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Mini Review

Dig Dis 2017;35:14–17 Published online: February 8, 2018

DOI: 10.1159/000485408

Functional Dyspepsia and Irritable Bowel

Syndrome: Beyond Rome IV
Vincenzo Stanghellini
Policlinico S. Orsola-Malpighi, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy

Keywords procedures fail to identify any organic, systemic or meta-

Functional gastrointestinal disorders · Rome criteria · bolic cause that is responsible for digestive function ab-
Classification · Diagnosis · Treatment approach normalities and symptom perception, so that these con-
ditions are classified as functional gastrointestinal disor-
ders (FGIDs; Fig.  1). Although only about 25% of
Abstract symptomatic individuals seek medical support, FGIDs
Background: The correct diagnosis of functional gastroin- represent 40% of diagnoses in gastroenterological set-
testinal disorders (FGIDs) is quite a challenge. The overlaps tings [1], and they are one of the leading causes for refer-
between syndromes can complicate the interpretation of ral to emergency care units [2], thus draining substantial
clinical data. Summary: The incidence of functional diges- amounts of healthcare resources. Functional dyspepsia
tive disorders and irritable bowel syndrome are still under- (FD) and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) are the most
estimated with the currently applied diagnostic tools, and common FGIDs. The lack of non-invasive, cheap, read-
the management of the seemingly elusive disease is not sat- ily available biomarkers for diagnosing FD and/or IBS
isfactory. For this reason, the “Rome” criteria were created to makes doctors still uncertain about the clinical approach
provide a better understanding and classification of FGIDs. to these conditions, despite major advancements in the
Key Messages: Rome diagnostic criteria and recommenda- understanding of their pathophysiological mechanisms
tions should be used in the design and performance of clin- and relative therapeutic improvements in the last de-
ical studies in the field of functional dyspepsia and irritable cades. Thus, a series of traditional diagnostic investiga-
bowel syndrome. © 2018 The Author(s) tions are often performed and repeated despite negative
Published by S. Karger AG, Basel findings, thus failing to provide appropriate explana-
tions of the nature of symptoms and leaving patients
frustrated and worried about their “strange” clinical
problems. As a consequence, patients end up seeking
Incidence of Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders new (often similarly useless) consultations [3, 4]. The re-
cently updated Rome IV criteria were designed not only
Digestive symptoms are frequent in the general popu- to provide guidance for research studies in general and
lation, ranging between 10 and 30 per cent in industrial- therapeutic trials in particular, but also to facilitate mak-
ized countries, although with highly variable degrees of ing a positive diagnosis of individual FGIDs, based on
severity. In the majority of cases, traditional diagnostic both, presence of characteristic symptoms and absence

© 2018 The Author(s) Prof. Dr. Vincenzo Stanghellini

Published by S. Karger AG, Basel Policlinico S. Orsola-Malpighi, University of Bologna
Via Albertoni 15
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Functional gastrointestinal disorders (FGID) – Rome IV

• A. Esophageal disorders
– A1. Functional chest pain
– A2. Functional heartburn
Diagnostic criteria based on
– A3. Reflux hypersensitivity
symptoms that are not explained by – A4. Globus
any detectable disease – A5. Functional dysphagia
• B. Gastroduodenal disorders
– B1. Functional dyspepsia
• B1a. Postprandial distress syndrome (PDS)
• B1b. Epigastric pain syndrome (EPS)
– B2. Belching disorders
• B2a. Excessive supragastric belching
• B2b. Excessive gastric belching
– B3. Nausea and vomiting disorders
• B3a. Chronic nausea and vomiting syndrome (CNVS)
• B3b. Cyclic vomiting syndrome (CVS)
• B3c. Cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome
• C. Bowel disorders
– C1. Irritable bowel syndrome
– C2. Functional constipation
– C3. Functional diarrhea
– C4. Functional abdominal bloating/distension
– C5. Unspecified functional bowel disorder
– C6. Opioid induced constipation
• D. Centrally mediated disorders of gastrointestinal pain
• E. Gallgallbladder and sphincter of oddi (SO) disorders
– E1. Biliary pain
• E1a. Functional gallbladder disorder
• E1b. Functional biliary SO disorder
– E2. Functional pancreatic SO disorder
• F. Anorectal disorders
– F1. Fecal incontinence
FGIDs in adults – F2. Functional anorectal pain
• 6 principal domains • F2a. Levator ani syndrome
• F2b. Unspecified functional anorectal pain
• 27 disorders • F2c. Proctalgia fugax
– F3. Functional defecation disorders
• F3a. Inadequate defecatory propulsion
• F3b. Dyssynergic defecation

Fig. 1. Schematic representation of functional gastrointestinal disorders according to the Rome IV criteria [6].

