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Do Jews Believe in Guardian Angels?

By Chaya Sarah Silberberg


Do Jews believe that each person has a guardian angel watching over him or her?


Jews certainly believe in angels – spiritual entities who exist to perform the will of G‑d (the Hebrew
word for angel, "malach," also means "messenger") – the Scriptures contain many references to such
supernal beings. But the popular idea of private and personal guardian angels is not part of Jewish

Instead, we believe in a personal G‑d who constantly watches over each and every one of us, and over
all of creation. On occasion He may send an angel to help or save us, but the angel is merely His

However, our sages tell us that each mitzvah that we do creates an angel that serves as a shield and
protection for us. After our passing, these angels testify on our behalf before the Heavenly Courts.

So in that sense, we create our own guardian angels.

I hope this has been helpful.

Chaya Sarah Silberberg,

By Chaya Sarah Silberberg

Chaya Sarah Silberberg serves as the rebbetzin of the Bais Chabad Torah Center in West Bloomfield,
Michigan, since 1975. She also counsels, lectures, writes, and responds for’s Ask the Rabbi

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