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EM179603 DOI: 10.

2118/179603-PA Date: 21-June-17 Stage: Page: 51 Total Pages: 10

Polymer-Flooding Economics,
From Pilot to Field Implementation
Martin Sieberer, Karl Jamek, and Torsten Clemens, OMV

Summary included a comparison of polymer-injection economics with other

Polymer flooding of oil fields has not reached the same maturity methods of enhanced oil production, such as alkali/surfactant/
as waterflooding. Hence, implementing polymer projects at field polymer flooding, surfactant/polymer flooding, and profile control
scale requires a workflow comprising several steps. The workflow (Wyatt et al. 2008; Okeke and Lane 2012; Henthorne et al. 2011).
starts with screening of the portfolio of an organization for oil Also, cash flows for several chemical EOR methods were studied
fields potentially amenable for this enhanced-oil-recovery (EOR) and compared for success and failure cases (Gogarty 1983). Fur-
method. Next, laboratory and field testing is required, followed thermore, chemical EOR was optimized for chemical concentra-
by sector and field implementation and finally rollout in tion, slug size (Wu et al. 1996), and well-pattern efficiency
the portfolio. (Clemens et al. 2011). In addition, the economics, cost, and reser-
Going through the workflow, not only is the subsurface uncer- voir uncertainty were taken into account to assess the viability of
tainty reduced, but also the knowledge regarding the cost structure EOR methods (Kessel et al. 1987; Lefebvre et al. 2012; AlSofi
and operating capabilities of the organization is improved. and Blunt 2014; Kemp and Stephen 2015).
Analyzing the economics of polymer-injection projects shows In this paper, we address the following questions:
that costs can be split into costs dependent on the polymer injec- • How are polymer-injection projects progressed from screen-
tor/producer (polymer pattern) and costs that are independent. ing to field implementation?
Knowing these costs, a minimum economic number of patterns • What does the cost structure of a polymer-injection project
(MENP) is defined to achieve net present value (NPV) of zero. look like?
This number is used to determine a minimum economic field size • How can polymer-injection economics be scaled up from
(MEFS) for polymer injection, which is taken into account in the pilot test to field scale?
screening of the portfolio. • Which are the most-sensitive economic parameters for poly-
A robustness criterion for economic-evaluation purposes is mer projects?
defined as the minimum number of patterns required for economic • What are the required conditions to make polymer-injection
polymer injection. By use of this criterion, a diagram is derived projects economically viable?
allowing for screening of fields for polymer economics by use of By use of data derived from a polymer-injection field test, we
pattern-dependent and pattern-independent costs and the utility are going to show that an MENP exists, which is linked to a
factor (UF). MEFS for polymer-injection projects, which needs to be taken
The cost structure reveals how the NPV of polymer projects into account for screening portfolios. In addition, by aggregating
changes with the number of patterns, incremental oil, and in- various parameters into four groups—well-pattern-dependent
jectivity. Injectivity is particularly important because it deter- costs, well-pattern-independent costs, injectivity, and UF
mines the chemical-affected reservoir volume (CARV) or speed (UF ¼ kg of polymer injected/bbl of incremental oil produced)—
of production. we derived diagrams showing the required conditions for eco-
A sensitivity analysis of the NPV showed that for the cost nomic viability of polymer-injection projects, which can be used
structure used here, in addition to the polymer costs, the well for screening fields for this technology. Furthermore, we devel-
costs are important for the economics of a full-field polymer- oped diagrams to assess for which conditions the injectivity
injection project. increase should be used to increase the CARV or to accelerate the
polymer response.
The paper is organized as follows. The next section discusses
Introduction the selection of the EOR method. Then, the field test is intro-
A large number of oil fields with an in-situ oil viscosity higher duced. Next, the cost structure is described, followed by deriving
than 5 cp and less than 2,000 cp have been discovered and are the economic functions, the results, and conclusions.
produced. Such fields can be economically produced by injecting
large volumes of water and by use of short well spacing (Beliveau
2009). To enhance oil production, polymers can be injected Selection and Implementation of EOR Processes
that improve the mobility ratio, accelerate oil production, and Although EOR methods have been described and field-tested for
lead to better sweep efficiency (Lake 1989; Seright et al. 2012; nearly 80 years, the current oil production because of EOR is only
Laoroongroj et al. 2015). a small percentage of the world’s oil production. Only a few
To perform polymer-injection projects, sufficient incremental chemical-flooding projects have been implemented at full-field
oil production has to be achieved at costs that make such projects scale (Wang and Liu 2006; Al-saadi et al. 2012; Delamaide et al.
economically viable (Bondor 1993). The economics of polymer- 2013). To implement EOR, we used the workflow shown in
augmented waterflood projects have to be evaluated as incremen- Fig. 1. The workflow is similar to the workflow suggested by
tal economics compared with the base case of water injection other authors (Goodyear and Gregory 1994; Hite and Bondor
(Milton et al. 1983; Mack and Duvall 1984; Giordano 1987; 2004; Kaminsky et al. 2007; Teletzke et al. 2010; Hite et al. 2012)
Alusta et al. 2012). but is extended with a screening of the portfolio and rollout in
Different aspects of the economics of polymer flooding have the portfolio.
been investigated. The analysis performed by various authors The first step in the workflow is screening of the portfolio for
potential application of EOR technologies (Schulte 2005). This is
performed by use of reservoir depth vs. in-situ-viscosity diagrams
Copyright V
C 2017 Society of Petroleum Engineers
(Taber et al. 1997; Rotondi et al. 2015; Siena et al. 2015). Fig. 2
This paper (SPE 179603) was accepted for presentation at the SPE Improved Oil Recovery shows an example of a portfolio screened for the various EOR
Conference, Tulsa, 11–13 April 2016, and revised for publication. Original manuscript
received for review 3 December 2015. Revised manuscript received for review 27 September
methods. The lower viscosity limit of the polymer-flooding-appli-
2016. Paper peer approved 23 January 2017. cation window is given by the limited incremental oil recovery of

