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Online Publication Date: 10 March, 2012

Publisher: Asian Economic and Social Society

Microfinance and Poverty Reduction in Ghana. The Case

of Central Region of Ghana

Alex Addae-Korankye (Head of Management and Public

Administration department, Central University College,CBS, Accra, Ghana)

Citation: Alex Addae-Korankye (2012): “Microfinance and Poverty Reduction in Ghana. The
Case of Central Region of Ghana” Asian Economic and Financial Review Vol.2, No.1,
Asian Economic and Financial Review, 2(1),pp.135-141

Microfinance and Poverty Reduction in Ghana. The

Case of Central Region of Ghana


The study evaluated Microfinance as a tool for poverty

reduction in Ghana using central region as a case study. A
survey design involving quantitative, qualitative and
participatory methods within the framework of impact
Author (s) assessment techniques was used. Simple random and stratified
sampling methods were employed to select five Microfinance
Institutions (MFIs) and one hundred microcredit beneficiaries.
Alex Addae-Koranky
Head of Management and The study made use of both primary and secondary data. It
Public Administration was found out that though there are challenges microfinance
department, Central University has a positive impact on poverty reduction. Among the
College,CBS, Accra, Ghana. recommendations were that microfinance clients should be
trained before and after disbursement of the loan; and also
they should be effectively monitored. In addition to the above
recommendations it was concluded that if the challenges
facing the Microfinance sector (eg; inappropriate institutional
arrangement, poor regulatory environment etc) are addressed
microfinance will be a potent tool for poverty reduction not
only in Ghana but all developing countries at large.

Key Words: Micro Finance, Poverty Reduction, Poverty, Millennium Development

Goals (MDGs), Microcredit

Introduction governments formally and consciously

started implementing the strategy to deal
It is widely accepted that one major cause with poverty in the 1990s.
of poverty in developing countries is lack of
access to productive capital, with formal Existing Microfinance Interventions in
financial institutions mostly excluding the Ghana
poor in their lending activities (Chirwa, Every region in Ghana appears to have some
2002). coverage of Microfinance activities in the
rural and urban areas. The mix of activities
One strategy in many developing countries is through Government of Ghana (GOG)
has been to implement Microfinance programmes, Donor assisted programmes,
programmes to offer credit to the poor. Microfinance institutions (such as rural
Ghana is no exception. Through a number of banks, savings and loans companies, credit
impact analysis it has been proved at unions, NGOs, etc), District Assembly
international levels that Microfinance initiatives, Community-based initiatives,
programmes contribute to the achievement Church-based programmes ,etc. Some of the
of several aspects of the Millennium microfinance programmes include Financial
Development Goals (MDGs) including Sector Improvement Project (FSIP),
poverty reduction; and from the success Financial Sector Strategic Plan(FINSSP),
stories of countries like Bangladesh, many The Rural Financial Services Project(RFSP),
developing countries including Ghana have UNDP Microfinance project, Social
formally introduced microfinance as one of Investment Fund (SIF), and Community
the interventions to reduce poverty. Based Rural Development
Programme(CBRDP) etc.
In Ghana, even though Microfinance has
existed in some form for many years various The statement of the problem

Microfinance and Poverty Reduction in Ghana.....

