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Corrosion Science 50 (2008) 2705–2709

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The inhibition activity of ascorbic acid towards corrosion of steel

in alkaline media containing chloride ions
L. Valek a,*, S. Martinez a, D. Mikulić b, I. Brnardić c
Department of Electrochemistry, Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology, Savska Cesta 16, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Department of Materials, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Kačićeva 26, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Department of Physical Chemistry, Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology, Marulićev Trg 20, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The activity of ascorbic acid towards steel corrosion in saturated Ca(OH)2 solution containing chloride
Received 8 April 2008 ions was investigated in this study. Concentration and time dependence of the protective properties of
Accepted 16 June 2008 the passive film were acquired by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. The best inhibitive perfor-
Available online 24 June 2008
mance, i.e. the longest pitting initiation time was obtained in the presence of 103 M ascorbic acid, while
both lower and higher concentrations showed shortening of the pitting-free period. The overall behaviour
Keywords: of ascorbic acid was attributed to its ability to form chelates of various solubility having various metal/
A. Steel
ligand ratios and oxidation states of the chelated iron. The assumption of ascorbic acid assisted reductive
C. Pitting corrosion
dissolution of the passive layer at higher inhibitor concentrations was confirmed by cyclic voltammetry
C. Inhibition and ATR FTIR spectroscopy. It is proposed that the overall inhibitive effect at lower concentrations is due
to the formation of insoluble surface chelates and the effective blocking of the Cl adsorption at the sur-
face of passive film. A pronounced inhibitive effect observed after the pitting had initiated was ascribed to
the formation of a resistive film at the pitted area.
Ó 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction effective inhibitors of chloride induced passive film breakdown at

the surface of steel by means of their competitive adsorption
The prevention of pitting corrosion is a question of high techno- through the surface complex formation [1–3]. For example, com-
logical importance because the phenomenon of passivity is the pounds with carboxylic groups such as alkyl carboxylates, benzo-
enabler for our current, metals-based civilization. In order to pre- ates and their substituted forms, have ability to form strong
vent or postpone pitting, corrosion inhibitors may be applied. The- chemical bond with surface Fe-ions, competing successfully with
oretically, the action of the organic corrosion inhibitors could be Cl as a complexing agent for iron. Tannins are able to form che-
aimed against each step of the pitting process. Thus, the inhibitors lates with iron [4] and mimosa tannin was shown to inhibit corro-
could act by [1]: (i) blocking the adsorption of chloride ions on the sion of steel in alkaline media containing chloride ions by sealing
passive film by the competitive adsorption of an inhibitor and the oxide film with sparingly soluble Fe(III) mono-chelates [2,5].
screening the potential sites for the chloride ion adsorption, (ii) Ascorbic acid inhibitory properties towards steel corrosion were
preventing the chloride incorporation into the passive film, (iii) investigated in acidic (pH 2–6) [6] and neutral media (pH 6–8) [7–
repairing defects or pores in the film to prevent the pit nucleation, 10]. In our previous investigation we compared the ascorbic acid
(iv) inhibiting the pit growth. Since the adsorption of an aggressive inhibitory action on steel in sat. Ca(OH)2 with the activity of eight
anion at a passive film surface is the initial step of passive film amino acids [11]. Rationalization of its superior performance was
breakdown, the suppression of chloride ion adsorption, by compet- supported by the molecular modelling results. The aim of the pres-
itive adsorption of organic molecules, is of particular interest. ent work is to assess the influence of the ascorbic acid concentra-
Adsorption of organic molecules at the most active centres of a tion and the time of exposure to inhibitor solution on the
passive electrode is believed to force chloride ions to interact with protective properties of the oxide film on steel.
less energetically favourable sites, therefore requiring greater acti-
vation energy for pitting to occur [2]. 2. Experimental
Compounds with functional groups containing oxygen, having
ability to form complexes with iron, have been reported to act as Investigation of non-alloyed special prestressing steel EN 10020
corrosion inhibition by ascorbic acid in saturated Ca(OH)2 solution
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +385 14597116; fax: +385 14597139. containing 0.14 M NaCl was performed using electrochemical
E-mail address: (L. Valek). impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and cyclic voltammetry (CV). Mea-