July 2017 SPE Economics & Management 51

ID: jaganm Time: 11:06 I Path: S:/EM##/Vol00000/170004/Comp/APPFile/SA-EM##170004

EM179603 DOI: 10.2118/179603-PA Date: 21-June-17 Stage: Page: 52 Total Pages: 10

forecasting, optimizing,
and operating Screening of technologies and assessment of
technology readiness in industry and within company

Screening of portfolio
including minimum economic field size

Reduction of economic uncertainty,

optimization of field development
modeling to optimize development
Improvement of static-dynamic
Laboratory testing to determine specific parameter

and reduce uncertainties

Field test to reduce uncertainties and
improve operational capabilities

Sector development

Full-field development

Rollout in portfolio

Fig. 1—Process for implementation of EOR technologies in the portfolio of an oil-producing company.

polymer flooding compared with waterflooding, whereas the expenditures (Opex) incurred in such developments. The smaller
upper viscosity limit is given by the low productivity of wells for the field, the more unlikely the recovery of these additional capital
very-viscous oil. Both limits are currently extended in the recent expenditures (Capex). Therefore, the portfolio of fields needs to
applications of polymers (Delamaide et al. 2013). The depth limit be truncated for the MEFS.
results from the stability of cost-efficient polymers; this limit is In addition, the technology readiness in the company and in
currently extended. The application windows of the other EOR the industry has to be considered. In our example, we have chosen
methods are dependent on the screening criteria derived by Taber polymer flooding over alkali/surfactant/polymer flooding because
et al. (1997) and modified to include results of other authors the technology maturity is higher.
(Dickson et al. 2010; Renouf 2014). So far, successful full-field After choosing the EOR method dependent on the portfolio, a
polymer floods have exclusively been reported from sandstone specific field is selected, applying screening criteria and method-
reservoirs. The reasons might be the usually higher content of ologies as suggested by various authors (Guerillot 1988; Taber
divalent cations in the formation water of carbonates than of sand- et al. 1997; Henson et al. 2002; Surguchev et al. 2011). Next, lab-
stones, leading to lower polymer viscosity and poorer stability. oratory testing is performed to derive the parameters that are cru-
Another reason could be the more-frequently occurring natural cial for simulating the pilot test and full-field development. For
fractures in carbonate formations, resulting in short-circuiting of polymer flooding, laboratory testing involves measurement of pa-
polymer solutions. rameters, such as polymer adsorption, polymer viscosity vs. con-
The screening of the fields has to take a MEFS for the respec- centration and shear rate, inaccessible pore volume, and residual
tive EOR method into account. The MEFS was defined for explo- resistance factor (Poellitzer et al. 2009). The data derived from
ration projects (Rose 2001) to ensure only those projects are the laboratory test need to be scaled up to field conditions. In the
considered that might lead to an economically attractive project. process of upscaling, the effect of dispersivity on the incremental
This concept can be transferred to EOR projects. EOR requires oil recovery has to be specifically accounted for (Clifford 1988)
construction of surface facilities and drilling of new injection because the dispersivity is different at reservoir scale then at core
wells, and hence the revenues generated by an EOR project have scale (Mahadevan et al. 2003). If the simulation of field condi-
to cover these costs in addition to the incremental operating tions indicates that polymer injection might lead to sufficient

Depth (m, TVDSS)

–2,500 Steam injection
–3,500 combination
–4,000 N2, CO2
0.01 0.10 1.00 10.00 100.00 1,000.00 10,000.00
Viscosity (cp)

Fig. 2—Example of screening a portfolio for EOR methods by use of the screening criteria of Taber et al. (1997). TVDSS 5 true verti-
cal depth subsea; ASP 5 alkali/surfactant/polymer.

