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Astrological Correspondences

Zodiac Rulerships

Sign: Aries
Constellation: the Ram
Time of Year: March 21 – April 19
Element: Fire
Modality: Cardinal
Polarity: Masculine
Characteristic: Actively Inspired
Function: Action, Identification with action, Conscious selfhood
Planet: Mars
Key Words: I am.
House: 1st House (Appearance, Persona)
Anatomy: Head & Face
Metal: Iron
Gemstone: Diamond
Color: Red
Flower/Herb: Gorse (Honeysuckle)/Paprika
Archetypes: Warrior, Pioneer
Tribe (of Israel): Gad
Apostle (of Jesus): Peter
Power (of Man): Faith

Sign: Taurus
Constellation: the Bull
Time of Year: April 20 – May 19
Element: Earth
Modality: Fixed
Polarity: Feminine
Characteristic: Determined Practicality
Function: Stability, Identification with substance,
Planet: Venus
Key Words: I have.
House: 2nd House (Wealth, Talents)
Anatomy: Neck & Throat
Metal: Copper
Gemstone: Emerald
Color: Green
Flower/Herb: Hawthorne (Poppy)/Rosemary
Archetypes: Farmer, Builder
Tribe (of Israel): Joseph
Apostle (of Jesus): Simon Zelotes
Power (of Man): Zeal


Sign: Gemini
Constellation: the Twins
Time of Year: May 20 - June 20
Element: Air
Modality: Mutable
Polarity: Masculine
Characteristic: Adaptable Mentality
Function: Association, Mentality, Variety
Planet: Mercury
Key Words: I think.
House: 3rd House (Neighborhood, Communications)
Anatomy: Arms, Hands, & Lungs
Metal: Mercury
Gemstone: Agate/Alexandrite
Color: Yellow
Flower/Herb: Yellow Rose/Lavender
Archetypes: Speaker, Merchant
Tribe (of Israel): Benjamin
Apostle (of Jesus): James, "the lesser," son of Alphaeus
Power (of Man): Order

Sign: Cancer
Constellation: the Crab
Time of Year: June 21 – July 22
Element: Water
Modality: Cardinal
Polarity: Feminine
Characteristic: Active Feeling
Function: Personal integration, Sensitivity, Protection
Planet: Moon
Key Words: I feel.
House: 4th House (Home, Mother)
Anatomy: Breasts & Stomach
Metal: Silver
Gemstone: Moonstone (Pearl, Ruby)
Color: Violet
Flower/Herb: Water Lilly (Accanthus)/Balm
Archetypes: Mother, Guardian
Tribe (of Israel): Issachar
Apostle (of Jesus): Andrew
Power (of Man): Strength


Sign: Leo
Constellation: the Lion
Time of Year: July 23 – August 21
Element: Fire
Modality: Fixed
Polarity: Masculine
Characteristic: Persistent Inspiration
Function: Self-expression, Creation
Planet: Sun
Key Words: I will.
House: 5th House (Creativity, Children)
Anatomy: Heart & Back
Metal: Gold
Gemstone: Peridot (Jade, Sardonyx)
Color: Orange
Flower/Herb: Sunflower (Heliotrope)/Borage
Archetypes: King, Lover
Tribe (of Israel): Judah
Apostle (of Jesus): John
Power (of Man): Love

Sign: Virgo
Constellation: the Virgin
Time of Year: August 22 – September 22
Element: Earth
Modality: Mutable
Polarity: Feminine
Characteristic: Adaptable Practicality
Function: Service, Adjustment, Technique
Planet: Mercury
Key Words: I analyze
House: 6th House (Work, Health)
Anatomy: Intestines, Colon, & Nervous system
Metal: Mercury (Steel)
Color: Gray
Gemstone: Sapphire (Zircon)
Flower/Herb: Morning Glory/Fennel
Archetypes: Craftsman, Nurse
Tribe (of Israel): Zebulon
Apostle (of Jesus): Philip
Power (of Man): Power


