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Muscles of Torso and Back practice questions with answers.

1. Swimmers muscle is actually ____latissimus dorsi__________

2. Muscle that together with diaphragm participates in inhalation (inspiration) is called:
external intercostalis
3. Muscle that adducts, internally rotates and flexes the arm is called: deltoids
4. Deep muscle of the back that is located in proximity to the midline is called: spinalis
5. Fibrous structure that passes in the middle of the rectus abdominis rectus: linea alba
6. Boxers muscle is actually____ serratus anterior_______________
7. Muscle that together with external intercostal muscles participates in inhalation (inspiration) is
called: diaphragm

8. Muscle that elevates, adducts and depresses the shoulder is called: trapezius

9. Deep muscle of the back that is located most laterally, is called: iliocostalis

10. Abdominal muscle that participates in exhalation is called : rectus abdominis

11. Cuff Rotator muscle that inserts in the lesser tubercle is called: subscapularis

12. Relaxation of diaphragm will initiate exhalation

13. Muscle that is occupying largest part of the back, but actually produces movement in the arm is
called : latissimus dorsi

14. Deep muscle of the back that is located in the middle is called: longissimus

15. Most inner muscle of the abdominal wall is called : transversus abdominis

16. Powerful flexor of the hip is: iliopsoas

17. Which psoas muscle joins iliacus muscle and create iliopsoas muscle? Psoas major

18. Muscle that together with rectus abdominis participates in exhalation is called: internal

19. Out of two rhomboid muscles, this muscle is located superiorly: rhomboid minor

20. Out of two teres muscles which muscle will produce external rotation? Teres minor

21. Muscle with 3 parts that produces abduction of the arm is: deltoid

22. Accessory muscles of inhalation (elevation of 1 and 2 ribs) are: scalene

23. Deep Muscles that assists in supporting back are: erector spinae

24. Muscle that produces lateral rotation and lateral flexion of the neck is: sternocleidomastoid

25. Rotator cuff muscles are: Superspinatus, Infraspinatus, Teres minor and: subscapularis

26. Muscle located below the scapular spine is: infraspinatus

27. Best surgical incision within the abdominal region could be done on: linea alba

28. Main muscle that enlarges thoracic cavity is: external intercostalis

29. Muscle that creates posterior wall of the neck is: trapezius

30. Diaphragm in the middle has: central tendon

31. Erector spinæ muscles are group of Illiocostalis Longissimus and : Spinalis

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