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Book Review on Leadership

Leadership: Past, Present, and Future

John Antonakis
Anna T. Cianciolo
Robert J. Sternberg
Past, Present, and Future


John Antonakis
Anna T. Cianciolo
Robert J. Sternberg

“The study of leadership rivals in age the emergence of civilization, which shaped its
leaders as much as it was shaped by them. From its infancy, the study of history has been the
study of leaders—what they did and why they did it.”
(Bass, 1990, p. 3)

Most leadership scholars probably would agree, in principle, that leadership can be defined as the nature of the
influencing process—and its resultant outcomes— that occurs between a leader and followers and how this influencing
process is explained by the leader’s dispositional characteristics and behaviors, follower perceptions and attributions of
the leader, and the context in which the influencing process occurs. For us, a necessary condition for effective and
authentic leadership is the creation of empowered followers in pursuit of a moral purpose, leading to moral outcomes
that are guided by moral means.

A definition of leadership also requires that we differentiate it conceptually from power and management,
because these concepts are often confused with leadership. Power refers to the means leaders have to potentially
influence others; for example, referent power (i.e., followers’ identification with the leader), expertise, the ability to
reward or punish performance, and so forth (Bass, 1990; see also Etzioni, 1964; French & Raven, 1968). Thus, the
ability to lead others requires that one has power. As regards its differentiation from management, leadership—as seen
from the “new” perspective (i.e., transformational and charismatic leadership theories; see Bryman, 1992)—is purpose
driven, resulting in change based on values, ideals, vision, symbols, and emotional exchanges. Management is
objectives driven, resulting in stability based on rationality, bureaucratic means, and the fulfilment of contractual
obligations. Although some view leaders and managers as different sorts of individuals (see Zaleznik, 1989), others
argue that successful leadership requires successful management, that leadership and management are complementary,
that leadership goes beyond management, and that leadership is necessary for outcomes that exceed expectations (see
Bass, 1985, 1998).

Leadership is necessary for a variety of reasons. On a supervisory level, leadership is required to complement
organizational systems (Katz & Kahn, 1978) and to enhance subordinate motivation, effectiveness, and satisfaction
(Bass, 1990). At the strategic level, leadership is necessary to ensure the coordinated functioning of the organization as
it interacts with a dynamic external environment (Katz & Kahn, 1978). Thus, leadership is required to direct and guide
organizational and human resources toward the strategic objectives of the organization and ensure that organizational
functions are aligned with the external environment.


We currently have a good understanding of leadership, but there are still many areas that require further
research. We will briefly discuss some of these areas, which include context, ethics, and alternative dispositional
predictors (i.e., traits) of leadership.We also discuss how future leadership research could be consolidated. Related to
the contingency movement is the contextual school of leadership. From this perspective, contextual factors are seen to
give rise to or inhibit certain leadership behaviors or their dispositional antecedents. These contextual factors can
include leader hierarchical level, national culture, leader-follower gender, organizational characteristics, among others
(Antonakis, Avolio, & Sivasubramaniam, 2003). This perspective, first looking at the role of national culture, goes
back several decades (e.g., Hofstede, 1980; Meade, 1967). We believe that it is crucial to understand the contextual
factors in which leadership is embedded before we can obtain a more general understanding of leadership.

Another emerging issue relates to leader traits. Although much progress has been made in linking leader traits
to leader outcomes, that progress has been slowed by the way in which dispositions have been conceived and by the
conditions under which traits are considered important. For example, cognitive ability typically is seen as a unitary
construct, mostly relating t academic ability, that may not account for an individual’s creativity or ability to solve
practical problems. Interest in understanding practical problem-solving abilities of leaders is, as is interest in linking
tacit knowledge (i.e., implicit knowledge derived from experience that requires practical problem-solving ability) to
leader effectiveness.

The book elaborates the comprehensive definition of leadership:.The book review provides practical
examples, subtly integrating and applying many of the book’s themes, and brings to light the nature of authentic
leadership. He touches on numerous issues and how they relate to leader emergence and effectiveness, focusing on
leader traits and alternative conceptions of intelligence (e.g., “adaptive capacity” or creativity), experiential learning,
coalition building, contexts and contingencies, national culture, among other topics. He relates these issues to current
events and to the interplay of factors that “make” leaders. These are the “crucibles” of leadership, conditions in which
leaders face great tests and crises, from which they emerge molded with a vision and with values to inspire others to
do what is morally correct.