Sign: Libra
Constellation: the Scales
Time of Year: September 23 – October 22
Element: Air
Modality: Cardinal
Polarity: Masculine
Characteristic: Active Mentality
Function: Human interchange, Social participation, Harmony
Planet: Venus
Key Words: I balance; We are.
House: 7th House (Marriage, Partnerships)
Anatomy: Lumbar region, Kidneys
Color: Purple
Metal: Copper
Gemstone: Opal (Sapphire)
Flower/Herb: Red Rose/Sage
Archetypes: Spouse, Diplomat
Tribe (of Israel): Levi
Apostle (of Jesus): Bartholomew-Nathaniel
Power (of Man): Imagination

Sign: Scorpio
Constellation: the Scorpion
Time of Year: October 23 – November 21
Element: Water
Modality: Fixed
Polarity: Feminine
Characteristic: Determined Emotions
Function: Identification with the greater whole, Power, Transcedence
Planet: Mars (Traditional), Pluto (Modern)
Key Words: I desire; We have.
House: 8th House (Shared resources, Occult)
Anatomy: Genitalia, Gonads, & Rectum
Metal: Iron
Gemstone: Topaz (Citrine)
Color: Indigo
Flower/Herb: Heather/Basil
Archetypes: Tax collector, Detective
Tribe (of Israel): Dan
Apostle (of Jesus): Thomas
Power (of Man): Understanding


Sign: Sagittarius
Constellation: the Archer
Time of Year: November 22 – December 21
Element: Fire
Modality: Mutable
Polarity: Masculine
Characteristic: Adaptable Inspiration
Function: Expansion, Abstraction
Planet: Jupiter
Key Words: I see; We think.
House: 9th House (Philosophy, Religion, Travel)
Anatomy: Hips, Thighs, & Liver
Metal: Tin
Gemstone: Turquoise (Lapis/Lazuli)
Color: White
Flower/Herb: Chrysanthemum (Narcissus)/Sage
Archetypes: Professor, Traveler
Tribe (of Israel): Asher
Apostle (of Jesus): James, “the great teacher,” son of Zebedee
Power (of Man): Discrimination

Sign: Capricorn
Constellation: the Sea Goat
Time of Year: December 22 – January 21
Element: Earth
Modality: Cardinal
Polarity: Feminine
Characteristic: Active Practicality
Function: Achievement, Authority, Social status
Planet: Saturn
Key Words: I use.
House: 10th House (Career, Father)
Anatomy: Skeletal system & Skin
Metal: Iron
Gemstone: Garnet  
Color: Black
Flower/Herb: Hyacinth (Carnation)/Comfrey
Archetypes: Father, Pope, Executive
Tribe (of Israel): Naphtali
Apostle (of Jesus): Matthew
Power (of Man): Will


Sign: Aquarius
Constellation: the Water Bearer
Time of Year: January 21 – February 19
Element: Air
Modality: Fixed
Polarity: Masculine
Characteristic: Determined Mentality
Function: Social expression, Humanitarianism, Truth
Planet: Saturn (Traditional), Uranus (Modern)
Key Words: I know; We will.
House: 11th House (Friends, Ideals)
Anatomy: Calves, Ankles, & Circulation
Metal: Lead
Gemstone: Amethyst
Color: Light Blue
Flower/Herb: Daisy (Orchid0/Thyme
Archetypes: Reformer, Inventor
Tribe (of Israel): Reuben
Apostle (of Jesus): Thaddeus-Jude
Power (of Man): Elimination

Sign: Pisces
Constellation: the Fishes
Time of Year: February 20 – March 20
Element: Water
Modality: Mutable
Polarity: Feminine
Characteristic: Adaptable Feelings
Function: Universalization, Redemption, Unity
Planet: Jupiter (Traditional), Neptune (Modern)
Key Words: I believe; We serve.
House: 12th House (Confinement, Sacrifice)
Anatomy: Feet & Lymphatic system
Metal: Tin
Gemstone: Aquamarine (Bloodstone)
Color: Blue
Flower/Herb: Primrose/Parsley
Archetypes: Poet, Mystic
Tribe (of Israel): Simeon
Apostle (of Jesus): Judas Iscariot
Power (of Man): Regeneration