0010-938X/$ - see front matter Ó 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2706 L. Valek et al. / Corrosion Science 50 (2008) 2705–2709

surements were performed using PAR VMP2 potentiostat/galvano- with 0 6 n 6 1, where n ¼ 1  2a=p, and a is the depression angle.
stat with VMP3/Z impedance option. Standard electrochemical cell For n = 1, the CPE is an ideal capacitor and then Q is equal to a
of volume 200 ml was used with three-electrode arrangement. capacitance, C.
Counter electrode was a carbon rod and reference electrode was The charge transfer resistances and the interfacial capacitances
saturated calomel electrode (SCE). All potentials reported, refer to obtained by the fitting procedure are shown in Fig. 1. Charge trans-
SCE. Working electrode was manually constructed from the steel fer resistance attains maximum in the 103 M solution
rod machined to give cross-sectional area of 0.1256 cm2 (166.3 kX cm2) being almost three times higher compared to that
(d = 4 mm) and embedded into epoxy resin, with metal/epoxy in the blank solution (58.1 kX cm2). A sharp decline in the charge
edges protected by an inert coating. Electrode was first mechani- transfer resistance in the 102 M solution coincides with a signifi-
cally abraded by 600 and 1200 grade emery paper, then degreased cant increase of the interfacial capacitance.
with ethanol and rinsed in redistilled water. Saturated Ascorbic acid chelating properties could account for both, the
Ca(OH)2 + 0.14 M NaCl solution was prepared with p.a. grade initial increase and the subsequent decrease of its inhibitive action.
chemicals and doubly deionised water. P.a. grade L-ascorbic acid Chang and Matijević [13] have proposed two mechanisms of iron
(Riedel – de Haën) was added in concentration range of 104– oxide behaviour in the presence of a chelating agent: (i) solution
102 M. Measurements were performed after half an hour immer- coordination mechanism and (ii) surface complexation mecha-
sion at the open circuit potential (OCP). EIS measurements were nism. The first mechanism involves reaction of chelating agents
performed in the frequency range between 100 kHz and 3 mHz with Fe(II)-ions released from the bare oxide surface, accelerating
with ac potential perturbation of 10 mV amplitude. Time depen- further release of the metal ions from the solids. The rate of disso-
dence of the system behaviour was recorded by measuring the lution will depend on the tendency of a metal ion to be released
impedance spectra at the OCP after different immersion times until from the solid oxide. The second mechanism assumes surface com-
the appearance of the pitting corrosion at the electrode surface. CV plexation of metal ion with chelating species. In this case, after the
measurements were performed in saturated Ca(OH)2 solution formation of surface complex, the relative bond strength of Fe-ion
without NaCl, with addition of L-ascorbic acid (102, 103 M) in with the lattice oxygen and with the chelating molecule will be of
the potential range between 1.2 V (SCE) and 0.6 V (SCE), with outmost importance. If the lattice bond between the Fe-ion is suf-
scan rate 10 mV s1. ficiently weakened the entire complex will be released into the
Attenuated total reflectance Fourier transform infrared spec- solution. However, if the bond is stabile enough, the complex will
troscopy (ATR FTIR) was performed at the steel samples stay adsorbed at the surface, where the conformation of the chelat-
(A = 2  2 mm2) after the exposure to sat. Ca(OH)2 solution with ing agent in its adsorbed form will play an essential role. It was
different ascorbic acid concentrations. Measurements were carried shown that this process is pH dependent and, in a higher pH envi-
out using Bruker Vertex 70 FTIR spectrometer. Spectra were col- ronment, iron release could be significantly reduced by formation
lected from 16 scans at the resolution of 4 cm1, between 400 of Fe(III)-complex that results in progressive development of sur-
and 4000 cm1. Samples were smoothed before immersion into face insoluble film.
the solution to increase the optical quality of the prism/sample Ascorbic acid is known to form chelates through hydroxyl
interface. Then they were rinsed and dried in nitrogen stream groups of the lactone ring [14,15], hence it can be adsorbed at
and pressed tightly against the prism. Measurements were carried the metal surface through formation of stable chelates with coord-
out after 20 h exposure of samples to the solution of sat. inatively unsaturated surface Fe-ions [7,11]. It has been reported in
Ca(OH)2 + 0.14 M NaCl with addition of different inhibitor concen- literature that the increase in the concentration of a complexing
trations (0, 103, 5  103 and 102 M). agent may change its activity towards iron dissolution from inhib-
itive to stimulative [2]. Solubility of a complex is to a large extent
3. Results and discussion determined by metal/ligand ratio, where for higher ratios sparingly
soluble mono or polynuclear complexes could be formed while for
3.1. Influence of the ascorbic acid concentration on the properties of lower ratios soluble complexes could be formed. It may be con-
the passive film on steel cluded that the increase in ligand concentration and the resulting
decrease of the metal/ligand ratio in the near electrode layer create
In order to investigate the interfacial behaviour of steel in the favourable conditions for soluble complexes formation, while at
presence of ascorbic acid, EIS measurements in blank solution
and with addition of various ascorbic acid concentrations were
performed at the OCP after a half-hour immersion period.
As seen from our previous investigation [11], a single capacitive
semicircle is observed in the whole frequency range for steel in
ascorbic acid/sat. Ca(OH)2 + 0.14 M NaCl solution system, showing
that after short immersion times, corrosion process was mainly
dominated by a non-diffusional component, i.e. the interfacial
charge transfer [12]. The data (not shown) were fitted to a simple
equivalent electrical circuit (EEC) consisting of the solution resis-
tance Rs in series to a parallel combination of a resistance (R) and
a constant phase element CPE, which takes into account the inho-
mogeneity present at the solid/liquid interface. The impedance of
this circuit, ZðxÞ, at the angular frequency x is given by Eq. (1)
ZðxÞ ¼ Rs þ ð1Þ
1 þ RQðjxÞn
where the impedance of the CPE is given by
1 Fig. 1. Interfacial capacitance, Cif (d) and charge transfer resistance, Rct (s) of steel
Z CPE ¼ ð2Þ in sat. Ca(OH)2 + 0.14 M NaCl, dependence on the ascorbic acid concentration
Q ðjxÞn obtained from the EIS measurements.
L. Valek et al. / Corrosion Science 50 (2008) 2705–2709 2707