52 July 2017 SPE Economics & Management

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EM179603 DOI: 10.2118/179603-PA Date: 21-June-17 Stage: Page: 53 Total Pages: 10

Oil rate (m3/d)

Oil Rate (m3/d)




1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010


Water Cut (%)

Water cut (%)




1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010
Water-Injection Rate (m3/d)

Water-injection rate (m3/d)
1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010

Fig. 3—Oil production (green, top panel), water cut (blue, center panel), and water injection (red, bottom panel) from the 8 TH reser-
voir. Current oil production is 180 m3/d at 95.9% water cut, with a water-injection rate of 4300 m3/d.

incremental oil for an economically attractive project, then a field of the laboratory (2 km from field test) were the reasons for
test is considered. choosing the 8 TH reservoir in Austria.
A field test aims at reducing uncertainties and improving The 8 TH reservoir is in the Vienna Basin, approximately 20
operating and monitoring skills of the persons involved in poly- km northeast of Vienna. The reservoir consists of sandstones de-
mer projects. posited in a shallow marine environment. The porosities of the
A successful field test and assessment of economic-sector sandstones are 20–30% and the average permeability 500 md. The
deployment of the technology leads to sector rollout, followed net thickness is approximately 20 m. There is a weak aquifer pres-
by field implementation and deployment of the technology to ent at the northern edge of the reservoir. The reservoir contained a
the portfolio. gas cap. The reservoir depth is approximately 1150 m subsurface.
In parallel with the workflow shown in Fig. 1, the simulation The initial reservoir pressure was 113 bar, with an initial in-
of the field development is improved by integrating the data situ-oil viscosity of 19 cp at the reservoir temperature of 50 C.
derived from laboratory experiments, the field test, and sector The oil density is approximately 20 API, and the formation-water
rollout of polymer injection. Scaling up from laboratory to full- salinity is approximately 20,000 ppm.
field is not only important to predict the performance of the field Production from the 8 TH began in 1951 (Fig. 3). Peak oil pro-
under uncertainty (left box in Fig. 1), but also to determine and duction of approximately 2000 m3/d was achieved in 1957. From
improve the economics of EOR projects (right box in Fig. 1). then onward, oil production declined. The reservoir pressure fell
Because a field trial requires interaction of field personnel with to approximately 80 bar in 1960. Water injection was started in
the subsurface and surface team, the capabilities of the organization 1960 and oil production stabilized. The water cut continuously
are substantially improved when performing such a trial, which is increased and is currently at 96%.
crucial for rollout in a sector, in the full field, and in the portfolio. Polymer injection was shown to lead to incremental oil pro-
In the example case, polymer flooding was identified as tech- duction, but several challenges were reported as well. These chal-
nology that might be applied in the portfolio and with a sufficient lenges are related to polymer degradation in the near-wellbore
technology readiness for field implementation. The next step was region (Seright et al. 2009), microbial degradation of biopolymers
selecting one of the reservoirs for testing of polymer flooding. in the reservoir (Bragg et al. 1983), injectivity decline caused by
The chosen reservoir is described in the following section, includ- polymer injection (Weiss 1992), and the surface processing of the
ing the results of the polymer pilot. backproduced fluids containing polymers (Argillier et al. 2013).
The polymer pilot in the 8 TH reservoir addressed these issues by
performing an extensive monitoring program (Lüftenegger et al.
Polymer Pilot in the 8 TH Reservoir, Austria 2015). The area of the polymer pilot, with the corresponding In-
The selection of the reservoir for the polymer pilot was dependent jector Wells S 81 and SC 1, is shown in the bottom-right panel of
on reservoir and fluid properties. In addition to a sufficient perme- Fig. 4. Before the polymer pilot, water was mainly injected north
ability, benign reservoir conditions (water salinity and tempera- of the field into the aquifer.
ture), good access to the reservoir (because it is in Austria in a Fig. 4 shows the response of the wells surrounding Injection
well-developed area), skilled operating personnel, and proximity Well S 81. Three of the four wells connected to Well S 81 showed

July 2017 SPE Economics & Management 53

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EM179603 DOI: 10.2118/179603-PA Date: 21-June-17 Stage: Page: 54 Total Pages: 10

110 Liquid (m /d) 11
100 S 66 10

Liquid (m3/d) Polymer (ppm)

Polymer (ppm)

Liquid (m3/d) Polymer (ppm)

100 10 9
Liquid (m3/d) S 65 90
90 9 80 Oil cut (%) 8
80 Polymer (ppm) 8 7

Oil Cut (%)

70 Oil cut (%) 7 60 6

Oil Cut (%)

Incremental oil
60 6 50 5
50 5 40 4
40 4 30 3
30 3 20 2
Incremental oil
20 2 10 1
10 1 0 0









0 0








S 65

S 79 7 weeks S 54
100 10 S 66
Liquid (m3/d) Polymer (ppm)

Liquid (m /d) S 95 9
Polymer (ppm) 6 weeks S 81
80 8
70 Oil cut (%) 7 10 weeks 6 weeks
S C1
Oil Cut (%)
60 6
50 5 8 weeks
40 4 S 82 S 67
Incremental oil 3
30 S 95
20 2
10 1
0 S 83









