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1)Sociological Theories
● Ibn e Khuldoon
● Emile Durkheim
● Karl Marx
● Max Weber
3)Cultural Socialization
4)Social Stratification
5)Social mobility and groups
6)Social Change
○ An Introduction to Sociology(Abdul Hameed Taga & Abdul Aziz Taga)
○ Ibn e Khuldun his life and work(M.Abdullah Enan)
○ Sociology(Jahangir series)

○ Science of society
○ Science of institution
○ The science of studying the human relationship
○ Collective behavior
○ The science of social action
○ Study of social system
Sociology deals with the human and social institution as these were today are and in the future should be.
● Social Morphology
-Deal with geographical aspects and population
● Social Physiology
-Concern with religious, Laws, Economic life of the people, language etc
● General Sociology
-Deals with general social norms and philosophical aspect of the society
● Social Morphology
● Social Control
-Laws, Religion, fashion etc
● Social Processes
-The study of cooperation and conflict
● General Pathology
-Cause, effects and remedies of social disorganization
● Ibn e Khaldun
● Emile Durkheim
● Max Weber
● Hegel
● Karl Marx
》 Help in the assessment of resources
》 Help in solving problems
》 Help in conciliation
》 Help in reconstruction
》 Help in the growth of culture
》 Help in growth in democracy
》 Scientific study of problems
》 Comparative study of institutions

● Father of sociology
● Memorized the Holy Quran by heart, learned grammar, Jurisprudence, Hadith and Poetry.
● Books;
-Arab Philosophy of History,
● Theories
○ Social Solidarity(Asabiyah)
○ Rural and Urban
-Haziri (Urban)
○ Social Change sociology

● French sociologist and commonly cited as the principal architect of modern social science.
● Main work; how societies could maintain their integrity and coherence in modernity.
● Books;
- Suicide
- The division of labour in society
- The rules of sociological methods
● Theories
- Social Facts
- Social Solidarity
- Suicide Theory
- Functionalism
- Division of Labour
》 Egoistic (If loose solidarity)
》 Altruistic (If solidarity high level)
》 Anomic (Sudden Shock)
#Theory_of_Social_Fact &
● Social Facts
-How traditional and modern society evolved and functions
-They are values, cultural norms and social structure that transcend the individual and can exercise
-Focused external conciousness instead of internal conciousness. He says collective consciousness
values and rules critical to a functional society
-e.g. Institution, Statuses, Roles, Laws, Belief, Population etc. Social facts include social institutions,
social activities and thr substration of society or social marphology.
● Rural and Urban Solidarity
-Similarity and sharing common values, cultures and homogeneity in their social life
-It is b/c most of the people are similar. Everything similarity even their profession are also same.
-They have similar attitudes beliefs and thought. On the basis of these the level of solidarity is very
high among them.
-Social differentiation in its principles
-New customs and fastions are popular.The pace of social change is fast.
-Division of labour and specialization of profession is found. Collective solidarity is weak.

》 The phenomenology of Sprit
》 The Science of logic
》 Encyclopaedia of Philosophical
》 Elements of the philosophy of right
#Hegel's #Theory
● Theory of Dialectic
● Theory of Freedom
》Theory of Dialectic
- Contradiction
* Thesis(An idea or opinion)
* Antithesis(The opposite idea)
* Synthesis(Both contradict)
e.g.-(French Revolution - Reign of Terror)
-(Hot - Cold = Temperature)

》 German Sociologist
● Science as Vocation
● Economy and Society
1) Theory of Authority
2) Social Actions
3) Theory of Bureaucracy
1)#Theory_of_Authority (Responsibility + Power)
- It has three types
* Bureaucratic (Provided by law)
* Traditional (Achieved by forefather)
* Charismatic (Achieved by oneself)
2)#Theory_of_Social_Actions (Type of behavior in which there are meanings of the action for the actor)
- According to Max Weber ''An action is social if the acting individual takes account of the behaviour of
- It means taking steps to change the things that are wrong in our society and introducing new ideas and
processes for doing things better in the future.
1) Purposeful logical Actions (Source & Purpose not strict)
2) Affective Actions (Emotions include)
3) Value Oriented Actions (Source = Ability, Purpose = Fixed) e.g. CSS preparation
4) Traditional Actions (Source & Purpose = Fixed) e.g. Marriage
● Hierarchy
● Rules and Regulation
● Promotion based on achievement
● Specialized Division of Labour
● Impersonality
● Efficiency