low concentration, insoluble chelates are formed. This could ac- mation of soluble Fe(II) chelate [5,22], resulting in oxide film dete-
count for lower inhibitor efficiency observed at higher ascorbic rioration. In confirmation, anodic linear polarization in 102 M
acid concentrations. solution containing chlorides [23] has led to a visible deterioration
Furthermore, the pronounced capacitive behaviour, visible at of anodic film and the appearance of numerous small pits at the
the highest ascorbic acid concentration, could be associated to electrode surface almost giving the impression of general corro-
the oxidation/reduction of Fe(II)/Fe(III) species present at the metal sion, while for lower concentrations of ascorbic acid, characteristi-
surface i.e. to the surface redox-type processes [5]. This would cally, only one pit has been observed beyond the pitting potential.
implicate the existence of surface Fe atoms in a different valence
state at low and high ascorbate concentrations. High spin Fe(II) 3.2. EIS measurements of the time dependant system behaviour
species, probably attributable to the Fe(II)–ascorbate complex
were identified, by Mössbauer spectroscopy, at the mild steel sur- In order to determine a long term behaviour of the reinforcing
face after exposure to ascorbate solution of concentrations higher steel exposed to the solution with and without the ascorbic acid,
than 0.05 M [9]. Hence, another possible explanation for lower EIS spectra were measured after different exposure times at the
inhibitor efficiency at higher concentrations is the occurrence of OCP (data not shown). Time dependence of the system behaviour
reductive dissolution through the soluble Fe(II) chelate formation could be divided into two phases.
[7,16] as opposed to the sparingly soluble Fe(III) chelate formation The first period, before the pitting appearance, is characterised
at lower ascorbic acid concentrations. This is in concordance with by the EIS response having one time constant. The data were fitted
the known antioxidant activity of ascorbic acid and the fact that, to a simple EEC, described in the previous section, and the repre-
generally, the reducing power of the reducing agent solution in- sentative results of the time dependence of the resistance are
creases with the increase in concentration. shown in Fig. 3. The second period, after the pitting appearance,
In order to compare redox behaviour of steel in the presence of is characterised by the EIS spectra having two time constants.
different ascorbate concentrations and to confirm the above The data were fitted to the Armstrong’s EEC. Total resistance as a
assumptions, cyclic voltammograms were recorded in 102 M function of time is also shown in Fig. 3.
and 103 M solutions of ascorbic acid (Fig. 2). A detailed discussion The initial rise of resistance observed in all systems may be as-
on the oxides formed during cyclic voltammetry of iron in alkaline cribed to the passive film growth at the electrode surface. Apart
media is given in the study of Joiret et al. [17]. A two-layer film from the first few hours of exposure, for the rest of the time up
consisting of an inner barrier layer of magnetite (Fe3O4) and an to the pitting initiation, resistances obtained in the presence of
outer layer of maghemite (c-Fe2O3) and/or its hydrated form lepi- ascorbic acid were lower than those without the ascorbic acid.
docrocite (c-FeOOH), has been proposed to be present on iron and In concordance with the previously described model of Chang
steel in neutral and alkaline media [18–21]. Three peaks present at and Matijević it may be concluded that at concentrations below
the anodic and cathodic scan of the steel cyclic voltammogram in 5  103 M, ascorbic acid inhibits corrosion by forming stable sur-
blank solution correspond to the successive oxidation of steel to face chelates while, at the same time, supporting iron dissolution
the higher oxidation states (Fe(OH)2 ? Fe3O4 ? aFe2O3 and/or c- through chelating iron cations ejected from the oxide layer. During
Fe2O3) and subsequent reduction to the lower oxidation states the first few hours of exposure, the former effect dominates, and
(aFe2O3 and/or c-Fe2O3 ? Fe3O4 ? Fe(OH)2). Formation of Fe(III) the inhibitory activity is visible. It is reasonable to assume that
containing species c-Fe2O3 and/or c-FeOOH through partial oxida- the latter effect becomes important after the oxide layer has grown
tion and hydrolysis of Fe3O4 in the external part of the passive to a certain extent, and the dissolution current through the oxide
layer is visible at potentials above 0.6 V (SCE). layer has become sufficiently small. The final thickness and protec-
It has been reported previously that the addition of ascorbic tive properties of the oxide layer would depend upon relative influ-
acid to sat. Ca(OH)2 significantly alters the redox behaviour of steel ences of the two processes. After a certain period of growth, the
leading to almost complete suppression of all oxidation and reduc- oxide layer in the absence of chelating agent becomes thicker
tion peaks [11]. As seen from Fig. 2, the difference in the behaviour and more protective as the dissolution of metal through the oxide
of steel in 103 M and 102 M solutions is particularly obvious at layer decreases without being counterbalanced by chelation.
potentials more positive than 0.2 V (SCE) where for 102 M solu- However, the pitting initiation period itself is considerably
tion a new anodic current peak appears. Absence of the corre- longer in 103 M (200 h) and 2.5  103 M (140 h) solutions than
sponding reduction peak may indicate the lack of accumulation in the blank solution (60 h) and in 5  103 M (30 h) solution. This
of reaction products due to the dissolution of steel caused by for- is concordant with the results of our previous investigation where