10. Gemini the Twins - Benjamin (air element) Quality: Mutable
11. Cancer the Crab - Issachar (water element) Quality: Cardinal Issachar Leah
Cancer Taurus

Judah Leah Leo Aries

Qualities: Fixed (determined - MALE), Cardinal (creative - androgynous FEMALE/male),

or Mutable (changeable - FEMALE)

Elements: Fire (spirit & energy - MALE), Air (intellect & communication - MALE), Water
(emotion & nurture - FEMALE), Earth (material things & security - FEMALE)

Aries: Peter, the fiery, impulsive, changeable, pioneering leader, who eventually became
the rock upon which was founded the New Church "of the Lamb." (Initiating:
inspirational) Faith---Peter--center of brain

Taurus: Simon Zelotes, the dogmatic, determined zealot; who was concerned with property
and finances, rebelled against the payment of taxes, and received from Jesus the
admonition - "Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's." (Fixed: materialistic)
Zeal --- Simon the Cananaean--back head, medulla.

Gemini: James, "the lesser." Slow to accept the authenticity of the Messiah, but became the
eloquent preacher of the church in Jerusalem, and an active evangelist and exhorter.
(Mutable: intellectual) Order ---James, son of Alphaeus--navel.

Cancer: Andrew, the sympathetic homebody, a follower of John the Baptist, whose first
thought when he discovered the Messiah was to run quickly and fetch his brother Simon.
(Initiating: sympathetic) Strength---Andrew--loins.

Leo: John, the most beloved apostle. (Fixed: inspirational) Love---John---back of heart.

Virgo: Philip, always precise, calculating, enquiring, and practical. (Mutable: materialistic)
Power---Philip---root of tongue.

Libra: Bartholomew-Nathaniel, the innocently pure one "in whom there is no guile." The
tactful, persuasive evangelist. (Initiating: intellectual) Imagination--Bartholomew--between
the eyes.

Scorpio: Thomas, the doubting skeptic, yet bold and courageous. (Fixed: sympathetic)
Understanding ---Thomas--front brain.

Sagittarius: James, the great teacher, who with Peter and John became the spiritual
leaders of the early church: the three fire sign types cooperating. (Mutable: inspirational)
Discrimination or Judgment---James, son of Zebedee---pit of stomach.

Capricorn: Matthew, the tax gatherer, the politician, the one in authority in the governing
seat in Rome. (Initiating: materialistic) Will ---Matthew--center front brain.

Aquarius: Thaddeus-Jude, who considered the lot of the peasant, and sought to better the
living and working conditions of the masses; and who interrogated Jesus at the Last
Supper as to how he would manifest himself. (Fixed: intellectual) Renunciation or
Elimination --Thaddaeus-abdominal region.

Pisces: Judas Iscariot, who when he succumbed to temptation suf- fered severe pangs of
remorse. (Mutable: sympathetic) Life Conserver---Judas--generative function.


Peter, also known as Simon and or Cephas, is said to be the Aries. Very
vibrant and fiery. He was a great leader, as Aries generally are. Founder of
the New Church, he is still viewed by Catholicism as the leader of the
church, all Popes being his successors.
If you follow him through the Bible, you will see he is impulsive and
changed his mind readily. He is said to have the authority, given by God, to
decide who may enter the gates of Heaven. When Judas betrayed the Lord, Sun in ARIES -
and the priests came to arrest Jesus, Peter was the impulsive disciple who ruled by Mars -
immediately chopped off the ear of the priest. Though Jesus had forewarned Planet of Survival
Peter that he would deny knowledge of being an acquaintance, much less
disciple of the Lord, Peter argued. Yet when he was questioned,
Art not thou one of his disciples? He denied it, saying I am not. One of the Element: Fire
servants of the high priest, being his kinsman whose ear Peter cut off, saith, Color: Red
Did I not see thee in the garden with him? Peter then denied again… Gemstone:
John 18:25-27
Metal: Copper
To save face, much like an Aries, he denied knowing Jesus even through the
repeated questioning. Mar. 21-Apr.19