- Follower of Hegel
● Historical Materialism/Dieletrical Materialism
- Study of contradict
- Matter is primary and mind is secondary
- It is economical interpretation of History
》 Stone Age 》 Hunting 》Castle 》Agriculture 》Industrial Revolution
#Capital-#Labour = #Class_Struggle
● Modes of Production
- Primitive Society & Primitive Mode of Production
- Ancient Society & Ancient of Production
- Feudal Society & Feudal modes Production
- Capitalist Society and Capitalist mode of Production
- Communist Society and Socialist mode of Production
● Theory on Alienation(Unknown)
- It refers to the sense of powerlessness, isolation and meaninglessness experience by human beings when they
are confronted with social institution and condition they cannot control and consider oppressive.
■ As a Alienation;
》 Workers alienation from the object that he produces
》 From the process of production
》 From himself
》 From the community of his fellowmen
● Class Struggle
- Driving force of social change
- Every stage of history there is war b/w the classes
- Mode of Production in human history came into a existance through contradiction
》 Development of Proletariat
》 Importance of Property
》 Identification of economic and political power and authority
》 Polarization of classes
》 The theory of Surplus Values
》 Alienation
》 Class solidarity and antagonism
》 Revolution
》 Inauguration of communist society

-Mode of activities which differentiate the people of one society from another
-Man made part of environment
#Feature/ #Characteristics
● Universality (No society without culture)
● Variability (Changeable)
● Learned (Through process of interaction)
● Shared (Not the property individual)
● Transmitted (Through ancestors)
● Culture is social (Through interaction & association)
● Continues and Cumulative (Growing whole and continuous process)
》 Real Culture
》 Ideal Culture
》 Material Culture
》 Non Material Culture
● It is the Treasury of Knowledge
● It define situations
● It define attitude, Values & Goals
● It decides our career
● It provides Behaviour pattern
● It mould Personality
》 Family
》 Inheritance
》 Language
》 Housing
》 Cloths
》 Education
》 Economic System
》 Profession
》 Political System
》 Religious Belief & Practices
● Type of Family
● Type of Marriages
● Custom of Marriages
● Culture Values
● Religious Attitude
● Different Political System
● Type of Language
● Style and Dress
● Systems of Education
● Civilization

-View of things in which ones own group is the centre of everything and all others are scaled and
rated with reference to it.(Summer)
-Every culture considers itself superior to other cultures.
● Increase social solidarity, cooperation becomes stronger.
● Protection of group member by creating sense of belonging among them.
● Promote patriotism
● Enhance caste, biradari system and inter marriages etc
● It creats tight boundaries among social groups
● It prejudice to each other creates conflict and tension among groups.
● It limits and individual in a small social group to which he belongs he remained within the limits of
the group which he belongs.
1) Norms
2) Values
3) Beliefs
1) Cultural Norms
2) Social Norms
● Norms refer to the group expectations(Young and Mack)
● Social Norms are rules developed by group of people that specify how people must, should may, should not
and must not behave in various situation.
》Ideally expected manners of behaviour. E.g. Salam for elders, parents etc
》The socially approved ways of behaviour.E.g. Harrasment(distinguish us a man from animal)
> Control behaviour and make it systematic patterned.
> Safeguard of our values.
> Norms maintain social order of our society.
> It creates social cohesions and solidarity.
> Helps in social control.E.g. Avoid smoking
> Norms assist survival of society.
1) Folkways
2) Mores
3) Law
#Folkways (No punishment, No strick rule)
》Behaviour pattern of everyday life which generally arise unconciously in a group(Gillin & Gillin)e.g. Rules
of eating, drinking,meeting and departing and also manners of life in institution as family, school, market and
#Mores (Restriction)
》When folkways have added to them conceptiond of group wrlfare, standard of right and wrong, they are
converted into mores.(C.H.Page)
#Positive_Mored (Do's)
> Prescribed behaviour patterns which provides for the people to behave in aparticular way.e.g. respect The
#Negative_Mores (Don'ts)
> Forbid or prohibit certain brhaviour pattern called 'TABOOS'.e.g. Don't appear without dress
> Written custom and a part of law book. Those acts for which their violation and punishments has been
defined are called laws.