Fig. 3. Time dependence of total resistance of steel in sat. Ca(OH)2 + 0.14 M NaCl
Fig. 2. Cyclic voltammograms of steel in sat. Ca(OH)2 and with addition of 103 M and with addition of different ascorbic acid concentrations, obtained by EIS
and 102 M ascorbic acid, scan rate 10 mV s1 (2nd cycle). measurements.
2708 L. Valek et al. / Corrosion Science 50 (2008) 2705–2709

linear polarization measurements have shown that ascorbic acid, can delay or prevent pit growth [1]. However, the pit growth pro-
present in concentration of 103 M, has the ability to retard pitting cess is more difficult to control by the use of inhibitors than the
nucleation with a shift of Epit  Ecor value by almost 300 mV com- prior stages of aggressive anion adsorption and pit initiation. The
pared to that in the blank solution [23]. It may be concluded that reason for this is the fact that the electrolyte within the pits has
the adsorbed inhibitor molecules effectively block the adsorption lower pH and a higher aggressive anion concentration than the
of Cl at the surface of passive film thereby extending the pitting bulk electrolyte. Higher concentration of metal anion at the pit
initiation time. area could result in the enhanced metal/ligand ratio and formation
It is worth mentioning that similar behaviour has been assumed of insoluble complexes at the pit surface, forming a layer that influ-
for the passive layer on steel in the presence of EDTA chelating ences the mechanism of pit growth. The Bode plots of the imped-
agent [24,25]. In the case of EDTA, it has been suggested that: (i) ance spectra after the pitting formation at the electrode surface
EDTA supported dissolution of the barrier layer and hindered for- are shown in Fig. 4.
mation of the outer layer because of its ability to chelate Fe(II) cat- The results of the EIS measurements after the pitting corrosion
ions ejected from the oxide layer and (ii) EDTA adsorbed strongly appearance were successfully fitted to Armstrong’s EEC. The
in the oxygen vacancies at the barrier layer/solution interface, impedance of this circuit, ZðxÞ, at the angular frequency, x, is gi-
thereby effectively blocking the adsorption of Cl at the surface ven by Eqs. (3) and (4) [17].
of passive film.
In all systems, the pitting appearance is accompanied by a sig- ZðxÞ ¼ ð3Þ
1þZ 2 ðxÞ=R1
þ R1 Q 1 ðjxÞn1
nificant decrease in the interfacial resistance. The resistance for all
the ascorbic acid solutions (P2.55 kX cm2) in the postpitting per- being
iod is higher than the resistance of the blank solution (0.7 kX cm2).
It is known that once the pitting corrosion is ongoing, the inhibitor R2
Z 2 ð xÞ ¼ ð4Þ
1 þ R2 Q 2 ðjxÞn2
Since data obtained in inhibitor free solution exhibited only a
straight line in the first time constant frequency range, in order to
obtain good fit, the EEC was modified by omitting the R1 The EEC
consisted of CPE1 placed in series between the Rs and parallel com-
bination of CPE2 and R2. Parameters obtained by fitting the experi-
mental data are shown in Table 1.
Appearance of the first time constant could be the result of the
formation of resistive film consisting of corrosion products at the
pit surface. In the presence of the inhibitor, the resistance of such
layer is significantly higher compared to the one formed without
the inhibitor presence. Under the given circumstances, it could
be concluded that the inhibitor presence influences the pitting pro-
cess by forming resistive film at the pit surface [26].
The second time constant could be ascribed to the sum of pro-
cesses appearing at the pitted and passive area. The impedance re-
sponse of such interface could be interpreted within the model of
localized corrosion [26], where the impedance is given by Eq. (5)