Since the early 1990s, there have been savings, and insurance to micro, small and
various microfinance interventions both by medium scale enterprise. Furthermore, Otero
the Governments and development partners (1999, p.8) also defines it as “the provision
like UNDP, USAID etc to reduce poverty in of financial services to low-income poor and
Ghana. Evidence from Bangladesh, Bolivia, very poor self-employed people”.
and some developing countries suggest that Microcredit on the other hand refers to small
microfinance can be a very potent strategy loans to microenterprises. Therefore
to reduce poverty. microcredit is a component of microfinance
in that it involves providing credit to the
The researcher’s concern was to assess the poor, but microfinance also involves
extent to which Microfinance has impacted additional non-credit financial services such
on poverty reduction in Ghana in general as savings, insurance, pensions and payment
and the central region in particular. In other services.
words based on the success stories of
Bangladesh etc, the researcher was Related Literature
motivated to conduct a study into the impact The concept of Microfinance is not new in
of microfinance as a tool for poverty Ghana according to Asiamah & Osei(2007),
reduction in Ghana in general and Central Amoah(2008). Traditionally Ghanaians have
region in particular . saved with and taken loans from individuals
and groups within the context of self-help to
start businesses or farming ventures.
Purpose/objectives of the study
According to available evidence the first
credit union in Africa was established in
The main purpose of the study was to find Northern Ghana in 1955 by the Canadian
out the effectiveness of Microfinance as a catholic missionaries; and also susu which is
tool for poverty reduction in Ghana in one of the microfinance methodologies, is
general and Central region of Ghana in thought to have originated from Nigeria and
particular. The study also examined the spread to Ghana in the early 1990s
challenges faced by the Microfinance sector (Amoah,2008; Asiamah & Osei,2007).
in Ghana. The main goal of Ghana’s Growth and
Poverty Reduction Strategy (GPRSII) is to
Research Questions ensure sustainable equitable growth,
accelerated poverty reduction and the
Baed on the above purpose of the study, the protection of the vulnerable and excluded
questions that the study addressed were; Is within a decentralized, democratic
microfinance an effective tool for poverty environment. According to the 2000
reduction in Ghana in general and the population and Housing Census, 80% of the
central region in particular? What are the working population in Ghana is found in the
challenges faced by the Microfinance private informal sector. This group is
sector? characterized by lack of access to credit,
which constrains the development and
The Concepts of Microfinance and growth of that sector of the economy (Ghana
Microcredit Microfinance Policy, 2006). In agrarian
economies, gains arise when poor farmers
have access to credit and technical
Microfinance according to Ledgerwood knowhow, when they have social safety nets
(1999) is the provision of financial services like income support and when food aid is
to low-income clients, usually self- targeted
employed and engaged in income
(Khan & Bashir, 2011).
Generating Activities (IGAs) or micro
enterprise. UNDP, Microstart(1997) also
The issue of whether or not Microfinance is
defines Microfinance as the provision of
an effective tool for poverty reduction
credit, and other financial services like
compared to other alternative strategies has

Asian Economic and Financial Review, 2(1),pp.135-141

engaged the attention of development to determine if microfinance is an effective

economists and the world at large. Is policy for poverty alleviation.
microfinance a tool for poverty reduction?
In an attempt to address this question, According to Morduch and Haley (2001),
Adams and Pischke (1992) compared there is extensive evidence that
modern (1990 era) Microfinance microfinance has a positive impact on the
Institutions( MFIs) to the failed rural credit first Millennium Goal: that the number of
agencies and Agricultural development people living in extreme poverty(defined as
banks established by governments of those living on less than $1 per day) will be
developing countries in the 1960s and 1970s reduced by half between 1990 and 2015. For
that not only did nothing to advance poverty instance: Hossain (1988) asserts that
alleviation but also wasted millions of “Grameen Bank members had incomes
dollars of public funding and concluded that about 43% higher than the target group in
the modern MFI industry is destined for the control villages, and about 28% higher
failure because of the similarities between than the target group nonparticipants in the
the two. project villages”. A research conducted by
Asiamah and Osei (2007) revealed that the
Buckley (1997) after analyzing field microfinance sector in Ghana face the
summary data from Kenya, Malawi, and following challenges: inappropriate
Ghana concluded that fundamental structural institutional arrangements, poor regulatory
changes in socioeconomic conditions and a environment, inadequate capacities, lack of
deeper understanding of the informal sector coordination and collaboration, poor
behaviour are needed for microfinance to institutional linkages, no specific set of
prove effective. In contrast, Woller et al. criteria developed to categorise
(1999), after assessing the current beneficiaries, channeling of funds by
microfinance companies believe that the Ministries, Departments and
movement is very different from the failed Agencies(MDAs), lack of linkages between
rural credit agencies of the 1960s and 1970s, formal and informal financial institutions,
thereby making direct comparisons between inadequate skills and professionalism, and
the two not perfectly valid. In partial support inadequate capital. Again the traditional
of the above, Woller and Woodworth (2001) commercial banking methodology which
argue that to date, top-down macroeconomic requires documentary evidence, long
poverty alleviation and development policies standing bank-customer relationship and
also have likewise experienced significant collateral does not work since most micro
failures. and small enterprises do not possess those
requirements. The commercial banking
Other studies reach more ambiguous system, which has about twenty three (23)
conclusions about the effectiveness of major banks, reaches only about 5% of
microfinance as a policy tool. Analyzing households and captures 40% of money
Microfinance Institutions ( MFIs) in Nepal, supply.
Bhatta (2001) asserts that due to the
topology and extreme poverty levels in Another research conducted by Amoah
Nepal, it will be difficult for MFIs to have (2007) concluded that the microfinance
any meaningful impact on poverty. sector of the Ghanaian economy could serve
Nonetheless, he goes on to suggest that as one of the most effective strategies for
MFIs should expand into the hill and poverty reduction in the country if
mountainous areas and target women so as Government accepts the responsibility to
to increase the probability of success. As to empower the sector to operate as a legal
whether Microfinance is an effective financial sector to augment the traditional
poverty alleviation tool or not the study by banks to bring financial services to the grass
Snow and Buss (2001) in sub-Saharan root communities. He added that a very
Africa concludes that a comprehensive and a large segment of the rural community still
better goal-oriented assessment is needed has no access to micro financial services.

