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Thirst and the Power of Being

While reading a work by John Eurigina Scotus, a 9th century philosopher & theologian, he proposed and
presented an argumentative body, accompanied with the support for his hypothesis,

³God does not have foreknowledge´

The ramifications of this:

This issue, which has been a fundamental presumption, notion, and is an assertion of our faith; yet Scotus
presents the following, ³ that to have fore-knowledge, is to say that someone is not there, and the future is
yet to be.´

Something to Ponder:

At first glance, this, indeed would no doubt preclude God from being everywhere, which in turn would
dismiss Him from being omnipotent. Moreover, God would need to ³roll out´, if you will, time and
events much like a carpet.

This, too, would assert that God has not rested from all His works, and would dismiss Pseudo Dionysius¶s
assertions within his treatise, µDivine Names¶, citing that similar to the sun, which he asserts that to be
under the scope of the sun, is to be in the light of it. Even if you were to be within a house, the effects of
the sun¶s light and other factors still exist and to some extent permeate the structure you are within. There
is no escaping the sun¶s compete effects. It does not need to be visible for you to experience its effect and
observe its affect upon things.

A Perspective:

All this, in conjunction with predestination, is to say that if you were within, let¶s say inside a 200 room
hotel, the water is present and readily available at any and all faucets, yet because you may be ignorant of
this fact, or aptly put, are unaware of all the locations, does not infer that the hotel is dry, or limits the
opportunity for the dispensing thereof. Your being thirsty is your dilemma, and does not, nor should it
come against the hotel.

At any time, when ever the need arise to quench your thirst, the water is there at all facets at all times,
thus, when you arrive at one, even if you find, say a water fountain around the corner, it was always
there, ready to serve. Thus, your ignorance to look, know and be there did not diminish the fact that it was
there all the time.

The prediction factor is that all is possible, realistic, locations have been previously considered and the
locations were situated (planned) to provide water, by the architect.



































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