200 m

Polymer injection well

Production well
Abandoned well

Fig. 4—Polymer-pilot response. The blue dots show injection wells, and green dots show production wells. The arrows indicate
tracer responses. The times indicate the tracer-breakthrough times in weeks. The green lines show oil cut vs. time, blue is the liq-
uid-production rate, and the black triangles are backproduced-polymer concentration. The yellow area indicates incremental oil
because of polymer injection.

an increase in oil production and polymer backproduction. Capex. In this text, Capex is defined as
More details concerning the operational issues are provided by • Costs independent of the number of patterns and new wells
Lüftenegger et al. (2015), and the interpretation of the pilot test is per pattern; e.g., surface-facility costs and owner’s costs of
discussed by Laoroongroj et al. (2015). Phase 1 (this phase is compulsory and does not depend on
Because the polymer pilot was performed in an unconfined the outcome of a previous phase).
configuration, the oil-production response has to be simulated for • Costs dependent on the number of patterns: These costs
sector and field implementation, taking the crossflow of polymers were derived from the wellpad costs and the number of
into neighboring patterns into account. patterns.
To implement full-field polymer injection, incremental oil pro- • Costs dependent on the number of new wells to be drilled
duction for polymer injection has to be assessed and the econom- per pattern. These costs are composed of drilling costs and
ics have to be determined and optimized. The following section surface/subsurface costs per new well.
shows the cost structure for full-field polymer-flooding implemen-
tation. The equations used for the economic evaluations are
also given. Opex. In this text, Opex is defined as
• Costs incurred during the full lifetime of the project, such as
Cost Structure produced-water treatment.
• Costs incurred only during the period of polymer injection,
The 8 TH reservoir is a mature field, similar to many other oil
in the present case for no longer than 8 years: polymer-mate-
fields for which polymer flooding is considered. The produced
rial costs, polymer-plant operation and surveillance, and sur-
water is reinjected and peripheral waterflooding is ongoing.
veillance per pattern (e.g., tracers and polymer-viscosity
Full-field implementation of polymer flooding for the 8 TH reser-
voir requires drilling of injection wells and some additional pro-
Table 1 summarizes the costs for an example rollout case of
duction wells.
polymer injection. Facility and owner’s costs add up to 24 million
To evaluate the economics for an example case derived from
EUR, and each additional pattern with one injector declared as a
the 8 TH reservoir cost structure, a pattern-based approach was
new well adds 1.275 million EUR (new injector only). If in addi-
chosen. The pattern is defined as an injection well and its con-
tion to the injector one producer needs to be drilled to produce the
nected production wells (Batycky et al. 2008) rather than geomet-
mobilized oil, the additional costs per pattern add up to 2.345 mil-
ric injection/production configurations. Besides the number of
lion EUR (injector þ producer).
patterns, the number of new wells per pattern to be drilled is also
a key parameter.
For the following evaluation, up to two subsequent phases, Results
each including a 4-year period of polymer injection of 1,500 ppm The economic analysis performed here aims at finding the mini-
into  15 wells, were assumed. Costs are incremental Capex and mum-required incremental oil production caused by polymer
Opex over a base-case edgewater injection. The costs were injection or the number of wells required to reach an NPV. Fur-
grouped to allow for a simple upscaling to a different number of thermore, a scaling and sensitivity analysis was performed. The
patterns. The following subdivision of Capex and Opex is used. approach presented here does not allow finding an optimized case

54 July 2017 SPE Economics & Management

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EM179603 DOI: 10.2118/179603-PA Date: 21-June-17 Stage: Page: 55 Total Pages: 10

Capex, Summarized Total Phase 1 Phase 2

Capex facility and owner's costs (EUR) * 24,000,000 20,625,000 3,375,000
Capex/pattern (pipeline, wellpads, pumps, workover injector) (EUR) ** 475,000

Capex/new injector (drilling and completion only) (EUR) 800,000

Capex/new producer (drilling and completion, workover, surface) (EUR) 1,070,000
Opex, Summarized Total
Opex: Plant operation and surveillance (EUR/yr) 250,000 During polymer injection only
Opex: Polymer (EUR/kg) 3.0 During polymer injection only
Opex: Produced-water treatment (EUR/yr) 300,000 During full project period
Opex: Surveillance per pattern (tracers, injection/production) (EUR/yr) 50,000 During polymer injection only
* Capex independent of number of wells and patterns
** Capex dependent on number of patterns

Capex for the wells

Table 1—Costs for an example polymer roll-out case.