of alarm features, and on objective findings from a lim- toms of patients diagnosed with H. pylori associated dys-
ited number of standard diagnostic tests and investiga- pepsia are treated by H. pylori eradication. Patients in
tions [5, 6]. whom no identifiable explanation for the symptoms can be
detected by traditional diagnostic procedures are diag-
nosed as being affected by FD. The umbrella term “FD”
Rome Diagnostic Criteria and Differential Diagnosis comprises patients from the following categories: (1) post-
prandial distress syndrome (PDS) that is characterized by
The Rome IV criteria define dyspepsia as any combina- meal-induced dyspeptic symptoms suggestive of a motility
tion of 4 symptoms: postprandial fullness, early satiety, epi- disturbance; (2) epigastric pain syndrome (EPS), that refers
gastric pain, and epigastric burning that are severe enough to epigastric pain or epigastric burning that do not neces-
to interfere with the usual activities and occur at least 3 days sarily occur after meal ingestion, may occur during fasting
per week over the last 3 months with an onset of at least and can be even improved by meal ingestion, is reminiscent
6 months in advance [7]. After an accurate history taking of the clinical features typical of a peptic ulcer and needs to
and physical exam, in the absence of alarm symptoms and be distinguished from gastro-esophageal reflux disease;
signs [6], patients are diagnosed as being affected by unin- and (3) overlapping PDS and EPS, characterized by meal-
vestigated dyspepsia and can be treated empirically on the induced dyspeptic symptoms and epigastric pain or burn-
basis of their clinical manifestations. If the response is un- ing. The pathophysiology of FD is multifactorial and not
satisfactory or early relapses occur, a test and treat approach fully understood. Gastroduodenal motor and sensory dys-
for Helicobacter pylori infection is recommended. Symp- function as well as impaired mucosal integrity, low-grade

Functional Dyspepsia and Irritable Bowel Dig Dis 2017;35:14–17 15

Syndrome DOI: 10.1159/000485408
immune activation, and dysregulation of the gut-brain axis or 2); (3) IBS-M with mixed bowel habits (i.e., >25% of
have all been implicated [7]. The main motor abnormalities bowel movements with Bristol stool form types 1 or 2 and
include delayed gastric empting and impaired distribution >25% of bowel movements with Bristol stool form types 6
of gastric contents with inhibited gastric fundus accommo- or 7); and (4) unclassified IBS-U describing those patients
dation and abnormally distended antrum, but they corre- who meet diagnostic criteria for IBS but whose bowel hab-
late only partially with symptoms’ quality and severity. its cannot be categorized into any of the three previous
Gastric and duodenal hypersensitivities to distension, acid, groups. The underlying pathophysiological mechanisms
lipids and other intraluminal stimuli can be found in sub- grossly resemble those described for FD, since an abnormal
sets of dyspeptics. PDS patients are characterized by fasting interplay among aggressive luminal contents, insufficient
and postprandial gastric hyper-mechanosensitivity, while mucosal barrier, and excessive stimulation of submucosal
EPS patients present decreased gastric compliance. In- immune system are involved in the stimulation of both in-
creased permeability of the mucosal barrier exposes the trinsic and extrinsic neural pathways, which in turn acti-
submucosal immune system to luminal noxious agents. Be- vate changes in digestive functions (including secretory
yond H. pylori associated gastritis, duodenal eosinophilia and motor disorders) and symptom perception at the cen-
has been reported in FD patients, suggesting potential new tral nervous system level, respectively [11, 12]. Moreover,
therapeutic approaches. Infections, stress, duodenal acid as previously mentioned, abnormalities in the bi-direction-
exposure, smoking and food allergy have all been impli- al interaction mechanisms between central and peripheral
cated in the pathogenesis of duodenal mucosal inflamma- mechanisms are likely involved [9]. Genetic predisposition
tory and permeability changes. Post-infectious dyspepsia also seems to play a relevant role in polymorphisms detect-
has been reported, although it seems to be short-lived, com- ed in genes involved in immune activation, epithelial bar-
pared to post-infectious IBS [8]. Psychosocial disorders rier, and host-microbiota interaction [13]. Enteroendo-
may also play a role: anxiety, depression, neuroticism, as crine factors potentially involved include abnormal release
well as physical and emotional abuse and difficulty in cop- of serotonin in IBS patients, irrespective of bowel habits,
ing with life events, are frequent among dyspeptic patients. both during fasting and after meals [9]. Development of
A bidirectional relationship probably exists between gut molecular techniques is promoting a rapid increase in our
and psyche: studies on the natural history of FGIDs suggest understanding of gut microbiota in several pathological
that patients affected by FD and IBS are particularly prone conditions, including IBS. An increased Firmicutes/Bacte-
to develop psychological problems [9]. roides ratio and a decreased diversity of bacterial species
seem to be of major relevance among the several abnor-
malities identified in subgroups of patients with IBS. Bacte-
Subforms of IBS rial and viral pathogens responsible for infectious gastro-
enteritis represent the strongest known risk factor for the
The term IBS defines a syndrome characterized by re- development of IBS (post-infectious IBS or PI-IBS). A cor-
current abdominal pain in association with altered bowel relation between gut dysbiosis and expression of several
habits (diarrhea, constipation, or both). According to the host gene pathways controlling cell junction integrity and
Rome IV criteria, symptom onset should occur at least inflammatory response has been detected in PI-IBS and
6 months before diagnosis, and symptoms should be pres- IBS-D. As long suspected by patients and doctors alike, di-
ent during the last 3 months [10]. Abdominal bloating and/ etary factors may also be involved in the determination of
or distension or other forms of abdominal discomfort are the syndrome. Specifically, lactose and gluten sensitivities,
frequently present, but are not included in the diagnostic as well as ingestion of excessive amounts of fermentable
definition of IBS. Frequency, duration, and severity of carbohydrates are thought to play relevant pathogenetic
symptoms range from negligible to incapacitating, but are roles in the subsets of IBS patients. Increased mucosal per-
most often prompt modifications in the usual activities of meability probably modulated by genetic factors, as well as
affected individuals. IBS is subclassified into 4 categories; by aggressive intraluminal contents and psychological or
(1) IBS-C with predominant constipation (i.e., >25% of physical stressors expose the largest immune system of the
bowel movements with Bristol stool form types 1 or 2 and human body, which is located in the gut submucosa, to an-
<25% of bowel movements with Bristol stool form types 6 tigenic activation, thus inducing the release of a cascade of
or 7); (2) IBS-D with predominant diarrhea (i.e., >25% of inflammatory mediators, including histamine, cytokines,
bowel movements with Bristol stool form types 6 or 7 and prostanoids, and proteases. A pivotal role is played by acti-
<25% of bowel movements with Bristol stool form types 1 vated mast cells which are increased in the subsets of IBS