-The process of including the individual into the social world.(Young & Mack)
1)Primary Socialization (>Family)
2)Anticipatory Socialization(> In groups)
3)Development (>Marriage,Jobs etc)
4)Re-Socialization(>When society changes i.e old age difficult to meet new things)
● Cultural Conditioning
● Personal Social Learning
● Individual as a Social Product
》 The Family
》 The Peers
》 Social Institution
》 Literature and Mass Media
● Convert human from biological being to social being.
● Contributes in personality development.
● It helps to become disciplined.
● It helps to perform different roles.
● It establish knowledge and skills.
● It contribute in stability of social order.

-People of society have different ranks low and high.The distribution of people of society in groups
on the basis of their status are called S.S. The distribution may be on the basis of occupation, caste,
education, source of income, prestige and political power.
● Economic Resources
● Occupations
● Prestige
● Powers
● Caste
- A group of people having more or less equal economic resources and indicating similar standard of living in a
society.(Karl Marx)
- Marx said the unequal distribution of economic resources create classes in a society.
》Upper Class (U-U, U-M, U-L class)
》Middle Class (M-U, M-M, M-L class)
》Lower Class (L-U, L-M, L-L class)
-When status is wholly predetermined so that men are born to their lot without any hope of changing it, then
the class takes the extreme form of caste.
-Caste is a closed group.(TN Madan)
》Close Group
-No one to allow in the group.
-It has its own culture inside the culture
》Social Control
-It has extreme norms and values which not allowed to violate
● Cast system increases the solidarity.
● The norms of the caste are forceful upon its members.
● Marriage within the people of the same caste is easy and more adjusting.
● Creates ethnocentrism and they thinks themselve superior
● Social mobility is slow. New elements of change are discourage within a caste.

-It is a movement from one condition to another.(Fairchild)
1) Territorial Mobility (land to land)
2) Vertical Mobility (Up and down)
3) Historical Mobility (status to status)
4) Inter-generational Mobility
5) Intra-generation Mobility
● Dissatisfaction from previous condition
● Adoption of new condition
● Industrial and Technological Development
● Education
● Urbanization
● Means of communication & Transportation

-A social system may be defined as a plurality of individuals interacting with each other according to
shared cultural norms and meanings.(Ogburn)
● Roles
● Status
● Authority
● Rights
● End & Objective
● Norms
● Territoriality
-Action is social when he actor behaves in such a manner that his action is intended to influence the
action of one or more other person.(Duncan Mitchel)
》The Actor
》The Goal
》Social Situation
-It is a process by which inter-penetrate the minds of each other.(Dawson & Gettyes)
-It is the general process whereby town or more persons are in a meaningful contact as a result of which their
behaviour is modified.
1) Symbolic Interaction
2) Direct and Physical Interaction
-Refers to the repetitive forms of behaviour which are commonly found in social life.
1) Associative (Cooperation, Accommodation, Assimilation, Amalgmation, )
2) Dissociative (Competition, Conflict)

》 Cooperation
- Basic form of human contact and association is co-operation.
-MERILL says ''Cooperation is a form of social interaction wherein two or more persons work
together to gain a common end''.
》 Accommodation
-BALDWIN says ''Acquired changes in the brhaviour of individual ehich help them to adjust to heir
》 Assimilation
-Young & Mack says ''Assimilation is the fusion of two previously distant groups into one''.
》 Amalgamation
-Means fusion of two different groups and cultures into one in such a way that they lose their
respective identity.
》 Competition
-BIESANZ says ''It is the striving of two or more persons for the same good which is limited so that
all cannot share''.
》 Conflict
-GILLING & GILLING ''It is the social process in which individual or groups seek their ends by
directly challenging the antagonist by violence or threat of violence.

● Work together to achieve common goal
● Joint effort
● Positive result
● Boundless no limitation
● Satisfaction and Contentment
● Individual try to monopolise rewards by surpassing all the rivals
● Individual effort
● Negative result
● Limitations bound by norms
● Dissatisfaction anxiety

》Overtaking all rival
》Conscious or Unconcious
》May lead to positive as well as Negative
》Weakening or eliminating all rivals
》Always conscious
》Not continuous is is intermittent
》Mostly Negative

-''A group is called social when an interaction interplays among its participants''.
》Primary Group (wife & husband)
》Secondary Group (children interact with other family members)
》Formal & Informal Groups (start job, party)
》Ethnic Group
》Pressure Group

●Father, Mother, Sisters, Brothers etc
》More Solidarity
》Face to face interaction
》Intimacy (familiarity)
》Mutual aid and help
》Conciousness of kind
》Small in size
》Physical nearness
》Frequent interaction
》Personal relation

