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The condition of the environment where a life of living beings is not always fixed. The
change can be caused by the changing of seasons, humidity, temperature, intensity of sunlight,
precipitation, and other climate factors. This environmental change will also affect the condition
of the living things in it. For it, the creature needs to adapt (adjust) to changes in the
environment. Every living creature has provided the ability to adapt by God. This adaptation is
useful to maintain her life. The viability of organism are influenced by three things, namely,
adaptation, natural selection, and breeding. By adapting the living beings able to survive will
take his life and who are not able to survive will become extinct. In the event this is nature will
serve as selectors. While the breeding to preserve the type to keep it there.
Formulation of the problem
1. What is adaptation?
2. What are the types of adaptations?
3. What are the examples of adaptation in animals?
The purpose of the writing
1. To accomplish the task of biology
2. To know the meaning of adaptation
3. To know what styles of adaptation
4. To know examples of adaptation in animals

A. What the meaning of Adaptation?
Adaptation is derived from the Latin word adaptare which means "adjust”. Adaptation is
a form of adjustment done living creatures in order to survive in their environment,
especially to the new environment, not only in humans but also in animals and also plants,
they must be able to adapt to the the environment in which they are located, in order to
maintain the viability or in defending his life. Adaptation is the way how organisms cope
with the pressure of the surrounding environment to survive. Organisms that are able to adapt
to their environment are able to:
a. obtain water, air and nutrients (food)
b. overcoming physical conditions like temperature, light and heat
c. sustain its natural enemy of life
d. respond to changes that occur in the vicinity
This adaptation is needed by all living things, because every environment on Earth has its
own characteristics. Suppose in the polar temperature is very cold and there is a lot of water
while the opposite in an area where temperature is hot, arid desert, and it's hard to get water.
Therefore place the creature of his life has a different shape and characteristics to adapt
themselves with their surroundings.
One of the causes of the extinction of living things is the inability of living things to
adapt to the environment. For example, when moving a fish taken from its natural habitat
into a homemade fish pond. A few days later the fish kept dying. The death of these fish
caused the fish not being able to adapt to his new environment. Each type of organism has
and requires the environment to live in a certain place. The environment or place a living
being is usually referred to as habitat.

B. What are the types of adaptation?

Adaptation consists of three kinds of, among others:
1. Morphological Adaptation
Morphological adaptation is the adjustment of the shape of the body of the living
thing body tools or living beings to the environment. On this adaptation usually form her
body shape adjustments such as in the form of the beak, the shape of the foot, as well as
the shape of the entire body as a whole. Adaptation in the form of the body serves to
adjust the shape of her body in a way she gets food and adjusting the shape of his body
with how he lived in the place.

a) The form of the beak

o The Eagles have a strong beak, with the
upper jaw are curved and sharp edges.
The function of the half for clutching
and tore his prey
o Hummingbirds have a pointy beak is
long and making it easy for sucking
o Pelikan has a long and large marsupials
at the bottom which functions to catch
and store fish
o The trigger has a long, pointed,
powerful, and useful to find insects that
hide in tree bark or trunk
o The ducks have a beak shaped like
turbine vanes and the jagged base functions to search for food in muddy or watery
o Pipit has a short beak, thick, spiky and useful
to break down the grain

b) The shape of the foot

o Bird's foot climber has two toes in front and
two other toes on the back, e.g. woodpeckers
o Chicken legs have three fingers facing forward and one finger in the back don't
grow perfect, useful to scavenge food and walking on the land
o Duck Legs and webbed fingers between her legs pelicans that are useful for
making it easy to swim in water
o Eagles Legs have short toes, nails curved sharp, and strong claws useful for scroll,
o The legs of the birds have long toes in, slim and flat soles are useful for perching
on branches of trees, such as sparrows

c) The shape of the mouth of the insect

o The mouth of the biter and chewers
Have a strong lower top jaw. The upper jaw is called the mandible works
to cut and erode the food. Lower jaw is called the maxilla, serve to chew food.
Examples are the grasshoppers and cricket.
o Suction Mouth
Its shape is like a proboscis that can be rolled up, and no. Examples of
insects that have mouth suckers is a butterfly. Butterflies use mouth suction
(proboscis) to suck honey from flowers.
o The Mouth of the Awl and Suckers
The mouth of the awl dan suckers in insects have sharp shape and length.
Examples of insects that have mouth awl and suckers is the mosquito. Mosquitoes
use human skin piercing his mouth then suck the blood. So, in addition to its
mouth serves as the awl also serves as a sucker.
o The mouth of flatterers
The mouth of the
flatterers equipped with tools,
namely a long tongue
flatterers. Examples of insects
that have mouth flatterers are
bee honey and flies.