Microfinance and Poverty Reduction in Ghana.....

sample to the various categories of clients

According to the UNDP report (2010), defined by business sector, size of
Ghana is the first country in sub- Sahara enterprise, gender and level of education etc.
Africa to have achieved the Millennium Since the majority of the beneficiaries of
Development Goals (MDG1) that aims at micro-credit are illiterates and semi-literates
eradicating extreme poverty and hunger. who live in the rural areas, the research used
This according to the report was achieved a combination of interview and
mainly by the significant improvement in questionnaire, case studies, and focus group
economic growth over the past decade with discussions to collect the primary data. The
accompanied sound social economic policies questionnaire and interviews were used to
on poverty reduction. It further indicated collect both quantitative and qualitative data
that the establishment of the capitation from the respondents (individual Micro and
grant, school feeding and the Livelihood small scale enterprises, and Microfinance
Empowerment Against Poverty (LEAP) Institutions) who fell within the sample.
were all initiatives that partly contributed to Case studies were used to assemble more
the achievement of MDG1. However, a detailed qualitative information/data from a
research conducted by Kunateh(2011) few selected micro-entrepreneurs who have
indicated that the microfinance sector is on unique impact experiences. This method
the verge of collapse. This is due to the revealed interesting client stories and
refusal of beneficiaries of some microcredit important impact statements. The
schemes including the Microfinance and participatory approach on the other hand
small loans Centre (MASLOC) to pay loans was in the form of focus group discussions
owed the sector. which examined divergent or differing
opinions about certain issues and also
Methodology validated contradictions in some of the
information emerging from the use of the
The research employed survey other survey instruments. Secondary data
methodology. It combined relevant aspects mainly involved a review of related
of quantitative, qualitative, and participatory literature on Microfinance and poverty
methods within the framework of impact reduction. The financial situations of the
assessment techniques. Microfinance clients before and after joining the
institutions who are the providers of micro- microfinance scheme were compared to
credit (including government agencies) and examine the extent of the change in their
the beneficiaries of Micro-credit formed the financial position as a result of the
population of the research. Simple random Microfinance programme. Here the
sampling was used to select five (5) assumption was that the respondents were
microfinance institutions, while stratified able to accurately remember their conditions
sampling technique was employed to select before joining the scheme if they did not
one hundred (100) beneficiaries of the have records of the data. Simple tables were
micro-credit. The selection of the generated to analyse the data.
respondents was guided by the following
procedure: Identification of the sample Analysis and Discussion of Results
frame; determination of appropriate sample
size and; distribution of the selected sample Sector analysis of data
size to ensure proper representation of the
client population. In determining the From table 1, it is evidently clear that
sampling frame, the basic criterion was that majority (58%) of the respondents are
the client had been on the scheme for a engaged in buying and selling (commerce),
minimum period of 12 months which was which is a characteristic of a developing
necessary for clients to have experienced country.The researcher interviewed the
some form of impact in their lives and respondents to find out why they have
businesses. Stratified sampling procedure chosen to be in their respective sectors of
was employed to distribute the chosen operation. The following were some of the