for a specific field taking details of the geological structure or pattern, this is used to determine the MENP required to achieve
individual pattern performance into account. NPV ¼ 0. For example, for an oil price of 50 USD/bbl and aver-
age incremental oil of 35 000 m3/pattern, at least 10 patterns are
necessary for break-even. This is shown graphically in Fig. 5 by
MENP/MEFS. To screen fields for the application of polymer the black dashed line at 35 000 m3/pattern and the arrow at 10 pat-
flooding, the required incremental oil was calculated for NPV of terns, where the required incremental oil for break-even per pat-
zero at a 10% discount rate, with taxes neglected. The calculated tern drops to less than the expected 35 000 m3/pattern.
required incremental oil is compared with the expected average Hence, the field has to be large enough to allow drilling and/or
incremental oil per polymer-injector/producer pattern for the oil converting of at least 10 polymer-injection wells. This can be
field. The aim is to evaluate whether the field is a candidate used to estimate the MEFS. Similar to the MEFS as defined in ex-
for polymer injection and the effect of the number of patterns on ploration (Rose 2001), the MEFS in polymer-injection projects is
the economics. Here, we focus on the economics rather than the minimum field size required to achieve NPV ¼ 0. In carbon
on how to scale up the reservoir response from pilot testing to dioxide storage, a similar concept used to assess the total potential
field response. carbon dioxide-storage volume of an area, the minimum storage
The required incremental oil per pattern for NPV ¼ 0 is plotted size is taken into account (Burruss et al. 2010).
vs. the number of patterns for different oil prices in Fig. 5. The For a given incremental oil production caused by polymer
number of polymer patterns has been increased stepwise from 1 to injection, the MENP can be defined according to Fig. 5. This
30. For more than 15 patterns, a second phase with additional number, multiplied with the incremental oil production per pat-
injection wells is assumed. tern, gives the total incremental oil production. Estimating the
For each configuration, the incremental oil per pattern was incremental-oil-recovery factor caused by polymer injection, the
determined for which the NPV is zero ( ¼ break-even). Fig. 5 original oil in place (OOIP) can be calculated. This is the mini-
shows that for a small number of patterns, the incremental oil mum-required OOIP of the reservoir to satisfy the MEFS crite-
required is high and strongly increasing. The reason is that the rion. The minimum OOIP is illustrated with an example shown in
pattern-independent costs have to be covered by revenues gener- Fig. 5: For an oil price of 50 USD/bbl and an expected average
ated from incremental oil production. The smaller the amount of incremental oil production of 35 000 m3/pattern, the required min-
patterns, the less these costs are distributed. imum number of patterns is 10 (Fig. 5). The total incremental oil
With an increasing number of patterns, the incremental oil production required is 350 000 m3. Assuming an incremental-oil-
needed per pattern to reach the break-even point (NPV ¼ 0) is recovery factor of 5%, the minimum OOIP is 7 million m3.
decreasing. For a given average incremental-oil production per
Robust Number of Patterns. The MENP for polymer flooding
Incremental Oil/Pattern Needed determines the minimum number of wells needed to achieve
for NPV10 = 0 (1.5 wells/pattern) NPV ¼ 0. However, the fewer the patterns, the larger the change
29 100 USD/bbl
in required incremental oil for NPV ¼ 0. This is used to define a
27 minimum “robust” number of patterns; if satisfied, the required
Number of Patterns (np)

25 90 USD/bbl
23 80 USD/bbl incremental oil per pattern does not change significantly if one
21 70 USD/bbl pattern is producing less than assumed in the production forecast.
17 60 USD/bbl Planning for a “robust” number guarantees that underperforming
15 50 USD/bbl of one pattern can be compensated by the others, with only a
13 minor increase in the required incremental oil/pattern for the
9 remaining patterns. Moreover, the “robust” number of patterns is
7 independent of the oil price and only sensitive to the pattern-inde-
5 pendent and pattern-dependent costs.
1 To derive the robust number of patterns, the following analyti-
10 000 30 000 50 000 70 000 90 000 110 000 130 000 cal expression for the NPV is used:
Incremental Oil/Pattern (m3) P
NPV ¼ I  fo  c   np  ða þ np  bÞ; . . . . . . . . . . . . ð1Þ
Fig. 5—Required incremental oil for NPV 5 0 at 10% discount
rate (NPV10 5 0) plotted for different number of patterns and oil a ¼ fA  A; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ð2aÞ
prices. An exchange rate of 1.1 USD/EUR and average of 1.5
wells/pattern were assumed (e.g., 12 new wells in eight pat- b ¼ fB  B: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ð2bÞ
terns, eight injectors and four producers).

July 2017 SPE Economics & Management 55

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EM179603 DOI: 10.2118/179603-PA Date: 21-June-17 Stage: Page: 56 Total Pages: 10

Parameter Value Incremental Oil Needed

for NPV = 0 (75 USD/bbl)
α (million EUR) 20.4
120 000

Incremental Oil/Pattern (m3)