This book introduces readers to what we feel is a fascinating body of literature.We hope the complexity and
mystique surrounding leadership will slowly yield to understanding as you read the 13 chapters that follow. In the past
century, the often-misunderstood phenomenon of leadership has been tossed and battered while social scientists have
tried to make some sense of something they knew existed, but which seemed beyond the reach of scientific inquiry.
Remarking about the difficulties leadership researchers have faced, Bennis (1959) noted: “Always, it seems, the
concept of leadership eludes us or turns up in another form to taunt us again with its slipperiness and complexity” (p.
260). Today, the concept is still complex, but it is better understood and much less slippery.We still have much to
learn about leadership.We are guided, though, by a spirit of optimism emanating from the findings of those researchers
who, before us, went through their own “crucibles.” Pummeled but unbowed, they continued to study leadership and
to inspire succeeding generations of scientists to continue their exploration. All the while, leaders influenced
followers, and they will continue to do so regardless of the nadirs and zeniths of leadership research.
Book Title:
Leadership: Perspectives from the
Front Line

Theo H. Veldsman
Andrew J. Johnson
Knowledge Resources Publishing Pty Ltd, 2016, R1390*

Review Title:
Contemporary and futuristic perspectives on leadership practice in emerging countries
Corresponding author:
Melinde Coetzee,

The book, Leadership: Perspectives from the Front Line is a much welcomed addition to the leadership
literature. The visionary perspective of leadership flowing from a realistic assessment of the present state and role of
leadership through the integrated, holistic strategic leadership value chain framework is a novel contribution that adds
a new dimension to the leadership literature. The themes addressed by the book deal with a broad spectrum of
dimensions (covered across 56 chapters) highly relevant to leadership in the contemporary world of work and
especially the emerging countries context. The book makes a call for ‘better and different’ leadership in a radically
changing world that is in the throes of fundamental and radical transformation. The theme of leadership is presented
from an ‘integrated, holistic strategic leadership value chain perspective on the notion of leadership as a critical
strategic capability and intervention’ (Veldsman & Johnson, 2016, p. 2). Leadership as a critical strategic capability is
seen as a solution for making nations, societies, communities and organisations ‘sustainably future-fit.

The book is a timely addition to the leadership literature and bridges the gap between current academic
(research-based) and popular self-help leadership literature. The book is written from a unique framework (the
strategic leadership value chain) and put into perspective for the Africanised multiculturally diverse organisational
setting. The various chapter contributions speak across this total strategic leadership value chain (Veldsman &
Johnson, 2016, p. 3) to the current and foreseen complex dynamics imposed by the leadership demands and challenges
faced by organisations in emerging countries contexts. The value added of the book lies in its unique niche alluding to
leadership from a holistic and strategic stance at the front line (real-life practice) from a well-grounded, research
evidence-based perspective.

Although the book does not represent ground-breaking research, its strength lies in presenting the theme of
leadership from a novel, interesting and thought-provoking viewpoint that represents cutting edge, ‘present-into-the-
future’ and ‘future-into-the-present’, thinking, insights and informed views presented by the various authors across the
total strategic leadership value chain. Anchoring the chapter contributions and leadership themes in a well-reasoned
holistic total strategic leadership value chain framework is new and original. In addition, the real-life practical
applications and narratives are novel in bringing leadership at the front line to life. The knowledge gained from the
emerging countries perspectives adds new refreshing and valuable theory to the leadership literature.

Although the book covers 56 chapters and a variety of themes that are at first sight quite overwhelming, each
chapter is concise and well written. The chapters fit logically into the strategic leadership value chain framework. Each
chapter brings essential information and perspectives, helping the reader understand the complexities and rich nuances
and challenges associated with the concept of leadership. The scholarship is sound. The chapters are written by
prominent and respected subject matter experts, individuals who are acknowledged as leaders in their domain and
practitioners specialising in leadership. As such, each of these ‘voices’ brings a fresh, authentic and interesting
perspective on well-known leadership themes.

The limitation of the book lies in its lack of contributions on the measurement of leadership. The measurement
of leadership in emerging countries contexts is contentious, and more research and evidence-based practice are called
for. Although one would not regard the book as breaking new ground, the chapter contributions are generally based on
sound conceptual foundations and experiential (real-life) and research-based knowledge from practice. As such, the
chapter contributions provide theory-informed practice about leadership that translates into ‘actionable knowledge’
The themes and provocative reasoning presented by the book are also thought stimulating that may well facilitate
future research initiatives.