You are a person

who thrives on
TAURUS/SIMON challenge, and you
often feel that you
The Taurus was Simon Zelotes. Much like the earth sign with which he is must battle your
associated, his concerns were monies and properties. Simon was outspoken way through life,
and determined about his refusal to pay taxes to Caesar, even though Jesus
depending upon no
one and nothing
…render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s; and unto
but your own
God the things which are God’s
Matthew 22:21 strength,
intelligence, and
He is known as Simon the Zealot, commonly thought to be a member of the courage. You
Jewish group, the Zealots, a political group known for their resistance of the believe in being
Roman government. Like most Taureans, he preferred security and wealth. totally honest, true
Simon was known for his materialistic behaviourisms. A typical Taurus to oneself and
believes others are out to take advantage of him, and rarely changes his one's own vision
mind about anything once he has set his opinion. Simon was no different.
and convictions,
even if that means
standing alone.
Honesty, integrity,
GEMINI/JAMES personal honor,
and authenticity
James is seen as the Gemini. A wonderful speaker, he became the preacher are your gods, and
of the church in Jerusalem. Gemini is the sign known for having two faces, you have no
as it were. James fulfills this. Some believe that it was he who wrote the sympathy for
book of James and see him as one of Jesus’ four brothers. Others claim he is
weakness of
a half brother, as Mary the Virgin and God the Father had only one child.
character in others.
All others would be half siblings. The Roman Catholic Church states that he
is merely a cousin of Jesus, that the Messiah had no siblings. Still other More Personality

religions believe him to be Joseph’s child from a previous marriage. And

still others make no such connection at all, saying9 he was the son of
Alphaeus, a disciple of Christ. (Alphaeus is also said to be the father of
Matthew called Levi.)

Aries in Love
Aries Career Guidance
Guardian Angel for Aries

Aries Monthly Horoscope

Multimedia presentation for Aries!

Sun in TAURUS - ruled by Venus - Planet of Love and Money

Element: Earth
Color: Pale blue
Gem: Sapphire
Metal: Copper
Apr. 20-May 20

You are a steadfast and patient soul, capable of tremendous devotion, dedication, endurance, and
constancy. The ability to follow through and stick with things is one of your greatest assets. Once your
course is set, you pursue it tenaciously until it is completed, stubbornly resisting any attempts to sway
you from your purpose. More Personality Profile...

Taurus in Love
Taurus Career Guidance
Guardian Angel for Taurus

Taurus Monthly Horoscope

Multimedia presentation for Taurus!

Sun in GEMINI - ruled by Mercury - Planet of Communication

Element: Air
Color: All shades of yellow
Gem: Agate
Metal: Mercury
May 21-June 21

You are, in many ways, an eternal child. Your mind is bright, alert, curious, flexible, playful, and
always eager for new experiences - and your attention span is often quite brief. You grasp ideas
quickly and once your initial curiosity has been satisfied, you want to go on to something else. You
crave frequent change, variety, meeting new situations and people. More Personality Profile...

Gemini in Love
Gemini Career Guidance
Guardian Angel for Gemini

Gemini Monthly Horoscope

Multimedia presentation for Gemini!

Sun in CANCER - ruled by the Moon - Planet of Emotions

Element: Water
Color: shades of Gray and Green
Gem: Pearl
Metal: Silver
June 22-July 22

You have powerful emotional attachments to the past, your family, your childhood, those places you
associate with safety and security and your beginnings. Maintaining a connection with your roots and
heritage and keeping family bonds strong are very important to you. Loyal, devoted, and sentimental,
you tend to cling to whatever is dear to you, be it person, familiar place, or cherished possession.
More Personality Profile...

Cancer in Love
Cancer Career Guidance
Guardian Angel for Cancer

Cancer Monthly Horoscope

Multimedia presentation for Cancer!