β (million EUR) 2.9 Project economics
sensitive to np!
fo 0.4464 100 000

Table 2—Parameters a (discounted total costs, independent of 80 000

number of patterns) and b (discounted total costs per pattern) for the
60 000
example case given in Table 1.
MENP at 35 000 m3/pattern
40 000
Project "robust"
20 000 MRNP
Eq. 1 is the difference of discounted revenues (first part) and
discounted costs (second part). Revenues are determined by the -
incremental oil per pattern I, the number of polymer patterns np, 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15
oil price P (fixed for the whole project lifetime), and exchange ra- Number of Patterns, np
tio E (converting USD to EUR), and the conversion from m3 to
bbl (c ¼ 6.2898 bbl/m3). Fig. 6—Concepts of MENP and MRNP for polymer flooding. The
Costs are split into total pattern-independent costs (Opex and MENP was determined for the assumption of 35 000 m3 incre-
Capex) A and total pattern-dependent costs B. The effect of dis- mental oil per pattern, shown as the black dotted line. The mini-
counting on the costs is introduced by means of the factors fA and mum robust number of patterns was evaluated for a required
fB defined in Eqs. 3 and 4, which are the ratio of total discounted stability of e 5 0.05. The red dashed line indicates the lowest-
and total undiscounted costs. dn is the discount factor for year n of possible incremental oil needed for a successful project, which
is for the limit np fi ‘.
the project, an and bn are yearly costs, and in is yearly oil produc-
tion in m3; the sum extends over the full 25 years of the project.
It is important to mention that in of Eq. 5 is a time-dependent,
incremental-oil-production profile (dependent on various condi- Iðnp  1Þ
 1 þ ; with  ¼ 0:05: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ð8Þ
tions, including heterogeneity, polymer rheology and adsorption, Iðnp Þ
oil viscosity, and reservoir conditions) with total cumulative oil
production I, with response times and declines derived from pilot By solving for n, one can derive a simple expression for the
data. Instead of discounting cash flow, costs and revenues are dis- minimum robust number of patterns (MRNP) nrobust:
counted separately with the factors fA and fB for costs, and fo (Eq.
5) for revenues. Revenues and production are related by the oil sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
price, and we only consider flat-oil-price scenarios with P not ða  bÞ ða  bÞ2 að1 þ Þ
nrobust  þ þ : . . . . . . . . . ð9Þ
changing over time. Finally, the total discounted pattern-inde- 2b 2b2 b
pendent (a) and pattern-dependent (b) costs are defined in Eqs. 2a
and 2b.
This stability criterion for the economics is illustrated in
Xn¼25 Fig. 6.
an  dn
fA ¼ X n¼1
; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ð3Þ As shown in Fig. 6, for a small number of patterns, the project
a n
is sensitive to the number of patterns. In a case where one well is
not delivering the incremental oil as forecasted, the NPV will be
bn  dn highly negative. In this area (red circle in Fig. 6), the robustness
n¼1 criterion is not fulfilled. In the area of the green circle, the project
fB ¼ X n¼25
; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ð4Þ
bn is stable even if patterns deliver less than initially forecasted, or
Xn¼25 are even not producing. The robust number of patterns is indicated
i  dn in the diagram with the green arrow, and the lower limit for incre-
n¼1 n
fo ¼ X n¼25
: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ð5Þ mental oil required for an infinite number of patterns Ilim is shown
i n with a red dashed line.
The concept of the MRNP has the advantage of being inde-
If the NPV is set to zero, a relation between incremental oil pendent of the oil price and discount factor. Moreover, it can be
per pattern for break-even I and number of patterns np can used to screen or compare different polymer projects and phases.
be derived (Eq. 6). The abbreviation c is introduced to simplify A plot of the number of patterns nrobust satisfying the robustness
Eq. 6. criterion [I(np–1)/I(np) ¼ 1.05] as a function of the total dis-
counted costs a and b is shown in Fig. 7, with each color repre-
a b
I¼ þ ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ð6Þ senting a number of patterns.
c  np c The coordinates of a project within this plot are given by the
P pair of values (a, b), which are pattern-independent and pattern-
c¼c  fo : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ð7Þ dependent discounted costs, respectively. Knowing these costs,
this plot can be used to determine the number of patterns required
For np!1, only per-pattern costs b are relevant; fixed costs, for robustness. In addition, the red lines in the diagram show the
such as facilities, are the more important the smaller the number required minimum incremental oil per pattern needed for
of patterns considered. The values for the parameters a, b, and fo NPV ¼ 0, for an oil price of USD 75/bbl. For example, pattern-
for Phase 1 of a typical project are summarized in Table 2. Two independent costs a of 20.4 million EUR and per-pattern costs b
wells per pattern are assumed here. of 2.9 million EUR lead to the minimum number of patterns of 10
If the number of patterns increases toward the limit np !1, required for a robust project. Satisfying this condition by imple-
then the incremental oil per pattern for break-even reaches a lower menting nrobust (approximately 10) patterns, the corresponding
limit Ilim. This corresponds to the case of the revenues per pattern incremental oil per pattern needed for NPV ¼ 0 is found to be
being equal to the costs per pattern (Ic ¼ b). approximately 26 400 m3/pattern.
Demanding that the incremental oil as a function of the num- The efficiency of injected polymers can be calculated by
ber of patterns I(np) does not increase by more than 5%, if one use of the UF (UF ¼ kg of polymer injected/incremental bbl)
pattern is dropped, a stability or robustness criterion can be (Clemens et al. 2011; Choudhuri et al. 2015). As the costs of the
defined. It can be expressed as Eq. 8: polymers are included in the per-pattern costs, a required UF for

56 July 2017 SPE Economics & Management

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Number of Patterns Required (5% Criterion)