● Frank D. Watson says ''It is more formal specialize and direct in its contact and relies more unity
and continuous upon the stability of social organization then does the primary group''.
● Student, Buyer and Seller, Voter and Candidates etc
》Large in size
》Less physical nearness
》Specific aids/ interest
》Indirect communication

-Defined organization(formal)
-Open organization(informal)
-It is the group which has its cultural traits different from the general culture of the society.
-It is a permanent group in which the status of an individual is fixed through heredity alone.
-It is that group which lays pressure on government to change its policies in its favour
-Formally organized group, multipupose and called congenial group b/c such group are product of
friendship and association.
-It is also formally organized group but not have multipurpose, have specific aims.

-The member of any group small or large,live together in such a way that they share the basic
condition of common life, that group is called community.
1) Rural
2) Urban
● Small population
● Lack of modern facilities
● Absence of big Social Institution
● Agrarian in Nature
● Slow International and Social Change
● Equal Division of Labour
● Homogeneity
● Slow/Static Social Mobility
● Large population
● Presence of Modern facilities
● Expanding Social Institution
● Industrialization and Technology
● Fast Interactiin and Rapid Social Change
● Division of Labour and Specialization
● Hetrogeneity
● Frequently Social Mobility

-Live and work together long enough as a social unit with well defined limits.
● Largest social group
● Composed of social groups
● Social institution
● Dynamism
● Rural Urban Composition
● Presence of Culture
● Fulfilment of human needs
● Consciousness of kind
● Organized in nature
● Limited geographic nature
● Presence of Social System
● Specailization of Individual
● A big aggregate of people
● Living together since very long
● Having a sense of belonging to one another
● More or less a permanent associations
● Having a common culture
》Normadic v/s Sedementary Societies
》Traditional v/s Modern Societies
》Rural v/s Urban Societies

● Diversed population size
● Geographical Mobility
● Absence of Ownership
● Traditional way of living
● Strict Social Norms
● Local Culture
● Profession
● Resistance to Social Change
● Permanent Settlement
● Transfer of Ancestrial land
● Presence of sub-culture
● Presence of Tribal Group
● Low geographical mobility
● Ethnocentrism
● Less Social change
● Social reforms

● Non Industrial Structure
● Simple Economic Institution
● Simple way of life
● Kacha tract and roads
● Lack of modern communication
● Slow social interaction
● Slow social Institution
● Limited social Institution
● Small population
● Less social change
● Lack of basic civic facilities
● Advanced Industry & Technology
● Sources of communication
● Sub social Institution
● Job Opportunities
● Better income opportunities
● Social Stratification
● High population pressure
● Social Mobility
● Crime rate
● Women status

● Open settlement
● Mud contructed houses
● Agricultural
● Informal social norms
● Informal social groups
● Informal social interaction
● Informal social control
● Low literacy rate
● Less social change
● Attachement with religious
● Poor urban facilities
● Dense settlement pattern
● Pakka/ Concrete House
● Urban facilities
● Formal social interaction
● Division of labour
● Shortage of houses
● Social institution and organization
● Social change
● Anonymity
● High slandered of living
● Large aggregate of people
● Limited geographical boundary
● Less solidarity
● General culture
● Depends other society to fulfil needs
● Less face to face
● No of institution are limited
● Less Cooperation and mutual aid
● Small in size
● No such rigidly area
● Very high solidarity
● Specific culture
● Self sufficient
● Mostly face to face interaction
● Huge network of institution
● More cooperation and mutual aid

-The position occupied by a person family or kinship group in a social system relative to
other.(Duncan Mitchell)
1) Ascribed Status
2) Achieved Status
- Position which is assign to individual by cultures, without reference to their innate abilities.e.g. Father status
- Requires specific qualities from the individuals in role performance.e.g. CSS preparation
● Ancestor
● Sex
● Ages
● Cast
● Economic Resource
● Occupation
● Education
● Power

- The role is the function of status, the individuals in a society has been assigned certain rights and
duties constituting status.
- Role conflict means two or more than two different roles happen to occur in social situation.e.g.
Doctor dual role (Inspecting or Operation)
● Extra busy life
● Incomplete or weak socialization
● New Social values
● Material Desire
● Violation of religious values
● Tension and Worry
● Poor Decision Perform
● Sleeplessness
● Health
● Social Problems
● Neurosis
● Cultural Problems
● Simple life
● Socialization
● Training of role performance
● Division of labour
● Social planning

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