Sun in LEO - ruled by the Sun - Planet of Leadership

Element: Fire
Color: Golden yellow and Orange

Element: Fire
Color: Golden yellow and Orange
Gem: Ruby
Metal: Gold
Jul. 23-Aug.22

Proud and intensely individual, you really want to stand out, to be the very best you can be, and to be
recognized and appreciated for your unique contributions. Doing something well and being respected
for it is extremely important to you, and you cannot tolerate being in the background, taking orders
from others, or being “just one of the team”. You must put your personal stamp on whatever you do,
and direct your own course in life. You need to have a place where you can shine, express yourself
creatively, and be the one in charge. More Personality Profile...

Leo in Love
Leo Career Guidance
Guardian Angel for Leo

Leo Monthly Horoscope

Multimedia presentation for Leo!

Sun In VIRGO - ruled by Mercury - Planet of Communication

Element: Earth
Color: Dark blues, Grays and Browns
Gem: Sardonyx

Metal: Mercury
An Earth Sign
Aug. 23-Sept. 22

At heart you are modest and humble, and you rarely strive to be in the limelight or in a position of
power. You have a sharp analytical mind, a keen eye for detail, and you prefer to observe, dissect,
and study life from a distance. Conscientious and conservative, you can be relied upon to be careful,
efficient, and thorough in your work and you take pride in doing a job well. What you may lack in self-
confidence you often make up for in skill - developing expertise, technical knowledge, and competency
in some specialized area.
More Personality Profile...

Virgo in Love
Virgo Career Guidance
Guardian Angel for Virgo

Virgo Monthly Horoscope

Multimedia presentation for Virgo!

Sun in LIBRA - ruled by Venus - Planet of Love and Money

Element: Air
Color: Pale blue and pink
Gem: Sapphire
Metal: Copper
Sept .23-Oct. 22

Harmony and balance are your keynotes. You instinctively understand the need to accommodate other
peoples' interests and desires, and you are always fair and willing to meet the other person half way.
Tactful, diplomatic, and with considerable social awareness, you do all you can to avoid conflict and
discord. You express a spirit of cooperation and compromise and often achieve through charm and
discretion what would have been impossible to achieve by a direct, forceful approach. More Personality

Libra in Love
Libra Career Guidance
Guardian Angel for Libra

Libra Monthly Horoscope

Multimedia presentation for Libra!

Sun in SCORPIO - ruled by Pluto - Planet of Regeneration

Element: Water
Color: Dark Red and Maroon
Gem: Opal
Metal: Iron
Oct. 23-Nov. 21

Quiet, deep, emotionally complex and intensely private, you are not a person who is easy to get to
know and understand. You are extremely sensitive but disinclined to show it, and you allow only a
special few into your inner world. Like a wary animal, you are cautious and mistrustful of those you do
not know until you “sniff them out”. You are very, very instinctive and intuitive. You usually have a
strong, immediate gut reaction to people, even though you may be unable to clearly articulate why
you feel as you do. Your feelings and perceptions go deeper than words. More Personality Profile...

Scorpio in Love
Scorpio Career Guidance
Guardian Angel for Scorpio

Scorpio Monthly Horoscope

Multimedia presentation for Scorpio!

Sun in SAGITTARIUS - ruled by Jupiter - Planet of Expansion

Element: Fire
Color: Purple
Gem: Topaz
Metal: Iron

Nov. 22-Dec. 21

You are a gambler and an adventurer at heart, one who loves to take risks, to discover and explore
new worlds, and to take the untried path rather than the safe, reliable one. You are an independent
soul, freedom-loving, and often very restless. You need a lifestyle that provides opportunities for
travel, movement, change, and meeting new people. A steady routine which offers much in the way of
security but little in the way of space and freedom is odious to you. More Personality Profile...

Sagittarius in Love
Sagittarius Career Guidance
Guardian Angel for Sagittarius

Sagittarius Monthly Horoscope

Multimedia presentation for Sagittarius!

