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Crystal Symmetry
Symmetry Operations and Space Groups

32 point groups of crystals compatible with 7 crystal systems

crystallographers use Hermann-Mauguin symmetry symbols

Carl Hermann Charles-Victor Mauguin

German French
1898 - 1961 1878 - 1958

Symmetry Elements Center of Symmetry: 1

a point in the molecule through which if another point on the
molecule is taken, will meet an identical point on the molecule
there are 5 types in point symmetry
an equal distance away

1. center of symmetry (or inversion): point 1

2. rotation (or proper) axis : line n
3. mirror : plane m
4. rotation–inversion axis : line n
5. identity : no element 1

Center of Symmetry: 1 Rotation Axis: n

all points (x, y, z) (–x, –y, –z) if 1 is placed at the origin
2 360o
y n is an integer which gives the degrees of rotation: or
n n
z n is the number of times molecule is rotated, each time stopping
at an identical appearance, before returning to the starting point
+ (x, y, z)

2 3 4 6
1 x

(–x, –y, –z) – n is the foldness of the rotation axis

only 2, 3, 4, and 6-fold axes allowed in crystal symmetry


Rotation Axis: 4 Mirror: m

= 90o plane within the molecule that, when acting as a mirror, reflects
the molecule into itself


Rotation-Inversion n Representation of Symmetry

point symmetry often represented symbolically in the form of

rotation followed by inversion points on a circle (projection of a sphere)

this is a different definition than Schoenflies system a point above plane is a filled circle:

a point below plane is an open circle:

Arthur Moritz Schönflies – German 1891
two points directly on top of each other:
rotation followed by reflection
starting with one point, find other points generated by symmetry

32 point groups compatible with 7 crystal systems

Triclinic Monoclinic


1 (C1) 1 (Ci)
2 (C2) m (Cs) 2/m (C2h)
highest symmetry in each crystal system is called:
Laue Group monoclinic convention: symmetry located wrt b axis

2: 2-fold axis along b

m: mirror perpendicular to b
2/m: 2-fold axis along b, perpendicular to a mirror
(Schoenflies symbol)
have center of symmetry


Monoclinic Orthorhombic

2 m 2/m mm2 (C2v) 222 (D2) mmm (D2h)

3 symbols refer to: axes along a, b, or c
mirrors perpendicular to a, b, or c

Rhombohedral (Trigonal) Tetragonal

4 (C4) 4 (S4) 4/m (C4h)

3 (C3) 2 3 (S6) 3m (C3v)

4mm (C4v) 42m (D2d) 422 (D4)

32 (D3) 3m (D3d)

4/mmm (D4h)

3 32 3 3m 3m

Tetragonal Hexagonal

4 4 4/m 6 (C6) 6 (C3h) 6/m (C6h)

4mm 42m 422 6mm (C6v) 6m2 (D3h) 622 (D6)

4/mmm 6/mmm (D6h)


Hexagonal Cubic

6 6 6/m
23 (T) m3 (Th) 43m (Td)

6mm 6m2 622

432 (O) m3m (Oh)


23 432 m3 m3m 43m

Lattices 14 Bravais Lattices

triclinic monoclinic
P1 P2/m C2/m
14 Bravais lattices have Laue symmetry

Pmmm Cmmm Immm Fmmm

rhombohedral tetragonal

R3m P4/mmm I4/mmm

hexagonal cubic

P6/mmm Pm3m Im3m Fm3m

Lattices Translational Symmetry

in repeating lattices, two additional symmetry elements

translational elements
14 Bravais lattices have Laue symmetry
1. screw axis rotation and translation: nr
all have a center of symmetry
rotation by 360o/n;
center of symmetry very important in crystallography: followed by translation of r/n along that axis (a, b or c)
2-fold screw axis most common: 21
centrosymmetric or noncentrosymmetric 2. glide plane reflection and translation: a, b, c, n or d
reflection across plane;
followed by translation of 1/2 (usually) unit cell parallel to
plane along a, b, c, face diagonal (n), or body diagonal (d)