Asian Economic and Financial Review, 2(1),pp.135-141

responses that came from those engaged in Frequency of Loan repayment

commerce: the sector is relatively more It was realized from the survey that majority
lucrative, the rate of turnover is relatively of the respondents made weekly payments,
quicker, so one can repay the loan on time while few repay on daily, monthly, or
compared to the other sectors, it is relatively quarterly basis. Most of these repayments or
less stressful or less tedious. savings are made through Susu collectors
who represent the microfinance institutions.
Table-1 Sector Analysis of the It was also realized that female beneficiaries
Microfinance Beneficiaries: were able to repay their loans on time ahead
Sector Number of Percentage of their male counterparts. Out of a total of
beneficiaries 100 clients or respondents, 6% repay daily,
Agriculture 24 24% 74 % repay weekly, 16% made monthly
Commerce 58 58% repayment, 2% repay quarterly and 2%
Manufacturing 16 16% repay randomly.
Service 2 2%
Total 100 Table-2 Frequency of loan repayment
100% Frequency of Loan Number and
Source: Field survey, 2010 repayment percentage of
Even though Ghana is an agricultural Daily 6 ( 6%)
country, from the above statistics relatively Weekly 74 (74%)
few (24%) of the beneficiaries or Monthly 16 (16%)
respondents were in the agricultural sector. Quarterly 2 ( 2%)
In other words it can be said that either the Randomly 2 ( 2%)
micro-credit providers are very cautious in Total 100 (100%)
loaning to the agricultural sector, or the Source: Field survey, 2010
players in the agricultural sector (Farmers
and fishermen) themselves do not want to go Adequacy of Loan sizes
for the micro- loan. On the question of loan sizes 34
respondents, representing 34% attested that
The following were some of the reasons it was adequate for their respective
given by the micro-credit providers for the businesses, while 66% (66 clients) claimed
relatively small representation of the players that the loan amounts granted them by the
in the agricultural sector: It is relatively MFIs are inadequate to effectively run their
risky to invest in agriculture because of its businesses to achieve the expected
dependent on weather/climatic conditions profits/results. The above implies that the
which is unpredictable, so an extreme care loan amounts should be increased so as to
should be exercised when granting loans to have the needed impact because majority of
the players in the agricultural sector. the beneficiaries are not satisfied with the
Again empirical evidence has it that a
greater percentage of loan defaulters are Challenges faced by the Microfinance
those engaged in agriculture especially sector
farmers. Furthermore application of modern On the question of the challenges faced by
technology is absent, and a negligible (an the microfinance sector, all the microfinance
infinitesimal) proportion of their farms are institutions enumerated the following:
on large scale. However, they attested that inappropriate institutional arrangements,
those in poultry and livestock farming are poor regulatory environment, inadequate
better even though they also have their capacities, lack of coordination and
challenges especially when there is outbreak collaboration, poor institutional linkages, no
of diseases. specific set of criteria developed to
categorise beneficiaries, lack of linkages

Microfinance and Poverty Reduction in Ghana.....