Sun in CAPRICORN - ruled by Saturn - Planet of Authority

Element: Earth
Color: Dark Gray, Dark Green and Brown
Gem: Turquoise
Metal: Lead
Dec. 22-Jan. 19

Serious, disciplined, and quietly ambitious, you are driven to prove yourself and to achieve material
accomplishments and success. Your work, your position in the world, and your contributions to society
are very important to you. You will persevere through enormous hardship and frustration in order to
reach a goal you have set for yourself, and you often sacrifice much in the area of personal
relationships and home life in order to do so. More Personality Profile...

Capricorn in Love
Capricorn Career Guidance
Guardian Angel for Capricorn

Capricorn Monthly Horoscope

Multimedia presentation for Capricorn!

Sun in AQUARIUS - ruled by Uranus - Planet of Progress

Element: Air
Color: Electric blue
Gem: Amethyst
Metal: Uranium
Jan. 20-Feb. 18

You are a freedom-loving, strong-willed, and independent- minded individual, and you insist upon
living your own life as you see fit, even if that means ignoring convention and tradition. In personal
relationships you cannot be owned or possessed, and while you are willing to share yourself with
another, you do not always adjust easily to the emotional give and take of a close relationship.
More Personality Profile...

Aquarius in Love
Aquarius Career Guidance
Guardian Angel for Aquarius

Aquarius Monthly Horoscope

Multimedia presentation for Aquarius!

Sun in PISCES - ruled by Neptune - Planet of Inspiration

Element: Water
Color: Soft Sea Green
Gem: Moonstone
Metal: Tin
Feb. 19-Mar. 20

At heart you are very gentle, impressionable, and receptive - a dreamer. The world of your
imagination, feelings, and intuition is as real to you as anything in the outer world, though you may

have trouble verbalizing or interpreting your inner experiences in a way others can understand.
Mystical, artistic, musical, emotional and imaginative, you have a rich inner life, though you may seem
rather unobtrusive and quiet outwardly. You usually keep to yourself.
More Personality Profile...

Pisces in Love
Pisces Career Guidance
Guardian Angel for Pisces

Pisces Monthly Horoscope

"My vines climb to great heights."
March 21 – April 19
If you are born under the sign of the honeysuckle
you are sweet to the senses of others. Meaning,
you naturally entice others with your charm and
grace. You have a smooth confidence that
attracts a wide variety of friends and business
partners. Just as bees can’t resist the lure of the
honeysuckle – people can’t resist your energy.
You are the first of the flower signs and so you
are assertive and a natural leader of the vine.
Honeysuckle people are strong and determined,
weaving their way through any challenge, and are
quite deft at finding innovative solutions.See Aries.
"I provide beauty to your senses."
April 20 – May 19
If you are a poppy among the zodiac flower
signs you love the finer things in life, and
you love to share them with other people.
You have a flare for design, a good eye for
detail, and a knack for putting things
together with style. Refinery comes natural
to you, and you have a classy way about
you that others find alluring. Poppy people
are about pleasure: giving and receiving it.
You enjoy security and comfort. Those with
the flower sign of the poppy are very resilient
too, and can weather any storm because of
their patience and headstrong nature. See

"My beautiful expanse will inspire you."
May 20 - June 20
If you are a lavender flower sign you freckle
your landscape with beautiful ideas. You
love to share these ideas with other people
and get more new insights as you do so.
You are expansive in your expressions, and
you always seem to be able to find your
muse. You are amazingly productive,
creative and have an active mind.
Sometimes you feel pulled in too many
directions, but part of the lavender’s beauty
is that it spreads itself far and wide for all to
enjoy. See Gemini.
"Look to my petals for your nurturing."
June 21 – July 22
Sensitivity is the watchword for accanthus
flower signs. You are perceptive, and have
high intuition in matters of the heart, and
environment. You often react to others (even
when they don’t speak their feelings, you still
know what is going on inside their hearts),
and your surroundings. You are warm and
sympathetic, and a natural healer too.
Accanthus zodiac flower signs are highly
influenced by outside forces – especially the
pull of the moon. A secure home life,
surrounded by friends and family who love
you and you love back often help ground
you and keep you from falling prey to
negative influences.See Cancer.
"I will brighten your darkness."
July 23 – August 21
Sunflower signs are warm, open, and natural
leaders. You rise to any occasion with
confidence and assurance – you have no
doubt that you are the perfect person for any
challenge, and you know how to reach to the
top. You tend to be the center of attention
and others look to you for advice and
mentoring. You are a loving, faithful and
tenderhearted friend. You are generous and
enjoy a wide range of intellectual gifts. See

