paper are those of the writers and do not reflect policy or
adjacent reference conventional asphalt section were collected otherwise of the funding agencies. Special thanks are extended
concurrently between 2006 and 2008. Monitoring results indicate to Steve Crossland, formerly with Stevensons, for materials
that PMP is an effective tool for minimizing NPS discharges from supply; Miriam Ortheil and Matthias Sindern for conducting the
transportation-related land uses. 2008 site survey; and Javier Barcelo and Emily Voyde for assis-
Contaminant concentrations and loadings were measured for tance with presentation. Thanks also to University of Auckland
TSS, total and dissolved zinc and copper, and pH. Statistically sig- technician David Jenkinson for assistance with PSD analysis.
nificant differences in EMCs between reference asphalt runoff and Finally, the writers would like to acknowledge contributions by
PMP underdrain discharge were measured for log-transformed David Kettle.
paired data for all parameters. A measurable change in PMP dis-
charge water quality over approximately 2.5 years was not observed. References
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