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32 minutes

0,1,1,4,9 - 2000
cos(x+30)+sin(x+60) = cos(x)
Discrete Fourier
integrate naperian x trigonometric
parabola is moved 3 units down and 4 units left
particular solution question
bahay operation
bahay operation(another)
-what is the current fee in UP
find the center (h,k) then compute for h^k
logarithmic - log5(x)+9=log5(y)
A-100 B-90 C-80, if B-100 then C-?
two circles, two lines
A - 60% Acid and B - 25% Acid, what percentage of A and B to make 45% Acid solution
base radius is given(12 ata) and equilateral triangle can be made
-polynomial function divided by a x^2-1, what is the remainder
triangle chuchu
Triangle - 90% yung isa angle, tapos yung 2nd highest ay twice ng first
given two points ng circle, find the center (no choice but to plug in the choices)
Find A(E), given conic equation
Maclerian series expansion
Maclerian series expansion(another) tanx
A union B and A intersect B? ewan
round trip
Study Laplace
Study Advanced integration techs

b prime
50 mT
which of the following pefroms in both directions
classic EZ sir DV
Nand Truth table
Nor Truth table
what does the figure present? Demultiplexer
If enable pin is HIGH, then all y outputs are low?
only when at least on input is low, then output is high
what is the bjt? npn or pnp
0.7 V ng silicon
current rating of 741 IC
shunt, field, series blah blah blah
depletion mode, when two junctions
2s complement
study reverse breakdown
study UJT

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