Morning Glory
"I bring you clarity."
August 22 – September 22
Morning glory zodiac flower signs are
thoughtful and reflective. You tend to think
and plan first before you take any action.
You are organized and very observant. You
have a natural eye for detail, and can be
very analytical. You love to help people, and
often use your organization skills to help
others who struggle in “getting their act
together.” You bloom beautifully right where
you are planted, and you have a neat way of
making things right and tidy. People come to
you for guidance and healing. See Virgo.
"I will balance you in my beauty."
September 23 – October 22
The rose zodiac flower sign exposes the
truth in all things. If you have this flower sign
you have a unique ability to see the hidden
meanings in things and expose the
underlying evidence for what it is. You have
an eye for classic beauty, and you love to
surround yourself with beautiful things too.
You are attracted to philosophy, poetry and
art. Because you see the beauty and truth in
all things, you do not tolerate injustice or
cruelty. You are most happy when you are
with friends and family – taking a walk and
enjoying nature. See Libra. Also see rose
symbolic meanings here.
"My mysteries are forever unfolding."
October 23 – November 21
You have many layers to you, and just as
soon as someone thinks they have you
identified, you pop out with another blossom
of surprises. You like clarity and honesty in
all things. In fact, when situations are murky
or unhealthy you are the perfect sign to
come in and clear the air or heal the
situation. You are focused and tend to be
serious in your emotions, but you are very
intuitive and help others identify areas they
need to work on for their own emotional
growth. You are active and amorous with no
end to suitors. See Scorpio.

"Escape into my dreamy depth."
November 22 – December 21
Narcissus zodiac flower signs can be very
influential and enjoy sharing their
philosophical ideas with others. You are
direct, to the point, trustworthy and honest.
You are naturally wise, and you also are
gifted with good luck. You come on strong,
but have a sensitive side you don’t share
with too many people. You have an active
imagination and love to dream the days
away. See Sagittarius.
"Simplicity is its own reward."
December 22 – January 21
Those with the carnation flower sign are
beautifully adept at putting things in order,
and organizing. You are strong willed and
determined for others to see your point of
view. You are a natural leader, and others
look to you to lean on. You can be driven
and determined and this makes you a strong
personality. You are no stranger to hard
work, and you like to get things done your
way. You like security, particularly if you are
building a comfort zone with your own two
hands. See Capricorn.
"My uniqueness is my effectiveness."
January 21 – February 19
Those with the zodiac flower sign of the
orchid are curious and inventive. You can be
contradictory but you know exactly where
you are coming from. You have a dreamy
persona and people are attracted to your
unique, sometimes eccentric ways. You
have a different way of looking at the world.
You are a natural humanitarian, and love to
unravel mysteries. You are also very good at
organizing or completing tasks that allow
you to establish order. See Aquarius,

Water Lily
"My roots touch unseen knowledge."
February 20 – March 20
Water lily flower signs are perceptive and
deeply psychic. Water runs through all the
flower signs but especially through yours
and this accentuates your intuitive abilities.
You are sometimes able to absorb ideas and
thoughts of those around you. You can be
emotionally swayed by other people's
feelings too. Sometimes your emotions can
run out of control, but you can turn to your
natural creative abilities to help you get
grounded. You are a natural artist, dancer,
and musician. You are also an excellent
communicator, and may be drawn to other
languages too.See Pisces. Also see lily
symbolic meanings here.


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