Screw Axis - 21 Glide Plane - a

, ,+ –

, ½
, ½ ab plane
a ‛ a ‛
a-glide c

Space Groups Plane Groups

translational elements + point symmetry  space groups

p1 p2

in 2-D, referred to as plane groups

there are 17 distinct ways of packing repeating object in 2-D

pm pg
wallpaper patterns


Plane Groups Plane Groups

p2mg cm

p2gg c2mm


Plane Groups Plane Groups

p3 p31m
p4 p4mm

p4gm p3m1

Plane Groups Plane Groups

p1 pg p2gg pm cm

c2mm pmg pmm p2 p4

p4mm p4gm p3 p3m1 p31m

p6 p6mm

p6 p6mm

Space Groups Space Groups

1 P1
1 P1 Centrosymmetric space groups
2 P2 P21 C2
translational elements + 32 crystal point groups; m Pm Pc Cm Cc
2/m P2/m P21/m C2/m P2/c P21/c C2/c
230 space groups orthorhombic
222 P222 P2221 P21212 P212121 C2221 C222 F222 I222
230 distinct ways of packing repeating object in 3-D
mm2 Pmm2 Pmc21 Pcc2 Pma2 Pca21 Pnc2 Pmn21 Pba2
Pna21 Pnn2 Ccc2 Amm2 Abm2 Ama2 Aba2 Fmm2
Cmm2 Cmc21 Fdd2 Imm2 Iba2 Ima2
mmm Pmmm Pnnn Pccm Pban Pmma Pnna Pmna Pcca
Pbam Pccn Pbcm Pnnm Pmmn Pbcn Pbca Pnma
Cmcm Cmca Cmmm Cccm Cmma Ccca Fmmm Fddd
Immm Ibam Ibca Imma


Space Groups Space Groups

tetragonal trigonal/rhombohedral
4 P4 P41 P42 P43 I4 I41 3 P3 P31 P32 R3
4 P4 I4 3 P3 R3
4/m P4/m P42/m P4/n P42/n I4/m I41/a 32 P312 P321 P3112 P3121 P3212 P3221 R32
422 P422 P4212 P4122 P41212 P4222 P42212 3m P3m1 P31m P3c1 P31c R3m R3c
P4322 P43212 I422 I4122 3m P31m P31c P3m1 P3c1 R3m R3c
4mm P4mm P4bm P42cm P42nm P4cc P4nc hexagonal
P42mc P42bc I4mm I4cm I41md I41cd 6 P6 P61 P65 P62 P64 P63
42m P42m P42c P421m P421c P4m2 P4c2 6 P6
P42b P4n2 I4m2 I4c2 I42m I42d 6/m P6/m P63/m
4/mmm P4/mmm P4/mcc P4/nbm P4/nnc P4/mbm P4/mnc 622 P622 P6122 P6522 P6222 P6422 P6322
P4/nmm P4/nnc P42/mmc P42/mcm P42/nbc P42/nnm 6mm P6mm P6cc P63cm P63mc 6m2 P6m2 P6c2
P42/mbc P42/mnm P42/nmc P42/ncm I4/mmm I4/mcm P62m P62c
I41/amd I41/acd 6m2 P6m2 P6c2 P62m P62c
6/mmm P6/mmm P6/mcc P63/mcm P63/mmc

Space Groups Symmetry

23 P23 F23 I23 P213 I213
m3 Pm3 Pn3 Fm3 Fd3 Im3 Pa3
432 P432 P4232 F432 F4132 I432 P4332 7 crystal systems: point symmetry of external lattice
P4132 I4132
43m P43m F43m I43m P43n F43c I43d 14 Bravais lattices: translational symmetry of lattice points
m3m Pm3m Pn3n Pm3n Pn3m Fm3m Fm3c
Fd3m Fd3c Im3m Ia3d
32 point groups: point symmetry of external crystal

230 space groups: translational symmetry inside crystal


Space Groups Cambridge Structural Database (CSD)


all compounds crystallize in one or more of these space groups

usually possible to find P1, but always try to find the
Number of Structures

highest possible symmetry.
20000 592938 structures
structures observed in all 230 space groups

~95% of all structures: monoclinic, triclinic, orthorhombic 10000

~83% of all structures: P21/c, P1, P212121, C2/c, P21, Pbca 5000

1965 1975 1985 1995 2005


Space Group Frequency Space Group Nomenclature

200000 space group name comes from Bravais lattice symbol, modified
for translational symmetry
easy to understand the components of many names, especially
Number of Published Structures

150000 Pī
monoclinic and orthorhombic:
P21/c (P 2-1 on c)
primitive unit cell (1 lattice point)
2-fold screw axis along b (unique axis)
c glide (translation along c axis) in ac plane (┴ to b)
50000 C2/c Pbca primitive unit cell (1 lattice point)
Pbca b glide (translation along b axis) in bc plane (┴ to a)
c glide (translation along c axis) in ac plane (┴ to b)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230
a glide (translation along a axis) in ab plane (┴ to c)
Space group number