between formal and informal financial able to purchase wiremesh for smoking
institutions, inadequate skills and fish,” “there is a remarkable improvement
professionalism, inadequate capital and loan in my poultry business”.
default by some clients. This confirms the
result of the research conducted by Asiamah All the above suggest that Microfinance has
and Osei(2007). had a positive impact on poverty reduction
on the beneficiaries. This confirms the
Impact of Microfinance on the lives of the research conducted by Morduch and Haley
beneficiaries (respondents) (2001), which concluded that there is
extensive evidence that microfinance has a
Table-3 Impact of microfinance on positive impact on the first Millennium
the beneficiaries (respondents) Development Goal. Again, according to
Impact Number of Percentage UNDP report (2010) Ghana is the first
beneficiaries (%) country in the sub-Saharan Africa to have
Positive 92 92% achieved the first Millennium Development
Negative 8 8% Goal (MDG1) which also confirms the
Total 100 100% above.
Source: Field survey, 2010 Other respondents, a very small proportion,
though expressed their dissatisfaction, and
On the impact of microfinance an stated how difficult it had been at times to
overwhelming majority (92%) of the sample make the weekly repayments of the loan due
expressed a positive view of the programme. to high interest rates and the short term of
In other words, according to them maturity.
microfinance programme has impacted
positively on their financial position. It has For example, some stated:
enabled them create wealth and hence “The interest rate is too high, and the
reduced poverty. For instance a greater and repayment period too short.”
significant percentage of the respondents
stated the same responses, such as: Conclusion

“Microfinance programme has enabled me It can be inferred from the study that
educate my children, the programme has Microfinance can positively impact on
enabled me build a house”, “I have poverty if the above recommendations are
expanded my business as a result of my effectively implemented.
participation in the microfinance This supports a research conducted by
programme”, “I am now able to provide for Morduch and Barley ( 2001) for CIDA that
my domestic needs”, “My capital base has there is ample evidence to support the
expanded as a result of my participation in positive impact of microfinance on poverty
the microfinance programme”, “I have been reduction as it relates to fully six out of
able to buy mosquito net to prevent seven of the Millennium Development
malaria”, “I have been able to make weekly Goals. In particular, there is overwhelming
savings”, “I am now able to meet my evidence substantiating a beneficial effect
family’s medical and utility bills”,” I no on income smoothing and increases in
more buy goods on credit”, “the programme income.
has assisted me expand my farm”, “I have
been able to acquire fishing net” . Recommendations
The micro-credit beneficiaries should be
Other responses include: given training in records/book-keeping,
“I have been able to purchase an Outboard marketing, basic planning etc before and
motor with the help of the microfinance after the disbursement of the loan. Again the
programme, “I have been able to purchase micro-credit providers should regularly
industrial equipment”,“I have been able to monitor the beneficiaries to ensure that the
establish another business, “I have been loans are used correctly and purposely for

Asian Economic and Financial Review, 2(1),pp.135-141

the business so as to increase income and microfinance revolution”? University of

minimize default. It is also recommended Malawi. Wadanda Consult Working paper
that critical appraisal or assessment should WC/01/02.
be conducted so as to know the right amount Hussain, A.M.M.(1998) “Poverty
to be given to each client. Loans should be Alleviation and Empowerment. The Second
disbursed at the right time and interest rate impact assessment study of BRAC’s Rural
should be affordable to aid the beneficiaries Development Programme”. BRAC
avoid loan default. Finally Supervisory and publication.
monetary authorities should find an effective Khan, R. E.A. & Bashir, N.(2011) “Trade
way of regulating the microfinance Liberalization, Poverty and Inequality
institutions. Nexus. A case Study of India. AESS
PUBLICATION Vol.1, No.3, pp. 114-119.
Recommendations for future research Kunateh, A.M.(2011) “ Bad debts kill
The following research areas are therefore Microfinance sector in Ghana”. GhanaDot.
recommended for future study. Ledgerwood, Joanna (1999) “
Microfinance Handbook. Sustainable
1. Micro-loan default: Causes and banking with the poor. An institutional and
Solutions; financial perspective”. World Bank,
2. Regulation of microfinance Washington D.C.
institutions: A mechanism for Morduch, J. & Haley B. (2002) “Analysis
ensuring the effectiveness of of the effects of Microfinance on Poverty
microfinance programmes. Reduction”. Canadian International
3. Sustainability of Microfinance Development Agency, Canada (CIDA).
Institutions. NYU Wagner working paper series No.
Otero, M.(1999 p.8) “ Micro-Finance”.
References London IT Publication.
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