d) The shape of the teeth of mammals

o Grazing Mammals like cows, buffaloes, goats, sheep, and horses have axe-shaped
incisors which serves to clamp and cut food. Molar-shaped wide and flat makes it
easier to grind food
o Mammalian carnivores have sharp incisors and canines, large, strong and pointed.
Meanwhile, the sharp serrated teeth gerahamnya so that it is able to chew the meat
hard and clay
e) Camel
o Camels have long eyelashes to ward off sand blown by the
wind so as not to get into his eyes
o Camels Hump store fat at any while can be used for is
converted into energy
o Have the soles of the feet are thick and wide for easy walking
in the sand so as not to drown

f) The polar bear ears small to reduce loss of heat and foot wide and thick so as not to
drown while walking in the snow

2. Physiology Adaptation
Adaptation Physiology leads to function, the function body tools. Adaptation
physiology is the adjustment of certain body tool functions in living creatures with the
State or condition of the environment. Physiological adaptation is indeed not be seen
directly by the eye, because this function is its nature is not seen but felt. This function
encompasses the functions of the organs in the body of the living thing, like the heart
adapted to changes in temperatures that sometimes occurs in the extreme.

a) Fish that live in the sea water has salts the body lower than levels of salt sea water.
This means that the pressure on the fish body is lower than the pressure of sea water.
This can cause the water in the body of the fish tend to come out through the thin
membrane gills, so the fish could lose water. For that fish adapt to drink as many
water and excrete urine that is a little more concentrated so that no excessive salt in
the body.

b) While the levels of salt in the body of freshwater fish greater than the levels of salt in
the environment. It resulted in the fresh water tends to get into the body through the
gills. To overcome this, the fish just drink a little water but spent a lot of the diluted

c) Camels are able to walk far without drinking water.

Once a drink can be up to 130 litres (one third of his
body weight). The camel is also good at regulating the use of water in their body, for
instance when they pee, urine they contain very little water so that urine is pale and
creamy. In addition, the stool they remove almost completely dry without water

d) Herbivore animals are animals eating

plants. Because the fibers of plants
tend to be hard to digest, so animal
adaptations of plants by producing
enzymes cellulose tract to digest the
cellulose in plant fibers. Enzyme
Selulase produced by mikrooganisme
substances found in the rumen.

e) The ship Worm (toredo navalis) and termites

Digest wood cellulose enzymes help in the digestive system. On
the termite cellulose produced by flagelata who is in his

f) The mosquito is animal blood suckers. Because the blood thickens, then mosquitoes
tend to adjust to produce the anti freeze blood or anticoagulant.

g) Polar bears have a thick layer of fat to keep the heat in her body.

3. Behavior Adaptation
The third is related to the adaptation of works of a living creature, namely
adaptation behavior. This adaptation is indeed not come as naturally as the two previous
adaptations. However, this adaptation is more are bringing themselves, i.e. the behaviour
of living things (e.g. animals and plants) to fit in with the surrounding environment. This
behavior is more adaptation related to adaptation to protect themselves from the attacks
of predators or prey. In addition to protecting yourself from this predator, the adaptation
behavior are also carried out to adapt to the environment including changes that occur in
the inverting.

a) Scorpion protect itself from enemies using were stings. It contains

toxins which were stings can kill their enemies. In addition to
kelajengking, other animals that use toxic substances to protect
themselves from enemy attack is, centipedes, bees, and snakes.
b) Lizard tail moment captured the enemy decides which is called autotomi

c) Mimicry is the vagaries of animal

dilaukan to generate similarities (camouflage) with the
surrounding environment to survive the attacks of the
enemy. For example a chameleon-like foliage.

d) Squid and Octopus when it attacked enemy discharge

black like ink that ultimately makes the water becomes
cloudy and the enemy cannot see it. They mislead the
enemy with a swim as fast as possible.

e) In winter many animals bleed panas need

additional energy to maintain body temperature, but the food
is very rare. To be able to survive, then the black bears do
Hibernate long sleep in the winter its goal to conserve energy,
avoid cold weather and food shortage

f) Estivasi that is a long sleep in the summertime performed by

the reptile in a cool and shaded in order to keep his body
temperature is normal and not a lot of activity. Examples are
lizards, Sea Urchin, snail's pace, and mouse.

g) Termites usually will take back the skin peeling from his body. Baby termites also eat
and lick anal adult termites to get flagellate. Flagellate is some kind of substance that
can help digest the wood.

h) Whales breathe with lungs. They will

gradually come to the surface of the water to take a breather
and oxygen so that they remain alive. The results of the
breathing will be issued when he comes to the surface
through the holes in the upper body sepertu fountain.

i) Cow/Buffalo wallowing in the mud at a time when

the heat of the sun to avoid loss of liquids
So, is a form of adaptation to the environment, self adjustment. Animal adaptation is the
adaptability of the animals to the environment. In an environment of change, then living
creatures that are in it are also definitely will change adjust new environment it is. Adaptation
aims to sustain life. If can not adapt, then they will become extinct. Self adjustment it can be
done through the body shape (morphology, adaptation), through the function body tools
(adaptation Physiology), and through the behavior (the adaptation behavior). Each example is
written in the contents of the papers.


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