Standard and Non-standard Settings Equivalent Positions

sometimes a space group that is not on the list of 230 is given space groups used to locate symmetry related atoms in unit cell
in a publication for example, if a benzene ring is located on a mirror:

some space groups can be derived which are identical with locate 3 C and 3 H, H H others at symmetry
another space group  choice depends on convention equivalent positions
P21/a identical with P21/c switching a and c label in monoclinic
does not change the symmetry
P21/n alternate setting of P21/c c΄ c n
 closer to 90o preferred H H
asymmetric unit is the smallest part that generates the rest of the
Pnam same as Pnma switch b and c label
unit cell contents by all symmetry operations of space group

Equivalent Positions, Asymmetric Unit and Z Equivalent Positions of Symmetry Elements

axis ║to position plane ┴ to position
2 a x, y, z a c x + ½, y, z
2 b x, y, z b a x, y + ½, z
equivalent positions are divided into:
2 c x, y, z b c x, y + ½, z
general positions 21 a x + ½, y, z c a x, y, z + ½
special positions 21 b x, y + ½, z c b x, y, z + ½
21 c x, y, z + ½ n a x, y + ½, z + ½
asymmetric unit along with general and special positions allows
plane ┴ to n b x + ½, y, z + ½
an interpretation of Z (number of molecules in unit cell), and
m a x, y, z n c x + ½, y + ½, z
possible molecular symmetry
m b x, y, z d a x, y + ¼ , z + ¼
m c x, y, z d b x + ¼, y, z + ¼
a b x + ½, y, z d c x + ¼, y + ¼, z


Equivalent Positions from Centering Transforming Coordinates

for centered groups, add the following to each P general position:

A x, y + ½, z + ½ x – ¼ = –(x + ¼) = –(x – ¼ + ½) = –(x + ½) = x – ½ = x + ½

C x + ½, y + ½, z (by adding 1)
F x + ½, y + ½, z y+¼ = y–¼+½ = y+½
x + ½, y, z + ½
x, y + ½, z + ½
I x + ½, y + ½, z + ½
R x + 2/3, y + 1/3, z + 1/3
x + 1/3, y + 2/3, z + 2/3

Transforming Coordinates Transforming Coordinates

y P21 /a

x – ¼ = –(x + ¼) = –(x – ¼ + ½) = –(x + ½) = x – ½ = x + ½
x ‛ ‛
(by adding 1) ,
y+¼ = y–¼+½ = y+½

rename: x – ¼ as x y – ¼ as y z as z
x + ¼ = (x – ¼) + ½ = x + ½ + ½ = x (by subtracting 1)
1. x – ¼, y – ¼, z x, y, z
2. x – ¼, y + ¼, z x + ½, y + ½, z
3. x + ¼, y + ¼, z x, y, z
4. x + ¼, y – ¼, z x + ½, y + ½, z

Transforming Coordinates Special Positions

x, y, z y
related by a change in sign
x, y, z
z ,
related by a change in sign
x + ½, y + ½, z
x + ½, y + ½, z
’ 2 molecules/cell

finally, change to preferred setting P21/c; switch x and z

if an object is located at x, y, z = 0, 0, 0;
x, y, z
only unique point generated by symmetry is at 0, ½, ½
x, y, z general positions
also true for: 0, 0, ½ 0, ½, 0
x, y + ½, z + ½ P21/c
½, 0, ½ ½, ½, 0
x, y + ½, z + ½
½, 0, 0 ½, ½, ½


Special Positions Special Positions

an atom on a special position has at least one fixed coordinate;
0, 0, 0 0, ½, ½
part of the atom generates the rest:
0, 0, ½ 0, ½, 0
½, 0, ½ ½, ½, 0 one fixed position (axis ┴ to plane) for an atom on a mirror
½, 0, 0 ½, ½, ½ two fixed positions (other axes) for an atom on a rotation axis
three fixed positions for an atom on an inversion center
note: an object (molecule) at a special position has to have
the same symmetry as the special position H H

in P21/c, a center of symmetry C C

(x, 0, z) or (x, ½, z)
Z = 4 for an object on a general position in P21/c ac mirror
Z = 2 for an object on a special position in P21/c
asymmetric unit is ½ of the molecule

International Tables for Crystallography International Tables for Crystallography

site symmetry general positions

special positions


General Positions for Other Space Groups P21/c: Z = 4

P21/c: Z = 4 P21/c: Z = 2

atom on special position no atom on special position


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