Z 1 1 1
2 ðxÞ ¼ ð1  FÞZ p ðxÞ þ FZ pit ðxÞ ð5Þ

where Z p is related to the passive area, Z pit is related to the pitted

area and F is the area fraction on which pitting occurs. The resulting
resistance is given by Eq. (6):

R1 1 1
2 ¼ ð1  FÞRp þ FRpit ð6Þ

and capacitance by Eq. (7)

C 2 ¼ ð1  FÞC p þ FC pit ð7Þ
Since the exact pitted area (F) could not be determined, one cannot
distinguish the fraction of resistance related to the pitting and pas-
sivity processes, hence the exact value of Rpit and Cpit could not be
Fig. 4. Bode plots of the impedance spectra of steel in sat. Ca(OH)2 + 0.14 M NaCl
determined. According to Mansfeld [26], Rp is significantly higher
and with addition of different ascorbic acid concentrations, after the pitting than Rpit and in spite of the very low F the resistance of the pitted
formation at the electrode surface. area mostly contributes to R2 value. Also Cpit is significantly higher

Table 1
EIS parameters obtained by fitting data presented in Fig. 4

Exp. time – AA conc. n1 C1/F cm2 R1/X cm2 n2 C2/F cm2 R2/X cm2
170 h – 0M 0.184 – – 0.851 5.127  10 703
265 h – 103 M 0.744 1.028  104 227 0.906 3.728  104 2751
235 h – 2.5  103 M 0.608 4.052  104 748 0.674 1.511  103 3618
114 h – 5  103 M 0.774 4.373  105 410 0.674 2.831  104 2552
L. Valek et al. / Corrosion Science 50 (2008) 2705–2709 2709

tion [28,29]. In conclusion, the results of ATR FTIR measurement

corroborate the assumption of sparingly soluble ascorbic acid che-
late formation at lower concentrations and its assistance in oxide
layer dissolution at higher concentrations.

4. Conclusions

Ascorbic acid was found to act as a pitting corrosion inhibitor on

steel in chloride containing sat. Ca(OH)2 solution.
The oxide film protective properties were assumed to depend
upon: (i) the inhibitive action of ascorbic acid through insoluble
surface chelate formation, (ii) the stimulative action of ascorbic
acid through soluble surface chelate formation and (iii) the stimu-
lative action of ascorbic acid through chelation of the iron cations
ejected from the oxide layer.
At concentrations above 5  103 M, reductive dissolution of
steel through soluble Fe(II) chelate formation was assumed to yield
low charge transfer resistance and short pitting initiation time.
Cyclic voltammetry and ATR FTIR spectroscopy results obtained
were in support of this assumption.
Fig. 5. ATR FTIR spectra of the crystalline ascorbic acid and steel surface after 20 h Presence of ascorbic acid at optimal concentration of 103 M
exposure to the sat. Ca(OH)2 + 0.14 M NaCl and with addition of different ascorbic suppressed iron dissolution in the first few hours of exposure, pro-
acid concentrations.
longed the pitting initiation phase and, after pitting had occurred,
influenced the localized corrosion process by slowing down the
than Cp and contributes mostly to C2 value. Considering R2 values pitting propagation process through the formation of the resistive
presented in Table 1. it could be concluded that the corrosion at film at the pit surface.
the pitted area is significantly suppressed by the presence of the
inhibitor. Acknowledgement

3.3. ATR FTIR spectra of the steel surface exposed to ascorbic acid The financial support from the Ministry of Science Education
solutions and Sport of the Republic of Croatia, provided under project 125-
0822161-2982, is gratefully acknowledged.
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