My perspective about the book, ‘Leadership: Perspectives from the Front Line’ serves as an excellent and
robust compendium on leaders and leadership for continuous consulting and referral by corporate leaders (executives
and managers), practitioners and leadership specialists in the field, academics and postgraduate students in the global
and Africanised multiculturally organisational setting. The hands-on, applied manner in which the book is written
makes it accessible for the professional, specialist reader and the postgraduate student. In the academic context, the
book presents new knowledge and insights that translate into novel theory especially welcomed in the Africanised
scholarly community. The book is a valuable contribution to the curriculum of business schools and postgraduate
students who specialise in organisational and leadership psychology, behaviour and practice in emerging country
settings. The book definitely fills a gap in the current leadership literature, is a must-read for leaders and practitioners
and is generally an excellent book to become familiar with.
Book Review on Theory,
Application & Skill
Book Review on Theory, Application & Skill


Robert N. Lussier
Christopher F. Achua

International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention (IJHSSI)

ISSN (Online): 2319 – 7722, ISSN (Print): 2319 – 7714 ||Volume 7 Issue 05 Ver. V ||May. 2018 || PP.28-30
Robert Lussier, introduces his book from a question asked by John Nirenberg, the author of the booktitled
Power Tools that asks “Why are so many well-intended students learning so much and yet able to apply so little in
their personal and professional lives?” Through this question, the author‟s journey in his book tries to answer the
question through blending concepts on theory, application and skill development to help the reader a broadened field
on the subject. His approach is built within a wealth of experience gained in the field of leadership and having
contributed in the skill development and outcomes assessment.

The second edition of leadership - theory, application and skill development by Robert N. Lussier and
Christopher F. Achua is an elaborate and updated version that integrates three key areas of learning. The edition
comprise of twelve chapters that covers a wide range of leadership topics coupled with theoretical concepts, skill
development exercises, case studies and self-assessment materials. This edition is intended to assist different field of
professionals aspiring to be effective leaders. The edition is also intended in the management of development courses
that emphasize on leadership functions.

While so much effort has been put in capturing the gist of the book in the preface, this in our view is overdone
with sections of repetitions which could be avoided. For example specific competitive advantagepedagogical features
should be in the introduction and not in the preface. If at all it must be in the preface, a summary of the subject must be
minimized. It is confusing to have a case application in the preface, yet the summary describes what to expect in the
following chapters.

Almost three pages in the preface explain the changes made to the sixth edition. A book edition is classified as
a new edition based on the improvements made. It is difficult for a new reader of the author‟s book to understand all
these changes made from the previous books. The current edition takes precedence. The lay out of this section would
be enhanced if only a summary was done to depict key areas of changes and the rest treated as appendices for
reference by the reader. Leadership skills development should also consider technology aspect which plays a vital role
in this century. Increasing use of technology has affected management leadership over the last sixty years in the
business world and therefore this is an important aspect to be considered and embraced in leadership skill development
which is missing in this edition. According to John Potter (1995), new technology has altered leaders‟ consciousness,
language, and the way they view their organizations.

Further, coaching is an important element in the business world today. Leaders are the captains of any
organization and therefore there is need for coaching for governance. Though the book captures basic information
about coaching, I would have loved to see the work application section providing scenarios cutting across the
leadership levels such as the board other than concentrating in the middle level management alone.
This would allow students to understand how coaching methods are applied in different levels of leadership.

The subject on leadership behaviour and motivation is quite interesting to note that combined leadership styles
could contribute to behavioural movement rather than trait. This is supported by the study done at the University of
Lowa and University of Michigan and Ohio State on leadership styles showed that patterns of aggressive behaviour in
experimentally created social climates (journal of social psychology 10:271-201).
The fact that this book is the sixth edition and has incorporated studies conducted more than 65 years back and
the findings of leadership behaviour are still relevant in 21st century. This shows the depth of research conducted by
the author in this subject. In addition, behavioural movement as mentioned in the study above, in my view has
contributed to the transition of top down approach to the current 21st century leadership which isto serve to lead. In his
book, James Strock makes distinction between the 21st leadership century and 20th century leadership. He argues that
leadership, management and communication are quite distinct from the 20th century.
He summarizes by saying everyone can lead because everyone can serve. Power plays in every realm of
development and of course politics influence the business in any organization. The nature of organizational politics is
well articulated including political behaviour and skills in developing political skills. This is an area as a Christian, I
have always perceived to think that politics has no place in a Christian business but in actual fact, from what I have
learnt from this book, organizational politics has positive influence to the growth of the organization as well.
In my perspective, the book has achieved its goal by providing to the readers and particularly students a‟three
in one book‟ that incorporate theories, application and skill development aspects. Reference materials provided are
useful in digging deep into various subjects. As displayed by the cover of the book, striving and climbing to higher
levels for effective leadership is still not yet over. There is a lot to learn and the learning is through building
relationships, unity of purpose and appreciating each other‟s strengths for better change management. Among
thousands of books on leadership in the library, the content of this book is rich and suitable to the audience targeted. I
would definitely recommend this book to other readers.

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