16 Dig Dis 2017;35:14–17 Stanghellini

DOI: 10.1159/000485408
patients, regardless of their bowel habits [14]. The concen- psychosocial conditioning factors, etc.; (2) a physical
tration of activated mast cells in proximity of nerve endings exam to evaluate possible palpable masses, abdominal
strongly correlates with the severity of abdominal pain re- distension, skin abnormalities, etc.; and (3) limited tradi-
ported by affected individuals. Enteric and extrinsic nerves tional diagnostic tests capable of distinguishing IBS from
stimulated by inflammatory mediators respond to relevant other pathological conditions which may present with
neuroplastic changes including increased expression of similar symptoms, such as celiac disease, IBD, and micro-
both neuronal growth factor and polymodal receptors, as scopic colitis [10]. Key issues in the management of IBS
well as neurite outgrowth and sprouting. Taken together, patients are all those factors that are necessary to establish
these data suggest that an abnormal mucosal milieu in- a strong doctor-patient relationship. It is mandatory that
duced by immune activation plays a role in the pathophys- the patient is reassured about the “reality” of its condition
iology of IBS, inducing long-lasting neuroplastic changes and educated to somewhat understand the “micro-organ-
that are responsible for gut secretory, motor and sensory ic” (i.e. cellular/molecular) mechanisms that are respon-
dysfunctions that characterize the disease. sible for the determination, onset, fluctuations, and chro-
nicity of the symptoms. Determining the predominant
disorder in bowel habits is important, since it may pro-
Conclusions vide guidance for treatment approaches, although IBD-C
and IBS-D often overlap and share, at least to a certain
Despite the substantial understanding of the underly- extent, common underlying mechanisms.
ing pathophysiological mechanisms and the high preva- For a better comparability of clinical reports, the Rome
lence of IBS, as one of the most frequent diagnoses made criteria should be used in clinical trials testing the efficacy
by general practitioners and gastroenterologists, its man- of medicinal products aimed at the treatment of FD and IBS.
agement remains challenging in both settings. In the ab-
sence of specific biomarkers to objectively confirm a di-
agnosis of IBS, the Rome IV guidelines indicate that the Disclosure Statement
diagnosis of IBS requires: (1) a thorough history taking Vincenzo Stanghellini is a member of the advisory board and/
including severity of the conditions and possible alarm or speaker for AlfaSigma, Allergan, Angelini, Bayer, Malesci, Take-
features and triggering factors such as food intolerances, da, and receives scientific support from AlfaSigma and Allergan.

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Functional Dyspepsia and Irritable Bowel Dig Dis 2017;35:14–17 17

Syndrome DOI: 10.1159/000485408

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