4.75 14.0–16.0
4.5 12.0–14.0
30 0 UF =

Per-Pattern Costs (million EUR)

00 m 3 2.0 × 4.25
/pat 0 × c/C
4 10.0–12.0
tern 0 × T/T
3.75 8.0–10.0
25 0 3.5
00 m 3
/pat 3.25 6.0–8.0
3 4.0–6.0

20 0 2.75
00 m 3 UF = 3 2.5 2.0–4.0
/patt .0 × Q
ern 0 × c/C × 2.25 0.0–2.0
0 T/T
UF = 4 1.75
.0 × Q
/Q × c
0 /C × T 1.5
UF = 5 0 /T0
.0 × Q 1.25
/Q × c
0 /C × T
0 /T0 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Pattern-Independent Costs (million EUR)

Fig. 7—Number of patterns required to satisfy the stability criterion [I(np–1)/I(np) 5 1.05], given as different colors. The red lines
indicate the incremental oil needed for break-even (NPV 5 0) at an oil price of USD 75/bbl. The green lines show the corresponding
UF (UF 5 kg of polymer injected/incremental oil in bbl). The black lines indicate an example project, with a 5 20.4 million EUR and
b 5 2.9 million EUR.

NPV ¼ 0 can be determined (Fig. 7). For the example case of pat- (Fig. 8). Each color represents a particular range of NPVs (e.g.,
tern-independent costs a ¼ 20.4 million EUR and per-pattern costs orange ¼ 20.0–40.0 million EUR). The plot was generated for an
b ¼ 2.9 million EUR, a UF of less than 2.7 kg/bbl is required to oil price of USD 75/bbl.
achieve NPV ¼ 0. The diagram is split into Phases 1 and 2 by the solid yellow
If the injection rate Q, the polymer-injection concentration c, horizontal line. The red line indicates NPV ¼ 0, comparable with
or the duration of polymer injection T is modified with respect to the curves in Fig. 5, where NPV ¼ 0 curves for different oil prices
the base case of Q0 ¼ 200 m3/d, c0 ¼ 1,500 ppm, and T0 ¼ 4 years, were compared. The dotted red line indicates NPV ¼ 0 for an av-
the UF changes according to the equation shown on top of the erage of 1.5 newly drilled wells per pattern, compared with 2.0
dashed, green curves of constant UF (Fig. 7). It should be men- newly drilled wells for the solid red line.
tioned that while the colors defining nrobust are independent of the The offset in the red curve above the yellow line is the result
oil price, the incremental oil for break-even (red lines) and the UF of additional pattern-independent costs required to install Phase 2.
derived from it (green lines) are valid only for USD 75/bbl. Above the red line, the NPV increases with the number of patterns
as each pattern is delivering a positive additional NPV. The red
NPV. For a given oil price, the NPV can be determined as a func- line defines the MENP for polymer injection; this number of pat-
tion of incremental oil per pattern and number of polymer patterns terns is required for NPV ¼ 0.

NPV (million EUR)

–80–60 –80–40 –40–20 –20–0

Number of
0–20 20–40 40–60 60–80
80–100 100–120 120–140 140–160 Patterns
NP as 25
Phase 2

De inc 23
cre V
as NP
ing 21
V= 9
Phase 1

Solid : 2.0 wells/pattern
Dashed : 1.5 wells/pattern
12 000

22 00

26 00

32 00
34 00
36 00

40 00

44 00
46 00

18 00
20 00

24 0

28 0
30 00

42 0
60 0
80 0

38 00

48 0
50 00
14 00
16 00









Incremental Oil/Pattern (m3)

Fig. 8—NPV for various combinations of incremental oil per pattern and number of patterns implemented, for USD 75/bbl oil price.
The solid red line shows NPV 5 0 and the MENP for polymer injection. Above the red line, the NPV is always positive. Below the
red line, NPV is always negative. The yellow line indicates implementation of Phase 2.

July 2017 SPE Economics & Management 57

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6 50
Change in NPV (million EUR)

Change in NPV (million EUR)

4 40
2 30
0 20
0.5 0.75 1 1.25 1.5 1.75 2
–2 10
–4 0
0.5 0.75 1 1.25 1.5 1.75 2
–6 –10
–8 –20
–10 –30
Speedup (Base Case = 1) Scaling of CARV (Base Case = 1)

