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Welcome to An-Nur

Assalamu alaikum Amin, We are so pleased to welcome you to An-Nur Child

Education and Care Centre. Amin you are a lovely and happy boy.

The last two weeks I have been trying to know you, to interact and play with
you, so you began to trust me, and we build a good relationship together.
During the last two weeks I have also been observing you to learn more about
your interest and capability. You are a quick lerner and independent boy.
You love to play with toys and bikes.
I have noticed that you love toast with Zaatar so much and you are so passionate
about your food.
Also, you like to sleep after lunch however mostly you fell asleep while you are
still eating your last bite.

You are an adorable boy, all teachers love to look after you.
Inshallah, I am looking forward to having more fun and learning adventure with

By Teacher Fatemeh , September. 2018

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