Fig. 9—Change in NPV at an oil price of USD 75/bbl as a func- Fig. 10—Change in NPV 1 (blue) for a larger total affected reser-
tion of the normalized injection rate, used for acceleration of voir volume and for a constant reservoir volume NPV 2 (red) at
incremental production (“speed-up”). an oil price of USD 75/bbl as a function of the normalized injec-
tion rate used to increase per-pattern CARV.
In the area below the yellow line and below the red line, the
NPV is negative and is the maximum negative exposure of the volume of the reservoir. This explains the steep increase in NPV
project. However, a negative NPV above the yellow line ( ¼ Phase when CARV and injectivity are increased (NPV 1 in Fig. 10).
2) will not be realized, because Phase 2 will not be started Case 2 keeps the polymer-affected reservoir volume constant
when Phase 1 is uneconomic. This is showing the value of a (NPV 2 in Fig. 10). This means when CARV per pattern and
staged development. injection rate are doubled, than the number of patterns is reduced
from 10 to five.
Scaling of NPV With Injectivity. One of the crucial parameters For both cases of changing CARV per pattern (Fig. 10), the
in polymer-injection projects is injectivity (Manichand et al. sensitivity of the NPV with the injection rate is stronger than for
2013; Zechner et al. 2015). The higher the injectivity, the more of the case of modifying the injection rate for a constant size of the
the reservoir can be affected by polymers or, for a given pattern pattern (Fig. 9). As an example, Fig. 10 indicates that for an
size, the faster the oil-production response is seen at the produc- increase in the injection rate by 25%, the NPV is increasing by 10
tion wells. Here, it is assumed that the efficiency of incremental million EUR (NPV 1 in Fig. 10) and by 4.2 million EUR for the
oil is constant with increasing pattern size. The CARV is the vol- same size of the polymer-affected reservoir volume (NPV 2 in
ume of the reservoir that is in contact with chemicals (e.g., alkali, Fig. 10).
surfactants, polymers) in chemical EOR and has similarities with The analysis indicates that use of a higher injectivity to
the stimulated-reservoir volume, which is used in shale-gas and increase the polymer-pattern size is adding more value than accel-
shale-oil projects (Mayerhofer et al. 2010; Suliman et al. 2013) erating oil production, as long as the incremental oil scales line-
and similarly in thermally stimulated wells (Marx and Langen- arly with the pattern size.
heim 1959; Boberg and Lantz 1966).
For a given pattern size (or constant CARV), the effects of Sensitivity of Costs on NPV. Changing the cost items given in
increased injection rates are accelerated oil production. Fig. 9 Table 1, the sensitivity can be shown. For a base case of
shows the results for varying the injection rates from a base case 25 000 m3/pattern of incremental oil, USD 75/bbl oil price, two
of pattern-independent costs a ¼ 20.4 million EUR and per-pat- wells per pattern, two phases of 15 patterns each, and an exchange
tern costs b ¼ 2.9 million EUR. As an example, the diagram indi- rate of USD 1.1/EUR, yielding a base case NPV of 25.8 million
cates that for an increase in the injection rate by 25%, the NPV is EUR, the sensitivity of the parameters is depicted in Fig. 11.
increasing by 2.1 million EUR. The sensitivities as given in Fig. 11 show that in addition to
If the size of the patterns can be adjusted with the injection the polymer costs, well costs can have a substantial effect in case
rate, two cases can be distinguished. Case 1 assumes that 10 poly- the per-pattern costs are strongly influenced by drilling of addi-
mer patterns are always implemented; scaling up the CARV per tional wells. In addition to the sensitivities discussed, a delay of
pattern together with the injection rate scales the polymer-affected polymer implementation because of longer field testing (or more-

Sensitivity of NPV10 Upon 10% Increase of:

–0.85% Opex: Produced-water treatment

–0.93% Capex: Additional subsurface costs per producer
–0.93% Capex: Minimum subsurface costs (workover) per pattern
–1.16% Capex: Additional surface costs per producer
–1.2% Opex: Surveillance per pattern (tracers, injector/producer)
–1.4% Capex: Minimum surface costs (mainfolds, pumps, ... ) per pattern
–1.4% Capex: Pipeline cost per pattern
–2.7% Capex: Owner's costs, including engineering
–4.9% Capex: Central facility
–8.0% Opex: Polymer material
–9.1% Delay by 1 year (Capex, Opex, production)
–13.0% Capex: Drilling and completion of well

–14.0% –12.0% –10.0% –8.0% –6.0% –4.0% –2.0% –0.0%

Fig. 11—Sensitivities of the cost items on NPV. For this case, drilling of two wells per pattern was assumed. Hence, well costs
have a large effect on the NPV.

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Viscous Oil Field by Polymer Injection, Pirawarth Field, Austria. Pre- Technical University of Vienna, with a focus on materials sci-
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SPE-120991-MS. Karl Jamek joined OMV in 2010. He worked on various projects
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Rotondi, M., Lamberti, A., Masserano, F. et al. 2015. Building an Torsten Clemens joined OMV E&P in 2005 as a senior reservoir
Enhanced Oil Recovery Culture to Maximise Asset Values. Presented engineering adviser. Previously, he worked for Shell on various
reservoir-engineering topics, such as recovery of heavy oil,
at the SPE Asia Pacific Enhanced Oil Recovery Conference, Kuala
fractured reservoirs, and EOR. Clemens has authored or coau-
Lumpur, 11–13 August. SPE-174694-MS. thored more than 60 technical papers. In 2010, he received
174694-MS. the SPE Regional Award for Reservoir Description and Dynam-
Schulte, W. M. 2005. Challenges and Strategy for Increased Oil Recovery. ics. Clemens is the chairperson of the International Energy
Presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Agency EOR Initiative.

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